· THE NORMAL EYE Published oonthly by stu dents of tho Hcrylcnd Non:101 School, Bowio,Md. 6 TAFF...


Transcript of  · THE NORMAL EYE Published oonthly by stu dents of tho Hcrylcnd Non:101 School, Bowio,Md. 6 TAFF...

Page 1:  · THE NORMAL EYE Published oonthly by stu dents of tho Hcrylcnd Non:101 School, Bowio,Md. 6 TAFF O. Trcvors-]ditor-in-Chiof H. Hollend-Businoss Hr. nagor V. Jcnos-Litorery Editor
Page 2:  · THE NORMAL EYE Published oonthly by stu dents of tho Hcrylcnd Non:101 School, Bowio,Md. 6 TAFF O. Trcvors-]ditor-in-Chiof H. Hollend-Businoss Hr. nagor V. Jcnos-Litorery Editor



VOL . 3 NO. l

HOYi BO'.:IB NOiU-~,L SCHOOL Cl,N Il~ND3i.1 ~ZT'B;l s:::a­VICE TO Tlfil ST1,T3 OF t :J,ilYL.' ND

H E N 0 Il }~ J. L E y E 't ~ .}~ 1'.-J 1. TC H nm EYE "

Bm:rm , l.:J,4lYL.',?.fD.J _QCTCJ\Ei1 EDITION FIVE CEllT6 - -T il 1, G : D I 3 5 1.LL IY:i:S 'l'EU-l E/,ST

The ou:11cn dodh in accent events which r.rc

r.n r.c r oplr.ne: r.cci:lcnt in d ~-~r c:::-.t si ::;nificr.nco t o ell

i.l r. skr. , f . .'ill :~~Gore , of the pe ople o f the \'/orld

BcY1io Str.to Norr.u:l f r r.,cd huL:r r i,rt; rn ~ scroon r. r o tondinc r.t :- 1L10st cny

SchJol c o uld rend. or bot - cel ebr ity r n::l · f 1 .ilcy tir.:o t o sh or, r Jccidccl retro-

to r service tc the Strto Po~t , the d:- rhY; :·vi:::-.t)r, t;r cssion of civilizrticn in-

r s r. f .,ur - yc:-r tor.chore ' brour;ht s ,: r r ..-,, +. - ·-~rny . ot ... r.d of 11ror;rcss . There

collcBC • It is ccncr r.1 - :Jx1; r cse i ons ~r ~-rid' -:,cr o £cons t o still lin3c r in the

ly r.1nittQd thnur;hout nr-ti .nr.l r.ri. :nr; fr.l~~ in bl ood o! ur.nkinc! thr.t spr.r k

the Str.tc by the County r 11 \rlks l°' f li ! o . o! b r rbr r ic i nfluence which

Supervisors thr.t tho ~uccn .,strU )f Bel- sccus t •J t1r.kc n rnkin1 wrnt

chie f nod ) f :>Ur tor.ch- r; iue, one )f th" u~n'lls to sottlo li s1mtc~ other thr.n

or s ie r.:i:l iti,Jnr.l sub- 1urinc; the p r.st t ..-:o nonths,by rir.cific uo;- ns . The e vent

jcct nr.ttcr. Th o hi5 h sud··\enly n et her :lcdh in 1which r.11 , f the eye s of the

sch0ol princ i pds clrin- r n r.uto r:cci :lcnt in Switzci--worl d ere cent e red is the

cd thct the y r. r e hr.ndi - l;-nd . controversy bct ne:cn Itr.ly

crppcd by hr.vi ne t o re - Scnrt cr Hue y Lon~ , r.nd Ethiopir. .

ccivc 0 r r.lu;-tc s fr x.1 v1ho v,c e n:- t i on r lly kn O\m Ethiopi o , r cc ::: r tti. n~ t o

clcr.1ont r.r y scl;J.o'ols thr. t by his politic, l philos ) phy , dr tr. which hr. a been conpilod

nod. so .1uch r~'.:iti0nrl "Shere tho- v crlth r:nd eve ry by hiet orir.ns, is reputed jw

sub j ect r~r.ttc r be fo r e n.r.n - r. kin::;" , <lied Tuc sdr.y bo the oLicst in~~cpendcnt

they cr n bo -~ ivcn ;-.ctuc.l S::ptcr.!bcr 10, 1935 fror.J count ry in tho \/Crlr! . Fr c r.1

hi ~h school m rk. This r. bullet fir ed by en r.s - tillc t o tine s!10 h r s boon tho

r~c r. ns thd t hJ 3r r.du~ tos sr:sin . center of frequent ccntrovcr-

of our hi ~h sc hools will Thousnr.ds l ost their sics . Countri e s \'Ihich r p pei:: r

still ncc::l. s:i)c c ir l cnpho- lives r nd hmes in Flor idr. fr :m the prepr.rcclncss st cnd-

sis on su'o j Qct r~r.tter r.n:l nr ny bcc:-:.:c· h onolcss point t o be rJU8·h strone or

when they :;o :m tc other i n l~r.rylr nd du e to tho thr.n she , hr.vc fcund Ethi-

insti tutions . r ecent fl oods in tho se c11 i r..ns hr.vc th e :-ttitudc

If the B :,.,ic St d o sect i ons . of ci ther Jo J r clio for their

NJmr.l School should odd Cor r. V. Birckhc :::- d ' 35country . Bcc r usc o f this

the fourth yc::,r, i t ,1ill RJ,CE \iOl:J.N J:J,KES -HISTO;l.Y l r tti tudc , fo rcic;n ce[~r cssors

b e possibl e f J~ the first Full of unbounded con- hr.vc r.l,n·ys be en repelled .

t \n ycr:rs of t ho f ".) ur- fidcncc in the v r.luc o! he r It is ny fe rvent belief

ycr r curriculu;.1 t :i cnphc. - wor k , lirs . Zunicc H. Cr; r t c rthr:t f0r :- ny nr.tion ,1hich

size sub jcct :_~dtcr /. h r.. s been r:pl)Ointcd ns one is constr.ntly t he r.a;r c ssor

curriculuu of _t h is type 0 ! the lr.wyc rs ')n the str.f in r.ny li~put o such r,s t he

is b cinG offer ed ct t he .., f Thom. s E . ncncy who is one thr.t is before us t o:lr. y ,

St r..tc Collc:3cs in s .-l i n- 'l i r cctinG r. t \'To ycr r in- tm:t nr:ti on crnnot 11r oc r c s s .

bury r.n d Fr ostburG• By vcstir;r.tion il1t c crinc c.nd The r e ~ r.y be r: do ubt r: s to

er.1ph r.sizin3 r.cr :fo ... :ic rnrk r r: ckot cc r inc in the City ;:iy be ll.cf end f~on this .

tho firet t \'lo yer.rs, the o f New Yor k . So f r. r lure . doubt the quc eticn r}.:: y r risc ,

l e.st t \'/o ycr rs , m.11 be Cr r t cr is t he only cc l or cd 11'i.by is Gc rnr.n y p r o;; rces ini:;

g iven t o t cr che r c('..ucr: - rpp <;l intcc . since she v,r-s t !10 r.r;~;r cssor

ti on . 1.11 etu:lvnts r1ho il::.n.:bl ph Br o'>ks , 3 in the l r st c r c:- t controversy!

::lcsirc t o ,o on t :J ot he r - - ----~--------- - --~ ''You would -)r 0brt l y hrvc

instituti ,:ms r. f te r finish ' .uthcntic pr ·')Of t o br.ck up

i n[; t he f i r st t r:c ycr. rs f .r st u !·~nts t o ,;ct r. your c ontention, b ut I r10uld

of junior c :i llc ;c r,o r k juni or c J llcc c CJurso . be ,·tilling t o s r y t hct Ge r ..

wmuld be po r1~i ttc:l t -:: do Subj ect nr.ttor need s cf th nr.n.y ehouL1 be nuch frrthc r

s o . .,c nill r equir e only h i sh sch 0 0 1 gr cduct os wi l l r:hor:::l towr.r d the ;;c::- 1 of

those \'/h) e re int erested be c r r c f u.lly di q:;no ecd r.n i dc r 1 ncti.m r1h ich ::.ct

i n t cr:chini:; rn:l sh :m de - r nd r c:-!dicd be fo r e th0Y inci l cntly .i ,cs not exist .

finite possibil it i 0s o f cr.n cl~ hr. vc ::~v~nc cd 4s n y 11r rtin[; \7cr d I

bcc Jni n3 e tor.cha r t o con collc[; i r tc t:r. in~nG• \P uld like t o l c t:vc this

tinuc the l::. st t,D y or. rs The r.cti vc in~ crcst O thouGht. If t h i s c .mtr ovc r sy

o f our c ollcr,.o curriculun . pc r c nts r ncl ·)th0 r intcrcSt l cr.ds t o v,r- r, :i:i:t,hiop ir. will

J, pl r.n ·~f this type cd ci ti zdne, nill do . nu:h be t he v i ctor, the world ,1ill 1

will ·,r ovidc :;r :,·1cr c::> t o s ecu r e t .ic ru-t c r:i.cl:i.- be t h r own into e rcri .),:l of

crdin~ticn ·.-,i th ~!10 pr o - zr.tion of the St r.te _Tcr.c_h- c onstcnt wr.rfr. r c , r.11d the 1

ecnt Strtc pl,.a . ; .11 era ' C1llcsc r. t Bo,.nc , lud . c ountry 0 f Itr. l y will no lon~

over the St::- t c :::-ldi t i cm1l ( or be c :nsid c:rod r.s .:me of

cnph:::-.sis i s bci::1. · put on Lc onidr. s S • J r: ~c s the ,10r l d . po,-,oz-s . This will

subj ect :-..:r:ttcr fo r both rll be :luc t o ~t ~ly' s dcfcr: t

tc r chcrs rn::l etu.lcnt e by ct the hr:nd of tho st1r.ll

pr oviding the J;,1p.;rtunity Princ:i..·v· 1 . c ount .. ~y, 3thionfo . Henry 11oi1r.nd ' 35

Page 3:  · THE NORMAL EYE Published oonthly by stu dents of tho Hcrylcnd Non:101 School, Bowio,Md. 6 TAFF O. Trcvors-]ditor-in-Chiof H. Hollend-Businoss Hr. nagor V. Jcnos-Litorery Editor

THE NORMAL EYE Published oonthly by stu­dents of tho Hcrylcnd Non:101 School, Bowio,Md.

6 TAFF O. Trcvors-]ditor- in-Chiof H. Hollend-Businoss Hr. nagor V. J cno s -Litorery Editor Relph Butler-Joke 3ditor Roger ·1iorr.tloy-Art .::ditor G. Bowsor-Alur.mi Editor G. Crcwford-l1lw:mi Editor 'ii . Hr.11- J,thlotic Ed.itc r


- Pcgo Two -

hocrty wale one nnd spirit of fricndli• nose. ~o clso wish our old etudonts, ·.1ho helve Gone f orth , tho g rod :::t J'I"~! !olc s,~.; ­coss ·' .)~~ t :101:,:, ,.,l ·, c-1:, m1d pr ciso for thc• ir ".t~ h. J,iAT:i:i1". Let us r1ht' ere here for the pr ese nt strive tc co .;::-,or:-tc with one of tho best f rcul tios t o be found

---llr . and Mrs . \'lilliao Rideout, Jr. ,llr. Williat1 Ridoout, Sr., Mrs . Cctherino Scddrig0, kiss lircry Pcge .

Mr. nnd Mrs. Mc ­Intyre cf l/cshington, D. C., Ur . Ottowr:y Evr.na, Mr . J. Oliver Hill, !~r. Robert :Uchordson .

Ruth Whitney '36

NEGRO Tl.KES NJ,TIONS' LIME LIGHT IN SPORT -.!OHLD. in cny institution, r.nd

lot us try to rn: kc tho school records rinG uith

Y!ini fro1 Groen-Junior this yer.r s occonplish-Inoz Johnson-Frosrujen

If you hcvo been recd ing tho doily i• r: pe rs for r.bout tho lest pix ncnths, you have noticed thct cer­tcin Negroes hcvc locnod into the notions' lino ­li~ht, es-;:iocic lly in tho field of cthlotics . It seeos thot rccc dhletics arc cbs olutely controll­ing everything in nccrly ell fiel ds of vthlotics .

. ,,., ""d"t r.:onts. C. Birckhcc::1.- J!.xchc:nsc . ..J. i or Oliver Trc.vors '35 Mery Floyd- Fcr:turo Editor ·, Edit-Jr-in-Chief Grcce A. Wctson-Publish0r R. Br Joks-!iss' t Publisher

FJ,CULTY l1DVISoas Mrs. Mory W. Low Mr. J oseph ',}isoncn


"Hcllot Glod to soc you bcckt Whet hcvo you boon doinG this sur.1r.1or! Did you hoor frcu s -J end sob I her.rd s o end s o hos gotten c j '.)b" . Such r0~arks being pcsscd back ond f ~rth ocr css tho Cl:'Dpus inf :· rr.1 ue thct ol d fricn1s ncct :mce r:s ro bc­nosth tho port:: 1 s -Jf doer old B~~io. Yes, school hes C:I)cned occin . l.bst of us will u ckc thie in­etitution our hone f or r.n•)thor nine n ~nths in c renewed ottoc·)t t .: sock u p os nuch in tho cld crcnuio cs p( seiblo .

Tho Ut )pi:-.n ploc enn­trics o f v:ocotion r.1ust torninctc h r tho tir:.c boin~, cn:l in their plr: co r.ust c 0r.)c prccticr.l c on­ccntrction f'.)r crwhilc .

\1c n:rticc tho cb­ecncc of ncny old feces :-.nd the presence .) f ocny now ones . Tho stc ff of your paper 11TH::": NO;TI.iAL EYE", Yrishos t c extend to JUr now students o


Tho Fcculty of the Nor nr.l Schoel ontortcincd the s tudcnt bo:.ly Scturdr.y, Soptcr.1bcr 28, 1935 ot 8 :15 p .r.: .

It is nost r. ssuredly en one our::,ginr; r.nd inspi:r-ing cxcnplo .

The outst cnd.ing foe- Joe Louis, one of turos of tho proe;rc-::~ wcro: the nest tclkod of r:nd rodinr;s by Lisscs Br0Yrn, nest perfect fighting Chcsc, Lewis, end n r. o~chinos ever to enter o Clerk; instrur:,.mtnl sole, fighting ring, heeds thie l.:iss Hill; instruncntcl list. This ''Brown Bonber" ductt ; i:csdcnos Ev:·ns end cs he is celled by his Lew; voccl solo; Liiss idolizing fems, hos r:cozed R')binson; d2nc.o Juett , the s ports world with hie Liss ·,ictson end l.ir. '.'lisonon.sensct ional rinl unique Le.st but n Jt le c. st , wns o fighting style . sh:.' rt inf·1n 1r. tive t~lk by Thon tho hUL: cn ecg les, 0ur ~,rincipcl , Hr. J:cr.10s . doer, r.nd hct not, Jesse Dence mmbors wore inter- Owens, &lph L~ctcclfe, sporscd boh1oon scloctions Willis \/c: r d , :Jen J ohnson,

Tho evening wos on- :illulcco Per.cock end others , joyed by r.11 . node ond hold r.11 recent

Virr,inic 'Hu:ls0n '36 trock rocor .:ls .

VISITORS ',le hr.vo hd quite e

few visit'.)rs on the c r.r.1pus during this 0 0nth. They t. re r: s fo ll ons r ~isscs Isio rtcndcll ,Rosc li C. Mr. son,Lorrr.ine & Meri to Cr. rroll,Hrs . liocds ,l.1csscrs Uo r[;~.n J0ncs ,Josoph Hobbs, J ::soph Tcyl or, Hor e cc Crorwrcll ,Zllsworth Dcvcgo, Jr.nos i1otors.

Hrs. Ncnnie Tcylor ,

It is i:.:y e crncst hope thot these cthlotic focte of )ur cthlctce con½incd with tho v10rth,-,hilo dtri ­butos of our J coplo in other fields os well , will do r.1uch in fostering bet ­ter r cc icl unde r~tc~ding ond c oopc rct ion.

I knew I express tho sontir.icnt of t ,10 lvc nillion Negroes \7hon I s r. y,"Go c ­hocd ; we 're proud of you end here's ~ishing you LUCK.

Olive. Trcvors '35-

Page 4:  · THE NORMAL EYE Published oonthly by stu dents of tho Hcrylcnd Non:101 School, Bowio,Md. 6 TAFF O. Trcvors-]ditor-in-Chiof H. Hollend-Businoss Hr. nagor V. Jcnos-Litorery Editor


- Pr.30 Thr co -

It is dwcy s c r r.t ifyinG to knovr thr.t tho st~to s oldon looke boyond ite o,m pr o ducts in tho plocor.iont of tor.chor e in our public schools. For the fiscd yor. r -..,o find no st ?! our recent 13r r.1uctce cnpl oyc:.l 11 success is plcc sina n ot only t o t heir J.lnr. I:r.te r but t o t heir pr. r e nts r.s woll.

Tho f :,ll owi~ p0sitions r. r e hel d by then :

N/J.iE V. ilidgley E . Hill E. H:.::11 L. Lock~ 5. Dr ooks G. Dov1s or R. Denson L. Turner i.. Grr:y E. lir- rt i n H·clcn Hernon R!.. H:-]1511" r d K. F. Nutter J . F. Dr vis H. 0 r cwn Jcnie Ross /,lr::r. Dcr sey rt . i>utle r I . fir ndd 1 R. Elzie

PLJ,CE COUNTY Tee Dec Princ e Gcor Ge ' s I.ii tchell ville " " F[:i r n :iunt Souc rsct St cwr. r d ToYrn 1-iontG oue ry Huntin0tovm Cr.lvert Ilos1.1cn Tr:l bot Chcstcrt .Jrm Kent Cr.rdovr. Tr.lbot J one s Thicket Dorchester Hr.nokin Shell t own Un ion Dridsc Yihitc Hr.vcn Dellr. Delle RJc k Hr 11

s ~uerset Sonc r sct 6orroll So:-1ersct Fr ederick Fr ederick Kent Hr.r t f or~1 Chr ·los

Che st e rfield /,nnc J,runJcl iJ ishop .. or cc~tcr

',,'illir.r: Hr.11 ' 36

OilG '.NIZ;.TION OF Till DilJJ.:J,'J:'IC CLUi3

The Dr r.:·~:--tic Clue :if the St rte Nor ­i::r:l School v,r. s ::>r 3Pnizcd 0n Fr i ·lr.y, Sept c;·.1bc r 20, 1 935, un~lc r the 1ircction of its sp0ns :,r, J.:i ss Chr.rlottc Rcbi r.s:m.

The i1ur ;1::>so of the club is t o ontcr­tdn tho student body r-n1 f r:c ulty , r.nd to nr. ko visits into other c o:T:uniti c s if pos sible . The :·1cctincs of the Drr.nr.tic Cl ub r. r e n o b e hel d er. ch Fri dcy r.t seven o ' clock .

Tho offic ers for t he club ere r.s f oll 0\7S t

President ---· --- - --- --1.!r. Oliver Tr cve r s Sccrct c ry----- - - - ---·· -l.iiss Vi r _::; inir. Jr.nos Strgc I!r. nnGor---------1:r . ilo3e r · .. o rnley Cost un e l.:i st r e s s ------1.iiss ;,n r.ndr. I iol ock :.ssist:::nt List r css----l :iss :al r. ~ichr. r dson ::;:1cct ric i cn-- ----- - - --1.Ir. Cl r. ude Prr.t hor Du sine ss 1.::-.nr.~o r - -,e---1:r . HCl'1r y rlcllrm1 Publicity .'-[·;noy ~:-: - --,--t:iss Iloee Shockl.y

H O 'ii D O Y O U D 0

It hns boon r.n r:Go 0l d custo~1 thck.t t h o bocinninc o f c r ch school yer r the e:tu'.lonts hcvo r.n r.cti v ity, the instro ­:luction s oc irl, by which they cot r; c ­qur intod . And s o it wr. s this yor.r . Tho ol d st u~lcnt s r ender ed r.n c nj ::- yr.bl c ~r oGr rn inclu l in3 r. solo by Cr . Dutlor on his f:- nous " sr x ", ~ :~cdl ey r f s ol os by r.:is s J,rchc r r n d I.Ir. Trr vers, r.n l r. r cc itr ti~n by Liss Sh~ckly . lftc r the pr or;rc.r, r.11 of tho stu Jo nts dr nccd. . Sor.1e of the new s r oup \'/er e shy, vut we think t hey will 1fa r: ~ljustc d $OOn . ;,ftcr drncine r.,-,hilc the r sscr:bly v,er e served with ::lclicious p inecpple shc r bort rn:l er.kc . Dnncing wrs r osu:··.o1 , rnd whe n tho hour of ten r.rrivc~ , c friend­ly scluto wcs g iven fo r :lis:.:i ssr 1 . The ol d student s ro r lly h ope thd the new ones enj oycd thcr.is e l vos . DID YOU !

Viq:;inic Jr nes ' 36


Since the 1.k rylr:n 'l 5tr.tc Norr.1r.l Schoul nill not pc rtic ipcte in f ootbr.11 this cccson , the physicr:l educr.tion

1 opr: rt,:c nt h r:s r l r.nned r. n i nt e r e Et inG Int r c -t:ur r l Proc r r:·1 .

Tho o fficer ~ o f the c :>unci l clcct ­c~ r. r c cs f oll)ws :

Prcsi-lcnt---- ---- ------ ---..:i :r · .. ornlcy Vice Pr esidcnt--- - ---------i::r. Hollr.nJ Secr otr.ry .TT--- - - - ------ -- ..:i~iss p . D~ vis J.ssi~tr nt ---- ------------- -i.:is s J enkins

The rcnr.ininr; nctibcrs of tho c<Junci r r c : I :iss f,nr:ndr. liol ock, Lis s :::~1nc Dl c ck , end ~ r. Prul Sc ot t .

Sports Edi t or \iillicr.: He! 1 ' 36


Tho sill[;irl{; clrss of 0cui o rnd t he r osi ~le nt s of JoHio Nor:·1r.l School, un::lo r the ;i irccti on of t., r s 11dr h Jenkins ofur.ltiuoro, 'aer o cntortrincd on Sc-.tcnbcr 20 , 1935, by r. rir:no p r odi r; y~

1:r stor ~llis Lr: r kins , ·.i h o is only (C ont . pc~c five)

Page 5:  · THE NORMAL EYE Published oonthly by stu dents of tho Hcrylcnd Non:101 School, Bowio,Md. 6 TAFF O. Trcvors-]ditor-in-Chiof H. Hollend-Businoss Hr. nagor V. Jcnos-Litorery Editor

- Pr.c c F:,ur -

twelve weeks ~t Ohio 5tcto Univcrsi ty, coeplotinc Ynr k f0r J-:rstcr 1)f · rts dc5rco in Geo 0rq, hy, ;:,hie h I rc-c ci vcd .',uc;ust 30th. , r.t the sun~cr c1nv1c~t i on".

(1 :isc L0,:1i !:: ie tho firl] Nccrc1 stu-:lont t-1 r ccei vc tho L . J, . 1c~rce in the dcp~rtr~on 0f Gcos rr r hy ~t Ohi~ Bt r tc University) C')nc rctulrtions , Liss Lc,1is~ '. i

'Jhy dl tho t e ilos , _ ____________ Liss Dockett! Did sor:.othinc

J,CTIVITilS W F!.CULTY DUR-intcrostini:; hr.:~,,on t0 you ING THJ; SUlUJ3R this suDr..er! No f 0olinG~ ~ -'------__,;;~=~------I ' Conr:;rr:tulrti ons, then . So

'.icll Gr.:n~ ~ Hero no thr.t 1 s thd l:iss 1.:C.bcl ::.r e br:c k f r 0r.1 tho nur.:r·.c r D')ckett sr.ys, " I st cored ny oont hs t, our icr. r l,lr.10 ~.:c:tc r, where wo , :::t this very n ·::incnt, 1'1 r c cJnvcrs in1 wit.h our fr.culty . !,re you 1hitcninc !

Hrs. 'l..'!1\7 sr:ys, "I spent six wctll<s ,t Co-1 uDbin Univcrs~+j in Now York . N:m l rn Libre.rim, ::ni:;li.ah ~"'ld Industri d f, rts Tcr:th.r . '

ship inc different dircctio the sec: of r.1<.trinony, r:nd on June 29th, 1935 beer no I.:rs • Ottowr: y Evr.n s . '.ic spent cur h'mcyr.ioon t ourinc the s . s. Stctos. Oh yes, ~ctll reside in Philr<lolphio ~ t;rs . Zvr.n s i s the Sci en:: c Tcr.cher

}.~r . Clr:rk is try inc; t o duck this interview, not be ­er.use ho ·loosn' t cr:ro to be

Mi£s i3ro,~m s r:ys~ ' t. int erviewed , but ho is kept r:l so spent six woe ks ct so busy . :.nylD':T I got r: few Colunbir. Univorsi ty i n tinutcs o f his tL1e . He rc ' s Now York. I r.:-.: ter:chini; ,h r.t he s:-ys: " I spent twcl v Hist .) ry~ S-,cfrl_St~di o s 1:e~_s in the Ter:chors_ Grr.~u r.nd Jum.'.)r =::n~lish.. . ,.tc ";::ollc::;e r.t C::l ur~b1.r. Um.-

0I !o pcnt six necks vors~ty" . /,re you still ct C ·lur.:.bi:-. Univ~r sity , I tcr: chi~, your s 1;;,o su1:- jocts t r.king r: c :>urtc in Fi ne here ? "'l ).r., I te:- ch Psy­J,rts, Plr.y Pr x!uctior1, l ~h ')l ::i~y, 'l\flrni<1u c ' f Tcr- ch-r.nd Stq:;o Crr.ft", s, ys inc, r:nd r:n the .'. :1visor of IC iss rlobins :m , tho 1:u8ic the P r-:-.ctice ·'{o: c . :: r s " . tccchor. ;,I r.n ,. :, inc; to I Uh, Ohi !');:re; c ...,, :c the stress drr.,.1, tics r.iorc Junior Clerk :.:n '.·t li':..nr.nc i :::.l thr.n over this yo ~r ';• f ~ccret , ry toc cthc. r, ).~iss

Just c:~.1inutc, }.iiss l ·. ,r:ts'.m rn:l 1:iss Chr:·w l'C ­

Hi11 ;r uoul:.l like tJ !rn :)\\s·,, cctivoly, t ho fi rst. ~,-:rupl e whr.t you ,~u :lurinc~ tho \I _hr.vc11• t hr: ·l t .: run r.ftcr. sur.ir.1er . 111:inj ~ivi11t us 'Liss Chr- so c,n r.nsuor f :n•

both II J" ' 't II o peep ! 111 r.lso cttcnd-1

• e.:- ys .1.ss .J f. sen • od Colunb ir: University \ Finc 1 \ ~ end did dr.nccd n '1rk bc i . ''\:c sr>~t :.10st of our yond ny J.: • .'. dc::; rcc . I j t i e ? on the f~·npus:; :·,he re, took ,nrk in Physicr. l during o~ 1.\l.8ur c tine, we I:duc,.ti on, Gui ::h:mcc encl cnGr.i:;c:l in su'tJ'l sp )rts cs Personnel , I clso s ")ont tennis, c0lf r.~1 suiI:minr; ... s onctinc ,,ith i:w Lother 1:i sscs "::r:tson r1',~ Chcsc in Dluofiel:1, .:est Ve • dso s i)cnt tuo \7Gcks in

',;0 11 r:iss Le>:1is, Ne,, York City . r,lr:d to sec y'.)u once I.:rs. Dr.niols , ~u look ~ore . Hcvc r: n ice sun- r.s if you ' ve h, ·.l° r.n '~ oy­ner? "Nie_-~ :ir s ·_)cnt cblo sur:n:1c r; tell us r:\-::i,.lt

. ·· C: ~.t .f J ~-.· . I.

it . "Oh I spent r.1ost of r.1y :tine r:t h :-inc in Pittsburgh . I did , however , tnc \"leeks of Observr.tion r.t the University of Pitteburr•h" • ... , J:r s. Dr:niols is ,:,no n f the terchors r.t tho D0 a , nstrr.: ­t i ~n Schoel.

11'.:'ho is tho t r lle-sty­lish ,.:r.n next t J Lr8 Denia ls?" Thct ' s Lr . \.isc ­r:rn . He tol ·l r:c thr.t he c onplctcd his v:0rk for the D. S. d c[Srco ct Ernptcn, in Ley. He c :- :-.1e hone for t'\7o weeks which ho eyierrt r.t I3 owic ,nd ,,nn:-.polis . On June tho 18th., he re ­turned to Hr:r.1-:,ton t c pursue spcci:-1 '1::rk in Rurr.1 t,Chool Supc rvi sion rncr-Orgcn.iz r--t. · }4 . \ii~cnr.n is the Principrl ct thQ Ilenonstrrtion 6chool .

1.:;y l,:iss Gootlt1in looks nice in her nurses uniforu1 I hot she hod Jnc c r r. nd sur.'lncr ; lot's sec . "Oh, I did hr-. vc nfino tir.,c . liiss l.iyrtlo Johnson, t:rs . Ruth Crr:ufor ::'. , }~rs. LnrGuo r itc Fletcher r:nd I spent our tine in tho Nursery School" . They on j oy thd bocr:.usc they r-. rc fond of little tots .

The l e st hut not l erst o f th-: frcul ty \"Tho ' s boon jodi:;inG no d 1 :T'.lrning is n Jnc other then our princi­p,l, L. S. Jr.nos .

t:r . J rr.10 s s pent r: bout ton dr ys r t tho Tcr:chors 1

~ssociction ct T, llchr.esoe , Fl)ri d, .

Tho r 1r"£ ind or of tho sunnc r he spent 'J l'l the c r.n pus. S:J it eccr.1s c good t ine v,r. s hr: ~: by r 11.

C. V. ~ irckhecd '35


: hs cn0thcr school jycr.r dr.,vi1s u~1 'Jn us no find ltl:c Uu?br Clc: ss enr cllod , }\"fl.th r.n.nds clcrt, cccer t o 10 rr. sp G ll the vcl ucbl c h.u:teri r. l whi ch is to be !presented , The cl css rc-

1:;rets thc:t t:ctildr. Fulle r r-~~s not nblc t 'J roucin duo )to illness , bu.t_]_1opes she

(Cont . pnso - fivo)



Page 6:  · THE NORMAL EYE Published oonthly by stu dents of tho Hcrylcnd Non:101 School, Bowio,Md. 6 TAFF O. Trcvors-]ditor-in-Chiof H. Hollend-Businoss Hr. nagor V. Jcnos-Litorery Editor

\1HO' s vmo IN THE FtiESll:/JJ ChASS

To replccc our fellow students wh~ conplotod their study in tho proporo­tion for tor:chine lost Juno, we have enrolled this ye~r nony Fresm.:cn . Those new conbcr s ore endccvoring to hold nowio up to the stand­erde ncintcined by her dur­int the pr evious ycers.

They a re cs follows I

G IR LS Agcthe Joncs-Sclisbury High Yiilsic Polk -Sclisbury High ~ildr ed Showcll-Sr. lisbury High Gladys Joncs-Sclisbury High J,nonde }.:olock-Ccobridgc Hieh l~ery Jonkins-Dousl r. s High Esther Robbins-Snow Hill High

B O Y 5 J9r.10 s Bryont-Lincoln High Willicn Bishop- rtockvillo High Granville Furr-Sclisbury High Uillion Snith-Douglcs High

MU SI CI J. N S J~ncs o rycnt-- - - --- -Violinist \fillioo Snith----Soxophonist Mildred Dicke rson Inez Johnson Dorothy Jo ffere ·.m-P icnoist s

UE CLUB ASPIRANTS lieser s , Furr, Bryant, Johneon,

Bishop, end Snith

Misses Pouline Briddell Ylilsic Pol k Lillicn 1.:yors Mory Jonkins


All ore volloybr.11 stcrs ond have sounded their warn­ing to ell conpetition.

rtDlph 3utle r ' 36

- Pcgo Fivo -


Tho Dcuglcs Dunbor Literr.'."'y ~-"' -:,;_ety gr.vc its

:-• .J. ;.:. 01- .,l\n,. ')~·or.; r r.n for tho yct1.r nith t >o Frosh­non etr.rrin5 . With i.;isa Inox J ohnson ~s Listrcss .::, f Cer .:ionios, tho pro ­gr r.o wcs os followss

Sexophono Solo , Wei. H. Snith, Voct.l Solo , }., iss i!ildo Polk.

Plflylct-Gctting ac ­quainted ~1ith the Negr o Cher cctcrs-l.ir.ry Jenkins, D .. •rothy Tete, Esther Robbins , Chastine Col ­lick, Eliznbeth Dovis, Onc30 Br own nnd Glr:dys \iillier.1s .

Vocol S:>lo , Willian Bishop, Re~1ing, Cr.lvcrt~ norry, ieccl S·)l o-Lillion hlyors, Violin Sol o-Jr:oes Bryrmt.

Tho r.~cnbers of the student body ond fr.culty wer o plccsocl with t he willingness the Frcsh­r.en oxhibited i n display­ing their obilitiee, end I on sure the progrro wes enjoyed .

Cerrio Tilghrmn ' 36

(Cent. froo pcgo 3) twelve yer r s of ego, thril l od. the c1·oup .

Anong the selections played wore : fulchr:enincff' s ''Pre ludo in C# l,!inor", the ''Prelude in G" l:\nd Chopin's '\~inutc Wr.l tz".

The young ortiet wos conplinentod upon his skill by the fcculty cn1 students of Bouie Norm:l School .

Henry Loo ' 36 (Cont. frou page 4S

will fully recoyor ond be cblo to ·r·ot urn the next so­noster . Another nenbor of the closs,R. Brittinghan is uis~irw:. wo erotcnxiously awciting her re urn.

, .., T

Winifred Green ' 37 ,


We or e quite proud of the ve r sdility ex­on~lified in our fcS culty staff. Tho fi r st scncster hero opens with rnmy of then not instructing in the fields knovm os their speci~lity . The feet thot thoy ere ccrrying grcciously the respon~ sibilitjes of cdded courses to their teach ­ing locd points out the feet .

liiss J .. H. Brown, instructor of History end Sociol Studies odds the responsivility of Junior Enelish, while 11rs. l.~::ry Low, being releivcd of English, rcts :: s the Librerinc end tho instructoreof Industrinl /,rt s .

Miss l.i . E. Lewis instructs all cl r. sses in Geogrr.phy l:\nd l1ri th­netic oeth ods, while Miss C.B. Robinson, Director of Lusic clso heeds Drcer:tics which is expected to pl ey en iuportr.nt roll in tho socicl life of the school .

Uiss Bentricc O. hill gives instruction in Pcr sonrl & Cor.munity Health end ectivity supervises tho senior tccching in physic cl education end r ccrea­tioncl cctivities . She clso bocones the Direct ­or of Physiccl Education.

Mrs . Evr:ns, the for ­cer Mis s Dockett, cdds Rur r:l Econor.,ics to h: r responsibilities en en inetructor of Educrtion­el Biology .

J,:r . Clr.rk ,the Supervisor of Rur&l

Freet ice inst nucts Ed. Psychology, Tcchnioue cf Tcac hin3 & Mod;rn Pr oblens in Rurcl Schools.

Roger Viorr.,ley ' 36