The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 4 Mar 26 1957

\ 0 1.1 \I E X, XO. ' lif aho Teachers Will Vote on Social Security Coverage on May l 0 .M,.mbl'r" ot lhl! rrJA.ho Tt r S)Jltt:m wtJI \ ,·C' Ai:.• 10 on whrthc-r thr tr:at'hu·a n( Mahn ah,.11. or .ahaU Mt.. C'tl\f!J rJ und,.r rh"' o! th,. F<<knll SnclAI S«!lJrlt; .M L Th<" pJAn call• ror .. hiO aupplr- mrnllllJein "1 retirtm,..nt bend1U with lhn bt'nf"ftta und.,r IFOC'h\J N'<'.Unly and accompBnyln:r In· ,, ....... 1n -a boUI w :.h• Jl'lbli nd the Th,.,., amt'lld m"n\JI lb the present re-tn· ... mtnt IA..-. .itt nN:t'SIL1t')' but no b.:dr chans;,.. ln th,.. 1aw wm be m•ck Thr brn.-tu.a: tn mcrrnbfu nr tho. .. •lr'"-Cl'1\ rll'tlr.....S wll1 "al I>"' 'hm1n11thrd 1n "">" way nr.w lo th,. profeulon may rh0t>&0 wh,.lhf"r tn b«nmr mrmb.,.r• nf lht't •)'lltttm Prr:i ,:nL mrmhf-r11 may ehCMll!le whdh«!T l6 rt main mf"mMna. Franta Heads Probe Of Recent Election Results at NIJC A s .. n.,_1,. JQ\'c tilf8t "" ' m noltr• ""'abpocnuNt th.- f t randl· •int.ra ut th<" '""< cnt .SlJC alUilt!nl t.HI)' t")#C'1Jnn11 l:•1t Flldn,V in 1 n n1-. 1 ton \<\ flh Utt curr nt fk n:al lnV4"11llR•tlnn 4 t".1"'11on hrH_.M rand 't f"1f'l<'lJunrf'"rtni: ton n•r thfl pnll Thoiu.. 1uhpornrU'"ll \\'Nf' Un)" \\'nnwr, tton Jt11t""1 a.. f.Jcan Knw:S- P">n JIOd t C"'N1t11n all Ill :lHJC'lf"J.!rtjl 1nndi1ltlt>ll for lht ((1('tt of l'llU•1l"IH IJf...S) prald<-nl rnd fton \'uunnmnh .,,.. ... •dl"nt rl l l>.wri: t .. r :tmt , hr:u.. thr: , ••mmlltr. h 1 '"'" h1c:UJ1,1; tbf'I tnvuUpUnn Olhi:-r 111 .. mbu• of th1 J:TO'IJl ""' ,\Jr Uodolph Rob ,,1 h1t1hll l,.RWtl"'n • K•rT •nd T Jul\t'!9 · ent's Committee On Higher Educat ion Sees Colleges As Enrollment Flood Rel iever tent tn four·',..., t•11l11•J;., &:,nh· t"tltlc..tot nnd nratUe. ill ·r,JK"dhl l.. ""'" M re ruahtnJ: bill r I ,. hish•...,aler nta.rk '" ttftll :rnt tn N'le.M11"1ll:t: rurlh1 r JWllot , .,JI, 1;:•• t'fll\ll-n IC'llnn ln an .-(fort Utitt ror 1-:duC'uU(ln Ut- to P(• fo1 tha I Pin wau· lllsb<>I ••rc>rt<!<f th• 01 •lud•nta. H•r H•nr·y /\ 1l '<Oil laanual '"'"' t"ntlun "'' lhn lt t 't•h' ct ln A •J'N!'f't h bd tu tun't)' added lha\ , \'f'n tf · thrH lnaUtuUnM Ntlen.J lhf'lr to tull poltnUnl the\' "Ill &dmu no them hair of young l""'Plf' who .. lllnc htihN nlu<"•lh1n time the Ju11\nr C!Oll•s;c Nlur:atorw Uaat tu \' ould mll'Otltu't: a bill '1l1lu1,1; t••r h'iiO nnd a hnH mtlUun dolla.ra to be Jt\t.ll"d am<rnc 9tatH to lht"m 1n Uc\f'Jrip.lnc :. lont· rtll\fl'.fl rros:ram prob1tm• to ml""tl their (11r bc\nnll hiJ;h •Khoo! <'ll\I' ;\lion &ti' nl!'ftld\ bc'1n,: mM 1n •lalf'a 1') .r h\.t\·\'f'ar branch h1l(" unl\'t'nrlUrm lnd · ••f .. tttiilOn_g" uutilul o Thr-tt &f'O 1'bou.l -_.()() JUtt! r CW\llcgu ln U1f" oountr') n inr at 11 knta ..-\bc"\ttt h.Alf ''"'"'\·ra.T .cl'toOl& art'! pubh<" n'ftl· lut1oi\9 .upp•rtf'd b)' loc:d tA'rs. Al tnuhhn1: ('(tru;lrutt " ' rrnJ:TNl'inl:' al th"" rutr t'if ;r,.n ml11tfln \rt"Ar S U naJ lnJIC".Jtlt< lha.t tht. prt:-.Mn• nal<' of ronatf'\JCUon •tll nul "'' l"!!ll com(" \q lhl' prublc-m ('OECll rl) \1 10 Tt' E. -<no ;. 'lRC'll te. 1Ds1 Future Teacher s Instruct Classes In City's Schools ot- .u1,.rit;.i Lt1 in tm pubUc'0la ol •y ..,, Coeur d'.\Jt:nr u litu .. Studenl • a cou,... al NlJC und d.>mandJI olx botJro or lhe o.sptnm; lQ.CNra lime each ,. . ..,.!< !':rend· 1n,:: Bbt honn r.ach .. eek tn th111 duorooma <>f the t'lty e:ima thr: student .ix ettd1t. houra per ..-mot<r .,,,., total hounr o! •ludttl! lt"Uhini; mullt arW up to 100 houn for .. ch JC 1tuo!cnt tdlcbt"r by Lhe end or ti!,. S<"mc.r- tt'r Dr ;.,,. Oq student le•ch· 1ng sald tn a rrc("nl lf'f'\'1""-"· ""tud,.nl round.s f\Ul ,h,· nttorJod &4 hours (or pnn.1Jilona.I l(-1ch ns: C"t"rt.iliCAlP:ll ., •. 1trdt'd to MUd,.nla who """h \.0 Cftdt"I lillrr nl!l'Y h,a.\'ro hnJ..hed l WO f"eArB nf The provisional ct"rtU'1cat"' nUtto tti" btftrtt tn tech ln th1 t'l1"".m('fllar') N"hoo1• or Idaho for I rf"CI ) f'"AT8 hf' or sh(" f """'If"' Jlr "-nrk and r.m" a.rJd,lt1 na.I :JWJtl ht)Ut"9 in lhlf' thr..,. y...,... Jun ,. 0,. eltJdc.nts dnh r:- tuQ l lMI ft;ftJ;' arr ffAu.1 An· f'r'9C>n 14Wr1'1lng 191 nt Cf"..n• lrul .c:.hno! undar lira. \\allarir r-:1"'"'"' Jln)'d... '"" hln Mh s:nui at C.nlJ'al undlT )Ir Buck ey Mnn'll °'"">' Ira hlns: 1rd s:md l Borah undrr- ).tra. R1:Lau \tar Ont "IW"n tc:a<'hln thf :n l and 3: S.lrah untkr )tta \\ lri• Gm•h !iL ldl htr. th• •b s;rnttJl at thro ntor b.q:tt lhf' darC"t1..IOn r YotiUlJ:" .Mari;nrot lla•rh l hinJ: Ult 6lh rntt,.. at th Jun t h WH1f":r \l rs J l\NlSC"A Fl 1- lllh ,.. at Shf'nno:tn .cbool rinckr 7.>4'1ko Ma'!:"ttl l.v°""' t tu:i thtt •1th ,&:radn t C-cntral ntl r Id f!.Lvl•r M•,,.. >l.....,h· l In lh,. un!OT l:lS:h llW <1ir<octlon Mr <'ouch !llulnn n h>I; &th n lhr jWUt.r h ch undtr ·1 Pinch. El I P k t .. ,.hln$; nl ll<Jnlb undtt tho dlr« t Mr "31 lnl'<'ll Pat Pool t ... h- crvo1r or 71h c-«no al lh• 1 und<r )!ra Fn<kklnd ldar Rudolph t""" n>r 1L! f!T cl al i;J>rtmAll &:nd..r )ID ;...,.,;.. [- Nnl:.h l...cbins; n gn un<lcr )Ira '"""' T ll<nl l<&chlnz •lh at llnan un6d" the dlrttl n a1 )>lro n rn L) la Ollc toarbmj; rd J:Tild• al Brran W>Clcr Mra. Bab- h 1 tt I IA' 0 hty t hlnJ ht tad«" at \\ UtLCil ltd s Mn.\"t"M \In; H<>k1uu1on. ta tuni; Ith ra lir' at tJn(l.Cr llr- and Ma.'1nfo :;,m th 1 .o:a b ... , thlrd t;nldr at Sht:rman und&'r Ki Three From NIJC Take Part In Borah Confab F ( (>'. "' J I r \\ n, /t. ,..m nrn d the 8onlh P'nte °'' l n <ti Ida!!<> IU! Wttk l.."U,,...nt C'rl&IO And !.he l'r i>wuCC" "'11.S tti..-mt': \\: tt· r t ""' by Rn....UOa S&lb- 'burv T 'lt:cr •tOll rrt"C'pondt":n1 tor the N .,. \" rk ,.,.,,... nr.d Cl&ud<' A Bu>&. l'ro<......,r oC hUtai,· S!Anrcrd t"n· Youngman Elected President of NIJC Student Body for ' 57-58 Schoo l Year 1•Jrt llbo\ C' l" Ron \ nunj:t'mAn. 13..,l ''ttk. l>y Nt.JC ....... their "'-IUdC'nl bcw:I,> fur Uf\\t uo_.-..r. Ill\ DaJr Tri ttt'O.. Prt""<o("nt pr"f'6JdrnL Johnson Sports Longest Beard ; Repeat Winner \n ot bt•.a.rdll wc:tt • p&..)·ed tn lhe atuctcnl unJc>n laal Thurodav •• II cont<'Jl\llllt.a llnod bp t•' lhMr ln Ulo onnUAI borJ !l""W1ng conto.n. ll wn• oponoortd by Ille V•l'A club Gn>yJon Joh"'°"· Ce<>rs• , . ...,u .. rt. Uu Tntt<n ind H&y Thom""°" v. .Ukod off Wllh top honors artor much d•llbenlUon by Ute Judi;u pnZ< for longe$1 &'NW\h \l.'aa awiardcd to Crn.ydon Johruiun. who "JlOrl«I a b<.'nl nboul Lbrtt· fourth.a of' An anch lang f'or the :O-day ronl•t Croydon &IM won th'" d10un<li<>n 1ut yaar o.J• Tntt•n, atudcnt P""'I· denL m.J a W11d blat'I< growUI ,.hiob won tum th• l>Uc or ''Thr man wUl1 Lile ..,,..,unf;l• t b<ard £,. h ,..., ro<'Oi;>Yllon II l:l"cn to lb• pr1'9Cn Whl) lr1c.t \"a.ry htt.l"d t11 i;.-' a lleallhy beard but )t1J0l ""1Jl<\t d It. Tbl.I yoar Roy n>ompoon .... )lldj;od lb• """' ..-tlh IM llUI. CWQlt.a for tllo mC>Ott crrort C<0fP' Vuilofr, pralMnt "' lh• ..,...,..mni; V•I •club, hAd hi. bu..."'NI 1ha ved to t inn leU•fl J C And " n Ulo !!<mon for thr onsuw ...,.,d. 'Tb.- otnl•ring I.he «JlltUl oth., Uuln Ule wtMf',.. w"'r(' Unb Bou,;)1 .. on lt&y C:l"IU\llOn o .. n l'illclnl(t.On !lob H&Un:aon.. Bob Tllt>ml*'n <:orbll ftorb Mlllhllllll••. Biil X•uman. and 1.#>r'ftl Murphy Th• \ ("lUb would hkc lha.nk ::.II peopllf! tor th•Jr hurly per· llc1paUOn JudclAJ: thl" cant..i. rour mirm'bt>l'll of tht' tac:\llty; Mr p,...ncy, Mr )fos<or )Ir Rl•bo. d Mr Youn:: llCHt t: EC. ('LI I\ OR(; A S IZ Ell \n)' 1nr,.rt'Ated Pf'l"'IOn · who 111 or .2 rnrolled m r-C"onom· &cs a.. uwttc:d lo JQln tho JJome- Ee Qub For turth"r tntonnatlon UC'h penMJn.fl may conLact Arlcnt" Kart% J'rr1 ,f("nt of e1ub All home .c majors •rt' membeon of th• dab. Ron Younl!Jn&ll wu wlrc:t<'<I by lht aludcmla tut lhtlr !or th• lho M:<t OChOOI )'Mr, Wlnnln!;' over ftve nlhf'r candidalea The tltcuon wa.s lh" cllmax or a \'r">' rp1nted cnmpoJgn, in whl<h lh• haUJt •ncl f;Ym or NlJC wuo plul· <Tt'<I with •fj;nll and pla\ronua o! th< he>polul cAndl<IAl"" :->IJC wltM"""<l one of llJI b<mt ("&JnpaJgl\.11 1n Y"fl u the (Wf" c&ndhhtlr• for lhn prc:atd,.ncy touj:'hL tor l\\"O v."f't'lka an l'l d.rtlf'I"· rrfl'lt'l to LAke thC< lo&d<!nlhfp t..,m Olllo TT1Ucn Cor lh• comlnS" year Th• wall•. odllng» &11d noon1 Wtr>1'! well \\1lh owncrous ••i::na. bannrrs. pl.atronne. IUJtl aruauc u cad\ lrf«I to S\vay th• v<>ton to hi• 11dc. Vanou.l> c.amJ'tlls:n melhodA \\'t-rt\ t....-d on lhr tlnal Am<>Jllf Ulo candidates coming up With no••ol idCD.8 wu Roy \Va-mu who l&ld a whnr carpellnl:' down Ulc haJJa wlth arrow. o.nd \\'n.rner-. \VRmtr-\Vn.mer. poJnt.tng toward111 tho d«:UOn boolha. Dftln Knudlon used " e&r t'qUlp- P<d wltl1 ' publfo ndd...,.,. oyotom a.nd llfgn.1 bollnv•inj; his al0!;'1U1' "round Uic ea..n1pus nnd "1.rc('Lf ot Coeur d' Al•n• II• .i.o u•<d the e>t Lhe sv.·ttt ltM>lh to ""' .. "' IM a, .. pvt- eve-ryonr r•cka11.,. or 1',,.Rolll. RAy Cran.ton w"" by ..,mr ,;trta \\'h.o wore colorful •kle!J, a.nd potchtll Of Cloth \V1Lh tht\ worU ... Volr For Ray" Wod on Tho publlr addre.IUI In lhe ll)'m bnd th• duat blown oul or ll u Ron Youn.gmAn And OQmP"ny Clt'&.Nd •ara wtl.h Ult quaur10,,un.,. •nd •log&n.1 lh•ie lm.ltt.'<I. It WM and l'J>lr&l•d <ampali:n In Which •II th•. c:andJtlllva dlaPIA.vl'CI tho qua.JIU•• 1>nJ l\blULlc:a which lhey would •Jterl I! eloclod lo lho P"'•ul.,noy Tnbulal•d ruulta ot lho lb 11tudcnta voling &howed Youni;mM 1 occwtd 38':'" or lhc:o vota C&.1tf Votes tor tht"' respecUvc c:andld&tf!• Ron Youngman i:J; Dean Knudllon IZ. Rny C"""'LOn 30: Roy \\'•rno-r 29 and Ron Pettra Z2 4 Girls Are Elected To S. U. Board Mnlc• l03t out In the •tUd'fnt union board eleetfon whm four .:trlt11 W"'" elected to the- board. rn " <'1DM" raco ror lhci aeata. Mlirryl Vnn Slate-, Arlene H'ndt'r· 110n Chamt:tin" D<"lt.z. ta.nd Mar· pre\ 01At»n won out over Lb.rec nth,.r• t:J! board AN'. lo k.,.p 11udMl union optralJni: pmperly b).· appropriating tor .iany nef'tled rac1uucs. to mAtn· fn<'lllllc-a ror dance.. o.nd "" holp to ntn tht SU durini; lhc buketb<\11 tourn1nn;,ni. The advl.aon1 on tht boa.rd: an: bhu CllboN., Mn St rannhan. an<f \1 r K .. uni: Mt>mb<ra or Utt bO.'\l"d ror lhe aurront 111:hool year OC'nny P f' ters. chatrman. Kay 016.bomo: Charmcune Dottn"" And Hf'n1'Jey ToC..J votes tor eoar..h <'&nrth1atf' wert' Va.n SJato HM: Ar· ltna Htndtr'90n M; C'hArma1nf' S!I; Mo.rprot Olaon 1'8. °""" Knudaon 60· Karl Etier• 80 and Kathy )tahtr 113


Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College

Transcript of The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 4 Mar 26 1957

Page 1: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 4 Mar 26 1957

\ 0 1.1 \I E X, XO. '

lif aho Teachers Will Vote on Social Security Coverage on May l 0

.M,.mbl'r" ot lhl! rrJA.ho Tt • r f:t-tl~nt S)Jltt:m wtJI \ ,·C' Ai:.• 10 on whrthc-r thr tr:at'hu·a n( Mahn ah,.11. or .ahaU Mt.. ~ C'tl\f!J

rJ und,.r rh"' provtstern~ o! th,. F<<knll SnclAI S«!lJrlt; .M L

Th<" pJAn call• ror .. hiO aupplr­mrnllllJein "1 retirtm,..nt bend1U with lhn bt'nf"ftta und.,r IFOC'h\J N'<'.Unly and accompBnyln:r In· ,,....... 1n -a boUI w :.h• Jl'lbli

nd the m~m~r Th,.,., amt'lld m"n\JI lb the present re-tn· ... mtnt IA..-. .itt nN:t'SIL1t')' but no b.:dr chans;,.. ln th,.. 1aw wm be m•ck

• Thr brn.-tu.a: ur.nitn~ tn mcrrnbfu nr tho. .. •lr'"-Cl'1\ rll'tlr.....S wll1 "al I>"' 'hm1n11thrd 1n "">" way T~chrn nr.w lo th,. profeulon

may rh0t>&0 wh,.lhf"r tn b«nmr mrmb.,.r• nf lht't •)'lltttm Prr:i ,:nL mrmhf-r11 may ehCMll!le whdh«!T l6 rt main mf"mMna.

Franta Heads Probe Of Recent Election Results at NIJC

A s .. n.,_1,. JQ\'c tilf8t "" ' m noltr• ""'abpocnuNt th.- f t randl· •int.ra ut th<" '""< cnt .SlJC alUilt!nl t.HI)' t")#C'1Jnn11 l:•1t Flldn,V in 1 n n1-. 1 ton \<\ flh Utt curr nt fk n:al lnV4"11llR•tlnn 4 ont"~mlfl£ t".1"'11on hrH_.M rand th~ lltf"~ pmtUt~ 't f"1f'l<'lJunrf'"rtni: ton n•r thfl pnll

Thoiu.. 1uhpornrU'"ll \\'Nf' Un)" \\'nnwr, tton Jt11t""1 a.. f.Jcan Knw:S­P">n JIOd t ~" C"'N1t11n all Ill • :lHJC'lf"J.!rtjl 1nndi1ltlt>ll for lht ((1('tt

of l'llU•1l"IH IJf...S) prald<-nl rnd fton \'uunnmnh .,,.. ... •dl"nt rl l

l>.wri: t .. r :tmt , hr:u.. thr: ~~MCI'! , ••mmlltr. "'hi~ h 1 '"'" h1c:UJ1,1; tbf'I tnvuUpUnn Olhi:-r 111 .. mbu• of th1 J:TO'IJl ""' ,\Jr Uodolph Rob ,,1 h1t1hll l,.RWtl"'n • K•rT •nd T Jul\t'!9

· ent's Committee On Higher Education Sees Colleges As Enrollment Flood Reliever

tent tn four·',..., t•11l11•J;., &:,nh· t"tltlc..tot nnd nratUe. ill ·r,JK"dhl l.. ""'" M re ruahtnJ: bill r I ~. ,.

hish•...,aler nta.rk '" ttftll :rnt tn N'le.M11"1ll:t: rurlh1 r JWllot , .,JI, 1;:•• t'fll\ll-n IC'llnn ln an .-(fort

Utitt ror 1-:duC'uU(ln Ut- to P(• po.n~ fo1 tha I Pin wau· lllsb<>I ••rc>rt<!<f ~• th• 01 •lud•nta. H•r H•nr·y /\ 1l '<Oil

laanual '"'"' t"ntlun "'' lhn • lt t 't•h' • ct ln A •J'N!'f't h bd ~

tu tun't)'

added lha\ , \'f'n tf · thrH lnaUtuUnM Ntlen.J lhf'lr

to tull poltnUnl the\' "Ill &dmu no mor~ them hair

of young l""'Plf' who .. lllnc htihN nlu<"•lh1n time

the Ju11\nr C!Oll•s;c Nlur:atorw Uaat tu \' ould mll'Otltu't: a bill '1l1lu1,1; t••r h'iiO nnd a hnH mtlUun dolla.ra to be Jt\t.ll"d am<rnc th~ 9tatH to lht"m 1n Uc\f'Jrip.lnc :. lont· rtll\fl'.fl rros:ram prob1tm•

to ml""tl their

.!':~• (11r bc\nnll hiJ;h •Khoo! <'ll\I' ;\lion &ti' nl!'ftld\ bc'1n,: mM 1n worn~ •lalf'a 1') ,~tabh11hm • .r h\.t\·\'f'ar ~s;tansl branch h1l(" unl\'t'nrlUrm lnd dit\~Jorecrr ·

••f .. ~~Tllth·fl al'Tl'n~mrn·

tttiilOn_g" ..,.1u~:ii.uanat uutilul o Thr-tt &f'O 1'bou.l -_.()() JUtt! r

CW\llcgu ln U1f" oountr') n inr t\23.~la at 11 knta ..-\bc"\ttt h.Alf OI~ ''"'"'\·ra.T .cl'toOl& art'! pubh<" n'ftl· lut1oi\9 .upp•rtf'd b)' loc:d tA'rs. Al rf'o~nt tnuhhn1: ('(tru;lrutt "

' rrnJ:TNl'inl:' al th"" rutr t'if ;r,.n ml11tfln ~U•nt • \rt"Ar S U naJ au~·1•\a lnJIC".Jtlt< lha.t tht. prt:-.Mn• nal<' of ronatf'\JCUon •tll nul "'' l"!!ll com(" cao...~ \q rn~u~ lhl' prublc-m

('OECll l)'ALE~E. rl) \1 10 Tt'E.-<no;. ~I 'lRC'll te. 1Ds1

Future Teachers Instruct Classes In City's Schools

~,.I("" ot- .u1,.rit;.i Lt1

in tm pubUc'0la ol •y ..,, Coeur d'.\Jt:nr u litu .. t~athf"n Studenl •~i:tun:

• a ~1!nr cou,... al NlJC und d.>mandJI olx botJro or lhe o.sptnm; lQ.CNra lime each ,. . ..,.!< !':rend· 1n,:: Bbt honn r.ach .. eek tn th111 ~l""'""IArJ duorooma <>f the t'lty e:ima thr: student .ix ettd1t. houra per ..-mot<r • .,,,., total hounr o! •ludttl! lt"Uhini; mullt arW up to 100 houn for .. ch JC 1tuo!cnt tdlcbt"r by Lhe end or ti!,. S<"mc.r­tt'r Dr ;.,,. Oq student le•ch· 1ng ~nu.n1(,.or. sald tn a rrc("nl In~ lf'f'\'1""-"·

""tud,.nl l~tn,;- round.s f\Ul ,h,· nttorJod &4 hours n~r)" (or pnn.1Jilona.I l(-1ch ns: C"t"rt.iliCAlP:ll • ., •. 1trdt'd to MUd,.nla who """h \.0 "l~m~tkry Cftdt"I lillrr

nl!l'Y h,a.\'ro hnJ..hed l WO f"eArB nf t'Ollc!~ The provisional ct"rtU'1cat"' nUtto tti" btftrtt tn tech ln th1

t'l1"".m('fllar') N"hoo1• or Idaho for I rf"CI ) f'"AT8 i•rtn·I~ hf' or sh(" f """'If"' Jlr ~ "-nrk and r.m" I~ a.rJd,lt1 na.I :JWJtl ht)Ut"9 in lhlf' thr..,. y...,...

Jun ,. 0,. I·~ eltJdc.nts dnh r:­tuQ l lMI ft;ftJ;' arr ffAu.1 An· f'r'9C>n 14Wr1'1lng 191 ~·Mt nt Cf"..n•

lrul .c:.hno! undar lira. \\allarir

r-:1"'"'"' Jln)'d... '"" hln Mh s:nui at C.nlJ'al undlT )Ir Buck ey Mnn'll °'"">' Ira hlns: 1rd s:md •

l Borah undrr- ).tra. R1:Lau \tar Ont "IW"n tc:a<'hln thf :n l and 3:

• S.lrah untkr )tta \\ lri• Gm•h !iL ldl htr. th• •b ~df s;rnttJl at thro ntor b.q:tt unt'l~r lhf' darC"t1..IOn r ~r YotiUlJ:"

.Mari;nrot lla•rh l hinJ: Ult 6lh rntt,.. ~1J1 at th Jun t h ~h

WH1f":r \l rs J l\NlSC"A

Fl r~nc<' 1- lf'dC~ lllh ,.. at Shf'nno:tn .cbool rinckr

7.>4'1ko Ma'!:"ttl l.v°""' t tu:i thtt •1th ,&:radn t C-cntral ntl r Id f!.Lvl•r M•,,.. >l.....,h·

l h~ In lh,. un!OT l:lS:h llW <1ir<octlon Mr <'ouch

!llulnn n h>I; &th n lhr jWUt.r h ch undtr

·1 Pinch. El I P k ~n. t .. ,.hln$; ~!h

nl ll<Jnlb undtt tho dlr« t Mr "31 lnl'<'ll Pat Pool t ... h­• crvo1r or 71h c-«no al lh•

1 ~ und<r )!ra Fn<kklnd ldar Rudolph t""" n>r 1L! f!T cl al i;J>rtmAll &:nd..r )ID

;...,.,;.. [- Nnl:.h l...cbins; n gn un<lcr )Ira ~11.n '"""'

T ll<nl l<&chlnz •lh P"'~ at llnan un6d" the dlrttl n a1 )>lro n rn L) la Ollc toarbmj; rd J:Tild• al Brran W>Clcr Mra. Bab­h 1 tt I IA' 0 hty t hlnJ ht

tad«" at \\ UtLCil ltd s Mn.\"t"M

\In; H<>k1uu1on. ta tuni; Ith ra lir' at ~1tcnnan tJn(l.Cr llr­Om~ and Ma.'1nfo :;,m th 1 .o:a b ... , thlrd t;nldr at Sht:rman und&'r ~Ir Ki (:'ta~

Three From NIJC Take Part In Borah Confab

~1 F ( (>'. "' J I

r \\ n, /t. ,..m nrn • d the 8onlh P'nte Coaf..,~ft~itl °'' th~ l n vtnl~ <ti Ida!!<> IU! Wttk "Th~ l.."U,,...nt C'rl&IO And !.he l'r

i>wuCC" "'11.S th~ tti..-mt': \\: tt· r t ""' ~vat by Rn....UOa S&lb­

'burv T 'lt:cr pr11:"""'wtnnln~ •tOll ~ rrt"C'pondt":n1 tor the N .,. \" rk ,.,.,,... nr.d Cl&ud<' A Bu>&. l'ro<......,r oC hUtai,· S!Anrcrd t"n· \c<:ntt~

Youngman Elected President of NIJC Student Body for '57-58 School Year

1•Jrt llbo\ C' l" Ron \ nunj:t'mAn. ~lf'<'lt"tl 13..,l ''ttk. l>y Nt.JC ....... their "'-IUdC'nl bcw:I,> li,,.~hlrnl fur Uf\\t uo_.-..r. Ill\ -"'ll~.. DaJr Trittt'O.. Prt""<o("nt pr"f'6JdrnL

Johnson Sports Longest Beard; Repeat Winner

\n ~rtmf'nt ot bt•.a.rdll wc:tt • p&..)·ed tn lhe atuctcnl unJc>n laal

Thurodav •• II cont<'Jl\llllt.a llnod bp t•' ~""'.., lhMr \\"n~11 ln Ulo onnUAI borJ !l""W1ng conto.n. ll wn• oponoortd by Ille V•l'A club Gn>yJon Joh"'°"· Ce<>rs• , . ...,u .. rt. Uu Tntt<n ind H&y Thom""°" v. .Ukod off Wllh top honors artor much d•llbenlUon by Ute Judi;u ~ pnZ< for th~ longe$1 &'NW\h

\l.'aa awiardcd to Crn.ydon Johruiun. who "JlOrl«I a b<.'nl nboul Lbrtt· fourth.a of' An anch lang f'or the :O-day ronl•t Croydon &IM won th'" d10un<li<>n 1ut yaar

o.J• Tntt•n, atudcnt ~· P""'I· denL m.J a W11d blat'I< growUI ,.hiob won tum th• l>Uc or ''Thr man wUl1 Lile ..,,..,unf;l• t b<ard •

£,. h ,..., ro<'Oi;>Yllon II l:l"cn to lb• pr1'9Cn Whl) lr1c.t \"a.ry htt.l"d t11 i;.-' a lleallhy beard but )t1J0l ""1Jl<\t d It. Tbl.I yoar Roy n>ompoon .... )lldj;od lb• """' ..-tlh IM llUI. CWQlt.a for tllo mC>Ott crrort

C<0fP' Vuilofr, pralMnt "' lh• ..,...,..mni; V•I •club, hAd hi. JU~e bu..."'NI 1ha ved to t inn th~ leU•fl J C And " n Ulo !!<mon for thr

onsuw ...,.,d. 'Tb.- otnl•ring I.he «JlltUl oth.,

Uuln Ule wtMf',.. w"'r(' Unb Bou,;)1 .. on lt&y C:l"IU\llOn o .. n l'illclnl(t.On

!lob H&Un:aon.. Bob Tllt>ml*'n ~I <:orbll ftorb Mlllhllllll••. Biil X•uman. and 1.#>r'ftl Murphy Th• \ ~l. • ("lUb would hkc l·~ lha.nk ::.II th~ peopllf! tor th•Jr hurly per· llc1paUOn

JudclAJ: thl" cant..i. ~·r.r<" rour mirm'bt>l'll of tht' tac:\llty; Mr p,...ncy, Mr )fos<or )Ir Rl•bo.

d Mr Youn::

llCHt t: EC. ('LI I\ OR(;A S IZ Ell \n)' 1nr,.rt'Ated Pf'l"'IOn ·who 111 or

.2 ~n rnrolled m ham~ r-C"onom· &cs a.. uwttc:d lo JQln tho JJome- Ee Qub For turth"r tntonnatlon

UC'h penMJn.fl may conLact Arlcnt" Kart% J'rr1 ,f("nt of th~ e1ub All home .c majors •rt' membeon of th• dab.

Ron Younl!Jn&ll wu wlrc:t<'<I by lht aludcmla tut lhtlr J~odrr !or th• lho M:<t OChOOI )'Mr, Wlnnln!;' over ftve nlhf'r candidalea The tltcuon wa.s lh" cllmax or a \'r">' rp1nted cnmpoJgn, in whl<h lh• haUJt •ncl f;Ym or NlJC wuo plul· <Tt'<I with •fj;nll and pla\ronua o! th< he>polul cAndl<IAl""

:->IJC wltM"""<l one of llJI b<mt ("&JnpaJgl\.11 1n _.,.~ra.I Y"fl u the (Wf" c&ndhhtlr• for lhn prc:atd,.ncy touj:'hL tor l\\"O v."f't'lka an l'l d.rtlf'I"· min~ rrfl'lt'l to LAke O\'~r thC< lo&d<!nlhfp t..,m Olllo TT1Ucn Cor lh• comlnS" year

Th• wall•. odllng» &11d noon1 Wtr>1'! well co1,.·~fi'ld \\1lh owncrous ••i::na. bannrrs. pl.atronne. IUJtl aruauc dlJlpl~··· u cad\ can4tdal~ lrf«I to S\vay th• v<>ton to hi• 11dc.

Vanou.l> c.amJ'tlls:n melhodA \\'t-rt\ t....-d on lhr tlnal ~· Am<>Jllf Ulo candidates coming up With no••ol idCD.8 wu Roy \Va-mu who l&ld a whnr PA~r carpellnl:' down Ulc haJJa wlth arrow. o.nd \\'n.rner-. \VRmtr-\Vn.mer. poJnt.tng toward111 tho d«:UOn boolha.

Dftln Knudlon used " e&r t'qUlp­P<d wltl1 ' publfo ndd...,.,. oyotom a.nd llfgn.1 bollnv•inj; his al0!;'1U1' "round Uic ea..n1pus nnd "1.rc('Lf ot Coeur d' Al•n• II• .i.o u•<d the fdr~ e>t Lhe sv.·ttt ltM>lh to ""' .. "' IM \'\.ll~r11 a, .. h~ pvt- eve-ryonr r•cka11.,. or 1',,.Rolll.

RAy Cran.ton w"" by ..,mr ,;trta \\'h.o wore colorful •kle!J, a.nd bri~hl potchtll Of Cloth \V1Lh tht\ worU ... Volr For Ray" ~t Wod on th~m Tho publlr addre.IUI •yat~m In lhe ll)'m bnd th• duat blown oul or ll u Ron Youn.gmAn And OQmP"ny Clt'&.Nd ~YCr)'O.nfi'I •ara wtl.h Ult quaur10,,un.,. •nd •log&n.1 lh•ie CIU\tlldat~ i-o~M<!d

lm.ltt.'<I. It WM • ,.~ry ~ll!•n and l'J>lr&l•d <ampali:n In Which •II th•. c:andJtlllva dlaPIA.vl'CI tho qua.JIU•• 1>nJ l\blULlc:a which lhey would •Jterl I! eloclod lo lho P"'•ul.,noy

Tnbulal•d ruulta ot lho lb 11tudcnta voling &howed Youni;mM 1 occwtd 38':'" or lhc:o vota C&.1tf Votes tor tht"' respecUvc c:andld&tf!• wcu·~ Ron Youngman i:J; Dean Knudllon IZ. Rny C"""'LOn 30: Roy \\'•rno-r 29 and Ron Pettra Z2

4 Girls Are Elected To S. U. Board

Mnlc• l03t out In the •tUd'fnt union board eleetfon whm four .:trlt11 W"'" elected to the- board. rn " <'1DM" raco ror lhci aeata. Mlirryl Vnn Slate-, Arlene H'ndt'r· 110n Chamt:tin" D<"lt.z. ta.nd Mar· pre\ 01At»n won out over Lb.rec nth,.r•

~mr:tlon• t:J! lh~ board AN'. lo k.,.p th~ 11udMl union optralJni: pmperly b).· appropriating mon<'~: tor .iany nef'tled rac1uucs. to mAtn· fn<'lllllc-a ror dance.. o.nd "" rrov1d~ holp to ntn tht SU durini; lhc buketb<\11 tourn1nn;,ni.

The advl.aon1 on tht boa.rd: an: bhu CllboN., Mn St rannhan. an<f \1 r K .. uni: Mt>mb<ra or Utt bO.'\l"d ror lhe aurront 111:hool year !l:r~ OC'nny Pf' ters. chatrman. Kay 016.bomo: Charmcune ~tu. Dottn"" r~uJ:'l"r And Jo~ Hf'n1'Jey

ToC..J votes tor eoar..h <'&nrth1atf' wert' Ch~r)'l Va.n SJato HM: Ar· ltna Htndtr'90n M; C'hArma1nf' 0~1: S!I; Mo.rprot Olaon 1'8. °""" Knudaon 60· Karl Etier• 80 and Kathy )tahtr 113

Page 2: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 4 Mar 26 1957

•, -================

~ 11 THE N.J.J.C. REVIE" Pubr.J.•d Se_.,.i.MOfllh1y O"ri•9 U.• CoU119" y.,.,

9y Jou~.tlittn Stud•nh At Tit. NORTH IDAHO JUNIOR COLLEGE


Co-Edfton Ch.,,.,.. , .. '" Oe,tJ

~of'!411d 'l"Oilt19m•­Mtho111 U"IJta~ Jot.."' ,o,.dt• ~

0.1. 1,.~tt•ll .-d Cul C.-bit

M•"•9;"9 EdHor 8vtln•n MaM9•' Citc\ll•Hon M•"•9•' Ad111•rfoin1 Mene9en R,potitn: Ro9tr Huchol'I, C~•,1•' 8uu-. Ho.,,..,d Libby. W8Uf'"I A"d .. no,. •

• ,.d lo'" .Ct"• rRINl!.D Ill C [UP '°'l· tH I

C..ndilion of Gym Floor I• Ev•ryonc" RcspoMibir.ty

No one would "cl ouf 1nff"n o J f ru Yet >Omo of u< O<O doing u1t 'M' ,\ n· tho• w~• " loolheMoled, they rnoght iJ "oil b< S1Jnd!M woll ed ouhidc on 1ho >iocwoll. 01 rood

A parson will wonder out on tho floor ~I nd nq bbs~o• - ho dOOl not ,.,fend to '·•Y so he do l>i• shoe. or remove them A holf " d02cn t not rcolo:o lhot h1> shoes ore moling blotl <narl vorniih.

The foculty mcmbcr disl•lc hnv'n9 •o "'"""cl u •o floor improper 'hoc Thc·c rcm1ndor1 "'ould b<I ~·n everyone would mole ii hi rcr o"ol rc•pen 1b1 ''Y to \ccp 't-.o floor in good condif;on

Why Con'! An Amcrie<>n Supporl The United Na~ons7 I our •upport of the Un.te-d Nolton un.ntoll1gen·? V.. I."' r.o•

Tho Un.led Notion· ho; not o yC-' bcon oeclored subve ' v The lo ! three pre>tdon!s hovo 1ndor\Cd I ond hove worl~ lo,.ord b iu -once

Ccrtoinly thore or wco\ncw.c"J o it o comparohvo ~· f\CW

orgonizittion. There " rco>enoblc ground for >u•pic1on tho1 Ru>l•O hoi ottcmp•cd

to us.o it tor ~,, in~tn.imcnr lo forward Ru••iei 1ntore ts ond C>O .c-es Thero " no definite rocoqn1tion of lhto duly of cooporot;nq in lhe corryinq oul of do<.i•1on1 Porhop lhc on we •I orcotcr uso of •~e lntcrnolionol C<>ud of Ju· l"c

Thoro '• t11lle rtr.!roint on lho port of U. N, mombcN to ovo•d mere propogondo ,1otomonl It follows thol no po·itivo >ugqo<t•on con lead to ony ·ub.tontiol impr°"omcnh o• long 01 lhcr!I 1 locl ol good will ond undnrstMd1ng OmOng ii mcmbcl'>, Pd' t' ulorly th 'ovcrlJI mojot powers.

W o lnow it '' oo>y 10 breed >u1pic'°n lo CAU"" d :en '°" bring 4bout iluation· from which wor m11y au" It 1:. no•• to 1mpo <iblo to c:ngondcr conf•dcncc undrr,tondinq •nd m"•uol I< peel <M>~ though each mcmb<> of tho Unirod N;ticn >y>..whol ho truly bellOY!! to be right

W e hold tho freudom of lho proM, f111edom of •pccc:h ond lh freedom lo thin! '" wo plcblo 111 o precious her.loge. Thom lroodom• hove moda thi& no1ion great. They oro tto+. howcvC'r. our C\ ~ v property.

The U N. •s o form of P"nel where d• cuss on• oro hnlo nmOn'J t~ uppo•cdly 1ntelliqcl\I pooplo of the world

So. "'hy 1hould not the United Noli°"' bo tho 1d• ol mcol•nq pince lo di1cu~' iuue• !hot concern the world end o ocnco "'" lno"' mu • be 'opt if civili:ali~~ continuo tt ..,c .n w it?

The rollnwing lun~ nnd lyn~ euuld be cnUC'd

"A Teacher's Lament" Thr ftulhor ht not .known. bHl Un.fl' poem ~""'" to tcwc·h upon •

rntht-r p<"rllnf"nt 1ubJt""C~ In u h11n\orvt1' \'f''"

CT" thf' Lunt· (a( ''$lJ(lC"f"n Tt\n··

Some poopla oy o leechcr · rMcl. out ol to~ Their mind• con thrnl but !heir boOy cont iccl

Iron ond ,toel ond hoc\a<y tco frO'N'n ond qr;pc- from nine to three

You "'""h " full houN ond ,.hot do ~u get? Another doy older Md dc•P"r '" d<'bL You p4y your duos in th11 ond thot Thon for 29 doy your b.11 1old 1 flot

I w41 born enc moming whon II wn1 doudy ond coo I .,;clcd up my reg• fer ond hooded lor choo I wroto 44 n41T1f!\ on tho home room ro! And the principol '4•d Wei ble my <Ou •

I ~O"'" ~4 l "d ond 32 1001 r "'""ty O•ghl 0'" toll;ng Md I 6 ecp I con hordly got em oil lhru the door And ·f I doc • wotch out •hoy II one! me rr•c><•

Tho lost b<.U ,;n'l ond I 'M' lo< tho ooor My ~•od • r:nq•nq ond my •~.o "~ ,.,, I l•ughl • • lull hour my d•y " mndr. e.ut >hll I hov~ I()() f opo"' lo g•o<lo

You tcoch " full hou,.. ond whot do you 9e17 Anothc• dny older •nd dt!CP"t in d~bl I'll qo •o St P.,tor b<JI 1u ' c•n ' lny I 90110 go bocl for P T A

~p frarr U l'"-CI · ·t " tratlannt: ""e nf lb~ nodt-nlll: .. rror_,.. •n t.h11 i.asuC' Mr Clt"'"t" <,,111n" \\ho la m cMn:<: ot lh<' .\Uto ~h:cha.rut2 SC!~l wUl b• lntnNH<"t'Ci lo ~tud~nta..

\tr c:,, nc- rttf!'i" t.d bl11 lntlln.I

'lr. ( "14"\ " (f:Unf'

In h1 I ..n.,. le South Ookol• and rum .. wus.;: attend••n at tbl" Swf'f:UC"Y O\utomoh\ e Antl Ek tr " all S;,:hool 1n "a~ en"• ~10 hood<"d • esl in 1 P25 f":tlhntt n"I r"'c~ur U"Alcmc

\\ .. Uh UM' '°""~plk-n of twn ;\c.irw hatin$.: \\ orl4 \\ ar II. Air Goin"'

h..'\a bttn Arltve 1n lh• ftrlJ c.U 11utnttM1trvc inr<-Mntc .. -. atnn~ t9J() O\\"IURJ: and o~r nK f"!('¥• riu' ~ •«Up1NI mo&l 11 htJ llntf' Jlf' peralt'"tl a llodJ:r ~h mmtlh tf:"ft<) 1n R.Mthdrom from ! 4•33 1mt1I 1PtO n.nJ "lM tn r: ... tbclnam ltlt': N'uh "J."f'nr,·. '"""' HHO lo 19t~

t-~ollo\\ n,k l"'u \C"f\ra ot •lrf.,ru(' \\or1'; .\Jr G:aanr apan ~'·q10'1'"CJ 1 l'·uh dPAh nitur tin ~ir d'Alrnrl l'nd ftpt'rAtrJ it trmn U•t t tn te\r,.::

Ill!' rn'l'W":f'll J'(k"ilinn t!Jll('11 r,,..m Jh:;!? wh,.n Junmr Colt,.t::t! ••lm.Jn1Jf.o tf'4110nt frll lha\ n ("r)Uf'JU'• '" hHlP.

ml"('hf1n;c:11 eh ... 1uld ht- nrfrrttotl Thry ll<"lf't'°tM Mr f':1t.1n4' to .Jfart an1I nan lh4' d.,.J,.11 mrnt

Mr am.I M,., r;n,nr haw· l'AQ ('hlldrf"n. Bonth• and c1 .• ,•tttn Bonni~ loll • ~•1U4lt' of .SlJC an1I 1 n:mrm~rtd b) viariouJJ f:i• ulty m"mbtta bttau~ r1f hf'r 'Pl'nmJ· nrnr~ In "ludrnt llll<'h\ 1tu·~ Bonni,. IJI m11mM to Cf!!Qri:~ .)JL-.Du\\ ell. ohn ..., =-:uc i;rnduatc ClaytQn, rouowtn~ In his fath<-r'a foot.-1<'1'0. •I pr~C"nlly the Jltlrt.1' m:tnllt;:f'r of BurM . .\uto Pn.n.s Comranv af Pullman \\'u.h I AIAa (r-.tun'd in this lswe h a Ktory M llr Calnt:!·a hnl>by'


Two f>'W'I' 1rtp (I' &u.qu~ u1

~, uthirm Id bo b.) PrufC"MOr ,..\J. I r...J Dunn. l'nJ\'ualt~· o! Jdaho ,. ... &nil arc:huf't'turc- dcpartn'lenL ar" lnc1udt'd ih A """'° "Xh1bit to t>­.o<nt lhrou~b<>Ul lh• l:nltod St.ala by th• F'oru Motnr CoruJ)An)'

The.- ~xhtbit ot i:? water c•oh.i.f" by outtit.andln~ r<i;l~n&I iarU.1.a o~·"" cent throut;tiout thc.­

Ur\Jt .. t SU..t~ and Ca.nnd&. ,... l"fttnUnJ:11 "~1u bit- ahown at unh rr·

Jtl<"l'I cofl.,.gc.• and mtuf'uma., Dn1I nthc-r 11rt eentt',....

Thr Dunn p;aJnUOJ;'• deP1d , Buquo •h .. phordrr pl4)'1nf! ht> ac«"Qrdla.n u ht' ...,.._tch .. haa Oock nn Ut~ range n.nd a B.uqur. r1uin1: I mothrrte lamb



~ N Fowrth S't. • Co • .,, d 'Al•n•

Korean Student Studies At NIJC To Prepare Himself For Foreign Serv·

\'" oc f'a Kttt\ Tt t\•'M' rn "llUtltnl n' NlJC. <'Am• " l;llt'\alf'r f)f" 1 TI('rnt). r r lht 1'1JC .. hadrnl twk.l)• t~ .. n m4Wlt <"( M" f•llow

\1..•hrn ht" ,.-.umr)"Nl h'c'n1' S<-oul *',,"°"• t o en\tr '" · i •II KJm '~ 11tudy~ni:; b\l11\ne'1Ql •u1mtntatn 11n1S t'l"" on cntnJ: Into (ftsc•li;:t\ ••"·ll'f' for '*' er11mln Ult(th C.)ftlp1~lin-.; hi.A 1·flllf't;• work

Kim. \\ho hR"' bt"n'Mt- \\~U·lcnown tu man Blud('nt~ h.RJ• h.:tti ~\."("11•1 nJlror\onUh·- to 11~ ,:Tllhf"nnJ:"t 1.1nd t('IJ l.h('m of \hf' J'llOblf'n\9 And' 'n hl!"t h11n,f'111n,1 On ",l"f'«'t-n1 oc·~&lU'ion h't the tn<""1...,._1"!11 of I ht' \\'ln1ctn St-httnl MA

.,. thfl ..,h,<":~tt"n."'l ~mt.ti ion" '" Km'('ll \lunnm; u.1 \utr Ile ~J'.llVtl"-1 th:H dtt'"'"" w('rf' htld tn lbi 111 iaf11"t th"' l'ommunht 1nvnrt'"" ,k'atmy~

11:nd "'l"'Jlmt'nt 1-~nr .\ '"" oC lh4" tt"rtnnfll~ 1Uudc-nl1t. 1·lauee n rnl& M:1tt) purtl" 1ll•J 1101 hil\ r thf' nrC"11("'4l IW"hool Malffhll

"' \'l;t1r· cw1rrf"ll p.1,·ri·tv thnl "'"« C"\hJeonl tn lh~ land,· Kim h trun1, 'ltf'MAI '"'l ltbra.n• boOk"' \\C"rr p,..cll-:nlh· nun-u; o hti r' ·t lh.&l ~1r\ntan..: prt"~'lf"I hnd ~n "1tt\m>~'I

\'on;: 4; Kun ""'.1 boni '" ~\.'OUl n. r'" \pr 1 :·1 tl•:l6. H ('" h:t •ix In lhc-r- t1 I ''' " 1i.lrf"l. All uf l<tnl a brutbrr ind •l~tc:i1 :\tt nth•nd1nJ: J!-\h(linl .. 11 ,.,.,.y unmmn1

pVf'Tl•n,: an , l{\UtRn tamUy him 1f'pnrt.n that hP ,, .... ' broth~r lu,h n,; nt~ltr inc in tht' U S .• A01l tht'.'T mf'mtw-1• ot hi,. hmllY \r.l

Qt\lmdlna: 1.;orrnn a.c"hoalt1.

Kim •llrntlt S-UC un,kr :\ lkli •I ,.,."'" JU't'l\t.tkJ by thf' MN ho· tllat fi111rc·h •t·hot1I \\ orltt'N of th1• • ,,., M~lho~tt.l Church \\'"hf'n ukr:d wh\' hr c:hoM"' North hJ1tho Jun tlr ( "ull r:'~ KJm tn('nUnnf'C:I nnt' nl the! rt' \"!OM "Ml thf'I' nl\nll"' ut the rll"ptrnr tn IMkln~ tJ\'f'r ,, I l <it a•llC'~'"' ht- mned th<'- nnmt! of lt•uko Nt hto rantt dM'l'1•"<1 h• nttrnd NlJC

Thf' K orc1tn f't.Udr-nl di,iplnyf'd hb 1-'nr f' .. .u!'ll grnCJ"'Ol'lty hut lllrt tm .vf\f'n ht' pr~ ttnlrtl t•.u b or his 1n11ln1tln"' wHh ·1n rbony ~u· l«: ,,nm plralf' nlndt tn Kor.-11

Yearbook Staff Is Winding Up Work

Th<' la.It t word ttn lht• y .. nrt).w,lt Jl"~m f;,U\.Qr HalHr MUlrr l11t lhlll .:an t·J~hl·P'f:~ e<:Utin rflntoin.sn1:. mOf'\ nf °'"' or;;unt7..ntU>fl ptcllarr• "' •I """' 1'1 tht: publllhrr Man·h I toy tit~ Dnrt•"><><l owrr

\\Uh th• AprtJ 1~1 f'tlpY ."hlpmr11\ • •11•1tanf' fatt appmhrl'uns:. thr bit bl \.\11,uns; for theo J;uil "' thr ndl\•tdWI I M.u1IPnl p•("ttlfi A ~lit Rf' th~\' erl'" "'.:rtvt'd the rop)· J'.h.-f'lJI can b~ up .tnd thr annu:al atatf r-An ,r.tvf' R ~oltrc·U\•

11s:h of rrh~f MftJlnwhU,. tht'! u.dvrrlhrCnJ: ram

pmi:n ls i:-ti tllns::- 11tldC'r way anrJ 01Qr~ p1fl'.turr.J1 of &l"hvUlf"JI arf' bt.'­tn~ f.J1krn.. PlaM wW bf' mad(" """" ror hanng plv>tos;raplul !Jtk•n of lht" foUov.rtns; ors:an.J,tltUon:­r111 Th•la KAppn. Ollm•a Club NM.\.1!-pape:r St..otr 'lnrJ Annu:1l SlA<r

Th<' •U.ff wnuld Ilk< t<> •hank Mr Rt1Jly for lhf' f'XC"'llf'nt rhott ... ~~ph.a &.ak.-n by him for Wt'! in '~ woit<"hmUttn and a11t.o mcch· ':\nl f'f'l1un of lh" .annual

IJ\ \f~-. { Ll 8 Ill\" •a E'>f, AT LI sciu:os

\y, .en ·em~rw o! lhe f•culty d !lt rt "C:n" luncht>On s;'\lf'«l.I' t'lf

th• OomCll Club !'W<"nUy In lhc Home Ee 11)C)m The lablt" wa.­t!:C'COralt'd '\\"1lb an lrulh motif f ttr St Potrick"• day. Cue•tJI Wt"tt

Mn' Cr1dl'"Y· Dr OJ::;-, MN' Kai· d '" :.IU. Otmnls;nn. )II"" Cllbert. '' Jnhn.on and ~fl# Niab1o

Buy Hor Flowon From


' Cor ~go Beouton.n:.,.r., Bouquet

4 t-• .... 11 l She""•" """• • c. • ., d

Winner of 1957 Scholarship Will Be Named on May

D•xl<r II Mo"r· h...S f:n;tnt'<'rtni; J:>topartmmt ,.n,I rnonhnn.tur for the •~liol ,,.,.hi,.. t>camanauon

• nftl County . .luu1 .iat...i " mnrr of 1 h\" "<'holantalp 1mnnuntif"tl MAy I, 1967

-r,.~u ha''" bffn rom Coeur d'Alt'nf' II 8 and J;lvri1 tel "Ludt'nla In othl'r Com1~y hlSh ttehMla April t.. te-r1nlnlnJ; fnclon 1n JUdllq t)11 rtllult- of 4!n#inffrtn1 1pU

I r•l~.. hl~h M:hO<Jt t:nadoo rt"("ommrndR t '"""

Th• M:holoNhlp oC!•nt 1100 mah p11111 lh• npportunllJ' ~mplnym•nl with WWl' Co

Anlons: former wlnnen (;r3.y1Mn Jnlm•t1n and HAIHHrl, •WW lf1.Utlent8 al '"d Bob \Vr,.tovt-r. ftlluJrnl 1t tlnivrr-i,lty nf ld•M.

C.. L 1\ l> UIA l ' f;DEMQN 111 c:rro;,£:- " P RI NG Ql' E&lll

NlJC •t ud•nta w•l•0111f4 "·Ith n \lf'lry fttlt:'l(~MfUI 8

"""'"" h,.ltl In tho gym oa tiny ,.,·rmn$:". Npnn; •tt~ onHrd lhr habit• and t11n '>'dtM'k. thrno wu • or Utf' womrn •tudmts. In I hr Jutl~eo ch- ClaQdla 11urt1n of thf" tlAnu.

Th11 nm11Jc for tM dlDCe •11pph"~ t>y Ed Shloldll anti lfqrwooel SpoMOno Wfft II• M,... John McP'arl""d. Jk M no Orrin I.ff •nd Mr WI K•aUnir. Tll• danf'• WU p lh,. A""°4"1atNJ \\'t)mnt


Page 3: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 4 Mar 26 1957

of NI/C's Prout/at A ssets-the Hughes

abn\r .,.,. '.\Ir. anti '' " · ( ll11rlr-. llusth" ''ho 410 A "'"'""' 1ii11rpan~ thr t•m1•u"' huUdlnc tf\ r, "l"hr> ,....,...-n11~ N"\.-­Uwft auklt"n "'-drlln1t annhr,......r-.) ~I.JC' "'llUlJN •t ... u.n.J ,._,.Ult) ... ..... mu .. t • '\ t rtl-. "'"' pro\hlr m vnh't .

M n <..,uu-le. Hu~hf' who W'n n utmJh1n• of lhr roltri;,•

111t 1. 11 " ' 1or.o and )f~ H u1:hr t1U•\t'll to

d"Alrn1 trnm Thhrnlun whr tr l hr-.) "rr•• • n~n~,.,J na Thry tal'f" nw~ r.- 1tlm1:

t.ln•oln W• y nn1wr ,,r 1D:lf) tl1• fl u, h•

lh('it' •t0th y, r.thUnJ:"'un TI•"Y ""r" trlt•d ;nl

Yl"I( dhmC't s:h'f'll fur t h • far ull\· •h•I fl l 1t f nl I hr

llat'ft rt"rl ntnh rnju\'i l om p 1J ha' " 1w.r u oum \ lhlnn

Ye l1n1,rn\'~"'I lhf'I ,c:puttn11 u lhci: luwn, 1in1h1 inti

Wtt w oulil llftr In lhHfll u en•I rru ult \ tor l hdr

1n nn.J hrlp h1 lu•••rlnF ~Il l . i lcl t h .. lhltthf'

lluahra h , , .,.. fl\ n t IUl1hTrt

Hu1hn n f M• r tn V 111I•·" Mn P \\' M tnrh ut c,,.-u1

Mn fo:\ '" Rrn .. l nf 1'An C'alll Mr• I·" W

' " M nnl onrl ~h PMI aku't ot 8f'(1k"n•· \\'' t h

tun .. 1 t Jrhh1frh1hllrr' '9 furluna t" lfl hn\ tnJ: (\\ 1

nt r-uptr f'lf'I thr atnH

Publishing Co.





NA Tl ON AL TOP TUNES UllUho•nt T ahula llun J \ ou nlj I A1\r T~h Hufll r

1 \ h \rlArtm • rl11llnl'J'l'"fll l hm'I 1·orhhJ \It· 1·-.1 Unnn

t TnH \hwh t.:h I •T7\lry • Hltl trrn., Ar\t.h 'VIJttuT\

0 l .... M'nu Bi-01 " '"t. · IJAn") 8rl1tnnt .. Tr.·•• .. \ 1;1• ( n•'h Tc: rmn} SandJ11 l \Qua n1' Honl ( ll•'' n t .. 11 trt" (lfrl lnnt"

,. l """' Oo ll n 11!-h Rr "' IO ltmmd anti ltm1ml • S"r1r

r"n11 n l!• .,H"ft"' 1'1 lhl ,.,., I" rr

r llltlJ: 11 Jut nf •tl1 nt1 wn 0 ' " T h l hmtN',. '.\' lnrl, · nlnr nu~ -... \ t '"'"'"' l"11r1'dl..- bv I...,,., ~·.-.1n l\lu• \loml"' tw F°:"lt.- ()o,. o 11 •t Ultl• IHtrh·t1 ' b\' rh1· Dtam n ~·"' · ..... nr•hnn ,qll rrobAbl) he- on • ... ,,.,,." o,\ iU11n th• """'t rrw .., ..... i: n.·Jr.fnnlf!. \lbmn ( 'ah p-..1 t ,._j •op ...,.Urr

AAUW To Offer Ploy, "Robinhood", for Kids

Ctuhhrn It-um ti·~·• .. ' l: ·hoot 'i'ill h•' ~ ~ '-' n-t • lt••tilnlt«,od &n &hf t:)m M1uch ..

"l1h lA:•rua J \ lrnt! Una.nth Ctf \A t •\\ Jlt'I" •'nll n p.a.,. r r tt.1

• ,. h \t 011 lih•I Ul'!<'M \hr funds taken , tr• 11r \ IJ• o .ch IA rah P tor ~UC"

1 ''" r 1•\ • C"htlil.rrn. Thdlt~ pt .. h • t ' "'- wall ~ ft1\ei1 b

11•Jcnt.1 of R.o£,•n II ~ t ~poktUh Thi'\ &ft! dlr«tt"d b\· 1 lt1 Jh·11nnan.

("urtain um.- u. lO a m fOf' ~ ttrnt)' bool an l l °'' p m tor ('" "'"f ti' \ l .. nr .ctk_ll()} ch1IJ1c.n..



Hom" of Fin<' B•nd lntt -rumPnt\

SHfEl l.' USIC

Family Relations Confab Beckons J.C. Instructor

'1 r- Cri•Jk) • .,.\"•'h )lr>J.:\" "'" I

' rn1th IU'l t Mama¢'" 1ru.trud·ir ' J C. •Jro\eo to \\0 11JIJa \\'alb ~t T hu,...S.,y to l\U,.,,d lhr J '1"'J; ,Snrthwl"'2lt 0".anftrn"n,,.. "'' F"llmib f(l:obl!~ The t"'D dar cunrett-m•,.. ~ hf'ld J\t&l"Ch ::2 11u1d Z.1 on 1t, aam~1• o! \\'hHman r.oU•·t;r '\A.her• M'Ulnn u·(".rc• ~nlt'rl tn th,. d1ffrr ~' ClJl.Pf'C*l.• nf "'mdy lit,. ~ICW\a •1""''011'-.d tn fam.U)· rroh­

lrmt nt m.Jlft)' l)'pt"a v. rn hdtt nnd \'f'ral wrU. kno\,·n 1nlhnnt1,..

~~r,. tr- t 1n-d •J"ftakl"n.. Th.rt-rt ft"alu"""'j peak• rs "~,..,.. ~,.,. K1r.k<"nda.D of Oroll:')n State cnl· lf>t;r T'aul t.A.,d11" n! \\01\.Jhtn:.:.mi. flt.At~ roUtt;l" aft&J Bucma lt.n1a ot Oh St.At~ aill~it Snmf" ""'ninnl •rte dto\O"rd 10 ducummnn ~up.• tn. >-\hJC"l\.a nnt.-d authont3• ''r JMd f:r rN a d cunlon ht hba r ht" f ~ t' I ct._

~f"'- r:nc11~y whn ott.-;nrb tb..­aeoofon• o( thf" C'f"ln!~"'n("~ f"Uh

)'Tilr nmvN m \VaJIJt. \\"•JI.It Thur'Ad.a' ntr,ht 1t'rf' a mtthni:: of U\I"" Rl-J:t f\RJ ~rd Of tht" 1\ff'T·

t'n ,. Qf which ehr Ut a mt•mbe.r Brio· rf"turnlnz: horn•· Mn1.

t;r.ttl"Y t'lm'~ Don and Qu"n1

1 ... 11rolt.. f""'''" J c. •tud<>ntll, whn M..-..: I Vf" n Richt.ilntt

French Closs Makes Use of Audio-Visuals

)fr rnckh· • J.'rf'ni h d; hit Ae..- ,.ond ~ of aurftc>v !l'Ulll :iu~

In da~ rt'Cf'nU} b)• UAIPC- lhr t 11~ t"Cf)l"t'ler and mo\'11" SCTC!'f'.n Ht ....... rd Bffbc- ~re-.tUct'11t of th~ Fr,.,,ch clAu.,. rKordftj ~ttonr n,.. ~ h 1he11·u·• an•t lrtturns •·harh wrtt tf"'("~C'fl by' m'-mbt"~ ol 1 tw (", Etirh mMnl'lifl>r f'hOJ.t: hl

1 hrr KJ hon nnd A"lld '' fnr the 1 H"nnhna= Tbf" f'1>HM11-"1~ 1·ltuilt dn.1 1h,.. ""°"Min~ wrrf' f't'1"1a)"N! ""I 1h,,. -pt11•f,.nl.JI tttrTc-t*f'd t ~ r J:TJl.M ngr nmt rrorumr at on

On mc:rrnln~ rrcntly lhr m hfon UI tM cLu:! \1C'\\ F"!'Tft("'

Mm ,,,,.. Ont rum '"-V m.1.111("1 'Thr Ar11,~n1 In ram nnd frtH.ur ..,, F""'nch n•tora •ho ap<>ll~ n f.'r..,,<h <llnl<'C\I<' Tbr .....,.,.i lhf" !Unut Wl\.11 en Ul'."d Ch 1dN" n Qm·~ and fr•lnnd t

F,......d1 C'aruuilan JW'O?f<' anll lb r lhftR'\lftl:'" (Hhtt Frf"DCh film.a f hl'"lp In Frrnch ..tndfonU 'Mi TI bo

10'\'-n t.. the «"L'8 la.t"1"' ln thf' r '\fr rn • '

Former Student Tells Of California Veteran Aid Plan Benefiting Ex-G. l.s



?IS Sll•""•'" A•*' co~u~ D Al~NE. IDAHO

' I . J . C . Kr.'\ IV.\\ , ( (M"tlr d',\.l,onr. Idaho, T~ !'lar .. :&. 18$1 TlllCE~

An Unforgettable Character

He Was The Life Of The Party \\.11(' .. : , If"" r mr1 Joh1 tw ,..,.... f"\r( Ir 1m tht' Lr\lth tr \'flU clon t

I thtt. ~ LJ.r. • lir • 1 rhl,t(.t,.d JOO IQ Chutth,. . . bu» th t WU J'lOWins; l'f W't\Y ~« e-Jn. 1 £,0 f t) C'hOnth.'' h.., thrnu,;h A Sorth llakot.'l t Joud· :tnll\v~.-.J •'1\.i,·n houra f:VC"f,. Sun· bt1n l Jl '-"1t th'"' hn.t lfay of thn day ' fOtH'• ' k tour a.nit nn 11n.. W'll!t .. f:lut you don t 11wt~ •

'~ ry .... ,. L ctfU:Unted \\"\lh th,. reat ··or t'OUhe' r •IQ l \C f"\' t•n lr1~1 nf th~ trl"i;alr: t>r~"u w~ llll l.«1 t ilk wnh aur nuniaCC"r \"f'"'l rAmr '" m r11rr .. ":n1 ~~"-"n& 1 hm1 t'"'Jf. h(!"I nfrithJ t. tall( ltJ i:u~J rhAt JCJhn 'l\U Iii C.:..nm.hA.n 1ne. .AntJ ~d 8B.)11 he "on•t 1 f'Jf h " ~c.n,.ra.J R·t...·k".-.·n"I ni~ nbout NJ1g10n tmlJI r m •tui p~a.rntttt> ln a ll'llll .1n1J ~...... In my fdt.u ••

of thf> "-h\. hr combtt(t ht. Jons: John ne-ver w~nt lonklnc tor J»J;t.ek hAtr 11.tra1,::ht bark • .,.,lhout "l'J:Um~nu They nhvaya name Co • part BtJt t cnuldn t dttld•· him n.nt1 bn u.i.ually had"" aru.w~r "ht>U\('r hf! """ nn n.nla.i•o<·111J Hr onold (}UQlt mor.- Btbh: v~rwca n,o,un of A prt".occ·uplf!'d ,gen hue. Hf? I h:an ntO,S>l ot ua put IOlt\°'Lh"r-. anit )u~t Al lhf'rie AhC>rt and .okinnv. I m r11J~ lhAt ft tho trlp hiut l&1tM u· ttc'"hinJ: °'" n1lndropiJ "'" lh"' rtnothl"r Wttk. hn would hl\\r oOm• winfktw u tl\r" Wfllf> frlU'hrd nJon1: f\fdrh· •t<"<'On\"trt"'CI on~ Monnnu b\ 'hr °""~"'' .Aflf'f l'hnut hflf"":i s:-1rl \\ "h('n our trip c-amt1t lo "" min Jlf':S of ailt"n<""' hr tumf'd :\nd t>nd John hnd q t tr1h .. 'te>d n1on- 1"e'o

kv\tc'r<l nt mr. 1 bl"QUJ:h la.t I:" hl4clc ~·t·t C'1':1tt<'ll morr hllanou1 pl'l"-h ,m·nmmeff ;:laaf"'• :\nd ~ctrd P •tu:&m"'Tll.J uid CAUb"."d mo~ .Btr· thonJ:h h" u '"rl"' t.ryinr d('1'1prnt•h• IOU..• Lhlnkms:- than moe.l had ,.,.,,.r to th•nk o( IW>mt'thtnir t~ -ay .. xptn,.neMt.

··s..,,. d" '"ou kac" that tr lh.nt J ~tvrtl <'''traJ r~tt~n. trom r.un a~ '"'' f'hf'i::" lnla t.hf" bull .1t him Aflf'r lhr tr1p Thf')' we-re Jon1; ~ mat~ nn h"ur 1tnd \L'C' ,.,,. t:O•m: l~ltrr.c Jnttort',Ung- &nd ;imo.1ns:

:.I) ". rr rn,.,.UnJZ \\-1lh Lhr ltn•t·r" ll"IUn.: how w~ could IOh't" O\'t'r·

nf 'i:'i mil,. an hnur...... nutit 1 rnpu1t\Uc•n tn ChJna or lfMUng lf''1

kneW. f\lfl("'"" "'°"' dNorrvtng an A·bomh \""~·· h~ 4 ontm1Jrd. "but dht vno bfiu.l flndud1n~ C'hurchl\IJ) But

I nnw th11t tr llithl tra\'~I" lntn th~ hi.Ii l~t l"Lteor \\'1UI th~ moat fl\nt..u. h~ :-tt U6.000 nulr• per 1u•·rontJ tu· R t' rr1t.tratld h t1 v1t'"-'• Anti Uua bua tnl\"f'l.S Int" ll at 50 rtlll:'fOh menUnnlfld hf) wu t'lttt,..,1 mlleA :t.n hour. two ot tUl m~"'l school Pt"ftJdc.nt and lhon In' " 1th the a&mt' torco movtm: M we lut l'"'l"ftGT"Jlh ~d t.h11t h o wa~ '\'OUld tit •ndlnJt •llll"' .. Thi" I dldn't ntm lt·•thtni:r n lhlrd and fourth knm.\ :<t.nd ft!'I John turnf'd b:lC"k lo ,c:Tl\U1 SundA)" 3Chool cfu:-1hf" nundt"Ops. 1 df!'Cldf!d h~ w;t111 \ Va.rnn Anden.on lrvinJ:" tn niake mr f"'f'I ... top1d, ..., f t•pfl""d h1.m nn lh• ahouldt-r an•I n"k""I for an t-xpJl\nal1on \nrl ht! ~~pll\lrf"'t ~lrnll(IC'.' '~"""· fl\WJI, nn t •mpt1A.-..Jble " trd .. (I'm ~t hkf wat .. r from n rn11rf'lt It(" w.:u:n t iaf1"'Wtnc nff '"'' h,. t(... n hnrtnr I .t kf'd. him to ""'Pt t1n thf' 11rlM1lt

r trrnu. l1'W1'. ''"'' 1n1JV' tbl" '°'°'" UHi 1'1~ C'OWIJ Ulf1 h i dltJ. \nrt tnr thr nr~I l\\'n haunt hf'

""' f!' "" Uu't md1rnt1nn!t .,r b~inJ; " "al kin,. enc' dOr'°'U:1 and l f'R• J \•f'.<f t\f'ry mlnUl4'" nf II

.Artt'I' thr fl~1 \\·rc-k John h• (' 1m,. ltlt llfl' nC th~ Pf'rl\' ltr lf"'I

'""" 91'\ng'I: •nw·nttKS .s::iiamr" "" th,. 'hu ntrtr.d wiih 1)11 thf" Jilfh but """~r ,,-.1 frttncJh , .. 1u1 nn\· ot f)\f'm (thrno~h nn ranll "f ,,,.. ..

rl~. ""' (Orn\('(I n \\'t>nUU\• U1ilf"f°"• C'l11b f<>r boy wha d1dn"t ·~nt tn ••t '''ltb i:trb1. 11.nd " H"J'tP'" ffnmrmnkfll' a club tor thr fllW' rom.anrn thal WN"t• ~und to ~uaruh Rf' J"'l "" p)l\'S ln th1•

tel moms. nnU dlt1 J>l'nlom1n~

"" lhC" bu11 Atthourf' hi• mL'Cflfl paJamA pi.rt v ~~ brokl'T\ up by thf" ~ronr.a. hL clt::",t·mol· bf.for party w1u lrh • u•·tt'"..Q lhnl thn:~ bo7'1' ,. ~ tlt'\'t'r qun,.. th,.

afkrwa..,. la!.o:n, LD~tta!.Jni.: ".A.;f'rt th~ tH

uaiom on nhg1nn John ,,,.,, .. , m h nody t.o U1ke on and rrnr

aiiy dnlormnat.Jon IOMronr t dctmcl. /o. l nli:hl wh•n d Mp at • m-,tol 'h"ro

...... ,... bt a llpl o( r--rnl .a.nt.t r C..U>ot • a U1n.J in th"'

:wtK'hatn w th John a.r,::illna: And a ~t "Aholt: h1111 IMd 'AflllhJ I><- lllOllnd. !>Okin~ d

d nJiu: tn ~boi Thi!""•.rr- ~er b • and ~C''1"•

nf' ft9PK• ~ John not Ol'l)' for tw frank hut ll<'lc;: nai.unl-

llur\llJt ~ ckbftte 8apl1At ~rl ke<l h1 How w.'fll " r•all)

Pepsi- Col:-1°

~hes-~ ..... ~

MANN BOmlNG CO. Coeut <f'Al• ,.•· lde)oo

lu.Lthar1n,. llrpburn a;I\~ hrr mo .. 1 t.lnunt\tk prrlo"11D.lll"t" UPl'\t"'lt·· Hu r• Lan1.."ll. .. l<-r In H al \ \ u.UI .. ' ~tom1y dm.rna '"Ttw; lhaJnmak"r•" .. tarllnj; Sund&.,, \ l&re:lh ! f , a1 ltw \ \ 'Umtt Thf'al rr. Th.- T ,...hnlrolnr rllm oo ..... m,,. \\•,.ntlc>IJ (or"f") and I lo)d Brldl(t".

U.die .. & Girl" W••r

Rosana Shop

WILMA T H E A T R E MOk•• I 4-509?




E¥~~11a»E@J a~-<"E

Page 4: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 4 Mar 26 1957

................................... -.i--~----~~~~~~~~-~----

City Recreation Dept. Sets Date For Baton Twirling Festival

,\ Sprtn1; Ba.ton 1'\vtrllng F"nU· ,·n..I "punaor~d by the COc!ur d'Alene l«<ir..,t.wn D<'Pl. Wiii ll<' held on \\'cdfu:aJAy, Matth 27' at 1 30 p nt in tho NUC gym

On Si\lUrda)' .MAl'eh 23. p111ct1c-r d.u.&11(' ''Ill be• held n.l 1 ·30 p m tn U1r ~Uestt gym in11.tM.d or t.h<­H:arttln~ t;~..n .\. d"~"• rt-ht:!arMI will bC" hrld tor thr cnUrc STOUP c n T\1Nil4"Y M.,.rch 20 al 7 ·oo r m.. :'ICCOrdint: to Rt"t-·rentlon t11ttrlor R~d Halpern


Mr Ku.Ung hAS pot th• .,.,,. n1 utC"nt net up on th,. tc.nnl.8 cour\. "" Lh•· ml1f'l't\' ,:mund. ond an· nm1nr·u1 that th«" court l l"C!ndy for •tudt"..ftl T~nnl:c will ~ tnC'orporal,"fJ \nt.o lhr lntr.unurnl •porl: progrn.m In t.hc ft«!'ftr future.

Slim J im•

Fonoe. Po ~ Of •ripe\ n To~a1I

/\lso no• Iv, l,, oq"" tyle.

$3.98 •

I. X. L. T oggery .., YO ... ,, .. + '4-4$40;

)11 Sh•l'f'l'l•• A,. COEU~ D'AlfNE_ iD-.HO


The intramural b • • k • l b a It toum11.mrnt opcn~d wu.Ja CUkrt 4

GU;>ll.. pl•)'lni; F"ra.ndl<n"• Fly· t'R In J;lLlflf" lwo, Kan,.• Kanp· rot.JI mf'l Smlth'1 Smuht:ra &"­"' tl'i!i .Bcas;1u and Mtllhaes1u·1 Mon_f\r(.11• dnw byf'!ll •nd playM thr Utlrd s;1trne of lbe toumt)'

Gunti f61ar· uw Ult: wln.nen of Kl\.fuN• 011.- and t"'~ facttt.I; •eb c,,t h,.r The Wlnnrr of I hat ,;amf pla)·~J lh,. w1nnr.r uf gimc thrN­Cor th( eha.mptnnatup

l'IRST r.A)I.& Fran~n'• Ft)~• dt'!H..tJ!'d Gll·

l><-rt·• Cuc.llf'l' a1 .. r;. n,. r.auu~ hrul Pt'f\"\"JO.\lN)' '\!\'VD Utt. lt•CU'" cluunplonllhlp and wen cllnWIAlod from lhc lOumamr..nt.

Fra.ud.tiotft'<ii" ~N'•l%1)

FG fT l'l' "Tl' C. Youngmnn 0 2 It Youl\j;"mlln .. 0 10 Gllb<-rl 0 I ' RonnJJi 0 0 3 0 JanSl'tn 0 l 0 l lijOrl 3 • l 10


r.111,.-rt"• (l.....U.,... (311 f"G fT 'Pl' ,.,.

St&rmurt ~ 1 0 1t Guimond l 0 n \\lilllamr 2 0 8 Pmndlcn 1 1 • Hoffhuln 0 0 0 0 Follloc l 3

lO lZ S 31

GAME TWO Kon("'• KMglarooll cHmJnat(""ll

Smith'"'ta from the lnlnt· ntural toumarru.•nt b\ down.Jn,::: them 33·32 Jan Kf'lily notc:hf"d l WO (~~ th to~ for Lht' Kanprooa In tho fin.ol _,,d t.o kttp hi• lt-run ln lbr tourney.

BOX SOORE Sm1th"i'\ Sma.<thN"- (3%)

t 'G t'T Tl" .Nnva.k 2 2 6 Jrnnlni.,"lt 3 s \"ulloU I 0.lnhAn 2 Smtth 0 ~ 8Nll 1 !I rettrs 1 3

11 10 3:

Kanr·~ """°"'""" tMI FG f'T ,.,.

l•tttni 2 1 5 K•lly 2 8 10 l""el<!'nM"n s 1 11 Kant 0 I 1 Cn\'tnf:tnn 0 0 0 &:ob<- 0 ~ 0 an....,., 0 !:'

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Y ... th• t• i.- 00qwerity .. .,. pru1tie9

., ••ll •• ~ dotht.9. food. lvrftitw..-. H d otlt• t cot11lftoditi•.1..

H. ,. •I n. ,,..n. Out nttt U-1t\id. ta tio1t i•; ~t .... <hHp l:ui1• S.OW 9ooc:ll Moderft 9quip­"'•"t . ..... '1ittt.d ,.,.,. ,...... ii po•u°bh f0t '"' to Ge lflO•t pti1tt. '"9 b.tter wit"-ovt •dH"•,.flC•.


Ptiel•n of t+i. N, l .. J . C ••• ,,;. ....

Golf and Softball Intramural Programs Will Be Organized

Cooch \\ arnm f\caUns; ha 'loat • f'd that u .t00n u lhf tnlnlnlun b.'\llketba.U .-.aon rndli ~ ..l'J'l'nn •rorta w111 .un tmm..Jiatdy ID· rludt-d ln th~ tnu-amuraJ prngnm th~ yMr ~-,u ~ ~ and 90nb:lU

A tn>phy -.1U bt av.:ardrd to lh"' 1:-nlleor :ahooUnJ;" t.hf" htc:ht'9il 1111ngl._. round ln a ~lt toum•m .. nt to bo h.-ld at lh~ t"nd "' Ou.· lll'hCMil \C".ar r.oltt' ... '.V\tl IJM' thr ltnk.11 I fft"t'\"d b\" lhr Hayden La.kc c.,u Club ( r \wl<nt pro~.

F'h·t tcama an: !\nlJoft"lcd n both J1'0N ,,,,_,,.. tramo Will boo ac1~t..-d v.1ths.n tit• n.,.xt Un·r• ,.,.,..,.1ta. A mHl n~ ,..all bf! """' ..,...fnno th~,. atT dH.lKI\ ... n 1 aJJ I~ \I.Mc~"" lntrrr ~e1 •~ U.rl:f"d 1na1t~

Mr K.,..U1u: h..l')JM" lh 1 l • n1111: rnth....iutn will ti<- olt-.i ror tiu­...pnn~ u v. u ahov.n durtn;: lM<taAll _..,, Ir "° lht• yf"Ar'a intramllnJ pror;rAm • II be: 1""'1'""1 • .CTUt .. ~

BOWLING I t"lnal l.oJtUr ,

\\ on l .,,i• .. t N011• Quatt1' Chat.. II I

Allt) C&l• Tl I!>

~PIN 3~ :u Quo Vad~• 3~ :G Omd Pini :!7 ~

' ~ Cbatl Of' Ln Roe ZS :so Fl<>ck 'o Rollcn 1~ II Cl.IT' and DoU. ll 131

I ll(> ii (oJ\)~ (1\11\ ' I

IJD\·t Snut.h 211 Don li•J"1' ZJ.'f Bill IAcl<anl ~oi

u u.u ... i:an.:.. ... <"°'' ~• l)pn Ht-,_"D :i<l:l Da•c Slnitll ~7

Jtrt)' Pfottr.;,n '1' Ill(• II 1oAM &-- , , ... u .. ..:,

[}(trotJ\y H"-n ~l.~

Ch•rl• Van Slate 18'• M.o rll.}'11 Marmall IGS Sandy ll<llnl 1~'

lllG ll Sl;Rl t-:>. tC11t11 .... ,

Don>l.h~· H•yn •.:12 Cbrrtf' Van Slat• n~ ~l&rllyn MaralWI ... ,,,

A\~t;.R \r.~ ( fOl lU .. ' 1

Domthy Heyn 11 Cbt:ri .. Van Slatf' 131 Mri.rUyn Mar•hall 1:tt S111vly Baird 121 ArlMle H&1tz 111 F'lort>n<"e Ba!u. t<r. Bonrue- Nt•wciomb 1ri:-, -... Ta.It ll>l Jania Cramp 111'1 Mu Smilh "' Oarla Jaq1uth "'

A\'T.11.AC:El:' 11\lll"'l Don B'eyn 1~n J OlT)' Pcl<'"'°n lSl Oa•·fd Smtih 150 J•n Kelly 117 Rc>n l'<!lcna HI Kratn Hn&I 110 HO"--ard Becbt.- llG Tom J< J"\1; KArl EUtn 131 JOC> Hewey 131 R....t. lDllhelalor 132 .Jam Bm.aft'y 13~ Rog-rRu....., 131 c1..,, tni;a11.1 1:!'l Dick J&.n.llH'n 1:a Clcn Fltri;er 1~1 Bob N'O\"&.k llQ K•n BNll II~ Alan lnako 116 lien H...,.., 11:. Mtlt Lani;lot.1 ll:! RAl CnutAOn 100 Ktn Ha.n.n'nC!.n 10.!

Carnation Company Fre.n Mil~ & Ice Cream

'"°"'• MO"-•'""• • ·2nl COEUR D'A.lENE. 10 ... HO

Gilbert's Gazelles Sweep League

:;p., 111c-.J b\ Ri · \ .. ounh"'m:ln • I l nt C1\bt:1 • G 17.t'llt" <1un\J"JC I

t~ .. t • Bt-as:IH tt-, lhttlr rmal diuh ot Ute inlf;llt' 34...30 Urns :om(ldln1: .., ptrft<t ~rd <'r rh r " u tand nn df'ftnlL

llUnn; lnl11'mUral rla)' th Cue: 1"'=5 JtCtlf'Cd U5c• pufnt. tn theJ1 ~ntml"' I-Cl Mon y,,ungmnn

Lh<" l;auUH lh nn,; 'i'tth G p:i n~ (N t.h ttw1 c1unt:t HI"

\l.1UI toUcmcd b) lMmm11\4" UtU IJ • wtm ta111f!d , ... ,

The win O\ .. r th'! }o1\I•~ r .a • th llmn1h n rocord trti thrr..- wl 111nd t \O

. l!

• lo 6

.. n


Tup Trn i'ror•·r"' in•al l ,1•ou:u•· lt11fl

,. m.:nu'" .,#l

~\ n flonnf'H :.1 Je:IT)• f'ttl~n•on "' Eml• Jennlnp ,,, Oo'u Od"h~J"\ I· Tom l\Jlne ·11. en lljnrl !!:>

""''>' Spc:nter 31 8111 Gu m'>nti 3 1 Clark ,. .. randMn ll

Sociology Spin a platter ... ha'·e M>mP chatter • ••

and "'P th:&t W.J i::r""t !.'We of Coke.

Sun., you tan h:l\'e :& p:irl} ,..,thoul

Coca-Colu-but who wanl.5 tu!