The NextGen Worker - Embrace the Millennial Workstyle


Transcript of The NextGen Worker - Embrace the Millennial Workstyle

2 © Jive confidential

Meet the Speakers

@MillennialXpert @JoeRotella @ElisaSteele

3 © Jive confidential

Different Times – Different Styles

• Baby Boomers (1946 - 1964)– Competitive workaholics– Optimistic– Results oriented– Live to work

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Different Times – Different Styles

• Generation X (1965-1980)– Independent self-starters– Entrepreneurial traits– Not quite attached to their employer

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Different Times – Different Styles

• Millennials or Generation Y (1981-2000)– Non-conformists– Collaborative– Socially conscious– Demanding– Multi-tasking– Works to live

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Millennials and Technology

• Fluent and comfortable with technology– 74% feel that new technology makes their lives easier– 54% feel new technology helps them be closer to their friends and family

• Founded the social media movement• Glued to their smartphones

– Used more than any other generation– 83% say they sleep with them!

• It’s more than social

* Source: Nielsen 2/26/2014

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Social Media is Everywhere

• If Facebook were a country, it’s the third largest in the world (China, India)

• 53% of Millennials would rather lose their sense of smell than their technology

• Every 2 seconds someone joins LinkedIn

* Source:, 4/16/2014

• Grandparents are the fastest growing demographic on Twitter

• The :06 Vine is the new :30 commercial

• The average person as a :07 attention span

• Image-centric networks are seeing huge success

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All This Impacts Work

1. Recruiting

2. Mentoring

3. Communication

4. Performance Management

5. Incentives

The NextGen Worker

Anne Donovan PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP2014


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‘Kids these days …’

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PwC NextGen: A Global Generational Study

In collaboration with University of Southern California and London Business School

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The largest global generational study

18 territories

300 interviews

30 focus groups

44,000 surveys completed

1,000 millennials and

45 leaders jamming

12 researchers from USC & LBS

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When you were born makes a difference

Social needs:• Team cohesion• Supervisor support & appreciation• Flexibility

Transactional needs: • Control over work• Development opportunities• Pay satisfaction

Non-millennial (before 1980) Millennial (1980—1995)

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The need for flexibility …

• 20% females• 15% males

Work is a thing not a place

Rethink workinghours

Less hours for less pay $

would accept at least 20% less pay - and a slower promotion schedule - in order to work a 40 hour week

Flexibility FlexibilityFlexibility

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Lower tolerance for meaningless work

More millennialssay their work is repetitive and boring

Make sure your people know why they’re doing what they’re doing!

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Cut to the chase …

Make it meaningful

Appreciate them

Recognize them

Be flexible

Embrace the Millennial Workstyle!