the new people

Thursday 2nd December 2010 50 pence SOVEREIGNTY UP FOR GRABS Courtesy of Peter Richard Caruana, Gibraltar‟s sovereignty is up for grabs after he told reporters in Seville last week that if an Andorra type solution for Gibraltar were to be proposed by Madrid he might possibly recommend it to the people of Gibraltar in a referendum. The signal given by the Chief Minister is that he is now prepared to dilute British sovereignty and to see Spain become part-owner of Gibraltar, despite people having voted against not even an inch of sovereignty being negotiable with Spain, or with any other party, in the 2002 referendum. Several reports in the UK press are saying that it is without precedent that a political leader in Gibraltar should be the one offering to surrender sovereignty to Spain, be it partially or fully, with some political ob- servers making straight comparisons with the Aznar- Blair talks on joint sovereignty, when the offer to put any final proposal to the people of Gibraltar in a refer- endum was made by the then Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw. It would appear that the objection by Peter Caru- ana then was not that the discussions were about joint sovereignty, as everybody thought, but that he was not a part of the talks and this is why he made such a big song and dance about it being a ―Done Deal‖. Now it is he that has shocked and stunned Gibraltarians, includ- ing many of his own supporters, by advocating the same ―Done Deal‖ including putting it to a referendum, except that on this occasion the one calling for a joint sovereignty deal is him instead of it being the Prime Ministers of Spain and the United Kingdom. There are some GSD stalwarts that cannot believe that Caruana has gone all the way to Seville to announce this u-turn, suggesting perhaps that it was a slip of the tongue under pressure from Spanish journalists. This is certainly not borne out by the coded messages he has been sending out through his speeches at the United Nations or his public call to Spain asking that proposals on sovereignty should be put to him in the Tripartite Forum and not to the United Kingdom in the Brussels Agreement. He has recently been behaving a bit like Cont. Page 2 SAYING OF THE WEEK A computer makes as many mistakes in two seconds as twenty men working twenty years.


weekly newspaper

Transcript of the new people


Thursday 2nd December 2010 50 pence


UP FOR GRABS Courtesy of Peter Richard Caruana, Gibraltar‟s sovereignty is up for grabs after he told reporters in

Seville last week that if an Andorra type solution for Gibraltar were to be proposed by Madrid he might

possibly recommend it to the people of Gibraltar in a referendum. The signal given by the Chief Minister

is that he is now prepared to dilute British sovereignty and to see Spain become part-owner of Gibraltar,

despite people having voted against not even an inch of sovereignty being negotiable with Spain, or with

any other party, in the 2002 referendum.

Several reports in the UK press are saying that it is

without precedent that a political leader in Gibraltar

should be the one offering to surrender sovereignty to

Spain, be it partially or fully, with some political ob-

servers making straight comparisons with the Aznar-

Blair talks on joint sovereignty, when the offer to put

any final proposal to the people of Gibraltar in a refer-

endum was made by the then Foreign Secretary, Jack

Straw. It would appear that the objection by Peter Caru-

ana then was not that the discussions were about joint

sovereignty, as everybody thought, but that he was not

a part of the talks and this is why he made such a big

song and dance about it being a ―Done Deal‖. Now it is

he that has shocked and stunned Gibraltarians, includ-

ing many of his own supporters, by advocating the

same ―Done Deal‖ including putting it to a referendum,

except that on this occasion the one calling for a joint

sovereignty deal is him instead of it being the Prime

Ministers of Spain and the United Kingdom.

There are some GSD stalwarts that cannot believe that

Caruana has gone all the way to Seville to announce

this u-turn, suggesting perhaps that it was a slip of the

tongue under pressure from Spanish journalists. This is

certainly not borne out by the coded messages he has

been sending out through his speeches at the United

Nations or his public call to Spain asking that proposals

on sovereignty should be put to him in the Tripartite

Forum and not to the United Kingdom in the Brussels

Agreement. He has recently been behaving a bit like

Cont. Page 2


A computer makes as many mistakes in two seconds

as twenty men working twenty years.


The New People_________________________________________________________

Jekyll and Mr Hyde, giving the impression that he will

wage war before conceding an inch of our territorial wa-

ters when addressing selected gatherings at after dinner

speeches, but sending a clear signal to Spain that he

alone, of all political leaders before him and now, is the

one prepared to go the extra mile and negotiate away the

sovereignty of Gibraltar.

To add insult to injury, in a radio programme broadcast

by the Spanish network ―Canal Sur‖, Caruana was asked

point blank whether he did not feel just a bit Andalusian,

to wh ich he r ep l ied , ―Geograf icamen te

Si!‖ [Geographically yes!]. He then camouflaged that an-

swer a bit by saying that although there was certainly An-

dalusian influence in Gibraltar, he was still a supporter of

Manchester United, as if that alone could absolve him of

his sins. For most Gibraltarians Andalucía stops at the

frontier which is where Gibraltar begins. He then talked

of relations between Gibraltar and Spain never having

been better. He described them as ―constructive‖ and

―without precedent‖ despite the very serious dispute af-

fecting our territorial waters which he keeps on telling

everyone in his after dinner speeches is the most serious

threat Gibraltar has faced, although he simultaneously

blames the United Kingdom for this, for not being tough

enough in defending our waters. The Jekyll and Hyde

syndrome surfacing again!

Readers will undoubtedly recall that Peter Cummings was

kicked out of the GSD when he was an elected member of

the party in Opposition precisely because he advocated an

Andorra style solution for Gibraltar. The instigator of that

plot was Peter Caruana who has now turned full circle

and is advocating the Andorra solution himself. Perhaps

he thought then that the timing was not right and might

have mistakenly believed that people in Gibraltar today

are ready to negotiate away the sovereignty of Gibraltar,

something which he seems to have always been prepared

to do despite his rumblings about sovereignty being safe

in his hands inside and outside the Tripartite Forum. Well

now we know it is not, it is up for grabs thanks to him,

with Spain not having ceded one inch of their historical

position but with a Gibraltar political leader having of-

fered Spain 50% of Gibraltar on a plate, something his pal

Jose Carracao, who showers him with compliments and

Caruana ruffles his feathers like a peacock in hearing

them, has said is a brave move on Caruana‘s part that

should be reciprocated by Madrid . Madrid, however,

wants more!

Caruana‘s announcement is already causing ripples

within the GSD. This week Maurice Xiberras, a former

Leader of the Opposition who has been writing letters in

the media praising him for the way he has been conduct-

ing relations with Spain, has withdrawn his support for

Peter Caruana, calling for a retraction of the statement

and saying that his Ministers should disassociate them-

selves with the Seville statement. It will be recalled that

Xiberras stood for election with Danny Feetham as part of

the Labour Group in the 2003 election, although he was

not elected into Parliament. Both stood defending Integra-

tion with Britain, so it is not inconceivable that Xiberras

should expect that, at least, Danny Feetham should disas-

sociate himself with Caruana‘s controversial declarations

calling on an Andorra type constitution for Gibraltar.

SOVEREIGNTY UP... from front page


The new Cumberland Terraces project has been the one most affected by the heavy downpour of the past few days

with some twenty residents reporting water penetration and dampness in their flats and with water having filtered into

the exterior electricity system resulting in the light fittings filling with rain water. It is thought that more flats have

suffered water penetration but that only owners of those occupied have presently reacted. All reports of water penetra-

tion and dampness have been passed on to the Government owned Gibraltar Residential Property Company which

was responsible for selling the flats.

The Fire Brigade received a very high number of emergency calls; water seems to have filtered into the shafts of the

lifts at Alameda House where several flats also suffered severe water penetration: in Bado‘s Building the leaks and

flooding caused damage to a number of flats and to the communal areas; at Waterport Terraces, the new Government

sponsored home ownership scheme, a number of tenants reported dampness and water penetration and a lady had to

move in with relatives after her flat at Albert Risso House was severely flooded.

Severe flooding was also reported at several points along Queensway, at Wellington Front causing damage to vehi-

cles parked there and at Chatham Counterguard where the commercial units recently put out to tender by the Govern-

ment were also flooded. At the Leisure Centre [which cost £11 million] the damage caused by the flooding could run

into thousands of pounds due to extensive damage caused to the Bowling Alley on the ground floor. The Leisure Cen-

tre has been experiencing water penetration since it was opened.



Opposition Leader, Joe Bossano, has always said that the only opinion poll that counts is the election

result on polling day, and he has said this whether opinion polls conducted by the media have predicted

his party was ahead or trailing. The opinion poll published by the Gibraltar Chronicle in May this year

had the GSLP/LIBS in the lead and the one published last week has the opposite result with the GSD

now in the lead. In May this newspaper said that the system used by the Gibraltar Chronicle was not

very dependable because it is done face to face and many people refuse to tell anyone what their elec-

toral preference is. It was the two opinion polls together, the one conducted by the Gibraltar Chronicle

and the one conducted by the daily newspaper Panorama, which is confidential, that gave the strongest

indication yet that the Opposition had overtaken the Government in popularity amongst voters, particu-

larly taking into account that the GSD won the last elections by the slightest of margins, 350 votes. Pe-

ter Caruana has, since then, been conducting an intensive propaganda campaign to try and get the May

opinion poll reversed and would like us all to believe that he has achieved this, although he knows bet-

ter. Certainly the Chronicle must believe that he has done so because it has said that the completion of

some of the ongoing public projects has possibly had an influence on voters.

This newspaper is of the opinion that the Chronicle opinion poll on its own cannot be relied upon to re-

flect the voting intentions of the electorate because of the way it has been conducted. Most of the peo-

ple polled were questioned over their voting intentions at three main points in Gibraltar; the area of the

Piccadilly Gardens by the Alameda Estate, the entrance to the Morrison Supermarket and Ocean Vil-

lage. At least one of the persons asking the questions is perceived to be a strong supporter of the GSD

because that person writes for the ―Seven Days‖ newspaper. Without counting the amount of people

that would have refused to participate in the poll, of those that agreed to participate, 23% are shown as

undecided. If this poll is accurate, we would still not have an inkling of how voters are thinking be-

cause it would be this large percentage of undecided voters that will eventually decide the election. It

is, however, the fact that the poll is conducted face to face that increases the percentage of undecided

voters because it includes people who want to be polite with the pollsters and co-operate, but who do

not want to let it be known how they would vote, particularly if they believe that the person asking the

questions is of a particular political persuasion.

The poll has certainly raised the morale of those staunch fanatics of the GSD who are out in the streets

every day trying to defend the indefensible. Some were even seen distributing photocopies of the re-

sults of the poll published in the Chronicle. A little fly at No 6 Convent Place informs us that Peter Ca-

ruana was overjoyed with the result, not because he actually believes it but because he thinks that the

poll result will help this intensive propaganda campaign he is engaged in to try and save his political

skin. He sees the poll as another ingredient in his attempt to turn the cards on his opponents, not as the

proof that he already has. If he did believe the results of the poll he would be planning an election for

January and there is no indication that any politician is preparing to spend Christmas knocking at peo-

ple‘s doors and asking them for their vote or pasting up posters. As the saying goes; the proof of the

pudding is in the eating and no-one is planning to eat anything other than Christmas pudding this side

of the New Year.


Published by “The New People” Publishing Ltd

Icom House, 1/5 Irish Town,

Suite No. 6/608

PO Box 561,


Tel: 54374000

Editor: Juan Carlos Perez

The New People_________________________________________________________


The New People_________________________________________________________


ROCK HOTEL, GIBRALTAR For Appointments Ring Tel: 20071414


According to reports in the Spanish media, Peter Caru-

ana said in Seville last week that he had been seriously

thinking of proposing to Spain that the freight handling

of all aircraft landing at the Gibraltar Airport should be

done in La Linea, on Spanish soil, by employees of La

Linea. That is to say, all cargo arriving by air in Gibral-

tar, whether with a Gibraltar or Spanish destination,

including the Royal Mail presumably, would be han-

dled by Spanish employees paying Spanish taxes and

Spanish social security and employed in Spain even

though they would have to enter British territory in or-

der to carry out part of their functions. This, say the

Spanish press reports, was an idea that Peter Caruana

had, but he did not proceed with it due to the threat by

Alejandro Sanchez, Mayor of La Linea, of imposing a

frontier toll on vehicles leaving Gibraltar. The Gibral-

tarians have only been made aware of the intentions of

the Chief Minister because he is said to have revealed

this in an interview in ―Canal Sur Radio‖ in Seville.

Neither he, nor Employment Minister Luis Montiel, nor

any other of his Ministers for that matter, have in-

formed anyone in Gibraltar, neither Parliament nor the

unions, that the Government intended to reserve jobs

for Spain to fill as if they were Spanish, jobs that have

hitherto been undertaken in Gibraltar because this is the

territory and jurisdiction where these jobs exist.

Reaction By La Linea Mayor

As a result of these revelations Alejandro Sanchez

came under attack this week from the General Secre-

tary of the Spanish Socialist Party in La Linea, Gemma

Araujo, who blamed his policies for having lost La

Linea much needed jobs given that there are 10,000

registered unemployed in the city. The Mayor of La

Linea has dismissed the criticism of his political oppo-

nents saying that this had been one of his own ideas

which he had raised with Madrid in the past and that he

was glad that Peter Caruana shared his views, although

in order for this to be feasible, the Mayor believes that

a special fiscal status for La Linea needs to be granted

in order to eliminate what he describes as the inequality

that exists between La Linea and Gibraltar, and so that

the city may compete on equal terms with Gibraltar.

Sanchez added that he was very pleased that Caruana

was in the same wavelength as he is and supporting this

special tax status for La Linea.


The New People_________________________________________________________


It has already been announced that there will be a Christmas

tree at Casemates and that the Mayor, Tony Lombard, will be

doing the honours on the day the tree is to be lit up. What

strikes this columnist as odd, very odd indeed, is that no

Christmas lights should have been put up at Casemates. The

Government have decided to light up half of the Trafalgar

Junction, possibly because there are insufficient lights for the

whole junction, but have placed no lights at all at Casemates.

Is this not the centre of night life in Gibraltar, Caruana‘s great

vision of providing leisure for the people of Gibraltar where

he was seen dancing on top of a restaurant table one Christ-

mas, not so long ago. So what has happened to this dream that

he first withdraws the special licences for after-hours music

and now he decides not to put up any Christmas lights or

decorations? Who is he trying to punish?


This columnist backs the call by the Panorama newspaper for

a public holiday to be granted on the 29th April, a Friday, so

loyal Gibraltarians can stay at home and watch the Royal

Wedding on the TV screens. There seems to have been an at-

tempt to give the announcement of the wedding little promi-

nence despite the great interest and joy that there is amongst

the population that Prince William, the heir to the throne, is

tying the knot. Could this be so as not to upset our neighbours,

particularly against the background of Caruana calling for an

Andorra style solution? Would our Queen, the Queen of Gi-

braltar, continue to be Queen of Gibraltar if Caruana‘s propos-

als were to be implemented or would sovereignty be shared

with the Spanish monarch? Let us celebrate OUR Royal Wed-

ding, put up screens at key points in Gibraltar; in any case

those that are afraid of openly celebrating will have already

left for Sotogrande the night before to join those who re-

nounce their nationality by saying they are citizens of the



The message is at long last getting through. There are com-

ments in the internet asking where all the electricity is going

to come from for the developments coming on stream. It‘s a

good thing that many of the expensive flats built have not

been occupied because if they had, there would be more

power cuts than we are already getting today. The problem is

that the contract for the power station has not yet been granted

so it will be at least three years before we have sufficient elec-

tricity for our needs and the new Air Terminal alone will use a

great amount of electricity due to the air conditioners etc.

Imagine arriving from UK at this huge Air Terminal in an air-

port described by Caruana as ―international‖, but with a black-

out, no electricity. Third World! When will the skid genera-

tors be arriving Peter?




by Fly On The Wall


Papers recently released in Spain show that General

Franco was preparing to cede a big chunk of the Sa-

hara to the Polisario in a bid to comply with UN prin-

ciples for decolonisation in order to protect Spain‘s

position over Gibraltar with the argument of territorial

integrity, and Ceuta and Melilla because both African

enclaves were already integrated into the Spanish

state. Just before the dictator died he fell out with King

Hassan of Morocco who wrote to Franco telling him

that the Polisario were his natural enemies because

they stood for everything he had fought against in the

Spanish Civil War. Franco ignored the King of Mo-

rocco and fell ill, and this is said to be what provoked

the Green March into the Sahara. Franco was prepared

to sacrifice the Sahara thinking he had a watertight

case over Gibraltar in the UN. Today, after Bossano

has demolished that case year after year, not even

Franco would be sure of his ground.


In an interview on the Spanish Radio Channel ―Canal

Sur‖, Peter Caruana has declared that there is a great

Andalusian influence in Gibraltar; that he likes to fol-

low the UK football league and that there is no prece-

dent to the constructive nature of Gibraltar‘s relations

with Spain. Does Peter Caruana live in the same world

as the rest of us? Constructive? Why did he not say

this in Algeciras last week when he was informed by a

civil servant that the scheduled ministerial meeting

had been postponed yet again? Does he really believe

that the waters dispute reflects constructive relations

with Spain without precedent‖? Either the man has de-

lusions or he is trying to kid us all into believing that

black is white and that white is black.



by Montis Insignia Calpe

The New People_________________________________________________________


We have now had a business concern going for the last year or

so and we can thank our stars that we were right in taking the

plunge when we did for it seems that, at least, a few of them

are on our side and that our ‗marketing efforts‘ – even if we

are saying it – appear to be paying dividends – not too much –

but enough to be ‗most encouraging‘! So, and thus encour-

aged, we have established a policy of ‗taking out to lunch‘,

quite regularly, our best twelve customers and, of course, like

everybody else, we take them to one of the best restaurants in

Irish Town – the one where most lawyers, solicitors – and

‗bigger‘ businessmen take their favourite clients. Now, and as

everybody knows, all our ‗lunch companions‘ are very talka-

tive people and, during our lunch, they started to talk of ‗this

and that that is going on in Gibraltar and, sometimes, ‗out of

it‘! And, of course, it is no secret that ‗what goes out of Gi-

braltar‘, quite regularly, are cigarettes – cartons and cartons of

them – and that was part of the conversation that was ‗on the

menu‘, the other day – and the second part was, of course,

‗politics‘! Our ‗lunch parties‘, if you can call them that, con-

sist of four well-known businessmen. And, as lunch pro-

gressed, these businessmen‘s conversation was well under

control but, as time and drinks ‗went by‘, that ‗control‘ was

progressively being ‗lost‘ and we – and our neighbours at

nearby tables – could hear, quite well, what they were all say-

ing – the ‗gist‘ of which was that one of them said that the

GSLP/LIB would win the next election and that Bossano

would be Chief Minister for the first six or nine months of the

first year in office and that he would then ‗hand over‘ to his

‗elected successor‘ – whoever that might be! Another one of

them told him ‗not to be silly‘ for, as everyone knew, people

would not vote for Joe because they were ‗scared‘ of what he

could do if in Government again – and he referred to the ‗fast

launches‘ and to the ‗off-shore tobacco business‘ and, almost

as an ‗afterthought‘, to the many ‗well-placed‘ businessmen

who provided the ‗cargo‘ and who ‗financed‘ the ‗trade‘ – but,

who, did not ‗get the blame‘ – only Joe did – thanks to the

‗hate campaign‘ orchestrated by PRC and his henchmen! And,

then, the third one – who had been very quite and sipping his

‗tinto‘ – burst into the conversation and said that he ‗had it‘

from a ‗good ink‘ – that Peter Caruana (El (supuesto) Cid de la

Saga del Tabaco) in those far-off days) was quite aware that

the ‗Tobacco Contraband Trade‘ was, nowadays, even more

‗rampant‘ and ‗more firmly established‘ than it had ever been

in Bossano‘s days and that the quantities of boxes of cartons of

cigarettes that were now making their way out of Gibraltar into

Spain in all sorts of ‗transport‘ (and, it could even be hinted!)

containers (which never even came into Gib!) surpassed the

quantities ‗exported‘ in those days and nights – without count-

ing those that crossed the Frontier well-hidden by the matut-

eras under their dresses in their ‗nether regions‘! And, at this

stage, the fourth one – having solemnly finished his cocacola –

and with an impression on his face of ‗having more than an

expert knowledge in the ins-and-outs of this trade – told the

Group that the ‗Trade‘ was very well organised these days and

that there were very ‗big people‘ – both, from Spain and Gib –

in the ratio of (nearly) 5 to 1, respectively, who had their

‗fingers‘ well ‗in the Trade‘ – and their ‗hands‘ well-

manipulating all the moves e.g. when and where ‗the soldiers‘

had to be and at what times‘ as the frontier would then be

‗clear‘ for the transit of what, some of them, were now refer-


The New People_________________________________________________________

ring to as ‗el bacalao‘ – which had to be moved from where ‗it

was‘ to where ‗it should be‘! And, with that, and in conclusion,

he said that he had already ‗said too much‘ and that ‗as time

was of the essence‘, the ‗bill‘ should be paid and all of us

should make our ways to our respective offices – and ‗that was

that‘ – except for what the initiator of the conversation said as

he stood up from his chair – Y Caruana, con esto del tabaco –

mas callao que en misa – y, con las politicas de el Montesino ye

el Landaluce, ya no sabe si va o si viene! Y, como dicen por

ahi, El Gobierno Espanol is tightening the screws con lo del

contrabando de lo cigarillos en el Campo – but not too tightly –

for the unemployed in the Campo have to eat…!


The ‗man‘ seems to be a ‗glutton for punishment‘! He should

stay at home and stop accepting invitations to go ‗lecturing‘ to

people or to students who had, apparently – judging from the

‗audience‘ at the ‗Cadiz University Talks‘ at Algeciras the

other day – no real ‗interest‘ in what Peter Caruana had to say

to them! The video clips shown on GBC portrayed an

‗audience‘ that looked not only ‗disinterested‘ but, also, com-

pletely bored to a ‗state‘ of ‗disanimation‘! Sr Montesino,

among everything else he said ‗relegated‘ Peter Caruana to be-

ing ‗a participant‘ at the Trilateral Hash – at ‗a par‘ with him –

a Spanish ‗official‘ from the Spanish Foreign Office! That, of

course, was meant to be ‗quite a punch‘ below the belt! And,

then, he really ‗dropped‘ the ‗clanger‘ when he told Peter Caru-

ana that ‗Spain could only recognise a ‗frontier‘ control at

Casemates – the current Four Corners one being regarded

purely as the ‗verja‘ and a police and customs ‗control‘ – and

we ask – is that why the Cordoba Agreement re ‗fluidity‘ and

Red and Green‘ (real!) Channels are not in ‗operation‘ yet?

And, since in that ‗scenario‘, Gibraltar‘s Western Beach is still

‗part‘ of the disputed Isthmus – between the ‗police and cus-

toms post‘ and the ‗frontier at Casemates‘ is it really true that

‗selected‘ residents of La Linea are permitted to answer ‗certain

calls of nature‘ at the drain which has been laid by Alejandrito

and which finishes at the Beach mentioned above – hence the

‗pollution‘ which now prevents Gibraltar residents from ‗using‘

that beach for pleasure? And, as if he had not said enough, he

also ‗brought in‘ the ‗statement‘ that Thatcher‘s Government

had provided Spain with written admission that ‗the UK was no

longer interested in Gibraltar and that with written admission

that ‗the UK was no longer interested in Gibraltar and that the

Treaty of Utrecht applied in as much as the UK would not mind

‗surrendering‘ Gibraltar to Spain via the Brussels Mistake!

Wow – and Wow! Obviously, Sr Montesino does not ‗think

much‘ of Peter Caruana! And, then, we have Landaluce com-

ing into ‗the act‘ and telling Peter Caruana that the Partido

Popular will ‗put paid‘ to the Trilateral Hash – ‗back burners‘

and all! Wow – and more Wow – Peter…!


The ‗Gib Chroc‘ told Gibraltar the other day that a ‗face-to-

face‘ poll of GSD members had produced the result that the

GSD would win the next election ‗hands-down‘ – the reasons

for its ‗bounce-back‘ being the announcement of its projects;

the handling of the Sanchez toll saga and of the Guardia Civil

incidents – the ‗projects‘ – and their ‗aftermaths‘ – tell another

story and Alejandrito is still there and the G.C. ‗incidents‘ have

brought with them a ‗claim‘ from Spain that Gibraltar has no

‗waters‘ –well done GSD – another bounce-back like this one

will place you even below the PDP!


This guy has, it seems, made a great study of our Chief Minis-

ter as, in connection with some comments made by the latter

recently, the former has accused the latter of being

‗highhanded, arrogant and resorting to inelegant manoeuvres

such as false facts and confusion‘! We do not dispute that, on

occasions, Peter – on a bad day in the Parliament – can resort to

‗spurts‘ of ‗arrogance, highhandedness and a few other inele-

gant adjectives‘ but, definitely, not to using ‗false facts‘ for a

‗fact‘ is a ‗state of reality‘ and ‗a reality‘ cannot be ‗unreal‘!


So Peter Caruana went to Sevilla to talk a bit more in the

‗FORO EUROPA‘! We have already suggested to Peter that he

should ‗stay at home‘ and ‗to keep quiet‘ and ‗to stop putting

his foot in it‘ but, it seems, he has done so again when he de-

clared that he ‗would personally support an Andorra style –

post 1993 constitution – status as part of a negotiated political

settlement with Britain and Spain – if it were on offer.‘! And,

it seems, that as an ‗afterthought‘, he added that this would

come about following consultation of the people of Gibraltar

through a referendum! Now, Peter Caruana, is the Chief Minis-

ter of Gibraltar and as such – and before expressing his

‗personal‘ views – he should always bear in mind that he has no

‗mandate‘, as yet, from the people, to make any ‗offer‘ – con-

cerning Gibraltar‘s ‗sovereignty‘ – to any country or countries;

that Andorra – whatever is said in its latest – ‗constitution‘ – is

still a country that has ‗dual sovereignty‘ between Spain and

France and that the people of Gibraltar have, very recently, said

a ‗VERY BIG NO‘ to a ‗dual sovereign deal‘ with a Spain that

has harassed it for more years than anyone can remember!

However – and as many ‗things‘ have been said in the two fo-

rums that Peter Caruana has attended recently – this Chief Min-

ister of ours – who seems to ‗behave‘ as if he does not trust the

people of Gibraltar – must be asked if he knows ‗something‘ –

which makes him keep on ‗suggesting‘ to Spain that he should

be ‗the negotiator‘ on any ‗offer‘ of a settlement of Spain‘s

‗claim‘ on our sovereignty‘ – and, in those circumstances – and

in the light of Sr Montesino‘s reference to ‗Thatcher‘s Govern-

ment written admission‘ to Gibraltar‘s ‗future‘ – whether, in

fact, there is ‗a hidden agenda‘ between Britain and Spain – and

him – to ‗work‘ on the people of Gibraltar in order to ‗convert

them‘ to think with ‗favour‘ on the possibility of ‗a solution‘ on

an ‗Andorran‘ basis and, if so, to call for a referendum on

those lines NOW – so that we are all ‗clear‘ on what is ‗going

on‘ behind our backs – for, in such a scenario, it should never

be forgotten ‗que el que fue a Sevilla perdio su silla‘……


The New People_________________________________________________________



The Rotary Club of Gibraltar have organised a full night of entertainment for their Christmas Charity Concert

this year which will take place at St Michael‘s Cave next Friday the 10th December. Performing will be local pi-

anist, Aaron Monteverde, the Band and Corps of Drums of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment and the Gibraltar Na-

tional Choir. Your host for the night will be Henry Sacramento. A raffle will take place during the evening for

the holders of Souvenir Programmes which will be sold at £5. The Rotary Club is urging their members and

guests to buy souvenir programmes for the raffle for friends and relatives too. All proceeds go towards the Gi-

braltar Regiment Welfare Fund and the Calpe House Fund and the prizes are really great. The star prize of the

night will be an all-inclusive romantic Valentine‘s weekend for two at the Mill Hotel and Spa in the Roman city

of Chester, UK. Make it a date next Friday!

The Opposition are urging the Govern-

ment to declare April 29th 2011 as a one-

off bank holiday to allow the people of

Gibraltar to celebrate the wedding of

their future King and Queen, Prince Wil-

liam and his bride Catherine Middleton.

The United Kingdom has already an-

nounced this. In a clear reference to the

controversial comments over joint sover-

eignty made by Peter Caruana last week

in Seville, they argue that the Prince,

who is second in line to succeed Queen

Elizabeth 1, will be the SOLE King of

Gibraltar one day and that, in order to

allow the people of Gibraltar to fully

participate and celebrate the Royal Wed-

ding the Government should accede to

their request and grant the bank holiday.

The Opposition says that Gibraltar has

always maintained a close relationship

with the Royal family and that, although

Her Majesty the Queen has not visited

Gibraltar since 1954, probably due to

pressure from the Foreign Office in or-

der not to upset Spain, other senior

members of her family have done so, the

last being Princess Anne who came to Gibraltar to open the MOD Medical Centre and was snubbed by Peter Ca-

ruana, who did not welcome her at the tarmac at the instigation of Spanish Senator, Jose Carracao, who called on

him to lower the profile of the visit and threatened to kill off the Tripartite Talks if he did not. Carracao later

thanked Caruana for the gesture. The Opposition also recall that when Prince Charles married Prince William‘s

mother, Princess Diana, the couple chose to start their honeymoon in Gibraltar by embarking here on the Royal

Yacht Britannia. The King and Queen of Spain boycotted the wedding amidst strong protests.


The New People_________________________________________________________


It appears that Don Quixote is still out fighting

windmills and will not make an appearance in

Gibraltar before the end of the year as had been

planned. It has been reported in the Spanish me-

dia that it is now officially confirmed that the

―Instituto Cervantes‖ in Market Lane will not be

opening its doors to the public in Decembers as

had previously been announced. The estimated

completion date of the ongoing works is mid-

February which is when the official inauguration

is now expected to take place. Normally, an in-

ternational branch of the ―Instituto‖ would be

opened by the Spanish heir to the throne, Prince

Felipe and his wife, Princess Leticia. However,

since the branch that is being opened is in Gi-

braltar, it is not thought appropriate at this stage

for any member of the Spanish Royal family to

visit Gibraltar. At present, the plans are for the

Director of the ―Instituto Cervantes‖ in Madrid,

Carmen Caffarel, to open the Gibraltar branch.




8.30pm for 9.00pm Price per person £30








The Mayor of La Linea, Alejandro Sanchez, has

said this week that he still intends to proceed

with the introduction of a frontier toll, although

now he has hinted that it might only be applica-

ble to vehicles carrying materials for land recla-

mation works into Gibraltar. This has provoked

an attack from the regional General Secretary of

the Spanish Socialist Party, Francisco Gonzalez

Cabana, who has said that the Mayor has got

himself into an almighty mess over the frontier

toll and now does not know how to get out of the

hole he is in. He accuses Sanchez of theatrics and

says that a week does not pass by without a new

surprise from the Mayor, this week being that the

toll will only apply to heavy laden vehicles. Ca-

bana added that it is clear that the whole question

of the toll is a smokescreen by Sanchez who has

not only inherited the problems left behind by

Juan Carlos Juarez, but that he has become the

symbol of all that Juarez and the GIL party stood

for and which has brought La Linea to its knees.


The New People_________________________________________________________


Local artist, Maribel Matthews, is presently exhibiting a selection of photographs and paintings dedicated to Venice

on the Upper Gallery of the Arts Gallery at Casemates. “Venice, Behind the Mask”, depicts an exciting and colourful

display of oil paintings and photographs of the Carnival of Venice which Maribel has captured vividly. A stunning

display worth visiting! Photographs and paintings are reasonably priced.


The New People_________________________________________________________


The New People_________________________________________________________




SUNDAY 12TH DECEMBER 2010 at 1600 hrs

Tickets at £5 per child (present included)

(must provide name, sex and age of child)


TEL: 20050700


The New People_________________________________________________________


Cauliflower Cheese

Ingredients [4 persons]

1 large cauliflower divided into florets,

3 tbsp butter

[For the cheese sauce]

1 clove,

1 bay leaf,

1 small onion,

600ml milk,

25g butter,

25g plain flour,

200ml single cream,

1 tsp English mustard,

250g mature cheddar,

1 pinch black pepper,

1 pinch freshly grated nutmeg.

How to prepare: Bring a pan of salted water to the boil and lightly

cook the cauliflower florets. Drain.

[The sauce] To make the sauce, first stud the clove through the

bay leaf and into the onion and place in a saucepan with milk.

Warm the milk slowly, this will allow the flavours to infuse into

the milk. In a separate saucepan, melt the butter, and stir in the

flour. Cook over a low heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly.

Add the simmering milk, a ladle at a time, continuing to stir until

the mixture is thick and smooth. Bubble gently for 5-6 minutes.

Remove the onion and add the cream. Stir in the mustard and

200g of the grated cheese. Season to taste with salt, freshly

ground black pepper and a little nutmeg.

Warm three tablespoons of butter in a frying pan and add the cau-

liflower florets. Roll them in the butter, without allowing them to

colour, and then season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Set the oven to 200c. Spoon a little cheese sauce into an oven-

proof dish; arrange the cauliflower on top and coat with more of

the sauce. Sprinkle the last of the grated cheese on top and bake

for 10-15 minutes, until the cheese is bubbling and golden. You

may use another cheese that melts depending on your taste.



In order to identify the best pumpkin in the market it is

essential that you ensure that the surface is hard, that it

is matt as opposed to shiny, that it is heavy and that it

still has the stem because it helps to conserve the water

inside the pumpkin. If you want to prepare an easy and

quick seasonal puree, just steam some pumpkin pulp

with onions and mix in the electric blender.


When grilling mushrooms you sometimes find that

they release a lot of water and finish up boiled instead

of grilled. To avoid this you should not add salt to the

mushrooms until they are grilled. This will not affect

the taste.


If you have cooked lentils and find that the potage is a

bit watery, just get a lapel of the potage and blend,

then return to the potage and heat. The potage will get



A Spanish omelette is prepared with potatoes and is

very fattening. If you want a low calorie alternative,

substitute half of the potatoes with marrows and cook

the omelette in the microwave with as little oil as pos-



The New People_________________________________________________________

DE SALLY of 9 Cornwall’s Parade For all your soft furnishings, ready made curtains

[up to 274 cm drop], Quilt Covers,

Bedding Items etc,

Ring us at 20040373 or pay us a visit and discuss your requirements with our friendly personnel. DON’T DILLY DALLY-COME TO DE SALLY

Our guest writer this week is a person that was very close to the union power base in the 1970’s and who

has known Luis Montiel since he used to belong to the Young Christian Workers movement, when he was

a simple “unskilled” employee of the UK’s Department of the Environment. In those days Montiel advo-

cated militancy and proclaimed to defend worker’s rights. Now he considers himself too important to care

for those with “low intelligence and poor social skills”.

I was both amused and bemused by Luis Montiel‘s full page propaganda interview in the Independent Daily,

written by that unbiased journalist who is always ready to put his pen forward in defence of the righteous, no

need to say who that journalist is.

The first thing that came into my mind when I saw that obnoxious piece was to question why it is that

the GSD have a political organ called “Seven Days” other than to indulge in self praise and adulation

with big pictures of Ministers smiling at the cameras. Believe me the GSD do not need that freebie

broadsheet they distribute in all the Government offices, the Independent Daily is always there for

them although the political effect of what they publish is not being absorbed by the electors in the way

the GSD would like it to. Three Ministers in one issue and Montiel looking like the epitome of intelli-

gentsia. Wow! Mind you, to be fair, Sisarello also had his picture in the paper, just so that we do not

forget what he looks like. I know that Unite‟s District Chairman, Khaira, also had an article defending

the righteous in the same newspaper but I cannot remember if he had his image published as well. The

common denominator to all articles appears to be this “independent” journalist who shall remain

nameless. I sometimes wonder why this guy was not offered the job that was given to Clive Golt, I

know he wanted it and that he would have also loved to have been employed by the “Instituto

Cervantes”, but there are those who believe that he is doing a better job for the GSD where he is, even

if the credibility of the Gibraltar Chronicle suffers as a result. Those who wield power can be so un-



By Guest Writer


Let us get back to the main theme of this article. Luis

Montiel, in this avalanche of self praise and panegy-

ric, tells of the myriad benefits which should accrue

the young generation as a result of his, and his Min-

istry‘s efforts; he conveniently forgets the incident

with the ship repair yard apprentices when they got

their accreditations which disrupted the harmony he

had been hoping for at the presentation. These teen-

agers were outraged that their prospect of employ-

ment was nil after having successfully completed an

apprenticeship, because of outside cheap labour be-

ing used by the employer. With the GSD, sometimes

it is cheap labour and at other times it is people with

the right connection, who are employed at very high

salaries at taxpayer‘s expense, thus ensuring an army

of unconditional supporters for those that put them

there. Nepotism at its best! There are those that get

rejected when applying for a job time and time again.

These people now know they haven‘t any chance of

opting to a decent job because those well connected

by family or political ties will always beat them to it.

―What chance have I got against the daughter of a

Minister or the brother of the Secretary to the Minis-

ter?‖, said a young lady who, though better qualified

than these two, had been rejected in favour of the

others and was at the ETB waiting to be given cards

and sent to places where the job, as she already sus-

pected, had already been filled. The ETB knows that

the job is for someone else, the employer knows it

and Montiel knows it too, but they must go through

the procedures of sending people, who are then

found unsuitable, and the guy in the original ETB

application is then employed. In the meantime the

unemployed are going round and round in circles,

those Montiel decided to categorise as having low

intelligence and social skills, those that at one time

were considered to be the core of the coming work-

ers uprising, but that was when Montiel was an em-

ployee of the DOE many moons ago, not now that he

has an £80,000 job and a house in Gardiner‘s

Road...and a cat...and a dog...and a car...

After having insinuated on many occasions that

the unemployed Gibraltarians were without jobs

because they just did not want to work, this union

poacher turned Government gamekeeper called

Montiel now wants to make us believe that a few

months before his mandate ends, when he knows

a general election could see him kicked out of of-

fice, he has softened his heart to this unfortunate

group which he categorises as if he were engaged

in a charity exercise rather than an obligation and

responsibility to see these unfortunate people em-

ployed. Is it so below him that he has to point at

even their marital status as justification for their

unemployment, “single parents”? For goodness

sake Luis these people are in more need of help

and assistance than other groups, and giving con-

tracts to a few companies in the construction in-

dustry outside tender procedures is not the solu-

tion to their problem, although when the GSLP

Government did this to sustain employment for

those considered to be by some as unemployable,

Caruana and the GSD not only criticised this but

mocked the idea and dismantled it when they

came into office. Now, 14 years later what was not

acceptable then is a new brainwave of this inept

Minister called Montiel.

The unemployed are unemployed because of unfair

competition from frontier workers, what are Montiel

and the GSD Government going to do about that?

The young jobless, the school-leavers, are being put

into schemes that do not guarantee secure jobs at the

end of the training, what are Montiel and the GSD

going to do about that? The unemployed are without

jobs because some unscrupulous employers, aided

and abetted by the ETB, use the trainees in the

scheme as cheap labour, they terminate the training

of trainees within months, and are sent more trainees

by the ETB. What are Montiel and the GSD going to

do about that? What is it that Montiel and a certain

union rep that meets him at his office every Friday

get up to? What is it they talk about? Clearly they do

not talk about solving the unemployment problem

because those on the dole remain on the dole. Mon-

tiel should retire before he is kicked out. He has the

perfect excuse; he can say he is sick again as he did

in the union when he retired on medical grounds,

only to recover miraculously in time to stand as a

candidate with the GSD. Enough of these theatrics

Luis, no cheap propaganda in the Independent Paper

will redeem you of having turned your back on the

working people of Gibraltar.

The New People_________________________________________________________


The New People_________________________________________________________


The Sahara And Gibraltar

For those of you who may listen to Spanish radio coverage on the

Sahara situation it will not have escaped your attention that once

again the PP attacks its own Government for being too soft with

Morocco, the same as they say about Gibraltar, these are the same

people who will pull out of the Tripartite Talks if elected and get

tough. Now analyse the quandary that Spain finds itself in, as re-

gards Gibraltar they know only too well that Britain[FCO] will

always stick to the talks technique i.e. monitoring, instead of the

iron fist, whereas Spain is very aware that if they push Rabat to

the extreme they risk repercussions in Ceuta and Melilla, spot the


Yours faithfully,



Dear Mr Editor,

The Andorra Proposal

How can Peter Caruana claim that the question of sovereignty is

safe in his hands when it is he that is making proposals on sover-

eignty? First he takes us to a referendum where 97% of Gibraltari-

ans vote against any part of Gibraltar being a matter of negotia-

tion with Spain or anyone else. The message of the people was

clear and unequivocal-sovereignty is not negotiable. Caruana pre-

pared the question for the electorate, he then put it to the elector-

ate and we all voted with our eyes wide open. So how could he

possibly go on to ask Spain to put proposals on sovereignty to

him. Now he goes to Seville and tells everyone, from the Andalu-

sian capital, that he would favour an Andorra solution. What?

Joint sovereignty after all that we went through to stop Blair and

Aznar from negotiating joint sovereignty? He does not even have

the decency to inform the people of Gibraltar, in Gibraltar, that he

has changed his jacket and is now advocating what we all fought

so hard to stop. We had to learn of this from reports by Spanish

journalists. No to negotiations on sovereignty! No to the Andorra

status! No to Peter Caruana! Over and out!

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir,

Andorra Double-cross

The move by Peter Caruana to call for an Andorra style status for

Gibraltar is a double-cross. Peter Caruana might have a short

memory but I haven‘t. Does he not recall that when he was in

Opposition he manoeuvred to get Peter Cumming evicted from

the GSD for advocating an Andorra solution? Did he double-cross

Peter Cumming then because he thought the time was not right to

sell the concept of joint sovereignty to the people of Gibraltar and

thinks that now it is? Is he not double crossing the people of Gi-

braltar by advocating the surrender of half of our sovereignty

when we all voted in a referendum not to give up one inch of our

sovereignty? Have we had to wait 14 years for him to drop his

masquerade and reveal his hidden agenda? It is no wonder Carra-

cao is over the moon with the proposals he has made; because

even if Spain rejects them because it wants more, they now start

from the premise that joint sovereignty ―a la Andorra‖ is the mini-

mum they should ask for. That is now their new starting point.

Yours sincerely,

Luis Del Rio


Dear Sir


I heard on the Spanish radio that the Chief Minister had offered

all the jobs of the freight cargo handling in the new Air Terminal

to La Linea. The whole operation would be done in La Linea, on

Spanish soil, by Spanish workers employed in Spain. This is an

insult to every Gibraltarian unemployed and proves beyond all

doubt that the airport is being shared with Spain; it is not that the

airport is ours and Spaniards can use it. How strange that Montiel

did not mention this in his publicity campaign of last week on

unemployment; we had to learn about this through the Spanish

media. More jobs for frontier workers and none for the Gibralta-

rians The sooner we get rid of this Government the better.

Yours sincerely,

Luis Edwards



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The New People_________________________________________________________



During his talk in the Andalusian capital Peter Caruana re-

futed the suggestion being made by Alejandro Sanchez, the

Mayor of La Linea, that Gibraltar was involved in a large

scale land reclamation project on the East Side of the Rock

saying this just was not true. Sanchez has asked the Euro-

pean Commission to look into the land reclamation being

undertaken by Gibraltar, insisting that this is responsible for

the erosion of sand from Spanish beaches but he did not spe-

cifically mention the East Side reclamation although this has

been his target in the past. Caruana is also quoted by the

Spanish media to have said that although no land reclama-

tion is presently taking place, Gibraltar will proceed with

more land reclamation whenever it deems it necessary and in

compliance with EU regulations or requirements. Sanchez

has now countered by accusing Caruana of being frivolous

and of lying. He said that the not content with having al-

ready considerably damaged the Santa Barbara beach on the

East Side and the ―Playa de Poniente‖ adjacent to Western

Beach he now threatened to proceed with more reclamation

and that he was going to denounce this to the European

Commission with photographs showing that reclamation was

indeed taking place.

The Opposition is questioning the decision of the Chief Min-

ister to refuse to make public the initial structural report car-

ried out on the Theatre Royal, which would put in the public

domain the information necessary to allow a judgement to be

made on the viability of the project. They say that given the

history of the whole saga, or what the public are aware of, it

would be logical to assume that the foundations and structure

of the building were deemed to be sound at the time, given

that in 2002 it was announced that the restored theatre would

be ready by 2003. They accuse Peter Caruana of withholding

important information which was commissioned prior to the

financial deal with the then owners of the theatre, when there

appeared to be no problem.

The GSLP/LIBS say that the news given in Parliament that a

further quarter of a million pounds is being spent in the demo-

lition of what was left of the Theatre Royal is the latest epi-

sode in a catalogue of incompetence and failure that has been

the hallmark of this project since it started. “When the Chief

Minister announced that the theatre was his “vision thing”

little did the taxpayer know just how expensive a vision this

was going to prove to be.” They add that the end result is

that what commenced as a restoration in 1999 has ended up as

a total demolition in 2010, many millions of pounds later,

over £5.5 million, and the Government have still not provided

an explanation over what happened and why. “The public

have a right to question exactly what the Government have

been up to in this regard.”


The New People_________________________________________________________


By Spycatcher


I spy with my little eye something beginning with U....The lead-

ership of the union UNITE was in a quandary last week over

how to react to the election of Len McCluskey to the post of

General Secretary, the top job in the union. The dilemma was

whether to welcome the election or keep tight-lipped about it

and give it no importance. In the end Charlie Sisarello thought of

his cushy job and decided to issue a press release welcoming the

election, although he had not stuck out his neck to support

McCluskey nor any of the other candidates contesting the post.

Now, with this breath of fresh air ventilating the dark corners of

the headquarters of the union in every region, Transport House

in Gibraltar, which was once a thorn on the side of the establish-

ment and is today an extension of the establishment, might get a

kick up its behind for not providing the kind of service to mem-

bers that Brother Len promised during his election campaign, for

not being democratic enough in the decision making process of

the union etc, etc. The union in Gibraltar twenty years ago had

nothing to learn from Brother Len; indeed it could have taught

him a thing or two. Today, however, there are many members

waiting in expectation at what changes Len McCluskey will

bring about that will clear the rot in the Gibraltar region of the

union UNITE.


I spy with my little eye something beginning with A....Singer

and songwriter, Albert Hammond, decided a long time ago that

Spain was not the place where he ought to own up to being a Gi-

braltarian, as if being what one is, is something to be ashamed

of. When he first portrayed himself as an Englishman rather than

as a Gibraltarian in Spain was in the 70‘s, at the height of the

Franco campaign against Gibraltar, when he was just getting his

career off the ground and was probably broke. It upset many Gi-

braltarians deeply at the time, but the years and his recent con-

tact with Gibraltar had gone a long way to heal the coldness that

has always existed between Albert and his compatriots. He re-

cently warmed up to his fellow Gibraltarians in an interview in

GBC where he said he felt Gibraltarian. His comments in Spain

last week, that he was a person with no nationality and that he

considered himself to be a citizen of the world has hurt and an-

gered many Gibraltarians, because today he is already famous,

probably does not need the money he will earn from his new al-

bum and Franco is dead and buried and a Gibraltarian should

have no problem in saying what he is in Spain in 2010. He is, of

course, technically right in claiming to be English because he

was born in England due to the evacuation during the Second

World War, but he is lucky to be called Hammond because if he

had been called Lopez, Ramirez or Martinez he would never

have passed off as an Englishman in Spain despite his passport.

One wonders what his close pal, Peter Richard, thinks of all



I spy with my little eye something beginning with Q....Her Maj-

esty the Queen, God bless her, is said to be over the moon that

her grandson, the heir to the throne, has decided to make Kate

Middleton his wife and the future Queen of the United King-

dom, Australia, Canada and all other British dependent territo-

ries, etc, etc, etc. What Buckingham Palace seems not to have

realised, when they announced the wedding, was that they might

have had to consult Peter Richard in Gibraltar before releasing

the news to the world, something they have not done. You see,

now that Peter Richard has decided that the British Monarch

should be split in two and that half of her should be the Queen of

the United Kingdom, etc, and the other half Queen of Gibraltar,

it is not very clear whether her grandson, Prince William, might

also be Prince of Gibraltar too and already have two separate

roles, even before he becomes King. If that were the case, proto-

col would dictate that Peter Richard be consulted over the wed-

ding as we are certain David Cameron was, but Buckingham

Palace seems to have overlooked this. Could this perhaps mean

that the marriage cannot take place until Peter Richard approves

it? By the by, what would happen if we were to adopt Peter‘s

favoured status for Gibraltar, the Andorra solution, who would

then be Queen?


I spy with my little eye something beginning with H....Minister

Joe Holliday has been naughty and has been caught out, and eve-

ryone is catching their breath to see what the repercussions will

be. Those with a one track mind will draw their own conclusions

about the naughtiness of the Minister for Enterprise, those with

open minds please read on. Joe Holliday has disobeyed instruc-

tions given to him by Peter Richard. When Peter Richard spoke

at the Casino Calpe some months ago he told everyone gathered

there that he had instructed Joe Holliday not to accept any appli-

cation from any new airline to fly any route until the new Air

Terminal is operational. He said this was due to the increased

traffic congestion that more aeroplanes landing in Gibraltar

would cause. Well, Joe Holliday has gone and accepted the Easy

Jet flights from Liverpool against the direct instructions of Peter

Richard given through the sound system of the Casino Calpe.

The flights start in March and the Air Terminal is scheduled to

be completed in May but will not be ready until July/August ear-

liest. So now, thanks to Joe Holliday, people are going to think

that Peter Richard is a liar and that in the Casino Calpe all he

was doing was trying to justify the unjustifiable-why there are

still no flights to Spanish destinations.



Cathedral St. Mary The Crowned

Weekdays 7.30 9.15 12.25 18.15

Saturday 9.15 12.25 18.30 Sunday 9.00 10.30 12.00 18.30

St. Theresa‟s Church

Weekdays – Monday to Saturday 18.00 Sunday 11.00 18.00

St. Paul‟s Church

Weekdays 9.15 19.00 Saturday 18.30

Sunday 10.00 12.00 19.00

Our Lady of Sorrows

Sunday 9.30

Thursday 19.15

Sacred Heart Church

Sunday 11.00 19.00

Weekdays – Monday to Saturday 19.00

St Joseph‟s Church

Saturday 9.15 19.00 Sunday 10.00 12.00 19.30

Weekdays 7.30 19.00

St Bernard‟s Catholic Church

Saturday 17.45 (King‘s Chapel)

Saturday 19.00 Sunday 11.00

Weekdays 18.30 (Tuesday to Friday)

The Shrine of Our Lady of Europe

Monday Wednesday Friday 10.30 to 18.00

Tuesday Thursday—10.30 13.00

Saturday 11.40 Rosary – 12 noon Holy Mass

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Monday & Thursday 18.30 Tuesday & Saturday 10.00

Wednesday & Friday 07.45

Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion – 10.30 Sung Eucharist


Ocean Pharmacy, Unit 24 Ocean Village Avenue

TEL: 20076822

11am to

6pm to 8pm


Thursday will be cloudy and rainy in westerly winds with temperatures struggling to reach a maximum of 15 degrees during the day and 10 degrees minimum at night. It will be dry and set-tled overnight. Friday will be mostly sunny in westerly winds with a maximum daytime temperature of 14 de-grees and a minimum night-time temperature of 10 degrees. It will become partly cloudy in the evening. On Saturday strong winds will blow from an easterly to south easterly direction. It will be cloudy but dry although there will be some light rain during the night. Temperatures: High-16 de-grees, low-11 degrees. Sunday will be cloudy and rainy in south to south easterly winds. Daytime maximum tem-perature expected is 18 degrees and the night-time minimum 13 degrees.


For letters, press releases, comments, messages and


Please contact The New People

via email at

[email protected]

If you need to speak to us, leave a message and your phone

number and we shall contact you.

The New People_________________________________________________________



Valiente poca vergüenza tiene este Cascarrabias! Ahora el

que quiere ―joint sovereignty‖ es el. Después que nos metió

en un buen fregao con el gobierno ingles porque, decía en-

tonces, que no estaba de acuerdo con el ―done deal‖ que

estaban negociando Tony Blair y José María Aznar sobre

soberanía conjunta, ahora resulta que el que pide pública-

mente la soberanía conjunta es él, el mismísimo Cascarra-

bias, el que nos llevo a un referéndum donde una mejoría

aplastante dijo que ni una purgada de soberanía era nego-

ciable. Eso fue en el 2002, ocho años más tarde coge y se

va a Sevilla, a decirnos a los Yanitos desde allí que él se

apunta a un estatuto como el de Andorra, pero que para esto

ser aceptable tendría que ser aprobado por los gibraltareños

en un referéndum. Exactamente lo que nos dijo Blair hace

ocho años y que nos cayó tan mal que un poco más y no le

raspamos la cabeza a Straw cuando vino a Gibraltar. No

entiende el Cascarrabias que no tiene mandato para hablar

de soberanía, que ya el pueblo dijo que ni una purgada de

nuestra soberanía es negociable ni con España, ni con peri-

quillo de los palotes que nos venga a tratar de comer el co-

co. Total que todo el follón que formo fue solo porque era

un ―done deal‖ hecho por Blair y Aznar donde él no había

participado, ahora como el ―done deal‖ lo está preparando

el, con sus manos en la masa, se puede hablar de soberanía

conjunta sin problema. Es un palomazo y ya ni lo esconde

ni trata de esconderlo.

Minutos después de haber dicho esto en Sevilla, la noticia

dio la vuelta al mundo, no porque el Cascarrabias es un

personaje importante como se cree, que se la da de Mar-

ques, sino porque es la primera vez en la historia que

ningún líder político de Gibraltar le dice al gobierno espa-

ñol que está dispuesto a ceder medio peñón, nunca jamás a

echo nadie esa oferta al gobierno español. Lo dice el Scots-

man, el Diario de Sevilla, la agencia EFE, etc., etc., no cre-

er lo que yo digo si no queréis, leer otros periódicos y se

daréis cuenta de quién es este déspota que habla el ingles

tan ―posh‖ que parece que se a tragao un corcho y se le ha

quedado cogido en la garganta. Estúpido! Que se atreva, si

tiene lo que hace falta, a regalar un grano de arena de nues-

tra tierra, que lo vamos a mandar a disfrutar el producto

turístico del país vecino permanentemente. Allí podrá nego-

ciar la soberanía conjunta del campo de golf con Carracao,

aunque no creo que haya un español que esté dispuesto a

darle ni los buenos días mientras que el es capaz de tirar la

casa por la ventana con la leche del palomeo que se trae.

Cualquiera tiene más amor propio que él! La semana pasa-

da el sofocón de Albert Hammond y esta semana el del

Cascarrabias y el estatuto de Andorra. No gana uno para


The New People , Printed and Published by “The New People” Publishing Ltd, Icom House, 1/5 Irish Town, Suite No. 6/608, PO Box 561 Gibraltar. Tel: 54374000

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