The New Integrated Sixth Form Pathway Scholarship ......On the other hand, a third General Pathway...

The New Integrated Sixth Form Pathway Scholarship Programme PROSPECTUS The Technical Vocational Division of the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC)

Transcript of The New Integrated Sixth Form Pathway Scholarship ......On the other hand, a third General Pathway...

  • The New Integrated Sixth Form Pathway Scholarship Programme

    PROSPECTUSThe Technical Vocational Division of the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC)


    Overview What This Programme Has To Offer

    Degrees & Pathways Contact

  • �e University of the CommonwealthCaribbean (UCC), which is one of only fourUCJ institutionally accredited universities inJamaica, will be one of the partner institutionsto deliver this new Sixth Form IntegrationScholarship Initiative.

    Under this Sixth Form Integration Framework,students who specifcally choose to pursue theirtertiary level study with the UCC itself will be able to pursue their programme of study on one of two pathways at the University as below:

    • Sixth Form Pathway I (Tradition), OR•Sixth Form Pathway II (Technical)

    To access the Traditional Pathway, studentsshould attain passes in 5 CSEC subjectsincluding Mathematics and English. �ey willbe able to pursue subjects of their choice in aquest to obtain a CAPE Associate Degree, anOccupational Associate Degree or a TraditionalUCC Associate Degree upon completion within2 years.

    To access the Technical Pathway, studentsshould attain at least 1 CSEC subject, NVQ J,CVQ or City and Guilds English and orMathematics stage 3. Students who do notsatisfy any one of the above requirements willbe required to sit the HEART Diagnostic testand obtain a minimum mark of 25 (out of 60marks) in both Mathematics and English.

    Under this technical pathway, students willpursue level 1 or 2 in a chosen labor marketskill. �ey will be able to complete thisprogramme in one year and then transition toan Occupational Associate Degree programmein Grade 13.

    Ministry of Education, Youth & Information Sixth Form Pathway Scholarship Programme

  • On the other hand, a third General Pathway – Sixth Form Pathway 3 - will also be o�eredthrough the UCC Academy, the vocational arm of the University. �is General Pathway isdesigned for students who do not meet any of the requirements established for Traditional orTechnical Pathways. �e programme developed for this pathway, will allow students to focus onstrengthening their literacy and numeracy skills and working towards attaining City and Guildscerti�cation. Students will also be introduced to a specialized skill area in addition to theirother developmental areas such as Employability Skills & Computer Application leading toNVQJ certi�cation. Students who make good progress will be able to transfer to the Technicalpathway.

    �e registration process for Grades 12 and 13 will begin at your respective high schools thissummer and continues into early to late September. You will receive career counseling designed to help you further identify your preferred career path and select programme & delivery modality at the UCC or another tertiary institution best able to help you attain your career goals.

    Also, and especially during this coronavirus pandemic, the UCC is also pleased to announcethat students who pursue their study at the University itself or the UCC Academy, will be able tochoose from two delivery modalities which are either 100% on-campus OR blended – in otherwords, 50% online & 50% on a UCC campus located nearest to your home address as well as onthe campus of your own high school.

  • Once results from your CSEC or other examinations are available in late September, high school principals will then complete the registration process by transferring your documentation to access your free tuition and place at the UCC, the UCC Academy or another chosen partnering institution to complete the process.

    However, students who speci�cally choose to pursue a traditional UCC Associate Degree programme under Pathway 1, either 100% online or blended on a UCC campus will be required to pay a nominal di�erence toward their already discounted annual tuition. Furthermore, each student who has been accepted into this speci�c degree programme will also receive a FREE tablet from the UCC Foundation!

    �e UCC & UCC Academy are committed to making your educational experience relevant for your career, ensuring that each student is equipped with job-ready skills and competencies upon graduation with an associate degree.

  • In this regard, UCC & UCC Academy students will have access to high-quality faculty on-campus & pre-recorded video-based courses, in addition to LIVE classes on Zoom delivered by local UCC online faculty, coupled with LIVE or on-demand one-on-one tutorial sessions, via our partnership with SMARTHINKING. �ese courses will also provide job-relevant technology, business, as well as interpersonal “so�” skills that companies are hiring for today.

    Upon �nal registration at either the UCC or UCCA, students will be able to:

    • Learn in-demand technology and business skills that prepare for today’s job or career opportunities

    • Balance their daily activities by studying at one’s own pace with bite-sized video-based sessions, self-paced learning model, and convenient mobile experience (online or o�ine)

    • Participate in the LIVE learning forums each week that we have scheduled

    • Engage with all the pre-recorded videos, course materials, and quizzes and other assessments associated with every week of study

  • �e following are the speci�c programmes that will be o�ered under Pathways 1, 2 or 3:

    CXC Associate Degrees via 100% Online OR Blended OR Cable TV – Pathway 1

    • Computer Networking• Entrepreneurship• Information & Communication Technology• Criminal Justice• Psychology• Industrial Technology/City and Guilds Engineering Level 3 (Dip) (Dual cert)

    UCC Associate Degrees Via 100% Online OR Blended OR Cable TV – Pathway 1

    • Business Administration• Innovation & Entrepreneurship• Paralegal Studies• Criminology and Criminal Justice• Hotel & Tourism Management• Hotel & Restaurant Management• Restaurant Operations• Arts & Entertainment Management• Information Technology• Applied Computer Science• Management Information Systems (MIS)• Early Childhood Education• Marketing & Sales Management• Digital Marketing Advertising Management Major• International Relations• Human Resources Management• Media and Communications• Production and Operations Management• Applied Technology

    For more information on the Occupational Associate Degrees & UCC Associate Degrees, please click the links below:


  • Occupational Associate Degree (OADs) subject areas – Pathway 1 or 2

    • Agro Food Processing• Allied Health Care • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)• Fitness Management• Logistics & Supply Chain Management• Renewable Energy Technology• Retail & Merchandizing Operations • Health & Wellness Tourism• Construction Site Management

    NVQJ/City & Guilds Certi�cations – Pathway 2

    • Customer Service/Engagement (L2)• Business Administration (L2)• Marketing & Promotions (L2)• Industrial Security Operations (L2) • Allied Health (L2)• General Construction (L1)• City & Guilds (Math/English)• Employability Skills (Customer Service, Personal and Career Development) • Entrepreneurship

    NVQJ & City & Guilds Certi�cations – Pathway 3

    �e following are the skills training areas that will be o�ered through the NVQJ/City & Guilds Programmes:

    • Costumer Service Engagement (BPO) Level 2• Computer Repairs (Network Technician) Level 2• Marketing Promotions and Sales Level 2• Literacy and Numeracy Skills • A specialized skill area in addition to other development areas leading to NVQJ Certi�cation.• Employability Skills (Personal and Professional Development /Career Guidance)• Computer Application

    Upon successful completion of the NVQJ/City & Guilds Programme, candidates may matriculate into either Pathway 2 or a UCC Associate Degree Programme.


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    �e information provided in this Prospectus is subject to change.Date revised: August 19, 2020.