The New Government begins John Adams’ Presidency Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency Westward...


Transcript of The New Government begins John Adams’ Presidency Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency Westward...

The New Government begins

John Adams’ Presidency

Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

Westward Expansion

War of 1812

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And the Answer is…

Alexander Hamilton

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National Bank

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What political party did Thomas Jefferson start?

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The Republican (Anti-Federalist) Party

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Who started the popular television show American Idol?

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The constitution said little about how the executive branch should be organized. It was clear, however, that the President needed people to help him carry out his duties. When the first congress met in 1789, it created five executive departments who were also known as members of the President’s ________.

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And the Answer is…

If a rooster lays an egg in the water, will the egg float or sink?

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Neither rooster’s do notLay eggs!

And the Answer is…

When Americans were asked to pay France a bribe during the XYZ affair in order to speak to the French Foreign Minister the Americans responded by


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And the Answer is…

How many National Championships

have the Yankees won?

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Who was the French Foreign Minister to Napoleon?

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Charles De Talleyrand

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Under a certain law passed during Adams’ presidency citizens could be fined or jailed If they criticized the government. This law was known as the ______

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The Sedition Act

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Can you find a five letter word, which, when typed in upper case, reads the same upside down?

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Who is this familiar face?

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Thomas Jefferson

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Tax meant to protect a country’s industries from Foreign competition?

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Protective Tariff

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The British did more than take American ships. The British Navy also kidnapped American sailors and forced them to serve on British ships. This practice was known as _______.

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Name all of the Avenger!

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HawkeyeIron ManHulkCaptain AmericaThor Black Widow

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What does Blauvelt mean in Dutch?

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Blue Fields

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How did America acquire the territory shaded in green?

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The Louisiana Purchase

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Who is a famous Pop Icon from Canada?

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Justin Beiber

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What is the farthest point west that Lewis and Clark reached?

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The Oregon Territory

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Who was the famous Indian who in 1809 said that all Indians must unite toward “claiming a common right in the land”?

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What fort did the Americans protect outside of Baltimore during the War of 1812?

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Fort McHenry

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Define Manifest Destiny

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The belief that the United States should expand to the Pacific Ocean

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What professional hockey team plays At the Prudential Center in Newark?

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The New Jersey Devils

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Who led the Americans to success during the battle of New Orleans?

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Andrew Jackson

What is the capital of New Jersey?

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And the Answer is…

What was James Madison’s wife’s name? She was best known for her skill at smoothing over quarrels.

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Dolley Madison