The new beginning

… An Informal Education in Business and Life! Prepared By: Aladesuru Adewale

Transcript of The new beginning

… An Informal Education in Business and Life!

Prepared By: Aladesuru Adewale

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Over the years, I have watched many people aspire to success. I am one of them, and while I haven’t peaked yet, I’ve had a good share of success already.

So I’m often asked what my “secrets” to success are. I don’t think they’re secrets anyway, but every one of us needs to have and understand a formula that works for him or her personally.

My kinds – collection of writing is an indication of the thought process that I believe can lead people to success.

It has worked for me. It’s another side to my personality – the more reflective side that reveals my sources and how I apply them to the BIG picture that is life.

The persona you so often see via the world media is someone who is outgoing, confident, sometimes brash – but honest.

One reason people like me is because I’m blunt. One reason people don’t like me is because I’m blunt. But one reason I’m successful is that I can cut through nonsense quickly and get to the core of things.

I would hope that sharing these thoughts with you will provide you with guidance as well as inspirations.

- Aladesuru Adewale, BDSP!

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“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

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LEARNING – The New Beginning!

Pythagoras interpreted the universe through numbers and as a businessman that always appealed to me. It makes sense.

He said and I quote him:

“The beginning of every government starts with the education of our youth.” – PYTHAGORAS

Pythagoras lived a long time ago, but a lot of things have remained the same, like the significance of education for both individuals and the entire society.

Whenever I start something new, I know I have got a lot to learn. This does not discourage me – in fact it gives me energy. It is similar to the feeling of a new beginning, a fresh start.

It’s important to remain open to new ideas and new information.

Being a know-it-all is like shutting the door to great discoveries and opportunities which life has got to offer.

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“Keep your door open every day to something new and energizing.”

– Donald J Trump advises me.

Sometimes I wonder what will show up, which is a terrific way to start every day.

Other time I might have to search a bit on my own, which is why books and educational tools can be wonderful and should be readily available.

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Maybe I’m just fortunate, but I’m never bored! In fact,

I think that’s a BIG reason behind my success.

With Walter – it’s never a dull moment – lolzzzzz.

Once in a while – or often is even better – ask yourself this question:


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Maybe it’s world history – For example: “The most successful Entrepreneurs in the world?”

With the events of today being what they are, it’s probably a good idea to know a little about how different cultures have evolved and are operating.

Maybe it’s something else.

I make an effort to read news with ample international coverage and financial updates on a daily basis because it’s important to my line of business to know what’s going on worldwide to remain in business.

That alone requires serious attention everyday – for you it may be something else.

These days, we don’t have many excuses for having a blind spot.

We ALL have access to information with relatively little effort.

“There is only one thing I know, and that is I know nothing.” – The ancient Greeks, Socrates famed for having said this.

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Pretty tough words coming from an esteemed scholar and philosopher, but it opened him up to more knowledge every day.

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My advice is this:

“Start every day with a clean slate and give yourself a new beginning by opening up your mind.”

If I’d started in business thinking I knew everything, I’d have been sunk before I got started.

- Don’t make that mistake! There are a lot of hidden aspects in every industry, and

you will find out how complex seemingly simple things can be. For example, becoming A BRAND DEVELOPMENT

ENTREPRENEUR or A GLOBAL CITIZEN of this 21st Centuries requires knowledge of creativity, great innovations, and about a thousand other things.

I had a lot to learn and no one else could learn it for me. But every day I would learn something new, apply it, and make progress.

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Believe me, being an entrepreneur didn’t happen

overnight. Never think of learning as being a burden or studying

as being boring. It may require some discipline, but it can be an adventure.

It can also prepare you for a new beginning. Notice the first word, “THINK” – That’s the first step!

Use everything in your power to utilize and develop that capability, and you’ll be in for some great surprises.

- “Hit the street Running, another way to me saying – Do your prep work and get ready.”

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As a businessman, I have realized that “To whom

much is given, much is expected.”

See yourself as having a lot already, and keep your

integrity intact. It’s the best way to pave your way to a comprehensive success.

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be

known.” – Carl Sagan

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That’s an empowering thought! – I guess… lolzzzzz It’s also a real possibility. If it seems you’re being

thrown curve balls every day, that means it’s time for some strategy.

In short, you need to be bigger than your problems are in order to handle what’s being delivered.

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Here are a few things to Think about:

- What is your creative capital? Many of us have hobbies, knowledge, and experiences

that can be turned into something useful in the marketplace. Give this some comprehensive thought. You probably have talents that could be further

developed to create a career.

- Are you lucky? Another definition of good luck is the ability to turn

bad luck into good luck.

- Be proactive! Don’t be passive or fearful. Just taking the next step

can get you to better and even great places. START TODAY!

- Be objective and strive to be your own counselor! I listen to others, but I know the final decision is mine

and I hold myself responsible. That in itself is empowering.

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“Be your own barometer of success.” – Donald J Trump says.

- If you haven’t given history enough attention, start doing so today!

Also realize you are in a pivotal time in history, and see it as a challenge as well as an opportunity.

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Conclusion We all experience failures in business or life, but that

don’t make us failures, even if others say so. Take control of the circumstance by seeing it in a

different light. Each of us has a different route to our destiny and challenges are part of that path.

Keep your self-image strong and intact by defining yourself in the best way possible every day, no matter what the circumstances might be.

Know from the inside out that you have the power to succeed and you will.

That’s taking control. Your creative capital might be waiting to be discovered.

ALL I’m wishing you is good luck! I’m suggesting one more thing... Share this tool with your friends and family so they too

can achieve ultimate success. They too will need tips on how to build wealth with big deals, small deals or their first deal.

For more recommended reading By Aladesuru

Adewale, visit this link: Thank You!

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Aladesuru W. E. Adewale is the chairman and president

of Aladesuru Adewale Global Entrepreneurship Annex. He is the preeminent developer of quality businesses

across the world, making the synonymous with

the gold standard.

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His commitment to excellence extends from his

business development services to the automobile industry. From being a real estate genius to a golfer, and with

his combination of financial education with entertainment – Edutainment!

His business acumen is unparalleled. He is the archetypal businessman – a deal maker

without peer and an ardent philanthropist. To your best of Success in life and business! Thanks!

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