THE NEW ADMA REGULATIONS - Don Bosco Salesian Portal


Transcript of THE NEW ADMA REGULATIONS - Don Bosco Salesian Portal

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A Brief Marian Teaching

The picture was Don Bosco’s brief idea; he asked the artist Tommaso

Lorenzone to paint it in 1865, and after three years of work the large painting was placed in position in the Basilica.

Don Bosco described it in these words: «The Blessed Virgin is floating in a sea of light and majesty. She is

surrounded by a flight of angels, who do her homage as their Queen. In her right hand she holds a sceptre, the symbol of her power; with the left she supports the

Child, who has his outstretched arms, offering in this way his grace and mercy to all who have recourse to his revered Mother.

On each side and underneath are the Holy Apostles and Evangelists. They filled with exultation, as if to say “Regina Apostolorum, ora pro nobis”, they gaze with

wonder at the Holy Virgin. At the base of the picture is the city of Turin, with the Sanctuary of Valdocco in the foreground and Superga in the distance».

Don Bosco’s description means that the picture is an effective portrayal of the title “Mary, Mother of the Church”.

Mary, because she is the Mother of God’s Son, is Queen of heaven and earth; the whole Church, represented by the Apostles and Saints, acclaims her as Mother

and powerful Helper.

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July 2003


(Association of Mary Help of Christians)

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Via della Pisana, 1111 – 00163 Roma

The Rector Major

ADMA Presentation of the renewed Regulations

to the members of the Association Dear members,

on the feast of St John Bosco, our father and founder, it gives me great pleasure

to present the renewed Regulations to you. They are the result of an intense period of work on the part of many individuals and groups and in particular of the Primary

group of Turin to all of whom I am very grateful. They were approved by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated life and Societies of Apostolic Life on 7

October 2003. The fact that the Regulations have been revised is a proof of the Association’s

vitality, which desires to move ahead in pastoral and spiritual harmony with the Church and the Salesian Family. It is also an expression of the truly authentic

commitment of dynamic fidelity to Don Bosco, who wanted the Association of Mary Help of Christians as a sign of his gratitude for the motherly presence of Our Lady in his life and work, and as a form of Christian life centred on the knowledge, love and

imitation of the Virgin Mary. It is my earnest hope that the members of the Association will make a deep

study of the new text and attain the salesian spirit expressed in them. I entrust all of you to our Mother, the Help of Christians.

Rome, 31 January 2004

Feast of St John Bosco

Fr Pascual Chávez V.

Rector Major

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Prot. n. T. 9- 1/2003




The Association of Mary Help of Christians founded by St John Bosco “to promote veneration of the Blessed Sacrament and devotion to Mary Help of

Christians”, canonically erected in the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians in Turin on 18 April 1869, and raised by Blessed Pius IX on 5 April 1870 to the rank of

Archconfraternity, belongs to the Salesian Family. The Vicar of the Rector Major has presented to the Apostolic See the

Regulations of the Association for approval. This Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of

Apostolic Life, after a careful examination of the above-mentioned Regulations, approves and confirms them in the Italian version kept in its Archives, all the

requirements of law having been observed. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding.

Given at the Vatican, 7 October 2003 Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Eduardo Card. Martinez Somalo


Piergiorgio Silvano Nesti, C.P.


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Revision of July 2003


Moved by the Holy Spirit and in response to the urgent needs and signs of the

times, Don Bosco brought into being various apostolic forces and a vast movement of persons who work in different ways for the benefit of the young and the working classes.

The Association of Mary Help of Christians was founded by Don Bosco as a

special instrument “to promote veneration of the Blessed Sacrament and devotion to Mary Help of Christians”.

It was canonically erected in the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians in Turin

on 18 April 1869, and “he considered it almost an integral part of the Salesian Society” (Fr Pietro Ricaldone, Maria Ausiliatrice, Colle Don Bosco 1951, p. 83).

By a Brief of 5 April 1870, Pius IX raised it to the rank of an Archconfraternity, with the rite of aggregating Associations arising in every part of the world with the same name and purpose.

On 5 July 1989 the Rector Major Fr Egidio Viganò with his Council officially recognized the Association of Mary Help of Christians as a member of the Salesian Family.

TEXTUS APPROBATUS Romae, die 7-10-2003

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ART. 1

Act of foundation

After Don Bosco had built to Mary’s glory the votive Sanctuary dedicated to

the Help of Christians (Turin Valdocco 1868), following the indications he had received from her in a dream, he conceived a year later the desire to set up in the

Basilica the “Association of the Clients of Mary Help of Christians” (18 April 1869) in order to spread throughout the world devotion to Our Lady invoked under this title. The Shrine of Mary Help of Christians, center for the propagation of this mission throughout the world, became for Don Bosco a place to bring together his works, a font of grace and his sanctuary for all the world. The attachment of Don Bosco to Mary Help of Christians found in the Association a simple and practical expression for the defence of the faith in popular circles. “We Christians must be united in these difficult times. Being among many who are doing good is a source of animation to us, without our being aware of the fact” (MB 7,602) Experience “shows us that Mary’s mission as Mother of the Church and Help of Christians, which she began on earth, she has continued from heaven in a wonderful way all over the world”. (G. BOSCO, Meraviglie della Madre di Dio invocata sotto il titolo di Maria Ausiliatrice, Torino, 1868, p. 45).

This active motherly presence of Mary is the foundation of the Association and the inspiration for the commitment of the members to the

service of the Kingdom of God.

ART. 2.

Nature and purpose

The Association of Mary Help of Christians provides a meeting place for the faithful who practice her typical activities.

In the Church, the Association of Mary Help of Christians is a public association of the faithful in terms of can. 298 – 320 of the Code of Canon Law, and hence has the status of a juridical ecclesiastical personality.

In line with the prevailing legislation in the individual countries this can be followed by civil juridical recognition, but the Association does not as such adhere to political parties, nor to profit-making groups.

The Association of Mary Help of Christians offers a path that leads to holiness

and to the salesian apostolate (“It is Our Lady’s wish that we honour her under the

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title of Mary Help of Christians. Our times are so bad that we need the most holy Virgin to help us to preserve and defend the Christian faith” MB 7, 334). In particular Don Bosco founded it to involve the majority of working-class people in the spirituality and mission of the Salesian Congregation, as a second specific Group in his work (Cf. GC24, 80).

It places special emphasis on devotion to the Eucharist and to Mary Help of Christians in every form, both public and private, approved by the Church.

It operates in communion with and in fidelity to the Bishops of the Church and

in collaboration with other ecclesial groups, especially those of the Salesian Family. The official name is the ASSOCIATION OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS (AMHC), and has its headquarters in Turin, via Maria Ausiliatrice 32, alongside the

Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians.

ART. 3.

The Association in the Salesian Family

The members form part of the Salesian Family “through salesian devotion to the Help of Christians in the manner established by Don Bosco himself. Membership

is a commitment to honour Mary, helper and mother of the Church, by taking part in Don Bosco’s mission to peoples, particularly the young, and expecially in its aspects

of fostering and defending the Christians faith”. (Egidio Viganò, Lettera Al Rettore del Santuario di Maria Ausiliatrice a Torino del 24/07/1989).

In the Salesian Family the Association emphasizes and spreads popular Marian

devotion, as a means of evangelization and advancement of peoples, particularly the young and of needy youngsters.

It recognizes the Rector Major, successor of Don Bosco, as the father and centre of unity of the entire Family.

ART. 4. Personal commitment of the members.

Personal adherence to the Association implies the following commitments,

particularly in the family and local environment, and in the areas of work and friendship:

- a due esteem for and participation in liturgical life, in harmony with the

Church of which Mary is the type and figure; and in particular for the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, and in the practice of a personal Christian life;

- living and spreading devotion to Mary Help of Christians in accordance with Don Bosco’s spirit, in particular in the Salesian Family (Egidio VIGANÒ, Circular Letter: Mary renews Don Bosco’s Salesian Family in

ASC 289 January-June 1978); - renewing, strengthening and living common devotional practices:

- the commemoration of the 24th of each month,

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- the rosary, - the novena in preparation for the feast of Mary Help of Christians, - the blessing of Mary Help of Christians, - pilgrimages to Marian sanctuaries, - processions, - collaboration in parish life: liturgy, catechesis, visits to the sick and

aged, various services in the churches, etc. - imitating Mary by cultivating in one’s own family a Christian environment

of welcome and solidarity; - being solicitous in prayer and action for poor youngsters and other persons in

need; - praying for and supporting lay, religious and ministerial vocations in the

Church and in the Salesian Family in particular;

- living a daily spirituality with evangelical attitudes, especially with thanksgiving to God for the wonders he continually he works, and with fidelity to him even in times of difficulty and the Cross, following Mary’s example.

ART. 5. Sharing in spiritual benefits

The members share in the indulgences and spiritual benefits proper to the Association and in those of the Salesian Family. (Cf. Appendix II: Norms governing the gaining of indulgences. The new norms are given in the Appendix, because it seems useful to provide an explanation of them, and so avoid exaggerations and practices not in conformity with the Church’s intentions).

Moreover they benefit from the results of the prayers and devotions offered up in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin and in the churches where the Association has been established.

When an associate dies, the other members of the group concerned are urged to take part in a Eucharist of suffrage.

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In the style of Don Bosco, the organization is at the service of the individual and is therefore deliberately simple and flexible, and so adaptable to the situation of different countries.

It is also true that “an important aspect characterizing Don Bosco’s activity is the practical nature of its organization which explains, at least in part, the success and

endurance of his initiatives: he was able to outline clearly the responsibilities for functioning, animation and growth” (E. Viganò, Letter to the Rector of the Sanctuary

of Mary Help of Christians in Turin, 24 July 1989).

ART. 7.

Erection of the local associations

In accordance with the CIC, can. 312–317 and with the privileges of the Salesian Congregation, it belongs solely to the Salesian Provincial to erect the Association of Mary Help of Christians in the institutions of the Salesians and of the

Daughters of Mary Help of Christians existing in his territory.

In all other cases the written consent of the Local Ordinary is needed.

ART. 8. Aggregation '

Once the canonical erection has taken place, request should be made as soon as

possible for aggregation to the Primary Association of the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians in Turin–Valdocco, to complete the process of aggregation to the

Association and to the Salesian Family. The Diploma that will be sent, signed by the Rector of the Sanctuary, is the

official document of membership. It is advisable to preserve it in the archives and display a photocopy in some place where the public can see it.

ART. 9.

Communion with the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians in Turin "The Association of Mary Help of Christians is vitally linked with the

Sanctuary at Turin–Valdocco. It can be said that Mary not only intervened directly in its construction, according to the words of Don Bosco, but from there she has

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extended her patronage to all the world. This is why the Association is called upon to remain united with this holy place” (E. Viganò, Letter to the Rector of the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians in Turin, 24 July 1989).

Every local association, therefore, should develop a special communion of dialogue and solidarity with the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians in Turin–

Valdocco and with the Primary Association erected there; the latter will do its utmost to facilitate such communion.

ART. 10. Personal participation in the life of the Association

All baptized Catholics of at least 18 years of age can apply for membership in

the Association.

Membership implies the commitment to live what is prescribed by art.4 of the

present regulations and regular participation in the Association’s meetings in a spirit of solidarity and belonging.

Admission of a candidate to the Association is approved by the President and

Council. It will be preceded by a sufficient period of preparation, not less than a year, with meetings at least once a month.

The candidate expresses adherence to the Association during a celebration in

honour of Mary Help of Christians, and will receive a certificate, a copy of the Statutes and a membership badge.

The local Association must foster the ongoing formation of the members, and organize local activities and initiatives in harmony with the Statutes. In a spirit of solidarity and belonging, every member contributes free offerings for the needs of the particular association and through it, or through the Provincial Organisms, contributes also to the needs of the Primary Association.

ART. 11 Deep moments of membership

For the purpose of promoting communion, fostering ongoing formation and

exchange of experiences, the local Association organizes: - Monthly meetings (open also to members of the Salesian Family and any

others who wish to take part) for the purpose of doctrinal formation, prayer and celebration or adoration of the Eucharist, if possible on the 24th of the

month, the day when Mary Help of Christians is commemorated;

- The annual Marian day; - Participation in celebrations or meetings of the Salesian Family; - Spiritual Exercises for the members;

- Processions, pilgrimages, days of retreat; - Other meetings programmed locally;

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- Also see art. 4. ART. 12

Local Councils of the Association Every local Association is coordinated by a Council, elected by the assembly

of all the members from a list of candidates who have declared themselves available

for fraternal service. The local Council is made up of the President, Vice-president, Treasurer,

Secretary, and an adequate number of councillors, according to the Association’s needs. The spiritual animator, male or female, is a member of the Council by right.

For a candidate to be elected a simple majority of votes is required. The members of the Council remain in office for 4 years and may be re-elected

for a further 4 years. When the Council is complete, the specific tasks within it are decided by the

Council itself. The President convokes Council meetings and presides over them; he prepares

the agenda and communicates with the councillors through the Secretary. He

represents the Association in external relationships. The Vice-president takes the place of the President when the latter is

absent or when other needs require it, but always in agreement with the President. The Treasurer administers the goods of the Association according to the laws

of the Country concerned and with the consent of the Council. He presents every year the annual balance sheet and budget.

The Secretary, on the instructions of the President, sends to the members the dates and agenda for the meetings, writes the minutes, and takes care of the Association’s archives.

To each of the other Councillors is assigned the responsibility for a sector of the local activities.

Normally the Council meets once a month.

ART. 13

Spiritual Animators The Spiritual Animators of the Association are appointed by the Salesian

Provincial or by the Provincial of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

They promote, in particular, formation to salesian spirituality and communion with the life and projects of the particular Church.

Eligible for appointment as Animators are also members of the Association or

of the Salesian Family, if they are duly prepared.

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ART. 14. Provincial and National Council

Where possible, the Association is organized at provincial level with a Council that animates, coordinates and directs the local Associations and their relationships

with the other Groups of the Salesian Family. The Provincial Council is elected by the local presidents. It is made up of a

President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and a suitable number of Councillors. The members of the Council are elected for 4 years and can be reelected for a

second consecutive period of 4 years.

The Spiritual Animator, male or female, is a member of the Council by right. Where it is necessary or desirable, a national system of coordination can be

established, made up of a coordinator and a suitable number of members and spiritual animators.

The manner in which coordination takes place will be decided by the coordinating group.

ART. 15

Role of the Primary Association The Association of Mary Help of Christians linked with the Sanctuary of

Mary Help of Christians at Turin–Valdocco is the heir and continuation of the

association founded by Don Bosco himself, and hence is called “Primary”.

Because of its origin and linkage with the Sanctuary, it has the role of animation, linkage and the providing of information about the Association throughout the world.

For this purpose it makes use, as its official organ, of the AMHC insertion in

the publication "Maria Ausiliatrice", edited by the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians in Turin.

ART. 16

World Council of the Association

It is the responsibility of the President of the Primary Association to convoke

the World Council of the Association. This Council is made up of the Vicar of the Rector Major, the member of the

FMA General Council in charge of relationships with the Salesian Family, the President with the Spiritual Animator and a Councillor from the Primary Association, together with representatives of the various areas in which the Association is present.

The composition should be such that lay persons outnumber priests and religious.

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The Council meets ordinarily every six years: a very suitable occasion is the International Congress of Mary Help of Christians, organized by the Council of the Primary Association.

ART. 17. Material goods of the Association

The Association of Mary Help of Christians, because it is a public

ecclesiastical juridical entity, can acquire, possess, administer and alienate temporal goods, in accordance with ecclesiastical legislation and that of the different countries

concerned. ART. 18

Translation of the Regulations Translations of the Statutes into other languages must faithfully conform to this

present approved text, and must be submitted to the scrutiny of the Primary Association.

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Christifideles Laici n. 30

It is always from the perspective of the Church's communion and mission, and not in opposition to the freedom to associate, that one understands the necessity of

having clear and definite criteria for discerning and recognizing such lay groups, also called "Criteria of Ecclesiality".

The following basic criteria might be helpful in evaluating an association of the lay faithful in the Church:

- The primacy given to the call of every Christian to holiness, as it is manifested "in the fruits of grace which the spirit produces in the faithful"(LG 39) and in a growth

towards the fullness of Christian life and the perfection of charity(LG 40). In this sense whatever association of the lay faithful there might be, it is always

called to be more of an instrument leading to holiness in the Church, through fostering and promoting "a more intimate unity between the everyday life of its

members and their faith"(AA 19). - The responsibility of professing the Catholic faith , embracing and proclaiming the truth about Christ, the Church and humanity, in obedience to the Church's

Magisterium, as the Church interprets it. For this reason every association of the lay faithful must be a forum where the faith is proclaimed as well as taught in its total

content. - The witness to a strong and authentic communion in filial relationship to the Pope,

in total adherence to the belief that he is the perpetual and visible center of unity of the universal Church(LG 23), and with the local Bishop, "the visible principle and

foundation of unity"(LG 23) in the particular Church, and in "mutual esteem for all forms of the Church's apostolate"(AA 23).

The communion with Pope and Bishop must be expressed in loyal readiness to embrace the doctrinal teachings and pastoral initiatives of both Pope and Bishop.

Moreover, Church communion demands both an acknowledgment of a legitimate plurality of forms in the associations of the lay faithful in the Church and at the same time, a willingness to cooperate in working together.

- Conformity to and participation in the Church's apostolic goals, that is, "the evangelization and sanctification of humanity and the Christian formation of people's

conscience, so as to enable them to infuse the spirit of the gospel into the various communities and spheres of life"(AA 20).

From this perspective, every one of the group forms of the lay faithful is asked to have a missionary zeal which will increase their effectiveness as participants in a re-

evangelization. - A commitment to a presence in human society, which in light of the Church's social

doctrine, places it at the service of the total dignity of the person.

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Therefore, associations of the lay faithful must become fruitful outlets for participation and solidarity in bringing about conditions that are more just and loving within society.

The fundamental criteria mentioned at this time find their verification in the actual fruits that various group forms show in their organizational life and the works

they perform, such as: - the renewed appreciation for prayer, contemplation, liturgical and sacramental life,

the reawakening of vocations to Christian marriage, the ministerial priesthood and the consecrated life;

- a readiness to participate in programmes and Church activities at the local, national and international levels;

- a commitment to catechesis and a capacity for teaching and forming Christians; - a desire to be present as Christians in various settings of social life and the creation

and awakening of charitable, cultural and spiritual works; - the spirit of detachment and evangelical poverty leading to a greater generosity in

charity towards all; - conversion to the Christian life or the return to Church communion of those

baptized members who have fallen away from the faith.

(Apostolic Exhortation, 30/12/1988 of John Paul II, n.30)

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An indulgence is the remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sin of which the guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful who are properly

disposed and with certain conditions can acquire through the intervention of the Church which, as minister of the redemption, authoritatively dispenses and applies

the treasure of the satisfaction made by Christ and the Saints. An indulgence is partial or plenary according as it frees partially or completely

from the temporal punishment due to sin. No one can apply indulgences to other people who are still alive. Both partial and plenary indulgences can be applied to the dead by way of



The Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary on 31 January 1968 granted the Plenary

Indulgence given in the following list at nos, 1, and 4 to 10, and on 6 February 2002 those given at 2 and 3, all of them given in perpetuity.

1. On the day of admission; 2. St Francis de Sales, 24 January;

3. St John Bosco, 31 January; 4. The Annunciation, 25 March; 5. Mary Help of Christians, 24 May;

6. The Visitation, 31 May; 7. The Assumption, 15 August;

8. Our Lady’s Birthday, 8 September; 9. Immaculate Conception, 8 December;

10. Christmas Day, 25 December,

Conditions 1. Commitment to fight against even venial sin

2. Sacramental confession 3. Eucharistic communion

4. Prayer for the Pope’s intentions 5. Renewal, at least privately but explicitly, of the promise to observe faithfully the

Regulations of the Association. N.B. a. Members can gain the plenary indulgence either on the days listed, or on the

day to which each feast is transferred. b. Members can gain the plenary indulgences granted to all the faithful in the course

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of the liturgical year, but in this case the explicit renewal of the promise to observe the Regulations is not required.


There are very many prayers and good works to which partial indulgences are attached. Among them are two recommended by Don Bosco himself in the ADMA


1. Blessed and praised for ever be the most holy and divine Sacrament. 2. Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.

Three other concessions should also be kept in mind; they are partial indulgences

granted to all the faithful: 1. A partial indulgence for the faithful who, in fulfilling their duties and putting up

with life’s difficulties raise with humble confidence their minds to God, adding at the same time – even mentally – some pious invocation.

2. A partial indulgence to the faithful who, in a spirit of faith and mercy, place themselves and their goods at the service of a brother or sister in need.

3. A partial indulgence to the faithful who, in a spirit of penance, spontaneously make the sacrifice of something it is lawful to have.

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1. In the Church in Turin dedicated to Mary Help of Christians, there has been canonically erected with the authorization of the Archbishop of Turin an Association of Mary’s clients; the members of the Association aim at promoting

the glories of the divine Mother of the Saviour in order to merit her protection in life and particularly at the moment of death.

2. They have two special objectives: to spread devotion to the Blessed Virgin and veneration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

3. To this end they will make use of words, advice, good works and influence to promote dignity and devotion in the novenas, feasts and solemnities that occur during the year to honour the Blessed Virgin and the Most Holy Sacrament.

4. The spreading of good books, pictures, medals and leaflets, taking part in Processions in honour of Mary most holy and the Blessed Sacrament and

encouraging others to do likewise, frequent Communion and presence at Holy Mass, the accompaniment of Viaticum to the dying, are the things the members

try to promote by all the means possible to their state in life.

5. The members will strive never to use blasphemy or engage in talk contrary to religion, and will do their utmost to prevent those under their control from doing

likewise; they will also do all they can to remove obstacles in the way of the sanctification of Sundays and Feast-days.

6. Every member, in line with the advice of the catechisms and spiritual directors, is warmly urged to approach the Sacraments of Confession and Communion once a

fortnight or once a month, and assist at daily Mass if his duties permit.

7. Every day after their morning and night prayers, the members will recite in honour of the Blessed Sacrament: “Blessed and praised every moment be the Most Holy

and Divine Sacrament”; and in honour of the Blessed Virgin: “Mary Help of Christians, pray for us”.

For priests it is sufficient that in the holy Mass they have the intention of praying for all the members of the Association.

These prayers will serve as a bond to unite all the members so that they form a single mind and soul to give due honour to Jesus hidden in the Eucharist and his

august Mother, and participate in all the good works done by every member.

(From "Letture Cattoliche", Year XVII, May, Vol. V, pp. 48-50)

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Art.10 of the Regulations says: “The candidate expresses adherence to the Association, during a celebration in honour of Mary Help of Christians”.

The time and manner of the celebration are left to be decided by local Sections. The following is an example which can be adopted or adapted to different circumstances.

It should take place, if possible, during a celebration of the Eucharist, which should be that of Mary Help of Christians if the liturgy will permit.

After the homily the procedure is as follows:

PRESIDENT: Dear Aspirants to the Association of Mary Help of Christians, today is a day of grace and joy. You have asked to become members of the Association to bear

witness to your love for the Blessed Virgin and your commitment to make her known and loved.

Let us begin the celebration with the simple but significant gesture of calling each of you by name. This call means on the one hand that our Blessed Lady is inviting you

to join the Association that bears her name and, on the other, indicates your own generous and enthusiastic response which you are now going to express publicly as you approach the altar.


The candidates are called by the President of ADMA using both Christian and surnames. Each one replies “Present”, and moves towards the altar.


PRESIDENT: As you come before the altar, what do you ask? CANDIDATES: We ask to become members of the Association of Mary Help of

Christians. PRESIDENT: Do you understand the obligations you are taking on yourselves by

becoming members of the Association? CANDIDATES: Individually we undertake to make our spiritual attitude that of Mary,

to make our lives –as she made hers – one of devotion to God, and to make this a commitment for all our lives. And so, like the listening Virgin, we will remain always attentive to the Word of

God, which we will proclaim by word and by the testimony of our lives. Like the praying Virgin, we shall see to it that our life is nourished by simple and

heartfelt prayer in an attitude of gratitude and intercession before the Father. Like the Virgin Mother, we shall work tirelessly in union with the Pope and the

Bishops for the growth of the People of God. Like the Virgin offering herself, we will make of our lives an offering to God, in the

joyful fulfilment of the Father’s will as the way to our sanctification.

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PRESIDENT: What specific commitment do you explicitly make as members of ADMA? CANDIDATES: As our particular and characteristic obligation we intend to promote

devotion to Mary Help of Christians and the veneration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in society, by our words and by a life that takes its inspiration from the

Gospel and from the spirituality and mission of Don Bosco.


Lord, you manifest your loving kindness in the Virgin Mary, our Mother and Helper. May these images we now bless, be a sign of your saving presence in our

midst. (The articles are sprinkled with holy water) May these badges with the image of Mary Help of Christians remind you of

your membership of this Association founded by Don Bosco. May Mary help you to grow in Christ the Lord, to whom the obligations you

have undertaken are a sign of your intention to be faithful. And may Mary be always with you with her motherly assistance.

PROMISE MADE BY THE CANDIDATES Mary Immaculate, Help of Christians and Mother of the Church, by becoming a

member of your Association, I pledge myself to bear faithful witness to Christ in my daily life, especially in my family, at my place of work, and in civil and

ecclesial society, with the strength that comes from prayer, and from the frequent and worthy reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and the

Eucharist. I pledge myself furthermore to pray for and seek vocations for the Church and

the Salesian Family, following the teaching and example of Don Bosco and trusting in your motherly help.


Presentation of the Regulations, Badge and Membership card to each of the new members

PRESIDENT: You are now full members of the Association of Mary Help of

Christians, and sharers in the spiritual advantages of the Association and in all the good works carried out in the Salesian Family founded by Don Bosco ? PRESIDENT: Mary, Help of Christians.

ALL RESPOND: Pray for us.

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PRESIDENT: Brothers and Sisters, let us turn to almighty God and ask that in his mercy he will hear the prayers we offer to Him through her who is the Help of


Lord, hear us.

1. For the Holy Church of God, that Mary “the powerful Virgin, great and renowned defender of the Church”, may assist it by her motherly aid.

2. For the Holy Father: that like his predecessors St Pius V and Pius VII, he may experience the special protection of Mary Help of Christians in moments of

exceptional trial and hardship for the Church. 3. For Bishops, Priests and Religious, that in union with the Pope they may guide in

the faith and Christian life the faithful entrusted to their care. 4. For the Rector Major of the Salesians, and for the Superiors and Councils of a ll

the Groups of the Salesian Family, that they may feel the close presence and assistance of Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco in their work of salesian

animation. 5. For all here present, for the members of the Association throughout the world, and particularly for those who have become members today, that in celebrating and

giving honour to the Help of Christians we may feel ourselves united in prayer and prompted to live and propagate devotion to Mary Help of Christians, and to seek

numerous and holy vocations for the Church and the Salesian Family.

PRESIDENT: Father, you called Mary to collaborate in your plan for the salvation of mankind, hear our prayers which we offer in filial confidence, invoking her

intercession whom you have given us as Mother and Helper. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Information about joining the Association can be obtained from a local section, if it already exists in the local parish, or from any Oratory or Institution of the Salesians

or of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, or by writing to the Central Office:

Association of Mary Help of Christians Via Maria Ausiliatrice, 32 – 10152 Turin

Tel:; or

The Valdocco Sanctuary publishes a monthly magazine in colour, “Maria Ausiliatrice”, to offer to all devotees to of Mary an aid to understanding and

cherishing the presence and the motherly activity of the Madonna in our own lives and in that of the Church. Every issue carries a feature “ADMA in the world” with three pages devoted to animation, bonds of communion and information about

ADMA in all six continents.

Correspondence should be sent to:

Rivista MARIA AUSILIATRICE Via Maria Ausiliatrice, 32 – 10152 Turin.

To send subscriptions or offerings use may be made of the “conto corrente postale”

n. 21059100 in favour of “Santuario Maria Ausiliatrice, Via Maria Ausilitrice 32 – 10152 Turin”