The Need - Hospital for Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuro ... · Private institutions could be affor...


Transcript of The Need - Hospital for Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuro ... · Private institutions could be affor...

Road accidents. A common occurrence amidst the crowded lanes of the city of Kolkata. Ravi hurrying home from work, edges his motorbike through gaps in the traffic, unaware of the bus next to him. In a split second he's thrown off his bike... rendering him unconscious while the bus speeds away.... will he survive... passers-by take him to the nearest hospital, but refused admission as nobody has the money to pay… on the way to another hospital he dies… removal of a simple blood clot on time would have saved him. Later it turns out that he is the only son of a wealthy business man.

Epilepsy. Neha, a ten year old girl has seen many doctors hoping to control her epilepsy which was destroying her childhood and school career. Out of desperation her parents took her to South India. After surgery she remains free of fits and can now dream of successfully pursuing her ambitions.

Brain Haemorrhage. Rahaman, an office clerk had a sudden headache. The doctors diagnosed a brain haemorrhage from a burst artery and advised immediate surgery for repairing the artery to prevent another bleed. As he could not afford the cost of treatment locally, he decided to go to Vellore. On the way he had another fatal bleed which was totally preventable if treated locally.

Cases such as these, where every minute counts, when immediate attention is required to save a person's life, was one of the crucial reasons that shaped the need for a comprehensive advanced facility for Neurosurgery and related treatments in the Eastern part of India.

An institution founded on the mission of ‘to serve is to worship’, providing the best treatment, yet with transparent cost parameters. An institution where the team would dedicate themselves to care for the patient, helping them along the road to recovery.

One man's commitment to the cause of the city where his roots were, blueprinted a prestigious institute to cater to the needs of 300 million people from the East and North-Eastern states who travel to far away destinations in search of neurosurgical treatment.

On November 15, 2005, the first milestone was achieved with the laying of the foundation stone of the 'Institute of Neuroscience, Kolkata... a one of its kind facility... modelled on the NIMHANS in Bangalore, where the 'Art of Healing of the brain, spine & mind is practiced with a human touch'!

The Needand


STEPPING STONEWith the help of his colleagues in Newcastle Upon Tyne in UK and other countries, Dr R P Sengupta created a charitable Society 'Neurosciences Foundation, Bengal'. In collaboration with Peerless Hospital, the 'National Neurosciences Centre' (NNC), a non-profit autonomous institution was founded on the premises of Peerless Hospital. NNC was formally inaugurated by the Governor of West Bengal and blessed by Swami Lokeswarananda on December 1997. AT NNC, a team of highly trained specialists work round the clock treating Head injuries, Brain haemorrhages, Spinal conditions, Parkinson's disease, Epilepsy, Brain tumours, and other related disorders.

NEXT IN PROGRESSIONThough the performance of NNC was appreciated by the public and the state, it was not adequate to fulfil the needs in terms of size and range of facilities.

Dr Sengupta's work was admired by the Government. Kolkata Municipal Corporation offered the Neurosciences Foundation, Bengal nearly an acre of land which is centrally located for building of the Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata.

Also promised is a 15 acre plot of land in the suburbs for creating a campus for research and education in Neuroscience. The campus based on institutions such as Vellore or AIIMS, will be among the most reputed Neuroscience establishments in the country.

The Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata (I-NK) is a partnership between Neurosciences Foundation, Bengal with full control of management, Kolkata Municipal Corporation and the Government of West Bengal. Set up as a charitable company under Section 25, the institute will plough back surplus income into the project for further development, enhancement of facilities and care of the less privileged.

Man with a


Reputed as the 'Neurosurgeon of the Millenium', Dr R P Sengupta known internationally as ‘Robin Sengupta’, is a man with a mission. An eminent neurosurgeon practising in the UK for the past 48 years, he was devastated at the lack of treatment facilities in his home town, Kolkata, for the patients suffering from neurological disorders. Kolkata he knew did not lack skilled doctors, then why did it lack a platform for Neurosciences comprising Neurology, Neurosurgery and Neuropsychiatry. Government hospitals had the skilled surgeons, but lack of funds often failed to provide the specialised facilities required. Private institutions could be afforded only by few individuals but even then many of them look for far away places.

Was there no solution to this problem? When the need of the hour was immediate, would the patient spent time searching for treatment and travelling long distances. The only answer was an institution that would serve the requirements of the people of the East and North-Eastern states of India.

A not for 'profiteering' enterprise, where a dedicated team of skilled professionals would render service in the area of neurological disorders.

A total commitment to his mission, inspired his 'brothers-in-arms', Professor Chandranath Sen, practising in New York and Professor Abhijit Guha, practising in Toronto, to combine their efforts in fulfilling Dr Sengupta's mission of establishing a unique neurological facility at par with International standards.

Dr R P Sengupta

Brothers-in-Arms (L-R: Prof Chandranath Sen, Prof Robin Sengupta and Prof Abhijit Guha in Bamburgh, near Newcastle Upon Tyne in 1996.)

1 One of its kind institute dedicated to all areas of Neuro to be located in Eastern India.

2 Brain child of globally reputed eminent Neurosurgeon, Dr R P Sengupta. Recognised internationally for his contribution in the field of Neuroscience. Distinguished list of patients in India and Overseas.

3 Dedicated in-house team. 24x7 link with patients.

4 Each team member, expert in the field of neurosciences : neurosurgeons, neurologists, anaesthetists, intensivists, therapists etc.

5 Visits from globally recognised Physicians and Surgeons for case discussions and for diagnosis and operations. Interaction through video-conferencing.

6 Exchange programs with recognised overseas neurosciences institutions. I-NK is already twinned with Newcastle Upon Tyne Health Trust.

7 ‘Patient Communicator’ at hand for interactions between Patient and Doctor/Surgeon throughout treatment process.

8 Treatment facilities available to all sections of the community.

9 Educational programs for post-graduates and family practitioners

10 Research in collaboration with premiere institutions abroad.


VISION FOR VALUEThe Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata is characterised by its vision for value. Value for patients, value for the state and team value. A 150 bed facility in the centre of Kolkata at 185/1, AJC Bose Road.

Within reach of 300 million people in the region and neighbouring areas.

Re-establishing the reputation of providing the best in medical care in the state, once known as the 'Jewel in the Crown’ of the Indian medical scene.

Creating a platform for global 'teamwork' through constant interaction with specialists from reputed western institutions. Video conferencing with teams in the UK, USA and Canada are a regular feature at the Institute.

The establishment provides neurological care of global standards. A comprehensive treatment package... provided by an integrated multidisciplinary team skilled in their knowledge of latest technologies. Using innovative surgical and non-surgical methods for specialised segments.

Dedicated to the service of mankind, the institute provides first class treatment facilities for all patients - whether you are a five star patient or in a free bed in a hospital which is fully air-conditioned.

For those who are used to 5 star luxury, their rooms are on the Executive Floor. Classy decor and furnishings add to the comfort of after care while you pick your choice of menu.

Those less well-off are offered the best of treatment but at subsidised costs. 20% of the beds are reserved for this section of patients, especially children.

Four Operation Theatres with state-of-the-art equipment ensure that 3000 surgeries can be carried out during the course of one year.


While other regions in the country have facilities for treatment of neurological diseases, the Eastern part lacks such establishments.

The Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata is a project promoting the credibility of Neuroscience, specially Neurosurgery in Kolkata.

An emphasis on Paediatric Neurology is the focus of the organization. Comprehensive paediatric neurological care is an important yet underestimated part of childcare. The Institute plans to bring in programs and provide levels of treatment never before available in Eastern India, such as surgery for incurable epilepsy and movement disorder.

The region offers little in the care of Psychiatric problems, often after stroke/head injury. Modern medical and surgical treatment can cure most patients, specially in the areas of drug dependency, cognitive impairment and poor milestone development.

Death resulting from head injuries is often due to delayed treatment or secondary complications. The Trauma Centre offers dedicated team services to combat these and other injuries.

The cause of stroke can be diagnosed immediately through modern imaging techniques at a stroke centre. If treated immediately, without wastage of time, stroke patients can recover their paralysis or other severe neurological deficits with clot bursting drug.

The Institute offers ‘Endovascular therapy’ which can be an alternative to surgery in many vascular cases with skilled specialists in the field.



1 Neurosurgery

Besides the routine brain and spinal surgery, I-NK will provide specialised neurosurgical procedures as such:

a) Precision Microsurgical procedures to treat intracranial aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation, deep seated tumors of the brain and spinal cord and extra cranial-intracranial bypass for stroke prevention.

b) Endoscopic Surgery for third ventriculostomy, intraventicular tumors and other suitable lesions.

c) Surgery for intractable epilepsy.

d) Surgery for movement disorders.

e) Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease and intractable pain.

f) Paediatric Neurosurgery.

g) Trauma Centre for Head and spine injuries.

h) Complicated spine surgery.

i) Endovascular treatment for Aneurysm, AVM, thrombolysis of occluded cerebral arteries.

2 Neurology

In addition to routine neurological diseases the following conditions will be treated -

a) Intravenous thrombolysis to reverse the effects of established stroke.

b) Stroke Clinic.

c) Epilepsy Clinic.

d) Video Telemetry.

e) Neuro genetic Diseases.

f) Multiple Sclerosis and other Brain diseases.

g) Sleep lab for diagnosis and cure of sleep disorders.

h) Headache clinic.

i) Tropical Diseases of the Nervous System eg. Tuberculosis.

j) Paediatric Neurology.

3 Neuro Psychiatry

This is a neglected part of the ‘mind’ related condition and most of the mental disorders are due to disturbance of the neuro chemicals.

The following conditions will be treated in I-NK

a) Dementia.

b) Schizophrenia.

c) Drug Dependency.

d) Depression following head injury or stroke.

e) Mentally challenged children.

4 Neuro Rehabilitation

This is also a most neglected subject in this part of the country. Clinicians are of limited ability to help the patient when the acute stage of the head injury or stroke passes. Where as with an integrated team effort using the following, quality of life in these patients can be much improved.

a) Physiotherapy.

b) Speech Therapy.

c) Occupational Therapy.

d) Psychological Therapy.

e) Menta Move Therapy.


1 Cerebrovascular Surgery

The incidence of aneurysm, AVM and stroke is a common problem. But in this part of the country the skill and team work is non-existent. Moreover, surgical treatment of cerebral aneurysm and AVM is much cheaper and more durable in skilled hands. A subspecialty of vascular surgery will be much desired and beneficial to patients.

2 Endovascular Surgery

Now a days aneurysm, AVM, Vascular tumours or Carotid occlusion can be treated without open surgery using endovascular methods. Stroke recovery may also be achieved with intra-arterial thrombolysis. The endovascular technique although expensive, can produce excellent recovery in a much shorter time span than with the open surgery even in skilled hands.

3 Functional Neurosurgery

This includes surgery for epilepsy, movement disorders, deep brain simulation, intractable pain and drug abuse. Since these types of surgery are non existent in Kolkata, it will fill the void and is surely desired when medical therapy cannot cure some of these patients.

4 Paediatric

Neurological and Neurosurgical diseases of the nervous system in children are not always similar to those of adults. But the care of these children with such problems requires special treatment and expertise. For these reasons I-NK focuses on the care of Children.

Out Patient Department (OPD)

There are 11 fully furnished Examination Rooms with examination couch, viewing box, computer and nurse.

Not only the specialists in Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry will consult patients, the clinic will also be used for related specialty such as Cardiology, Endocrinology, Diabetology, Pulmonology, Nephrology, Plastic Surgery, Trauma surgery and Abdominal surgery.

Some of the areas which will be focused most are as follows

Surgery, post-operative care, rehabilitation all are vital to a patient's treatment. But most important is the team that initiates the healing process... then carries the patient through the road to recovery.

The dedicated team of brilliant neurosurgeons, neurologists, anaesthetists, intensivists, physio's and other rehab experts, trained in the country and overseas are pivotal to the patients' well-being. No matter whether you are a 'five star' patient or one in a free bed, their tender touch is sensitive to your pain and their goal is to heal your hurt.

Teamthat Heals

Dr Dinesh G K(Chief Operating Officer)

Prof D Mandal Dr Shobhana A

Dr Paevi Tanskanen

Ms Fatima Koroma

Prof Martin LaheckaProf Robin Sengupta Dr Asis Bhattacharyya

Dr Kaushik Majumdar

Ms Julia Fruehauf Ms Minu Gomes

Ms Elina Pokela

Dr Amit Chakrabarty

Dr Satya Patro

Dr Partho Bishnu

Dr Sucharita Chakravarti


Prof Robin SenguptaM.Sc., FRCS, FRCS(Edin), FNASc.(lnd)

Prof Martin LaheckaMD (Helsinki), Ph.D.(Helsinki)

Dr Partho BishnuM.S., M.Ch.

Dr Asis BhattacharyyaM.S., M.Ch.

Dr Amit ChakrabartyM.S., M.Ch.

Dr Sisir DasM.S., M.Ch.

Dr Prasad KrishnanM.S., M.Ch.


Prof Dipes MandalM.D, D.M.

Dr Asis DasM.D., D.M.

Dr Rajib SamantaFRCPCh.(UK), MRCP, DCH, CCST(UK)

Dr Tapas Banerjee(Part-time)

Dr Debasish Chowdhury(Part-time)

Prof Arabinda Mukherjee(Part-time)

Dr Abhijit Chatterjee(Part-time)

Dr S K Biswas(Part -time)

Prof Trishit Roy(Part-time)

Prof Kalyan Bhattacharjee(Part-time)


Dr Paevi TanskanenM.D.(Helsinki)

Prof Bibhu Das(Honorary)

Dr Sucharita ChakravartiM.D., MNAMS

Dr Kallol DevM.D.

Dr Jayati GhoshM.D., PDCC

Dr Shobhana AM.D., IDCC

Ms Elina PokelaB.A., R.N(Helsinki) (Team Leader)

Ms. Fatima KoromaR N (Helsinki)

Ms Hilary O'DonnellR.N(UK)


Dr Kausik MajumderDTM&H, Dip (Dementia Care), DHM, FRCP(Edin)

Ms Julia FruehaufDip. Occupational Therapy (Saale, Germany)

Ms Debjani MukherjeeM.Ph.T (Physiotherapy)

Mr Dipak SantraB.P.T (Physiotherapy)

Mr Suporno DasB.A.S.L.P (Speech Therapy)


Dr Anindya BanerjeeM.D. (On Study Leave)

Dr Kaustav ChakrabortyM.D.

Dr Nilotpal Das(Part-time)


Dr Satya PatroMD, PDCC (Endovascular Intervention)

Prof Tapan Dhibar(Part-time)


Dr Gora Pal(Honorary)

Dr Sanchita Chatterjee(Part-time)


Dr M Shahnawaz PurkaitMBBS, MCCP


Ms Minu GomesR.N.


Major (Dr) Dinesh G K

DY CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER(Public Relation, Business Development & Corporate affairs)Ms Rupa Ghosh


L to R: Prof S Banerjee, DME; Sri Gautam M Chakravarty, Chief Commissioner of Police; Prof Chandranath Sen, Neurosurgeon, New York; Shri Ashok M Chakravarty, Chief Secretary, Govt of WB; Swami Jitatmananda, R K Mission; Shri Alapan Bandopadhya, Commissioner, KMC; Dharmaratna Swami Gopalsaranji, New Delhi

L to R: Shri Gautam M Chakravarty; Ms Julia Fruehauf

Inauguration ceremony of the Out-patient and Diagnostic Centre Chief Commissioner of Police is receiving bouquet of flowers

L to R: Shri Abu Sufyan, MIC, Bustee; Dr S K Mishra, Hon’ble Minister of Health; Swami Sarvabhutananda, R K Mission; Prof Robin Sengupta; Sir Leonard Fenwick.

A fund raising meet when Hon’ble MIC, Health and Family Welfare is unveiling the model of the institute

Making a DifferenceFrom across the globe... UK, USA, Canada, people from all spheres have made a difference... reaching out to help those who suffer from the pain of neurological disorders in Kolkata and neighbouring areas.

Contributing knowledge resources, devoting time and effort to collect funds, friends overseas and in India have come together to transform a dream to reality.

It takes so little... but it can make such a big difference for many. Though funds already collected have constructed the building... further donations are required to ensure that our facility is one of the premier institutions for treatment.

Come join hands with a team set to make a qualified and qualitative difference to life in your city Kolkata... Show you care.

L to R: Prof Robin Sengupta; Mrs Sengupta; Sir Leonard Fenwick, CEO, Newcastle Health Trust; Ms Sandy Bessford, PA to Sir Leonard; Shri Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal; Ms Barbara Piner from Los Angles.

Meeting with the Chief Minister

Patron-in-ChiefShri Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal

PatronDr S K Misra, Hon’ble MIC, Health and Family Welfare, Govt of West Bengal

Shri Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya, Hon’ble Mayor, Kolkata

Board of DirectorsProf R P Sengupta, Chairman & Managing Director

Mr Alapan Bandhopadhyay, Principal Municipal Secretary, Government of West BengallProf S N Banerjee, DME, Govt of West Benagal Prof Atish Dasgupta, Emeritus Professor, ISI

l lDr Subodh Dey, MIC, Health Dr Gora Ghosh, Economist Mr Abu Sufyan, MIC, BusteeProf Urmila Khanna, Consultant Surgeon & President of IMA

lMr Sakti Nath Mukherjee, Senior Advocate Ms Ruma Pal, Former Judge, Supreme CourtlMr Arnab Roy, Commissioner, KMC Mr Atma Ram Sonthalia, Businessman

Advisorsl l lMs Kiran Bedi, Chair Dr P Bhowmick, OBE, UK Mr R Chamaria Prof Kiron Das, US

l l l lMr A Gupta Mr C K Jain Mr S Lakhotia Mr Prabir Roy, US Mr Oney Seal, US and others

Project PartnersNeurosciences Foundation, Bengal (a registered society)

lKolkata Municipal Corporation Government of West Bengal

L to R: Mr Ronen Sen, Former Ambassador to US; Prof Robin Sengupta; Dr Rita Gupta; Dr Nilu Pathak; Prof Chandranath Sen.

A meeting with Ambassador Ronen Sen at Washington in 2008 soliciting support for the project for US Fund Raising Charity for I-NK

L to R: Mr Arnab Roy; Prof Robin Sengupta; Ms Ruma Pal; Mr Shaktinath Mukherjee; Mr Atma Ram Sonthalia; Mr Ashok K Das, MD, WBIDFC; Dr Gora Ghosh; Prof Urmila Khanna.

Members of Board

L to R: Mr C K Jain, Advocate; Mr Prakash Agrawala, Editor, Viswamitra; Prof Robin Sengupta; Mr Ravindra Chamaria, Industrialist

Prof Robin Sengupta with some of the Advisors

L to R: Ms Kiran Bedi; Prof Robin Sengupta; Shri Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya, Hon’ble Mayor of Kolkata.

Hon’ble Mayor in conversation with Ms Kiran Bedi, Chair, Advisory Committee

Calling all Corporates and PSUsMake a difference to the lives of your employees. Register your organization with our Preferred Patient Scheme (PPS).

Protect your corporate family from the pain of dealing with serious neurological disorders. Under the scheme, the patient gets immediate admission to a dedicated bed, on presentation of an identity card issued by I-NK. Tests and treatments are also carried out at discounted rates.

What better way to express your concern, than to cover them against the worries of finding the right doctor, treatment cost, etc, etc! At I-NK a dedicated team are at hand to guide you to recovery with facilities that equal international standards.

Come team up with I-NK. Show your people... you care.

Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata185/1 A J C Bose Road, Kolkata 700017

Tel: +91 33 22867094-96 Fax: +91 33 22867097Email: [email protected]