The Naked Truth How to Market to Me

The Naked* Truth How to Market To Me Christian Carlsson | Lead Consultant | Global Working Culture *No, I’m not going to strip
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The Naked Truth How to Market to Me, a personal perspective, and why you should get your experts out there.

Transcript of The Naked Truth How to Market to Me

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The Naked* Truth How to Market To Me Christian Carlsson | Lead Consultant | Global Working Culture

*No, I’m not going to strip

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The world’s largest manufacturer of pumps

Source: Martin Risgaard (@risgaard)

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Creating a Global Working Culture, where we work as under the same roof

Why we do it

How we do it

What is needed to succeed

Source: Thomas Asger Hansen (@thomasasger)

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Learning by doing – lots of pilots, everywhere Bla








Bla Bla BlaBla


Internal collaboration

Ideation and Innovation

Knowledge Transfer

Project Management

Social and Collaboration Empowerment

Social Business Intelligence and Engagement

Source: Christian Carlsson (@chris_carlsson)

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Example: drilling down on who speaks about “grundfos”

Source: Netbase

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Example: learning about Influencers

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Market to me How many of you have been on the “other side of the table”?

Source: Christian Carlsson (@chris_carlsson)

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I’m researching topics like organizational strategy and transformation, with a marketing flavor

I’m likely to trust messages or be influenced by someone from LEGO I’m a first mover, triggered by new, cool, interesting and smart things

Connected to key influencers, both internally as well as externally

Key focus on Social Listening and Analytics

Know me (it’s all there!)

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Know meYou can learn a lot about me,what I think about, what Istand for, by just jumpingin to random conversations.

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Understand meDo I look like someone you should ask to sign up for an email news letter…? If you want to connect with me, this is where I am.

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Remind me of your existence – use ‘mini touches’When you have connected with me, remind me of your existence in a good way. Use mini touches, like endorsements, “stars”, shares, etc. This is how you can keep your self on the radar screen.

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Help me grow my personal brandI will only share stuff to my network, that I think will reflect positively back on my own personal branding.

JP RangaswamiChief Scientist

And finding new experts to follow

and/or engage with, is an extra plus.Source: SalesForce

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But if you want me to share, the devil is in the detailURL not working; no good landing page, value, or reason to act

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Now you are thinking… how in the world am I to scale..?

Know me

Understand me

Remind me of your existence

Help me grow my personal brand

Get me to share

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One of the tricks: Social Empowerment of employees – build a web of trust.These two items have the same volume, but which has more surface area – the consistent, large sphere or the

diverse little spheres?

Answer: The marbles have about 300% more surface area.

Source: Ethan McCarty, @ethanmcc (2013)

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We trust more in Experts, and less in Marketing Gibberish

Source: Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Survey, Q3 2011 Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2013

Individuals drive trust & credibility

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Experts can help bridge the ever important content gap

Content gap

Source: Digital Body Language (2009)

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And using experts is more effective than traditional digital marketing tactics

Traditional digitalmarketing tactics

Experts digitalengagements

4% 12%

16% 44%

Conversion rate

Reach and amplification

Call to action


Source: IBM (2012)

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Who could be experts: the thought leaders


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Expert-in-the making

Follows a Business Development


Proactively engages; dialogue

Coffee and discussion

Talking to a competitor

Bringing out the Expert

Sharing is caring

Time (4 weeks)






Source: Christian Carlsson (2012)

Who could be experts: the expert-in-the-makingIn this case a student interested in Collaboration, building trust with a BD Executive

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Who could be experts: the seller

Social selling can lead to additional sales. The 1st customer bought the storage solution. And a 2nd customer found the below dialogue and also bought from the client rep.

Source, image: Pixabay Source, tweets: IBM(2009)

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Who could be experts: maybe you don’t know what experts you have?

The Facebook fan page is one of the most successful in Denmark, and is created and managed by a Grundfos employee (@risgaard).

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Top 2

0 m






Start aligning some of the “planets” and out from that, connect your experts to customers.

Listen for


Reverse IP

Mkt. Auto

Network know-ledge

Listen for



Source: Christian Carlsson (@chris_carlsson)

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The marketers role in all this?

The Content Gap

The Holy Grail!Finally Marketing can get closer

to Sales!

You should orchestrate the Social Empowerment of your experts, connecting them with the right people, at the right time, at the right place.

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Where are your experts? Thought leaders?Marketing Gibberish.

You can change “SAS” with any other


Names, no contact, no personal touch, no trust building, and

marketing gibberish.

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It took 5 minute to launch. It takes only one minute to close down again.

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Well done...

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Case example: Oracle learned how to communicate with me; turned me in to an sharer/advocate

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