The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.


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Transcript of The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.

Page 1: The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.

The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone

Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January

Page 2: The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.

The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone

Every January in Greece we celebrate the Halcyon Days. It is a period of calm during the winter, when storms do not occur.

This tradition is based on the well-known myth of Alcyone and Ceyx.

Page 3: The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.

The Myth of Ceyx and AlcyoneCeyx, the son of the morning star was the

king of the Greek city of Trachis. He was married

to Alcyone, whose father Aeolus was the keeper of the winds. The two were very much in love, and though they hated to be

apart, Ceyx decided to travel across the sea to

consult the Delphic Oracle.

Page 4: The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.

The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone

Having spent her childhood watching storm clouds and lightning dance about her father's palace, Alcyone was fully aware of the power of the winds. She begged Ceyx not to go, but he refused to listen to her warnings. Seeing that her husband's mind could not be changed, Alcyone demanded that she be allowed to accompany him on his trip.Ceyx would hear nothing of it. Instead, he left his tearful bride standing on the shore, as his ship slowly disappeared into the misty darkness of the sea.

Page 5: The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.

The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone

Ceyx had only travelled a short distance into his journey before a huge storm suddenly erupted over the water.The winds blew violently, tossing the ship about the waves as if it were only a child's toy. The crew was mad with terror, and in the final moments of his life, Ceyx's mind was filled with only thoughts of Alcyone.Unaware that any harm had befallen upon her husband, Alcyone prayed to Hera to protect Ceyx and to provide him with a quick and safe return home. Hearing the prayers, the goddess was consumed with pity for Alcyone, for she knew that the young man was already dead.

Page 6: The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.

The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone

Hera dispatched her messenger Iris to the

house of Sombus, the god of sleep. Sombus lived near the Cimmerian Nymphs, in a valley never kissed by the golden rays of the sun. In the darkness the only sound to be heard came from the nearby Pool of Lethe. The brilliance of Iris' rainbow cloak penetrated the dismal interior of Sleep's abode. Once the god was fully awake, Hera's servant instructed him to send Alcyone a vision revealing the sad truth about Ceyx's death at sea.

Page 7: The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.

The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone

Sombus summoned his son Morpheus, the god of dreams. Morpheus, who was able to change his shape at his will, quickly flew to Alcyone in the disguise of Ceyx.

He appeared at her bedside, wet and naked, and with much sadness recounted the gloomy details of his shipwreck and death. Alcyone awoke from her sleep in tears. Finding herself alone in her room, she called out into the night, desperately begging Ceyx to wait for her.

When morning came, she raced down to the shore and stood alone on the sand. Gazing out into the water, she saw something floating gently upon the waves.

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The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone

Recognizing the body to be that of Ceyx,

Alcyone rushed into the sea after him, but before she could drown, the grieving widow sprouted wings and flew off into the horizon. Ceyx, now full of life, also

took on the shape of a bird. The couple, who had been

transformed into a pair of Kingfishers (Halcyons), happily made their way across

the sky. Together again, Ceyx and Alcyone are a perfect example of how the strong bond of true love can never be broken.

Page 9: The Myth of Ceyx and Alcyone Celebrating the Halcyon Days in January.

The Myth of Ceyx and AlcyoneThis version of Ceyx and Alcyone comes from the writing of the Roman poet Ovid. There is another account given to us by Apollodorus which says that the couple were turned into birds by Zeus as a punishment for calling themselves Zeus and Hera. According to Apollodorus, Alcyone was changed into a Kingfisher while Ceyx donned the shape of a sea gull.

Each winter for a period of seven days, the waves of the sea become calm and still. It is at this time that Alcyone broods over her nest as it floats quietly atop the water. The spell is broken when the babies hatch and the water again returns to normal. This time is still known to us as Halcyon Days.