The Mystery Shopper is ready


Transcript of The Mystery Shopper is ready


o According to Wikipedia, a “Home Page” is the first starting page or landing page from a web search result.

o This simple fact makes a Home Page

very important, but it is also very much misunderstood.

o A Google search for two words

finds 2.850.000.000 results. Not going to be easy to find your website amongst all that.

o For a normal business person this is not interesting until it is realised that this can affect sales and profits.

What’s a home page?

Make-up of a web page

A web page has a number of important parts.

Page name




Text content




Anatomy of a website page.


o Do not name your first page simply as home-page, home page or homepage.

o Name it to identify your company or keyword in some way. This is important from the indexing point of view of Google and Bing.

o For better search Engine indexing, page name, title, description, contents, images and links should contain the keyword.

o Each page in a website needs to have a different keyword and only one keyword or long tail keywords for best results. For the first page this could be a brand name, company name or product.


Anatomy of a website page.

TITLE o The title explains to the search engine what the page contains and should be between 120 to 150 characters in length. Google has changed this amount but it is still good practice to aim around this figure. Including the site name is important.

DESCRIPTION o This describes the page contents, using the keyword and has around 135-150 characters.

o For the “Home Page” text content should be about the website, important links etc. The recommended minimum is 300 words and should naturally include the “Keyword” 2-3 times.


IMAGES o Images in the web page make it

interesting and informative to the visitor. The image “Alt” tag should contain the page keyword.

LINKS o There are off page links which

connect to other websites and internal links which guide into the internal pages of websites

Please Note:- Everything explained above should be correct, otherwise results for the page will lower down in search results reducing the number of visitors.

Want to know more how to implement – Contact Us

Anatomy of a website page.

What is a website check?

o Mystery Shopper is a website

that conducts light, medium or extensive reviews of a website from a typical customers point of view.

o A Webmaster or designer may

not have time to check every part of a site. This is not only small companies. It can happen to the largest companies also.

o This means lost business and unhappy customers.

When was your last website check-up?

On one of the worlds largest consumer product manufacturers website, their contact form requests authentication, which it does not accept.

Another company has not done a basic check. Clicking on “Service” shows a “Support” link, but you have to know the product code. There is the “Email Us” link at the bottom, only 2 options “Technical Support” or Complaint” Clicking on Complaint and completing the form, always comes up with an error message.

You have responsibilities owning a website

Legally every website must show documentation to visitors. This documentation varies from country to country. The European General Data Protection Regulation makes the protection of personal data a priority. The Mystery Shopper website holds no personal data on-line.

THE COOKIE REQUIREMENT o This document is important as it

identifies what happens to user information and how it is used.

THE PRIVACY POLICY o Privacy is a hot topic after the

revelations of Edward Snowden and Wikileaks.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS o If you trade on-line then you will

need a Terms and Conditions document published for customers

Sales going down? Time to act.

There could be many reasons why on-line sales have started to fall. Every business owner knows that customer service, availability and pricing are important, but often do not consider their website is affecting business.

Mystery Shopper visits have been used by many companies for years to evaluate the customer experience to business premises, including stores, restaurants, garages, hotels, shops, pubs etc. Now available for on-line businesses.

The average visitor has found your website from searching or followed a link from articles, Blogs, Business Directories or even your published brochures. 8-10 seconds is all the website has to interest the visitor. Does the page load quickly, is the information laid out in an organised manner, are there easy ways to make contact?, you might think so, but what does a potential customer think? If you don’t know what visiting customers are doing, you have lost a very important source of business information.

Want Sales to go up? Time to act.

Is your website responsive? With approximately 61% of the UK public using a mobile device to access the Internet, the most important step is making certain the company website is responsive. Google will severely penalise any website in search results if it is not responsive. A Mystery shopper or secret shopper works for you, independently reporting on many aspects of an existing company website. This is more than a website audit, this is really what happens when visitors land on your website. Just complete the simple contact form now and we will respond quickly to your enquiry.

A Mystery Shopper visit can be profitable.

o We visit a business website as a typical first time customer, but with the knowledge and experience to identify and report on missing items, broken links, missing images, slow loading web pages, sitemaps and much more from the customers point of view.

o You have a great web designer but they can

make mistakes, and nobody looks at your website like we do. Take the first step and make contact, it is a lot cheaper than you might think and your customers will thank you as well.