The Muslim World Expands Chapter 18.

The Muslim World Expands Chapter 18

Transcript of The Muslim World Expands Chapter 18.

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The Muslim World Expands

Chapter 18

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Section 1-The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire

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The Turks Move into Byzantium

• GhazisGhazis-Anatolian Turks that saw themselves as warriors for Islam

• OttomansOttomans-Followers of Osman the most successful ghazi – Military Success based on

gun powder gun powder – Some of the 1st people to

use cannonscannons

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The Turks Move into Byzantium

• SultanSultan-Meaning ‘overlord’ or “one with power”

• Living under the Ottomans– Used local officials local officials appointed by

the sultan to rule conquered areas – MuslimsMuslims served in the Turkish

army and pay religious taxes – Non-Muslims did not have to serve

in the army but paid a small taxtax in return

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The Turks Move into Byzantium

• Timur the Lame-– Received the nickname

after taking an arrow to the leg

– Burned BaghdadBaghdad to the ground

– Crushed the OttomansOttomans in the Battle of Ankara (1402)

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Powerful Sultans Spur Dramatic Expansion

• Mehmed II- – Nicknamed Mehmed the Mehmed the

ConquerorConqueror – Attacked ConstantinopleConstantinople

• Fired a 1,200lb bolder out of a 26-foot gun and ships

• After conquering the city he renamed it IstanbulIstanbul opened it up to Christians, Jews, Muslims, Turks and non-Turks

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Powerful Sultans Spur Dramatic Expansion

• Suleyman the Lawgiver-– Ruled for 46 years – Created penalties for

various criminal acts, bureaucraticbureaucratic and financial corruption

– Also introduced the concept of a balanced balanced budget budget to governments

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Powerful Sultans Spur Dramatic Expansion

• Suleyman the Lawgiver-– Studied poetry, history,

geography, astronomy, mathematicsmathematics and architecture

– Because of Islamic law he was toleranttolerant of other religions

– Supported art and literatureliterature

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Powerful Sultans Spur Dramatic Expansion

• Devshirme System-Members of the sultan’s army drafted from the ChristianChristian boys of conquered territories.– ConvertedConverted to Islam, and

educatededucated them

• Janissaries-Elite force of 30,000 soldiers trained to be loyal only to the sultanthe sultan.

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Section 3-The Mughal Empire in India

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Early History of the Mughals

• Mughals-Means MongolsMongols– Group of nomadicnomadic invaders

in Central Asia

• 1494-BaburBabur inherits the kingdoms of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan at the age of 11– Swept down into India and

laid the foundations for the Mughal Empire Mughal Empire

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Early History of the Mughals

• Akbar-Ruled India from 1556 to 1605– Babur’s grandsongrandson– Ruled with wisdom and

tolerance tolerance – Created his own religion

the “Divine FaithDivine Faith” • He offended Muslims so

much that they tried to revoltrevolt against him in 1581

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Early History of the Mughals

• Art and Literature-– Illustrated books Illustrated books

flourished• MiniaturesMiniatures-Small

highly detailed, colorful paintings

– Hindu literature Hindu literature also saw a resurgence during Akbar’s time

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Akbar’s Successors

• Shah Jahan-– KilledKilled anyone who

got in his way of being king

– Had two great passions in life:

• Beautiful buildingsbuildings • His wife Mumtaz

Mahal – Sadly she died at age

39 while giving birth to their 14th child

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Akbar’s Successors

• Taj Mahal- Taj Mahal- Towering marble dome built as a memorial to Mumtaz Mumtaz Mahal Mahal following her death– Referred to as the

most beautiful most beautiful building building in the world

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Akbar’s Successors

• Aurangzeb- Shah Jahan’s 3rd son– Took power when Shah became

sick– Expanded the Mughal Empire to

it’s greatest sizegreatest size– Oppressed the people

• Strict Islamic law (shariasharia) banned gambling, drinking, and other vices

• Taxed non-Muslimsnon-Muslims and was cruel to HindusHindus

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The Empire’s Decline and Decay

• Reasons for the Empire’s Decline-– Aurangzeb had drained it’s


– 2 million people died of hungerhunger

– As central power weakened the power of local lords local lords grew

– The power of western western traders traders began to increase

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