The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

Sunday Afternoon, January 15, 2017, at 2:00 Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Changing Lives through the Power of Performance Iris Derke, Co-Founder and General Director Jonathan Griffith, Co-Founder and Artistic Director presents The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins: Aberfan, Cantata Memoria Jonathan Griffith, DCINY Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Sir Karl Jenkins, DCINY Composer-in-Residence DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS ORCHESTRA DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS SINGERS INTERNATIONAL SIR KARL JENKINS Requiem (with film) I. Introit II. Dies irae III. The snow of yesterday IV. Rex tremendae V. Confutatis VI. From deep in my heart VII. Lacrimosa VIII. Now as a spirit IX. Pie Jesu X. Having seen the moon XI. Lux æterna XII. Farewell XIII. In paradisum JOANIE BRITTINGHAM, Soprano HOLLY SORENSEN, Mezzo-soprano JAMES NYORAKU SCHLEFER, Shakuhachi CATRIN FINCH, Harp Intermission PLEASE SWITCH OFF YOUR CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES.

Transcript of The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

Page 1: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

Sunday Afternoon, January 15, 2017, at 2:00Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage

Changing Lives through the Power of Performance

Iris Derke, Co-Founder and General DirectorJonathan Griffith, Co-Founder and Artistic Director


The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins: Aberfan, Cantata Memoria

Jonathan Griffith, DCINY Artistic Director and Principal ConductorSir Karl Jenkins, DCINY Composer-in-ResidenceDISTINGUISHED CONCERTS ORCHESTRA


SIR KARL JENKINS Requiem (with film) I. Introit II. Dies irae III. The snow of yesterday IV. Rex tremendae V. Confutatis VI. From deep in my heart VII. Lacrimosa VIII. Now as a spirit IX. Pie Jesu X. Having seen the moon XI. Lux æterna XII. Farewell XIII. In paradisum JOANIE BRITTINGHAM, Soprano HOLLY SORENSEN, Mezzo-soprano JAMES NYORAKU SCHLEFER, Shakuhachi CATRIN FINCH, Harp



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SIR KARL JENKINS Cantata Memoria For the Children Libretto by Mererid Hopwood (North American Premiere)(with film) 1. Pitran, patran 2. Then Silence Tawelwch fu 3. Cortège 4. Lament for the Valley Marwnad y Cwm Agnus Dei 5. Lacrimosa Lullaby Lacrimosa ’Maban Glân 6. Did I hear a bird? 7. Satin Feathers Aderyn Du 8. And-a-half Blwyddyn-a-mis 9. And once upon a time Unwaith amser maith yn ôl 10. When the shadow dies 11. Lux æterna JOANIE BRITTINGHAM, Soprano MARK WALTERS, Baritone JORGE ÁVILA, Violin CATRIN FINCH, Harp DAVID CHILDS, Euphonium


Use #CANTATAMEMORIA to post your post-concert and intermission photos and com-ments to @DCINY on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! | DCINY

DCINY thanks its kind sponsors in education: Artist Travel Consultants, VH-1 Save theMusic, Education Through Music, High 5, and WQXR. Credit to BBC Cymru Wales;S4C for commissioning; Hefin Owens and Rondo Media. A special thanks to CatrinBrace, Efe Soltol, and the Welsh Assembly Government.

Every year children around the globe fall victim to unforeseen disasters and unimaginabletragedies. In the wake of such events several organizations offer emergency response serv-ices and critical aid to children in their most crucial times of need. How you can help:Text AID to 20222 to donate $10 to save the Children | Text 0900 to Donate $10 to TheRed Cross | Text the word UNICEF to 80100 to donate $10.

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Page 3: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins


A Requiem is a Mass for the souls ofthe dead. In general, I have set the usualLatin movements but, in keeping withmy usual trait of drawing from othercultures, I have also set five Japanesehaiku ‘death’ poems. Such poems areusually to do with nature, have a singleidea, and consist of seventeen syllablesdivided 5-7-5 over three lines. As onecan see from the text, the Japanese viewnature’s water cycle (precipitation) asbeing synonymous with life.

I have combined the Western andEastern texts in two of the haiku move-ments, Having Seen The Moon andFarewell, which incorporate the

Benedictus and the Agnus Dei respec-tively. Both are intoned by male voicesin a monastic style as a counterpoint tothe Japanese text sung by females.

The instrumentation of these haiku set-tings includes the ancient Japanesewind instrument the shakuhachi.Elsewhere, as usual, I have used someethnic drums (eg Arabic darabuca,Japanese daiko, frame drums) and evena hip-hop rhythm in the Dies irae!

The work is dedicated to my late father,a musician and an inspiration.

—Note by Sir Karl Jenkins

SIR KARL JENKINS (b.1944) Requiem

Cantata Memoria commemorates theAberfan tragedy of October 21st 1966.It was on this day that 116 childrenand 28 adults perished when a coalspoil tip enveloped Pantglas JuniorSchool together with some houses inAberfan, South Wales. Aged twenty-two, I was in my first term at the RoyalAcademy of Music, London, at thetime, and inevitably the disaster had amassive impact on me and millions ofothers.

Two years ago, I was approached byIan Jones, CEO of S4C (Sianel PedwarCymru – Channel Four Wales), andHefin Owen of Rondo Media andoffered a commission to compose awork commemorating the 50thanniversary of the tragedy. Feeling priv-ileged, humbled and honored to havebeen chosen, I immediately accepted,

whilst also being mindful of the respon-sibility the commission carried in writ-ing something with integrity and acces-sibility that would connect and moveeveryone – the bereaved who are stillwith us, those who remember andthose who come to this catastropheanew. Paradoxically, dealing with asubject that lies so deep in the soul ofthe Welsh is both a harrowing anduplifting experience, but the journeyhas been made easier and more reward-ing by my traveling companion,Mererid Hopwood, the brilliant Welshpoet, academic and linguist who haswritten a remarkable libretto.

And while the work starts in Aberfan,alas, we must be mindful of how itmight encompass other heartbreakingtragedies involving children. Think ofDunblane (1996), the Beslan school

SIR KARL JENKINS Cantata Memoria For the Children

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siege (2004), the Korean ferry disasterand the Peshawar School massacre(both 2014) – each one a disaster toomany. We have all been children, andmany of us are parents and grandpar-ents, and my hope is that the work issymbolic, concerning childhood andthe cherishing of the precious young aswell as offering a memorial in music forthe disaster in Wales. As Mererid says,“we sincerely hope the work speaksfrom two hearts to many hearts.”

This work is music and a poem. It isnot a documentary, nor even a drama-tization, but it does include a confla-tion of ideas and facts that were rele-vant and by now part of the legacy.There wasn’t just the one cortège, forexample. Some events remain open todebate but we do know that All ThingsBright and Beautiful was sung atPantglas School from time to time andalso Myfanwy (by Joseph Parry fromnearby Merthyr Tydfil) on one occa-sion by soldiers who dug for victims.Myfanwy was also the first piece sungby the Ynysowen Male Choir that wasformed after the tragedy with the inten-tion of raising money for charity whileproviding a social activity for the local

men. It was said also that birdsong wasnot heard in the hours before or afterthe tragedy.

The text is multilingual, in English,Welsh and Latin (four texts from theRequiem Mass), while also referencingvarious other languages for specificwords (eg ‘why’ and ‘light’) in Welsh,English, Swedish, Latin, Spanish,German, French, Dutch and Italian. Itis hoped these many languages symbol-ize how the memorial is at once bothspecific and universal.

The work is in two distinct sections butperformed continuously. The first (20minutes) deals with the tragedy and theimmediate aftermath, and the second(35 minutes) moves from darkness tolight, reliving memories and celebratingchildhood, ending with Lux æterna(everlasting light).

Cantata (from the Italian cantare,meaning ‘to sing’) has come to mean awork for soloist(s), choir and orches-tra, and memoria is both Latin andItalian for memory or remembrance.

—Note by Sir Karl Jenkins

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Texts and TranslationsRequiemSIR KARL JENKINS

1. IntroitRequiem æternam dona eis, Domine,et lux perpetua luceat eis.Te decet hymnus Deus, in Sion,et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem.Exaudi orationem meam;ad te omnis caro veniet.Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.

2. Dies iraeDies irae, Dies illa,Solvet saeculum in favilla,Teste David cum Sibylla.Quantus tremor est futurusQuando iudex est venturusCuncta stricte discussurus!Tuba mirum spargens sonumPer sepulchra regionumCoget omnes ante thronum.Mors stupebit et natura,Cum resurget creaturaIudicanti responsura.Liber scriptus profereturIn quo totum contineturUnde mundus iudicetur.Judex ergo cum sedebit,Quidquid latet apparebit:Nil inultum remanebit.Quid sum miser tunc dicturus,Quem patronum rogaturus,Cum vix justus sit secures?

3. The Snow of Yesterday(haiku by Gozan)Hana to mishiYuki wa kinouzoMoto no mizu.

4. Rex TremendaeRex tremendae majestatis. Qui salvandos salvas gratis.Salva me, fons pietatis!

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Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,and let perpetual light shine upon them.A hymn becomes you, O God, in Zion,and to you shall a vow be repaid inJerusalem.

Hear my prayer;to you shall all flesh come.Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,and let perpetual light shine upon them.

This day, this day of wrath,Shall consume the world in ashes,As foretold by David and the Sibyl.What trembling there shall beWhen the judge shall comeTo weigh everything strictly!The trumpet, scattering its awful soundAcross the graves of all landsSummons all before the throne.Death and nature shall be stunned,When mankind arisesTo render account before the Judge.The written book shall be broughtIn which all is containedWhereby the world shall be judged.When the judge takes his seatAll that is hidden shall appear:Nothing will remain unavenged.What shall I, a wretch, say then.To which protector shall I appeal,When even the just man is barely safe?

The snow of yesterdaythat fell like cherry blossomsis water once again.

King of awful majesty.Who freely saves those worthy of salvation.Save me, fount of pity!

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5. ConfutatisConfutatis maledictusFlammis acribus addictis,Voca me cum benedictis.Oro supplex et acclinis.Cor contritum quasi cinis:Gere curam mei finis.

6. From Deep in My Heart(haiku by Issho)Kokoro karaYuki utsukushi yaNishi no kumo.

7. LacrimosaLacrimsoa dies illa.Qua resurget ex favillaJudicandus homo reusHuic ergo parce. Deus.Pie Jesu DomineDona eis requiemAmen.

8. Now As A Spirit(haiku by Hokusai)Hitodama deYukuki sanjiyaNatsu no hara.

9. Pie JesuPie Jesu Domine.Dona eis requiem.Sempiternam requiem.

10. Having Seen the Moon(haiku by Kaga-no-Chiyo)Tsuki mo miteWare wa konoyowoKashiku kana.BenedictusQui venit in nomine Domini.Osanna in excelsis.

11. Lux æternaLux æterna luceat eis, Domine.Cum sanctis tuis in æternum, quia piuses.

Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine.Et lux perpetua luceat eis.

When the damned are cast awayAnd consigned to the searing flames, Call me to be with the blessed.Bowed down in supplication I be to Thee. My heart as though ground to ashes;Help me in my last hour.

From deep in my heartHow beautiful arethe snow clouds in the west.

On this day full of tearsWhen from the ashes arisesGuilty man to be judged:O Lord, have mercy upon him!Gentle Lord Jesus.Grant them restAmen.

Now as a spiritI shall roamthe summer fields.

Blessed Lord Jesus.Grant them rest.Rest everlasting.

Having seen the mooneven I take leave of this lifewith a blessing.Blessed is heWho cometh in the name of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.

Let eternal light shine on them, O Lord:With thy saints forever, for Thou artmerciful.

Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.And may light perpetually shine onthem.

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12. Farewell(haiku by Banzan)Mame de iyoMiwa nara washinoKusa no tsuyu.

Agnus DeiQui tollis peccata mundi:Dona eis requiem.

13. In ParadisumIn Paradisum deducant te Angeli,In tuo adventu suscipiant te Martyres.Et perducant te in civitatem sanctamJerusalem.Chorus Angelorum te suscipiantEt cum Lazaro quondam pauper Aeternam habeas requiem.

Farewell.I pass, as all things doLike dew on the grass.

O Lamb of GodThat taketh away the sins of the world.Grant them rest.

Into Paradise may the Angel lead thee:At thy coming may the Martyrs receivethee,

And bring thee into the holy cityJerusalem.

May the Choir of Angels receive thee.And with Lazarus, once poor,May thou have eternal rest.

Cantata Memoria For the ChildrenSIR KARL JENKINS

1. Pitran, patranChorusPitran, patran, Titrwm, tatrwm,Dagrau agos, dagrau glaw,Pitran, patran,Titrwm, tatrwm,Cysgu blantos bore ddaw.

Pitran, patran, Titrwm, tatrwm,Dagrau agos, dagrau glaw,Pitran, patran,Titrwm, tatrwm,Cysgu blantos bore ddaw.

Young voicesAll things bright and beautiful,All creatures great and small,All things wise and wonderful:The Lord God made them all.

The purple-headed mountain,The river running by, The sunset and the morningThat brightens up the sky.

All things bright and beautiful,All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful:The Lord God made them all.

The tall trees in the greenwood, The meadows where we play,The rushes by the water,To gather every day

All things bright and beautiful,All creatures great and small,All things wise and wonderful:The Lord God made them all.

chorusTitrwm, tatrwm etc

Twrw, twrw etcTwrw, bwrw etc

Bore bwrw, bore bach etc

Soprano soloBach, bach.

2. Then SilenceTawelwch fu

Baritone soloNothing.Dim.In that black silenceNot a sound.

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ChorusDim, dim etc

Baritone soloNothing, not a sound etc

Young voices sing the hwiangerdd (lullaby)Heno, heno,Hen blant bach,Gwely, gwely,Hen blant bach.Dime, dime, dime,Hen blant bach,Dime, dime, dime,Hen blant bach.

Tonight,Little children,Bed,Little children,Halfpenny,Little children.

ChorusPitran, patran etc

Baritone soloNothing, not a sound.In that black silence

Nothing, not a sound.Darkness inside and the dark keeps ongrowing.


ChorusLord, why, oh why?Perché, perché, perché?Pour quelle raison?Warum, mein Gott?Quare Domine mi?¿Por qué, mi Señor?Oh why, oh why?Waroom?Varför?It is enough.Paham? Paham?

3. CortègeBaritone soloWhy is it anger, O Myfanwy,That fills your eyes so dark and clear?Your gentle cheeks, O sweet Myfanwy,Why blush they not when I draw near?Where is the smile that once so tenderKindled my love so fond, so true?

Paham mae dicter, O Myfanwy,Yn llenwi’th lygaid duon di?A’th ruddiau tirion, O Myfanwy,Heb wrido wrth fy ngweled i?Pa le mae’r wên oedd ar dy wefusFu’n cynau ‘nghariad ffyddlon ffôl?

ChorusGive me your hand, my sweet Myfanwy,But one last time, to say “farewell”.

Rho im dy law, Myfanwy dirionI ddim ond dweud y gair “Ffarwel”

Chorus: child victimsAntony John Sullivan,John Islwyn Jones,Richard Phillip Goldsworthy,Royston Barrett,Timothy Grey,Paul Jones,Anthony David Hill, Clive and Philip Mumford,Marilyn Carol Howells, Megan Robbins,Robert Breeze,Janette Lynne Brown,Jean Launchbury,Julie Jeannine Regan,Suzanne Meredith,Julie Pryce.

SATB simultaneously:

SopranoDavid Davies, Jeffrey Derek Needs,Christine George,Susan Jones,Yvonne Drage,Christine Prosser,Gillian Irene Jones, Terrence Davies,Stephen Vaughan and Angela Hopkins.

AltoRobert Garfield Jones,Robert and Barbara Minney,Royston Carl Davies,David Trevor Davies, Peter WilliamsEryl Mai Jones,June Margaret Williams,Pamela Heaman,Victoria Symonds.

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TenorWayne England,Valmai Mary Owen,Cheryl Mortimer,Norma Mumford,Martine Anne Short,Michael Jones,Annettte Smith,Karen O’Brien,Jacqueline Powell,Dennis Arscott,Sandra Donovan.

BassCarol Williams,Daphne Fudge,Brian Davies,Linda Hodkinson,Howell Lloyd and Gareth Victor Evans,Keith Williams,Kevin Thomas Jones,Michael Collins,Robert Coffey.

Young voicesBenedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.Hosanna in excelsis.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

SATB simultaneously:

SopranoAndrew Rees,Raymond John and Peter Collins,Susan Crotty,Annette Hughes,Sharon Lewis,Anthony Joseph Watkins,David William Williams,Ann Catherine Lee,Lynda and Carol Anderson,Sandra Leyshon,Marylyn and Carl Minett.

AltoDesmond Carpenter,Edwin Davies Evans,John Anthony King,Jennifer Haines,Jean Winifred and Maureen Mary Evans,Kay Bowns,

Carol Ann Carpenter,Royston Hodkinson,Pat and Tommy Probert,Graham WilliamsPaul David Roberts,Janet Jones,Sylvia Richards,Paul Davies.

TenorJoesph Wilkshire,Roger Summers,David Gareth Davies,Howard David Prosser, Dwynwen Griffiths,Betty Edwina Bartlett,Lorraine Isobel Richards,Kelvin David and Malcolm Andrew,Necia James,Jill and Vincent Parfitt,Williams Michael and Sheila Fitzpatrick.

BassCatherine Elizabeth Evans,Avis Elizabeth Sullivan,Gillian and Brian Michael Gough,Randolph Tudor,Robert Orville Jones,Lyn Harding,Merrill Barnard,Ian Dougall,Angela Williams,Arthur O’Brien,Corwyn T and Leighton Kerrie Reakes,Dyfrig Hayes.

ChorusBenedictus qui venit innomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis.

Young voices simultaneously: adult victims

Young voices 1Richard Jones, Lewis and Glenys Gabriel Jones,Patricia Margaret Evans,Gwyneth Collins, Graham Edward and Sidney Russell,William Henry Rees,Frederick Richard Hansen,Susannah Probert,Marjorie Christine Evans.

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Young voices 2Evan George and Margaret JaneCarston,

John Morgan Edwards,Brian Elvet Harris,Nansi Willims,Cassie Jones,Tydfil Jane Taylor,Myrtle Irene and William CharlesThomas,

Evelyn Mary Jones,Lucy May and Albert Gerald Mytton,David Beynon,Marjorie Ann Rees.

Young voices 3Margaretta Bates,Michael Davies, Ann Jennings.

ChorusBenedictus.Buried alive by the National Coal Board.Bwrw glaw mân ac mae’r dagrau yn disgyn.

Baritone soloBwrw glaw mân ac mae’r dagrau yn disgyn.Buried alive by the National Coal Board.

4. Lament for the Valley Marwnad y CwmAgnus Dei

Young voices & chorusAgnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,miserere nobis, qui tollis

peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sinsof the world,

have mercy on us, who takes away thesins of the world,

grant us peace.

5. Lacrimosa LullabyLacrimosa ‘Maban Glân

Baritone soloLacrimosa dies illa,Lacrimosa sky,Lacrimosa crystal kisses,Lacrimosa lullaby.

Lacrimosa secret rivers,Lacrimosa sigh,Lacrimosa raindrops quiver,Lacrimosa lullaby.

Lacrimosa dies illa,Lacrimosa ‘nghân,Lacrimosa cusan grisian,Lacrimosa ‘maban glân.

Lacrimosa’r afon ddyfnaf,Lacrimosa’r cwm,Lacrimosa dagrau’n crynu,Lacrimosa ‘ngalar trwm.

Young voicesLacrimosa dies illa,Qua resurget ex favillaJudicandus homo reus:Huic ergo parce Deus.

Y dydd hwnnw o ddagrau a galar, pangyfyd o’r llwch yr holl fyd Ifarnedigaeth,

gwarded ni drwy dy drugaredd, OArglwydd.

That day of tears and mourning, whenfrom the ashes shall arise all humanity to be judged, spare us by yourMercy, Lord.

Baritone soloPie Jesu Domine,Gentle Lord Jesus,

Baritone solo & young voicesdona eis requiem.grant them eternal rest.

All voicesLacrimosa lullaby.Lacrimosa ‘maban glân.

Baritone soloLacrimosa silver arrows,Lacrimosa cry,Lacrimosa hurt my heartbeat,Lacriomsa lullaby.

Lacrimosa silent feathers,Lacrimosa fly,Lacrimosa hush my baby,Lacrimosa lullaby.

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Lacrimosa’n saethau arian,Lacrimosa’n gri,Lacrimosa’n guriad calon,Lacrimosa ‘nghalon i.

Lacrimosa’r bluen ddistaw,Lacrimosa dos,Lacrimosa hysh fy mhlentyn,Lacrimosa cysga’r nos.

ChorusLacrimosa dies illa,Qua resurget ex favillaJudicandus homo reus:Huic ergo parce Deus.

Young voicesPie Jesu Domine,

Baritone solo & chorusdona eis requiem.

Baritone solo & young voicesLacrimosa lullaby.Lacrimosa ‘maban glân.

6. Did I hear a bird?

Young voicesDid I hear a bird?Not a word.Did I hear a song?Perhaps long ago.(But I don’t think so.)Did I hear the flutter of wings,Like the sound of apron stringsUnravelling?What have I heard?Just a little bird

Baritone soloThat keeps on falling, fallingFrom an empty thunder-cloud,Sounding of loss – a loss so loud.

ChorusHeno, henoHen blant bach,Gwely, gewly,Hen blant bach,Dime, dime, Hen blant bach,Dime dime,Hen blant bach.

Tonight,Little children,Bed,Little children,Halfpenny,Little children.

Young voices & baritone soloCan you hear a bird?Just a word?Can you hear a song?‘Twas long ago,But I don’t think so.

Can you hear the flutter of wings,Like the sound of apron strings?Hear a beating, beating wing?Beating my heart, Just a little birdThat keeps on calling, calling,Calling softly from the crowd,That keeps on calling, calling, Calling for light, A light so loud.

ChorusFory, fory, Hen blant bach,Gwely, gwely,Hen blant bach,Dime, dime dimeHen blant bach.

Tomorrow,Little children,Bed,Little children,Halfpenny,Little children.

7. Satin FeathersAderyn Du

Soprano soloLittle bird with satin feathers,Take my tears across the waters,Take my prayer and take my sorrow,Take my heart until tomorrow.

Aderyn du a’I bluefyn sidan,A’I big aur a’I dafod arian,Ei di drosta’I ar don yr heliI holi hynt yr un ‘rwy’n garu?

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Baritone soloThen bring the spring and bring the summer,Bring the stars a little closer,Bring the sun and make it golden,Bring the daisies to my garden.

Aderyn du, a ddoi di eto,Dod I’r ardd I chwarae cuddio,Dod â’r blodau nôl i dyfu,Dod â’r heulwen aur I wenu?

Soprano & baritone soliBring the music to my valley,Bring it back again, and hurry,Bring the joy and bring the laughter,Bring them back to stay forever.

Aderyn du, a ga’I dy ffeindioYn y cwm yn canu eto?Tyrd â’r miwsig, tyrd â’r chware,Tyrd â’r plant yn ddiogel adre.

One, two, three things, I can’t imagineThat my bird with wings of satinTakes the night, the moon, the shadow,And brings my children home tomorrow.

Un, dou, tri pheth sy’n anodd imi,Cyfri’r sêr pan fo hi’n rhewi,Pwyso sofrens aur yr eithin,A deal I ble’r aeth y chwerthin.

Young voices & chorusBring the music to my valley,Bring it back again, and hurry,Bring the joy and bring the laughter,Bring them back to stay forever.

Aderyn du, a ga’I dy ffeindioYn y cwm yn canu eto?Tyrd â’r miwsig, tyrd â’r chware,Tyrd â’r plant yn ddiogel adre.

All voicesForever.

8. And-a-halfBlwyddyn-a-misYoung voicesI’m bigger than you – I’m seven years old.That’s nothing – I’m seven and a half!

Dwi’n fwy na thi, dwi’n saith mlwydd oed.‘Mond hynny? – Dwi’n saith mlwydd a mis!

I’m stronger than you – I’m eight years old.That’s nothing – I’m eight and a half!

Dwi’n gryfach na thi – dwi’n wyth mlwyddoed.

‘Mond hynny? —Dwi’n wyth mlwydd amis!

I’m prettier than you – I’m nine years old.That’s nothing – I’m nine and a half!

Dwi’n bertach, lot, na thi – dwi’n nawmlwydd oed.

‘Mond hynny? – Dwi’n naw blwydd a mis!

I’m cleverer than you – I’m ten and aquarter.

That’s nothing – I’m ten and a half!

Dwi’n ddoethach, lot, na thi – dwi’nddeg, bron, a hanner.

‘Mond hynny? – Wel dwi’n un deg un!

If you’re so big, tell Billy he’s slow.I can’t today, I’ve got a bad toe.

A thi mor fawr, dwed wrth Jac: ti’n slo’!Alla’I ddim nawr, nai ‘neud rywbryd ‘to.

If you’re so strong, go and lift this stone!I can’t today, I’ve got a bad… bone.

A thi mor gryf, coda’r garreg Alla’I ddim nawr, mewn crys newydd sbon.

He can’t today, he’s got a bad… bone.

All e ddim nawr, mewn crys newydd sbon.

If you’re so pretty, give Johnny a kiss.But Johnny is ugly. For shame, I’ll tell Miss!

A thi mor brydferth, rho gusan I Ben.Ond mae Beni’n rhy salw! Dwi’n dweudwrth Miss Gwen!

If you’re so clever, what’s three hundredmillion divided by nine over two?

That’s easy peasy lemon squeezy…butI’m not telling you!

A thi mor glyfar, beth yw tair miliwnpum cant wedi rhannu gyda naw?

Mae hynny’n haws na chaws naphawsi…ond so fi’n gweud ‘tho ti!

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ChorusAnd somewhere between the years-and-a-half,

When the sky would skip and the sunwould laugh,

When the yard was the sea and the wallwas the land,

When the whole wide world could fit in ahand,

We sang, we played, we sought, we found,We teased, we joked, we gathered around,We wrote, we read, we built, we drew,Before the years-and-a-half all flewAway.

A rhwle’n y bwlch rhwng blwyddyn a mis,Â’r haul yn rhoi’I aur heb holi am bris,Ar yr iard rdd y môr, a’r hen wal fach pendraw

Ydoedd ffin y byd mawr a phawb law ynllaw,

Chwarae, chwerthin, chwilio a chael,Cellwair, canu yn llygad yr haul,‘Sgwennu, darllen, a thynnu llun,Cyn I’r flwyddyn a’r mis fynd yn unAm byth.

9. And once upon a timeUnwaith amser maith yn ôl

Soprano & baritone soliAnd once upon a time,When time was mine,Before you and IKnew how to fly,Before the minute without meaning,Before the end of each beginning,Once upon a time,

Ac amser maith yn ôl,Ti yn fy ngh ôl,Cyn dyfod y glaw,Cyn gollwng dy law,A chyn yr eiliad heb ddim golau,A chyn y diwedd I bob dechrau,Amser maith yn ôl,

ChorusOnce upon a time that was yours and mine.Amser maith yn ôl, d’amser di a mi.

(the above repeated)

Chorus & young voicesAnd once upon a time,When time was together,When the worlds were nearerAnd the skies were clearer,Once upon a time,When time was forever and tomorrownever,

In that once upon a time that was yoursand mine,

Yours and mine.

Ac amser maith yn ôl,Dyddiau dau yn dynnach,Pob dim yn agosach,Aer uwchben yn lasach,Amser maith yn ôl,Dyddiau dau’n fyth bythoedd ac yfory’noesoedd,

Y nein hamser maith yn ôl, d’amser di a mi,Dim and ni.

Soprano & baritone soliYours and mine.

10. When the shadow dies

Soprano & baritone soliHow should we weep when the shadowdies,

Fading, slipping till the sun liesAsleep?

Should we now leave,For the stars shed no light?Or shall we mourn by the shallow moonThat has no dawn,No day, say,Shall we stay?

And still,Shall we grieve by the shallow graveOf a flown-away life like a fallen leaf,And if so, how?

And when winter blows,Might we rest by the empty tree?Shall we try? Should I?Nobody knows.

But if to be alive is to belongThen we mustKeepStillThis song.

Page 14: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

Chorus, young voices & optionalsoprano & baritone soli

Sing it until the end of the night,Sing it, sing it, for our children loved light,

Soprano & baritone soliMy child loved light.

11. Lux aeternaYoung voices, then soprano & baritonesoli, then chorus

Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine: cumsanctis tuis in aeternum,

quia pius es. Requiem aeternam donaeis, Domine, et lux

perpetua luceat eis, quia pius es.

Let everlasting light shine upon them, OLord, with your saints

forever, for you are merciful. Eternal restgrant them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them,for you are merciful.

Llewyrched arnynt oleuni gwastadol,gyda dy saint am byth,

otherwydd rwyt ti’n drugragog. Dyroiddynt orffwys tragwyddol,

O Arglwydd, a llewyrched goleunitragwyddol arnynt, oherwydd

trugarog wyt ti.

Young voices & soprano & baritone soli‘Light’ in various languages

Young voicesIf I were a beautiful twinkling starI’d shine on the darkest night,I’d seek where the dreariest pathways areAnd light them with all my might.

Though sun and moon I cannot beTo make the whole world bright, I’d find some little cheerless spotAnd shine with all my might.

Pe bawn I yn seren fach loyw lânYn gwenu ar fron y nos,Mi fynnwn oleuo’r holl gonglau duA’r ffordd sydd yn mynd I’r rhos.

Ern ad wyf I na haul na lloerI’r cread mawr I gyd,Gall plenty bychan lawenhauUn cornel bach o’r byd.

Young voices, chorus altosLux aeterna luceat eis, Domine: cumsanctis tuis in aeternum,

quia pius es.

ChorusSêr y Goleuni,Seren dân,Goleuni,Seren gân.

Star of light,Star of fire,Light,Star of song.

Young voicesLux aeterna luceat eis, Domine:

Soprano & baritone soliCum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es.

Young voices & chorus sopranos & altos‘Light’ in various languages

Soprano solo & young voicesLight.

Page 15: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

THE ArtistsA 2011 global survey showed that KarlJenkins is now the most performed livingcomposer in the world. He was raised inPenclawdd on the Gower Peninsula, edu-cated at Gowerton Grammar School,and read music at University CollegeCardiff, University of Wales and theRoyal Academy of Music, London. TheArmed Man: A Mass For Peace, writtenfor the millennium is perhaps his mostwell known work. The recent perform-ance at the RAH on July 3rd 2016 withthe Royal Choral Society and the RoyalPhilharmonic Orchestra was the 2000thperformance of the work. Highlightsinclude a commemorative performancein NY on the 10th anniversary of 9/11while the recording has been in the UKClassical charts for over 600 weeks. Histotal recorded output has resulted in sev-enteen gold and platinum discs.

His style and integrity has transcendedmusical boundaries encompassing jazz-rock with Soft Machine, the global‘crossover’ phenomenon Adiemus,soundtracks for Levis and British Air-ways, while stopping off along the wayto score a Kiefer Sutherland movie, be acastaway on BBC “Desert Island Discs”,be featured by Melvyn Bragg on the ITVseminal South Bank Show and beawarded the Freedom of the City ofLondon. He has recorded for EMI Clas-sics and DG. Works include: Adiemus,Requiem, Palladio, Stabat Mater, Quirk,The Peacemakers and Motets, many ofwhich attained No1 status in the UKClassical chart. Apart from his own pro-lific output, he has composed music forHRH The Prince of Wales, Bryn Terfel,Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Dame EvelynGlennie and the London SymphonyOrchestra amongst many others.

A Doctor of Music, he has held Fellow-ships, Honorary Doctorates andProfessorships at five universities orconservatoires, including the RoyalAcademy of Music, where a room hasbeen named in his honour. Since 2004,he has consistently been the highestplaced living composer in Classic FM’s“Hall of Fame”. Decorations include:Cymru For The World, the HopkinsMedal of the St. David’s Society for theState of New York, the ‘Order of Merit– Knight’s Cross’by the President ofHungary and, in 2015, the President’sMedal for peace, by the President ofKosovo, on account of the dedication ofThe Armed Man: A Mass for Peace tothe victims of the war.

2014 saw the inaugural ‘The Arts Club- Sir Karl Jenkins Award’, established tohelp young musicians entering the pro-fession. He is the patron of numerouschoirs, including the Dutch JenkinsChoir, a ‘national choir’ in Holland. Heholds the Classic FM ‘Red f ‘award for‘outstanding service to classical music’and was awarded an OBE, by HerMajesty The Queen, in the 2005 New

SIR KARL JENKINS, DCINY Composer-In-Residence

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An acclaimed conductor, educator, andlecturer, Jonathan Griffith has led per-formances across North America,Europe, and Asia. Maestro Griffith isco-founder and artistic director ofDistinguished Concerts InternationalNew York (DCINY), which hasbrought together, under his artisticleadership, thousands of musicians andchoral singers in concert at prestigiousvenues across the United States, includ-ing Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, andDisney Hall. The founder and musicdirector of the Distinguished ConcertsOrchestra, Maestro Griffith also over-sees DCINY’s mentoring program forconductors.

He made his Carnegie Hall conductingdebut in 1989 and has conducted well

over 65 performances at Carnegie Halland Lincoln Center combined. In addi-tion to the major works of the classicalrepertoire, conducting highlights in -cludes the U.S. premieres of Karl Jen -kins’ Stabat Mater, The Armed Man,and Te Deum, Sergei Taneyev’s UponReading a Psalm, Miloš Bok’s MissaSolemnis, Luigi Boccherini’s Villancicos,and Eugene Goossens’ re-orchestrationof Handel’s Messiah, along with worldpremieres by Eric Funk, SeymourBernstein, and Robert Convery. Hisadditional conducting credits include theMormon Tabernacle Choir in Salt LakeCity; Manhattan Philharmonic and NewEngland Symphonic Ensemble, both atCarnegie Hall; the European SymphonyOrchestra in Spain; Bohuslava MartinuPhilharmonia and Philharmonia Chorus,Virtuosi Pragensis Chamber Orchestra,Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra, andDvorák Chamber Orchestra in theCzech Republic; and the Bialystok StatePhilharmonic in Poland, as well asnumerous regional orchestras and cho-ruses across the United States.

The Jonathan Griffith Singers, an ensem-ble drawn from singers across NorthAmerica and founded in 1987, has madeits mark internationally. In recent yearsDr. Griffith has led the Singers on highlyacclaimed tours to Uruguay andArgentina; to the People’s Republic of

JONATHAN GRIFFITH, DCINY Artistic Director and PrincipalConductor

Years Honours List and a CBE in the2010 Birthday Honours List ‘for serv-ices to music’. In 2016 he received theBASCA (British Academy of Songwrit-ers, Composers and Authors) GoldBadge Award.

His most recent work, Cantata Memo-ria, was premiered, with the composerconducting, last October. Featuring

Bryn Terfel, it commemorates the 50thanniversary of the Aberfan disaster,Wales, when a colliery spoil tip col-lapsed, enveloping a school, killing 116children.

He was knighted in the 2015 Queen’sBirthday Honours List while his autobiog-raphy, Still With the Music. was recentlypublished by Elliot & Thompson.

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Joanie Brittingham, soprano, has beennoted for her “full-bodied voice” (TulsaWorld) and “vivacious stage presence”(Greenville News), “dramatic versatil-ity” (Opera News) and “lucid diction”(New York Times). Brittingham recentlymade her Carnegie Hall debut with Dis-tinguished Concert Artists International(DCINY), as the soprano soloist for KarlJenkins’s The Armed Man. Recent per-formances include Marie in The PrincessPat with Victor Herbert RenaissanceProject Live! and Stella in The Strangerthe Better, part of Hartford Opera The-ater’s New in November. She hasperformed with Riverside Theatre, Icon-oClassic Opera, and Chelsea Opera, andhas performed with the New Works Fes-tival with OPERA America, AmericanLyric Theatre, Opera Lancaster, GLOWLyric Theatre, New York Lyric Opera,Light Opera Oklahoma, Peach StateOpera, and Wichita Grand Opera,among others. Ms. Brittingham’s per-formances include recitals with theMarket Street Arts Festival, New YorkOpera on Tap, and the Creagan ArtsSeries. She was a finalist in the Fritz and

Lavinia Jensen Competition in 2014,and a semifinalist in the InternationalConcours de Chant de Clermont Fer-rand in 2015. Ms. Brittingham has twoMasters degrees from Baylor University,in Voice Performance and Music Historyand literature, and obtained her under-graduate degree from West VirginiaUniversity in Voice Performance andTheatre. She is featured on the albumSongs of Robert Burns, available onItunes. Additional information can befound at


China, premiering Karl Jenkins’ TheArmed Man: A Mass for Peace in Beijingand Shanghai; and to Pisa, Italy. Dr.Griffith and the Jonathan GriffithSingers toured Turkey in June of 2013performing the acclaimed Turkish orato-rio Yunus Emre by A. Adnan Saygun inIstanbul with the Cemal Resit ReyOrchestra and in Ankara and Eskinehirwith the Presidential Orchestra at theinvitation of the TURKSOY governmen-tal agency. Dr. Griffith along with the

Distinguished Concerts Orchestra were2014 and 2015 recipients of theAmerican Prize in Conducting, profes-sional orchestra division, and a semi-finalist in the 2016 competition. Dr.Griffith received his DMA in conductingfrom the Conservatory ofMusic/University of Missouri-KansasCity, a master’s in music education fromWichita State University, and bachelorof music education from the Universityof Kansas.

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Holly Sorensen is known for her rich,colorful, and expressive timbre. A giftedsinging actress with great versatility,Ms. Sorensen was described as having,“a grand time!…dispensing attitudewith relish and producing some impres-sively chilling tones” – Opera News.The Tampa Bay Times writes, “acreamy mezzo that soars lusciously andis breathtaking in her cruelty,” uponmaking her debut as Dalila in Samson etDalila with the St. Petersburg Opera.Ms. Sorensen performs a wide variety ofrepertoire, ranging from dramatic lead-ing mezzo roles, to comic Rossini. Someof her other stage credits include, thetitle role in Carmen, The Mother—Hansel and Gretel, Suzuki—MadamaButterfly, La Prima Donna—Salieri’sPrima la Musica poi le Parole, PittiSing—The Mikado, The Secretary—TheConsul, Sorceress—Dido and Aeneas,Prince Orlofsky – Die Fledermaus, ThePrincess Aunt – Suor Angelica. Someoperatic performance venues include:Utah Opera, Des Moines Metro Opera,Bronx Opera, Utah Lyric Opera, Con-necticut Grand Opera, Duluth Opera,Opera in the Ozarks, Ardamore Cham-ber Opera, Opera Company ofBrooklyn, Dicapo Opera, and BostonClassical Orchestra.

Ms. Sorensen has been lauded for herconcert and oratorio work, as a mezzowith “luscious tones” – GreenwichTimes and “glamorous and beautiful tosee and hear” – Greenwich Citizen. Shemost recently sang as mezzo soloist inBach’s St Matthew Passion under Dr.Craig Jessop with the American FestivalChorus and in Beethoven’s Missa

Solemnis with the Helena Symphony.She returned to Avery Fisher Hallsinging as mezzo soloist in Handel’sMessiah, Mozart’s Requiem and theDurufle Requiem with DCINY whereshe was hailed as “radiant” by the NewYork Concert Review. Other perform-ances include: Mendelssohn’s Pauluswith the Oratorio Society of New Yorkin Carnegie Hall, Respighi’s Laud to theNativity, Mendelssohn’s Elijah, theYizkor Requiem and Bach’s St. JohnPassion. Ms. Sorensen performed theMozart Requiem and Vivaldi Gloria inVenice, Italy with Dicapo Opera, andhas been a featured soloist with the SaltLake Choral Artists in performancesincluding the Bach B Minor Mass, andThe Armed Man by Karl Jenkins. Shehas performed frequently with theGreenwich Choral Society and Green-wich Symphony in Connecticut, theAllentown Symphony and NorwalkSymphony. Ms. Sorensen was the firstplace female winner of the Nico Castelvocal competition in Carnegie Hall.


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Being touted as one of the next greatAmerican Verdi baritones, Opera Newsdescribes Mark Walters as “a force to bereckoned with.” He is lauded for his per-formances throughout the United Statesas Scarpia in Tosca, Germont in La travi-ata, and Pizarro in Fidelio. Walters isnow foraying into richer, more dramaticroles including: Die fliegende Holländer,Jochanaan in Salome, Wotan in Der Ringdes Nibelungen, the title role of SweeneyTodd, and Iago in Otello.

This season, Walters sings the role ofPeter in Hänsel und Gretel with SeattleOpera, Scarpia in Tosca with Opera

Tampa, and the title role in a concertversion of Don Giovanni with Kalama-zoo Symphony. In concert, he sings inthe Centennial Celebration Concertwith Opera Tampa, the 10th Anniver-sary Gala with Opera Louisiane,Händel’s Messiah with Augustana Col-lege, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 withTraverse City Symphony, and a concertof Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 andVaughn Williams’ Serenadewith Spring-field Symphony.

Walters’ oratorio work includes hisCarnegie Hall début in Orff’s CarminaBurana and Fauré’s Requiem;Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 with Tal-lahassee Symphony, MississippiSymphony Orchestra, and Lima Sym-phony; Verdi’s Requiem withMississippi Symphony; Brahms’Requiem with Arizona Music Festivaland Händel’s Messiah with MississippiSymphony and Händel Oratorio Soci-ety. As a featured soloist, Mr. Waltershas sung in the “Milnes Voice GalaHonors James Morris,” in the Baritoneson the Bayou with Opera Louisiane, asElijah with the Pensacola Choral Soci-ety, and in a Gala concert for theCanterbury Festival, UK.


Page 20: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

“Catrin has done more than anyone inharp history to bring her instrument to a

wider public....” International welshharpist, Catrin Finch, is one of the mostaccomplished harpists of her generation.From achieving the highest mark in theUK for her Grade 8 exam at the tenderage of nine, she went on to study at ThePurcell School and the Royal Academyof Music. From 2000–2004, she had thehonor of reviving the ancient traditionof Royal Harpist to H.R.H, the Prince ofWales, last held in 1873. She hasappeared with the world’s top orchestrasaround the world and recorded for mostof the major international recordingcompanies. Since her first recording ofBach’s Goldberg Variations for theDeutsche Grammophon label in 2007,


Hailed as a “strong violinist” by theNew York Times, Honduran-bornJorge Ávila has won attention as anoutstanding violinist through numerousappearances as a soloist, recitalist, con-certmaster, and chamber musician. Arecipient of various awards and honors,Jorge received his green card under theExtraordinary Talent category, laterbecoming a U.S. Citizen. He was alsoawarded first prize at the 2001 Mu PhiEpsilon International Music Competi-tion and the Omar del Carlo Fellowshipat the Tanglewood Music Center. Jorgeis the concertmaster of the RidgefieldSymphony and DCINY. He has alsoappeared as concertmaster with TheStamford, Westfield and GreenwichSymphony orchestras, St. Patrick’sCathedral, Long Island Masterworks,Grace Church Orchestra, and Tangle-wood Music Center, among many otherorchestras. His concerto highlightsinclude recent performances of theMendelssohn, Brahms and Beethovenconcertos, as well as Beethoven’s TripleConcerto with David Finckel and WuHan. He has often performed live on

both television and radio, and in 2008appeared as concertmaster for HisHoliness, Pope Benedict XVI, at a tele-vised Mass held at Yankee Stadium.Jorge has recorded for Naxos, None-such Records, and other labels. Hissolo debut CD of Spanish violin andpiano Sonatas was released in 2012 onthe Centaur Label. In September of2015, Jorge was chosen to be the con-certmaster for Pope Francis’ historicMass at Madison Square Garden.


Page 21: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

James Nyoraku Schlefer is a GrandMaster of the shakuhachi and one ofonly a handful of non-Japanese artiststo have achieved this rank. He receivedthe Dai-Shi-Han (Grand Master) certifi-cate in 2001, and his second Shi-Hancertificate in 2008, from the MujuanDojo in Kyoto. He has performed atCarnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, theKennedy Center, Tanglewood andBAM, as well as multiple venues acrossthe country and in Japan, Indonesia,Brazil and Europe. Mr. Schlefer firstencountered the shakuhachi in 1979,

while working towards a career as aflute player and pursuing an advanceddegree in musicology at CUNY (QueensCollege.) Today, he is considered by hiscolleagues to be one of most influentialWestern practitioners of this distinctiveart form. As a composer, Mr. Schleferhas written multiple chamber andorchestral works combining Japaneseand Western instruments as well asnumerous pieces solely for traditionalJapanese instruments. Mr. Schlefer is theArtistic Director of Kyo-Shin-An Artsand the curator for the Japanese musicseries at the Tenri Cultural Institute inNYC. He teaches shakuhachi at Colum-bia University, a broad spectrum ofWestern and World music courses atNew York City Technical College(CUNY), and performs and lectures atcolleges and universities throughout theUnited States. In December 2015, Mr.Schlefer was recognized by MusicalAmerica Worldwide for his work bothas a composer and as Artistic Directorof Kyo-Shin-An Arts, as one of their“30 Top Professionals and Key Influ-encers.”


she has recorded three further albumsfor the label including the best selling“Blessing” with John Rutter. In 2013Catrin collaborated with Senegalesekora player Seckou Keita winning the2014 Album of the Year in both Frootsand Songlines magazines, and sittingatop the World Music charts for a num-ber of weeks. 2015 saw the release ofCatrin’s self-composed album entitled“Tides”, on her new label ‘Acapela’ insupport of the International Develop-

ment charity Water Aid. Known for herwork within the community and withthe younger generation, Catrin is com-mitted to promoting the harp andclassical music through her now success-ful annual Academi Catrin FinchAcademy Summer Harp School andAnnual Harp Fun Day. She now lives inCardiff, Wales with her two youngdaughters and husband, with whom sheruns a successful concert venue andrecording space – Acapela.

Page 22: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

David Childs is regarded as one of thefinest brass musicians of his generation.He has appeared as soloist with the BBCNational Orchestra of Wales, RoyalPhilharmonic, BBC Concert Orchestra,Sinfonia Cymru, DCINY Symphonyand BBC Philharmonic; made soloappearances at the Singapore Interna-tional Festival, Welsh Proms, HarrogateInternational Festival, Cheltenham Fes-tival, Melbourne International Festival,BBC Proms and New York Festival; per-formed solo recitals at the WigmoreHall, Purcell Room and BridgewaterHall; given Concerto performances atthe Concertgebouw, Carnegie Hall,Queen Elizabeth Hall, Symphony Hall,New York’s Lincoln Center and Lon-don’s Royal Albert Hall; and regularlyrecords as a solo artist for radio, televi-sion and commercial disc. David toursextensively performing in Australia,New Zealand, the Middle East, Japan,Hong Kong, Europe and the U.S.A. Heis a keen advocate of new music and haspremièred ten concerti for euphoniumincluding a Royal Albert Hall BBCProms broadcast of Alun Hoddinott’s,‘Sunne Rising—The King Will Ride’, aCarnegie Hall US première of Karl Jenk-ins’ Concerto for Euphonium &Orchestra, a televised première of PhilipWilby’s Concerto for Euphonium &Orchestra, and a UK première of Chris-tian Lindberg’s Concerto for Euphonium

& Orchestra directed by the composer.David is an Associate of the Royal Col-lege of Music London; a Professor atboth the Royal Welsh College of Music& Drama, and the Birmingham Conser-vatoire; an Artist for the Buffet GroupBesson, Alliance and Reunion Blues; andis Director of Prima Vista Musikk pub-lishing house. He is also a foundermember of the highly successful brassquartet Eminence Brass and ArtisticDirector of Wales’ premiere windorchestra Cardiff Symphonic Winds.David is undoubtedly leading the wayfor euphonium players worldwide.Through his own performances he con-tinues to showcase the euphonium as aserious solo vehicle within the world ofclassical music. For further informationvisit:


Page 23: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

Founded in 2008 by esteemed choraland orchestral conductor Dr. JonathanGriffith, Distinguished ConcertsOrchestra (DCO) is the resident orches-tra for Distinguished ConcertsInternational New York (DCINY), thecity’s preeminent producer of choraland orchestral concerts in New York’smost prestigious concert venues. TheDCO is comprised of the top NYC-areaorchestral musicians, including gradu-ates of Julliard, The Manhattan Schoolof Music, The New England Conserva-tory, and Boston Conservatory. ManyDCO players who have left New Yorkhave gone on to permanent posts inorchestras such as the Boston Sym-phony, Los Angeles Philharmonic, andthe London Philharmonic. Under the

direction of Dr. Griffith and DCINY’sroster of renowned guest conductors,the DCO has been lauded by conduc-tors and reviewers alike for its freshinterpretations, musical subtlety, andvirtuosic ensemble playing in perform-ances of choral/orchestral masterworks,as well as adventuresome new composi-tions. Dr. Griffith and the DCO havebeen awarded the prestigious AmericanPrize in the professional orchestra cate-gory in both 2014 and 2015, and aresemi-finalists in 2016. DistinguishedConcerts Orchestra is driven by pas-sion, innovative vision, a total belief inits artists, and an unwavering commit-ment to bringing forth an unforgettablemusical experience for performer andaudience alike.


Distinguished Concerts Singers Interna-tional (DCSI) forms the backbone ofDistinguished Concerts InternationalNew York (DCINY), the city’s preemi-nent producer of choral and orchestralconcerts in New York’s most prestigiousconcert venues. DCSI is comprised ofsingers and chorus members from pro-fessional, semiprofessional, anddedicated amateur ensembles, who have

been invited by DCINY to appear ontheir concert series following a rigorousaudition process with DCINY’s ArtisticTeam. DCSI can vary in size frombetween 100 to 500 singers, dependingupon the repertoire, and has drawnmembers from around the world, with43 countries and 6 continents repre-sented to date.


Page 24: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

Mari AaltoAnu AaltonenBerit AbrahmJarkko AhonenChristie AlexandraAnita AllenDafydd AllenJakob AndrewsMaría CarmenAndueza Azparren

Abby AnkromJosé Luis AranaSeguin

Thomas Rudolf ArbsMaría LourdesArdanaz Ubani

Brigitte AtarzadehCharlotte AtkinsonOrlando AwkwardMarguerite BarrettAnita IngeborgBecker

Monique Beers-WhiteKya BelillGene BensonJeannie BensonMaría BeorleguiAznárez

Emma BergdoltMaría Jesús BerrioOzcáriz

Sophia BetzHayden BickelLoueda BleilerLeon BlytheAaron BorcovskyDoris BosshardJennifer BouxJudith BoydSarah BoydAlys BratchLea BreidebandLalaine BreitenbachAnn BriggsHeidi BrockmanMargaret BrockmanStephen BrockmanMary BronsteterLleucu BrookesLeisa BrownRobert BrowneJoachim Erich BruneTaylor BryceAriana BuccieriJanice BuchananRaymond BulkleyShane BumbaloChristine ButlerAnnette GertrudBüttner

Marguerite ByssheRosemary Bywater

Cole CadleBryce CampbellCaris CancelliCelyn CartwrightGianna CarusoMikayla CarusoMaría Jesús CasajúsGorostiaga

Gerardo FermínCastillo Martínez-Olcoz

Ronald CavalloMiro CedercreutzMelody G. ChilsonHelen ChryssidesStephen ChuquirunaBreana ChurchAnthony CiccariellaKaitlyn CloeterTanner ClontzSteve CobbChristine CocklinEdward ColemanShaquan CookElizabeth CooperSusan CooperMaggie CostelloTrista CountsChristine CreaserMichael CummingsD. Joan Cunnings

Sanna DahlSusanne DalhausChe DardenAdam DavenportFflur DaviesJudi DaviesEmma DavisLynne DaviesRhodri DaviesSally M. DavisAnnah Mara DedinaSamantha DeGrawCassie DeJuliaBrian DelgadoDebbie DeMieroConstantineDemopoulos

Diego DiazGabrielle DoleDennis DoranCatherine DoveyJim DrakeChristian DuclosLisa Denis DuelferChristina HelgaDuelfer

Elizabeth DuncanAwen EdwardsMelanie EhrlichDelyth EliasGethin Elis


DCINY would like to thank our Performing Arts Partners, who, with their financialsupport, have made this performance possible.

DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS SINGERS INTERNATIONALAboa Gospel (Finland), Silvia Koski, DirectorChildren’s Chorus of Sussex County (NJ), Deborah A. Mello, DirectorChoir of the Karl-Rehbein-Schule Hanau (Germany), Frank Hagelstange, DirectorCôr Glanaethwy (UK), Cefin Roberts, DirectorCoral San José Abesbatza-Coro In Tempore Abesbatza (Spain), Carlos Etxeberria Alonso,Director

Kantorei ev. Thomaskirche, Düsseldorf (Germany), Irina Schneider, DirectorKirchenchor Walchwil (Switzerland), Peter Werlen, DirectorMornington Peninsula Chorale (Australia), Tom Buchanan, DirectorNelson Civic Choir (New Zealand), Chris Lukies, DirectorNewark Boys Chorus (NJ), Donald C. Morris, Director*New York Festival Singers (NY), Alec Spencer, Director*Sno-King Community Chorale, Edmonds (WA), Frank DeMiero, DirectorSt. Lorenz Lutheran Middle School Choir (MI), Scott M. Hyslop, DirectorThe Cantata Singers (NY), Will Wickham, DirectorThe Gisborne Singers (Australia), Stephen Brockman, Director*Voices from City of Birmingham Choir (UK), Adrian Lucas, DirectorAnd Individual Singers from around the globe

*Denotes DCINY Alumni

Page 25: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

Sari ElorantaSilas EngelPaul ErgezingerEeva EskolaIsabel FranciscaEstremera Sánchez

Ffion EvansMarion EvansGill EylesCiaran EynonDavid FeatherstoneJoseph FedorJosh FeintuchJames FeltonMegan E. FewkesAstrid FischerMarina FleischmannNoelene FordDrew FornarolaBrandon FrankMargrit FrankeMargret HeideFröhlich

Alicia GainesBrandi GainesKora GarciaSam GarciaSamuel GarciaJesús María GarcíaGutiérrez

Ginger GarnerCorey GerthZoe GleasonSkell GoensSacramento GonzálezMesas

Fiona GordonJoseph GorvettZion GrahamLowri GreenElin GriffithsOsian GriffithsSioned GriffithsFrank HagelstangeMechthild GertrudHagelstange

Ursula HahnTaija HakonenDenise HallMarjorie HamptonDorothy HancockSven HansenKit HanskiYoshiko HaraLinda HarveyMary Rose HayterMiikkapekkaHeikkilä

Jan HendersonTanja HenrichPayton Hernick

Katherine HetznerSabrina HievanenBrittany HillHannel HiraldoMila HofbergUte HoffmannSusanne HollyfieldMikayla HooseGlynis HopkinsPauline HornungGabriele LuiseAuguste Hornung

Martha HortonTricia HowardLyndal HowleyAngharad HughesEirian HughesElen HughesKaren HughesLinda HughesVasyl HumnytskyyKay HunterDei HuwsJoomin HwangNicholas HyslopScott HyslopTerry IadanzaFrank IsbisterJanet IsbisterBrendan IttnerFrancisco Javier IzcueApesteguia

María IzkueApesteguia

Caitlyn JammerMaliya JammerTomás Jaso ManzanoAmyr JawardRaquel Jiménez SolaElijah JohnsonOjiahny JohnsonPolly JohnsonShamaih JohnsonRebecca JohnstonRiikka JokelaAnna JonesAnnest JonesCerys JonesEleri JonesGwenda JonesGwion JonesGwyddfid JonesHuw JonesSusan JonesTwm JonesErin Jones-ParryChristopher JumboLilli JussilaReeta-Maria KaajavaMasato KanzakiIsabella Kapoor

Jenni KarjalainenLiisa Karkama-RainioSini-Maaria KatajaSarah KeinathMary Jane KelleyRobin KeownAnnette KerberKyle KernLouise KesikBarb KindnessYanir KingAlison KinghornMarcelle KirbyAnnika KoppeHeidi KoppeSari AnnikaKoskelainen

Silvia KoskiMichaela KrawczackCarrie KreiderRegan KribsMerle Meta KubaschRaisa VladimirovnaKukhareva

Eeva KultasiipiSabina KunzeDayana Vivian KurtzSanna KuusinenSarah LacopoPetra LambertzLilli Josephine LangKeion LangleyMichael LehmannHermann WaltherLehr

Annina LehtikankareLinda D. LeibhartYvonne LendersHeidi LeppänenMira LeppänenIsolde LeTrongJanet LewisBroening LillyGillian LinleyChristian LitusRhiannon LlwydUte Brigitte LuiseLorsbach

Harrison LoucksOlivia LucatortoChris LukiesGay LukiesCassis LumbCollene LynchKauko MäkinenJessicia MaloneChristine ManktelowPhilip ManktelowBrenda MarshIan MarshallMary Marshall

Alexander MarzluftZachary MarzluftBetty MasonSiwan MasonAbraham MatthewKitty McCannZachary McCreadyCaitlin McDavidJudith S. McFarlandTom McInerneyJudith McKeeElenor MckennaMephie McKernConnor McQuillanIola MediMarie MelvinMaría Jesús MendozaAntón

Richard MeneelyHolger Carl MetschanKirsi MikkonenMaria Therese GerdaMillarg

Ken MilliganSinja MelinaMinnameier

Ralph Holger MönchGiuliano MonteroAlicia MontoyaEcharri

Susan MoorhouseSian Morgan-PriceAndrea MorokuttiAnthony MosqueroNigel MountfortNicola Luisa MuellerAnnabelle CharlotteMueller

Annegret RuthMummenhoff

Anke MünterMaría Fe Muro JuríoDelyth MurphyGerald MurphyMargaret MurphyMichael MyersLaura MyllymäkiSusan G. NagleRobin NelsonBetty NganHong Yuan NiJoel NicholsInge Marlies EmmaNicolovius

Kayla Jean NiemaszAbby NiemaszMalgorzata NishioMalthe NuberJohannes Walter OessJosephine DorotheaOess

Page 26: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

Katri OksanenKarelis AndreinaOlivo Rumpf

Lisa OlsenHallie OlsonWim OosterhoffGisela OstJosefin ÖstMath OwenHudson OwensJohanna PaasivirtaNancy M. PangiaJean PapandreaCalvin PatenChristopher PegueroPilar CaminoPellejeros Taniñe

Christiana PerezSamantha PerezMolly PergramDaphne PerryJoy S. PerryPat PetersKarlene PetrenkoKatharina PetrovaIsabel Gudrun PaminaPilato

Eva-Maria JasminPilato

Karen PlaßmannMarit PlessAnna-Rosa PolsoJulia PolyakJoseph PonziEwa Poraj-KuczewskiJudy PoulsenShannon PraterDavid PriceSteve RadfordMarjean RadfordEmmi RankiCharlotte ReithGavin RembertJohanna ReunamoChris ReyesMia RichardsFfion RichardsonJaden RittwegerCanna RobertsCefin RobertsEirlys Jones Roberts

Mabli RobertsMali RobertsRhian RobertsReese RobinsonTanja RodingenEmory RodriguesEd RodriguezLuis RodriguezFrancisco JavierRodríguez Alonso

Mike RolishCiana RomanNasir RoperCatrin RosewarneNiall RowlandsMark RubinMartin RushAnna SaarioMaria SainioMaría José SalinasLiberal

María AntoniaSánchez Alcalá

Janna SandbergAaron SandovalAnita SanticErno SarjaJuho SavolainenTyler SchafsnitzKaylee ScharrerJacqui SchmittZachary SchmitzerIrina SchneiderTilman Ruben StefanScholz

Matthias ScholzBrunhilde MechthildeJohanna Scholz

Ryan SchroederColin SchultzMadeleine SchumanAntje Seyd-Mundhenke

Emily ShanahanKatherine ShenJennifer SheppardMichael ShouseVictoria ShuudifonyaMareike SimmoleitErika MargareteSimmoleit

Corrine SimmonsJamir SimmonsCedron SionKitty SkeenJudith SkeltonFranziska MariaChrista Skirde

Barb SmithDarren SmithCorey SmithKaren SmithLinda SmithNajee SmithAlan SmitheeAna María Sola ArillaSilja SotamaaKeara Sophie StachNora StrieterHeli-Maria SulkuJo SullivanAnne SuraceKayla SwiecickiBronwyn TaceyKen TaceyAnna-Mari TaipalusMackenzie TalaskiKuniko TanakaMarjorie TangeyNatalie TaylerElizabeth TeedSera ThomasSian ThomasJeff TorresGail TregaskisGwion TudurSusanna TuomiBeata UrbaniakSuzie Ussery-KelleyKalle VäinöläIryna VakulaManuel ValenciaBergera

Gregory ValentinMaria Van der LindenWen WenVanderWende

Garrett VanniSuvi-MariaVehkavuori

Kaitlin VerneyMcKenzie Viersma

Heidi Viirla-RantanenMichael J. VinceElspeth VinesKaroliina VitikainenGabrielle WalaszczykJayden WalkerMary-Louise WalshAddie WardPeter WearneHeather WearneLaurence WearneAnnette ElisabethIngrid Weitz

Bastian Moritz WeitzMax Tilmann WeitzBettina WeitzelSilke Ingrid IrmgardWeyergraf

Martin WhiteCaleb WhitmanJoshua WhitmanLydia K. WickhamWilliam WickhamLois WiliamJutta WilkeAlaw WilliamsCatrin WilliamsLleucu WilliamsMichael WilliamsSabine WilsonCatrin WithersKristie WoodwardHeather WooldridgeMary WyningsAugustus YoungMadison ZehnderHaylee ZietzJulius Luis ZimnyDorothe Ursula Dr.Zimny

Hans-Peter ZinnenTamara ZiriansHanna ZschockeJennifer Zuiderwyk

The Performing Arts Partners list includes names supplied by directors as of December 20, 2016. Anyquestions regarding missing or misspelled names should be addressed to the individual directors.

Page 27: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

Founded by Iris Derke and JonathanGriffith, Distinguished Concerts Interna-tional New York (DCINY) is the leadingproducer of dynamically charged musi-cal excellence. With its unforgettableconcert experiences in renowned venues,empowering educational programs, andits global community of artists and audi-

ences, DCINY changes lives through thepower of performance.

For more information about Distin-guished Concerts International NewYork, and upcoming DCINY musicalevents around the world, please


Iris Derke, Co-Founder and General DirectorJonathan Griffith, Co-Founder, ArtisticDirector & Principal Conductor

Danuta Gross, Director of Finance &Administration

Kevin Taylor, Director of ProgramDevelopment

James M. Meaders, Associate Artistic Director& Conductor

Jason Mlynek, Associate Director of ProgramDevelopment

Mark Riddles, Program DevelopmentKatie Sims, Program DevelopmentJulia Falkenburg, Program DevelopmentMaria Braginsky, Program DevelopmentAssistant

Kimberly Preiss, Program DevelopmentAssistant

Jeff Binner, Program Development AssistantTabitha Glista, Production ManagerAndrea Niederman, Associate Director ofMarketing, Box Office & Promotions

Katherine Shen, Box Office & MarketingAssistant

DeAnna Choi, Office Operations Manager,Accounting & Billing

Marisa Tornello, Concert Operations AssociateThomas Reinman, Concert OperationsGary Crowley, Graphic Design & Website


For PR and media inquiries, please contact Andrew Ousley of Unison Media at [email protected] (212) 707-8566 Ext. 316.

Page 28: The Music of Sir Karl Jenkins

DCINY 2017 Concert SeriesPlease join us for one of our upcoming events:

Monday Evening, January 16, 2017 at 7:00 PMStern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallReflections of PeaceHaydn: Missa In AngustiisCatherine Sailer, Guest ConductorArnesen: RequiemJames M. Meaders, DCINY Associate Artistic Director and ConductorDistinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers InternationalThe Music of Tchaikovsky and WhitacreJennifer Lapple, DirectorFlutopia Wind Ensemble (VA)

Sunday Afternoon, February 19, 2017 at 1:00 PMStern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallThe Glory of Freedom: A Concert to Honor Our VeteransThe Music of Marquez, Mahler & WagnerJames Mick, DirectorThe Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (NY)Francis Poulenc: GloriaErin Freeman, DCINY Debut ConductorRandall Thompson: The Testament of FreedomLee Nelson, Guest ConductorDistinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers International

Sunday Evening, February 19, 2017 at 8:00 PMStern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallMercer University at Carnegie HallJohn Rutter: RequiemStanley L. Roberts, Guest ConductorMercer Singers (GA), and Distinguished Concerts Singers International, McDuffie String Ensemble

Tuesday Evening, February 21, 2017 at 8:00 PMWeill Recital Hall at Carnegie HallThe Music of Dinos ConstantinidesDinos Constantinides, Composer

Friday Evening, February 24, 2017 at 8:00 PMWeill Recital Hall at Carnegie HallKeys to RomanceChristina Kobb, Pianist

Sunday Afternoon, March 12, 2017 at 2:00 PMStern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallWindsongsDestry Balch, DirectorKingwood High School Band (TX)Justin W. Love, DirectorOlathe North High School Bands (KS)

For DCINY’s full season listing, visit

Distinguished Concerts International New York250 W. 57th Street, Suite 1610, New York, NY 10107

(212) 707-8566 |