The Mother of All Cults

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  • 8/14/2019 The Mother of All Cults


    The Motherof

    All Cults

    by D. J. Love, Minister, TSN, SBC

    refined 7/4/2003

    refined 3-26-2007

    What is the requirement for being a cult?

    According to the American Heritage Dictionary, ISBN 0-395-20360-0,

    1969-1976, p321.

    Cult (kult) n. 1. A system or community of religious worship and ritual,

    especially one focusing upon a single deity or spirit. 2a. Obsessive devotionor veneration for a person, principle, or ideal. 2b. An exclusive group of

    persons, sharing an esoteric(mysterious or secret) interest.

    It is upon the latter two definitions that I will build my case, as definition

    number one is somewhat ambiguous, and quite frankly may even be applied

    to Judaism, and Islam. As a matter of fact, it appears from the Christian

    biased definition that only polytheistic religions do not qualify as a cult.

    One thing is for sure:Since all TSN members are autonomous, do not

    tithe, and freely choose to associate with one another, it is legally

    impossible to attach the "Cult label" to any TSN, TSB orTWF member or

    leader. We do not want your money or your worship, and we have no

    desire or plan to control anyone. Moreover, our beliefs are plainly posted

    on all Sabbatarian Nertwork websites, so there is absolutely nothing

    mysterious about our faith. However, we do believe in ONE Creative Power

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    of The Universe, just exactly the same as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King

    David, and Messiah (Y'shua) believed in, namely YHVH. "Hear O'Yisreal,

    YHVH is ONE(not two or three in one).

    True Faith in Messiah Y'Shua is supposed to be exoteric (no secret inner

    circle), which means that a True Believer has motivations that are overt (not

    hidden), but a Religious Cult has motivations that are esoteric (covert, hidden

    or secret). Additionally, no True Believer or their organization would break

    YHVH's Righteous Laws of Love, which are summed up in The Ten

    Commandments (of Love). True Believers have repentedof their sins (Self-

    centeredness) and are honest, forgiving, caring, sharing, and loving people

    who desire obedience to YHVH. Whose beliefs and motives are not only

    overt, but are not forced on anyone. They merely plant the seeds of faith,

    encourage those who receive the seeds of faith, and pray that the seeds grow.

    True Believers understand that it is YHVH (The Self-existence ONE)Himself who chooses (appoints) His children and not anyone or anything

    else. So with these things in mind, let us examine the one church that claims

    to be the source of the Universal Roman Christian faith (which, regardless of

    their claims, is a pagan faith). The one church whose name (according to the

    media) is synonymous with christianity (a religion of deception and the Anti-

    Messiah). The one church who claims to descend from the Apostle Peter

    himself. Let us examine The Roman Universal (catholic) church, not so

    much those that attend the church, but those who control it, controlled it, and

    were controlled by it. Let us examine their motives, their changes, and their

    alliances. After all, True Believers would never make alliances with evil

    (unrighteousness), their motives would be dictated by a loving Spirit, and their

    changes would be toward righteousness and not away from it! Another good

    reason to monitor the changes in a church's doctrines is to discover its' true

    character, as to whether its' motives are overt or covert. This can be best

    observed by paying careful attention to their method or methods of change,

    and the ultimate direction of those changes. For example, suppose your

    church told you that they had the authority to change YHVH's Laws (a

    definite lie), and after a period of time this lie was accepted as truth, then

    accepting this lie as truth would open the door for more changes, more lies,and more movement away from righteousness towards evil. Do not be

    deceived, YHVH's Laws and Commandments were and areperfect as stated

    in the original Holy Scriptures (Tanakh). Any changes, whatsoever, are

    indicative of a lack of faith and understanding on the part of those that

    make changes. YHVH is perfect and His Word (Scripture), as originally

    given, is perfect! It is the natural man that must change into "The Image of

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    YHVH," in order to become a True Believer, and not YHVH or His Word

    that must be changed into the image of natural man.

    Did it ever occur to you, as to why YHVH's original "Ten Commandments"

    were "Written inStone?" They could have been written on papyrus, in

    Moses' heart, carved in wood or spoken out loud to "The Children of

    Israel" from a cloud by day or a flame by night; but YHVH choseStoneto

    symbolically signify the unchanging qualities of His Everlasting Word. This

    is the same as referring to The Messiah as "The Rock" or "The Corner

    Stone." As "Solid as a Rock" means stable and not subject to change!

    So, if you are in agreement with me so far, continue reading, as I will use the

    above stated criteria as the standards of measure.

    James 1:17Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh

    down from the Father oflights (Righteousness), with whom is no

    variableness, neither shadow of turning.

    The History and Practices of the Universal

    Roman churchandher Christian daughter Protestant Churches

    ( a brief history)

    Standard Number One: Commandment Nine, "Thou Shalt NotBear False Witness," and Commandment Six, "Thou Shalt Not Murder."According to Hebrews 4:12, This not only includes actual murder, but the

    desire to murder or have murdered. In other words, a person or a Church

    (group of people) can have murder committed for them, and they don't

    actually have to get their hands bloody. All they have to do is desire for a

    murder to occur(murder is the "Intent of Their Hearts")!

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    The written history of the "Inquisition" is specific in its' details; and some of

    those details are as follows:

    The Inquisition was a medieval Roman catholic (

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    them heretics. One last thought on this standard: Sabbatarians,

    as a group, never murdered, tortured or persecuted anyone; but,

    whenever they try to make the Truth Known, they are quickly

    called "catholic Bashers." What will YHVH be called, when He

    destroys the True Heretical catholic-christians (Christopagans)

    from off the face of the Earth?

    King Louis IX of France (1229 AD) called Sabbath Keepers


    catholic canon (Law) #3 (1229 AD)(The Council of Toulouse)

    Quote: The Lords of the different districts shall search the

    villas and woods for the hiding places of the Sabbath Keeping


    Standard Number Two: Commandment Four, "Keep TheSeventh Day Sabbath Holy." True Believing Sabbatarian Congregations

    are Overt and not Covert. Why? Mainly, because True Believers have

    nothing to hide, they are not deceptive, use secret codes or hide behind

    clever semantics. Additionally, True Believers are humble and obedient to

    the Words of YHVH. True Believers are not heretics, who at first pretend to

    be True Believers, and then over a period of time change their beliefs. The

    Seventh Day Sabbath was observed as a Holy Day of Convocation, even bythe Roman catholic church, and it wasn't until the catholic church

    imagined that they had the power to change the Laws of YHVH that those

    "In Power" re-invented "The Lord's Day," and started enforcing Sunday as

    their "Day of Rest." Revelation 1:10, Acts 2:20, 1 Corinthians 5:5, 1 Thess.

    5:2, and 2 Peter 3:10 are the only places in the Bible that the "Lord's Day" is

    even mentioned, and those who are Spiritually enlightened know that this is

    always referring to the (future)Day of "The First Resurrection" when "The

    Last Trumpet" will sound, and the kingdoms of this Earth become the

    kingdom(s) of The Son(s) of YHVH.

    Revelation 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heardbehind me a loud voice, as ofa trumpet

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    So when and how did the Universal Roman-Christian (Christopagan) church

    begin to reveal its' true identity? History records that the Roman catholic-

    Christian church began to show hertrue colors about the late third or early

    fourth century.

    However, the Roman catholic-Christian church in Scotland remained loyal

    to The Saturday Sabbath well into the tenth century, according to:

    "Adamnan Life of St. Columbs" 1874, p.96 by W.T. Skene; "History of The

    catholic church in Scotland," Vol. 1, p.86, by Bellesheim (a catholic

    Historian); "The Rise of The Mediaeval Church," p.237, by Flick; "History of

    Scotland From The Roman occupation," Vol. 1, p.96, by Andrew Lang; and

    "Celtic Scotland" Vol. 2, pp.330-349.

    The Seventh Day Sabbath prevailed in the catholic church in Wales until1115AD. when St. David's Cathedral seated its very first Roman catholic

    indoctrinated bishop.

    Roman catholic canon (Law) #26 (305 AD) of The Council of Elvira, Spain,

    reveals that the church in Spain observed the Seventh Day Sabbath, but

    were at odds with the church in Rome, because the Rome church had already

    imposed a Sabbath Fasting Period (to make the True Sabbath unpopular with

    the masses).

    catholic canon (Law) #16: On Saturday the Gospels and Scripture shall be

    read aloud.

    catholic canon (Law) #29: catholic-Christians shall not JUDAIZE(a Jew

    Hater statement) and be idle on the Sabbath, but shall work on that day, but

    shall not work on the (re-invented) "Lord's Day."

    Pope Sylvester(314-335AD.) was the first to order that the catholic church

    "Fast" (go hungry and thirsty)each and every Sabbath(Friday at sunset to

    Saturday at sunset). This was a major change in the Sabbath (and not accordingto Holy Scripture), and was done to make the Sabbath less appealing than

    Sunday. Of course, this only psychologically affected the members of The

    catholic church, as True Believers (Sabbatarians) continued to keep the True

    Sabbath according to G-d's Word.

    Pope Innocent (402-417) made fasting on The Sabbath a binding law forall in

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    subjugation(psychological and legal slavery) to the catholic church.

    Pope Gregory I (590-604 AD.), according to epistles #1 and #B 13:1, called

    all those within the catholic church who forbid working on the Saturday

    Sabbath, "Antichrists."

    catholic canon (Law) #13: "Council of Friaul," Italy, 791AD., Sunday, the so

    called "Lord's Day," became a commanded observance (purely CULT tactics).

    Standard Number Three: Commandment One (Exodus 20:3) "Youshall have no other gods before me." And Commandment Two(Exodus

    20:4), "You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of

    anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or thatis in the water under the earth:"

    Here we find that the Roman catholic-Christian (Christopagan) church has

    been both Overt and Covert. They overtly worship, maintain, make, and sell

    for profit idols (medallions) which they call Saints, but they covertly worship

    pagan deities using clever semantics (word substitutions), abbreviations, and

    symbols; that were well known and understood prior to the physical birth of

    the Messiah to be representative of pagan gods and goddesses. By using

    clever semantics and by calling a pagan temple a museum, the catholicchurch has maintained the statues of pagan gods and goddesses. Click here

    and then here to see the pagan Sun god Apollo in the Vatican temple. This is

    in direct violation of the word of YHVH, who expressly ordered that idols

    and pagan places of worship be destroyed (Numbers 33:52; Deuteronomy 7:24-

    25 & 12:2-3).

    The very fact that they overtly worship idols is enough, all by itself, to clue

    in even the most ignorant of Gospel Seekers that they are not obedient

    lovers of YHVH orTrue Believers; but to add to this overt disobedience,

    the covert disobedience of the First Commandment, and then call (using word

    substitutions / semantics) pagan gods and goddesses by the Name of Jesus and

    Mary in order to hide the covert element is appalling. However, even more

    appalling is the fact that Jesus (a Greek name) and Mary were not the Hebrew

    names of The True Messiah or his mother(Miryam). Jesus (who never actually

    existed) is in fact a derivation of Iesous which is the surname of the pagan

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    god Zeus (or son of Zeus), and Mary's real name was Miryam. Did the Anti-

    Hebrew (Anti-Messiah and anti-Semitic) catholics hate the Jew so much that

    they couldn't even keep Messiah Y'Shua's real name? Yes! Did the catholics

    (universal pagan church) love their Sun god so much that they covertly hid the

    truth behind false names (Jesus / IHS), the abbreviation "IHS" (Iesous), and

    images of the sun. Images that they overtly displayed as the "Eucharist"

    (body of IHS), which the Roman catholic-Christians, Episcopalians,

    Lutherans and others consume at communion without breaking bread; in

    direct opposition to the breaking of bread that was taught by The Messiah

    himself(Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19;Act2:41-42; 1 Corinthians 10:14-

    17; and 1 Corinthians 11:24). Yes! These churches actually forbid that a broken

    "Eucharist" be placed into the mouth. I am not making this up, I've attended

    both Roman catholic, Episcopalian, and Lutheran churches (catholic and

    Protestant or Mother and Daughter religions). Don't misunderstand me, I am

    writing to you as an EX-Christopagan myself; I wasn't born a Sabbatarian, Ibecame a Sabbatarian and one of the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, but I had to

    come out of Babylon (False Religion) to do it. Since I was able to do it, I

    know that anyone with a True Love for YHVH and YHVH's Righteousness

    can also do it!

    1 Corinthians 10:14-17 Therefore, my beloved, flee fromidolatry. I speak as to wise men. Judge what I say. The cup of blessing

    which we bless, isn't it a communion of theblood of Messiah? The

    bread which we break, isn't it a communion of thebody ofMessiah? Seeing that we, who are many, are one bread, one body; for

    we all partake of the one bread (of Life).

    Acts 2:41-42 Then those who gladly received his word werebaptized. There were added that day about three thousand souls. They

    continued steadfastly in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the

    breaking of bread, and prayer.

    1 Corinthians 11:24-27 When he (Messiah Y'Shua) had giventhanks, he broke it (bread), and said, "Take, eat. This is my body,

    which is broken for you. Do this in memory of me;"(not Xmas

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    or Ishtar/Easter). For as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup,

    you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Therefore, whoever

    (The catholic church, etc.) eats this bread or drinks the Lord's cup in an

    unworthy manner, will be guilty of the body and the blood of

    Messiah (The Passover Lamb of YHVH).

    For more proof of pagan influence click here.

    Standard Number Four: True Believers Repent of their sins. TheRoman catholic-Christian church has had almost two thousand years to

    repent of their sins, and the best that they could do so far was admit theirguilt in the deaths of countless Jews (Inquisitions and holocaust), but have

    gladly omitted their murder of countless True Believing Sabbatarians. Why

    would they omit the True Believing Sabbatarians? Because they would have

    to admit to themselves and the world that they are not True Believers, but

    Anti-Messiah, as well as, Anti-Jew, and Anti-Semitic.Click herefor further

    proof. See "The Anti-Messiah" Video.

    Conclusion: I could continue for days on this subject, but I doubtthat very many people would take the time to read it all. Kind of like owning

    a Bible, which you don't even read. Did you know that having a Bible is a

    privilege, that not many people have had through the centuries.

    Roman catholic canon Law #14 (of the thirteenth century in France) "Lay

    members are not allowed to possess the books of the Old or the New


    Now why would a so called Christian church prohibit their members from

    having access to the word of YHVH? Could it be because ignorant members

    are easier for cults to lie to and control, and because control is power, and

    power relates to profit and vanity? Yes!But more importantly, it relates to

    "The Will of Human Nature (Satan)."

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    My friends, this Roman Beast Government sponsored church and its'

    christopagan harlot daughter churches have not only failed to represent the

    True Children of YHVH, but have murdered them. Has this church group

    changed its' spots or truly repented of their sins? No! For even now they are

    trying to regroup and regain the powers that they once had. Have you not

    heard ofEcumenism? If not click here. The Roman catholic church is a

    threat to all True Sabbatarian Believers everywhere. Will we wait in

    disbelief as the Jews did in World War II? I pray not!

    Finally, can any True Believer, follow any of the holiday traditions or ritual

    practices belonging to or coming out of The Roman catholic church?

    Absolutely Not!Why?Because this church is the original "Cult Church"

    and The Mother of Christian (Christopagan) Spiritual harlots as mentioned in

    Revelation 17:4-6. They have perverted every Holy Tradition ofYHVH, mistranslated scripture, replaced YHVH's Weekly Sabbath with

    Sunday and YHVH's Annual Sabbath Holy Days with pagan holidays (Xmas

    & Easter/Ishtar, etc...), suppressed the study of scripture, murdered True

    Believers and Jews, assisted Hitler in World War II, perverted the "Breaking

    of Unleavened Bread" at Passover to the unbroken Sun Wafer of the

    "Eucharist" at Ishtar/Easter Time and other non-Holy days, and the list goes

    on. How can any brain conscious human being ever place even an ounce of

    faith in this perverted religious system.

    Revelation 17:4-64 The woman (spiritual harlot / false church) was dressed in purple and

    scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having

    in her hand a golden cup full of(Spiritual) abominations (read Ezekiel &

    Jeremiah), even the unclean things of her(Spiritual) sexual immorality

    (with pagan gods and goddesses),

    5 and on her forehead a name written, "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE

    GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE(Spiritual)PROSTITUTES(Christianity & others) AND OF THE (Spiritual) ABOMINATIONS OF


    6 I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the (TRUE) saints

    (Sabbatarians), and with the blood of the martyrs of Y'Shua (The TRUE

    Messiah). When I saw her, I wondered with great amazement.

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    NOTE: This woman is Spiritual Babylon, which was pure

    paganism (false religions) prior to The Messiah, but was covertly

    transferred to The Roman catholic church (Mother of

    Christianity) even before The Messiah's Sacrifice.

    Little Children Call No Man "Father!"

    Matthew 23:9

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