The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army Cadet … · The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army...

CACF News The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army Cadet Force Issue 01 December 2012 Contents 1 Newsletter Intro 2 Sporting Review 3 2012 Chronicle 4 A Look Forward It’s been a busy year, and next year promises just as much. For 2013 CACF News will be the monthly newsletter for Cleveland Army Cadet Force, bringing a regular snapshot of everything happening across the county direct to your detachment, with an electronic copy available on the website. In addition to any stories and pictures you choose to send directly for use in the newsletter, the PRO will also be visiting each detachment every 2-3 months to capture events, achievements and successes as they happen on the ground. As an opener this edition will offer a brief review of the highlights for the county over the past year. And what a year it’s been. There was, of course, the normal schedule of military training. From weekend camps in Stainton during March and October for each of the companies, to Green Field Weekends in June at Catterick, cuminating in 10 days at Wathgill for Annual Camp. Allied to these were the many teams entered in regional and national events, leading to Cleveland ACF becoming national champions in Football, Athletics, Hockey and Clay Pigeon Shooting. But the ACF is also about the wider community so Cleveland ACF also helped in fairs, carnivals and other events across the county, such as Zetland Park Fun Day, Egglescliffe School Fete, Owton Carnival and Armed Forces Day celebrations in multiple locations. This in addition to running an Outreach programme for local youth, and participating in pilot schemes for the National Citizen Service. Issue 01 - December 2012 CACF News , The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army Cadet Force Got a Story? Email a write up and photos to the PRO [email protected] or call/text 07429 893903 and arrange for a visit to capture an event at your detachment or in your local area.

Transcript of The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army Cadet … · The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army...

CACF News The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army Cadet Force

Issue 01

December 2012


1 Newsletter Intro

2 Sporting Review

3 2012 Chronicle

4 A Look Forward

It’s been a busy year, and next year promises just as much. For 2013

CACF News will be the monthly newsletter for Cleveland Army Cadet

Force, bringing a regular snapshot of everything happening across the

county direct to your detachment, with an electronic copy available on

the website.

In addition to any stories and pictures you choose to send directly for

use in the newsletter, the PRO will also be visiting each detachment

every 2-3 months to capture events, achievements and successes as

they happen on the ground. As an opener this edition will offer a brief

review of the highlights for the county over the past year.

And what a year it’s been.

There was, of course, the normal schedule of military training. From

weekend camps in Stainton during March and October for each of the

companies, to Green Field Weekends in June at Catterick, cuminating in

10 days at Wathgill for Annual Camp.

Allied to these were the many teams entered in regional and national

events, leading to Cleveland ACF becoming national champions in

Football, Athletics, Hockey and Clay Pigeon Shooting.

But the ACF is also about the wider community so Cleveland ACF also

helped in fairs, carnivals and other events across the county, such as

Zetland Park Fun Day, Egglescliffe School Fete, Owton Carnival and

Armed Forces Day celebrations in multiple locations. This in addition to

running an Outreach programme for local youth, and participating in

pilot schemes for the National Citizen Service.

Issue 01 - December 2012

CACF News , The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army Cadet Force

Got a Story?

Email a write up and photos to the PRO

[email protected]

or call/text

07429 893903

and arrange for a visit to capture an

event at your detachment or in your

local area.

Issue 01 - December 2012

CACF News , The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army Cadet Force


Following B Company’s victory in the inter company

football held at the Herlingshaw Centre in Eston on

Saturday 15


January, a winning team was selected to

represent the county at the regional finals the next

weekend. That team duly went on to claim the North East

Region Football Trophy, both overall and in 3 of the 4

individual categories within the competition itself.

A similar pattern emerged in May, with B Company first of

all triumphing in the County Athletics on the 13


, with a

team then selected to go on to represent the county. Both

County and Regional championships took place at

Clairville Stadium, hosted by Cleveland ACF and ably

directed by Capt (now Major) Steed. As has now come to

be expected, Cleveland went on to lift the Regional


Athletics Trophy once again, and carried on to be part

of the team that did the same at the National

Championships in Grantham on 9



Next came the Northeast Hockey Competition at

Catterick Garrison on the 17


June. Cleveland ACF’s

Girls Field Hockey team took the title for the third year

running. without conceding a single goal.

And to add to the victories in 2012, the Clay Pigeon

team brought home the trophy from the 6


Cadet Clay

Pigeon Shooting Championships, besting teams from

the CCF, Sea Cadet Corps, Air Training Corps and

other Army Cadet Forces from across the United


Issue 01 - December 2012 CACF News , The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army Cadet Force


In January Cleveland Army Cadet Force were among 11

finalists shortlisted from 150 applicants by Barclaycard

for their Community Gift Programme, with Col Laker

present at the ceremony at Middlesbrough Football

Club, hosted by TFM Radio, to accept £1000 that was

then used to purchase first aid training equipment.

Later in the month A Company were pleased to support

military singing trio ‘The Soldiers’ to collect for the

Army Benevlolent Fund at a fundraising concert in


Loftus Detachment were pleased to entertain their local

mayor at their detachment in February, receiving

support from him for cadets to attend annual camp,

going on in May to use the Town Hall for a Badging

Ceremony and Presentation Evening.

May also saw Cleveland ACF hosting its Outreach

programme at Stainton Camp for local youth outside of

the ACF, with a comprehensive training package,

including tent erection, camp cookery, an expedition

around High Force, archery, climbing and mountain

biking provided by the County and its staff.

As the Diamond Jubilee came to its climax in June, the

Commandant took great pleasure in distributing


medallions to commemorate the event to the cadets,

and to present the Queens’s Diamond Jubilee medal to

many of the adult volunteers who had earnt it.

The weather, having earlier threatened a drought of

legendary proportion, transformed the year into one that

broke records for flooding, just in time for Greenfield

Weekends in Catterick for all. Lt Col Grime took the

chance to introduce himself and to observe fieldcraft

training at first hand.

On to Wathgill in August. Better , if not brilliant,

weather, excellent food, a day out for the cadets, an

overnight lakes-based AT package and the presentation

of new banners for the county all contributed to a

successful and memorable annual camp.

Colts Canter in October was closely followed in

November by 15 Brigade SAAM. Cleveland ACF’s teams

came a creditable 2


in the LSW pairs and 2


in the

Section Match.

The County’s carol service at Guisborough closed out

the year on a festive note, with Cleveland’s Corps of

Drums and the Band of Durham ACF playing to the

assembled cadets of Cleveland ACF and the local Air

Training Corps as well as their guests.

Issue 01 - December 2012 CACF News , The Monthly Newsletter of Cleveland Army Cadet Force



14 County Football

3 North East Football

22 Lord Lt (Durham) Presentation

5 Lord Lt (North Yorks) Presentation



8 - 10 C Coy W/End (Stainton)

29/3 - 6 Brigade SCIC

15 - 18 A Coy W/End (Stainton)

13 - 14 Duke of Edinburgh Award Silver

22 - 24 B Coy W/End (Stainton)

27 - 28 Senior Cadet Training (Coulby Newham)



11 County First Aid Competition

7 - 9 B Coy Greenfield Weekend

11 Brigade Target Rifle SAAM

14 - 16 C Coy Greenfield Weekend

12 County Athletics

21 - 23 A Coy Greenfield Weekend

19 North East Athletics

29 Armed Forces Day

26 Regional Athletics



6 National Hockey (York)

10 - 23 Annual Camp (Altcar)

19 - 21 Adult Training



13 - 15 Colts Canter Training

4 - 6 Colts Canter Competition

20 - 22 Colts Canter Training

11 - 13 B Coy Training W/End (Stainton)

21 North East Swimming

18 - 20 C Coy Training W/End (Stainton)

27 - 29 Colts Canter Training

21 - 29 Music Camp (Longmoor)

25 - 27 A Coy Training W/End (Stainton)



10 Remembrance Sunday

14 County Carol Service

22 - 24 Adult Training Weekend

14 - 15 National Citizenship Awards

23 - 24 Brigade Service Rifle SAAM