The Missing Sun - Neelam Saxena Chandra

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Transcript of The Missing Sun - Neelam Saxena Chandra

  • 7/31/2019 The Missing Sun - Neelam Saxena Chandra





  • 7/31/2019 The Missing Sun - Neelam Saxena Chandra


    There was a naughty spirit named Cheema. He enjoyed troubling and pestering people.

  • 7/31/2019 The Missing Sun - Neelam Saxena Chandra


    He would not spare even the little children. He would break their toys. When the children cried, hewould smile with delight.

  • 7/31/2019 The Missing Sun - Neelam Saxena Chandra


    One day, his friends, Shanky and Venky said, Cheema, why dont you mend your ways? You are ablot on the name of spirits. We all help everyone and you

    This enraged Cheema. He got very angry. He replied, You all shall have to pay for spanking me likethis. I have much more powers than you. I will show you how mighty I am.Off he flew in a rage.

  • 7/31/2019 The Missing Sun - Neelam Saxena Chandra


    He snatched the sun from the skies and locked him under the base of atree.

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    The sun started crying. I have no company. How will I pass time? he shrieked.

    Cheema thought for a while and got him a few animals for his company.

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    He provided them with all toys and play things. He even provided a swingand a blackboard.

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    While the other animals were very happy initially, the sun would cry andwail. He was used to roaming around freely in the sky. He did not like thebondage.

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    Meanwhile the whole world plunged into darkness. There was not a ray oflight. It was pitch black.

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    The way to the tree was quite difficult to locate. Everyone began searchingfor the sun; but couldnt find it.

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    Cheema also got a teacher for the animals Sherkhan. He was very strictand the animals detested him. They had also got bored of all the playthings by now and yearned for their freedom.

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    One day, while Sherkhan was busy teaching; they all ran away; leavingSherkhan and the sun behind. It was not easy to take sun with them butthey really felt bad for him and decided to inform Bijli and Baagdu, thequeen and king of all the beings .

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    It was difficult for them to find their way back; but finally they couldunderstand Cheemas signs and signboards and ran far far away from thetree.

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    Finally, the animals reached Bijli and Baagdu, the queen and king of all thebeings and told them the whole story. Bijli was extremely annoyed withCheema and sentenced him , You will lose all magical powers.

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    The sun was released by them back into the sky, to where it belonged. Allthe animals were jubilant to see the sunlight. The birds sang and thebutterflies danced.

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    Animals were also free from the bondage and enjoyed the openenvironment.

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    Cheema had learnt his lessons. He went back to Shanky and Venky withflowers and apologized. He had decided to be a good spirit so that Bijli andBaagdu would forgive him some day.