THE MIGHTY DUCKS - Script Slug · 2021. 8. 23. · THE MIGHTY DUCKS by Steven Brill · Fourth rev....

THE MIGHTY DUCKS by Steven Brill · Fourth rev. draft. August 9, 1991

Transcript of THE MIGHTY DUCKS - Script Slug · 2021. 8. 23. · THE MIGHTY DUCKS by Steven Brill · Fourth rev....

Page 1: THE MIGHTY DUCKS - Script Slug · 2021. 8. 23. · THE MIGHTY DUCKS by Steven Brill · Fourth rev. draft. August 9, 1991



Steven Brill

· Fourth rev. draft. August 9, 1991

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A light snow falls o·,rer a pond almost surrounded by woods .... A your.q boy sJ,ates alone on tt.1e pond .. He pushes 1:1. puck around wi t:h his Hockey :::tick .... He's having a touqh time ... but he's determined ... Yery determined ... He fall~:. He gets up_. glides for bit ... then rushes the garbage can/goal. ... He fakes (dekes) the pw::k three times t11en shoots with his t,ackt.tand ... ttie moYe i!:: unsuccessful the puck flies over the goal and into the deep snow while he crashes into the can.

n.1e BOY sees the hole where the puck disappeared ... t.Le steps off ttie ice to retrieve the puck ... he takes another step and WHOOSH ... he's gone ... fallen through the deep snow ... PAUSE ... n.1en ten feet away from where he disappeared he pops up like a gopher, covered in snow but with the puck ... The boy gets back on the ice and practices the triple fake move again ... The boy tries it slower .. determined ar.i.d it, s not pretty but he lifts the puck up and it falls right· into tt.1e can ... SCORE ... The KID now practices his Victory Dance ... a sort of arm pUJllping, football spiking jig ... as he wves to the imaginary crowd ...

C.ORDON (playing collllllent.a tor)

What a shot!! 'What a ~ove! ... I still can't believe it! Gordo Bombay wins it for his team AGAIN!

He opens his mouth and catches some falling flakes .... then goe~: about his practice ... We pull away ... watcllir.,,g him., the stm going down, the woods ... the boy skating a,lone, J:iappy ....



'I'be po1)d ... twenty years later ... not surroimded by trees ... alm.ost an ugly pla.ce now ... with a paved road rur.ming rigt.1t by it .. .

l1USIC, hard ,jrivir.10 rock music: ... and tt.1e sounds ·of a car racina towards us .... A spot of black in the distance ... gettillg -closer ... IT' s a Bl1W and in a FLASH it passes right past tt1e pond .. just a black blur ... But we jwnp into the car to find:


GORDON B011BAY ... the adult. That idyllic youth long gone we find .An intense, driven GORDON pushirig the li:m.i ts of the car and him.self beyond a healthy point .... Husic blasting.He takes a bit of his EGG 11Cl1UFFIN .. a slurp on his JU11BO sized cottee and races by tt.1e pond.

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GORDON "Find m.Y c:lient cruil tv an,i you are saying ~No" to herica ... ?

( t O O 11lUCt.l'? Ntt.l"l ;, You are condemning the very fabric: of our society ...


Continuing the a.boYe speech, GORDON gi~,es t.lis tJ.eated smnmation to the jury ... He has them in the palm. of his hand ...

GORDON ... Because my client represents -everything that is good in A.merica. Ho! ... Everything is .America.

We see his defendant, A. puffed up rich guy in a suit, I1r. TOLLER.

GORDOM ... The private business man, who contributes· to the comm.unity in vital ways, while his attackers ...

GORDON nods tc,wards the prosecution ... FRA.NX the out-classed prosecutor, and next to him, the Plaintiff: a sleazy_. looking man in an upper body cast.

GORDON(CONT. ) Tal~e ... sit back, and point fingers ... They contribute nothing.

GORDON is scoring points left and right ... The judge, JUDGE WEATHERS, shakes his head in disgust ... In the back of the courtroom we see l1R. GERALD 11ATHER, Gordon's boss, watching with little expression.


Gordon star.ids beside 'roLLER intensely listening to the ._lury' s verdict.

FOREl1A1-l We find the defendant, William J. Toller .. not guilty, on all charges.

Gordon grins ... then the energy swells in him and he can't help it .... he lets out that sam.e Whoop and does a small arm victory motion ... l1R. 11ATHER in the back v.Tinces at this. VARIOUS people congratulate him, he's all smiles .. HR. 'roLLER is almost weeping with joy ... he should, he was guilty as sin.

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TOLLE}:;~ Hoi:-1 c:ei.n I eYer t.tiar.u( you, Gordon ... You were t:rilliant.

GORDON (false modesty)

Well, Thank you sir .... It was nott.1ing really ... well not nothing ... but it was my pleasure.

'I't.1e Judge, Judge Weathers ... shakes his head and leaves the bench ... FranJ~ the losing prosecuting attorney glares o,,er 8.t GORDON.

HR. GERALD 11A'ffiER, Gorcton~s bo;:;:;s, slips out tt.1e back door, Gordon looks back just in time to notice ...


GORDON accepts pats on the back .. looks arotmd for HA.THER. FRANK, approaches ..

FRANK You really out-did yourself, Gordon ... Stooped to all tiID.e lows to win that one.

C.ORDON I'm offended by that, Frank ... You have know idea how low I can go.

FRANK 'It.18. t man should be in jail.

GORDON (snapping on him, some people stare. )

Well, it was your job to put him there, frank .. So don't take it out on me! Next time, do your job!

FR.Alfi: (backing down)

I don't 111.ind losing, I just want to lose fair.

GORDON Losing fair is still losing, Frank. Gotta go tor the W .. . the win.

/ ''\ l__.,I FRANK leaves, GORDON calms down ... looks around for 11ATHER, leaves.

( .··


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. . . GORDON .. ttie winner, descends tl1e courthouse stairs .. up c1.t1ea.d of him. is judge WEATHERS ... he saunters up from. behind hoping for a c:ongrei.ts ... WEATHERS keeps m.oving.

WE.AT.HERS Get away from. m.e Bombay.

GORDON What? No congratulations, your honor?

WEATHERS ls usual you used all the cheap trick~, loopholes and shortcuts possible ... and as usual you were Yictorious .... Cona·ratulations, ttr. Bombay... -

GORDON Well thank you, sir.

4 .

WEATHER'S goes with a final killer look ... GORDON shrugs .. what's his problem?'' He goes down to his BHW parked curbside ... a ticket on the window .. .-He takes off the ticket, crumples it and shoots it at the nearby wastebasket ... Two points? No .. off the rim.. ·


GORDON pulls up to the drive thru Speakerbox ... there are cars behind him ... Cars in front of him.

BOX(V.O.) Welcome to Wendy's, Hay I take your order please?

Just before he can order, his car-phone rings ... He answers it.

GORDON (to phone)

Gordon Bombay here.

· JE.Al-ll-lIE(V. 0.) (on the phone, his secretary)

It's Jeannie ...

BOX Welcome to Wendy's. :tray I take your order?

GORDON Hi Jeannie ...

(to box) Hold please.

(to phone) No, not you Jeannie: ..

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,JEANNIE (Y. 0. ) l1r. Bcilllbay, You' re suppc,sed to be at Sharp and Wyatt for a deposition.

GORDON Oh no ... that's right.

He tries to pull away, no luck. He's trapped .... He beeps his horn ... no one will move.

BOX(V. 0.) Welcome to Wendy's ... 11&.y I take your order?


JEANNIE(V.O.) Hove the deposition?

GORDON No .. no, move the cars ... !

JEANNIE(V.O.) Sir, are you alright. Where are you?


Yes, I just wanted a hamburger.

BOX(V.O.) One Hamburger ... Would you like fries with

GORDON No ... no hamburger!

(He can't maneuver out) I'm stuck!

BOX(V. 0.) Well, perhaps you'd like to try our beef salad ... ?

He wants out, now! ... So, he just cuts it hard, bumps the car ahead of him and goes right over the foot high curb to his right ... and roars away.


JEANNIE gathers her day's :mail while TOD the young guy from the ma.ilroom waits ... GORDON breezes in, a little disheveled ... wired.


I I i

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GORDON l1ather drop by?

JEAMNIE Hello, sir ... no he didn't. Did you make the deposition okay?

GORDON No problem. Excuse me, Tony ..

TOD (moving his car out ot tbe way)

... it's Tod ..

GORDON .. Any calls, Jeannie? He asked modestly, knowing full well his phone sheet would be craued, as usual, with tans~

(she hams over a long call sheet, l'.1e heads into office, we still hear him.)

friends and many well-monied accused criminals desperately seeking justice, turning to me as their greatest and best hope ...

TOD and JEANNIE exchange looks ... TOD mouths the rr1ords, "Wt.tat a jerk" ... JE.ANNIE smiles, gives him raail, shoes him away ... GORDON switches to his speakerbox now ... ·

GORDON Ha.thers didn't call, no word nothing hUh? ...

JEANNIE No sir, sorry.

GORDON He didn't even stick around to say congratulations. That's not right ..

GORDON starts to rant a bit. Just then l1R. 11ATHER himself ... enters JEANNIE'S office ... JEAlfflIE freezes .. She wants to warn him, 11ATHER s:ailes thinly and approaches his door.


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C',ORDON .. It's just a question ot .. e savvy ... I' 11 tell ya, when I'm head of this firm, I'll remember things like this .. I' 11


He's behind his huge, desk feet up, talking to the speaker ptione box ... 11ATHER sticl,s his head in, raps lightly on the wa.11.

GORDON (startled tries to c:over)

... I'll need those case. files on my desk .... Hr. 118.ther .. hello sir.

11ATHER I just wanted to drop by and congratulate you on the win.

GORDON Well, thank you sir. It was nothing.

HATHER One note, Gordon ... Just score, don't spike ... this isn~t a ga:m.e, it's a business .. A little restraint Bight be in order next time

(GORDON nods) Other than that ... congratulations. You did well.

11ATHER leaves ... GORDON smiles ... he only heard the compliment.


'i '.

It's the after work, up-scale bar/restaurant where Gordon and his preppie hang out .... We see that Gordon is a popular guy with the crowd, and quite charming with the women .. He's buying himself and other people drinks left and right. We see him heavily over-tip LLOYD the bartender. His friend and associate COLIN proposes a toast to him .. GOROO mock-hUJa.bly accepts, then downs his glass in one gulp.


GORDON and his friends ... Hany drinks have been consumed ... The crowd is thinning ... Colin and George get up to leave. GORDON doesn't want the11. to go ... He is1l' t ready to stop ... He tries to physically pull them back into the booth, they resist, laughing ...


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!1ost. t1ave acme . .. C-ORDON' is seen hi ttinq l:"18.rd c,n a FE11ALE attorney .. ~he's a little dnmJ~ and she-ain't. buyin' ... She la.ughs at somethin,;r he says, 1:le laughs ... It look~: lil::e it·· s going well, tl".teu she si:m.ply lea.Yes .. GORDON frowns ... 110\"D hit~: him with a fresh beer.

LLOYD Truo :minutes for tmladyli}~e conduct ... eh, Gordo?

GORDON smiles ... cracks some peanuts and flips them into this mouth ... . THE 11IHNESOTA NORTH STARS HOCKEY GA11E plays on the t.v. behind the bar .... LLOYD and others at the bar are watching .. Hc,ckey in 11innesota is a natural part of lite, t,ut apparently not to (',ORDON who is studying his address book now ... leafing through names ... He stops on one page ... his eyes light ... ",JULIA.,,

LLOYD (to GORDON, while watching)

That Hodano, boy I'll tell ya -reminds :m.e a you, Gordo ... You coulda been a 11odano ... tough, but really a finesse player ... Like Neely, kinda, Don't ya think, Gordo?

But by the time LLOYD turns back to him ... he is out the door, beer in A ten dollar tip left, which LLOr"D pockets with a smile.


GORDON drives along not -ready to end the night. His stereo cranked, blasting ACDC' s "Highway To Hell" ... It·· s starting to snow ... he rolls back the stmroof ... opens his mouth, catches some snow-flakes then washes them do-r,.-rn with a final swig of beer ... He tosses the empty beer bottle in the back seat ....

Oi.."'I'. C.AR

His car swerves a bit on the downtown r,)ad ... MID outside a single COP CAR spots him, pulls out of an alley, and follows.

nrr. CAR

GORDON is oblivious to the COP behind him ... as he flips open his phone book and dials JULI.A on this car phone .. Her sleepy voice answers.

JULIA(V.O.) Hello ...

GORDON Julia? Did I wake you? ... I'm sorry. It's Gordon.

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,JULIA(V. 0. ) Gordon? WJ-lat. the hell ·are you doing calling lll.e? It's been two mont.hs.

GORDON Yes .. yes I know t.hat ... And I vra.11t to talk at•out ttia t f ery vact .. very tact .. Can I COll'le over? ... and talk.

JULI.A(V. 0. ) You'ye been drinking, haYen't you?

GORDOH Nope ... just tired from work ... I just vra.nted, to see you ... Say hello .. talk.

(pause, she's caving) I won't stay long ... In and out.

JULIA(V.O.) (a s1.1.cker)

Tea .. I'll make some tea .. One cup and your gone;


She hangs up ... He grins .. He reaches down for some, sprays but misses his mouth, gets some in his eye ... His car swerves again_. ...

THE COP behind has decided that· s it .... He hi ts the lights. Just as GORDON hits the stereo on full and the accelerator ....

HOST COPS, like the one behind him now, don't like being evaded. GORDON, spots the freeway entrance and turns hard onto it ...


COP This is car one nine in active pursuit of a tleeing vehicle! .. Bnw, black ... Requesting back up.

nrr. Bl1W - FREEWAY

Cruising fast on the freeway. He's happy ... lost in thought, possible ro:mance and alcohol ... this is snapped very abruptly when he looks over his side to find a cop car on either side motioning him off the road ... He looks behind him and there is another cop car ..... his entire inside compartment ... lit up by blue . .

GORDON This is not good.


Gordon leans agairlst a counter ... Handcuffed, unhappy ... sarcastic.


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. "" , ... - ..• ··-----·--··---- .:t.-.::r.::c::- _____ _

BOOKING COP Breath, blood or urine?

G()RDOH No thanks, I'm full.

BOOKING COP (no sense of hUJll.or)

Drunk test. BreaU-.1, blood or urine?

BOOKING COP #2 (He holds the breathalizer tube out)

Feel lucky, punk?

GORDON stares at the tube ... challenged.



GORDON exhales into a tube ... he and the COPS watch the red numbers rise .... Suspense .. click, click, click ... 97,98, 98 ... Oh no .. not 1.0 .. pause ... Yes .... 1.0 .. the COPS lauqh ... C-ORDON sinks his hands into his head ... He's legally drunk ... They stand him up.

BOOKING COP #2 You'll be our guest 'til bail is set ... You get one phone call.

Gordon stares at the phone ... He has no one to call. He's never had to rely on someone ... He calls JULIA ....

GORDON Hi .. Julia .. just wanted to say I can't 111ake it tor tea tonight. , . Sc•rry.


COURT CLERK Gordon Bombay ... driving while under the intluence, resistino arrest and reckless endangerment. ·

Gordon is led into the courtroom, BAILIFF at his side. He didn't know about the other charges ...

GORDON Resisting Arrest ... reckless endangerment?

BAILlFF Looks like they're goin' tor a .James Brown ... tough luck.


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Bad lucl:: ... FPANK is the D.A .... and he's licking tii::; chops. He Wet.Yes. It gets wor:::e ... Because as he's led towards the bench he looks up to see that it is JUDGE WEATHERS presiding.

GORDON Judge ... Weathers .. Sir, hello .. I can explain all -of this ...

WEATHERS I'm. sure you can ... but I ':m. alsc• sure that all your explaining won't help one lick ... so save it son. I assume you represent yourself?

(Gordon nods, Weathers studies his tile)

Fourteen moving violations in two years? How the hell do you still have a license?

GORDON I've got a good attorney ....

BOOKING COP· 12 ... 55 unpaid parking tickets .. previous arrest tor public brawling ... Oh and look at this .. a previous arrest tor D.W.I.

GORDON Arrested, not convicted ... I passed the breat.halizer.

WEATHERS Not so lucky this, huh? Hr. BoJA.bay I bad no idea you were so unrUly outside ot court also. A lavyer with such a prestigious firm. as yours .. Tch. tch ..

GORDON I'd like to leave the firm. out of this please ...

fRAl-lK I 'm sure you would ...

GORDON Okay, let's talk business ... What am I facing, fines, suspension of license .... how much, hov long?

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WEATHERS With a nc,t guilty plea, as you' re probably aware you will go to public trial, a non-jury trial ... where it's all up to the judge .... me ..... Now, the DWI is a given but at this trial Frank •will push for resisting arrest, and reckless enclanqerment ... A conviction on any of those counts will result in a minim'Ulll one year jail sentence, not to mention fines, suspension of license and a mandatory not.if ica tion to the Hinnesota State Bar Association ...

GORDON (whoa)

The Bar? Jail ... I didn't think ...

WEATHERS Drunk driving isn't a little high­school offense anymore, we don't slap wrists Gordon ... Now we slap heads ...

(GORDON sw.llows} Plead guilty and I envision six months incarceration and $26,000 fine ... . Of course the D.A's office might allow you to plead guilty to lesser charges, but tbat is solely up to that office.

GORDON looks to FRANK who smiles. It ain't gonna happen.

FR.Am: The D.A. ·s office would not like to pursue a plea bargain in this case.

(then, to C..ORDON) Gotta go for the W, Gordon.

GORDON thinks fast ... Weathers and Frank watch him sweat.

WEATHERS Will the defendant enter his plea?

GORDON .. Hay I request a postponement of two weeks to ...

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WEATHERS You twenty-four hours at which time ... I·· 11 need your final decision . .An:~rway you choose, I' 11 be satistied ...

{dislll.issing hiUL) Defendant is released on his own reconnaissance ...

FRANK Don't skip town.


1 -:• .J.

GORDON is sweating it out ... going over the codes. He's preparing his defense. He's been there for a while ... sleeves rolled up ... Del Theo wrappers off to the side ... several huge law books open and notated.

GORDON ... hi.el versus South Carolina .. .

A noise is heard, No one should be in here ... .

GORDON Who's there?

(GERALD HATHER enters) J:tr. 1:18.ther? What are you doing here?

ttATHER I own this f irlll..

GORDON I know sir, I meant. It's Saturday night ... No one is usually ...

HATHER Why are you here, Gordon?

GORDON l. .. thought I'd read up on a few cases ... RICOH statute stuff ..

l1ATHER Oh? I'd have thought you'd be researching your defense against DWI. reckless endangerment and evading a police officer ... ?

GORDON 1\lho told you?

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i I

11ATIIER Hinneapolis is a small town, the legal cow1.1nity is eyen smaller. Did you think I wouldn't find out ... I don't 1.u--.iaerstand.

GORDON I thought I'd beat the charges ... and not concern you with it ... .And I can beat 'em ... They have no case ... I' 11 htuniliate 'em .. It's just Frank Huddy that lousy D.A ... I'Ye beaten hilll up so many · .. I know T/eathers is aga_1n~.t me ... but I fotrr.ld a loophole ....

(shows him law book)

11A.THER Gordon, stop. Stop ar.ld listen. Sit ..

(C.ORDON sits) There isn't going to be a trial ... Do you understand? I won't let you go to trial, Gordon ... You·re good, but it would be a mistake for you and the firm ... A loss would ~e, damaging.

GORDON Sir, I can·t plead guilty .. they won't take lesser charges. I'd do tim.e.

l1AT&R I said listen Gordon, please ... I've made arrangements ... I've gone out on a limb with Weathers for you ... He·s agreed to grant a teaporary ACD ...

GORDON (impressed)

You got an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal? What· re the con.di tic,ns?

l1ATHER You are to serve the community tor a period of 500 hours .. Probation, suspension of license ... and a leave of absence from Hather and RDss ..


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C'..OP.DON (not pleased)

Wt.iat? A leaYe of absence ... He can't do tt.iat ... He can't make me st.op work.

t1AT.HER I'm afraid that is cine of ~Y. conditions Gordon ... I want you to take a little break .. .

(GORDON stares) 500 hours -i:1ill take you about three :months full time ... I want you to take t.ha t tim.e .. .

GORDON No .. sir, three months a,va.y ... I can't.

I1ATHER 1·m your boss, Gordon .. and r·m telling you you can ... But I'm. also your friend. And friend to friend .. I'm telling you to take a break ... and use this

GORDON Doing what, picking up trash on the side of freeway?

I1ATHER Serving the conunity. It should do you good .... give you an civerview, a better sense of team. ...

GORDON But .. m.y cases, my clients ... I1y paychecks ...

I1A'IHER See ... I'Ie, I'Ie, I'Iy, I ... that se lf-centeredness went out with the eighties ... This is the nineties Gordon ... A kinder, gentler decade ... Points of Light .. .

GORDON 1·1 not a point of light. I'm. a litigator. Let me take my chances in open court. Have faith in me ... I can beat ·em.

He is manic now ... He goes back to his law book but ... Now I1ATHER loses his temper slightly ... he closes the book with a heavy resounding thud ...


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(---------., . ______ ,,

(\ }

'· UATHER is not t.11e ist;ue! I'~,re made the de::i.l. For you. For your be$t interests ...

(Gordon shrinks back, Hather calms dovm, puts tiis arm on his shoulder)

I' 11 see to it tt.18.t t11e com.mtmity service is something more suitable to your talents ... You won't. be pickini;_y up trash .. .

GORDON And after tt.1is little break ... I can come bac:k?

llATHER Yes Gordon ... that's the whole idea ... TI-.18.t's why I'm keeping you on salary ... That's why I'm arranging for a driver' tor you ... I want you .back ... rested, .more :raature, poised .... ready to go the distance.

GORDON (momentarily pleased)

A driver?

11A'I'HER Yes ... But I insist } .. c,u quit drinking.


GORDON nods, then looks down at another law book laying open before him ... Slowly, he closes it.


GORDON stands in his driveway with an older inan in a Chauffeurs outfit, LEWIS ... LEWIS has driven, cabs and limos all his life, he has a lot of stories. He looks like Sid He's a ca.rd, to say the least ... They both stare at a silver four door Gra11ada. insane

GORDON Tt.'8.t? 'I't.l.8t·s the car m.y company ordered for m.e?

LEWIS Yup .. . A modest mid sized economy car is what was i-equested, a modest mid sized economy car is what we're staring at ... The Granada. Last tim.e I drove one of these was 1978 .. Some housewife from. Winnetka .. Nice lady, had a doq ... one of those hot doq, dogs. . - -

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---... ~·-----~ .. """~==~~. u,~-....,..~~l

GORDOl·l Da C:f1Sl.tr11:1?

LEWIS No, it was a Granada.

GORDON The dog.

LEWIS I know, I was joking with you ... Yap:py little 1:ia~.tard, that dog, though. I'll tell ya ...

GORDON (a stare, GORDOl{ moves on)

Levis, does your company have other cars at your disposal?

(LEWIS nods emphatically) Let's upgrade ... shall we? I' 11 pay the difference and your company doesn't have to tell my company .. does it?

He slips LEWIS some money ... LEWIS pockets it in~ flash.

LEWIS Nothing to tell. What could I tell?


Inside .. GORDOli sits in back wearing a suit, looking out the window ... LEWIS drives.

LEWIS Now this is a car ... cadillac iimousine ... Pleasure to drive this car ... Better than the Lincoln, Cadillac is better th~n a Lincoln. How do I know? ... Try driving cars for 50 years ... tt.ia.t's how I know!

GORDOl.J You've been drivirJg for fifty years?

LEWIS· Yes, and boy are my arms tired.

LEWIS lau.gl1s ... GORDON smiles politely ... He looks out the window ... this sure is a seedy part of town ... He isn't pleased ...



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GORDON gettina out of the lim.o causes a minor co:mm.otion ... Som.e pan­handlers out front mob him ....

He pushes through ... others stand by and mock him ... He brushes and into the off ice ..


He strides in confidently but halts ... Heads turn .. t.he volum.e drop ... It's a seedy, disorganized, nightm.are of an office, populated by criminals, lunatics and dangerous loc,Jcirig people, and ttiat's just the ones who work there ...... GORDOH takes a breath and tries to rise above it as he approaches a man t•ehind a desk marked "INFOR11A'l'ION. "

GORDON Hi . . I have an appointaent to see ..

The inform.ation guy doesn't even look up . .. he just p~ints to a row of chairs. GORDOH waves his t.aard in front of the 11AN' S face ... ·

. GORDON Excuse m.e .. I said I have ...

HAN (losing it)

Two seconds to get your ass in a chair over there! We'll.get to _you!

GORDON back ... He goes O"ter to the chairs ... one left .. in the middle of what could very well be the Hanson family ...


GORDON finally sits down at a desk with a W'OHAN CIVIL SERVANT ... He's frazzled ... incredibly peeved ... The woman hands over an envelope to him ..

SERV.Urr Your com.m.unity service assigr.lDlent.

GORDON What is it?

SERV.Alfl' Dowtown park and rec. center has this youth hcrckey team.. Pee Wees. Ten to thirteen year olds ... We want to compete against ott.1er districts. Their coach just quit and you'Ye been assigned ... here's the rosters ... the new schedules aren' t out yet .. .

Coaching Hockey? .... GORD01, is not thrilled at all with this.

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(u .,

GORD0?-1 I expected something different.

SERVANT Go t.o Po'Wderhorn Park ... l1s. Casey Sheridan runs the cerlter there ...

GORDON Give me somethinq else ... what else you got. ·

SERV..!UIT This has been decided ... Arranaed by your attorney a Hr. l1ather and approved by Judge Weathers ..

{she motions him out)

GORDON Wait ... I don't know anything about children ...

SERV.ANT They're like you.and m.e except smaller.


GORDON staring out at the bombed out bad area .... the street-life gawk at the limo and yell insults ... LEWIS is having difficulty fir.11'.iing the rink .... They pass .a Ye.cant lot.

LEWIS You sure this is the right address? Hockey rink is a big thing .. seems we shouldn't be able to miss it.

GORDON Just keeping looking, Lewis. How may Rinks could there be down here ... ?


The answer is none ... Because it is a pond ... through the gap between two buildings we can see Powerdt1orn park ... .


Po'Wderhorn Park is this lower class neighborhood's park. A run do\111 recree.tion center sits off to the side of the large pond. Under­tunded and disorganized this district has managed to field a hockey team. ... Well, not so much a team as an assortment of ELEVEN individual boys, ages 8-12. who all sh,re the desire to play ice hockey. But that's about all they share.... ·

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--- -----"------------ -~--- -~-~-------~~- -~--.... ~-~~~l a


(\ (k., .. __ ~j ' And there they ; ... The "team.,, ELEVEN boys spread out on the ice

covered pond ... Ill equipped and e.s rag tag as you get, We see :

ATUK - A yourlg boy of Eskimo descent. He's wearing a huge parka e.nd sits on the far side the pond, a line in his rJB.nd ... He'::; cut a hole in the ice and is actually ice fishing.

'I1n: HALL BROTHERS - JESSE, TERRY, tlC ... three black brothers who are much more into Hinneapolis funk and rap :music than hockey. TERRY and HC are fraternal twins ... TERRY is lean and smooth ... he fancies himself a. lady killer and a ultra cool street kid .... Wherea~: l1C is small for his aqe and a fearless, confrontational little warrior ... JESSE~ who's a year old-er, assumes the fe.ther role a.round them ... He never smiles-, one eye always on his brottiers, a responsibility he takes very seriously, maybe too much so ..... All three wear skates but are working on dance :moves as their boom-box blasts.

CHARLIE CONROY - A small, thin kid is practicing his hockey mc,ves With incredible determination, but very little skill. .. He is ,. intensely trying to handle the puck through a string of coke cans ... He's unsuccessful. His skate catches a.can ... he ttllll.bles .. his stick sends the puck flying towards the hole ATUK cut in the ice. The puck heads for ;Lt and CHARLIE tries to yell, alerting ATUK to stop the puck, but he has a bad stammer ...


Too late the puck goes in and sinks like a stone.

DAYE KARP - A husky, ium.bering bully of sorts, smirks as tJe sees this .. Dave is not too bright. Next to him is PETER l1A'IT, a red­haired, freckled rascal whose areatest talent is instigation. He nudges Karp hoping for a couent ... Karp obliges. -

KARP! ... Nice shot Spazroy.

(Readers Note: Cha.rlie' s dialogue will be writ ten without trying to approxilllate a

CHARLIE .... I meant to do ttJB.t ...

KARP considers this ... damn ... nice shot then ... PETER pushes.

PETER Tell him to do it again then.

KARP I don't believe you ... do it again.

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r-----. _,_..., ,.,_-""' ·- ..... "' ....... , ,., , ... •· ·-'-' ,_ ·'- ~- ,. .. - ,. .......... -- ............. ,. ........ . ' "".. ,._., .. _

CF.ARLIE I don't feel like it.

KARP That's cuz you ,::ouldn't rio it .. riipwad.

CHARLIE Shut up ... I could.

PETER Jeez, ya believe he just told you to shut up, Da~.:-e?

KARP skates menacingly close to CHARLIE ...


CHRIS DALLINGS---a supremely nervous, excitable kid wl:w eats way too much sugar ... swigs down a pixie stick as he backs away from the upcoming conflict.

KARP You want me to shut up? ... Hake me.

LES AVERHAH, a bright, gangly kid who will stick up for anyone, though he's really not an effective protector ... steps in front of Karp.

AVERHAN Karp .. what're you, in the third grade? .... "make me.,,

Everyone laughs ... PETER allegiances.

PETER Really, Karp ... that's pretty lame ... ":make me.,,

KARP Aver:man stay outta this ... I was just gonna beat up Charlie ... but I can make it two for one day if ya want.

JUST THEN A snowball comes tlyin in from afar .... It hits Karp in the head ... A flurry of snow-balls start flying ... It's the HALL brothers ... They've moimted a furious assault from behind a small snow bank .... ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE.

AVERtrul INCOl1IHG ! !

EVE~YONE scrambles for cover and snowballs in this fight ... PETER, the turn-coat again, skates over to the HALL camp ...

· PETER I defect! ... I defect!

., I


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I c~s·


CHRIS is out ta t:here like 8. flash ... He skF.i.tes to the fa.:r edge of the lake and takes refuge behind a tree.

Gtrr GER11AIME .. an eager, Frenct1-Canadien t,c,y, wt10 speaks with an accent and usually speaks too m.uc:h ... is calling f 1:ir peace.

GUY Hey come on, eh? Someone can qet hit in the eye, then they can.not play hockey so well anYiriore ...

He gets hit :t1y several sn0i•1t,-:1.lls at once. Hit by both :::ides. He goes down., cursing in French .....

HC scraables out f rcim. behir.d cover and skates out of the line of fire to FULTON, the biqgest, most feared kid in the neighborhood ... He's been sitting peacefully on a park bench just watching with a stoic, "don't mess with me lc,ok.,, l1C is the only kid who isn't afraid of him. .... probably because he just doesn't know any better.

:t1C TI1L 'roN ! Come on man ... Be on our side ...

.AVERHAN pops up from. behind his bunker.

GUY No way ... We get FUlton.

PETER Yeah ... he's on m.y side.

FUL'roN looks at both sides· and kind of sighs.

FUL'roN I ain't on nobody's side.

He stands up, surveys the battle, tt.len goes over to a nearby adult size snowman. With a slight smile he dismembers it into three huge snowballs ... lifts one high above his head and proceeds to walk towards the HALL'S bunker .... OHHYGOD ! ... TERRY, JESSE and l1C, AND PETER see him. coming and scramble away .... just as he heaYes it after th8lll. ... it hits TERRY and JESSE knocking the» into HC and PETER ...

THE OTHER TE.AH goes crazy claiming victory ... FUL'roN goes back to the snowman. takes the middle part, then heads for them. .... a huge heave sends it down on top of them .... sending them. sprawling .... EVERYONE is laughing it up now, except ru1ton who goes back to his bench.



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r--~h=~""=™="" .. '~""°-~kc9--··""'~-"': .. """ .... -. .,--. .----~=, .""'""'.~."".'"'.'.."".' ~ :'.'.: ::.· .~ ..... . I

Z"J ,.J •

GUY looJ::s oYer and sees what .~ppear~; to be a ... GORDON'S BLACX Lil10 heading dom1 the t,t.reet .... 8. nice, slow m.oving target .... '? The tids rurl ,:i.nd hide t,etlind a. snciwbanl{ below the rc,ad ....

nrr. Litto -

No luck finding the rink or the kids. Ttiey glide on in the li:ao ... It's quiet, too quiet. LE711IS shrugs ...

LE\TIS want I shciuld circle back? ... Ar.Jair1. I don't m.ind ... I i;ret paid by the hour.

C'.ORDON I'm callinq t.tJ.8.t stuuid civil servant, obviously there's no rink, or hockey team down here ...

He picks up the phone ... just then.


The call to arms ...


ALL the boys join against. the common. enemy and tlurl snowballs at the limo ...

INT. LI110

LEWIS hits the brakes ... they are immediately in a white out ... GORDON dives for the window button as the snowballs fly in ...


GORDON ducks .. LEWIS skids to a halt. The KIDS retreat from their position and run bacJ:: to the pond ... GORDON stares at them ... 11uch to his dismay, he figures it out.

GORDON I don't belieYe it ..

LEWIS Those children are dangerous.

GORDON Those kids are the hockey team ... Look at this .bunch .... Okay Lewis, t.urn ... go on the ice.

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"'·==,·> sec~-,,,·=·• ,- - .. , .. - ·1


1 !

24. I

GORDON (CO!-IT.) (Lewis hesitates)

It, 11 be alrigt1t ... I Jm(lw ice. Trust me.

He moves the limo onto the ice towards the kids.

E}..'T. POND

The J~IDS retreat into defensive positions .... all a little scared now. The limo just sits there motor r1uming on the ice.

TERRY Oh, man .. we're dead ... It's gangsters ... only gangsters drives in those cars.

KARP President's got a car like that ... could be the president .

.AVERHAM President's car's got little flags on the antenna's ... stupid.

KARP Well, maybe they blew off ...

PETER I wouldn't let him call ~e stupid like that.

JESSE Shut up, and b~ ready.

The Kids grab snowballs at the ready ... The KIDS &(Ive closer to the limo like the HONOLITH in 2001 ... then the sun-roof opens slowly ... the kids back away .... They hold their breath and out through the sunroof rises GORDON. GORDON stares at the kids ready to pelt him. It's a showo-wn.

GORDON Didn't anyone every tell you guys that throwin' things at cars is dangerous?

11C No one told us nothin. ·

GORDON Drop the snowballs ...

KARP Says who?

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C-ORDON You ,;ruys the hockey team? District 5?

JESSE Yeah ... '"/

GORDOH Say's Gordon Bombay ... I'm your new coact.1.


The KIDS pause, looking GORDON over. "Who is tl1is guy in the fancy car." (',ORDON stares at them. .... "I can handle this bunch."

I1C A cake eater coach?

TERRY With excellent wheels ... Yo, give us a ride ....

AV!Rl1AN You don't look like a coach ... You look like a business man in that suit.

C.OROON I am a business man. A lawyer actually.

CHARLIE But we need a real coach.

GORDON You ever watch ·the pro's on t.v.?

(they have) What are the N.H.L coaches wearirig when you see 'em.

AVERHAN Suits and ties, but that's for games.

. GUY Yeah, plus they're on t.v. so they gotta look good, eh?

GORDO;N Wrong ... Hockey is their business, so they dress like business men. They're executives .... and winning hockey games is they're business. And it they don't win ... they're fired. That's life on as well as off the ice. Lesson number one. So let's make hockey our business. Hine and yours.

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Pause .. GORDON, thinks he's gotten through ... Not at 8.11.

AVER11AM I don't want to be a businessJ!l.8.r1, I want to be a player ...

. KARP Yeah, I thought Hockey was just a game.

C..ORDON It is .. I was making an analogy.


The kids don't get it .... C-ORDON looks at them more closely .. he sees that JESSE'S shin pads are actually two LIFE Hagazines taped arour.!d his lower legs ... They are all under-equipped, spit taped together .... Paper stuffed into skates several sizes to big ... or feet craned into skates, too ~mall. Their hockey sticks are worn, cracked and chipped, help together by lots of tape.

'!DRY tfake whatever you want ... but how 'bout you give us a ride .. .

KARP Yeah ... Ride us around the riru, ... !

The kids go for the doors ... LEWIS hits the locks just in time.

GORDON First things first. Roll Call .. hold on.

He pops down into the limo·. Grabs his role call sheet from. the court, exchanges looks with the LEWIS.

LEWIS These kids don't need a coach, they need a warden.

GORDON Relax, Lewis ... I've got them ur.lder control ...

Above him ... Peter and nc bave scaled the limo and are peering down through the sun roof at him.

PETER You wish.

GORDON Hey ... Get off the car!

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'~ ( __ ) GORDOM exitf, through the door .. turns to remo--:re U!e:m. f :ro:r.o. the car t,ut , they slide down the roc,f, over the trunk to the ice like

GORDON stands t•etore the KIDS, ready to call rc,le.

GORDON Okay, when I call your name say here .... A.TUK ...

l1C taps at the driver's seat window glass ... LEWIS looks up ... He smiles and v.-ra,1es but through his smile mutters.

LEWIS Litt.le monster.


ATUK has pushed his way to the front ... He raises his ti.and rigt.1t. in front.of GORDON's face.

GORDON ATUK? Good ... LES .A VER11Ali. . .

AYERl1AN Present.

GORDOH Okay ... Jesse Hall.


GORDON Terry Hall ..


GORDON nontgomery Hall ...

JESSE Call Irle I1C .. Like Young I1C or l1C IWmER ... You like rap ... ?

GORDO:H (trying to be hip)

Sure .. RUN DllZ ... Vanilla Ice?

Tt.1e kids groan ... What a moron.

J:1C Vanilla Ice is for snapperheads.

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C-ORDON I' 11 t.ry to rem.ember th8.t .. PETER 11ATI?

. PETER Here .... You ever e~ .. en played hoc:key before ... Can you eYen skate?

GORDON I've played the ga:m.e ... Da·-,e Karp.

KARP Here Gordo!

C.ORDON I think you should call me, coach.

KARP But, that's what we called our last one.

GORDON It's okay ... What happened to your last coach, ariyway?

KARP Don't knov ... looked to us like he hurt his arm..

GORDON His arm?

AVER11AN Yeah, that's what he 'lilaS

grabbina ... before he fell ... his ieft ari. It was at our first gue.

PETER is kind enough to demonstrate ...

PETER One minute he's yelling at us to skate ... "You little bastards ... where'dya learn to play the game, You suck ... skate you basket cases ... ska ... at.thl"Jh! !

(Peter falls to the ground)

HC That arm :m.usta really hurt ... cause he was . all red in the face ... he couldn't breath so well ...

AVERH.AN Next thing·ya know they're takin' him away on a stretcher ...

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GUY ... We had t.o f orf ei t the

CHARLIE Haven't seen hi:m. since.


Great! Just oreat ... Gordon stares. Ttiese kids oase ttie guy a l"leart attack. He takes a. deep breath, continues roll~

GORDON Chris Dallings.

(no response) Chris Dallings.

AVlRtrAN He's hiding behind that tree over there.

We .see him peaking out then duck behind again.

GORDON Why' .s he doing that?

PETER He .stresses out real easy.


Chris co:m.e on over. (no response)


CHRIS hesitates ttien hi ts ttle ice ... He sl~a tes oYer lil~e a rocl~et and coaes to a quick stop. ·

GORDON How'd you get to be such a fast skater, Chris?

CHRIS Don't know.

He can· t stand still. .. He circles the li:m.o.

GORDON How long you been skating?

CHRIS All day.

GORDON I mean in your life.

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CHRIS A.lw.ys.

GORDOH I see .... Guy GerlllEline.

(:pronouncing gee wrong)

GUY GEE .. IT·· s gee l Why do you .Americans always ge.t it wrong, it. is GEE.

GORDON Calm dO\Til Guy .. Sorry ... You from Canada?

PETER Where else would he be from, eh?

GORDON Okay, okay .. and finally Fulton Reed!


Fulton who has been vratching trom the bench stands up and begins to head off ...

CHARLIE Over there, coach.

Gordon calls after him.

GORDON Hey ... Where ya goin'?. You're on the te8.lll.

FULTON I don't think so.

He keeps walking, shaking his head ... so cool.

!''v'ERHAM No, no ... He's on the roster but he doesn't practice or play.

JESSE He'll stay for awhile cause, this is where his Hom drops him off, but then he takes oft.


,JESSE He doesn't need to play with us. He's the next Bo Jackson.

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TEP.RY I heard he's not allowed, ... He's got scholarship otters trom all the big schools in both basketball and f ootba:ll ... They pay him not to play ... so he won't get hurt.

GORDON 'lben why does his Hom want him to play here.

AVERl'.lAM I heard she's not really his Hom.

GORDOM is co:m.plet.ely frustrated already ... But be pushes on.

GORDON What's your record so far .. ?

CHARLIE Uh ... O and 3 .. we're· worst in ·the league ...

GORDON All that's about to change ... now come on ... Tighten up your skates and let's get to it. Skating evaluation .. no pucks .. Let's go!

The KIDS m.ove away get geared and laced up ... .AVERHAM bangs back.

AVER?Wl Coach ... all due respect here and all ... but ain't gonna change .... We're the worst in the league and that~ s were we' 11 finist.1 ...

GORDON What kind of defeatist attitude is that ... Aver:ma.n?! I'm on the case now, so you just do as I say.

AVERltAN But we really suck.

GORDON I decide who really sucks around here! .. HOW get out there and show me what you got!


GORDON surveys them from the hood of the limo .... and guess what?

GORDON ( to himself)

They really suck ...


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~-~,s.~·- -~ ..... --.- --------.-----------------------·- .. - ... ·-·-··--··-·· ..

HE watches the KIDS as they try to do ~:im.ple s}( ma.neuver~; ... They fall, they bump into each other ... their ei.nkles bend inward, their form. and ability are purl:! street .... No poise ...

LATER - He's otf the. lim.o ... standing bet ore them.

GORDON Okay now .. with pucks ... let me see how you stick-handle. Let's go ...

He sets up some coke cans, three feet apart in a line.

GORDON Through the cans ... let's go ...

l10NTAGE - We watch the kids ... one by one go try to maneuver through the cans ... No one makes it ... They trip on the cans or the puck, or their own feet ... Host keep their heads down, looking at the puck and their knees not bent .... basic bad technique. KARP in particular has vbat is called STONE HANDS ... no finesse, he chops at the puclc

XARP goes through ... head down, Clumsy stone.hands, hacking at the puck trying to control it.

GORDON Head up, Dave ... Ease up on your grip ... Stone Hands, Dave ... Feel the puck.

No teeling ... KARP'S stick breaks in two ... He holds splinters.

NEXT - tr:C goes through, knees straight, head glued down to the ice.

GORDON Head up, Head up .. Knees bent, head up.

CHRIS whips through knocking over every can.

GORDON (sotter)

Head up ... bend those knees?

Others go through, I1C falls, CHARLIE trips over him .. GORDON yells pointers ... no one listens to him ...

GORDON (tired of shoutang)

Head up? ... Anyone .... just once ...

LATER - He has divided the tea10. up into two sides .... Scrimmage ...

C-ORDON Okay ... tim.e for a scrimmage ... Who's our goalt~nder?

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AVER11AN He quit. when the other did.

GORDON So, who's gonna play goalie?

T.bey all shrug, except AtUk who raises his r.1c1nd.

A'I'Ul: 1 "Want to be the goalie.

GORDON Good lllan, Atuk. Put on the pacts. Juid let's get to it.

SCRilfflAGE - He blows the whistle and watches the teams go at each other ... they are terrible ... terrible .. no passes connect ...

And then when Chris gets a break-away and takes a shot on goal ... ATUK dives out of the way of the puck ....

GORDOl-l Hopeless ...

He can; t take it anymore he gets irito the li:m.c, ... rolls up ttie window ...

GORDON I can't help these kids ... look at em..

OUTSIDE the Kids have started pushing and shoving ... name calling ... dissension, disorganization .... The net overturns ori ATUK ... Chris bolts away ... A snowball fight ensues ...

. LEWIS Sa-vages ... You should have a whip and a chair.

GORDON Whatever they are ... they're not hockey players ... that's for sure.

He picks up the phone to call ,JE.Al-nUE ...

JEANNIE (V. 0. ) Colin Tierney's office.

GORDON almost hangs up, then makes a terrible realization.

GORDON No ... Jeannie, is that you?

JEAJijm; Tes, Gordon ... sorry. I've been re­assigned.

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EXT. ·LilfO

C-.ORDON To Colin? Oh, God .. Next you' 11 tell me he's taking JAY office .

. JEANNIE Only te.m.pCtraril}:-... his is being redone.

The kids realize their coacl1 is gone ... they approact.1 the car.

INT. LI110

Gordon is on with JEANNIE .. but now the Kids surround the lim.o and bang on the windows, rock the car, and scream for rides.

GORDOH I can't believe this ... 'Who's handling JAY calls ...

JEANNIE Darlene, she's the new receptionist?

KARP ( on window)

Hey ... that a real phone?!

GORDON Yes, it's a real phone and I':m really on it ... now go skate!

JEANNIE Are you okay? How's the community service?


.ALL the KIDS outside put their mouths on the car's windows and simultaneously blow hard, expanding their mouths and making really goofy faces at GORDON ... GORDON stares back.

GORDON (deadpan)

Great ... really great ... Pray tor ·me. (he har.ags up, lowers window)

Don't slobber on the windows ... ! Go skate ...

PETER I think I speak for the team when I say .. . We aren't gonna do a thing you say until you give us rides in the limo.

GORDON Quid pro quo, huh?

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L\:RP Squid w.ha. t?

GORDON Quid prei qu.c, ... I 1Ji 'lte you something, you give me something ... It, s La.tin ...

PETER We'd just call it blackmail. ..

C-ORDON I appreciate your candor ....

(he opens the door) Climb in ....

They all rush and jam; inside like a stampeding heard ... GORDON is crushed in between this pack of GremlinE,.

GORDOH Watch your skates, don't cut the up ...

(GUY'S skate puts a big slash into the seat)

holstery ....

GUY Sorry for that., eh ... Gordon ...

LEWIS Bad idea ... I do not like this idea.

GORDON It should be ali:ight Lewis ... once around ...

J:1C Yeah., Once around sir Lewis ... hit it. 0

l1C jams his hockey stick right down on the accelere.tor and the car lur~hes torward ... LEWIS takes control.


Ttie KIDS are thoroughly enjoying the ride .. ,They rummage through Gordon's paperwork, play with the phone and examine the liquor cabinet ... Peter flips on the t.v. Chris is botmcing off the walls.

GOROOM {taking a bottle from Averman)

Gilll.JAe that.

AVERHAN Hy Dad lets me drink wine on holidays.


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r=--,_,:_ ... "".,,_,,,,,.~--~~-______,.--::'.".~------· -- ~---.-~


GORDON I"IA not your Dad, and t.bii; isn··t a holiday.

(to Guy who has the phone) Hang that up, Guy!

GUY I call my Grandmother in Quebec.

TERRY Tlmes ! Don' t ya got tunes t,ack here?!


I1C goes to his pocket and removes the T.APE .. . la.ys it in TERRY' 5 palm, he slaps it in ... The volUIO.e knob is twisted and l1C HAl1l1ER'S "U Cll.?''T IT\'\Y'JCH THIC." bl . AA1 ivu _ - ar1ng ... _

EXT. 11110

The limo does slow circles around the pond ... The music blasting out across the· pond ... The kids hang from every open window ... ATUK stands up through the sun-roof sunreying the larJd like a tank co:mma.nder .... l1C and TERRY pc,p up through the roof no1t1 ·and wa~,e to tb.eir many imaginary fans .... FINM.LY C'-ORDOM pops up ... pushes the others bacl, in. He takes a :mo111.ent, sbakes his head in disbelief. What has he gotten himself into ... ?


Blue jean clad legs swing out of the car. They belorig CASEY, a black woman in her late 30's. She runs the rec. center and she bears the look of the o"·erworked ... frazzled 111.ost of the time ... but right now she's astonisbed. She stares in titter disbelief at the circling limo then marches on to the ice ·and right towards the limo.

nrr. 11110

TERRY, in front with LEWIS and has his cap on, spots her coming.

TERRY Yo! Looks like trouble?

(to Peter, with quiet dread) Casey.

PETER She looks pissed.

(to Gordon) Hey, you know who that is, coach?

GORDON stares at her as she :makes a beeline straight for them ...

GORDON No ... can't say that I do.

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,----e'" ................ " -· ~ -I

E1."T. L It10

CASEY m.arct1es riqtit towards the oncominq limo and wtien it, s about twenty feet from-her she extends her arm in a stern "HALT''


signal. .. The limo st.ops. S11e .coilles around and peers into the pac:ked limo at the sardined KIDS .... CASEY doesn't need to yell most of the ti:m.e ... people, kids, eYen animals can sense she is someone not to be taken lightly.


C!SEY ( super calm)

KIDS (fairly timid now)

Hi ... Hello Hs. Sheridan.

FINALLY GORDON's head struggles through and meets CASEY.

CASEY You must be Gordon Bombay?

GORD01~ Yes .. yes, I am.

CASEY I'm. Casey Sheridan from the department of parJ~s and recrea. tion.

She opens the door and som.e kids fall out ..

CASEY Would you m.ind having ·tt1e children exit the limousine in an orderly and prompt fashion please ...

He stares at her, then complies ...

GORDON Okay, kids out for a minute please ... come on.

T.he kids grumble and complain but do pile out .... GORDON is the last to emerge ...

GORDON All out ...

CASEY Great .. now can you tell the limo driver to slowly :m.ove the car off the ice.

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,,,,--..., 1

'--.) GQRDON; in to LEWIS and he complies. _. ttie lim.o Ii1C•Yes away ::i.nd climbs onto land. CASEY just. waits ... still calm ... once it's i:,ff the 1ce stie turm: back to· GORDON.

GORDON How's that?

CASEY Great ttiariks ... Now can I talk to you over here please? In priv--a.te:

GORDON m.c,t.ions for the kids to stay put then CASEY lea.ds GORDOH off the pond and to the other e,ide of tbe li:m.o ... The Kids can't contain them.selves ... They know CASEY ... And they know what is about to happen. Tt1ey follow ... PETER taking t•ets.

PETER A buck says thirty seconds.

AVERHAN on the ice ... ?

KARP Yo1J' re on.


GORDON What can I do for you?

PAUSE .. and with one breath lier entire person changes .. overcome with com.plete

PETER checks his watch' s second hand ... he looks up and ..

CASEY grabs GORDOH buy the shoulders and has him. on his back on the ice before he knows it.

CASEY What you can do for m.e! What the hell, were you thinking ... putting that car on the ice? Endangering the lives of those children .... !?

PETER collects his dollar ... GORDOH was down in less then thirty seconds ... . THE KIDS now watch quite amused as Casey physically and verbally abuses their coach, while straddling him. .. his arms pinned. The highly skittish Chris .. takes ott to behind his tree again .

. CHARLIE Play by play AVerman ..

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AVER11A.N (does a bad Cosell)

Ttie ct.La:mpion came out swinging inflicting early injury .. staggering the yotmg challenger, Boom! ... Down he went ...

GORDON Get otfa me lady, Jesus ...

CASEY One crack in the ice and goodbye car .. goodbye children ... early, icy deaths for all. .. even you!

Pause ... Gordon has to think quick.

GORDOl{ You're not from around here. Are you?

CASEY wt.iat does that. have to do with anything?

GORDON If you were you'd know tba.t a car on this lake. was safe ... completely.

CASEY 'Ibis isn't a lake ... it's a pond.

GORDON Oh ... I see. Where are you from?

CASEY Texas.

GORDON A lot of trozen lakes down in Texas I bet. Sorry, ... ponds.

(she stares, he makes his defense) No offense ... Casey ... but I've lived here my whole lite ... I've driven on thinner · ice and I know when a po11d or lake is sate.

CASEY How ... ?

GORDON I just know.

C.ASEY "I just know?" Well listen up, 11r. Zen-master .... when it comes to the safety and 1Jelf are of those children "I just know" isn't a good enough ...


. J

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GORDON Well in this it. w.s. Look. In case you t.18.ven' t noticed. Everyone L:, safe .. the ice didn't give ... the car didn't fall through. 'nie kids ...

The KIDS are standing there, looJcing ilflpossibly cute ... TI1ey wave.

GORDON ... they seem fine to me .... But either way I am. sorry to have upset you and it won't happen again.


He's disarmed her. Whew, 8. t least someone can still be swayed by hi;:; lawyer techniques .... Pause .. _11aybe she was over-reacting .... Sl1e looks at the Kids again.

CASEY '11ley look like little Ducks ... who forgot to fly south.

GORDON stares ... Lost Little Ducks? .. HA! Try Killer Ducks .. But he just smiles benignly.

KID'S POV - They can tell an accord has been met.

AVER11AN Oh ... and it looks like they've fought to a draw .... a real sister kisser ladies and gents ... UnbelieY"a.ble ....

CASEY re•oves some papers from her shoulder bag.

CASEY I callle out to drop oft the new schedules,

(she gives him a bunch) But atter seeing your progress and way with children I will be dropping in regularly ... you and your team r1arrant considerable attention.

GORDON I don't know if I can work under such scrutiny.

CASEY Don't push it ... Bombay ... just don't pusti it.

GORDON backs off with a smile .... She waves to the KIDS and goes ... GORDON looks down at the schedules ... THE DUCKS come over ....

PETER She took you dom, coach ...

He hands out the schedules ....

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GOF!D()N She won a battle, I won the we.r ... Here the new ~•c:tiedttles . ... Our 11ext is . .... is

(searching) What'~ our team's name?

The KIDS shrug ... no nam.e really.

AvtRl1AN District #5 ... That's what they been calling us ..

GORDON Okay .. District #5 ... Our next ge.10.e is ... Tomorrow? Yup at 8 ... Victory ... !gainst the ....

(pause) Hawks.

The KIDS groan then fall silent ... GORDON looks at them.

AVER11AN .They're the best.

GOROOH .. I know ....

(under his breath) I used to be one.



THE HA19KS clad in their all black uniforms circle menacingly on the ice. The KIDS just sit on ttieir bench watc.tiinq this per:i ectly equipped team execute their practice drills with robotic precision. The HAWKS are bigger. better and cheaper than any other team in the league ....

CHARLIE We're dead.

l1AGILL, the HAWK'S team captain and major jerk, along Wi tti BANKS and LARSON, a real goon, skate by the KIDS bench. They stare do-wn the KIDS 1.dth murderous looks ... Then L~rson puts a finger on one side of his nose and blows hard, aiming right at them ... The l~IDS reel back ....

11AGILL Tastes like candy but it's SNOT!

LARSOM, B.U~S and I1AGILL skate away laughing hysterically.


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GORDON, in suit 8.n1j tie,; a and enters tt,e .... A place from his past. It hi ts him h8.rder then he thought ... TI!e smells, tbe sounds.• tl1e siqht::; ... 1 t' s been alono time ... He seens dazed by it all. Nen~ous .. nauseous even. He sucks it up and mo~,re::: on.


On the bencl'.1 ,JESSE turn ar.1d waYes to hi::i 110THER in the stands ... st.1e waves proudly back .. Way in the back we see FULTON standin9 there, arms crossed. We see CASEY ... amongst the prectomir.18.ntly WHITE ... HAWK supporting crow. Parents who take it too seriously. Hert.hen~ wee.r buttons with action pictures of tbeir sons laminated onto ttiem. Fathers wear custom Edina jac}-~ets and corJvene at the coffee IOachirJe to talk to each other about P.EILLY' s coactiino, ttie team's balanc:e and most of all their sons. ·

GORDON stares up and around ... It's been a long time, but nothing· s really changed, except a few more HAWK divisional champ banners hang from the arena's cross-beam.s .

.. AT THE DUCK'S BENCH - GORDON appears from behind them. ...

PETER You're late ... have trouble tying your tie?

GORDON Okay're ya waiting for ... get out there warm up ... let's go .. let's go!

They reluctantly get out there. Gordon looks at the HA.Wl~S, they look impressive ... GORDOH' S KIDS in contrast instantly look pathetic. He looks over to the bench and his stomach sinks ... IT's COACH REILLY . .. 38.JILe. as wtien (',ORDON played .... GORDON hopes he WOll .· t 1:, e recognized .... Fat Chance ... REILLY screa:ms so:me m.ore instructions at his boys then glances over and looks shocked, he imlediately recognizes GORDON ... He and GORDON stare .. they share bitter history. REILLY heads over ... GORDON meets him halfway ... in front of the Scorekeepers box .. Its a tense m.eetin,J.

REILLY Gordo Bombay ... what, re you doing back here son?

GO~OON I'm. coaching these boys ... actually.

REILLY looks at GORDON'S BOYS on the ice ... then gives GORDON a long up and down, then laughs long and hard.

REILLY You? Coaching ... ? That's a good one. Thought you'd quit the game for good, Gordo?

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.. ----~~-·--~-·--·~~------,-1 't~i.

Gordon_. sir ... I decided ti:, ::;om.e kid::: ...

REILLY wt,at could you teach? .. How to choke? ...

REILLY laughs .. GORDON burns ... The P.AW'KS coJ11.e bi:i.c:k to their bench.

REILLY Hey, l:,oy' s this here was 8.n original Haw}, .. . I was his Va.rsi ty Coach too .. G,:!rdo Bombci.y .. . ever heard of him?

· '!HE HA\1l~S gat11er rowld ... GORDOM' S l--ids watcti 8.s their coac:t1 fraternizes with the enemy. If they only knew ... but to them it looks like they're old friends. ·

BANKS Yeah ... you took that O.T. shot at state.

REILLY Right, that's him. 1980 State Final. See Gordon ... you may forget the cra:m.e ... but the qame doesn'.t t orget you. -

The game buzzer sounds .... GORDON.looks over, sees his team staring at him .... C-ORDON leaves REILLY without a word and goes to them.

GORDOM (on edge now)

Come on team, qet out ttlere .. ! HALLS~ first line ... Averman, Karp on D.

ATDX, laden with the bulky goalie protective gear, looking like the ru.chelin 118.n, tugs at Gordon's sleeve.

ATUK I'n not so sure I know how to do this ...

GA11E Til:1E ... TI:ie players on the ice go up and tap the ATUK on the pads for good lUC}L ... KARP hi ts him to :t.18.rd, he falls ...

FACE-OFF .... JESSE against 11AGILL .. ttagill smir}rn ...

llAGILL Hey, bro ... Ya sure you in the right place? ... Ya know this is hockey ... not basketball.

JESSE glares ... And the REF drops the puck ... IJDI!lediately l1AGILL controls it, takirlQ JESSE to the ice, where he tiears tlAGILL'S lauoh recede as he sees i1AGILL head, untouched right in on ATUK. . . - -

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(' ·' , ______ ..


re \.._j

Ar:: . "I:.,.


Beaten and dazed the KIDS collapse on the benches. KARP takes oft his helmet and hurls it ... .A.TUK ducks out of the way ... GORDON storms in.

C.ORDON 'Ibis is embarrassing ... Do you knol1 what t11at means? To be embarrassed?!

PETER Yeah it means I ain't goin' t•ack out tt1ere.

AVERl1AN Charlie almost had a goal.

KARP The spaz missed the puck by a million miles!

AVERl1AN Leave him alone you pituitary case.


You gonna take that!?

KARP I ain't no pi tili ~ry case ...

(to Peter) Wl' s a pitilitary case?


They start pushing and fighting amongst themselves ... The team is just collapsing on all fronts and GORDON is helpless. UP in the stands we see FULTON, standing way in the back, arms crossed ... shaking his head.

CHARLIE is silent, very down on himself .... GORDON blows the whistle.

GORDON Knock it off! ... Now what the hell is going on out there ... You look pathetic ... Stupid penalty HC ... Charlie, you panicked, rushed the shot and qot burned ... Detense ... Are you even awake?.: .and ATUK .. . the object is to get in front of the puck ... not dodge it.

ATUK A guy could get hurt doing that.

GORDON stares at the uncomprehending boy ...

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, '·



THE G.Al'IE beqins aqainst :Ec.nd the Y.IDS are get ting their asses kicked som.e m.ore .. ~THE silALL crowd is lau.gtiing at trie:r.a.. rt··~; a trave~;ty. We see a seemingly endless string of HAWK goals ... interspersed with suprem.ely undertianded and :r.a.oves. Cl1ea.p shots, trips ... dives ... not to mention verbal abuse they lay on the boys.

REILLY is erijoying this a whole bunch. He's purposely ri..uu" up the score now. GORDON's never been on this side of the fence before ... All he can do is and watch HAWK goal after Hawk goal, and wait tor the clock to wind down.

THE KIDS are more than anything, frustrated ... They' re ~-imply being outplayed, 1:iut-hit. and out-sm.a.rted. GORDON feels as helpless as the team. He lashes out at his own players, out of frustration. He hurls the water bottles against the bench. CASEY in the stands takes note.

GORDON FOR CHRIST'S SAKE ... Peter, stupid move .. Use your head ... !

nn: G.AllE CLOCK winds down to the final seconds ... But not before the HA.WIS score once more ... THE BUZZER sounds, the gue is over ... FINAL. SCORE: HAWKS 22, VISITORS 0 ...

Ttie Kids are !orced to shake hancls with the Hawks and cto sci wit.ti their heads down ... way down.


I'd say good gs.Ille, but you guy's really suck.


Don't worry, you can be a janitor like your Dad when you grov up.

lVERHAN hears this and goes a bit nuts. He skates up to L.ARSON, who towers over him. ...

AYERlfAN Take it back, you goon!

LARSON Take what. back? His Dad is a janitor?

CHARLIE (stammering)

He's a su .. sup, superind.

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(\ (\. __ j

\ BAl~S

Sp .. sp .. spit it out.

tlAGILL Super idiot?

AVERl1AM Superintendent.

L.ARSOM He's a garbageman!

Tt.tat.'s it. AVER11AM goes after LARSON ... ,Jesse af\ter llAGILL ~.nd 11C


after BANKS ... CHARLIE is pushed aside .... Glcaves dropped, punches thrown .... Averman finds himself flat on his back t,eino pum.llelled ... Jesse has to lea•,re tlagill to help the smail l1C not get killed by BANKS.

GORDON, REILLY and THE REF are there to separate the boys .... Bitter and beaten, insult to injury the boys head for the locker room..

The KID's ignore GORDON as they head·for the locker room.. CHARLIE'S near tears ... REILLY and GORDON walk off the ice together.

REILLY Don't quit your day job, Bombay.


The now silent' team. undresses like little shell shocked soldiers whc, didn't know what hit them ... GORDON comes in, hot.

GORDON We got waxed!. .Slaughtered! ... Embarrassed, .. . And I won't tolerate it!

TERRY Well don't ... Just leave us alone.

GORDON I didn't. see hustle, I didn't see heart ... I didn't see hard work! HARD WORK!

AVERllAN We tried.

GORDON Tried what? .. to make me look like an idiot!

AVERltAN We tried to win.


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GORDOM Bull;::hi t. .. I' Ill your coach, I ;::::i.w your team effort, and I say bullshit.

JESSE You ain't our coach ... You' re som.e cake-eater in a fancy car ...

PETER Who don't care about nothing but tiimselt. So don't giYe us this team crap ...

TERRY You' re just like one a t.t1em ... a rich kid Hawk, only grown up.

KARP Yeah, so get in your limo and let us alone ...

He's a little shaken by this. GORDON studies their downcast faces. They really hurt. He leaves ...


He out, head down and comes face to face with the waiting casey.

CASEY Well, that wasn't what I'd hoped for.

GORDON I'm sorry, but. ya know t.t1e Hawks are a pretty good team.

CASEY Tl1e idea was to boost these kids morale ... give them a sense of pride ..

GORDON How can you expect them to have pride it there's, no way they can win?

CASEY It's not about wir~1ina, Bombay. All we expected ws for them to be able to hold their heads up at the end of the game ... no matter what the score was.

GORDON Well that's unrealistic ... You've never played sports before.


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. . ~ ... -· -·-· ··- . ····• . - .

CASEY No Gordi::,n obvi,:,usly you' re the one who'::; never played.

GORDON Yeah, right. Go take a loo}~- at the trophies in my basement.

Sl".Le looks at. bim lite the dunc:e tt.18. t he, s being.

CASEY You better figure something by next aame. Or I'll tell Weather's to pull the plug and that'll leave you ... standing J:•y ttie roadside, if you know what I mean.

C.ORDON What do you want me to do?!

CASEY (simply)

Something. {she goes, singing softly)

"'!'hat· s the of the man working on the chain gang ... huuh .. ah, 'Iba t' s the sc, ...


She leaves ... GORDON- sees the l~IDS co:me out heads down to face their parents.

THE HALL'S HOTHER is all kind wc,rds and smiles as she takes her sons under her arms ...

GUY'S DAD leads his·son away ... GUY is crushed.

GUY Sorry, Dad. We got creamed, eh?

GUY'S DAD I' 11 say, eh?

GORDON turns to leave but, CHARLIE'S DAD, as blue collar as you get approaches GORDOM, lea~ting CHARLIE staring at the ground in the near distance.

CHARLIE'S DAD Hey Bombay ... .Anymore gues like that I':ra taking Charlie off the team ... It's not worth it.

GORDON looks c•Yer to see CHARLIE standing there, a f ev tears startin' down his cheeks;

,I I


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GORDON He t.ried. He had a f e-w gocid ...

CHARLIE'S DAD (quieter)

Cut the crap ... he's t.he worst on the t.ea:ra and tt.1e tealll L:: the wcirst in tt.1e lec1.g11e ... He loves hockey, but I' 11 be da.mned if my son is going to be humiliated like that every week.

He storms a-way, CHARLIE in tow ...



C..ORDON walks to his limo ignored and alone ... plus it's cold. He· sees: B.AMKS, l1AGILL and LARSON exit and are iwediately met by proud parents .... and friends. B.Al·IKS gives the HALLS one last sneer.

BANKS Hey,. Hedls, stick to t,askett,all !

He laughs-and turns to run right into the huge FULTON ... who stares down at him ... BANIS bolts ... running into the leathery comfort of the tamily 11ERCEDES driven by HR. PHILIP BANKS.

FULTON passes by C,ORDON.

GORDOH Could have used you out there?

FULTON ·I don't tt.1ink so .

. .. Now he finds himselt completely alone in the parking lot ... Just him and his limo ... He gets inside and sinks into the seat. He pours himself a drink ... The Limo pulls out ... He shifts uncomfortably ... Then lowers the window and throws out the drink.


The KIDS are hanging out, low confidence ... Having a half-assed, scrimmage game. They look up and see and AEROST.AR V.AN driven by LEWIS head out onto the ice ... The sliding door opens to reveal GORDOl-l who ,aaves them in. They' re wary ... but concede ...

JESSE What happened to the limo?

GOROOH Forget the 111110 ... Cli:mb in ... We're ott to see Hans.


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W.:iilt. _± ____ .. _ . . '•-·•-•·•-•-~--•--·--· L-•••-•' -•••••··•••· ·•


(\ (\, ___ / \ Nciw we ;:;ee an .AE:ROSTAR VAN pacl,ed with the ldds lea..,·es the inner

city and heads out through ttie weal thy suburbs. l1C sits s.hcitgun playing his cassettes ...

CHARLIE What .is Hans .. coach?

GORDOH (correcting)

What and who is Hans .. .

The Yan rock~; tl"ie quiet sUburb, .... The kids stare at ttie l"iuge rwuses and vast lawns. ACROSS the lake you can see downtown ... KARP' s moutti drops as they pass a particularly· buge estate.


RAP blares ..... as they pull into the parking lot of the upscale Suburban sports store called HAN'S SPORT SHOP.

GORDON opens the doors, the gates to· the kingdom.. The Kids rush in, and are frozen in their tracks awestruck.


A 148.gical sports shop. Rows and rows of new shiny sticks, new skates, pads, everything ... A dreaa-world to them. ...

C.OROOli Behold children ... Han's Sport Shop ...

'Ihe kids breathe it in ... Then a bear of a man steps in front of them., blocking their view ... They shrink back ...

GORDON And this ... is Haru:.

HANS (the Terminator)

Break anything and you will pay.

HAN'S is a 60 year old, ScandiraYian ex-hockey legend, from Viking stock for sure ... He's irascible, but not without his sense of humor.

GORDON First step towards playing good is looking good.• So let's get you guy's geared up right ... ,

THE kids tear off in all directions ... leaving HANS and GORDOJJ alone ... GORDON stares up at HANS ... HANS smiles slightly. C..ORDON breaks into a grin ... They haven't seen each other in a long tim.e.

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HANS ... Good to see you, mwer #11. It's been too long.

C.ORDON I know, Hans ....

HAMS I've heard you are a big successful doctor.

GORDOH Lawyer.

HANS Whatever, I'm happy to see you back in the game, Gordo.

GORDON I'm just coaching, Hans.

HANS And it looks like you t~ve your hands full.



The KIDS go nuts .... gathering all the stuff they need ... A spree. They grab brand new sticks ... They undo skates boxes .. trying on everything, much to HAM'S annoyance. ATUX, completely laden with new goalie equipment trudges around like the Stay-Puff l1arsh:m.a.llow man.

JESSE, CHRIS and GUT have put on roller blades and are playing a gue in the store.... ·

CHARLIE looks up and see's the al1..1.m.inum GRE'IZXY stick on a high rack .... He reaches for it like it were Excalibur. But tie's too short ... the Golden Stick stays a cruel six inches from his grasp.

KARP and GUY try on helmets then lir.te up like football player and crash heads ... They both fall dowri ... Helmet's -r,mrk tine.

GORDON looks around the ~tore .... a bit nostalgic, despite hilll.self .... He can't help but check out so•e hockey sticks. He begins to pick one up, but let's go as ... Hans approaches ..

GORDON {re: the store)

Nothing' s changed ... is the same.

HANS The game never changes ... why should my store?


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HAMS(cont.) (HANS hands him. bac:k 8.

stick) The only thing that changes is the players ...

{C..ORDON holds it gingerly)

Sherwood ?030, as you used, ten years ago ... How's it teel?

GORDON The same.

OTHER parents with there white bread children scurry away at the oncoming wave of these kids.


BEHIND HAM'S COUNTER are Hockey pictures ... .m.em.ora.bilia, etc. all posted on the wall ... CHARLIE and PETER sneak back to get a closer look ... CHARLIE sees: GOIMG back to 1970, a picture of GORDON, ten years old, HAWKS hold. a trophy .... GORDON B011BAY scoring champion. CHARLIE reads this .... HANS shoes them away from behind his cotmter.

In another part of the store, A young local girl is trying on figure skates with her HOTHER .. . TERRY comes sauntering up. Iuediately the. girls Hother takes her daughter by the arm and leads her away.

LATER - GORDON stands at the counter going over the .tiill ... HANS taps at one picture in the far left corner of his wall ... it's an action shot .. . An old one ot GORDON during High School Final .... #11 BOJ:1BAY on the back heading in a.lone on a goalie ... a huge crowd on it's feet watching, T.if8.iting ...

HANS You've seen this photo, ya Gordo?

GORDON Come on, Hans. Why don't you take that picture down, already ... It's been 10 years ... It's history ...

HANS That is not a good reason to take it down. That is a reason to leave -it up.

GORDON You're morbid, Hans.

HANS I am Scar.idanavian.

(They look at kids) Good luck with the team. Gordon ... I will help you if I can. I'm here.

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GORDON I know that Han~;, than}~ s.

LAST SHOT OF THE KIDS getting geared 11p ... They loo};: entirely different .... They look liJce a team.

THE KIDS all wear their new equipment ... Tbe VAN takes a turn and heads towards Bloomington. PETER notices.

PETER Hey, practice pond i~; back there .. we' re headed tJ1e. wrong w.y.

GORDON Who said we· re going to tt.1e pond?

GORDON gives them a mischievous shrug ...



The downtown ice arena where the Hirmesota North Stars play and practice. A. dream for everyone young boy to one day play there. Th~ VAN pulls into the empty parking lot.

niE BOY'S eyes are wide as can be ... no way .. no way are they practicing here?

CHARLIE No way? No way ....

GORDON Yes, way. Get inside.

Again like Willy Wonka he delights in opening doors to wondrous places for them ....


For first time ... the KIDS are quiet as they move through ttie players tunnel that leads out to the Y"8.St arena .... Gordon leads them right to the ice where there is another surprise ... The LOS AJ-1GELES KINGS are practicing on the ice .... The kids press their faces to the glass and spot the greatest ot all time ... WAi1-ll: GRETZKY .... niey watch him skate and practice in awe .. . THE GREAT ONE 4oes his magic. As hard as he and team.-mates work ... their joy tor the sport is still apparent ...

We pan dowr.1 the line of faces up against the glass ... All the faces, in awe and admiration ... wa tctiing the best ... Anet then we get to GORDON ... who finds hilil.self moved ... It moves him to- see GRETZKY and the pro's play ... He sees his road not taken ....

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GORDON·· S wi::;t.fulnes::: is brolten by ... t.he KING'S COACH blowing the whistle, e1:iding pr0.ctice .. GRETZKY look2: up .. spots the KIDS a.nd GORDON and s}(a tes over.

GRE'ra:KY Hey Gordo ...

GORDOlf Hey Gretz ...

THE KID' s mout.t.1s couldn't. be wider ..... Mot only is that GRETZKY right there, but he knows their coach?! .... CHARLIE could ::i.lm.ost faint. GORDON finds himself surprisingly ttrmerv·ed too.

GRE'IZKY Good to see ya ... keeping busy?

GORDON Yeah, well, working t.iard ...

GRETZKY I heard you were in real estate? Right?

GORDON Lawyer actually ... it's going really well, things are great ... really good ... Hey, Congrats on the scoring title again.

GRE'TZKY Thanks ...

GORDON And again ... ttiar.sks tor the ice.

GRETZKY No problem. ...

(to team.) Have a good skate, guys.


GRE'I2KY disappears back into the dressing room. area. The KIDS stare at GORDON.

~ GORDON Old friend .. . Mow, get your skates on, you only got a half hour.

The kids scramble to put their skates on.

GORDON stands in the coaches bench ... as the kids step onto the ice. They've never seen anything so smooth.

The kids are dva.rf ed by the size of the place, they skate arc,und madly, yelling ... loving it. Falling, sliding .... CHARLIE is impersona.ting GRE'I2KY ... trying to do a spin move.

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(; (:::J C'..ORDON watches for a while frolll the bench t.hen t;rat.hers them round.


GORDON You qot tieat last qam.e ... But worse, you got beaten ,.1p. ~. I want to make sure tl"!&.t dc•esn' t happen again ...


Sl1ASH .. ; PETER comes crast1ing into Terry against tt1e t,oard;:: ... Pretty good hit ... C'..ORDON nods .. "Average" ... Here come;-:, 11C against Chris ... Chris m.0"11es out of the i:-ra.y and 11C hi ts the boards heavy ... t.he team laughs ... GORDON steps in and corrects tlC' s form. tellina him to use his shoulder ... He does and now tie qets t:tJe better of CHRIS. We see a few more hits alor.&IJ the boards ... then som.e open ice hits ... the KIDS are getting the hang of taking cheap shots ... unfortl.µlS.tely .. AFTER one particularly cheap shot ... AVER11AN gets up and takes a run at KARP ... KARP knocks him dom1 .. they scuffle. Averman swinging wildly and ineffectively ... GORDON jUlllps out on the ice to break it up. We tt.iink he's going to yell at tliem for fighting but .....

GORDON No, no Aver:man ... not like that .. You're flailir.&IJ about like a windmill.

AYER11AN Well then show :me how to tight?

GORDON Okay ... but remember. Fightir~ doesn't win games.

l1C Nah but it makes 'em more interesting.

GORDON Okay ... Aver:man ... take a nm at me.

(he t.iesi ta tes) I won't hurt you ... come at me swir»Jin'. does ... Gordon holds him back and they wrestle a little.

GORDON Okay ... tie up his ar:ms ... 11ost people are righties .. so you grab his jersey at his riQht shoulder so he can't swinc:r.

(he-demonstrates, Aver:ma.n can't -·throw a punch)

Then you throw a. f ew with your right ... (he takes i:i. tew, Aver!tl8.n winces)

Okay, now to finish ·em ~ff ... watch.

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He pi_tll::; Averlll.8.n' s jer::;ey from the up and oYer his head ... It ae:ts lilrn a upper body tiooct now, blinding tiim arDj totally restrictinq his movement.

GORDON Now it.';1 open season once you get 'em like this.

The kids at,sort, this ... He lets Averman go ...

GORDON Okay, pair off and let's practice that Ill.f.lYe.

LA.TER - C",ORDON sit::: back and W8.tches a::, the tea111., in p8.irs practice figtiting ... Ttieir new equipment litters the ice. UP IN THE STAMDS ~,e see LEWIS looking on ... confused.

LATER - Gordor.1 is showing them. the best way to take a dive and draw a penalty.

GORDON Doing a "Louganis" or taking a dive, is an art unto itself ...

Karp is behind Gordon ... he reaches in with his stick to go for the puck and Gordon pretends to be tripped by KARP'S stick and takes a good. looking dive. So good tt.1.8.t KARP apologizes.

GORDON ·rt's gotta look good. You gotta sell the dive to the Ref ... Ii you want to draw the penalty.

GORDON shows them a few more wavs to·draw a penalty. Pulling a players stick up into your helmet w-ith your stick can result 1ri a high-sticking call ... it just takes a little "acting."

Now the team is practicing taking dives. Splash. He sits in the box arJd judges them holding up a white judges cards ... GUY gets 9.3. CHRIS goes airborne making a big splash to the ice .... GORDON gives him a 10.


Tile kids are takina off their .... exhilarated. GORDON sits at the far end, looking out onto the ice. CHARLIE comes over.

CHARLIE Coach ... you know Wayne Gretzky.

GORDON. Yeah ...

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GORDON (CONT. ) ( il-:i,juli;res Chce.rlie)

I use,:1 to sl-,a t.e wi tti l"lim wt.1en we were your a,;re ... Hockey, tournaments. We kept crossing pci.t.hs ... no big deal.

CHARLIE You were ree.lly good, Coach ... l1y Dad told me all about you.

GORDOl.t He did .. huh? Told ya about "The shot.,,

CHARLIE ~tertine .... State Final 1980.

GORDON What do you think about that Charlie ... You're Coach had the chance to win the biggest game in High School Hockey and blew it.

GORDON has moved 0•1rer to the net on tba t very same ice ...

CHARLIE It m.ust of been so cool.

C.0~01~ I missed the shot, Charlie. Right here.

CHAP.LIE Triple deke. top shelf right corner. Hit the post, right?

GORDON (can't help but re-enact)

2-2 tied in O.T. five minutes left ... Penalty shot.· ... The noise Ct.iarlie ... man. you wouldn't believe it ... I was so sure of myself t.boua.t.1 ... I knew it tras meant to be .. ~. I'd dc,ne it a thousand times ... triple deke .. no one could stop m.e .... Here I come ... DEXE, DEKE, DEKE . . up shoot ... It's going in .. Faked the Goalie to his tace ... 1 • Then ... Ding ... Hits this post ... deflects out ... over. 1/4 inch this way and it woulcta gone in. 1/4 inch, Charlie.


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Long pause ... GORDON' could al:most cry thinking a.l:,out lite' s cruel trick ... How :a 1/4 inch kept. hilll froJO. his dreaia and fore,.•1c1r alt,;.reid h1s lite .... A d.etining moment indeed ... li!e's irony ... CHAF.LIE stares at. the. post ... be doesn't. see it that way ....

CHARLIE 1/4 inch the otber way you woulcta missed it completely.

Charlie smiles up at GORDOM ... taps him. across the shins lightly with t.1is stick.

CHARLIE I wish you still played .. I'd love to see that triple deke ...

C.OROON watches Charlie skate away ... heads for the other net trying a triple deke ... no luck, he loses the puck.


GORDON and the KIDS invade the store. The XIDS swam the candy section. nc, KARP, TERRY and PETER go for the Playboy. GORDON takes it away from them .... puts it back. GUY plays a Sit'.IPSON'S pinball

.-iiii machine like it was his mortal enemy .... cursing at it in (3 French .... Atuk THatches stoically.

LATER - CHRIS approaches the register with virtually an armload of the sweetest candy, ice cream, pixie sticks and a huge slurpee. m CL.ERK rings begins to ring it all up. C..ORDON, the pay-.master inspects CHRIS'S hoard ... Chris shifts like a junkie needing his fix. GORDON pays, CHRIS snatches up his goodies and races out.

CHARLIE comes up to the register plunking down two HOCKEY :magazine3. Gordon smiles down. KARP comes up with three hot dogs ... the works . .And a bag of marshmallows ... AVERHAN ... plunks down vitamin packets and natural juice. GORDON looks at him ... AVERHAM feels guilty and throws in a candy bar.

TERRY strolls up and Qh-so-cooly throws down some Troje.ns. GORDON and. the cl erk stare ... TERRY' s says, .. Ring it up. ·· GORDON and the CLERK look at each other, then burst out laughing.

Jesse puts down .... Eggs, juice, bread. Gordon gives him a look.

JESSE Stuff we need for the house. So, our Hom. don't have to go shoppin·.

GORDON '!'hat's nice of you, Jesse.

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( ---' GUY approac:ties ... t1e puts on tl1e counter ... tt.1.ree stic:ts of Beef Jerky, then ~- can cit sardines, and finally a can of Cheeze W:tiiz ... Gordon al:rncist

(~ .,_


The Kids are craned inside tt.1e van ... GORDON qets in and closeE; tile door. The limo moves about ten feet then stops ... Pause the door opens ...


GORDOH walks back in to find A'I't.TK, wild-eyed, totally absort,ed 1n the pinball gal.Q.e, muttering in French .... GORDON ha.s to physically detact1 him tro:m. it ... it's not easy .. but he finally E:ucceeds.

Carrying ATUK 1.u1der his arm. GORDON puts t.1im in tr.1e YAN ... and tr1ey take off.


GORDON has been dropping them off at their ho:rnes. It's CHRIS'S house ... the van door ·slides open and CHRIS shoots out and races towards his apartment building, leaving a trail of Candy wrappers. GORDON stares ...

GORDOl•f I think Chris could use a little less sugar.

LEWIS I think Chris could use a sedative.

(turning around.) Who's next?


GORDON Okay, Terry, where you guys live?

'I'DRY (leaning torward to Lewis)

Ninth second, Lewis .

.And a PLAYBOY m.agazine falls out ot his jacket ... GORDON gr8.l:rs it.

GOR001J Hey, how'd you get this? You stole it, didn't you?

JESSE gi v~s TERRY e. ha.rd, disapproving look. TERRY shrink~: in fear o! his older brother.

JESSE Bad move, lil' brother.

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I ,I I

I i

CtdID(llJ Jesus, Terry. Tou can't gcr stealing things. Shoplifting is a crime. 'It.tat makes you a crimirial.

JESSE Yo, I'll take care of hi~.

GORDOM You want to grow up to be a criminal, Terry? You want to go t.o jail. ..

JESSE'S told TERRY the s8.llle things but doesn't like GORDON'S interfering.

JESSE Chill, alright, Gordo. ·what are v·ou even here f or't Only difference 'tween him and you is you broke the law and got busted.

GORDOM What makes you say that'?

JESSE tta.n, lilhY else -would you be t1ere but couunity service? We ain't stupid.

GORDON l~!Y I'm here is my business.

JESSE Whatever, just don't act like you would be it you didn't have to be ...

GORDON wants to protest but knows JESSE is near the truth. He is silent ..


Ed ..

AVER11AH is the last. one let t ... They head for t1is place ... In a 11obile home park.

!VERHAM So, what d'ya do to get stuck with us?

GORDOH Drinking and driving.

AVERlWi I thought lawyers were supposed to be smart ...

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PAUSE, GORDON st.ares out the window ... 'I't1ey pull up in front ,:if AVERJ:1AM'S motiile bc,m.e.

AVER11AM .Anr,~y thanks for the 11et center that was awesome. Where'dya learn all that stuff, the cheap shots?

GORDON J\1·om1d, you know ... Hope it helps .

. AVER1Wi Helps what'?

GORDOH Helps us beat the Jetf: tom.orrow.

AVERHAM (sarcastic)

Yeah, right.

He les.ves with a laugh . .A. nervous look crosses GORDOM'S face.



In the heat of the game against the Jets ... That nervous expression l"JEi.s expanded to become horror and dread s.s he watches his 11ew look TE.All get crust.1ed by the KENWOOD JETS .... in Kenwood, another suburb.

The KIDS are trying to use what they learned ... but the JETS are too fast and too sJAart. Ttiey frustrate the KIDS even more than the HAWKS.

PETER takes a di~1e, the ret ain't buyin'. C-ORDON protests.


REF (skating by)

I almost got wet from the splash on that dive.

Embarrassing ... even the cheap stuff . isn, t working. GORDON lool~s up in the stands and sees CASEY just staring ... then he sees HANS shakir.Jg his head, getting up to leave ... GORDOM meets his eye then turns a.way ...

We see the scoreboard read JETS - 9 DISTRICT #5 - 0 ...

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r ·-••_,,"' ._ .. _ ._. _ ... -;

A JET player sJmtes towards 1~ARP ... wlrn tries t.o :put t-r:i.e blg :Ht. on . .. Th€< JET d8kei< a:nd Kli:P smas.h8s int.o t.hE< boardi:: like ::;,.


fool. .. '!'tie JET score~; . . KARP is so f ru~:tra.te,:1 tie qoet; over e.nd pushes the JET who tsJ~es a dive now and fallir.11;i: to t,he ice ... THE REF kicl,s l~arp out of the gall'.le for 1.m;::portsmanl ike conduct.

A huge breaks out .... E-.:i'ERYONE grab;:: e~1eryc1ne ... T".dE KIDS try tc, use their fighting skills but it's useless .... They're getting pounded. finally ... n-1e ref can't t,rea.k everyt,ody up so he just calls the ga:m.e.

REF';:: it ... GaUte oYer ... Jets win.

'It.1.e KIDS are .t•lc•ody a;:: they head otf ... heads down .... tt1ey are getting booed by the crc,wd ... some fans throw things at them ...

C.ORDOli looks up in the stands anii sees CA.SEY there, she looJ~s mad.


CASEY is laying into him big time.

GOP.DON You said, do sci:m.ething .....

CA.SEY So you .make the:m. into poor sports ... little brats? If you can't beat 'e:m. ... beat 'em up right?

GORDOl-l You said they needed self respect. I got. them equipment so t:bey wouldn't look like fools out there ...

CASEY And did they win ... or did they just look like bigger tools?

THE HALL-brothers approach ... beaten up and fed up. JESSE throws his new gear at GORDON's feet.

JESSE Hey, Bombay .... We quit ... Keep your rancy gear ... we don't need it.

HC throws his down and follows ... then 'TERRY.

TERRY I'm a lover not a fiahter ... I quit ... but I'll keep the.gear, if it's okay ...

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:' \


64 .

.Je;:;;:;e 8.n11 tee 8.t l°J.illi. •.. He reluctantlv leaYes his qear ... n-1e IDJ..LS trudqe off tow8.rd;:: the bus :::top ... lea Ying GORDON- shamed. CA.SEY stare~ •.

GORDON Y•:iu don't i..mdersta:nd ... ·They' 11 never be s.ny good, tl1ey' 11 never win ga:mes playing fair so I taught them some things, some tricks.

CASEY They don't need to les.rn dirty tricks ... Tbey' re children, not lawyers ... .

Here, things start to really get heated. They yell, people look over ...

GORDO?~ Fine you tell ~e what they need!?

CASEY A real coach ... I heard you used to be good ... Didn't anybody teach you team work, or !airplay ... ?

GORDON (after a second's thought)

No ... !

CASEY (doesn't buy it)


C..ORDOH No! .. No one did ... Sc, fire m.e .... Tell Weathers. Give me roadwork! .... Hacking weeds in sub-zero temperatures, sounds like bliss compared to having to put up with Y.OU and your 8elf-righteou8, social-worker', rhetoric ... !

CASEY I take my job seriously.

GORDOH Oh, of courBe you do ... all -,aints take their missions that way.

CASEY I'm not a!

GORDOH Well I'm not a coach!


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i !i :i

C.1SEY W!iat are you?

C-ORDOM A player! ...

(:pause) .. I mean I was.

Silence ... She studies him ...

CASEY You're not fired, Gordon. You're not. i;;ret ting off so easy.

She goes ... he looks down at the HALL'S gear at his feet.



The store is dark ... except for a single sporadic light in the back of the store ... GORDON knocks on the front door ... It's open ... He enters the darkened store.


Dark ... tpe sticks, the equipm.ent ... still, asleep ... He hears a low soft whine in the back room .... Over that HAN'S radio plays classical IrlUSiC ... gentle, steady. Brahlrls maybe ...

GORDON approaches,· and peers through the divider curtain to find HANS ... sharpening a pair of skates with precision ... the sparks flying everywhere ... the room is aglow ... GORDON watches HAl~S, trarisf ixed ... with reverence .... He's about to speak, but HAHS knc,TATS he's there.

HANS Like when you were little ... ?

(GORDON smiles) ... You would stand right there ... watching me sharpen skates ...

GORDON I liked the sparks ... •

HANS runs the blade over the spinning wheel and the sparks fly ...

HANS You were always here ... hanging around ... You loved the store ..

GORDON(V.O.) I remember, just after my father died ... I was always here Hans .. You were good to me ..

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lill1S ... Do you rem.em.ber, Playing on the pond out back ... until dark ...



C..ORDON, wearing number 11, and a group of boys play on an yard rir.ik adjacent to HAH' S parking lot ... They play with abandon .. youthful grace ... ne,.,·er tiring ... There's GORDON rushirig the goalie, putting on a triple deke, scoring ... TtJ.e early winter snow fallirig ... The . sun almost down and they still play ...

GORDON(V.O.) I loved t11e game, Han;:;.

nrr. HAH, s - PRESElff

__ The sparks have stopped and GORDON sits with HANS.

HAHS It's good to remember the past sometimes. Gordon.

_ GORDON Solletimes .. . yea~.

HANS gets up and gets a box from a shelf.

HANS Show your team what you remem.ber, show them. what you loved about playing ... not what Reilly teaches, show them Gordo Bombay, old number 11.

GORDON (after a pause}

What's the first step, Hans ... ?

HANS You need new shoes ...

HANS lays the box in front of GORDON ... he looks down, then up at HANS, who has turned and gone back to sharpening. Sparks sail ... as we go to:


All dark except for the ice surface ... A cathedral itself ... Silence, And we see a pair ot new Hockey skates, step out onto the ice ... We pan up to see them laced to GORDON'S feet. He tosses a single puck out ahead of him on the ice ... He t.10lds a hcickey stick ... He takes a deep breath and begins ... awkward strides. He steaps ... begins again.

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~.., t• I.

And seron tii::, feel is back and it overtakes tii~. apprer!tmsion, amt ne is off.

And he's smooth. Now he's zooming across the ice ... graceful, fluid, a natural. ... He chases the puck and finds his touch ... He accelerates like a race car into a turn ... but his blade catches a rut and he fall's .... A bad wipe out .. He lies tl1ere surprized ... He i;rets to tiis feet .... .And for the first time we see a real smile on his face ... He begins against ... skating, moving, free ...


GORDON with all three Hall tirott.Ler' s qear on hi::: t,ac:lc enters t:r1e building ... It's dark, run down ... a m.ess ... GORDOH stepf. over broken dovn toys, then a BUl1, and locates the HALLS name and nUJllber on the wall listing ... It's the tenth floor ... He goes to the elevator ... "OUT or ORDER" ... He looks over at the m.a.ny stairs ...

FITTH FLOOR - GORDON trudges, up the stairs .. resting on a floor landing to catch his breath ...

THE TENTH FLOOR - breathless, GORDON knocks on the dc,c,r. ,. Pause .. Inside we hear funk music lowered ... the peephole opens.


l:(C stands on a chair looking at the exhauited GORDON. JESSE is lrlS.king food in the kitchen, TERRY is doinii homework at the kitchen table ..

l1C Jes, it's Coach ...

JESSE heads over ... He opens the door to reveal the panting C..ORDON.

JESSE Wl'JS.t're you doing here?

GOROOM Hyper-ventilating ... Can I come in?

JESSE opens the door for him ... He enters. Their apartment is run dow ... clean but very small and cold .... Everyone is wears sweaters inside ... You can actually see your breath. He dUJ1ps the equiplllent at their teet ..

JESSE -I told you we quit ...

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GORDON But I didn't ... I W8.nt to co$3.Ch yol1 guys ... It·· s not about my t1a.ving to do it any111.ore ... It, s s.bout. me wantinq_ to do it. I want anott.1er chance ... GiYe me a chance tc, make you better .. to re::1.lly coach ...

(they st.are) Stay for another and atter that, if you still want to quit ... no l1ard feelings. Deal?

(They look at. the equipment)

l1C Quids slo :mo right?

GORDON Quid pro quo ... yes, exactly.

The BOYS look to each other·for conse:r;i.sus ... but the ever-pleasant llRS. HALL ENTERS with groceries first.

l1RS. HALL Coach Bombay ... What brings you here?

('.ORDON Just dropping off some equipment they forgot ...

I1RS. HALL Won't you stay tc, dinner? ... I'm ma.king my special spaghetti ...

GORDOH Thanks but ... I should be ... J'-i.:-•e got to ...

He Don·t :miss :my na·s special spaghetti.

TERRY Stick around, Coach ... Have some chow.

JESSE Yeah, stay ... we're haYin· cake !or de::iert?

(pause) Coach.


The modest pasta dinner is served ... They hold hands to say grace ... l1C and Jesse taking GORDON' s hands ...

r ... _,o.

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TERRY 'I'l-.iar.J: you for that vhich 1J8 arec about t.o rec,eh-'=' .. anct may Goel bless our r.1.ome, and our guest, Coi:i.c.ti :Eiomntt.y.

(that's it, Gordon is touched)

UC Get it while, it's hot.

They all dig in.

GORDOH I'd like to t:t.&ank you m.e into your hom.e ... It' ~1 nice t.o be at a real ,Hm1er table.

l1RS. HALL Our pleasure ... I'm just sorry about it being so cold in here, 11r. Bombay ...

GORDON Is the radiator broken? 11aybe I could take a look ...

11RS. HALL No, no .. I'm afraid ... it's not hooked up .. Our laridlord disconnected it.

GORDOl-l Why would he do that?

HRS. HALL He claims it's not part of our rent .. says we have to get tiur own sp~ce heaters ...

GORDON Tbat's not right, 11rs. Hall. What's your landlord's-name ... ?

HRS. HALLS 11r. Citron. But it doesn't do any good talking to him ... He just say~: "so sue me" and hangs up the phone.

GORDON nods ... an avenger's smile starting on his mouth.


.An expensive yet tacky office .... The cruel, ill-tempered Bruce Citron, 40's, opens the door t.o his office and admits C'..ORDON ... who looks like he did when we saw him in court ... In control, c~lm and assured ...

CITROH You got five minutes .... Speak.


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\.J U-

GORDNI I represent the interest~: of e. f:::1.mily that reside~; at 930 6tti st ... I believe you own tl:"lf.!.t prc1:perty.

CITROM Unfortunately ... r--,,e been trying to dump that rat-hole for months ...

GORDOl-1 Wlla te,,er the case may be ... I' 10. afraid that my ,:::lients not receiYing proper seni•ices .. services we believe to be owing thelil ...

CITROl~ Well "we··, believe that you' re starting to annoy m.e. So why dor1' t you and tt.18. t fancy suit get out of my office.

GORDrJN {firlllly)

I'd like the situation addressed.

CITRON Oh you do ... do you? Just who the hell do you think you are'?!

GORDON (laying dc,wn his card)

Oh, I'm sorry, Gordon Bombay !rom :rtather and Ross. Perhaps you've heard of us... ,

IT's clear he ·has ... Citron is nervous ... he backs down big time as GORDON goes for the kill.


In the past I've actually defended Slum.lords like you ... worse than you even .. . and I've gotten 'em oft on all counts ... I knew the loopholes .. I li,red


in loopholes ... I am the best ... But unfortunately for you I'm. on tt.1e other side now ... So every time you try to climb through a loophole ... I'll drav it shut around your neck ... And I'll hang you.

(Citron sits) You're failure to p~ovide heat falls into a criminal matter ... It endar.igers their lives .... And that's not goc,d ... Especially because those people in ttiat "rat-hole" happen to be personal friends of mine.

(Citron tries to speak, Gordon cuts him off)

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GORDON (CONT. ) Now . .. I WB.nt full heat fo ,;!'Very single one of tt10se apartlll.ents and I want it. by the end of the week ... I won't stop until you·-re behind bar::: ... and a sll..unlorct behind bars ain't exactly popular.

(to the door. stops then ... )

There. Now I've threatened you .....

GORDON stares the man down, then calmly strides out of the office.


PITCH black .... then a light goes on ... GORDON descends the


stairs ... .And moves face to face with all his past glory's ... He hita the full lights and we see all his memorabilia clearly now ... Dusty, rusting and unkept ... C'..ORDON stares, then blows some dust oft a trophy ... outside the cellar window the sno~ talls _by moonlight.

He stares dow at a large footlocker now .... He tries the lock .. no go ... He lc,oks aro1.uld for a scre1..roriver ... finds one, then pops the lc,ck off the locker ... He stares dovn into it ... Inside: His old jersey ntu4ber :11 li83, neatly folded on top of his old ak6lt.~ ..

pads ... He reaches in and 1mlls out his skates ... T'ney' re old and the blades are ru,ty, but treasure3 to C:OP.1)0}1 now . .. He brings the skate to the workbench nearby, reaches ior some steei-wooi anci riie ... then begins his restoration/transformation. SPaRXS fly ha.a he sharpens hlS Olel blaaes.


As TERRY, JESSE and 11C do their ho111eworJc at the kitchen table and HRS. HALL cooks ... a sound is heard .. _ .All heads turn a11d "',a tch aa ... '!'tie Hall"s radiator springs and hisses to lite ... nrs. Hall smiles.


A pair of feet juap oft the City Bus ... Sneakers ... We tilt up anel see tt.aat it is GORDON, wee.ring sweats ... Over his shoulder is his bulky hockey bag, his stick in his hand .... He heads tor the pond ...


Ttie kids lace on their skates ... as does GORDON. The kids are intrigued ... They watch him ... He finishes the last tie ... then stands and preterids to wc,bble ... He bends his ankles to the ice. The kids laugh and snicker ... But that subsides mediately ... as he stops faking and puts on a quick little show of skating ability ...

m: grabs big stacked cones trom 1ns1ae his 1U!!el bag, lines thea up, grabs bis stick and a puck, and maneuvers expertly through the cones. T11e KIDS watch in awe.

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'7') , ....

GO~DOl.J' Okay .. guy::; ... your turn.

WE as the KIDS try. They lose pucks and knock over cones. Eiut now GORDON steps in anij c:c,rrects their form ... He's on top of them like a real coach.

GORDON Two ha.nds on the stick ... at all times .. two t..18.nds!

We see PETER gc, through, knocking over five out of six cone~;. Out of control one hand on the stick. GORDON steps in .... with a roll of tape and in a flash tapes PETERS hands to the stick.

'ffiE KIDS laugtJ ... C'..ORDON sends him through the cones ... and iii th two hands taped he knocks over only one cone.

CASEY'S TRUCK drives up in the distance and CASEY gets out ... She's watches ... GORDON on skates ... actually teaching, and the Kids eagerly learnir.ig... ·

ANOTHER DRILL: The KIDS have formed two lines in order to practice passing to each ott' across the ice. We see them. try to complete these cross ice passes with limited success. The passes are too hard and off-target. KARP'S pass actually hits CHARLIE and knocks him over. 'I'tle KIDS laugh ... CHARLIE never seems to get much better ..

GUY passes to KARP whc, brings his stick down like a sledgehammer trying to trap the puck ... GORD01'1 comes up to KARP . ..

GORDON Ease up on the stick ... You gotta teel the puck ... just practice sicte to sid~ ... easy ... feel it ...

GORDON holds his stick with KARP as he tries to show him how to gently handle the puck ... But As soon as GORDON let's go ... KARP's heavy t.t.8.nd.s return ... the blade of his stick breaks ....

KARP Aw, It's no use. I got stone-hams.

GORDON is a bit stumped himselt ... CASEY chooses this moment to head over ... The Kids get ready for a rUJDble .. AVER~ takes some action.

CASEY Where's your limo ... ?

GORDOH I gave Lewis soae time off ... thought I'd take the bus.

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CASEY You took the bus?

GORDOM Four transfers ... two wrong nuses .. inexact change ... plus I didn't know you had to pull that thing to let the driver know you want off but Yeah ... here I a.m ... Ready to coach ...


PAUSE ... CASEY looks hilll over ... He's sincere .. she smiles. Pats l"l1I!I. on . the shoulder ... THE KIDS are surprised and a little disappointed that they' re won't be any take-d0\1IlS .... AVER11AN pays up ...

CASEY Is there anything I can do to help?

GORDOlf looks at the KIDS ... They've started to practice on their own ... He looks at KARP who is very frustrated standing over his broken stick ...... He thinks for a moment ... then whispers something to here ... She looks puzzled, but nods her compliance .... She gets into her car ...


GORDON keeps the kids going through the cones .... they're making progress ... Not as many cones are knocked over .. .

CASEY returns. She gets out of her truck with a shopping bag ... She gives it to GORDON ...

C.ORDOJl '!bank you, Casey.

GORDON reaches into the bag and re:m.oves a cartons ot eggs. He holcla one up like a :magician then lays it on the ice.

GORDOM Guys, passing is a touch. A feeling. From one stick to another. You don.' t st.1.oot it to the guy. You send it to him ... Here ya. go Karp.

And with his stick,. Gordon slides the egg over to KA.RP, up ice. The egg travels smoothly right to K.ARP's stick blade, but splatters on contact, sending egg everywhere. 'The te8.lll cracks up. GORDON goes to KARP.

GORDOl-1 And you don't stop the pass with your stick, you receive it. You cradle it.

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r(:1 \ ''·< AYer:rnan has e.n eqq and GORDON indicates for flll!L to p8.3;:, it. AYERllAN ..... hits it too r..ard-and it. break::c.

C'.ORDOM Again. Finesse it. A touch.

AVER:tlAN sends the egq over and this tim.e it doesn't brea}c ~n-.1en it reaches GORDOH he scoops in the egg with his blade and controls it.

He divides the team up again, and they attempt to pass the e.ggs back and tortti. :ttost break and the KIDS think its pretty funny. But Gordon keeps them. working on it. He stands t•ehind KARP and we see a series of a shots of eqgs breaking on KARP'S stick ... It's frustrating and hard, but by the iast egg .. . KARP is handli.µr~ an egg.

L!TER - the ice is egg splattered but the KIDS are completing passes to each other, the eggs unbroken.

L!TER - GORDON has the kids lined up for a shooting drill into the e~pty net. CR!CK! The kids swing hard ... too hard at the pucks, they wobble, knuckleball and generally miss the open net. GORDON steps in.

GORDOU You're all trying to hard, trying. to kill it. It takes concentration, not strength ....

(how to explair1 this?) It's just like golf ... all tollow through, exactly like teeing off.

He looks at. their blarik faces and realizes his stupidi t.y.

GORDON Right ... :t1ove in closer .. and just try to fill that net:

He stands each kid as he takes shots and corrects his form ... and each kid improves as the net fills with pucks.

ATOK COllleS OYer and tugs on GORDOll' s sleev~e.

ATOK Hey When are you gonna work with me?

GORDOM (a mischievous sJD.ile)

Do you trust me, Atuk?

ATUK Sure I trust you, Coach.


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A CLOSE UP of ATUK' S wide eyes through hi::: fa.c:e Iilfi.t:k. WE riear:

ATUX I really don't know about tt.LiS, Coach.

GORDON You said you trusted m.e. It' s trie only wa.y.


WE pull back to reveal GORDON and a few KIDS finishing the jot, of tying ATUK' S arm::,, spreei.d to either side ot ttie r;ioal posts. A'I'UX stands between the posts like a little S.AJ.1SON. GORDOl.J' retreat;:: with the team to about 40 feet fro1t1 him..

GORDON and the KIDS stand in a line like a firing squad, each of thea with several pucks at the ready.


KARP Any last requests?


TERRY You were one br8.'1·e dude .. Atuk.

PETER We'll miss you, pal.


AND with that the team imleashes a torrent of pucks all headed right for .A'I'OK. ATUK lets out 'a yell as tJ:ie first. wave hits him. nie pucks all bol.lllce off of him. He continues his banshee wail as the barrage intensifies, But soon, A'I'UK'S yell is turning into a wild laugh. The pucks aren't hurting him at all. He realizes he's fully protected and he starts to actually relish in it.

A'I'tJY. Come on. That all you can do!

The pucks continue to fly and bounce off of him.

A.'I'f~ G1mlfle your best shots! I ain't movin! !

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He ::,ucc:eed::, in wre:::;tlincr out of hi::; :tiond::, a.nd tie J:'1,::1.::, :tiec:ome a. ;:;lightly c,i·az&d .. puck hungry litt.le :uionst.e-r. He begirJs sYatting pucJrn away 11ke !lles. It encts in one la::,t rus.tJ and ttien quiet. ATUJ: flips up his face tei re.veal i:i. huge ~:mile.

ATUI It didn't ·hurt. I hardly felt a thing!

GORDOH You're invincible!

CHARLIE You· re a:m.azing !

ATUK I am Atuk ... the goalie.

nrr. LOCKER R0011 - DAY

BEFORE the GAllE .... CHRIS dovns a pixie stick, then tmwraps some Ring Ding3. GORDON enters ... throws him all apple ..

CHRIS 11ha. t' s this?

GORDOH Uatural sugar ... It'll 111ake you play bettel" .. try it .. trust me.

He bites into it ... not bad ... he sets to devourinq it. GORDOM addresses the troops. Calm. and assured. -

GOROOM Okay now guys ... One period at a time ... that's how we'll play these guys ..... Hall line starts ... I want Guy with Chris and Peter on the second line ... Charlie, you'll rotate through ..

PETER Let him rotate through the tirst line ...

GORDON I'~ the coach ... I make the lines ... You don't like it Peter ... you sit on the bench.

'Ille team responds to him ... PETER is hushed for once ... A knock on the door is heard followed by CASEY peeking her head in.

GORDON Casey ... Hi. ... Co11.e in ...

She enters holding a big box ...

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Hi. .. Hi guy~; ... (the KIDS :::ay Hi)

GUY Wtia t ·· ~ in the :t:iox .. n:s. Sheridan?

CASEY The one thing this tea:rn has been missing since t:tie beginning .... a name.


She opens s. box 8.nd pulls out a shiney green Hockey Jersey with red trim. The BACK tias number· "12 .. T. HALL" ... Looks good. Ttie kids are impressed.

TERRY. Cool colors.

l1C Proper.

She ignores that question and turns the jersey- around e.nd on the front is a patch of a l'lallard DUCK with ice skates on it's r,.1ebbed feet. THE LEGEND, "THE DUCKS" is emblazoned above it.

JESSE 'I'tJe Ducks?

TERRY Tffe' re the Due.ks? That. ain't cool.

KARP That's bogus.

The KIDS grumble. CASEY is embarrassed, hurt. GORDON steps in.

GORDOH You've ,;rot to be kidding? You don't want to be Ducks? ... you'd rather be some district, some stupid nUlllber ....

PETER Better than being some stupid animal.

Gordon becomes the lawyer ... defending the duck.

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·----. I

C'\ I --/


GORDON St.upid ani1'18.l ... ':> I' 11 ha•v•e you }moi:~ ttJ.8. t t.t.1e Duck ls one ot the most noble, agile a.nd intelli9ent creatures in the ,;,.rhole animal kingdom.

TERRY They're wimpy.

GUY They don't even hase teeth.

GORDON They don't need teeth ... They hase bills ... They poke ... They prod .. but most importantly ... Tbey stick together ... They stay together on the pond ... and when winter comes they stay together and fly in perfect formation, perfect t.t.arm.ony, as one ... down south ... proud and mighty. .


The kids stare ... caught up in his enthusiasm ... maybe DUCKS are cool. He grabs the jerseys and lines the kids up to recei·-,e their new stripes.

GORDON So let's forget the .. If we lost some games .. tougl1, forget it .. that was another tea:m.. Gause now we'.re the DUCKS. And ttie Ducks are undefeated .. . Now suit up.

He gives out all the JERSEYS, the kids puts 'em on. They look around at each other ... cool.

GORDON What you?

CHARLIE We're the Ducks.


You're the Ducks proud and 11ighty! Everyone ... Wbat are you?

THE DUCKS We' re the Ducks, proud and :m.ight.y.


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'!'tie DUCKS clad in their ne111 unifonns stride out ont.o the ice -witti something close to pride. They're playing the WASHBURN FLYERS. lnd we see BANKS, LARSON and ::t1AGILL and a few other Hawks lean over the boards and taunt. the DUCKS ...

HA.GILL The Ducks? That's a good one ..

BANKS How about the 1.1gly Ducklings.

LARSON The Dead Ducks.

HC skates by low, below them ar.Ld then pops up and gives them each a whack on the head with his glove band as he skates by.


LARSON wants to go for hilrl on ttie ice but is held l:iaclc

FACE OFF - The puck is dropped and the action is 1.~er way. ,Jes~;e wins the face off, pa.sses back to PETER, but the FLYERS swam .. PETER tries to hold on, but gives up the puck. THE FLYERS cCantrol it and give it to FORD, by far their best player. FORD heads for ATUK in the goal. ATUK bears down and here comes the shot. ATUK sights the oncoming bullet, he tenses, lifts his glove in front. of him. and snaps it out of the air, making the save. GORDON and the DUCKS go wild.


GORDON's really into the game in a positive way .... shouting encouragement and instructions. The DUCKS are hustling and they're doing better on defense ... knocking the puck away, but this guy FORD see1r1s to be everywhere. The DUCKS fight off the attack, then KARP steals it, sends it to GUY who takes off alone ... he looks to his side and sees CHRIS with him ... it's a two on one breakaway ...

At the last minute, Gtrl fakes the shot and passes to CHRIS who should shoot but he's going to fast, he goes around the net holding the puck too long and FORD is right tt.1ere tc, strip the puck away knocking CHRIS down in the process ...... FORD races do-wn the ice uritouched ... CHRIS gets up to slowly and takes off after. him ... too late. HE takes out ATUK and slides the puck past him.. C,OAL Jets.

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This deflates the DlTCXS a bit ... FO:RD gi:1ts anothe-r quick goal and th.-.. route coula be on. In the stancts, CASEY and WEA'fflERS Wfr.tct.1 wi t.t.1 concern. FUL'IQH c._q_n been seen in the •y•ery row ... figures.

ON the bench CHRIS paces, frustrated ... GORDON 9athers the DUCKS.

GORDOli These guys are a l1elicopter team ... FORD is their center and they got nothing arotmd him, just air. They got one guy and we're a team ... ricrht, Ducks ... Sci :t1ere' ~; what tr1e do CHRIS .... stay on FORD, you're his spadow. Understand? You're the only one can keep up with him, so let's do it ...

BACK IN THE G.Am: - CHRIS hits the ice and qoes ricrht after FORD ... We watch FORD get increasingly frustrated at fia.ving this guy in his face.all the time. He gets the puck, but has to pass .... He skates to open ice ... but CHRIS is right there.

FORD Get otfa me. I don't got the puck.

CHRIS Sorry, coaches orders.

LATER - 4 to O with two minutes left.

CHRIS, with a purpose, with a simple job does it with a.mazing concentration .... FORD gets so frustrated t.1e take~ a S\7ing at CHRIS knocking him down ... THE REF sees it and calls a Penalty: CHRIS skates to the bench smiling.

CHRIS Think that apple helped ...

AT THE BEHCH--GORDON gathers the DUCKS around.

GORDOM Okay, now it's tive on four. Let's get a goal. Jesse, get that face otf. Peter, Dave. I '18.nt you at the blue line, ready. Take your shot on goal, not a slap shot, just a wrist shot .. nice and low ... Jesse you go to the net screen the qoalie, use your height. Block his-view arid when that puck is in front of the net ... Dig, push, poke, scramble, WORK! Just don't stop 'til that puck is in the net. Got it.. C,O !

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1 ··· -- -.. ""?.

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( '. ) ~--7 ...... ~ , ~


THEY BREAK with a "G(J DUCKS" and hit the ice

.JESSE does win the face off and sends it back to PETEP, -who ;::lides it to KARP. KARP takes the low shot, sending t.:t1e puck t.or,1ard::, goal just as ,JESSE steps in front. of t.he go::i.lie. HE ca.n, t see ... but makes a great saYe .. t.l1e puck is loose in· tront of trJe net ... e.nd now 11C, TERRY and JESSE go for it with fury, like mad axe-wielders they dig, push, scrounge for tt.18.t puck .. THE FLYER DEFENSE!1EM can't clear it out ... The HALLS are furiously attacl~ing .... and ~.c1c,n .JESSE t.aJ~eE: .;1.

clear.1 ;:;-~-1ipe cr.nd it r;roe::, right in. SCORE!

THE DUCI~S are elated ... THEIR first ,Joal of t.t.1e seesori. Tt.1e DUCKS swat111. arid pile on JESSE .. who for the first time we see ,::.;i.n' t. cont.ain a smile. He's a joyful tid now, like all ttie rest.

THE FIHAL seconds tick off the clock and the fine.l score is 4 to 1, It's a start ... THE DUCKS SHAKE hands with the FLYERS at the end and this time tl'.1.ey do so with their head~- t1eld t1igt1er.

GORDON looks up in the stands ... CASEY gives a thtunl:,s up.- everyone 1~; happy. EXCEPT FUL'roli who just stares with that "So what" look.


THE DUCXS await their cc,ach .... they play a h.'9rd, fun scrimmage game . .. CHRIS munches on an apple and ott.1er heel tby stuff. Considerably calmer now. GORDON arriYes with a bag o•y•er his shoulder, the kids gather round.

GORDON re:nw-:;es a foot.ball from his t,ag of tric}.:s ... Tt1e DUCKS are divided into two teams.

TERRY Wrong sport, coach.

GORDON Not really. The passer has to know where the receiver is ... And the defense guards against a to1Jchdown.

(the two teams face off) Everytime yc,u have the b-8.11, or the puck .. thirJk of yourself a quarterback.

Gordon drops the football ... JESSE gets it, drops back and throws it to TERRY. TERRY is met by GUY who tries to get the ball, but he sees CHRIS and tosses it to him. It's intercepted by, and the other team moves it around now. CHARLIE waves for the ball ... he's open ... AVERl1AH doesrJ' t see him. . ...

WE watch them play this strange variation of hockey, but we can see how it's teaching them to think and move.

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-.·:t- ~. ~ '!'::" .'='. : ~ t ·- .'". ·• •· : "'!' ~ ~- :!' ~ .•· ·: ,:- . ':. ~ ·• ~ ~ ~: .:!!:: ~ ~ ·~· ::'!!"·~ !f!"•T.~!!: ~ :%...!.'.....Z~•-···,::-·-__ _. •·· .......... ·.' -------··-·-·-··-..:.... .......... , __ . _._ ............. - ·---· ·- .•.....•• ··- ---·· .. ·- . ·- ······'-··· ............. - .• - .• , ....... -·.~~ •. ·-- ..... •.• :---.· --··----·---·-·- ___ ., ...... --·--· -•.. ·>.·. · ..................... ·•"••-~ ....... - -~-·---~ ····-- ····- ___ .. __ ..... ···---•·· ....... - .•.•



GORDON Talk to each other .. This ain't no li:t,rary. Let you' re team mate know -where you are! Co.mmur.tica te !

GORDON pulls out a boom-box ... and blasts an LL COOL J song at full volume ... Forcing the kids to yell over the song.

CHARLIE is having troul:,le illl1llediately ... He isn't forceful enough. He's open and tries to yell, but can't get it out.

They continue ... yelling when they' re open. Warning their team-m;:i.te -when some one· s behind tliem.

GORDON notes CHARLIE's problem and moves onto the ice ... He wtiispers something to Karp .... Karp nods ...

Play continues ... Karp starts throwing :t.ds body arotmd ... He's a 900d hitter ... CHARLIE throws the ball to HC it drops and he has to get it near the boards he bends over to pick it up ... CHARLIE sees KARP skating full speed towards the little HC .... he t.tas to wa..rn him .. He shouts, -without thinking ... without stutterir.ig.

CHARLIE Comin' hard HC ! !

:tlC hears it and ducks away ... KARP hits e1r1pty boards. CHARLIE t.iasn't even noticed what he's done .... but the team and GORDON have ...

The game continues ... with CHARLIE shouting out, because he has too .... to help his team mates. GORDON wtches carefully ... He is thinking ... -wheels are turning.


Schools out and FULTON heads hoae. But across the street we see GORDON, on foot, begin to follow him.

Soon ... FULTON knows soaeone is behind him .... but doesn't let on ... He turns into an alley. C.ORDON follows ... He _watches 8$ FULTON turns a corner .... GORDON nms to catch up ... He reaches the turn, peers around the corner arid is instantly seized by a huge arm. and thrown. He goes flying into some trash cans. FULTON has gotten the drop on him. GORDON staggers to get up.

GORDO?{ Easy Fulton Easy!

FULTOM You?! What're you doin' here?

GORDON We need you. l/le can make the play­offs if you ...

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FTJL'I\?N You don·· t need m.e.

GORDON We do, Fulton.


GORDON Because your the best. athlete iri tt.1e school. .. you're a legend ...

FULTON Say's who?

GOROOH Say's everyone ...

FULTO}l . People talk ... don't mean nothin'.

FULTON stares at GORDON ... with a strange almost condescending look ... He shakes his head and begins to walk a~"8.y .... GORDON's confused, but not gonna give up .... He catches up with him.

GORDON I've seen you at tt.1e games ... You love the game don't you ... You want to play, I see it in your eyes.

FULTON I'd love-to play ... yeah.

FULTON keeps walking, getting hot now. GORDON'S right on hi:m..

GORDON What're you afraid of?

(Fulton stops) Play witt.1 us. Be a l1ighty DucJc

FULTON (long pause)

I can't.

GORD01'i That's not an excuse, Fulton.

FUl.TON (emotional)

That's the truth ... I can't.

,- ·- ~ .,__ .......... - ... --- . - - - ·- - --

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c;i:)RD(1N C::1.11'· t L::; ;3. word. I don·· t. und.er2;t;:1.nd ....

FUL'rol-J I mee.n I ree.lly can·· t. you moron. Skate .. I don't know how to skatel

CORDON But I thought you ...

(realizilig. quoting hiiil; People don·· t meF.t.n nottLin•.

FULTON .. nods. sadly ... He to lee.v-e now. G)EDON ;::tc1.nd::, t:t.1ere not knc•wing wt.1c1.t to do ... He to get an ;:i.ce. Inste;:1.d tie found ::.. guy who couldn't s}{ate.,e saying a::. muct1 under t.1i::: t,reat.h.

fUL 'roN' s im1t1.ense t ra:r.u.e lumbers ,:iut of tt.te alley ... a ligt.1t snow begins to fall ....... GORDOM :makes a decisior.1.

GORDOM r-- 11 teact.1 you ...

FUL'JYJl~ stops ... turns. They look at eact.1 other from a 1j1stc1.nce. FTJL 'roN would like that ....

FTJLTOU r··ct m.ake you guy's worse. Thought you wa.nted help.

GORDON wt1at size is your toot?

FTJL'l".)tf Thirteen.

GORDON ( that ·· s big )

Ol~ay ... ti:imorrow at ter school. Be ready.


In t.t.1e f oyer-entranc:e he.11 the league standings are pcisted ... GORDOl~ takes a loo}~ s.nd sees the DUCKS are ranked last: 0-8-0

REILLY is on his way out ... sees C.ORDOM and comes up f rc1m behind hill'l.

REILLY Heard you actue.lly scored a goal ...

{ sneerini;r) Planning to m, a. season end run at the title. Bolllbay?

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GOIWOl.J' Don· t COl.Ult- U;:; out.

REILLY I don't cou. .. --:it you 8.t ~.11.

GORDOM burn::: ... start~ to wall{ 8.W8.y ... REILLY keep::; layin' it on.

REILLY Go back to your courtroo:w.. Gordo ... 'I't.i;:i t · s the only place you 9ot a ctJ.8.nce ot posting any 'W' ::: . ···

GORDON goes up to HA:w s counter. REILLY 1ea11es.

HANS Don't list.en to tl"J.8.t man ... It only takes one goal to win a 9ame ... one more goal tr.ian them.

GORDOH Tt.ianks. Hans ... Gotta :::ize thirteen skate?

HAN'S I will look.


He goes in the bac}, ... SOHETHING catc:hes his eye ... Behind HAM'S counter is a map of tlINNEAPOLIS and t.r.1e surrounding suburt•s ... It is broken up into districts with red lines ... HE looks at DISTRICT #5's bour.iaaries. where the DUCKS roam.

'!'.hen he looks a little harder ... He sees the red bour.iaary that encircles EDINA ... He does a double take. The Southern tip of EDINA extends into DISTRICT 15. across a lake tt.iat separates tt.1e suburbs ... There is actually a small part of the rich suburb which actually falls into DUCK ·territory ...

C.ORDOM doesn· t. know -what to make ot it. HANS comes out ~~itt.l a blg box of size 13 skates.

GORDOl-l' Hans ... is this map accurate'? ... Tr.1.ese the district break-ups ... as of when?

IWlS As of now ... the league re-draws them occasionally ... to accommodate the new districts ..

GORDON You can·· t play for a team outside of your district ... am I right?

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(~ ·· •. , .... •· I

HANS Yes .. t.hat would lead to recruitin1;r and unfair ,:1.dv-cu1taqes ... You must play in your district boundary .. for tl1at. tee.Ill. or not at all. ..

GORDON Lc,oks like Hennepin is the diYiding street, isn't it?

HAHS 7es ... Hera1epin street ... you live south an,1 you ple.y for tt1e Edina Hawk;:,, you 1_1,re North ... and you are District 5, a Duck.

GORDOH Thanks Hans .

He picks up the skates, smiles and lea~,es.

HANS I will put this on the Duck's bill? Ya? Get it ... Duck's BILL .. good one .. huh?


C'..ORDON stands betiind the bleachers, not r,,.,anting to be noticed, watching the HAWKS practice .... He sees coach REILLY really riding his kidf: ... GORDOH winces, remembering playing r or this guy .... He·· s leaning against a trophy case ... He casually looks in and sees a young picture of himself staring back ... THE HAWKS practice breaks u.p .... C'.ORDON hea..ds for the door ..


GORDON'S freezing, waiting behind a tree ... HE· sees, HAGILL, BANIS, LARSON and a couple other kids leave the rink, bags over shoulders and start walking towards ho:ae.


GORDON-follows as they walk dow Henriipin Street. The KIDS are joking around, throwing sno11balls, talking loud about how goc,d they are.

TWO kids split oft a.nd head towards hom.e SOTJI'H of HENNEPIM. Gordon follows the three. Hiding behind snowbanks ... doing a good job of not being seen.

HAGILL. the captain, waves goodbye and turns up another street ... South. L.ARSON and BANKS keep walking. They reach a light. High t i·oTe and Larson goes south ... But BANKS goes. north. Bingo! ... GORDON watcl1es· BANKS head down the street and go into the third house on the left .... A big. one ... but one North of Hennepin Ave ... A biq house in District -15. A small smile st.arts on his GORDOM' s face.

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I '.

E:cr'. F:Q.1.J,lJ!LilJ JUtHOJ:.! HIGH - THE llE:i.'T D.Z..Y

-:.,.., '-' I •

Tbe final bell rings ... GORDON is W8.iting there with skates ,)ver his shoulder. FUL'rolf comes out. GORDON bands him tbe huge skates.


FULTON laces up tlle skates an,j tries to stand, he inst8.ntly falls. This is not cool. C.ORDON goes over and helps him up .... but gets pulled down in the process.

Tl"liS is gonna. be tougll. GORDO!-l gets up ... tllen manages t.o get fUL'ItH-I up. He him ... Hands him a sti'ck to lean on for b::i.lanc:e. FULTON really is a spaz ....

C'.ORDON :moves away tro:m. him and tiolds out his hand·s .... FUL'roN is to skate to him. He makes little strides ... that turn into a run against gravity. Arms flailing, FULTON is headed right tor GORDON ... who is about to be crushed if he doesn't move .... He doesn't.

CR!SH ... FULTON lies on top of GORDON in a heap. FULTON is exasperated ... GORDON is asphyxiated ... until FULTON rolls otf ot him, ... and starts to laugh. It is tunny. GORDON laughs too. They get up and try it again. · ·

LATER ... Fulton maJ:;es a cbarcre across the ice, wobbles but remains standing.GORDON applauds him ... He heads back ... slowly but surely.

AND FR011 THE STREET - We see the DUCKS watching this sight, 1..Ulcomprehending.

GUY Be can hardly stand up!

KARP I thought he had a scholarship!

GlT'l He can h8.rdly stand up!

.TERRY I heard he had a pro contract when he turned eighteen.

GUY He can hardly stand up!

l1C I don't get it.

'Ibe DUCXS march· towards the pond. GORDON looks up t irst and sees t:t.1em coming.

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l""'"'·:!'".c'."':·'.":.:; . ., __ ~:._~···;····~...:;_:__:c~ .. ::. .. c,.c''.,?.:.:-".c ~.·.~.,,.."' ,,~ ~.""."'-"·;e.~."'·"""'"·"·-:·.,.,.,:·""""""""""'·· .................. -........... --. -. ----... -.. ™""5-:-:----~~·-~·~ •.~:: ., ...... , •

j .

1 ~

GORDOli Fulton ... rem.ember how I said we didn' t practice today?

fULTOl-l Yeah ...

GORDOl-l I lied ....

FULTON turns and sees the KIDS approaching ... He turns very red wit:t1 anger and emba.rrassm.ent.

FUL'roN You jerk. 1ilhy? So they could come out and laugh at me ... I ain't a big joke .... I'll knock your ..

He makes a move to him and !alls ... C-ORDON helps him up.

GORDON You got my guys wrong, Fulton. They aren't laughing ... The Ducks don't discriminate ... get up. You'll see.

HC Yo, Fultc,n ... what gives man .. ·. Thought you ws.s a Gretzky or SOillet.hing.

FULTON I never said that.

GUY You can hardly stand up!

GORDOM Neyer :m.ind what you guys thought betore ... It doesn't matter now ... Wbat matters is that Fulton wants to play .. to be on the t.eaD. ... he wants to be a DUCK. He's

. not the greatest skater yet ... but he wants to learn. I thought we could help him..

'I'tJe team looks at him ... no problem. They accept him, no matter how bad he sl,ates. JESSE steps forward.

JESSE Welcome to the Ducks, Fulton.


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, ...... ' . ' . _' ... -,-...,......,.,,_..,,-_~--~·"'·"'"'--" "'," :• ·• ..

i 89.

He shakes his hand ... FULTOM alJAO;':;t. lO!:,es :tiis balance ... ,JESSE l'Wlds hilfl up. The other.:: crowd ::i.rour.i.d to welcome hilil. . his h::i.nd. llake hiJA !eel like he belongs.

GORI>ON Okay Ih.tckf: ... Now 1 et' s go to it.

'WE SEE the DUCKS going through the cones ... two har.ids on the sticks. Fl1L1"N lumbers throuqh, knocJ~ina evervthinq over ... The KIDS are supportive ... encourage him. to finish.~ .He does.

L.ATER - a shooting drill. THE KIDS line up from. a distance a.nd take shots on ATUK ... He knocl,s most away.

GORDON skates up to FULTON before he shoots ...

GORDON We should keep working on skating, Fultc,n ... PETER .. ~get over here ...

(Peter skates over) You help FULTON here with the fundamentals ... alright?

The usually tmhelpful Peter, p.redictatily complains ...

PETER Why me? Get Chris or somebody ...

GORDON No ... I want you to help him learn. J1.1st go slow, don't rush him .. . everything will be fine.

GORDOM skates to his ldds ... PETER goes over and looks up at the inense FUL 'roN ...

LATER - C..ORDON runs the DUCKS through a drill ... He looks over to see PETER, with a certain confidence instructing FULroN. He's into it, even ... a good teacher. Fulton is getting better already.


THE DUCKS watct.1 as C'..ORDON skates, executes a son.ersault on the 1ce then springs to his feet all in one motion.

GORDOl~ Everyone falls down. 'I't'lat's the nature of the game. But getting fast is what makes the difference.

We see the teaJll take off in a line, with GORDON out in front. GORDON falls, tumbles and he's up, the team follows. Host of them just. go sprawling. CHARLIE finds this especially hard, his gloves and helmet go flyiniJ off of him when he tries .... They look like some midget circus act. But as they continue this drill, falling and springing up, we see them get.ting the of it. ·

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(~ I •

\,,.~ ........ /


WE watch as the usually bulky Karp take::; ;:1. tumble 8.11.d as he i;:: =:1.bout to get to his feet we ...

CUT 'ro:


KARP having been knocked down is back up on his feet with the puc:k ... He pas;:,es to CHRIS who races in shoots .. just lllisses ... He goes for his o-wn rebound in the corner .... GUYS eyes are wide as he sees Chris, digging tor the puck in the corner. .. abciut to be doul:,le fro~ behind ....

GUY Trno comin' t.18.rd ... Chris!

Chris hears it and turns to see tr,10 onco111ing RANGERS ... Cluis pi•rnt.s out of the way and the thing he hears is the of two Rangers hitting nothing but boards .. hard .... CHRIS gets the puck and sends it up to PETER who passes back to Chris who scoots down the middle untouched and SCORES!

ON the BEHCH, FULTOH hasn't pl~yed, but tt.18.t's okay ... he·· l'iappy to be suited up ... GOROOH checks the clock ..... the DUCKS are up by 2 with thirty seconds lett. He calls a time out. Ttie DTJCKS gather.

GORDOH Hold 'em off for thirty seconds and we're in ttie play-offs .... ·

DUCKS What?! The play-offs .. Re1:t.lly?

GORDON 'It.&at' s ric;rht ... I didn't want to tell you until now .... Th.e league said we'd have to win at least one game to justify put ting us in ... Well, keep the puck out of our net for thirty seconds and we're justified ... we go on ...

.AVER11AM And lose in the first rourtd ... who cares?

GORDOM I do ... we do, Averman! Cause we could go all the way and ... beat those lousy Hawks ...

AYERltul How?

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C,ORI>01'T .Just keep the puck out c,f the net for thirty secor.ujs_ .. tt1en let me worry atiout t.tiat.

KARP Let's do it. .... ! !

GORDOl~ Jesse, Karp c:lear out the front of the net. ... Don't let Atuk get sc:reer1ed .. Chris .. go on for Averman!

AVERUAN (ready to t.ry)

I can stay ... I got leg$.

C'.ORDON Okay, Averman. Then clear that net.


The gallle resUJO:es and the RANGERS mount. a fl.irious attack j,n front. of A'I'UK ... but the puck never makes it. in .... The Buzzer sounds and it, s over ... the DUCXS are in the play-offs .... GORDON looks sttmned ... "we really did it." He clilnbs over the bench and joins the celebratory mass.

(~ INT. THE PLAY-OFF CHART - AT HA1~' S SK.\'IB SHOP \. ___ ,..'

.. \

\ I c;




GORDON stands outside.·.· .ma.king sure he ~rents to do wt18.t t1e·s about to do .... He does ... He goes inside.


GOP.DOli er1ters the rink ... THE HAWKS ARE on the ice about. to play the JETS ... 'ffiE TWO TEAI1S lined up ... the starting line-up being read over the P.A. by the scorekeeper.

SCOREKEEPER(V.O.) Number? Rick Lar~on .... Nu:mber 9 ... Uh ... what?


GORDON stands there sho1,7ing a map and a document to the score keeper and the league official. The official nods ... The scorekeeper continues, skippir.ig the name of number 9 .. .

SCOREKEEPER Number 11 .. James Clarke ....

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Numl:,er 9 ... .ALEXANDER BANXS ws.i ts to be introduced .... He isn't ... The scorer sta.rts on the cit11er team. ALEX skates up to REILLY ...

ALEX They didn't cet.11 m.y m.m.e, Coach.

REILLY knows that ... he looks oYer and see::; GORDON in the scoreJ(eepers box and tiei:i.ds O'ter.

REILLY Wt.aat's going on here ... ?

GORDOl-1 Sorry, coach ... lmt one ot your players is ineligible.

REILLY You little bastard ... \"hat are you talking about?

PHILIP BAI-lKS, a real hard ass and Alex's father heads over.

PHILIP · wtiy wasn't Alex called? ... Is there a problem.?

REILLY l-lo problem, Hr. :earlks ...

(to Otf icial!• Al. .. what's this all about ... ·?

OFFICIAL Sorry, Coach, but I'm afraid Coach Bombay's right ... Alex Banks is living in the wrong district ..

C.ORDON .And playing on the wrong team.

PHILIP Wrong district? I highly doubt that.

OFFICIAL 450 North Hennipen St.?

PHILIP That is our address-, yes ...

OFFICIAL · Then he is on the -wrong team ... He

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GORDON He should be on the Ducks. Take a look tor your~elf.

He giYes REILLY and BANKS tt1e boundary m.ap e.nd a list of official rules. REILLY is absolutely furious .... l1R. BANKS is beyond

· tba t ... He's becc11'1,e ice as he crU111ples the 1i18.p in his tiand ...

BANKS This i::: a mistake ... right? ... .An elfll:11:1.rras~,ing mistake ..... Hy house ar.ui my son are on the right team ... the Hawks ...

GORDOH (right back at him)

They are not 11r. Banks ... I assure you. Now he can play in this game ... but I would appreciate if he would report to the Duck's next game. It's a playoff game against the Huskies ...


Parade Rink ... Tuesday at 3:30.

GORDOR leaYes them silent.


GORDON on the bench ... right before the game is to begin against the HUSKIES. He brings the DUCTS around ... they huddle and break with ... A loUd. Duck Call. .. "QUACKACKACK" and hit the ice. BANKS is not there ... of course.

He looks over to CASEY and she shrugs. He looks around ... no · BANKS .. no way.

LATER - GORDON looks up at the score board ... It reads "DUCKS 2 ... HUSKIES 2 ..

FUL'roN has been sitting there the whole gaiae ... happy t.o be on the bench ... t1e cheers his tea:m.-1i18. tes on.

On the ice .... Ctia.rlie aets checked hard into the boards ... he crUD.ples to the ice. FUL'OON stands up on the bench ... the offendir.ig hitter, BIRKHOL'IZ skates by ... FULTON smiles sadistically at him. CHARLIE gets up ... holding his ribs he skates to the side .... He's lost his wind ... but he's okay .... GORDON sits hi:m. down ...

CHARLIE .Anybody get the license of the truck that hit me.

FULTOM raises bis t.18.nd. The door is opened tor him. and he steps out onto the ice ... BIRXHOL'IZ looks over ... his gum drops out as he sees

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this :monster .t1it ttie ice. THEY line up next to eact1 .... FTJL'roN just ~=miles, the Enforcer .... BIRKHOL'I2 can't take it ... he rn.ces tei the t,ench and jumps off the ice .... There won·· t be anymore trouble from. him. His job done ... FTJL'roU skates and takes a seat next to CHARLIE.... - .

LATER - GUY races dolim the middle of the ice ... gets a pass :i:ro:ro. Jesse and scores .... He does his victory dance ... an arm pumping JD.otion. It.' s the go at.1.eei.d goal and' s where the Duclts stay ... ahead.

ON' the ice ... nine seconds left, the HUS1~IES are furiously swarmil:UJ. the DUCK net .. trying to tie it up. k shot .. .ATUK blocks it. IT rebo1..mds, Atuk goes for it ... a HUSXIE goes for it. The HUSK IE is gonna get there first, but .Avermn comes out of nowhere to }mock tt1e puck all the way to the other side of the ice ... Three, two, one .. it's over. 'nlE DUCKS win it.


THE DUCKS, GORDON and CASEY are pUJD.ped. 'I'tle soda's flow ....

GORDON H~llu·-ra job, Ducks ... How's it feel to be winners?

.AVER11AM Real good.

C.ORD01'l Well get used to it. Cause what are we?

DUCKS The Highty Ducks!



Caught up in it heavy, catches GORDON's eye, something weird. It's LE1HIS in his C:t.iauffeur' s outfit.

LEWIS Hey, helluva gaae .. Helluva game fellas ... Lots a heart ... Hr. Bombay?

. (he waves GORDOH over)

GORDON What brings you here?

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LEWIS W~ll, I didn't. ,::ome on my own accord ... No, I took the limo ...

(laughs at his own bad joke) Not tunny? Fine ... This i~. no time for jokes anyway .... I.'ve been sent, dispatched, whatever .... l1r. 118.ther wants me to bring you back to the office. He would like to talk to you.

GORDON (grinning)

Re8.lly? .... Well, it' s about time ... Gine a minute, Lewis ...


GORDON l"leads out with CASEY.

GORDON He's gonna grovel and ask me back. That firm couldn't live without me. I knew it.

·c.ASEY 'Ibat's good news. Good luck ...

They turn a corner to find the waiting limo ... GORDON is all


smiles ... He climbs in. The limo pulls away ... Casey watches it go ... A tug at her sleeve reveals Charlie ...

CHARLIE (with a

Where'd he go ... so fast.

CASEY Business ...

INr. 11110 - EARLY EVElUNG

Gordon settles back .... it's weird to be back in a limo after buses ... It doesn't feel as good as he would have thought.


GORDON walks down the halls, like the returning favorite son. The homecoming of a ¥--anquished King ....

HE reaches 11r. l1ATHER' S corner off ice suite ... One of his two secretaries leads him into the huge, quiet ... lush leather and wood off ice. 11ATHER stands and greets GORDOH warmly.

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., '\


l1ATHER Tb.ank you for, Gordorl.

GORDOl{ Nov I just want tC1 start by saying ... I':m. really not mad ... I understand wt.18.t you'•.;e done. 'I'tiings 11a~,e been working out well. .. I ha"·en' t had a driuk ...

HATHER ... Th8. t' s "·ery goc•d, Gorcton ...

GORDON And these kids ... you wouldn't believe how ...

He turns around and spots a KID behind him ... He thinks it's a hallucination and keeps talking.

GORDON .. How tar t' ve taken them ... How far we've come together ...

. . He turns back ... and yes the KID is still there ... It's little ALEX BANKS and the not so little HR. PHILIP BJ\l-!KS sitting behind hiJA. GORDON is at a loss tor words.

1:1ATHER You know .. Hr. Banks and his son ... ?

. GOROOl-1 Yes ... Wby? Wl".18. t, s going on?

1:1ATHER What you probably didn't know was that Hr. Banks is one of our oldest friends ... not to :mention a very im.portant and treasured client ...

GORDON No ... I wasn't ...

11ATHER ... Now it seems to m.e, that you two have a little diss.gree:m.ent and I thouaht I could be of some serVice. Bring you two together to work out your differences.

GORDOH is at a loss tor words ... llr. B.AHKS stands .


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EtA}fKS Tt1ank you, 1:_;eralct ... No111. G,ndon ... A.lex TiJ~.nts t.o play on the Hawl(s ... His older t•rottler pl1:1.yed on the team ... E•y•eryorJe from the neigttl:•ortJood played on t.t1e team. ... those are his friends and t:tJ.€i. t is where he would like to stay.

GORDOM I'd like to help ... but rm _afraid the league office knows about this.

HA.THEJ;! Yes ... I know they do ... And the deal we've worked out ...

GORDOl-1 Wait a minute ... You cut a deal witt.1 the pee-wee hockey league?

HA.THER (goes on)

Is .. . Alex stays on the Hawks for the rest of the season and next year they will re-draft the lines.

GORDON So what do you need me tor? Do what you have to do.

BANKS That's provided you withdraw your protest and agree ....

GORDO?~ Oh .. I see .. It's up to me.


GORDON stares down the little kid. ALEX ... wl10 ;:,its tt.1ere mute, sad eyed.

GORDON .... Hay I talk to l1r. 11a ther alone for a moment please.

Certainly ... PHILIP and ALEX BANKS leave. C-ORDON stares at t1ATHER with new eyes ... Hather squirms a bit.

HATHER I apologize tor having to bring

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11.A'I'HEP (CONT) you ir.i. here ... but lfr. Barj:;:s is ·.•ery spec:1a1 ... He warrant;:, con;:,11:lern.t,1e attention. Hc•c:key is very bi1J to him. and his son .... it·· s a tradition .. hell, you pl8.yed you ur.lderstand.

GORDON paces a bit .... This isn·· t what tle expected.

GORDON When yc1u put. me 1:in leave of absence ... You said I need to learn how to be ::i. team player ... 'I'h8.t' ;::· wt1at I bave becoJile ... and a team. is r,ot just 8. collection of like minded or socio~econom.ically similar people ... .A team. is something you feel.

t1ATHER Gordon ... I don't need speeche8 ... ·

GORDON I think it would be good for. little Alex to pea Duck. I really,do.

l'!ATHE:R Gordon ... you're opinion on this ls not important ... We have to do what l7e have to do .. .

GORDON No we don't.. sir.

HATHER Don't push this, son. You can't win.

GORDOH I'm sorry ... but you wanted me to learn compassion ... I've learned it. You wanted me to learn fair play ... I try hard every gam.e. You wanted me to be part of a team ... I am ... I'm. a Duck ...

11ATHER I wanted you to calm down ... stop makina such biq waves ... we have a image-that you-simply weren't titting ...


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GORDON (losing it a tiit.)

I ' Ill a Duel, r.ww , llr . tla t.rie r . . ;joes that "fit t:he right. image" ... ·? .. Quack .. Quack.

:t1ATHER Stop that:

GOP.DOR Quack.

l1A'I'HER St.op quacking, Gordon ...

(GORDON does) I'll make this sim.ple ... Are you prepared to lose your job over som.e kids ... som.e• game.

GORDON You·· re prepared to. fire me o~.1er kids ... som.e game?

11A.'I'HER stares him down ... GORDON seems to wilt momentarily.

Ia THEI:! Do you withdraw your protest?

But GORDOM returns l1A'IHER' s stare ... then simply says.


HATHE:R Do you have any personal belorJgings let t in your office? Please go collect them ar.i.d be off the premises within twenty :minutes.

GORDOM a little stunned ... heads for the door .

.t1A'I'HER You forgot more than you learned ... Gordon. You forgot where you came fro». ..

GORDON Yeah ... I guess I did.

He leaves with an ironic smile.



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He goe~; 1nt.o rns 010 orrice, COLIN t1a::: cri.anoect tn1nq;:;_ .. ne sits at his d;;.sk or.. ... last looks a.rour..d.. Ther,,


his :maak drops and he ia a1straugt1t.

GORDON Wl".t8. t l"J.8.•,te I done? I'm an idiot! .. I'Ye ruined my lite.

,Jeannie st.ands in t.he doorway ... he looks up at lier.

GORDON Jea1n1ie ... Tell me I'll be alright r11i thout. an oft ice, without the •oney ...

JEANNIE You'll be alrioht, Gordon. You'll ne better. -

GORDOM You're a sweetheart ...


ALONE, GORDON skates around madly .... all is dark anc1 cavernous excepf the light on the rink .... He pushes himself hard working the puck ... like a hawk ... turning on a dillle .... releasing it all from. his system .... Exhausted he collapses center ice ... within the circle. His eyes close tor a moment ... he·· s breathing hard and heavy .... as he flashes back to:


The crowd is goir.i.g wild ... An overtime penalty shot aa been called. Coach REILLY pulls Gordon over.

PJ:ILLY You can win it for us, Gordo. You damn well better do it .. ! ... Gordo ... Do it!

Gordon looks cocky ... he s1t1.iles .. gets up and hi ts the ice ... Just. him. in the center ot tt1e rink .... He looks around, listens to the crmi'li, sees the score board ... hears REILLY yelling ... And rightfully he auost faints with nervousness ... He takes deep breaths that turn 1n to hyper-ventilation.

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/ •.\


ANNOUNCER Bombay will take the penalty sl1ot .... And it shciul,j spell tt.1.e end to Duluth Easts reign as ct.1am.pions ... Bo:m.bay possesses the finest harJ.ds in the league .... You want A Gordon Bombay with he puck ... when the challlpionship is on the line.


GORDON races towards tl1e net ... dekes, dekes aaain .. the aoal1e qoes down ... he shoots it clangs off the top post tf.1.en ricochets down and lands _a.bead of tt.1e goal-line .. no goal. .. The home crowd lets out the lc,udest i::o:mJO.unal groan you cciuld imagine ... Gordon just stares at the post ... 1/i inch he missed it by ... REILLY goes berserk, crashing sticks, throwing the water bottle tray ... His team-mates stare sullenly ... GORDON stand-s alone on the ice in limbo ... lost.


His eyes open .... GORDON sits in the center circle.


He unties his laces ... He hears someone call his name .. He's shocked to see it's CASEY walking across __ the ice towards hi:ra.

CA.SEY Slippery stuff, this ice.

GORDOH How'd you find &e?

CASEY Jeanni~ in your otfice.

She Jaakes it over next to him and sits do~m .. Pause ... it's quiet, dark, iuense ... beautiful really ...

CASEY It's nice here ... like a cathedral.

(he nods) Are you sure it just w_~;n' t a m.isunderstar.tding ... just te:Jllpera flaring a bit .... ?

GORDON I quacked in front of my boss ... It wasn't a misunderstandirJ.O ... He fired me ... I quit .. whatever, it's over.

CASEY So how does it feel?

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GORDON I'm sc:area, Casey ... I t.ia.Yen·· t. !elt scared in .... I can't. remember.


He looks at. her a.nd smiles ... then we can see the scared kid in his eyes. She puts her arm around bim. ... he leans into her shoulder ...

CASEY Nothing wrong with scared ... it usually means you're on the right track ·to gettir.uJ what you want ...

GORDOM I want t:t.iat puck to go in ... ten years ago ... I want that 1/4 inch.

CASEY How could one shot make or break you, Gordon ... You're more than one shot.

GORDON Reilly, my coach, never forgave me .. . He hardly played m.e tbe next year ... I lo~;t my edge. I could have been in the Olympics ... the tliracle on ice, remember .. I could have been a hero .. instead .. I went pre-law ...

CASEY That was your ~ecision ... not the pucks, not Reillys, yours ...

GORDON I t.&ad no cboice! ....

(softer) It hurt too much ... being a loser.

CASEY Your not a loser Gordon ... not to me ... not to the DuckB.

Pause ... Stle smiles at him .... that's all he ever wanted to t.1ear.


WAR11 UP is underway; ... GORDON skates with tlis team. 1/ 2 hour· bet ore the game.

FUL'OOM and PETER ... are still working on skating tc,get.her. EVERYONE else is st.1ooting on ATUK ... Fut TON stops and come~; Cl'"1.1er.

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CHARLIE Shc,uldn' t Fulton take. some shots on goal c:oacti?

C.ORDON We should work on his skating some m.ore.

FULTON It· s alright Charlie .... I took sc,me shots this morning .. .

GORDON' This morning.'.?

FUL'IOH Not on skates ... I shoot aqainst this wood fence in the aliey behind my house ... set up a board and all. ..

(Gordon's curious}

GORDOJ.11 Well let's see what you got.

103 ..

GORDON hands him his stick .... FUL'roN steadies himself in front of the puck .... he wobbles. The kids stop and watch. He brings tbe stick back but loses his balance. He recovers.

He brings the stick back again and follows through with all his raiqht ... which is a lot of micrht. He falls after the shot ... t,ut what a shot it is ... A'I'Ul: would probably duck again if he ~~w this bullet coming ... but he never did see it. It whistled past. him., 10.ade a :twle in the net and hit the boards h&.rd it .... l1ightily im.pressed GORDON nods tor him to do it again.

FULTON winds up .. shoots ... this time it hits ATUK right in the t,lacte of his wide GOALIE stick ... It's like lightening hitting s. tree ... his stick splinters and snaps .. the puck lies in the net. THE KIDS are open mouthed ... FUL'roN is apologetic. '

FTJL'roH Sorry ... .Atuk ...

(to GORDON) Ttiat happens to the fence in the alley.

C.ORDON smiles ... Tbe Kids catch on too.


We notice in the stands ... ttiere are now DUCK' s supporters ... Parents, kids from schools, siblings are all there seeing if these Ducks for real.

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THE DUCKS tied wit.ti tt.1.e Hornets ... witt.1. 1 :r)O left in tr1e ttiirct period ... Gi.')J:!DOl-l goes up to FUL'n)l.J.

GORDO:t-J One st.lot ... like in tr.le alley.

He pats FUL'n)N on the shoulder and sends him out .... He skates 1.measily to his place. Play begins ... the DUCKS get the zone ... FUL'I\JN la.t,ors to his position ... GUY sends· the puck to him for a shot ... He winds up and bears down .... Z0011 ... The puck goes in ... the HORNETS goalie never even s~w it.


Celebration_ on the ice. They try to t1oist FUL'roN in the air. .. tn.:i.t t1e is far t,Jo hea""Y· ... they collapse in a heap ...

.A1'lNOT.filCER (Y. 0. ) The tliracle DUCKS have won their division and will meet the Hawks at Fairview rink .. this Saturday 8.t 6:00.

MID in the st.ands, back row ... we see BANKS, 11AGILL, and L.A.RSOH.

L.ARSOH Lucky Ducks ...

11AGILL Got a big brother with a hea·r1 shot .. 'I't18.t don·· t scare me ... you' 11 put his black butt down for m.e ... eh Larson?.

LARSON nods and la1.1Qhs .... BANKS isn't into it ... He's not part of the team really anymore~ .. .

LARSO?-T Wish you could skate with us against 'em ... it's gonna be a massacre.

B.ANY.S nods ... watches them go.


A drill is interrupted by ClSEY' S truck driving out onto the ice ... GORDON has to laugh .... She gets out opens tailgate where there is a cooler full of root beer ... the DUCKS crowd round ...

CASEY Last practice ... deserves a little celebration.

She passes out the root-beers .... C'..ORDON calls for a toast.

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GORDOM Toast .. r::i.ise t.hose root-beers fella;:; .... To the DUCKS ... You guy· s don't know how proud I 8.lll. to be a pa.rt of the teei.m .... To be a Im.c:lc .. And No matter what bs.ppens from here on out ... I'm still proud of you. You·,,e giYen ?Ae sollletl1ing ... ~.nd I'd just. like to thank you ...

The group drinks up ... wit:h a few QU.ACKACX.ACXS ... C-ORDO.N continues.

C',()RDON { c:on.t. ) And especially to Casey ... a good friend.


'It.1ey exchange smiles ... Everyone drinks up. GORDOM gets a present out of his HOCKEY bag and i;;rh·es it to CA.SEY.

C..OROOM He and the fellas thought you should have this.

She opens it ... It·· s a DUCKS jersey ... on the back 1s sewn CASEY .. . She's touched ... She gives GORDON a hug.' .. the DUCKS jeer and tease t:t.1em ... HC hi ts tt1e boom box .. and the whole team starts groovin' to the latest rap rec•:ird ....

The celebration is interrupted when JESSE looks up and sees BAl-lKS standing by the ice ... equipment bag in hand, stick over shoulder. Tl1e team stops and stares. The music cuts out.

BANXS You guys a hockey team or a bunct1 a dancing clowns?

CHARLIE (no stauer)

We' re the Ducks ...

JESSE And you're a Hawk ...

PETER Here to spy on us ... huh?

BANKS I ain't no Hawk no more tt.18:nks to your Coac:t ...

JESSE BUllshit .. you're a Hawk .. and Hawks fly .. so hit the breeze ..

B.ANY.S Well Ducks waddle, so waddle out of my face before I slam this stick down your throat ..

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JE<sse and E:JJ-W.S are nose to nose, ... ready to go. llL the DUCI:S skat~ up t.o .BANKS 1,1tio e1 t.her bravely or ::;t.1.rp:ta.1y r1olcts t.1.i::, grc:urJ.Cl. GORD(JN comes up.

GORDO?·? Back off, guys ... leave hi:m. alone.

l1C This guy's got a ide~:,,tity problem ... says he ain't a Hawk ..

GORDOM That's true, D1.teks ... It's technical :matter ... t•ut. :he belor.iqs on the Ducks, not the Hawks ... ·


l1c,st DUCKS echo's JESSE' s sentim.ent ... C.ORDOM is surprised ... They reject him. so thoroughly so quickly, without a trial.

GOROOH He's a good player and he belongs on our team. ...

l1C He belongs on a stretcher!

BAl-lKS is a little freaked ... frustrated.

BANKS Hey ... I don't kncfW where I belonc:r anyiaore ... All I know is I want to pl~y t.1ockey.

PETER Go play with yourself.

E·-,eryone laughs .... except GORDOM .. · .

GORDON Hey, knock it off ... This isn't the DUCKS I know ... The l1ighty Ducks ... Fair and torc:rivino. Hardworking. Honest.- ·

- (aside to BAMKS) You' r.e old man know about this?

B>.MXS Hell no, m.y Dad would kill me.

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r-------~ ----~ --- ------1 .- - -. -

! <

GORDOH Now Banks coming here took a lot of c:ourage ... He wants to play ... So let's give him a Duck welcome . . . Qt~ACK.AKAKAK ..

. FTJL'I'OH (the only one)



Embarrassed, Fulton stops ... No one has joined in ... C-ORDOtl stares a-.t them ... They resolute .... Fulton looks do"Wn ...

GORDOM Alrigt.1t Ducks ... I' 11 see ya arc,unc1..

He motions for Banks and they both walk away.

GORDON Sorry, Banks ... I expected better from them.

BANKS (quietly)

Hey, whatever.

GORDOli You take the bus here? Come on I.' 11 take 1---a hom.e ...

GORDOM turns and looks back at the DUCXS ... then heads c,ut of sight with BAJ-JI S ...


They watch him go and it doesn't feel goo~.

fULTOH We're gonna just let him go ... ?

KARP He's gotta come back, the court will Itlake him.

CASEY For your intoritlation ... his comm.unity serv1c:e has been over for weeks nov ...

JESSE Bull ... Why would he still be here if his service was over?

CHARLIE l1aybe cause he likes us, you jerk!

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,JESSE We got along without Banks 'til now ana we're 1n tne playorrs ...

GUY Coach got us into the playoffs ... We should do wtiat t1e wants, eh?

PETER That kid will hurt us .... he won't play against his old team ...

11C He'll throw the game ... We're dead.

AVERlW~ We're dead with or without him ..

.ATUK Ducks give everyone a fair chance.

ATUK speaks rarely ... when he does it holds respect .... A,;lERHAM ... steps forwards.

AVERllAM I say we hold a vc,te ... Handa: ... Who says we do what coach wants ... ?

He looks out ... before anyone raises their hand ...


It moves around the park ... BANKS and GORDON sit side by side. C.ORDOM looks at the little BANKS .. who's just quiet .. hurt.



The DUCXS are racing to the other side of the lake to catch the bus ... Running up the side ot the hill ... waving, screalfling for the bus to stop. BJJ~S looks out the window and sees them runnirig.

BANKS wt.18.t the hell they doin'?

n1e Bus Stops ....


GORDON (a smile)

Duck Call. ..

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The DUCKS run up .... GORDON steps ot t ttie bus ... THE DtTCK3 surround him., we.lcoming ... B.Al-IKS W8.tches from the windov ... GORDON w"ct:.,re::; him off ttie BUS ... He co:rnes down slowly ... FULTON is ttie first one up to him. ... To shake his hand ... The others follow .... Casey giv·es him. her jersey to wear ...

CASEY Welcom.e to the Ducks, Alex ....


Behind a biq snowbank we see a hockev stick, then another ... And then we see ttie DUCKS, Banks included ... sticks over trieir sl"loulder8 Jll8..rchil,l9' towards the rink like soldiers to war ... nervous determination. GORDON and CASEY lead the way.


The stands are packed ... Lots o! snobbish HATDKS fans and family ... But we .also see the DUCK'S families and we see plenty of Ducks fans from FRANKLIN high-school. .. It's a big d_eal. .. Signs are hanging ... "QUACK .A.Tr.A.CK" and there in U-ie corner are the DUCKETI'ES .... cheerleaders comprised. of the some girls trom school. There's even a P.A. announcer ...

(·:·e CASEY gives the DUCKS rooster to the Scorer Box ... AL, The \ __ _) Scorekeeper/armouncer takes a look at it and gi,;res a slight smile.

-'I?1e HAWKS skate out onto the ice tirst to a rousing oYation. They are introduced individually as they stand on the blue line .... We see the goon LARSOH ... l1AGILL the captain ... and tt.1e rest of the confident, killer Hawks.

They stand on their blue line and turn to watch as the DUCKS co:me onto the ice to be introduced ....

THE P.A. announcer calls them one by one .... CHRIS shoots out like a bullet ... the more boisterous DUCK'S fans are making a real racket ... The HALLS skate out toaether .... Then CHARLIE, who 1s so ner,rnus, he falls, the Hawks fans laugh at him. .... FUL'roN skates out and sends an imm.ediate hush through tt1em., Karp, Guy ... Aver:man, .A.tuk coJle out ... THE HAl1KS stare with venc,m ... but that turns to shock as the P.A. announcer calls the final DUCK ... .

P.A. ANNOUNCER And number 77 ... Alexander Banks ...

Stunned ... confused ... the CROWD literally buzzes ... the HAWK'S player~ can't believe it ... REILLY' s eyes narrow loc,king !or GORDON ... All watch as little Alex Banks skates up to the DUCKS line ... THE DUCKS really haven't taken to him ... He's all alone out there ... Except tor Charlie .. who leans over and taps him on the shins with his stick.

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I •

LARSON I'ia see-in' here ... E;anka turnea trait.or?

11AGILL No way ... he, s got te. be up to s,:imethin · .


GORDON is introduced last ... he comes out to meet REILLY icy glare.

THE NATION.AL .ANTHEI1 begins. Both tea.111.s sta.nd, helmets over hearts:. WE move down the row of DUCKS .. biq nervous knots in all ttJ.eir stomachs. BANKS looks o·'lter at LARSON and HAGILL, his c,ld team ... they stare back .. B.ANl~S looks ,jown at his skates.

The teams liead· for their benche~ •... CHARLIE is so wound up he feel~ like he's about to throw up ... which he does the minute he hits the bench. REILLY moves over to GORDON.

REILLY Banks ain't gonna helJ:• you ... you· re dead ... Bombay.

Gordon moves to the DUCK'S BENCH and sends out BAl«S on the first shift to take .the tace off. ,JESSE complains.

JESSE Yhy're you lettin' him take the opener?

nc He's gonna lose it for us ... Why yo1.t lettir.t'· this happen?

C.ORDOH Give him a cha.nee, Ducks .. Let's do this together .... as a team.

OPENING FACE OFF---i1AGILL squares off against B.ANXS.

l1AGILL It's cool, Alex .. but we didn't need you to do this.

BANKS Do what?

HAGILL Help us win .. thro11 the game ... ya know.

BAl~S I'm not doin' that.

HAGILL So what're ~ doin' in ttJ.S.t Duck suit?

"°'-"'""""LL=c,C·C ;• ··•~,

l a

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BANKS Just playin'.

11agill doesn't get it. .... The ref drops the puck ... B.ANKS get;:; ,:;ont.rol and heads riqtit in on qoal .... He races riqtit into tr.1.e zone and cranks a hard slapper. ~ . BLAKE, the Hawks C'·,OALIE just ,;ret, s his glove out at t.he last minute and deflects it away ... it goes int.o ttie stands .... HA.GILL stares, bet.rayed ... LARSON gets it too ... The R9.wks sense a real problem here. The DUCKS are ;:-;till skeptical at,out tiilll. though.

PLAY continues ... anij BANIS is really skating well ... getting the puck and passing, trying to m.aJ~e ttie t•est play .... He's iast too and that.··s real frustrs.tinq to the HAWK'S who ::i.ri:l bein•J ~/bown up ... On the Bench ... REILLY declares war .. IlAGILL and LARSON will lead the charge against the traitor.

REILLY Time to go Duck htmting, fellas.

GORDON looks over to see REILLY r..,thispering instructions in LARSON'S ear then sending him out· ... It's obvious he is ,;rcdng to hit Banks. C..ORDON calls Banks oft the ice.

BANKS skates to the. bench ... GORDON claps hi.m. on the back. The DUCKS make room for hilll ... JESSE looks right in his eyes, searching.


TI1e HA.\1KS get right back into their old ways ... GUY m.oves into the HAWK'S ZONE and passes over to CHRIS who is shooting down the side. CHRIS gets the puck but is met with a hard, dirty cross-check fro~ LARSON. CHRIS hits ttie boards. C-ORDON ;:;cream::; for a penalty. lio go. THE HAWKS have the puck now, heading in towards ATUK ... AVERHAN goes for the puck carrier but gets blindsided by another HAWK. THI SHOT .... catches ATUK of balance .. SCORE HA.111KS ... !

GORDON sends out FUL'roN as a show of force along with CHARLIE and BANKS ... REILLY counters by sending out LARSOM and two other real raonsters ...

TBE PUCK is dropped and two goons go right for FUL'roN ... they knock t1im off balance, which isn't h8.rd ... l"J.e goe::; ;:iown in a heap ... NOW B.Al.U:S bas the puck and LARSON is coming fa.sf and mean right at him ... CHARLIE yells in warning and BAMKS passes C•f f ... but LARSON had a bead on him and just nails him flat into the boards ... lifting him almost out ot skates and over the boards ....

THE HAWKS tans and players go wild ... lfo mercy.

REILLY That should take care of tJ:.iat ....

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BANKS i~; Yery slow i:n i;;retting up ... He··~; crot.ten ttie wind JmocJ::ect out of hiUl ... J..VERl1lJ~ &nd TERt:'.Y st.and o\.·H him .... He hurts ... but he gets up Wl t:rlOUt 1".1elp ...

REILLY shakes bis head ... "Gonna he:~,e tc, iust do it aqain." He oives LARSON a slow nod ... L.ARSOM knows what to-do ... He goes over to BROWM another t,ig HAWK.

BANKS hits the ice ;:tbout to take the face off 1~1ben he looks ov-er and sees his FA.THE};~ standing in the bleachers .... staring right at hi:m ... ALEX qoes white ... What should be do? He doesn't riave time to think~ .. the puck is dropped.

And ... He's 9et.ting bit, worked o·\l'er and smashed at ;:.very opportunity ... &.nd the DUCKS can·· t help but see tbis kid's t.1eart ... We see LARSON and BROWN are trying to line him. up but he avoids their hits ... GORDON calls him. off, but he won't come ...

He doesn't want to face his Father. 11r. Banks ·watches as hi3 son takes the beating and keeps on getting up and playing ... It's inspiring and it doesn't take long before we see l1R. BANKS roc,ting for this son after he burns a defense:man and takes a shot on goal ...

GORDON yells again for him to charige on the fly ... He looks over at his FATHER and sees tJim smiling, urging him. on ... He' 11 come off tt1e ice now ... but just as he does the PUCK his wa.y and he hB.s a clear breakaway. He takes it ... with LARSON and BROWN in fast pursuit-.

He heads in on goal. . fakes, and just as he is about to shoot LARSON hard and low from t.t1e side slashina llilll with his sticl~ ... While BROWM just bc,wls into him f ro:ra behind ... BMtxS is like a CP.ASH CAR DU11lff a3 he sails forward ... but with incredible determination, on his wy to the ice he takes a final poke at the puck and it ;:;lides between the GOALIE'S legs and into the net ... BANKS crumples to the ice, smashes into the goal post .... What an effort .... GOAL DUCKS ... it's 1 to 1.

But BANKS lays there ... out cold. GORDON races out ... l1R. BAHKS can't control himself .. he scales the glass and races to his son .... The crowd watcbes quietly. LARSON and l1AGILL ignore tt.1e scene and s:r-;a te in circles ... GORDON WB.-.,·es for the arena P.ARAHEDIC who ci:1mes out.

After a tense •o~ent ... BANKS moves, then comes to. Ftn.TON helps hi~ up ... he's can' t stand on one leg. l1R. BANKS and C,ORDOM help ttie t,oy oft the ice ... his arms over each of their shoulders.

E'ARAHEDIC Let's get him up ... gotta go to the hospital for x-rays ...

ALEX I'm sorry, Dad ... I didn't :m.ean to let you down.

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l1R . BA.l-D~ S You didn't let me do-wn ... Alex .. . . . I'm. proud of you , son.


They reach t.he bench .. where the DUCKS gather round him ... following . as C'.ORDON and l1R. B.AliKS help. t.1im to tt.1e dressing room..

JESSE (shaking his hft.nd)

You showed us somethina tliere, Banks .. You' re alright, man. -

TERRY Sweet goal: Bar.iks ...

KARP You ain't no cake-eater.

JESSE Sorry we doubted you .

.ALEX BANKS Play b.ard, Ducks .... These guys ain't so tough .. .

THE llEDIC takes him into the locker room ... The DUCKS head back to the bench ... GORDON has a moment with l1R. BA.liKS.

GORDON' You've got a hell of a kid there.

l1R. BANKS Thanks, Gordon.

C..ORDON smiles ... HR. B.AliKS goes into the locker roo• .. .

DUCI'S BEliCH - The DUCKS are steamed, ready to kill ... GORDON calms them cto1.m.

GORDO:t-l Now listen up ... You're mad, right .. They're playin' cheap ... right? So what' re you gonna do about it, Ducks.

DUCKS Kill 'em. ... Hess 'em. up ... Hurt 'em..

GORDON No! We're qonrJB. be smarter than that. 'lbey-;11 be expecting that .... We're not goons ... we're DUCKS, we're· smart ... so let's play that way ... LETS GO NOW ....

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e? THI DUC!S huddle and break with a resotmding GO DUCKS ...

rULTt:JN 1,:; ;:;ent. out on ice ... LAR::ir.:JN stares n110. aown, reaa-y to cret. physical. But when play begins FTJLTOM is playing fair ... tryi:rig to­manem1er his bulk into a good shooting pc,si tion in front of the net ... He receives lots of cheap shots but stays standirig .... Finally tt1e puck comes his way ... he fights oft the HAWKS and 1~inds up his rocket shot ... He shoots ... What a blast ... THE HAWK's goalie gets knocked back into his 0,-n-1 goal! Along with the puck for a DUCK Goal.

In the stands ... VANESSA, TERRY'S dream airl, walks behind the DUCK "bench ... TERRY sees her ... HE stands ... She winks a~; she passes .. TERRY is in hea~,en ...

THE HAWKS are ram.ming and taking runs ... but the DUCKS are concentratirig on scoring ... Which they do by: another· blast fro~ FULTOlf 10.8.king it ... 4-3 HAHS on top ... but not tor long ... because .. TERRY dodges a defender, passes to HC who passes to AVERHAN who takes a shot .. . THE PUCK sails. It hits the goalie in.the chest and falls out in front ... HC is there tor the ... SCORE DUCIS 4-4 ... THE FANS are going crazy.

WITH TIHE.RUNNING our IN THE SECOHD PERIOD ... 11AGILL gets a break away, tries to fake ATUX out and shoots. But A.TUX is right there ... He snatches the puck out ot the air and holds it high ... Tr1e BUZZER sounds ... HA.GILL skids to stop close to A'I'lll::.

l1AGILL Lucky stop, sieve.

AM Easy stop ... you shoot like a little girl.

END of the PERIOD - the KIDS head tor the locker room ... determined and confident .... tied at four a.piece ...

GORDON is about to enter the locker room when he a voice halts him. AGAilfST the wall is HR. l1ATHER, lookincr tm.coJO.tortable ... He's come to ask Gordon to take his job back... -

GORDON nr. J:18.ther .... what are you doing here? ·

· llATHER I think we've both had some time to cool down and I ... I 'Want this nonsense to end .. .

GORDON I've got to get back to the game, sir.

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l1ATHER Gordon ... the game will be over in tif teen minutes ... We' re talking about your future here.

GORDON You· re saying I .t.f8.~,e a tuture with l1ather and Ross?

l1ATHER I'm saying we should talk.

GORDON {a little thrown)

I've got to get back to thelll ...

tlATHER ... I' 11 be her&.



LEWIS walks behind the DUCK bench before play .... the DUCKS see hilil. He smiles then screams ...

LEWIS Bust 'em up, Ducks!!

The Ducks laugh ... Gordon gives hilil the thUll:lbs up. A suck up no more.

The HAWKS look meaner than ever .... LARSON and BROWN are confering on tbe bench ... tlAGILL and JESSE face oft ...

l1AGILL You Ducks don't know when to die, do ya?

JESSE Yeah we do ... never.

The puck is dropped, :t1AGILL wins it and play is underva.y .... THE HAWKS have stepped up their attack even more ... REILLY has put the fear of losing into them arJd they are play1r.q desperate ...

It beco•es a defensive battle of the wills ... ATUX is really in hi~ form, makirJg one acrobatic save after .... BL.AKE. the Hawk goalie, is equally as strong. . . . ·

FULTON gets a chance but shoots too high sending the puck into the back ro~ ot the bleachers bounctnq hard ot the auditorium. wall. It deflects back and almost heads straight towards HATHERS head ... he puts up his arms and closes his eyes ... Nothing ... no impact ... nATHER lowers his arms ... to find HANS ... his hand having caught the puck inches from his head .... IW{S holds the puck out to him.

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HANS You want. a souvenir?

LATER - FULTON hi ts the ice with his Uli.Stea.dy st.ride he heads for his position near the net ... He is coYered i:nua.edia t.el y .... by- BROW?-l and LARSON ... something is definitely up thCtugh. ... BROWH is watching the referee to see when be isn't looking .... He spots tt1e ref turning away, he nods to L.ARSON who hacks a.t FULTON'S feet knocking hi:m down while Brown goes for his knees ... THEY are trying to injure hi~ ... get him. out of the gam.e .... This is just too much for FT.Il.1\)N who finally releases all his energy against his foes ... He scraltl.bles to his feet ... picks up BRO\1N by the collar and heaves him. into the ple:xi-glass ... sending it shattering into a thousand pieces ... Tt1en he graln, LARSOH and hurls him along the ice like a: bowling }:1all he slides straight toward BLAl~E, his own goalie ... BLAKE jumps out of t:t1e way and score! ... L.ARSOM hits the net, it spins off it's m.oorin,;;rs and falls over on top of him, trapping him like the animal he is. THE DUCKS and their fans love thi8.

Until the referee assesses a penalty .... kicking FULTON out of the game for fighting. He's led off the ice and into the locker room ... but before he goes ... He raises his fist and shc•uts over to his team-mates ...

FULTON Go get 'em Ducks ...


THE G.Am: CLOCK has wound down to 15 seconds left in recrulation play ... THE PUCK is dropped and energy is too r.dgr.1. ... the players c,n the ice start pusbir.ig and pretty soon it, s a brawl. ... Glo,;tes dropped .... animosity flowing along with bloc~. The REFS separate the players but LARSON and JESSE won't break it up ... the REF kicks the~ both out of the game... ·

P.A. ANNOUNCER ·That's the end ot regulation play the score HAWKS FOUR, DUCKS FOUR ... Sudden death overtime will begin in one minute ... .

C..ORDON looks up to CASEY, everyone is on their feet ... including GERALD HA.THER who's into the game, his client, UP.. BA.NXS by his side.

GUY goes out to take the face oft against 11AGILL ..

lfAGILL You Ducks are going down ...

G~t Down in history,, eh?·

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The puck is drc1pi:1ed ,:i.nd overtime riat- t,egun .... :Eiy now ttle tee.:m.::; close to exhaustion, but they figbt it out. THE HAWKS i;ret ::1. good scoring opport.1.mity, b'ut just m.i::,s ... AVERtlAN get::; a ::,teal, t.1·.1en a shot on goal but mis-hit;:. and it wot,bles like s. maimed butterfly .... It re:mair..11 a draw .. no one scc,res, the clock.reads fifty seconds left to go.

Until PETER gets out on the ice and finds himseli ~ith th& puck ... tlAGILL skating is backwards def ending him but then so:metl1ing h-9.ppens ... 11AGILL trips ... his skate catches a rut and he falls leaving PETER a clear shot to the net .... His eye::, widen and t.1e take::, off ... He's g,)t a break-aw'"5.y ... But l1AGILL is fast .. he get::: up and gives chase ... and rigl'1t s.::. PETER is going to sboot 11AGILL ::,lashes his skates tripping him for 8.11 to see .... No di·,re needed f roll& PETER ... That was a trip ... and because it- was a scoring chance and HAGILL didn't play the puck ... It mean' s the DUCKS are awarded a PENAL TI SHOT.

An overtime penalty slwt to win it all. . . GORDON has been ttJere before .... 'Ihe ref over and explains the rules ...

REFEREE Anyone on the ice can take the shot, Coach ... One shot, no rebounds ... r11t10' s 1 t. go1ma be?

Few DUCKS let alone CHARLIE r1101.1ld have thought GORDON would turn and say ...

C-ORDON CHARLIE COMROY' S t8.king it ... Charlie get out there.

Looks of disbelief :c rom everyone ...

KARP Coach ... Let Guy take it.

CHARLIE (heavy stauer)

... Let Guy, Chris .. Why ~e?

GORDON It's your time, Charlie ..

CHARLIE But .. I don't. I'm no good, I can't ...

GORDOM No matter wt.tat .. . you're a winner Charlie .... You're a Duck.

(Charlie stands) Triple deke ... One, two, three ... top shelf ... You can do it.

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'!'HI!: DUCKS 1001:.: a.t. CH.ARLIE ana it comes ov-er t.riem ... ····cHARLIE ci:i.n ,Jo it" ... n-,,..y accepts GO~DOl.Y' s de.<cision ari.d t.h.rc,?Js t.hioir full s,upport t,eri1nel CHARLIE.

AVER11AM You're the man, Cr.iarlie ..

CHARLIE gets up and skates to center ice ... white as a sheet ... REILLY· looks over at GORDON with .;. condescending ;;.neer and ;:,low ;:::tli:i.Jrn of the head ... _,.No chance" ... GORDON look;:: back, eyebrows raised ... "Stranger tl"lings :tJa.'1te tia.p:penect.,, THE DUCI~S join glove.=;.

In t:t1e st;:mds ... It's not who many DUCK,S fan::, expected. CHARLIE'S DAD is c,pen .mouthed: CHARLIE lool.-:s d.o-wn the ice at BL.AKE, the imposing goalie ... He loo}rn around and feels what GORDON felt years ago .... He spots his.Father ...


EVERYONE is on their feet and the sound starts. "CH.A.AARLIE! ... . . . . CHA.AARLIE .... CHAAARLIE ! "

POOR CHARLIE on center ice .... he takes a breath and finds himself hyperventilating ... AND NOW we see GORDON ... tie's l:•reathing right along with CHARLIE ... it builds until GORDON ca.n' t contair.1 bimself. . . . '


.And off CHARLIE goes ... SOUND cuts out ... eYerythin•J ct.iange;:; as his approach to t:tie goal t,egiris .... His face c:ontorts ... :tiis eYery muscle propelli1-.ig him towrds.BLAKE.... ·

The puck wobbles on his stick, but he controls it and he approaches with ONE DEKE ... then TWO ... t:t.Le back to his forehand ... THE GO.ALIE is too fast he didn't fall for it all the way ... CHARLIE shoots lifting the puck to go o~,er BL.AKE' s shciulder, top st.1el.t ... IT looks good ... Tt.1en CL.AMG ... SLOW H0TI0N as the puck hits the post ...

It could go either way ... 1/4 inch to the right and it';:; no goal ... 1/4 inch to the left the DUCKS win and CHARLIE is the hero ..... The puck goes left.

IT'S OVER, .. THE RED GO.AL LIGHT FL.ASHES and THE SOUND from the crow is that of one giant roar ... CHARLIE collapses ... And out come the DUCKS who fall into a giant celebratory pile. It's the HIRA.CLE ON ICE .... players, fans .... Bedlam. ... joyous bedlam. Parents em.brace their kids ... Al.JD GORDON just beams ... then can't hold back .. let's out that loud victory wt1oop we haven't heard in a long time ... Only this time it seems appropriate ... this time he won clean. The underd9gs have their d8:Y- ...

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At. ttie ott.ier end of the ii::e ... THE HAWKS are cc,:rapletely sttmned ... :most tears irJ their eyes. 11A.GILL throws B. stick t,reaking tantnw, a poor ~iport t.11 tt.1e end.

CHARLIE'S Dad raises CHARLIE hig:ti on his st,oulders ....

THE TWO TEAl1S LINE UP to exc:t.iange the cm;tomary t.18.ndst.1ake. L.ARSON can't help but take a final jab ...

LARSON You gc,t so lucky, Conroy .... you couldr,.' t that shot a.gain in a million years.

CHARLIE sm:iles broa,jly ... and agrees .. wit.bout a stauer.

CHAP.LIE Proba.bly ri•;rht, Larson.

THE DUCKS GO through the line heads held hig~ .... THE TWO COACHES bring up tt.1e rear. .. REILLY and GORDON meet ...

REILLY I don't. knl)W how you did it.

C-ORDON 'It.1ey did it ... I just ...

REILLY Hodesty doesn't suit you, Bombay.

GORDON smiles looks over at his team. all together celebrating ....

GORDO?{ We did it· together.

GORDON leaves REILLY and j.oins his players ... They em.brace him. ... he hugs each DUCX: .... HANS leans over the boards ... GOROOM to hi:u...

HA}lS Welcome back, Gordo ... · Congratulations ...

He gives l"iim a manila. emrelope ... C-ORDON looJcs inside, then pulls out it contents: ... The picture of C.ORDON at Sts. te and a bic lighter ... He smiles.

C.ORDON Thank you, Hans ...

THEfIRST PLACE TROPHY is given to GORDOM, who hands it to CHARLIE tirst ... CHARLIE takes the t1rst carry arounc1 the rink ... the trophy held high over his head ... He passes it Jesse, then Averman gets i.t ... and we watch as each player takes his turn holding the trophy aloft skating around the rink to the cheers from. the crowd ... GLORY.

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GOJ;!DON vat.c,hes proudly ... C.lSEY by his side. ... They sa•,7or th..­Iuo:raent ....

Tt1en C',ORDOM turn~; and sees ... ste.nding alone, l1r. l1A'I'HER ... he is


staring directly at C..ORDOM .... waiting for hi:m., al:m.ost beckoning hi:m.. GORDON's hee.d lowers, he's struggling nciw .... CA.SEY notices this and p1.tts an ar:m. 8.round his shoulder ...

CA.SEY Gordon ... it's okay to go t,ack ...

(he can't;;re words, she takes it as a bad sign)

Gordon ... Look at them ... look at what you accomplished .. you've done it ... You've made e. difference ...

They wa tcti the DUCKS ... Then GORDOH sees that :tlR. l1ATHER is now making his ws.y o" .. er ... behind him, through the open doorway we see a long black li:m.o pull up to the curb .... CASEY studies GORDOH's face tor a reaction ... He's blank-f-aced.

C'..OROOM I've :made a difference ... ?

CASEY You :have ... and you'll be a better lawyer tor .it ...

GORDON pauses, nods, takes that in ... t,ut then a huge smile creeps onto his face ... He takes his eyes off HATHER and looks at CASEY now.

GORDOli (his mind made up)

Casey .. I don't want to be a better l~wyer ...

She looks at him with a huge, proud smile .... T'ne TROPHY round to him ... AVERHA.N hands it to him ... He holds it aloft. THI DUCKS· surround him. in a final tableau as we .....



A small pond ... .A. group of young boys play pick up hockey on the oval patctJ.. TtJ.e winter light, a gentle snowfall. .. and the sounds of the kids laughing ... having fun, falling, getting up .... playing.

BehirJd them on the rural highway we see A BUS passes by .. · ..

On the bus we see GORDON B011BAY looking out the window at the kids on the pond ... He smiles ... We pull back to see tt.iat he is on team bus ... surrounded by other players ....

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The bu::; :move~; pa::;t the pond ... .And on the side of the bus we see ttie words ... ,, .Johnstown .Jets, l1inor League Hockey ... Di v'ision h.A"


The iron-city m.inor leag1leS .... A ha.lf'-packed arena in a depressing industrial city in Upstate New York .. : 'Itie Utica. Devils are on the ice ... playin;r the .JOHNSTOWN .JETS .... And we see starting 8.t center .... C~)RDON BOl1BAY #11 ... His face beamin,1 with determination ..... The puck is dropped and off-he goes with it ... racinq 1jovn. t.tie ice hes.ding in on qoal .. he, s all alc•ne .... He reaches the goal-tender and puts on his -best triple deke ... He shoot~= for the tcip corner ... But before v1e see if the puck goe;:; in or not .... We FREEZE FR.A.l:1E ... The puck in Illid air, C'..CJRDON W;~tchin1;;, eyes wide ... aliYe. And ttien slowly we ....