The Messenger - · 2018. 12....

The Messenger The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Olney, Maryland August 2014 “Faith Zeal” The parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16 puzzles many. Why would our Lord commend the unjust steward and the sons of this world as he does? It’s because the sons of this world know how to get what they want that they think is valuable. They love money and the sinful pleasures that come with it. They are “selfies” and will jump to get ahead with higher pay, better benefits and greater prestige, even if it means to place others in jeopardy. For Jesus, everything the steward and his friends live for will fade and wear away. Thus he doesn’t commend them for what they love, Jesus appreciates their zeal and how committed they are to attain what they want. Jesus wants us to mimic their zeal, but not to be drawn away by the love of money and sinful pleasure. He warns they are set for destruction, but at least they pursue things with vigor. They know what they want, and they go after it! We, on the other hand, as Christians, desire to live our lives by faith in Christ’s grace and blessings. But at times we lack the zeal and the commitment to do so. Our worship and prayer life is not consistent. When was the last time we witnessed our faith to someone or invited and brought someone to our Good Shepherd worship? Do you have a daily listing of people you pray for? We don’t always invest our time and talents in the work and ministry of the Church with the same passion that the sons of this world invest in the markets to make money. What is our Lord teaching us in his provocative parable? God in his grace and mercy graciously gives us all we need in this life. We are his receivers, he wants us to manger what he provides; our possessions are not meant to control us. Use what he gives us to meet our needs as well as the needs of our family, community and our Church. We are to live our lives of faith with zeal – show mercy and give to those in need. Be committed, trust the promises of God, believe he will not forsake and mistrust you. Believe your sins are forgiven and the gift of heaven is yours. And with passion, believe Jesus died for all your sins and have the courage to share your faith. Stand up for Christ! The treasures he gives never run out or fade away; his love is eternal. At the Cross Jesus gave his all; what each day are we giving back to him? In these “dog days” of August be supportive of our congregational blood drive on August 10. On that same Sunday we will dedicate to God’s glory the Garden of Meditation, thanks to the design and work of Josh Fowler and his crew of volunteers. Help with the Lutheran Mission Society’s clothing drive on August 20 and finally on August 30 is Chase Shelter at 2 p.m. Enjoy the rest of your summer and remember not to take a vacation from God and your worship. Be blessed to bless! Be blessed to bless,

Transcript of The Messenger - · 2018. 12....

Page 1: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,

The Messenger The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

Olney, Maryland August 2014

“Faith Zeal” The parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16 puzzles many. Why would our Lord commend the unjust steward and the sons of this world as he does? It’s because the sons of this world know how to get what they want that they think is valuable. They love money and the sinful pleasures that come with it. They are “selfies” and will jump to get ahead with higher pay, better benefits and greater prestige, even if it means to place others in jeopardy. For Jesus, everything the steward and his friends live for will fade and wear away. Thus he doesn’t commend them for what they love, Jesus appreciates their zeal and how committed they are to attain what they want. Jesus wants us to mimic their zeal, but not to be drawn away by the love of money and sinful pleasure. He warns they are set for destruction, but at least they pursue things with vigor. They know what they want, and they go after it! We, on the other hand, as Christians, desire to live our lives by faith in Christ’s grace and blessings. But at times we lack the zeal and the commitment to do so. Our worship and prayer life is not consistent. When was the last time we witnessed our faith to someone or invited and brought someone to our Good Shepherd worship? Do you have a daily listing of people you pray for? We don’t always invest our time and talents in the work and ministry of the Church with the same passion that the sons of this world invest in the markets to make money. What is our Lord teaching us in his provocative parable? God in his grace and mercy graciously gives us all we need in this life. We are his receivers, he wants us to manger what he provides; our possessions are not meant to control us. Use what he gives us to meet our needs as well as the needs of our family, community and our Church. We are to live our lives of faith with zeal – show mercy and give to those in need. Be committed, trust the promises of God, believe he will not forsake and mistrust you. Believe your sins are forgiven and the gift of heaven is yours. And with passion, believe Jesus died for all your sins and have the courage to share your faith. Stand up for Christ! The treasures he gives never run out or fade away; his love is eternal. At the Cross Jesus gave his all; what each day are we giving back to him?

In these “dog days” of August be supportive of our congregational blood drive on August 10. On that same Sunday we will dedicate to God’s glory the Garden of Meditation, thanks to the design and work of Josh Fowler and his crew of volunteers. Help with the Lutheran Mission Society’s clothing drive on August 20 and finally on August 30 is Chase Shelter at 2 p.m. Enjoy the rest of your summer and remember not to take a vacation from God and your worship. Be blessed to bless!

Be blessed to bless,

Page 2: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,

About People . . . We continue to pray for:

. . . God’s care for our Good Shepherd family: Brendan Fossum jaw surgery on August 19 at Walter Reed; Dave Krueger recovering

from hip infection surgery and undergoing therapy.

. . . God’s care for our relatives and friends: Alberta (Jim Ruspi’s sister) suffered extensive flood damage to her Pensacola residence; Barbara Kuroda (friend of DeEtte Gabriel) sudden, permanent loss of hearing.

. . . those rejoicing and giving thanks: Birth of Andrew Joseph Rothermel (son of Lauren and Jon Rothermel) who was born on July 1. His proud grandparents are Gina and Matt Quinn; birth of Addison Jane LaVay (daughter of Alli and Pat LaVay) who was born on July 13. Lynda von Bargen is the proud grandmother. . . . moms-to-be: Emmy Hansen (Kathy Randall’s niece) due in August; Christina Beachner (niece of Lynn Boyd) due on August 26; Emily Davidson (daughter of Carl and Jackie Schulten) due September 12, Katie Hurst due November 10 (Pastor Pat request).

. . . military serving our country: John Berle stationed in Georgia (Ruth Blackburn’s grandson); Stephen Buhl (deployed to Afghanistan), Frankie Corn III stationed at the Marine Corp Air Station in Buford, South Carolina (Frank and Barbara Corn’s grandson); Brendan Fossum assigned to Walter Reed Hospital as he recovers from his injuries; Mark Goldy Fort Polk, LA (Lois Kubu’s step grandson); Patrick Gore re-deployed in June for ten months to Afghanistan for his second tour plus one previous tour in Iraq (Orv Cullen’s son-in-law); James Kleager home from Afghanistan, now at Fort Wainwright in Alaska (Kathy Randall’s nephew); Justin Kubu (Ken and Joyce Kubu’s nephew) Fort Bragg, NC; Richard Daniel Kubu (Ken and Joyce Kubu’s nephew) stationed at Fort Benning, GA; Mark and David (serving in the Armed Forces); Seth Maxfield graduated from West Point seeking the Lord’s direction for his

life (Darlene Maxfield request) Cory Metz, in Afghanistan (son of former members, Charlie and Audrey Metz); JT Mrozek Marine Boot Camp, San Diego, CA; Jacob Seguin stationed at USMC Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA (John’s nephew); Trevor White stationed in Okinawa (Brianna Hoffman request).

. . . those who mourn: family of Dan Ivkovich (Marion’s husband) who died July 4; family of Joe Yetman (Jeanne Berger’s cousin); family of Herman “Mac” McGrady (Marianne Seguin’s stepfather) who died on July 13, family of George Slike who died on July 14 (friend of Don and Chris Pohlmann).


FINK CLASS 2014-15 The 2014-2015 FINK Confirmation class commences in September. The following 8th graders will be returning for their second year of study and fellowship:

Dominic Hoffman Gage North Sierra Hoffman Hope North

Adam Reinhold

The first year class is open to any incoming 7th grade student for this fall. Our Sunday School records indicate the following students eligible to be members of this class in September:

Bella Lourenco James Lourenco Clara Wiersma

If your youth is beginning the 7th grade, please contact the church office 301-774-9125 to enroll.

The class mentor, assisting Pastor Pat, is Cindy King.

An upcoming parent/mentor meeting with Pastor Pat will outline the upcoming year’s study and retreats.

Page 3: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,

VBS Follow Up The theme for our July 14-18th week of Vacation Bible School for 2014 was Gangway to Galilee, a nautical

theme that included a boat, waves, fish, sand and much more. Our Thursday night program included many of the energetic and enthusiastic children. There were 60 enrolled during the week.

Listed below are the members of the VBS Staff and their Helpers for the week. Take time to thank those who led the children in this exciting week of learning, singing, making crafts and competing in games. Their names are listed below.

Emcee: Pastor Pat Carlson Teachers & Helpers:

Pre-K - Kathy Ehrlich, Cierra Touma, Andres Martinez Kindergarten - Pat Colacicco, Emily Carrera, Paula Dominguez, Hope North Grade 1 – Gage North, Ethan Anderson Grade 2 – Josh Fowler Grade 3 – Sierra Hoffman Grades 4,5,6 – Dominic Hoffman, Kenneth Xu Bible Challenge – Jim Taylor, Kathie Taylor, Jay Taylor Bible Stories – Bob Wolters, Alex Predoehl, Nancy Wald Snacks – Mary Rajnik Crafts – Connie Strachan, Sherrie, Dean, Melody Stone-Wald Music – Maria Sampogna, Dawn McCann, Sam Kai-Banya Games – Patrick Gregory, Alexa Ruspi, Brianna Hoffman Registration – Lu Otto, Joan Baxter, Susan Otto On-line Registration – Darlene Maxfield Office Staff – Sarah McCord Photography – Sarah Frederickson, Tim Frederickson

Decorations – Many of the VBS Staff assisted in decorating the church and Family Life Wing for the week.

An Atheist’s View on Life

I will live my life according to these beliefs God does not exist

It is just foolish to think That there is a God with a cosmic plan

That an all-powerful God brings redemption and healing to the pain and suffering in the world

Is a comforting thought, however, It

Is only wishful thinking People can do as they please without eternal consequences

The idea that I am deserving of Hell

Because of sin Is a lie meant to make me a slave to those in power “The more you have, the happier you will be” Our existence has no grand meaning or purpose

In a world with no God There is freedom to be who I want to be

But with God Everything is fine

It is ridiculous to think I am lost and in need of saving

A Christian’s View on Life

(Now Read this bottom to top)

For the Month of August

Still needed yet: Another person to substitute in grades five/six with Paul Fowler. If you can do that please contact Pat Colacicco or call the church office at 301-774-9125. The fall session of Sunday School will be again on Sunday, September 7, 2014.

Patricia Colacicco

Page 4: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,

Task Force

Pastor Pat has asked The Next 50 Years Task Force to help uncover God’s unique plan for The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. Seeking God’s plan and vision will be the fuel the congregation and church leaders need to move forward with God’s ever present hope. The Transforming Church Insight (TCI) identifies where these strengths reside in our congregation, and provides a path forward by illuminating LCGS’s gifts and discovering ways to share our faith and serve others. We will be using an organization called The Armstrong Group, TAG and the experience they gained over 15 years of onsite consulting, with LCGS’s uniqueness. TAG’s conviction is that the innovative ideas, empowerment, solutions, and vision for the future already reside within LCGS. TAG does not believe there is idealized one-size-fits all picture of church health. The TCI identifies the strengths already present in our congregation. TCI Time Line

• August 3rd through 31st – congregational announcements regarding survey

• August 3rd through 31st – identify 10 people to host a small group

• August 24th and August 31st - Church wide user name and password for the survey to be distributed

• September 7th through September 21st - Survey

• September 7th through September 28th – signup for small groups

• October 12th to November 1st - Attend a small group meeting

Pastor Schaefer Retiring

Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer, who has been serving at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, will be officially retiring on August 31, 2014. Their celebration for him will be on August 17, 2014. The request from those in charge of it is that anyone wishing to come and visit a service may do so on any other Sunday in August except August 17. Also Pastor Schaefer will not be greeting the people following the August 31st service which means you would not be able to extend your good wishes if you visit on that date. If you would like to send a card to him, please call our church office at 301-774-9125 to obtain his home address.

We Can Help!

We are asking for your annual support of students in our Olney community – last year you were so generous and it was so very much appreciated by the students! We are again

sponsoring Rosa Parks Middle School with needed school supplies. Through the Board of Social Ministry, we welcome all kinds of items --- backpacks, 2-inch binders, wide-lined loose-leaf filler paper, #2 pencils, pens, spiral notebooks, etc. Your past support has helped local students get off to a strong start in their studies! Please place any items in the colorful box in the Narthex. Also note that, as we get closer to the start of school, there are many opportunities to get these items on big sales! Any questions, ask Bill Agresti at 301-814-3546. Thank you!!

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C.A.R.E. (Caring and Respecting Everyone)


(Saturday Morning LCGS Men’s Group)

• The Men’s Group will meet on Saturday, August 2.

Day Trippers Upcoming Events

• See the exhibit “Made in the USA” featuring 100 of America’s masterworks at the Phillip’s American Collection in DC. We will leave the church at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, August 27th.

• Please contact Bob Wolters at [email protected] or (301-774-6169 or 301-774-3399) OR Dorothy Hughes (301-437-8906).

Game Night

Friday, August 15 - 7:15 p.m. Lynn and Mary Kay Dean’s


The Game Night CARE Groups meets monthly on the third Friday. We gather for fellowship, food and fun – and play a couple of games each time. Newcomers are always welcome! If you are interested in joining us, call Andy Carpenter (301-774-8298).

The Lunch Bunch will meet next on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 12:00 noon

The Good Shepherd Book Club will meet on

Sunday, August 10, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

in the Family Life Wing

At our next meeting we will be discussing:



John Hersey On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was destroyed by the first atom bomb ever dropped on a city. This book, John Hersey's journalistic masterpiece, tells what happened on that day. Told through the memories of survivors, this timeless, powerful and compassionate document has become a classic "that stirs the conscience of humanity." In addition, we have been blessed to have a very special guest, Mr. Bob Gill, joining us to share his war experiences of that time period. Sixty nine years later the debate still continues whether America and President Truman did the right thing. So sharpen your chop sticks and bring along a little sashimi, miso shiru or tempura to share. Sit with us, sip some tea and let’s talk. Until 8 Tsuki 10 nichi, Doumo and Sayounara.

August Services

Begin at 10:00 a.m.

Page 6: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,

Announcing the LCGS American Red Cross

Blood Drive

August 10, 2014

In the Family Life Wing 9:00-2:00 p.m.

Garden Produce

There is a table in the Narthex where you can leave fruits and vegetables from your garden. Those who wish to take these home-grown fruits and vegetables may leave a donation that will be used to purchase non-perishable food for the LCGS Food Pantry.

LifeLight Bible Class Begins on

Monday, September 15

Please join the LifeLight Bible study group as we begin again in September with the “action-packed, Spirit-driven” Book of Acts! We will begin on Monday, September 15th, at our usual time of 7:00 p.m. and will continue until November 10. This is a two part study that will continue into the spring with Part 2. The cost for each booklet of the materials is $8.99 per session. Please contact Kathy Nicholson at 301-641-1368 or [email protected]. if you want to join this group. Those who attended the study need only contact Kathy if you will NOT be attending. New members are always welcome.

Be sure to visit the Family Life

Wing to “See the Light.” Thank you to DeEtte Gabriel who so faithfully continues to put interesting themes and pictures on our large Family Life Wing bulletin board. One of our members thought a great title for the one that has been there this past month would be “See the Light” because of the various kinds of lighthouses, the white cross and the caption “Praise the One who breaks the darkness.” Check it out.

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Good Shepherd’s participants in this summer’s Appalachian Servant Event, which was held in Ashville, North Carolina from July 12-23, were commissioned here at Good Shepherd at the 10:00 a.m. worship service on Sunday, July 6. They have returned from their hard work of putting in two new septic fields plus repairing a broken septic line. They also made small repairs on homes and did reconstruction on homes in that area. Following their return and during the Sunday, July 27 church service, those who had attended gave testimonials to the congregation about how their loving work there impacted them. In the September issue of the newsletter a combined list of those high points will be published. These young people were so touched by their experience which not only allowed them to see a side of life without the comforts and electronics that most of us take for granted, it also put into each of them the desire to continue to help others wherever they can as they go through their lives. Along with that, their faith has become so much stronger and more meaningful to them from having this “giving” experience. Youth participants this year were: Brenden Fout, Andrew Gordon, Sasha Miezis, Dennis Muleri, Samantha Ranaudo, and Bianca Ruspi. Adult Leaders were: Janet Baker, Andy Carpenter, Adam Hillhouse, and Joey Quinn. The Servant Event experience richly rewards those participating with a renewed faith in Christ.

Bible Verses to Remember

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain.

Below is a thank you note from 15 year old Andrew Gordon to all Good Shepherd members. Dear Members of Good Shepherd, Thank you for your support and prayers for me with attending Christ Academy! It was very helpful and I am extremely grateful! God bless you all! Sincerely, Andrew Gordon Christ Academy—High School participates in and promotes the mission of Concordia Theological Seminary—Fort Wayne by providing young men with a clear picture of what preparation for the Holy Ministry entails. For two weeks, Christ Academy students simulate the life of a seminarian as they worship, learn and have fellowship with the wider community of Concordia Theological Seminary. In so doing these young men grow to understand the process of becoming a pastor, and through meditation and prayer, they begin to contemplate whether the Holy Ministry is a vocation which they might want to pursue one day.

While you are on vacation, find a church nearby to attend and remember to bring back a bulletin.

Don’t take a vacation from God.

Page 8: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,


FOOD PANTRY Thanks to all who contributed food

during our Father’s Day request in June. There is always a need with many coming to our doors. Also BAGS are needed. The Food Pantry is in need of replenishing the supply of paper bags that we put food in to give to those who come for help. If you can bring in paper bags which the church can use for this purpose, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You for your generosity!

Pete and Janet Stadler


Donations: If you are donating clothes, please leave them in the designated area in the Family Life Wing. PLEASE, PLEASE make sure the clothes are placed in BAGS or BOXES that are STRONG ENOUGH to withstand movement from place to place and are not too heavy for senior volunteers to lift. Thank you for your donations. The last six months of 2014 have been covered for transporting donated clothes to the IWCC. Thank you volunteers for your continued support of this very important ministry. The IWCC is located at the former Broome Middle School, 751 Twinbrook Parkway in Rockville. Clothing should be picked up at the church during the second and third weeks of the month. The days and hours of donation drop-off are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00-4:30 p.m., and Saturday 9:00-2:00 p.m. IWCC is open year round, except for the first two weeks of July, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving Saturday, the last week of December and Federal holidays. Snow policy follows that of the Federal Government.

If there are any questions, please email Bill Plitt at [email protected] or call him at 301-774-9502. Thank you, volunteers, for transporting clothes to the IWCC.

Chase Shelter Please Help

HELP FEED THE HOMELESS! The next opportunity for Good Shepherd to provide meals to the Chase Shelter and bag lunches to the Men’s Emergency Shelter in Rockville will be on August 30, 2014. This service project requires the work of many hands, and we are appreciative of all who have contributed in the past. Your volunteer opportunities include: 1. Provide a hot casserole for the Saturday supper. NOTE: The casserole does not need to be home made; grocery store lasagna is quite fine. Please bring the casserole to the family life wing kitchen on or prior to 2 p.m. on August 30. You can bring a warm casserole on the day of delivery, or bring one to be heated prior to the date of delivery (just be sure to label it for Chase Shelter). You should prepare the casserole in a disposable dish as it will NOT be returned to you. 2. Please sign up for other supplies needed on the list; bring them prior to 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 30, and label items for Chase Shelter. These supplies include cold cuts, cheese (not individually wrapped), bread, drinks, fruit, snacks, brownie mix, etc. (the list of needs varies each time so be sure to check the bulletin board) It is important to sign up because we purchase items that we do not have and this becomes costly. You can also inform Gaetan Brunetto of your intentions at the phone number and email address mentioned below. On Saturday, August 30, at 2 p.m. we will be meeting to prepare everything, make brownies, assemble lunches pack and load the items for delivery. It takes about 1-1½ hours and is usually a lot of fun. If you can participate or have any questions, please contact Gaetan Brunetto at 301-814-8001 or at [email protected]. Students who participate are eligible to receive service hours credit for school (bring your forms with you). Your dedication to this outreach ministry is greatly appreciated. Many thanks to all who have contributed both their time and donations in the past.

Page 9: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,

Good Shepherd Bazaar is going BACK to NOVEMBER

November 8, 2014 We are always looking for new craft items or ideas. Please join us on Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. in the All-Purpose Room. We have fun and learn new skills. No experience is necessary. Great fellowship! Remember, the Bazaar is not just for women, men are also invited. Any questions, contact Connie Strachan (301-774-5904). COUNTRY KITCHEN – Now is the time to be preparing some homemade jellies, jams, and pickles/relishes for the Country Kitchen. Also, if you have empty jars to donate or you need some jars to fill, contact Dorothy Hughes (301-437-8906). We will also be needing quart jars for cookie mixes, etc. JEWELRY – The Bazaar group is seeking gently used costume jewelry for the Costume Jewelry Table. New-to-you jewelry is a fun way to dress up your wardrobe. Please check your costume jewelry and donate items you no longer want. If you have any items to donate to this project, please leave them at the church office or contact Dolores Falck at [email protected] or 301-774-0714.

ANTIQUE or ANTIQUE-LIKE items that you would like to donate to the BAZAAR ANTIQUE CORNER? We need all types of items in GOOD condition, i.e., linens (embroidered and plain),

dishes, platters, silver items, crystal or glass goblets, toys, books, tools, lamps, pictures. NO FURNITURE, PLEASE. We can price them or you can price it yourself. Please indicate if you want the item returned, if it is not sold. To donate items or if you have questions, please contact Becky Plitt – 301-774-9502, email: [email protected]

Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due by November 16, 2014

The Sunday School’s MISSION Project until the middle of November will once again be Operation Christmas Child. Literature has been handed out in everyone's mailbox. The age categories for both boys and girls are 2-4, 5-9, and 10-14. As a reminder, the following are of some of the items that can be purchased for the shoeboxes. School Supplies: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc. Toys: small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries). Hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc. Other: T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries). DO NOT INCLUDE: Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food, out-of–date candy; liquids or lotions, medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

LMS 4th Annual crab feast Join us for our 4th Annual CRAB FEAST on Saturday, August 16, 2014 from 3:00-6:00 PM hosted by St. Paul Lutheran Church, 31 Rowe Boulevard, Annapolis, MD 21401.

Tickets: Adults: $37.50 in advance* or $40.00 at the door; Youth (ages 9-13): $20.00; Children (ages 8 and under): Free (*Advance tickets must be purchased by August 8, 2014.)

Ticket price includes crabs, hot dogs, corn on the cob, coleslaw, and beverages. For tickets, e-mail Paul: [email protected] or call the Lutheran Mission Society at 410-636-0123.

All proceeds from the Crab Feast go to support the Lutheran Mission Society ministries. The Lutheran Mission Society would like to thank Thrivent Financial and its local chapters for their continued support of LMS ministries and events.

Page 10: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,

Editor’s Note: Last month there was an article in the newsletter that was about how God works in our lives. I asked if anyone could contribute an article of how they have found God working in their life. So far no one has responded. I am sure quite a few of you have had things happen in your life that when you really focused on the situation, perhaps even later, that you THEN realized God was right there in the middle of all of it with you. This is an opportunity to share with all of us what happened and how it impacted your life. I have not given up on the idea because I think it strengthens your faith so much when these things happen. Please send your stories to me at my email address below.

Thank you, Nancy Wald [email protected].

Food Gift Cards Do you know that we now have SAFEWAY gift cards available (see below) every Sunday morning? Now you have a choice between three local stores where you can use these: Shoppers, Giant and now Safeway. These cards are available every Sunday in the narthex, and also during the week. All proceeds go toward the Mortgage Reduction Fund. Please help the church lower its mortgage by purchasing these cards, then using them at the grocery stores.

Helpers Needed

Ushers, Readers, Greeters

Please volunteer and we hope you won’t wait to be asked.

The need is great.

Our supply of people has dwindled for many reasons, but the need for helpers is


Duties are:

Ushers - Men, women and teens ONCE each month

• to hand out bulletins • to take up the collection • assist with letting

people out of aisles for communion

Readers - Men, women and teens

ONCE each month to read a Bible lesson at the

lectern Greeters - Men, women and teens ONCE each month to stand near the front door or rear door and warmly greet those who come in for worship.

Please prayerfully consider if this is an area where you can serve. We will be contacting people for help but having you call or email us would help so much. You may contact Nancy Wald at her church email address: [email protected] or at the church telephone number, 301-774-9125 or call her at home at 410-489-4659.

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OGSLY (Olney Good Shepherd

Lutheran Youth)

FINK and KIC (FaithInKubators) (Kids in Christ)


• Every Wednesday

Meet at 5:30-6:00 p.m. for Summer Supper together, sometimes followed by an activity like a movie or mini-golf - (August after-dinner events TBD).

• Sunday, August 10th we are hosting the Red Cross Blood drive and bake sale Event.

• Wednesday, August 13th – Manna

box packing service project.

FINK and KIC have no summer activities scheduled

New Members will be received on Sunday, August 17, 2014

Be sure to watch for write ups about them next month and their pictures will be on the New Member bulletin board in the Administrative Wing across from the main office.

1 - Griffin Boyd 4 - Mary Kay Dean, Robert Seggel 5 - Pat Maisel 6 - Lisa Carpenter, Christine Rogers 8 - Cindy Miezis, Esther Woide 10 - Dustin Dubois, Elleanna Ruspi 11 - Kelly Groff 19 - Catherine Horn, Lauren Roux 20 - Dolores Falck, Marj Maryott 22 - Elsie Stevick 23 - Bianca Ruspi 24 - Cory Baumhardt, Sherrie Dean 26 - Nicole Carrasco, Regan Carrasco, Doug Dye 29 - Maggie Baumhardt 30 - John Adamo, Kaitlyn Krueger 31 - Jackie Schulten 4 - Tom & Janet Mullen 5 - Bill & Becky Plitt 6 - Charles & Dolores Falck 7 - Pat & Elise Carlson 8 - Lynda von Bargen & Robert Keller 12 - Bob & Rose Mary Gill 17 - Shelley & Robert DeWolfee Ray & Barbara Hayleck 31 - Kim & Nancy Wald


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August 2014 Schedule of Church Helpers


Elders Communion Assistants






August 3

10:00 a.m.


Wor. Asst. Marc Gregory

Carol Brunetto Kennen Harman

Erik Krueger Matt Quinn


Mike Hillhouse Don Pohlmann

Patrick Gregory Debbie Harman

G/Patrick Gregory Debbie Harman (S/Elsie Stevick)

Dominic Hoffman


August 10

10:00 a.m.


Wor. Asst. Janet Mullen

Deb Harman

Josh Fowler Colette Carter Paul Fowler

Elder Host–Andy Carpenter

Pat Colacicco

Gail Hinds Alex Predoehl

Pat Colacicco Paul Fowler

G/Elise Carlson Marion Ivkovich

(S/Ann Sprague)

Brian Muleri

Connie Strachan

August 17

10:00 a.m.

Praise Worship Eucharist

Wor. Asst. Matt Quinn

Marc Gregory

Samantha Ranaudo Robert Seggel

Karin Wuertz-Schaefer

Elder Host–Steve Gordon

Rich Boyd

Paul Fowler Tom Wilk

Praise Team

G/Joan Baxter Nancy Wald

(S/Mark Seggel)

Hope North

Kathie Taylor

August 24

10:00 a.m.


Wor. Asst. Deb Harman

Carol Brunetto

Jacob Wiersma Steve Gordon Marc Gregory

Elder Host – Mark King

Andy Carpenter

Anthony Hoffman Ann Sprague

Sandy Langer Cindy Miezis

G/Glenn Murphy Karen Ricagno

(S/Connie Strachan

Adam Reinhold

Gina Quinn

August 31

10:00 a.m.


Wor. Asst. Marc Gregory

Matt Quinn Sarah Fitzenreiter

Brenden Fout Debbie Harman

Ice Cream Social

Charlie Loehr Mark Hardcastle Martin Predoehl

Debbie Harman John Maisel

G/Doug Dye Linda Dye

(S/Joyce Teske

Elijah Ruspi

Kathy Ehrlich

If you cannot make it on your scheduled Sunday, please trade with someone or find a substitute (adults and teens alike) and notify the church office at 301-774-9125 of any changes.

Page 13: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,

August 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Tending the Flame 1 Conference Aug.1-3


7:30a Men’s Breakfast 6:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship








10:00a Worship 11:15a Fellowship

4:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

8:30p A.A. 7:00p Ministry Team Mtgs. 9:30a Bazaar Workshop

9:00a Prayer Partners 5:30p Wedding 8:30p A.A.

6:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

Garden Dedication 10 Blood Drive





Newsletter 15 Deadline


9:00-2:00p Blood Drive 10:00a Worship

11:15a Fellowship 6:00p Book Club 4:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

8:30p A.A. 12:00p Sr. Lunch Bunch

7:30p Bd. of Elders 9:30a Bazaar Workshop

9:00a Prayer Partners 8:30p A.A.

7:30a Road Clean Up 6:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

17 New Members Received







10:00a Praise Worship 11:15a Fellowship

4:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

8:30p A.A. 6:00p LMS Clothing 7:00p Bd. of Trustees 7:00p Bd. of Youth

9:30a Bazaar Workshop

9:00a Prayer Partners 7:15p Game Care Group (Deans) 8:30p A.A.

6:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship








10:00a Worship 11:15a Fellowship

4:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship

6:30p Thrivent 8:30p A.A.

9:30a Day Trippers 6:30p Clothes Sorting

9:30a Bazaar Workshop

9:00a Prayer Partners 8:30p A.A.

2:00p Chase Shelter 6:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship


10:00a Worship 11:15a Reception-Ice Cream Sundaes 4:30p Rios de Agua Viva Worship


Page 14: The Messenger - · 2018. 12. 15. · Pastor Schaefer Retiring . Former Pastor of Good Shepherd, Donald C. Schaefer,

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 4200 Olney-Laytonsville Road

P.O. Box 280 Olney, Maryland 20830-0280

Return Service Requested

The Messenger Is published monthly by

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Olney, Maryland 20830-0280

Telephone: 301-774-9125 FAX: 301-774-9649

Pastor: Patrick K. Carlson

Office Secretary: Sarah McCord Newsletter Editor: Nancy Wald

The deadline for the September issue is

Friday, August 15, 2014

Sunday Worship Services during August - 10:00 a.m.

U.S. Postage