THE MESSENGER - Mountain Home Church of Christ · Bill Hill (Evelyn Osborn), Jimmy McDaniel’s...

THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 21, 2017 THE GREAT COMMISSION MATTHEW 28:16–20 INTRODUCTION: Why is this called “The Great Commission”? I. BECAUSE OF THE ONE WHO ______________ IT! II. BECAUSE OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH IT WAS GIVEN (AFTER THE _________________, PRIOR TO THE ASCENSION). III. BECAUSE OF THE ______________ IT ENCOMPASSES: A. All the world, all nations, every creature, the uttermost part of the earth (cf. Mark 16:15, 16; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8). B. Compare Matthew 10:5, 6; 28:6, 7. IV. BECAUSE OF ITS _________________: A. The Gospel—good news! B. The Gospel—“the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16). C. The Gospel—God’s answer to man’s questions, God’s solution to man’s problems, God’s fulfillment of man’s need! D. The Gospel—with Christ’s death and resurrection at its heart and core. V. BECAUSE OF ITS _____________________—“I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS!” VI. BECAUSE OF ITS ____________________—“UNTO THE END OF THE AGE!” VII. BECAUSE OF THOSE WHO ARE TO ____________________ IT: A. “Go ye…” - addressed originally to the apostles. B. But, since it endures “to the end of the age,” it includes the church for as long as the world stands! C. And, lest we hide behind the collective term “church,” remember that it includes each individual Christian! CONCLUSION: 1. Let us not become so “far-sighted” that we neglect those who are near! a. “All the world” includes family members, fellow-workers, neighbors, and friends! b. “All nations” includes this nation, this state, this city, this street! 2. The greatest One who ever lived—Jesus, the Son of God—gave this commission, en trusting the salvation of a lost world into our hands! 3. With so much to accomplish, and with such an audience waiting, consider how feeble our excuses are! “I don’t have anything to do” must sound awfully lame to the Lord! MORNING WELCOME Cameron Davis SONG LEADER Bruce Caldwell OPENING PRAYER Frank Daniels SCRIPTURE READING Joe Messick LORD’S SUPPER Ethan Wright LESSON Ken Burton The Great Commission Matthew 28:16-20 SHEPHERD’S PRAYER Wayne Camp CLOSING PRAYER Don Lewis EVENING WELCOME Cameron Davis SONG LEADER Mickey Pendergrass OPENING PRAYER Chad Dewey SCRIPTURE READING Joe Priborsky LESSON Ken Burton The Lamb and His Allies Revelation 14:1-5 SHEPHERD’S PRAYER Wayne Camp CLOSING PRAYER Tim Burnley

Transcript of THE MESSENGER - Mountain Home Church of Christ · Bill Hill (Evelyn Osborn), Jimmy McDaniel’s...

Page 1: THE MESSENGER - Mountain Home Church of Christ · Bill Hill (Evelyn Osborn), Jimmy McDaniel’s brother Dwaine, Jerry Casey (Liz Oden’s brother-in-law), ... Hoskins), Paul Cox (Jane

THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 21, 2017


MATTHEW 28:16–20

INTRODUCTION: Why is this called “The Great Commission”?

I. BECAUSE OF THE ONE WHO ______________ IT!


_________________, PRIOR TO THE ASCENSION).


A. All the world, all nations, every creature, the uttermost part of the earth (cf. Mark 16:15, 16; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8).

B. Compare Matthew 10:5, 6; 28:6, 7.

IV. BECAUSE OF ITS _________________:

A. The Gospel—good news!

B. The Gospel—“the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16).

C. The Gospel—God’s answer to man’s questions, God’s solution to man’s problems, God’s fulfillment of man’s need!

D. The Gospel—with Christ’s death and resurrection at its heart and core.

V. BECAUSE OF ITS _____________________—“I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS!”

VI. BECAUSE OF ITS ____________________—“UNTO THE END OF THE AGE!”

VII. BECAUSE OF THOSE WHO ARE TO ____________________ IT:

A. “Go ye…” - addressed originally to the apostles.

B. But, since it endures “to the end of the age,” it includes the church for as long as the world stands!

C. And, lest we hide behind the collective term “church,” remember that it includes each individual Christian!


1. Let us not become so “far-sighted” that we neglect those who are near! a. “All the world” includes family members, fellow-workers, neighbors, and friends!

b. “All nations” includes this nation, this state, this city, this street!

2. The greatest One who ever lived—Jesus, the Son of God—gave this commission, en trusting the salvation of a lost world into our hands!

3. With so much to accomplish, and with such an audience waiting, consider how feeble our excuses are! “I don’t have anything to do” must sound awfully lame to the Lord!


WELCOME Cameron Davis

SONG LEADER Bruce Caldwell



LORD’S SUPPER Ethan Wright

LESSON Ken Burton

The Great Commission Matthew 28:16-20




WELCOME Cameron Davis


Mickey Pendergrass



LESSON Ken Burton

The Lamb and His Allies Revelation 14:1-5



Page 2: THE MESSENGER - Mountain Home Church of Christ · Bill Hill (Evelyn Osborn), Jimmy McDaniel’s brother Dwaine, Jerry Casey (Liz Oden’s brother-in-law), ... Hoskins), Paul Cox (Jane



Through the years I have had great opportunities to hear some very famous motivational speakers. Of course my

favorite speaker was always Mr. Sam. One of the most memorable was General Norman Schwarzkopf. He began his

speech by telling us to “write these 12 rules down.” We were not doing it fast enough, I guess, and he really got loud. “I

said write these 12 rules down.” We did. He went through the whole speech. Then said “now tear those up and throw

them in the floor….and then, “I said tear those up and throw them in the floor!” He then calmly said “write these two

rules down, Rule 13 & 14. Rule 13, when placed in charge take charge. Rule 14, always do what is right.” The General

went on to tell us that one big problem the military faced was getting trained soldiers to step up when it was needed to

take charge and then to understand that they should always do what was right. He reassured them he would always

have their back if they just did what was right.

The church is really no different. We are the Lord’s army with a battle to fight every day. Our enemy never stops,

takes a holiday or day off…I don’t even think he sleeps. Satan is constantly searching for victims and opportunity to de-

rail us in our mission. Job 1:7 7 And the Lord said to Satan, “From where do you come?” So Satan answered the Lord

and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.” Read then 1 Peter 5:8 8 be sober,

be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. There are

many jobs to be done. As long as we have our breath we are to keep fighting for the cause for Christ. Now, how we fight

is no different from the army either. During all our military crusades across the globe we had soldiers go on the battle-

field, many drove the boats and planes to take them there. Many stayed here and gathered intelligence about where to

send soldiers, make uniforms, ship food and supplies. It took the whole nation to win the battles. Everyone played a

part. The church is no different. No job is more important than another, it is just a part of the whole function of the

church, BUT we need soldiers; bus drivers, hall monitors, food preparers, clothing workers, preachers, song leaders,

singers, deacons, elders, janitors, nursery workers. Please consider stepping up to help. So many things to do and the

church needs you. Our goal should be to say as Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 7 I have fought the good fight, I have fin-

ished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the

righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. As long as

we draw a breath our job is to spread the Gospel and to help edify each other. Pray that we all do what we can to sup-

port the Lord’s Army. I want that crown and I know you do as well!

Dearest Family in Christ,

May the peace of God be with you all. This is a message to keep you posted on the progress of the wells ministry. First of all, less people catch cholera and other diseases that one can get from water. I cannot tell you how many people that are saved due to your dona-tion to dig wells in several locations in Haiti. Second, your support to dig the wells has greatly contributed to enlarge the kingdom of God. So many people have been converted to the Lord because of the well ministry. Know that water is offered to everyone for free. The only thing that is required from people is to listen to the gospel when they come to get the water. From January to April 40 people were added to several congregations due to WELL MINISTRY. Ten were baptized from Labruyere CofC, five from Mathone CoC, nine from Aviation CoC, ten from Bas La Riviere CoC, six from Flavil CoC. Thank you so much for your various support to the Lord’s ministry in Haiti. May God bless you all.

On behalf of many congregations

Brother Lucner

Cap Haitian, Haiti

Friends, Fellowship, and Fun

Ladies, are you ready for some summertime fun?

Please join us in June for a time of fellowship with

your friends and a fun time learning new and excit-

ing things. Mark your calendars for June 1st, 8th,

15th and 22nd. These classes will be for ladies from

ten to one hundred years old! It’s not only for the

ladies of our congregation; we’re hoping that each

one who attends will bring a friend. In fact, there

will be a door prize drawing at the end of each class

for those who bring a friend. The classes will begin

at 10:30 each week in Building B and will last until

12:00. More details to follow!

Page 3: THE MESSENGER - Mountain Home Church of Christ · Bill Hill (Evelyn Osborn), Jimmy McDaniel’s brother Dwaine, Jerry Casey (Liz Oden’s brother-in-law), ... Hoskins), Paul Cox (Jane


Please keep these people in your prayers as they contend with illness and other situations:

Julie Carter had back surgery on Wednesday at Cox South in Springfield.

Carolyn Camp, Leo Fortenberry, Jane Graves, Maxine Garner, Tyler Camp, Coleen Wilson, Bill

Martin, Frances Hodges, T.J. Henderson, Christine Cordial, Dick Young, Larry Green, Kathy

Brainerd, Shelbye Walker, Darrell & Betty Lute, Betty Ripple, Michael Mount, Cindy Shaw,

Leslie Cones, Dorothy Kitchens, Carolyn McCullough.

Family and Friends….

Bill Hill (Evelyn Osborn), Jimmy McDaniel’s brother Dwaine, Jerry Casey (Liz Oden’s brother-in-law),

Sylvia Harden’s great-granddaughter in the passing of her father, Debbie Roberts (Jackie Jones),

Adrianne Booth (Jane Maynard), Martha Seay (Sue Dawson), Jim McCord (Clarene Morrow), Au-

brey Williams (Lonnie Williams), Mike Townsley (Terri Holsonbake), Leah Wilson (Dixie & Clay

Talley), Carey Trioli (Coleen Wilson), Richard Kemp’s sister Connita, Vadon Wyatt (Cleo Wyatt),

Dwayne Reeves (Julie Carter), Bob & Gleneta Martin (Dani McDaniel), Gary Cockrum (Amanda

Hoskins), Paul Cox (Jane Maynard), Miranda Szaloy (Rector & Jana Jones), Billy Conn (Jewell Pen-

dergrass), Larry Spurlock (Jim Estes), Alan Sheckell (Chip Smith), Kerry Gilbert (Jo Rainey), Bren-

da Brock (Jim Gilliland, Larry Davenport (Linda Rucker), Douglas Jones (Rector Jones).

Baxter Retirement Village Troy Massey Mike Nash Danny Phelps Deidree Smalec

Care Manor Lindel Anthony Charlotte Burton Lozell Pitchford Mary Scheer Gassville Nursing Center Uneda Watters

Good Samaritan Naomi Britt T. J. Henderson

Homebound Veneda Hayes

Monroe House Doyle Hammack

Pine Lane Fay Miculka Juanita Stone


Where is Your Hope?

“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” Romans 8:18

It doesn’t take long to lose hope when looking at the world. There are always new problems and it seems

to never end. In light of it all, Paul’s statement about current suffering seems almost naïve. Certainly this is coun-

ter cultural when held up to world headlines today. So what do we do with such a radical statement?

We first must remember that the Gospel is the greatest message of hope anyone could ever encounter.

To understand the hope of the Gospel, we must look beyond our current life and circumstance. This requires view-

ing life through the lens of faith. And Paul’s statement of hope requires faith.

This is the question each of us must answer: Where do you place your hope? When the sufferings and

groanings of the world appear too much, where do we find hope? If our hope is in this life, we will find ourselves

stuck in hopelessness and despair. If our hope is in this life, Christians should be pitied above all others because

the foundation of our faith is built upon an eternal Savior who is coming to make all things new- a hope bigger

than this world.

But, if our hope is in the One who is eternal, if our hope is in the One who is coming to make all things

new, we can confidently say in any circumstance: “What we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will

reveal to us later!”

Life’s struggles force us to discover where we place our hope. Where is your hope? No matter how miser-

able present circumstances appear, you really can believe the best is yet to come. Jesus Christ offers you this

hope. You just have to believe it.

VBS this year has been scheduled for June 30th-July 2nd! Please

make plans to volunteer, invite friends and help put together

another great VBS. Signup sheets are in the foyer. Any questions

please see Chase.

A shower will be held this afternoon at 2:00

in building B for Sam Rowlett and Emma

Word. All ladies are invited to attend.

Cards for Jane Graves may be mailed to South Main RV Park, 10100 S. Main, Houston, TX 77025

The monthly luncheon of the Tuesday morning ladies’

Bible study will be this week following class. This class

will be the last one for this spring, but will resume in the

fall. All ladies are encouraged to attend.

Page 4: THE MESSENGER - Mountain Home Church of Christ · Bill Hill (Evelyn Osborn), Jimmy McDaniel’s brother Dwaine, Jerry Casey (Liz Oden’s brother-in-law), ... Hoskins), Paul Cox (Jane

Mountain Home Church of Christ

380 North College

Mountain Home, AR 72653

A friendly cha with a vital message!

Phone: 870-425-4330 Fax: 870-425-8118

E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Service Times

Sunday Morning Bible Class............. 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship................ 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Evening Worship...................5:00 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Class............6:30 p.m.

T.V. Programs

“In Search of the Lord’s Way”

With Bro. Phil Sanders

Sunday Morning 7:00 A.M.

KOLR Channel 10, Springfield, Missouri

A friendly church with a vital message!






SONG LEADER Bruce Caldwell Dennis Goings

OPENING PRAYER John Flowers Dennis Priborsky

SCRIPTURE READING Larry Pitts Bryson Pitchford

CLOSING PRAYER Leo Fortenberry Roger Fisher

GREETERS Dale & Donna Smith

Dennis & Kathleen Priborsky




Preaching the Gospel currently airs on DirecTV, Channel 376, Dish Network, Channel 276, and You Tube every Sunday morning at 6:30 a.m. reaching more than 30 million homes. It also airs daily on Gospel Broadcasting Network. Visit for times. Sponsored by White Oak Church of Christ, P. O. Box 15148, Chattanooga, TN 37415. [email protected]

Mountain Home Church of Christ, Inc., 380 N. College, Mtn. Home, AR 72653

The Word of God says... Hear...Romans 10:17

Believe...Hebrews 11:6 Repent...Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38; 17:30

Confess...Matthew 10:32,33; Romans 10:10 Be Baptized...Mark 16:15,16; Galatians 3:27;

I Peter 3:21; Romans 6:3,4 Be Faithful...Revelation 2:10

Monday Night Ministries meets each week at 6:30 in building B

Devo at

Baxter Retirement Village — Wednesdays at 1:30

Our Shepherds

Wayne Camp 404-3000

Cameron Davis 404-7367

David Pitchford 425-8554

John Schuhknecht 404-0114

Dennis Tindall 481-5063

Our Servants

Our Staff Minister, Ken Burton 405-0865

Associate Minister, Chase Almond 501-454-4378

Secretary, Donna Smith (M-T-W) 425-4330

Secretary, Kelda Jones (Th-F) 425-4330

Andy Bell Ron Burk Bruce Caldwell JR Camp Lloyd Camp Rodney Covington Chad Dewey Delbert Dover Jim Estes

John Flowers Adam Jones Ellis Jones Rector Jones Jerry Maleare Landon Pitchford Dennis Priborsky Richard Pyeatt