The Messenger El Mensajero -€¦ · nuestra mortalidad, en los dones de...

November 2016 Noviembre 2016 The Messenger ~ El Mensajero ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ SAN LUCAS IGLESIA EPISCOPAL Volume 47 Issue 9 Rector’s Corner ON THE EVE OF AN ELECTION On the eve of our national elections, I am lis- tening to Psalm 53 being chanted by a choir made up of Syrian and Iraqi families led by the singers of St. Simon the Tanner in Tbilisi, Georgia, on the occasion of the visit of Pope Francis to their parish. It is alien, intense, and emotive. The language is Aramaic, the ancient lan- guage spoken by Jesus of Nazareth. We are followers of Christ, beyond our allegiance to city, or nation, or even to family. Christ is surely be- yond any nation, any desire of human comfort, be- yond any evanescent expression of temporal solidari- ty – with the exception of the poor, the widowed and the orphan. That solidarity is enshrined over and over again, in the sacred texts and throughout the ages of the existence of Christians. To take the option for the poor, the widowed and the orphan is to join with God in the mission of his love in the world, now. I invite you to engage your faith in Jesus Christ re- garding the momentous decisions facing us all around: the national election, the SHARE WHAT women’s shelter, the ministry to our youth, young families, and the world - incarnate in the pledge cam- paign budget. It’s your choice. Seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit and be joyful. Fr. Jaime Case (English articles continue on page 6) Rincón del Rector AL ANOCHECER UNA ELECCIÓN En la víspera de nuestra elección nacional, estoy escuchando el Salmo 53, cantado por un coro de familias de Siria e Iraq dirigido por los cantantes de San Simón el Curtidor en Ti- blisi, Georgia, durante la ocasión de la visita del Papa Francisco a su parroquia. Es ajeno, intenso y emotivo. El idioma es arameo, lengua antigua de Jesús de Na- zaret. Somos seguidores de Cristo, más allá de nuestra leal- tad a una ciudad, una nación, aún a familia. Cristo es seguramente superior que pueblo, que el deseo por placeres humanos, que cualquiera expresión de soli- daridad temporal – con la excepción del pobre, viuda y huérfano. La solidaridad está consagrada, una tras otra vez, en nuestros textos sagrados por los siglos de la existencia de Cristianos. Tomar la opción por los pobres, viudas y huérfanos es juntarse a Dios en la misión de su amor en el mundo, ahora. Les invito acoplar su fe en Cristo Jesús para hacer las muchas y grandes decisiones que nos rodean: la elec- ción nacional, el refugio de mujeres SHARE-WHAT, el ministerio a los jóvenes, ministerio a familias, y al mundo – encarnado en el presupuesto bajo la campa- ña de promesa. Es su selección. Busque el consejo del Espíritu Santo y sé gozoso. Padre Jaime Case DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 . BE SURE TO ADJUST YOUR CLOCKS BACK 1 HOUR WHEN YOU GO TO BED SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5! EXTREMOS HORARIO DE VERANO DOMINGO, 6 DE NOVIEMBRE. ASEGÚRESE DE AJUSTAR EL RELOJ VOLVER 1 HORA DE IRSE A DORMIR SÁBADO POR LA, 5 NOVIEMBRE!

Transcript of The Messenger El Mensajero -€¦ · nuestra mortalidad, en los dones de...


November 2016 Noviembre 2016

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero


Volume 47

Issue 9

Rector’s Corner ON THE EVE OF AN ELECTION On the eve of our national elections, I am lis-

tening to Psalm 53 being chanted by a choir

made up of Syrian and Iraqi families led by the

singers of St. Simon the Tanner in Tbilisi,

Georgia, on the occasion of the visit of Pope

Francis to their parish. It is alien, intense, and

emotive. The language is Aramaic, the ancient lan-

guage spoken by Jesus of Nazareth.

We are followers of Christ, beyond our allegiance to

city, or nation, or even to family. Christ is surely be-

yond any nation, any desire of human comfort, be-

yond any evanescent expression of temporal solidari-

ty – with the exception of the poor, the widowed and

the orphan. That solidarity is enshrined over and over

again, in the sacred texts and throughout the ages of

the existence of Christians. To take the option for the

poor, the widowed and the orphan is to join with God

in the mission of his love in the world, now.

I invite you to engage your faith in Jesus Christ re-

garding the momentous decisions facing us all

around: the national election, the SHARE WHAT

women’s shelter, the ministry to our youth, young

families, and the world - incarnate in the pledge cam-

paign budget. It’s your choice. Seek the counsel of the

Holy Spirit and be joyful.

Fr. Jaime Case

(English articles continue on page 6)

Rincón del Rector AL ANOCHECER UNA


En la víspera de nuestra elección nacional,

estoy escuchando el Salmo 53, cantado por un

coro de familias de Siria e Iraq dirigido por

los cantantes de San Simón el Curtidor en Ti-

blisi, Georgia, durante la ocasión de la visita del Papa

Francisco a su parroquia. Es ajeno, intenso y emotivo.

El idioma es arameo, lengua antigua de Jesús de Na-


Somos seguidores de Cristo, más allá de nuestra leal-

tad a una ciudad, una nación, aún a familia. Cristo es

seguramente superior que pueblo, que el deseo por

placeres humanos, que cualquiera expresión de soli-

daridad temporal – con la excepción del pobre, viuda

y huérfano. La solidaridad está consagrada, una tras

otra vez, en nuestros textos sagrados por los siglos de

la existencia de Cristianos. Tomar la opción por los

pobres, viudas y huérfanos es juntarse a Dios en la

misión de su amor en el mundo, ahora.

Les invito acoplar su fe en Cristo Jesús para hacer las

muchas y grandes decisiones que nos rodean: la elec-

ción nacional, el refugio de mujeres SHARE-WHAT,

el ministerio a los jóvenes, ministerio a familias, y al

mundo – encarnado en el presupuesto bajo la campa-

ña de promesa. Es su selección. Busque el consejo del

Espíritu Santo y sé gozoso.

Padre Jaime Case












MENSAJE DEL CURA En mi casa cambiamos el filtro de aire

de la calefacción esta semana pasada, lo

que significa que vamos a encender la

calefacción pronto. La noche del sábado

pusimos unos pedazos de madera en

nuestra chimenea mientras esperábamos la tormenta y

tuvimos nuestro primer fuego del año. Hay algo muy

primitivo y comunitario en la experiencia de

compartir un fuego o una fogata; ya sea dentro o fuera

de la casa. Tal vez desencadena una especie de

memoria ancestral de la seguridad en tiempos de

incertidumbre en la oscuridad, tal vez un recuerdo de

compartir una buena comida después de una cacería.

Estos días han disminuido muchas de nuestras

actividades de verano. Ahora pasamos más tiempo

dentro de nuestros hogares. Estamos comiendo más

sopas y asados que ensaladas frías. Si usted es como

yo, ahora busca en su armario su suéter y bufanda

favorita en vez de sus pantalones cortos y camisetas.

Hemos entrado en un ritmo diferente.

El otoño nos invita a refugiarnos en nuestros hogares.

Este es también un tiempo para refugiarnos en nuestra

interioridad, de buscar refugio en el interior de

nuestra alma. Los calendarios religiosos y nacionales

ambos marcan momentos en los cuales prestar

atención a nuestro interior, días para reflexionar sobre

nuestra mortalidad, en los dones de nuestros

antepasados y de los santos, así como un tiempo para

recoger la cosecha y estar agradecidos por las


En St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas somos gente de acción.

Como dije en un sermón hace poco, seguimos al Dios

Encarnado que está activo, siempre en movimiento y

participando en nuestro mundo. Aun así, necesitamos

tiempo para reflexionar, para descansar, para

retirarnos hacia nuestro interior y prestar atención a

nuestras almas. El otoño es un tiempo perfecto para

reducir la velocidad de nuestras. Reducimos la

velocidad con el propósito de estar más presente, más

atentos, para ganar perspectiva y visión. En esta época

del año muchos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en

la Creación comienzan a prepararse para un tiempo

largo de interioridad, los arboles dejan caer sus hojas,

algunos animales recogen nueces y de los frutos secos,

mientras que otros excavan y preparan sus

madrigueras. Es tanta sabiduría que podemos obtener

de ellos.

Tome tiempo para ir despacio, para desacelerar. Saque

tiempo para prestar atención a su interior. Hemos

entrado en un ritmo diferente, y es un tiempo sagrado.

Padre Eliacin Rosario-Cruz


LA GUARDIANA MAYOR Las últimas tres semanas tomé una vaca-

ción con mucho relajamiento. El viaje fue

en buen tiempo porque me preparé para

el trabajo por adelante para la Junta Parroquial en pre-

paración para el año entrante. Me dio tiempo reflexio-

nar sobre lo que sería importante cumplir.

Tengo que admitir que pasé mucho tiempo pensando

y fastidiando sobre la campaña de promesa este año.

En el pasado no creo que la Junta hizo buen caso por

incrementar nuestro número y cantidad de promesas

de la parroquia. Este año necesitamos comunicar lo

que se requiere para que todos pueden orar y reflexio-

nar sobre su contribución. 2016 ha sido un año variado

con nuevos programas que queremos continuar y ex-

pandir. Una meta grande se ha presentado. Ahora te-

nemos que analizarlo para que todos pueden ver lo

que realmente significa. ¿Qué se requiere para mante-

ner lo que hacemos? ¿Queremos quedar sin movi-

miento? ¿Qué queremos iniciar para abrazar nuestro

crecimiento y mantener programas interesantes para

que personas quiera quedarse y participar? ¿Qué pue-

de cada uno hacer? A veces solamente requiere un pe-

queño sacrificio, por ejemplo, un café menos por se-

mana. No tiene apariencia significativa, pero puede

hacer una diferencia. ¿Qué pasaría si todos hiciéramos

lo mismo? Toda cantidad vale. Aunque no logremos

toda la meta, cada cantidad, aún la más pequeña, es

un éxito.

Más allá de las finanzas, tenemos que pensar en lo que

puede lograr compartir nuestro talento y tiempo. Hay

tanto que hacer, y esto contribuiría. La Feria de Minis-

terios se presentó hace poco.

Cuando esto llega a usted, se habrá más información

disponible sobre la petición de SHARE para hospedar

mujeres sin casa. La parroquia entera será invitada


escuchar los planes y hablar sobre ellos. Si decidimos

continuar, será después de mucha reflexión y conside-

ración. Ore por el comité que está examinando el pro-


Revivificación viene de muchas maneras. He experi-

mentado sol, agua, un libro bueno, y descanso. ME ha-

ce falta la revivificación que viene de San Lucas ~ St.

Lukes. Hay algo especial sobre alabar en comunidad

con esta gente, cada uno de nuestra manera diferente.

Por favor tome un momento para pensar sobre lo que

significa este lugar a usted que como quieres que conti-

nuemos en el año porvenir. Tenemos tanto que pode-

mos hacer y lo haremos con la ayuda de ustedes.

Kathy Gallaher

Meta 1: Relaciones más estrechas entre

Hispanos y Anglos 2016 DIRECTORIO DE FOTOGRAFÍAS El mes pasado completamos nuestras sesiones de fotos

con los fotógrafos. Muchas gracias a todos los que lle-

garon a tener sus fotografías tomadas! Debido a un

conflicto de horarios y dificultades climáticas tendre-

mos un par de domingos en la espera de la inclusión

de aquellos que han perdido su foto. Uno de los miem-

bros del Comité de nuestro directorio de fotografías se

pondrá en contacto con aquellos que necesitan ser foto-

grafiados para que Anna-Lisa Miller pueda tomar su


Una vez que hayamos completado estas fotos y que las

correcciones y adiciones a nuestra base de datos de

suscripciones someteremos todos a la Life Touch para

producir una prueba. Cuando esto esté finalizado sólo

tendremos unas pocas semanas antes de recibir los

nuevos directorios!

Gracias a todos por su ayuda en la realización de esta

herramienta útil para ayudarnos a todos a conectarse y

aprender de los demás nombres! Un agradecimiento

especial a la Foto de Comité que trabajó incansable-

mente a lo largo de este proyecto para hacer este direc-

torio más completo; Dena Cassidy, Pam Goodlett,

Cindy Schlatter y Sandy Geer.

Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta, por favor póngase en

contacto con la oficina (360-696-0181)

Kris Lawless, Administradora de la Parroquia

LIBRO DE MEMORIA Libro de memoria estará disponible para que usted

pueda añadir sus nombres seres queridos que han par-

tido después de 9 de octubre Estos nombres serán

leídos durante los servicios bilingües en día de los di-

funtos, miércoles, 2 de noviembre a las 7 PM. Busque

este libro en el Atrio.

FIESTA DE TODOS LOS DIFUNTOS No siempre podemos marcar la muerte de un ser que-

rido o porque estamos lejos, o por otra forma de aliena-

ción. El duelo en nuestro corazón se transforma en algo

que llevamos cada día, el luto por una vida que no se

ha resuelto. Amigo o familiar o otra persona necesita

una despedida, un “Te amo” un recuerdo de la reconci-

liación aún después de la muerte.

La Fiesta de Todos Los Difuntos se ofrece a las 7 PM el

2 de noviembre con una misa de réquiem para todos

que han muerto, aunque han sido de años. Estás invita-

do a traer un recuerdo de la persona y ponerlo sobre la

mesa en frente del altar. La misa será bilingüe y tendre-

mos incienso. Reunámonos todos juntos para poner en

paz las almas de los difuntos, especialmente nuestros

seres queridos.

FIESTA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Miércoles, el 23 de noviembre a las 6 PM celebramos

nuestra Fiesta de Acción de Gracias. Ha sido un favo-

rito para reunir el pueblo de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s por

muchos años, con más que 100 miembros de todas las

misas asistiendo juntos a celebrar nuestras for-tunas.

Por favor, venga a juntarse, traiga su comida favorita

para compartir, especialmente las comidas típicas de

Día de Acción de Gracias como pavo, papas machuca-

das, camote. Si no trae algo se acepta una donación pa-

ra comprar pavos.

La lista para indicar su participación y asis-tencia se

coloca el 6 de noviembre en el atrió. Por favor, indique

en esta hoja si van a asistir y cuantos están en su grupo.

Preguntas? Llame a Melanie Kenoyer.


Meta 2: Expandir Programas Sociales


DE LA MUJER EN SL2 Hay muchas maneras de proporcionar refugio a las

personas sin hogar. Más recientemente, de St Luke’s ~

San Lucas ha estado involucrado con tres de ellas: las

"chozas", WHO que se refugian para los hombres y

ahora el qué programa para las mujeres (WHAT-

Mujeres Vivienda y transición). El año pasado, St Lu-

ke’s ~ San Lucas experimentó con las chozas, sin inso-

lación, cuatro cajas grandes de madera contrachapada

cuyos ocupantes fueron elegidos por un abogado local

que ofreció ninguna supervisión o apoyo a los ocupan-

tes. Hemos aprendido este modelo no funciona para

todos los involucrados. Durante 13 años, el refugio de

la OMS para 24 hombres ha llevado a cabo entre el 1

de noviembre y 31 de marzo en San Pablo y se apoya

en voluntarios de las comunidades locales de fe al per-

sonal, como de St Luke’s ~ San Lucas hace durante una

semana cada invierno. COMPARTIR pantallas de los

hombres y proporciona gestión de casos. El programa

¿QUÉ es un refugio para mujeres en San Pablo el resto

del año - entre el 1 de abril y el 31 de octubre- y está

dirigido y con todo el personal por SHARE. Es esto lo

que SHARE programa está pidiendo SL2 para albergar

tan pronto tomemos una decisión y hacer que el edifi-

cio listo para un programa de este tipo. Estamos en un

proceso de discernimiento.

El Fire Marshal visitó Oct 20 y dio St Luke's ~ San Lu-

cas una lista de elementos que debe hacerse en el antes

de la construcción de la vivienda puede abrir. Puede

haber requisitos que puedan hacer los costos prohibiti-

vamente caro o que requieren que los contratistas, mu-

chos de los cuales están programados por meses y no

estará disponible. SHARE aclarará qué fondos públicos

y privados están disponibles a través de su agencia

para tales modificaciones. La primera de las dos sesio-

nes de escucha de la parroquia para recoger las aporta-

ciones de los feligreses y responder a las preguntas que

tendrá lugar después de las 8AM y 10AM servicios el

30 de octubre. La segunda ocurrirá en un día de sema-

na por la noche poco después, fecha que será anuncia-

da en una parroquia, correo electrónico y en el anuncio

de la hoja.

En el ínterin la viabilidad comité continuará reunién-

dose y obtener información sobre las modificaciones

del edificio y el programa de vivienda. Una recomen-

dación final será hecha por el Comité a la sacristía en

su reunión del 8 de noviembre. Por favor, dénos su

entrada como parte de nuestro esfuerzo colectivo dis-


Jeanne Stephens y Deb Stavig, co-presidentes.


COMUNIDAD ¡Hola a todos! ¿Puede usted creer que el Adviento co-

mienza en pocas semanas y será terminando un año de

tanta actividad? Gracias a todos por sus contribuciones

de tiempo, materiales y fondos.

A medida que entramos en la parte más fría y húmeda

del año, por favor, recordar a nuestros vecinos indi-

gentes, quienes están a nuestro alrededor. Mientras

nos esforzamos para hacer nuestra vida de trabajo, en

su lucha por mantenerse seco, alimentado y cálido. Co-

mo maldecimos a los inconvenientes temporales de la

pérdida de electricidad, los atascos de tráfico y la polí-

tica, recordar lo que estas personas viven con constan-

te. Muchos de nosotros lucha a fin de mes, pero esta-

mos encontrando nuestros propios armarios en el St.

Luke’s ~ San Lucas muy básico. Estamos luchando pa-

ra satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros vecinos. Mu-

chos de nuestros voluntarios compra artículos con su

propio dinero para mantener a nuestros vecinos ham-

brientos. Podemos utilizar su ayuda. Alimentos, calce-

tines, ropa interior .... estos son siempre necesarios.

Nunca es suficiente. Gracias.

El proyecto de Acción de Gracias cesta alimentaria es

ahora y seguimos a reunir elementos a noviembre 13ª

domigo de cosesha. Vamos a poner las cestas en su

conjunto el 20 de noviembre para su distribución antes

de Acción de Gracias. Sus regalos dan un montón de

familias algo que agradecer: USTED!

El árbol de las concesiones se va para arriba mucho

antes del final del mes, por lo que esperamos nuestra

oportunidad en diciembre para ayudar a satisfacer las

necesidades de una familia en nuestra comuni-


dad.Mientras preparo mi corazón para recibir al Niño

Jesús en diciembre ofrezco gracias en noviembre.

Gracias Señor por todas las oportunidades que se nos

dan, para servir a nuestros vecinos en su nombre.


Lynne Hulse, Sacristía de Enlace de Alcance

CESTAS DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS El Ministerio a la Comunidad necesita donaciones es-

peciales para llenar las cestas de acción de gracias para

los necesitados. Por favor lleve esta lista con usted la

próxima vez que vaya de compras y compre alguno de

estos artículos para las cestas. A partir de 11/20 traiga

sus donaciones al Salón Parroquial y ponga los artícu-

los en cestas designadas. ¿Quieren que compremos por

usted? Haga un cheque a "St. Luke’s" con una anota-

ción de " Cestas de acción de gracias"en la línea del me-

mo. Usted está invitado a ayudar a llenar las cestas el

domingo 20 de noviembre, después del servicio 10 a.m.

en el Salón Parroquial. ¡Gracias!

Jamón enlatado (que no necesite re frigeración )

Botella pequeña de aceite Jalea

Pollo / atún enlatado Paquete de arroz

Puré de papa instantáneo Jarabe

Frutas enlatada Vegetales enlatados

Mezcla para panqueques Pasta y salsa

Mantequilla de maní Caja de bolsitas de té

Café instantáneo Chocolates

Galletas dulces en caja, etc. Sopa enlatada

Líquido para lavar platos

Mezcla de para pastel y glaseado

INGLÉS OTOÑO 2016 El formato para enseñar inglés uno por uno sirve bien

a nuestros estudiantes y sus maestros. Dos estudiantes,

inclusive un niño de nueve años con problemas de

aprender, están recibiendo clases en su casa. Diez otros

estudiantes reciben su tutorial en San Lucas. De los

diez, dos vienen dos veces la semana. Los tres maes-

tros gozan del ambiente íntimo y relajado. Enseñan lo

que los estudiantes quieren. Dan apoyo y comparten

risa. Un estudiante va a Clark College y usa su tiempo

para repasar y completar su tarea. Algunos estudiantes

vienen con niños chiquitos, y por esto nos reunimos en

la guardería, trayendo pizarrón y sillas para adultos.

Buena comunicación esta enfatizada para estudiantes y

maestros estén consciente de cuando uno no puede

asistir. Si tuviéramos más maestros, publicaríamos el

programa a otras agencias para tener más estudiantes,

y necesitaríamos más maestros. No éramos seguro si

este modo de tutorial iba a funcionar, pero ahora goza-

mos reportar que si, funciona. Deje me saber si quiere

enseñar. Jeanne Stephens 206-245-0426.

2016 HOLIDAY CRAFT VENTA Apoyando a más de un siglo de servicio a la comuni-


Los logística para la venta de bazaar de 2016 se han

finalizado. En lugar de ser en el salón parroquial, la

venta será parte de la "Crystal Plum Bazar" en Hazel

Dell el sábado 12 de noviembre 9AM-4PM. Este es el

año número 37 del bazar y es patrocinado por el Club

de Leones de Vancouver Dawn. Se llevará a cabo en la

Escuela Intermedia de Alki en Hazel Dell.

Hay una maravillosa colección de artesanías únicas

que se están realizando o previstas por el Gremio de

Artes y Artesanías de San Lucas, pero el gremio necesi-

ta más artesanos y artistas. Si desea participar en apo-

yo a este esfuerzo, por favor, póngase en contacto con

Joseph Ziemba en [email protected] o con la

oficina parroquial. Joseph le puede ayudar con ideas e

identificar otros artesanos que le puede dar instruccio-

nes, si así lo desea. Uno sólo necesita ser capaz de utili-

zar un par de tijeras y pegamento, carpintería básica,

tejido y costura.

Meta 3: Crecer En Fe


ESCUELA DOMINCAL El mes de noviembre es muy amargo dulce para mí

este año. Mi familia y yo estamos dando la bienvenida

a nuestra nueva adición a nuestra familia, mi Bebe

Christian. A pesar de que estamos muy emocionados,

no puedo dejar de pensar en lo mucho que voy a extra-

ñar a los niños en la escuela dominical. Gracias a Ebie

y Lee para estar allí y apoyarme esto tan maravillo

tiempo, es un poco menos estresante, pero todavía no

puedo dejar de extrañar a mis hijos de la escuela do-

minical. Estoy pensando en llevar el bebé el 4 de dic-


iembre a conocer a todos y no puedo esperar a ver sus

caras cuando se reúnan con Bebe Christian!

Diciembre es a la vuelta de la esquina! Es ese momento

de empezar a pensar acerca de la función de Navidad.

Si cree que su hijo le encantaría unirse a nosotros en

esta maravillosa ocasión, por favor, que se unan a no-

sotros el 18 de diciembre para nuestro partido y la prác-

tica. La práctica del servicio 10AM comenzará a las

10AM. A las 12PM tendremos una fiesta hasta las 1PM

y luego el servicio de la 1PM va a la práctica hasta

2PM. El programa se va a realizar el domingo 19 de dic-

iembre a ambos servicios ( no tendremos escuela

domincal este domingo). Esperamos tener un gran mo-

mento y dejar que los niños sean parte de una tradición

tan maravilloso y hermoso. No tendremos escuela

domincal El día de acción de gracias y tampoco el dia

de Navidad.

Herlinda Marquez, Coordinador de Ministerio de Niños 503-863-4528 [email protected]

GRUPO DE JOVENES Las reuniones del grupo juveniles en noviembre serán

los sábados de noviembre, 5 y 12 de 6-8PM. Nos re-

uniremos sólo dos Sábados de este mes, debido a la ac-

ción de gracias. Damos la bienvenida a todos los

jóvenes en los grados 9-12 a unirse a nosotros para la

diversión, el compañerismo, música, juegos y nuestro

proyecto de cómics en curso.

Donna Greene, Lider del Ministerio Juvenil


CHALMA Los Danzantes de Cristo de Chalma les invitan a todos

acompañarlos en una celebración del Día de los Muer-

tos, el 1 de noviembre, a partir de las 7PM de la noche

con Rosario y a las 8PM con la danza en el Salón Parro-

quial. Traigan mementos de sus queridos difuntos para

poner en el Altar.

ROSARIO Cada primer martes del mes, los danzantes de Cristo de

Chalma ofrecerán un Rosario en el Salón Parroquial a

las 7PMde la noche. Todos están invitados.

BUSCAS COMO PUEDES AYUDAR MAS? Comité de de fotografía: le gusta tomar fotos? Nos gus-

taría fotos de eventos importantes, ministerios en ac-

ción, y de la vida general del nuestro parroquia. Esper-

amos buscar alguien pronto para este ministerio.

Por Favor de comunicarse con el P. Jaime si está in-

teresado. 606-4285 o [email protected]

ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DIRECTORIO ¿Es usted un miembro nuevo que quiere un directorio y

no lo ha recibido? ¿Hay cambios de su información en

el directorio? Contacte la oficina por (telefono) o por

email [email protected]

DIRECTORY UPDATES Adds, Changes and Deletes to your current roster are

listed below. Please make these notations.

Are you a new member and would like a parish direc-

tory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to your

directory information? Please contact the church office

at 360-696-0181 or by email,

[email protected].




16401 NE 70th Cir Vancouver, WA 98682

360-448-8514 [email protected]



6715 SE Riverside Lane Vancouver, WA 98661

HAMANN, Paul & Michelle

Home: 360-798-8716


Home: 360-576-9078 Cell: 360-931-4268


13502 NE 87th Ave Vancouver, WA 98662-2525



13502 NE 87th Ave Vancouver, WA 98662-2525


285 Browne St Friday Harbor

San Juan Island, WA 98250



CUBBERLY, Ray and Elizabeth Moved Away

FRAZIER, Richard Moved Away

c/o Oregon Veterans Home

700 Veterans Dr The Dalles, OR 97058

McLEAN, Joan Moved Away

3710 Providence Pt Drive SE Issaquiah, WA 98029

(425) 393-0212

McNAMARA, Muriel Moved Away

2728 NE 26th Ave Portland OR 97212-3501

CURATE’S MESSAGE This week we changed the air filter in our

furnace, which means we will be turning

up the heat in our house soon. On Satur-

day night while waiting for the storm we

put some wood in our fireplace and had

our first fire of the year. There is some-

thing very primal and communal in the

experience of building a fire, be it inside or outside. It

perhaps triggers some sort of ancestral memory of

slowing down after a long journey, of security in times

of dark uncertainty, maybe a memory of sharing a

communal feast after a hunt.

By now many of our summer activities have dwin-

dled. We are spending more time inside our homes.

We are eating more soups and roasts than cold salads.

If you are like me, you are looking in your closet for

your favorite sweater and scarf. We have entered into

a different rhythm.

Fall invites us to retreat into our homes. This is also a

time to retreat inward into our interiority, seeking

shelter into the inner our soul. The religious and na-

tional calendars both marks times to move inward to

ponder on our mortality, on the gifts of our ancestors

and saints as well as a time to gather the harvest and

be thankful for the blessings.

At St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas we are people of action. As I

said in a sermon recently, we follow the Incarnate God

who is active, always moving and involved in our

world. Still, we need time to ponder, to rest, to retreat

inward and pay attention to our soul. Fall is a perfect

time for slowing down. Yet, we slow down with a pur-

pose, to become more present, more attentive, to gain

perspective and vision. Fall gives us the opportunity

to break being slaves to the immediate. At this time of

the year many of our sisters and brothers in Creation

begin to prepare for the long haul, dropping leaves,

collecting nuts, digging burrows. There is so much

wisdom we can gain from them.

Slow down. Find time to go inward, to silently grow

warmer and brighter in your soul. We have entered

into a different rhythm, and it is a quiet holy one.

Fr. Eliacin Rosario-Cruz, Curate

SENIOR WARDEN’S MESSAGE I have been gone for three weeks doing a

lot of relaxing and refreshing. This trip

came at a good time as it prepared me for

the work that lies ahead of the Vestry to get

ready for next year. It gave me time to

think about what I feel is important for us

to accomplish.

I have to admit, I spent a lot of time thinking and wor-

rying about our pledge campaign for this year. In the

past, I do not feel the Vestry has made a strong case

for increasing the number and amount of pledges

from the parish. This year, we need to communicate

what is needed and why, so everyone can prayerfully

think about their contribution. 2016 has been a year of

varied and new programs that we would like to see

continue and expand. A “stretch” goal has been pre-

sented. Now we need to break it down so everyone

can see what it really means. What do we need to

maintain the “status quo”? Do we want to stay static?

What do we want to do to embrace our growth and

keep programs interesting so more people want to

stay and participate? What can each of us do? Some-

times it only takes a small sacrifice, such as, one less

latte or Frappuccino a week. It may not seem like

much but over time it really adds up. Think what

would happen if everyone did this? Every little bit

helps. We may not make our large goal this year but if

we can expand our programs, even a little, than that is

a success.

Beyond financial support, we need to think about our

time and talent commitments as well. There is so

much to do and that can be done. The Ministry Fair

recently gave a small taste of ways to be involved.


By the time you read this, there should be a lot more

information available about the request from Share for

us to house a women’s shelter. The decision about this

will not be made lightly. The entire parish will be in-

vited to hear about the plans and get a chance to dis-

cuss them. If we decide to proceed, it will be after

much careful thought and consideration. Pray for the

committee who is working on this project.

Refreshment can come in many ways. I have experi-

enced what the sun, water, a good book and rest can

do. I missed the refreshment I get each Sunday at St.

Luke’s ~ San Lucas. There is something so special

about worshiping within a community of people, each

with a gift to offer, be it a smile or a hug or just their

presence. This is a place where each of us is fed in

different ways. Please take a moment to think about

what this place means to you and how you would like

it to proceed next year. We have so much we can do

and will do with your help.

Kathy Gallaher

Goal 1: Develop relationships between the Anglo & Hispanic

2016 PHOTO DIRECTORY Last month we completed our photo sessions with

Life Touch. Many thanks to all you came in to have

your pictures taken! Due to conflicting schedules and

weather challenges we will have a couple of photo

make-up Sundays in the hopes of including those who

missed having their photo taken. One of our Photo

Directory Committee members will be contacting

those still to be photographed so that our own, Anna-

Lisa Miller can take their portrait!

Once we have completed these photos and any correc-

tions and additions to our membership data base we

will submit all to Life Touch to produce a proof. When

this is checked out we will only have a few weeks be-

fore we receive the new directories!

Thank you all for your help in making this a useful

tool to help us all connect and learn each others’

names! A special thank you to the Photo Committee

who worked tirelessly throughout this project to make

this directory more complete; Dena Cassidy, Pam

Goodlett, Cindy Schlatter and Sandy Geer.

If you have any questions please contact

Church Office (360-696-0181).

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator

THE CRISTO DE CHALMA The Cristo de Chalma [Aztec] dancers invite anyone

who would like to join them for a celebration of Dia

de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) on All Saints Day,

November 1, 2016, starting at 7 PM with a Rosary

and followed by dancing at 8 PM in the Parish Hall.

Bring mementos of your beloved departed to place on

the Altar.

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE These names in the Book of Remembrance will be read

during the two services on All Souls Day, Wednesday,

November 2, at 12:15 PM and 7 PM (bilingual). Look

for this book in the Narthex before each service to add

the names of you loved ones.

ALL SOULS REQUIEM EUCHARISTS We do not always get to mark the passing of a loved

one because we are so far from them, or for other rea-

sons of alienation. And that ache in our hearts be-

comes something we carry around, the unresolved

mourning of a life. Friend or family or other dear per-

son needs a goodbye, an “I love you,” a reminder of

reconciliation even after death.

All Souls is the feast of all the dead. On November 2,

we will offer two services of Requiem Eucharist's for

those who have passed away, even if it has been many

years; in English, at 12:15 PM and a bilingual service

at 7PM . You are invited to bring a memento of the

person to put on the special tables placed below the

main Altar prior to the service. The 7PM service will

have incense. Let us join together to put to rest the

souls of those who have departed, especially those

who are dear to us.



CELEBRATION On Wednesday, November 23th at 6PM we will have

our Annual Thanksgiving Eve celebration! This has

been a favorite get-together for St Luke's ~ San Lucas

for many years, with over 100 members from all ser-

vices joining together to celebrate our good fortune.

Please join us and bring your favorite dish to share or

bring one of those all-important parts of the Thanks-

giving meal, turkey, mashed potatoes, and sweet pota-

toes. If you cannot bring something, a donation to-

wards turkeys will be gladly accepted.

The sign-up sheet will be available starting Sunday,

November 6. Please sign up if you are coming, let us

know how many in your group will be there, and

come and enjoy the fellowship of St. Luke's ~ San Lu-

cas. Any questions? Ask Melanie Kenoyer.

ROSARY Each first Tuesday of the month the dancers of Cristo

de Chalma will offer a Rosary in the Parish Hall at

7 PM. All are invited.

Goal 2: Expand Outreach CONSIDERING

A WOMEN'S SHELTER AT SL2 There are many ways to provide shelter to the home-

less. Most recently St Luke's ~ San Lucas has been in-

volved with three of them: the "huts", WHO shelter for

men and now the WHAT program for women

(Women Housing And Transition). Last year St Luke's

~ San Lucas experienced the huts, four uninsulated,

large plywood boxes whose occupants were chosen by

a local advocate who offered no oversight of or sup-

port to the occupants. We learned this model does not

work for all involved. For 13 years, the WHO shelter

for 24 men has been held between Nov 1 and March 31

at St Paul's and relies on volunteers from local faith

communities to staff it, as St Luke's ~ San Lucas does

for a week each winter. SHARE screens the men and

provides case management. The WHAT program is a

women's shelter at St Paul's the rest of the year - be-

tween April 1 and October 31- and is run and fully

staffed by SHARE. It is this WHAT program that

SHARE is asking SL2 to host as soon as we make a de-

cision and make the building ready for such a pro-

gram. We are in a discernment process.

The fire marshal visited Oct 20 and gave St Luke's ~

San Lucas a list of items that must be done to the build-

ing before such shelter were to open. There may be re-

quirements that may make the costs prohibitively ex-

pensive or that require contractors, many of whom are

scheduled out for months and unavailable. SHARE

will clarify what private and public funds are available

through their agency for such modifications. The first

of two parish listening sessions to gather input from

parishioners and answer questions will take place after

the 8 AM and 10 AM services on October 30. The sec-

ond will occur on a weekday evening soon thereafter,

date to be announced.

In the meantime the feasibility committee will continue

to meet and to gather information on the building

modifications and shelter program. A final recommen-

dation will be made by the committee to the Vestry at

its November 8 meeting. Please give us your input as

part of our collective discernment.

Jeanne Stephens and Deb Stavig, co-chairs.

OUTREACH REPORT Hi All! Can you believe that Advent begins in a few

weeks and we will be wrapping up a year of so much

activity? Thanks to all for your contributions of time,

materials and funds.

As we roll into the coldest and wettest part of the year,

please remember our indigent neighbors, who are all

around us. As we struggle to make our lives work,

they struggle to stay dry, fed & warm. As we curse the

temporary inconveniences of power loss, traffic jams

and politics, remember what these people live with

constantly. Many of us struggle to make ends meet,

but we are finding our own cupboards at St. Luke’s ~

St. Lucas very bare. We are struggling to meet our

neighbors’ needs. Many of our Outreach volunteers

buy items with their own money to provide for our

hungry neighbors. We can use your help. Food, socks,

underwear....these are always needed. Never enough.

Thank You.

The Thanksgiving Food Basket project is now in full


swing and we continue to gather items thru November

13th Ingathering Sunday. We will put the baskets to-

gether on November 20th for distribution before

Thanksgiving. Your gifts will give plenty of families

something to be thankful for: YOU!

The Giving Tree will be going up well before the end

of the month, so look forward to our opportunity in

December to help fulfill needs of a family in our com-


As I prepare my heart to receive the Baby Jesus in De-

cember I offer thanks in November.

Thank you Lord for all of the opportunities we are giv-

en, to serve our neighbors in Your name. Amen

Lynne Hulse, Vestry Liaison to Outreach

THANKSGIVING BASKETS WISH LIST The Outreach Committee requests special donations to

make up Thanksgiving Baskets for those in need. If

you are able, please consider the items on the list be-

low next time you shop and pick up what you can to

donate. Please bring your donations to the Parish Hall

and deposit items into designated baskets through

November 20. Want us to shop for you? Just write a

check to “St. Luke’s” with a notation of “Thanksgiving

Baskets” on the memo line.

You are invited to join us on Sunday, November 20

after the 10AM service in the Parish Hall to help fill

the baskets! Thank you!

Canned ham (no re frigeration needed)

Canned chicken/tuna Small bottle of oil

Package of rice Instant potato

Canned fruit Canned vegetables

Pasta and sauce Canned Soup

Peanut butter Jam/Jelly

Krusteaz pancake mix Syrup

Box of tea bags Instant coffee

Dishwashing liquid

Special Treats:

Cake mix & frosting Cookies Chocolates

ESL FALL 2016 The tutoring format for ESL at SL2 has proven to work

well for our students and their teachers. Two students,

including a special needs 9 year old, get tutored in

their home. And 10 other students get tutored at San

Lucas. Of these 10 students, two come twice a week.

The three teachers enjoy the intimate and relaxing at-

mosphere and appreciate getting to teach exactly what

the students ask for each week and also to offer needed

support and encourage laughter. One student goes to

Clark College and uses her time to go over and rein-

force her homework. Several students bring small chil-

dren so we meet in the nursery and bring in the porta-

ble dry erase board and adult size table and

chairs. Good communication is emphasized so teach-

ers and students are aware when either party is unable

to make it. If we had additional teachers we would

advertise the program again to outside agencies who

know potential students and most likely we would re-

ceive more requests for ESL help. We were not certain

how this tutoring format would work, and we are hap-

py to say it does. Let me know if you want to tutor.

Jeanne Stephens 206-245-0426

2016 HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE Supporting more than a century and a half

of community service

The sale will be part of the “Crystal Plum Bazaar” in

Hazel Dell on Saturday,

November 12 from 9 AM - 4 PM. This is the 37th year

for the bazaar which is sponsored by the Vancouver

Dawn Lions Club and held at Alki Middle School in

Hazel Dell.

There is a wonderful collection of unique crafts now

being made or planned by the St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas

Arts & Crafts Guild, but the Guild needs more crafters

and/or artists. If you would like to participate in sup-

porting this effort, please contact Joseph Ziemba at jo-

[email protected] or the parish office and he

can help you with ideas and identify other crafters

who can give you instructions, if desired. One needs

only to be able to use a pair of scissors and glue, basic

woodworking, knitting or other needlework.

Joseph Ziemba


Goal 3: Spiritual Growth CHILDREN’S MINISTRY SUNDAY SCHOOL The month of November is very bitter sweet for me

this year. My family and I are welcoming our new ad-

dition to our family, Baby Christian. Although we are

so excited, I can't stop thinking about how much I will

miss the children in Sunday school. Having Ebie

Mountford and Lee Wilson there to support me

through this wonderful time has made it a little less

stressful, but I still can't help but miss my Sunday

school children. I am planning on bringing the baby in

on December 4th to meet everyone and I can't wait to

see their faces when they meet Baby Christian! Please

note that on Sunday, November 27 there will be NO

Sunday School due to Thanksgiving holiday.

December is just around the corner! It is that time to

start thinking about the Christmas pageant. If you

think your child would love to join us in this wonder-

ful occasion, please have them join us on December

18th for our party and practice. The 10AM service

practice will begin at 10 AM. At 12 PM we will have a

party until about 1 PM and then the 1PM service chil-

dren will practice until 2PM. Our pageant will debut

on Sunday, December 19th at both services (so no Sun-

day School this Sunday!). We look forward to having a

great time and letting the children be a part of such a

wonderful and beautiful tradition. Of course, no Sun-

day School on Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25!

Herlinda Marquez, Children’s Ministry Coordinator

503-863-4528 [email protected]

YOUTH GROUP Youth Group meeting nights in November will be on

the just two Saturdays, November 5 and 12 from 6 PM-

8 PM. We will meet just twice this month, due to the

Thanksgiving holiday. We welcome all youth in grades

9-12 to join us for fun, fellowship, music, games and

our ongoing comic book project.

Donna Greene, Youth Leader

SUNDAY TOPICS: THE ELECTION Join Fr. Jaime in a reading of

Public Faith in Action: How to Think Carefully, En-

gage Wisely and Vote with Integrity by Miroslav Wolf

and Ryan McAnnally-Linz; Sundays between 11:45

and 12:45PM, November 6, in the chapel of the Holy

Spirit, leading up to the Election. We will be reading

it together. Come ready to put Jesus first and figure

out how we might raise the standard of conversation

around the issues that divide our beloved nation.


A YOUNG FAMILIES GATHERING Saturday, November 19 – 3-5 PM, Parish Hall

This will be an afternoon to spend time together and

make Advent Wreaths. We will have hot apple cider,

bring some snacks to share. The first Sunday of Advent

is November 27. If you have any questions contact Fr.


ORDER OF ST. LUKE - VIDEO SERIES You’re invited to attend video presentations in this

series, “The Miracles of Christ”, provided weekly each

Thursday evening from 6:30 PM – 8 PM in Room 104

(lower level of our building) now through

November 17. Please add your name to the sign-up

sheet in the Narthex if you plan to come to any of the


Order of St. Luke (OSL) is an international ecumenical

organization dedicated to the Christian healing minis-

try. OSL has Chapters throughout the world. Free in-

formation literature is available in the Narthex.

If you have any questions please contact Ellen Case at

360-952-0664 or email at [email protected].

WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP All women are welcome to join this group for reading,

studying and sharing. We will meet monthly on the

2nd Saturday. This month’s session is on Saturday,

November 12 from 10 AM to 12 PM. This is a time to

come together and expand our spiritual experiences

with a feminine view. Each Saturday session begins

with refreshments and friendly conversation then our

study and discussion is based on the book, May I have

this Dance – An invitation to Faithful Prayer Throughout

the Year” by Joyce Rupp. In November we will focus on the

chapter, “November-Faithful Love”. Please read this

chapter prior to our session together.


If you have any questions please contact any of the


Mary Boettcher, (360-936-2425) [email protected]

Janet Butler (360-947-0404) [email protected]

Kris Lawless (360-574-3755) [email protected]

NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM November brings us to the end of one church year and

the beginning of the next. From All Saints Day to

Christ the King Sunday, we pray out the old and ring

in the new, with the first Sunday of Advent falling on

the last Sunday in November. Happy New Year!

Many churches celebrated the Festival of the Refor-

mation at the end of October. You may have noticed

parts of the Luther Mass sung by the choir and rung

by the bells during communion distribution at the 10

AM service. This liturgical year marks the beginning

of the year-long celebration of 500 years of the Refor-

mation, since the official launch at the church doors of

Wittenberg in 1517.

Once again this year we will have the service of

Lessons and Carols on the First Sunday of Advent,

November 27 during the 10 AM

service. Don’t miss this beautiful

beginning of a new liturgical


Also, mark your calendars now

for the next Jazz Vespers service

featuring trombonist Stan Bock

on Saturday, December 3rd

at 6 PM.

Tim Nickel,

Music Director

BREAD GUILD We are looking for bakers for the Bread Guild as we

have lost two bakers this year. Please contact me at

360-241-3604 or at [email protected] if

you are interested or want more information. The

more bakers the less often everyone bakes!

Kathleen Brown

Goal 4: Pastoral Care

PASTORAL CARE COMMITTEE Please let us know if you have someone who is not

able to come to church, is in some type of crisis, medi-

cal or otherwise, or, perhaps, is in the hospital, by

making a call to the office. Our meetings are on the

fourth Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be

on November 22 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel of the Holy

Spirit, (Children’s Chapel).

The Rev. Dennis Cole

LIFE GOES ON The next meeting of Life Goes On is on Thursdays,

November 17, 2-4 PM at Glenwood Retirement Cen-

ter (5500 NE 82nd Ave, near the Vancouver Mall). We

are a group of people who have faced significant loss

and are in the process of grieving. Some lost someone

several years ago, others have lost someone this past

year. We share grief and loss and work hard not only

to remember the ones we have lost but to find new

meaning and purpose in continuing our lives. Life

does go on. Please feel welcomed to come join our

group. We share together and enjoy some goodies,

coffee and tea.

The Rev. Dennis Cole

Community Life

COFFEE HOUR Thanks to all who have stepped up to fill the coffee

hour vacancies. The calendar is now complete up to

June 2017. November hosts are as follows:

Nov 6 Sandberg

Nov 13 Harris

Nov 20 Aschmann/Morse

Nov 27 Lund/Tellock

Dec 4 Ellen Case/Cheryl-Lee Holt

Judy Morrison 360-574-2441

MAH-JONGG GROUP This group meets in the Parish Hall every other Mon-

day from 1-5 PM. Come join the fun, learn, play and


chat! November sessions are on the 7 and 21! (Does not

meet on holidays) If you have questions, contact

Peggy McDonald (360-573-0609) or Ruth Werts (360-718


THE LUNCH BUNCH Our next luncheon will be on Tuesday, November 8 at

12 PM. As of the printing of this newsletter we do not

have a sponsor for a program. Please call the office if

you would like to offer an interesting program.

Please sign-up if you are coming and/or if you can help

with a dish for the luncheon. Sign-up sheets are in the

Narthex. As always your friends and neighbors are


“R @ R” GROUP All are invited to these monthly gatherings on the third

Wednesdays with Rev. Chuck Barnes. Retirees @ Res-

taurants (R@R for short) will meet on Wednesday, No-

vember 16, 9 AM at Dulin’s Café located at 1929 Main

St, Vancouver, WA 98660 for breakfast and lively con-


FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE There is no Friday night live in November. We are still

looking for a host for December. In the past, it has been

a white elephant type gift exchange. It doesn't have to

be this but it has been fun in the past. The dates are also

flexible due to busy schedules in December.

The 2017 sign-up sheet is on the clipboard. If anyone is

interested in hosting in 2017, please add your name to

the month you would like to host.

After 8 years of leading this fun ministry, we are look-

ing for someone to take over the program next year. We

would love to see this lively, fun social monthly event


Please address any questions to Ginger or Brad Harris.

(971- 373-8894) or at [email protected].

DISPLAY CASE After 12 years of decorating the display case, I have de-

cided to step down. I have enjoyed putting displays to-

gether through the years. Now it’s time for someone

else to discover the fun that I’ve had! If you’re interest-

ed just call the church office. Dena Cassidy


PRESENTS: My Sweetest Life

Carlo Gesualdo was not only one of the most interest-

ing noblemen of the 16th century, he also wrote har-

monically complex madrigals that seem as though they

could have been written yesterday. Add in part-songs

by Pacific Northwest composers Jan Mittelstaedt, Bran-

don Stewart, Paul Safar, Greg Bartholomew and Stacey

Philipps and you get Dolcissima mia vita. Presented in

collaboration with Cascadia Composers.

November 18, 2016, 7 PM

St Luke's ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church

Advance Ticket Sales for St. Luke’s members, $10 (See

Catherine van der Salm for advance ticket information.)

Tickets available at the door and at theEnsembleOre- Adults: $25, Seniors: $20, Students: $5

SURPRISE FOR THE BISHOP Early in 1935, St. Luke’s got a new rector, Reverend

Stanley Mook. Reverend Mook came from Trinity

Church in Seattle. In recommending Rev. Mook, it was

the Bishop’s desire to increase the congregational size

of St. Luke’s.

Rev. Mook took the challenge, began going out into the

community, visiting hundreds of homes, and began

confirmation classes in June, 1935. When Bishop Hus-

ton (Camp Huston is named after him) arrived on an

October Sunday he was prepared for a substantial

number of confirmations, based on the previous year’s

count. That evening they had the confirmation service.

The confirming congregants marched in, all 65 of them.

The efforts of Rev. Mook had produced the largest con-

firmation class in the history of the Episcopal Diocese of

Olympia, up until then.

Needless to say, the Bishop was surprised, and a bit

tired at the end of the confirmation service. However,

Reverend Mook requested that the Bishop go with him

to the hospital, where one more person was confirmed

by the Bishop.

In December of 1935, Bishop Huston returned to St.

Luke’s and performed 26 more confirmations. That

made a total of 94 for the year, and 130 for the two

years of 1934 and 1935.

In 1938 the growth of the parish continued, with 426


communicants, a budget of $4,570 ($75,085 in today’s

dollars), which included an assessment of $210 ($3,509

in today’s dollars) to the Diocese and National Church.

At the recent visit of Bishop Rickel, I mentioned Rever-

end Mook’s record setting 65 confirmations at one

time. He said that recently he did 92 confirmations at a

single service! Fr. Don Greenwood mentioned that his

bishop in Tennessee heard about all-day worship ser-

vices in Africa in the 1970’s, because they confirmed

over 500 in a single day!

Pat Lawless, Archivist

Administrative & Financial HISTORY DVD AVAILABLE The History of St. Luke’s Church was originally pub-

lished in paper form in 1992. We have digitized the

book to make it easier to use, and to reduce reproduc-

tion costs. In addition, there is a Supplement document

containing articles and biographies. Both are available

on a DVD, for just $20. The DVD will be available for

sale during Coffee Hour and in the Church Office.

Pat Lawless, Archivist

IN-GATHERING SUNDAY Sunday, November 13 will be our in-gathering cele-

bration of our 2017 pledges. Please remember to email

your pledge commitment or mail your pledge card in

prior to this Sunday. You may also bring your pledge

cards in by this Sunday. All will be blessed during ser-

vices as we celebrate our future journey together.


“Dollars and Sense”

Percentages should to be at 75% of budgeted revenue

and expense.

Summary as of September, 2016

Revenues: Actual revenues for September are exactly

where they should be.

Expenses: Overall expenses are under YTD budget

projections by $14,303, which is a very good thing.

Additional Comments:

Our budget picture looks optimistic and we are in

good financial health. Reasons for this optimism are

two-fold: 1) less expenditures than anticipated when

the budget was approved and 2) generous donations

from parishioners.

Please review your third quarter statements to remind

yourselves of where you are with contributions thus

far compared to your original pledge. Let the treasur-

er’s office know if you have any questions. In early De-

cember a final statement will be mailed so you can

have one last chance to see where you stand.

Also, December 31 is the last date to fulfill your Hospi-

tality campaign pledge. Almost everyone has done so

already, but there are a few still making final pay-

ments. This was an historic undertaking and kudos to

all who made our building project an incredible suc-


Doug Goodlett, Treasurer


Rewards Participant:

Make sure you have linked

your Fred Meyer Rewards

Card to St. Luke’s ~ San

Lucas! After the June 2016

customer reenrollment period our customers who did

not re-link their card with a nonprofit on Community

Rewards were dropped from the system on July 1.

VESTRY SUMMARY -- October 2016

2017 BUDGET: We have a “stretch budget” for 2017.

Please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge to

support our ministries and programs.

COLA: All paid staff will receive a Cost Of Living


OTHER RAISES: Key staff members will also re-

ceive raises beyond the COLA.


Total Budget Year to Date Percent

for the Year Actual of Total

Amounts Budget

Revenues $583,833 $437,199 75%

Expenses $583,833 $423,571 69%

Net Income 0 $ 13,628


SNOWBIRDS’ ALERT Before you fly off to the south or other parts unknown

and notify the Post Office to Forward or Hold your

mail; please give us a shout so we won’t mail anything

out that is less than First Class mail to you. This will

save us the cost of return postage. Thank You!

tion is now Grade B. That raises salaries, pensions, etc.

It also brings new opportunities for lay parish leader-

ship. If a particular ministry interests you, please con-

sider joining it.

Our Diocesan Assessment rate has dropped in re-

cent years. Reduced diocesan staffing will start to affect

individual congregations.

PLEDGE CAMPAIGN: Please return your pledge

card by November 13 (Ingathering Sunday).

SHELTER: SHARE wants to use part of our basement

to host several women during the next two winters.

Input regarding that proposal will be sought from the

parish at several meetings.


Five children started First Communion classes on

October 9.

Lay leaders have been selected for our Young Fam-

ilies Ministry.


The “TGIF Piano Duet Festival” will continue next

July, perhaps with additional instruments.

Jazz Vesper will continue through 2018.

Our organ will be rededicated with a special con-

cert in January.

Tom Amies, Clerk of the Vestry


AS A VESTRY MEMBER? Serving on the Vestry

The vestry is conducting the annual search for new

vestry members. Once elected, the term of each ves-try

member is three (3) years.

Eligibility to serve as a member of

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Vestry

An adult (age 16 or older) member of St. Luke’s ~ San

Lucas parish and a Communicant in Good Standing

(“faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause

prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying,

and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God”),

who is a contributor of record for the calendar year

preceding their nomination. Vestry members are ex-

pected to maintain the status as a Communicant in

Good Standing, and continue to contribute financially

to the parish during their term of service, and able and

willing to attend monthly and special vestry meetings,

an annual retreat, and to work on vestry sub-

committees and special projects.

Steps in becoming a candidate for vestry:

1. Decide that you want to run for and be on the vestry

for 3 years.

2. Review the eligibility requirements (below).

3. Obtain a nomination form from the office or church

entry, complete the form and return it to the parish

office; give it to a vestry member, war-den, submit by

snail mail or email to [email protected].

4. Attend the 2016 Annual meeting in order to remain

on the ballot.

5. Nominees will be required to submit a photograph,

in either digital form or photo paper to the parish


There is no guarantee that you will be elected to the

vestry, but if you are, you will be doing a great service

to the church.


TO THE PARISH OFFICE Have you taken pictures during any events or services

here at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas this year? We would like

to have your pictures please. Not only are these part of

our history but can also be used to help advertise our

church and include in the Annual Report. Please copy

them off onto a CD, if in digital format, or let us bor-

row them to scan and bring them to the office. It is

most helpful if you would label the event and who is

in each picture, if possible. Thank You!!!

NO RUMMAGE SALES! We are no longer having Rummage Sales here at St.

Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Please do not leave donations on

the stage in the Parish Hall! Thank You!!


Around the Diocese & Our Town 2016 DIOCESAN CONVENTION

RESULTS The Diocesan Convention passed all submitted resolu-

tions, as follows:

Resolution #1 – 2018 Diocesan Assessment Rate

That this 106th Convention of the Diocese of Olympia

approved the recommendation of the Diocesan Coun-

cil that the 2018 diocesan assessment rate factor be set

at 15.0% of the Net Disposable Income (NDI). Over

the past few years the rate has been reduced to the

current level of 15%.

Resolution #2 – Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)

to Clergy Salary Scale for 2017

That this 106th Convention of the Diocese of Olympia

set the Cost of Living Adjustment for 2017 parochial

clergy salary scale at 1.8%. This is based on the Bureau

of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for the Se-

attle-Tacoma-Bremerton area for June 2015 to June

2016, which showed an increase in the cost of living of


Resolution #3 – Family Leave Proposal

This 106th Convention of the Diocese of Olympia, ap-

proved a Family Leave Policy to be added to standard

letters of agreement and hire agreements for eligible

lay and clergy employees of diocesan congregations

and the Office of the Bishop.

Resolution #4 – Health Insurance Coverage

This 106th Convention of the Diocese of Olympia

adopted the following policy on health insurance cov-

erage for eligible lay and clergy employees in diocesan

congregations and the Office of the Bishop.

This policy maintains the minimum employer contri-

butions for eligible employees and allows the Person-

nel Commission to identify each year the appropriate

base plan, as well as the minimum required employer


NOTE: For more detailed information on these reso-

lutions please see the bulletin board outside the

church office.



Visit this website for great Holi-

day Gift ideas that will benefit

those in need. Makes your

shopping so easy!

Program of Episcopal Relief

and Development.

IN OUR OWN BACKYARD Northwest Impressions art show by artist,

Don Lonsbrough will be on display through

November at St. James Lutheran Art Gallery,

1315 SW Park Ave. Portland, OR 97201.

Please call 503-227-2439 for available days and times.

Artist’s Reception on Sunday, November 20 at 6 PM



1 - Mavis Petersen

2 - Tania Bautista

2 - Maddy Surface

3 - Barbara Tilford

5 – Mike Grigsby-Lane

6 - Carmen Reyes

8 - Maria Morales

9 - David Long

9 - Clair Ross

9 - Jonathan Prado

9 - Melissa Prado

10 - Jane Melhuish

10 – Faith Conger

11 – Stefani Cabello

12 – Osiris Reyes-Cruz

13 - Andres Reyes

13 - Catie Rosario-Kilmer

14 – Heriberto Benitez

14 - Ange Bunnell

15 - Lizbeth Martinez

16 - Layli Cruz

17 - Ginger Harris

17 - Daniel Munoz

18 - Matt Brothers

18 - Magnolia Ferreyra

18 - Emmanuel Guardian

20 - Chuck Barnes

20 - John Mathieu

20 - Galilea Triana

21 - Maria Bunnell

22 - Cheryl Becker

22 - Cecilia Gomez

24 - Linnea Yoggerst

25 – Jose Gutierrez

25 - Joseph Reyes

25 - Karina Alvarez

26 - Vanessa Aguilar

26 - Justine Hanrahan

27 - Cindy Schlatter

27 - Linda Hurtado

28 - Roman Griffith

29 - Nancy Denny

29 - Shelly Briggs

29 - Ketzia Arquijo

29 - Joanna Villasenor

29 - Audrey Sigurdson

30 – Mateo Arteaga

eGiving is available on our website. Just use this QR Code to visit the donation page.


· 11-27 Advent Lessons & Carols,10 AM service

· 12/12 Our Lady of Guadalupe (TBA)

· 12/18 Christmas Pageant during 10 AM service.

Christmas Pageant during 1 PM service.

· 12/24 Christmas Eve Services

· 4:00 PM Family Service

· 8:00 PM Spanish Christmas Eucharist

· 10:30 PM Carols and Christmas music

· 11:00 PM Choral Christmas Eucharist

· 12/25 Christmas Day 10 AM service

Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

November 6 St. Paul, Bellingham; Christ Church,

Blaine; Christ Church, Anacortes

November 13 Emmanuel, Eastsound; St. David, Fri-

day Harbor; St. James, Sedro Woolley

November 20 St. Stephen, Oak Harbor;

Grace Church, Lopez Island

November 27 Transfiguration, Darrington;

St. Martin-St. Francis, Rockport

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

November 6 Penman Clinic, Zababdeh, West Bank

November 13 The Church of The Good Shepherd,

Salt, Jordan

November 20 Holy Land Institute For The Deaf,

Salt, Jordan

November 27 Emmanuel Church, Ramleh, Israel



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


DAY Outreach

6:30 Shelter Listening Session

7:00 Rosary Cristo de Chalma



12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service

3:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells

6:30 Outreach


7:00 Choir

7:00 Bilingual All Soul’s Day

3 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 6:30 OSL Video Series

4 Outreach

5 6-8 Youth Group


6 Daylight Savings Ends

25th Sunday of Pentecost


8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School & Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:30 Coffee Hour 12:00 1st Communion 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Escuela Dominical

7 Office-Closed

12 Mah- Jongg

8 Outreach

12 Lunch Bunch 6:30 VESTRY



12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir

10 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew

10:00 Helping Hands 6:30 OSL Video Series

11 Outreach


9-4 STL2 CRAFT SALE (Crystal Plum at Alki Middle School) 10 Women’s Spirituality Group 6-8 Youth Group

13 26th Sunday of



14 Office Closed

15 Outreach

16 Outreach

9:00 R@R—Dulins

12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir


17 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 2:00 Life Goes On (off-site) 6:30 OSL Video Series

18 Outreach

7:00 THE ENSEMBLE Concert


3-5 Young Families Advent Wreath Making




21 Office Closed 12 Mah- Jongg

22 Outreach

6:30 Pastoral Care

23 Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service

4:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Thanksgiving Eve Dinner 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir







27 1st Sunday of Advent

10:00 Lessons & Carols


28 Office Closed

29 Outreach

30 Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service

4:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir

Dec 1 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

Dec 2 Outreach

Dec 3


Church Office Hours:

9 AM-12 PM and 1-5 PM

Tuesday - Friday

If you have any questions about the calendar,

please call the church office, 360-696-0181.


Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the December—January issue of

The Messenger, please submit your article on or before November 16 to the church office.

[email protected] Thank you!


Senior Warden: Kathryn Gallaher Junior Warden: Stu Hennessey

VESTRY MEMBERS: Stefanie Aschmann, Lynne Hulse,

John Mathieu, Sharon Mayhew, Marlene Perez, Tako Torres

and Joseph Ziemba

Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector

The Rev. Eliacin Rosario-Cruz, Curate

The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy

The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer

Tim Nickel, Music Director

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator

Herlinda Marquez, Administrator Assistant

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853.

Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of

Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need

through service, and to grow in faith together.

Prepared by:

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard

Vancouver, WA 98663

Request delivery by dates: October 27 - November 1

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(360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182

Email: [email protected]


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