The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1872-04-17 [p ]....A tew can also be a; (JAKIitrOs lea Soar...

M THIATBE. Mini & Ton. P. Hhobt ... OEAUD BENEFIT TO ab rsHEiw. THURSDAY, 18, on which occasion Mr. Roselle will ap-- H p -- j in bis thrtlllnf and smusing anmi, Til f: BOT DETKTITE apis EIPUM THEATEE J Engagement of the wonderful Boy Actor, PERCY ROKELLE, Whose remarkahie talent bu ere led the ad rulrsllou 01 ooiu r.uciftuu aim America. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL lira, every evening, toaluniay Matinee, and unUi fi.nner notice. In H. A. Weaver creel drama 01 -. w Pearce's story, published In the Fire side companion, enuiasa ine BUY DETECTIVE. PITTS, the Boy Detective, aged 15; Jack Hal vara, a sailor, with sailor s harpies: Pico btubbs, a newsboy, with the character hh oi me nanu, or len inousana iiuc Away:" ten Lawrence Belvldere, a fop: Old Jacob Bauersea. a Hudson ; Mothei C'rouui No.: Master Pkwi v tiuei.. i Act 1 The Couuterleiters. Act II 1 lie KeV elation. Act Ul The House on the Pali Isaac FRIDAY, April 19lh Benefit of Master Percy nose lie sAi First Percy Matinee. J mkvr of (be ftupreine 1 on t. rpo THE PEOPLE OF TENNESSEE: In re- - M W Hie 1.1., J, n, n ,,. .vou..- - t ..... . . oi Lhe -- tale. 1 hereby announce myself as candidate lor Judge of the supreme Court niaue ucant by me resignation oi Hon. l. A :. e.son. Elecuou hrsi lhursday in August BeXL HUBERT McFARLAND. Morrlsiowu. Tetini mh.'i THE PEOPLE UF TENNESSEE: In re T dousc ti. Uie expression of a popular de aire, sumcirnio general ana lunueuuai i. c jntroi mi action in the matter, 1 hereby an uounce myself a candidate for the office ol J ujl'c ol lhe sunreme Court, made vacant t the resignation ol Hon. T. A. R. Nelson. Elec tion firs', i uursoay In August next. J. B. OOOE. Chattanooga, March 1L 1ST2. mhl2 lor ouul) Tss-- 4 ollrclor. EORUE R POWELL a candidate VI Tax Collector for fhc!liy county lo me action oi to OSCAR 'u to the action I vention. AMUSEMENTS. COMPLIMENTARY ANNOUNCEMENTS. rtemocratlc convention. for onuly snblec candidate Subjec mh.11 1ITE are auUiomed lo announce A. WOOD' 1? WA1.D at candidate lor u. to the office of County Trustee at the ensuin August election, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention oi June J'tn. ziorXTV TRUSTEE Vc are auihoi ixeil 1 announce General B. M. BRADFORD as candidate lor me office of County Trustee me ensuing election. Subject to the action ol the jjemoc raii convention. P. announces himself an in at candidate apis CtHAKLBs L. of sh me decision of me D Shelby county. candidal. onty. SITE are authorised announce Coione V J. A. FoKREoI' as candidate for sheni; at me ensuing elecuou, subject lo Demo crat!? Convention. Llec 1S7J. AN me sJliEKIrf- -i announce myself as U candidate for Sheriff sheioy county, lie ensuing election, subject to the action the Democratic Convention. mhU JOHN S. answer to many inquiries, hereby au- thorize you to announce my name as can didate lor sheriff Shelby at the Au- gust election, ltTi Subject lo the action of thr Democratic Convention, c!..: B. F. BALL. WANTS. BUSINESS MEN Fifty active business men Arkansas, Tennessee and other southern state lor me sale of Diga V Coxbimi) Biuo Plajiteb, a" Crcnv tok. None need apply unlt.-me- can give good references, or can fumlst cuffioeut capital to purchase team and machine. Apply or address MILBl'KN WALKER ft 37 Union street, Memphis Tennessee. spldAw s mtore: wo bevt of TEN cay b.d by premise: home adjourned. 50 P1 H M APRIL Percy boatman L'KDAY faiiiii apt api6 "lhe NO Lou., beli siaj foi county. ratlc Con CURRY county, CMorrxf -- By man who keeper an. yean' situation alt; dry roctrry refer to travel and solicit trade :.ce given, and bond made. rtMa. lor two days only, McM earv oihain Houe. UA'i TKI MMLKN. to NiUl aVed sii M Itoselle TW pMB irjion the hundred LxjUUI ami wHl Ml itk:u ireet. resolut of MLV ANL Wivo-T- hc to farin ointrQ C&li Jffefx; 4l4j M. UAiLl. Labor ma. wujt-i- pnU: u- - as Is A al A s a county a I s a a s o I a a a I r a a or V l. Apply lmtnetti annil li lo nl 0. ai i. Vv Ag'ttit. v ol can Appeal nun an Cain nil iUver.Araiii.iau,. aat- - of iarxrer- - per da Itegular packets from Men. pbik Grand O'laixe twice a week., apti M. CO., Contraciora. A LOJND-liA- ezperteuce, PreT new Piano, sold cheap. Jriu urnilure, am. ods oougia SITCATIuX By colored man, No. desirous quitting pro asiiou. lis eaa give lhe be., city reierence. To gentleman anting i arriage dxl and barber, this hrst ran he like posiuon ter store. Lbls omce. man t'UilNIi L'HL Becond-lusn- d house hoe and dauiaged luxuiMre of ail klun srioua - re.- - Iu lent house and avcoiu small For such nou rent will paid eaci month by tenant Memphis mbl OT will ly) ground, II I wlinln one PAHil, Appeal , M norouutHLit, uL'.-t- new ner of Jaa E. BI A a . . lartie iivfo r of , subject Ale hereby of of Cu young couda, , C. til :Jage ..: I'll v utu Kixxl oi , . on oi i k to . rue lo i it I S41 4 I t lor one Si s 1., be S . Second street, jpiosite Court Mqure. t 1 twiners a.i lciud H. i. hlXSOiT a a is oi Hi t onsorial oi a w or is a unaooa. ur would a as sh In a Apply u OUkv a good dwelling centr.ll kssated capable inouaung a laiuiiy. a be promptly in advance a ui Apply or addrea Appeal. I I gi cash lor forty feel me. must street cars. FOR RUNT. OOMis V ery desirable rooms lor rent t b WlUlOl rsaponslble parties, ssiutbern Hotel. A OlXiP.E-- 3 Peabody mm HARRIS. i J. a 1) o. It U v. . 27V street. on Uie cor m streeu, under th, ruai v Aupli u C. BKINKLEV, ie Madison ROOMS AND BOARD. DAY BOARD A few gentlemen can obtain board with a private fandiy, at a reasonable price. Apply No. iT Beale street splT MRS. WELLH. Al ivfc Apply spit ROOM AK1 BoARli A gentleman aud hi. can be accommodated with board and also a finely furnisned room, at 11 Second street. A tew can also be a; (JAKIitrOs lea Soar spiel sal convention. logistic Mowe." 1st. lay lodging board- - lonroe AKD- -I uruisUed and unturnlab suilahle lor 1 amnies aud alngl t ise Madison street. Also, umodsusl. sp--. FOR RENT OR SALE. it 1LIINoHiOTI-O- u Presion Place, Madi son street exlenden, lor lease lor ven loe rent. lou. louri tree', exieuded. (or sale cheap. Apply HoVhlfcrl. TKEE miiS DAVID C Pkfisl'ON TO EXCHANGE. A residence, RKstUENCE Horn Court square, is ottered la exchanged for a country place not three wiles lhe oily. VHA4 K luid LliU U( ol Say 10 fally in- - Foe suae. as is C ax vavu ol to ol al 10 .idling etc--, ( 1 '. Is, care 1 41 gor omce. IAKKIAIjE PERSOliAL. A leaard WUi be pa ell's stable spH-- lor book dm, burned COO&. caret nulls Main street M N to rtl' at Mali and .'.reel api day on lo desirable city note man lrom location, a isdorsaisig Mrs. nmiLh, Uie wg, d pabnc benefaclress, that rail war Jaunt uia be had on t oiiu ,U-u- j liugUe tomi-- the Melrose liiage grounds, usual kind service in giving widest ciroulaliou by the hour tesday morning, lilh instant. a Uisi these tola will be sold, to the highest bidder. Respect-Im.Vuh- u l bl LKLKi apM P,:i.:iua anu repairing, corner j hecouU and oayoso street DAMAN. STRAYED OR STOLZK. MAKE sorrel mars, five years old ; in lhe loroliead. A liberal si by leaving her at Riack-Ocvuti- d street. J. BLOOM. LOST OR STOLEN llN'IEK "BITCH year ojo, w hile, wiin I'im ewwii-wiu- ii ii returned to suet sueet. Eoi FOR SALE. I OTS One handled and Melrose vii- - large uiid the Weil m will be 1 j is i's'ojik', psuaaiMt., grear TH'lti 111 pronatnff- - rrrr tnc orpnan, Wednesday morning, lTth Instant. Cars free from Charleston depot, at nln o'clock. DoNOHi BufKLEY i voKMuG ail the excepUac bricks. Don fainilUw in the United States, f in the buildings now occupying the only six hundred thousand sewing ma sround of UsMlllll Ir Twciple Assoc faslop enineB have been sold to them up to the mUrt present-th- at is, a machine H. PIPER OO- - thirteen families. jmce sf ..,e. 1.1.1 In ovpit fl ItiinV'flwtnaaa tsi.W O uulreof UEO.feHIKL.ijs up O. P. M "f P""T everv narticinant threw in an intel- - l Ols In Elmwoud Cemetery, Nos. M aiid lectual Debbie toward the erection of a JU TN, Turiey uection; well located I"?uJre great monument to his lame. OODA FOUNTAIN A No. 1 soda fountain 15 and two copper founts, new and in good running order, tor Valer ARE. aptf hi avenue. Twenty head of good hones: HORSES mem some No 1 saddle, buggy juid rockaway homes; also a few pairs of good Uorses. HAI.L A CO., aps Daeoto WaWei. bh Pntoq At the ceayoeo lias Works, LyjklE L streeL street. Kurt AND For Urn acres land within nail a mile ol mt new riuuiso rtaiiroau, anu cres vrimin one mile, with me best water- - power in this region ail splendid land, ten .ulies north of Memphis, on Big Creek plank-- . osvd. I ask aij an acre, and ITo can be cleared net lrom every acre on the Umber. Title par- ted, as records show. & S. REMBERT, apS Care of 16S Front St., Memphis, Tenn. i sL'slNl&jS A paving busines. In one J3 me healthiest and must mnvlng low us In .orth Mississippi. About (uuuu cash la ierms lor balance ol slock easy. For pai uculars apply to uiii) UELJu AN RADOEf-KY- , 236 Front 13 sals. RICE Always on hand, and for sale as low any In the market . Apply at omce oi mh26 Rear 2TS Second street. II ORSE A brown hone, of me celebrated U Denmark slock, between six and seveu ears old: superior bom in harne aud uuder JveaadcUe; can be seen at Seiigman A U1'' .table, Union street. g 0 VSTEK CasEs a' empty uyster Cases in itood order. Apply to mhJu V. D. Ft cm, tl Jefferson street LES - CART - DRAY -- HARK ESS-- LI CENSE MI A pair of AI wagon or dray nuiee, 1 double-ca- rt and dray ; also, 1 set ol iuiim and rmr U wiil. -- vu pUMltll. i, run. will be sold cheap, lor cash. Addre-- - nihli M. V.. Appeal office. have 100 molir, now on hand. MCLE-- We to arrive ; our receipts are egularly 250 mules per week. All sleek guar- - ux teed as represented. FAIRES, BOYLES 4 CO., nihl SSI and tti Second street. OTS On Walnut street, on Ume. Apply at 33 Union street. jU1 ROE DIXUN SALE OR EXCHANGE. Two hundred aud forty acres of LAND BS miles north of Hillsboro, Aln- - jsnis, and me armpnis anu v uhicluu 3S of Browns day or m, Te succeeded .he erewsinir of two public roads. Loghoua with six rooms and oruk nimne-vs- , a well, 10U acres cleared and 1' . i i it mKamH Pn. Slli vTill exchange or The Duil- - lroperty. foll at rru street ro to the calico ball. Charleston E. A. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. The water-pipe- s are coming. Percy Roselle at the theater. Business continues very good. Firee were in demand yesterday. The elevator is coming up slowly. What has become of the de pot scheme? The yesterday was very disagreeable. The Inventor's Aid Association is now the favorite. Auctioneers Main weather Drift-woo- d is abundant in the nelgh- - barixM of the elevator. The building operations here will be on a large scale this spring. The gubernatorial race monopolizes the attention of local politicians. Candidates for office are multiply ing, out tne omces i multiply. Mcri'hants are makinir every exer tion to extend the traa of the city. ap7 The California cotton at the Mer- - chant Exchange attracts attention. otton was looking up yesterday .ind sales were made at outoide hgure. Chintz calico Dolly Vardens win be urn at the calico ball night. Dugau'a invention is invaluable lo every good one will buy black-threa- d now iuits,and Uasphe- - " n much are skies; is ion Many citizens of the State are latin? the question of another State i onvention. The insurance interest of Memphis l- - growing more rapidly than any other n uie city. The river is booming, and people elow are getting ready for an unprece-lente- d overflow. night the ushers and loor-keepe- rs of the theater will have attling benefit. The telegraphs of Memphis yester- - luy remembered Morse the father and ounder of telegraphy. The oyster season is practically over, A'hLe small onions and new cabbages ire coming season. The Mississippi is a curious phenom- enon at present ; it is going up and going lown at the same time. The Finance Committee of the Gen- - ral Council held a meeting yesterday n reference to the Brown contract. Could not our legislature be induced jo cteeiajthe Gayoso a navigable ,Lrtam as high up as Auction street. iiveu to jury last evening. vir llct will be rendered to-da- rhompson Dean loomed up yesterday .he conspicuous object &t the levee. hacks, have oecome numeroos on our streets tately, are lhe old ones out of use. The calico ball at hotel m Thursday night, for the benefit of orphans, will be affair of the reason. People ought not forget that it is a sanatary, and duty to lean up before the heat summer ap proaches. chain-gan- g attracts much at The unfortunates who com- prise it are by far too conspicuous for their own good. The river will oetriii to sink after a day or two. The regular melted snow rise is not expected to commence for twenty days yet. The tiavy-yar- d is moot busv spot in Memphis. viiiaire, l" Jr.. around little leuow. There ia some fear of frost. For some the i.- miv, w e have had frost regularly after this date, for two or three days DR. Strangers sojourning in Memphi- - and who have traveled a great deal this sueak of our citv as tne looking place in the Firmness to great mules along also. WHITE. style tention. 'Squirt was comp4)ed put person under a peace, of Uie immediate cause being the of his wrfe et a no doubt growth of which promised so days cars out to btreiei, i nornton ter DeleKates ui iu tuward many rwrmrlv snwinsn unnn nsrtlnt mtgmm THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-WEDNESD- AY, APRIL 17, 1872. , Thaliaus oa TliurMuvy night last induces - the belief that the attendanee will be v-f-t receipt. of wmme miisui jjiveu. There admitted eisrht . r;,novm.Ctrrx5DU every JoneaBaiawin,rianiersins.rjuiiain. of caucu utsu be mil and .Is 17 n- a. l si .mAk4bi at. a:; so in uie is to to If lL'lalIl Lilt HUriU VV7HAJX1MV CO., J r .wUlr,.. ,n,l i ' ' . - - - . i Owing to the bacKwara spring ine ptrawliern- - season will not be in full blast here till first of June this year, but the emu is to be immense Ouart measures will be sold for five cents. No croD uavs so well even at that price. There is a verv lively trade in base balls and clubs now. The boy are going for th-- : lieinsr much wiser than tne nan inrli rl nilr r thr tj instinctively perceive the of expaudliuf their lungs ana uevewpiug deltoids and flexors. An effort will be made rich members of 84. Peter's congreca- - tion to have them arrange for fresco- ing of that magnificent church. The charming architectural beauty and pro-- oi portion of Uie interior, sogranu aim sim ple, requires frescoing to show on to its fullest advantage. Four prisoners broke jail at Jackson on Saturday last. One of them, J. W. Brown, is charged with murder, and a reward of and afiy dollars is offered for his apprehension. The of the others are: W. E. Fain, E. L. Haynes and Robert Barton. Twenty-liv- e dollars each are offered tor their st. That was a curious expression of the Citv' Attorney before the General Coun- cil Saturday that the common practice is for superior courts to reverse the decision of inferior courts. It is said that this was out of by his own txpencuoebctore tbe higher courts, where been uniformally him. Two gentlemen by the name of Keill v and Tucker had a quarrel in Happy Hollow yesterday, arising out of a about unloading some staves from a barge. Tucker threats to lick Reilly with a bundle of staves, and Reilly retorted with a pistol. The offi- cers of peace interfered and had both gentlemen removed to the stationhouse, where were entered them. A man named Dunham played a oad. wes Ferry onthe Tenner- - gn. g&me upon a a two v.ri rVhe Dia uTnuat.a a: ago. He in ingratiating mm weather-boarde- and a probably a self into the confidence of the unwary gentleman so far as to be a share of his bed aud board at oar acre for city suburban sham House. result was that Union don armers Into vears, Wor- - ham got awav with contents of his 's pockets, including money and bataraire checks, with the latter of which be succeeded securing all his baggage, and decamped. Information was communicated to Captain A thy, who immediately put his machinery to work, which resulted In the sly gentle- man's capture at Humboldt. The St. George's Society have elect- ed following officers for the ensuing year: President, T. J. Walker; Vice President, Treasurer, R. Walker, Financial Secretary, J. T. Rawlinson; Secretary, Ait x. Bancroft; Trustee, A. A. Norman, Relieving J. Brown. The Committee propose the year to be year of vigorous work, and commence the cam- paign with an old English supper on twenty-thir- d of April, St. George's day, to be up on tne twenty-fourt- h of Queen Victoria's birth day, with the'usual English picnic, rs of wttl be further an- nounced. profound and learned preacher of this city, in speaking of the violations of the Sabbath and the contempt for Lord's day by certain large classes of Internationals and Atheists, very truly that the objection these imprarticables to the was not its utility, for they acknowl- edge that by substituting others; not its for they never a sound against that; not its necessity, for all philosophers of all recognize the human want of periodical repose, and bad it been a hu man institution the fagans, 1,,lt. net linnets, IutemaUonaJw, Darw in vogue in Paris, becoming mers w.on haZ exto1fe! .ushioiiable the but simply the Bayou new Peabody civilized must necessity two now dav they hate it. That had more than a common stock of philosophy. Men hate truth it is not their own. The root of this perversity is pride, the primal sin. who fear meningitis had better let their back hair grow. It is a great protection against cold ; pre- serves the heat of cerebelum and is worth at least grains of quinine in preventing any sort of con- gestion in the articulations of the verte- brae. It is a curious fact that most of those who are affected by symptoms of fell disease are peopie who are eith- er naturally deficient in back hair or else had it clipped by some ton so rial ar- tist before being attacked. is a man in this city who has had menin- gitis from his infancy, as may be seen the backward curve ofthe spine. Heis only saved from dissolution by ana careful cultivation of his back He is a Irrlng example of the truth of sapient theory here laid down. The back-s- et which" was given to his spinal column In the days of his youth by a whopping stroke of the com plaint remains, and is only prevented -- The case of the State vs. Paxton was m beriuig worse by the crinal cul the A which forced There ture mentioned. This fact is startling but there is patent and j'u --1 inir tmfl, Ilia m , i -- The chimneys of the great steamer of hUmanitv and doctors seem u have must The shoving the the the christian of The the of the him the the the In J. A said of preacher that by the overlooked. There is no woman-giti- s, why? Evidently the back hair. Let masculine human nature make a note of this let men-lngi-tal locks be-- I come the fashion. PERSONAL. Mk. M Fisher, New York- - E. P. Louisville, Kentucky; Dr. J. A. Brown, Mississippi; Colonel E. F. e, Mississippi; W. A. Williamson, Tennessee; E. W. Cabanisa, Jack-so- n, are at the Peabody ho-te- l. M. P. an excellent citizen of Germantown, proposes to make fame for the village and render it attrac- tive and prosperous bv ing there that will do honor to its foun- ders and bless posterity through all cornine time. Webb will convev to The hum of the ceaseless the trustees of an academy and their tcam-enifiut- mav W- heard there from successors forever, acres in the morning to night. on cvndiiion tnat otner persona Uttle Percy Roselle called at the!,un;IBn nllefn uunorro aoiiars 10 ue Appeal office vesterdav and left a most ereciing a proper omiaing on me ravnrhli. i.T1,.ru-i- ,. i. s ntl,.. niu-riv- . csureiv uie people in anu 0 manly weallierv. busy South. belongs persons Miller hundred thorn, tarded spring, among OrBivr. present followed May, which shown ut- tered schools US Lord's be- cause Those animal sixty establish school eleven Germantown will not fail to put houses on the lot terms, worth at leant dollars. The Nashville Union and American says: "We notice Captain Charles L. Anderson, the popular efficient 8u-- j perintendent of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, is announood as a candidate for Sheriff of Shelby county, subject to of Demo- cratic County Convention. Cantain intellect; obstinacy is the offspring of Anderson occupies aa an able, itisiiuci a sort of beastly quality which experienced and energetic railroad offl- - is incapable ol taking any uole oi right cer, second to no man or his age, Con or wrong. nected with railway affairs, in this That ex-pe- person who was found ail ot which he has in company with two mules from Hick- - by a8 own indomitable energy and per-- irii.ii ui... i ... i- ... ,. t... .,.. -- t vercim-e- . lit is ut LiiaL ciuirRj-i- ot .i t..,,r .rrnit ,..,...-- , Tk.i. ...!, iu. men who muster v. luitever nmler. .vim. vwu. ...ii , in, , iwn ine : . . Ihs to a bond five dollars, ejection mensa without cause. the a few i'he street auo w the meeting thiacily is IJ 111 exuected they their the the hundred unfortunate decisions have against dispute charges against stranger tendered the Joseph Grant; a the the holiday against against beauty, against Atheists, the the assiduous the itself: ,m and Walsh, and Werb, a Mr. five thousand and the decision the a position country, achieved . thev . an able and successful sheriff, and should be be elected, the standard that will hereafter be held up to will be " to as a sheriff as Charley Anderson." Another reason uhv Ki. ,i- - ,i ' Ir I malm a l.i i,rHmr K I ., The icy-co- ld water which now fills ,.r a,,iMfiil much ago. avenue avenue. small these make other offi- cers make good 1 pie of that county swod thing elect him. on the twenty-secon- d instant, on the wemm-ammm- xm sutiject of a riouthern tlulvswity, Shebiff-- A. P. Curry announces 011 arrival, please at tlie VuUiatuiM, niimeif an independent for House, m Mai n street where to office of Sheriff for ill aaSuKiied them during cou- - s. Election August, 1872. ention. re8pectfully refers merchants and The Appeal high apprecia- - lawyers of Memphis as to his to tion of the kindness me country ' hold the CHS it m in ways, it made locks. in "n, wi so office. , er macl, ine i. strongest proof trf r new ureas. llii ll. vt U kiau IU orltv nnmlun h.v. hunsJH.1 , Li. il. lil 1 i A! vt iT .T. rT.,i.TTv. ir T.Tv.wZI factory r" - ulflerent machines, in another -- The calico ball the Peabody ia. as general thing ask tor Singer 1 .hi wVinto .bniiA. used it wani any othe 11 is v"v - r 7 the favorite. Met r! man 4 WlLcox An 01 un nf on agents, 'tftyt Main Strnst. Those THI. l.WEVIOR.V Was Takes Husek saa The sharehoUWra Aid Association had Want Heatlaa- - Inventors' a meeting vaatar-- day afternoon at the hail of the Cham ber of Commerce. It waa found that the requirement of the charter have not been complied with and that nearly eighty shares more are required to be subscribed before an organization can be effected. waa stated that the com- mittee appointed to secure subscriptions had made little exertion and that it would be ready to report next Saturday afternoon, when the sum required would certainly be secured. It will be observed that five dollars must be paid on each share subscribed, and on the capi- tal thus collected the association may its operations. There are several invaluable Inventions for which a wide demand has already been created by the press, and which will Edmomls; Belcher vs Anderson; piuuuj. i uoe are w uie hjjd Haaw 101 Bannon VS which the owner VB Feldnran vs Huaa: 1612 half interest in the patent, makes a working model and contracts for the manufacture of the machines. There will result necessarily the building of a manufactory by the association. There is no help for it, and if either one of a dozen or two patents succeed, there is no defining a limit the value of stock in the company. Let everybody take a small whack at it y, when called upon by Lake, Alexander, Hitz- - fleld, Cowdon other members of the committee appointed to secure sub scriptions. Extract from the charter uuder which the Inventors' Aid Association propose to The Association shall nave succes sion for the full term of thirty years, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all tne courts of law and equity ; also, power to en-Jo- y and possess estate. In fee or otherwise, real and personal ; to lease, ouy anu sen, lor or for others, ou commission or otherwise, acquire or dispose of any species of property ; and generally 10 uu uny ami uu ing ; thai may also have and use a com- mon seal: and they snail generally have all the powers incident to corporations. Hue. o Br further enacted. That the capital stock of said shall be one hundred thousand dollars, wlih the privilege of being increased to Ave hundred thousand dollars, and shall he into shares of the par value of fttly dollars each; and when two hun- dred shares shall have been subscribed, and the sum of five dollars per share snail nave been paid thereon, the stockholders may meet and elect Ave who shall enter at once their duties; and said directors .hall e ,M't one of Hi.'ir number w be rresi- - dent, to act during their term of office. aic. 7. Be u fmruttr enaam, neii- - dent and so chosen, shall nave pow- er to and adopt all that may be proper and necessary for their government, mav appoint all necessary officers and agents, fix their compensation ; and may prescribe the manner of paying in the stock, saldtn-itirif.- n shall have a lien on the stock for debts due It by the stockholders, before and in preference to olher - . . Sc. 10. Be it further enacted. That no stock- holder shall be liable to a greater amount than stock he may hold or subscribe. A LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. U. Alexander, 2 share; S. C. DePaaa, 5; W. L. Duff, 14; A. HiUfelcL 1; W. H. Lake, 2; W. Hawks, 5; Cowdon, 1 ; J. T. tale. I; u t... iXKke, l. J. J. nnen, i i.. j wrral: K. r. Looney, z; jonn u. Adams . L. L. 1: Peier Lawless, 1; Charles Richmond, 1: A. J. Kellar. 1; P. tskipwith, guardian,!; A. J. Hays, 1; W. A. Duniap. 1U; H. Moode, 2; General Pal ton Anderson, 1; 8. s. Rembert. 1 ; W. E. DHL 1 ; N. 1 ; John C. Hook, 2: 8. Brooks, 1 ; Wm. Farris, 1; J.J. Williams, 10; C. sykes. 1; 8. P. Read, 1 ; J. M. Keating. 2; Trexevant A Co., 1; James Lee. jr., 2: A. Kerr, 1; J. H. McClure, 1; W. N. Eakln. 1:6. W. Payae, 1; Handley Co.. 1: J. K. Lanphler, 1; Wm. Hersteln, i: W. C. Fowlkes, k): J. J. Uu 1 ; E. P. Bates, 1 ; B. B. Barnes, M C. Ualla-wa- y , 2. AHl SE31ENTS. The Calico Ball. night the great calico will come oft at the Peabody under the superintendance and manage- ment of the ladies of the Church Home. It is needless say that it will be such an event as was never before witnessed in the city. Most everybody has a now. The most luauious supper will be served up, and everyone Is sure to be happy. The following are the lady managers of the institution : Mrs. W . 8. Pickett, Mrs. A. K. Taylor, Mrs. A. O. Harris and W. C. Postal, Mrs. J. H. Speed, Mrs. Niles Meriwether, Mrs. J H. Bowen, Mrs. Walcott, Mrs. Boiling, Mrs. Banksmith, Miss Trout, Miss Mur- ray, Mrs. George Harris, Mrs. Mcl- - fresh, Mrs. J. Doyle, Mrs. Brinkley, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Appersc-n- , Mrs. Sellers. Mrs. McMahon, Mrs. Hum- phries, Mrs. Jacob Thompson, Mrs. Finley, Mrs. Whitfield, Mrs. Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Townsend, Miss Haw- - ley. Mre. Logwood, Mrs. Duniap, Miss Eiam, Mrs. Chalmers, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. McCombs, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. Savage. Ushers' Benefit. Messrs. James S. Mahaffy Robert E. Pyh, ushers, and Mr. A. G. McLendon, door-keepe- r, gf the New Theater, will have a benefit night. These gentlemen de- serve a good house in recognition of their uniform courtesy and gentlemanly conduct toward theater-goer- s on all oc- casions. Let the house be filled. actor got very Go for publi-pleas- went the theater see him. The companv is very fair, and help the little along amazingly. is a rich thing a regular treat this acting of his. Every- one seems to enjoy it well, and per- haps better, than if Forrest or Booth were fretttn the air with their fierce gutterals. The theater will be filled MX. As Enterprising Colored Man Makes Dash at W Mow's Woodpile. Henry Jotto, of he ia the same darky that is put down in the census as being an Italian was be- fore Judge Miller yesterday, charged with stealing four cords of wood. Mrs. Henderson, who dwells beyond the classic banks of the Lupus flumen, had the stern dutv upon ber of swearing against Henry Jotto. She stated she aivuniulatcd ih very 0PEJil?l TO-DA- V OP the CHOICEST AND ELEGANT DESIGNS, IN CLOTHS, SERAPIAN PRIXTED JA(X)NET. BEAUTIFUL DOLLY VARDENS." A new lot of black ground Uke. He has peculiar qualifications to colored ttgure IXJLLY AJiDiiN8 Exquisite patterns in printed NEW PARASOLS TO-DA- We hi addition to the lnioims us, nas uubiie whoclaim and are nroud of stock of CALICOES, to black und whit affected the weatliei and re- - h,. hnrinr forruerlv havinir he.n th now arvlo li,,;,.,. running Chel names Nashville boy. Weil do we remember ceived but small lot of the above ma-t- he smiling, genial face of Charley terials, we advise you to call early to- - he waa smooth-face- d bov dav to Ml what will rWiaivAwl sea are patronized. it not in midst, and always the favorite, again this season. Hkrzog Bao. also be paving investment run as he is now. associates. The ut to nicbestor Cemetery bv fourth Khelbv Democracy cannot do i".r"?'r I"nau are indeed in ia. wnat their ueiies- - tmug limn uuuunuic auu me sw 27H Main streeL as to call candidate homes reet the Shel-- u he the lie to the has fitness teaUDed nss lhe Its ri.. to to to as nf kliow. III ecu: Willi me uiijiiesi "'7 -- .uim uiuti ma- - r,H ,im ..ifi.,,.,, imllv chinas wbobav used ; when of at the nsf wnonave ."t. T universal in It begin Messrs acquire, they company directors, upon Directors, creditors. the John Swayne, Coleman, Cutting, Royster. Urtndrod. hotel, Kerr, person iisibbb the H A i a a to 8TRIPE-4- . FRENCH a choice a Tl fsj Would a u a -- v- Wilcox, a f ui iue a r ti u a FURNITURE. Merriman prices freight added. destroyeeT PERCALES. ARMSTRONG, NAILL & CO., Main street. GAir-Fmai- Second street LAW REPORTS. Caaea set for to-da-y : 1567, Anderson vs Pollard; 1570, McKlnnev n Still-ma- n: 1571, Bulletin PufJkhina' Com- pany vs Walsh: 1572, Travis vs Renfro; 1573, Hays vs Ha v. 1574, Bond vs Or-aj- p 1575, Ford vs Gaynor: 1576, Wesche vs Flaherty; le77, DuBoae vs DuBose; 1578,' Winn vs Curtis: 1560, Iieasouover vs Reasonover: 1581, Har-be- rt vs Harbert 1582, Perkins vs An- derson: 1583, Smith vb Barry; 1585, Smith vs SmHh; 1588, Galvin va Quln-la- n; Kirtland vs Stephenson: Torf vs Clrode; 1689. Warner vs Meyer; 1580, Gelzervs Buchert; 1591, Laddvs Bernard; 1692, Smith vs Firm; 1694, Cubbins vs Myers: 1594, Briggs vs McCardy; 1597, Blood vs Calhoun; 1598 Evans vb Church; 1599 Peres va Peres: 1800 Lark in vs Ford; 4601 Green vs Miller; 1002 Pike vs Flynn; 1603 Toof vs Miller; 1604 Ward vs Bauguss: 1606 Waggener vs Merchants National Bank; Ksrr in N'omnli' IrUlT Purhim vi pay enoraiouii 1608 piuucieu, VS AJTCS; ciation, becomes of and themselves inaiiiie make W. B. W. ball and It HOOD. thkt MOST and ?ail. Iigan vs Hamilton; 1613 Jones vs Doyle; 1614 Evans vs Thompson: 1615 Hailman vs Foster; 1616 Mills vs Bond; 1617 Cochran vs Avery; 1818 Gibson vs Lewis; 1619 Biggs vs Jefferson; 1620 nenrv vs ftnarpe; loi ureeniaw vs Monroe: 1622 Somervtile vs Hheiton; 1623 Farrall vs Shanley; 1624 McRae vs Bingham 1625 Dai via vs Lawrence. rlminal Oil I. R. Flippin, Judge. The following cases have been set for trial y: Williams, larceny; Henry Young, larceny; Miller John- son, carrying concealed weapons; James Cornell, perjury; H. Roaenstuhl, perju- ry; A. Block, perjury; C. K. Martin, perjury; Charles Robinson, larceny; Stephen Arnnel, larceny; William Mer-r- i weather, larceny; William Looney, larceny, Richard Reilly, larceny. Supreme onrt. special tc the Appeal. Jackson, April 16. Nicholson's sec- tion spent day in hearing the case of the State vs D. Smith, convicted of murder in the first degree by theC rimi-n- al Court of Memphis. Deadrick's rd So. 32 on the Memphis Chan- cery" docket, and then adjourned on ac- count of the absenee of attorneys- - THE M05THLIES. The Galaxy for May, a good number, is at Manaford'a, corner of Second and Monroe streets. Its contents are as fol- lows: The Mother of Jacques, by Cath- arine S. Mucquoid; In the Garden, by C P, Cranch Historic Lowers, by Ju- nius Henri Browne The Arabs at Home, by Albert Rhodes; Life on the Plains, by General G. A. Custar; Only Kiss, by Wagenlauf; Faust, part first, by Ivan Turgenief; The Eustace Dia- monds, chapters xuv., xxxvi., xxxvii., and xxxvili., by Anthony TroJlope; Donna Lucrezia Borgia, by Richard 1 Boric Davey; Under Rose, by D. Lincold and Johnson : their plan of Re construction Resumption of .Na- tional Authority (second paper), by Gid- eon Welles: The Proof of the Pudding, by Edgar CSwcett, Regina Dal Cin, by S. B. Luc, U. 8. N.; The Cave of the Winds, in three parts. Part First, by Maria Louisa Poni; Lord Bantam, u Satire; French Signs of the Times; On Sleep and Brain Action Exactness in Domestic Operations; Naming New Species; Water Pipes and Public Health ; Salt Hail Storms; Motion of Glaciers: ng iir India; The Cobra ana Montoose; Current Literature Cooking as the Science of Life; American and European Kitchens; Nebula:. THE CLERKft. Suggestion for Mesehssits vfaln Mexi-uis- , April lo. Editors Appeal -- I notice, In tsaue of Sunday, an article in which the leading merchants of Front street agree to close their places of business at six o'clock, in to give their clerks some time for recreation. Won't the merchants of Main street do the same? If all the leading merchants would close at six o'clock, there would be iut as much business done between the hour of opening and six o'clock as if they kept open till seven or eight o'clock, ami, be- sides giving the clerks time for that recreation which is so necessary to the health of everyone, they would shorten their own laborious duties, and thereby benefit themselves as much as others. I do not wish to trouble you with any lengthy communications, and have tried to make as short nearly to the point as possible, it you will place it imam. oeiore lawyers liifltmu irreaii uunge, f'roper Olycerine leference , lis, The Cocoajne dresses the hair beautlfullv. Theater. The boy along well last night in his acting; and A Joe Locke's the latest the large audience that to cations. fellow ' imposed had uuan- - Indicates. 1587, Sensible Steam-Ftttin- o, 315 Second street. The Sliver Tongue" most de- sirable for Sunday Schools. Mr-- : an A Wilcox, agents, ZTJ Main street. Joe Locke, Main street, has the largest assortment of Magazines, Pictorials and dailies the city. Joe has received an assort- ment of tracing wheels. Have tried the imported wines and other liquors at the "Bay Horse?" Plcmrino, 315 street. The perfection oi piano-buildin- g is in Uie Mathushek. Herri man & Wilcox, agents, m Main street. VntCEST BoTTO. Madame Vincent's old stand, Washington and Front. Good liquors and cigars lunch. Nuki.v every one who has been musically educated, has pronounced opinion relative merits 01 rianos. .acn person nas (if li,.. lavorite. v nerever tile .naLuusiieK iniro- - plantation, reaoj 3 .1 duceil how,.vt. the oplniolw Native to other and for and also market, makers are considerably modified. The piled up. Jotto Went at this pile, and Mathushek by Its excellent qualities and h the aid of stout wairon and irood Pe.rlor structure, is revo- - - v union oi in 10 eousii- - opinion regard team hauled four cords of the fuel. away luUwi k nerfeot Piano. Sierrlman A Wlllcox, justice Miner se 11 Jotto to tall. agents, iSTJS Main street. batistes the PIQUES. open above rn-er- , a local savant merj , u. snrl ism An- - j fierson when a well our them of his N - wSi I . ? name oetier agents, a will, FoB 1 11 V, divided tick- et color ui j need i Wg 315 ; 1568, ; John l the ; ; My a the ; and ; ; . . " 11 1 OPEMNU Street order this and 238j you dry decided euuntv OF NEW DOLLY VARDEN S, In beautiful styles to-da-y, at aXBZOG 4 BRO. Joseph agent of George Stinson & Co., and designers, of Portland, Maine, has the exclusive right to vend the production of this firm in the South, or in this city and its vicinity. He exhibits specimens of the art of his principals. YE QUAKES OF THE EARTH. Regular meeting at the Kave this Wednesday evening at eight o'clock. W. Stbahihtb, GREAT MOO CL, Orful scratch. Last Monday evening the Young Men's Christian Association held a special meeting tc consider themselves financially. The result of which was that In a very short time they raised one hundred and fifty for the purpose of advancing the association. certainly means success. Young men and strangers should take advan - tage of the cheerful rooms that are open night. Buy the "Silver Organ for your parlor. This instrument, through its superior qualities, bids (air divide the Bold with the piano. Men 1111 an Wilcox, agent, 273 Main street. CARPETS. Our stock is now complete in this consisting of all grades and styles, at prices mat we dery competition. Call Removal. Friends and patrons are and examine. No to show goods. . ..... . v. ,n ;,.;.! . .. 1 .1 Sr V i. 'r ir oww naill & co., for the bteam Dyeing Estab- - Main street Ushment at 61 street, where the best cleaning and dyeing is done in CLEAjrufo by chemical process with-th- e city. out scouring, only at the Dyeing Estjlisinent, 61 Madison Economt. Take your spring clothing tit Wish t inform the OUblie that We to the sWeairi I lvinuui ( 'foa ni,,,. uTTT? Th lsjtP iy increasiuedisnAnd for the sins-- ' ? njaudiacxurers oi the above article, ! Hunt 4 Hanson's old stand). 2i Kas. super!- - and will for the next SLXtV davs sell at onrf tnt never """"" , with only Those your Connubial Felicity. Nothing tends more to connubial happiness than cheer- ful and infants and Mrs. Whitcomb's syrup is the great chil- dren's soothing remedy. TtLtuKArHU TE4KM. Te Wires Weep for tke The following dispatch, which was sent from here lat night to Speaker Blaine, who ireaided at a meeting in the national capital in commemoration of Professor Merge, speaks for itself, and tells the whole story without any nation from lis: Memphis, Tkjiw., April 16. MT2. To Hon. Jos. biairte. Speaker House of Rep- resentatives, " Washington. D. C. : A meeting of citizens was held this evening at the office of the Telegraph when, on motion. Col. j James Coleman, Superintendent Sixth District, was called to the chair, and Charles A. Slearns appointed secretary, terday guage twenty The chairmw explained the of the meeting to be to pay appropriate honors to die late Professor S. F. B. Morse, inventor of the telegraph. On motion of Mr. C. McCarthy a committee was appointed to draft a proper expression 0r the sentiments of the meeting. The was com- posed of Colonel Leon Trousdale, H. A. Montgomery and Barney Hughes, who reported the following resolutions, whieb were adopted acclamation : A quarter of a.century ago through the in vention of r. Morse, intelligence was uasiieo oeiweeti two dues wtras, and spao-- ? a as annil .'onunonlcailori of ideas! kind were nalu rally aatoa ulous the annouueem working of an experiment its character and so benen eontri v anee .o promoti I I it i concernei. Man-iahe- ti if laereil- - and sueireM.ful so In iai in its results of civilization enllghteniaent. speaks throughout the I n lor, aiihoM rapidly the spider weaves asammer nlfrht Iter shining websoverthe fields and forests. The other continent soon Joyfully accepted the call to electric commu nication until "Far along From peak to p.aK the rattUng crags among. Leaps the lire thunder! Not from ono lone cloud But 'every mountain now hath found a tongue," And not only the mountain but "watery plain has oeen tratjee4 to tne tmcu of genius which seems almost an and a miracle, so vast was the conception, and it can longer be said that man's steps are not upon s path, for continents, king- doms, empires and republics are linked In the embrace of lnstint communication through the pathless waves, by the invention of a genius who has connected his name with the most wondrous machine that "circles the earth dally with one continous and unbrok- en chain of Intelligence and lntercommunica- - tlon. There are which that of Mi printing press, whir through uiultltitdlnr the telescope, whh vision the heavenly man to cairuiati. rnei their phenomena: the eattons thought by enalji- ,- i and vtew- - which lia aiven him the uower to nail Hat'el through all sea. and mark out highway on the fields of oceim ;aad the steam engine, that swift messenger of locomotion on the land and sea. But atove all these, the invention of the telegraph tiwers like the highest peak above neighboring mountain the same chain. His death, at the ripe e of eighty-on- crowned he was with the prtneelieet honor that could be conferred on man by admiring nninklnd, excites the liveliest sen sibilities in 11s who have been associated with unl are assembled this ev City, and in every lmpo nent. In bearing our em tiinony the graudeu wnicn was illustrated no I as th. not enl to irabie: the rS ,y to our inagnetli' f I at V. eity on the contl-- c sincere ;i a as by the highest genius by t ie gentlest virtues. A great anu goou man, ine language or tne poet may most aptly be applied to him as that of a name "That must not wittier, the earth Forgets her empires with ajKst decay ; The enslavers the enslaved their deaths and births; The high, the mountain majesty of worth should: be. shall be, survivors uf iu woe. And from Its Immortality forth In the sun's face like y under Alpine snow, Imperlshahly pure beyond all things below." j the ue., .as--j UU1U Grand from De- - oy of Cairo, the invention the mr Bed placing Galileo, rivK; river Fulton man- - siowlv. of meeting, tribute of 19 inches iu ser of Morse. the canal, 17 cloudv ci-- il. Mr. Samuel W. Rhode. remarkable inspiration, day; anhingtnn character, JOHT5iV JAt KSONS Law Library lor Supreme Court. Appeal Your Jackson says in a letter dated April 13th: "It is unfortunate that the Supreme Court has no large and selected library here for the of the and bar. The State should furnish a or should assist in doing so at Nashville, Knoxville and This ia a good suggestion and should be carried Into execution. The lawyers and judges are put to great inconvenience want of suitable books at Jackson. M.wt of the furnish tor their i 7 '.,.r..... U'h.ku i, " anS ro vuu i 3 4r-- . ... im- - Many cleeks. ested decisions from "court last resort anu thc-m- , The Cream. the proper of should lj for rendering Uie hair Korssh? bv J. R 2si Main njsnea- - ims 18 no1 a Prite matter, but of icterest. small Organ is a Instrument in Locke Second a nn is a a wnai S. P. Hath, dollars This Tongue" 10 line, trouble Memphis Memphis Steam street. e expla- - O object St. ft. at al as In to States m Is in, tViot luis their ifth.Si-t.u-,!- ,! and fumer Th.,Q lhe Francis, UOUlll bar would, from their own means, increase and assist securing for the use of the t,ourr. ami ine lawvers attending n, a library. am gratified that has brought this sub ject to tue attention puonc. A LAWYER Those who bave s cure the Mathushek Plan fled approval oi man & Wilcox, agents, JT'I No. new a and and a a and Les- lie than and and the best and seen fortunate to pro- - ;i,reM.H ungual or merits. Merri- - Main street. Gas for sale in any quantity UIMJ. lr 1,1- - !iH, 20 NDEKTIKFB. JOHN WALSH, 331 Second street, I'nibn. Driven Wells, 315 Second street. by See of Dr. Butt's Dis- pensary, headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide, in another enlHrnn. It should read by all. HOOK LA KILL, No. Second street, just received lot of Rustic (wooden) neat, cheap and durable. There are numerous cases on record where persons by their and exhausted by violent dis- ease, bave recovered their tone, mobility and energy- - by persevering use of no than Upper Blue Lick Water great alterative and aperi- ent age. for pamphlet. MANSFIELD HIUBEE, Colds and Coughs. Sudden changes of climate are sources of pulmonary and bronchial affections. Take at once Bronchial Troches," let cold, or irritation of throat be so slight. hands, face, rough skin, pimples, salt-rheu- m and affections cured, and skin made soft and smooth by using the Juniper Soap, by Casewell, Hazard A Nw For all druggists. jnrw Opened at HBBZOU h. Taz-payk- the District can reduce their assessment twenty per cent, by making their returns to the assessor, J No. 3E7 Second street, or be- fore the lay April next. After that the assessment is Axed, and re- duction can be made, THE SALOON. Formerly by Madame No. 18 Union now owned and kept by the popular P. D. Canale, is the most pleasant place in the city to get nice in tne European style. In his cozy up-stai-rs rooms you can and sip at vour leisure. It's pleasant. Go and see P. D. The cheapest and best steam dyeing and cleaning house is at Second street, Hanson's old Hajtsos & Walker. J tml 3 - Go to JLcddiu's College. Attend Robertson's Business Col- - ArmstronK's PhotoraPhic 211 Three faultless gem for fifty cents. BIVEK LNTKLLIUENCE. White river.. Friars Point. St. Louis Sew (Orleans. Marble t'Uy . City of Alton shannon Tom Jasper Thompson Dean Marble City City Alton... nnsnnou Robert Bums St. KrancJs Pat Cleburne A. White. Tom Jasper Thompson Dean sta Leaving To-D- . i . A i. Ti I. Hi. A -- Lis ..Export Lgal .10 ajn i pjn 5 p.m o p. Ill t. Louis St Loois ..New Jt. Lonis St. Louis JSt. Loui" New Orleans Cincinnati Afltansas river Bapoli-o- Jk. Lomls ..New Urlean.s The river rose twenty-fou- r inches yes-- and stands by the by ocean law law me ana a nail feet above low water mark. The upper Mis.sisnippi is declin- ing at St. Paul and rising at Davenport. The Missouri at Leavenworth rose six inches and declined seven inches at Omaha. The IllinoM, since last report, was stationary. The river at St. Louis declined nine inches. Yesterday at Cairo rose fruir inches, at Pittsburg j des'iineo incnes. at Cincinnati three niches, at Louisville eight Inches, at Nashville eight inches; at Vicksburg rose twenty-fou- r inches, at New Or- leans six inches. The Arkansas fall- ing with ten feet out. White- river has plenty of water and in good boating stage. weather is and pleaa-an- t. Business ou Uie levee yesterday was all the local packets leaving with trips. By Telegraph. Little Rock, April 16. Weather and cool. The river falling, with 10 feet water in the channel out. Arrived: Mary Boyd, from Memphis. Departed: R. C. Gray and Dardanelles tor above. Orleans, April lo. Arrived : John H. Oroesbeck and Peyton and from Cincinnati. Departed : Charles Bod man, for Cincinnatf; Bis- marck and Bee and barges, for St. Louis. Weather warm and clear. Cincinnati, April in. The is stationary, with 40 feet water in the channel. Weather dear and cool, with a light frost night. Departed : Mol-li- e Ragan, for Arkansas river; exceei Dean, for New Orleans. PrrrsBrRo, April 1. Weather tcrneh. and cool. The Monouguhela river has H 6 inches water in the channel, and "OX" tailing. April 16. down : is By elevating shade as a cop can mt Dexter, a.m ; Kelloeg anil barjres, with tnerw)n quickly heated, kept any desired temperature. Atlantic in tow, 3 Boats up: B1 Y " wA0" throws 1 cent City and barges, 7 last night. Cp Great Rennhlir. ."T,". -- a" exeemion - r - ' 1 j ""in"- - or. reqon m siienuon pieasanr. ami SgrwslMe 1! Vicksbsirg, S p.m. river has risen Buy It READ and UTOtE by, and your eyes will not Tared inches last 34 Weather A ,MF,T VI ,LA MP. irtl ic- - Burner Chrmaey, is furnlshe.1 each warm and oleur. Tender. Alice Cairo, April 18. Arrived: City of Helena, from Viekuburg, 10 p.m; Ex-- j iHirtcr. from PitLsburir. ft H.He we' therTlo wuuurTreSreTiho W'l' "' 8 a'; How- - look ell, from New Orleans. 7 a.m: Emma ( . hlliott. from Cincinnati, 7 a.m: 8am. J. Hale, from Cincinnati, 10a.m; War- ner, from St. 1 p.m; Belfast, from St. Louis, 3 p.m; City of Chester, from SL Louis, 5 p.m; from Arkansas river, S p.m. Departed: Thompson Dean, for New Orleans. 9 p.m; uf Heieiia. for St. Louis, midnight; Exporter, for New Orleans, a.m; Belle Lee, for 8 a.m: Jennie Howell, for St lmm, 9 Sam. J. Hale, for Memphis, noon; City The chairman of the Col-- 1 TT'JL C " "tir'S Leon Trcmsdale, Secretary of oloudy. Mercury SaAasSasH T 01 Lons, IU-Arr- ived: W. J. and Aaso- - wir.b. Pofin n..-,- ii x .. ' ' - ... ii"ll iocl'JJa-- . appropnaie MemphU; itr, re- - Orleana; Tower, from A w uiaias, setting iorin uie emmeci Htj- - of Helena, Vicfciburg. T tenuerou parted: Susie Silver and City Professor Morse in 10 New Oxleana; Glaagow, telegraph, him above Juiia, f0T The and other benefactors of u S Weather doudv and kind. Colonel Coleman, ehairaan the, April lrt.-- The river paid a beautiful the faWng 9i(,wiv, with feet 6 preeminent ices J ai.i 0 inches in the sueoigiw yjris, was represemeu try chute. Weather ami Mer THE Editors cor- respondent well use court library Jackson." the for libraries V., ine sm paving the obtain books sott glossy. Hi street. one every sublime though valuable your South other of cough, cutaneous sale Fourteenth twenty-nft- h strtjet drink very Hunt stand. LOCiUL No. Main street. The eloudy barges, Boats the readily out v: hours. City COoi cury from 44 to Business good. Arrived: ArniadiLo, from kansas river. for Cincinnati Louisville did leave the foot of the falls last night on account of the wind. She tor New Orleans this morning. Umllasesss. City of Alton from New 0;leaus, three and days fifty packages wine here and left for St. with one and fifty tons of She reports tow-bo- at Atlantic at with broken shaft. Marble City, from St. Louis, brought in fair trip, a few items of. which were, one thousand dry barrels, sacks of grain, three hun- dred and thirty-fiv- e of hay, sev- - j casks of lot of' . ..r F iuustiiiuiwus in columns your "j u Tn popular widely circulated State? Not only the ,tfXZ InJ'J riiir u Mm r.nnln ;ntar. e," m celebrale gcncnil producing engravers Armstrong, Madison HiN'SilV.tWltKBO healthy children. Superintendent, ot to Coke Have . . Wlttsburg ' bacon , . - - .. i seven bales of cotton, six eighty sacks of cotton seed ana sund-Bt- si to order. She Sailed off last night, leaves at ten o'clock this morning Shippers will .. I w 1 1 .m,,ml mn.i ,:TO ' uiaa.e a nuie 01 mmwuu uowu -- L,Z .J1 freight early. wiiiivuret The Kate Kinney s,. Leav tt yj-r- .. r -- rr ; are due from below Uxdu. ,.fi,r IL. 1 , T St. for VVittsbunr, UUl irtJCrir A LllA l AA J Llll AAA 17111 IS nli the private 'his fund In 1 tne lu supei , 1 Court advertisement be It ti 326 a Window Shades, abandoned phy- sicians, a medicine the the Send Wholesale Agent. "Brown's the the ever Chapped ringworms, other the Tar made Co., York. by riiusoLs y, or five no. T. ElllottTEsq., on of no kept Vincent. cer- tainly a sit C. in the city 1TKH. Business Gallery, pioturea of J. i)i; New orieaui it It nrteen it is is clear active, gixxi is New river last ZSwmSm clear feet tt shown, 1 7 Louisville, a.m: 5o. services feet Ume OLD ranged Departed Armadillo, left discharged Louis hundred freight. the two thousand bales enty-fiv- e a 'TT journal, hundred and to bet positively. ....I-.- . SW of if Cleburne, lor Little Rock, and A. White, for Napoleon, all departed with rr I rrirw lr i ,.1, , . O" -- "if r""' Thu Thnmnsnn from Sr as in yesterday afternoon, added six-- ! teen bales of cotton here, and departed tor aw Orleans with one thousand eight hundred of freighf. A few items of her cargo were one thousand seven hundred and fifty barrels of flour, six thousand nine hundred and sixtv- - of grain, iwelwnaAl Packet of fifty of Cincinnati, barrels of Kilt tit thousand of i lhe departed kllkti millei.. ty ot and a fair rhe Lee leaves for New Orleans next Saturday instead of Fridav. Boyd Arkansas For the elegant nver pw:aeu leaving next, miuy. Captain Dave family were passengers on the Dean, which passed dowu night. Oil Valley has been Sarrmel Cable to D. A. Mi LUmaht fnr sixteen thousand dollars. Captain Dan Brady command the Kate P. Kountz. Captain R. C Mason goes on the John F. Telle. Phil. Allin, Captain James Lee, leaves evening at o'clock for Friars and all landinirs. Stack Lee James C. Harris her clerks. fleet passentrer steamer Leiral Tender, Captain Williain Ashfbrd, leaves this evening at five o clock rbr Devalia Bluff, ail points on White river. K. C. Postal, Dan. Sullivan and Ed. Crowell are her clerks. Exporter, Captain John Wil- liams, leaves this evening at o'clock fer New Orleans bends. Colorado, Captain Luker, leaves evening at o'clock for Cairo and Louis. Henry Deitrici is elerk. The passenger steamer Susie Silver. Captain Shields, leaves this evening at fine o'clock for New Orleans all landings. has superior for passengers. Ms, E. S. Hawks is prime Special Notice. New Orleans passenger steamer Memphis for New Or- leans on SainrHiivs inwrnml ,i" fei.l,. R. W. ienerai Agent. icfS' ' Louis Uemuerat of the teenth says: " Freight is abundant for 555?; at and a-- a all pound, and some lots on boartf at tiebbat ror with the freight they! "M". A'Jiiuuge ior ew uneans m abundant, which caused a little flurry in rates the Belfast leading outside of the City of Cairo to follow. Captain Thomas W. Rea, the Carter Line, pack- ets arrived yesterday from He has contracted with Cutting, of place, for a hull to be finished in se'.'i'i ) v-- ri va duvu It will Ka r.wn him. forty-thre- e Reader has quit the second dirk's de partment of the Merrell, goes on James Howard. Pete VVlrU goes ou Great Republic as second clerk. The Nile leaves Thursday for Arkansas. The of Qulncv leaves Tuesday evening for New Orleans." Vicksburg Herald of the 13tb ays: "The Edinburg Frank Par-gou- d slight collision Delta. mursaay nigni. was blowing somewhat at time, and. for the efforts used by both steamers uiiirht been seriously injured. it the only had jack-et- a knocked down the guards sliguflv affected. This we gentl'' who came up on the Memphis Jfei WATCHES JEWIXRY aiXVEHWAIlX. WATCHES! DIAMONDS Silver, Ifare, AND STOCK OF etsfx My to. DuioriM, Locarrs, table rrnoT, wtLiiitfi CAjnoa, r nrvrrrD SETS, m THE SAFETY LAMP - HOLDER AJD PATENTED Sterling SilYer-PIata- : JEWELRY. SHADE. BRILLIANT CONCENTRATED LIGHT than be otitatned by nslng s burner with any of shad- - In other words, a BETTFR andfSAFKR LIGHT with LB iVsr VlPTIvN 'jll bv sskf lb, LUP-HOLB- U 4 UAH. IT THE EYES BY PEEFECTLY THEM. anything to the a " operate sewimr nizhr and being rhe table. Nursery .nd Hoo VlCKSBVBO, PERFECT. above containing llould tm p.m. Cres- - FR flood of light on the fSH- - At "5-- . of kind of The grow and weary 25 the complete, with nnle Louis, Nightingale, onel sa- - . Locisvillb, is 50. : The nor The out, Milliken'sBend The and or 1.I1 nn. gef T"":T1"vL.. r. Pat correspondent ot 246 J .it' supreme Dpn came tons nf- - are of larger-sise- d yon !OlJ uiiiilll-- l a is a V 7 ' 4 a u .1 i Li Ml Samples complete will be to any part of the eipt of AcUt t&uu tuiMcm iu rri j niiy lum liiii- - ia to rOUiHr E. For the States of Uniofl, CAIRO ST. 1 awl iMh Hickman, olumbu', Cairo and sit. Laker .. RIVER. Memphis and Arkansas Stiver Packet wmpisj -- 1. H. I Iwe, Pine Bluff and S ill Kenb. Uaynes, steamer FKIIi.VY, April KF.NNEI.I IV. Airem. hi i.ompaiiy Wharfboa:, st. FOR NEW For N.'iv and the Bends The new passe steamer Lf aves WUi ta ap!7 I tH. LobIs sad Orleans Vicksburff, Natchesand Ni str. srsiE silver T. r paw 1. W; aplT Leaves HA R. W. Lf apr :ipl7 ol Kli MKRIT ever offered poblie as .Irgai machine and and the any fa Ar H. sent United FOR For steamer FOR For BOYD elegant will leavs pja. W. H. Orticc Court entirelv ayer Wmm or to at an to at It " to as at or or J. This ill leave' as a JHPI Packet Co. nister nrertenmer NOTON, 44 Madison Regrnlar Saturday Packet. For New Orleans sud the Bend- - -- .tesmer Lee, master FHDAT, April aoth. at pjn tu f on the FOR RIVER. Memphis and White Pactet Co. Helena, Clarei.don. Dsvaii's .lac kon port gge. KrwswSflSfc-'-- t Wiford ..jaaster fflLs DAY, April at 10 m. KLLIiiTT i MILLER. VgenO, i orner Jeffenon Promenade sts. FOR CLNCUTN ATI. E1X For KvansviUe, Louisville and t'incin-na- ti new elegant passenger steamer Sam si. m. T. Hambleton .muster Leaven FK DA V. April lath, at I p.m. Bouts positively as announced. For freight or passage apply on or to E. D. CiiilB, Agent, street. three sacks head R"nlnr HempUsajsl t stock, hogsheads tobacco, j Fr Louisville and the steamer seven hundred and j ' suuunes. tmi KSlMi, April isth, at o'clock JVtarble City twen-- 1 p- t Dales way trip Belle Mary Is the uscmia ami Bends-T- he r Campbell Thorrrpson last The towouat siiUi by will The this five Point way and are The Jacksonport and five and the The this five St. and way She accommoda- tions minister. The magnificent Belle will leave LlUHTBURNE, Whar oemou tnree cents per Wednesday, all yesterday, organisation and the Red Metropolis. Alf. that r the the the ine the Edinburg WATKB NEW FINE MrtTT SHADING Slclt States wnutoi SAFETY LAMP-HOLDE- R AND SHADE COMPANY, JAMES MEBAW Agent, Mississippi STREET. of Memphis, Tennessee. Louis. master leave ARKANSAS Mmil master ORLEANS. I-- x porter. pssst above Aent, Belle Hicks iiencnu Levee. River For Bluff Iiecal Tender, 17th. 1.1X1.. Hal', board Front twenty-eig- ht ftjSc..T"! with The next anil The Lee The Pargoud." OrCEOLA. siding. Will PAT, April at p.m or freight or sage apply on ooard. apis FUK N. ORLEANS & LOUISVILLE. the one leave KATI Louis, K. W. apU St, lizzi Pack swss In., 19th, W. for, .irrii'e No. aad The and will and I master pa: and ew Orleans Packet Line. tUM". leave aplT leave Weekly imprising Magniflcent Hteamers Bvllt les Hicks ..dsstsr Kobt. E. L,s?t?. MasStnr fine passenger steanifrH Lupins rfr ew vrifaiis t, KKi a; clock p.m., tuiti up r,i, a,, ua. ax p.m. HTUL'H-NE- , saperintrDtleiit, No. 3a on the Le ve. FOR HELENA 4 POINT ror Helena. Friar's Point. Hewlaa. Whits suver. vspsiess ana tne Bends. The inieil Packet A. JT. White, MHri; !'.. t'beek Masasr sui leave jiernpnis II BUAIS ;inu KRI DAYS, punctually, al pju. For freight or apply on board ARKANSAS RIVER. Mri.MPHLS KIVEK U. -- The elegant passenger boats of ttiis line leave Memphis lor points on Arkansas river louttars rrwsjn, at 4' n-a-a. For freight, pas-o- r olher iniorniation, aiiiiiy to W. H. 11, Agent, on tympany root ol street. FOR ST. 'FRANCIS RIVER. pve and seven cents. Two steamers kili uh pa k leave Denton to-d- and "Ue n mrsii ssj uumuscsss river Ht. Frauds, T. R. Bowman i., rT uuve cvattl Tt "1,1,1,1 eiocn F.u- - or apply on board- - an a teet leet oeam, .tuutr, searcy, ai SIX and font h.ild. (itiirci-- H. .. cieuuiiL ' and City The and had near wind bqt have As was ' her and learn from a man nfheT style ' la AND above THIfe DAY. Little Hoek. Orleans ireiglit THIS street. ":. Steamer .. Cairo. Leaves Agents. THIS 18th. r stales M) Mall Line. Luurt KrS- - Leaves Memphis svary TVSHDA i al o'clock p.m. Leav. viJmh; J"Dn J- - Edson, Master everr SATVRDaV, at 6 a'cloak p.m. r.8??T'.!?nlof elosaat steamers connect RrHk "i.'i?.!!' railrossl for UtUe mh7 s I l i i" o t s unnort. DAY 4 c 3 o- - Htn.vf o pum r, j i 3 l ilail i . ; '.'mew mhl , ' " p.m. and ' " , . . i , ELLIOTT MILLER, Agents. . . 1001 oi FRIAR'S POINT Friar Point. fastened elegant FOB i'niinnn passage FOR frwigni passage FQR long, one-ha- lf Sates Mall raaWIs Agent. HMiilrich imiieuisue, jemrson. FOR AND L ai n m T ... Z m Lea TBS Memnhw Mlixfi'vru''wi.-.i-ria?"i- ' I iu !,ivi 4 "t"1 P-- u51 .l.'lf 1te'Per HHOOA torartsSB I 1 paints rtrer. a is specialx LASOE irSW STOCK OT aimrrs, OPHt Hll. The tm tas eftr. otrx Oil,l ins WMDIlii IMM, rataii it s m, iatiii, KBMM, KM us . l iiivuntiou (or liie uoim, work room , so thsst it caoikot be overt urn d HoiUer proUu'-i'- a more ean obtain uF SO. JAN. SATES time ER- - Use is tne saie, i' and onet Tnnnsasiis Arkansaa. I MATS Corner LOUIS. VOUmABO, will ftjot SC WHITE FRIAR'S et WHITE RIVER. BENDS. test ail L'Anguiile AUCTION SAT.FS. -- A-T AUCTION, BY A. n. STODDARD A On the premises, 54 STREET, th COSTTITNTS Well-Fur- n ished Houe Parlor, chamber, diaiDtr-rooiir- ii and kit a?laes iam, and beiidinc THUBSDAT MCKSIVG. APRIL i At 10 o'clock. pM BY A. FALLEir&CO., Auctioneers and Coaimhwioa Merehanu. in rmewr sr.. liUaH ABA aeunc. as m .. Without reserve or limit : Mt enmrn ot H.s'. Bouts. 73 eases of Upb'v Wseaen anil i kil- - U re li s Mim ; 10 raws Ladles' Serch Balmorals ssd aiters: M doxen Hen's asul Boys Hats; IOO dozen Linen Cants awl Pants. Also, D17 "l'ltliiiig, "M- otions Toilet etc. and the trade will mid it to their in tarest to attend these sales. mh5 Initsiiu Hsspslilit and Miinnfactory Has remuve-- I from the old stand. 19BS Main street, to the larger bouse, XAXX STREET. better facili ties ror manafaetarin; In the new bouse. I In- - rite my pairons and the ladles generally to oma and examine 2i. i: MONROE seanable CuiJery. Country merchants gen- erally, Having SW new snd those orltibis rieueu corsets, :v. Memphis. April. er Y etc., etc. P Bae Of B noia with-S- E CO, ABOVE Uoods, .Soaps, 6t-- -- .IS3 skirts, bustles LlNSt Main 1372. attJ MEMPfflS GASLIGHT CO. THE rHHPATT: IS BELO-- 23 C AOIaJK POWXB -- NET PRICE $2 20 per 1000 Cubic Feet. SET COMPAXY'S OFFICE, V: 291 SECOUP STRi35T. DR. H. R. H0P$0. 41 Madison St., Room s . Resldenee Corn streets. ELLIOTT & RIDGEIY'S 219 Main Street. bctt: u VKRTf LUflS Mouth street. SIB JVH FBEK. N. of Shelby and IIWIXKT -- Xe mt Sn BY JET SETM Car Issns. REAL ABB ra-TATI- O mi u Ll'BlNN perfume, world. "M im.l u S SKI IS fn ami EmhroifJery MaOriftaA. u'uurfLm. by o n'l runs all an "Xi tBIXT AtTKlDl. ATKLXSON-- London .oioanel.ombs. d VIENNA Tans, Opera Lnsin(j ases. Travel-es- s eoi leet ui articles ities from all parts of the- - BTTRT.Tr? WOOL FARNHAM'S FRENCH TOOTH IjOZBJT&BS. Kir ele&&lns? . tis wunu hiitifwu.: . ul'wo'?- - J. B. HJLLS.ail Mah. "reeL J. A. J. SMITH it i . i Mam , w. H. 8EABROOK h.r Main strer . '.7. frr. a, lo Main street. KENKEKT, '.JU Mu . n fl Ti mnvi.iv ... .. ;. i i a sin street. r. juajswi, a Poplar street. .WAXSBTKXD A Whotesale Agent. SAMUEL WALKEB, ATTORNEY AT Room No. Walker Ul., 970 S IPraetiMi 5 rnhJt Brushes, by son st P. 5 DEALERS IN AUD attaca-!igh- t, 1 at . qaeensirare . South l tetxit rafat Vain BBBBBB LAW, U. F. CAVANAGH & CO. WHOLESALE TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, ted ColTee FUME GROUND SPICES, STREET, etc. ion

Transcript of The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1872-04-17 [p ]....A tew can also be a; (JAKIitrOs lea Soar...

Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1872-04-17 [p ]....A tew can also be a; (JAKIitrOs lea Soar spiel sal convention. logistic Mowe." 1st. lay lodging board--lonroe AKD--I uruisUed


Mini & Ton.P. Hhobt ...


ab rsHEiw.THURSDAY, 18,

on which occasion Mr. Roselle will ap--


p --j in bis thrtlllnf and smusing anmi,Til f: BOT DETKTITE apis


Engagement of the wonderful Boy Actor,PERCY ROKELLE,

Whose remarkahie talent bu ere led the adrulrsllou 01 ooiu r.uciftuu aim America.

MONDAY EVENING, APRIL lira,every evening, toaluniay Matinee, and unUifi.nner notice. In H. A. Weaver creel drama01 -. w Pearce's story, published In the Fireside companion, enuiasa ine

BUY DETECTIVE.PITTS, the Boy Detective, aged 15; Jack Hal

vara, a sailor, with sailor s harpies: Picobtubbs, a newsboy, with the character hhoi me nanu, or len inousana iiucAway:" ten Lawrence Belvldere, a fop: OldJacob Bauersea. a Hudson ; MotheiC'rouui No.: Master Pkwi v tiuei.. i

Act 1 The Couuterleiters. Act II 1 lie KeVelation. Act Ul The House on the PaliIsaac

FRIDAY, April 19lh Benefit of Master Percynose liesAi First Percy Matinee.

J mkvr of (be ftupreine 1 on t.


M W Hie 1.1., J, n, n ,,. .vou..- - t ..... . .

oi Lhe -- tale. 1 hereby announce myself ascandidate lor Judge of the supreme Courtniaue ucant by me resignation oi Hon. l. A:. e.son. Elecuou hrsi lhursday in AugustBeXL HUBERT McFARLAND.

Morrlsiowu. Tetini mh.'i

THE PEOPLE UF TENNESSEE: In reT dousc ti. Uie expression of a popular deaire, sumcirnio general ana lunueuuai i.c jntroi mi action in the matter, 1 hereby anuounce myself a candidate for the office olJ ujl'c ol lhe sunreme Court, made vacant tthe resignation ol Hon. T. A. R. Nelson. Election firs', i uursoay In August next.

J. B. OOOE.Chattanooga, March 1L 1ST2. mhl2

lor ouul) Tss-- 4 ollrclor.EORUE R POWELL a candidate

VI Tax Collector for fhc!liy countylo me action oi to

OSCAR 'uto the action I





rtemocratlc convention.

for onuly



1ITE are auUiomed lo announce A. WOOD'1? WA1.D at candidate lor u.

to the office of County Trustee at the ensuinAugust election, subject to the action of theDemocratic Convention oi June J'tn.ziorXTV TRUSTEE Vc are auihoi ixeil1 announce General B. M. BRADFORD ascandidate lor me office of County Trusteeme ensuing election. Subject to the action olthe jjemoc raii convention.

P. announces himself an inat candidate


CtHAKLBs L.of sh

me decision of me D

Shelby county.


SITE are authorised announce CoioneV J. A. FoKREoI' as candidate for sheni;

at me ensuing elecuou, subject lo Democrat!? Convention.




sJliEKIrf- -i announce myself asU candidate for Sheriff sheioy county,lie ensuing election, subject to the actionthe Democratic Convention.


answer to many inquiries, hereby au-thorize you to announce my name as can

didate lor sheriff Shelby at the Au-gust election, ltTi Subject lo the action of thrDemocratic Convention,

c!..: B. F. BALL.

WANTS.BUSINESS MEN Fifty active business men

Arkansas, Tennessee andother southern state lor me sale of Diga V

Coxbimi) Biuo Plajiteb,a" Crcnv tok. None need apply unlt.-me-

can give good references, or can fumlstcuffioeut capital to purchase team andmachine. Apply or address MILBl'KNWALKER ft 37 Union street, MemphisTennessee. spldAw

smtore: wobevt of

















NOLou., beli



ratlc Con




-- By man whokeeper an.

yean' situationalt; dry roctrryrefer to travel and solicit trade:.ce given, and bond made.rtMa. lor two days only,McM earv oihain Houe.







irjion the


LxjUUI ami wHl Ml

itk:u ireet.


MLV ANL Wivo-T- hc to farinointrQ C&li Jffefx;

4l4j M. UAiLl. Labor

ma. wujt-i- pnU:

u- -




al A

s acounty








a I





l.Apply lmtnetti

annil li

lo nl 0. ai

i. Vv Ag'ttit.

v olcan Appeal


nil iUver.Araiii.iau,. aat-- of iarxrer- -

per da Itegular packets from Men.pbik Grand O'laixe twice a week.,

apti M. CO., Contraciora.A




new Piano,sold cheap.


urnilure, am.ods oougia

SITCATIuX By colored man, No.desirous quitting

pro asiiou. lis eaa give lhe be.,city reierence. To gentleman anting i

arriage dxl and barber, this hrst ranhe like posiuon

ter store. Lbls omce. man

t'UilNIi L'HL Becond-lusn- d house hoeand dauiaged luxuiMre of ail klun

srioua - re.--

Iu lent houseand avcoiu

small For such nourent will paid eacimonth by tenantMemphis mbl

OT willly) ground, II I

wlinln onePAHil, Appeal ,



uL'.-t- new

ner of


















C. til:Jage




utu Kixxl

oi, .



k to . ruelo

i it






lor one Sis 1., beS . Second street,jpiosite Court Mqure.

t 1 twinersa.i lciud

H. i. hlXSOiTa a

is oi Hit onsorialoi a w

or is aunaooa. ur would a as sh

In a Apply

uOUkv a good dwelling

centr.ll kssated capableinouaung a laiuiiy. a

be promptly in advancea ui Apply or addreaAppeal.

I I gi cash lor forty feelme. must

street cars.

FOR RUNT.OOMis V ery desirable rooms lor rent t



rsaponslble parties, ssiutbern Hotel.A

OlXiP.E-- 3








o.It U

v. . 27V street.on Uie cor

m streeu, under th,ruai v Aupli uC. BKINKLEV,ie Madison


DAY BOARD A few gentlemen can obtainboard with a private fandiy, at a

reasonable price. Apply No. iT Beale streetsplT MRS. WELLH.




ROOM AK1 BoARli A gentleman aud hi.can be accommodated with board

and also a finely furnisned room, at 11 Secondstreet. A tew can also be


(JAKIitrOs lea







lay lodging board- -


AKD- -I uruisUed and unturnlabsuilahle lor 1amnies aud alngl

t ise Madison street. Also,umodsusl. sp--.


it 1LIINoHiOTI-O- u Presion Place, Madison street exlenden, lor lease lor ven

loe rent. lou. louritree', exieuded. (or sale cheap. Apply

HoVhlfcrl. TKEEmiiS DAVID C Pkfisl'ON

TO EXCHANGE.A residence,RKstUENCE Horn Court square, is ottered

la exchanged for a countryplace not three wiles lhe oily.

VHA4 KluidLliU U(olSay 10


in- -













.idling etc--,( 1 '. Is, care 1 41 gor omce.




leaard WUi be paell's stable















at Mali

and.'.reel api



desirable city

note man lromlocation,

a isdorsaisig Mrs. nmiLh, Uiewg, d pabnc benefaclress, thatrail war Jaunt uia be had on

t oiiu ,U-u- j liugUe tomi--the Melrose liiage grounds,

usual kind service in givingwidest ciroulaliou by the hourtesday morning, lilh instant.a Uisi these tola will be sold,to the highest bidder. Respect-Im.Vuh- u

l bl LKLKi apM

P,:i.:iua anu repairing, cornerj hecouU and oayoso street



MAKEsorrel mars, five years old ;

in lhe loroliead. A liberalsi by leaving her at Riack-Ocvuti- d

street.J. BLOOM.

LOST OR STOLENllN'IEK "BITCH year ojo,w hile, wiin I'im ewwii-wiu- ii

ii returned tosuet sueet.


FOR SALE.I OTS One handled and Melrose vii- - large uiid the Weil m will be1 j is i's'ojik', psuaaiMt., grear TH'lti 111 pronatnff-- rrrr tnc orpnan,Wednesday morning, lTth Instant. Cars freefrom Charleston depot, at nlno'clock. DoNOHi BufKLEY

i voKMuG ail the excepUac bricks. Don fainilUw in the United States,f in the buildings now occupying the only six hundred thousand sewing masround of UsMlllll I r Twciple Assoc faslop enineB have been sold to them up to the

mUrtpresent-th- at is, a machine

H. PIPER OO- - thirteen families.jmce sf ..,e. 1.1.1 In ovpitfl ItiinV'flwtnaaa tsi.WO uulreof UEO.feHIKL.ijs


O. P.

M "f P""Teverv narticinant threw in an intel- -

l Ols In Elmwoud Cemetery, Nos. M aiid lectual Debbie toward the erection of aJU TN, Turiey uection; well located I"?uJre great monument to his lame.

OODA FOUNTAIN A No. 1 soda fountain15 and two copper founts, new and in goodrunning order, tor Valer ARE.

aptf hi avenue.

Twenty head of good hones:HORSES mem some No 1 saddle, buggyjuid rockaway homes; also a few pairs of goodUorses. HAI.L A CO.,

aps Daeoto WaWei. bh Pntoq

At the ceayoeo lias Works,LyjklE




AND For Urn acres land within naila mile ol mt new riuuiso rtaiiroau, anucres vrimin one mile, with me best water- -

power in this region ail splendid land, ten.ulies north of Memphis, on Big Creek plank-- .

osvd. I ask aij an acre, and ITo can be clearednet lrom every acre on the Umber. Title par-ted, as records show.

& S. REMBERT,apS Care of 16S Front St., Memphis, Tenn.

i sL'slNl&jS A paving busines. In oneJ3 me healthiest and must mnvlng low us In.orth Mississippi. About (uuuu cash la

ierms lor balance ol slock easy. Forpai uculars apply touiii) UELJu AN RADOEf-KY- , 236 Front



RICE Always on hand, and for sale as lowany In the market . Apply at omce oi

mh26 Rear 2TS Second street.

II ORSE A brown hone, of me celebratedU Denmark slock, between six and seveuears old: superior bom in harne aud uuder

JveaadcUe; can be seen at Seiigman A U1''.table, Union street. g

0 VSTEK CasEs a' empty uyster Casesin itood order. Apply to

mhJu V. D. Ft cm, tl Jefferson street


CENSEMI A pair of AI wagon or draynuiee, 1 double-ca- rt and dray ; also, 1 set oliuiim and rmr U wiil. -- vu pUMltll.i, run. will be sold cheap, lor cash. Addre-- -nihli M. V.. Appeal office.

have 100 molir, now on hand.MCLE--


to arrive ; our receipts areegularly 250 mules per week. All sleek guar- -

ux teed as represented.FAIRES, BOYLES 4 CO.,

nihl SSI and tti Second street.

OTS On Walnut street, on Ume. Applyat 33 Union street. jU1 ROE DIXUN

SALE OR EXCHANGE.Two hundred aud forty acres of

LAND BS miles north of Hillsboro, Aln- -

jsnis, and me armpnis anu v uhicluu3S of Browns day or

m, Te succeeded.he erewsinir of two public roads. Loghoua

with six rooms and oruknimne-vs- , a well, 10U acres cleared and 1'. i i it mKamH Pn. Slli

vTill exchange or The Duil- -lroperty. foll at rru street

ro to the calico ball.


E. A.


The water-pipe- s are coming.Percy Roselle at the theater.Business continues very good.

Firee were in demand yesterday.The elevator is coming up slowly.What has become of the de

pot scheme?The yesterday was very

disagreeable.The Inventor's Aid Association is

now the favorite.

Auctioneers Main


Drift-woo- d is abundant in the nelgh- -

barixM of the elevator.The building operations here will

be on a large scale this spring.The gubernatorial race monopolizes

the attention of local politicians.Candidates for office are multiply

ing, out tne omces i multiply.Mcri'hants are makinir every exer

tion to extend the traa of the city.


The California cotton at the Mer- -

chant Exchange attracts attention.otton was looking up yesterday

.ind sales were made at outoide hgure.Chintz calico Dolly Vardens win be

urn at the calico ball night.Dugau'a invention is invaluable lo

every good one will buy

black-threa- d now iuits,and Uasphe- -"n much are skies; ision

Many citizens of the State arelatin? the question of another Statei onvention.

The insurance interest of Memphisl-- growing more rapidly than any othern uie city.

The river is booming, and peopleelow are getting ready for an unprece-lente- d

overflow.night the ushers and

loor-keepe- rs of the theater will haveattling benefit.

The telegraphs of Memphis yester- -luy remembered Morse the father andounder of telegraphy.

The oyster season is practically over,A'hLe small onions and new cabbagesire coming season.

The Mississippi is a curious phenom-enon at present ; it is going up and goinglown at the same time.

The Finance Committee of the Gen- -

ral Council held a meeting yesterdayn reference to the Brown contract.

Could not our legislature be inducedjo cteeiajthe Gayoso a navigable,Lrtam as high up as Auction street.

iiveu to jury last evening. virllct will be rendered to-da-

rhompson Dean loomed up yesterday.he conspicuous object &t the levee.

hacks, haveoecome numeroos on our streetstately, are lhe old ones out ofuse.

The calico ball at hotelm Thursday night, for the benefit of

orphans, will be affair of thereason.

People ought not forget that it is asanatary, and duty tolean up before the heat summer ap

proaches.chain-gan- g attracts much at

The unfortunates who com-prise it are by far too conspicuous fortheir own good.

The river will oetriii to sink after aday or two. The regular melted snowrise is not expected to commence fortwenty days yet.

The tiavy-yar- d is moot busv spotin Memphis.



Jr.. aroundlittle leuow.There ia some fear of frost. For

some the i.- miv, w ehave had frost regularly after this date,for two or three days


Strangers sojourning in Memphi- -and who have traveled a great deal this

sueak of our citv as tnelooking place in the

Firmness to great

mules along also.




'Squirt was comp4)edput person under a peace, of

Uie immediate causebeing the of his wrfe et


no doubtgrowth of which

promised so dayscars out to

btreiei, i norntonter

DeleKates ui iu

tuward manyrwrmrlv snwinsn unnn

nsrtlnt mtgmm

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-WEDNESD-AY, APRIL 17, 1872., Thaliaus oa TliurMuvy night last induces

- the belief that the attendanee will bev-f-t receipt. of

wmme miisui jjiveu.There admitted eisrht


r;,novm.Ctrrx5DU every



caucu utsube mil


.Is 17 n - a. l si .mAk4bi




in uieis to


If lL'lalIl Lilt HUriU VV7HAJX1MVCO., J r .wUlr,.. ,n,l


' ' .- - -



Owing to the bacKwara spring ineptrawliern- - season will not be in fullblast here till first of June this year,but the emu is to be immenseOuart measures will be sold for fivecents. No croD uavs so well even atthat price.

There is a verv lively trade in baseballs and clubs now. The boy are goingfor th-- : lieinsr much wiser than tnenan inrli rl nilr r thr tjinstinctively perceive the ofexpaudliuf their lungs ana uevewpiug

deltoids and flexors.An effort will be made

rich members of 84. Peter's congreca- -

tion to have them arrange for fresco-

ing of that magnificent church. Thecharming architectural beauty and pro--

oi portion of Uie interior, sogranu aim simple, requires frescoing to show on toits fullest advantage.

Four prisoners broke jail at Jacksonon Saturday last. One of them, J. W.Brown, is charged with murder, and areward of and afiydollars is offered for his apprehension.The of the others are: W. E.Fain, E. L. Haynes and Robert Barton.Twenty-liv- e dollars each are offered tortheir st.

That was a curious expression of theCitv' Attorney before the General Coun-cil Saturday that the common practice

is for superior courts to reverse thedecision of inferior courts. It is saidthat this was out of by hisown txpencuoebctore tbehigher courts, where beenuniformally him.

Two gentlemen by the name ofKeill v and Tucker had a quarrel inHappy Hollow yesterday, arising out ofa about unloading some stavesfrom a barge. Tucker threats tolick Reilly with a bundle of staves, andReilly retorted with a pistol. The offi-

cers of peace interfered and had bothgentlemen removed to the stationhouse,where were enteredthem.

A man named Dunham played aoad. wes Ferry onthe Tenner- - gn. g&me upon a a two

v.ri rVhe Dia uTnuat.a a: ago. He in ingratiating mm






self into the confidence of the unwarygentleman so far as to be ashare of his bed aud board at

oar acre for city suburban sham House. result was that






Wor- -

ham got awav with contents of his's pockets, including money

and bataraire checks, with the latter ofwhich be succeeded securing all hisbaggage, and decamped. Informationwas communicated to Captain A thy,who immediately put his machinery towork, which resulted In the sly gentle-man's capture at Humboldt.

The St. George's Society have elect-ed following officers for the ensuingyear: President, T. J. Walker; VicePresident, Treasurer, R.

Walker, Financial Secretary, J. T.Rawlinson; Secretary, Ait x. Bancroft;Trustee, A. A. Norman, Relieving

J. Brown. The Committeepropose the year to be year ofvigorous work, and commence the cam-paign with an old English supper on

twenty-thir- d of April, St. George'sday, to be up on tne twenty-fourt- h

of Queen Victoria's birthday, with the'usual English picnic, rs

of wttl be further an-nounced.

profound and learned preacher ofthis city, in speaking of the violationsof the Sabbath and the contempt forLord's day by certain largeclasses of Internationals and Atheists,very truly that the objectionthese imprarticables to the wasnot its utility, for they acknowl-edge that by substituting others; not

its for they nevera sound against that; not

its necessity, for all philosophers of allrecognize the human want of

periodical repose, and bad it been a human institution the fagans,

1,,lt. net linnets, IutemaUonaJw, Darw

in vogue in Paris, becoming mers w.on haZ exto1fe!.ushioiiable the but simply the









dav they hate it. Thathad more than a common stock ofphilosophy. Men hate truth

it is not their own. The root ofthis perversity is pride, the primal sin.

who fear meningitis hadbetter let their back hair grow. Itis a great protection against cold ; pre-serves the heat of cerebelumand is worth at least grains ofquinine in preventing any sort of con-gestion in the articulations of the verte-brae. It is a curious fact that most ofthose who are affected by symptoms of

fell disease are peopie who are eith-er naturally deficient in back hair orelse had it clipped by some ton so rial ar-

tist before being attacked. is aman in this city who has had menin-gitis from his infancy, as may be seen

the backward curve ofthe spine. Heisonly saved from dissolution byana careful cultivation of his back

He is a Irrlng example of thetruth of sapient theory here laiddown. The back-s- et which" was givento his spinal column In the days of hisyouth by a whopping stroke of the complaint remains, and is only prevented

--The case of the State vs. Paxton was m beriuig worse by the crinal culthe A




ture mentioned. This fact is startlingbut there is patent and

j'u --1 inir tmfl, Ilia m , i--The chimneys of the great steamer of hUmanitv and doctors seem u have




the the













said of





overlooked. There is no woman-giti- s,

why? Evidently the back hair. Letmasculine human nature make a noteof this let men-lngi-tal locks be--Icome the fashion.


Mk. M Fisher, New York- - E. P.Louisville, Kentucky; Dr. J. A.

Brown, Mississippi; Colonel E. F. e,

Mississippi; W. A. Williamson,Tennessee; E. W. Cabanisa, Jack-so- n,

are at the Peabody ho-te-l.

M. P. an excellent citizen ofGermantown, proposes to make famefor the village and render it attrac-tive and prosperous bv ing there

that will do honor to its foun-ders and bless posterity through allcornine time. Webb will convev to

The hum of the ceaseless the trustees of an academy and theirtcam-enifiut- mav W- heard there from successors forever, acres in the

morning to night. on cvndiiion tnat otner personaUttle Percy Roselle called at the!,un;IBn nllefn uunorro aoiiars 10 ue

Appeal office vesterdav and left a most ereciing a proper omiaing on meravnrhli. i.T1,.ru-i- ,. i. s ntl,.. niu-riv- . csureiv uie people in anu



busy South.belongs persons




tarded spring,
















Germantown will not fail to puthouses on the lot terms, worthat leant dollars.

The Nashville Union and Americansays: "We notice Captain Charles L.Anderson, the popular efficient 8u-- jperintendent of the Memphis andCharleston Railroad, is announood as acandidate for Sheriff of Shelby county,subject to of Demo-cratic County Convention. Cantain

intellect; obstinacy is the offspring of Anderson occupies aa an able,itisiiuci a sort of beastly quality which experienced and energetic railroad offl- -is incapable ol taking any uole oi right cer, second to no man or his age, Conor wrong. nected with railway affairs, in this

That ex-pe- person who was found ail ot which he hasin company with two mules from Hick- - by a8 own indomitable energy and per--irii.ii ui... i ... i- ... ,. t... .,.. -- t vercim-e- . lit is ut LiiaL ciuirRj-i- ot.i t..,,r .rrnit ,..,...--, Tk.i. ...!, iu. men who muster v. luitever nmler..vim. vwu. ...ii , in, , iwn ine : . .

Ihs toa bond five

dollars,ejection mensa

without cause.

thea few

i'he street

auo w

the meeting thiacily








unfortunatedecisions have



charges against




Joseph Grant;





against beauty,against













five thousand


the decision the

a position

country, achieved



an able and successful sheriff, andshould be be elected, the standard thatwill hereafter be held up to

will be " to as a sheriffas Charley Anderson." Another reasonuhv Ki. ,i- - ,i ' I r I malm a l.i i,rHmr K I .,

The icy-co- ld water which now fills ,.r a,,iMfiil

much ago.





other offi-cers make good


pie of that county swod thingelect him.

on the twenty-secon- d instant, on the wemm-ammm- xm

sutiject of a riouthern tlulvswity, Shebiff-- A. P. Curry announces011 arrival, please at tlie VuUiatuiM, niimeif an independent forHouse, m Mai n street where to office of Sheriff for

ill aaSuKiied them during cou- - s. Election August, 1872.ention. re8pectfully refers merchants and

The Appeal high apprecia- - lawyers of Memphis as to his totion of the kindness me country '

hold theCHS it m










, er macl, ine i. strongest proof trfr new ureas. llii ll. vt U kiau IU orltv nnmlun h.v. hunsJH.1, Li. il. lil 1 i A! vt iT .T. rT.,i.TTv. ir T.Tv.wZI factory

r" - ulflerent machines, in another--The calico ball the Peabody ia. as general thing ask tor Singer

1 .hi wVinto .bniiA. used it wani any othe 11 isv"v - r 7 the favorite. Met r! man 4 WlLcox

An 01 un



agents, 'tftyt Main Strnst.



Was Takes Husek saa

The sharehoUWraAid Association had

WantHeatlaa- -

Inventors'a meeting vaatar--

day afternoon at the hail of the Chamber of Commerce. It waa found thatthe requirement of the charter havenot been complied with and that nearlyeighty shares more are required to besubscribed before an organization canbe effected. waa stated that the com-mittee appointed to secure subscriptionshad made little exertion and that itwould be ready to report next Saturdayafternoon, when the sum required wouldcertainly be secured. It will be observedthat five dollars must be paid oneach share subscribed, and on the capi-tal thus collected the association may

its operations. There are severalinvaluable Inventions for which a widedemand has already been created by thepress, and which will Edmomls; Belcher vs Anderson;piuuuj. i uoe are w uie hjjd Haaw 101 Bannon VS

which the owner VB Feldnran vs Huaa: 1612half interest in the patent, makes aworking model and contracts for themanufacture of the machines. Therewill result necessarily the building of amanufactory by the association. There isno help for it, and if either one of adozen or two patents succeed, there isno defining a limit the value of stockin the company. Let everybody take asmall whack at it y, when calledupon by Lake, Alexander, Hitz- -fleld, Cowdon other members ofthe committee appointed to secure subscriptions.

Extract from the charter uuder which theInventors' Aid Association propose to

The Association shall nave succession for the full term of thirty years, and maycontract and be contracted with, sue and besued, plead and be impleaded in all tne courtsof law and equity ; also, power to en-Jo- y

and possess estate. In fee or otherwise, realand personal ; to lease, ouy anu sen,lor or for others, ou commission orotherwise, acquire or dispose of any species ofproperty ; and generally 10 uu uny ami uu

ing ; thai may also have and use a com-mon seal: and they snail generally have allthe powers incident to corporations.

Hue. o Br further enacted. That the capitalstock of said shall be one hundredthousand dollars, wlih the privilege of beingincreased to Ave hundred thousand dollars,and shall he into shares of the parvalue of fttly dollars each; and when two hun-dred shares shall have been subscribed, andthe sum of five dollars per share snail navebeen paid thereon, the stockholders may meetand elect Ave who shall enter atonce their duties; and said directors.hall e ,M't one of Hi.'ir number w be rresi- -

dent, to act during their term of office.aic. 7. Be u fmruttr enaam, neii- -

dent and so chosen, shall nave pow-er to and adopt all that maybe proper and necessary for their government,mav appoint all necessary officers and agents,fix their compensation ; and may prescribethe manner of paying in the stock, saldtn-itirif.- n

shall have a lien on the stock fordebts due It by the stockholders, before andin preference to olher

- . .Sc. 10. Be it further enacted. That no stock-

holder shall be liable to a greater amountthan stock he may hold or subscribe.

A LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS.U. Alexander, 2 share; S. C. DePaaa, 5;

W. L. Duff, 14; A. HiUfelcL 1; W. H. Lake, 2;W. Hawks, 5; Cowdon, 1 ; J. T.

tale. I; u t... iXKke, l. J. J. nnen, i i.. jwrral: K. r. Looney, z; jonn u. Adams .L. L. 1: Peier Lawless, 1; CharlesRichmond, 1: A. J. Kellar. 1; P. tskipwith,guardian,!; A. J. Hays, 1; W. A. Duniap. 1U;H. Moode, 2; General Pal ton Anderson, 1; 8.s. Rembert. 1 ; W. E. DHL 1 ; N. 1 ;

John C. Hook, 2: 8. Brooks, 1 ; Wm. Farris,1; J.J. Williams, 10; C. sykes. 1 ; 8. P. Read, 1 ;

J. M. Keating. 2; Trexevant A Co., 1;James Lee. jr., 2: A. Kerr, 1; J. H. McClure, 1;W. N. Eakln. 1:6. W. Payae, 1;Handley Co.. 1: J. K. Lanphler, 1; Wm.Hersteln, i: W. C. Fowlkes, k): J. J. Uu ; E. P. Bates, 1 ; B. B. Barnes, M C. Ualla-wa- y

, 2.


The Calico Ball.night the great calico will comeoft at the Peabody underthe superintendance and manage-ment of the ladies of the Church Home.It is needless say that it will be suchan event as was never before witnessedin the city. Most everybody has a

now. The most luauious supper willbe served up, and everyone Is sure to behappy. The following are the ladymanagers of the institution : Mrs. W .

8. Pickett, Mrs. A. K. Taylor, Mrs. A.O. Harris and W. C. Postal, Mrs. J. H.Speed, Mrs. Niles Meriwether, Mrs. JH. Bowen, Mrs. Walcott, Mrs. Boiling,Mrs. Banksmith, Miss Trout, Miss Mur-ray, Mrs. George Harris, Mrs. Mcl- -fresh, Mrs. J. Doyle, Mrs. Brinkley,Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Appersc-n- , Mrs.Sellers. Mrs. McMahon, Mrs. Hum-phries, Mrs. Jacob Thompson, Mrs.Finley, Mrs. Whitfield, Mrs. Mrs.Patterson, Mrs. Townsend, Miss Haw- -ley. Mre. Logwood, Mrs. Duniap, MissEiam, Mrs. Chalmers, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs.McCombs, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Davis, andMrs. Savage.

Ushers' Benefit. Messrs. James S.Mahaffy Robert E. Pyh, ushers,and Mr. A. G. McLendon, door-keepe- r,

gf the New Theater, will have a benefitnight. These gentlemen de-

serve a good house in recognition oftheir uniform courtesy and gentlemanlyconduct toward theater-goer- s on all oc-casions. Let the house be filled.

actor gotvery Go for publi-pleas-

wentthe theater see him. The companvis very fair, and help the littlealong amazingly. is a rich thing aregular treat this acting of his. Every-one seems to enjoy it well, and per-haps better, than if Forrest or Boothwere fretttn the air with their fiercegutterals. The theater will be filled


As Enterprising Colored Man MakesDash at W Mow's Woodpile.

Henry Jotto, of heia the same darky that is put down inthe census as being an Italian was be-fore Judge Miller yesterday, chargedwith stealing four cords of wood. Mrs.Henderson, who dwells beyond theclassic banks of the Lupus flumen, hadthe stern dutv upon ber ofswearing against Henry Jotto. Shestated she aivuniulatcd ih


0PEJil?l TO-DA- V

OP the






A new lot of black ground

Uke. He has peculiar qualifications to colored ttgure IXJLLY AJiDiiN8

Exquisite patterns in printed


We hi addition tothe lnioims us, nas uubiie whoclaim and are nroud of stock of CALICOES, to black und whitaffected the weatliei and re-- h,. hnrinr forruerlv havinir he.n th now arvlo li,,;,.,.

running Chel


Nashville boy. Weil do we remember ceived but small lot of the above ma-t- he

smiling, genial face of Charley terials, we advise you to call early to- -he waa smooth-face- d bov dav to Ml what will rWiaivAwl

sea are patronized. it not in midst, and always the favorite, again this season. Hkrzog Bao.also be paving investment run as he is now. associates. Theut to nicbestor Cemetery bv fourth Khelbv Democracy cannot do i".r"?'r I"nau are indeed


ia. wnat theirueiies- - tmug limn uuuunuic auu me sw 27H Main streeLas to

call candidatehomes reet the Shel-- u

he the lieto the

has fitness


lhe Its







kliow. IIIecu: Willi me uiijiiesi "'7 --.uim uiuti ma- - r,H,im ..ifi.,,.,, imllv chinas wbobav used ;

when ofat the

nsf wnonave."t. T universal












John Swayne,










H A i




8TRIPE-4- .


a choice


Tl fsjWould

a ua

-- v-



fui iue







prices freight added.destroyeeT


ARMSTRONG, NAILL & CO.,Main street.

GAir-Fmai- Second street


Caaea set for to-da-y : 1567, Andersonvs Pollard; 1570, McKlnnev n Still-ma- n:

1571, Bulletin PufJkhina' Com-pany vs Walsh: 1572, Travis vs Renfro;1573, Hays vs Ha v. 1574, Bond vs Or-aj- p

1575, Ford vs Gaynor: 1576,Wesche vs Flaherty; le77, DuBoae vsDuBose; 1578,' Winn vs Curtis: 1560,Iieasouover vs Reasonover: 1581, Har-be- rt

vs Harbert 1582, Perkins vs An-derson: 1583, Smith vb Barry; 1585,Smith vs SmHh; 1588, Galvin va Quln-la- n;

Kirtland vs Stephenson:Torf vs Clrode; 1689. Warner vs Meyer;1580, Gelzervs Buchert; 1591, LaddvsBernard; 1692, Smith vs Firm; 1694,Cubbins vs Myers: 1594, Briggs vsMcCardy; 1597, Blood vs Calhoun;1598 Evans vb Church; 1599 Peres vaPeres: 1800 Lark in vs Ford; 4601 Greenvs Miller; 1002 Pike vs Flynn; 1603 Toofvs Miller; 1604 Ward vs Bauguss: 1606Waggener vs Merchants National Bank;

Ksrr in N'omnli' IrUlT Purhim vipay enoraiouii 1608piuucieu, VS AJTCS;

ciation, becomes of














Iigan vs Hamilton; 1613 Jones vsDoyle; 1614 Evans vs Thompson: 1615Hailman vs Foster; 1616 Mills vs Bond;1617 Cochran vs Avery; 1818 Gibson vsLewis; 1619 Biggs vs Jefferson; 1620nenrv vs ftnarpe; loi ureeniaw vsMonroe: 1622 Somervtile vs Hheiton;1623 Farrall vs Shanley; 1624 McRae vsBingham 1625 Daivia vs Lawrence.

rlminal Oil I. R. Flippin, Judge.The following cases have been set for

trial y: Williams, larceny;Henry Young, larceny; Miller John-son, carrying concealed weapons; JamesCornell, perjury; H. Roaenstuhl, perju-ry; A. Block, perjury; C. K. Martin,perjury; Charles Robinson, larceny;Stephen Arnnel, larceny; William Mer-r- i

weather, larceny; William Looney,larceny, Richard Reilly, larceny.

Supreme onrt.special tc the Appeal.

Jackson, April 16. Nicholson's sec-tion spent day in hearing the caseof the State vs D. Smith, convicted ofmurder in the first degree by theC rimi-n- al

Court of Memphis. Deadrick's rd

So. 32 on the Memphis Chan-cery" docket, and then adjourned on ac-count of the absenee of attorneys- -


The Galaxy for May, a good number,is at Manaford'a, corner of Second andMonroe streets. Its contents are as fol-

lows: The Mother of Jacques, by Cath-arine S. Mucquoid; In the Garden, byC P, Cranch Historic Lowers, by Ju-nius Henri Browne The Arabs at Home,by Albert Rhodes; Life on thePlains, by General G. A. Custar; Only

Kiss, by Wagenlauf; Faust, part first,by Ivan Turgenief; The Eustace Dia-monds, chapters xuv., xxxvi., xxxvii.,and xxxvili., by Anthony TroJlope;Donna Lucrezia Borgia, by Richard

1 Boric Davey; Under Rose, by D.Lincold and Johnson : their plan of Reconstruction Resumption of .Na-

tional Authority (second paper), by Gid-eon Welles: The Proof of the Pudding,by Edgar CSwcett, Regina Dal Cin, byS. B. Luc, U. 8. N.; The Cave of theWinds, in three parts. Part First, byMaria Louisa Poni; Lord Bantam, uSatire; French Signs of the Times; OnSleep and Brain Action Exactness inDomestic Operations; Naming NewSpecies; Water Pipes and Public Health ;

Salt Hail Storms; Motion of Glaciers:ng iir India; The Cobra ana

Montoose; Current Literature Cookingas the Science of Life; American andEuropean Kitchens; Nebula:.


Suggestion forMesehssits


Mexi-uis- , April lo.

Editors Appeal --I notice, Intsaue of Sunday, an article in which theleading merchants of Front street agreeto close their places of business at sixo'clock, in to give their clerkssome time for recreation. Won't themerchants of Main street do the same?If all the leading merchants would closeat six o'clock, there would be iut asmuch business done between the hour ofopening and six o'clock as if they keptopen till seven or eight o'clock, ami, be-

sides giving the clerks time for thatrecreation which is so necessary to thehealth of everyone, they would shortentheir own laborious duties, and therebybenefit themselves as much as others.

I do not wish to trouble you with anylengthy communications, and have triedto make as short nearly to thepoint as possible, it you will place it imam.oeiore

lawyersliifltmuirreaii uunge,


Olycerine leference,


Cocoajne dresses the hair beautlfullv.Theater. The boy along

well last night in his acting; and A Joe Locke's the latestthe large audience that to cations.


' imposed

had uuan- -




Steam-Ftttin- o, 315 Second street.

The Sliver Tongue" most de-

sirable for Sunday Schools. Mr-- :an A Wilcox, agents, ZTJ Main street.

Joe Locke, Main street, hasthe largest assortment of Magazines,Pictorials and dailies the city.

Joe has received an assort-ment of tracing wheels.

Have tried the imported winesand other liquors at the "Bay Horse?"

Plcmrino, 315 street.

The perfection oi piano-buildin- g is in UieMathushek. Herri man & Wilcox, agents, mMain street.

VntCEST BoTTO. Madame Vincent'sold stand, Washington and Front. Goodliquors and cigars lunch.

Nuki.v every one who has been musicallyeducated, has pronounced opinion relative

merits 01 rianos. .acn person nas(if li,.. lavorite. v nerever tile .naLuusiieK iniro- -plantation, reaoj3 .1 duceil how,.vt. the oplniolw Native to otherand for and alsomarket, makers are considerably modified. The

piled up. Jotto Went at this pile, and Mathushek by Its excellent qualities and h

the aid of stout wairon and irood Pe.rlor structure, is revo- -- v union oi in 10 eousii- -opinion regardteam hauled four cords of the fuel.away luUwi k nerfeot Piano. Sierrlman A Wlllcox,

justice Miner se 11 Jotto to tall. agents, iSTJS Main street.




open abovern-er-

, a local savant merj, u. snrl ism

An- - j

fierson when awell our

them of hisN - wSiI . ? name

oetier agents,a

will, FoB


11 V,





j need














the ;












this and







In beautiful styles to-da-y, at


Joseph agent of GeorgeStinson & Co., and designers,of Portland, Maine, has the exclusiveright to vend the production of thisfirm in the South, or in this city and itsvicinity. He exhibits specimens of theart of his principals.

YE QUAKES OF THE EARTH.Regular meeting at the Kave this

Wednesday evening at eight o'clock.W. Stbahihtb, GREAT MOO CL,

Orful scratch.

Last Monday evening the YoungMen's Christian Association held aspecial meeting tc consider themselvesfinancially. The result of which wasthat In a very short time they raisedone hundred and fifty for thepurpose of advancing the association.

certainly means success. Youngmen and strangers should take advan -tage of the cheerful rooms that are open


Buy the "Silver Organ for yourparlor. This instrument, through its superiorqualities, bids (air divide the Bold with thepiano. Men 1111 an Wilcox, agent, 273 Mainstreet.


Our stock is now complete in thisconsisting of all grades and styles, atprices mat we dery competition. Call

Removal. Friends and patrons are and examine. No to show goods.. ..... . v. ,n ;,.;.! . .. 1 .1

Sr V i. 'r ir oww naill & co.,for the bteam Dyeing Estab- - Main streetUshment at 61 street, wherethe best cleaning and dyeing is done in CLEAjrufo by chemical process with-th- e

city. out scouring, only at theDyeing Estjlisinent, 61 Madison

Economt. Take your spring clothingtit Wish t inform the OUblie that We to the sWeairi I lvinuui ( 'foa ni,,,. uTTT?Th lsjtP iy increasiuedisnAnd for the sins-- ' ? njaudiacxurers oi the above article, ! Hunt 4 Hanson's old stand). 2i Kas.

super!- - and will for the next SLXtV davs sell at onrf tnt


,with only



Connubial Felicity. Nothing tendsmore to connubial happiness than cheer-ful and infants andMrs. Whitcomb's syrup is the great chil-dren's soothing remedy.


Te Wires Weep for tke

The following dispatch, which wassent from here lat night to SpeakerBlaine, who ireaided at a meeting in thenational capital in commemoration ofProfessor Merge, speaks for itself, andtells the whole story without anynation from lis:

Memphis, Tkjiw., April 16. MT2.To Hon. Jos. biairte. Speaker House of Rep-

resentatives," Washington. D. C. :

A meeting of citizens was held thisevening at the office of the Telegraph

when, on motion. Col. j

James Coleman, Superintendent SixthDistrict, was called to the chair, andCharles A. Slearns appointed secretary, terday guage twentyThe chairmw explained the ofthe meeting to be to pay appropriatehonors to die late Professor S. F. B.Morse, inventor of the telegraph.

On motion of Mr. C. McCarthy acommittee was appointed to draft aproper expression 0r the sentiments ofthe meeting. The was com-posed of Colonel Leon Trousdale, H. A.Montgomery and Barney Hughes, whoreported the following resolutions, whiebwere adopted acclamation :

A quarter of a.century ago through the invention of r. Morse, intelligence wasuasiieo oeiweeti two dueswtras, and spao-- ? a as annil.'onunonlcailori of ideas!kind were nalu rally aatoaulous the annouueemworking of an experimentits character and so beneneontri v anee .o promoti I

I iti concernei. Man-iahe- ti

if laereil- -

and sueireM.fulso Iniai in its results

of civilizationenllghteniaent. speaks throughout the

I n lor, aiihoM rapidly the spider weavesasammer nlfrht Iter shining websoverthe

fields and forests. The other continent soonJoyfully accepted the call to electric communication until

"Far alongFrom peak to p.aK the rattUng crags among.Leaps the lire thunder! Not from ono lone

cloudBut 'every mountain now hath found a

tongue,"And not only the mountain but "wateryplain has oeen tratjee4 to tne tmcu ofgenius which seems almost anand a miracle, so vast was the conception,and it can longer be said that man's steps arenot upon s path, for continents, king-doms, empires and republics are linked In theembrace of lnstint communication throughthe pathless waves, by the inventionof a genius who has connected his name withthe most wondrous machine that "circles theearth dally with one continous and unbrok-en chain of Intelligence and lntercommunica- -tlon. There arewhich that of Miprinting press, whirthrough uiultltitdlnrthe telescope, whhvision the heavenlyman to cairuiati. rneitheir phenomena: the



enalji- ,-i and vtew- -

which lia aiven him the uower to nail Hat'elthrough all sea. and mark out highway onthe fields of oceim ;aad the steam engine, thatswift messenger of locomotion on the landand sea. But atove all these, the invention ofthe telegraph tiwers like the highest peakabove neighboring mountain the samechain. His death, at the ripe e of eighty-on-

crowned he was with the prtneelieethonor that could be conferred on man byadmiring nninklnd, excites the liveliest sensibilities in 11s who have been associated with

unlare assembled this evCity, and in every lmponent. In bearing our emtiinony the graudeuwnicn was illustrated no


as th.not


toirabie: therS,y

to our



I at V.

eity on the contl-- c

sincere;i a

as by the highestgenius by t ie gentlest virtues. A greatanu goou man, ine language or tne poet maymost aptly be applied to him as that of a name"That must not wittier, the earth

Forgets her empires with ajKst decay ;

The enslavers the enslaved their deathsand births;

The high, the mountain majesty of worthshould: be. shall be, survivors uf iu woe.And from Its Immortality forthIn the sun's face like yunder Alpine snow,Imperlshahly pure beyond all things below."


ue.,.as--j UU1UGrand

from De- -oy of Cairo,the invention the mr Bedplacing Galileo, rivK; riverFulton man- - siowlv.

ofmeeting, tribute of 19 inches iuser of Morse. the canal, 17

cloudv ci-- il.

Mr. Samuel W. Rhode.







Law Library lor Supreme Court.

Appeal Your Jacksonsays in a letter dated

April 13th: "It is unfortunate thatthe Supreme Court has no largeand selected library herefor the of the and bar. TheState should furnish a orshould assist in doing so at Nashville,Knoxville and This ia agood suggestion and should be carriedInto execution. The lawyers andjudges are put to great inconveniencewant of suitable books at Jackson. M.wtof the furnish tor their

i 7 '.,.r..... U'h.ku i,"anSrovuu i 3 4r--. ... im- -

Many cleeks. ested decisions from"court last resort anu thc-m-,

The Cream. the proper of should ljfor rendering Uie hair

Korssh? bv J. R 2si Main njsnea- - ims 18 no1 a Prite matter,but of icterest. small

Organ is aInstrument





nn is



P. Hath,








Memphis Steamstreet.


expla- -



St. ft.


al asIn





tViot luistheir

ifth.Si-t.u-,!- ,! and fumer

Th.,Q lhe Francis,UOUlll

bar would, from their ownmeans, increase and assistsecuring for the use of thet,ourr. ami ine lawvers attending n, a

library. am gratified thathas brought this sub

ject to tue attention puonc.A LAWYER

Those who bave scure the Mathushek Planfled approval oiman & Wilcox, agents, JT'I




and Les-







seen fortunate to pro- -;i,reM.H ungual

or merits. Merri- -Main street.

Gas for sale in any quantityUIMJ. lr 1,1- - !iH,



331 Second street,I'nibn.

Driven Wells, 315 Second street.


See of Dr. Butt's Dis-pensary, headed Book for the MillionMarriage Guide, in another enlHrnn. Itshould read by all.

HOOK LA KILL,No. Second street,

just received lot of Rustic(wooden) neat, cheapand durable.

There are numerous cases on recordwhere persons by their

and exhausted by violent dis-ease, bave recovered their tone, mobilityand energy-- by persevering use of no

than Upper Blue LickWater great alterative and aperi-ent age. for pamphlet.


Colds and Coughs. Sudden changesof climate are sources of pulmonary andbronchial affections. Take at once

Bronchial Troches," letcold, or irritation of throatbe so slight.

hands, face, rough skin,pimples, salt-rheu- m and

affections cured, andskin made soft and smooth by using

the Juniper Soap, by Casewell,Hazard A Nw Forall druggists.


Opened atHBBZOU h.

Taz-payk- the District canreduce their assessment twenty per cent,by making their returns to the assessor, J

No. 3E7 Second street, or be-fore the lay April next. Afterthat the assessment is Axed, and re-

duction can be made,


Formerly by MadameNo. 18 Union now owned andkept by the popular P. D. Canale, is

the most pleasant place in thecity to get nice in tne Europeanstyle. In his cozy up-stai-rs rooms youcan and sip at vour leisure. It'spleasant. Go and see P. D.

The cheapest and best steam dyeingand cleaning house is atSecond street, Hanson's old

Hajtsos & Walker.J tml 3

- Go to JLcddiu's College.Attend Robertson's Business Col- -

ArmstronK's PhotoraPhic211 Three faultless

gem for fifty cents.


White river..Friars Point.St. LouisSew (Orleans.

Marble t'Uy .

City of AltonshannonTom JasperThompson Dean

Marble CityCity Alton...nnsnnouRobert BumsSt. KrancJsPat CleburneA. White.Tom JasperThompson Dean

sta Leaving To-D- .

i . A i. TiI. Hi. A -- Lis



.10 ajni pjn5 p. Ill

t. Louis

St Loois..New

Jt. Lonis

St. LouisJSt. Loui"

New OrleansCincinnati

Afltansas riverBapoli-o-Jk. Lomls

..New Urlean.s

The river rose twenty-fou- r inches yes--and stands by the





me ana a nail feet above low watermark. The upper Mis.sisnippi is declin-ing at St. Paul and rising at Davenport.The Missouri at Leavenworth rose sixinches and declined seven inches atOmaha. The IllinoM, since last report,was stationary. The river at St. Louisdeclined nine inches. Yesterday atCairo rose fruir inches, at Pittsburg j

des'iineo incnes. at Cincinnatithree niches, at Louisville eight Inches,at Nashville eight inches; at Vicksburg

rose twenty-fou- r inches, at New Or-

leans six inches. The Arkansas fall-ing with ten feet out. White- river hasplenty of water and in good boatingstage. weather is and pleaa-an- t.

Business ou Uie levee yesterdaywas all the local packets leavingwith trips.

By Telegraph.Little Rock, April 16. Weather

and cool. The river falling,with 10 feet water in the channel out.Arrived: Mary Boyd, from Memphis.Departed: R. C. Gray and Dardanellestor above.

Orleans, April lo. Arrived :

John H. Oroesbeck and Peyton andfrom Cincinnati. Departed :

Charles Bod man, for Cincinnatf; Bis-marck and Bee and barges, for St. Louis.Weather warm and clear.

Cincinnati, April in. The isstationary, with 40 feet water in thechannel. Weather dear and cool, witha light frost night. Departed : Mol-li- e

Ragan, for Arkansas river; exceeiDean, for New Orleans.

PrrrsBrRo, April 1. Weather tcrneh.and cool. The Monouguhela river has H

6 inches water in the channel, and "OX"tailing.

April 16. down : is By elevating shade as a cop can mtDexter, a.m ; Kelloeg anil barjres, with tnerw)n quickly heated, kept any desired temperature.Atlantic in tow, 3 Boats up: B1 Y " wA0" throws 1

cent City and barges, 7 last night. CpGreat Rennhlir. ."T,". --a" exeemion- r - ' 1 j ""in"-- or. reqon m siienuon pieasanr. ami SgrwslMe 1!

Vicksbsirg, S p.m. river has risen Buy It READ and UTOtE by, and your eyes will not Taredinches last 34 Weather A ,MF,T VI ,LA MP. irtl ic- - Burner Chrmaey, is furnlshe.1 each

warm and oleur.



Cairo, April 18. Arrived: City ofHelena, from Viekuburg, 10 p.m; Ex-- jiHirtcr. from PitLsburir. ft H.He

we' therTlo wuuurTreSreTiho W'l'"' 8 a'; How- -


ell, from New Orleans. 7 a.m: Emma( . hlliott. from Cincinnati, 7 a.m: 8am.J. Hale, from Cincinnati, 10a.m; War-ner, from St. 1 p.m; Belfast, fromSt. Louis, 3 p.m; City of Chester, fromSL Louis, 5 p.m; fromArkansas river, S p.m. Departed:Thompson Dean, for New Orleans. 9p.m; uf Heieiia. for St. Louis,midnight; Exporter, for New Orleans,

a.m; Belle Lee, for 8 a.m:Jennie Howell, for St lmm, 9Sam. J. Hale, for Memphis, noon; City

The chairman of the Col-- 1 TT'JL C " "tir'SLeon Trcmsdale, Secretary of oloudy. Mercury

SaAasSasH T 01 Lons, IU-Arr- ived: W. J.and Aaso- - wir.b. Pofin n..-,-ii x ..' '- ... ii"lliocl'JJa-- .appropnaie MemphU;itr, re- - Orleana; Tower, from Aw

uiaias, setting iorin uie emmeci Htj- - of Helena, Vicfciburg.T tenuerou parted: Susie Silver and CityProfessor Morse in 10 New Oxleana; Glaagow,telegraph, him above Juiia, f0T Theand other benefactors of u S Weather doudv andkind.

Colonel Coleman, ehairaan the, April lrt.-- The riverpaid a beautiful the faWng 9i(,wiv, with feet 6preeminent ices

J ai.i 0 inches in thesueoigiw yjris, was represemeu try chute. Weather ami Mer


Editors cor-respondent

welluse court




librariesV., ine

smpaving the


sottglossy. Hi street.













twenty-nft- h






No. Main street.




Boats thereadily






cury from 44 to Businessgood. Arrived: ArniadiLo, fromkansas river. forCincinnati Louisville didleave the foot of the falls last night onaccount of the wind. She tor NewOrleans this morning.

Umllasesss.City of Alton from New 0;leaus,

three and daysfifty packages wine here and left for St.

with one and fifty tonsof She reports tow-bo- at

Atlantic at with brokenshaft.

Marble City, from St. Louis,brought in fair trip, a few items of.which were, one thousand dry barrels,

sacks of grain, three hun-dred and thirty-fiv- e of hay, sev- - j

casks of lot of'. ..r F iuustiiiuiwusin columns your "j u Tn

popular widely circulated State? Not only the ,tfXZ InJ'Jriiir u Mm r.nnln ;ntar. e,"m







healthy children.


ot to







bacon,. - -

.. iseven bales of cotton, sixeighty sacks of cotton seed ana sund-Bt- si

to order. She Sailed off lastnight, leaves at ten o'clock thismorning Shippers will

.. I w 1 1

.m,,ml mn.i ,:TO ' uiaa.e a nuie 01 mmwuu uowu--L,Z .J1 freight early.

wiiiivuret The Kate Kinney s,. Leavtt yj-r- .. r -- rr ; are due from below Uxdu.,.fi,r IL. 1 , T St. for VVittsbunr,

UUl irtJCrir A LllA l AA J Llll AAA 17111 IS nlithe private

'his fund In



lu supei,





It ti326

aWindow Shades,

abandoned phy-sicians,


thethe Send

Wholesale Agent.

"Brown's thethe




Tar madeCo., York. by



no.T. ElllottTEsq., on


kept Vincent.




in the city








New orieaui

it Itnrteen










tt shown,


7 Louisville,a.m:







Departed Armadillo,



Louis hundredfreight. the

two thousandbales

enty-fiv- e a

'TTjournal,hundred and


positively.....I-.- . SW

of if

Cleburne, lor Little Rock, and A.White, for Napoleon, all departed withrr I rrirw lr i ,.1, , .

O" --"if r""'Thu Thnmnsnn from Sr


in yesterday afternoon, added six-- !teen bales of cotton here, and departedtor aw Orleans with one thousandeight hundred of freighf. A fewitems of her cargo were one thousandseven hundred and fifty barrels of flour,six thousand nine hundred and sixtv- -

of grain, iwelwnaAl Packetof fifty of Cincinnati,

barrels of Kilt titthousand ofi

lhe departed kllkti millei..ty ot and a fair

rhe Lee leaves for New Orleansnext Saturday instead of Fridav.

Boyd Arkansas For the elegantnver pw:aeu leaving next, miuy.

Captain Dave familywere passengers on the Dean,which passed dowu night.

Oil Valley has beenSarrmel Cable to D. A. Mi LUmaht fnr

sixteen thousand dollars.Captain Dan Brady command the

Kate P. Kountz. Captain R. C Masongoes on the John F. Telle.

Phil. Allin, Captain James Lee,leaves evening at o'clock forFriars and all landinirs.Stack Lee James C. Harris herclerks.

fleet passentrer steamer LeiralTender, Captain Williain Ashfbrd,leaves this evening at five o clock rbrDevalia Bluff, ailpoints on White river. K. C. Postal,Dan. Sullivan and Ed. Crowell are herclerks.

Exporter, Captain John Wil-liams, leaves this evening at o'clockfer New Orleans bends.

Colorado, Captain Luker, leavesevening at o'clock for Cairo

and Louis. Henry Deitrici is elerk.The passenger steamer Susie Silver.

Captain Shields, leaves this evening atfine o'clock for New Orleans alllandings. has superior

for passengers. Ms, E. S. Hawksis prime

Special Notice.New Orleans passenger steamer

Memphis for New Or-leans on SainrHiivs inwrnml ,i" fei.l,.

R. W. ienerai Agent. icfS' 'Louis Uemuerat of the

teenth says: " Freight is abundant for 555?;at and a-- a all

pound, and some lots on boartf attiebbatror

with the freight they!"M". A'Jiiuuge ior ew uneans mabundant, which caused a little flurryin rates the Belfast leadingoutside of the Cityof Cairo to follow. Captain Thomas W.Rea, the Carter Line, pack-ets arrived yesterday fromHe has contracted with Cutting, of

place, for a hull to be finished inse'.'i'i ) v-- ri va duvu It will Ka r.wn him.

forty-thre- e

Reader has quit the second dirk's department of the Merrell, goes on

James Howard. Pete VVlrU goes ouGreat Republic as second clerk. The

Nile leaves Thursday for Arkansas.The of Qulncv leaves Tuesdayevening for New Orleans."

Vicksburg Herald of the 13tbays: "The Edinburg Frank Par-gou- d

slight collision Delta.mursaay nigni. was blowingsomewhat at time, and. for theefforts used by both steamers uiiirhtbeen seriously injured. itthe only had jack-et- aknocked down the guards sliguflvaffected. This we gentl''

who came up on the






Silver, Ifare,



etsfx My to.

DuioriM,Locarrs,table rrnoT,wtLiiitfi CAjnoa,

r nrvrrrD






Sterling SilYer-PIata- :



BRILLIANT CONCENTRATED LIGHTthan be otitatned by nslng s burner with any of shad- - In otherwords, a BETTFR andfSAFKR LIGHT with LB iVsr VlPTIvN 'jll bvsskf lb, LUP-HOLB- U 4 UAH.


anything to the a "operate sewimr nizhr

and being rhe table.

Nursery .nd HooVlCKSBVBO, PERFECT. above containing llould tm

p.m. Cres- - FR flood of light on the

fSH- - At "5-- . of kind of

The grow and weary25 the complete, with





sa- -


Locisvillb, is



The nor





1.I1 nn.





246'supreme Dpn






larger-sise- d


!OlJ uiiiilll-- l

a is









i Li Ml

Samples complete will be to any part of the eipt of AcUtt&uu tuiMcm iu rri j niiy lum liiii- - ia to rOUiHr

E.For the States of


CAIRO ST.1 awl iMh

Hickman, olumbu', Cairo and sit.




Memphis and Arkansas Stiver Packetwmpisj -- 1. H. I Iwe,Pine Bluff and

S ill Kenb. Uaynes,steamer

FKIIi.VY, AprilKF.NNEI.I IV. Airem.

hi i.ompaiiy Wharfboa:, st.


For N.'iv and the Bends Thenew passe steamer

Lf avesWUi ta

ap!7 I


LobIs sad OrleansVicksburff, Natchesand Ni

str. srsiE silver T.

r paw1. W;


Leaves HAR. W. Lfapr




MKRIT ever offered poblie as




the any




sent United





elegant will leavspja.

W. H.Orticc Court



to at anto





or orJ.

Thisill leave' as



Packet Co.


NOTON,44 Madison

Regrnlar Saturday Packet.For New Orleans sud the Bend- - --.tesmer


FHDAT, April aoth. at pjntu

f on the


Memphis and White Pactet Co.Helena, Clarei.don. Dsvaii's

.lac kon portgge.

KrwswSflSfc-'-- t Wiford ..jaasterfflLs DAY, April at 10 m.

KLLIiiTT i MILLER. VgenO,i orner Jeffenon Promenade sts.


E1XFor KvansviUe, Louisville and t'incin-na- ti

new elegant passenger steamerSam si.m. T. Hambleton .muster

Leaven FK DA V. April lath, at I p.m.Bouts positively as announced.For freight or passage apply on or to

E. D. CiiilB, Agent, street.

three sacks head R"nlnr HempUsajsl tstock, hogsheads tobacco, j Fr Louisville and the steamer

seven hundredand j '

suuunes. tmi KSlMi, April isth, at o'clockJVtarble City twen-- 1 p- t

Dales way tripBelle

Mary Is the uscmia ami Bends-T- her


lastThe towouat siiUi



Thethis fivePoint way

and are


Jacksonport and

fiveand the

Thethis five


and wayShe accommoda-


The magnificentBelle

will leave


oemou tnree cents per

Wednesday, all

yesterday,organisation and the














JAMES MEBAW Agent,Mississippi

STREET. of Memphis, Tennessee.







I-- x porter.





River ForBluff

Iiecal Tender,17th.




twenty-eig- ht


The next







siding.Will PAT, April at p.m

or freight or sage apply on ooard. apis




KATILouis,K. W.




Pack swss



for,.irrii'e No.


The and





and ew OrleansPacket Line.






imprising Magniflcent Hteamers

Bvllt lesHicks ..dsstsrKobt. E. L,s?t?.

MasStnrfine passenger steanifrH

Lupins rfr ew vrifaiis t, KKia; clock p.m., tuiti up

r,i, a,, ua. ax p.m.HTUL'H-NE- , saperintrDtleiit,

No. 3a on the Le ve.


ror Helena. Friar's Point. Hewlaa. Whitssuver. vspsiess ana tne Bends.The inieil Packet

A. JT. White,MHri; !'.. t'beek Masasr

sui leave jiernpnis II BUAIS ;inu KRIDAYS, punctually, al pju.For freight or apply on board


Mri.MPHLS KIVEKU. --The elegant

passenger boats of ttiis line leave Memphislor points on Arkansas river louttarsrrwsjn, at 4' n-a-a. For freight, pas-o-r

olher iniorniation, aiiiiiy to W. H.11, Agent, on tympanyroot ol street.

FOR ST. 'FRANCIS RIVER.pve and seven cents. Two steamers kili uh pa kleave Denton to-d- and "Ue n mrsii ssj uumuscsss


Ht. Frauds,T. R. Bowman i.,

rT uuve cvattl Tt"1,1,1,1 eiocnF.u-- or apply on board- -

an a teet leet oeam, .tuutr, searcy, aiSIX and font h.ild. (itiirci-- H. ..

cieuuiiL 'and



had nearwind


have As was'


learn from aman

nfheT style




above THIfe DAY.

Little Hoek.










THIS 18th.r


M)Mall Line.


KrS- -

Leaves Memphis svary TVSHDA i alo'clock p.m.

Leav. viJmh; J"Dn J- - Edson, Mastereverr SATVRDaV, at 6a'cloak p.m.

r.8??T'.!?nlof elosaat steamers connectRrHk "i.'i?.!!' railrossl for UtUe













o- -


o pumr, j i 3

l ilail





,' " p.m.

and ' ",




,ELLIOTT MILLER, Agents.. . 1001 oi


Friar Point.







frwigni passage


long,one-ha- lf

Sates Mall raaWIs



imiieuisue, jemrson.


L ai

n m T ... Z m

Lea TBS Memnhw Mlixfi'vru''wi.-.i-ria?"i-' I

iu !,ivi 4"t"1 P--

u51 .l.'lf 1te'Per HHOOA torartsSBI1

paints rtrer. a

is specialxLASOE irSW STOCK OT

aimrrs,OPHt Hll.


tm tas eftr.


Oil,l insWMDIlii IMM,

rataii it s m, iatiii,KBMM, KM us


l iiivuntiou (or liie uoim, work room, so thsst it caoikot be overt urn dHoiUer proUu'-i'- a more

eanobtain uF





ER- -




i' and


Tnnnsasiis Arkansaa.I MATS Corner












ail L'Anguiile



On the premises, 54 STREET, th

COSTTITNTSWell-Fur- n ished HoueParlor, chamber, diaiDtr-rooiir- ii and kit a?laes

iam, and beiidincTHUBSDAT MCKSIVG. APRIL i

At 10 o'clock. pM

BY A. FALLEir&CO.,Auctioneers and Coaimhwioa Merehanu.

in rmewr sr..liUaH


aeunc. as m ..Without reserve or limit :

Mt enmrn ot H.s'. Bouts.73 eases of Upb'v Wseaen anil i kil- -

U re li s Mim ;10 raws Ladles' Serch Balmorals ssdaiters:M doxen Hen's asul Boys Hats;

IOO dozen Linen Cants awl Pants.Also, D17 "l'ltliiiig, "M-

otions Toilet etc.and the trade

will mid it to their in tarest to attendthese sales. mh5

Initsiiu Hsspslilit andMiinnfactory

Has remuve-- I from theold stand. 19BS Mainstreet, to the largerbouse,


better facilities ror manafaetarin;In the new bouse. I In- -rite my pairons andthe ladles generally tooma and examine

2i. i:



Country merchants gen-erally,


SW new snd those orltibisrieueu corsets, :v.

Memphis. April.


Yetc., etc. P




with-S- E




6t-- -- .IS3

skirts, bustles


1372. attJ




$2 20 per 1000 Cubic Feet.SET


V: 291 SECOUP STRi35T.DR. H. R. H0P$0.41 Madison St., Room s .

Resldenee Cornstreets.


219 Main Street.



LUflSMouth street.



N.of Shelby and

IIWIXKT -- Xe mt SnBY JET SETM Car Issns.REAL ABB ra-TATI- O mi u



"M im.l u S SKI I S fn

ami EmhroifJery MaOriftaA.

u'uurfLm. by









.oioanel.ombs.d VIENNA Tans, OperaLnsin(j ases. Travel-es- seoi leet ui articlesities from all parts of the--



IjOZBJT&BS.Kir ele&&lns?. tis wunu hiitifwu.: .

ul'wo'?- -

J. B. HJLLS.ail Mah. "reeLJ. A. J. SMITH it i . i Mam ,w. H. 8EABROOK h.r Main strer

. '.7. frr. a, lo Main street.KENKEKT, '.JU Mu . nfl Ti mnvi.iv ... ..;. i i a sin street.r. juajswi, a Poplar street..WAXSBTKXD A

Whotesale Agent.


ATTORNEY ATRoom No. Walker Ul., 970

S IPraetiMi 5




son stP.




attaca-!igh- t,


















