MENKEN B Open the Season with the Hoist Complete Assortment of Choice Goods which has ever been shown to the We entered the market when prices touched bottom, and Bought Exclusively for Cash. Boots, 8 hoes ROTHERS Form a Specialty in our Wholesale Department, being JHanufaetared Expressly lor the Southern JBarket. To our Wholesale Dry Goods, we have added this sea- son. Full Lines of Low and Bedlam-price- d SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS! In our Fancy Goods and Notion Department, we display an unusually large stock of - HOSIERY, RIBBONS, HANDKERCHIEFS MM HE If BROTHERS. DEXT1STUY. JW.Jtil2JLSON , Dentist 05 If aIn street. bist error tketh ten dollars Hold FUllngs Two Dollars tUver and Tin Ftlllnes .....One Dollar ou and Extracting, each. Fifty Cents Mnrlar'urf Inn iiitml. JET PALACE. REMOVAL OF THE JET PALACE. T1IK JET PALACE Mm Seen reninves. tm 77 MAIM HTKEBT, aext Seer to Vloyd'e Coareetlenerjr d KMUirut We will . eentlnne te offer Geede an hand at si Jansenae " the (all aea.oa esens. . i. ROESCKER, Agent, Ko.77 TWaln Street, nemyjuia. KEMOVAL, EBMOYAL. MEMPHIS PICTURE FRAME FACTORY. H. HENOCnSBEBG has bbmovkd to 281 Ilain Street, Opposite Oliver, FInnle & Co.'. BARGAINS THENEXT 30 DAYS. FE IC.SO.H Ala SALVK FOB BUCK-KY- KO can' rr tvnt'ff. FOB BEKT. Very desirable residence. 418 RK9IDKNCK door south of Vance; In perfect repair; all modern conveniences; laiye shad) yard. Apply next door to Mrs, S. U. Morrison, ot to C. K. Tucker. 7 Monroe street. AND THIBD FLOOIW-- In booe 227 SKCOND street, with all conveniences, suitable for dressmaker. Also, No. 14 Adams street, opposite Wonham Buose, for saloon or boarrilngnouse. Applr to M. 8. CBAPdKV. Kerr street. Chelsea. OOMS Nice large fnm1hed rooms at HH3. C. f. mmi3i lin at wmi au PICK-- At 18 Madison street, latelr occupied J by C B. Brian & Co. bale and fixlures lor ale. AddIv at Ledger office, or C. B. A CO.. 20 Madison St. No 223 Main and STOkKHOCSK over fto. 21 1 Main street. Applr a: No IS Adams street HK WADK HKSIDKNCK Comer Jewmmlue and T LauUercale streets, apditbi ai huoh. FTJLviKR, BURTON CO. In Tunica countr. Miss., known JT as the Avent Place. Possession given the first w January next. Appir to W. 8 DaN'CT, Bollr Springs. Mlaa. AND OKKICES Desirable C10TTON-B0OM- and offices, with gas and water eon- - venlenoea, Appi? to 8ntt and 858 Front street. T OOMS Furnished looms, at reasonable rates, at AM Mxln street. 1 UK SALt. TTNPRKCEDESTID BARGAIN Piece known as KJ WALTOM LUUUB, IOO Ol mraiau mkb, Dh tniuHinnntf. ArkimuuL Established and DODnlar flablng resort for ten rears. Revenue from this source fnllr $1000 per annum. Reached via M. and L. R. a, from which It Is 2Mi miles distant. Hotel follr 'quipped. One well, bonis, ferrr, etc. 200 acres land attached; 25 cultivated ror rears, and will raise lit bales eotton to the acre. Cheap for cash. Also, lOTiO acres ad tntng, or the finest cotton land In Arkansas ail above oveiflow. For partlcu'ars applr to B. C. NICHOLSON, KO. 1 uauison street, Memphis, Tennessee. T AND LOT3-8- 20 acres of i a land on Morn uise; aooui ou acre, m cuiutb-tlon- , balance In Umber. It baa been occupied br Mr. A. p. Montana for rear. Bas a good flsharr on the lake front. Will wll for SI 500; one-thir- d cash, balance in 1 and 2 rears, with 0 per cen.. Interest. 190 ACRK3 near the Lemaster plaoe, on the P1e onroeat road, about nine miles trom town, at & per acre. 27rn ACRKS opposite Island 40, for $350 easb, 81 KCBOLS 8TRKST 2 story bouse and lot for 1060: ball easn, paiance in momnir parmeuts. Several desirable Dwellings on Vance and Shelby streets; also, several beautliul Building Lots; also, Cottonsbed properly, Farms, etc., ror saie or H. L. UDION, Agent, 19 Madison St. IANO, CHSAP-F- ull 7 octave. Can be seen at HOLLKNBKKH'S Musle Hon r ZAL KSTATK BARGAINS. ' XV yoB SALK Corner tenement, BicMord Block (Residence), Third and Washington. 0R SALS Lovely Cottage on Bill street, near Alabama, formerly lsn s. FuM BALE John T. Flvnn's nice Home, on John- son avenue, Noun Memphis. Sound titles. Call on FOR Pontotoe street, near Lauderdale, opposite Judge Biker's, at S 1800. W. A. WHMATLEY. 281 Main. Rica Br river or rail. Quantity and Quality B guaranteed. Leave orders at John A. Denie s, 862 Front street, or W. J. Chase ft Co.'s, 182 Main next, O. B. P. PIHKB. PRINT IN (i AND B1NDKKY MATKRIAL-Uul- le quantity of seocnd-ban- d material for sale, tn quantities to suit purchasers. The above material eomprtses the estitbliabment ot the late Boyle Printing Company, which we now own. FLOURING AND CORN-MIL- CHEAP In If application Is made immediately; engine 1 eelindw and b stroke. Also, a Steam Fire Knglne. of LatU's niske, Cincinnati. Inquire at Carpenterh"P, H2rt tVoond strewt. WASTN. D WILLING To rent a dwelling of 4 to 7 rooms. Address . N. D. bTOKKd. care Appeal office. TTPBOL8TKB General upholsterer; one who Is U handy; a chance for the right man. Address atones W. a. box 1 ti8. lift Springs. Ark. B OABD Brta young man, of good bablts, board in private ramuy. Aanrcss w., uiis oinco. f OOD WASHER, Ironer and Servant, at 2W3 V ropiar street. Lioerat wages paiu. KITCHEN AbSl.iT AN T-- At the Green Tree 851 btaeiby sbeet, a while or colored woman to assist in toe aitcneo. I)ABT1KS bavlng Cottages of 4 to 6 rooms for J. rent, can nuo prompt paying lena- - is by apply' Ingto AVhHY BKUL1N, UH Madison t "A tL PABTiK-- i DliSlRlN CONVEYANCE FOB XI. inetroeives or pacaagus to diuauia or uul LY SPBINtid and all points on Flgeoiiroost boad, to leave orders at the Park blable. Leaves at H am. Mondays, Weoneedais and Fridays. Heuun Tues days, Thursdays and Balurdajs. OAUd, IkON, METALd And all class of second j.aj nana goods, at o. Uiuiro, Agent, 11. 13 and 15 Beale treet r OOD CA&PKNTJUid-- At Seeond street. OT JOHN &EID. IN YOUH COTTON AX TBS MKMHHld hlN8 No. tM Main street, opposite Mississippi and is as aaiin i aiepoa, THE MEMPHIS DA IL Y APPEAL-TUESDA- Y. AUQ-US- T 24, I88O. i and Hats! NTB4YED. "DAT MASK MULK 11 Vmm mv atnhllt. Wo. M Alabama Street. bar mare male; about six rears old; sixteen bands high; baa beeo newly shod; Is branded on the ngi in hnnMr iihoml mward will be Daldon h delivery to me, JamesJLincb, at 22 Alabama street. or J. N. Paine Co.. 64 ton roe street. EOT! We are now ready to make con tracts with merchants for fu ture delivery in Hemp his, or im mediate shipment from the Fac- tories, of the following New Canned Goods, packing of 1880 New Peaches, a aa S la. eaaa. New Cherries, New Strawberries, New Peas, New Tomatoes, New Corn, , New Raspberries, New Whortleberries, New Jellies, ,New Uooseberries, , New Blackberries, New Pine Apples. By September lat will aave flsarea aa all kinds af Cannes eeeda. Heads all baaxat for Cash, aad will be taraed at a very sasall margin. OlTer.Piiie&Co To Absentees. Th DAILY APPEAL id U Bent by mail at fl per month. Pottoffiee addresses will be chanted whenever requested. Sub scription must be paid in advance. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. The stationhouse docket failed to pan out an item of interest last evening. The Dolice have ceased to poison dogs, the summer season drawing to a close. Those who did not go to Chicago are better off every way than those who did. Water mains are being put down along Jefferson street from Front street eastward. Quite a number of the Knights Templar of the Memphis Commandery have returned home from Chicago. At the county court clerk's effioe yester- day a marriage license was issued to Thomas C. Edrington and Lutie B. Norton. Hundreds of colored people left the. city on last 8aturday and enjoyed a picnio near the Tallahatchie river, Panola county, Missis- sippi. - Business men are elated over the pros- pects of the forthcoming business year, com- mencing on the first of September, week. The storm over in Arkansas last Sun- day afternoon blew myriads of mosquitoes and other winged insects across the river to the Bluff City. Captain B. A. Leach, the well-kno- contractor on the Mississippi and Tennessee railway-lin- e, is again at his poet after a few week's illness from rheumatism. Many people are taking advantage of the fight on cutting rates between the Louisville and the Charleston railroads. What is bad for the railroads is good for the people. Sunday next the Zouave Guards, colored, will leave on the St. Louis excursion, via the Charleston railroad, and the M'Clellan Guards will go over the Louisville railroad. Many ot the alleys are becoming filthy again. The attention ot the health authori- ties is called to the necessity of working np the garbage service to aa fine a point as pos- sible during the hot months. Quite a large number of citizens, includ ing the tonights ot rythias, lelt for &L Louis Sunday, via the Louisville and Charles- ton railways. The excursionists will be back by Saturday or Sunday next. Yesterday, on Main street, near Poplar, the iorepart of a city slop-ca- rt separated trom the body, the mules ran away a short distance, and the colored driver was thrown to the street and severely injured. A runaway horse, attached to a buggy, created a smash-u- p on Main street, near Beale, on Sunday evening. The occupants of the buggy, a lady and gentleman, were thrown out and received severe bruises. During the excavation on the bluff for the river-fro- nt railway, the workmen dug up a shell, which was shot from a Federal gunboat during the naval engage- ment above the city at the time of the capture of Memphis. The churches furnishing the best instru- mental and vocal music are always the best at- tended by the young people on Sunday nights. A fine organ and choir lake the blue ribbon when opposed only by a doctrinal discourse and congregational singing. The mercury in the thermometers circu- lated among the eighties last night. Occa- sionally a cooling breeze would circulate around street corners for a few seconds, then it would die away and leave the anxious citi- zen in the sweltering state. All the lodges of Knights of Honor will meet at Unity lodge hall night, to consider questions refened back to the lodges with reference to the forthcoming pic- nio celebration or reunion at Eetival park. A full attendance of all the lodges is desired. fire department men and horses at the different engine houses hitch np by signal each day, at noon and at nine o'clock at night. Both men and horses have become so expert that the hitching up process, ready to turn oat to fire, is accomplished In a few seconds of time. r . ' He softly kissed his sleeping wife, Then with a Unging look - Of fond affection straight way went And kissed her pretty cook. Alas ter blm, the gentle wife : Bethought asleep, was not. And for her cook and hubby, too, She made It mighty not. Numbers of the Chicago excasionista have returned. Tber speak of many dis agreeable things at Chicago lack of proper accomodation for guests and exorbitant charges not only for the luxuries bnt the necessaries of life. There were too many visitors at Chicago; they were to thick to be nappy. At the Charleston depot eronnda or yard an immense stable or shed for railroad cars has been erected, also a dryhonse for timber. The latter house has a pair of wooden chim neys resembling a steamboat a. At night if a red and green light were put on the chim neys, a stringer would imagine that a big steamboat was coming down the Bayou Gayoso. Hack and buggy-ridin- g at night is a popular pastime at present. Those who ride late at night generally frequent the beer- - gardens on the boulevard and vicinity, where suppers and beer can be secured. On relum ing early in the morning, tue occupants of the hacks and buggies are generally hilari ous, and are much given to vocal music as they drive through the quiet streets en route for their homes. Numbers of black people now carry um brellas to protect them from the heat of the sun. but the majority of white men have abandoned the umbrella protection. The time was when all this was reversed. The question will strike the philosopher : Is civ ilisation making the black man more ef feminate and the white man more hardy and tough in constitution? Sunday barbecues are occasionally in- - dnleed in hv arjur pv&oa. They arexlmMi attain, and are much enjoyed by those at tending. The smell of the barbecued meats, the shade ot the forest, trees, the lager beer on ice, the ice-col- d .Robinson county ana Bourbon, the well-flavor- cigars, the story telling, the little game of five-ce- peker, are among the attractions which induce men to leave the heated and dull city on Sundays At the Shelby county circuit court the following divorce bills have been filed: Bachael Swansey against Swift Swansey, colored, divorce prayed for on grounds of cruel treatment. abuBive language and aban donment; Berry Hill against Hattie Hill, colored, grounds for divorce, pregnancy of defendant at time of marriage and subse quent lewdness; Thornton Cole against Sarah Cole, colored, grounds tor divorce, adultery while be (petitioner) was serving a term in the penitentiary. Last Sunday afternoon a heavy wind. rain, thunder and lightning-storm- , passed ap the course of the Mississippi river on toe Ar kansas side, while not a drop of rain fell on this side. The rolling storm-cloud- s could be seen whirling and rushing northward, while a flood of rain was falling. On this side a strong, cool wind prevailed while the storm cloud was passing by. inere were many heavy rolls of thunder. The lightning struck a tree on the Graham place, on the Pigeon Roost road, in the suburbs, shivering the tree to pieces and hurling the limbs a hun dred feet away. ' The Shelby County Grange association has decided to hold a fair tnts tall, com mencing on the twelfth ot October and con- - tinning tave days. Workmen are now ems ployed putting the grounds in order. A pamphlet is being gotten ont, containing the premium list and programme. A committee is calling upon the business men for adver- tisements in the premium list. That the fair will be attractive and successful is indicated from the fact that energetio men have taken charge of it. It is an assuranse that it will be properly conducted. Among those who are interesting themselves in the fair are Hon. Jacob Thompson, B. D. Goodwin, Chamberlain Jones, C. Weatherford. and many others. WHAT I vTODfiP IilKE. I'd kind o like to have a cot Fixed on some sunny slope; a spot five acres, more or less. With maples, eedars, cherry trees. And poplars whitening in the breeze. Twoold also salt my taste, I guess. To have the porch with vines o'erboog, 'With bells of pendant woodbine swung, In every bell a bee; And round my latticed window spread A slump of roses, white and red. And so, to solace mine and me, I kind & think I should desire To bear around the lawn a choir Of wood birds singing sweet; And In a dell I'd have a broek Where I might sit and read my book. There In that borne of quiet Joys, Far from the city's crowd and no'se; There would I rear the girls and boys (I'd bave some two or three). And If kind heaven should bless my store With Ave, or six, or seven more. Bow happy I would be! OUR OWJf IMTJEKESTS. As indicative of the progress of Memphis manufactures, when properly managed and assiduously pushed, we see that Mr. Wat kins's manufacture of sacks for cotton-pic- k ing has met with such success that he has been obliged to telegraph for additional ma- chinery to enable him to fill the orders now crowding in for these goods. In the manu factoring line he is gilted with that intuitive perception of mechanics which enables him in a moment to comprehend the necessities ot the case and provide for it in the very beat manner possible. His tarpaulin, and also plain duck stand-sack- s, should be seen by all interested in cotton-gatherin- as they cer tainly must soon supplant the and rickety basket. The Three Graces Are represented with perfectly developed forms beauty and health combined. No decayed:tooth man or woman can be healthy because digestion must be imperfect. Use Sozodont, get healthy teeth, good digestion and a sound body. Uevive the three Graces, HOI FOB NORFOLK, VA. xearslenlau Take Satlee. The Memphis and Charleston railroad will sell excursion tickets from Memphis and all stations to Norfolk on August Z4th and 25Ui, good tor twenty days lrom date. FABJE f 15 FOB BOUND TRIP. For further information call on B. Hughes, ticket agent, zva Main street. T. & DAVANT, , Assistant General Passenger Agent. Commonwealth Distribution Company, In a lew days the regular drawing of this company win occur, uver one bundred thousand dollars will go to the holders ot lucky tickets. This company is regarded as one of the honest and reliable lottery enter prises. Particulars can be learned at 6 WeBt Court street. Ebuptions on the face are permanently removed by Dr. Cheek's liver invigorator. It freshers and beautifies the skin and gives youtn to tue complexion. When we reflect that a power of endur ance ran be imparted to the brain, and that weak minds have been restored to strength by Fellows's compound syrup of hyperpbos- - pnites, we cannot but conclude that the sub' tie power is really ponderable matter. Per- sons who study hard should preserve their balance of power by using the syrup, tforshani nachlnery. Cane mills and evaporators at much less than manufacturers prices, in order to re duce our very large stock. OBOIU, BROTH KKS CO, French Steam Dye-Wor-k. Ladies' and gentlemen's goods dyed and cleaned at Louis rteitrei .5o JAitprsoa street A Business Stan's Opinion. C. B. Dorr, of Toledo, Ohio, says he has used Day s kidney pads in bis family with results so superior to all other treatments that ha regards them as the best kidney doctor in tne worm. - Floyd's Candles Are known everywhere. Persons buy who never indulged in such luxuries before. They win p tease any ooay. tjarameis a specialty. I MPOBTAA T TO H90KEB8, The dealers of our city beg to inform the public that they are just in receipt of a fresh invoice ot Ainney Bros, celebrated cigarettes, Their brands are the m:st reliable, being made of pure tobacco and of the finest rice-pap- . One trial will satisfy all that tbey have no eqaal., SWEEl CAttJ KAL, CAPOKAL J4, ST. JAMES and AM BAS3AD0RS. Bemoral. On September 1st I will occupy the store on the southeast corner of Main and Union streets (No. 338 Main) with a full tine of all tne late fail styles in gents clothing. K. HUM tM,. No. 24 7 MalnsOset. CITT AFFAIRS. Legislative Council Meeting Condemned and : Dangerous Buildings River . Landing Paving Petitions to Improve Propertj Railroad Leases Repairing Sidewalks on Adams Street and Charles ton Avenne Grading Part of Web- ster Street and Be pairing Bay on Bridge Tronbles Abomt Scales. At the usual hour yesterday afternoon a meeting of the legislative council was held at the Shelby circuit court-roo- the follow- me members beintr present: D. I. Sorter. John Overton, jr., M. Burke, R. Galloway, , W. trover. Jobn Gunn. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and were approved, wnen tne following business was transacted j condemned' buildings. The board of health list of condemned buildings was laid over to the next meeting tor consideration, DAHOEBOVa BUTLDIN&. The communication of I. R. Chase, aa to a dangerous building, No. 5 Adams street, was referred to the police and fire commissioners tor consideration. , KIVEK- - LAUDING PAYING. Grider, as to danger of landslide where pave ment is being put down by him in landing, was received and bled. PERMISSION TO IMTBOVK PROPERTY. The committee on petition of B. H. k A, 1. Hay den, tor permission to improve prop- erty in rear of 126 and 128 Poplar Btreet, having reported lavorably, the council con curred in the report of the committee, and tbe prayer of the petitioner was granted. PETITION GRANTED UNDER CONDITIONS, On the petition of J. J. M'Combs. preiident ot southern ou works, to bo allowed to pur in a switch-trac- k trom southern oil works to Louisville and Nashville railway track, the council granted tbe prayer of tbe petitioner, sut-jec- t to tne conditions specified in tne re port ot the committee on tbe subject. ' PETITIONS GRANTED. The petition of John Brown for permission to put up a cotton press on the blurt tor ex- hibition to the public was granted. 1 he petition ot Mrs. P. D. Canale for per mission to improve propcrtv- - at 79 Union street was granted. ' V REFERRED TO CITT ATTORNEY. The petition of Butts St Co. to erect a building on Promenade street, near Adams, was referred to the city attorney for a legal opinion. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE. The petition of Mrs. M. W. Eenney ask ing the council to revoke the privilege granted the Memphis and Cincinnati racket company, Alston & Uo., and others, to place skids on tbe levee, was referred to a commit1 tee, consisting of Messrs. Overton, Galloway and tioyer. ALSO REFERRED, a cross petition signed by numerous citizens objecting to a revocation of the privilege granted to Alston Vs., was referred to the same committee. - PETITION GRANTED. The petition of J. J. M'Combs for permis sion to erect a warehouse adjoining the baaui ern and extend the said shed over tbe railroad switch, was granted by the coun cil, provided tbe shed would be no obstruc- - t.on to travel, and that brick piers be placed under tne shed. PETITION REFERRED. The petition of Venable & Bawling) for aa outlet from their lumber mills on Front street, north of Bayou Gayoo: for the re pairing of the bridge over the bayou on Front street, and opening the street north of the bridge was referred to tbe city engineer and attorney and Mr. Uverton, tor a report. ' PETITION REJECTED. The petition of Hugh A. Hamilton, as to notice served on nim to put down a side walk pavement on Adams street, between Charleston avenue and High street, and stating that the present sidewalk in front of said property was in good order, was rejscted by tne council. REFERRED KOB REPORT. A petition was received from the Memphis and Little Rock railroad company, asking tbat,the taxing-Distri- ct government recognize the lease of their depot grounds from the old city governments and the rights acquired by the company under said lease. The company also asks permission to lay down tracks on Center landing as far as Adams and Jeffer son streets, and to put up freight-shed- s along these tracks, in return for which con cessions tha company will give np its present depot grounds. The petition was referred for a report to a committee consisting of Messrs. Overton, Galloway, Goyer and the city attorney. BEPAxaijra sidewalks. A resolution was adopted that property- owners on Adams street repair their side- walks with the same material as now exists on sidewalks brick or stone. The same reso lution included the sidewalks on the west ' side of Charleston avenue, between Adams and New Madison streets. WEBSTER 8TBEET REPAIRS. The petition of Messrs. Rainey, Parker and Clapp that Webster street be graded by the city government, and that the bridge over tbe bajou be repaired, was read. Tbe council ordered the city engineer to do the necessary grading on the street up to the cotton-she- d of petitioners, an appropriation having been previously made for the improvement of the bridge. INSPECTION 07 SCALES. Mr. C. W. Gsjer stated that the charge made by the inspector of scales fifty-fiv- e cents was illegal, tbe sum ot thirty-fiv- e cents being the legal charge for second in- spection. On motion of Mr. Overton the city attorney was ordered to instruct the inspector aa to his duties, and the legal charges for inspecting scales, weights and measures. RAILROAD LEASES. Tbe city attorney stated that the Memphis and Charleston railroad company desired a renewal by the Taxing-Distric- t government of its lease with the old city government. The city attorney was instructed to arrange the lease, in conjunction with the committee. ADJOURNMENT. On motion the council adjourned, subject to the call of the president. Dear Brother Meek, Editor of tbe Central Methodist, Catlettsburg, Kentucky: I see in the last Central that yon want a remedy for sick headache. If you will use a remedy that you advertise in your paper every week, I am Bure you will be greatly benefited thereby, and I believe cored. I have been a sufferer from sick headache, I can say almost from infancy, and have tried every remedy I could get, and never found anything to do me any good until I used Simmons liver regu- lator. It has been nearly three years siace I first used it, and I have not had sick head- ache since, and I have never used but two packages and a half of the regulator. I had a sister last spring that bad from one to two spells of sick headache every week. I sent her half of a package, and she says she has not had it since. I feel for anyone that suf- fers with that terrible disease, and I hope you will give it a trial. C g. MORRIS. Brownsville, W.Va. (Sans. A very large assortment of muzzle and breech-loadin- g guns, of direct importation, just received and for sale at very low prices by ORGUX BROTHERS CO. Floyd's Ladies' Kestaarant No place like home for good living, only Floyd's. The very best people of the city take their meals there. Kirkland Drown Umbrellas, Eirkland Earl & Wilson collar?, Kirkland Dent's kid gloves. Kirkland Fik, Clark & Flagg scarfs.' Kirkland Goodyear rubber clothing. Kirkland stylish socks. Kirkland nobby handkerchiefs. Kirkland celluloid collars. Kirkland celluloid cufl'j. Kirkland goods are cheap. Brown dr. Jones. nttvbmrs, Shotwcll aad Uaaael CwaJ. Sit Msls titrt. bbb from tne objections ot beer, yet It all its nourishments, are malt bitters FEKSOML. See advertisement of H. L. Guion. in "For Sale" oolomn. r - Mb. T. H. Arnold, after having done Chicago, is again at bis post of duty. Captain Jack Doyle was among the dis tinguished citizens who returned yesterday. Mb. Hugh Moore, agent of the celebrated Alligator stoves, is in our city, the guest of Mr. A. Colbry. Rkt. Edmund Obgaiby of Arkansas, will, it is said, become rector of Grace Episcpal church of this city. Mb. James B. Cook, architect, returned yesterday from the Knights Templar cele- bration at Chicago. Mrs. A. C. Cogswell, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, is here on a visit for a few days to see her many mends. Prof. H. Schultee returned yesterday from Milwaukee, at which point he left a number of Memphians preparing to come home. Mb. Morris Sowfikld. formerly of this city, but for three years past a resident of uincinnati, has just recovered from a severe spell of sickness. - Major W. H. H. Behtaubd. United States engineer corps, has gone to Ticksburg to look after the improvements in the Yazoo- - xailabatcbie and Sunflower rivers. Mr. Logak Waxier, of the Hollv Sorinss Reporter, is in the city in the interest of that excellent paper, which is a good advertising medium tor tnose seeking Mississippi trade, Mb. B. Galloway, of the legislative council, has returned trom Chicago. He has a poor opinion of Chicago hospitality. Ex- tortionate prices were demanded tor every- thing. Mr. W. H. Foutb. formerly superinten- - dient of the Memphis city schools, has ob tained a prlncipals certificate of the first- - class before the St. Loom school board, and bas accepted a position in the St. Louis educational institute, in charge of the fin- - gush department. The school has one hun dred and seventy-fiv- e boys as pupils and is a nourishing institution. From Despair to Gladness. - Mr. Giles Carter, a well-know- n citizen of Rochester, New York, has just given the fol lowing card to the public: "For about two years my wife has been troubled with some thing, and we could not imagine what; she had frequent flashes of heat, followed by severe sweats, both night and day; her back troubled her a great deal,' and any exertion seemed to utterly prostrate her. She drank large quantities of water without seeming to quench her thirst in tbe least, and kept get ting worse and worse all the time. We em ployed the services of a physician, but without beneht, not even learning what was the mat ter with her. Finally, noticing a peculiarity in her urine, 1 had it examined, and, by boil ing, raduced it to molasses, about half in quantity to the amount of water used. I at once wrote to her brother, a physician in the east, who pronounced it 'sugar' (or saccharine) diabetes. He said he knew of no cure for it, and that she probably could not get well: that she might live a few years, but would get worse and worse all the time. At this time, and when we were in despair, I saw Warner s sate diabetes core advertised, pur chased a bottle, and my wife has continued using it until she is now perfectly cured and as well as she has been in years. I consider Warner's Safe diabetes cure a blessing and boon to humanity. NT4UBJATS. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LODIS. St. lioalai and VlekabnrcAwchwr V. . Hall FOR CAIBO AND ST. LOUIS. Crrand Tower, Carvell. .. .master. Will leave the Anchor Line wharfboat THIS DAT, Aug. 24th, at 10 a.m. For freight or passage applr to ai. BTOBM. bup t. on wnarTooat. FOR V1CKSBUKG. St. Loala wad Vlekabaj-- c Anchor Line Haltda Mtatea tXJK VIUK&BUKU. City of reen villS B. a. nuer master. Will leava the Anchor-lin- e wha-fbo- at THIS SAT, Aug. 24th, at 10 a.m. For freight or passag applr to au otokm. twp't, on wnanrjowt. FOR NEW ORLEANS. St. Laala ana New Orleans Anekar Idas For Ticksburg, Natchez and New Orleans Steamer tAuiaingr star, W. B. Miller master I John 8. Jonee clerk Will leave the Anchor Line wharfboat THIS DAT, Aug. 24th, at 10 am. For freight or passage apply to au. aiuKM. bo.pi. on wnarrooat. FOR LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI Memphis & Ohio River Packet Co. For Jjoniswille and Cincinnati. Tbe Elegant Passenger Steamer JAMES W. fiAFFi B. W. Wise master i W. H. Cropper clerk Leaves WEDNESDAY, Aug. 25tta, 6 p.m. For freight or passage apply to B. W. ilGHTBUBNK, aeneral Freight and Ticket Agent, No. 7 Monroe stmet, Memphis. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Memphis and Pine Bluff 17. 8. Mail Line. For Pine Bluff, Little Bock, and through to Fort Smith Str. SIAAiSlMZLtlAK, S Bd. Nowland master I Chav Musselman.. . clerk Leaves as aboveSW&DNESDAT, Aug. 25th, at 6 p.m. For ireignt or passage appiv to JOHN N. HAHBIN. Bup't. Wilt Front St. FOR ARKANSAS CITY. Adams Meaal-weefc- ly U. M. nail iaB For Helena, Friars Point, Carson's, Terrene, Ar- kansas City, Pine Bluff B&liroad, and all war land- - ags The eleganisteamer fcieorge W. Cheek, Hark B. Cheek. ..master I A. L. Cummins... clerk Leaves aa above KVKBT MONDAY and TBHRS DA V, at BD m., In place nf steamer Ouachita Belle, nntll further nolloe; connecting at Arkansas Cltr with the D. S. malt steamer Dean Adams for Oreen- - vtlle, Vtcksburg anl way landings. For freight or passage apply to J. x. wasuinutun. Agent, 814 Front street, np stalrat FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. JAAAVr llAKKl'H S lemoaia White aad Hlaea itlver C B. Halt packet. Bluff, Dee Arc, Augusta, Jaeksonport, west Point, Searoy, Bateevllle, Powhattaa, and Pocahontas. ine new ana eiegani steamer 7 osie Harrv. . - me ' Will leave Memphis KVKBT SATURDAY, at 5 p.m. connecting direct with tbe new Black river u. a mall packet MILT HABBT for Powbattan and Po- cahontas, and with Dally Packets to Batesvllle and Upper White river. Through latee to all points. Freight consigned to Milt Hairy Line, Memphis or Terrene, win do prompur iorwaruea. Office. No. R Mmilftnn rtrwt FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER. Memphis and St. Francis D. 8. Mall Line -- Steamer BatesTille, , O.K. Joplln master I A. L. Bannlns clerk Leaves Memphis TDKSDAT and SATTJBDAT, 6 p.m., for Marl anna, the Cut-of- f and all Intermediate landings. For freight or passage apply on board. or to D. HtNDALU Hnp'C. FOR OSCEOLA. Trl-Week- ly C.H.Hall racket For Ban- - doipn, Fulton, uaoeoia and way lainiingg gtr Osceola Belle, JS" Henry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers clerk Will leave Memphis every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FBIDAT. at 5 p.m. For Information apply on Doarn. or to no. n naoioon street. LEE. LINE STEAMERS. rr Sjileadale, Helena and JTrlare Paint James Xee, Stack Lee masterLord W. Whitlow... clerk Will leave as above on every MONDAT, WEDNESDAY and FBIDAT, at 4 P.m. limre. no. n vinciiwn hitwh. FOR WHITE RIVER. Memphis & White River Packet Kenlar Independent Hemp aaa White Blver Packet For Augusta. Jackson port Searcy, and way points. Tne regular Independent Packet HARD CASH, KrLC. Postal master I Charles' Postal. ...clerk Will leave Memphis KVKBT WEDNESDAY, on and after Wednesday, Sept, 1st, at a cm. For freight or passage appir w w. liiani ouima, no. 7 Monroe st, opp. Peabody betaL J. T. WASHINGTON. m Iw harfhM KON BES1DKHT NOTICE. Non-Beside- nt Notice. No. 2028. B. D. Circuit Court of Shelbv mini. Tennessee Mississippi and Tennessee Baiiroad Compaorvs. John Baker etaL It appearing from affidavit filed in this cause that ne aerenuants, jonn ttaaer. uiinion sraaKin, An- drew M'Makln, Dekalb M'Makln, Katie M M'Maktn and her husband (whose name Is unknown) and other belrs-at-La- of William H. M'Makln, deceased, whose names are unknown and cannot be asoer-- t lined after diligent Inquiry, are of the State ot Tennessee ; It is therefore ordered. That tbey make their ar pearanee at the eourthoase In the Taxing-distri- of Sbelbj county, formerly the city ot Memphis, on or before the third Monday In September, 18H0, and plead, answer or demur to tbe plaintiff's petition for right ot way of their said railroad track through lot No. three, In block nine, of South Memphis addi- tion, supposed to be tbe property of said delendanui; or, on failure to so appear and defend this suit, the petition of plaintiffs will be taken for confessed as to tbe said defendants, and the cause set for bearing exparte; and that a copy of this order be published lor lour consecutive weeks In the Memphis Appeal. A copy attorn: JOSKrH UHL, Clerk. U F. Vance, AtTytorplainUA, tue SELTZER. Hi TUBI KBHDIU IS OMK. In all dlsorders-ml- ld, acute or chronic -- Keep np tbe strength and keep tbe bowels tree ; Give a corrective, laxative and tonic. In one pore medium that combines the three. Bkltzsb apkbikht ts that medium glorious ; , It tones, refreshes, regulates, sustains. And o'er disease for thirty years victorious. The world's eonndenee retains. TABBAjrr8 ICTXBVBOTBT SZUTCTB irmiK SOLD BT ALL DRTJGGI8T8. DBT GOODS. - Ul CD CO CO C8 c) 03 CO a o IT o oa C9 Mb m I tn THEAPPEAL FOB THE CAMPAIGN! THE DAILY WILL BK SUPPLIED TO 8UB3CIUBER3 AT v $2.50 FBOM NOW TELL (be PRESIDENTIAL KLKCTION THE WEEKLY TILL AFTIB tbe PRESIDENTIAL KLKCTION AT should be made direst to the ones, as no commission on these rates can be allowed agents. EDUCATIONAL MRS. HOLSTEAD'S SCHOOL, 487 Pontotoc Street Extended, ILL BEGIN ITS THIBD ANNUAL SESSION W on MONDAT, Septembers. 188a OLAVKRACK COLLB8K AND HUDSON BITKB Kj INSTITUTE, atClaverack.N. T. One of the most sncceasf ul and largest boarding schools in tbe country. Fits Boys thoroughly for College. Full College Coarse for Women. Art. Languages and Mn- le aoeclaltles. 14 Instruments: Id Departments. 1 02d year opt ns September 6. A wealthy friend of tbe South and ot this school, in New Tork city, offers to pay all Ine expenses, except S 160 a rear each, for fifty ladles from tbe South. This S160 will Include Board and Tuluon la Academic and college courses, ViuhaK ft - .i I nMn anH 0b a r. .1 . D, nA Un.U. riOWU, MNU MN UIOV. IUIH WHW. all in catalogue for $400 a year. For catalogues and roll particulars address BEV. ALONZO FLACK, Ph. P., President Cnwota COLLEGE, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. ( TOLLKGIAl K, SCIENTIFIC, COStMKBClAX V J and Prepaiaiory Studies will be i esumed on Wednesday, neptember 1, 18SO For terms of boerd, tuition, etc., send for circular, or appiy to cttumstt ruuniLun, rres t. at Aiim Female Aeaaenajr, Menanals rriHIS Institution Is delightfully situated in a re- - jl itreu ano neaitnr pan ot tne cuy 01 aiempnis, commanding tbe advantage of town and eonnlry. Tbe entire surroundings breathe aa air of peaceful seclusion, wnien ever exerts to powerrni an lnnu-eno- e over tbe moral, ohrslcal and Intellectual life. I he course of study embraces tbe various branches 01 a solid and useful education. In the regular Eng- lish course, tbe pupils on entering are ranked ae eordlng to their proficiency In Ortnognphy, Gram- mar and Arithmetic. Particular attention is given to Sacred and Profane Hlstorr . Bbetorle and Com position. Latin and French enter Into tbe regular course, a portion 01 ume is allowed is each pupil for plain and ornamental Needlework, Shell. Flow- ers, etc. Term per Benttm, ptyabU haifyterly in aavanct For board and tuluon In all branches taught tn the highest schools. Plain. Sew ing, Marking, ate., Bed. Bedding, Stationery and Washing, S100 and $125, according to tbe age or class ot the popU. Special terms when several members of tbe same family attend tbe school. No allowance Is made for partial absence or withdrawal before tbe expiration ot ihe term, except Incase ot serious or protracted Illness. Jxtnu -- Oerman. Ital- ian, etc., each $12; Musle on Piano and use of In- strument, $30; Drawing and Water colors, 810: Oil Painting, $20; Embroidery and Ornamental Work, $10: Use of Library, $2: Dancing and Calis- thenics at Professor's charges; vocal Musle In class, $5; Private Lessons, $15. Board per month during vacation. It spent at tbe Academy, washing, etc, $15. Medicine and physician's fee will form extra cha gee. For further particulars, apply to tbe LADT SUPBBIOB. State Female College. rTTHIS Institution will on MONDAT, Sep-- tember 27th. Prof. John a Collins, assisted by teachers ot well known ability, will be In charge ot the school, and every effort will be made to main-tai- n the high reputation it has heretofore enjoyed. For further Information address MBS. H. N. COLLINS. President. law Mebeel ef Cnmberlant TJalveralty, N1 term (59th) begins September 6, 188a DlDloma and license granted In two amnions at five months. Tuition, $60 per term ot five months. Boarding, $3 to $3 60 per week. LEXINGTON FEMALE COLLEGE Fl the heart of the Bine 6raas Beglon. Location , accessible, elevated and healthful. Full course. Thorouab Instruction. Fall term begins Monday, September 8, 188a For catalogues, with foil Information, terms, etc , address nay, w. p. muAjtu, Lexington, AT. OH Kfl A TIAB- - BOARD AND TUITION, FOB tD JL JVJ lottno Latum and Mis at Female ssemlnarrsnd Bov at Kaieeenal Aeadeaajr, Haddonfleld, New Jersey; and for Young arm at the Ilnrllnatan military Cetlejre, Burlington. New Jersey. Instruction thorough. 6 rounds exten- sive. Situation high, healthy and- - beautiful, send for catalogues to Rxv. T. M. BKILLT, B.D., Rector. lapis iite FBINCIPAI PHOr. L. 6. nUlJLA (Late Professor of Belles Lettres in William and Mary College, Virginia.) Session beg-ln- s Monday, Sept. 6, 1880. miSTIUONIALS from many of the best known X citizens In Memphis. For catalogues, eontaln-'fflwS'.y-- Principal, SYNODICAL FEMALE COLLEGE FLOKEXCK. ALABAMA THE exercises of this Institution will open on the aey ar letemner, under the supervision of a President and full corps of com tie-te-nt teachers. For any Information address KEV. CP. WALKER, President, Fioreaos, AlaJMma. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN m pom Mmm bits' Funae GOODS, OAO OA4OAft TWATW GrPTJTT'Tnrn Hoothwost, - . V ?. I 17 Feeling well avMnred that all danger from a Ylsitation of yel4 low-feve- r naa paased, and considering tae great lnaproTenaentsi' that hare Been made In the sanitary condition of Memphis, mak-- j ing it to day one of the healthiest cities on the continent t andi believing the trade ot the coming season will be the LmBCrESTj that Memphis has ever had, we have made mere than ordinary, preparations to meet the increased demand, and have now es route in every line of goods belonging to oar business, that we ever have had.; They are now arriving daily, and within ten days we will be able to show air friends and patrons the most complete and best selected stock ever shown by any Dry Croods Douse in the B. Lowenstein & Bros iMi em To those in need of Stylish and Well-mad- e Clothing, by the BLUFF CITY CLOTHING HOUSE, It being necessary to have ample room for ear Fall Stock, which Is shortlr to arrive, we are determined to ' close out balance of Salts and odd tiarrmnt at . - . For tbe coming season will make a specialty of Clothing for the Large stock and full assortments now arrrrlnc and dliplared on upper noon. Merchants Invited to Inspect styles and prices. S VFWniB T7KOUE.SAI.E 959 E.Iain Si D. W. IiAKE, Sew Tork. AND MERCHANTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOSTON, MASS. - MEMPHIS, TENN. Our Salesmen are now on the road with Samples of our FALJLj and W1NTEB STOCK. Do not place your Orders until you see them. We ate prepared to deliver Goods from either Boston or Mew phis. " ' ' I, M. LAKE, Kemphis. L.S.LAKE &Bro COTTOIJ FACTORS COMMISSION No. 268 FRONT STREET, -ss-- taJjra i Jaxexxi'ioJcxija . TonneaaQe Liberal advances made on Sotton Consignments. Orders for Plantation Supplies and Gen- - eral Merehandls filled at lowest net cash prices. t: I (9 WK HAVSC REMOVED OUR SKHKBSb OFFICE AMD ITOIKItttOS TO the earner at TJnlen aad Vreat atreete, and our Lumber Tard to the earner ar Ualee and ?"lrl,"tf"iwnere "? VUl keep large and well assorted stock of Lumber, Lath, Shingles. Doors. Sash, Blinds, Molding, and. In tact, every variety and description of Lumber used for building purposes! B. Ii. COGHBaK, O. A. COCHBAI. H. a. COCHbAB, R. L. COCHRAN CO. AnXVACTTJ; Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Deare. Saan ana Bllnaa. aaa all UsU at faeklas Bexea. Office sad Yard, cor. Union and Third I Saw sad Planing ills, NortJa end Navy Td. eaLxaaooM oobnkb ot union and fbonx stbskts. . emphls Tennessee. II. B. HOWELL, H. B. HOWELL & CO. Grocers, Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, c;.tT. wokhrhy C. B. Hoore. MOORE, BASSETT & CO OF JOHN H. COCKE will wkh oitr cottoh. G. T. Bassett. ra&soEis, FACTORS, rectlez0 Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moldings, Lumber. Lath and Shirorles, 351 -3- 53-359.385 Second street. ; ; Hem phis. CEMENT! Lori'Tllle, Bosedale, Enrllsh and Americas Portland. LIME! St. Louis, Alton, Cape and Gleneoe. D I A QTC D I WcUsvs, lows. New Tork and Imported Brands. LnO Crl ! FINE PLA8TEES SPECIALTY. THORN A HI) SKIMS. SOD and 311 8. 12h t St. Loafs, Bo L E S3 COTTON . IUIH r AAA a 1 . I A. f- - in nemove iOa.iH-rroni.cor.uoun.JUi- y luth


MENKEN BOpen the Season with the Hoist Complete Assortment of

Choice Goods which has ever been shown to the

We entered the market when prices touched bottom, andBought Exclusively for Cash.

Boots, 8hoes


Form a Specialty in our Wholesale Department, beingJHanufaetared Expressly lor the Southern JBarket.To our Wholesale Dry Goods, we have added this sea-

son. Full Lines of Low and Bedlam-price- d

SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS!In our Fancy Goods and Notion Department, we display an

unusually large stock of -



JW.Jtil2JLSON ,Dentist05 IfaIn street.

bist error tketh ten dollarsHold FUllngs Two DollarstUver and Tin Ftlllnes .....One Dollarou and Extracting, each. Fifty Cents

Mnrlar'urf Inn iiitml.JET PALACE.


T1IK JET PALACEMm Seen reninves. tm 77MAIM HTKEBT, aext Seerto Vloyd'e Coareetlenerjr

d KMUirut We will. eentlnne te offer Geede anhand at si Jansenae

"the (allaea.oa esens. .

i. ROESCKER, Agent,

Ko.77 TWaln Street, nemyjuia.




H. HENOCnSBEBGhas bbmovkd to

281 Ilain Street,Opposite Oliver, FInnle & Co.'.BARGAINS THENEXT 30 DAYS.


BUCK-KY- KO can' rr tvnt'ff.

FOB BEKT.Very desirable residence. 418RK9IDKNCK door south of Vance; In perfect

repair; all modern conveniences; laiye shad) yard.Apply next door to Mrs, S. U. Morrison, ot to C. K.Tucker. 7 Monroe street.

AND THIBD FLOOIW-- In booe 227SKCONDstreet, with all conveniences, suitable fordressmaker.

Also, No. 14 Adams street, opposite WonhamBuose, for saloon or boarrilngnouse. Applr to

M. 8. CBAPdKV. Kerr street. Chelsea.

OOMS Nice large fnm1hed rooms atHH3. C. f. mmi3i lin at wmi au

PICK-- At 18 Madison street, latelr occupiedJ by C B. Brian & Co. bale and fixlures lor

ale. AddIv at Ledger office, orC. B. A CO.. 20 Madison St.

No 223 Main andSTOkKHOCSK over fto. 21 1 Main street. Applra: No IS Adams street

HK WADK HKSIDKNCK Comer Jewmmlue andT LauUercale streets, apditbi ai huoh.FTJLviKR, BURTON CO.

In Tunica countr. Miss., knownJT as the Avent Place. Possession given the firstw January next. Appir to

W. 8 DaN'CT, Bollr Springs. Mlaa.AND OKKICES Desirable

C10TTON-B0OM- and offices, with gas and water eon- -

venlenoea, Appi? to

8ntt and 858 Front street.

T OOMS Furnished looms, at reasonable rates,at AM Mxln street.


tniuHinnntf. ArkimuuL Established and DODnlarflablng resort for ten rears. Revenue from thissource fnllr $1000 per annum. Reached via M. andL. R. a, from which It Is 2Mi miles distant. Hotelfollr 'quipped. One well, bonis, ferrr, etc. 200 acresland attached; 25 cultivated ror rears, and will raiselit bales eotton to the acre. Cheap for cash. Also,lOTiO acres ad tntng, or the finest cotton land InArkansas ail above oveiflow. For partlcu'ars applrto B. C. NICHOLSON, KO. 1 uauison street,

Memphis, Tennessee.

T AND LOT3-8- 20 acres ofi a land on Morn uise; aooui ou acre, m cuiutb-tlon- ,

balance In Umber. It baa been occupied brMr. A. p. Montana for rear. Bas a good flsharr onthe lake front. Will wll for SI 500; one-thir- d cash,balance in 1 and 2 rears, with 0 per cen.. Interest.

190 ACRK3 near the Lemaster plaoe, on the P1eonroeat road, about nine miles trom town, at &

per acre.27rn ACRKS opposite Island 40, for $350 easb,81 KCBOLS 8TRKST 2 story bouse and lot for1060: ball easn, paiance in momnir parmeuts.Several desirable Dwellings on Vance and Shelby

streets; also, several beautliul Building Lots; also,Cottonsbed properly, Farms, etc., ror saie or

H. L. UDION, Agent, 19 Madison St.

IANO, CHSAP-F- ull 7 octave. Can be seen atHOLLKNBKKH'S Musle Hon

r ZAL KSTATK BARGAINS. 'XV yoB SALK Corner tenement, BicMord Block(Residence), Third and Washington.

0R SALS Lovely Cottage on Bill street, nearAlabama, formerly lsn s.

FuM BALE John T. Flvnn's nice Home, on John-son avenue, Noun Memphis. Sound titles. Call on

FOR Pontotoe street,near Lauderdale, opposite Judge Biker's, at S 1800.

W. A. WHMATLEY. 281 Main.Rica Br river or rail. Quantity and QualityB guaranteed. Leave orders at John A. Denie s,

862 Front street, or W. J. Chase ft Co.'s, 182 Mainnext, O. B. P. PIHKB.


quantity of seocnd-ban- d material forsale, tn quantities to suit purchasers. The abovematerial eomprtses the estitbliabment ot the lateBoyle Printing Company, which we now own.

FLOURING AND CORN-MIL- CHEAP InIf application Is made immediately;

engine 1 eelindw and b stroke. Also, aSteam Fire Knglne. of LatU's niske, Cincinnati.Inquire at Carpenterh"P, H2rt tVoond strewt.


DWILLING To rent a dwelling of 4 to 7 rooms.Address . N. D. bTOKKd.

care Appeal office.

TTPBOL8TKB General upholsterer; one who IsU handy; a chance for the right man. Address

atones W. a. box 1 ti8. lift Springs. Ark.

BOABD Brta young man, of good bablts, boardin private ramuy. Aanrcss w., uiis oinco.

f OOD WASHER, Ironer and Servant, at 2W3V ropiar street. Lioerat wages paiu.

KITCHEN AbSl.iT AN T-- At the Green Tree851 btaeiby sbeet, a while or colored

woman to assist in toe aitcneo.I)ABT1KS bavlng Cottages of 4 to 6 rooms forJ. rent, can nuo prompt paying lena- - is by apply'Ingto AVhHY BKUL1N, UH Madison t"A tL PABTiK-- i DliSlRlN CONVEYANCE FOBXI. inetroeives or pacaagus to diuauia or uulLY SPBINtid and all points on Flgeoiiroost boad,to leave orders at the Park blable. Leaves at H am.Mondays, Weoneedais and Fridays. Heuun Tuesdays, Thursdays and Balurdajs.OAUd, IkON, METALd And all class of second

j.aj nana goods, at o. Uiuiro, Agent,11. 13 and 15 Beale treetr OOD CA&PKNTJUid-- At Seeond street.


No. tM Main street, opposite Mississippi andis as aaiin i aiepoa,



and Hats!

NTB4YED."DAT MASK MULK11 Vmm mv atnhllt. Wo. M Alabama Street.

bar mare male; about six rears old; sixteen bandshigh; baa beeo newly shod; Is branded on the ngiin hnnMr iihoml mward will be Daldon hdelivery to me, JamesJLincb, at 22 Alabama street.or J. N. Paine Co.. 64 ton roe street.

EOT!We are now ready to make contracts with merchants for future delivery in Hemp his, or immediate shipment from the Fac-tories, of the following NewCanned Goods, packing of1880

New Peaches,a aa S la. eaaa.

New Cherries,New Strawberries,New Peas,New Tomatoes,New Corn,

, New Raspberries,New Whortleberries,New Jellies,

,New Uooseberries,, New Blackberries,

New Pine Apples.By September lat will aave flsarea aaall kinds af Cannes eeeda. Heads allbaaxat for Cash, aad will be taraed at

a very sasall margin.


To Absentees.Th DAILY APPEAL id U Bent by

mail at fl per month. Pottoffiee addresseswill be chanted whenever requested. Subscription must be paid in advance.


The stationhouse docket failed to panout an item of interest last evening.

The Dolice have ceased to poison dogs,the summer season drawing to a close.

Those who did not go to Chicago arebetter off every way than those who did.

Water mains are being put down alongJefferson street from Front street eastward.

Quite a number of the Knights Templarof the Memphis Commandery have returnedhome from Chicago.

At the county court clerk's effioe yester-day a marriage license was issued to ThomasC. Edrington and Lutie B. Norton.

Hundreds of colored people left the. cityon last 8aturday and enjoyed a picnio nearthe Tallahatchie river, Panola county, Missis-sippi.- Business men are elated over the pros-pects of the forthcoming business year, com-mencing on the first of September,

week.The storm over in Arkansas last Sun-

day afternoon blew myriads of mosquitoesand other winged insects across the river tothe Bluff City.

Captain B. A. Leach, the well-kno-

contractor on the Mississippi and Tennesseerailway-lin- e, is again at his poet after a fewweek's illness from rheumatism.

Many people are taking advantage of thefight on cutting rates between the Louisvilleand the Charleston railroads. What is badfor the railroads is good for the people.

Sunday next the Zouave Guards, colored,will leave on the St. Louis excursion, via theCharleston railroad, and the M'ClellanGuards will go over the Louisville railroad.

Many ot the alleys are becoming filthyagain. The attention ot the health authori-ties is called to the necessity of working npthe garbage service to aa fine a point as pos-sible during the hot months.

Quite a large number of citizens, including the tonights ot rythias, lelt for &LLouis Sunday, via the Louisville and Charles-ton railways. The excursionists will be backby Saturday or Sunday next.

Yesterday, on Main street, near Poplar,the iorepart of a city slop-ca- rt separatedtrom the body, the mules ran away a shortdistance, and the colored driver was thrownto the street and severely injured.

A runaway horse, attached to a buggy,created a smash-u-p on Main street, nearBeale, on Sunday evening. The occupantsof the buggy, a lady and gentleman, werethrown out and received severe bruises.

During the excavation on the bluff forthe river-fro- nt railway, the workmen dug upa shell, which was shot from aFederal gunboat during the naval engage-ment above the city at the time of the captureof Memphis.

The churches furnishing the best instru-mental and vocal music are always the best at-tended by the young people on Sunday nights.A fine organ and choir lake the blue ribbonwhen opposed only by a doctrinal discourseand congregational singing.

The mercury in the thermometers circu-lated among the eighties last night. Occa-sionally a cooling breeze would circulatearound street corners for a few seconds, thenit would die away and leave the anxious citi-zen in the sweltering state.

All the lodges of Knights of Honor willmeet at Unity lodge hall night,to consider questions refened back to thelodges with reference to the forthcoming pic-

nio celebration or reunion at Eetival park. Afull attendance of all the lodges is desired.

fire department men and horses atthe different engine houses hitch np bysignal each day, at noon and at nine o'clockat night. Both men and horses have becomeso expert that the hitching up process, ready

to turn oat to fire, is accomplished In a fewseconds of time. r .


He softly kissed his sleeping wife,Then with a Unging look -

Of fond affection straight way wentAnd kissed her pretty cook.

Alas ter blm, the gentle wife :Bethought asleep, was not.

And for her cook and hubby, too,She made It mighty not.

Numbers of the Chicago excasionistahave returned. Tber speak of many disagreeable things at Chicago lack of properaccomodation for guests and exorbitantcharges not only for the luxuries bnt thenecessaries of life. There were too manyvisitors at Chicago; they were to thick to benappy.

At the Charleston depot eronnda or yardan immense stable or shed for railroad carshas been erected, also a dryhonse for timber.The latter house has a pair of wooden chimneys resembling a steamboat a. At night ifa red and green light were put on the chimneys, a stringer would imagine that a bigsteamboat was coming down the BayouGayoso.

Hack and buggy-ridin- g at night is apopular pastime at present. Those who ridelate at night generally frequent the beer- -gardens on the boulevard and vicinity, wheresuppers and beer can be secured. On reluming early in the morning, tue occupants ofthe hacks and buggies are generally hilarious, and are much given to vocal music asthey drive through the quiet streets en routefor their homes.

Numbers of black people now carry umbrellas to protect them from the heat of thesun. but the majority of white men haveabandoned the umbrella protection. Thetime was when all this was reversed. Thequestion will strike the philosopher : Is civilisation making the black man more effeminate and the white man more hardy andtough in constitution?

Sunday barbecues are occasionally in- -dnleed in hv arjur pv&oa. They arexlmMiattain, and are much enjoyed by those attending. The smell of the barbecued meats,the shade ot the forest, trees, the lager beeron ice, the ice-col- d .Robinson county anaBourbon, the well-flavor- cigars, the storytelling, the little game of five-ce- peker,are among the attractions which induce mento leave the heated and dull city on Sundays

At the Shelby county circuit court thefollowing divorce bills have been filed:Bachael Swansey against Swift Swansey,colored, divorce prayed for on grounds ofcruel treatment. abuBive language and abandonment; Berry Hill against Hattie Hill,colored, grounds for divorce, pregnancy ofdefendant at time of marriage and subsequent lewdness; Thornton Cole against SarahCole, colored, grounds tor divorce, adulterywhile be (petitioner) was serving a term inthe penitentiary.

Last Sunday afternoon a heavy wind.rain, thunder and lightning-storm- , passed apthe course of the Mississippi river on toe Arkansas side, while not a drop of rain fell onthis side. The rolling storm-cloud- s could beseen whirling and rushing northward, whilea flood of rain was falling. On this side astrong, cool wind prevailed while the stormcloud was passing by. inere were manyheavy rolls of thunder. The lightning strucka tree on the Graham place, on the PigeonRoost road, in the suburbs, shivering thetree to pieces and hurling the limbs a hundred feet away. '

The Shelby County Grange associationhas decided to hold a fair tnts tall, commencing on the twelfth ot October and con- -tinning tave days. Workmen are now emsployed putting the grounds in order. Apamphlet is being gotten ont, containing thepremium list and programme. A committeeis calling upon the business men for adver-tisements in the premium list. That the fairwill be attractive and successful is indicatedfrom the fact that energetio men have takencharge of it. It is an assuranse that it willbe properly conducted. Among those whoare interesting themselves in the fair areHon. Jacob Thompson, B. D. Goodwin,Chamberlain Jones, C. Weatherford. andmany others.

WHAT I vTODfiP IilKE.I'd kind o like to have a cotFixed on some sunny slope; a spot

five acres, more or less.With maples, eedars, cherry trees.And poplars whitening in the breeze.

Twoold also salt my taste, I guess.To have the porch with vines o'erboog,'With bells of pendant woodbine swung,

In every bell a bee;And round my latticed window spreadA slump of roses, white and red.

And so, to solace mine and me,I kind & think I should desireTo bear around the lawn a choir

Of wood birds singing sweet;And In a dell I'd have a broekWhere I might sit and read my book.

There In that borne of quiet Joys,Far from the city's crowd and no'se;There would I rear the girls and boys

(I'd bave some two or three).And If kind heaven should bless my storeWith Ave, or six, or seven more.

Bow happy I would be!

OUR OWJf IMTJEKESTS.As indicative of the progress of Memphis

manufactures, when properly managed andassiduously pushed, we see that Mr. Watkins's manufacture of sacks for cotton-pic- k

ing has met with such success that he hasbeen obliged to telegraph for additional ma-chinery to enable him to fill the orders nowcrowding in for these goods. In the manufactoring line he is gilted with that intuitiveperception of mechanics which enables himin a moment to comprehend the necessities otthe case and provide for it in the very beatmanner possible. His tarpaulin, and alsoplain duck stand-sack- s, should be seen by allinterested in cotton-gatherin- as they certainly must soon supplant theand rickety basket.

The Three GracesAre represented with perfectly developedforms beauty and health combined. Nodecayed:tooth man or woman can be healthybecause digestion must be imperfect. UseSozodont, get healthy teeth, good digestionand a sound body. Uevive the three Graces,


xearslenlau Take Satlee.

The Memphis and Charleston railroad willsell excursion tickets from Memphis and allstations to Norfolk on August Z4th and 25Ui,good tor twenty days lrom date.

FABJE f15 FOB BOUND TRIP.For further information call on B. Hughes,

ticket agent, zva Main street.T. & DAVANT,

, Assistant General Passenger Agent.

Commonwealth Distribution Company,In a lew days the regular drawing of this

company win occur, uver one bundredthousand dollars will go to the holders otlucky tickets. This company is regarded asone of the honest and reliable lottery enterprises. Particulars can be learned at 6 WeBtCourt street.

Ebuptions on the face are permanentlyremoved by Dr. Cheek's liver invigorator. Itfreshers and beautifies the skin and givesyoutn to tue complexion.

When we reflect that a power of endurance ran be imparted to the brain, and thatweak minds have been restored to strengthby Fellows's compound syrup of hyperpbos- -pnites, we cannot but conclude that the sub'tie power is really ponderable matter. Per-sons who study hard should preserve theirbalance of power by using the syrup,

tforshani nachlnery.Cane mills and evaporators at much less

than manufacturers prices, in order to reduce our very large stock.


French Steam Dye-Wor-k.

Ladies' and gentlemen's goods dyed andcleaned at Louis rteitrei .5o JAitprsoa street

A Business Stan's Opinion.C. B. Dorr, of Toledo, Ohio, says he has

used Day s kidney pads in bis family withresults so superior to all other treatments thatha regards them as the best kidney doctor intne worm. -

Floyd's CandlesAre known everywhere. Persons buy whonever indulged in such luxuries before. Theywin p tease any ooay. tjarameis a specialty.

I MPOBTAA T TO H90KEB8,The dealers of our city beg to inform the

public that they are just in receipt of a freshinvoice ot Ainney Bros, celebrated cigarettes,Their brands are the m:st reliable, beingmade of pure tobacco and of the finest rice-pap-

. One trial will satisfy all that tbeyhave no eqaal., SWEEl CAttJKAL, CAPOKAL J4, ST. JAMES and AMBAS3AD0RS.

Bemoral.On September 1st I will occupy the store on

the southeast corner of Main and Unionstreets (No. 338 Main) with a full tine of alltne late fail styles in gents clothing.

K. HUM tM,. No. 247 MalnsOset.


Legislative Council Meeting Condemnedand : Dangerous Buildings River. Landing Paving Petitions to

Improve Propertj RailroadLeases Repairing

Sidewalks on Adams Street and Charleston Avenne Grading Part of Web-

ster Street and Be pairingBay on Bridge Tronbles

Abomt Scales.

At the usual hour yesterday afternoon ameeting of the legislative council was heldat the Shelby circuit court-roo- the follow-me members beintr present: D. I. Sorter.John Overton, jr., M. Burke, R. Galloway,

, W. trover. Jobn Gunn.The minutes of the previous meeting were

read by the secretary and were approved,wnen tne following business was transacted

j condemned' buildings.The board of health list of condemned

buildings was laid over to the next meetingtor consideration,

DAHOEBOVa BUTLDIN&.The communication of I. R. Chase, aa to a

dangerous building, No. 5 Adams street, wasreferred to the police and fire commissionerstor consideration.


Grider, as to danger of landslide where pavement is being put down by him in landing,was received and bled.

PERMISSION TO IMTBOVK PROPERTY.The committee on petition of B. H. k A,

1. Hay den, tor permission to improve prop-erty in rear of 126 and 128 Poplar Btreet,having reported lavorably, the council concurred in the report of the committee, andtbe prayer of the petitioner was granted.PETITION GRANTED UNDER CONDITIONS,

On the petition of J. J. M'Combs. preiidentot southern ou works, to bo allowed to purin a switch-trac- k trom southern oil works toLouisville and Nashville railway track, thecouncil granted tbe prayer of tbe petitioner,sut-jec- t to tne conditions specified in tne report ot the committee on tbe subject. '

PETITIONS GRANTED.The petition of John Brown for permission

to put up a cotton press on the blurt tor ex-

hibition to the public was granted.1 he petition ot Mrs. P. D. Canale for per

mission to improve propcrtv- - at 79 Unionstreet was granted. '

V REFERRED TO CITT ATTORNEY.The petition of Butts St Co. to erect a

building on Promenade street, near Adams,was referred to the city attorney for a legalopinion.

REFERRED TO COMMITTEE.The petition of Mrs. M. W. Eenney ask

ing the council to revoke the privilegegranted the Memphis and Cincinnati racketcompany, Alston & Uo., and others, to placeskids on tbe levee, was referred to a commit1tee, consisting of Messrs. Overton, Gallowayand tioyer.

ALSO REFERRED,a cross petition signed by numerous citizensobjecting to a revocation of the privilegegranted to Alston Vs., was referred to thesame committee.

- PETITION GRANTED.The petition of J. J. M'Combs for permis

sion to erect a warehouse adjoining the baauiern and extend the said shed overtbe railroad switch, was granted by the council, provided tbe shed would be no obstruc- -t.on to travel, and that brick piers be placedunder tne shed.

PETITION REFERRED.The petition of Venable & Bawling) for

aa outlet from their lumber mills on Frontstreet, north of Bayou Gayoo: for the repairing of the bridge over the bayou on Frontstreet, and opening the street north of thebridge was referred to tbe city engineer andattorney and Mr. Uverton, tor a report. '

PETITION REJECTED.The petition of Hugh A. Hamilton, as to

notice served on nim to put down a sidewalk pavement on Adams street, betweenCharleston avenue and High street, andstating that the present sidewalk in front ofsaid property was in good order, was rejsctedby tne council.

REFERRED KOB REPORT.A petition was received from the Memphis

and Little Rock railroad company, askingtbat,the taxing-Distri- ct government recognizethe lease of their depot grounds from the oldcity governments and the rights acquired bythe company under said lease. The companyalso asks permission to lay down tracks onCenter landing as far as Adams and Jefferson streets, and to put up freight-shed- salong these tracks, in return for which concessions tha company will give np its presentdepot grounds. The petition was referredfor a report to a committee consisting ofMessrs. Overton, Galloway, Goyer and thecity attorney.

BEPAxaijra sidewalks.A resolution was adopted that property-

owners on Adams street repair their side-walks with the same material as now existson sidewalks brick or stone. The same resolution included the sidewalks on the west '

side of Charleston avenue, between Adamsand New Madison streets.

WEBSTER 8TBEET REPAIRS.The petition of Messrs. Rainey, Parker and

Clapp that Webster street be graded by thecity government, and that the bridge over tbebajou be repaired, was read. Tbe councilordered the city engineer to do the necessarygrading on the street up to the cotton-she- d

of petitioners, an appropriation having beenpreviously made for the improvement of thebridge.

INSPECTION 07 SCALES.Mr. C. W. Gsjer stated that the charge

made by the inspector of scales fifty-fiv- e

cents was illegal, tbe sum ot thirty-fiv- e

cents being the legal charge for second in-spection.

On motion of Mr. Overton the city attorneywas ordered to instruct the inspector aa to hisduties, and the legal charges for inspectingscales, weights and measures.

RAILROAD LEASES.Tbe city attorney stated that the Memphis

and Charleston railroad company desired arenewal by the Taxing-Distric- t governmentof its lease with the old city government.The city attorney was instructed to arrangethe lease, in conjunction with the committee.

ADJOURNMENT.On motion the council adjourned, subject

to the call of the president.

Dear Brother Meek, Editor of tbe Central Methodist,Catlettsburg, Kentucky:I see in the last Central that yon want a

remedy for sick headache. If you will use aremedy that you advertise in your paper everyweek, I am Bure you will be greatly benefitedthereby, and I believe cored. I have been asufferer from sick headache, I can say almostfrom infancy, and have tried every remedy Icould get, and never found anything to do meany good until I used Simmons liver regu-lator. It has been nearly three years siace Ifirst used it, and I have not had sick head-ache since, and I have never used but twopackages and a half of the regulator. I hada sister last spring that bad from one to twospells of sick headache every week. I senther half of a package, and she says she hasnot had it since. I feel for anyone that suf-fers with that terrible disease, and I hope youwill give it a trial.

C g. MORRIS. Brownsville, W.Va.

(Sans.A very large assortment of muzzle and

breech-loadin- g guns, of direct importation,just received and for sale at very low prices by


Floyd's Ladies' KestaarantNo place like home for good living, only

Floyd's. The very best people of the citytake their meals there.

Kirkland Drown Umbrellas,Eirkland Earl & Wilson collar?,Kirkland Dent's kid gloves.Kirkland Fik, Clark & Flagg scarfs.'Kirkland Goodyear rubber clothing.Kirkland stylish socks.Kirkland nobby handkerchiefs.Kirkland celluloid collars.Kirkland celluloid cufl'j.Kirkland goods are cheap.

Brown dr. Jones.nttvbmrs, Shotwcll aad Uaaael CwaJ.

Sit Msls titrt.bbb from tne objections ot beer, yetIt all its nourishments, are malt bitters


See advertisement of H. L. Guion. in"For Sale" oolomn. r -

Mb. T. H. Arnold, after having doneChicago, is again at bis post of duty.

Captain Jack Doyle was among the distinguished citizens who returned yesterday.

Mb. Hugh Moore, agent of the celebratedAlligator stoves, is in our city, the guest ofMr. A. Colbry.

Rkt. Edmund Obgaiby of Arkansas, will,it is said, become rector of Grace Episcpalchurch of this city.

Mb. James B. Cook, architect, returnedyesterday from the Knights Templar cele-bration at Chicago.

Mrs. A. C. Cogswell, of Hot Springs,Arkansas, is here on a visit for a few days tosee her many mends.

Prof. H. Schultee returned yesterdayfrom Milwaukee, at which point he left anumber of Memphians preparing to comehome.

Mb. Morris Sowfikld. formerly of thiscity, but for three years past a resident ofuincinnati, has just recovered from a severespell of sickness. -

Major W. H. H. Behtaubd. UnitedStates engineer corps, has gone to Ticksburgto look after the improvements in the Yazoo- -xailabatcbie and Sunflower rivers.

Mr. Logak Waxier, of the Hollv SorinssReporter, is in the city in the interest of thatexcellent paper, which is a good advertisingmedium tor tnose seeking Mississippi trade,

Mb. B. Galloway, of the legislativecouncil, has returned trom Chicago. He hasa poor opinion of Chicago hospitality. Ex-tortionate prices were demanded tor every-thing.

Mr. W. H. Foutb. formerly superinten- -dient of the Memphis city schools, has obtained a prlncipals certificate of the first--class before the St. Loom school board, andbas accepted a position in the St. Louiseducational institute, in charge of the fin--gush department. The school has one hundred and seventy-fiv- e boys as pupils and is anourishing institution.

From Despair to Gladness.- Mr. Giles Carter, a well-know- n citizen ofRochester, New York, has just given the following card to the public: "For about twoyears my wife has been troubled with something, and we could not imagine what; shehad frequent flashes of heat, followed bysevere sweats, both night and day; her backtroubled her a great deal,' and any exertionseemed to utterly prostrate her. She dranklarge quantities of water without seeming toquench her thirst in tbe least, and kept getting worse and worse all the time. We employed the services of a physician, but withoutbeneht, not even learning what was the matter with her. Finally, noticing a peculiarityin her urine, 1 had it examined, and, by boiling, raduced it to molasses, about half inquantity to the amount of water used. I atonce wrote to her brother, a physician in theeast, who pronounced it 'sugar' (or saccharine)diabetes. He said he knew of no cure for it,and that she probably could not get well:that she might live a few years, but wouldget worse and worse all the time. At thistime, and when we were in despair, I sawWarner s sate diabetes core advertised, purchased a bottle, and my wife has continuedusing it until she is now perfectly cured andas well as she has been in years. I considerWarner's Safe diabetes cure a blessing andboon to humanity.


St. lioalai and VlekabnrcAwchwr I.tnV. . Hall FOR CAIBO AND ST. LOUIS.

Crrand Tower,Carvell. .. .master.

Will leave the Anchor Line wharfboat THIS DAT,Aug. 24th, at 10 a.m. For freight or passage applrto ai. BTOBM. bup t. on wnarTooat.


St. Loala wad Vlekabaj-- c Anchor LineHaltda Mtatea tXJK VIUK&BUKU.

City of reenvillSB. a. nuer master.Will leava the Anchor-lin- e wha-fbo- at THIS SAT,Aug. 24th, at 10 a.m. For freight or passag applrto au otokm. twp't, on wnanrjowt.

FOR NEW ORLEANS.St. Laala ana New Orleans Anekar IdasFor Ticksburg, Natchez and New Orleans Steamer

tAuiaingr star,W. B. Miller master I John 8. Jonee clerk

Will leave the Anchor Line wharfboat THISDAT, Aug. 24th, at 10 am. For freight or passageapply to au. aiuKM. bo.pi. on wnarrooat.


Memphis & Ohio River Packet Co.

For Jjoniswille and Cincinnati.Tbe Elegant Passenger Steamer

JAMES W. fiAFFiB. W. Wise master i W. H. Cropper clerk

Leaves WEDNESDAY, Aug. 25tta, 6 p.m.For freight or passage apply to

B. W. ilGHTBUBNK,aeneral Freight and Ticket Agent,

No. 7 Monroe stmet, Memphis.

FOR ARKANSAS RIVER.Memphis and Pine Bluff 17. 8. Mail Line. For Pine

Bluff, Little Bock, and through to Fort Smith Str.

SIAAiSlMZLtlAK, SBd. Nowland master I Chav Musselman.. . clerkLeaves as aboveSW&DNESDAT, Aug. 25th, at 6 p.m.

For ireignt or passage appiv toJOHN N. HAHBIN. Bup't. Wilt Front St.

FOR ARKANSAS CITY.Adams Meaal-weefc- ly U. M. nail iaB

For Helena, Friars Point, Carson's, Terrene, Ar-

kansas City, Pine Bluff B&liroad, and all war land- -ags The eleganisteamer

fcieorge W. Cheek,Hark B. Cheek. ..master I A. L. Cummins... clerk

Leaves aa above KVKBT MONDAY and TBHRSDA V, at B D m., In place nf steamer Ouachita Belle,nntll further nolloe; connecting at Arkansas Cltrwith the D. S. malt steamer Dean Adams for Oreen- -vtlle, Vtcksburg anl way landings. For freight orpassage apply to J. x. wasuinutun. Agent,

814 Front street, np stalratFOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS.

JAAAVr llAKKl'H S lemoaia White aadHlaea itlver C B. Halt packet.

Bluff, Dee Arc, Augusta, Jaeksonport, west Point,Searoy, Bateevllle, Powhattaa, and Pocahontas.ine new ana eiegani steamer

7osie Harrv. .- me 'Will leave Memphis KVKBT SATURDAY, at 5 p.m.connecting direct with tbe new Black river u. amall packet MILT HABBT for Powbattan and Po-cahontas, and with Dally Packets to Batesvllle andUpper White river. Through latee to all points.

Freight consigned to Milt Hairy Line, Memphis orTerrene, win do prompur iorwaruea.

Office. No. R Mmilftnn rtrwt

FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER.Memphis and St. Francis D. 8. Mall Line -- Steamer

BatesTille, ,

O.K. Joplln master I A. L. Bannlns clerkLeaves Memphis TDKSDAT and SATTJBDAT, 6p.m., for Marl anna, the Cut-of- f and all Intermediatelandings. For freight or passage apply on board.or to D. HtNDALU Hnp'C.

FOR OSCEOLA.Trl-Week- ly C.H.Hall racket For Ban- -

doipn, Fulton, uaoeoia and way lainiingg gtr

Osceola Belle, JS"Henry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers clerkWill leave Memphis every MONDAY, WEDNESDAYand FBIDAT. at 5 p.m. For Information apply onDoarn. or to no. n naoioon street.

LEE. LINE STEAMERS.rr Sjileadale, Helena and JTrlare PaintJames Xee,

Stack Lee masterLord W. Whitlow... clerkWill leave as above on every

MONDAT, WEDNESDAY and FBIDAT, at 4 P.m.limre. no. n vinciiwn hitwh.

FOR WHITE RIVER.Memphis & White River PacketKenlar Independent Hemp aaa

White Blver Packet For Augusta. Jackson portSearcy, and way points. Tne regular IndependentPacketHARD CASH,

KrLC. Postal master I Charles' Postal. ...clerkWill leave Memphis KVKBT WEDNESDAY, on andafter Wednesday, Sept, 1st, at a cm. For freightor passage appir w w. liiani ouima,no. 7 Monroe st, opp. Peabody betaL

J. T. WASHINGTON. m Iw harfhM

KON BES1DKHT NOTICE.Non-Beside- nt Notice.

No. 2028. B. D. Circuit Court of Shelbv mini.Tennessee Mississippi and Tennessee BaiiroadCompaorvs. John Baker etaLIt appearing from affidavit filed in this cause that

ne aerenuants, jonn ttaaer. uiinion sraaKin, An-drew M'Makln, Dekalb M'Makln, Katie M M'Maktnand her husband (whose name Is unknown) andother belrs-at-La- of William H. M'Makln, deceased,whose names are unknown and cannot be asoer-- t

lined after diligent Inquiry, are ofthe State ot Tennessee ;

It is therefore ordered. That tbey make their arpearanee at the eourthoase In the Taxing-distri- ofSbelbj county, formerly the city ot Memphis, on orbefore the third Monday In September, 18H0, andplead, answer or demur to tbe plaintiff's petition forright ot way of their said railroad track through lotNo. three, In block nine, of South Memphis addi-tion, supposed to be tbe property of said delendanui;or, on failure to so appear and defend this suit, thepetition of plaintiffs will be taken for confessed asto tbe said defendants, and the cause set for bearingexparte; and that a copy of this order be publishedlor lour consecutive weeks In the Memphis Appeal.

A copy attorn: JOSKrH UHL, Clerk.U F. Vance, AtTytorplainUA, tue



In all dlsorders-ml- ld, acute or chronic --Keep np tbe strength and keep tbe bowels tree ;

Give a corrective, laxative and tonic.In one pore medium that combines the three.

Bkltzsb apkbikht ts that medium glorious ; ,It tones, refreshes, regulates, sustains.

And o'er disease for thirty years victorious.The world's eonndenee retains.





aoIT ooa C9Mb m







should be made direst to the ones,as no commission on these rates can be allowedagents.



487 Pontotoc Street Extended,

ILL BEGIN ITS THIBD ANNUAL SESSIONW on MONDAT, Septembers. 188aOLAVKRACK COLLB8K AND HUDSON BITKBKj INSTITUTE, atClaverack.N. T. One of themost sncceasf ul and largest boarding schools in tbecountry. Fits Boys thoroughly for College. FullCollege Coarse for Women. Art. Languages and Mn-le aoeclaltles. 14 Instruments: Id Departments.

1 02d year opt ns September 6. A wealthy friend oftbe South and ot this school, in New Tork city, offersto pay all Ine expenses, except S 160 a rear each, forfifty ladles from tbe South. This S160 will IncludeBoard and Tuluon la Academic and college courses,ViuhaK ft - .i I nMn anH 0b a r. .1 .D, nA Un.U.riOWU, MNU MN UIOV. IUIH WHW.all in catalogue for $400 a year. For catalogues androll particulars address

BEV. ALONZO FLACK, Ph. P., President




Studies will be i esumed onWednesday, neptember 1, 18SO

For terms of boerd, tuition, etc., send for circular,or appiy to cttumstt ruuniLun, rres t.

at Aiim Female Aeaaenajr, MenanalsrriHIS Institution Is delightfully situated in a re--jl itreu ano neaitnr pan ot tne cuy 01 aiempnis,

commanding tbe advantage of town and eonnlry.Tbe entire surroundings breathe aa air of peacefulseclusion, wnien ever exerts to powerrni an lnnu-eno- e

over tbe moral, ohrslcal and Intellectual life.I he course of study embraces tbe various branches01 a solid and useful education. In the regular Eng-lish course, tbe pupils on entering are ranked aeeordlng to their proficiency In Ortnognphy, Gram-mar and Arithmetic. Particular attention is givento Sacred and Profane Hlstorr . Bbetorle and Composition. Latin and French enter Into tbe regularcourse, a portion 01 ume is allowed is each pupilfor plain and ornamental Needlework, Shell. Flow-ers, etc. Term per Benttm, ptyabU haifyterly

in aavanct For board and tuluon In allbranches taught tn the highest schools. Plain. Sewing, Marking, ate., Bed. Bedding, Stationery andWashing, S100 and $125, according to tbe age orclass ot the popU. Special terms when severalmembers of tbe same family attend tbe school. Noallowance Is made for partial absence or withdrawalbefore tbe expiration ot ihe term, except Incase otserious or protracted Illness. Jxtnu --Oerman. Ital-ian, etc., each $12; Musle on Piano and use of In-strument, $30; Drawing and Water colors, 810:Oil Painting, $20; Embroidery and OrnamentalWork, $10: Use of Library, $2: Dancing and Calis-thenics at Professor's charges; vocal Musle In class,$5; Private Lessons, $15. Board per month duringvacation. It spent at tbe Academy, washing, etc,$15. Medicine and physician's fee will form extracha gee. For further particulars, apply to tbe


State Female College.rTTHIS Institution will on MONDAT, Sep--

tember 27th. Prof. John a Collins, assistedby teachers ot well known ability, will be In chargeot the school, and every effort will be made to main-tai- n

the high reputation it has heretofore enjoyed.For further Information address

MBS. H. N. COLLINS. Mebeel ef Cnmberlant TJalveralty,

N1 term (59th) begins September 6, 188aDlDloma and license granted In two amnions at

five months. Tuition, $60 per term ot five months.Boarding, $3 to $3 60 per week.


FEMALE COLLEGEFl the heart of the Bine 6raas Beglon. Location

, accessible, elevated and healthful. Fullcourse. Thorouab Instruction. Fall term beginsMonday, September 8, 188a For catalogues, withfoil Information, terms, etc , addressnay, w. p. muAjtu, Lexington, AT.

OH Kfl A TIAB- - BOARD AND TUITION, FOBtD JL JVJ lottno Latum and Mis at Femalessemlnarrsnd Bov at Kaieeenal Aeadeaajr,Haddonfleld, New Jersey; and for Young arm at theIlnrllnatan military Cetlejre, Burlington.New Jersey. Instruction thorough. 6 rounds exten-sive. Situation high, healthy and- - beautiful, sendfor catalogues to Rxv. T. M. BKILLT, B.D., Rector.

lapis iiteFBINCIPAI PHOr. L. 6. nUlJLA

(Late Professor of Belles Lettres in William andMary College, Virginia.)

Session beg-ln- s Monday, Sept. 6, 1880.miSTIUONIALS from many of the best knownX citizens In Memphis. For catalogues, eontaln-'fflwS'.y--



THE exercises of this Institution will open on theaey ar letemner, under thesupervision of a President and full corps of com tie-te-nt

teachers. For any Information addressKEV. CP. WALKER, President,

Fioreaos, AlaJMma.


bits' Funae GOODS,



- . V ?. I17 Feeling well avMnred that all danger from a Ylsitation of yel4low-feve- r naa paased, and considering tae great lnaproTenaentsi'that hare Been made In the sanitary condition of Memphis, mak-- jing it to day one of the healthiest cities on the continent t andibelieving the trade ot thecoming season will be the LmBCrESTjthat Memphis has ever had, we have made mere than ordinary,preparations to meet the increased demand, and have now es route

in every line of goods belonging to oar business, that we everhave had.; They are now arriving daily, and within ten days wewill be able to show air friends and patrons the most completeand best selected stock ever shown by any Dry Croods Douse

in the

B. Lowenstein & Bros

iMiemTo those in need of Stylish and Well-mad- e Clothing, by the


It being necessary to have ample room for ear Fall Stock, which Is shortlr to arrive, we are determined to 'close out balance of Salts and odd tiarrmnt at .

-. For tbe coming season will make a specialty of Clothing for the

Large stock and full assortments now arrrrlnc and dliplared on upper noon. MerchantsInvited to Inspect styles and prices.



959 E.Iain Si

D. W. IiAKE, Sew Tork.




Our Salesmen are now on the road with Samples of our FALJLjand W1NTEB STOCK. Do not place your Orders until you seethem. We ate prepared to deliver Goods from either Boston orMew phis. " ' '

I, M. LAKE, Kemphis.



-ss-- taJjra i Jaxexxi'ioJcxija . TonneaaQeLiberal advances made on Sotton Consignments. Orders for Plantation Supplies and Gen- -

eral Merehandls filled at lowest net cash prices.



(9 WK HAVSC REMOVED OUR SKHKBSb OFFICE AMD ITOIKItttOS TOthe earner at TJnlen aad Vreat atreete, and our Lumber Tard to the earner ar Ualee and?"lrl,"tf"iwnere "? VUl keep large and well assorted stock of Lumber, Lath, Shingles. Doors.Sash, Blinds, Molding, and. In tact, every variety and description of Lumber used for building purposes!B. Ii. COGHBaK, O. A. COCHBAI. H. a. COCHbAB,


Lumber, Lath and Shingles,Deare. Saan ana Bllnaa. aaa all UsU at faeklas Bexea.

Office sad Yard, cor. Union and Third I Saw sad Planing ills, NortJa end Navy Td.eaLxaaooM oobnkb ot union and fbonx stbskts. .emphls Tennessee.




c;.tT. wokhrhyC. B. Hoore.




will wkh oitr cottoh.G. T. Bassett.


rectlez0Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moldings,

Lumber. Lath and Shirorles,351 -3- 53-359.385 Second street. ; ; Hem phis.CEMENT! Lori'Tllle, Bosedale, Enrllsh and Americas Portland.

LIME! St. Louis, Alton, Cape and Gleneoe.D I A QTC D I WcUsvs, lows. New Tork and Imported Brands.LnO Crl ! FINE PLA8TEES SPECIALTY.THORN A HI) SKIMS. SOD and 311 8. 12h t St. Loafs, Bo

L E S3


I A.

f--in nemove iOa.iH-rroni.cor.uoun.JUi- y luth