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2009;1:a002022 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol Arthur D. Lander, Wing-Cheong Lo, Qing Nie, et al. Morphogen-mediated Patterning The Measure of Success: Constraints, Objectives, and Tradeoffs in References This article cites 37 articles, 9 of which can be accessed free service Email alerting click here box at the top right corner of the article or Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the Subject collections (7 articles) Generation and Interpretation of Morphogen Gradients Articles on similar topics can be found in the following collections go to: Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology To subscribe to Copyright © 2009 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press on July 17, 2009 - Published by Downloaded from

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2009;1:a002022Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol Arthur D. Lander, Wing-Cheong Lo, Qing Nie, et al. Morphogen-mediated PatterningThe Measure of Success: Constraints, Objectives, and Tradeoffs in  


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(7 articles)Generation and Interpretation of Morphogen Gradients   � Articles on similar topics can be found in the following collections go to: Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in BiologyTo subscribe to

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The Measure of Success: Constraints, Objectives,and Tradeoffs in Morphogen-mediatedPatterning

Arthur D. Lander, Wing-Cheong Lo, Qing Nie, and Frederic Y.M. Wan

Departments of Developmental and Cell Biology, Mathematics and Biomedical Engineering, andCenter for Complex Biological Systems, University of California, Irvine, California 92697-2300

Correspondence: [email protected]

A large, diverse, and growing number of strategies have been proposed to explain howmorphogen gradients achieve robustness and precision. We argue that, to be useful, theevaluation of such strategies must take into account the constraints imposed by competingobjectives and performance tradeoffs. This point is illustrated through a mathematical andcomputational analysis of the strategy of self-enhanced morphogen clearance. The resultssuggest that the usefulness of this strategy comes less from its ability to increase robustnessto morphogen source fluctuations per se, than from its ability to overcome specific kindsof noise, and to increase the fraction of a morphogen gradient within which robust thresholdpositions may be established. This work also provides new insights into the longstandingquestion of why morphogen gradients show a maximum range in vivo.

In recent years, much research on morphogengradients has shifted from purely mechanistic

questions—how gradients form and how mor-phogens signal—to strategic ones—how gradi-ents perform well in the face of various kindsof constraints and perturbations. Forty yearsago, Francis Crick was among the first to callattention to constraints that morphogens face,noting that the time required to spread asignal by random transport through a tissuevaries with the square of distance (Crick1970). Using order-of-magnitude calculations,he argued that observed biological maxima formorphogen-mediated patterning were justabout where they should be if morphogensignals spread by aqueous diffusion.

Although the idea that diffusion time iswhat limits the sizes of morphogen gradientsremains untested, Crick’s work established aprecedent of seeking explanations for devel-opmental processes in terms of constraintsimposed by the physical world. In the area ofbiological pattern formation, continued interestin how real-world limits constrain mechanismshas led many current investigators to focus onmatters of robustness, the engineering termthat describes the relative insensitivity of asystem’s behavior to perturbations it may beexpected to encounter. With respect to mor-phogen gradients, most work has focused onparametric robustness, i.e., insensitivity toparameter values (e.g., the dosage of genes,

Editors: James Briscoe, Peter Lawrence, and Jean-Paul Vincent

Additional Perspectives on Generation and Interpretation of Morphogen Gradients available at

Copyright # 2009 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a002022

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levels, or rate constants of enzymes [Eldar et al.2002; Eldar et al. 2003; Eldar et al. 2004;Bollenbach et al. 2005; Shimmi et al. 2005;White et al. 2007]). Some investigators havealso focused on the “precision” of morphogengradients, which may be understood as robust-ness to the causes and effects of natural vari-ation among individuals in a population(Houchmandzadeh et al. 2002; Gregor et al.2007; Tostevin et al. 2007; Bollenbach et al.2008; Emberly 2008).

Remarkably, after hardly a decade of inten-sive study of such questions, we find ourselvesawash in a sea of diverse and intriguing mech-anisms for conferring one or another type ofrobustness on morphogen-mediated pattern-ing. Mechanisms that operate at the level ofgradient formation include self-enhancedmorphogen degradation (Eldar et al. 2003),facilitated transport (Eldar et al. 2002; Shimmiet al. 2005), serial transcytosis (Bollenbachet al. 2005), presteady state patterning(Bergmann et al. 2007), and competitionbetween morphogens for binding to inhibitors(Ben-Zvi et al. 2008). Mechanisms that operateat the level of morphogen detection andinterpretation include morphogenetic apopto-sis (Adachi-Yamada and O’Connor 2002), cellrearrangement (Ashe and Briscoe 2006), inte-gration of signals from multiple morphogens(McHale et al. 2006; Morishita and Iwasa2008), and various types of local cell-to-cellsignaling (e.g., Amonlirdviman et al. 2005).

Why so many strategies? Biologists are oftenquick to ascribe multiplicity to redundancy, butthe perspective of engineering suggests a differ-ent view. Most engineers accept the “no freelunch” principle (also referred to as “conserva-tion of fragility”), which states that any mech-anism that increases robustness in one setting(i.e., to one type of perturbation, or withrespect to one type of output) always compro-mises it in another. The fact that every strategycomes at a price has been offered as an expla-nation for the seemingly inescapable fragilityof highly engineered, modern technology(Carlson and Doyle 2002). By building complexmachines that resist everything we think of, weinevitably create susceptibilities to the things

we neglected. Although biology is not theresult of human engineering, we have noreason to believe that natural selection cancircumvent the limits that engineers confront.

In a world of no free lunch, one must evalu-ate a strategy not just by what it is good for,but the “price” of using it. With regard tomorphogen-mediated patterning, it is reason-able to suggest that diverse strategies existbecause each comes at a different price. If so,achieving meaningful biological understandingrequires that we engage in a sort of cost-benefitanalysis, in which each strategy is evaluated inthe context of the performance objectives ofthe organism and constraints of the physicalworld. This is a tall order, as there is a greatdeal we still do not know about the performanceneeds of developing organisms (for example,for all the work performed so far on morphogengradient robustness, we still know little aboutthe magnitudes of the perturbations that needto be withstood). Nevertheless, there is noreason not to get started, as even through theearly investigation of hard questions, one com-monly learns useful things.


In this vein, we begin by reviewing a well-accepted strategy for achieving parametricrobustness in morphogen gradients: the prin-ciple of self-enhanced clearance (SEC). Intheir seminal paper, Eldar et al. (2003) des-cribed how having a morphogen stimulate itsown degradation can provide a powerful wayto build gradients that are highly robust tovariation in the level of morphogen productionat a source (although they referred explicitlyto degradation, it is actually the removal ofthe morphogen from the diffusing pool—e.g.,by binding and endocytosis, which may ormay not be accompanied right away by degra-dation—that makes the strategy work, henceour substitution of the term “clearance”for degradation). These investigators foundevidence for SEC in two of the well-knowngradients in the Drosophila wing imaginaldisc—those formed by Wingless (Wg) and

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Hedgehog (Hh). In both cases, albeit bydifferent molecular mechanisms, morphogensignaling leads to increased clearance, suchthat fluctuations in morphogen productionare effectively neutralized close to the source.Recently, SEC has also been recognized in reti-noic acid gradients in the zebrafish embryo(White et al. 2007).

Curiously, the third major gradient in theDrosophila wing disc—the bone morphogeneticprotein (BMP) gradient (formed primarily bythe morphogen Dpp, with assistance from therelated TGF-beta family member Gbb [Khalsaet al. 1998])—not only fails to engage in SEC,it does the opposite: BMP signaling down-regulates expression of the BMP receptor thick-veins (Tkv), and it is this receptor that providesthe major route for BMP clearance. The con-trast between the relationship between signalingand clearance in the BMP versus Wg gradientsof the wing disc is strikingly illustrated bythe opposite results obtained when receptorsare overexpressed in the two systems. Forcedoverexpression of Wg receptor gene Dfz2 leadsto a marked expansion of the Wg signalinggradient, whereas forced overexpression of Tkvleads to a marked contraction of the BMP gra-dient (Cadigan et al. 1998; Lecuit and Cohen1998).� More recently, it was also shown thatreduced Tkv expression expands the BMP sig-naling gradient (Akiyama et al. 2008).

By the same token that SEC promotes ro-bustness (to morphogen production rates),self-repressed clearance ought to do the oppo-site. We wondered why the BMP gradient woulduse a seemingly counter-productive strategy.This prompted a closer look at the details ofgradient formation.

As a start, we recall that, in a tissue withuniform morphogen decay, with morphogenproduced by a point source (in one dimension)or line source (in two dimensions), the gradientthat is formed will take on, at steady state,the shape of a declining exponential function(equation 1, see Box 1). A single parameter l

captures the characteristic length scale of sucha system (distance over which the gradientdecreases by e21 �37%); it relates the processesof diffusion and decay through the formulal ¼ (D/k)2, in which D is the effective diffu-sion coefficient, and k an effective clearancerate constant. Rearranging equation 1 tells usthat the location at which any threshold valueof morphogen L is crossed in a uniform decay(UD) gradient is x ¼ 2l ln(L/L0). As manyhave pointed out, this means an m-foldchange in L0 produces an absolute shift in x ofl lnm, for all x. Because most morphogen gra-dients seem to pattern fields on the order ofthree length-scales in size (Reeves et al. 2006),this means a twofold variation in morphogensynthesis will displace all patterns by aboutone fourth of the width of the entire patternedfield. It is this calculation that suggests thatUD gradients, in general, lack the robustnessthat biology demands.

If, on the other hand, one makes decaynonuniform, clearing morphogen faster whenmorphogen levels are higher, the result is a non-uniform length scale—short close to the sourceand longer far away (equation 2). Although thepattern shift caused by a change in morphogenlevel at the source is still proportional to lengthscale, it is only the length scale near the sourcethat matters. Because length scale at that loca-tion can be made very short, whereas lengthscales elsewhere are long, SEC gradients aremore robust than UD gradients of similar size(Eldar et al. 2003).

Although this explanation captures the gistof SEC, it glosses over some important issues.In principle, there is no reason why a UD gradi-ent could not use just as short a length scaleas an SEC gradient. Suppose one wanted toposition a patterning threshold 20 mm froma morphogen source. In a UD gradient withl ¼ 10 mm, that threshold occurs at 2l,

�The stabilizing effects of DFz2 on the Wg gradient do notnecessarily mean that DFz2 is not a clearance receptor forWg. As Eldar et al. (2003) point out, SEC in the Wg gradientrequires an “active” mechanism, wherein Wg signaling regu-lates some process that influences the efficiency of Wgremoval. Although they suggested that DFz2 might seques-ter a protease, recent work suggests that regulation of acces-sory molecules such as notum or dally-like, that havemarked effects on Wg gradient formation (Giraldez et al.2002; Han et al. 2005), could be involved.

Constraints, Objectives, and Tradeoffs in Morphogen-mediated Patterning

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The general equation for a morphogen gradient is @tc ¼ D@x2c 2 F(c) þ V(x), in which c is morphogen

concentration, x is distance, D is a diffusion coefficient, V(x) is a rate of morphogen production (takento be 0 for x . 0 and V for 2d , x , 0, in which d is the width of the production region), and F is afunction that relates morphogen concentration to morphogen clearance. If receptors mediate clear-ance, do so linearly, and are not saturated, F(c) ¼ kcr/Km, in which k is a rate constant, r is receptorconcentration, and Km is a modified dissociation constant. Defining a scaled variable y ¼ c/Km, weobtain the steady-state equation y 00 ¼ 1

�l2 (y � v[x]), in which �l ¼


p, and v[x] ¼ V(x)/(kr).

This may be solved to

y ¼ y0e�x=�l (1)

If there is self-enhanced clearance (Eldar et al. 2003), such that decay increases with some power n ofc, then F(c) ¼ kcnþ1. Making assumptions and substitutions as before, the steady state equation isy 00 ¼ 1

�l2 (ynþ1 � v[x]), in which �l ¼


p, and v[x] ¼ V (x)=(krnþ1). For n ¼ 1, the

solution is:

y ¼ xffiffiffi6p

�lþ 1ffiffiffiffiffiffi




From these equations, we may obtain expressions for length scale l (as a function of y), the sensitivitySx,y0, of any position x to the value of y at x ¼ 0, and the transition width, w, caused by receptorbinding noise. For equation 1, l ¼ �l, Sx,y0 ¼ �l=x, and w ¼ 2�l=


, in which r is receptor concen-tration in numbers of molecules per cell. For equation 2, l ¼ �l


p, Sx,y0 ¼ �l




q, and

w ¼ �ly



The above solutions apply only under conditions of low receptor saturation, when levels of boundmorphogen are proportional to those of free morphogen. More general forms for UD and SEC gradi-ents are shown below, together with an example of self-repressed clearance (SRC). Although none ofthese can be solved explicitly, expressions for l, Sx,y0, and w may still be obtained.

Case Transformed equation l(y)

UD y00 ¼ 1



1þ y� v[x]

� �y�lffiffiffi

2p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

y � ln(1þ y)p

SEC1 y00 ¼ 1



ð1þ yÞ2� v[x]


2p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

y þ y

1þ y� 2ln(1þ y)


SEC2 y00 ¼ 1


y � b

ð1þ yÞ � v[x]

� �y�lffiffiffi

2p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

y � (1þ b)ln(1þ y)p

SEC3 y00 ¼ 1



ð1þ yÞ � v[x]

� �y�lffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

(�2þ y)y þ 2ln(1þ y)p

SRC1 y00 ¼ 1


2 y

1þ y


ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ w2y

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ yp

!� v[x]

!y �l


,ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�1� y þ

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi(1þ y)(1þ yw2)

p�1þ w2


(1þ w)2

1þ w2 þ 2w(ywþffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi(1þ y)(1þ yw2)


" #



SEC1, the most directly comparable to equation 2, comes from replacing F(c) ¼ kc2 with F(c) ¼ kb2,in which b, the concentration of bound morphogen receptor complexes ¼ cr/(Km þ c). We note,however, that the most plausible mechanisms by which morphogen signaling might up-regulate

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meaning that a twofold change in morphogenconcentration at the source produces a 6.9 mm(¼10ln2) shift in pattern, or about 35% of theoriginal distance to the threshold—hardlywhat one would call robust. But if the gradientused a length scale l ¼ 2 mm, so that thethreshold occurred at 10l, then a twofoldchange in morphogen concentration wouldproduce only a 1.4 mm shift (6.9%).

Notice that we have chosen to quantifyrobustness in terms of relative (percentage)movement, not absolute movement, of a pat-terning threshold location. By this metric,no single value characterizes an entire gradient;robustness is different at different patterningthresholds. We find this approach quitenatural—after all, a 2 mm change in a 4 mmwide pattern element seems like a much moreserious defect than a 2 mm change in an80 mm wide pattern element. Moreover, itallows us to formalize the notion of robustnessin terms of the standard engineering notion ofsensitivity coefficient (Reeves and Fraser 2009),the measure of the fold-change in systemoutput with respect to any fold-change ininput (specifically, Sa,b ¼ dlna/dlnb). Sensi-tivity coefficients are unitless, facilitatingcomparisons among models and mechanisms.By this measure, in any morphogen gradientin which morphogen production is restrictedto a domain x , 0, the sensitivity of anythreshold position x . 0 to the level of mor-phogen at x ¼ 0 is simply l0/x, in which l0

stands for the length scale at the source.

Because a UD gradient can match, point forpoint, the robustness of an SEC gradient (simplyby matching the length scale at the source), whatis the advantage of nonuniform decay? AsFigure 1A shows, such a UD gradient decreases,at every location, to a lower fraction of itsstarting value than the SEC one. The furtherfrom the source, the lower that fraction. Forexample, at the location where the sensitivitycoefficient ¼ 0.3 (i.e., a twofold change inmorphogen level at x ¼ 0 causes a 20.3-fold[23%] positional shift), morphogen levels havedeclined four times as much in the UD case asin the SEC one (compare arrows in Fig. 1A).

Presumably, there must be some limit to howlow morphogen concentrations may get beforethey can no longer be useful. Accordingly,having to work with lower morphogen concen-trations would seem a liability for UD gradients.But could not this liability be neutralized simplyby using higher morphogen levels at the outset(i.e., near the source)? As shown in Figure 1B,any UD gradient described by equation 1 canalways be made to match the robustness andmorphogen level of any SEC gradient describedby equation 2, at any single location, simply byadjusting the initial value from which the UDgradient declines. Why then should a morpho-gen gradient bother with SEC?


The obvious answer is that there may be limi-tations to how high one can go in the level of

morphogen removal are not consistent with this scenario. That is because, in most cases, the rate-limiting step in morphogen decay is morphogen capture, and if morphogen signaling stimulatesthat process, i.e., increases the association rate constant kon for morphogen–receptor interaction,then Km is no longer a constant, but a function of b. If we model this by replacing kon with kon/(1 þ a/b), we obtain SEC2, in which b stands for a/r. An alternative mechanism might be to allowmorphogen signaling to up-regulate the expression of an enzyme that degrades free morphogen: Inthis case, receptor saturation would limit morphogen signaling, but not morphogen decay, leadingto the expression F(c) ¼ kcb, and equation SEC3, in which �l ¼


p. A third mechanism—

having morphogen signaling up-regulate receptor expression, as occurs in Hedgehog gradients—produces a highly distinctively shaped, short-range gradient profile, and has not been consideredhere. The equation for self-repressed clearance, SRC1, was obtained by allowing morphogen signal-ing to exert negative feedback on receptor synthesis according to r ¼ rmax/(l þ gb), in which rmax isthe total receptor level in the absence of feedback, �l ¼


pand w ¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ 4g rmax


Constraints, Objectives, and Tradeoffs in Morphogen-mediated Patterning

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morphogen at the start of a gradient. Certainly,proteins can only be synthesized and secretedso fast. However, given that morphogen gra-dients may be fed by morphogen-producingregions of considerable size (consult the Hh gra-dient in the Drosophila wing disc [Tabata andKornberg 1994]), these limits are not especiallyconstraining. To see what the real problem is,we need to strip away two assumptions that arewidely used to simplify the analysis of morpho-gen gradients. These assumptions lay behind theformulation of equations 1 and 2, as well as quitea few conclusions in the literature about howmorphogen gradients behave.

The first assumption is that the level ofmorphogen receptor occupancy (the actualinput to morphogen signaling) is, to a close

approximation, proportional to that of freemorphogen. This is only true when morphogenreceptors are far from saturation. As levels offree morphogen increase, receptors becomesaturated, their fractional occupancy u follow-ing the formula u ¼ c/(c þ Km), in which cis the concentration of free morphogen.The constant Km here resembles the familiardissociation constant for binding, but reflectsmodifications to account for effects of internal-ization and degradation on occupancy (Lander1999). If receptors play any role in morphogenclearance (either directly or as a consequenceof their signaling), then only when u � 1everywhere are equations 1 and 2 valid. Forlarger u, gradient shape becomes distorted in amanner that, in principle, might be detectable

1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5





Sx,y0 = 0.3













Sx,y0 = 0.3

20 40 60 80










lln 2

0 20 40 60 800.0










>2 lln2

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









, v

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0








0 2 4 6 8 10









, v

Productionregion >> l

Productionregion << l

Figure 1. Gradient decay mechanisms and robustness to rates of morphogen synthesis. (A) According toequations 1 and 2, morphogen gradients with uniform decay (UD) and self-enhanced clearance (SEC) willbe equally robust to morphogen synthesis rates if they display the same length scale near the source. If theystart from the same initial concentration, however, the UD gradient will fall increasingly below the SECgradient as one moves further from the source (arrows show morphogen levels at the location where Sx,y0,the sensitivity of threshold location to initial morphogen concentration, equals 0.3). (B) For any UDgradient, equivalent robustness to morphogen synthesis rate and equivalent morphogen levels at any singlethreshold point can be achieved by initiating the UD gradient from a higher starting value. (C) According toequations 1 and 2, the amount by which a UD or SEC gradient shifts in response to a twofold changein morphogen synthesis is ln2 times the length scale at the source. However, outside the regime of verylow receptor saturation, the shift can be much larger, as shown in (D). (D) Units of free morphogenconcentration are scaled to Km, such that the value of 0.28 corresponds to 22% receptor saturation.(E,F) When receptor saturation is not negligible, morphogen concentration near the source can go upsteeply with morphogen synthesis rate. Sy0,n is the coefficient of sensitivity of y0 (morphogen level at x ¼ 0,scaled to Km) to the rate of morphogen synthesis, and is plotted in panel E as a function of y0 and in panel Fas a function of u0, receptor saturation at x ¼ 0. Note that the results depend on the size of the morphogenproduction region relative to the length scale parameter, which determines the fraction of morphogenmolecules that are cleared within the production region, as opposed to diffusing away from it.

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in measurements of actual morphogen gradi-ents. In practice, u needs to be very close to 1before such distortion is obvious. A more sensi-tive indication of receptor saturation is discrep-ancy between the measured length scale of amorphogen gradient and the measured lengthscale of its signaling gradient. A signaling gradi-ent that declines more slowly than the gradientof the morphogen that elicits it would indicatepossible receptor saturation near the source.Interestingly, when just such measurementswere made for the Dpp gradient of theDrosophila wing disc (Bollenbach et al. 2008),length scales of 17+ 4.3 mm for Dpp mol-ecules, and 25+ 4.5 mm for phosphorylatedMad (the signal arising from receptor occu-pancy), were obtained. Given the overlappingerror bars, these measurements were reportedas “not significantly different.” Yet, given thedistances over which the measurements weremade, it is easy to show that, for a UD gradient,the observed 50% increase in apparent lengthscale is just what one would observe if receptoroccupancy is at about 50% near the source!Clearly, the possibility that real morphogengradients start from a position of significantreceptor saturation cannot be ignored.

The second assumption is that one may usethe level of morphogen near the source as a validproxy for the rate of morphogen productionwithin the source. In studies of morphogengradients, it is widely assumed that if onewishes to learn how robust a gradient will beto changes in morphogen production oneneed only calculate how robust it is to changesin its starting value (or, equivalently, the valueof morphogen flux, or current, adjacent to thesource). Strictly speaking, this assumptionalso only holds when receptors are far fromsaturation. For u . 0.25, the deviation fromideal behavior is considerable, and it can befrankly massive if the width of the morphogenproduction region is large.

Figure 1C,D illustrates the point. Panel Cuses equation 1 to plot the profile of free mor-phogen for a UD gradient with length scalel ¼ 20. The dashed curve shows the effect ofdoubling the initial morphogen concentration,a rightward shift of lln2. Panel D, in contrast,

plots a UD profile in which receptor saturationeffects are taken into account. In this example,free morphogen concentration, y, is expressedrelative to Km, so that the value of u at x ¼ 0equals y0/(1 þ y0), in which y0 stands for thelevel of free morphogen at x ¼ 0. For example,because the solid curve in panel D starts at y ¼0.28, receptor saturation at that point comesout to be 0.28/1.28 ¼ 22%. We also take thewidth of the morphogen production region intoaccount, and assume it is large compared withthe length scale of the morphogen within it.Under these circumstances, we find that atwofold increase in morphogen synthesis rateleads to a nearly fourfold increase in morphogenconcentration next to the source, and more thana doubling of the rightward shift of the gradient.

Much of the explanation for this effect stemsfrom a simple fact: If receptors mediate mor-phogen clearance, then as receptors becomesaturated, so does clearance. Accordingly, asmorphogen synthesis increases, the fraction ofsynthesized molecules cleared by receptorsgoes down, meaning that the fraction of mor-phogen molecules that escape clearance withinthe production region (or nearby to it) goesup by more than the increase in synthesis.

We can quantify this effect with a sensitivitycoefficient, Sy0,v, which captures the sensitivityof y0 to the rate of morphogen synthesis, n, inthe production region. Avalue of Sy0,v ¼ 1 cor-responds to the statement that the level of freemorphogen at x ¼ 0 varies linearly with therate of morphogen synthesis; a higher valuemeans a steeper-than-linear relationship. Asshown in Figure 1E, Sy0,v is always greater thanone for a UD gradient, and increases withincreasing y0. In Figure 1F, this relationship isplotted as a function of receptor saturation atx ¼ 0. From it, one can see that, with saturationlevels just under 60%, Sy0,v ¼ 4, i.e., free mor-phogen can vary with as much as the fourthpower of morphogen synthesis rate! For SECgradients, the overall picture is similar forlarge y0, although for values of y0 , 1, Sy0,v

dips below one (data not shown). This isbecause increasing receptor occupancy stimu-lates morphogen clearance (but only up to thepoint that receptors become saturated).

Constraints, Objectives, and Tradeoffs in Morphogen-mediated Patterning

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The advantage of quantifying the effects ofreceptor saturation and morphogen decaywithin production regions in terms of a sensi-tivity coefficient is that the quantity we arereally after—the overall sensitivity of position(x) to morphogen synthesis rate (n)—can befound simply by multiplying Sy0,v by Sx,y0 (thelatter term is simply the sensitivity of positionto y0—the free morphogen concentration atx ¼ 0—and equals l0/x, as discussed earlier).When we do this for UD gradients, we findthat matching both the robustness and morpho-gen level of an SEC gradient is usually quiteimpossible. As one tries to raise y0 to compen-sate for a small l, the ensuing decline in robust-ness requires one to lower l even more.

What this means is that UD gradients cannoteasily escape from the low morphogen levelsthey incur in exchange for robustness. But dothey really need to? Until now, we haveassumed that there is some fixed level of mor-phogen below which pattern formation cannotoccur. In reality, this value is not fixed, butdifferent for different types of gradientmechanism—e.g., UD versus SEC. To see why,we need to consider the effects of noise onmorphogen gradient interpretation.


To the extent that morphogens specify tissueboundaries—locations to either side of whichcells adopt different fates—the consequencesof low morphogen levels on patterning needto be measured in terms of how they affect theability to create such boundaries. We may dis-tinguish two types of noise that influence themeasurement of morphogen levels by cells:background noise and detection noise. Theformer refers to the degree of activation of themorphogen signaling pathway (or its down-stream effectors) that occurs even in theabsence of morphogen. The latter refers to inac-curacy in the measurement of morphogen levelsbecause of noise in the measurement processitself. It is fair to say that we know very littleabout the levels of background noise amongcells that respond to morphogens, but we mayspeculate that at least some of it comes from

ligand-independent receptor signaling, whichtends to increase with increasing receptorlevels (Feng and Derynck 1996; Harris et al.1999). Thus, background noise likely imposesconstraints on the total numbers of receptorsa cell may possess.

With regard to detection noise, we can dis-tinguish at least three types: The first is stochasticvariation in free morphogen concentration,because of morphogen molecules movingin and out of the volume around cells. Thesecond is cell-to-cell variability in the machineryof detection (e.g., numbers of receptors per cell,rates of internalization, levels of signaling inter-mediates, cell size, etc.). The third is fluctuationin levels of receptor occupancy because of thestochastic nature of association, dissociation,and internalization. Because of the rapiditywith which free molecules diffuse over shortdistances, it is likely that fluctuations in freemorphogen concentration are too fast to havea significant impact on morphogen bindingand signaling (i.e., the fluctuations average outover time [for discussion, see Lauffenburgerand Linderman 1993]). Cell-to-cell variabilitycould have much larger effects, dependingon what is varying and on what time scales(see Bollenbach et al. 2008). In the case offluctuations in receptor occupancy, because ofthe stochasticity of binding events, we can bemuch more precise, because we can modelthose events explicitly. As shown in Figure 2A,using rate constants in the range of those inknown morphogen gradient systems, one pre-dicts fluctuations that vary over many minutesto hours. Such slowly varying noise could havea pronounced impact on target gene expression,provided the magnitude is sufficient. AsFigure 2A points out, the magnitude of such“binding noise” increases as receptor occupancydecreases—for Poisson processes the coefficientof variation (cv; the standard deviation dividedby mean), which is equal to the reciprocal ofthe square root of the mean.

The impact of detection noise on patterning(whether because of cell-to-cell variability orthe stochastics of binding) is that some cellswill find themselves on one side of a patterningthreshold position, yet respond in the manner

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appropriate for cells on the other side. Theresult is a “salt-and-pepper” transition zone,rather than a sharp border of cell response,with a width equal to 2cv � l, in which l isthe length scale of the gradient (Tostevin et al.2007; Bollenbach et al. 2008; Emberly 2008)(for gradients in which length scale is not con-stant, w � 2cv � l� in which l� is the averagelength scale within the region). This makes

intuitive sense: Even if there is a great deal ofdetection noise at a particular location, if thegradient is very steep, cells nearby will tend tohave values of receptor occupancy well aboveor below the level of the noise. Figure 2B–Dsimulates the effects of binding noise on a UDgradient, in which thresholds for gene expres-sion are set at levels of receptor occupancy of15, 4, and 0.5 per cell. The pink regions mark

5 10 15 20










Time (hours)



r oc






0 1 2 4









Background Noise level


th s




e th










Figure 2. Binding noise and background noise inmorphogen detection and patterning. (A) Sto-chastic simulations were performed to visualizepredicted fluctuations in receptor occupancy oncells with mean occupancies of 9.1 (red), 45.5(green), or 227 (blue) receptors per cell. A log-arithmic axis is used to show that the relativecontribution of binding noise goes down as occu-pancy goes up. For the rate parameters used here(kdeg ¼ 2 � 1024/sec for bound receptors and1024/sec for free; koff � kdeg; receptor synthesisrates of 72 [red], 360 [green], and 1800 [blue] mol-ecules/cell/h), the time course of the fluctuations ison the order of an hour, and therefore likely to bephysiologically relevant. (B–D) Effect of bindingnoise on patterning. Simulations were performed toshow the expected behavior of a field of 50 � 70cells, exposed to an exponentially declining morpho-gen gradient with length scale of 10 cell diameters, inwhich initial morphogen concentration is sufficientto occupy 50 receptors per cell, and thresholds foractivating gene expression (represented by a colorchange from light to dark) occur at occupancylevels of 15 (B), 4 (C), or 0.5 (D) receptors per cell.As expected, the width of the variegated responseregion increases with lower occupancy thresholds;this is quantified by overlaid pink boxes, whichmark the regions within which cells have more thana 15% chance of responding inappropriately fortheir position. (E) Effects of background noise.Simulations were performed as in B–D, except thatbackground (Gaussian) noise was added at a meanlevel equivalent to the occupancy of 1, 2, or 4 recep-tors per cell, with a coefficient of variation of 30%.The effects of background noise become significantonly when it nears the cell response threshold.Whereas decreasing the gradient length scale is aneffective strategy for minimizing the effects ofbinding noise, it has little effect on backgroundnoise, which can only be overcome by raising theresponse threshold.

Constraints, Objectives, and Tradeoffs in Morphogen-mediated Patterning

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the boundaries outside of which cells have nomore than a 15% chance of choosing theirfates incorrectly.

The fact that many gene-expression bound-aries are variegated (e.g., Moser and Campbell2005; Bollenbach et al. 2008) supports the viewthat noise has a significant impact in vivo.Whether the dominant source is cell-to-cellvariation or binding noise is likely to dependon location, as the magnitude of the formerchanges little with distance, whereas the lattergrows dramatically as one moves away from amorphogen source (because receptoroccupancydecreases). Thus, binding noise has the poten-tial to limit on the distances over which morpho-gen gradients may be used, limits we will laterargue are fairly easily reached.

Regardless of the source of detection noise, itshould be apparent that SEC gradients should,in general, be more sensitive to it than UDgradients. This is because the length scales ofSEC gradients increase with distance, whereasthose of UD gradients do not. The very thingthat makes SEC gradients more robust to oneperturbation—fluctuations in the level ofmorphogen production—makes them morefragile to another—fluctuations in receptoroccupancy. Indeed, if one compares SEC andUD gradients with the same length scales atthe morphogen source, and asks how robust tomorphogen synthesis rate they are at the mostdistant location where the transition width(because of binding noise) remains below anyarbitrary value, one finds that SEC gradientsperform only marginally better (Fig. 3A).


In the space of a few pages, we have come fromexplaining how SEC is a powerful robustnessstrategy to arguing that it is marginally useful.The fact that both statements can be supportedby evidence nicely makes our main point: Theevaluation of performance is always a matterof context. A strategy cannot be judged byhow well it does a single job, but by how itmanages the tradeoffs that come with compet-ing performance objectives (and the absence

of free lunch). What we learned in this case isthat, within a context established by two par-ticular, similarly weighted objectives (robust-ness to morphogen synthesis rate, and bindingnoise), SEC seems not much better than UD.But perhaps this was not the right contextwithin which to make the comparison?

The value of being able to reduce strategiesto mathematical formulations is that it enablesus to explore performance over a diverse rangeof contexts, homing in on those sets of situ-ations in which a given strategy outperformsothers. In the case of SEC, two such situationsare easily found.

The first is when background noise is moresignificant than binding noise, at the locationswhere patterning thresholds are crossed. Thereason for this is that background noise doesnot show the same relationship to length scaleas detection noise. The corrupting influenceof background noise increases extremelysteeply as the signal-to-noise ratio approachesone; in this neighborhood, no amount oflength-scale shortening can recover the signal.Only elevating the signal above the noise doesthe trick (Fig. 2E). This, of course is preciselywhat the SEC strategy does well: Point forpoint, for the same degree of robustness tomorphogen synthesis rate, the SEC gradientwill always have a higher level of morphogen,and thus rise higher above the background. Atpresent, we know little about the levels of back-ground or binding noise in morphogen gradi-ents, so the data are not available to determinewhether those gradients with high backgroundnoise are indeed ones that use SEC.

The second situation in which SEC reallyshines is when a morphogen needs to place pat-terning thresholds at widely separated positions.As Figure 3B points out, because sensitivity tomorphogen production rate decreases withdistance from the source, whereas detectionnoise (especially binding noise) increases withdistance, most gradients should display alimited “useful patterning range” (the regionbetween xS and xw in Fig. 3B). Between thesource and this region, robustness is not suffi-cient, and beyond this region, noise is too high.In Figure 3C we calculate, for UD gradients,

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the relative proportion of the total patterningrange that is “useful” in this way, as a functionof gradient size and l0 (length scale near thesource). The calculations imply that, to spreada gradient over a substantial distance, onemust sacrifice a great deal of the useful pattern-ing range. Figure 3D confirms the analysis in

Figure 3C with numerical simulations basedon randomly chosen parameter sets.

Figure 3E goes through the same analysis asFigure 3C, but for SEC gradients (strategySEC1) (see Box 1). The most striking differenceis the much greater relative size of the “usefulrange.” After seeing this result, it occurred to

0 10 20 30 40 5002468










at x = 0(% saturation)

orw (mm)



distance (mm)Receptor occupancy

(% saturation)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8





0.2 l0 = 1



l0 = 15

0 20 40 60 80 1000.







– X



Xw (mm)

0 20 40 60 80 100


Xw (mm)0 20 40 60 80 100








Xw (mm)

Figure 3. Comparing performance of different gradient strategies. (A) Exact expressions for Sx,n (robustness ofposition with respect to morphogen synthesis rate) for UD and SEC gradient mechanisms were evaluated for aseries of values of l0 (length scale at x ¼ 0), at the farthest location where the transition width w (positionaluncertainty because of binding noise), remains below a maximum allowable value (in this example, 4 mm,assuming a receptor density of 4500/cell). Sx,n for SEC1 gradients was subtracted from Sx,n for UD gradientsto yield DSx,n, the robustness improvement because of SEC. Under most circumstances, DSx,n is relativelysmall (DSx,n ¼ 0.1 means a twofold change in n produces a 20.1-fold (7.2%) smaller change in x in SEC vs.UD gradients). Values of l0, in micrometers, are 1 (yellow), 2.5 (red), 5 (green), 7.5 (blue), 10 (orange), 12.5(purple), and 15 (black). For these calculations, the size of the morphogen production region was assumedto be � l̄ (which minimizes degradation of robustness) (Figure 1E,F). For different receptor levels, identicalcurves are obtained if w is adjusted in proportion to the square root of the receptor level. (B) Receptoroccupancy, robustness (Sx,n), and transition width because of binding noise (w), calculated empirically, for asimulated UD gradient (20 mm production region; 4485 receptors per cell; D ¼ 10 mm2/sec). Thresholds xS,in which Sx,n ¼ 0.3, and xw, in which w ¼ 4, are shown. Note that only a small fraction of the gradient liesbetween xw and xS (the “useful region”). (C) Predicted sizes of useful regions of UD gradients of different l0

(values shown beside each curve, color coded as in panel A), as a function of xw, the maximum patterningwidth (calculations assume small production region). Moving clockwise around each loop, one encountersgradients with initial receptor occupancies, u0, running from low to high (curves change from solid todashed at the point where u0 ¼ 0.5). (D) A set of random UD gradient profiles (covering a wide range ofparameter values) was generated as in panel B, and values of xS and xw were calculated empirically. Note thegood agreement with panel C, except for very small l0 (when the assumption of small production region sizeis least valid). (E) Predicted sizes of useful regions of SEC1 gradients of different l0, plotted as in C. Notethat in both C and E, the size of the useful region is generally maximized when receptors are moderatelysaturated at the source (u0 close to 0.5). This provides a strong theoretical argument why real morphogengradients are unlikely to operate under conditions in which the effects of receptor saturation can be neglected!

Constraints, Objectives, and Tradeoffs in Morphogen-mediated Patterning

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us that one of the most significant differencesbetween the wing disc Wg gradient (whichuses SEC) and the wing disc Dpp gradient(which does not) is the fraction of the morpho-gen field in which patterning thresholds arecrossed: Dpp creates gene expression bound-aries at essentially two positions—with theclosest (the sal boundary) being about 60% ofthe way to the farthest (the omb boundary).Thus, the useful range need only be about 40%of the distance to the omb boundary (Nellenet al. 1996; Moser and Campbell 2005). In con-trast, Wg creates boundaries both very close tothe morphogen source (e.g., sens) and very faraway (e.g., Dll and vg), implying a very largeuseful range (Zecca et al. 1996; Neumann andCohen 1997). This requirement alone maymake the SEC strategy a much better choicethan UD for the Wg gradient. It should benoted that the superior performance of SEC inthis context is not divorced from its effects onparametric robustness (those effects play intowhere the boundaries of the useful patterningregion end up). The point is, in this context, it isless the amount of robustness, than the way inwhich robustness is contributed, that matters.


At the start of this article, we recalled Crick’sconjecture that the relationship between diffu-sion time and distance might limit the rangeover which gradients pattern. From the data inFigure 3C–E, the reader may begin to seeanother reason why the maximum ranges ofmorphogen gradients should be constrained:As gradients get longer, the relative sizes oftheir useful regions decline, until eventuallythey vanish altogether. This occurs because atsome point, the location where the noise istoo great starts to occur before the locationwhere robustness becomes adequate.

In Figure 3C, this occurs at about 62 mmfrom the source, but the precise limiting valuedepends on two parameters that were chosenfor the purpose of illustration. We coulddouble this limit by quadrupling the allowablenumber of receptors per cell (to 18,000) or

doubling the tolerable transition width (to8 mm). Remarkably, changing the diffusioncoefficient makes no difference (the maximumpatterning range is essentially defined in termsof the units of the transition width). The pointis that, for reasonable parameter choices, a pat-terning range of a few hundred microns—whatis commonly observed in morphogen gradi-ents—may well be the theoretical maximum.

Of course, this is not a “hard” limit in thesense of the one that Crick discussed. One caneasily imagine strategies to circumvent it, evenin UD gradients: With larger cells, more recep-tors per cell could probably be accommodatedwithout producing too much backgroundnoise. By using molecules other than receptorsto clear morphogens, higher levels of receptorsaturation could be allowed without compro-mising robustness. Similar effects could beobtained by regulating clearance differentlyin morphogen-producing versus morphogen-responding regions. Does this explain whywing disc cells are so large for their diameters(i.e., long and thin)? Why expression of the pro-teoglycan dally within the Dpp productionregion of wing discs appears to decrease theamount of Dpp that escapes from that region(Fujise et al. 2003)? Why expression of Tkvreceptors is markedly repressed in the sameDpp production region (Tanimoto et al.2000)? Perhaps, but perhaps not. Useful asthese strategies may be in theory, they wouldundoubtedly come at a price. Only by findingit will we be in a position to evaluate the truemeasure of their success.


This work was supported by National Instituteof Health (NIH) grants R01-GM067247 andP50-GM076516


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