The Mayan Calendar Has Come to an End

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  • 8/3/2019 The Mayan Calendar Has Come to an End


    The Mayan Calendar has come to an End



    The Mayan calendar has come to an end. This means that the universe has attained its

    highest possible quantum state as of October 28, 2011. In mythological language, Bolon Yokte

    Kuh, the nine-support-god, and especially the unity consciousness of the ninth wave has been

    strongly experienced by a certain number of people. Many now typically report that they

    experience a flattening of time, an end to time acceleration and as a result a great calmness.

    The end to the acceleration of time is even experienced as a deceleration and some have

    reached so deep into their own presence that the term future is starting to loose its previous

    meaning. The future is no longer a place to get to. With the completion of the Ninth wave we

    potentially already have direct access to all the guidance we need. This shifted experience of

    time all seems understandable given that was has happened is that the directed nine

    evolutionary processes from seed to mature have now been completed. For those that have a

    conscious relationship to the tree of life the new experience of time will continue to deepen

    also after this shift. As we know from all previous experience of the shifting energies of theMayan calendar it always takes time until their external manifestations become visible.

    A good thing about the end to the Mayan calendar is that the world did not also come to an

    end on October 28, 2011. We now have reasons once and for all to throw out the notion that

    an end to the world was somehow scripted by the Mayan calendar. This should also go for

    many of the sometimes crazy disaster scenarios that were suggested under the influence of

    the high frequency of the Ninth wave when it was sometimes hard to keep the balance. The

    Mayan calendar is primarily about changes in the human beings themselves and everything

    else is secondary.

    Unfortunately, the October 28 date was sometimes popularized as if the wholetransformation would occur on this very date and some big media came to talk about it as

    another end of the world date. For some, the absence of a catastrophic scenario have then led

    them to question whether the calendar has actually come to an end, which shows to what

    extent many have become addicted to Hollywoods view of the world. As I see it however we

    are now, as of October 29, 2011 entering an era where the future is no longer scripted and

    what happens will be entirely up to the human beings. This is a situation that has never existed

    before as up to this point the evolution of the universe has been guided by nine directed

    waves. For those following my work it should thus have been clear that whatever would

    happen on October 28, 2011 would have been the result of the processes of the nine waves

    leading up to this date.

    There is also always reason to expect inertia, and hence delay, at such a shift. To exemplifythe delay of manifestation we may for instance take the beginning of the seventh day of the

    Galactic Underworld on November 3, 2010, which many were celebrating as a day of

    balancing male and female and an end to dominance. It then took several months after shifts

    until it more tangibly manifested in the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. According to most

    standards nothing happened on the dates of either the Harmonic Convergence of August

    16-17, 1987 or the Conscious Convergence of July 17-18, 2010 and so if indeed something

    happened in or around October 28, 2011, which I will return to below, it would be truly

    remarkable and a first in this regard.

    Because people had different expectations, which did not always manifest, and also

    sometimes to confuse people, there has been a range of different forms of criticism orquestions asked from me. Many advocating the December 21. 2012 end date have written

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    critical articles usually with the essence that I am not an orthodox enough Mayanist. Maybe so,

    I am a person who honors truth more than tradition, and for this reason I am probably also the

    only person in modern times to have suggested a solution to the Mayan calendar. Thus, when

    people who see themselves as Mayanists or Mayan calendar experts have criticized my work

    they have done so without answering the relevant questions themselves. I then see little

    reason to respond to criticisms from people that claim to be authorities, but in fact have

    presented no alternative solutions. (The absurd notion that October 28, 2011 did not mark a

    cycle end has even been put forth as if this were not even a 13 Ahau date). It is not a solution

    to the Mayan calendar to say that there is another end date or that something will happen in

    the sky on such a date. A solution to the Mayan calendar requires a theory of how its shift

    points drives the evolution of the universe including human civilization. As Einstein once said,

    Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them, and this goes for

    the meaning of the Mayan calendar as well.

    Yet, some questions have been raised by people more broadly that need to be taken more

    seriously. The general prediction I expressed ten years ago in The Mayan Calendar and the

    Transformation of Consciousness in 2001-2002 that by the end of the calendar we would be

    enlightened might have been overly optimistic. This was partly of course for rhetoric reasons

    since I did not want to constantly repeat qualifications and possible alternative negativescenarios when after all I did know that the overall direction that the universe was heading for

    was unity consciousness. Moreover, it would have been a superhuman task to be able at that

    point in time to see exactly what the world would look like as the calendar came to an end in

    2011. Not everyone who more recently has taken an interest in the Mayan calendar may

    realize that at the time of writing my first books the impending onset of the Galactic and

    Universal Underworlds represented something entirely new in the creation of the universe and

    the human collective: Never before had the duration of a wave been shorter than a human

    life-time. What this meant is that the majority of people living in 2011 would not actually have

    been born into the highest waves, the eighth and ninth, that had influenced the minds of

    humanity and the power of a wave to influence those that had not been born into it was


    It was in fact clear to me already then that a large segment of humanity that had been born

    into the materialist Seventh wave was so shut off from spiritual experiences that they were not

    responsive to waves which carried a spiritual light. It was then also possible that they would

    resist the changes to come as those could be understood from the Mayan calendar leading up

    to 2011. People that have been born into the eighth wave starting in 1999 are in fact today not

    yet teenagers and those born into the ninth wave have not yet learned to talk. Even if you

    generously include people that were born into the pre-wave (starting in 1986) of the Galactic

    Underworld they would still be less than 25 years old and outside of all major decision making

    that has shaped the course of our civilization since.

    Yet, there obviously also is a group who has taken an interest in the Mayan calendar and thespiritual fate of humanity even though it has not been born into the eighth or ninth waves. This

    group is however clearly a minority in comparison to the mainstream of people above 25 years

    of age, a minority that has become sensitive to the energy changes and drawn to a world of

    oneness because of some special experiences they might have had or personal choices they

    have made to practice yoga, meditation or deeksha, etc. The existence of such a group, that I

    belong to myself, does not change the fact that society is still run by a mainstream that was

    shaped by the materialist Seventh wave. Thus, even if unity consciousness now with the Ninth

    wave exists as a cosmic imprint most of those born into the Seventh wave will not take part in

    the creation of a new world unless they feel compelled to do so through the breakdown of the

    old. It would naturally have been nice if the universe would have taken humanity to a more

    advanced place as the Mayan calendar came to an end, but as it turns out it did not. I dobelieve however that it now has provided us with all the necessary tools for our transformation

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    and now everything will be up to the human beings themselves.

    With this background to the current situation I would like to start the discussion about what

    objectively happened as the Mayan calendar came to an end. On my blog at the Mayan

    Calendar Portal I made the prediction that the end of the Mayan calendar would mean the

    collapse of duality-based civilization (in fact the end of authority) and its transcendence by

    unity consciousness. Did this happen? I think to address this question we have to look

    especially at what happened along the 12 longitude East because this is the line along whichduality was first established with the Sixth wave (Long Count). Thus, if duality would be

    transcended it is along this line, created by the Tree of Life, that we would first see the effects

    of this before they would spread from to both the East and the West. This is a critical point to

    understand. Some people have been following the Mayan calendar as a means of following a

    tradition and others may have been following it as an intellectual or mental structure. Yet,

    without a personal relationship with the Tree of Life or the Heart of the Heavens and the

    various lines along which this creates duality and unity on our planet I do not think that it is

    possible to actually experience the energies of the Mayan calendar and so understand the

    reality it describes.

    Looking then at the 12th longitude East a very notable thing at the end of the calendar wasthe fall of the regime of Mouammar Kadhafi, a dictator and supposedly the worlds richest man.

    The war in Libya had started on the first day of the Ninth wave and followed a classical seed to

    mature fruit process as it was completed with the final downfall of the regime in its seventh

    day. The reason that this process was so strictly aligned with the Ninth wave is that it

    manifested on the line along which duality was initially introduced and where it is now being

    transcended. Tripolis is located exactly on the 12th longitude and a new government was

    introduced there on October 31 (three days after the end of the Mayan calendar). The end to

    this war and the downfall of the oppressive regime has helped clear this critical line for the

    evolution of humanity.

    Shortly before the end of the calendar there was also an intense activity to avoid a collapse

    of the worlds financial system in the form of the acceptance of an aid/austerity package to

    Greece on October 27 (The European Union is the worlds largest economy and its central

    nation is after all Germany, whose capital Berlin is on the planetary midline). The Greek drama

    was however reactivated with the idea of a referendum proposed on October 31 but later

    retracted. As it now looks a global economic collapse will instead be precipitated in a relatively

    short time by Italy (under the midline) an economy of a size that cannot be saved by other EU

    members. The edge of the knife upon which the future of the worlds economy is balancing has

    thus shifted to the midline, where its fate will be linked to that of Silvio Berlusconi, a clear

    representative of male sexist dominance.

    Thus, the transcendence of duality may not look exactly as I, or anybody else, had

    envisioned it. The collapse of the worlds economy will likely be very troublesome to many ofus, but as I have written before the current financial system is not consistent with the unity

    consciousness that has now been brought by the Ninth wave. The most important practical

    steps in the direction of unity consciousness would probably have to be taken in the economic

    arena. Unity consciousness is not a state of mind of an individual. Unity consciousness

    manifests primarily in the absence of relationships of dominance especially in the worlds

    economical and political systems. Despite its limited reach I feel the Occupy Everywhere group

    that called for a global Shut down of the System on October 28, 2011 had intuitively grasped

    that the Mayan calendar is all about the end to dominance and duality.

    Another thing that happened close to the midline at October 28, 2011 is what the successful

    practical testing by Italian scientists of cold fusion energy:

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    As you might expect question marks regarding further scaling may remain. Yet, it seems

    clear to me that if there will be any chances for the 7 billion headed (as of October 31, 2011)

    population of humanity to survive on our planet it is imperative that a source of energy that is

    both safe and abundant becomes available. Fossil fuels carry the risk of global warming with

    large ecological consequences and the great risks associated with the use of nuclear fission

    energy was again recently demonstrated in Japan. If earthquakes continue at the frequencyand strengths they have had in the Ninth wave then we would be at a constant risk of a global

    radiation disaster. For these reasons the demonstration by Rossi of a controllable energy

    source holds the potential of something very important that may come to save our planet.

    Maybe it can also be looked upon as a fruit of a process of transformation of our sources of

    energy that started in the first day of the Ninth wave with the nuclear crisis in Japan. If this is

    true it may be that people are not always looking in the right directions to see the miracles that

    happen around them and for this reason are all too quick to dismiss the idea that the evolution

    of our planet has been guided by a divine plan.

    Regardless, given the few points I have mentioned above I really do not understand when

    some people say that nothing happened at or around October 28, 2011. Consider also thefact mentioned above that at the dates of the Harmonic Convergence (called for by Jos

    Argelles) or the Conscious Convergence (called for by myself) nothing visibly happened in

    the external world. October 28, 2011 is then the first widely celebrated date based on the

    Mayan calendar when remarkable things happened on its very date. In a sense however this

    may not be so surprising as this was indeed the date of the shift of the ages and is likely to

    come down in history as such.

    So what will happen after this shift? What I have meant by the end of the Mayan calendar

    is the completion of the Nine waves, including the Long Count, that have developed the

    cosmos up until this point each in thirteen steps. The processes from seed to mature fruit have

    been concluded. Bolon Yokte Kuh, the god of the nine forces, has descended, but his full

    regalia will continue to manifest also in the time ahead. At least on the level of the Tree of Life

    unity consciousness has transcended duality through the effects of the Ninth wave. In the time

    ahead we will continue to see the effects of this transcendence of duality to play out, but in a

    new way, where the timing of events are not part of processes going from seed to mature fruit.

    Built on the unity consciousness introduced by the ninth wave we will see a continued

    transformation of duality to unity consciousness in 2012 and beyond.

    What is new is that there is no place, or scripted event, in the future to get to since the

    climb of the top of the pyramid of consciousness has already been accomplished. Throughout

    the Ninth wave thousands of people have had the experience of a heightened awareness of

    unity. Thus, much of what was developed in the Ninth wave such as the world oneness

    revolution (including for instance struggles in Yemen and Syria) now mostly known as theOccupy Movement will continue with global objectives emanating from this unity frame of

    consciousness. It is, I believe, for a reason that people for a long time have been looking to the

    year 2012 as a year of transformation. The reason is that this year follows upon the end of the

    Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011 and the unity consciousness that especially the Ninth

    wave has brought.

    From now on the future is no longer scripted in time. Of course, many people, and especially

    those born into the Seventh wave, did not think the future was scripted to begin with. Yet, I feel

    there is massive evidence presented in my books and elsewhere that indeed we have been

    living within a cosmic time plan regardless of whether the large media and social institutions of

    education chose to ignore this. Certainly, if the future is no longer scripted, the transformationto unity and to the creation of a world in harmony will come down to the human beings

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    themselves. A lasting legacy of my solution to the Mayan calendar will then still be the

    demonstration of the climb to the top of the nine-storied pyramid with its unity consciousness

    and this is something many will need to be reminded of also in the future. It is from the unity

    consciousness attained by the ninth wave that a new world will be created after some time of

    intensifying chaos.

    In one of my most recent articles before the shift I discussed what time would be like and

    what calendar we might want to follow in the time ahead. I will need some time before Iannounce my own views on this matter. A new resonance with time is now being developed by

    people that have experienced the shift and this has to be distinguished from the inertia of the

    previous consciousness of time. It seems clear that even if certain waves may continue they

    will not be taking us to higher levels of evolution. Instead, I believe that at the level that we

    have now attained we will go from doing and evolving to being in harmony. October 28, 2011

    was the final shift of the ages and there will not be another one. I think there is no longer any

    reason to expect anything, whether good or bad, to fall down upon us at any particular date in

    the future since there is no longer any scripted cosmic plan. At the same time, it seems

    obvious that the world is still far from the goal of harmony in unity. It is then also entirely

    possible that this goal will be served by different collective events such as 11:11:11, the Venus

    Transit on June 6, 2012, 12:12:12 or December 21, 2012, etc that bring people together forintention setting, even if these dates do not have any inherent meaning in the Mayan calendar.

    To the extent that such celebrations have constructive goals or serve as deadlines for

    significant projects I will support them. The actual content of global events will now be more

    important than their actual timing, which is different from before October 28, 2011, when there

    was an intrinsic value to following the cosmic time plan.

    Carl Johan Calleman

    November 8, 2011

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