The master cleanse exposed


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This master cleanse protocol has become wildly popular in the last few years, especially since Beyonce announced it was her secret to losing weight fast. And yes, the master cleanser will help you lose weight fast because all your putting into your body is the solution above, which provides very few calories.

Transcript of The master cleanse exposed

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The Master Cleanse Exposed! By Tesfay Haile

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The Master Cleanse Exposed! The master cleanse is a detoxification program that calls for nothing else than a special lemonade

concoction and periodic salt water flushes (to flush out your colon).

The master cleanse solution is comprised of the following ingredients:

• 2 tbsp fresh lemon or lime juice

• 1 tbsp pure maple syrup

• 1/10 tsp cayenne pepper

• 8 oz spring water

And that's pretty much all you drink (along with hebal tea and water) for the duration of the cleanse.

However, because lemon is acidic (before it is digested) it may wear down the enamel of your teeth.

Therefore, after each glass of lemon water or the master cleanser, you should rinse your mouth with


This master cleanse protocol has become wildly popular in the last few years, especially since Beyonce

announced it was her secret to losing weight fast. And yes, the master cleanser will help you lose weight

fast because all your putting into your body is the solution above, which provides very few calories.

So, if you're looking to lose weight fast, then this cleanse will definitely be helpful.

However, what good does this cleansing solution do for your body?

Investigating the Components of the Master Cleanser

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Well, lemon is great. Once metabolized, it is actually alkaline-forming, which is a good thing. It helps to

detoxify your liver, loosens mucus, and stimulates your digestive system. But in our mind, that's about

all the master cleanser provides.

Otherwise, you're simply drinking sugar water, which is not a great thing for people with blood sugar

issues - and that's a lot of people!

Maple syrup is a high glycemic sweetener. If all you're drinking throughout your cleanse is a high-

glycemic drink, you're bound to run into blood sugar problems. Therefore, we would not recommend

the master cleanse for diabetics and those who suffer from hypoglycemia.

Cayenne pepper is also helpful at breaking down mucus and some even say that because it is a "firey"

spice, it boosts your metabolism. Not sure how much validity the latter statement has.

But one dimension that many people don't realize is that cayenne pepper is part of the nightshade

family and contains alkaloid compounds which are acid-forming in the body and can aggravate

inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

Watch This Master Cleanse Video for More Detail

A Cleanse That Actually Helps You Lose Weight While Improving Your Health

Drinking the master cleanser several times a day over several days may help you lose weight but at what

cost to your health?

If you're looking to cleanse your body and lose weight, then you need to heal yourself from the inside

out by improving your internal environment, bettering the health of your colon and liver, and removing

undesirable stressors from your diet and lifestyle.

The other important consideration is that simply buying magic laxative pills or a cleanse product and

going it on your own will never be effective in the long term. You will most likely revert back to your old

habits, eventually continue to pollute your body, gain weight, and watch your health decline.

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What you (and everyone who attempts a cleanse) need is a highly supportive and guided environment

that not only provides you with a time-proven cleansing plan but also a method that tackles your

habitual ways of eating so that you can overcome emotional eating and finally be in control of your body

and your health.

There is only ONE cleanse program available that provides you with these tools and support. Because it

is so service-oriented, this exclusive 30-day program, only has room for a small number of highly

motivated people who want to reclaim their health and live their best life ever!

Will you be ONE of the few?

Yuri Elkaim is a renowned fitness, nutrition, and weight loss expert. He is a registered holistic nutritionist

and the co-creator of the Total Wellness Cleanse - a 30-day food-based cleansing program that has

helped thousands of people lose weight, cleanse their bodies of toxic overload, and restore incredible

health. For information on the Total Wellness Cleanse visit [use your

affiliate link here].