The Manifestation Principle - Alexandra...


Transcript of The Manifestation Principle - Alexandra...

The Manifestation

Principle: 10 Foolproof Steps To Manifest

Your Dreams!

Present By

Alexandra Lawrence


Between Heaven and Earth

The Manifestation Principle – 10 foolproof steps to manifest your dreams By Alexandra Lawrence ~ 1 ~

What is Manifestation?

I’m feeling joyful that you are here investing your time, intention & energy into wanting to deepen your understanding of Manifestation & your ability to create your dream life.

I believe that to transform the world it first starts within each and every one of us. Now you might not be reading this e-book to change the world. However, when you start to take full responsibility for your life & you start to awaken to your own power of creation, the ripple effects have an impact that is far reaching & unknown to us.

I know in my heart that you deserve to live your dreams. That you have them for a reason, and that reason isn’t to just think about them, but to be the conduit to bring them forth onto Earth.

You have the power & the ability to Manifest anything you want! What I want to share with you is the gift of knowing each step & each phase that sets you up for success.

If you have tried a conscious manifestation process before, but have had inconsistent results, or it is has been hit or miss, and you don’t know why that is the case. Or you might have lost faith in your power & ability to manifest your dreams. Or you’re just exploring for the first time whether you can have it all. Then this book is for you.

I want you to know you’re not alone. I myself have had those experiences, until I started to deeply investigate the ethereal & earthly mechanics of Manifestation & what Manifestation truly is, at its essence.

I have seen so many that have been hampered in consciously creating the life that they truly & deeply desire. A lot of people have even stopped trying, because they think it isn’t possible. Here’s the

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wonderful, joyful & profound news for you…your dreams are possible, you can manifest them & you have everything you need to do exactly that in a time frame that will probably amaze you.

This 10 step blueprint that I am going to be sharing with you has worked in my life and in the life of my VIP clients.

My VIP clients have tripled their incomes, started their business that they love, got pregnant, moved states, bought their dream home, felt happier, more alive, more connected, more inspired, healthy & more successful than they ever have done. They have transformed stress, overwhelm, depression, criticism & self-sabotage. They have increased their self-love, self-confidence, energy level, compassion, kindness & embraced every moment as an opportunity to practice & create.

This e-book isn’t the “magic pill,” this isn’t “get rich quick,” manifest your big dreams tomorrow- though immediate miracles can and do happen. This is a deep journey back to the wholeness of who you are.

Every step of this journey is focused on what you already have available to you, what is already inside of you. What it is going to show you is how to access it, how to strengthen areas that need to be and what practices & tools to focus on.

Some of these steps you likely have heard about before. The difference here is you’re getting the whole package, everything that you need to manifest your dreams.

I will show you how to bring both the ethereal practices & the earthly practical practices together for a unified transformative

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experience. When you connect Heaven & Earth magic happens & that magic is Manifestation.

If both Heaven and Earth aren’t connected then manifestation is hit or miss, it is inconsistent and you are left wondering whether it is by chance or luck.

There is no such thing as chance or luck in this life. All the events, desires, dreams and goals that have come to pass in your life to this date are due to you & your Divine Self.

This e-book is going to show you how to manifest consistently, without the ‘hope –it-works-itis.’

I’m going to share with you my discoveries, revelations, connecting the dots & inspired guided journey to understanding Manifestation.

I personally started this journey & questing from a very young age, unknowingly around 5 or 6 years old, knowingly around 11 years old. At some point in my early years my Mum realised that there were things that I wanted to know that she couldn’t explain. It was then that she took me to our local Metaphysics store in Brighton, UK.

From that moment I was even more fascinated with the world unseen. I had the thought, ‘I always knew there was something more, that this seeming reality was not actually what we thought it was, that science couldn’t yet explain everything & missed a lot, and that there was in fact magic in the world.’

You see since my time as a very young child, in large part due to my Dad introducing me to stories like The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings, I was fascinated with Fantasy books.

Now stick with me…

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I couldn’t get enough of them and to me somehow they felt real, they felt like they pointed to something profound in this reality that non-fiction seemed to miss. I often dismissed this feeling, being told that they are just fantasy books and magicians, dragons, elves, fairies etc. aren’t real.

Even so, I thought the grownups were missing something and that these authors that I read where touching on: a truth that was ages old.

So when I walked into this metaphysics book-store, I was surrounded by what I now know as external validation for my internal sense.

However, I must say that not all the books I read from that store resonated with me. Not all of them gave me that glimpse into the truth my heart & soul were directing me towards, and I have yet to encounter the dragon I will train to fly me around the world!

But as I look back now, I know that I was being guided to discover the truth as it resonated with me about our human experience.

I devoured books on paganism, Confucianism, Taoist philosophy, the law of attraction, shamanism, Feng Shui, ancient Christian texts, Jesus’ teachings, Osho, The Holographic Universe, The Secret of the Golden Flower, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, alchemical texts etc.

I read masters like the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Lao Tzu, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins just to name a few.

I started to meditate & realise the importance of daily rituals. I started yoga and I worked in my late teens in a metaphysics bookstore called ‘Hocus Pocus’ in Brighton.

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Brighton was one of the perfect places to foster a young person’s curiosity in such things; it is a melting pot for the eccentric, the weird and the artsy individual. There wasn’t one way you had to be in Brighton, everybody was doing their own thing. That culture gave me permission to explore this world, which was rather outside the circles that I was brought up in.

My school that I went to had its own church. Assembly was a church service every morning from 8am to 9am. That is how we started each day. There were parts of those services that struck a chord with me and I loved singing the hymns…they were so uplifting & inspiring.

It didn’t resonate with me that ‘God’ was outside of us. Even in the Church of England there still lies a bit of the judgemental ‘God’ persona and I would have long discussions with our Priest about this discrepancy in what we were being taught. Wasn’t God all unconditional love?

Thank the Lord he was Irish with a wonderful sense of humour and a kind heart to spend many hours discussing theology & listening with such tenderness to what I believed & felt was missing.

My reasoning was this: if God is everything and created everything, how can we be anything but an aspect of God in human form? How could He be in the sky somewhere, or outside of us?

Anyway to stop myself going into too much theology, I will share with you what I discovered. Side note: for the purpose of this e-book I will be referring to God as the Divine, as there seems to be a lot of baggage with that specific name for many and I don’t want that to cloud the clarity that I hope this book provides you.

What I discovered was that the Divine doesn’t exist outside of us; there is no persona in the sky looking over

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us. We are the Divine, we are the Divine in human form having a human experience. There is no separation between us and the Divine.

There is a passage in the Bible, which states ‘Be still, and know that I am God…’ Psalm 46:10

For me, what that passage is telling us is to be calm and know that you & God are one…that at your essence you are the spark of God in human form. That when you connect with this eternal truth there will be no more fear, doubt or pain.

Allow yourself for a moment to consider the possibility that we are all the Divine in human form, that the spark of the Divine resides in all of us, that there is Divinity in all of us.

If you have taken a yoga class you will know that Namaste is both a greeting & a farewell. One of the translations is this – ‘I bow to the Divine in you.’ Or ‘The Divine in me recognises & bows to the Divine in you.’

Why is this important for you to consider?

Because consistent Manifestation is done co-creatively with your Divine Self! It wouldn’t be enough for you in human form to do all that you can to Manifest your dreams without including your Divine Self. Manifestation is the unification of the Ethereal world & the Earthly World, the Divine & the Divine spark within you, the spiritual & the practical.

You are the conduit to bring Heaven unto Earth.

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Let’s dive into what Manifestation is…

Manifestation is such a buzz word these days that I want to take a few moments to share with you what I have discovered & believe Manifestation is, so that we are singing, well at least reading, from the same hymn sheet.

For our purposes together, I will define Manifestation as pure unity!

Manifestation is about becoming & receiving, it is not about getting.

It is the unity of this dualistically perceived reality that we experience. It is the unification of the feminine & the masculine, of becoming & receiving and of being & doing.

It is the unity of the ethereal, the spiritual, the mind, the emotions, the body & the doing (the physical action).

Manifestation is a journey; it is the blossoming of the Lotus flower; it is a beautiful unfolding to the truth of your power; it is the awakening of your ‘Self’ to wholeness; it is the dissolution of duality and it is the Magic in this world.

Manifestation at its essence isn’t just about manipulating the world of matter & form; it is about your creative power and first starts in the realm of thought – the realm of awareness & the ethereal realm.

You have always been an effortless manifesting powerhouse since you came into this world.

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You are an effortless creator, creating every moment with your Divine self. You are a master matter sculptor. Shaping & moulding your external experience as your internal realm shifts & transforms.

“It is hard to recognize that thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains.”

~ A Course In Miracles ~

The external world is simply just a reflection of your internal state. It is just an external projection of the thoughts & feelings you experience. It is just a holographic experience.

This is the amazing news!

It means when start seeing your external experience for what it is--just a reflection--you start to fathom the divine sculpting & transformative ability that you possess and have possessed all along.

The difference now is that you are choosing to remember, you are choosing to wake up to your truth & you are choosing to step into becoming the CONSCIOUS effortless creator of your dreams.

Throughout this e-book, I’m going to be showing you the spiritual, the ethereal, the mindset, the mindfulness, the inspired action steps that will guide you in conscious manifestation.

All of these steps will be articulated as a sequence that travels down from the ethereal to the world of matter.

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This is the journey of bringing Heaven (dreams, heart’s desires, awakening) unto Earth (matter, physical experience, form).

This journey is like the transformative journey water takes in its different modes from Vapour (which we can’t see) through all the phases to become flowing water and then solid ice.

I will show you how to let the magic of the Divine or the world unseen into your life.

Letting all the pieces, intricacies & variables be handled by your Divine Self. To allow you to take the weight of the world off your shoulders, so you can enjoy this journey knowing that the Divine has your back and it works constantly on your behalf, working its magic to bring you all that you need to live the life of your dreams…

…the right people, the right circumstances, the opportunities, the serendipitous moments, the inspiration, the ideas, the strengthened belief etc.

You don’t need to mess with the ‘dreaded How’s.’ Our human mind cannot fathom every single piece of the puzzle that needs to be in place for our dreams to come true. That’s for the Divine to orchestrate, we just need to be available, ready & willing, taking the action we can, from where we are, with the resources we have available.

The rest is left to the Divine…so breathe & allow all that pressure of thinking it is all up to you and you are alone in this to melt away.

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There is magic in life, it is forever surrounding us and it’s forever aiding us & we are forever experiencing it as tiny & huge miracles.

What we all truly want to Manifest in our lives is simple, it’s all encompassing & it is the essence of our experience. It is HAPPINESS!

Feel the truth in that. Although that is what we all deeply dream about, that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy all the other things you can manifest also. Just know that you desire them, because you believe they will add to your happiness & they will, but they are not the source of it.

I just wanted to Presence the real, true & pure end result that we all want – Happiness. If this resonates with you – and I believe that it will, otherwise you wouldn’t have been drawn to this e-book – then hold the truth of your ultimate end result (Manifestation) in mind, because it will serve you as you continue reading.

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Understanding Your Relationship With Your

Effortless Creator – The Divine

Before we get into the 10 steps, I want to make sure that we are on the same page in regards to the truth about the nature of our reality.

Firstly, consider with me for a moment that you are an effortless creator! You are co-creating your life & your reality with your higher self – your divine self – every moment of every day.

And to further that consideration, I want to share with you this Biblical quote that has been so misunderstood – “But seek ye first the kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added unto you.”KJV Matthew 6:33.

You might be thinking that means that after you die, if you have been completely selfless & sacrificing that you will go to heaven, where all things will be given unto you. I see it slightly differently.

To me this quote represents a beautiful truth:

Seek first to understand your nature as a Divine being having a human experience; seek first to recognise that you are a master matter sculptor; seek first to realise that your thoughts are your conscious awareness & this awareness becomes the experiences & things of your life; seek first your connection with your divinity.

Seek first to understand that Heaven is right here, right now. That as Divine beings having a human experience we are the conduits to bring Heaven down unto Earth.

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Seek first to embrace that your natural state is one of Health, Love, Happiness, Abundance, Success & Joy.

This, to me, represents the deeper understanding of your relationship to the Divine & the Magic.

You were born worthy and you will always be worthy of everything you can dream of. There are no limits, besides the ones that you place on yourself.

It is essential that we understand the nature of our reality, who we are, what role we play, and the actual mechanics that create transformation & manifestation in order to feel fully empowered as a creative being.

My clients & people in general have a lot of questions when it comes to God, spirituality, The Universe, religion & purpose. It can get all the more confusing for people (maybe you have experienced this) when you add in misunderstandings about karma, New Age concepts, the law of attraction, The Secret or even what some people to refer to as “woowoo” theology! With this confusion abounding, we unknowingly start to give away our power.

What good is it to believe & resonate with manifestation & believe in an all encompassing Universe, yet at the same time believe that you are being judged by a Higher Power, or that Karma might undermine your dreams & desires, or that your desire for abundance & wealth are somehow selfish or bad?

Fortunately, from where I stand, the truth is rather more objective & far easier to grasp. Consider that position with me still further. The nature of our reality is actually deducible, knowable, and very simple. We are creators, alive in a loving Universe. We are divine beings having a human experience in a holographic world that we have created and are still creating. We are the masterminds behind

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our own movie (life) – the director, the editor, the producer, the script writer, the casting agent & the leading lady/man.

It’s from this perspective that I want to give you an introduction to truth. I want you to start dispelling any doubt about your role in the creation of your reality.

The truth is, you are eternal, powerful, divine, and ethereal (meaning in heaven). There is evidence of this truth everywhere in your life.

However, if you don’t ask questions about life’s truths, if you don’t spend time going within to discover the insights that have always been & will always be there and connect some dots, then discovering your full manifestation & creation power will most likely be a bit hit & miss.

When you connect a few dots & go within, what you discover is awareness – Divine awareness, “God,” the Universe, Infinite Spirit, Christ Consciousness & Infinite Intelligence -- exists within you and everyone else. You are the creator of your experience. And by that I mean the creator, an effortless creator, now – not in some distant future.

“There are no idle thoughts. All thinking produces form at some level.”

~ A Course In Miracles ~

Here’s something for you to consider: You can’t even stop creating this hologram or illusion (life), because you can’t stop thinking, and thought is what everything is made of. In no un-certain terms, we are all, in a sense, a mini-me of the Universe, the Divine or God. This is

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where your power comes from. This is where manifestation happens instantly, in the unseen world, the world of thought, which then sculpts & moulds the world of matter, the physical world to bring about the end result (your dreams).

As we choose our thoughts, so moves Heaven & Earth.

That your thoughts manifest as things & experiences in your life is why there is a law of attraction. It is the first principle; it is the primary mover & shaker & your beginning & end point.

Once you have a clear picture or vision of something, anything, in your mind, there is an instant attraction working within physical laws (all of them illusionary) & moulding with your beliefs & expectations (knowing) of whatever you are thinking.

Our thoughts have an energy all of their own!

In this way, our thoughts become the manifestations & experiences of our lives as circumstances sculpt & mould them into place, taking millions of variables into account. Creating the coincidences, the serendipitous moments, the accidents, the by chance’s & the spontaneous events.

Nothing comes in the way of our thoughts becoming the manifestations & experiences of our lives, other than our own thoughts that contradict them, including limiting beliefs that define what is possible.

Your life is a living testimonial of the truth that you are an effortless creator.

Your choice now is whether you are an aware & conscious creator, or an unaware & unconscious one.

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Getting your ‘living your dreams’ groove on begins with understanding who (or more precisely, “what”) you really are, and this will make all the difference.

Dr. Wayne Dyer said ”We don't attract what we want. we attract what we are.”

Which means that whatever your dreams & desires are, your work is to be the person that you believe & feel would have that kind of life.

Most importantly you have to train your mindset: direct your mindfulness practices; start using only inspired action + do what you can with what you have to bring about manifestation + move in the general direction of your dreams. Surrender the details & the how’s to the Divine.

Manifestation is a complete package; it is pure unity of spirit, divinity, emotions, mind & body. Your work is to align with your dreams & desires.

Why are you reading this e-book? What doors have you been knocking on? I’m joyful to tell you this:

If we get really honest for a moment, what we all really want to manifest underneath it all is Happiness. This is the basis for all desires for manifestation.

You heard that your Happiness is held with being present in the now! If we break it down, there are two types of “now:” the physical now & the ethereal now.

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When you are connected with your dreams + desires, when your thoughts are aligned with them you are connected to the ethereal now!

When you changing your thoughts about a situation in your reality in the moment, you are connected with the physical now!

Both are needed and both are essential to being in the Now! Because that is all we have, all we have is the Now and everything comes from this space.

The Divine: Is not something that exists outside of you. It is the other part of you; it is the part of you that is pure awareness. You are the Divine; you are the Divine embodied; you are the Divine in human form.

This journey you are about to embark on is the Manifestation of Spirit into matter through your

actions in the world. Through each step, through the practice & mastery of each phase, balance & unity are restored, along with deep transformative healing!

This journey, as you will discover, is not just about manifesting material things, even though having that as one of your dreams, desires or goals is wonderful, it is about connecting with the Divine Power within that is your birth right!

Stated in another way, essentially, we all want Happiness at the core of every dream + desire.

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The beautiful Irony is that when you cultivate internal happiness not based on your external experience in the world of form, all other things will be “added unto you.”

So, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven…”

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Your Journey Begins Here…

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Step One:

Your Heart’s Desire & Dreams

Let me make this simple: First, you must give yourself the permission to have the dreams & desires; second, you then manifest them!

The bright idea, the illuminated understanding that sets the course for the journey to come is held within that short statement. But for those that need more than two steps, this book is for you. Let’s continue.

It is the electric current of the lightning bolt that symbolizes the first spark of life. Within your Dreams & your Heart’s Desire is the possibility of life.

You need to breathe life into your desires and dreams and you do this by recognising them, embracing them and allowing them to flow.

These desires and dreams that you hold are the first intimation of the possibility, the first insight that gets a whole project in a flash.

If you are unclear about exactly what your heart’s desire & dreams are, then let inspiration be your guide.

What lights you up? What fuels your fire? What are you passionate about? What is your bliss? What is your zone of genius?

What is that deep down knowing, that sometimes quiet but forever persistent voice is telling you?

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What is your big Why? Why you, why now?

Get a clear line with God, The Divine, The Universe (whatever that is for you) and let that guide you.

What do you truly and deeply want? Get raw, get honest & get deep with yourself. Because you need to know what you are aiming for, what your end result is.

Give yourself permission to have your desires, to have your dreams. Embrace them and take a stand for yourself to no longer settle for less than you know in your heart you deserve and you desire.

How To Discover Your Heart’s Desire & Dream

Allow yourself plenty of time to complete this exercise.

1. Sit quietly and allow your breathing to deepen to full belly breaths. Allow your belly to rise on the inhalation and to fall on the exhalation.

2. Bring the light of your awareness inward to your heart. 3. Trust that whatever images, words or feelings you get are the

guidance that you seek. 4. Ask your heart any of the above questions. Or simply ask ‘what

is my heart’s desire?’ ‘What is the path before me?’

The guidance that you seek is within you. All you have to do is sit in silence, ask and listen.

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You can ask: • What am I meant to create this year? • What are my deep desires? • What kind of relationship do I desire? • What are my big dreams?

I think you get the idea.

Your heart’s desire is one that seems to come from the depth of you. It is guidance that is bigger than you; it is something that you feel you have been given. It is something that you have been called to and something that is gently nagging at you.

Write out the answers to the questions above and see if you can identify a trend. Be warned: sometimes what is calling to us seems too big; it seems unreal and even impossible. But darling it isn’t.

“The means and purpose both belong to Him. You have accepted one; the other will be provided. A purpose such

as this, without the means, is inconceivable. He will provide the means to anyone who shares His purpose.

~ A Course In Miracles ~

We are given what I like to call Divine Inspiration for a reason. The Divine, our Divine self speaks to us through visions, through dreams & through our heart-centred questings.

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Divine inspiration can be as simple as: “declutter your home,” or “finish those unfinished projects.” You may feel compelled to a change of lifestyle, to a new joyful journey, to signing up for a race, to switching to organic food, to learn about gluten free baking, to shift careers, to starting your own business, to invest in your marriage, to traveling to a certain place…

Essentially, it doesn’t matter what it is just as long as it comes from your heart, a desire that you hold. When it comes to inspiration it can be vague, broad and somewhat fuzzy, it can also just be a feeling.

This is the first step because you need to know what you are bringing in & wanting to receive. Look upon it like a GPS navigation system.

You need the end result in mind so you + the Divine can navigate (manifest) all the twists, turns, u-turns, directions & the 1000 variables that are put into place to bring you to your destination (your end result).

It isn’t your job to work out everything that needs to happen to manifest your dreams.

All you need is to have a clear end result – what your life is like once all your dreams have come true. How do you feel? How do you think? What type of person are you? What type of people do you connect with? Where do you live? What is your career like? What are your relationships like?

Write this down fully & completely. Allow yourself to dream big.

Write down all the details, but don’t be attached to the details.

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It is the emotions that you are really wanting. It is the emotional experience that supercharges your Manifestation & speeds it up.

As the Divine is you, it already knows exactly what you need to add to your happiness & the emotions that you want to feel.

“Happy dreams come true, not because they are dreams, but only because they are happy.”

~ A Course In Miracles ~

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Step Two:

Your Mindset – Your Thoughts

Become Your Life

Welcome to the magic!

You’ve suffered enough, you’ve struggled enough, you’ve yearned, you’ve dreamed enough. You’ve paid your dues and it’s time. It’s your turn. Your turn to play on the stage of life. Your turn to live the life you’ve always wanted to live. Your turn to be the person you’ve always dreamed you’d be one day.

It’s your time to laugh, to love and be loved, your turn to dream and to make those dreams come true.

This is an extraordinarily unique, precious, exceptional and rare opportunity – your life. Your life is a stage that you have meticulously crafted, that will never be the same again.

This is your life, and you can do anything you’d like with the rest of it; as you have the power of a master effortless conscious creator.

The wonderful news, the exceptionally phenomenal news, is that when it comes to manifesting transformation & change, it couldn’t be easier.

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You are a miracle. Every cell, every molecule, every atom in your body is divine & alive, sophisticated, exceptional, perfect & efficient.

Lack, illness, dis-ease, unhappiness & discord aren’t part of your birth right. They are only a by-product of limiting, fearful & unexceptional thinking.

You are right now living out the story you have written in your mind and have been telling yourself over and over again for days, months or even years.

You truly are the artist and your life is the canvas, and which each thought you paint another stroke and all those thoughts that become strokes make up the picture & experiences of your life!

Your thoughts are your ultimate trump card.

The thoughts that you are having right now are sculpting & shifting your life in the future & your emotions in the present.

You have always been & will always be the creator & manifester of your own life.

But what about the dreams that you have had that haven’t manifested? I hear you ask…this too is simple!

You don’t just have one thought, you don’t just think about one thing. You have many many thoughts every day. The number of thoughts we have a day has not be scientifically proven, the speculated numbers range from 50,000 to 100,000.

Therefore, for the purpose this e-book let’s just say we have many + many thoughts. So it’s not hard to deduce that some of those

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thoughts contradict each other & countered each other. Some of them might even be mutually exclusive.

Here’s an example – There is a professor that wants to be recognised for his outstanding work, for his contribution to his field. He has a vision board, he visualises, he tells himself things that serve him, he keeps working in the direction of his dreams. But then he goes home and while having dinner with his partner, he says “darling, nobody at the university has any idea of the difference I could make & have made, nobody seems to have any idea of what it is I have to offer.”

Those words – which are thoughts that this professor has had over and over again to have enough energy to speak them – will do what all thoughts do. Strive to become part of his reality.

He can’t say that if he really does what to be seen & recognised.

You don’t have the luxury of negative, limiting or complaining thoughts in the realm of manifestation, unless you want more of the same.

Because our words have more intention & energy around them then our thoughts that we speak only to yourself (and our Divine Self).

Therefore, when this professor speaks the words of limitation to his wife, he has just contradicted all the other works he has been doing & those words strive to become his reality.

The person, who thinks & tells themselves that they are misunderstood, has that reflected back in their external life, they often become misunderstood.

That is not where you want to be when it comes to living the life of your dreams.

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In life we often don’t get what we most want, but we do get what we have been thinking about.

Ever used the expression, “well speak of the devil,” when someone you’d been just speaking about (words start as thoughts) appears? Or how about getting a phone call from someone you were just thinking about?

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become

your values, Your values become your destiny.”

~Mahatma Gandhi ~

How about the things that you have experienced in your life that you haven’t thought about, that you never considered…that weren’t even a concept in your mind.

Often times these experiences are the journey that you are on to manifesting your thoughts that you have had as your reality.

Remember the Divine calculates every turn, every step, every person, every moment, every event & every experience you need to manifest your thoughts.

Therefore, what you are experiencing that isn’t something you have thought about is just an aspect of the journey the Divine has calculated & setup for your thoughts to become part of your reality.

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Here’s a quick personal story:

I’ll start off by giving you the end result that I wanted…

I had thoughts of moving to the USA, and then I had separate thoughts (not related in my mind at the time) to visit Boulder, CO, and then I had thoughts about meeting & calling in my soul buddy hubby.

Yes I did move to the USA, lived in Boulder, CO and meet & married my Soul Buddy Hubby.

But the journey there was nothing that I could have thought about & orchestrated in my human mind. Even if I had been able to, the journey wouldn’t have been nearly so miraculous.

There were the thoughts I didn’t have – I didn’t think about my friend getting married in Rochester, NY just a few months after ending my long term relationship – which prompted my visit to the USA. I didn’t have prior thoughts about volunteering at a Wolf Refuge in the Colorado Rockies, 25 miles from anywhere. I didn’t have thoughts about meeting my husband, marrying at the wolf refuge or buying 40 acres just over the hill from the wolf refuge.

All of these aspects of my journey & manifestation of my desires & dreams were not all thoughts I had. A lot of the experiences where my Divine Self going, “ok, living in the USA, Boulder, CO, husband, right I know how to do this…” and so the Divine did.

Surrendering the ‘How’s’ to the Divine makes for one joyful, surprising & exceptional journey. The stories that come from those journey’s of

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manifestation are as always amazing – whether we judge them as good or bad.

Say the things that serve you & your dreams! Only allow space for the thoughts that are going to inspire you, elevate you + and shift your beliefs to what they need to be for the manifestation you dream about. Beliefs are made up of the same thoughts that you have had over and over again.

Therefore, shifting your beliefs to ones that serve your end result & your present emotional experience starts with the thoughts you have right now, in this moment & for every moment afterwards.

Say the words that you would say as if your dreams have come true and you were living them right now in this moment.

Say the things to yourself (in private) that are hard to say and that might not be seen in the world of form. The things that don’t seem to match your reality at present.

Here’s an example:

You have just received one of those big bills, you know the type, your roof needs to be repaired after a bog wind storm or the like. Now when you receive that bill, don’t allow the first thing you think to be “Oh crap!” That sends the message to the Divine – “can’t afford this.” And the Divine goes “ok, can’t afford x amount, doesn’t the have money for big surprise bills, more of the same then.”

You can’t say that in the realm of manifestation. Let the first thing you think to be – “Good thing I’m rich…” Say it! Even if that money

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isn’t in your bank account at that precise moment, remember every thought is the next brush stroke in your painting.

After you’ve said “Thank god I’m rich…” then go back to working out how you are going to pay it, or if you need to negotiate, but let the first thought & thing you say be the life you desire to live.

Tell yourself money grows on trees, if that serves you.

Tell yourself that your relationship is loving, intimate, compassion & super hot!

Tell yourself that you are amazing & lovable & deserving.

Tell yourself that your next speech is going to be a huge hit!

Write these things down and then say them over + over again, as often as you need them, until you believe them & then your belief turns into knowing & faith.

The Divine is always listening, as it’s the other part of you.

The Divine is taking your orders via your thoughts, your words and then your actions. Integrity is often defined as consistency of thought, word, and action. Moreover, honesty is a close cousin to integrity:

“Honesty does not apply only to what you say. The term actually means consistency. There is nothing you say that contradicts what you think or do; no thought opposes any other thought; no act belies your word; and no word lacks

agreement with another.”

~ A Course In Miracles ~

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There is a Chinese medicine philosophy that says - every thought should have a corresponding action.

Literally our thoughts, being pure Divine, have an energy and a ‘life force’ all their own.

Whenever you think or focus, you’re conjuring up lifeless thoughts; you’re whipping out the Divine (God) into the world around you.

That is why the more conscious & responsible you are for the thoughts & things you choose to mentally dwell on the better results you’ll have in manifesting your dreams. Which is amazing news!

This is not to say that you are to daydream your life away, or that you should sit on the couch waiting for Oprah to call confident in the knowing that your thoughts become manifestations.

This isn’t always the case, as actions are also made up of thoughts you have had over and over again…that is to say, you may be called to “act” in faith.

Choose a dream, then create all the thoughts you want to have about it…all the thoughts that you believe you would have when it comes true. Create all the things you would believe about yourself & your life.

By doing this you are aligning yourself & your thoughts with your dreams.

You are putting yourself in the space of your end result.

When you want to go from A to Z you have been taught that you need to go through steps b, c, d, e, f, g…in a linear fashion.

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But as this reality you experience is created by you, then time, space & matter are of your making too. When you realize this, then you come to realise that the world of manifestation is not linear. You can be at Z in the realm of instant manifestation, which will soon become the realm of earthly manifestation.

“Every law of time and space, of magnitude and mass is transcended, for what the Holy Spirit enables you to do is

clearly beyond all of them.”

~ A Course In Miracles ~

So you pull your Z, your end result out of the old paradigm that reality is linear, and you be at Z, you become Z and act from Z.

Use your emotions are your barometer. Your emotions tell you if you are aligned with your dreams. Because you know if you are aligned you will be feeling happy, inspired, joyful, passionate & on purpose.

Now that you have all the simple & powerful knowledge that your thoughts become your life & your past thoughts are now your life, and that you work is to morph A & Z, by being at Z, acting from that place, being that person, having those thoughts & beliefs etc.

Then it’s time for us to journey on through to the next step, the next phase on your journey from the realms of Heave downwards towards Earth…Envisioning & Direction!

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Step Three:

Envisioning + Direction

Here’s where visioning comes into play!

Visioning brings clarity to your desire & dream.

This is where you begin to see form emerge from formlessness & manifestation beginning to emerge from pure possibility.

Your Vision is the intermediary between above and below, possibility and manifestation.

This brings clear direction, the ability to discern your path, imagine possibilities & move forward towards your dream.

Visioning & Direction are your z point, the point where you’re wanting to get to.

It’s like starting out on a road trip; you want to know where you are heading.

Please remember that on your journey & on your road trip your point Z might very well shift and change. That is completely acceptable. Our Heart’s Desire often becomes clearer & more defined as we journey on its path.

When you take your desire & dream and create your vision you are taking a stand for what you believe in. You are stepping out of a life of mediocrity and stepping into a life of exceptionality.

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You are telling yourself that you are worth it, that you are deserving and you are radiating love to yourself and all those you meet on your new path.

How To Create Your Vision: There is something magical about writing things down and putting them in pictures. Once you do so, you bring it to the attention of your subconscious mind, which is the creative power we hold without any direction. (Florence S.S. quote here)

Envisioning through images and words (whether written or spoken) impresses our subconscious mind with the direction it needs to take and the thing that it needs to create.

Follow this exercise:

1. Defining your dream. a. Instead of, “I want to be happier” – further define it to, “I

will choose to do the things that bring happiness to me every day.”

b. What are those things? List them.

2. Visualise what it looks like, feels like, smells like & tastes like.

3. Write your Vision Story. a. This is a fun & inspiring process. Allow all “what if’s,” “but’s”

and “nah, that’s not possible’s” to take a vacation. b. Write it like you have a blank check, or you have an

abundance of time, basically without any limitations. This is so important.

c. Include as many details as possible. The more specific you get the greater and quicker the manifestation.

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i. For example – you want to travel to London (slight bias there for me). Pick the hotel you want to stay in, what you want to visit, what type of restaurants you want to eat in, the kinds of experiences you want to have, how you feel, how you want to travel etc.

4. Now that you have it written down, create your vision board.

a. The subconscious is easily impressed by images. b. A vision board is something you can hang up and look at

every day (the importance about this later). c. Choose the size of board you want to work with. This can

depend on whether this is a whole life vision for your year ahead or for a specific event.

d. Get printing out images or cutting them out from magazines that speak to you of your vision story. Get creative, get wild and get big!

e. You can also make this a digital vision board – some people love to do this on pinterest. For me, I love the physical aspect of cutting and pasting, as it really helps to get it into my body and is so easy for me to look at every day.

f. Forming your words into images again is another step to taking your desire and dream from the world of formless to the world of form.

g. This practise keeps the subconscious mind moving you towards your vision.

5. Look at them every day and every night. It would be

preferable that you do this as the first thing after you awaken and the last thing you read and/or look at before you go to bed.

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6. Hold onto your vision gently, don’t squeeze it to death by

holding on tightly. Allow yourself to be flexible and move with the winds of change.

Envisioning • 4 minutes once a day you spend time by yourself sitting

and envisioning your end result and that’s it. It’s powerful & simple!

• Feel the emotions especially, because that is what we are all really wanting: to feel happy.

• If you are not clear yet on your end result, no problem, just spend these 4 minutes feeling happy. Feel that happiness well up, feel it reach your face in a huge smile, jump up and down with joy, whoop out loud, whatever it takes for you to cultivate the feeling of Happiness.

Your emotions are your barometer. They tell you when you are in alignment with your Divine Self & your dreams.

Happiness & joy are your natural state, all else is old conditioning, limitations & patterns that no longer serve you.

Only do this once a day for a max of 4 minutes. It is important that you remain present and fully aware, as this is where the magic of life happens.

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During each session, envision you are morphing your point A and Z. Our life doesn’t happen in a linear way, even though we think it does. Life is not linear. The realm of manifestation & transformation is not linear. You can morph your starting point with your end point by doing all of these steps.

These steps bring your dreams & desires into being.

Now onto the earthly practical part of actionable steps, planning & goals.

This is the phase when you do what you can, with where you are, with the resources you have available. You are engaging the Divine.

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Step Four:

Actionable Steps, Planning & Goals

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

~ Tao Te Ching ~ Now that you have your vision and direction, it’s time to create the map for your journey.

There’s magic that comes from making goals + writing them down.

It’s no longer enough for you to know, intuit, envision & dream. Now you must put the solid weight of your being, including your Divine Self, the power of your intention through action, behind the knowing & desires in your heart.

This is when you engage the Divine. You are sending out the signal that you are ready! That everything is GREEN LIGHTS.

The Divine now has the opportunity to reach you in the world of form & matter. When you start moving in the general direction of your dreams and engaging yourself with life, then the Divine can help you orchestrate all that needs to occur for your dreams to come true.

Your dreams are not going to come true when you’re sitting on the couch, waiting for something to happen. The message you are

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sending there is, “I’m not ready, I’m not sure & I’m not able to receive.”

The only place that your dreams aren’t going to come true is waiting for them to, sitting and hoping, thinking that your thoughts become your life, so there is no need to do anything else.

Remember action is a thought that you have had over and over again, it is bringing your thoughts into the world of form and that is exactly where you want them to manifest.

Action is your beliefs in motion, connecting your present experience you know with the future experiences you expect.

Expectation in this frame work is another word for deep knowing, or faith.

Engaging & putting yourself out there, even if it seems unrelated, allows the Divine to sculpt the coincidences, the serendipity, the accidental encounters & it can put you in the right place at the right time.

So let’s get down to the nitty gritty of what you can do in the way of planning, actionable steps & goals that will engage the Divine & super charge your manifestation


If I decide to do anything, I write it down, and then create smaller achievable steps on this path I feel inspired to walk.

A dear friend of mine, Heather, put it in such a simple and catchy way to me once.

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“It's all about the chunk and chip,” she said.

Break up your goals (the chunk) into smaller creative actionable steps (the chip).

It dissolves any possibility of overwhelm.

It’s the difference between going into the wilderness with a map and leaving it behind. You are far more likely to get to your destination with a map.

Goals are the destination while the steps we’re treading here outline the direction.

The creative actionable steps you put together are part of your map.

You’ve got to have them, and you best make them achievable, otherwise you put yourself in stuck, freeze and procrastination mode.

Procrastination mode and I are old friends.

It was and sometimes still is the way I self-sabotage my goals and desires. I was blessed to have a wonderful teacher in this area over the last several years, aka my hubby.

He showed me that pace and size are not necessarily important, what is important is that you start stepping and stepping up with focus and intention…

as Stephen Covey teaches in The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People: “1. Be Proactive, 2. Begin With The End In Mind, and 3. Put First Things First.”

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Keep yourself focused on each step at a time, with the occasional looking up and around to keep in mind the larger vision.

How do you make goals achievable?

• Laser in on your goals – You have already done


•Make them precise.

• Instead of wishy-washy goals like, “I want to spend time more time with hubby”, considerwriting down, “I want to have a date night every 2 weeks."

• Then put that into your schedule.

For me, when it comes to releasing a new transformational coaching program, I don’t say, “I want a successful launch."

I will say, like I have done for my New Your Destiny, Your Dream, Your Life 10 month coaching programme, "I want to find and serve the 10 women that I can assist this year via this programme."

Wishy-washy goals are ones you can't tick off and feel inspired when you are done.

There’s a lack of certainty about how you can create them and achieve them.

Achievable goals can be ticked off and they are doable. Some people like SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound. Find what works for you.

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Each time you tick something off you feel more and more inspired. The more inspired you feel the easier and quicker you take the next step.

Remember that as you walk your goal path, the steps can mould, shift and alter as you learn, grow + expand. Allow yourself to become flexible and fluid like water.

Keep yourself free flowing. If it feels challenging that is ok, that means you have stepped outside your comfort zone and are growing & expanding.

Goals keep you aligned with your Inspiration, Dreams and Visions.

They are the planning part of manifestation.

The more specific and clear you are the quicker and easier they are to achieve.

They also become part of your daily practise. When we focus on them daily we train our subconscious towards them.

Please remember that you are doing what you can, from where you are & the resources you have available to you. Don’t think these goals are the only way that you are going to Manifest your dreams. This is just what you can do.

You are making yourself available to the Divine, you are saying I’m ready! As you engage the Divine more doors are opened, the right people at the right time are presented & all other variables that you need are calculated & placed on your path.

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Our subconscious is our raw power without direction. This point is that important that I keep bringing it up. So, please take note and let it sink in.

Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

If you don’t run your unconscious someone else will by way of popular media, advertisements, etc.

Carefully considered goals are one way for us to make our subconscious conscious and to run it.

Impress your subconscious with your desire, vision, goals and creative action steps. Reinforce it every day with your thoughts, words and actions.

For me, once I know numbers, I can work out HOW to make those numbers happen in my business.

And guess what?

They do come true.

When you get as crystal clear as possible on what you want to create + make those goals a part of your daily practice…then of course it will happen! Believe it!

And brainstorm HOW to make it happen.


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A Handy Hint: I have a Goal Book.

It is leather bound, beautiful and filled with all goals and step-by-step creative action plans.

1. I recommend getting a notebook or journal that you love, but if you would prefer you can just put this together on different pieces of paper and then place them in a binder.

2. Get your schedule or calendar out. 3. Put your goal as a header. 4. Then brainstorm all the ways you can make it happen. 5. You can even break your main goal into mini goals that

have their own headers and creative action steps. 6. Make it as doable and achievable for you as possible.

a) One of my daily goals, I also call them my non-negotiable’s, is to exercise and meditate for at least 15 minutes every day. Since, I prefer to over deliver (I find it more inspiring), most days I do more than 15 minutes, but it is already a success when I hit my 15 minutes.

b) I believe in consistency rather than length of time when it comes to meditation and joyful body movement. For a little more info about this check out this blog post 'Turning Exercise Into Joyful Body

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Movement.' I got really honest with myself and realised that on my fullest days the amount of time I could create and not feel stressed about needed to be consistent. 15 minutes just walked into my mind and it’s been a daily actionable step ever since.

c) There will be times when you don’t reach what you have set out to do every day. We still need to be able to flow with what we experience. We can’t become so rigid that we cease fluid motion of mind, thoughts & actions.

d) You also need time to get to know how you work best. What you are able to achieve in a day, week, month or year where you are now. Trust me this also shifts and changes, as you practise focus, will and dedication.

e) Be gentle with yourself, you are learning & growing.

f) When you are setting your goals and action steps I recommend calling on yourself to expand on these goals and action steps to a place just outside of your comfort zone.

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When you stay in your comfort zone nothing changes, your life just keeps on keeping on. This is not where quantum leaps or any substantial shifts & transformations happen.

You have to be willing to be a little uncomfortable at times.

For a Personal Story on this check out this video…

Hiking 17 Miles in one day over the Continental Divide

Remember these creative actionable steps don't have to be perfect, you don't have to have it all figured out. Just move in the general direction of your dreams.

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Don't let your need for perfection sabotage what you can achieve now.

You'll surprise yourself. You are far more capable than you realise. BELIEVE in you! I DO!

Stop being the one that gets in your way. Step out of mediocrity and into exceptionality.

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Step Five:

Set Your Intentions & Schedule In

Your Plan

Set your intentions for your amazing action doable steps.

You now have your creative actionable steps laid out. You have taken your chunk (Goal) and broken it down into chips (doable steps).

You have your manifesting book and have put your goals as headers and filled in the page/s with steps.

Well done you! Give yourself a congratulatory cup of tea (English bias again).

Now that you have your creative action steps, let’s set your intentions for them.

• Firstly, set your intention for your big goal/s – give yourself the big deadline.

¦ For example if you are writing your first e-book then set the publish date. When I was writing my first e-course I set the launch date for it as my big schedule goal.

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• Set your intention for creating your dream. Do you want to work towards it every day? Do you want to have an actionable step once a week? How quickly do you want to manifest it? This informs your date setting.

• Then set dates for all your creative action steps.

¦ If you want to go to Hawaii, then set a date for picking a hotel.

¦ Set a date for looking up flights.

¦ Get as specific as you can – hopefully your actionable steps are specific.

• The next step is to schedule them in.

¦ Get your calendar out and put those steps in it.

¦ Set reminders for them at least a week before you want them done. This depends on the time investment needed to complete the step.

Your last intention exercise is this – Set Your Intention for how you are going to experience this journey and how you are going to experience each step. Put the EMOTION in it!

Your Intention could be that this goal is created and manifested with ease, under grace and in perfect ways; I give thanks for its completion.

Intention gives you the capacity to stretch your will outward into the world.

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This is part of the manifestation principle of matter manipulation.

You were introduced to that in the 2nd chapter where I shared with you the idea that your thoughts become the manifestations in your life.

Intention allows us to direct your mind (thoughts) towards a goal, which in turn directs the course of your journey that you create & more importantly that the Divine creates.

Your intention also needs to be turned inwards, not just focused on the outside world of matter & form. This is where true potency lies…it lies in the reflection of your true desires of your heart. Underneath all of your worldly desires, the desires you hold about the material world, is happiness.

With this devotion to your own internal Happiness, you surrender your own personal vision of what that might look like in the world of form, and you surrender to the greater wisdom of your Divinity, your Divine Self.

Your devotion is a vow, a prayer, an affirmation that opens you to another way of being. It is the Golden Flower of awakening, transformation, expansion & growth.

This now leads you to the next step & phase – Commitment & Devotion…

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Step Six:

Commitment & Devotion

What you are committed and devoted to is what you do!

Now that you have discovered how to put the weight of your being & Divine Self into your dreams & desires, the next step is committing to what you intend to do.

When you fully commit yourself to manifesting your dreams & desires (your destiny) & to bringing the light of your Divine Self (Spirit) into the world of form around you, this is when Magic & Miracles occur.

This is when you are sending the message to the Divine that you mean to stand by your dreams. That conviction & devotion is essential to engaging the Miracles that are available to you every moment of every day.

This is part of your central pivot where Heaven meets Earth.

You have received the messages from Heaven (the Divine) through your dreams, desires, insight & inspiration, you have then started to bringing them into the dense realm of the world of form through envisioning, clarifying your end result, planning, goal setting & designing your actionable steps, setting your intention, scheduling in your plan, and now you are going to continue to receive & ground your dreams throughout the next phases & steps.

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Commitment & devotion are necessary for you to plant & tend the garden of your life.

This act & aspect of self-mastery allows you to bring your dreams & desires down from the lofty skies so they can be received, digested & nurtured by your love & attention.

Commitment & Devotion give you the power not only to sing the music of your Divinity but to persist in singing, to apply yourself to singing, until the vibrational frequency of your heart’s song vibrates at the same frequency as the world of matter…crystallising your heart’s song (dreams & desires) into material form.

This is the phase where your dreams become more susceptible to the pull of gravity & time.

This supports & enables you in impressing your unique signature into the world, as you manifest Divinity through your actions on the Earth.

You have gained or refined the clarity, a greater sense of self, your vision & your dreams, which supports you in being able to stand firm in them.

A lot of people think they have a commitment issue. In my opinion what is really going on is that they aren’t discovering their heart’s song which makes it much easier & far more joyful to commit to things.

If you are one of these people, you just haven’t been asking yourself the right questions. You might not have been listening to the voice of your heart, your Divine Self or your intuition. Or you haven’t cultivated the tools that fit you to be able to take abstract ideas & create them into concrete actionable steps.

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My intention is that after you have finished this e-book & started to put the exercises into practice that you will discover that devotion & commitment are enjoyable & far easier than you might have imagined.

Let’s now dive deeper into how to cultivate commitment & devotion in a sustainable way. Or as I really like to call it “recommitment!” The reason I like to call it recommitment is because this is how I see the process & the mastery. I recommit to many things everyday & in every moment, by the choices that I make, the actions I take & the thoughts that I think.

I tell my Hubby, Jason, that I choose him every day & I recommit to our co-creative journey every day.

I do this in my business also…every time I put a thought, or a vision, or a goal into action I have just recommitted to my dreams.

Therefore, you truly want to know what it is you are fully, wholeheartedly & deeply committed to, then look at what you do every day.

• What relationships do you nurture & foster?

• What do you tell yourself or believe about yourself?

• How do you choose to see others?

• What foods do you eat regularly?

• What are the ritualistic things you do most days?

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• Do you choose to step into drama: yours or other people’s?

These are just a few questions to ask yourself, I’m sure you can take a look over the last few days & see patterns & similarities.

When you look at everything you choose to do as your choice of commitment, it will reframe things for you. Then you can be aware enough to consciously choose your commitments & recommit to them every day or as often as you want or need to.

Do your best to answer these questions without judgement or criticism of yourself.

This is a beautiful process of awakening & turning inwards to get to know yourself on a deeper level. Whatever it is you are discovering you are committed to, embrace yourself with love & give yourself thanks for bringing your conscious awareness to it, so you can either strengthen it or transform it.

If you want to know what you truly are committed to, then look at what it is you do.

There are two different types of commitment.

1. Unconscious commitments 2. Conscious commitments.

Yes, we have unconscious commitments. They are old patterns and limiting beliefs. They are things we have picked up on, rather than consciously chosen in most cases. They often were impressed on us from what we saw in our outer experience growing up. We picked up on behaviours, beliefs, ways of being, and ways of responding or

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reacting to the world and situations from those around us. From those experiences we built unconscious commitments.

Often times these unconscious commitments are things that we no longer want to be committed to, as they are no longer serving us.

The wonderful thing is this - as soon as we bring our light of awareness to these unconscious commitments we can transform them and replace them with conscious commitments.

Conscious commitments are ones that we choose, ones that resonate with us and ones that expand and improve ourselves and our lives.

Conscious Commitments are the sustained effort necessary to induce faith & success!

Whatever it is you want to manifest, look at the things that you do that are creating obstacles to that successful manifestation. These are your unconscious commitments.

Write them down.

Now transform those unconscious commitments to conscious commitments.

• Write down your new conscious commitments, and be as specific as possible.

• Place your new conscious commitments in a place that you can review them every day or as often as possible.

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Here’s a Bonus practice for you:

• Take your own word seriously

This is the area that I personally have done quite a bit of work in. I am blessed to be in relationship with a soul that has to greater extent mastered taking his word seriously. I have learnt a lot from him & I continue to do so. It is a practice in awareness.

“1. Be Impeccable With Your WordSpeak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power

of your word in the direction of truth and love.”

~ Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements ~

Giving myself the permission to embrace awareness around the words I choose to use when communicating to others & myself. Now, please know that this is definitely an area that is ever evolving for me. In this blossoming I choose to embrace this practice with joy, wonder, curiosity & splendour.

• Hold yourself accountable when you say you’re going to do something

This means saying it & then staying with it. Otherwise, you renegotiate with integrity. Be mindful of not over committing yourself – a brilliant form a self-sabotage.

• Each time you don’t keep your word you create a crack in your own integrity & you start to not have complete faith in yourself. This tells you that you aren’t

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good enough, or capable or …………….fill in the space.

• Do your best to keep your word. If you need to write down each thing you said you “will do,” then do so. Find a system of accountability that works for you.

• Have the courage to renegotiate with integrity. You know if you are able to do what you said you would, and as soon as you know that it isn’t a high enough priority to come above other things, then communicate it to those involved. Take responsibility for it – not in a punishing way, there is nothing to punish yourself for – in a way that empowers you to realise that responsibility is one aspect of your freedom.

Commitment and devotion are part of the process of breathing life into them.

Commitment and devotion is your concrete decision to see this through, your decision to bring this dream, vision and desire into manifestation.

Commitment & Devotion are the Mastery of Procrastination

Procrastination is the opposite of decision – and is something that we all must release, transform and rise above to create our desire.

When we make our commitment and we devote ourselves to the manifestation of the vision we are holding, it is important to remember that there are times as we make this journey that our commitment and devotion might need a few tweaks and changes.

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If that happens to you that is ok, but make these tweaks slowly. Make sure they are fully considered and resonate with you and the vision you hold.

People that struggle to manifest their vision are ones that make tweaks and changes in their commitments quickly. They don’t allow themselves the time to fully step into and feel into the commitment they have made. They are looking for the magic pill, the quick fix and even though quantum shifts and leaps are possible and sometimes even required, that doesn’t mean that every aspect of your vision is going to be created in a short time.

Hold fast and steady to your commitment.

There are times when you will have to commit to something like your life depends on it, which is true devotion. Because for you, your life, your quality of life, your expansion and growth might very well depend on it.

When you are easily influenced by the opinions of others you will find it a struggle and a challenge to hold your vision and keep to your commitment & devotion, which will lead to a long arduous climb up a very steep mountain that you have created for yourself…rather than an easy trail that has sign posts for you as often as you need them.

It might even be necessary for you to keep your decisions, commitments & your devotion to yourself for a while, or share it with a select few that will be supportive and inspirational. This will allow you to gain a strong foothold on your path before opening yourself up to the potential influence of other people’s opinion. Once that has occurred you will not be as easily swayed by other’s opinions, but instead will take the ones that have merit into consideration.

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It is important for you to “Know Thy Self” as you walk this path you have chosen & to bring about the Manifestation you desire.

Bringing all of these steps together –

You have your desire & your dream

You know that your thoughts become the manifestations in your life

You have your vision & direction

You have your plan, goals and actionable steps

You have set your intention & scheduled in your plan

You understand about commitment & devotion

Now it’s time to move onto the final phases of Manifestation. Which bring your dreams into a vibration & frequency attuned with the world of form.

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Step Seven:

Attitude of Gratitude – The Power of


“To believe is not to be credulous, but to accept and appreciate. What you do not believe you do not

appreciate, and you cannot be grateful for what you do not value”

~ A Course In Miracles ~

You by now realise that the condition of your inner realm is reflected in your external world and this is where appreciation comes in.

What we focus on is what we most think about and what we most think about continually reinforces what we manifest & welcome into our lives.

If you want more magic in your life…if you want greater happiness, joy, love, health, abundance & success, then appreciate what you already have.

If you want more to be grateful for in your life, then express gratefulness for what you already have.

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When you come from the place of appreciation for what you already have, what you already experience & what you already have manifested, then all else that you desire will come out of that space.

You can’t manifest your dreams when you are coming from a place of lack in your current experience. When you want to manifest greater happiness, but you want this because you experience a lack of it at present, then all you are going to manifest is the continual lack.

Have you heard the saying that ‘like attracts like?’

Here’s an earthly representation that you have likely seen or heard about. Why do you think that the rich keep on getting richer? Well there are many reasons for this. However, one of them is that the feeling of abundance creates more abundance.

Therefore, if you are wanting greater happiness, success, love, health, wealth etc. then focusing on how they are already present internally & externally in your life does not only work, but is essential.

Remember this biblical quote that highlights this perfectly?

But seek ye first the kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added unto you.

First cultivate the feeling of happiness, joy, love, success, health & wealth (this is the “Kingdom of Heaven”) in your present life, your present self and then all else that you desire, be it material or non-material will be given for you to receive.

This is what the Art of Appreciation will assist you with.

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The more you can train your mind and your thoughts towards appreciation, the easier desired manifestation become.

My husband and I recently recorded a video about this when it comes to relationships; here is the link for you to discover what it can do for your relationship and how to practice the art of appreciation. It is called Radical Appreciation for Magical Transformation.

Also remember that your thoughts become the manifestations of your life, and with that in mind I know you will see why appreciations are one of the key practices & phases in Manifesting your Dreams!

The more thoughts you have of gratitude & appreciation the more opportunities will be given to you to receive external experiences that will add to & continue to cultivate those thoughts.

Your world is made up of the reflection of your mind, consciousness & spiritual connection to your Divine Self.

Knowing this, you will see the absolute need for appreciations in your every moment & daily life.

There is no room for complaining on the plane of manifestation, as this only keeps on perpetuating those feelings & experiences that you no longer want or need.

“What you resist, persists.”

~ C. J. Jung ~

Remember that through each phase you are grounding the ethereal (meaning in heaven, or your dreams) into form.

For a moment, let me just show you what that vibrational or energetic grounding looks like.

Your thoughts – ethereal or of heaven

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Your words – a collection of thoughts – a denser vibration

Your actions – your beliefs in action – a vibration attuned with the world of form – your reality.

Let’s get you practicing the Art of Appreciation

Appreciation practice: Your Nightly 3,3 & 3’s

Every night before you go to bed write down

• 3 successes for the day – this is based on the small win theory. This continues to keep you motivated & feeling good about yourself. You will remind yourself of your progress everyday – which means that you will do the things that you need to do to move in the general direction of your dreams.

• 3 appreciations of your life – allow yourself to write them down, which gives your thoughts more power as you bring them into the world of form. The more you focus on what you can appreciate the more you cultivate the emotions you want to feel.

• 3 appreciations of yourself – don’t forget about you. This is part of increasing your feelings of self-love. This makes all those amazing thoughts that

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you have been thinking about yourself easier and easier.

This is only one way for you to practice the Art of Appreciation. As many ways you can think to appreciate are the number of ways you can engage in this practice today.

There are infinite possibilities to the Art of Appreciation Practice.

At any moment, ask yourself what can I appreciate about this experience?

• What can I appreciate about myself right in this moment?

• What can I appreciate about what this person is saying to me?

• What can I appreciate about my actions in this moment?

• What can I appreciate about this other person right now?

This is especially effective in levelling the plane field when it comes to anything that you are feeling or experiencing as unwanted.

If someone is giving you feedback or criticism, how can you transform your perspective by finding something to appreciate about the moment, the other person or the experience?

Can you embrace it with love & joy, seeing it for what it is, just another opportunity to practice appreciations, transformation & expansion?

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Can you allow yourself to be thankful for what this is showing you about yourself, your thoughts, your actions & what you are calling in & creating in your life?

Appreciating yourself is as important as appreciating others and circumstances in your life. Try this beautiful exercise from Lisa Nichols:

Write yourself a love letter with these core elements…

1. What I love most about you… 2. What I value about you… 3. What I admire you for… 4. Thank you for being…

So, hopefully this chapter gave you some ways you can use the Art of Appreciation in a Creative way, a Preventative way (especially in relationships), a Personal way, or in a Redirectional way.

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Step Eight:

Spiritual & Mindful Practices

This is the phase that you unlock your psychic energies, your tangled psychic knots of consciousness.

In traditional meditation, for example, we begin by consciously stilling the movements of the body, by keeping the back still and calming the central nervous system through the breath. In this space of stillness & silence the voice of the body & spirit become audible to the mind.

You are merging the spirit and the body through spiritual & mindful practice and you are focusing on morphing time & space.

Spiritual & mindful practices are the crystals that reside in the ground, the precious minerals & metals.

Through spiritual & mindful practices you are touching the light of heaven, your Divine Self, the other part of you & you are carrying that light unto your earthly experience. Forever re-writing your human experience.

The Divine is the realm of instant manifestation, which is directed by your thoughts. Just like placing an order. As you touch on your human experience through these

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practices the time of the earthly manifestation is shortened.

This is the re-writing of old patterns, limitations & beliefs. For example anxiety, depression, longings, eating disorders, insomnia, panic, chronic tension & emotional distress.

You are shinning the light into previously dark places of your awareness. As this light is shown fully, transformation takes place and there is no longer any space for the expression of this dis-harmony to be expressed through your body, your emotions and your mental process.

During this phase there is no need to fully know the underlying emotional issues in order for the transformation of them to occur.

By partaking in your own spiritual & mindful practices you are allowing & receiving continual transformation, renewal, replenishment & resurrection.

The whole premise in my opinion is to transition your intentional spiritual practices like meditation into a way of being & a way of doing all things. Life can be a continual meditative practice, a life’s walking meditation. Where everything you think, say & do comes from that vibration, as I like to call it your High Frequency.

Exploring Spiritual & Mindful Practices There are many spiritual & mindful practices that you can integrate into your life. If this isn’t something you have done before, then I recommend that you try several & see which one or which several resonate with you.

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They all take practice, hence calling them practices. Have compassion & patience with yourself as you embark or deepen your spiritual & mindful practices. You are on the journey of Self-Mastery. Always make sure that you tell yourself the things that serve you.

If you experience that meditation is hard, then keep on telling yourself the opposite. The more you tell yourself that it is hard, then it will take a long time for it to transform into an experience that is one of ease, flow & joy.

Tell yourself that you love meditation; you enjoy the deepening of your practice, that you meditate with grace & ease, that each time you meditate your self-mastery is expanding. It doesn’t matter what it is, just as long as it serves you in your Meditation practice.

• Write down 3 Spiritual & Mindful Practices that you want to start or you want to deepen.

• Then write down how you can make that happen, from where you are right now & the resources you have available to you.

Those practices can include, but are not limited to:

¦ Meditation

¦ Walking Meditation

¦ Wisdom Walking

¦ Affirmations

¦ Visualisation

¦ Mindful thinking

¦ Conscious listening

¦ Going to Church

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¦ Spiritual rituals

¦ Yoga

¦ Tai Chi

¦ Qi Gong

¦ Dance

¦ Art

¦ Calligraphy

¦ Listening to music

¦ Playing music

You get the picture.

If you want more help and support, then check out these free programs from Between Heaven & Earth:

Intrinsic Moving Meditation

Revitalising Pranayama Breathing Meditation

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Step Nine:

Acts of Faith &Installing New


Installing New Beliefs that serve you & align you with your dreams…

“If you will it, it is no dream.”

~ Theodor Herzl ~ Your beliefs allow, enable, and encourage you to think within their boundaries. You need to believe that your end result is possible & a reasonable option.

Your beliefs allow you to think the thoughts that manifest your dreams.

They can also disallow, or prevent you from thinking beyond the scope when you believe something is ‘unlikely’ or ‘impossible.’

“The mind that perceives the limitation is the limitation.”

~ Buddha ~

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When was the last time you even thought about living your dreams?

Of course, baby steps & taking inspired action is essential, but even here you will be cut off before you begin if your beliefs aren’t supportive.

Getting your beliefs in order assists you in thinking the thoughts that serve you with greater ease.

Your beliefs hold your limitations that you impress onto your earthly experience, making them real. You set the stage that you live, and you set the boundaries of what is possible & what isn’t.

Therefore, if your life isn’t quite fully the life of your dreams, it is often due to unconscious limitations that you have picked up from your earthly experience to date.

A few personal stories…

I remember telling my client about when I started Gymnastics when I was about 4 years old. If I had known then to believe that “the body shouldn’t bend like that,” or that doing certain routines were so hard or impossible for most people, then I wouldn’t have been able to do everything I ended up doing in my Gymnastic days.

I used to watch another Gymnast do a certain move or routine & I would watch how they did it and I would simply repeat the move. I didn’t hold the belief that I couldn’t; I held the belief that of course I could. It just was for me, I could do anything in the Gym that I set my mind to, knowing that my body would just follow.

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Another example was when I had an operation on both feet, and the doctor told me it would take 6-8 weeks for complete healing & to not walk on my feet, to only use walking the crutches when I had to.

Well this wasn’t going to fly for me…it was summer holiday and I wasn’t going to miss being outside with my friends playing & fooling around. So I completely dismissed his belief & instead told myself that the best thing I could do for healing was to walk on my feet as much as possible, just as long as I didn’t bust open the stitches. I also told myself & installed the belief that it would take 2 weeks, and that when I was due to get my stiches out the doctor would give me the all clear.

I told myself these things every day. I reinforced them through my words & through my actions. I acted as if the belief I was installing was already real, it was already how it was.

Guess what happened…

2 weeks later I had my stitches taken out and the doctor was absolutely astonished that my feet were completely healed.

The power of thoughts & beliefs! Woohooo!

I know that you can look back on your own life and find such examples. Take a moment now and look back over your life & discover where you have done exactly that. Write it down & refer back to it when you need to remember how powerful you are!

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Another personal story just to lovingly hammer it home…

Giving physical examples always seem to hit home with greater ease & grace. That is probably because we still believe that what is real is in the physical world.

I don’t have an ACL in either of my knees. I was a very recklessly active kid & teenager (ok, also an early twenties’er). I just did what I did, not really understanding the self-sabotage system – you can discover more about that by clicking on this link Self-sabotage Teleseminar.

I tore both of my ACL’s, and in the UK at that time, unless you were a professional athlete you didn’t need surgery. I was once again told by my orthopaedic surgeon that I wouldn’t be able to run again or ski etc. I know there was a list, but I just didn’t listen. I dismissed his belief & instead installed my own. I installed the belief that my knees were great, that they had completely healed and I could do anything & everything that I wanted to.

Guess what happened…

That’s right! I ski, I run, I do things that others who have even had ACL surgery don’t do. My knees are strong & keep up with me.

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Old Beliefs & The Practice Of Installing New Ones… The wonderful thing is that you don’t need to know what these old beliefs are to change them. You can just start installing the beliefs that you want & that serve you on your dream life journey.

I’m not recommending you go hunting for the limiting beliefs that you might hold. Even if you discover them you will then work on transforming them. I’m recommending skipping that step.

Simply align yourself with your dreams through a few simple exercises so that you can automatically install supporting, reflective beliefs while you shed unhelpful + limiting beliefs. That type of shedding is an organic process inherent in installing the beliefs that serve you.

I remind myself of stories like this that I have to pull from my past when I need to remember the power that my beliefs have & the power of acts of faith…stated more simply: act “as if.”

Throughout all these phases you are becoming the person that can actually live these dreams & desires. Remember that manifestation is about becoming & receiving.

You have to start the journey of becoming the person that lives your dreams.

You think like they think, you speak as they speak, you act as they act, you have the spiritual & mindful practices that they do, you have the morning ritual that they do

Want to find out why a morning ritual is essential then check out this video I made 'The Powerful Art of Beginnings Video' and this blog

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post '8 things wildly happy & successful people do every morning blog post').

For this section becoming the person that lives your dreams & desires, ask yourself what would your beliefs be when you are living them? What beliefs would you hold about life, about yourself, about relationships, about health, about success, about happiness etc.?

Would you believe that you take the good with the bad, that you can only be happy for so long, that money doesn’t grow on trees, that without pain you won’t gain, that you have to work hard for your money, that relationships are tough & challenging, that love isn’t enough?

Just to name a few of the common limiters I’ve left in the dust!

• Get your pen out again & write down all the beliefs that you want to have, make them wild, big & stretch you. What beliefs will you have when you are living your dreams? Write as many down as feel appropriate for you right now. Make sure that one of them is that your dreams really do come true.

• Once you have done this, now you have a list of the beliefs that you want to install.

• Installing beliefs is in two parts. o Firstly start telling yourself these new beliefs – say

them over and over again, until you start to feel that they are true (we’ve written some of our favourites on the bathroom mirror).

o Secondly start acting as if you already believe them.

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This is where acts of faith come in… Acts of faith, simply put, are acting as if it has already happened.

Here’s an example of how you can approach Acts Of Faith.

Let’s say you have just bought yourself a new couch & that it is due to be delivered on Thursday at 3pm.

What are you going to spend your time doing between leaving the furniture store and when it is due to be delivered?

That’s right, you’ll be preparing the way for the delivery. You will be acting as if the couch is coming. You would probably be moving furniture around, selling the old couch, maybe buying some new throw pillows and changing the window coverings.

The couch is not in your house, the couch is not in your reality yet. It is the promise of the couch and the knowing that the couch is on the way. This is what you are acting on. In essence you are acting on faith.

I know that at this moment it might feel slightly different to you, as this example is in the physical world. However, the intention is exactly the same.

Prepare the way for your dreams. You need to make space in your life for you to receive them.

The manifestations that you are wanting have already manifested instantly in the ethereal realm. Just as long as you don’t have contradicting thoughts more often than the thoughts of your dreams & desires that cause a contradicting manifestation. Your manifestation is on the way. Feel it, know it and act as if it has already happened.

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You want greater abundance of wealth? Then make sure that you aren’t buying the cheapest things you can in the supermarket. If you don’t have the money in that moment in your bank account to buy the top notch food brands, then buy a couple of them with confidence as a gesture of faith, or do it occasionally.

Using the furniture example: You want new furniture but you don’t have the money as yet in your bank account, then go to the furniture store where it is, look at it, talk to the sales people, plan where it would go, measure your space and buy the things that you do have the money for that would go with it.

Are you getting the theme here?

There is a wonderful book that teachers you about Acts of Faith and that is ‘The Game of Life and How to Play it,’ by Florence Scovel Shinn. She gives many examples of Acts of Faith.

• You have your list of dreams & desires. You have your goals, actionable steps & plans. Now from those lists think about all the acts of faith you can add into your life at present. Write them down.

Starting with Acts of Faith no matter how small or large, is a physical demonstration that you are ready for the manifestation & that you know it is coming. This engages the Divine, because it says, “I’m on my way, and I intend to finish.”

You just need to start. Your ducks are never going to be in a row, until you start moving in the direction of your dreams using all of these phases & steps. With this kind of deeply heartfelt expression on

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the plane of manifestation, you literally summon whatever you’ll later need in order to complete the manifestation journey.

Remember that tomorrow’s needs will be met by tomorrow’s resources.

"…keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things…”

~ Walt Disney ~ Keep on moving, keep on becoming, keeping on being, keep on doing & keep on implementing all of these steps. Because as soon as you hesitate, stop & start believing & acting on your doubts then the Divine grinds to a halt. The Divine is the other part of you, so your hesitation is its hesitation. Of course, change your mind, this is going to happen as you process on this journey of unity, awakening & wholeness, but don’t stop.

For you right now, know that it is working out. It always works out!

Have faith, believe in the magic, believe in yourself, believe in the Divine & allow yourself to know that deep down you already do, that you are a master manifestor! You have been manifesting your entire life. The difference now is that you have a blueprint to consciously follow. You are now awakening to all that you are.

These 10 steps or phases as I prefer to call them, if followed, bring about deep healing & transformation.

Before we close this e-book we are going to move on to the final step, Cultivating the Will & Focus to stay on the path & in the journey.

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Step Ten:

Will & Focus – Connection with your

deep inner wisdom

What you focus on increases!

When you focus on something your will is increased. Will is what provides you with motivation.

What you focus on becomes your reality through manifestation in the world of form & matter.

There is nothing wrong with you, but if you start to focus on what you might conclude could be wrong with you, the more you perpetuate the experience that something is wrong with you.

You are wonderful, divine & perfect just as you are at your core. You’re awakening & transforming into the Divine, powerful & conscious effortless creator that you are.

What I am talking about is your desire to grow, to thrive and to live fully. This is not ego-driven willpower which is really control.

It is the pilot light that ignites the flame of the organic journey.

When intent becomes permanent, that is Will. This is the final phase of manifestation & of your transformative healing journey which brings you back to unity, which you never really left, but had forgotten.

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After long struggle & resistance, it is time to let go. You then discover the point of active stillness and of surrender, in your confusion. This is the time you begin to use your will to not do, even as every part of you is screaming to take action, to fix the problem, and to make everything ok. This is when you let go of your smaller self & come from your Divine Self.

You surrender rational thinking & plunge in the seemingly unknown.

The beginning of transformation can be challenging, the middle can be messy, and the end is exceptionally beautiful.

This is the phase that your planted seed/s (dreams & desires) sprout seemingly spontaneously. This is the Will & Focus I am referring to. What it takes for the sprout from the seed to come through the earth and push upwards to the sky.

You call on your wisdom of receptivity allowing the next steps to rise up spontaneously from a deeper part of your nature.

In aligning your individual will with the Divine, you attain wisdom.

Facing Your Feelings of Fear Here is where you release the parts of you that need to die. These parts are only constructs of what you thought are you. You wait and see what, if anything, comes to life.

Be willing to let your own will go and trust that a larger wisdom will emerge to support and guide you. Your feelings of fear are based only on your thoughts.

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Firstly, stop resisting the feelings, and allow yourself to follow the wisdom of Divine inspiration, you wait, you breathe & through this the fear starts to dissolve.

• When you are in a situation where feelings of fear arise, face it, don’t run (unless your life is in danger) then…

• Surrender the feelings of fear to the Divine, cast them out, and know that they are dissolved and taken care of.

• When you do this, you allow another power to enter your life and you discover a wisdom you might not have known you had.

Cultivating your Will & Focus…

Rather than carefully nourishing our will & focus as it rises up with the life force, we tend to drive ourselves relentlessly, rarely stopping, or hearing the guiding messages of the Divine, which would be leading us to quiet, sleep, nurturing & nourishment.

Self-care is so important to keep you focused & your will flourishing so you have the persistence to keep taking the journey of Manifestation & Transformation.

Here are some ways for you to cultivate your Will & Focus…

• Mindful rest, meditation & inspiring natural beauty (go take a calming walk in nature).

• Calming exercise, such as yoga, Tai Chi & Qi Gong, which strengthen the spinal column & align the posture.

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• Find a practice & STICK TO IT. Set yourself up for success. Having a practice and doing it on a regular basis is one of the best ways to strengthen & stablise your Will & Focus.

• Make sacred time every day to do nothing (that doesn’t include TV, TV is doing something), just allow yourself time to be. It can be for 5 minutes or 2 minutes or longer. It doesn’t matter the time, what matters is the intention & practice of replenishing.


You don’t need to know how you will succeed.

Yet you still need to begin!

When you move in a direction, then the Divine moves too and meets you.

If you are moving in a direction counter to the journey of manifesting your predominant thoughts (a.k.a your dreams), the Divine is able to reach you & direct you to the next legal U-turn.

Persistence means starting and never stopping. I don’t mean never stopping so that you burn out. Definitely not. I believe as I have written in this book that you need unity between non-action (mindfulness, mindset & spiritual practices) & action (planning, doing, focus, persistence, actionable goals).

What persistence means is to keep on going until you arrive. Keep on the path of practicing these 10 phases, and if not these phases then

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some others that resonate with you. There are many ways & paths down the mountain.

Persistence is about doing what you can, with what you have, with the resources you have available. Which includes staying the course.

Now the course may shift, transform & morph as you become clearer & more confident as your self-mastery deepens & your awakening to your wholeness expands. Don’t attach yourself to one specific course, allow it to morph, sculpt & transform as a reflection of you.

In Chinese Medicine it is believed that there is only dis-ease where there is stagnation. Keep yourself supple & flexible, forever being able to embrace the shifts & turns that the Divine presents as your path to manifestation.

Persistence is you insisting that the Divine meets you…it is you showing up fully & completely.

It is you plugging in your end result (destination) in your car’s navigation system, then starting the car, allowing the Divine to calculate all the twists & turns that you need to take to be at your destination.

Continue to make yourself available to the Divines Magic, to Life’s Magic.

Think about it this way. Why wouldn’t you persist? You are getting closer & closer each moment. Remember just before something big happens, or just before a shift & transformation occurs often nothing different is happening in your

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external world. Your day is similar to yesterday, until that moment when everything shifts. All it takes is that moment and then you see the external validation & it all starts to make sense. You can then connect the dots and start to see the bigger picture.

When you keep on reminding yourself about the fact that you are getting closer & closer each moment, it starts to become easier & easier, you relax your control & surrender to the Divine. You start to enjoy & love life. You only see the point in doing the things that you love & find inspiring, you also only see the point in create everything you do to be inspiring & fun even the responsibility & errands.

Persistence is the combination of your Will & Focus, it enables the magic of life to unfold as a beautiful flower in an evolutionary process.

This leads me & you onto the last few pages of this e-book…

The Journey This E-Book Is Guiding You On Is…

The Alchemical Manifestation & Transformation Path

This journey is the restoration of our original wholeness. We are born with a special bit of Divine light, conscious identity, which gives us the Divine capacity to create a new wholeness out of the fragments of the old.

The Manifestation Principle – 10 foolproof steps to manifest your dreams By Alexandra Lawrence ~ 85 ~

The light of consciousness within us & withis the other part of us, our Divine Self can be used to internally reverse the natural process of expansion & liberate the instinctual potency for another purpose.

In the alchemical manifestation & transformation, we make the conscious decision to turn back from what has become our comfort zone, the cage of repetition & the same-old-same-old to stepping outside of your comfort zone into the experience of the unknown to fully engage our Divine Self & the power that we each hold to sculpt, dream & create the life we live.

This is the Inner Alchemy, the only process that truly produces lasting manifestation & transformation.

Consciousness turns away from the outer world and looks inwards, knowing that this earthly life we are experiencing is only a hologram, a reflection of our internal condition.

Consciousness is the tool that sparks and ignites the fuel of the alchemical process, opening the way back to the source of life, your Divine Self.

Your new Manifestation & Transformation is there waiting for you. It is like the light seed in the darkness of what is yet to become.

The truly new requires that we take our next steps in faith and in connection with the Divine, knowing the truth that we create our lives. That we are not victims of life; life doesn’t happen to us, it happens through us.

That what we all are truly seeking underneath all our dreams & desires is Happiness. As this is the case turning inwards to cultivate our internal happiness irrespective of our external experience, not

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allowing our Happiness to hinge on the external world, we then are able to direct, become & receive all of our good & all that we dreams.

“Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But

though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive. Therefore, seek not to change the world, but choose

to change your mind about the world. “

~ A Course In Miracles ~

Thank you for taking this journey with me!

I would love to hear all about your experience.

I would love to hear what your dream’s, desire’s & visions are and how your progress is using these 10 steps.

Please post your comments, thoughts, dreams etc. on my Facebook Page or on Twitter

Or use the hashtage #manifestationprinciple

Love & Blessings on your journey of Manifestation,

Alexandra xxxx The Manifestation Principle – 10 foolproof steps to manifest your dreams

By Alexandra Lawrence

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Did you love it? Did you discover things that you feel are supportive & helpful on your journey? Do you want to deepen this journey further?

Please go ahead and leave your thoughts, your experience, your inspirational AHA moments and anything else you want to share about this e-book then please go over to my facebook page and leave your comments or go over to the Twitter and leave your comments there too.

If you want to deepen this journey then keep your eyes open for my brand new ‘The Manifestation Principle’ 8 week online programme.

The programme opens in early December 2014. Let’s make your 2015 the year that you live your dreams.

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