The MAIN Causes of WW1 - · MILITARISM – The growth of nationalism and...

The MAIN Causes of WW1 Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

Transcript of The MAIN Causes of WW1 - · MILITARISM – The growth of nationalism and...

The MAIN Causes of WW1

• Militarism

• Alliances

• Imperialism

• Nationalism

MAIN Causes of WWI Defined Militarism: The policy of building up armed forces in aggressive preparedness for war and their use as a tool of diplomacy. A nation requires a large military if it intends to defend its interests and/or gain new territory

Alliances: A system where countries signed treaties or made non-aggression pacts with each other. Sometimes agreeing to come to the other’s defense.

Imperialism: The policy of extending a nation’s authority over other cultures by economic, political, or military means.

Nationalism: A devotion to the interests of ones own country based on a shared culture, history and language

How did MAIN cause WWI?

 MILITARISM – The growth of nationalism and imperialism led to increased military spending

 ALLIANCE SYSTEM – By 1907 Europe was divided into two armed camps

MILITARISM How had Militarism prepared the

European nations?  European nations increased military spending enormously in the late 19th and early 20th century

  By 1890 the strongest militarily in Europe was Germany

  Germany had a strong army and built up a navy to rival England’s fleet

  France, Italy, Japan and the United States quickly joined in the naval buildup


•  Germany was competing with Russia and France to expand their armies

1880 1914

•  Germany 1.3m 5.0m •  France 0.73m 4.0m •  Russia 0.40m 1.2m

Weapons and Battleships in the late 19th and early 20th century were being stockpiled by European nations, Japan and the US

Militarism & Arms Race

1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1914

94 130 154 268 289 398

1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditures

France 10% Britain 13% Russia 39%

Germany 73%

Standing Armies in Europe, 1914



  By 1907 there were two major defense alliances in Europe

  The Triple Entente/Allies: France, Britain, and Russia

 The Triple Alliance/Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (Soon joined by the Ottoman Empire)

Russia wants access to the Mediterranean through Serbia Germany wanted a RR connection to the Ottoman Empire Austria and Serbia in conflict over Bosnia

How did Imperialism cause WWI �Industrialization caused European powers to compete

with each other over colonies for raw material and markets

 As Germany industrialized it competed directly with France and Britain

  Major European countries also competed for land in Africa and Asia  The British feared Germany in Africa.  The Austrians feared Serbia / Russia in the Balkans

Aggressive Nationalism

How did Nationalism cause WWI?

•  Nations wanted to assert their power and independence.

•  In Europe Slavs, aided by Serbia and Russia, wanted to be free of Austrian rule.

Serbia’s national flag

NATIONALISM   Often nationalism led to rivalries and conflicts between nations based on language culture and ethnicity

  Various ethnic groups resented domination by others and wanted independence

  Russia and Austria-Hungary disagreed over the treatment of Serbs in central Europe

Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary while

Russia, France and Britain were partners

Pan-Slavism: The Balkans, 1914

The “Powder Keg” of Europe

•  Kaiser Wilhelm II •  Built up German

army and navy “Germany must have its place in the sun” “The world belongs to the strong.”

“Were the Serbs to agree to all the demands, this would not be to my liking”

•  Count Berchtold •  Austrian Prime


In June of 1914, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary visited Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia.

– At the time, Bosnia was under the rule of Austria-Hungary. But it was also the home of many Serbs and other Slavs.

News of the royal visit angered many Serbian nationalists. •  They viewed Austrians as foreign oppressors. •  The date chosen for the archduke’s visit was a significant date

in Serbian history. – On that date in 1389, Serbia had been conquered by the Ottoman empire. – On the same date in 1912, Serbia had freed itself from Turkish rule.

Members of a Serbian terrorist group, the Black Hand, assassinated the Archduke and his wife.

The Crisis 1: Assassination in Sarajevo


What was the SPARK that started the war?   The Balkan region was considered “the powder keg of Europe” due to competing interests in the area

 Austria-Hungary, which had taken control of Bosnia in 1878, accused Serbia of subverting its rule over Bosnia

  Finally, in June of 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne was gunned down by a Serbian radical igniting a diplomatic crisis

The Crisis •  “Black Hand” terrorists attack

the Arch Duke •  Bomb attempt fails in morning •  Gavrilo Princip shoots Archduke

and wife in the afternoon. •  Austrians blame Serbia for

supporting terrorists. •  Within two months WWI would


What happened in the month after the assassination?

•  1st Austria sends Serbia an ultimatum •  2nd Germany offers full support to

Austria “blank check.” •  3rd Russia mobilizes army in support of

Serbia •  4th Germany declares war on Russia •  5th Russia calls its ally France •  6th Germany declares war on France

Who’s To Blame?

What was the Battle Plan: THE FIGHTING BEGINS

  The Alliance system pulled one nation after another into the conflict – The Great War had begun

  On August 3, 1914, Germany invaded Belgium, following a strategy known as the Schlieffen Plan

 Schlieffen Plan called for a quick strike through Belgium to Paris, France

 Next, Germany would attack Russia

  The plan was designed to prevent a two-front war for Germany

 Video: Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail?

The Schlieffen Plan

“Belgium is a country, not a road”

•  King Albert I of Belgium denied permission to Germany

•  August 2, 1914 Germany declared war on France –  Why???

–  The Schlieffen Plan!

•  August 4, 1914 Great Britain declared war on Germany for violating Belgian neutrality

Why did Britain join the war?

•  Germany violated Belgium’s neutrality and the British had promised to defend them.

•  The Schlieffen Plan forced the British to defend Belgium as promised

Sir Edward Grey British Foreign Secretary … “There’s some devilry going on in Berlin”

Britain’s Reaction •  1838- UK had signed a

Treaty to protect Belgium. •  Britain was also scared of

Germany controlling Channel ports.

•  Did not want Germany to defeat France and dominate Europe. Britain next?

•  UK issued ultimatum to Germany to withdraw troops from Belgium. War declared August 4 1914