The M.A.I.N. Causes of World War One. Militarism – The belief in having a large military.

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Transcript of The M.A.I.N. Causes of World War One. Militarism – The belief in having a large military.

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  • The M.A.I.N. Causes of World War One
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military.
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  • - A great nation had to have a large army and not be afraid of war. Percentage Increase in Military Spending 1890-1913Size of Peacetime Army 1914 Britain117430,000 France92970,000 Russia191,500,000 Germany158760,000 Austria Hungary160480,000 Each nation had to keep up with the others as they continued to build larger militaries and became and arms race. Naval Arms Race The Newcomer Germany competes with England to create the largest Navy
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military. Arms Race - nations compete for the biggest and best military UK vs. Germany Navy France vs. Germany -Army
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  • Kaiser Wilhelm II Tsar Nicholas II King George V What do we notice?
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military. Arms Race - nations compete for the biggest and best military UK vs. Germany Navy France vs. Germany -Army Alliances Europe eventually divides into two sides
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  • Early Alliances The Three Emperors League 1873 Germany, Austria-Hungry and Russia -Russia leaves the league in 1878, because of disputes in the Balkans -Making it a duel alliance
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  • The Triple Alliance 1882 Italy joins the Duel Alliance for mutual defense However, Italy makes a secret treaty with France in case of German aggression
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  • Central Powers 1914 German Empire Austria-Hungarian Empire The Ottoman Empire - Later the Kingdom of Bulgaria
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military. Arms Race - nations compete for the biggest and best military UK vs. Germany Navy France vs. Germany -Army Alliances Europe eventually divides into two sides Central Powers Germany, Austria- Hungry, the Ottoman Empire
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  • Franco-Russian Military Convention 1892 - When German treaties with Russia expired, France quickly became allies with Russia.
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  • Great Britain Since the defeat of Napoleon Great Britain entered a period of splendid isolation not getting involved in European affairs, instead governing a world Empire. However, the new German Empire disturbed the balance of power in Europe and elsewhere.
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  • British Alliances Anglo- Japanese Alliance 1902 Meant to keep Germany from gaining colonies in Asia and the Pacific. 1904 Cordial Entente Alliance between France and Great Britain (traditional enemies) 1907 Triple Entente Russia joins France and Great Britain, becoming the core of the Allied powers
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military. Arms Race - nations compete for the biggest and best military UK vs. Germany Navy France vs. Germany -Army Alliances Europe eventually divides into two sides Central Powers Germany, Austria- Hungry, the Ottoman Empire Allied Powers UK, France and Russia
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  • Imperialism Nations believed that to be great and prosperous required colonies. New world powers like Germany, Japan and Italy wanted colonies, however found much of the world already taken.
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military. Arms Race - nations compete for the biggest and best military UK vs. Germany Navy France vs. Germany -Army Alliances Europe eventually divides into two sides Central Powers Germany, Austria- Hungry, the Ottoman Empire Allied Powers UK, France and Russia Imperialism European Nations compete to divide up the world.
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  • Aging Empires
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military. Arms Race - nations compete for the biggest and best military UK vs. Germany Navy France vs. Germany -Army Alliances Europe eventually divides into two sides Central Powers Germany, Austria- Hungry, the Ottoman Empire Allied Powers UK, France and Russia Imperialism European Nations compete to divide up the world. Some empires struggle to keep control
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military. Arms Race - nations compete for the biggest and best military UK vs. Germany Navy France vs. Germany -Army Alliances Europe eventually divides into two sides Central Powers Germany, Austria- Hungry, the Ottoman Empire Allied Powers UK, France and Russia Imperialism European Nations compete to divide up the world. Some empires struggle to keep control Nationalism Belief in the greatness of your nation or peoples and devotion above all others.
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  • Many ethnic groups begin to identify with each other across political boundaries and seek to unify politically their people. Pan Germanism The unification and/or brotherhood of all the German people. Sometimes including the Swiss and the Dutch. German and Austria-Hungary become Natural Allies.
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  • Pan Slavism The belief in the unity and brotherhood of all the Slavic peoples Russia the largest Slavic nation allies itself with other Slavic nations. Here again is a map of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, the Slovaks, Croats, Serbs, Bosnians, Ruthenians (Ukrainians), and Czechs are all Slavic populations within the Empire.
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  • What do you think is going to happen? The area of the empire labeled Bosnia is full of Serbians
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  • The Spark Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by Gavrilo Princip a Serbian Nationalist
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military. Arms Race - nations compete for the biggest and best military UK vs. Germany Navy France vs. Germany -Army Alliances Europe eventually divides into two sides Central Powers Germany, Austria- Hungry, the Ottoman Empire Allied Powers UK, France and Russia Imperialism European Nations compete to divide up the world. Some empires struggle to keep control Nationalism Belief in the greatness of your nation or peoples and devotion above all others. THE SPARK Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungry is assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist
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  • Austria Hungry gives Serbia and Ultimatum they can refuse. Serbia receives a list of demands, that it rejects leading to Austria-Hungry declaring war on Serbia
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  • 1. to suppress every publication which shall incite to hatred and contempt of the Monarchy. 2. to proceed at once to the dissolution of the Black Hand 3. to eliminate without delay from public instruction in Serbia, everything, whether connected with the teaching corps or with the methods of teaching, that serves or may serve to nourish the propaganda against Austria-Hungary; 4. to remove from the military and administrative service in general all officers and officials who have been guilty of carrying on the propaganda against Austria-Hungary 5. to agree to the cooperation in Serbia of the organs of the Imperial and Royal Government in the suppression of the subversive movement directed against the integrity of the Monarchy; 6. to institute a judicial inquiry against every participant in the conspiracy of the twenty-eighth of June who may be found in Serbian territory 7. to undertake with all haste the arrest of certain Serbian politicians 8. prevent the participation of Serbian authorities in the smuggling of weapons and explosives across the frontier; 9. A formal apology 10. to inform the Imperial and Royal Government without delay of the execution of the measures comprised in the foregoing points.
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  • Russia protecting a smaller Slavic nation declares war on Austria Hungary Germany protecting its natural ally declares war on Russia France and Britain honoring their treaties with Russia declare war on Germany - Italy claiming Germany is fighting an offensive war does not honor its alliance, instead the Ottoman Empire joins the central powers
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  • Militarism The belief in having a large military. Arms Race - nations compete for the biggest and best military UK vs. Germany Navy France vs. Germany -Army Alliances Europe eventually divides into two sides Central Powers Germany, Austria- Hungry, the Ottoman Empire Allied Powers UK, France and Russia Imperialism European Nations compete to divide up the world. Some empires struggle to keep control Nationalism Belief in the greatness of your nation or peoples and devotion above all others. THE SPARK Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungry is assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist World War One !