The Maharani

The Maharani Beauty Treatment Harleen Virk June 13, 2013

Transcript of The Maharani

The Maharani Beauty TreatmentHarleen Virk

June 13, 2013

The MaharaniIncludes:

Turmeric Skin Mask

For cleansing of the skin, clearing of acne, and restoring a soft glow.

Mustard Seed Hair Treatment

For increasing blood flow of scalp for hair growth and reducing hair loss.

Dark Coffee Mendhi Application

Ornamental decoration of hands and feet for special occasions

Recipe:-¾ cup of plain yogurt-3 tablespoons Turmeric Powder-2 teaspoons Honey

Directions:Mix in a bowl. Use brush to apply. Leave on 30 minutes & wash.

Turmeric Skin Mask

Mustard Seed Hair TreatmentRecipe:

-2 egg yolks (the yellow part)

-3 teaspoons yellow mustard

-1 teaspoon olive oil

-1 teaspoon sugar (more or less)

-Add enough hot water until it is as creamy as you’d like to work with

Directions: Mix in a bowl, apply using hands, massage into scalp, wear for as long as you can bear it. Minimum 15 minutes before washing.

Dark Coffee Mendhi Application


-1 cup dried, sifted henna (powder form)

-1 cup boiling coffee

-lemon juice

-(For even more depth: cinnamon, cardamom, and black pepper seeds)

Directions: Put henna in a bowl, Boil coffee (add extras if desired). Add coffee to henna and mix until thick. Squeeze lemon. Prepare in a cone and apply. Wear for as long as you can before washing.

Put on your makeup, Check the mirror and go get em’..


-Beauty School

-Visiting Beauty Salons/Weddings in India

-Growing up Indian

-My Imagination

All Food Ingredients available at grocery stores. Henna available at Indian grocers.