The Magical Wizard

The Magical Wizard Written and Illustrated by Thomas


Oh No! Matt has put a curse on his Mother that’s taken her to theland of Shuba.I wonder if Matt will find his Mother? Find out in this book written and illustrated by Thomas.

Transcript of The Magical Wizard

Page 1: The Magical Wizard

The Magical Wizard





Written  and  Illustrated  by  Thomas  

Page 2: The Magical Wizard

There  once  lived  a  little  wizard  called  Matt.  He  lived  with  his  parents  called  Patsy  and  Robert  and  was  very  naughty  at  school  and  home.

Page 3: The Magical Wizard

One  day  he  put  a  curse  on  his  Mother  but  it  wasn’t  a  good  curse,  it  was  a  curse  that  took  his  Mother  to  a  different  land  called  Shuba.  So  then  Matt  put  the  curse  on  his  Dad  and  himself  and  they  got  into  Shuba.  

Page 4: The Magical Wizard


Then  they  searched  for  Mother  behind  trashcans  and  in  sidestreets.  “Mum,  Mum  are  you  there?”  Matt  was  really  scared.  Then  suddenly  a  shadow  popped  out.  It  was  his  Mother!  Together  they  searched  for  a  way  out  of  Shuba  but  they  couldn’t  find  anything.

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They  searched  and  searched.  They  needed  to  find  something  quick.  Just  then  Dad  found  a  gate  in  a  side  street.  He    went  inside.  It  was  a  gate  to  a  different  and  weird  world.  

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Soon  they  were  all  through  the  gate.  They  looked  desperately  but  they  couldn’t  find  anything  that  looked  like  a  way  home.  They  asked  people  but  they    spoke  a  strange  language  and  couldn’t  understand.

Page 7: The Magical Wizard

All at once the three of them saw a hole in the ground. They peered into it and saw their home. Matt called ‘1,2,3!’ They jumped into the hole and before they knew it they

were home. And they lived happily ever after.

Page 8: The Magical Wizard

Oh  No!    Matt  has  put  a  curse  on  his  Mother  that’s  taken  her  to  theland  of  Shuba.  

I  wonder  if  Matt  will  find  his  Mother?  Find  out  in  this  great  book  written  and  illustrated  by  Thomas.