The Magic of Cornwall Photo Journal - Issue One

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  • 8/6/2019 The Magic of Cornwall Photo Journal - Issue One


    David Carvey Photography Photo Journal Issue One Summer 2011

    The Magic of Cornwall .a lifetime of memories

    Golitha Falls Panororama

  • 8/6/2019 The Magic of Cornwall Photo Journal - Issue One


    The Magic of Cornwall Photo Journal

    Issue One Summer 2011

    Welcome to the first issue of my new e-book venture. I will be using this format

    to share some of my favourite images and also give you a little insight into

    what motivated me to make them. As this is the first issue I have selected

    images from the last 6 months which I have found personally satisfying. I hope

    you will like them as well.

    Sandymouth, situated to the north of Bude on the north Cornish coast isprobably one of my favourite locations. It's what I call a 'Photographers Beach'

    in that it provides a variety of images, from wide-angle coastal vistas, sunset

    shots and some fascinating rock formations that allow you to capture more

    intimate details.

    This particular formation caught my eye because of the way the rock strata is

    broken up by vertical and horizontal fissures, but what I really like about it is its

    beautiful colour. The colour pallette is resticted to pastel blues and greys

    which for me have a quiet understated beauty. The overcast light has meant

    there are no deep shadows to obscure the detail and every facet is revealed.

    It took miilions of years to form and after the effects of erosion and weatheringhas been sculpted into a beautiful artifact.

    Page Two Nikon D300 - 18-70mm lens @ 52mm - 1/6th second @ f10

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    Bluebell Wood Impression

    I love the art of the French Impressionists and this image is by way of an homage to this style. Created by moving the

    camera during the exposure the resulting image has an ethereal quality which I find captivating. Bluebells, though not

    restricted in their habitat to England have an indefinable Englishness to them. Most often found in woodlands during April

    and May they lift your spirits when you come across them. Maybe that has something to do with the emerging Spring or

    perhaps as we stand there, surrounded by colour with only the sounds of the birds to break up the perfect silence, only

    then are we truly at one with nature.

    Page Three Nikon D300 18-70mm lens @ 38mm - sec @ f14

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    Winter Sunrise Lostwithiel Overlook

    This particular viewpoint is not very far from my home, probably about a 15 minute car journey, so although the forecast was for a frosty start to the

    day I was less inclined to forego the pleasure of a lie-in and set out for this shoot. This image was made about 5 minutes after the sun had broken

    the horizon and although partially overcast there was enough of a break in the clouds to illuminate the scene. I think the panoramic style suits this

    image perfectly as it represents the vista exactly as I saw it. I can feel the cold of the day as I view this picture but it also reminds me of the pleasure

    I had in witnessing an unfolding scene of one of natures' symphonies.

    Page Four Nikon D300 Stitched Panoramic composite of 6 images

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    Winter Oak Respryn Bridge

    I have visited this oak tree on many occasions

    and find its quiet majesty a deeply satisfying

    experience. I like the way it stands there in the

    centre of the meadow, steadfast, solid and

    dependable. Surrounded by lesser trees which

    seem to acknowledge its pre-eminence.

    Winter, for me is a time to take stock, to reflect

    on my photographic successes and on my

    failures. It is also a time to look forward in

    anticipation of the coming year and what that

    may bring.

    Page Five Nikon D300 10-20mm lens @ 16mm - 1/25th sec @ f16

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    Sunset Treyarnon Bay, Near Padstow, North Cornwall

    Page Six Nikon D300 10-20mm lens @ 10mm 0.3 secs @ f16

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    Sunset Lundy Bay, Near Polzeath, North Cornwall

    Page Seven Nikon D300 18-70mm lens @ 55mm 3secs @ f22

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    Sunset Polzeath, North Cornwall

    Page Eight Nikon D300 18-70mm lens @ 29mm 1/20 sec @ f14

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    Rural View from Castle-an-Dinas

    This is a location I 'discovered' recently after reading David and Sarah Chapmans excellent book 'Iconic

    Cornwall'. It was strange that I had overlloked it as it is only 15 minutes drive from my home. What I found were

    glorious views and a wealth of flora, so this picture combines those elements into one image.

    Page Nine Nikon D300 10-20mm lens @18mm 1/80 sec @ f16

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    Ocasionally I am at a location and am so engrossed in making an image

    that time seems to stand still and in this image I hope to convey that

    impression. I had decided to head off to Treyarnon Bay in the late

    afternoon and was walking the coastal footpath between Treyarnon and

    Constantine Bays when I cam across this scene. Yes it is very simple and

    could probably have been taken at any number of similar locations, but

    that is what I like about it, its lack of specific location information meansthe viewer does not have any visual clues to latch on to. This scene is also

    not time specific it could have been taken this year, 10 years ago or if you

    were able to time travel 2000 years ago, the scene would have been

    substantially the same. What the image represents to me is Time, the

    passing of time has not impinged itself upon these rocks or the waves that

    continue to break on them.

    Page Ten Nikon D300 105mm lens 30 secs @ f14

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    Sea and Sky

    Now this seems like a simple image that anyone

    could take using virtually any type of camera,

    and in many ways it is, but that very simplicity

    hides the technique so well that what comes

    through is the serenity of the scene. Within the

    composition there are no distractions and no

    pointers to direct the viewers eye. There is verylittle contrast and because of the slow speed the

    shutter was set to there is a softening of the

    movement in the clouds and sea. There is

    however a definite line on the horizon dividing

    the two elements. I have this picture printed large

    and hung on my wall and I find I can look at it

    and feel relaxed, I do not have to concentrate

    on any detail and I just look at the whole picture.

    Now I know that there are many who will not like

    this picture, for whatever reason and that is aperfectly valid position to take but for me

    personally, photography is not just about

    duplicating what you see before you but is also

    about mood, emotion and feeling.

    Page Eleven Nikon D300 18-55mm lens @ 56mm 0.4 sec @ f16

  • 8/6/2019 The Magic of Cornwall Photo Journal - Issue One


    Woodland Walk Respryn Woods

    This image was made one early Autumn morning. There was a layering of mist still clinging to the ground

    which made for an atmospheric feel to the image. There wasn't a soul about this early in the morning and I

    revelled in the solitude.

    Page Twelve Nikon D300 18-70mm lens @56mm 1.6 secs @ f13

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    Twilight Northcott Mouth, Near Bude, North Cornwall

    This is an image made at sunset, but it doesn't include the sun. This image is about texture and light, the viewer

    can concentrate on the interplay of the light on the waves, rocks and sand and the textures of these

    elements rather than on the source of the light.

    Page Thirteen Nikon D300 18-70mm lens @18mm 0.4secs @ f14

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    Morning Has Broken

    This is a simple scene, a bank of cloud with the a rising sun over the sea, and as I was setting up on the seafront at Looe I

    wasn't expecting a great deal to happen. Then suddenly the whole scene transformed in front of my eyes as light rays

    burst above and below the cloud as the sun started to rise through the cloud. What a wonderful start to the day.

    Page Fourteen Nikon D300 18-70mm lens @ 65mm 1/800 sec @ f9

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    After Dawn Portnadler Bay

    Dawn on a cold frosty morning is an absolute gift to a photographer. The clear crisp air lends a clarity to the scene and

    very ofen you have the advantage having the landscape to yourself. This image was made about a half hour after

    dawn and the sun had risen above the cloud bank and the landscape was starting to show some beautiful colours.

    Rather than go down on to the beach, as the tide was full in, I set the camera up by the fence that overlooks the bay

    and made this image. Notice the frosted vegetation in the foreground and the hint of pink in the clouds on the horizon.

    Page Fifteen Nokon D300 10-20mm lens at 14mm 1/6 sec@ f14

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    Morning Mist Cardinham Woods

    Getting out of bed on a cold winters morning can sometimes be a bit of a chore, but on this day as soon as I

    saw that the morning had started with ground frost and a layering of mist, that was all I needed to give me

    the impetus I needed to get going. After taking a number of woodland images in the first hour the sun had

    risen just far enough to light up the mist. Working quickly as I knew this scene would only last for a couple of

    minutes I made this image.

    Page Sixteen Nikon D300 18 70mm lens @ 70mm 1/13 sec @ f16

  • 8/6/2019 The Magic of Cornwall Photo Journal - Issue One


    The Magic of Cornwall Photo Journal Issue One Summer 2011

    Thank you for downloading this first e-book edition of my Photo Journal. I hope to be producing

    new issues on a quarterly schedule, starting from September, so to receive advance notification

    sign up formy newsletter here. The photo journal will remain free to download for personal use but I

    have plans to produce more substantial works which will be of interest to photographers and

    visitors to our beautiful county alike.

    If you would like to view more of my images of Cornwall then my website galleries, containing

    over 2500 images can be viewed here.

    My Daily Photo Blog showcases a new or archive picture on each post.

    Follow me on

    The Magic of Cornwall .a lifetime of memories

    Terms and Conditions

    The Magic of Cornwall Photo Journal by David Carvey is licensed under a

    Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.!/magiccornwall