The magazine for Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe … · The magazine for Great & Little Plumstead,...

Church: April 2017 Edion CHURCH and PARISH The magazine for Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe End & Witton

Transcript of The magazine for Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe … · The magazine for Great & Little Plumstead,...


April 2017 Edition


The magazine for

Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe End & Witton


A Who’s Who of the Church in the Plumsteads St Mary’s Great Plumstead, Saints Gervase and Protase Little Plumstead,

St David’s Thorpe End and St Margaret’s Witton

Priest in Charge

Rev. Darleen Plattin The Rectory 9 Lawn Crescent Thorpe End NR13 5BP Tel 01603 300093 [email protected]

Reader (Lay Minister)

Jenny Barnard 'Jenny is currently on sabbatical leave'.


Lindy Doherty 15 Barker Way Thorpe End NR13 5EZ Tel: 01603 438070 [email protected]


Jan Beaumont, 4 Boulton Road, Thorpe St Andrew, NR7 0DF Tel: 01603 461360

Great Plumstead Churchwarden

David Jacobs The Nurseries Smee Lane Gt Plumstead NR13 5AX Tel: 01603 433687

Little Plumstead Churchwarden

There are two churchwarden vacancies at Little Plumstead

Thorpe End Churchwarden

There are two churchwarden vacancies at Thorpe End

Witton Churchwardens

Jane Hood Cherry Tree Farm Witton Lane Witton NR13 5DW

David Wheeler Appletree Farm Smee Lane Great Plumstead NR13 5AX Tel: 01603 431500

If you have recently moved into our villages and would like to know more about your local churches, please contact your local churchwarden

As always, Darleen is available to visit at home or in hospital, whether you are ill, recovering, or just want to see someone, please telephone. If you have a prayer request please let her know either by phone, email or through her letter box. Alternatively leave them at the back of one of the churches. If you are unable to get to church and would like communion at home please let her know. Enquires for Baptisms, Thanksgiving services, Weddings and Services of Blessing or Thanksgiving after a Civil Marriage ceremony are always welcome please telephone or email for an initial chat. On the sad occasion of a bereavement please do contact her or ask the undertaker to do so, Darleen is available to come and discuss your wish-es for a funeral service in Church, the Crematorium or Colney wood. Contact details are above


From the Rectory April 2017

Dear Friends, Many of you will have received Easter Eggs at some point in your life, you may be looking forward to getting one this year, but I wonder how many of you have experienced the disappointment of an Easter egg? You get given a box which is usually bigger than the egg, it’s bright and col-ourful and you think great, then you open the box and take out the egg in its shiny wrapper, and you are full of expectation so you take off the wrapper and break open the egg expecting to find something inside it but nearly al-ways it is empty, just a hollow egg. It’s like an empty promise, you are full of expectation and then nothing and you feel a bit let down. Easter is about emptiness but instead of promises full of emptiness in the death burial and resurrection of Christ, God gave us emptiness that is full of promise. The emptiness of the Cross gives us the forgiveness of sin. It promises us that our sin is atoned for and our penalty paid. God’s Word tells us that the ‘wages of sin is death.’ When Christ died on the cross he paid the ‘wages of sin.’ When wages are paid there is nothing more to pay. You see as the Scriptures teach ‘all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God’ – all – that includes you and me. We have fallen short, we have sinned and the wages, the debt owed by each of us is ‘death’. But the empty cross promises us that the wages have been paid. God’s wrath has been satisfied and our sin atoned for by the death of Jesus. God by his love for us showed his love that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. The emptiness of the tomb that gives us Life. The empty tomb speaks of resurrection life. Paul says this in 1 Corinthians 15.20 ‘Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep.’ his resurrection promises our resurrection. Because he is risen we also will be raised from the dead. The empty tomb is full of promise – the promise of res-urrection life for all who believe and trust in Christ Jesus. We celebrate a ris-en Saviour who gave us victory over the world. We celebrate our eternal life. The emptiness of the clothes give us the promise of His return. The empty grave clothes speak to us of the promise of fellowship with Christ and of his return He is no longer dead. He is no longer limited by an earthly hu-man body. While he walked this earth only those who were physically and geographically close to him could have fellowship with him. Until the resur-rection he could not be in two places at once. Once raised from the dead he is able to have fellowship by His Holy Spirit with all men, in all places and at all times and one day he will return in all his glory.

Christ has died, Christ is Risen, Christ will come again, this is the promise of Easter, this is the promise of the Emptiness. So empty Easter eggs are not a disappointment they are a great reminder of what Easter is all about. Jesus Christ is Risen, He is risen indeed Alleluia. Celebrate the emptiness this Easter. Yours in Christ



Parish Council Report 13th March 2017 at Little Plumstead V. H. The Meeting. Cllr. J. Wiley in the chair. Summary scratchings by Cllr. Cawdron. Notes only, not minutes. Weather and daylight conditions improving. Matters Arising and Chairman’s Items. Walled Garden Meetings have continued but clearance of vegetation has not. Developer will be contacted but has now to be very careful of “knowingly disturbing nesting birds” which is a pity and could place clearance back to September. Proposals for a Community Shop at the Glades have been discussed with the Hospital. It was noted that some members have photographic record of the Garden. Next Public Community Meeting possible at Plumstead School evening 24th April 2017. First SAM traffic control Location Salhouse Road, Little Plumstead has taken place and results downloaded. Next location, Church Road Gt Plumstead to be followed by Plumstead Rd Thorpe End. The Plumstead Road Roundabout (20161873) near Dussindale Drive. Parish and TEGVRA have submitted their roundabout proposal to Broadland and contact continues with Bovis regarding the ‘ransom strip’. In response to Q’s from the floor the current position regarding street lighting provision for new developments was explained and Parish agreed to contact the EA and AW regarding the damage to wildlife at The Glades Little Plumstead lake. The matter of the Witton Run obstruction was also to be questioned. Decorative bricks salvage from the Hall had yet to be achieved despite developer promises. This again would be followed up. Pension provision for the Office of the Clerk to the Parish, (T Scott), was proposed and approved. TEGV Village Hall grass cut dispute was voted upon and monies agreed as a final settlement. Police Report: To find reports, go to NDR Liaison Group. Bridge Beam lifts for the Rail Bridge crossing would cause some disruption as they were delivered to the site location. Train Services would also be impacted as they were lifted into place.. Residents can sign up for news and progress reports via the NCC website [email protected]. Residents may use this site for updated information. County Council Report. Cllr. Mackie noted several items of highways interest with provisional dates for Broadland Drive mini roundabout and footpath works programmed for August this year. Chris Mayes of NCC has been asked to help with the unsatisfactory unsafe location of the Plumsteads post box. He is following up on the NDR tree line debate and whether this could be moved higher to help with the landscape and screening. Parish may also start to consider 1918 commemoration services. Councillor Mackie is standing for re-election in the forthcoming May elections and thanked parishioners for their actions and support. Many parties to the meeting requested attention to potholes and these would be reported to NCC. Use the NCC website, go to District Council Report. Cllr. Vincent) reported with an update on the Council matters and provided an update on proposals for the Rosebery Road exception site. Density was set for 22 of which 8 were affordable. Church Road junction improvements are an essential potentially combined with slow down techniques. Laurel Farm Link Road is not yet resolved (20141851) Salhouse Road (20160498) for 803 dwellings to North and West of Thorpe End outline


approved, has been joined by 20170104, adding a proposed 380 dwellings. Parish have forwarded objections in that Policy issues were not being upheld, the promised separation around Thorpe End had been lost, the link road alignments differed between the applications, but neither delivered the connection to the Plumstead Road, via site GT8. (The triangular field site). Independant Audits on BDC finances has gained good approvals. Parish Council. NCC to be asked about Postwick Hub monitoring in respect of delays at the Traffic Lights at peak times. It was noted that the SAM 2 data regarding traffic volumes (as well as speeds) may prove increasingly valuable for the Villages In the coming months. May Day Fair Ist May 12.00 to 16.00 at Gt Plumstead Playing Fields for Plumstead School. BDC have asked Parish about Village Hall(s) Emergency Use. Cllr Edwards reported on recent Search and Rescue mission at Little Plumstead and the thanks received for allowing the facility to be used by the Police and Search Teams during this unfortunate episode. Parish Council in general agreement although 24 hour key contact was not necessarily possible. The 51 bus route change. Parish have written to Konectbus regarding loss of service route via Harvey Lane meaning that residents from the Plumstead Villages could no longer access Thorpewood Surgery or the Heartsease Precinct via the hourly bus. Konectbus have responded saying they had received request for a Sainsbury’s routing. Who asked for that remains a mystery? New timetables for the replacement 5B and 5C have not yet been posted at Thorpe end. The dog fouling problem in Great Plumstead and particularly the Playing fields and Playground was discussed. It was agreed that further and larger notices should be displayed with the warning that if the problem persisted with its impact upon playing teams and children, then the area might be closed to all dogs and a prohibition notice obtained. Discussion about fencing off the playground for safety and protection also took place. An inconsiderate minority are in danger of spoiling life for the majority. But Council will take action to protect these facilities if the prob-lem persists. Volunteers for a community speed watch team were requested. Parish Council would be writing to BDC in response to the Scoping Opinion request (20170248) for the 320 dwellings proposed to the North of Smee Lane emphasizing the need for an effective Environmental Impact Statement and the cumulative site issues for transport, noise and traffic pollution from the adjoining NDR. The site is part of The Growth Triangle AAP site allocations so yet more agicultural land, in this case Grade 1 (Excellent) and Grade 2 (Very good), is to be lost. Financial items and Precept. The normal items of cost, wages and invoices were approved and cleared. Community Infrastructure Levy monies. Feasibility planning for Gt Plumstead VH Changing rooms; CIL changing rooms proposals has received complete rework. CIL group to meet to discuss. Defibrillator TEGV. Walled Garden and Village Shop. Next Meeting. 1900 hrs Monday 10th April 2017 at Great Plumstead Village Hall. All are welcome to attend Parish Council Meetings and discussions or contact the Parish via email at [email protected]


Great and Little Plumstead WI For the March meeting 24 members went out for a carvery lunch together. A very good time was had by all and it was an opportunity for us to get to know our newer members. We then went to Gt. Plumstead village hall for the meeting and discussed the W.I. Resolutions. This was followed by tea, biscuits and chat. The next meeting in April will be a beetle drive. Visitors and friends will be welcome to join us.

MAY DAY FAYRE The friends of Little Plumstead Church of England VA Primary school are organising their annual Fayre on Monday May 1st from 12noon-4pm at Great Plumstead Village hall. Stalls, and entertainment, as well as a Grand Prize raffle, food and refreshments.

The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Little Plumstead Church will be held on Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 at 7.30pm in Little Plumstead Church. Any items for the agenda should be notified to the Secretary and supported by short brief by the 24th April 2017 by email to [email protected], or by post to 'Talgarth', 57 Blofield Corner Road, Blofield Heath, Norwich. NR13 4SA Gerry Jarvis Chair and Treasurer

Gt. & Lt. Plumstead & District Horticultural Society The March meeting welcomed Mr Richard Hobbs who explained all about propagation showing us how to take cuttings and germinate seeds giving advice and information on many plants and what and when to do it. He then answered several questions from members afterwards. A very enjoyable and informative meeting. The flower of the month was won by Jean Sheldrake. The next meeting on Monday 3rd April 2017 will be at St David’s Thorpe End at 7.30 pm and the speaker will be Bill LeGrice on “All there is to know about roses”. The flower of the month can be one of members own choice. NB:: This will also be the Spring Table Show and staging is available from 6.30 pm onwards. The meeting on Monday 1st May 2017 is at Great Plumstead village hall at 7.30 pm which will be “Own Members Entertainment”. The plant stall will be starting up from April onwards so please bring along any plants you may have surplus to your requirements. Garden visits have been arranged for a full programme this year together with two weekends visiting places of interest which everyone is much looking forward to.


Down 1. Tapers (7) 2. Inexperienced (5) 3. Frozen water (3) 4. Personify (6) 5. Decorative covering (9) 6. Photographic film (7) 7. Synthetic silk like fabric (5) 11.Short accounts of incidents (9) 14. Quashed (7) 16. Private place with peace and quiet (7) 17. Marine mammal (6) 18. Alleviates (5) 20. Emblem (5) 22. Nothing (3)

Across 1. Entrust (7) 5. Small thin biscuit (5) 8. Dissonance (5) 9. Projecting upper floor (7) 10. The sheltered side (7) 12. Unvarnished (5) 13. Scheme (6) 15. Become visible (6) 18. Flowed back (5) 19. Athlete (7) 21. Hinged window blind (7) 22. Slight push (5) 23. Two or more contesting groups (5) 24. Striking (7)

Solutions on page 18










The Rambling Group Thanks to Juliet, for leading a very enjoyable walk, in March. The walk on Saturday, 6 May, will be lead by Sarah, at Mangreen. From Norwich take A 140 Ipswich Road, past Tesco. At roundabout take 3rd exit for half a mile. At road sign on left, turn right. After three quarters of a mile, Mangreen Hall Farmhouse, is on the left. Park there. Meet 1.45 for 2pm start. It is an easy 4 mile walk. Refreshment, at the Farmhouse afterwards. ALL WELCOME. For further details contact Freda :- 01603 700 623 or 07969 419 450

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those held by, the editor, Incumbent or the PCC.

Letter to the Editor


The EU regs on the sale of cabbage don't take 26,911

words. This is a myth.

Please check your facts - even for fun. The truth is-

n't relative. Sloppy thinking and ignorance are get-

ting the world into a lot of trouble at the moment.


John Alison

Whilst I am very pleased to receive mail the one above is not always the kind I would prefer. Firstly I apologise for giving false information that would never be my aim. As Editor it is my job to ‘put together’ information received from various groups, committees etc. Unfortunately I do not receive the exact amount to fill the required space so the need to extract information from other sources is required to stop a magazine going out with random blank spaces. This information is usually sourced as was the article mentioned above from an organisation that the Church and Parish subscribe to for ‘magazine fillers’ To help prevent this happening again I welcome articles, letters etc. that we can use within the magazine on the occasions needed.



Thorpe End WI In February we celebrated Thorpe End WI's 59th birthday, welcoming members, including two of our founder members, and guests with a glass of Schloer, and then being entertained by the West End Waiters from Watton. They sang a selection of songs, plus poems, a short sketch written by Victoria Wood, a piano solo and a medley of songs by the Two Ronnies. They were very amusing and we all found their song about the WI particularly funny. Tables laden with food, plus birthday cake, also contributed to our enjoyment. At our April meeting, to be held at 7.15pm on the 20th, Paula Hughes from the RNLI will be talking about the lifeboat institution past at present. Founded in 1824, it has saved over 140,000 lives, and we are sure to hear some inspiring stories of courage. Members wishing to enter the competition should bring along a sea scene. We meet in St David's Church Hall, generally on the 3rd Thursday of the month, for a prompt 7.15 pm start. Members, friends and visitors are welcome to attend any talk they feel might interest them, the details of which can be found on our poster in Thorpe End Post Office, or by phoning Rosemary on 01603 435123 or Carole on 434228

Weekly activities in the villages At Great Plumstead VH - Dance classes (various types), art group, yoga, table tennis, western dance and toddlers group. For information contact Maggie Johnson 01603 720720

At Thorpe End VH: Dance classes for children and adults, short mat bowls, yoga, Jumping Jacks Gym Club and BabyFit. For information, contact the Secretary on 07810 076021. Website:

At St David’s Church: Bridge, Pins & Needles, Photography, Horticultural Club, Pre-School (Monday - Friday), Italian classes, WI and Parish Council meetings. Ring Jeanette Batch 01603 439449 for details

At Little Plumstead Village Hall : a range of dance classes for all ages and all abilities. Ballroom and Latin Dancing for adults of all abilities. Please contact the village hall for more details.

50 years ago:- on 8th April 1967 the UK won the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time, with the song ‘Puppet on a String’ sung by Sandie Shaw. The contest was held in Vienna, Austria. How will we fair this year?


Solution on page 18


I was standing in line at the bank when there was a commotion at the counter. A woman was very distressed, exclaiming, ‘Where will I put my money?! I have all my money and my mortgage here!! What will happen to my mortgage?! You can’t do this to us!’ It turned out that she had misunderstood a small sign on the coun-ter. The sign read: WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR GOOD FRIDAY.

The passenger tapped the cab driver on the shoulder to ask him something. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the pavement, and stopped inches from a department store window. For a second everything went quiet in the cab, then the driver said, ‘Look mate, don't ever do that again. You scared me half to death!’ The passenger apologized and said he hadn’t realized that just a little tap could scare him so much. The driver replied, ‘You're right. I'm sorry. Really, it's not your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver. I've been driving a hearse for 25 years.’








A father of five children came home with a toy. “This is a reward for being good,” he said. “Who is the most obedient one here? Who never talks back to Mum and does everything that Mum says to

do?” There were a few seconds of silence, and then all of the children said: “You play with it Daddy!”



Little Plumstead Church of England CE VA School would like to share some of the events and activities which have taken place at our school during this month. We hope you enjoy reading these articles.

DRESSING UP FOR WORLD BOOK DAY - 2ND MARCH 2017 On 2nd March 2017 all pupils and staff dress up as their favourite book character for World Book Day. Each child was given a £1 book token to spend either on one of the special World Book Day books to go towards the purchase of another book

WHAT IS R.E.? The children in school have been discussing R.E. and what it means to them and we have also asked parents for their views of R.E. as well. We had a good response which have been shared with the governors on our Ethos and Vision Committee.

POPPY APPEAL In November the school sold poppies and wristbands to raise funds for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. We have been advised by the Royal British Legion that we raised £243.95.


Following the government changes to the Primary National Curriculum in September 2014, the school ran parent information evenings for those parents of the children affected to provide information and guidance on the changes to and expectations of the Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) and to answer any questions that parents might have.

PARENT COFFEE MORNINGS Once a month we hold a Coffee Morning for parents. There is a different theme each month covering different aspects of school life. It is also an opportunity for parents to meet and chat to other parents in an informal setting. This month we sought parents’ views on our annual school reports.

JUSTICE - HOME SCHOOL VALUES Each term, the children will be learning about different values, both in school

and at home. This term the children have been learning about Justice.


Learning – Playing – Growing Little Teds – From 18 months

(with parents/carers) Big Teds – Fvrom 2yrs 6mths

Tel: 07880 870 757

Church & Parish is delivered free to approximately 1400 homes in the Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe End & Witton Area. Advertise here for only £3.50 per word per year. Alternatively ask about a 1/8, 1/4,1/2 or full page boxes.



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Editor’s Note The next issue of Church & Parish will be for May 2017

Please submit your items BEFORE the 15th April to: [email protected]

Distribution Note Please contact Mike & Patricia Blythe if you have any queries regarding

the distribution of Church & Parish. Telephone 01603 721100

Church Services 2

nd April 5

th Sunday of Lent

9.30am Lt Plumstead Holy Communion 11.00am Thorpe End First Sunday Worship 5.00 pm Gt Plumstead Come with the Family


April Palm Sunday 9.30am Witton Holy Communion 11.00am Thorpe End Holy Communion


April Maundy Thursday 8.30am Thorpe End Holy Communion


April Good Friday 10.00am Thorpe End Liturgy with Holy Communion 2.00pm Lt Plumstead An hour before the cross


April Easter Day 9.30am Lt Plumstead Holy Communion 11.00am Thorpe End Holy Communion


April 2nd

Sunday of Easter 11.00am Gt. Plumstead Benefice Holy Communion


April 3rd

Sunday of April 11.00am Thorpe End All Together for Worship


May 4th

Sunday of Easter 9.30am Lt Plumstead Holy Communion 11.00am Thorpe End First Sunday Worship 5.00 pm Gt Plumstead Come with the Family

We look forward to welcoming you to one of the services.