The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State...

The M. A. C. RECORD. INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET. The :H1II11:l1 meet will be hrlll ill .:..., C. 011 Satu r- day of this wee k, iUld an ullusually la r ge nUlIlher of schools will he represellted. Th ese yOlLn;.!" rn ... n arc n:prescnl:ltin: s from some of ollr best high ;;(:hooI5 in the slate, and as ou r visitors will be cnter· l:JiIlCt\ while.- hen-, :;0 paills will he spared to make this a d:l)' kll!):(" to be rememher ed h\' them . Each of the !lwn';; 50cietic:s wil! co-ope r ate with the nth1t:tic dep ... rt- menl. allli will report :lS to how m:Hly can be entertained. Thl.: lIsual H\ \ ';l rds will h{' g:i\'c n TO the winllers, ,111(1 additiunal prizl's may he pro\ "idcd hy the societies . An effo rt will be nqde to shol\ the visitors :thOIIl the GOUpil;; ;\nd f :lTIll alill through the va ri OIiS buil{l- iugs \\ hilc they an: hen·, MEMORIAL DAY AT M. A. C. It is peculiarly fittill;.!" that :\1. A. C, shouhlilo hono r to the hcroc" of the rchellion, IIcr first cla"" was uIHtnirnoush- ,k·dicuted to the prer;eI"v:ltion of t-he uniOlI.and Ihese !\lcn took their phll.:es ill thl· r;!llks of those who ofh·n::{1 up th l·ir lin:s that the nation might li\·l·. 011 the thre5h ol(1 of a c:1l1il1:,:" peculi<lrly de- l'Oled to peace, they \Iere sudde nl y laundled into :I mor;t bitter alld bloOlh· "·:Ir. \\"ith :111 thL· dei:'si- WdL'S'of that fi"rl:c :;trllg::.rlc wc arc familiar ihro u).!"h 5011g- :Ind ... w r_" if 1\01 from a ctu al e:xpcrinc ... , ,lIld Ihe ]In,s ... nt ;.:cnl·ratioll witllessc-d tilt" passing" of those hittcr "e(tiOlwi prejudices Ilt:1t.,; O Ion).:" surl"ivcd the real conftin . "'1('mOrlal tilly is as]lecially titl ing" occasion, 1101 only 10 co mmr(1)or:tH! the deeds ;!nd par [o, · ing" trillllk to the p:llriotislll of the 11:l(iol1's heroic deall, b ut :1\ the sa me lime lore· n c\\" our ;tlleg:iancl' to those prinei. pie" for which the stars allli st ripe s sl:tnd, ;llld to lake !>Iock nlle\l of ou r belief ill the n·ri!y I! f cons tituti onal go\"(.'rnmcnl. T he RE COR U pride in an- nouncing that :\lel11 o r illl Dar of the pn'sen t ye ar most fitting-I)" oh- se rn·d . The reg-i ment:ll pllra(\t: of the c:ldets formed all :tppropri:lte prelude to Ihe c:xcrcis<,s in the :lr · mon·, which consisted of several nUllibcrs by Ihe college qUllrtette and IUl :lddrl'S5 by :\lr. H .:'I I. :\im- 1110, edi t or of the· Ihlr oit ."·(lllIn/ay \\'hen :\Ir, :'-.'immo ted aWl! )' fr OIll the \\"cll belltel\ paths of thought on such occasions, he did no less hOllor to those in whose memo ry the day W;lS established, but rllthcr argued for the pres cn·at ion lind perpetu- ation of th at for which thcir sal: ri- fices werc made, It is well to be r emi nded lhat we h'1\·c enemies in OU T midst: enemies of ollr eOlln tr y morc elusivc and more in sidious, yes, and marc dangerous thll11 any whi ch mar co me from without. The shadow of ana r chy lurks ill our midst; the godless s pirit of dis- ruption has found lodgement among us , and, a ll un-Ameri can as it is, MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. E.-L'IT T UESDAY, .ll 'XE tfl1:t w ou ld dr a;.:- down the gentle g-0(1- dcs;;; pr"s id illg 0\' <:1' our de;ainies and 'U1nihi.1a!e the sca les of justice, :\1 r. :\"immo tiLt! well 10 point out these thing" In the yOI:ng men who ape just g-Oill.!! Ollt fr OIll h:t1ls to lake Iheir pbces in Ihe rall).;s of Atlleric:lll citiz cn s, <In(l 1(.1 be then· ellll rgl·d with respons ibil. ities thall th e lot of who the hlue in the dl\\">' uf thc Rl ,hclliotl. . Thl' 01 1I10ucrn imlu!;- tri:llism, thc (! r ced gaill, lmd t he Ion· of luxur\" \\"ilh freedom fr om toil, tugL,ther the and milit1'l!l cy of organized I:!hor :Ire, likL' the f:llIled gi:mt6 of old. enc lilies of men, worthy of the sted of :'II. _\. C:s most \-;l\i:l llt knigh'·" Tr:lllts. \\"l ' :I re gl:ld tlwt :'Ifr. :\"immo camc to liS Oll thi s occllsioll. \ \'c to h<.· :Irollsed in the millst nf our prospe rit ." and f:lncied secur- ity to the immin.::nC(· of impending <l:l tl ).:"er. O,' cr the g-ravc:; of our honored deaci let liS pledg-e :Wi'W ou r failh in Ihe cUllslitulioll :lntl its illterpn·tl'rs, an.l enlist aClilcly and fur li fc in the ca u se of goOlI govern- mell\. INTER-SOCIETY DEBATE. u,· dcfe:tting- the Feroni:lIls in (Ie],:;,c !:oS! \\-l '(\n es(\ay aiLernooll, the te:l n1 representing- SCSl'Hnl· lit- er:lry societ. now holds lirst pla<"< .: ill I he ;::-irls' co nll·st for the inte r- "OCid\" (UP off('reti by Prof, John- Slon, Those of the hOI·s· 11 1- ten::Sted in this arc: til·_ Olympi t·, _\thcllileUlll, Delphi c, Ionian Pln·kan, Eunomi:1I1 :md Colul)1hiall," UnJune 4 the Delphic "o(·iell' rneclS th.., and thc Ecil-e ii( and Eunombll:> will also e llg:a::,:-e in lkb:lte:1 lillIe bter . The winners of these two "erni-fillaL, \l"ill tlh'n mel"! each to deter· Illine the winne r in Ihe hoy'" COIl- The Sesame tC;1I11 is re:l(l\· to meet thc winning tl.·:tlll in the I)O\'S' contl.'st Whl'nc,·e r they arc rca:!)", amlthc t'in:l! debate for Ihe beauti- fill. trvphy should be a m ost intc r- estmg Olll", The \llIrious teamS hal·c heen w orki ng: hard on the subject of t he hOllo r s,·stcm, and the excellent de- bates h- lit g:i,·c further :tssuran c" that IJ1en.' is excelle llt m.lteri:li at :--'1. A. C, for f utu re contests , Tit,· : 1l1ll 0unceme nt th:lt :\1. A. C, wi ll debat e l\linncsota Univc r sity ;lnil low:! Sl,l\e has had much to do with the increased interest in t his important fe:lUlre of the college work, PROF. BABCOCK PASSES AWAY. \\·c rc:,:"ret to allllouncc th e de:ilh of Prof. " -arrl·n l.b bcock, of the class of 'go, al his home on Ahhot ':\I-e .. Ihis mo rning 11\ ten o'clock . Prof. Bahcock 11:1S been connccted wi th the <1epllrtm..,1H of math emat i cs sincc g radua tion, aud in ch:trgc of his department since t909. Furt.he r :mnounce nll" nt wi ll be made next week. OLD GRADUATES WHO WILL ATTEND THE REUNION , JUNE 25 th. IS6i · Strange, In b\ ' or of propOSItIOn!', A. (;. (;1111.: )',_': X" ohje(tiolls to I,:! and S' Think rules ;ti rl';lch lake care of o. Xot fa,·orabl e to 3, D ecidcdl)· Oppose(1 La -l- and 7 (:Ike!! t01{el her ." t :$()9' C/I<1r1e.' E. /,'f.> J·' Y.-" I hupe tht'se pr oposi t ions will hl' acceptcd h)' thc· alumni. I am especially f:I\·- o rcd to _ '\0. +" ,$7°, . 1. fl. I"'illll l')' . f:.,','r(}}l D(I:'id /I,J/slt'wl, IS73 Belljamill T. i/al.llcad,_\·ott's ,. ye6,'" eXl·ept:lS tochange of lIamc, He docs nOt w:tnt to drop the word ,. Agricuhu ra l" from thc !lamc of the CoIleg"l', nor docs he ,>ce lIny g:ood n, aSOll for the other propo5cd ch:lngc_ ., T Ill" old name s :I rl' good enough for Illl·:' Fra'l!.- Carpelll,.,·,_'1 lcxpecl St·n T. lIal stca,Lo f Petoskey, dOwn with me. IS'I· (;c/Jrgc fV. 11 ,.(>:/'11 . Jay will be thre e in pl1rty, l Si) ' II. ft' lIf1d._ ls ill fa\·or of propositions, I,'. II. Frn!d.' 7- AII!II \._ \\-ilt tr y ;Inti meet with \·011. loS,G, 1/ '. J. SI"s.<.- T hl'rc will hL · two in his party, They expect to clrh'e dowll in Iheir car. j. E. Tay/or ._ '· :\" ot noted f or hut t oo le(l l! cor nel sOllle in the pioneer c"l1o.:: ;;c bam!, :I" b\lg:. ler for the first drill comp:lIl)" undcr Prof. Ing-l·rsoIL" IS77· C. J. r;o Q ,hcin. D. JJI1;·cllf orl ,-:'I[rs. Da\' enport alld daughte r ure comi n g, fl. F, BI/skir!..·. !! -l1l ll/or 0, Ladd,_" attcnd the r eunion:' Tr Mf. IS7S. hope to E:. D. A. Trllt'.-L -nce rt:1in as to coming, \'otcs" yes "Oll thl' pro- positions sublllitted. N, E. ElI/mans ._ T here will be two in his part}", lie votes ··yes" on thc alumni IS79' Ro . .!' ScsSI;m..-,- \\' ith propositiou 7, 1 do 11 0t fu lly agree. It is an :(Ium ni association, and shollid be so re cog nized. IS81. ...-I. JI. I "o i g"- '" :1m pleased to know thllt the cl;lss o f 'S I is waking up in the matter of the portraits, ByrON S, P almer.-"I have your (Contlnued ou 1l/I.Ae. AL UM NI II L It is rumore(1 that 11. "-. }'atri · arche, :\CI\" :I;..:e11l fur the p.:\/. R\. Co., i" til be marrie.1 UII lune I.' \\" h\ ' IWI make thl' Irlell- 'nial your l\"edSill); trip, ., Pate:" \\'e are in re ceipt o f:l p:lmphlet on '·The I [(IIIlC (illnll ·ll," i s!> ucd toy tht: Alab;lllla C(I:11 Opemtors' Asso- ciation :1Ilt! prcpnrc\1 by O. L ,t \yr s. '01, now ag"riculturi"t I\ith the Ten- nC!'SL'C Coal I ron 8.: Railr oac\ Co, Th ... uhject i" to pron· \, hat :t ;"::11'- den will do for :1 hOllie, :tnd till" pamphlet gil'l·S mally v:thlable SUI!' gl'st ions relative H.t preparation of ,>oil, C\ llliv:llioll, fe rtili ze rs, in ':.clt", etc., and :6vl.·s :I list of :l1":lil;lble l ' , :-:, bulletins al()ng this line, .\, G. Crai;..:, '\ ith !he Arc:ldi:1 Orcha rd Co., of Deer !'ark, \ ., wriles that he will 110\ be able to re- tum for the Tri en nial, and :::-i\"es the foll owing" rL':tsonS : " I h:ll e per'i"lwl : Hl d dirl·(t super- of 6Soo ;ICH·S of orchards, ranging from fotl\" )L·ar oltl to four ye:t rs. This lU mp[lll)" is practicing somewhat differen t <.'\'SIClf[ th:m mo".t othcr (>r..:ha rJ COmp:l Ill CS, III th:! t they m:tke :1 pr:lctire I)f g- r ow_ ing" crops III lhe ., UIIIl).!" urchanls, T his car we h!\,c '''.1'1.'" of whe:l1; 100 acrcs ,If peas and 400 o f !icId pC;I;;, T he are r;li;.cd for seed pllpose .... \r<.· :l1so h:t\<.' .\,.o :tt"reS of \)()tatoL''', and I:tr).!c tr;lcl of dOle r :111\1 \"<'tcll. T hc ,·ctch is g-ro \' n for g"fl·ell Il):ln· li re an,] ,.cl·d " I am ill hopes that We \1 ill bl' ahle to g-et ;1\\":1\· Ihi" "inter ;Hld make old :Iml l'sjlecially :\1. A_ C., :( \·isl1. Please n·melll· her me to ,til \,o.\!;, and·il,l, Iy th .... se of thl' clas" of ' OJ, Fe llI E. Th:ltcher j,,: 1\1)\\ do· l·i\· il in CranJ Rapid,;_ Iii" \.\lsi- ness I;; !-;hep:trd Bld g", .\Ii s!; Zoe S. \\"imple is tht.' hust- ling food i nspec tor with the health dcpnrlmctll of the city of Tacoma, \Vash, :\Iiss \\-imp!e re cently :It- tended a ,·ocalioJl;\1 co nference for college women, helu jointl) hy the women of Ihe \V a"hington Slate College and the L'nil· ersity of Ida· ho, when she g-.n-c :111 addre ss on "P ublic S:tnitation as a Fidel for Colleg-t.' \\ -olllell," T his is the bu sy se :lson f or \\ 'imple, as in ad . li, ti on to he r gener .. l in spection work she is also supe rin tendent of the municipal mll r ket, She has c allscd to be published in a recent bulleti n a list of T acoma's bake shops and r estaur ant s. with the cor r ect rating as to t.hei r cleanliness, ... H, C lr ter,', I, r epo r ts a good year's work at :\l cCa rron , )'Ji ch,. as teac her of manual training a nd farm engineering in the Dunbar School of Ag r iculture. Mr, Cllrter will r ema in :It l\l cCa rron next yea r.

Transcript of The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State...


    The :H1II11:l1 illtc r~cholHSlic meet will be hrlll ill ~I. .:..., C . 011 Satu r-day of this wee k, iUld an ullusually la rge nUlIlher of schools will he represellted. Th ese yOlLn;.!" rn ... n a rc n:prescnl:ltin:s from some of ollr best high ;;(:hooI5 in the slate, and as ou r visitors will be cnter· l:JiIlCt\ while.- hen-, :;0 paills will he spared to make this a d:l)' kll!):(" to be rememhered h\' them .

    Each of the !lwn';; 50cie tic:s wil! co-ope rate with the nth1t:tic dep ... rt-menl. allli will report :lS to how m:Hly can be entertained.

    Thl.: lIsual H\\ ';l rds will h{' g:i\'c n TO the winllers, ,111(1 additiunal prizl's may he pro\"idcd hy the societies .

    An effor t will be nqde to shol\ the visitors :thOIIl the GOUpil;; ;\nd f:lTIll alill through the va riOIiS buil{l-iugs \\ hilc they an: hen·,


    It is peculiarly fittill;.!" that :\1. A. C, shouhlilo honor to the hcroc" of the rchellion, IIcr first cla"" was uIHtnirnoush- ,k·dicuted to the prer;eI"v:ltion of t-he uniOlI.and Ihese !\lcn took their phll.:es ill thl· r;!llks of those who ofh·n::{1 up thl·ir lin:s that the nation m ight li\·l·. 011 the thre5hol(1 of a c:1l1il1:,:" peculice lIny g:ood n,aSOll for the other propo5cd ch:lngc_ ., T Ill" old names :I rl' good enough for Illl·:'

    Fra'l!.- I~ , Carpelll,.,·,_'1 lcxpecl St·n T. lIal stca,Lof Petoskey, lO~O dOwn with me.

    IS'I· (;c/Jrgc fV. 11,.(>:/'11 . Jay SI·S~·iQII.< , -Therc will be

    three in pl1rty, lSi)'

    JI ~ II. ft' lIf1d._ l s ill fa\·or of propositions,

    I,' . II. ~ \ c;·il{.,·, Frn!d.' 7- AII!II\._ \\-ilt try ;Inti

    meet with \·011. loS,G,

    1/ '. J. SI"s.ucd toy tht: Alab;lllla C(I:11 Opemtors' Asso-ciation :1Ilt! prcpnrc\1 by O. L ,t\ y rs. '01, now ag"riculturi"t I\ith the Ten-nC!'SL'C Coal I ron 8.: Railroac\ Co, Th ... uhject i" to pron· \, hat :t ;"::11'-den will do for :1 hOllie, :tnd till" pamphlet gil' l·S mally v:thlable SUI!' gl'st ions relative H.t preparation of ,>oil, C\llliv:llioll, fe rtilize rs, in ':.clt", etc., and :6vl.·s :I list of :l1":lil;lble l ' , :-:, bulletins al()ng this line,

    .\, G. Crai;..:, '\ ith !he Arc:ldi:1 Orcha rd Co., of Deer !'ark, \ ., wriles that he will 110\ be able to re-tum for the Trien nial, and :::-i\"es the foll owing" ;I~ hi~ rL':tsonS :

    " I h:ll e per'i"lwl :Hld dirl·(t super-,·i~i\Jn of 6Soo ;ICH·S of orchards, ranging from fotl\" )L·ar oltl to four ye:t rs. This lU mp[lll)" is practicing somewhat differen t

  • The M. A. C. RECORD .. tI.L, s .. I:o EV .. "Y TUUDAV DU"'''''' n •• COL-

    .. "c" yVl" .v Tt .. : .. 'CHID ......... T~ ""''''CULTU"AL =LL"""" --

    8 . .... 'A U"CI. Mun .. , .. " lD ' TD~

    aU.'CA'"'OM 1110 CI"'T S PER '1""''' .Entered. "'. ~lId·"h.'JI mati matter .. t

    t.oliOI. )lleh. AUdreu aU lub!

    out." There will be oDe ill his party. Votes" yes" 011 the propo' sit ions submitted,

    189!. R. Y. CI'(w.:fol'd. C/a),ton Coo~·. f[c/ln' /J. D ofl'.-" \\·hether

    auend o r not, I thank you for the ilJ\' itation, and hope the affair will be a great success."

    _lifrrrl R. L od.:e,

    '1l9'. D Oll iV. Sfo~t·l'I/._ T here will he

    two in his p:lrty. A. C. Bllnllllll.-'·Think I'll

    undertake to be p rescnt."

    '803· ClorcllCC E. Ilo/mes. _ ,"otcs

    " yes" Oil the propositions submit· ted.

    l'. P. l/tdric!..-. lI'il/ialll G. Smilh. LUC1' C/IJII' IrQ . O. B. Ihtl/.- "A fter deliber:ltiotl,

    could not resisl the temptation to Set aside husiness for tbe ple3.Sure of "isiling."

    11>9·1· y O/ill W. RiUenger.-Doubtful

    :IS to being nt the reunion. \' otes "ycs" Oil the propositions submit, ted .

    C. 7. BanlUIli. 1&]5·

    Thor n Smith . _ T here will be one in his party .

    Frank 'J0/IIIS01l. J!. C. /JaKie)" 7, S mitshcll. fl. R . Pads lr.-"Tell the Colulll~

    bian Literary SocictJ to S3"C me a 'rot' in some of their rooms."

    '896· James R. Pclt(.),.- "Am looking

    forward to the old college associa_ tion, and hope to see the saille faces o f years ago. May rUll a loo'yd . with some o f your youngsters."

    ISg7· Cllas. F. fferrmollll ._"Think it

    might prove :I mistake to make the meetings annual, as the triennial plan assures a large gathering of alumni. "



  • The M. A. C. RECORD .





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    Neckwear, Fancy Jewelry , Gloves, Hosiery. Etc. \\'c c;lrrr c\ crylhing in the line of A cordial invitation is extended to the College

    Announcements, Programs. Invitations, Etc. people to pay liS a VISit. \ Ve :sp(·.::ializ(" on individ ual orders for

    Fille ST;\tioncry - embossed or printed ----- - - --

    LANSING , . MICHIGAN ohe Mills Dry Goods Co.

    I Do You Want En :I\Y KIND Of FURNITURE Pair Shears .

    7J men's F urnishings ever brought to La nsing. ~1'·H. H~'''I )· .. nd ~:>1der~ -to .e lect rrom W e specialize '" furn ishings for Co\lege Iiones !lI1d !::itrops Cots Folding Beds trade. Always find the latest in Sweare rs, Saws H ammcrs Matresses M ackinaws, Rain Coats, Caps, H ats, Shirts H atchets

    and ~'eckwear at Chi",els Book Cases Desks Screw Drivers

    MIFFLIN'S In fact, anything yOIl nced in . hardware rou will lind_and at prices to suit -:11 A.lL GOODS DEUl' EF{ED fREE

    Norton'S Hardwar6 M. J. 8: B. M. BUGK

    ""'"""'""""" ~ ABOUT THE CAM P US field _\~ell t \\'hite \\":IS ~· il lll'.1

    away last week , on ;lccount uf thl: s~' riou s iHlll'j;" of IlQth hi" 1lI0tlll:r ami father.

    !'rof. I Ltlli)!:m, with Ihe sen ior" t:lk;ll)! 1:llu.lscape g:lrdelling. \\"t'rc in Chica)!o and Grand R:lpids la$1 week. where the\' \';$ited thc lad ous parks of tht·s~ (; itie ...

    Prof. and :'olr;". C. II. li urn,uf Grinllel l. Iowa, w~'re the gucsts of Prof. and :\Jrs . R vdcr O,'e r the: weck elll!. P ro( I lorn I,a$ formerly superintendent of ;;chools at T rave rse City.

    i\-1 ess rs. Lowe and :\'o rlllan, who lefl college last spri ng to ell;pgl.: in forestry wor k in thc weSl , ha\'e cn· gagcd i.n thl! dormitor.I,.:lnd will return III Septcmber to contllHlC their course in forest ry. They were with 19 ' 3·

    T he spring number of the en· "in..:erilJU' students' director)" will be ready"for dist ribu tion this week. Thcre will he f lO new fe atures, bUI the di rectory will furnish the usu al in form:lI ion, incl uding th ..: geog raphicnl distribution.

    Se"e ral st udents ha\'C rccei"cd pay for lite rary work this yea r. Durin ... the winte r term the [,0, s in the :ourse in agricullUr:l1 journ;l. iSIlI had se\'cral articles acceplcd and paid for. J. ~ 1. \\' enJt sold three or fou r. It won't be a j,!' reat while until we shall know who gets the twenty.fivc dollar E unom i:1Il p rize. Thl.: II okad prizes, recently o ff ered , w ill also mean a litt le good money to seve ral students.

    Those interested in the hotanical excursion left )-:alunla,· morning at oS :35 for a t rip north o'f th~' colle,!!'e on Abl,o\ road.

    On Thllrsda.\· ..-vcnin!,! of lids " .... ek II ill occu r the !Ulilual Gcne\:\ hamlllet . F"ollo w;l lg the l':l1l1ltlel,u pro:;ralll o f to:I;;tS \I ill 1)0." ;.:-iven.

    ~I is:; It icheson, of I Ill' departnll'llt of dOUll:Slic s\:iellce, spent the holi· 11:11' and weck clUl at Bav C;tl' , as Ih£. ~uest of Rl'\·. and :'o-' rs. l'~. E. \\·ebb.

    A . J. Oln.,;y, (If the present g-rad. \latin)! clas:;, h:ls lll.:ceptcd a position :15 supcrilltcllllcnI o f orch ards fo r a la rge orch;trd cornp:Ill." :tt Ga rden, :'ol1cll ., lind lws :Ilrt·:tdy b~g-un op' emtion.

    Several plows from the Oli"er " low Co., o f So ulh Bl'nd, Ind., h:ll'\: bc-i':n received by the dcpart· mcnt of fa r m mechanics. The col· lcction includes six walking- plows of diffcrelll lypes, sulke)" plow, g;lIlg plow, one cultivator, and a collcaion of poi nts, shares, etc.

    On T ucsda}: c\'ening' o f 1:lst week was held the h rst ;mnu al ba nquet o f the:\1. A . C. \ ' e tcrinary Associa· tion. T he banquet was attended by z-+ students, tll ld W:IS held in bonor of the g r:,duating class of 19t3· ~l. B. J...;:u rn: acted :IS toast· maste r, and responses we re m;lde by Dr. G. \\'. Dunphy, recently ap· pointed S tllt!' \ 'ete rill:l ri all, Dr. L ymall, G . L. Caldwell, ' '-I , \\' . B. l'I'ia ssie, '16, and '-'res. S ny de r. Mr. F red Moran closed the program w ith a tOtlst to the g radu ating class,

    :'olrs. II. J. Eu.,tacc ;1IId ~I ~. A. C .. \nde r"on Idt :'olol1{b~ for lITe _ \d ri oJ!d:lc~, II ht'n' Ihl:\' 1~'iJl spend ahout three wee ks. .

    :'Iliss Cnsho, of the (!t-p:ll·ttllelll o f ph.1 sical culture, I i~itell :11 th ... hOlllo.: of :\1 rs. I lu)!o I.:l\er. Chi~·:I~o. ol'er Sund'IY. :'ol r;;. L;~e r was forllll'rly :'-.l,iss I b l.el Berg-, o f our depart. ment of dOllle;;l;e a r lo

    T he !\l·nior class of the ~dl001 o f Domestic :;cienCl:. Ihuk Cn'ck Sunit:trium, \'i",itcd tlll'cnlleg:e l:thor· :ltories and ~rounds Thursday of last week. Ther II ere ente rt;lin~·d :11 the \\' olllt'n 's Building:.

    L T . Pic k ford , ' 13, has bcen pro-moted to hl' horticultural superin, tendent of thc Grand Tr:l"cr5c Fruit Co. ) Ir. Pick ford ha.'l al· read,' completed his work for j!rad· uation, but will return for com· menccmellt.

    )Ii ss Ellen n. Bach , forme r in, struelor in botany at )1. A. C., was th" ~uest of P ro f. ami ;'I. l rs. Rytler a few days the P;lSt week. She is now in eh:lr~e o f the depa rtment of biology in Ihe Jlubl ic schools of Kalamazoo. :'0 1 rs. R nlt' r entt· r tain· ed Frida}" afternooti in hono r of ~liss Btleh.

    :'Ilr. I. J. :'I1:lIhews h ~13 just reo cei,· ... d :t fiftt:ell'll ollar p rize for a shor t essll}". Thc ~Iich ig:m di\'ision of the Coioll iHI Da\'s of Ame rica offe red :t mOlley pri~e fo r the best pape r 011 " T he I:>l ace of \ Vom:lll in Colonial Days." Mr. M athews contested, :l ilt! won w ith all essa}" of about Iweh'c h undred wo rds.

    '> rof. EU3IacL' :lnd :'olr. (; 11115011. \\ itll SOme ~.'i sellior ",tuilt'lllS ill hor. licult ure, il re d;;ilil1;,!'" the lar:.::~· nur· series al :'-.Iullrvl', :'Ilich., :'Ilomb\' and Tuell

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