The Loving Star October 2008

The Loving Star Dave de la Plante


The Loving Star is first in a series of eBooks for children in the Dreams of Artists™ Books and this special edition is free.

Transcript of The Loving Star October 2008

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The Loving Star

Dave de la Plante

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Our purpose is love...

"The Loving Star" is the first book in The myworldpeace Collection of stories.

Everything you see and feel, is full of love. The infinite skies, filled by the light of the sun and the stars fill us with awe and wonder. The tiny chipmunk munching on a seed, makes us smile with joy.

This is the story of a tiny little star who discovered its purpose, and became the most loving star in the entire universe.

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The Loving Star

"And God said 'Let there be light', and there was light.

God saw the light, that it was good."

The Bible

"He it is Who sends Blessings on you, as do His angels, that

He may bring you into Light.."

The Koran

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle,

and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness

never decreases by being shared."



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A very, very long time ago there was a tiny little star.

It was warm and bright and full of lots and lots of energy.

But the little star was sad because the three biggest stars in the sky would laugh at him, and they called him a little names.


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One of those big stars was the most beautiful star in the sky.

Her name was Simi and she would say:

"My light is so perfect, that everyone loves me and wants to be near me."


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Sly, the second big star was the smartest of all stars:

"Only I know the secrets of the skies, and no other star is as smart as I am."


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Sam, the third big star was the strongest star and he bellowed:

"My light is so hot that all of the stars and planets are afraid of me."

And the three big stars would say to the little star:

"You are so small, there is nothing special about you."


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The little star did not understand why Sly and Sam and Simi were such bullies.

The star so wanted to be a great big star, and sometimes would start to cry.

And its tears would sizzle in its sunny little flames.


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An angel approached the sad little star, and asked why it was crying.

"I want to be a great big star, so I can warm that cold and lonely planet over there"

"I love that planet so much, and feel sorry for it, dark and shivering like that."


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"That planet is called Earth. Why don't you make it nice and warm then?" the angel asked.

The little star cried:

"I am too small, and it is too far away!"

"If I were a big star, it would be easy."

"The big stars are right, there is nothing special about me."


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"Don't worry little star." the angel smiled.

"You have a wonderful gift, the gift of love. It is what is so special about your sunny light rays. You want to share your light to make the Earth happy."

"The love inside of you is so great, you have the ability to be a very special star!"


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"How can I do that?", asked the little star.

The angel replied:

"Try to imagine that you are way out there with the Earth, and you can feel that it is all cozy and warm"

"Oh, I like that!"

The little star closed its eyes and saw the Earth all toasty and warm from its rays.


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By believing the Earth was warm, the little star did not know it, but it started sending its rays all the way to the lonely planet.

And the Earth was happy, and warmed by the star's bright light.


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Ice started to melt and rivers flowed and lakes filled up.

The plants became colorful and bright, and the animals came out of their homes to feel the wonderful rays of the star.

It made the star very happy, that the Earth was full of life and joy.


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All of a sudden... there was a great big sound.


The little star's rays started to glow brighter and brighter.

"Wow, I can't believe it!" cried the little star.


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"Believe it," the angel said.

"The more you give our loving energy to the planet, the brighter and longer your rays of light will become."

"Your loving rays are your special gift."

"Oh! I like that very much!" said the star.


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"God gave you your gift, so that you could help Him spread his love across the skies."

"Your rays got brighter because you loved, and in return, God gave you more love."


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"Do you see those little groups down there? They are God's people, they are humans, who have their own special gifts, just like yours.

You are a special star, because you keep the humans and their home, the planet Earth, warm and loved."

The loving star cried with joy.


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"Are the people happy and loving?"

"Like you, all people have their own gift. There is a little loving star inside each of them."

"Inside of them?" asked the star...


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"Yes, their gift is deep inside of their hearts. When people share their love with others, as you have shared yours with Earth, then those people will be very happy."

"What if people don't share their gift with others?"


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"Just like Simi, Sly and Sam, some people will use their beauty and knowledge and strength for themselves."

"When they do this, they are being selfish, and their happiness does not last very long because there is no love. Sadly, selfish stars and selfish people take energy from others, and they can become mean and uncaring."


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"So, loving star, as long as you focus your love on the earth, and on those people, you are doing everything you can to help them feel the love inside of themselves too."

"Wow...I had no idea." said the loving star. "I feel very blessed"

The angel replied, "When you receive God's love, you are being blessed."


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"They have a name for you." smiled the angel. "They call you the Sun."

"Why do they call me that?" asked the star.

"It was God's wish. You are a reminder to them of God's love. The first day of every week is called Sunday, because God's first creation was light, your light."

"Wow! I will cherish my name forever."


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The Sun's rays kept getting brighter and reached out farther and farther into space.

Even though the star was tiny in the middle, its loving rays could be seen and felt across the universe.

The three big stars were amazed how much the loving star had changed.

Sly asked: "Hey freak, how did you become so big?"


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"Love! I gave my rays of energy to the planet Earth, and when I did that, I received even more energy."

"I didn't actually get bigger, my rays of light just got brighter and longer. It is the happiest feeling in the universe."

"Why doesn't that happen to me? asked Simi.


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"Because you shared your beauty with no one. You used it to make people want to be near you. The three of you used your gifts to make yourself big and special."

"Bigger does not always mean better." said the star. "You cannot help others, when you focus your energy on yourselves, and your own gain."


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The Sun said to the big stars,

"It is not too late, just focus your light on the planets and the little stars around you. Send them your gifts.Simi, shine your beautiful rays on them, and they will feel beautiful themselves."

"Sly, share your knowledge of the universe, and God will teach you even more, and Sam, send your warmth to other stars and they will pass it on to even more stars and planets."

"This will make the whole universe more beautiful, smart and strong."


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Simi and Sam felt happy, and told the Sun they were sorry for calling it a freak.

The loving star winked at them saying:

"We are all freaks in a way. Each of us has a special kind of light, a frequency, that is our own unique gift of love. I like to call that gift, my freaq."


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Sly yelled at the Sun. "I am the smartest star, and I do not believe you. What makes you so smart?"

The Sun smiled and replied, "I am not as smart as you Sly. When you love, you will get more than knowledge. When God blesses you, it will make you wise."

"I still don't believe you, and I will never let anyone be smarter than me." Sly said angrily.


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The Loving Star smiled at Sly with love, somehow knowing that the brilliantly smart star would one day come to understand the joyful power of love.

And the once-tiny star came to be known around the universe as the most loving star of them all.

Like the loving star, you have a special loving star deep inside of your heart. It is your special gift from God, and uniquely yours.


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Your Loving Star

Your purpose in life, is to let your star shine for everyone to see. When you do this, you find peace and happiness in your heart, and you share God's love with everyone that you touch.

So my child, what is your special gift of love?

What is your Loving Star?


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The myworldpeace Collection

The myworldpeace Collection is inspired by the dream that world peace will happen when we all find peace in our own hearts. I hope these stories will help you find your own inner peace.

The stories are for children of all ages. When you honor your inner child, your loving star shines bright and you will be filled with the peace and joy of God's love.

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The Loving Star

The myworldpeace CollectionCopyright 2007.