The Lottery Quest. -  · Web...

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________ What Kind of Rock Are You? Select a rock/stone from your teacher and answer the following questions about it. 1. What color(s) is your stone? (List all if it is more than one color)_____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 2. What kind of texture is your stone? (smooth, rough, bumpy, etc.) _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 3. How would you describe the shape of your rock? (round, oval, triangular, etc.) __________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 4. How would you describe the size of your rock? (tiny, small, medium, large, extra large) ___________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 5. Does your rock have any distinctive features, such as fossil marks, pocks, swirls, etc.? If so, describe them. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

Transcript of The Lottery Quest. -  · Web...

Page 1: The Lottery Quest. -  · Web viewfrom . RED ... Earth, stability, hearth, home ... Write the letter for the word that

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

What Kind of Rock Are You?Select a rock/stone from your teacher and answer the following questions about it.

1. What color(s) is your stone? (List all if it is more than one color)_____________________________


2. What kind of texture is your stone? (smooth, rough, bumpy, etc.) _____________________________


3. How would you describe the shape of your rock? (round, oval, triangular, etc.) __________________


4. How would you describe the size of your rock? (tiny, small, medium, large, extra large) ___________


5. Does your rock have any distinctive features, such as fossil marks, pocks, swirls, etc.? If so, describe them.



6. Draw a depiction of your rock in the box to the right. Try to be

as detailed as possible.

7. Why did you choose your rock? What attracted you to select this particular one?




What does your rock symbolize?

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

Page 2: The Lottery Quest. -  · Web viewfrom . RED ... Earth, stability, hearth, home ... Write the letter for the word that

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________Your teacher will provide symbolic “meanings” for the color, texture, shape, and size of your rock. Write down the meanings when it applies to your rock. Then analyze the meanings and answer the questions.

COLOR: ___________________________________________________________________________

What it symbolizes: ___________________________________________________________________


TEXTURE: _________________________________________________________________________

What it symbolizes: ___________________________________________________________________


SHAPE: ____________________________________________________________________________

What it symbolizes: ___________________________________________________________________


SIZE: ______________________________________________________________________________

What it symbolizes: ___________________________________________________________________


OTHER DISTINCTIONS:_____________________________________________________________

What they symbolize: _________________________________________________________________



1. Do any of these symbol meanings describe YOU as a person? If so, which ones? ________________



2. Are any of the meanings way off target as far as representing you? Which ones? _________________



3. If you could have any type of rock symbolize you, would it be the same one you selected? Why or why

not? ____________________________________________________________________________


GUIDE TO SYMBOLS--Meanings of Colors, Textures, Shapes, and Sizes of your Rock

Color Symbolism Chart from

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

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“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________RED: Excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, speed, strength, power, heat, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war, violence, all things intense and passionate. PINK: Pink symbolizes love, romance, and excitement BEIGE (Light Brown): Beige and ivory symbolize unification. Ivory symbolizes quiet and pleasantness. Beige symbolizes calm and simplicity. YELLOW: Joy, happiness, betrayal, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard. BLUE: Peace, tranquility, cold, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, technology, depression, appetite suppressant. TURQUOISE (Blue/Green): Turquoise symbolizes calm. Teal symbolizes sophistication. Aquamarine symbolizes water. Lighter turquoise has a feminine appeal. PURPLE: Royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance, mourning. LAVENDER (Light Purple): Lavender symbolizes femininity, grace and elegance. ORANGE: Energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant, demanding of attention. GREEN: Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, renewal, youth, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, inexperience, envy, misfortune, vigor. BROWN (Darker than Beige): Earth, stability, hearth, home, outdoors, reliability, comfort, endurance, simplicity, and comfort. GRAY: Security, reliability, intelligence, staid, modesty, dignity, maturity, solid, conservative, practical, old age, sadness, boring. Silver symbolizes calm.

WHITE: Reverence, purity, birth, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, winter, snow, good, sterility, marriage (Western cultures), death (Eastern cultures), cold, clinical. 

Symbolism of Colors, continued

BLACK: Power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger, anonymity, underground, good technical color, mourning, death (Western cultures).

GOLD: Gold, kin, can evoke the sensation of looking upon waving fields of ripened rice stalks. Gold is also associated with royalty. It represents the color of the heavens, and is used to decorate statues of the Buddha and religious temples.

“COOL” COLORS (Blue, Green, Turquoise, Silver): CalmingCopyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

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“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

“WARM” COLORS (Red, Pink, Yellow, Gold, Orange): Exciting

“MIXED COOL/WARM” COLORS (Purple, Lavender, Green, Turquoise): In between (not overly excited, not completely calm)

“NEUTRAL” COLORS (Brown, Beige, Ivory, Gray, Black, White): Unifying

Symbolism in Mixtures of Colorsfrom

BLACK/WHITE MIX: Black and white stands for mourning and cheerless occasions.  For example, traditional garb for a funeral is black and white.  Black for the loss, and white for their passing onto the heavens.

SILVER/GREY: Silver/Grey symbolizes security, reliability, intelligence, staid, modesty, maturity, conservative, old age, sadness, and boring.

WHITE MARBLE: Purity, immortality.

SOAPSTONE MIXTURE (Usually mix of pinks, grays, browns, greens): Calming, open-minded/open to new ideas, positive.

BROWN/RED/GOLD MARBLE MIXTURE: Kind, compassionate, pure, stable. More red=stability. More brown=warm, dependable; but prone to laziness. More yellow=mental focus.

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

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“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

Texture Symbolization (from

SMOOTH: Peaceful mind, calmness, quietness

ROUGH: Gruffness, callousness, perhaps concern for others

SHARP POINTS: Pain, agony

Shape Symbolismfrom:

ROUND: Harmony, infinity, softness, security, completeness, perfection, acceptance; the Moon, goddess, traditional, conservative

OVAL: Mothering/caring qualities (Represents the womb and egg), softness, security; the Moon, goddess, creativity, individuality, faithful.

SQUARE/RECTANGULAR: Stability, equality, honesty, justice, shelter and safety, limitation, security, endurance, strength, and permanence. Also suggest familiarity, comfort, safety.

TRIANGULAR: Strength, warning, masculine; Growth, reaching the “top,” success• Pyramid shape: Inspiration and passion

MARQUISE (Or Diamond Shaped): Flashy, desire for opulence, superficial

PEAR: Full; also symbolizes sadness (tear-shaped), romantic

HEART: Love, fantasy

CRESCENT: Reflective, receptive (powers of the moon)

ASYMMETRICAL: Natural, dynamic, spontaneous; perhaps unbalanced; creative

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

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“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

Size Symbolism

SMALLER: Frugal, modest, mobile, simple

MEDIUM: Content, fair, indecisive

LARGER: Abundance, need for attention, desires power or more of something

Symbolism of Other Distinctionsfrom

VERTICAL LINES: Man, the body, the spine, self, the tree of life, and the path from earth to heaven...the realm of the spirit.

HORIZONTAL LINES: The path of birth to death, beginning to end, and the dual nature of man...left and right, good and evil, and male and female.  The feminine principle.

SPIRALS: Fertility, birth, death, transformation, growth, the soul, and expansion. Spiritual journey...inner journey to the center of one's soul or being.

• A spiral moving in a clockwise direction represents the focusing and projection of an intention.• The counter-clockwise moving spiral represents fulfillment of an intention.

MEANDERING LINES (Lines in a repetitive pattern): Renewal, cycles, and life. 

DOME: God (or gods), protection, the sky, home, shelter, the womb, and a tomb.

BROKEN STONES: Represent death or the end of a cycle.

POCKS: Represents wounds or something missing; may also represent openness

CONTAINING FOSSILS: Connection with the earth, love of nature

Extended Activity:Here’s a great website created by Don Peck to help students identify exactly what kind of rock they have using a flow chart of questions: they can search on Google for the symbolism of that particular rock.

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

Page 7: The Lottery Quest. -  · Web viewfrom . RED ... Earth, stability, hearth, home ... Write the letter for the word that

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________Write a couple of descriptive words about each character. Make sure to answer who this person is and a little bit about their personality, character traits, etc. Characters are listed in the order of their appearance in the story.

Character Name Who is this person? Looks, mannerisms, traits, quotes, etc.

Bobby Martin

Harry Jones

Dickie Delacroix

Mrs. Martin

Mr. Martin

Mr. Summers (Joe)

Mr. Graves

Baxter Martin

Old Man Warner

Mrs. Hutchinson (Tessie)

Mrs. Delacroix

Mr. Hutchinson (Bill)

Dunbar (Clyde)

Mrs. Dunbar (Janey)

Horace Dunbar

Watson boy (Jack)

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

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“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

Character Name Who is this person? Looks, mannerisms, traits, quotes, etc.

Mr. Adams (Steve)

Mrs. Adams

Eva (Hutchinson)


Bill Hutchinson, Jr.

Nancy Hutchinson

Davy Hutchinson

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

Page 9: The Lottery Quest. -  · Web viewfrom . RED ... Earth, stability, hearth, home ... Write the letter for the word that

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

BEFORE READING: Vocabulary - On a separate sheet of paper, define the following words.

profusely boisterous jovial paraphernalia shabbier

ritual perfunctory disengaged petulantly defiantly

AFTER READING: Answer the following questions after reading “The Lottery.”Recalling1. On which day does the lottery fall each year?


2. Why did Mr. Summers replace the original wood chips with slips of paper?



3. Who shows up late to the lottery? _____________________________________________________________

4. Why is this character late? ___________________________________________________________________

5. Who is not in attendance? ____________________________________________________________________

6. Why is this character absent? _________________________________________________________________

7. What is the procedure for someone who cannot attend? ____________________________________________


Analyzing & Applying8. Which part of the story foreshadows the lottery?



9. How is irony used in the story? _______________________________________________________________


10. Symbolism: What do the black box and stones represent? __________________________________________


11. Why do the townspeople participate in the lottery? __________________________________________

12. Why don’t they stop having it? __________________________________________________________

13. Name other cultures that participate(d) in sacrificial rituals: ____________________________________


Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

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“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________14. For what reason(s) did/do these cultures sacrifice humans or animals?____________________________


Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

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“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

Continued...15. There are certain traditions in our community and other places that happen year after year. Think of a

particular event (or festival) that happens each year. What would happen if someone decided to stop having it each year?



16. Why are people afraid of change? ________________________________________________________


17. What role do women play in the fictional town? _________________________________________________


18. Shirley Jackson said she had the setting in the present tense (she wrote it in 1948) in order to “shock the readers with a graphic dramatization of the pointless violence and general inhumanity in their own lives.” What “pointless violence” and “general inhumanity” is she referring to?___________________________________________________________________________________________


19. Consider her statement in #18 and your response to it. Then answer: What is the message of the story (or the lesson learned by reading the story)?___________________________________________________________________________________________



20. Did you like this story? ___________________

21. Explain--with specific reasons--why you did or why you didn’t like this story. _________________________





#18 source of Jackson’s quote: From a response in the San Francisco Journal, July 22, 1948

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

Page 12: The Lottery Quest. -  · Web viewfrom . RED ... Earth, stability, hearth, home ... Write the letter for the word that

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

Additional discussion questions while reading & after reading the story:

1. Discuss Mrs. Hutchinson’s willingness to give up her daughter, Eva, and Eva’s husband, Don, to the lottery.

2. Discuss Nancy and Bill Jr.’s celebration of seeing blank slips, even though it meant one of their parents would die.

3. Discuss the fact that even children must draw a slip and are stoned to death. How do you explain the ritual to a child Davy’s size?

4. The tradition seems barbaric and inconceivable, but the Holocaust was fresh in people’s minds in 1948, when Jackson’s story was published in The New Yorker. Even so, Jackson receive hate mail and the magazine had numerous cancellations of subscriptions over the story. Why would readers become angry at the author after reading this story? Why do people fail to see the violence and brutality of war/genocide? Would their feelings be different if the setting were different? Why are people willing to let these crimes take place as long as it doesn’t affect them (or happen in their community)?

5. Have students read about Anne Hutchinson and discuss the similarities.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extended Activities Pick one extended activity and complete it.1. Make a board game in which some sort of lottery is involved. Be sure to include rules, directions, and object

of the game.2. Create a collage in the shape of a black box. Fill it with symbols, characters, and any other ideas related to the

story.3. Make a list of American traditions. Try to state the purpose, ritual, and origin of each. Record ideas as a

journal entry.4. Write a persuasive essay from the point of view of Mrs. Hutchinson's defense attorney asking for his client's

release.5. Write a newspaper article discussing the events of June 27th. Be sure to include who, what, where, when and

why in the column.6. Divide class into teams. Be sure to have the same number of affirmative and negative teams. Give each team

five minutes to debate the following topic: "The lottery serves a useful purpose in the community."7. Prepare a soliloquy of Mrs. Hutchinson's final thoughts. Record work as a journal entry.8. Respond to the following prompt. Use examples from the story to support your ideas. "Why do Americans

enjoy horror stories?"9. Research the summer solstice and various ancient rituals surrounding it. How do the compare to “The Lottery”?10. Research Anne Hutchinson is history. What happened to her? How is her story related to Tessie Hutchinson?11. How are the names of the characters significant (besides Tessie Hutchinson)? Look at Mr. Summers, Mr. Graves,

and Mrs. Delacroix.

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

Page 13: The Lottery Quest. -  · Web viewfrom . RED ... Earth, stability, hearth, home ... Write the letter for the word that

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________ Story Quiz

Multiple Choice: Select the best answer for each question.

_______ 1. To which family does Tessie belong?A. GravesB. HutchinsonC. Dunbar

_______ 2. Who is the town's lottery official?A. Mr. SummersB. Mr. HutchinsonC. Old Man Warner

_______ 3. How often is the lottery held?A. monthlyB. yearlyC. bi-annually

_______ 4. What happens to the winner of the lottery?A. They are stoned to death.B. They are banished from the community.C. They are put in the stockade.

_______ 5. Which family draws the marked slip?A. the Delacroix familyB. the Hutchinson FamilyC. the Watson Family

_______ 6. On what material are family names placed in the black box?A. pieces of clothB. sheets of paperC. chips of wood

_______ 7. How long does it take to conduct the lottery?A. two daysB. one dayC. two hours

_______ 8. Which member of the family "wins" the lottery?A. the daughterB. the motherC. the fatherD. the son


Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

Page 14: The Lottery Quest. -  · Web viewfrom . RED ... Earth, stability, hearth, home ... Write the letter for the word that

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

Story Quiz, continued...

_______ 9. What appears on the condemned family's slip?A. a black spotB. a crossC. an "X"

_______ 10. Why doesn't Clyde Dunbar attend the lottery?A. He does not believe in the ritualB. He is too young to draw from the black boxC. He has a broken leg

_______ 11. By tradition, those who draw the slips of paper during the first round are …A. the oldest members of the communityB. the male heads of householdsC. the boys who have just turned sixteen

_______ 12. When Old Man Warner hears that some places have dropped the lottery, he …A. feels a flicker of hope but remains silentB. expresses strong disapprovalC. is so stunned that he leaves the village

_______ 13. The winner of the lottery isA. Old Man WarnerB. Janey DunbarC. Tessie Hutchinson

_______ 14. The winner …A. gets a large sum of moneyB. is killedC. is awarded a new house

_______ 15. The winner’s last words are A. “I will get my revenge.”B. “I always knew it would be me.”C. “It isn’t fair, it isn’t right.”


Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

Page 15: The Lottery Quest. -  · Web viewfrom . RED ... Earth, stability, hearth, home ... Write the letter for the word that

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

Story Quiz, continued...

Vocabulary Matching: Write the letter for the word that best matches the definition.

______ 1. characterized by hearty, good natured humor; jolly A. profusely

______ 2. openly or boldly resisting B. boisterous

______ 3. released or loosened from something C. jovial

______ 4. a routine followed faithfully D. paraphernalia

______ 5. noisy; high-spirited E. perfunctory

______ 6. a matter of routine; careless F. ritual

______ 7. equipment used for a particular purpose or activity G. disengaged

______ 8. given freely; lavishly H. defiantly

______ 9. faded and dingy from wear or exposure I. shabbier

Short Answers: Write in complete sentences.

1. Give two specific examples of foreshadowing in the story.___________________________________________________________________________________________




2. Give two specific examples of irony in the story.___________________________________________________________________________________________




Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman

Page 16: The Lottery Quest. -  · Web viewfrom . RED ... Earth, stability, hearth, home ... Write the letter for the word that

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Name: __________________________________

Copyright ©2009, Tracee Orman