'The LOG' December 2012



Lodge news letter

Transcript of 'The LOG' December 2012

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PHONE (850) 939-2787

Page 2: 'The LOG' December 2012



Toby Griner

LODGE OFFICERS Exalted Ruler Toby Griner

Est. Leading Knight Tom Stevens Est. Loyal Knight Brian Feehan

Est. Lecturing Knight Lyle Cater

Esquire Allen VanDyk

Chaplain Robin Stevens

Inner Guard Charlie Mussari

Tiler Patrick Schulte Secretary Kathy Schulte

Treasurer Walter Zilka

3-Year Trustee Donald E Helms 2-Year Trustee Clarke Duarte

1-Year Trustee Benjamin R Gray

Holley-Navarre committee appointments


Activities Committee Linda Griner Special Community Projects Lyle Cater Community Activities Ray Yantch Public Relations Ray Yantch

Youth Activities Rick Mase Hoop Shoot Unfilled

Drug Awareness Rick Rheaume PER Association Allen VanDyk

Youth Activities Rick Mase

Fraternal Committee Tom Stevens Americanism Unfilled

Elks National Foundation Dan Hargraves Flag Day Allen VanDyk

Elks Memorial Day Tom Stevens

Membership & Lapsation Tom Stevens Indoctrination/Orientation Sherill Donaldson

Investigation Allen VanDyk

Veterans Service Kris Kane Lodge Activities Linda Griner

Standing Relief Board of Directors

Youth Camp Rick Mase Alternate to Grand Lodge Bill White

Government Relations Committee Jim Fix Member 1 Unfilled

Member 2 Unfilled

Auditing & Accounting Rick Mase Auditor Judy Christensen

Auditor Connie Mussari


Elks Training Rick Mase Harry Anna Trust Unfilled

Inter-Lodge Visitation Kathy Schulte

Lodge Reporter Kathy Schulte Officers Attendance Kathy Schulte

Membership & Lapsation Kathy Schulte

Charity Committee Rick Mase


Bulletin ’THE LOG’ Ray Yantch

Bingo Patty Quinn Golf Tournament Donald Simmons

Web Master Dan Hargraves


Presiding Justice Tim Meade Mediator Rick Mase

Lodge Advisor Jim White

I am happy to report that our Lodge is currently number one in the State for new

members with an increase of over 8% so far this year. Thanks to all our mem-

bers who sponsored new members. I welcome all our new members and their

families and encourage you to visit our Club and participate in our Lodge.

We will have only one membership meeting in the month of December on the

second Tuesday night. Join us at any membership meeting to be in on the op-

erations and decisions of the Lodge. Our shortened rituals greatly reduce the

meeting time for both regular and initiation meetings. Come out and get in-

volved to make our Lodge grow! We need your participation and interest.

We will conduct our annual Elks memorial at the Lodge on Sunday, Dec 2nd at

2:00 PM. We invite all Elks, and their relatives and friends to join us in remem-

bering our departed members. We will serve heavy appetizers.

We are conducting in-house Business Practices training for all officers and po-

tential officers starting Dec 2 at 12:30 (about a 1-hour session just before the

Elks Memorial). I strongly urge all officers to attend and encourage all Elk

members to join us.

In addition, we have open book tests for Elk Training to familiarize all members

with basic Elk operations and statutes. Let me know if you would like to take

this test at home at your leisure and return the answers—it is very informative

about Elkdom. I will have a sign-up sheet in the Lodge Club room, and you

will need your Constitution and Statutes book (available on line if you don’t

have yours).

Nominations for Lodge Officers start in February. The Elected officers are the

Exalted Ruler, the Esteemed Leading Knight, the Esteemed Loyal Knight, the

Esteemed Lecturing Knight, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the three Trustees, and

the Tiler. In addition, the Inner Guard, the Chaplin, and the Esquire are ap-

pointed. Now is the time for all of us to think about accepting nominations,

appointments, or committee appointments, and to make plans for next year.

The future of our Lodge depends on new blood! It is OK to discuss these

preparations and plans with your fellow Elks.

Linda and I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New



Toby Griner, [email protected], 939-3058

Fellow Members,

I wanted take some time to let everyone know, on Sunday December 2nd, 2012, the lodge will hold a Memorial Service for our dearly departed at 2pm. We will recognize 2 Elks who have entered the “Annals of Memory”, and honor all “Absent Members”. Toby Griner, our Exalted Ruler will officiate the ceremony. After the ceremony, we will be gathering in the lounge for a Pot Luck meal. We are asking you all to bring a dish to pass or a dessert. There will be a sign up sheet in the lounge. This is a very tasteful and well respected ceremony, and is open to the public. Hope to see you all there.

Tom Stevens

Esteemed Leading Knight

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Bulletin Boosters

Calvin Christensen 01/13 Judith Christensen 01/13 Russ Wilby 03/13 Vera Jordan 5/13

Ben & Peggy Gray 6/13 Jim and Gloria Fix 11/12 Linda & Toby Griner 7/13 Judy Robinson 7/13 Dan Hargraves 12/13

Your Name here for $10 per year. Help defray the

cost of the bulletin.

12/01 Bennie Riggs 12/16 Douglas Depew

12/03 Clarence Buchanan 12/16 Billy Tyree

12/03 Charles Mussari 12/20 Charles Back

12/06 Steven Owens 12/21 Roger Hallada

12/06 Thomas Stevens 12/24 Jessica Otten

12/11 Gary Latham 12/25 Constance Mussari

12/11 Deborah Scott 12/29 Linda Williams

12/13 James Gashwind 12/30 Timothy LeCroy

(850) 936-5227

This month we achieved first place for the State of Florida, with

an 8.14% increase in membership. This is great but we can't stop

now. This month we do not any candidates proposed for member-

ship. Please encourage your family and friends to join the Lodge,

it is critical to our longevity that new members continue to join.

But joining the Lodge is not enough. While, the Lodge is a fun

place to socialize, the Benevolent Order of the Elks is a benevo-

lent organization with many great charitable programs, as well as

grants to aid us in helping our community. If volunteering in the

club is not your thing, what about volunteering in our charitable

endeavors? We need members who want to donate time to aid the

elderly, children, needy and challenged members of our commu-

nity too! Right now we need members or spouses to help us form

a telephone committee to reach our inactive members to solicit

their ideas and feedback to make our lodge meet all our mem-

bers’ needs. Please contact me if you are interested in this com-

mittee. Your officers cannot run all of the great charity pro-

grams; manage the Lodge and the Club too, without help from

the membership. If you have an hour a week or more, please

think about devoting that time to the Lodge. It will make a big


Kathy Schulte 850-496-0776

[email protected]


The Grand Lodge (GL) is holding its' State Americanism Essay Contest 2012-2013.

The Theme is “What does the National Anthem Mean to Me?” Grades 5 – 8 have an

opportunity to express views in an essay. Local Lodges are to contact local school dis-

tricts and provide them with the topic. Additional information is on the GL website.

The deadline for your essay is Jan 20, 2013.

The State will give out checks to the winners of the Contest, as follows:

1st place-$1500.00 2nd place-$1000.00 3rd place-$750.00

We need a member to coordinate this initiative. If you are interested in reaching out to one or more of our local schools to encourage them to enter, please contact ER Griner as soon as possible. This is a great chance for one of our own students to win a great prize!

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December 2012

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Monday Night

Football Elks

Brew $3.00


Queen of

Hearts is every


Bingo is every

Friday at



DD Visitation


Lodge 5PM

2 In-House

Elk’s Training 12:30 PM Memorial Service

for our Departed Members 2:00pm


Meeting 6 PM

4 5 Chili Cook

Off $7.00

6 Decide our

Events for


7Bingo is


Friday at





9 10 Monday

Night Football





Meeting 7:00PM

12 Philly Steak Sandwich

13 14Bingo is


Friday at


15 Island Life Elks Christmas Party $10.00

16 Children's Christmas Party and Turkey Shoot 1:00PM

17 Monday

Night Football



18 BOD 6PM

BOG 6:30 PM

19 Hamburger Night

20 21Bingo is


Friday at



23 24 Christmas


25 Christmas


26 Queen of Hearts is every Wednesday

27 28Bingo is


Friday at



30 31 Monday

Night Football



Bulletin Articles are

due by the

15th of this month.

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ELKS LODGE #2787 Lodge Activities

Lets pray for

a safe and



Saturday 1st: Is the DD Visitation at the Warrington Lodge which is the home coming for our DD Phil Finder. Social hour is at

5PM and dinner at 6PM. And everyone is invited to attend. Please sign up in the lodge if you plan to attend so a head count can be sent to the ER of Warrington.

Sunday 2nd: We will have Elk Training at 12:30 at the Lodge, and all officers and all Elks are encouraged to attend.

Also Sunday 2nd at 2PM we will have the Elks Memorial Services. Officers are required to attend in Lodge dress, and all Elks, fam-ily and friends are invited to the services. Heavy appetizers will be served.

Monday 3rd, 10th, and 17th: Is Monday night football. Please bring a snack to share.

Wednesday 5th Is Chili Cook Off and all are invited to bring their favorite chili. $7.00 per person prizes for 1st & 2nd place win-


Wednesday 12th :Philly Steak Sandwiches with chips $7.00 person.

Saturday 15th :Is the joint Elks and Island Time Social Club Christmas party at 6:30-until. Cost is $10.00 per person to cover the cost of the entertainment. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share. If you want to participate in secret Santa bring a $15.00

gift. Music by Captain Bill.

Sunday 16th :Children’s Christmas Party and turkey shoot 1PM. Plans are being made for Elizabeth our physical therapist, to

bring some of the children she works with and their families to the Christmas party. We plan to have Santa there. If you have a child or grandchild that is coming to the party please bring a $10.00 gift for Santa to give to the child. I will have a donation jar in the Lodge to help purchase gifts for all other children. No child will leave without a gift. Pizza and hot dogs will is provided. I would like to have cupcakes, cookies and candy. If you can help it would be greatly appreciate. Please sign your children up at the lodge so we will make sure we have plenty for all children. The turkey shoot will also be held the day of the Children’s Christmas Party. We are asking members to please donate a turkey 10-14lbs. This event is for all ages including adults.

Wednesday 19th : Will be a ½ lb. hamburger with potato salad, and baked beans. Cost is $7.00 per person.

Saturday 22nd :Is a Just-before-Christmas Party. Bring a holiday appetizer to share. T here is no charge for this get together; invite all our old members and new members to come out a have some holiday cheer. Let’s get to know our members.

Activity Chairperson

Linda Griner

Caring and Sharing Angel Tree

We invite all Elks to join in the Angel Christmas Tree at our Lodge, a program from the Caring and

Sharing charitable organization to benefit needy children. Caring and Sharing supplied the needy chil-

dren’s names and the gifts they would like, and we hung the gift cards on the tree with the child’s wish

list of gifts. Pick a card and purchase one of the gifts for the child. No gift is over $40.

Please return all gifts to the Lodge by December 8th. Please do not wrap gifts, just put them put in a

large black trash bag along with gift wrap paper and attach the child’s name on the bag. We will de-

liver the bags to Caring and Sharing at St. Sylvester’s Church. Sharing and Caring will then deliver the

gifts and wrappings to the parents for presentation to the children under their Christmas tree.

Thank you for your contribution,

Linda Griner and Robin Weeks

Robin Stevens father William Saunders needs

our prayers.

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Children’s Christmas Party

Sunday, December 16th at 1:00 PM

Holley-Navarre Elks Lodge

Everyone is welcome to come out to our Children’s Christmas Party. We will have hot dogs, pizza, cupcakes,

cookies, and other goodies for everyone. Bring your children, grandchildren, and guests and enjoy all the fun.

Santa Claus will be there with gifts, and all kids will leave with a gift.

We will also have a children’s turkey shoot with prizes of a frozen turkey for the family of the participants. This

shoot will use BB guns in a controlled outside space conducted by personnel thoroughly familiar with safety rules.

Children of all ages are encouraged to participate.

Our district therapist for the State association Children’s Therapy Service, Elizabeth, will bring some children

and their families from the 20 children currently being treated in the Northwest District. This is an opportunity

for all of use to meet our own district Therapist and see the Elks therapy program in action. The program pro-

vides in-house therapy services for disadvantaged children free of charge throughout Florida. This is your chari-

table donations to the Elks in action!

See you there!

Linda Griner

Lodge Activities Chairperson

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Monday - Saturday 2 pm - 11 pm




2 pm - 11 pm



Buckets are located at the Elk’s Lodge entrance

Try to bring a can of food etc.

Each time you come to the Lodge

Page 8: 'The LOG' December 2012

Elk’s Caring, Elk’s Sharing and Elk’s Having Fun!

Elks Turn Out for Veterans Day Ceremony At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, 10 members of Lodge 2787 participated in the annual Veterans Day Ceremony at Navarre Park. The VFW Spectre Post led this year’s event on Sunday, 11 Novem-ber. It was a gorgeous, sunny day, which resulted in a sizeable community crowd. Robin Stevens and Connie Mussari laid a wreath during the wreath-laying ceremony. Jim White, Ray Yantch, Tom Stevens, Clark Duarte, Kris Kane, Charlie Mussari, Bill White, and Allen Van Dyk stood in formation, each holding one of eight U.S. flags depicting the progression from the very first “Tree Flag” to the current Stars and Stripes. Sev-eral Elks were also in the crowd including Jim Fix, who had arranged for the guest speaker, Army BG Mark Inch, to participate in the ceremony. Thanks to everyone who took part in the ceremony. This was an excel-lent, easy way to show Elks support and thanks for our country’s veterans.

Kris Kane Chairperson, Veterans Services Committee

Fun and Food and $3.00 Elks Brew Beer Monday Night Football!

If you haven’t been too the lodge on Monday night you have been missing out on a lot of fun with great food and values that won’t hurt your pocket book. Throw in good friends and $3.00 Elks brew along with the foot-ball season in full swing counting down to the finials and play off matches come out and enjoy it all starting at 6:30PM every Monday.

Elks National Foundation ENF

Your support help Elks Build Stronger Communities through programs that support youth, honor vet-

erans and meet needs in areas where Elks live and work.

Your donation Increases your Lodge’s per – member giving to the ENF, and helps the Lodge reach the

National President’s goal and earn community service grants. ENF helps Elks charitable programs na-

tion wide with community grants enabling Elks to serve their communities. scholarships for the most

valuable Student, Legacy Awards, Educational Awards, Drug Awareness, State Grants, and the Hoop

Shoot program.