'The LOG' August 2012




Transcript of 'The LOG' August 2012

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PERMIT NO. 66-443




PHONE (850) 939-2787

Page 2: 'The LOG' August 2012



Toby Griner


We can use

your help!

Thank you.

Welcome New Members Name Number

Amy Bridge Benjamin Stermole


Exalted Ruler Toby Griner

Est. Leading Knight Tom Stevens Est. Loyal Knight Brian Feehan

Est. Lecturing Knight Lyle Cater

Esquire Allen VanDyk

Chaplain Robin Stevens

Inner Guard Charlie Mussari

Tiler Patrick Schulte Secretary Kathy Schulte

Treasurer Walter Zilka

3-Year Trustee Donald E Helms 2-Year Trustee Clarke Duarte

1-Year Trustee Benjamin R Gray


Activities Committee Linda Griner

Special Community Projects Lyle Cater Community Activities Ray Yantch

Public Relations Ray Yantch

Youth Activities Rick Mase Hoop Shoot Unfilled

Drug Awareness Rick Rheaume

PER Association Allen VanDyk Youth Activities Rick Mase

Fraternal Committee Americanism Unfilled

Elks National Foundation Dan Hargraves

Flag Day Allen VanDyk

Elks Memorial Day Tom Stevens Government Relations Unfilled

Membership & Lapsation Tom Stevens

Indoctrination/Orientation Sherill Donaldson

Investigation Allen VanDyk

Veterans Service Kris Kane

Lodge Activities Linda Griner Standing Relief Board of Directors

Youth Camp Rick Mase

Alternate to Grand Lodge Bill White

Auditing and Accounting Auditing Chairperson Rick Mase

Auditor Judy Christensen

Auditor Connie Mussari


Elks Training Rick Mase

Harry Anna Trust Unfilled Inter-Lodge Visitation Kathy Schulte

Lodge Reporter Kathy Schulte

Officers Attendance Kathy Schulte Membership & Lapsation Kathy Schulte

Charity Committee Rick Mase


Bulletin ’THE LOG’ Ray Yantch Bingo Patty Quinn

Golf Tournament Donald Simmons

Web Master Dan Hargraves


Presiding Justice Tim Mead

Mediator Rick Mase

Lodge Advisor Jim White

Elks ER message Aug 2012

The Grand Lodge National Convention in Austin, Texas approved the use of

shortened versions of the membership meeting ritual ceremonies for opening,

closing, and initiation. You can view this and other resolutions voted on at

the convention on our bulletin board. These shorter rituals will greatly re-

duce our membership meeting times. However, we must wait for official

word from the Grand Lodge authorizing the use of the shortened rituals,

amend our by-laws, and get membership and GL approval for the by-law

changes before we can put them into effect in our Lodge.

I have appointed Charlie Mussari as our new inner Guard. He replaces Jesse

Brosig who is making a military transfer to Panama City. Thanks to Jesse for

a great job as Inner Guard at our meetings and also for serving as an Audit

Committee member. Thanks to Judy Christensen for accepting appointment

as an Audit Committee member to replace Jesse.

Bill Adair is planning for a October Fest for Sept-Oct. If you would like to

volunteer for this event, contact Bill or me. He needs planning ideas and par-

ticipation for the event to be a successful fund raiser for the lodge. We will

keep you posted on upcoming planning meetings and progress.

The District Army of Hope picnic will be held on the 25th of August at the

Fort Walton Beach Lodge, so check our Log for more details. Kris Kane, our

Veterans Service Chairperson, has been greatly involved in this project to

assist our veterans. Check out our savings pig in the Club to provide dona-

tions to the AOH.

We have vacancies for four committee chairpersons. These are Government

Relations, Americanism, Harry Anna Trust Fund, and Hoop Shoot. Contact

me if you might be interested in taking any of these appointed positions.

These are important functions for our lodge and the Order of Elks.

Check out our event and activity plans in the Log, come out, meet other Elks,

and enjoy your lodge. I cordially invite all Elks and their guests to visit and

support our lodge and Club.

Fraternally, Toby Griner, [email protected], 939-3058

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Applications: Sponsor Occupation

Membership Applications

Bulletin Boosters

Calvin Christensen 01/13 Judith Christensen 01/13 Russ Wilby 03/13 Vera Jordan 5/13 Dan Hargraves 10/12 Jim & Betty White 9/12 Walter & Kathryn Zilka 9/12

Ewin Marris 7/12 Ben & Peggy Gray 6/13 Jim and Gloria Fix 11/12 Linda & Toby Griner 7/13 Judy Robinson 7/13

Your Name here for $10 per year. Help defray the

cost of the bulletin.

2 Joan Quina 23 Mike Devito

11 A Wilkins 23 Billy Bryant

15 Pamela Purdy 25 Ned Carver

19 Donald Simmons 27 Donald Helms

22 Timothy Meade 28 Glenda MacEwan

22 Leslie VanCil 29 John Mendehall

Good News for our tech savvy members! The Elks now have member applications online. Elks.org members can now send online

membership invitations to friends and family. Web-enabled mobile phone users can even utilize their mobile phones to send an invi-

tation. Visit http://www.elks.org/EMAS. Once your invitation is received, your candidate can click thru to submit their application

online. If they don’t have time to complete the application in one sitting, they can click the blue button at the bottom of the applica-

tion to save their work and come back later. Once their application is complete, they can click a box to electronically sign it and then

a red button to submit it. The Lodge Secretary will be notified via CLMS and with the click of a button, import the candidate’s ap-

plication into CLMS. As this new feature may not be attractive to all members and candidates, hardcopy applications will still be

accepted. Everyone keep up the good work attracting new members to our Lodge. Our numbers are building. Also, if you receive a

hard copy application, please make sure your applicants complete it in its entirety to speed up the process.

Thank You, Kathy Schulte, Secretary

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August 2012

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 Activity



3 4 Steak



5 6 PER



Ladies Night

5pm to 9pm

7 BOD 6:00pm

BOG 7:00pm


8 Assorted

Salads $7.00

9 10 11

12 13

Ladies Night

5pm to 9pm


14 Monthly




Queen of Hearts


15 $1.00

Taco Night

16 17 18 PER

Oyster Shuck

19 20

Ladies Night

5pm to 9pm

21 Queen of Hearts

Drawing is

held Every Tuesday

22 Dagwood


23 24 25 Army of Hope at Fort

Walton Beach Lodge #1795 at

12:00 noon

26 27

Ladies Night

5pm to 9pm

28 Queen of Hearts

Drawing is

held Every Tuesday

No Meeting

29 Pork

Tender Loin and sides

30 31

Our Charities


your Help!

Bulletin Articles are

due by the

15th of this month.

D.D. Clinic Fort Walton Beach

Lodge # 1795 on

August 11, 2012,

at 11:00 am

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ELKS LODGE #2787 Lodge Activities


and Distress

Saturday, August 4th at 6PM, Kay & Walter Zilka will host our steak dinner with steak, potato, salad, and bread. We will also have entertainment with Ray Coley (Big Dog) playing for us. Come out and support your lodge and enjoy the food and entertainment. Cost is $12.00 per person.

Wednesday , August 8th at 6:00 PM Assorted Salads. This event is sponsored by Linda Williams. Linda

could use your help on this event please contact her at 293-2938. Don’t forget to come out and support her.

Saturday, August 11th at 11AM, D.D. Clinic Fort Walton Beach Lodge # 1795

Wednesday, August 15th at 6PM, Sarah & Lyle Cater will host taco night. Monies made on this event will go to feed the Hungry. The price is $1.00 per taco.

Saturday, August 18th at 3PM, our PER association will be having an oyster shuck along with other food. Cost is $7.00 per dozen.

Wednesday, August 22 at 6 PM, we will have big sandwiches known as Dagwood sandwiches with salad. The cost is $7.00 person. So come on out and make your own Dagwood sandwich with way you like.

Saturday, August 25th., the Army of Hope picnic will at the Ft Walton Elks Lodge. The time is to be an-nounced. Let’s everyone plan to come to the picnic and support our veterans. Come out to also have fun and enjoy the food. I am sure Kris and the Army of Hope could use our help. So please let’s support Kris and all the others that have worked so hard on this event this year.

Wednesday, August 29th at 6 PM, I will have pork tender loin and sides at a cost of $7.50 per person. Activity Chairperson Linda Griner

This year has been moving along at a rapid pace. We still have six months for activity planning. I need

everyone to come out August 2, at 6:30 for planning the September and the rest of the year.

Many of you have been are asking for entertainment. I have entertainment for the steak dinner August

4th. We will try this and see if the support will increase. We cannot have entertainment if the members

are not going to support it.

I still need your thoughts and ideas on up coming months. Remember it take all of us working together

to have a successful year.

I would like to thank all that has stepped up to help out with the events. Many of you are there when we

need you. Invite all the new members to come and get involved.

Activity Chairperson

Linda Griner

James Bergami, passed in April, he was 87 years old and his

family lives in NY. James has been a member of this lodge

since 1995. He demitted from Grapevine, Texas Elks Lodge

Rodney Dell Parrish, a resident of Navarre Beach and a former

resident of Dothan, died Sunday, July 15, 2012

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District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler (DDGER) Page 6 HOLLEY-NAVARRE


To All Northwest Florida District Exalted Rulers:

At the Grand Lodge Session held in Austin, Texas, in July 2012, Thomas S. Brazier of Santa Cruz, California

Lodge #824 was installed as the new Grand Exalted Ruler for the year 2012/2013.

At this session, I had the honor of being installed as District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for Florida’s Northwest

District, #1840. Please know that I am at your disposal to assist you and your Lodge in any way that I possibly

can. I want you, your Officers and your Members to feel free to call upon me at any time.

The first District Deputy Clinic will be held in Fort Walton Beach Lodge # 1795 on August 11, 2012, at 11:00 am.

According to the Laws of the Order, it is necessary that you ensure that the Exalted Ruler, Leading Knight, Sec-

retary and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors/Board of Trustees be present.

Enclosed is a copy of mine and the District Vice President’s official visit schedule.

I request that you put me on your mailing list for all of your bulletins, and post my picture, address and phone

number and email address where Members will see them. (NOTE: My picture will be forwarded under separate

correspondence at a future date.)

I am looking forward to working with you and your Lodge.

Sincerely and fraternally, Phil Finder

Phil Finder, District Deputy, Grand Exalter Ruler

DD’S 2012/2013 CALENDAR

Florida Northwest District #1840

DD/VP Visitations

1. September 8th Crestview #2624

2. September 22nd Destin #2688

3. October 6th Holley Navarre #2787 4. October 20th Pensacola Beach #497

5. October 27th Fort Walton #1795

6. November 3rd Twin Cities #2747

7. December 1st Warrington #2108

DD Clinics

1. August 11, 2012 Fort Walton #1795

April 6, 2013 Warrington #2108

Other Events

1. October 12-13 State President’s visit @ Fort Walton

2. November 8-10 Mid-Year – Fort Myers

February 7-9 (’13) February Quarterly

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ELKS LODGE #2787 Elk’s Caring, Elk’s Sharing, Elk’s Having Fun

The nationally recognized Flag Day ceremony was postpone on June 10th because of heavy rains that flooded Pensacola that made roads impassable, so the Pensacola Lodge along with the Holley-Navarre Lodge resched-uled the ceremony for July 1st 2012. Even though it was poorly attended, the ceremony was both beautiful and moving and I want to thank the Pensacola Elk’s for hosting this great event that pays tribute to this great nation.

Our Lodge donated $375.00 to help send three great and deserving kids a chance to enjoy a week of fun and activities at Navarre’s Betty J Pullum Family YMCA. This is what our Elk’s are all about helping children in our community. We also sent several deserving children to our fabulous Florida Elk’s Youth Camp in Umit-illa Florida for a week of swimming, boating, archery, and many more outdoor activates.

On July 21st Holley-Navarre Elk’s with organizer Pat and Kathy Schulte's and several helpful Elk assistance put on one heck of a Luau. The event was well received not only by our local members but was also guess from the Navarre Beach Yacht Club and Island Life Social Club. Fun was had by all and these pictures show just a bit of the food and fun.

Page 8: 'The LOG' August 2012

BPO Elks Grand Lodge Resolution Voting Results Austin, TX 2012 Ballots cast 2804

1 To eliminate the position of Grand Treasurer. 2564 YES 236 NO 2 To transfer the duties of the Grand Treasurer to the Grand Secretary. 2558 YES 244 NO Dependent on #1 passing

3 To allow the adoption of alternate initiation rituals. 1505 YES 1294 NO 0.00% 4 To allow a Lodge to assess its Life Members an administrative fee up to the amount of regular Lodge dues. 1501 YES 1299 NO 00% 5 To reinstate the Grand Lodge Government Relations Committee. 1992YES 809 NO 00% 6 To add flexibility to the operation of the Elks National Home. 2543 YES 257 NO 00% 7 To provide authority for the Board of Directors of the Corporation which maintains the Elks Na-tional Home to sell, lease or close the Home. 2533 YES 266 NO 00% 8 To provide that only one copy of the Elks Magazine be mailed to an address with multiple mem-bers unless otherwise requested by the Member. 2683 YES 117 NO .00% 9 To increase the fee to appeal an Executive Order to more accurately reflect the cost of transcrip-tion of the record. 909 YES 1890 0NO % 10 To clarify that officers of a separate corporation are subject to discipline by the Grand Exalted Ruler. 2536 YES 254 NO 11 To extend the expedited expulsion process to a Member who fails to disclose a prior criminal conviction on an application for membership. 2693 YES 103 NO 12 To clarify the circumstances under which a conflict of interest exists. 2468 YES 326 0NO .00% 13 To establish a whistleblower policy to protect those who report violations. 2613 YES 182 0.00% 14 To eliminate the need for a card number to conform to CLMS. 2497 YES 293 NO0% 15 To clarify that a PER retains that status upon transfer to another Lodge. 2762 YES 37 NO 16 To simplify the reduced fee reinstatement provisions. 2733 YES 66 .0NO0% 17 To clarify the procedure for dropping a delinquent Member. 2687 YES 109 NO% 18 To clarify that an expelled Member cannot be admitted into any Elks facility as a guest. 2730 YES 66 NO