The little girl, the Mosquitoes, the Alligator and the Snakes

The little girl in the swamps Is it possible that meanness or cruelty are inversely proportional to our size? This story does not pretend to answer definitively; it is a first building block of this oh so difficult question: the wise men being mostly of opinion that meanness or cruelty are feelings the best shared in the worl d that we ar e small or bi g! Therefo re see our st ory afte r this long and pedantic introduction. A little girl decided one mornin g to take her bicyle and go to investigate the forest which spread its foliage not far from her house. She warned nobody not even her mom about whom she knew that she could wait for this something that around her she had learned to be called tenderness by all the others... Indeed our little girl had difficulty contacting the others, of which she had eventually understood that they were human beings who let go out of what we named ( the others) a mouth, sounds which sometimes amused her sometimes terrified her; it is thus it, a mouth, did she think? A hole sounds. If she looked in the mirror she saw that she too had a hole sounds; but during long years, (it is as it that the others, those who were called human beings but also had some strange nicknames always or often preceded by mister or madam, mister di Fazio, madam Althenbrunner, mister Jacobson, madam Loewenstein, mister Lopez, madam Dickinson, - called the time which passes, in fact sand which flows from a phial to another through a narrow passage, as had shown her his mom) - the others thus had not understood her sounds; she too, at the beginning, did not understand their sounds, she understood only the sounds of the opening of her mother, as this one understood her own. People, it is to say the others, the human beings had stored her in spite of the objections of her mom who had finally been conv inced, in a house with others, that , people, the others, the huma n  beings called children so that she learns the sounds of the others, the human beings with their funny names in mister Albertson, in madam Johnson, in miss Ulriksen; It had been painful but as it seemed to please them that she uses their sounds and especially to her mother in the arms of whom she found this something warm, of softness which reassured her when the others, the human beings terrified her, she had made this effort. So when she asked for something in their words, she obtained it, been little accustomed to the fact that she takes out of her hole sounds their words; then they had tended to give her less for what she asked with the exception of her mother who for an unknown reason of her treated her in this way so soft, so attentive, who reassured her every time she felt going up in her this horror or this unspeakable thing which deprived her of a sudden of any strength and transformed her into a feverish palpitation. This forest, not far from what they called the others, people, human beings with their funny nicknames beginning with Mister Hashley , Madam Dupont St. Creu, Mister. Reagahone, Madam. Libertson - their home, seemed to her worthy of exploration and she was sure she would find what she wanted and she could not find except in the arms of her mother, the feeling to exist, to live. And if luckily she found in this forest with this pine, that pine there, this pine close then this pine  behind then this other pine there, and this other pine a little farther and still this pine with this made scratch by which? This pine close, this pine behind, this smaller pine, this very high pine in front of this pine too very high and this other pine farther and this pine behind and this pine and this pine next to this cypres s and now this cypress next to this other cypress and this other c ypr ess still and this other one again and this one piping hot due to a pencil of sunlight which coloured it and this cypress with this squirrel, if she found for what she wanted, as she had taken her little movement  box to store what she looked and what she began to guess after this pine, then this other pine twisted  by anger and this one-armed pine and this swollen pine and this shy pine and this other wrinkled  pine and after, these sucking sands, this very high cypress in front of this less high cypress next to this very green cypress and to this very sharp cypress and to this cypress with its tilted tip and still

Transcript of The little girl, the Mosquitoes, the Alligator and the Snakes

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