The lion and the mouse

The Lion and the Mouse (Aesop's fables) Once upon a time a lion was sleeping in its cave. It had already eaten a whole ox and had drunk a lot of water. Suddenly it felt in its sleep that something was walking on its body. The lion opened its eyes and saw that it was a mouse! Very angry then, that such a small animal dared to spoil its tranquility, the lion grabbed the mouse with its foot, and was ready to eat it. But the mouse began to ask it with tears: - Please, let me live and, one day, I will repay your kindness! The lion, who was very arrogant but had also eaten and drunk a lot already, laughed at the words it heard and said: - Ha,ha,ha! Ok,I will not eat you,...although YOU will never be able to help ME!



Transcript of The lion and the mouse

Page 1: The lion and the mouse

The Lion and the Mouse (Aesop's fables)

Once upon a time a lion was sleeping in its cave. It had already eaten a

whole ox and had drunk a lot of water.

Suddenly it felt in its sleep that something was walking on its body. The lion

opened its eyes and saw that it was a mouse!

Very angry then, that such a small animal dared to spoil its tranquility, the

lion grabbed the mouse with its foot, and was ready to eat it.

But the mouse began to ask it with tears:

- Please, let me live and, one day, I will repay your kindness!

The lion, who was very arrogant but had also eaten and drunk a lot already,

laughed at the words it heard and said:

- Ha,ha,ha! Ok,I will not eat you,...although YOU will never be able to help


Page 2: The lion and the mouse

But one day the lion fell into a pit-a trap that some hunters had opened.

They tied it with thick ropes and left for their village to bring more people

to help them carry it because it was too heavy.

Then, the mouse happened to pass by there and heard its groans.

It went down into the pit, saw the lion and recognised it.

- Once you gave me my life! said the mouse to the lion. Now I will repay

you for your kindness and I will help you.

- YOU will help ME?! asked the lion. How is this possible?

- You will see! said the mouse and started to gnaw the ropes that tied the

lion with its sharp teeth.

After a lot of effort, the ropes were cut and the lion was able, with a

leap, to get out of the pit-trap.

-Thank you very much! said the happy lion.

-I had promised you that one day I would repay your kindness and I kept

my promise! said the mouse. Then you had laughed at me because you had

not believed that I, a small mouse, would be ever able to help you. You

should know, however, that even the weakest can repay the kindness to the
