The Light company · 2020. 10. 17. · F-' " V tg % e The Light company I'.O. Box 1700 llouston,...

F-' " V tg % e The Light company I'.O. Box 1700 llouston, 'Ihas 77001 (713) 22 S 9211 llou ston l ighting & l'ow er March 8, 1988 ST-HL-AE-2556 File No. G20.02.01 10CFR50.90 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Deck Washington, DC 20555 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499 Annotated FSAR Pages Reflecting HL6P Organization During a recent telephone conference with the NRC Staff regarding our recent subject submittals (ST-HL-AE-2484 and ST-HL-AE-2488, both dated January 28, 1988), HL&P was requested to provide marked FSAR pages to reflect the recent organizational changes. The annotated FSAR pages are attached. We hope these change adequately address your request. If you have any questions or commenta, please call Mr. S. M. Head at (512) 972-8392. f// C/ $0&Y ~ M. A. McBurnett Manager Operations Support Licensing MAM/PLW/bs At t=;=e nt : Annotated FSAR pages 8803170001 000300 DR ADOCK 050 0 | '" " " "" "" "" " "' NL.88.057.01

Transcript of The Light company · 2020. 10. 17. · F-' " V tg % e The Light company I'.O. Box 1700 llouston,...

Page 1: The Light company · 2020. 10. 17. · F-' " V tg % e The Light company I'.O. Box 1700 llouston, 'Ihas 77001 (713) 22 S 9211 llou ston l ighting & l'ow er March 8, 1988 ST-HL-AE-2556

F-' " V

tg %


The Lightcompany I'.O. Box 1700 llouston, 'Ihas 77001 (713) 22 S 9211llou ston l ighting & l'ow er

March 8, 1988ST-HL-AE-2556File No. G20.02.0110CFR50.90

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttention: Document Control DeckWashington, DC 20555

South Texas Project Electric Generating StationUnits 1 and 2

Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499Annotated FSAR Pages Reflecting HL6P Organization

During a recent telephone conference with the NRC Staff regarding ourrecent subject submittals (ST-HL-AE-2484 and ST-HL-AE-2488, both datedJanuary 28, 1988), HL&P was requested to provide marked FSAR pages to reflectthe recent organizational changes. The annotated FSAR pages are attached.

We hope these change adequately address your request. If you have anyquestions or commenta, please call Mr. S. M. Head at (512) 972-8392.

f// C/ $0&Y ~

M. A. McBurnettManagerOperations Support Licensing


At t=;=e nt : Annotated FSAR pages

8803170001 000300DR ADOCK 050 0 |

'" " " "" "" "" " "'NL.88.057.01

Page 2: The Light company · 2020. 10. 17. · F-' " V tg % e The Light company I'.O. Box 1700 llouston, 'Ihas 77001 (713) 22 S 9211 llou ston l ighting & l'ow er March 8, 1988 ST-HL-AE-2556


i i

flouston 1.ighting & Power Company

ST-HL-AE-2556File No.: G20.02.01Page 2


Regional Administrator, Region IV Rufus S. ScottNuclear Regulatory Commission Associated Gereral Counsel611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Houston Lighting & Power CompanyArlington, TX 76011 P. O. Box 1700

Houston, TX 77001N. Prasad Kadambi, Proj ect ManagerU. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission INPO1 White Flint North Records Center11555 Rockville Pike 1100 Circle 75 ParkwayRockville, MD 20859 Atlant a, Ga. 30339-3064,

Dan R. CarpenterSenior Resident Inspector / Operationse/o U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionP. G. Box 910Bay City. TX 77414

Claude E. JohnsonSenior Resident Inspector / Constructionc/o V. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionP. O. Box 910Bay City TX 77414

J. R. Newman, EsquireNewman & Holtzinger, P.C.1615 L Street, N.V.Washington, DC 20036

R. L. Range /R. P. Verret

Central Power & LiEht CompanyP. O. Box 212'Corpus Christi, TX 78403

R. John Miner (2 copies)Chief Operating OfficerCity of Austin Electric UtilityP. O. Box 1088Austin, TX 78704

R. J. Costello/M. T. HkedtCity Public Service BoardP. O. Box 1771San Antonio, TX 78296

Revised 02/03/88NL.LER.DIST.162

Page 3: The Light company · 2020. 10. 17. · F-' " V tg % e The Light company I'.O. Box 1700 llouston, 'Ihas 77001 (713) 22 S 9211 llou ston l ighting & l'ow er March 8, 1988 ST-HL-AE-2556

t b

AttachmentAnnotated FSAR pages








NL.8J.057.01 ;

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, , .

: I


! !

j for activities related to operation, maintenance, security, emergency prepar. 59 j

j edness, and training of the nuclear generating stations. The plant operation ;

; organization is described in Section Engineering, Construction and Technical Services !!

j Nuclear Group: The Group Vice President. Nuclear reports 59 i

to the Chairman of tne Board and Chief Executive Officer and is responsible 44|j -for power plant engineering, construction, and operation activities as they

relate to HL&P's nuclear power facilities. The ;iuclear Group Organization is . | 134

|shown in Figure 13.1 3. | 24 |

| The Group Vice President, Nuclear has management resconsibility for the formu- i

| 1ation, implementr. tion, and assessment of the uffectiveness of the STPECS Fire 53 !; Protection Pry ram. [| !

! 13.1,1, Engineering and Construction De:artment . The Vice ij President, Enginewring and Construction, is responsible to the Group Vice !

President, Nuclear, for the management, coordination scheduling, cost |-

| control, engineering, construction, material handlin5, nuclear engineerins and |

startup of the South Texas Project. The Enginaering and Construction |4

; Department is shown on Figure 13.1 3. __. D__...__.*._, "- The General Manager,3.__... . _ . _ -Pr j::t, is responsible to tha '' ice President, Engineering and Construction, !.

j for the management, coordination, scheduling, cost control, engineering. (| construction. .+++ewp., and of the South Texas Proj ecry The -fRP- ;3

j CNev6 kg.c+-MH CA% fed ii Departnnt is shosn on Figure 131-3.


| The team members are responsible throughgthe Project Management Team, and i

g ultimately through the General Manager. tuth Ten 2: Prej::t, for the techn cal i

! adequacy of work executed in support of STP. Scme members of the Project4 Management Team are assigned to tne team by various depart =ents within the i

! HL&P organization. These assigned team members also serve as interfaces be- +

| tween their individual line organizations and the Project Management Team to '

ensure the acce:plishment of the project related work pertinent to their de. 59 |i

| partments. ;I |

| Unit 1 Oparations Support . The Manager, Unit 1 |'

j - Frej ect for Physical Design Engineering, Construction,A icensingdf % W fge r+ |

Operations Support, is responsible to the General Mana er. S: th T+nd R:::rd: jg

M:neger2nt required to support operation of Unit 1. -F+reene*1-reportdog--w-I -this @partment-ar+-assign +d-free their-respect 4ve -discipliner . (Refer to |f Figure 13.1-3). Awu %, )hwMd%%% C m sr.3. , South TexasIProieet 4nh.-2- . The4 Manager, South Texas:

} Project W+.h is responsible to theTC::::r:1 M:n:g:r, South Terre Ps+}+st for~

i Engineering, Construction. Licensing, -R+eerd: Men gere .t and planning and| scheduling required to support campletion of Unit 2. (Refer to Figure

! 13.1 3).,NuclearEngineering,:

i reports to the "ice Pres 14 eat. Engineering and Censtructien and is responsible' GMM%se,%%ked _.


tu.e uauatm-



. .. .


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e s


for Nuclear Fuel and for providing technical support to STP in the areas :fcore engineering, thermal hydraulics, and plant analysis. (Refer to Figure13.1 3). g

tn N. u .J w g:.n:Manager, g .J g p : 1::: rure

and unteri:1 "; r~13.l Theg -

39. w . . . m . .u be, . 4 d n . b 1 : ": 7 ----t is responsible to the

Vice President, Engineering and Construction, for providing material hand'.ingand procurement to support the STPEGS. (Refer to Figure 13.1 3).

bM Nuclear Assuran:e: The General Manager, Nuclear-Assurance, reports to the Croup Vice President, Nuclear. The General Manager,Nuclear Assurance, has the authority and responsibility to identify, initiate,recommend, or provide solutions to quality related problems and verify theimplementation and effectiveness of the solutions. This position has the 20authority to "stop work" for cause in engineering, design, procurement,fabrication, construction, and operation phases of the nuclear plant. (7.e fe rto the Quality Assurance Program Description for the Design and Construction-Phase of the South Texas Project (QA?3) and Section 17. 2. ) Nuclear Safety Review Board (NSRB) The General Manager.Nuclear Safety Review Board, is responsible to the Group Vice President,Nuclear, for the duties of the NSR5 and the Independent Safety EngineeringGroup (ISEC) as described in TSAR Section 13.4 and the TechnicalSpecifications. (Refer to Figure 13.1 3) . $9 Administrative Support Several departments provide for-

administrative support in areas such as personnel, activities relative tc thecommercial insterests of STP, and miscellaneous other duties as assigned(Figure 13.1 3).

Wabsht hegy W b13. Environtfntal Protection - The Manager Environmental *Dg.Ae

reports to theP :n:ral .tn;;;;, F:::11 Plant u gi ;cri g and is4::t::ti:n, C

responsible for the areas of environ ental licensing, air and water quali:y. 127ecology, water resources and nonradicactive vaste handling. He is responsible |38for preparation of the Environmental Report and the environmental related por-tions of the safety analysis report. His restansibility also includes acqui- 15sition of all local, state, and federal permits and approvals, exclusive :fNRC licensing. The Manager, Environ ental P1: ring :nd Assesscen , is |38responsible for supervising the above activities. The Environmen al?:::: tier Department is represented on the STP Project Manageme . Team. This |15individual is responsible for project interface with the Environ ental |38Net-etie- Department. (Refer to Figure 13.1-5). gg g System Engineerint: The Vice President, System Operathns |59is responsible for contractual activities related to the design and construc- |38tion of the switchyard. In addition, he is responsible for the design of theinterfaces between the switchyard and the plant electrical auxiliary systusincluding the main, unit auxiliary, standby and emergency transformers. TheManager, Engineering Design and Development, is responsible for the design of 15switchyard electrical equipment and protection, and the interfaces between thesvitehyard and the plant electrical auxiliary system.



13.1 7 Amendment 59~

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' .

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Page 7: The Light company · 2020. 10. 17. · F-' " V tg % e The Light company I'.O. Box 1700 llouston, 'Ihas 77001 (713) 22 S 9211 llou ston l ighting & l'ow er March 8, 1988 ST-HL-AE-2556

. .


b. get$, 5. Manager, Nuclear Engineering y 59

Kiime : K. K. chIH ara,--

Formal Education:/

1963 BS (Honors) Physics, Punjab University, India [-

1964 MS (Honors) Physics, Punjab University, India ,/1972 PH.D Nuclear Engineering, University of Cincinnati,


1964 1966 - Kurukshetra University, IndiaLecturer in'the Physics Department. faught courses inThermodynamics,HeatTransfer,Mathd'aticalPhysics,etc.

Southern California Edi,s/1972 1974 - on

op) p Leader, Core and Fuel Analysisresponsible for coreou

aitonal analysis, technicaVsupport, and fuel management of-

and 3 relative to dpa/uclear analyses for San Onoforeofre Unit 1. PerformedSan

Units ign review and licensing support,x'

Also worked in the Fuel Supply Department in the areas of fuel,


1974 1976\neralElectricCompanye


Senior Engineer ihv61ved in the nuclear design of BVR 6 and '


retrofit of advart e\ concepts to earlier product lines.lParticipated in the da elopment of fuel optimization models,


1976 1985 - Cincinnati as & Electric Company

Manager, tj clear Services rtment - responsible for managingactivities in the areas of independent safety engineering,, nu. t

clear sy' stems and reliability arialysis and nuclear fuel.Responsible for organizing and ovhseeing the review and eval-uatio'n of design and engineering chlltuges, station operatingproledures, emergency procedures and 't(e nuclear safety aspectsaf/ plant performance. Responsible for the generic licensingissues through the BWR Owners Group. Dirkt the development of

fin house capability in the areas of safety aoalysis, reliabi-'

s/ lity analysis, and probabilistic risk assessagt. Direct all" aspects of nuclear fuel supply and fuel managene t. Managed'

nuclear training until .!aly, 1983.

Manager, Nuclear Fuel and Advanced Engineering Projee g -responsible for managing activities in the areas of nuci artfuel, nuclear systems, TM1 action plan coordination, gene' ration

/, planning, special corporate studies, andR&Dcoordination.\Special corporate studien included load management evaluations, -

ffuel planning (coal, oil, and nuclear), coal inventory model, N: i

and evaluations of various corporate alternatives with finan.cial model. Testified as the Company's witness at hearings ofi

the NRC and the Public Service Commission of Kentucky.

13.1 11 Amendment 59,

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- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

| ?* ,



Head of Nuclear Fuel Group - responsibilities included n ju lear .

fuel procurement, contract management, economic analysir, core6 management, and fuel performance. Directed a corporate project 44


on thbarginal costs of electric supply in respohse to an

order of'the\Public Utilities Cocaission o Oh'lo .

"h C#yi


53(. A 1985 Present - uston Lighting o er

Y&February 1985 March 1 85


Manager, Nuclear Services Depar. ent - responsible for thet

| areas of core engine (ring, thermal' hydraulics and plant analy-sis.

Mar 86 Present $9

anager, Nuclear Engineering - responsible for the area of| core engineering, thermal hydraulics, plant analysis, andl nuclear fuel supply.| ,


Enyksrur.tal- misii .kssasswdcvddahWMDivisien-Mana er ,

% w, h e .JadKName: Robert W. Lawhn, P.E. pg

Formal Education:

1968 BA University of St. Thomas 15 .

1973 ME Texas A&M University,




Experience: Houston Lighting 6 Power Company

1973 1975Engineer, Nuclear Division Assigned to various licensingactivities on the Allens Creek project.

I 1975 1977Senior Engineer, Nuclear Division Responsible for coor-dinating licensing activities on the Allens Creek project,

| the South Texas Project and generic subjects, 20 '

1977 1980 -

| Lead Engineer, Environmental Planning and AssessmentDivision - Responsible for preparation of Environ:nentalReports and Emergency Plans for nuclear projects.

1980 1981 |Supervising Engineer, Environmental Planning andAssessment Responsible for the technical andadministrative supervision of ervironmental licensing |

|activities on nuclear projects.


1981 - Present i,

Division Manager, Environrnental Planning and Assessment +Responsible for the technical and ad:sinistrativesupervision of environmental licensing activities on )nuclear and fossil projects. 1

13.1 12 Amendment 59.



I |1 |

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Sev0' .



Neme: Daniel J. Denver !


1966 University of Notre DameBS Mechanical Engineering (Honors)


1967 Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMS Nuclear Engineering


1971 Carnegie - Mellon UniversityExtensive graduate level coursework in Nuclear Science


1972 New York UniversityGraduate Business Administration coursework

i l

1985 Northeastern UniversityManagement Development Program


1 1967 - 1971 Westinghouse - Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory.

Nuclear Analyst. Participated in the design of a reactor |j for naval propulsion applications.

1971 - 1973 Public Service Electric & Gas |!

: Incore Fuel Analyst - Acted as a liaison between the'

operating and engineering groups in areas related toreactor design and core analysis. Fulfilled this function ;

; for a number of disciplines including reactor physics,thermal-hydraulics and nuclear fuel economics.

1973 - 1977 Yankee Atomic Electric Company<.

Senior Reactor Physicist - Responsible for developingmethods and models for reactor physics analysis of theMaihe Yankee nuclear power plant.

In addition, responsible for reactor engineeringj operational support of Maine Yankee and for the review and

approval of any related analysis done by the fuel vendor,t

the contract management of these efforts and the licensing; support for this work.4 i

Developed models for the representation of control rodsand burnable poison pins for use in reactor physics i

calculations. Designed high density spent fuel racks that i

were installed at Yankee Rowe, Vermont Yankee, MaineYankee and Pilgrim nuclear stations. Supervised thedevelopment and maintenance of the SIMULATE program, A ,

computer code developed at Yankee which is widely used in '


! the nuclear power industry to analyse core behavior,t


Page 10: The Light company · 2020. 10. 17. · F-' " V tg % e The Light company I'.O. Box 1700 llouston, 'Ihas 77001 (713) 22 S 9211 llou ston l ighting & l'ow er March 8, 1988 ST-HL-AE-2556

$5Cv0 -. .

Responsible for all reactor. physics and fuel managementactivities necessary for the planned Seabrook andCharlestown units. In ecnn : tion uith thi: reles

Represented Yankee at the Metropolian Nuclear FuelTechnology Group and served as Vice-Chairman of thisorganization. Participated as a working member in the ANSstandard writing effort.

1977 - 1988 EI International (Formerly Energy Incorporated)

Principal Engineer - responsible for establishing abusiness segment in fuel management as well as for helpingestablish an EI office in the eastern U. S. In'thiscapacity, participated in fuel management, safetyana.ysis, software development and training contracts. j

General Manager, East Coast Office. In this position, hadtechnical and administrative responsibility for a staff-of14 Took a lead role in marketing and negotiatingcontracts to establish EI in the nuclear power planttraining simulator business. Subsequently supervised thedevelopment of sof tware for the Brunswick, LaSalle andOyster Creek simulators.

Operations Vice President'of the Engineering SoftwareDepartment. Responsible for a staff of 35 engineersengaged in software development, reactor analysis, andengineering consulting.


General Manager, Plant Computer Systems. Responsible for i

management of EI's electronic products fabrication;

subsidiary, EI Ele ronics. I

w\aas %4 egh ogshms%deunehibes 4 ETs










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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

' '


7. General Manager, Nuclear Assurance9

Name: J. E. Geiger, P.E.j

Formal Education:

1961 BSIE - State University Sacramento, California.

' Experience:'


1957 - 1972 - Aerojet General Corporation, Sacramento, Ca.

1960 - 1964Manager, Receiving Inspection Planning and Data

1964 - 1968Manager, Document Centet 24

1968 - 1972Manager, Quality Systems


1972 - 1974 - Self Employed

1974 - 1976 - Vayo Inc., Sacramento, Ca.Freelance QA Engineer

1976 - 1978 - Argonne National Lab (Ill.)QA Engineer

(1978 .1981 - Los Angeles Power Division BPC

Senior Engineer QA Staff and Supervisor Field Activities

1981 - 1982 - Houston Lighting & Power CompanyQA Manager, STP

1982 - 1985 - Manager, QA48

1985 (April) - 1986 (June) - Manager, NA56

1986 (June) - Present - General Manager, NA

8. 4 General Manager, NSRS-gedes, 9,9A -

Name: S.L. Rosen

Formal Education:

1962 BS Chem E - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute1967 MS NE - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 59


1969 - 1980 - Boston Edison Company .

From 1975 to 1980, Manager of the Nuclear Engineering


13.1-13 Amendment 61



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. - . - - - . _ - . , ,

.. .,



Department responsible'for engineering support to operationalnuclear generating stations and for engineering review of j

nuclear generating stations under design an/or construction. ;

Vice Chairman of the Boston. Edison Company.offsite nuclear '

safety review committee, . the Nuclear. Safety Review and Audit . i

Committee (NSRAC). Previous to being named Manager, NuclearEngineering Department, Proj ect Engineering Manager for Pilgrim'-Unit #1 and, before . that, as Pilgrim Unit #1 Project LicensingEngineer. Also served as Chairman, Yankee Atomic ~ Environmen:al'Laboratory, Laboratory quality Control Audit Committee and


Vice-Chairman of the EPRI Nuclear Engineering and' OperationsTask Force.

1980 - 1986Vice President and Director of Engineering Division at theInstitute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) in Atlanta, Georgia.


In this position, responsible for INPO's evaluation activities in :'

the areas of plant technical support'and corporate. engineeringsupport. Responsible for plant analysis activities including thePlant Performance Indica:or Program and the Equipment ReliabilityData System.

Elected a vice president of INPO January 1985 af ter serving as |61 ,

Analysis and Engineering division director since 1983. From 1982,

to 1983, served as deputy director of the Analysis andEngineering division and previously served as manager of thedivision's events analysis department, j

Rt11986 - Pre ent - General Mana5er, NSRB - Houston Lighting & Power

Company; msgeu % h h . %3Vic.a. Pe*sh4, Nwb, (:hc h hMas of A Nsm.8 W hTsE 6 a.s cusuibed

9. Manager Unit 1, Operations Suppor: ub TtMod Sea.cib4N .Name: S. M. Dew, P.E. N '8 D b~ ~ * ~~

% ***'' 73'

"' "

Qy"..t.g mt DtFormal Education: 'p , ,

MA w1968 BSCE University of Missouri at Columbia wwM % qJ3

frf se s 64 l.Experience: -

1968 - 1972 - Babcock & Wilcox Company. 24

Fossil and Nuclear star:-up engineer; Mr.' Dew was-instrumental inthe development of Babceck & Wilcox's PWR test program-supervised the shipment and receipt of B&W's first nuclear fuel .shipment to the Oconee Nuclear Station; had considerableinvolvement with the testing program on fossil and nuclear p' ants.

totaling 4300 MWe.'

1972 - 1974 - Babcock & Wilcox Three Mile IslandEstablished the B&W startup office and continued as startup


engineer following B&W System through all stages of testing andpower escalation on THI Unit _I.


'- - 11;1Tr4 v Amendment 61- -

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-_ . . - . -- .___ - . - - - . . . -.

, ,


1974 - 1980 - Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation t

Mr. Dew was Assistant Project Engineer in charge of the BeaverValley Site Engineering Office; developed .the site project office

t*Pr*sm4 6 M W W and procedures which ensure control and responsive support ofP*~*" %= 7 construction with minimum offsite coordination. 24'

W,kkiop %ig;mtemMa kr a.u WW* 1980 - 1981 - Brown & Root, Inc.

q%Q%g W Assistant Engineering Project Manager in charge of Systems and% % g a w N w zzi Equipment Design Group.

Q Lu d a w u e W cA 1981 - 1984 - Hodston Lighting & Power Company F+ 1. * * . * Manager, Engineering, South Texas Proj ect, responsible for al1~ 74


engineering activities on STP.~


69881984 - Pr: rent - Houston Lighting & Power CompanyDeputy Project Manager, South Texas Project; responsible for


assuring that the construction and start-up phases of the projectare accomplished in accordance with approved design and within ,1 -

- the approved schedule and budget.' '

l h d @ to.G W n N ting OrgaSam h A ,al3.1.2 O ion Plant Organization. The general plan for staffing STP has the03organization as shown on Figures 13.1-2A through 13.1-2G. Plant Persennel Responsibilities and Authorities. The func-tions and responsibilities of various positions at STP, including a specific 38succession to responsibility for overall operation of the plan: in the event ,

of absences, incapacitation of personnel, or other emergencies, are describedin this section. Chapter, Section 3, identifies .the onsite person for 53Fire Protection. Plant Management:


The Plant Manager reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Plant Operations and 38

has responsibility for the safe, reliable and efficient startup, operations,maintenance and refueling of the STPEGS. He is responsible for adherence to |44all requirements of the operating License and the Technical Specifications.



13.1-.2.2.2 Plant Operations: '


The Plant Operations Manager reports to the PlantAM neger. He is directly II |responsible for the safe, efficient, and reliable operation of the STPEGS in'

accordance with the requirements of the Operating License and the Technical 1'Specifications. "; c == the autherity end reepenribility of the Plent

Manage in his absam a ='=" ^ @e mise delegated. I

ePL%T Sumrt mTe. Des @ M41i

th. Mar speh+ -W14I eve 4 b M NuA %e =wd.kAs Amt ydk'Me p M-~

w h w a w , % w a e mws. h on. ~, g % .s Ae ued ,Mb.Q3 Ucm MNThom.1 $$com,

PN s%Pa/t.mye ,osvt -Li~+'t.

- 1*N i r< 13T1715 Amendment 61N TP a r.,p%ppthAn- iw,

Myafes y f*.sa gor %s rnm- - - |

c4+% AJk2. pq Rw. ,


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L M b O/O' '

Name: Robert Wills ChewningRear Admiral. US Navy (Ret)

Formal Education:

1953 BS Engineering - US Naval Academy


1953 - 1983 U. S. Navy

June 1953 - August 1953 Graduated from U.S. Naval Academywith BS in Engineering. Stayed at Academy during summeras incoming Plebe class drill instructor and boxing coach.

September 1953 - May 1955 Served aboard destroyer inPacific. j

June 1955 - December 1955 Completed U.S. Navy SubmarineSchool.

January 1956 - December 1957 Served on Diesel Submarine ,

in Atlantic, including over one year as Engineer Officer. |

|January 1958 - June 1958 Completed Nuclear PowerPrototype Training, including qualification as EngineeringOfficer of the Watch and Reactor Technician, j

January 1959 - March 1959 Special Nuclear Power Treining, ~,

Bettis, Atomic Power Lab I


March 1959 - September 1967 Served 5 tours in variousnuclear powered submarines including commissioning crew of j

first fleet ballistic missile submarine, engineer officer, |

and commanding officer of ituclear attack submarine. )i

September 1967 - November 1970 Served as CommandingOfficer Nuclear Power Training Unit Idaho. Worked for U.S. Navy and Atomic Energy Commission under head of Naval



Reactors with Staff of approximately 550 and studentloading of approximately 1400.

November 1970 - July 1974 Served as Submarine DivisionCommander, two tours as Submarine Squadron Commander andas Submarine Flotilla Commander.


September 1974 - September 1976 Served first flag officerassignment as Chief Navy Section, Joint U. S. MilitaryAssistance Group, Ankara , Turkey.

October 1976 - May 1979 Served as Director Politico-Military Affairs and Current Plans and Special Assistantfor Latin American Aff airs on Chief of Naval Operation's

Staff (OPNAV).


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u o 02/4. .

June 1979 - June 1981 Served as Commander Middle EastForce and Commander in Chief U. S. Naval Forces, Europe's

representative to the Middle East. Commander of five tosix U. S. Navy ships and a Naval facility in Bahrain.

July 1981 - March 1983 Director of Plans andPolicy for Commander in Chief Pacific.

April 1983 - July 1983 Served as Senior MilitaryRepresentative and Deputy Chief Negotiator for 1983 reviewof Military Bases Agreement (MBA) with Government ofPhilippines. 1983 Amendment to MBA signed in Manila,1 June 83. Retire from active service in July, 1983.

1983 - 1987

July 1984 - July 1986 Managed a large commercial fishingoperation - fishing from Massachusetts to South Carelinaand producing fish meal and oil.

August 1986 - October 1986 Performed consulting work withNuclear Division of Virginia Power. analyzing and


producing written report of findings with recommendationsconcerning material handling and warehouse support for theSurry and North Anna nuclear generating plants.

January 1987 - December 1987 Performed consulting workwith Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P) as SpecialAssistant to the Group Vice President, Nuclear, withassignments associated with the transition of the SouthTexas Project Electric Generating. Station (STPEGS) fromconstruction phase to operational status. These includedprojects involving plant completion program, seniormanagement plant surveillance program, plant performance

_ indicators, site facilities development plan, a program tolearn from the mistakes of earlier Near Tern OperatingLicensed plants. INPO Corporate Assistance Visit, andother similar programs.

1988 - Present !

Chairman, Nuclear Safety Review Board at the STPEGS as anemployee of HL&P. |



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The Plant Operator is responsible for safe operation of systems and directed from the control room of his assigned unit. He conitors plantparameters as required to be aware of plant conditions, performs requiredoperational checks, initiates requests for equipment repairs, clears; and tagsequipment as directed and maintains required logs, charts and records of plantdata, shift events and performance checks-on his shift. The Plant Operatorreports to the Unit Supervisor of his assigned unit. 61


The Administrative Aide is responsible for tasks of an administrative naturewhich are required during his shift. The Aide performs routine administrativeduties and processes such as routing records, logs and correspondence for the 61 =

Control Room Operations staff as required. .The Aide reports'to the ShiftSupervisor. Technical Services:

TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER 61g ggLThe Technical Services Manager reports directly to the Plantq 6uosos. The

Technical Services Manager is directly responsible for all station chemicaloperations, chemical analysis, and health physics activities. Responsibil-ities include the overall direction of the plant radiological safety and ALARAprograms, the plant chemistry and radiochemistry control programs, the pro-cessing and shipping of all radioactive waste, and the efficient operation ofplant water and waste water processing systems. The Technical Services Mana-ger is responsible for ensuring that all department activities are performedin accordance with approved procedures, regulatory requirements, and appli-cable station policies and directives.


The Health Physics Manager is responsible for managing the plant radiologicalcontrols (health physics) program and radiological environmental surveillanceprogram to assure that environmental and radiation control is maintained in amanner to protect employees, visitors, the general public, and surroundingcommunities. He is also responsible for the Radiological Laboratory. Thisresponsibility includes delineating the operating philosophy and proceduresand maintaining occupational radiation exposures as lov as reasonably-achiev-abic. This position corresponds to the po.=itien Sf "Radiation ProtectionManager" as discussed in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.8. lne Health Physics Mana-ger reports to the Technical Services Manager.


The Radiological Protection Supervisor is responsible for the conduct of theplant radiological control program including control of radiation exposure topersonnel, maintenance of related records, conduct of radiolo$ cal surveill-i

ance, and implementation of the plant policies and procedures for maintainingoccupational radiation exposures as low as reasonably achievable, He reports-to the Health Physics Manager..

- - 13,1 17 Amendment 61

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ad=inistrative direction to professional subordinates; developing and maintain-ing technical chemistry software; providing recommendation for recovery fro:abnormal chemistry conditions; and providing specific technical expertise in

51the areas of radiochemical counting precedures and equipment, corrosion mech-anisms, chemical treatment methods, an defective fuel and core damage asses-ment. The Chemical Support Supervisor reports to the Chemical Operations and h3Analysis Manager.

P13. Maintenance:


The Maintenance Manager supervises the activities of the Mechanical, Elec-trical, Instrument and Control, Maintenance Support, and Metrology Laboratete h1Groups. He is responsible for corrective and preventive maintenance for bothunits and com- mon support facilities of the STPEGS. His responsibilitiesinclude ensuring that equipment, instrumentation, controls, and mechanical andelectrical sys- tems of all plant facilities are maintained at optimum depend- 38ability and oper- ating efficiency. He is responsible for ensuring that main-tenance activities are conducted in accordance with approved procedures, regu.latory requirements, and applicable policies and directives. The MaintenanceManager reports to the Plant Mensgs. TekM -u n , 59 <


The Instrument and Control Manager is responsible for plant instrumentationand controls engineering and for directing the proper installation, calibra-tion, testing and maintenance of plant instrumentation and control systems to h1assure their dependability, reliability and operating efficiency to complywith the requirements of the Operating License and the Technical Specifica-tions. He is responsible for assuring that instrumentation and control (I&C)activities are conducted in accordance with approved procedures, regulatoryrequirements and established safety standards. The Instrument and Control I

Manager reports to the Maintenance Manager.


The Electrical Maintenance Manager is responsible for directing maintenance |activities on electrical equipment and systems to assure their dependability. Ireliability, and operating efficiency to comply with the requirements of the |Operating License and the Technical Specifications. He is responsible for 38 |

assuring that electrical maintenance activities are conducted in accordancewith approved procedures, regulatory requirements, and established safetystandards. The Electrical Maintenance Manager reports to the Maintenance h1 ,

Manager. |


The Mechanical Maintenance Manager responsible for directing maintenanceactivities on mechanical systems and equipment to assure their dependability. '

reliability, and operating efficiency to comply with the requirements of theOperating License and the Technical Specifications. He is responsible forassuring that mechanical maintenance activities are conducted in accordancewith approved procedures, regulatory requirements, and established safety

,Istandards. The Mechanical Maintenance Manager reports to the Maintenance )



13.1 19 Amendment F.



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The Maintenance Support Manager is responsible for coordinating the plantpreventive maintenance program, for coordinating the planning of plant mainte-nance activities, for administering a program to assure timely and properdetermination of plant spare parts requirements, for administering the plant 38

lubrication program, tool room, and metrology laboratory, and for providinginput to the Nuclear Power Reliability Data System program and equipment his-tory and trending program. The Maintenance Support Manager reports to the 61Maintenance Manager.


The Metrology Laboratory Manager is respensible for operation of the MetrologyLaboratory. The laboratory provides measurement and test equipment for 53 toperation of the facility. He reports to the Maintenance Manager. p9 Plant Engineering:


The Plant Engineering Manager is responsible for testing of plant equipmentand for providing technical support for plant operation and maintenance aswell as managing the plant Technical Spe:ification surveillance program, pumpand valve testing program, local and integrated leak rate testing programs,snubber testing program, filter testing program, and vibration testingprogram. He is responsible for monitoring overall plant and system perform- 38ance and for recommending necessary actions to improve overall plant andsystem performance. He also directs the development and implementation of theinitial startup test program which encompasses initial fuel loading, initialcriticality, low power physics testing, and power ascension testing. ThePlant Engineering Manager reports to the Plant Marascr-.%wW-umn 1.


The Reactor Support Manager supervises a staff of engineers who are responsi. |61 )ble for the following activities: shift technical advisor program; perform- )ance of core physics and thermal hydraulic testing programs; monitoring or i

reactor core performance utilizing the plant computer and incore instrumen- 38 !tation; special nuclear material accountability; performance of initial start- |

up test program; incore fuel management; refueling technical support; assuring ithat receipt, inspection, and storage of nuclear fuel is conducted in accord- !ance with vendor and NRC criteria; providing technical and physical support intheperformanceofggr[gdic, special and startup tests; performance of ner-:::- ;

-tw-er4 antad- te s tingAsue HVAC testing, snubber testing and vibration testing: 59and providing technical rection of the plant fire protection program. TheReactor Support Manager reports to the Plant Engineering Manager.


The Systems Manager supervises a staff of engineers who are responsible forthe following activities: performance testing programs for plant equipmentsuch as pumps , valves , heat exchangers , compressors, and filters; developmentand implementation of the Technical Specificatien surveillance program and the 38ASME Section XI pump and valve testing program; system operating data

13.1 20~~

Amendment 61


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trending; integrated leak rate test-(ILRT) and local leak rate test ( LLRT) . 38coordinating design change request proposals; and providing technical supportto other plant personnel. He coordinates these activities with operatingpersonnel and offsite support organizations as necessary. The Systems Managerreports to the Plant Engineering Manager. |61PLANT COMPUTER MANAGER 59

The Plant Computer Manager supervises a staff of engineers and technicians whoare responsible for the following activities: developing and conducting

,1startup testing of plant computer systems; providing software control on these 3

systems; and maintaining operability of these systems by performance ofmaintanence and periodic testing. The Plant-Computer Manager reports to the 59Plant Engineering Manager. Integrated Planning and Scheduling:


The Integrated Planning and Scheduling Manager is responsible for the overallcoordination and management of planning and scheduling and outage activities.He reports to the Plant Manager.


] The Outage Managers (Units 1 and 2, respectively) are responsible for theoverall coordination and management of outage activities for their respectiveunits. They report to the Integrated Planning and Scheduling Manager.


The Plant Scheduling Manager is resp. 3 der scheduling activities for theplant. He reports to the Integrated riaaning and Scheduling Manager. Nuclear Assurance. The descriptions of the Nuclear Assuranceorganization and the role of Operations Quality Assurance are provided in theQuality Assurance Program Description for the Design and Construction Phase of 59the ' South Texas Project (QAPD) and Section 17.2. Nuclear Training. The Training Manager, Nuclear TrainingDepartment reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Plant Operations, and isresponsible for the overall manage ent and administration of the company's, 44Nuclear Training program. (Refer to Figure 13.1-2H). Operating Shift Crevs. The minimum operating shift crew for |STPEGS will be listed in the Technical Specifications. ,

|In addition to the operating shif t crew a Radiation Protection Technician will |be onsite at all times when fuel is in either reactor to ensure that adequateradiation protection coverage is provided for station personnel. He will 38

inform the Shift Supervisor of radiological conditions of the plant.


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~ 13.1-21 Amendment 61~


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1975 - 1978Mechanical Engineer assigned to the Equipment Performance


Group at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. Responsible forrestart of numerous systems following major fire at theplant. Also responsible for initial startup of systems onnew unit. Developed ASME Section XI testing program. Pre-pared procedures for startup tests and performed startuptests on mechanical equipment.-

1978 - 198227Engineering Section Supervisor assigned to Sequoyah Nuclear

Plant. Supervised staff of subordinate supervisors, engi-neers of varying disciplines, laboratory technicians, andengineering aides. Responsible for nuclear startup testprogram, water chemistry, radio-chemistry and environmental(NPDES) regulations. Also responsible for ASME Section XIand Appendix J testing and performance testing of HEPA andcharcoal filters, heat exchangers, and pumps. Responsiblefor the performance of the makeup water treatment plant andfull flow condensate demineralizers. Responsible for gen-

- eral engineering problems associated with the operation ofthe plant.

1982 - 1984 - Houston Lighting & Power Company 41Plant Superintendent at STP.27

[[ce,Ibx' - 1984 (October) - Present - Houston Lighting & Power CompanyPlant Manager at STP. 4g

A,$. Plant Operations Manager 61

Name: James W. Loesch


1970 BS Chemical Engineering - Texas A&M University

1978 Completed a 30-week Westinghouse Reactor OperatorTraining Course, thus acquiring the certificationtraining required to be eligible for a Senior ReactorOperator's License (Cold License).



1970 - Present - Houston Lighting 6 Power Company

i 1970 - 1971f Engineer in training. Duties involved assignments with! different maintenance crafts and operations at various

fossil plants and with the engineering and chemistry groups| at the central office.



13.1-24 Amendment 61.

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[(, .r c # (* '

3. Plant Superintendent, Unit 1Name: Mark R. Wisenburg


1964 BS - United States Naval Academy

1965 U.S. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Training Program


1966 - 1975 U. S. Navy

Served on active military duty assigned to various nuclearsubmarines. Qualified as Engineering Officer and servedone tour as Executive Assistant to the Deputy Chief ofNaval Operations (Submarine Warfare).

1975 - 1982 U. S. Tennessee Valley Authority

1975 - 1976 Principal licensing engineer for the BrownsFerry Nuclear Plant. Responsible for the licensingactivity required to return Units I & 2 to operationsfollowing the 1975 fire and for obtaining the initialoperating license for Unit 3.

1976 - 1979 Supervisor, PWR Projects Section, RegulatoryStaff. Responsible for licensing activities for theSequoyah, Watts Bar, Bellefonte, and Yellow Creek NuclearPlant including obtaining a CP for Yellow Creek,preparation and submittal of the Bellefonete FSAR, andcoordination cf the Sequoyah OL review.

1982 - Present Houston Lighting & Power Company

May - Sept 1982 Special Assistant to Manager, NuclearLicensing

10/1982 - 10/1986 Manager, Nuclear Licensing for SouthTexas Proj ect (STP). Provided for the planning,coordination, direction and control of the NuclearLicensing Department's activities to ensure that the STPis licensed in a time frame consistent with completion ofconstruction and readiness for fuel load and operation.Provided technical direction necessary to ensure that STPlicensing activities are consistent with HL&? licensingPolicy. Assisted executive management in formulatingNuclear licensing policy. Successfully completedLicensing hearings authorizing issuance of OperatingLicenses for STP.


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D sevV %o. .

10/86 - 1/88 Deputy Project Manager for Engineering &Licensing / Manager, Engineering & Licensing. Responsiblefor the planning, coordination, direction and control ofthe STP engineering and licensing activities.

1/88 - Present. Plant Superintendent Unit 1.Responsible for the planning,' coordination, direction'andcontrol of. activities of the production support divisionsof the Nuclear Plant Operations Department. This includeaoverall responsibility for STPEGS Unit-1 equipmentoperations, maintenance and testing; chemistry controlstechnical support; health physics; and environmentalservices during normal and emergency conditions.







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$ b(-- S ge m [* M d ,. b a d S' Sdr



Name: Gary L. Parksy

Formal Education:

1974 SSNE - Texas A6M University;

1975 MBA Courses - University of Alabama-1978 Westinghouse Station Nuclear Engineer's Course [

1979- MBA Courses - University of Houston j .

|1980! .

Experience: (^ .

f1974-1977 Tennessee Valley Authority

: .

y-Nuclear Engineer assigned-to the Reactor Engineering Group atthe Brown's Ferry Nuclear Plant. Test Director during (

- a


|preoperational testing anc' Results Test Engineer during startup

Cognizant Engineer for Unit 2 during commercial -)testing, i

Responsibilities included preparation of testoperation.instructions, performing tests, and preparation of final testreports, as well as coordination and implementation of incorefuel management objectives.

1977-Present Houston Lighting & Power Company :

1977-1978 Assistant Reactor Engineer at the South TexasProject Electric Generating Station (STPEGS). Participated inthe preparation and review of the Final Safety Analysis Report jand evaluation of fuel cycle options, fuel design, control rod . ;

' fdesign, and process computer and nuclear instrumentationoptions for the project.


1978-1979 Reactor Engineer at the STPEGS. Supervised Assist-ant Reactor Engineers and Results Engineers in performance ofdesign reviews and the preparation of procedures and programsfor startup testing and commercial operation.

Supervising Pr' ject Engineer, Site Engineering, at1980 1981 *o

the STPEGS. Responsible for development and implementation of ;

the utility engineering organization on site to aid in the. .

resolution of field engineering problems and to monitor andreview the Architect-Engineers' site activities. Supervised a . i.

group of 15 engineers in the civil, mechanical nuclear, ,,

electrical, instrumentation, and licensing disciplines.'

1982-1983 Startup General Supervisor at the STPEGS. Overallmanagement responsibility for development and implementation of,the Startup Test Program. Supervised two Lead Startup Engi-neers and a Senior Startuup Consultant in the development ofmanagement plans for prerequisite and preoperational testing,the project budget and cost estimate for Startup, and the sum- ;

mary level prerequisite and preoperational test schedule. ;3

; Directed the development of responses to NRC questions on FSAR f

Chapter 14 test abstracts and the performance of componentfunctional tests for plant auxiliary systems which were com- !

; pleted by the original contractor and released to Startup.

1983-1987 Technical Support Manager at the STPEGS. '

(1tr1987-Pr+sent Plant Engineering Manager at the STPEGS.


WN f %%V C e" s q,btt L

6 (- -- , p. o , ' N ,. ,e ,. 9 , - .--,-e y - , , - ,

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(o (7. Technical Services Manager

Name: Gene L. Jarvela (Acting)'

Formal Education:

1950- U.S. Navy Schools: X-ray Technician Course, Radiosotope. 1970 Course, Basic Nuclear Power School, Specialized Radiation

Control and Hesith Physics Course.

1970- Public Health Service Courses: Basic Radiological Health,1986 Occupational Radiation Protection, Radionuclide Analysis

by Gamma Spectroscopy


1950-1970 U.S. Navy

1950-1958 Served as an X-ray technician instructor at the X-rayTechnician School and as a technician and instructor in deep andsuperficial X-ray therapy at Oakland Naval Hospital-

1958-1970 Chief Hospital Corpsman, on two nuclear submarines.Duties included first aid, radiation protection, chemistry, photodosimetry, and radiation monitoring on board submarines. Served $1as Diving Officer on both submarines.

1970-1980 Wisconsin Public Service Corporation

1970-1971 Assistant Radiological-Chemistry Supervisor at Wiscon-sin Public Service Corporation. Prepared the KewauneeRadiation Protection Manual, Emergency Plan, Security Manual,and the first Environmental Report. Also collaborated ondepartmental staffing activities, equipment purchase, proceduredevelopment, set up of the environmental monitoring program,resolution of design problems from a radiological aspect, andplant training of both licensed and non-licensed personnel inthe areas of radiation protection, rad systems, safety, andfirst aid.

1971 Radiological Specialist. Member of the Nuclear Engineering )Group. Responsible for ensuring the implementation of the )Kewaunee Radiation Protection Manual, Security Plan, and Emerg- )ency Plan, and for coordinating the assistance of outside agen-

jcies and groups in relation to these plans and manuals. Served{as a consultant to the Kewaunee Plant Superintendent in the area '

of local, outside groups in radiation protection / safety pro- jcedures. '

1971-1980 Health Physics Supervisor on the Kewaunee Plant staff.Supervised and responsible for site personnel associated withwork or evolutions involving radiological controls, safety, and 'Icertain facets of the Emergency Plan. Responsible for the


immediate supervision of a Rad Protection Leadman and seven |


13.1-26 Amendment 61 !




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Technicians. Responsibility for training personnel in the area 'doradiological control; respiratory protection,' first aid,1se-curity, health physics procedure writing and. updating, personnel ,

' dosimetry, radiological surveys; operation, maintenance, andcalibration of portable and laboratory radiation counting equip-ment; radioactive material receipt, storage, and transfer; andpersonnel and material decontamination.


1980- Present Houston I.ighting & Power Company

1980-1982 ' Radiation Protection Supervisor. . Responsible:for theoperational Radiation Protection Section of the Health ^ PhysicsDepartment. Duties included assisting in the AIARA Engineeringand design review;' developing and ' implementing plans, programsand procedures for the Radiation Protection Program at theSTPBCS . Assisting in the initial development of the RadiationProtection Technician Training Program. Development ofprocedures for the STPEGS Radiological Environmental MonitoringProgram. Assisting in the initial development of the STPEGSEmergency Plan.

1982-Present Manager, Health Physics Charged with the following(3) major responsibilities for the Nuclear Plant OperationsDepartment: (1) Emergency Planning, (2) Industrial SafetyProgram, (3) Radiation Protection Program. Also, provide


assistance in training of personnel in these areas.

1987-Present Acting Technical Services Manager at STPEGS.

7 Plant Engineering tianager

Q B Sed h.J.

, Name: Gary L. Parkey ,

De mal Education:

1 4 BSNE - Texas A&M University197 MBA Courses University of Alabama1978 stinghouse Station Nuclear Engineer's ourse1979- MBA ourses - University of Houston,


d Experience:

1974-1977 Tennessee i ey Authority

Nuclear Engine je assigned to Reactor Engineering Group attheBrown'fs(rry Nuclear Plant. est Director duringpreoperaJional testing and Results Te Engineer during startuptes ting'. Cognizant Engineer for Unit 2 ring commercialo fation. Responsibilities included prepa ion of test instructions, performing tests, and preparatio f final test


reports, as well as coordination and implementatio of incore ;

fuel management obj ectives. '



|" 13.1 27 Amendment 61 )



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,. .



1977-Present Houton Ilghting & Power Company

1977-1978 Assistant Reactor Engineer at the South TexasProj ect Electdc Generating Station (STPEGS) . Participated inthe preparatium and review of the Final Safety Analysis Reportand evaluation of fuel cycle options, fuel design, control roddesign, and process computer and nuclear instrumentationoptions for th project.

O 1978-1979 Reactor Engineer at the STPEGS. Supervised Assist-p ant Reactor Engineers and Results Engineers in performance ofdesign reviews and the preparation of procedures and programs


for startup testing and commercial operation.

1980-1981 Supervising Project Engineer, Site Engineering, atthe STPEGS. Eksponsible for development .and implementation of )the utility engineering organization on site to aid in the

{resolution of field engineering problems and to monitor andreview the Architect Engineers' site activities. Supervised a

f group of 15 engineers in the civil, mechanical nuclear,[)0g, Wy electrical, instrumentation, and licensing disciplines.

(wb" 1982-1983 Startup Ceneral Supervisor at the STPEGS. Overally management responsibility for development and implementation ofthe Startup Test Program, Supervised two Lead Startup Engi-neers and a Senior Startuup Consultant in the development ofmanagement plans for prerequisite and preoperational testing, 61

the project budget and cost estimate for Startup, and the sum-!

mary level prerequisite and preoperational test schedule.Directed the development of responses to NRC questions on FSARChapter 14 test abstracts and the performance of componentfunctional tests for plant auxiliary systems which were com-pleted by the original contractor and re, leased to Startup.


1983 1987 Technical Support Manager at the STPEGS

1987 Present Plant Engineering Manager at the STPEGS.1--_, _J

E j$t Maintenance Manager ji

Name: Mark A. Ludwig

Formal Education:

1972 BSEE - Lamar University1978 Completed a 30 week Westinghouse Reactor Operators Training

Course, acquiring the certification training required to beeligible for a Senior Reactor Operators License (ColdLicense),




13.1 08 Amendment 61



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(, g &D. .




Nemes James J. Neststa, Jr.


1969 U. S. Navy - Electronics Technician "A" School

1975 University of New Mexico - BS Electrical Engineering

1976 U. S. Navy - Nuclear Power School, Mare Island,San Francisco, CA


1977 U. S. Navy - Surface Warfare Officer's School - Newport,R.I.

1981 Westinghouse - Completed 8-week Reactor Operator's :

Training Ceurse - Mini Phase II, Option III


1970 - 1981 - U. S. Navy

1970 - 1972 Electronics Technician at Naval Air Station,Kingsville, Texas, responsible for the maintenance andrepair of communications equipment.

1972 - 1975 Attended the University _of New Mexico under '

the Navy Enlisted Scientific Education Program andreceived a regular U. S. Navy Commission in December,1975.



1976 - 1977 Attended Navy Nuclear Power School andqualified as Engineering Officer of the Watch on the A1WNuclear Plant Prototype in Idaho.


1977 - 1977 Attended Surface Warfare Officer's School ;

which included training in marine engineering planttechnology and personnel management.,

1977 - 1979 Aarsithenuclearpower$jnedtotheEngineeringDepartmentofcruiser USS Virginia. Qualified as l'Engineering Officer of the Watch and held the following-positions:


Engineering Department Training Assistant - responsibleforthetrainingofapproximately15[meninthe ;fdepartment.

Electrical Division Officer - responsible for allelectrical motors, generators, wiring, switchgear, alarmand control systems on the ship excluding weapons systems.Supervised approximately 50 electricians.



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t,3 e8. - .

Reactor Controls Division Officer - responsible for themaintenance, repair and operation of.all nuclear plantinstrumentation and controls for both plants onboard.Supervised approximately 25 reactor operato s,

Successfully passed the Nuclear Engineers Exam conductedby Naval Reactors in Washington, D.C., which qualifiesofficers.for assignment as Engineering Department Heads onNavy. nuclear powered ships.


1979 - 1981 Assigned to the Engineering Department ofthe nuclear powered cruiser USS South Carolina. Qualifiedas Engineering Officer of the Watch and held the followingposition:

Main Propulsion Assistant - responsible for themaintenance, repair and operation of all mechanical 1

components and systems in both of the nuclear plantsonboard. Supervised approximately 50 mechanics.

' 1981 - Present Houston Lighting & Power CompanySouth Texas Project Electric Generating Station

1981 - 1987 Systems Performance Supervisor. Responsiblefor the management of system engineers for most of theplant's mechanical fluie systems, and the program ,

engineers for various testing programs.

1987 - 1988 Systems Division Manager.

1988 - Present Plant Engineering Manager.l,













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. |

' . ' '. STP FSAR !

Experience:7; ,, ,

;'' . yW 1972-Present Houston Lighting & Power Company

1972-1973 Junior Engineer,

1973 1974 Results Engineer at Deepwater Generating Stationassi,gned to performance testing and coordinate of maintenanceand unit outages. --

1974-1976 Transferred to S.R. Bertron Generating Station,,

where duties included performance testing, outage planning,_

coordination of maintenance and operations activities, andconversion of fossil boilers from natural gas to fuel oil.Participated on a task force to develop specifications andoperating philosophy for fuel oil transfer and storsgefacilities Ior HL&P. ,

1977-1978 Plant Results Engineer at the STP. Planned anddeveloped the plant results engineering group activities.

1978-1979 Acting Results Engineering Superviscr.

1979-1980 Startup Supervisor in the Startup group'for the STF,developing startup planning and preoperational activities.


1980 1981 Startup General Supervisor responsible for overall -*

supervision activities for the preoperational testing and ;Startup phase of the project.,


1981 Present Maintenance Manager responsible for developmentof all maintenance progra:ns and supervision of the mechanical,electrical and instrument and control maintenance activities.Also directed the development of the Spare Parts Program forthe preoperational and operational phase of the project.

4 Respcnsible for Measuring and Test Equipment CalibrationProgram for Construction, Startup, and Operations.

7 g Integrated Planning and Scheduling Manager

-NKisiiY E. Smith (Acting) N i'


; FoEha Education:

1964U. q leum High School, Petroleum, Indiana

e1968 S. Na:(y Nuclear Power Training Program1981 Rock Valh Colley,e -


1961-1965 Petroleum Elevat ,


Uporated feed and grain milling an torage equipment. '


13.1-29 Amen ' ant 61N


, m b

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. , .; . . -~ - . - . .- - .. ...- -. . -.


O .



1965-1966 Corning Glass Work.

Assigned to various duties 'within a major molded glass manu.; facturing plant. -Final position was as Batch House' Operator' where operated'all batching: equipment for the weighing and

delivery of all raw materials needed'to make the leaded glass.

1966- 78 U.S. Navy

U.igNavyNuclearPowerProgram,Chief Machinist Mate; Respon-

sib for operating, testing and maintenance of the' reactorand s9condary plant, as well as plant chemistry and radiationcontrd- of pre commissioning unit of a nuclear submarine,


Respons ble for the administration of the machinery division.Assigne .to various naval nuclear power plants. Involved in


different aspects of the refueling and startup' of 6 differentnaval nuel ar power plants. Responsible.for the design andoperation o special systems to limit the conversion of a landbased protot pe.


1978-1985 Sarg nt & Lundy Engineering CMD

1978 1979 Test ngineer, Chicago Office. Prepared documentsaiding in the sta tup and testing of power plants. Conductedspecial studies an testability / operability reviews of design 61 :documents.

1979-1983 Senior Test Ingineer, Byron Nuclear Power Station.Assigned as a staff engineer to the technical staff. Prepared. ,

preoperational and start'op test procedures. Performed as ai

member of the Plant Test Review Board. Prepared system test i

objectives and acceptance c' iteria for preoperational andsystem ths'.aal expansion tes programs. Developed, wrote and i

directed the Unit 1 Integrate Hot Functional Test Program..



; 1983-1984 Shift Test Engineer, arble Hill Nuclear Power r

Plant. Assigned to BOP and NSSS roups to assist in theinitialsetupandadministrationokthepreoperationaltestprogram. Activities included test ptqparation, schedule ;4

preparation and system staffing requitg ents.

1985-1987 Houston Lighting 6' Power Company ,


: South Texas Nuclear Project, Startup. Respopsible for the,

preoperational testing activities on all saf6 y related systems' ;

, and Radioactive Waste systems. Responsibilit s include setting! vp the initial test program, staffinF the NSSS rganization,

supervising the flush and hydrostatic test group and the NSSS -

test group alternate member to the JTG. Responsib e for thereviewandcoordinationofthestartupdocumentsan{dprogres.:


1987 Present Acting Integrated Planning and Schedull gManager at STPEGS.


f |

13.1 30 Amendment 61 '!#




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. ,_ , . . - _ - - - - . . .

MSd. -


- REn. - OcLeber W 9$7

-fets ieted 71cuLing a "cheduling Manager.s

NwC: Warren L. Mutz


1963 South High School. Pueblo Colo.

. 1982 Bachelor of Science. Iona College, New Rochelle, New YcrX

Associate in Science Business Adrinistration, Westchester

Community College, Valhalla New York

- Technical: ;

'1964 U. S. Naval Nuclear Power School

1965 U. S. Naval Engineering Laboratory School

1979 Consolidated Ediscn Senior Reactor Operating Schoolg/$, , vf*

Experience: ,

1964 - 1971 U. S. Navy

Leading Engineering Laboratory Technician. Serviceincluded duty on two polaris nuclear submarines, including'

new construction service on SSBN 659.

1971 - 1972 General Dynamics Corp.

Shipyard Test Engineer. Led system acceptance test team.

1971 - 1982 Consolidated Edison Co. of New York

6(lee % MS$enior Reactor Operator (SOP 3555)t.1 cperations DepartnentIndian Point Unit II.


1982 - 1987 Kansas Gas & Electric Co.Wolf Creek Nuclear Generating Station.


Manager Nuclear Operations Support. Managed departmentresponsible for the operational support and' corporate

)- operational overview of the Wolf Creek Generating Station


I1987 - 1987 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.

Manager Nuclear Plant Engineering Systems. Responsiblet

for design engineering,' all contract engineering and theprioritization and assignment of engineering assignments.



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% sob hF cekO o

-RESUtL". tCon t . ) ' %t@ar 2M987

Tntagrated-P4 anni ng r. Scheduline Manacer

Warr e t m t:.

1987 - Present Houston Lighting & Power CompanySouth Texas Project Electric Generating Station

Integrated Planning & Scheduling Manager. Responsible for

.Outage Management and Planning & Scheduling during boththe operational and outage phases.




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-. .


6 I. Training Manager, Nuclear Training Department/

n :: J. cody - nu G

Formal Education:

1964 University of Missouri1968 Army Nuclear Power School1980 University of the State of New York (48 hours owards

a BS in Business)

Senior Reactor Operator (BWR)

State of Ohio, Stationary Engineer


1968 - 197 - U.S. Navy (Nuclear Experience j/'COperational Health Physicist - served as a member of in-spection eams performing detailed i spections of militarybases in t e area of health physics and cade technical in-

grams, inclu\_ and judgments on per onnel protection pro-i terpretation ,

4 ding administration, ersonnel monitoring,shielding, instKumentation, envi onmental surveillance,radioactive waste isposal, and emergency procedures.

Additional responsi lities i cluded review of Navy activ-ities applications f NRC s urco licenses to ensure com-

4j'pliance with NRC direc ves Department of Defense, and Navypolicies.

As a Shif t Supervisor a Se for Vatch Advisor of the PM-3Anuclear power station, as re onsible for complete oper-ation of the station ring shi t. Also qualified as PlantHealth Physicist dur g the peri .

Served as Shift Su rvisor and qual ied as ReactorOperator, Equipme Operator, and Pla Health Physicist ofthe first floati Nuclear Power Plant. Participated in the

i first refueling f the MH 1A and assiste with the develop-ment of new pr cedures for future refuelin s.

1973 1978 - Cin innati Gas & Electric CompanyTraining Co rdinator - responsible for the deve opment andadministra ion of nuclear training for Cincinnat Cas &Electric ompany's nuclear effort.

Include direction of the licensed U.S. Nuclear Regul toryCommis ion (NRC) Operator Initial Replacement and Requalifi-catio Training Programs; Plant Maintenance andRadi tion / Chemical Control Technicians Training Programs;P1 : Staff Training Programs; and General Employee TrainingPr grams.

- - .

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Additional responsibilities included development oFChapter13.2, "Training Program", of the final safety apafysis report; 5

'direction of the System Descriptions manual;j drved asrincipal Instructor for the Operator Requal'ification Program,

a coordinated the new operator selection process.

1978 - 198 - NUS Training CorporationManager, Ruclear Training Department, Training OperationsDivision Nesponsible for the, management of activities re--' -

lated to develo ment and im ementation of nuclear trainingprograms for ne icensed,y on-licensed utility personnel,including maintenan technical support staff, and industry

44technical personnel, itional responsibilities included

direction of specia}/ pro (ams, training consulting assign-ments, training ogram dets pment and evaluations, andconduct of lice candidate u it examinations.

1982 - 1983 - Houston Lighting & Power panyManager, ydelear Training - responsible for managing theNuclea Engineering and Construction Depa ment trainingact les.


1983 ,-A're sent - Houston Lighting & Power CompanyManager, Nuclear Training Department - responsible or theoverall management and administration of the CompanyNuclear Training program.

il.Jr Nuclear Security Manager, Nuclear Security Department 61,

ame: Andrew 0. Hill, III'

/Fo al Education: !

N BA History - Clark College - Atlanta,'GA '

_ Graduate Hours of Criminal Justice Adminis tion ~*

71'niral Missouri State1974

Ce1977 Gradua\t- Institute of Public Adminis ation -

University Southern Californiaepperdine University1981 MA, Human Reso (ces Management -

Los Angeles, CaliYo nia59


1970 - 1980 - Captain - .S. Air ForceChief, Security ,Bfanch, managed mult disciplined nuclear

security functions. Ev ated and approvedand non-nuclep(l measures included in'the aall cost c tro 1

impleme ation of physics 1 security plans, eme ncy/cont ency plant and security force training andqu ification plans. Managed a command-wide force tha

,1 proved the selection, installation, reliability and<

/ maintenance of security hardware. ,


13.1 32 Amendment 61


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. . . . . . .. .

h.ic v ! . fSTP FSARf .

1980 - 1982 - Security Inspector United States' Nuclear{ 'N Regulatory Commission-

\ Independently planned and supervised complex nuclea\ safeguards and security inspections of operational and

\ pre-operational commercial nuclear reactors.Inv stigated3

alleged or suspected violation of Federal Laws.\

'1982-h983-SpecialistinPropertyProtection(N lear,- Security) - U.S. Tennessee Valley uthority-;.

Independently advised the' Chief, Public Saf ty. Service on"

the management and supervision of.a 500-pe son nuclearsecurity. organization co include recruit nt, hiring,guidance ' development and' review of all perational matters.Conducted ,'pecial and sensitive securi . investigations at TVAsoperational'and pre-operational nucle r power plants. Assistedin the development and implementatio of physical securityplan *, safegua'ird contingency plans nd guard training and


qualification pby5 rams to include esson plan development andinstruction of the security fore .

1983 - 1384 - Supervisor Nuclear ecurity Program -U.S. Tennessee Valley uthority (TVA)-


1984 - Present - Manager, Nu e r Security - 59Houston Lighting Power Company (HIAP) t

Responsible for advisin a d supporting the Company in all '

nuclear security matte s re 4tive to obtaining and retaininga license from from t e Nucle r Regulatory Commission for

{ the operation of th South Tex s Project Electric Generating1Plant.

Planned and manag,ed all activities f the Nuclear Security I

and revisions /|upervised and coord ate the implementationOrganization.;

f all Company Nuclear ecurity requirements,program, pro edures and systems. Ensu d the effectiveconduct of nvestigations of alleged wr gful conduct andcriminal tivity occurring on the South exas Project orCompany operty.

Ensure that all security licensing documents re coordinated 'Iwith uclear plant and group staffs for technic 1 accuracy !

1 and dequacy before submittal to the Nuclear Reg atory'

Co ission. Report to Nuclear Group and Corporate ,

i M nagement on the status of Nuclear Security activi es with |

ccompanying recommendations for improving effectivengss and '

productivity. Directed and administered the implementhtion ;

of the Safeguards Information, Fitness for Duty and Nuclear J

Plant Access Authorizations Programs.






1.3.1 33 Amendment 61

4 . ,



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lkerS,i' .

Namer Paul Thomas Appleby


1974 Texas A&M University - BSNE -


1962 - 1968 U. S. Navy

1962 - 1953 Fleet Submarine, USS BLACKFIN (SS322)A total of nine months operation and maintenance onGeneral Motors diesel engines. Qualified on submarines.

1964 The "A1W" Prototype, Idaho Falls, Idaho Checkout inthe mechanical operation of the "A1W" Power Plant.

1964 - 1968 Nuclear Powered Submarine, USS SIMON BOLIVAR(SSBN641) A total of eighteen months was spent at NewportNcws Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company where the submarinewas under construction. Involved in the initialinstallation and testing of the "S5W" nuclear reactor andits support systems.

Qualified as Engineering Watch Supervisor - The Seniorenlisted watch in the Engineering Department, responsiblefor the supervision of all other watch standers in theperformance of reactor control, mechanical and electricaloperation.

Qualified as Engine Room Supervisor - The Senior enlistedwatch of the mechanical operators. Responsible for safeand effective operation and maintenance of shipspropulsion equipment and the nuclear reactor supportsystems.

1968 - 1973 Nuclear Science CenterCollege Station Texas

Shift Supervisor, Qualified Senior Reactor Operation(License # SOP-1281) on the Triga Research Reactor.Responsible for the safe and offective operation of thereactor, including tests and maintenance on the reactor

'and its support systems, approving experiments andtraining new reactor operators.


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p 3er6 g 1;, ,. .,

1974 - 1976 Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant,Tennessee Valley Authority'

Responsibilities included the preparation of startup,technical and surveillance instructions necessary forstartup and operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant.Primary responsibility included standardization oftechnical specifications for Sequoyah. Participated inthe initial core loading and startup testing of IndianPoint Unit No. 3 and the shutdown and refueling of IndianPoint Unit'.l.-

1976 - 1988 Union Electric CompanySt. Louis,-MO

1976 - 1982 Superintencent, Training. Responsibilitiesincluded overall preparation and implerantation of theCallaway Nuclear Power Plant training plan. Included inthis plan was the development, scheduling and presentationof training programs, maintaining the documentation of alltre.ining performed and to research and coordinate allcontracted training performed and to research and


coordinate all contracted training services required byplant staff. Successfully coropleted the Westinghouse SRO '

License Certification Program for Zion and Callaway;

Plants. Charter member of the INPO Indus ry Review Groupfor the Tra b.'.ng and Education Division.

1982 - 1988 Assistant Manager, Callaway Plant.Responsible for the overall directions of the SupportServices Department at the Callaway Nuclear Power Plant;Administration, Compliance, Fire Protection, QualityControl, Safety, Security, Training, member of ORC, actingas chairman in absence of manager, Emergency Duty Officer,Enterim Recovery Manager, Manageme M. of Callaway Plant inabsence of Plant Manager, Instructor for Caipany QualityImprovement.

1988 - Present Houston Lighting & Power CompanySouth Texas Project Electric Generating Station

hj bubM TddfPc^^\ wh .--- na <a pown \

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M .



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fH.S C 3*-. .

1) Nuclear Security Manager, Nuclear Security DepartmentName: Norman S. Tasker


Northeastern University Extension, Springfield, MA

Attended a number of special schools and seminars dealing withforensic science and various management programs.


1943 - 1946 U.S.N.R., South Pacific Theater, AmphibiousForces


1942 - 1975 Connecticut State Police Department (Exclusiveof Military Service) Career Progression:Dispatcher, Trooper, Detective, Sergeant,Lieutenant, Captain, Major & Lt. Colonel.

Duties and Qualifications: Allresponsibilities that are attached to thesepositions. In May of 1972, promoted to Lt.Colonel and State Fire Marshal. Acted asExecutive Officer of the Connecticut StatePolice Department, with the followingresponsibilities:

Assisted the Commissioner of State Police inthe administration of the department,supervised implementation of the commands andpolices of the Commissioner; investigatedcomplaints regarding violation of theregulations of the departments conferred withand counseled division commander and othersubordinates made continuing studies of theadministrative operations of the department andrecommendations to the Commission based onthese studies to increase-the efficiency of thedepartment. Directed the department in theabsence of the Commissioner.


Deputy State Fire Marshal Served as DeputyState Fire Marshal; directed the activities of

! Fire Marshals: Administered reFulations! concerning the Fire Safety Code, motion picture

projectors and film amusements and exhibitions,i professional bondsmen and private detectives.| (Performed these services in conjunction with

duties of the Executive Office of the Statei


Police Department.


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M.S O b. . . ,


1975 - 1987 Northeast Utilities Service Company, Hartford,3

CT. Director, System Security reporting to the |Vice Chairman with the followingresponsibilities:

Planned, coordinated and directed security> activities for the Northeast Utilities System.

f Responsibilities included developing andrecommending security policies, programs,

Iprocedures and standards for the protection ofpersonnel, materials and facilities including,but not limited to, generating stations,substations, dispatch centers, general andfield office buildings and equipment againstunauthorized entrance, arson,' theft, pilferage,embezzlement, sabotage and civil disturbances,or any other illegal or criminal acts providingfunctional direction to and assistingdepartmental supervision in the implementationand enforcement of approved security policies,

| programs and procedures; conducting security| audits and inspections of company facilities

and recommending corrective action asneceasary; recommending organization of,setting standards, and auditing securityforces; investigating thefts and pilferagescoordinating contacts with federal, state andlocal law enforcement agencies concerninginternal security matters; coordinating allcontacts of a security nature with the NuclearRegulatory Commission concerning the System'snuclear operations; and coordinating allcompany related Civil Defense Disaster Controlprograms, h b e. M Al m h d res bi%$& 'w hh'Bo s, Kids fewtCw a y-..u. - - n w

,P ;Qm{}4adk& W W'am sn m p . m t_


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.e e m



Table 13.1-1


Applicable ExperienceName Title Education As of 2/1/85


J. N. Gol& erg GroLp Vice President, Nucteer SSME, MSNE 30 years (30 Yrs. Nucteer)

2cG. E. Vaughn Vice President, Nucteer Plant BSEE 43-years (13 Yrs. Mucteer)


(Vacant) Vice President, Engineering --- ---

and Construction


W. N. El Plant Manager SSME 19 years (19 Yrs. Nucleer)Pl. A Q . . A d e d M .i_ fl p t Wt%s Mub,,}m. R. WLe

Ca.W.Loesch15 years (8 Yrs. Nucteer $Plant Operations Maneger BSCNE tie 3.s.(j%M.% Q)6.L P-ro'; et..t Spa % Nd-ud 2 seg o

C. L P:-t y T.T. AW Plant Engineering Manager -39NE- U , _c (?! Yre_ S M - r). yy %. s5 3.e6 O ria5-( M *o]' mta T. E. Underwood Chemicat Operations and Analysis BSCE 15 years (8 Yrs. Nucteer) $# Annager

SS StM years (K Yrs. Nucteer) 59G. L. Jarveta (AcM ng) Technical Services Meneger ---

M. A. Ludule Maintenance Manager BSEE 13 years (8 Yrs. Mucteer)61N,T T'ukar to <o

Ar-9:-ititi- Nuclear Security Manager -;A - n;.iory -M-years (%5-Yrs. Nucteer)E ;;-. ; rce


G. L. Jere,sa Nealth Physics Manager --- years (31 Yrs. Mucteer)v.L. f.a t +

p" M. E, e&th-(Aet4er) IntegratJ Planning and Schedating N- " ' * * * 49 ,,.. . (19-Yeer11ucteer7""Manager 2dyew G% 6.n o w )NUCLF'.R ENGINEERING

k D. I. De.mvev GSkt g6E. K. Gi dsf5* Manager, NJctear Engineering 35 i ,-id, ;;S ET years ( W Yrs. Mucteer)g

cu L,; k e 7;..; ;;" -Q MNE


J. T. Westermeier General Manager, STP BS, MSWE 32 years (26 Yrs. Nucteer),

kY, / .asne 2" ,;c e (45-V- . "r ' --')-

m.e %. y_cm% em . ,<- - .m a. _ - _ _ _ - . _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ . _ _- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ ~

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.- ^ ^ .



TABLE 13.1-1 (Continued)


Applicable ExperienceName Title Education As of 2/1/85

2 2. 2og y.$rJecs q, _m m

s; . t hp 'Gewd Aw.ger, Ogeden el- MN D "E D'*'~' N * Ab~'

S. M. Dew Manager, Unit 1gOperations Sapport BSCE 17 years (17 Yrs. Nuclear)

N) M in.;i2, M.e:'- 6 - t.


J. E. Geiger General Manager, NA BS, Industrial 27 years (8 Yrs. Nuctear)Engineering

2 W 22 years (22 Yrs. Nuclear)J. D. Green Operetionrta Managerbe/

L. L. Guthrie Mariager Safeteam SSCE 25 years (IT Yrs. Nuclear)Wsh

D. R. Keating Quality Servtees' r BSME 15 years (12 Yrs. Nuctear) en

NSh _

'- ' - , _ ^_ _ et -45-490tysics) 26 ,--~e f1) Trs.MM*

[ ft.. L.. b\com its tTh%) ]-N ,f

[ Audds.M M Q g _h 2 2 y e.srs ( q.I. #oqr ...s.,.


R. W. Lauhn Division Manager BS - Physics 11 years (11 Yrs. Nuclear) 59MSNE


y~<s @yo.nuckteT Appleb g b ep. 4 6 T * '" B5NEtr '- Cr; / ^^

. h L.c 7. . ; . . . - --- 1' ,; ; $ i .. i=wi j -

L. G. Weldon Training Manager Operations --- 13 years (13 Yrs. Nuclear) |61Training g

8. A. Franta Training Manager EchJcation AS-Sus. Mget. 16 years (16 Yrs. Nuclear)end Administration 116 hrs. of 120y

9 towards SSSAeOcb J. N. Kshenka Training Manager Staff Training BS 20 years (20 Yrs. Nuclear)!O" NUCLEAR SAFETYos REVIEW BOARD


/' T Generat maag.k. NSRsrgwy

e FM-3.e.y 3r Yws @o N 4 *rl=cm-'Sa-Renv5

. __ - -

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Figure 13.1-1 Amendment 59

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