The Life under Adventure Mars

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The Life under Adventure Mars. Created by: Emily. Start: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Life under Adventure Mars

Slide 1

Yes, I will help your nation.You nod your head, and with a flick of the boys wrist you can talk again. Great. He says. We dont have a lot of time, so well have to have a brief meeting of battle strategy to discuss what your plan is. You feel suddenly stressed, the fate of an entire nation weighing under your shoulders. They have all put their fate in you. And even though the boy hasnt specified, you assume that if you fail, and lead the nation to destruction, your own life with perish with the life of the peoples. You can not fail.The boy leads you to a conference room, stunningly clean and clad in glass. One person sits at the head of the table, and his fiery eyes look into yours. You take a seat, as you realize that you know nothing about this country or their people. You assume it is a dictatorship as only one government official is in the room. So, the commander says in a deep voice, As Sololan has surly told you, we dont have a lot of time. Mere hours, perhaps, until the rebel half of the nation is rumored to launch electron bombs on our territory. What is your plan, human? Suddenly put on the spot, your dry eyes blink.

Brains; make peace with the corresponding nation Brawn; Launch an assassination attack on the rebels

No, I like my average life.Well, alright then. The boy smiles.You awake, opening your eyes slowly. Weird dream. Matches the shadows. Your head is clear, after weeks of worrying. I must have been over stressed. You guess.Right?

End slideBrainsI dont know if your plan is destined to work, but the future is inevitable and at the same time unpredictable. The commander says. We shall send a balloon of peace filled with you, Soloan, and one of my top soldiers in the communication field. I will send the rest of the nation into their bomb shelters above ground. We wish you luck, kid. Your eyes fill with an unexpected respect for the commander. His words have shown his old-wisdom. Well, Soloan says. We better get going.As you float over enemy territory, fear fills you. The possibility of being shot down rings in your mind. But the rebels let you land peacefully in their palace of solid red dust. It crumbs into your fingers as you run your fingers along the walls. As you follow a rebel into an auditorium, you gaze in amazement at the high walls of orange beauty. All below the surface of mars. How amazing. The stage that you stand on is being watched by many government officials. A democracy. Huh. Their eyes suggest kindness, and the ability to compromise. As you begin talking of your plans for a new nation, they listen quietly. As your speech draws to a close, they clap their hands appreciatively. Such knowledge for a human. One says. I agree to your plans, and I sense my fellow officials agree as well. On one great condition. A price must be paid for this war, but unlike foolish humans, we dont place our life in money, but life itself. As your brain understands the concept, your eyes fill with tears. As payment, punishment, and consolation for this war, each side will kill its prisoners of battle. It must be done. Your knees fall. All the people you tried to protect, they have been affected anyway. Just when you think you had succeeded, you failed. However a human life is worth more than our own. Especially one of innocence. Will you perform one last act of heroism to save thousands of people from death?A last choice must be made.

Give your life for a nations people.Have the prisoners of war die

BrawnYes. I agree. The rebels must be destroyed. The commanders eyes glow like a fiery bon-fire. And a assassination attack is an even greater idea. We will send an Air-army plane to the edge of our territory, and from there you will march to their palace and destroy their leader. I will be your only partner in this mission. We must leave at once.You are clad in a black shirt, red vest, black pants, and red boots. Traditional, for the rebel territory. But what is underneath would send cries of alarm. A harming poison, produced by your sponsors, hides in your vest, and when broken and smeared on your handswont do much harm. It has your blood in it, to prevent its affects from digging into the skin, sprinting through fluids to your heart, and eating away its connections to veins. A painless, quick death, for the hunger for bloodshed has abandoned the advanced race under mars. But an effective one, no less. You walk inconspicuously through villages in rebel territory, hoping you blend in. You look around, and see mothers and children running around dusty huts. Red with orange mud. Coughs echo from the huts, and you realize that living in dust can be harmful to your lungs as poison. You begin to wonder how a half-nation so beaten down can be so bad. Come. We have to hurry, and we are almost at the border to the palace. We must stick together. You trot along to the commander. But your mind starts to wonder; maybe killing the leader of the rebels isnt such a good idea. But you dont think the commander would like what your thinkingTell the commander that taking over the rebels isnt a good idea.Keep along with the commander. If you have more of these thoughts, you keep them in the back of your mind.

Read in your loftYou grab a book, open your wardrobe, pull back clothes, and step through a hidden door to your favorite reading area; the loft. Your head soon starts spinning with the emotion and story of the chapters. As you turn the last page, your brain lets go of awake-ness, knowing that everything turned out all right and everyone was safe. You close your eyes.You wake up to a boy sitting on your window pane. His eyes are glowing, looking at you. You yell and stumble off your chair, then hide behind your lamp. He smirks. If I was planning to hurt you, a lamp wouldnt protect you in the least. Actually, I would probably use it to harm you. He says. But Im just hear to make a request. One that you can simply turn down, if you wish. My nation needs you. We currently have a civil war going on, one that which we are losing desperately. We have monitored and picked a small team of humans with over average ability. We find that human ability is not superior, but much different than our own. For this reason we request the help of you to be our secret weapon. Do you accept? He looks at you with hope in his brown eyes. And by the way, in exchange for your help, we will give you a royal mansion here in the inside of the red planet (it is warmer near the center). But you will not be able to go back to earth. Ever. So, what do you say? Sure, I will help.No, I like my average life.

Wait and see what happens nextYou lean against the fence, and watch the boy. He continues to walk toward you, until he is just a few feet away. Who are you? You ask, with eyes narrowed. Dont look so tough; Im not here to kidnap you or anything. Geez. He rolls his eyes. You like him less and less. I know this might be really bad timing, and its coming really suddenly, but I my planet needs you. We currently have a civil war going on, one that which we are losing desperately. We have monitored and picked a small team of humans with over average ability. We find that human ability is not superior, but much different than our own. For this reason we request the help of you to be our secret weapon. Do you accept? He looks at you with hope in his brown eyes. And by the way, in exchange for your help, we will give you a royal mansion here in the inside of the red planet (it is warmer near the center). But you will not be able to go back to earth. Ever. So, what do you say? Sure, I will help. No, I like my average life.