The Life Eternal Trust · Sahaja Yoga and a great occasion to meditate celebrate and rejoice...

C-17, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016, Tel: 011-26966652 E-mail: [email protected] website: The Life Eternal Trust Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi (Founder of Sahaja Yoga) *JAI SHRI MATAJI* INTERNATIONAL BIRTHDAY PUJA SEMINAR - 202019th March to 21st March,2020 At Shri Adishakti Peetha Nirmal Dham- New Delhi (India) “First of all, you have to know you are prophets and you must know that I am the Holy Ghost. I am The Adishakti. I am the one who has come on this earth for the first time in this form to do this tremendous task. The more you'll understand this, the better it would be. You will change tremendously.” --- Birthday Puja, Sydney, Australia - 21 st March, 1983 Dated: 1st Dec, 2019 Dear Sahaja Family, 'Behold the mother', said Lord Jesus Christ. Announcing the advent of Shri Adishakti in this terrible Kaliyuga to save the humanity standing on the verge of complete destruction, Sakshat Shri Adishakti herself incarnated in her Mahamaya form as Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, on 21st March 1923. Throughout Her life Shri Mataji, the Creator, Comforter, Counsellor and Redeemer of mankind, worked tirelessly for our wellbeing and Spiritual Ascent. The 98th Birthday of our beloved Holy Mother falls on 21st March 2020. It is the biggest festival of Sahaja Yoga and a great occasion to meditate celebrate and rejoice collectively. On this auspicious occasion, a three day grand International Birthday Puja Seminar, from 19th March to 21st March, is being organized at Shri Adishakti Peetha, Nirmal Dham, Delhi, India. On behalf of Delhi and NCR Sahaja Yoga collectivity, it is my great honour to invite all our brothers and sisters from around the world to Nirmal Dham at the Holy Lotus Feet of Shri Adishakti. Please do come in large numbers as presence of a large number of Sahaja Yogis pleases the Devi and the flow of chaitanya from Her Holy Lotus Feet becomes strong enough to submerge us all in the ocean of Her Love.

Transcript of The Life Eternal Trust · Sahaja Yoga and a great occasion to meditate celebrate and rejoice...

C-17, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016, Tel: 011-26966652 E-mail: [email protected]


The Life Eternal Trust

Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi (Founder of Sahaja Yoga)



19th March to 21st March,2020

At Shri Adishakti Peetha Nirmal Dham- New Delhi (India)

“First of all, you have to know you are prophets and you must know that I am the Holy Ghost. I am The Adishakti. I am the one who has come on this earth for the first time in this form to do this tremendous task. The more you'll understand this, the better it would be. You will change tremendously.” --- Birthday Puja, Sydney, Australia - 21st March, 1983

Dated: 1st Dec, 2019

Dear Sahaja Family,

'Behold the mother', said Lord Jesus Christ. Announcing the advent of Shri Adishakti in this terrible

Kaliyuga to save the humanity standing on the verge of complete destruction, Sakshat Shri Adishakti

herself incarnated in her Mahamaya form as Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, on 21st March 1923.

Throughout Her life Shri Mataji, the Creator, Comforter, Counsellor and Redeemer of mankind, worked

tirelessly for our wellbeing and Spiritual Ascent.

The 98th Birthday of our beloved Holy Mother falls on 21st March 2020. It is the biggest festival of

Sahaja Yoga and a great occasion to meditate celebrate and rejoice collectively.

On this auspicious occasion, a three day grand International Birthday Puja Seminar, from 19th March to

21st March, is being organized at Shri Adishakti Peetha, Nirmal Dham, Delhi, India. On behalf of Delhi

and NCR Sahaja Yoga collectivity, it is my great honour to invite all our brothers and sisters from

around the world to Nirmal Dham at the Holy Lotus Feet of Shri Adishakti. Please do come in large

numbers as presence of a large number of Sahaja Yogis pleases the Devi and the flow of chaitanya from

Her Holy Lotus Feet becomes strong enough to submerge us all in the ocean of Her Love.

C-17, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016, Tel: 011-26966652 E-mail: [email protected]


Tentative schedule of the program:

VENUE: Shri Adishakti Peetha Nirmal Dham, Dhul Sirus Village, Param Pujya Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Marg,, Near Dwarka Sector 23,New Delhi-110071

Day 1

19th March



Day 2

20th March



Day 3

21st March




On Arrival

Morning Meditation 05:00 AM Morning Meditation 05:00 AM

Morning Tea 07:00 AM to 07:30 AM Morning Tea

07:00 AM to 07:30 AM


08:30 AM

to 10:00 AM Breakfast

08:30 AM

to 10:00 AM

Morning Session:


Meditation, Mother's

Speeches & Bhajans in Praise

of The Divine

10:00 AM to

2:00 P.M.

Morning Session:

Seminar, Meditation, Mother's Speeches & Bhajans

in Praise of The Divine

10:00 AM to 2:00 P.M.


02:00 PM to 03.00 PM


02:00 PM to 03.00 PM

Afternoon Session

4:00 to 5:30

PM Afternoon Session 3:00 to 5:00

PM Preparation for Puja After Lunch

Evening Tea

5.30 PM to 6.00 PM

Evening Tea

5.00 PM to 5.30 PM

Evening Session: Cultural Program

06:00 PM to 10:30 PM

Evening Session: Cultural Program

05:30 PM to 12:30 AM Puja..... 05:00 P.M.

Cake Offering



Cake Offering & Celebrations

After Aarti


09.15 PM

to 10:45 PM


09.15 PM

to 10:45 PM

Mahaprasad (Dinner) for All participants

After Puja…..

C-17, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016, Tel: 011-26966652 E-mail: [email protected]



Sahaja Yogis from India:

STAYING ( with food) In The Camp

NON-STAYING (with food)


Adults &

Yuva Shakti Children*

( 6 to 12 Years)

Adults &

Yuva Shakti


( 6 to 12 Years)

For All

Rs.1800/- Rs. 1300/- Rs.900/- Rs.500/- Rs.400/-

Sahaja Yogis from Foreign Country:

STAYING ( with food)

In The Camp

Adults &

Yuva Shakti Children*

( 6 to 12 Years)

Rs.3000/- Rs. 2500/- * No contribution for Children below six years.

C-17, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016, Tel: 011-26966652 E-mail: [email protected]



Seminar Contribution could be made /remitted by any of the following channels: (i) Direct Cash Deposit at any branch of “HDFC Bank” in India:

Name of Account : “The Life Eternal Trust” Nature of Account: Savings Account Name of Bank: HDFC Bank ,

Address of Bank’s Branch: A-30, Sector 23, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 Account Number: 50100322086526 IFSC Code: HDFC0000924 (ii) By National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) or Online Fund Transfer through Net Banking: NEFT or net banking facilitates transfer of funds from any bank to other bank accounts through-out India. You may use this channel also to transfer your seminar contribution amount with the same details of ‘HDFC Bank Account’ as given below:

Name of Account : “The Life Eternal Trust” Nature of Account: Savings Account Name of Bank: HDFC Bank ,

Address of Bank’s Branch: A-30, Sector 23, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 Account Number: 50100322086526 IFSC Code: HDFC0000924 Please ensure to furnish your complete information of Seminar Contribution deposited in HDFC Bank account by cash or transferred through NEFT in the relevant Annexure 1 or 2 duly filled in. Formats of both the Annexures are attached herewith. The details can be sent to us by registered post/courier at our above referred address or preferably by email at our following Email ids: “Nirmal Dham" <[email protected]> *Payment Gateway is also being uploaded on website shortly b) For Sahaja Yogis coming from Foreign Countries/different parts of India: The Sahaja Yogis participating from foreign countries/India may please inform us the details of individual yogi / yogini i.e. name, age, gender and city/country along with date of their arrival/departure at Nirmal Dham in the attached ‘Annexure-1' . Please note that : Contribution can also be paid at the venue itself on arrival.

Limited staying resources are available at Nirmal Dham, hence Sahaja Yogis who wish to stay

at Nirmal Dham have to inform us latest by 29th February, 2020, on the ‘Annexure-1 attached herewith so that necessary arrangements could be made for their comfortable stay. Email IDs for sending information in advance:

“Nirmal Dham" <[email protected]>

C-17, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016, Tel: 011-26966652 E-mail: [email protected]


Beddings/Quilts would be provided for all staying yogis/yoginis.

As it would be slightly cold weather during those days, all yogis/yoginis are advised to bring woollens as per their individual need.

Expenses for stay and food before 19th March and after 21st March will be extra.

On 21st March 2020, after Puja, Mahaprasad (Dinner) will be available for all the participants.

Looking forward to your benign presence with Open Hearts;

With Nirmal Love and Warm Regards!

Rajesh Kalra Vikaash Chaturvedi Delhi State Coordinator & Trustee, Joint Coordinator &Trustee, The Life Eternal Trust The Life Eternal Trust Delhi (India) Delhi (India)

Copy to:

The Sahaja Yoga World Foundation / Central Committee, Country Coordinators, CC India, Indian State/ City/ Centre Coordinators

& Sister Organizations

Transport Advisory

Transport will be available for Shri Adishakti Peetha Nirmal Dham from Dwarka, Sector-21 Metro Station from 19th to 21st March 2020. You may please use Metro to reach Dwarka, Sector-21 Metro Station. Sahaja Yogis are welcome to contact the following yogis for any clarification & further assistance:-

Mr. Puru Gupta: 09582100781 Mr. Rajesh: 09868858096 Mr. Nilesh Shaw: 07838388090 Ms Daisy: 09910110544 Ms Nitasha Chadha: 09871312869 Ms. Punam Sharma: 09810014346

PS: Please visit our website at for any information, announcements, live webcast of seminars from Nirmal Dham, Route Directions and ‘How to reach Nirmal Dham’ etc.