The Liberty Pledge

Common Sense 2: The Liberty Pledge written by Ernest Lee 2014-2015 "The cause of America is, in a great measure, the cause of all mankind. Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." Thomas Paine “To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.” Ronald Reagan

Transcript of The Liberty Pledge

Page 1: The Liberty Pledge

Common Sense 2: The Liberty Pledge

written by Ernest Lee 2014-2015

"The cause of America is, in a great measure, the cause of all mankind.

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo

the fatigue of supporting it." Thomas Paine

“To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right

is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he

will.” Ronald Reagan

Page 2: The Liberty Pledge

How We Got Here

I am not sure exactly when I first became aware, then alarmed, at the

condition, status and direction of our nation. My astonishment nearly left me

unable to act or respond. I was overwhelmed as I allowed myself to fully

acknowledge the waste, corruption and abuses of power that seemed to just

"spring-up" from all around me. The first question I asked was: when did it

happen? Then: how did it happen? I also spent time in denial, thinking, it is

impossible for it to have happened in America. I went through several stages of

disbelief, shock, then quickly moved to anger, then just as quickly to confusion

and despair. Too much was wrong, the problems seemed overwhelming, no

solutions seemed possible. Have you experienced the same emotions? Or are

you just now becoming awake to the truth? The United States of America exists

in name only, every basic founding principle, right and liberty has been corrupted,

damaged or taken from us.

I suppose we should have expected it. Why would any of us think that

history can be ignored? The only way to keep from repeating the same mistakes

is to study and then learn from history. So, what does history tell us? History

tells us that most civilizations have a life span of about 200 years before they

implode. Once again American exceptionalism shows in our very age as a

nation, it is a testament to the strength of our Constitution supplied by our genius

founders. The Constitution, while not perfect, is not badly flawed; it is men that

are flawed. The founders knew the weakness, evil and greed of men and feared

those traits where it concerned establishing a centralized government. They

agonized over the delicate checks and balances outlined in the Constitution and

for over 150 years the United States of America grew and prospered due to

limited federal government. Two of the framers, James Madison and Thomas

Jefferson, reflected on the Constitution in their later years and came to the

conclusion that "they", the collective body of men responsible for writing the

Constitution, hadn't put enough specific language in the document to ensure

protection of the People against a Federal Government that could grow too large,

too powerful with the potential to rain tyranny down on the citizens. Jefferson

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and Madison were troubled by this but agreed on two things: 1)"they" had

done their best, 2) the People could be trusted to rise up and put things right.

But we haven't done that yet, have we? Have we waited until it is too late act?

We must pay homage to our Founders because the grand experiment of

establishing for the first time in world history a Constitutional Republic for self

governance, of the people, by the people for the people; produced the greatest

nation the world has ever seen. The recognition of certain rights, granted by

God, were the foundation of this experiment. By letting the principles of liberty,

freedom, and personal responsibility combined with a free market, hard work,

and very few regulations or government restrictions that could limit personal

growth, what was unleashed and established, not just for an elite few, but for any

dedicated individual, was untold growth and prosperity as individuals and as a

nation. So what has happened to the USA that was the greatest nation ever

established in world history? We the people allowed our federal government to

get out of control. We forgot that our rights, freedom and liberty need vigilant

watching and protection by us, the people. Being a citizen is not a spectator

sport. We elected and put our trust in our representatives; our trust has been

betrayed. We The People forgot to pay attention, we trusted without

verification. In essence we betrayed ourselves.

This has happened slowly over the last 100 years. In the last 20 years the

process of destroying this nation has been accelerated with the killing blows

coming faster and faster with each blow stronger than the last. Our current

administration is the most lawless in our history. But the source of our troubles

is much deeper than this current gang of self-serving thieves in Washington, DC.

The biggest threat to our continued existence as a nation is that so few of us are

aware of the extent of the problems that have been created. Not enough of us

are aware and understand that drastic measures must be taken to SAVE our

nation. A further complication is the widespread apathy that knows no bounds

within our uneducated (to the problems), misinformed fellow citizens. It is my

hope that this writing will help raise awareness not just of the problems, but also

the steps I believe we must take to restore our Constitutional Republic, before it

is lost forever.

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“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless

government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat

and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty

contracts.” Ronald Reagan

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our

freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln

"Government, even in its best stage, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state

an intolerable one." Thomas Paine

We the People face our greatest challenges since our nation was formed.

Through all our struggles in history as a nation we have been winners because we

have rallied together. Our strength comes from our diversity and ability to

tolerate each other, stay out of each other's way unless help is needed. That is

when We Americans really shine with our willingness to help those that need

assistance and we're always ready to cheer for the underdog. There is

something unique about the American Spirit that goes back to our founding and

despite the efforts in recent years to kill the American Spirit, it remains. Our

Spirit as a nation is wounded, bleeding and some would say we are on the verge

of collapse. Should we fail as a nation it will be because we've been forcibly

divided and a house divided against itself cannot stand. We may be down, but

we are far from out. This booklet is dedicated to the American Spirit, our

veterans and our future generations. Let our valor filled past remind us that as a

nation we can accomplish anything, including turning this nation around because

we are Americans.

Critics; I am sure there will be many, will read this work only to bash it for

being simplistic in nature. Let me address this. What I have written is my

opinion. My influences in forming these opinions include a wide range of

sources, all of which are readily available for anyone to read. Some of my

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research material was written centuries ago, some within the last few months.

The conclusions I have drawn, the plans I outline are mine, it is your choice to

agree or disagree. My opinions, reasoning, heart, soul, sarcasm and experience

are reflected and contained within these pages. What I hope you appreciate

most in this booklet, if you appreciate anything at all, will be my passion for this

nation, what it stood for at its founding, what it's given me and what it offers you

and our future generations. As a nation our future can be better than our past

if, and only if, we can restore all that is good about America while ensuring its

rekindled prosperity with ACTION taken by We The People NOW.

Let us look at where we are as a nation. Tens of thousands of pages could

be written about what is wrong. This work will not address every problem, I'm

not sure a single person exists that could actually point out all the problems. I

also don't hold these pages up as the one and only solution or path that MUST be

followed or else. This work, like myself, is imperfect. The reason I believe in

these pages is because I have talked in depth to thousands of you over the last

few years about how you feel where our country is concerned. Most were

complete strangers, all shared one opinion. This country is falling apart and

something must be done, but very few knew what to do about it. So instead of

just listing problems, I am setting the stage for solutions to the problems we face

as a nation.

“The future doesn't belong to the light-hearted. It belongs to the

brave.” Ronald Reagan

Page 6: The Liberty Pledge

Federal Government Control, The ROOT Of All Evil!!!

Our Federal Government was NEVER meant to be the "end all, cure all"

final authority over the lives of its citizens or of private enterprise. In fact the

opposite is true. The Federal Government, under our Constitution, has very

LIMITED powers. Does it feel to you, right now, today, that the Federal

Government affects your life, or business in anything close to a barely intrusive

way? Do you feel that the Federal Government operates in a fair or efficient

manner? Does its assumed control over a problem fix or improve the situation?

Is a big, centralized, powerful Federal Government helpful or harmful? The

truth is our existing Federal Government is the biggest threat to the citizens that

elected it, they are not our protectors. We hear the words, but feel the wounds

the government has inflicted upon us all, from the slavery of welfare to the

devaluation of the dollar, from our wide-open borders to the loss of jobs, inflation

that is already running wild driving prices for EVERYTHING higher, the increasing

debt that will be a crushing burden for our future generations. All of this and

more, all bad, courtesy of our Federal Government through its policies and


I was lucky enough to be born, raised and educated in what was once the

greatest nation of Liberty, Rights and Freedoms in recorded history. But we've

allowed this nation to drift toward certain failure and destruction and now face

the first generation that will be much worse off than the previous in all areas due

to the constantly increasing intrusion by government on all levels. Our Federal

Government is eroding our core values as a nation, constantly expanding their

power, robbing the States of sovereignty and the people of liberty. Out of

control spending, increased regulation, corruption, over taxation, the Federal

Reserve, the EPA and on it spirals, with no end in sight, except for the collapse

that is certain unless drastic changes are made very quickly. The running theme

throughout Common Sense II: The Liberty Pledge is one of revolution. Not the

bullets flying, people dying kind of revolution you might imagine (or even wish for

if you are convinced that is the only way to "fix" things). The Revolution I

propose has already begun; it's constitutional, all that is missing for this effort to

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succeed is your participation. Our constitution is not old, outdated, no longer

relevant, furthermore it has not abandoned us, it is we that have set the

constitution aside, allowed it to be overlooked, violated and ignored by our

elected representatives. We the People have allowed all that has fallen on us

from government. Are you ready to change that? Do you have the WILL to

make the changes? The tools exist, now we must use them.

Ronald Reagan once said that the most feared words in the English

language should be, "I'm from the Government, and I'm here to HELP you".

There is only ONE branch of the Federal Government that has NEVER, EVER, EVER,

EVER let We The People down. The Military. When facing an enemy, and

given little interference from politicians, the United States Military has done its

job, time and time again to protect this nation and freedom EVERYTIME they have

been called on to do so. How has the military been paid for their efforts? The

Veterans Administration, another feather in the hatband of the Federal

Government and a PERFECT example of government good intentions having failed


Andrew Wilkow coined a phrase that he uses often on his Wilkow Majority

Sirius XM Patriot Channel 125 talk show. "Government can't do God's work".

Sometimes he extends the saying with "and they shouldn't try". But we

continue to allow them to try. They fail and we re-elect them. Madness. Our

Federal Government does only ONE thing well; it self-perpetuates and grows

larger only to the benefit of those IN government, seldom if ever to the benefit of

the people. The Federal Government of the United States of America was

founded to do a very few, limited duties or services known as enumerated powers

clearly outlined in our Constitution. All other powers not specifically assigned to

the Federal Government were to be retained by the individual Sovereign States or

The People. This is fact, not theory, not just my opinion. So how, you ask, do

we find ourselves today with an out of control, too big, too intrusive Federal

Government? We allowed it to happen. It did not happen overnight, BUT IT

CAN BE CHANGED! The bigger question is, do We The People possess the WILL

to change it? We have the power and the authority. We even have the tools

to do the job with, they were left to us by the framers, but we haven't used those

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tools. Why?

Am I proposing a revolution? The simple answer is yes; but not a shooting

war, we use the Constitution as sword and shield. We only have to be willing

to fight the fight. Are you ready for a revolution? Article V of the Constitution


Since our founding as a nation we have been the most unique of

experiments. Never before in world history has a nation existed with

"self-governance" or been comprised of such diversity of citizens. The United

States revolutionized the planet. Through innovation, genius and hard work our

nation has prospered for over 200 years. The American Dream could be had and

enjoyed by anyone willing to work for it with each generation better off than the

one before it. Until now.

For about the last 100 years Progressive forces have been at work to turn

our Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State, a Welfare State, and a Nanny

State that seeks absolute power over the citizens with the fundamental

transformation of America almost complete. Corruption is rampant at the

highest levels, the Executive Branch is overreaching to levels completely

unconstitutional and out of control while the Legislative Branch seems not to

notice or act with its Constitutional Duties or Powers to stop the process. Hell,

The Supreme Court ruled that "Obamacare" WAS Constitutional. Do you even

recognize this nation anymore? So what do We do? We revolt; but we do it

Constitutionally, peacefully, quickly and efficiently so as not to have this low point

in our history be able to be repeated. It is time for We The People to assert our

power that the ruling class of government has taken from us, turn it around and

Take Back America!

“Government is not a solution to our problem government is the

problem.” Ronald Reagan

“We the people tell the government what to do, it doesn’t tell us.” Ronald


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The NEXT Greatest Generation

The 70th Anniversary of D-Day had just been observed at this writing.

Besides being reminded of the price paid for our freedom and liberty by members

of "The Greatest Generation" during World War II; the event caused me to think

how different but also how similar our present circumstances are to then. Our

country has a terrible enemy that threatens our existence. Our Greatest

Generation fought against evil determined to destroy our nation and rule the

world. We face evil in our present that has waged a silent, but deadly war for

decades, designed to eliminate our way of life while replacing our values, families

and religions with centralized control. Worse, they have been successful in

hiding their progressive agenda for our destruction while their plan was being

accomplished, worse still is the fact that they have been successfully winning

every battle while most of our citizenry doesn't even realize we've been at war!

The enemy we face today will stop at nothing to rule and control us. They

are already brainwashing our children while they spread lies, encourage racism

and class warfare. We are told that our nation must be transformed by them

through their regulations, in order for our nation to be just and fair. Wrong is

suddenly right, up is down, propaganda is spewed and spun by the left leaning

media that claims to report news. The "news" is filtered, altered, while REAL

news is overlooked, downplayed or ignored. Our elected leaders refuse to listen

while holding themselves above us, superior to us while lying to us. Their only

interest is retaining their power. Their primary mission is to keep expanding

their control. Once in office they turn their focus away from their "promises"

and concentrate on lining their own pockets and scheming on how to be

re-elected in each cycle. The quest for power, status and self-serving goals are

their top priority, while service to their constituents their lowest.

You may wonder by my many references to war if I am proposing or going

to propose an armed revolution. The revolution has already occurred and We

The People lost. The silent coup waged for over 100 years against us, is now

nearly complete. To borrow a phrase from Mark Levin, our nation is now in a

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"Post-Constitutional Phase". We The People have allowed the coup to run its

course, the Progressives, Socialists, and Communists won without firing a shot.

Restoration of our Constitutional Republic is our duty! But time is running out

to make The Restoration a reality. Once you accept these statements for the

truths they represent, you have several serious choices to make. I am proposing

a counter-revolution that explodes from the grassroots overwhelming our elected

officials starting at the local level, city councils, county commissions then up to

our State Legislators and applying constant and growing pressure for our States to

assert their power and authority they hold OVER the federal government to

restrain, reverse and repeal over 100 years of progressive damage using Article V

of the Constitution for OUR historical FIRST Convention of States! It will take a

concerted effort in thousands of localities to maintain the pressure to accomplish

this goal, but the goal is TOO IMPORTANT for us to ignore.

Choose to become a part of the "Next" Greatest Generation. The group of

citizens that awakened the resolve within themselves to STOP the out of control

Federal Government and total destruction of our nation. Your ethnic

background, your religion, your marital status, your sexual orientation, your

Pro-Life or Pro-Choice stance, your wealth or class status or lack thereof doesn't

matter. Your current or previous party affiliation DOES NOT MATTER because at

your core you are an American that believes in your God given Rights. You

value and want to pass to future generations Liberty and Freedom in even greater

measure than you enjoyed. Bottom Line: YOU WANT YOUR COUNTRY

BACK!!!! That determination and success is what will make those of us that

join together and participate, the "NEXT" Greatest Generation! Remember this:

It WILL NOT TAKE A MAJORITY to enable Restoration, but it will take a tireless,

dedicated minority of us willing to stand together risking all, even our lives, to

accomplish our goal. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is charging ONWARD

in spite of fear. Make the commitment right now to use the Liberty Pledge and

do your part to ensure the success of this process.

Page 11: The Liberty Pledge

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” Vince Lombardi Who is ready to reclaim our nation for its rightful owners, the People? Do

we have the Will, Strength, and Commitment to be the victors? Will we again

rise up united against tyranny to guarantee our Rights, Liberty and Freedom?

Will WE regulate the ruling class back into SERVING us instead of Dictating to us?

I am past ready to turn the "rulers" back into the servants. I am sure the

question racing through your mind is how can we accomplish this? My solution

is using "The Liberty Pledge" as the tool it was designed to be to help insure

success in calling a historic Article V Convention of States. Am I arrogant enough

to think my solution is the only one? Of course not. I am sure more ways exist

to accomplish the task. In fact, the Convention of States Project

( is ALL OVER this problem and has been since 2013.

Other groups have been formed with specific focus such as Balanced Budget,

Term Limits, State Sovereignty, Anti-Abortion and many, many more. All

restoration organizations from all sides of the political spectrum need to unite



Pledge" as designed is a link in the chain toward restoring our nation. It IS what

YOU can do to participate in the revolution I've outlined. I call on every branch

and chapter of the TEA Party to participate. I call on every veteran and veterans

organization to participate. I call on all religious and civic organizations to

participate, in essence I call on ALL PATRIOTIC AMERICANS TO RISE UP AND SEIZE


through the revolution that Article V of our Constitution offers us as a real and

lasting solution to what is wrong with our nation.

You will notice in "The Liberty Pledge" that the COS Project as well as Mark

Levin's book "The Liberty Amendments" are highlighted. This is not to sell more

books for Mark (I'm not getting a cut) but it IS an endorsement of its

well-thought-out suggestions for proposed amendments that will go a long way

toward returning power to the States and to the people. The COS Project is, in

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my opinion, genius in their concept and outline on HOW to be successful in

bringing about the Article V process for the people. At this writing the project

has a great start but needs all of our support to succeed and to speed up the

process. I do not speak for Mark Levin or the Convention of States Project in any

capacity other than giving my endorsement of both.

Sadly, apathy knows no boundaries in our nation. Some people won't

finish reading this short work because they don't care, they are too busy or they

think it is someone else's problem, duty or responsibility. Others of them will

agree completely, but still do nothing. They won't ask questions, they will object

on scarce knowledge, they have no imagination or vision, they will refuse to

believe or worse, believe things that are not true about what an Article V

Convention of States is and was designed by our founders to do. There are

several false "facts" and fears, untruths planted and spread by those in power

that are extremely afraid that a COS could actually become a reality and tear

down their "playhouse". What can I say to any of you doubters to change your

hearts and minds? Probably nothing.

To those of you that believe that electing a new President is the answer or

that enough election cycles will be our salvation I have a few questions for you.

Do you truly believe that the Federal Government, elected officials from either

party, will ever down-size any part of government or willingly give up their power,

privilege and status for the good of the country and its citizens? Do you also

believe that those in Federal agencies will willingly down-size or recommend

reducing their budget or authority for the good of the nation? Do you think

Congress will stop exempting themselves from laws they pass that the rest of us

have to obey? Do you believe that Congress will ever put term limits on

themselves? Do you want to be a part of changing all of that and more? If you

do want true and lasting change memorize and use this phrase from William H.

Johnsen as a mantra: "If it is to be, it's up to me". Sounds too simple to work

doesn't it?

Here is another true statement. If you will commit to an honest effort for

just 10 minutes a day, 6 days a week, together we can accomplish the seemingly

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overwhelming task of saving our nation. Yes, a total restoration of our

Constitutional Republic that ensures our future generations can enjoy even more

Liberty and be free of all the burdens we have allowed the Federal Government to

place upon us. Who can't find or spare a total of one hour a week for such an

outcome? Can you? Will you? I will even explain what you can get done in

just 10 minutes daily.

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Demands of the People

We The People of the United States of America in order to restore our

Constitutional Republic stand united in making the following demands of our

elected officials and those hoping to serve us by being lawfully elected. We view

The Liberty Pledge as many things: it is intended to be a petition when signed

by lawful Citizens as well as a pledge to honor the will of the People when signed

by elected officials or candidates. The content of this document will also be

used as a resolution when passed by local, county and individual State

governments as acknowledgement and endorsement of the Demands of the


First and foremost The Liberty Pledge is an affirmation that the

Constitution of the United States of America be recognized as the supreme law of

the land and all that sign, pledge to protect and defend our Constitution against

all enemies, foreign and domestic. We The People further stress that the

Constitution has boundaries that are definite and clear and We will no longer

tolerate the violations of its boundaries. We demand that all unconstitutional

federal agencies be defunded, disarmed and dissolved with all powers that have

been unjustly removed from the States and the People restored to their proper

authority as stated in the Tenth Amendment of our Constitution. We consider

these federal agencies unconstitutional because , with limited or no oversight,

they create regulations that become unconstitutional laws while our Constitution

clearly states that only the Legislative Branch can pass bills that only then become

laws when signed by the President. The lawful method for the people to

achieve these goals is found in the Constitution's Article V.

We The People demand under Article V of the Constitution that our State

Legislative bodies immediately call for a Convention Of States to be convened at

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the earliest possible date to propose Amendments to the Constitution to further

limit the power of the Federal Government using the Convention Call Document

of the Convention Of States Project. Topics the People demand to be addressed

include but would not be limited to: Term Limits for House, Senate and

Supreme Court, Repeal of the 16th Amendment abolishing the IRS and adding an

amendment for a flat or fair tax. Repeal of the 17th Amendment restoring the

Senate to its original intent of representing the State; Balanced Budget

Amendment; New Legislation to be Single Issue in Content written in plain English

with NO added waste, pork or special interest riders; English as our National

Language, and all other proposed amendments found in Mark Levin's book "The

Liberty Amendments". Furthermore, the People demand that once such a

Convention is convened, it be recessed but never adjourned in order to speed up

this process as and when needed in the future. Once Amendments are released

by the Convention of States, the People demand speedy ratification of the

Amendments by the State Legislative bodies.

We The People DEMAND our Liberty and Freedom be restored and pledge

to speak loudly with our votes against any and all elected officials that do not take

seriously our demands or that do not work to carry out our orders. The People,

through our State Legislative bodies created this Constitutional Republic and we

stand united in our efforts to restore our nation to its former greatness! All who

sign and present The Liberty Pledge agree to seek solutions to our nation's

problems and support all those that practice putting the good of the nation in

front of personal interest. Current public officials need to carefully note

everything The Liberty Pledge contains, because the WILL of the People shall no

longer be ignored!

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You Say You Want A Revolution?

This chapter will be detailed but simple. Not all of you will do all I ask you

to do, some of you will do more, some will exceed in greater measure than I ever

imagined possible. Here is the complicated task I asked you to devote 10

minutes a day doing: have a conversation with someone, anyone, but start with

people you know or you suspect agree with you. Ask them to sign The Liberty

Pledge, tell them how to find Common Sense 2, direct them to so they too can spend 10 minutes a day duplicating your

efforts. Do you think restoring our constitutional republic to ensure the future

for your children and grandchildren is worth this effort? I suggest you print out

and keep several copies of The Liberty Pledge handy to use. After you have

exhausted your supply of friends and family members, strike up a conversation

with a total stranger, I do every day with positive results. I realize it sounds

simple but that is the reason The Liberty Pledge will spread rapidly; it is simple to

use as a tool. There's more steps. Some of you will go door-to-door gathering

signatures and recruits. Others will set-up a table or have clipboards and stand

on a corner or in front of a business or the courthouse (make sure you check your

local ordinances and/or get permission before engaging in this) but going to this

extent, while welcomed and applauded, is not necessary. Talk to people

one-on-one. Some of you belong to civic groups and organizations and can get

your entire membership on board. Whatever works for you, big effort or small.

Let's call the first paragraph Level 1 participation. OK, you've gotten

several signatures on your copy of The Liberty Pledge and have recruited several

people doing the same, now what? Side bar: Sign every copy you give your

recruits, tell them to do the same, there is no problem if you end up signing

hundreds of copies the more the merrier, the larger the impact. There are

leaders in every State, County, City, Township or Community. Are you

interested in Level 2 participation? Start a Facebook page, name it The Liberty

Pledge-Your City Name, County Name etc and make sure all your recruits know

about the page. On your Liberty Pledge Facebook page post updates on the

progress in your city and set a date to gather together all the signed copies of The

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Liberty Pledge. Get yourself on the agenda of your City Council meeting. Go to

the meeting, bring all the signed Liberty Pledges with you and ask the City Council

to adopt The Liberty Pledge as a resolution of the council, and get them all to sign

it. Did someone else in your city already create a Facebook page? Great,

contact them and offer to help manage the page, just because you weren't first

doesn't mean you can't participate up to any level you wish, right? Ready to

advance to Level 3 participation?

Repeat level 2, but this time your target is the County Commission. You

are on a roll now. Ready for Level 4? It's tougher because now your target is

the State Legislature. Let me suggest that as you become aware of other Level 2

and 3 fireballs like yourself in your State, you start trying to cooperate and

coordinate your efforts.

Don't forget to post your success stories on the main Facebook page The

Liberty Pledge and sign the online copy of The Liberty Pledge at . If all you ever do is sign the online copy, so be it, but that

is lazy, just so you know. This movement can spread like wildfire and it should.

Let me make you several promises:

1) I am not trying to form a large national organization, I'm not your boss

2) I don't want your email address or personal info

3) While I will provide updates and info, you are on your own, you will

either participate or you won't

4) Signatures only on The Liberty Pledge, no addresses, no phone

numbers, no personal info

Common Sense 2: The Liberty Pledge was not written for the purpose

of making money, it was written to be used as a tool to help set up the overhaul

our system of government needs after 230+ hard years of service. Imagine an

engine from a car with 500,000 miles on it. The engine needs to be rebuilt

because it isn't running properly any longer. Before you start the project you

need all the necessary tools to disassemble the engine to its block or core. The

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Liberty Pledge is a tool to assist in setting up the circumstances where We The

People can fix, through our State Legislators, what the federal government has

broken in our system. I know tens of thousands or more of you not only agree

the system is broken, you want it fixed before it is too late. I also know tens of

thousands of you are willing to participate in getting the problems fixed but don't

know exactly what to do. Common Sense 2: The Liberty Pledge was written to

give you something productive you CAN do that WILL WORK! For a detailed

explanation of the Article V Convention of States process please go to . Mark Levin explains it expertly as well in his book

"The Liberty Amendments". Some of you will want to join The Convention of

States Project after you research them, others will be happy using The Liberty

Pledge in support of the project. Participate at whatever level you are

comfortable with but for the sake of this nation and your children DO

SOMETHING rather than nothing.

At the time of this writing the COS Project has been successful in 4 States:

Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Alaska. These listed State Legislatures have

completed the call for a COS, but that doesn't mean you can't use The Liberty

Pledge to reinforce and show support in these States. 34 States are necessary

for an Article V COS to be called. We have LOTS to do and it must be done

quickly. So get busy!

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”

Robert Kennedy

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”

Ayn Rand

“Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of

the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and

women.” Ronald Reagan

Page 19: The Liberty Pledge

About The Author

Ernest Lee is the father of 5, grandfather of 7. He lists those as his 12

reasons for writing this booklet. In his near 60 years he has owned food

establishments, bars, auto dealerships, a weekly newspaper and a radio station.

He has also been a performing musician, taught guitar and voice, hosted karaoke,

worked on a farm, herded cows, broken horses, driven everything from hot cars

to buses to big trucks to combines to tractors and bulldozers. Ernest has held

suit and tie jobs in big corporations and worked wearing t-shirt and jeans. He

has lived in the Southeast, Midwest and the Western States. He has traveled

the lower 48 States and Alaska in a big rig.

For the last 6 years he has been an over-the-road truck driver, he says

"part-time" covering over 3,000 miles per week. He considers his full-time job

to be working to restore our Constitutional Republic. During the 1000 Mile

March For Liberty in 2013 he parked his truck and walked from Bartlett, TN to

Washington, D.C. because he says, "Somebody needed to DO something to start

fixing this country." Also in 2013 Ernest participated in the Truckers Ride For

The Constitution and assisted veterans in removing the "barrycaids" that

surrounded the World War II Memorial in D.C. The veterans neatly stacked the

returned "barrycaids" just outside the fence of the White House without violent

incident or arrest.

Ernest constantly helps inform citizens to the problems in our nation while

offering solutions during his travels and through radio broadcasts on World

Integrity News Network, WINN. Details on broadcast times and how you can be

a part of the programs can be found on the Facebook Pages: The Liberty Pledge,

1000 Mile March, The Mission Patriot Freedom USA, and Reach out America

Radio Network Alliance. Ernest invites you to 'Like' and 'Share' these pages.

Ernest is available as a speaker for most any gathering of any size. To

contact Ernest use email, his address is: [email protected]

"All that is wrong will not and cannot be addressed in this brief writing,

but I pray that it is a good start." Ernest Lee

Page 20: The Liberty Pledge

“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work

to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of

courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands

up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against

injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a

million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current

which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

Robert Kennedy

"Do or Do Not, There Is No TRY" Yoda