The Lexington dispatch (Lexington, S.C.).(Lexington, S.C ... · 7 HighFreights..The commerce 4...

( * 7 High Freights..The commerce 4 of Charleston has a great deal to contend with on account of the exhorV ant charges of her Railroc' The high tariff on the South Carolina Railroad, from; King^v:He to Camden, has driven of oar merchants to North-f em maifcets for their supplies. Freight of the valcfe of eight hun- j tired v liars and more, was shipped J from Charleston to Florence over Jj^he Northeastern Railroad upon j ^Pxhieh the charges were $27.; the one hundred and-.two jail -; it is stated that the some from Florence to Tirnusriile, a distance of twelve :ii:;es, ',.ver the Wilmington, Colitubia und Augusta Railroad; was I ^ugecifS) "! : \ I-.-°. 4P ::t persons' are discussing the l probable nationality of a very tall and slim 'foreign lady who juts on inusual airs, think she is a de," said one. "A Russian, I * sink," ventured a n ot h e r. "I ^ t iak." said a wag, "she looks more like a Pole." ^ St Augustine is urged to devote 1 er energies to mule and donkey rasing . ^ . ... OUR TABLE. Peteusqn's Lames'- Magazine for / n^ust is already received, and as re ki sj. always said cannot siy ng it is one of the best' 1.lies' magazines published, and] t o are jure t£e cheapest in the Country, for it H only $2 a year. rVhe /> tgost number gives the nock readable tallo filled with fzood things for the bodies, arid is a hrst-mie number, ^dress, C. J Phiiadelpliiiv, _Ba.. Gonst's Ladx's Book for August dr< :aiy out, and is on our table, 'died as usual, with a changing yarie'v dreading'matter that cannot ft; 1 ro .please and interest the tarn r-.ders of maiwr minds. As jo fashion, the work-department will furnish food for the ladies, '. > us- the needle, and every "toy v' >ald snbscribe to Godey m4 thus learn how to make up an iianf : :e and tasty dress^fThis magazine. 18 an old- favorite with nary .if our readers, who knows its falne and concur'in what we say. i'rice of subscription' $3 a -vet: Address li. a. Uroqev, rniili:-\ Pit. r J *: CURRENT. C JExsc-jf.b' v. esk j.*. ] !' ' p. a. Hkxdbtx beo. C'-o-t. T' P-. 2tr?.nll.i .. .. : 34 ft# li 4 20 & II : " 12 C 14 I J ' '*"0 £ul -> -. » " >v> 1" . iii H - w< L.: 1 ' T .T ... w <3ti on i' 4: . '. (t?y 1 J..-. v.c" 1 To &2 00 K ' i 50 .(afo 00 B.v:« .. .'b. 25 30 V ' * ; do/.. 18 (S3 20 : -.r. t 00 (?/2 55 (.« N- ., 1 00 @1 20 0 ;.... - 20% 45 J! V* 'V .i; fr. 25 ® 3,0 U 8 (a^ 10 ]..... .......;4' 10 ifc. tj. i rhe common plk.\s. f.YLVff 7 0 A* CO UX 7 »'. "C Daolaint foxXo^eclosore of Mortgage. \.A " -n W. Liadler. Adm - Pit?.. Robert N. Arnich, D Jt. IS obedience to an order, in the above v.ated case, made by the Honorable 1. H. Cooke on the 28th of May 1873, i - 1:1 scl4 at Lexington Court House,. h .' 1st Monday in August ncxt-,SMj/ -fv". mortgaged Premises described in Jte v -bov.: case, r-s follows, to-wit: all >nat .j *r:»ct or parcel of land, containictf 47$ pt' acres, (more or less.) being rptf of a T :rac: originally granted to George Hipp, situate lying and being iiJ tn© County gw aforesaid, in the Fork /ft Broad and .S ;.'. riiyers, on hrj®eh waters of - Br . d R; 7#r, boCnded on bnes north ' rno. Slice, jdStth-wesfc by Alcy 1 if* 8:: r , south-ea&^and north-west by JuO. Metj, upon'the following terms, u-v:* Cash sufficient to pay the cost rv of-hose ; oroceddings, the balance on a credit of twelve months from clay of sale.* Toe ..-baser to give bond and security, caj! mor:gage of the premises sold,- and to oav for papersT Clork's Office, Lexington C. H., & C., Julv 15th A. D. 1873. .v. 4 I "ILL LAM J. ASSMANN, J. Clk. Circuit Court, Special Referee. Jr.-y "i, 3w.$7.00 40-42 NOTICE. rpUE undersigned, will sell, at LexJL iagton Court House, on the first Mond' in August next, 1873, at public auction, withjn the legal hours of sale, the R*J and Personal property of John f Hen dr - late of Lexington Village, dec., viz: 0 *> lot containing two acres, (more or it-». with a small dwelling house, comke r juse, 6table and garden thereon. ji bounded south by main street or Au«) on. road, on the wesf by James £. m-.w $ lot, Ob. thc~fiast by Caughman I A Wyse 4 lot, and aorElrtsy a back cross Ah.o sixty-two acres of pine Land .no'c or less) situate^ lying ami "being, .n tb- < bunty of LexTugton, on Cowpe-i bran h, waters of twelve mile creek, and b ~'la "led. by lands of Saral. Dent, lands of th* estate of George Wingard, dec., anci -j»bors. " '10 following personal property of- 1 deceased, viz: One Cow and Calf, * H; -hjid and Kitchen furniture, .and c: >' rticles not necessary to mention. 1 n<. of rale Cash. Purchasers of rid etopay for«" ; IS AIAI "i»~ l'>* fe:rs xiagfL C. I 1 15 yw . ' 4'.' ' VH I ; . Trhil . ? ; r i'MCE, I4EXIV'": " C. :'.. S t\ rorapt a; .:> '' 1 Oftlftir <J'i ' it-.-iM t-r;. ''ohisVar T 6 4s FOR THE NEXT 60 0AYS I will sell my stock of DRY GOODS at prices to suit purchasers, as I have determined to close out the present stock on hand. Call and buy bargains, as many articles will be sold at and some even under cost. Gent's Coat and Pants, Linen, from 18 to 50 cents per yard. Gent's hue white shirts at cost. Lot of Berage goods at cost Piqiies at 20 cents per yard. Nice assorted stock of calicoes at from 6} to 14 cents per yard. Bemnants of calicoes cheap* Ladies trimmed Hats at cost. Bargains in Gent's straw hats. Fancy articles sold regardless of price. Also call attention to my well selected stock of Groceries which are offered at market prices. Call at once and secure bargains. iua WiU uu nui tv vi.4* ».«v. my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Messers. J. Killian Efird and Henry II. Gross, will be found in charge of the above business, ready and willing to serve vou. ' B. IL WYSE, At the old stand of Caughman & Wyse. June Pietnres! Pictures!! . -1- for a dollar. I respectfully announce to the public generally, that I ain. now located at Lexington Court House, S. C., where I am.prepared to take pictures of all kindand styles. All those in want of such would do well to give m'e a calL I can be found during all hours of the day, at my STUDIO, which is located in rear of Drafts' Hotel. My prices arc reasonable and are such that all can reach them. Satisfaction guaranteed to all who may favor me with their patronage, &c. #*8r- Old pictures copied on reasonable terms. . K. Ii. P. HA KHAN, Artist. SHERIFF'S SALELEXINGTOX, IS THE COURT OP PROBATE. Ex Parte Jas. D. Clark and Wm. Joyner, Adm'rs. estate of Mrs. 31. M. Joyner. PURSUANT to an (Jrder in the above stated case, I will sell/ at the residence of. Mrs. M. M. Joyner, deceased, in Lexington. County, within the legal hours, onyTuesday tne 22d of July inst., all the personal" property belonging to said eri£tc for CASH, consisting of House-hold and Kitchen Furniture, Hogs, Catdar^Hotse and "Wagon, and gro%i<ffc crop. - . Sheriffs Office, Lexiturton, C. H., July 7, 1573. H. H. GEIGER, Sheriff Lex. County. ; July 9, '2w.$ '.75 39.40 HARM & AREHART, fi n A n p n ] . AND . CONFECTIONERS. I LEXINGTON, C. H., S. C. f -4^ £-«i calLthii.Rttention of our friends Vt i.nbhc generally to cur ; wi f! sti'd -i Slfji-k ct Groceries nnd CoufcHiot^res, coasL/jsg ir- part of \ . :,.VR* r. ->rr-- . S. GAitS, STRUTS. MOLASSES'. iUIOK, MACKEREL, SALT, FLOU2L r 1FS£L. GRIST. CORN. SOI>A,. SOAP. STARCH, GINGER, 'NUTMEGS, CLOVES, PEPPER, SPICE, ** ^ OYSTERS, " j. * PEPPER HASH. ; PICKLES, SAUCE/ NUTS, CANDttS, RAISINS, CRACKERS, (CAKES, ic., SMOKING AND CHEW j IN § "i$Tr ACCC, SUGARS, PAERaFINE WAX CANDLES, Ac, Ac., Ac. .Ui i,.tn ' f.r.stantJy or Laiyi ICE fand '.E'fv'G, .-rod prv^.^1. »: all i times. U> .j.foS-OO>jEb drink:, ol J LEMONADE »t<I Gt>-iVTv POP. T«cr^us Cash, i *t n bjrfiv j W Art5h»Rt ^EW DRUG STORE, Four Doors above Columbia Hotel, Main Street, Columbia, S. C., L. T. SILLIMAN & Co. HAVING just returned from the North with a complete new stock of Drugs, Medicines.and Fancy Articles, £.11 of the best qualify. "We are prepared to furnish everything in our line, with promptness and accuracy. Our Drugs were all selected under" our own personal supervision, so that we can warrant everything we sell to be of the very best. An experience of many years in the Drug and Chemical business in this city, with a thorough knowledge of the same, will enable us at all times to supply the wants of this community in our line, and we hope, by a strict attention to business, to secure a share of public pateonag*. Physician's Prescriptions carefully and promptly compounded at all hours of the day or night. Fancy Articles of all Kinds, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Hair Brushes, Perfumer}', Hair Oils, and Cosmetics of every kind, constantly on hand. I*atent Medicines, Dr. Janynes' Standard Medicines alicays on 'hand. Lubin's Extracts, German Cologne, Fine Soaps, Sponges, Ac. Landreth's Garden Seeds, A full supply. Mar 12 .3m Notice of Dissolution. By mutual cousent tH$ day the copartnership of Roof i Raw! ceases to exist All persona having demands against the firm of Roof A Rawl will present the same to D. Rawl, who will pay the same. And all persons indebted to the late firm will settle the same with D. Rawl. D. RAWL. ift7t S. M. ROOF. 1 i. ! Lumber business. /: re " i. age of all friends. D. RAWL. J-il ? iv. 38-39 -40 W. 31. I'RAFTS, - ' utrtit'C. Lh ' -N C. H., S. C. . :1 a'.u r mptly to all busincs 1- b. ; are. o J R. D. Szxx. D. L. Sxnn. j R. D. SENN & SON, WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL GROCERS, ' MAIN AND BRIDGE STREETS, COLUMBIA, !?s>0. HAVE now on hand, and are con-1 stantly receiving a Large, Choice and CHEAP stock of goods. We have almost everything which the Lexington People wishes to bay when they come to Columbia. Our stock is too large to mention different articles. All we ask is to call and examine. We have our same old force of accommodating clerks Messrs. Wm. Platt, Ed. C. Shcll, Archie McCraxbt, Julian Shull, Charlie Senn and Rufus Sbxn to wait on their friends, v 559" We have the best WAGON YARD and TWO SHEDS to accomodate our Country friends. Jnu NEW STORE AND yEW GOODS. \ ISAIA# VANSANT, DEA'-FR IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Sc. . Opposite State House, Bridge Street, COLUMBIA, S. C., RESPECTFULLY invites his Lexington friends, and the pnblic generally, when they come to Columbia, to give him a call, as he has now on hand and will continue to keep a supply of Family Groceries, Provisions, Ac. All he asks is a trial, and satisfaction will be guaranteed. Highest prices paid for Country Produce. Nov. G-tf C.F. JACKSON, r . . * Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C,,% H wing removed fonr doors abo .'e hw/ OLD STAND, on s' MAIN STREET, To the magnificent store ifi1 Mr. Jacob's New Building, nffags for sale a Splendid Stock z?? . . * iW GOODS, Al.Unusually JPrices. Call add see his \ DRESS GOODS, \ GENTS' FURNIS2$Xg£ GOODS, \ FANCY ARTICLES \ ETC., ETC. IT - !0, 25 and 50 cent Counters offer V. ,T.~ it> 7AXKP.P. NOTIONS. Mr. H. P. Roberts, of Lexington ! County will be found at this popular Dry i>t ods House, ready to serye bis many Lexington friends. Sep ' ' SOUTH CAROLINA Loan and Trust Company, CHARLESTON, S.< cl OFFICE, No. 17 BROAD STREET. SAVING* DEPARTMENT. The deposits in the Savings Department of/this Company are invested as a Special Trust, and, therefore, .are no; subject to the hazards of banking. In addition to this special security, depositors have the guarantee of the entire Bank Capital, which amounts to thtec hundred thousand dollars v $30o000.) This department will enable all classes to find a safe security for their savings, however small; and at the same time bearing a remunerative interest ,-six per cent, compounded quarterly. > Cur- rency can be remitted by expres, and drafts by mails. ' F. A. MITCHELL, Cashier. DIRECTORS AND TRUSTEES. , geo. s. cameron, g. l. bdist, e. h. frost, w. 3. middleton, w. c. bee, A. j. crews, w. b. williams, e. waltjen, h. h. deleon, c. o. memm1nger, b. o'neill, wm l. webs, a. p. caldwell, j. t. welsman, 3. m. shackelfold, geo. h. walter, j. c. h. claussen, b. d. la2aeu3. April 23.3m GEORGE BRUNS," WATCI MAKER AND tWfttWT T JXi W-&JUUDXW, MAIN STREET, Columbia Hotel Building, Columbia S. C. Has ou band a complete stock of Watches, Clocks, Jew ty, Spectacles and Plated-wsre, wh cL lie offers at the iowest prices. Watches, Clofcks and Jewelry repaired at short notice and on reasonably terms. Jan S 3m KNIGHTS OF JERICHO \ THE officers and member jggSgg; this order are notified thf regular weekly meeting w > held on Wednesday evening, an 11. regular monthly meeting for the * action of business, will be held o 1st Wednesday evening in each i at 8 o'clock. Application for me._- .rship may be mado at any time. ~ G. M. HARMAI Recor * * J * * # " Piedmont and Arlington LIFE INSURANCE CO., RICHMOND, VA. c . 0O0 W. C. CARRINGTON, President. D. J. HARTSOOK, Secretary. JNO. E. EDWARDS, Vice President. I J. J. HOPKINS, Asst. Secretary. ASSETS 0 VSR $2,000,000 POLICES ISSUED 0 VER 17,000. ANNUAL INCOME OVER $1,500,000. o The PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON is progressive, prosperous, and prompt. It has $121 of Assets to every $100 of Liabilites. Small expenses, small losses, secure investments, ample reserve. Policies liberal and no restrictions on residence or travel PLAN MUTUAL, Dividing seven-eights of the profits with the Policy-holders at the end of the first year, and annually thereafter. It has declared and paid to its policy-holders Three Annual Dividends, rang from 10 to 40 per cent., which will compare favorably with other good Companies. D IVID ENS ANNUAL. 1FAPHART A RANSOM. General Agents, Columbia, S. C. WITT & 'COUNTS, Agents for Lexington and adjoining CountiesOct J. BV KINARD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER ) . IN Dry Goods, OH Cloths, Carpetlngs, Mattings, Window Shades, Curtains, Notions, &c., &e. Has just returned from the North with a full and complete Stock, Every Department being fully and thoroughly supplied. 'A VT Millinery Department, Under the control and maiSagdinent of i Mr£ A. McCormick, y r >* J So widely Known and appreciated for her skill and taste, is an attrac five ffyrftrire in the bustt^ssd/I will sell my Stock at as low figures for CASH 18 ^ouse iQ ^ S..T * tU; - .^ ' I am also Agent/ot.< * , HOWE'S"SEWING MACHP'E, AMERICAN BUTTON H£)LE AND OVERSEEMIXG MACHINES Being considered the most" efficient instrument of the kind now in us 'Hain Streft-^Ooluuubia. S, G., One Door of Columbia Hotel. Oct 2«i.r>' 4 f J SEfiftMCtI0I8 . AT Ito i - X "T GR£*ND CENTRAL DRY GOODS jESTABLISHMENl W B. 0 VE i f I).. Cot rer of J tain and Plain Streets, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA" i i | t t, WE ARE DAIIV JNTfcE.-.SiNG HANDKERCHIEFS.choice goods ai OUR LAK'i '' very low prices, stock with bargains, v-~ 25 pieces 4-4 WHITE MATTING, al enumerate below: 25 cents a yard. 40 dozen WHITE - > 15 dozen Ladies TUCKED SKIETS ored boraer, at 2o ceL. at 75 cents each. 15 dozen WHITE / >v, Ns. Ji.; : 15 dozen TWO BUTTON KIDS, at 7c trimming, at 2o cents. cents a pair. 30 dozen LACECOid..UK oi i:. 100 Clljb aindkd paBASOLS an " # A . &UN- UMBRELLA* 250 FRENCH ' : tj.^U»EREI i^j pi^es-Tlioice 7)RESS GOODS. SETS, at 0 cents eac from 25 cents to 31 a vara, ule O 25 pieces PKINTEI LAWN, shades. choice patterns, 371 c< yard. v 1,000 yards Foulard SILKS, "rery 50 pieces Plain and L -v ripe I ?TC- choice goods, just received, TORIA LAWNS. * 3,500 yards 4-4 Printed CRETONS. 75 pieces WHITE Pi "ES. f. 1 > c-.-nS just opened, at 10j cents a yard. These a yard. the cheapest goods offered this 20 dosen Gents' H. "v : IN I TLA'. ;eason. ' Ladies* D res> <*: inm, Dusters for Travelling. A fi sis'-r- * < Ct »IERINO Uxderware. Gents' White "Ti Tl« : ti jest makes, perfectly fitting, atlow prices. Ccli ><- nr-, Ties and Bows in endless varieties. * Hosiery, in ! .;ad quantities. A beautiful line ( _ wear in all grades. A iijteof l)o> stics and Prints. Alt U'c uruents are full ^ r- .; ;!( j;o.:ds at low &V- jvv.res. ~9i Custom ; Get Titeir Bxact Change^ i y V- ;»ro vi on.. of the above .bargains aS the GRAND i\ CENTRA L ' UV < vi -i ; HLISHMENT of Win. 0. UIVE & Co.,i v i c v [ H K HEELER HOUSE. - i. EJT, y\ COL UMfclA.S, C. t 1 * * t 4 * * # * I HKIMTNMS I i ; j WONDERFUL MEDICINES. I iTnn in tht> A *W HEINITSH'S MEDICINES Is doing wonders, and gives everybody satisfaction.the reason of this is, that they assure to cure and restore you. They ore the cheapest, and beet medicines out. TEE BLOOD AHD LIVES PILLS Cores Liter Oomplliot"Torpid Liver, Headaches and Sick Stomach. THE QUEEN'S DELIGHT * Is known all over the County of Lexington, the people know that it ia the best * Dnwi'^ew owefvhft^V TTCAA it. THE QUEER'S DELIGHT hould be usei in the following case?:Liver Complaints, Sprains, Sore Heads ^kin Diseases, Ringworm, Utters, Loin )ftgo, Mercuril.Eruptions, Stjtf Joint Soro Throats, Sore Legs, Constipation * . Spots in the Skin, Salt Rheum, Scrofula^ Dyspepsia, Tetter, Prickly Heat, Rhounatism, SOres of all kinds, Sere°Brea«t8, Scalds, Piles, Goat, Venereal Sorrn, ( Swelled Glands, Wounds of all kinds. JMtEPABED OSI.V BY E. H.HEI5FITSH, 5 DRUGGIST, - 9 Columbia, s* C. i A ' HsS«uts»TS VEOEr.iBLC BLOOD AKDLIVSSraiS. >URE BILEI PURE HOOD! PURE FLESH! t To have good health and enjoy a Ion? -de is the desire of aR. To be well, to rook well, to eat well, t? steep jwell. ilealth is the one thing needful. The Blood and Liver Pills is a fiew uedicine, a new remedy, and claims the otention of the people on tho wellfounded basis of.merit and worth. At ill times, and in. all .climates, no niedl, -me is so greatly needed in assisting tia- 1 ure in regulating itself, as a Blood Pari-' - .ier and Liver Regulator. .The.Blood and Liver* Pills are good .or oppressed stomach; feverishncss; drowsiness and indolence, nervous .vatchfujuoss »t night; melancholy, olucs, dream's, commonly frightful; chest oppressed and heavy; darting pains in the abdomen;' faintntes; sighing; difficult and short breath; pain in the chest, about the lungs, conpxtonly mistaken for plearisv; shifting pains like those of rheumatism, colics; sometimes a short sharp cough, with a dryness of throaf; -mple&sant throbbing about the stomach; excess of dandruff, and scurfy deposit on he skin; falling of the hair; fulness and straightness of the abdomen, with desire to loosen the clothing; sour stomach with symptoms of dyspepsia; bilious colics; diarrhoea; dysentery; fevefs; ob' stinate constipation;, intermittent fever, or fever and ague; jaundice; costiveness t md diarrhoea alternately; expectoration stringy and sticky; foul mouth in the ruorning, often naused and. vomiting; dizziness; pain in the right shoulder, sometimes in the shohlder-blode; ina' bility to lie on left side; hiccough; occassionally pain in the left ahoulder. Seasonable use of the T1LOOD AND LIVER PILLS, taken as directed, will _ dways prevent there disorders. PREPARED ONLY BY IE. HHSITSH, UttUOGIST axd j CHEMIST, COLUMBIA, 8. C., Inhere you will find the LARGEST STOCK >f DRUGS A -V D MEDICINES in the 8UteWhere you will find (hem the BEST. Whore yoa will find them the Cheapest- Where you will find them the Safest. at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Oo to HEIMTSH'S DRUG 8T0RI. Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. ?? It r, * I % .V tlhtK ita gloomy attend* u(«, low TV P'*f*i <cpr«lli»», invvltiaUry NBlllluaf) lex* of armeu, aprtnuitorrlicra, loaa of |wwr, «4Uxy brad, loaa of memory, aa4 tt/»*tcae<l Impotence, and imbecility. ini u sov«r- elan core in HlJlFUKn*' U4>!Kl> opathic sretinr, \o. twi ati. KltiHT. TRlStfoYKpfluN P. KMKIjY <**' * up ti* tTt'-we. ursaU ti.» £MUifve. ttj i*jirU tigor and cr«gj-, U* iu>.i T4t»:iry to the ea;ire inu. Tbey tore C';>wl to-,«ian4s of can*. Price, ti war jacJug* of livr bone and a lar^e 11 rial, which ia very ucporuint itcwtlaa',.# or oil own, or |t per aicgto box. Sold\j ALL Crsgejata, ami K-utbr nail or. rtoipt of price. AeUirox HIMPHKEYd' SPKC1P10 HQAEOPAIHIC K2DICIN15 CO.. 36S T-^-xr. z. y_ Mar. ^ Manhood Restored!! S Dr. Vclpau's ElixircfYouth.the great restorer of youthful vigor-a poe»itive euro for Nervous Debility, Ixupctoncv, Spermattorriica, Lcwaeas of Spirits, Muiincbolj-arising either from excessive indulgence, over ttndy, or any cause whatever. .< k certain rrrccdy lor Y»'cakneds arising from etches, or early indiscretion, Clergymen, Lawyer a Stu'deutn and all who folio* sedentary occupy- V1UX1B, VI IWttyttfl «YiIVWM V T, v*«ed; the listless enervated youth, whose constitution has been shuttered by a nameless vice and t&-hgt-d Je.c tce of sonsuil pltostire will exjxirience immediate relief, and a penuancut euro will surely follow the use of the bunt or Yorrn. Hundreds of letters from those who have beta sa'ed from Consumption, Insanity, or Heath, and restored to HealtST Happiness and Manhood, could bo giTei., were it not for the delicacy of the subject. Price, $1.00 per bottle, ttx bottles, $5.00. gent to any part of the Country, securely sealed frctn observation, on receipt of price. All letters sacredly confidential. Address all orders to ! 1IOOPES1C0.. , Philadelphia, Pa. P. 0. Box 2450." Mar 19- ly ' . JlSHSlil ACADEMY. jggfgim THE occreiecs of this Insii£}pJLfiv tution of Learning, for the SfttJQy,V vcat 1S73, rriJl^f.i.maienctt ' . m the first Mohday m August *n<i continue for fixe months under too care of Professor H- O HLVG11S. Bim or Puxxrox.- Speiaing, Blading, Writing. Gou»mon Arithmetic, and Geography, pax 3»«^ica, fro* $0.50 to <00. Eu'gliah Grammar, Geography, -.advanced.) Math<matter, Philosophy. Ibeaiistry. At*., pjt Session, frchi 5S.50 to 1'bOO. L.viu and Greek, per .Session, from §12.00 to 1C. 00. .- * Board can be had in good families, at from $8 to 12.00 per month, i 2tT For farther information address 1 * ri O r% I at Fum K:aga, i/tungion uauniy, o. e... | either H. C. Baughn, Frestfcnt of Instii totion, or one ot the Board of Trustees. .TBtStEBS. IEct. D. EiTti\ Chairman,' iLurrrx CnMTzy, ' J. W. Biuwar, J. H. Rook, D. L Erroo. Nov 27.3m * i WHEEirS &yilH0j-8 ;8SWISe MMtifNiS; RtfH«T ms»a i - SO UT'/ CA It 01 isA STATE FAIR 1871,' * < 1*D i.r Fair of Carolina*, at Charlotte 1672.i By Committee ofJPractial JUchinista. THE simplicity, "durability,. ease of management iad great range of work of this Machine has made it the. nniser- sal favorite, and leading fnr21y Sowing Machine for mere than twenty years, and hence it is no experiment to hhy one. a ; '* For sale on monthly instalmente; at C olu m bi & Hotel Building, Columbia, S. C.. by .* - A. J. FORSLET, FumIot A Trr:mn Nov ~ ' IF YOV WANT SCHOOL BOOKS, ddr TO R. L. BRYANT, TTTHO has received a freah supply- of " V> ENGLISH, FRENCH; GERMAN j and CLASSICAIl SCHOOL BOOKS; also of. SCHOOL STATIONERY of every dwcripticn. AtU for eale at loweet market rata®. J&n 22.Jcu E. % HALSEY, 1 LU3iilE rt AND T I Y BEE MMtfiSSION MERCHANT, JVharf, Wert £W Jfontaguc-St, CharleWton,' 8. C. oct BV8INBSS DIRECTORY FOR tExiybrox covxt Clerk of Court.Wm. J. Amrnra. Jr. .TuAne of Prrfatlr. .S. P Vtintnrd. Sheriff. .Henry H. Geiger. Coroner..C. P. Qrj&tilebtnm. * School Commit'r..A. D. Haltawaogcr. County Commissioners. D. D. D. Mitchell. Jeremiah Wjw, 8. L. Smith. Clerk..R. PEarmnn. County Treasurer..Tlx. £. 8. J. Hayes. Auditor. .L. IL Boozer. Jury Commissioner. .Abram Geiger. 7ria.7 Justices Leringtos C. H. .J. H. Hecdriz. ConntsTille..P. W. Derrick. Colombia..D. Nanamaker. LeesviHe..H. A. 8mith. Steadmaij'B. W. J. Barr. Bearer Pond..Charlee Hutfo. Pomaria..J. J. Derrick. Columbia..A. B. Taylor. Senator..John C. Hope. Reprtsentalixxa..Maj. H. A. MeeUa. Dr. Jacob W. Lowmaii. Best quality of floue AT HAEMAH & ABBHASTS "iii» fornT n^xt to Conrt. How*. ...

Transcript of The Lexington dispatch (Lexington, S.C.).(Lexington, S.C ... · 7 HighFreights..The commerce 4...

Page 1: The Lexington dispatch (Lexington, S.C.).(Lexington, S.C ... · 7 HighFreights..The commerce 4 ofCharlestonhasa great deal to contend with on account of the exhorV ant charges of

( * 7

High Freights..The commerce4 of Charleston has a great deal to

contend with on account of theexhorV ant charges of her Railroc'The high tariff on theSouth Carolina Railroad, from;King^v:He to Camden, has driven

of oar merchants to North-fem maifcets for their supplies.Freight of the valcfe of eight hun- jtired v liars and more, was shipped Jfrom Charleston to Florence over

Jj^he Northeastern Railroad upon j^Pxhieh the charges were $27.; the

one hundred and-.twojail -; it is stated that the some from Florence to Tirnusriile,a distance of twelve:ii:;es, ',.ver the Wilmington, ColitubiaundAugusta Railroad; was

I ^ugecifS) "! :

\ I-.-°.4P ::t persons' are discussing the l

probable nationality of a very talland slim 'foreign lady who juts on

inusual airs, think she is a

de," said one. "A Russian, I* sink," ventured a n ot h e r. "I

^ t iak." said a wag, "she looksmore like a Pole."

^ St Augustine is urged to devote1 er energies to mule and donkeyrasing . ^

. ...

OUR TABLE.Peteusqn's Lames'- Magazine for

/ n^ust is already received, and as

re ki sj. always said cannotsiy ng it is one of the best'

1.lies' magazines published, and]t o are jure t£e cheapest in theCountry, for it H only $2 a year.

rVhe /> tgost number gives thenock readable tallo filled withfzood things for the bodies, arid is a

hrst-mie number, ^dress, C. JPhiiadelpliiiv, _Ba..

Gonst's Ladx's Book for Augustdr< :aiy out, and is on our table,

'died as usual, with a changingyarie'v dreading'matter that cannotft; 1 ro .please and interest thetarn r-.ders of maiwr minds. As

jo fashion, the work-departmentwill furnish food for the ladies,

'. > us- the needle, and every"toy v' >ald snbscribe to Godeym4 thus learn how to make up aniianf : :e and tasty dress^fThismagazine. 18 an old- favorite withnary .if our readers, who knows

its falne and concur'in what we

say. i'rice of subscription' $3 a-vet: Address li. a. Uroqev, rniili:-\Pit.

r J *: CURRENT.CJExsc-jf.b' v. esk j.*. ]

!' ' p. a. Hkxdbtx <£ beo.

C'-o-t. T' P-.2tr? .. .. : 34 ft# li4 20 & II

: " 12 C 14IJ ' '*"0 £ul ->

-. » " .» >v>1" . iii H - w< L.:

1 ' T .T ... w <3ti oni'4: . '. (t?y 1

J..-. v.c" 1 To &2 00K ' i 50 .(afo 00

B.v:« .. .'b. 25 30V ' * ; do/.. 18 (S3 20

: -.r. t 00 (?/2 55(.« N- ., 1 00 @1 200 ;.... - 20% 45

J! V* 'V .i; fr. 25 ® 3,0U 8 (a^ 10

]..... .......;4' 10 ifc. tj.i rhe common plk.\s.

f.YLVff7 0A* COUX7 »'."CDaolaint foxXo^eclosore

of Mortgage.\.A " -n W. Liadler. Adm - Pit?..

Robert N. Arnich, DJt.

IS obedience to an order, in the abovev.ated case, made by the Honorable

1. H. Cooke on the 28th of May 1873,i - 1:1 scl4 at Lexington Court House,.

h .' 1st Monday in August ncxt-,SMj/-fv". mortgaged Premises described in Jtev -bov.: case, r-s follows, to-wit: all >nat.j *r:»ct or parcel of land, containictf 47$pt' acres, (more or less.) being rptf of a

T :rac: originally granted to George Hipp,situate lying and being iiJ tn© County

gw aforesaid, in the Fork /ft Broad and.S ;.'. riiyers, on hrj®eh waters of

- Br .d R; 7#r, boCnded on bnes north' rno. Slice, jdStth-wesfc by Alcy 1

if* 8:: r , south-ea&^and north-west byJuO. Metj, upon'the following terms,u-v:* Cash sufficient to pay the cost

rv of-hose ;oroceddings, the balance on a

credit of twelve months from clay of sale.*Toe ..-baser to give bond and security,caj! mor:gage of the premises sold,- andto oav for papersT

Clork's Office, Lexington C. H., & C.,Julv 15th A. D. 1873. .v.


Clk. Circuit Court,Special Referee.

Jr.-y "i, 3w.$7.00 40-42

NOTICE.rpUE undersigned, will sell, at LexJLiagton Court House, on the firstMond' in August next, 1873, at publicauction, withjn the legal hours of sale,the R*J and Personal property of John

f Hendr - late of Lexington Village, dec.,viz: 0 *> lot containing two acres, (moreor it-». with a small dwelling house,comke r juse, 6table and garden thereon.

ji bounded south by main streetor Au«) on. road, on the wesf by James£. m-.w $ lot, Ob. thc~fiast by Caughman

I A Wyse 4 lot, and aorElrtsy a back cross

Ah.o sixty-two acres of pine'c or less) situate^ lying ami"being,.n tb- < bunty of LexTugton, on Cowpe-ibran h, waters of twelve mile creek, andb ~'la "led. by lands of Saral. Dent, landsof th* estate of George Wingard, dec.,anci -j»bors.

" '10 following personal propertyof- 1 deceased, viz: One Cow and Calf,

* H; -hjid and Kitchen furniture, .andc: >' rticles not necessary to mention.

1 n<. of rale Cash. Purchasers ofrid etopay for«"

; IS AIAI"i»~ l'>* fe:rs

xiagfL C. I1 15 yw .

' 4'.''

VH I ; .

Trhil . ? ; r

i'MCE, I4EXIV'": " C. :'.. S t\

rorapt a; .:>

''1 Oftlftir <J'i ' it-.-iM t-r;.





I will sell my stock of DRY GOODS at

prices to suit purchasers, as I havedetermined to close out the present stockon hand. Call and buy bargains,as many articles will be sold at and someeven under cost.Gent's Coat and Pants, Linen, from 18

to 50 cents per yard.Gent's hue white shirts at cost.Lot of Berage goods at costPiqiies at 20 cents per yard.Nice assorted stock of calicoes at from

6} to 14 cents per yard.Bemnants of calicoes cheap*Ladies trimmed Hats at cost.Bargains in Gent's straw hats.Fancy articles sold regardless of price.Also call attention to my well selected

stock of Groceries which are offered atmarket prices.Call at once and secure

bargains.iua WiU uu nui tv vi.4* ».«v.

my stock before purchasing elsewhere.Messers. J. Killian Efird and Henry

II. Gross, will be found in charge ofthe above business, ready and willingto serve vou. '

B. IL WYSE,At the old stand of Caughman & Wyse.June

Pietnres! Pictures!! .

-1- for a dollar.

I respectfully announce to the publicgenerally, that I ain. now located at

Lexington Court House, S. C., where Iam.prepared to take pictures ofall kindandstyles. All those in want of suchwould do well to give m'e a calL I canbe found during all hours of the day, atmy STUDIO, which is located in rear ofDrafts' Hotel.My prices arc reasonable and are such

that all can reach them. Satisfactionguaranteed to all who may favor me

with their patronage, &c.#*8r- Old pictures copied on reasonable

terms.. K. Ii. P. HAKHAN, Artist.


Ex Parte Jas. D. Clark and Wm. Joyner,Adm'rs. estate of Mrs. 31. M. Joyner.

PURSUANT to an (Jrder in the abovestated case, I will sell/ at the residenceof. Mrs. M. M. Joyner, deceased,

in Lexington. County, within the legalhours, onyTuesday tne 22d of July inst.,all the personal" property belonging tosaid eri£tc for CASH, consisting ofHouse-hold and Kitchen Furniture,Hogs, Catdar^Hotse and "Wagon, andgro%i<ffc crop. - .

Sheriffs Office, Lexiturton, C. H.,July 7, 1573. H. H. GEIGER,

Sheriff Lex. County.; July 9, '2w.$ '.75 39.40

HARM & AREHART,fi n A n pn

] . AND.

CONFECTIONERS.I LEXINGTON, C. H., S. C.f -4^ £-«i calLthii.Rttention of our friendsVt i.nbhc generally to cur

; wi f! sti'd -i Slfji-k ct Groceries nndCoufcHiot^res, coasL/jsg ir- part of

\. :,.VR* r. ->rr-- .








.Ui i,.tn ' f.r.stantJy or Laiyi ICEfand '.E'fv'G, .-rod prv^.^1. »: alli times. U> .j.foS-OO>jEb drink:, olJ LEMONADE »t<I Gt>-iVTv POP.T«cr^us Cash,

i *t n bjrfiv j W Art5h»Rt

^EW DRUG STORE,Four Doors above Columbia Hotel,Main Street, Columbia, S. C.,

L. T. SILLIMAN & Co.HAVING just returned from the

North with a complete new stock of

Drugs, Medicines.and Fancy Articles,£.11 of the best qualify. "We are preparedto furnish everything in our line, withpromptness and accuracy. Our Drugswere all selected under" our own personalsupervision, so that we can warranteverything we sell to be of the verybest. An experience of many years inthe Drug and Chemical business in thiscity, with a thorough knowledge of thesame, will enable us at all times to supplythe wants of this community in our

line, and we hope, by a strict attentionto business, to secure a share of publicpateonag*.

Physician's Prescriptions carefullyand promptly compounded at all hoursof the day or night.

Fancy Articles of all Kinds,Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Hair

Brushes, Perfumer}', Hair Oils, andCosmetics of every kind, constantly on

hand.I*atent Medicines,

Dr. Janynes' Standard Medicines

alicays on 'hand.Lubin's Extracts, German Cologne,

Fine Soaps, Sponges, Ac.Landreth's Garden Seeds,

A full supply.Mar 12 .3m

Notice of Dissolution.By mutual cousent tH$ day the copartnershipof Roof i Raw! ceasesto exist All persona having demandsagainst the firm of Roof A Rawl willpresent the same to D. Rawl, who willpay the same. And all persons indebtedto the late firm will settle the same withD. Rawl. D. RAWL.

ift7t S. M. ROOF.1 i. ! Lumber business.

/: re "

i. age of all friends.D. RAWL.

J-il ? iv. 38-39-40

W. 31. I'RAFTS,-' utrtit'C.

Lh ' -N C. H., S. C.. :1 a'.u r mptly to all busincs

1- b. ; are.


J R. D. Szxx. D. L. Sxnn. jR. D. SENN & SON,




COLUMBIA, !?s>0.

HAVE now on hand, and are con-1stantly receiving a Large, Choice

and CHEAP stock of goods.We have almost everything which the

Lexington Peoplewishes to bay when they come toColumbia.Our stock is too large to mention differentarticles. All we ask is to call and

examine.We have our same old force of accommodatingclerks Messrs. Wm. Platt, Ed.

C. Shcll, Archie McCraxbt, JulianShull, Charlie Senn and Rufus Sbxnto wait on their friends, v

559" We have the best WAGON YARDand TWO SHEDS to accomodate our

Country friends.Jnu





. Opposite State House,Bridge Street,


RESPECTFULLY invites his Lexingtonfriends, and the pnblic generally,when they come to Columbia, togive him a call, as he has now on handand will continue to keep a supply ofFamily Groceries, Provisions, Ac. Allhe asks is a trial, and satisfaction will beguaranteed. Highest prices paid forCountry Produce.Nov. G-tf


. . *

Main Street,

COLUMBIA, S. C,,%H wing removed fonr doors abo .'e hw/

OLD STAND, on s'

MAIN STREET,To the magnificent store ifi1 Mr. Jacob's

New Building, nffags for sale a

Splendid Stockz?? . .

* iW GOODS,Al.Unusually JPrices.

Call add see his \DRESS GOODS, \



IT - !0, 25 and 50 cent Counters offerV. ,T.~ it> 7AXKP.P. NOTIONS.Mr. H. P. Roberts, of Lexington

! County will be found at this popularDry i>t ods House, ready to serye bismany Lexington friends.Sep ' '


SAVING* DEPARTMENT.The deposits in the Savings Departmentof/this Company are invested as a

Special Trust, and, therefore, .are no;

subject to the hazards of banking.In addition to this special security,

depositors have the guarantee of the entireBank Capital, which amounts tothtec hundred thousand dollars v $30o000.)This department will enable all classes

to find a safe security for their savings,however small; and at the same timebearing a remunerative interest ,-six percent, compounded quarterly. > Cur-rency can be remitted by expres, anddrafts by mails.

' F. A. MITCHELL, Cashier.


geo. s. cameron, g. l. bdist,e. h. frost, w. 3. middleton,w. c. bee, A. j. crews,w. b. williams, e. waltjen,h. h. deleon, c. o. memm1nger,b. o'neill, wm l. webs,a. p. caldwell, j. t. welsman,3. m. shackelfold, geo. h. walter,j. c. h. claussen, b. d. la2aeu3.

April 23.3m




MAIN STREET,Columbia Hotel Building,Columbia S. C.

Has ou band a complete stock ofWatches, Clocks, Jew ty, Spectaclesand Plated-wsre, wh cL lie offers at theiowest prices.Watches, Clofcks and Jewelry repaired

at short notice and on reasonably terms.Jan S 3m

KNIGHTS OF JERICHO \THE officers and member

jggSgg; this order are notified thfregular weekly meeting w >

held on Wednesday evening, an 11.

regular monthly meeting for the *

action of business, will be held o1st Wednesday evening in each i

at 8 o'clock. Application for me._- .rshipmay be mado at any time. ~



* J

** #

" Piedmont and ArlingtonLIFE INSURANCE CO.,


W. C. CARRINGTON, President. D. J. HARTSOOK, Secretary.JNO. E. EDWARDS, Vice President. I J. J. HOPKINS, Asst. Secretary.

ASSETS 0 VSR $2,000,000 POLICES ISSUED 0 VER 17,000.


The PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON is progressive, prosperous,and prompt. It has $121 of Assets to every $100 of Liabilites. Smallexpenses, small losses, secure investments, ample reserve. Policies liberaland no restrictions on residence or travel

PLAN MUTUAL,Dividing seven-eights of the profits with the Policy-holders at the endof the first year, and annually thereafter. It has declared and paid toits policy-holders Three Annual Dividends, rang from 10 to 40 percent., which will compare favorably with other good Companies.


1FAPHART A RANSOM. General Agents, Columbia, S. C.

WITT & 'COUNTS, Agents for Lexington and adjoining


) . IN

Dry Goods, OH Cloths, Carpetlngs, Mattings,Window Shades, Curtains,

Notions, &c., &e.

Has just returned from the North with a full and complete Stock,

Every Department being fully and thoroughly supplied.



Millinery Department,Under the control and maiSagdinent of

i Mr£ A. McCormick,y r >* J

So widely Known and appreciated for her skill and taste, is an attrac

five ffyrftrire in the bustt^ssd/Iwill sell my Stock at as low figures for CASH 18 ^ouse iQ ^

S..T * tU;-.^' I am also Agent/ot.<* ,


Being considered the most" efficient instrument of the kind now in us

'Hain Streft-^Ooluuubia. S, G.,One Door of Columbia Hotel.

Oct 2«i.r>' 4 fJ

SEfiftMCtI0I8.AT Ito i


DRY GOODS jESTABLISHMENlW B. 0 VE i f I)..Cot rer of Jtain and Plain Streets,


WE ARE DAIIV JNTfcE.-.SiNG HANDKERCHIEFS.choice goods aiOUR LAK'i '' very low prices,

stock with bargains, v-~ 25 pieces 4-4 WHITE MATTING, alenumerate below: 25 cents a yard.

40 dozen WHITE - > 15 dozen Ladies TUCKED SKIETSored boraer, at 2o ceL. at 75 cents each.

15 dozen WHITE / >v, Ns. Ji.; : 15 dozen TWO BUTTON KIDS, at 7ctrimming, at 2o cents. cents a pair.30 dozen LACECOid..UK oi i:. 100 Clljb aindkd paBASOLS an



250 FRENCH ' : tj.^U»EREI i^j pi^es-Tlioice 7)RESS GOODS.SETS, at 0 centseac from 25 cents to 31 a vara, ule O25 pieces PKINTEI LAWN, shades.

choicepatterns, 371 c< yard. v 1,000 yards Foulard SILKS, "rery50 pieces Plain and L -v ripe I ?TC- choice goods, just received,


3,500 yards 4-4 Printed CRETONS.75 pieces WHITE Pi "ES. f. 1 > c-.-nS just opened, at 10j cents a yard. These

a yard. the cheapest goods offered this20 dosen Gents' H. "v : IN I TLA'. ;eason.


Ladies* Dres> <*: inm, Dustersfor Travelling.

A fi sis'-r- * < Ct »IERINO Uxderware.Gents' White "Ti Tl« : ti jest makes, perfectly fitting,

atlow prices. Ccli ><- nr-, Ties and Bows in endless varieties.*

Hosiery, in ! .;ad quantities. A beautifulline ( _ wear in all grades.

A iijteof l)o> stics and Prints.Alt U'c uruents are full

^ r- .; ;!( j;o.:ds at low&V- jvv.res. ~9i

Custom ; Get Titeir Bxact Change^i y V- ;»ro vi on.. of the above .bargains aS the GRANDi\ CENTRAL ' UV < vi -i ; HLISHMENT of

Win. 0. UIVE & Co.,iv ic v [ H K HEELER HOUSE.

-i. EJT,y\COL UMfclA.S, C.

t 1 *




* #





iTnn in tht> A*W


Is doing wonders, and gives everybodysatisfaction.the reason of this is, that

they assure to cure and restore you.

They ore the cheapest, and beet

medicines out.


Cores LiterOomplliot"Torpid Liver,Headaches and Sick Stomach.


Is known all over the County of Lexington,the people know that it ia the best


Dnwi'^ew owefvhft^V TTCAA it.


hould be usei in thefollowing case?:Liver

Complaints, Sprains, Sore Heads^kin Diseases, Ringworm, Utters, Loin)ftgo, Mercuril.Eruptions, StjtfJointSoro Throats, Sore Legs, Constipation *

. Spots in the Skin, Salt Rheum, Scrofula^Dyspepsia, Tetter, Prickly Heat, Rhounatism,SOres of all kinds, Sere°Brea«t8,Scalds, Piles, Goat, Venereal Sorrn,

( Swelled Glands, Wounds of all kinds.




Columbia, s* C.

iA '




To have good health and enjoy a Ion?-de is the desire of aR. To be well, torook well, to eat well, t? steep jwell.ilealth is the one thing needful.The Blood and Liver Pills is a fiew

uedicine, a new remedy, and claims theotention of the people on tho wellfoundedbasis of.merit and worth. Atill times, and in. all .climates, no niedl,-me is so greatly needed in assisting tia-

1ure in regulating itself, as a Blood Pari-'

- .ier and Liver Regulator..The.Blood and Liver* Pills are good

.or oppressed stomach; feverishncss;drowsiness and indolence, nervous.vatchfujuoss »t night; melancholy,olucs, dream's, commonly frightful; chestoppressed and heavy; darting pains inthe abdomen;' faintntes; sighing; difficultand short breath; pain in the chest,about the lungs, conpxtonly mistaken forplearisv; shifting pains like those ofrheumatism, colics; sometimes a shortsharp cough, with a dryness of throaf;-mple&sant throbbing about the stomach;excess of dandruff, and scurfy deposit onhe skin; falling of the hair; fulness andstraightness of the abdomen, with desireto loosen the clothing; sour stomachwith symptoms of dyspepsia; biliouscolics; diarrhoea; dysentery; fevefs; ob'stinate constipation;, intermittent fever,or fever and ague; jaundice; costiveness

t md diarrhoea alternately; expectorationstringy and sticky; foul mouth in theruorning, often naused and. vomiting;dizziness; pain in the right shoulder,sometimes in the shohlder-blode; ina'bility to lie on left side; hiccough; occassionallypain in the left ahoulder.Seasonable use of the T1LOOD ANDLIVER PILLS, taken as directed, will

_dways prevent there disorders.



axd jCHEMIST,COLUMBIA, 8. C.,Inhere you will find the


DRUGS A -VD MEDICINESin the 8UteWhereyou will find (hem the BEST.

Whore yoa will find them the Cheapest-Where you will find them the Safest.




Main Street,COLUMBIA, S. C.

?? It


* I% .V

tlhtK ita gloomy attend* u(«, lowTV P'*f*i <cpr«lli»», invvltiaUry

NBlllluaf) lex* of armeu, aprtnuitorrlicra,loaa of |wwr, «4Uxy brad,loaa of memory, aa4 tt/»*tcae<l Impotence,and imbecility. ini u sov«r-

elancore in HlJlFUKn*' U4>!Kl>opathic sretinr, \o. twiati.KltiHT. TRlStfoYKpfluN P. KMKIjY <**' *up ti* tTt'-we. ursaU ti.» £MUifve. ttj i*jirUtigor and cr«gj-, U* iu>.i T4t»:iry to theea;ire inu. Tbey tore C';>wl to-,«ian4s of can*.Price, ti war jacJug* of livr bone and a lar^e 11rial, which ia very ucporuint itcwtlaa',.# or oilown, or |t per aicgto box. Sold\j ALL Crsgejata,ami K-utbr nail or. rtoipt of price. AeUiroxHIMPHKEYd' SPKC1P10 HQAEOPAIHICK2DICIN15 CO.. 36S T-^-xr. z. y_

Mar. ^

Manhood Restored!! SDr. Vclpau's ElixircfYouth.the

great restorer of youthful vigor-a poe»itiveeuro for Nervous Debility, Ixupctoncv,Spermattorriica, Lcwaeas ofSpirits, Muiincbolj-arising either fromexcessive indulgence, over ttndy, or anycause whatever. .<

k certain rrrccdy lor Y»'caknedsarising from etches, or early indiscretion,Clergymen, Lawyera Stu'deutnand all who folio* sedentary occupy-V1UX1B, VI IWttyttfl «YiIVWM VT, v*«ed;the listless enervated youth, whoseconstitution has been shuttered by a

nameless vice and t&-hgt-d Je.c tce ofsonsuil pltostire will exjxirience immediaterelief, and a penuancut euro willsurely follow the use of the bunt or

Yorrn.Hundreds of letters from those who

have beta sa'ed from Consumption, Insanity,or Heath, and restored to HealtSTHappiness and Manhood, could bo giTei.,were it not for the delicacy of the subject.

Price, $1.00 per bottle, ttx bottles,$5.00. gent to any part of the Country,securely sealed frctn observation, on

receipt of price. All letters sacredlyconfidential.

Address all orders to! 1IOOPES1C0.. ,

Philadelphia, Pa. P. 0. Box 2450."Mar 19- ly




jggfgim THE occreiecs of this Insii£}pJLfivtution of Learning, for theSfttJQy,Vvcat 1S73, rriJl^f.i.maienctt '


m the first Mohday m August *n<i continuefor fixe months under too care ofProfessor H- O HLVG11S.Bim or Puxxrox.- Speiaing, Blading,Writing. Gou»mon Arithmetic, and

Geography, pax 3»«^ica, fro* $0.50 to

<00. Eu'gliah Grammar, Geography,-.advanced.) Math<matter, Philosophy.Ibeaiistry. At*., pjt Session, frchi5S.50 to 1'bOO. L.viu and Greek, per.Session, from §12.00 to 1C. 00. .-


Board can be had in good families, atfrom $8 to 12.00 per month,

i 2tT For farther information address1 * ri O r%

I at Fum K:aga, i/tungion uauniy, o. e...

| either H. C. Baughn, Frestfcnt of Instiitotion, or one ot the Board of Trustees..TBtStEBS.

IEct. D. EiTti\ Chairman,'iLurrrx CnMTzy, ' J. W. Biuwar,J. H. Rook, D. L Erroo.Nov 27.3m*


WHEEirS &yilH0j-8;8SWISe MMtifNiS;

RtfH«T ms»a i -

SOUT'/ CA It01 isASTATE FAIR 1871,' * <

1*D i.r

Fair of Carolina*, at Charlotte 1672.iBy Committee ofJPractial


THE simplicity, "durability,. ease ofmanagementiad greatrange ofwork

of this Machine has made it the. nniser-salfavorite, and leading fnr21y Sowing

Machine for mere than twenty years,and hence it is no experiment to hhyone. a;

'* For sale on monthly instalmente; atC olu m bi & Hotel Building, Columbia,S. C.. by .*

- A. J. FORSLET,FumIot A Trr:mn

Nov '



TTTHO has received a freah supply- of "


dwcripticn. AtU for eale at loweetmarket rata®.J&n 22.Jcu

E. % HALSEY, 1LU3iilE rt AND


JVharf, Wert £W Jfontaguc-St,CharleWton,' 8. C.


FORtExiybrox covxtClerk of Court.Wm. J. Amrnra. Jr..TuAne of Prrfatlr. .S. P Vtintnrd.Sheriff. .Henry H. Geiger.Coroner..C. P. Qrj&tilebtnm. *

School Commit'r..A. D. Haltawaogcr.County Commissioners.

D. D. D. Mitchell.Jeremiah Wjw,8. L. Smith.

Clerk..R. PEarmnn.County Treasurer..Tlx. £. 8. J. Hayes.Auditor..L. IL Boozer.Jury Commissioner..Abram Geiger.

7ria.7 JusticesLeringtos C. H. .J. H. Hecdriz.ConntsTille..P. W. Derrick.Colombia..D. Nanamaker.LeesviHe..H. A. 8mith.Steadmaij'B. W. J. Barr.Bearer Pond..Charlee Hutfo.Pomaria..J. J. Derrick.Columbia..A. B. Taylor.

Senator..John C. Hope.Reprtsentalixxa..Maj. H. A. MeeUa. Dr.Jacob W. Lowmaii.

Best quality of floueAT HAEMAH & ABBHASTS"iii» fornT n^xt to Conrt. How*.
