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doi: 10.1098/rstb.2005.1657 , 1207-1222 360 2005 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B Howard Dalton history of methane-oxidizing bacteria The Leeuwenhoek Lecture 2000 The natural and unnatural References Article cited in: This article cites 143 articles, 33 of which can be accessed free Rapid response;360/1458/1207 Respond to this article Email alerting service here right-hand corner of the article or click Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the box at the top go to: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B To subscribe to This journal is © 2005 The Royal Society on 13 July 2009 Downloaded from

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doi: 10.1098/rstb.2005.1657, 1207-1222360 2005 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B

 Howard Dalton history of methane-oxidizing bacteriaThe Leeuwenhoek Lecture 2000 The natural and unnatural  

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Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2005) 360, 1207–1222


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The Leeuwenhoek Lecture 2000The natural and unnatural historyof methane-oxidizing bacteria

Published online 29 June 2005

Howard Dalton*

* (h.dalt

Lecture dTypescrip

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK

Methane gas is produced from many natural and anthropogenic sources. As such, methane gas playsa significant role in the Earth’s climate, being 25 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than carbondioxide. As with nearly all other naturally produced organic molecules on Earth, there are also micro-organisms capable of using methane as their sole source of carbon and energy. The microbesresponsible (methanotrophs) are ubiquitous and, for the most part, aerobic. Although anaerobicmethanotrophs are believed to exist, so far, none have been isolated in pure culture. Methanotrophshave been known to exist for over 100 years; however, it is only in the last 30 years that we have begunto understand their physiology and biochemistry. Their unique ability to use methane for growth isattributed to the presence of a multicomponent enzyme system—methane monooxygenase(MMO)—which has two distinct forms: soluble (sMMO) and membrane-associated (pMMO);however, both convert methane into the readily assimilable product, methanol. Our understanding ofhow bacteria are capable of effecting one of the most difficult reactions in chemistry—namely, thecontrolled oxidation of methane to methanol—has been made possible by the isolation, in pure form,of the enzyme components.

The mechanism by which methane is activated by sMMO involves abstraction of a hydrogen atomfrom methane by a high-valence iron species (FeIVor possibly FeV) in the hydroxylase component ofthe MMO complex to form a methyl radical. The radical combines with a captive oxygen atom fromdioxygen to form the reaction product, methanol, which is further metabolized by the cell to producemulticarbon intermediates. Regulation of the sMMO system relies on the remarkable properties of aneffector protein, protein B. This protein is capable of facilitating component interactions in thepresence of substrate, modifying the redox potential of the diiron species at the active site. Theseinteractions permit access of substrates to the hydroxylase, coupling electron transfer by thereductase with substrate oxidation and affecting the rate and regioselectivity of the overall reaction.The membrane-associated form is less well researched than the soluble enzyme, but is known tocontain copper at the active site and probably iron.

From an applied perspective, methanotrophs have enjoyed variable successes. Whole cells havebeen used as a source of single-cell protein (SCP) since the 1970s, and although most plants havebeen mothballed, there is still one currently in production. Our earlier observations that sMMO wascapable of inserting an oxygen atom from dioxygen into a wide variety of hydrocarbon (and somenon-hydrocarbon) substrates has been exploited to either produce value added products (e.g.epoxypropane from propene), or in the bioremediation of pollutants such as chlorinatedhydrocarbons. Because we have shown that it is now possible to drive the reaction using electricityinstead of expensive chemicals, there is promise that the system could be exploited as a sensor for anyof the substrates of the enzyme.

Keywords:methane; methane oxidation; methanotroph; methane monooxygenase; bioremediation;greenhouse gas

1. THE NATURAL HISTORYThe first discovery of the natural production of

methane gas is attributed to Alessandro Volta when

he collected gas from the stirred up sediment from Lake

Maggiore, Italy in 1778. When the collected gas was

ignited, he observed a loud roar. A few years later, quite

independently, John Dalton (subsequently elected a

Fellow of the Royal Society in 1822 for his outstanding

work producing the atomic theory) conducted a

similar experiment in Manchester and also made the

[email protected]).

elivered 2 March 2000t received 17 December 2004


observation that it was readily ignited. In proposing his

atomic theory of gases, he called the gas that he

collected ‘carburetted hydrogen’ and suggested that

one part of carbon combined with two of hydrogen.

We now know that methane, the gas that they

observed, has the molecular formula CH4 and is themost abundant organic gas in the atmosphere

(Cicerone & Oremland 1988; Crutzen 1991). It has

a strong infrared absorbance with the re-emitted

radiation being a major contributor to the destruction

of the ozone layer, leading to global warming(Lelieveld et al. 1993). Methane is approximately

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type I and X

0.5 µm

type II

Figure 1. Transmission electron micrographs of sections oftype I and X and type II methane-oxidizing bacteria.

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25 times more effective as an agent of global warmingthan carbon dioxide, and its atmospheric concentrationhas increased from 0.75 to 1.75 ppm in the last 300years. Indeed, this concentration may reach 4.0 ppm by2050 (Ramanathan et al. 1985). Although carbondioxide will continue to be the dominant factor inperturbing the Earth’s energy balance (climate for-cing), the role played by all the other greenhouse gasesis equal to that of CO2 of which methane is theprincipal partner (Hansen et al. 2000). It is producedfrom a wide variety of natural and anthropogenicsources, which include natural wetlands, rice paddies,ruminants, lakes and oceans, soils, landfills, oil and gasrecovery operations and even termites. One potentiallysignificant source is methane hydrates—ice-like crystal-line deposits of methane held within rigid cages ofwater molecules—which are now known to be dis-tributed widely in marine sediments. Current estimatesare that around 3!1018 g of methane reside in thesehydrates (Kvenvolden 1993; Collett & Kuuskraa1998), which is sufficient to supply the world’s energyneeds for the next 300 years. The total amount ofmethane released to the atmosphere, where it has alifetime of around 8–12 years, is around 520 Tg yK1

(Cicerone & Oremland 1988; Reeburgh et al. 1993), ofwhich 90% is oxidized by photochemical processesin the troposphere, and around 10% is removedby microbiologically mediated activities (Hanson &Hanson 1996).

As with any other organic compound on Earth,bacteria have evolved to use it either as a carbon orenergy source for growth.The first report of a bacteriumcapable of growth on methane came in 1906, from theDutch microbiologist, N. L. Sohngen, working inBeijerinck’s laboratory in Delft. Sohngen had quiterightly argued that methane was made in vast amountson Earth but there were only trace amounts in theatmosphere. Clearly, there must have been agents in theenvironment that were removing the methane before itcould be measured. In a series of elegant experiments(seeQuayle 1987), Sohngen isolatedBacillus methanicusfrom aquatic plants, and later from pond water(Sohngen 1906). Unfortunately, the organism waslost. Following Sohngen’swork, therewere few reportedstudies on methane-oxidizing bacteria until Foster’sTexas laboratory started to isolate methanotrophs(methane-utilisers) from a variety of sources. They re-isolated Sohngen’s B. methanicus, which they renamedPseudomonas methanica, and a new methane oxidizer,Methylococcus capsulatus (Foster & Davis 1966). It wasnot until 1970 that the real turning point for methano-trophic microbiology came with the reports fromWhittenbury and his colleagues, that by using platemicroscopy to detect tiny colonies on plates unconta-minated by heterotrophic organisms, pure isolates ofmethanotrophs could be achieved (Whittenbury et al.1970). Up to that point, most attempts to isolatebacteria in pure culture failed because heterotrophiccontaminants grew alongside the methanotrophs fromtheir excreted products, and were not readily separatedfrom them. This simple approach led to the enumer-ation of over 100 newly described aerobic bacteria,whose unifying principle was that they could only usemethane as their sole carbon and energy source for

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growth.With these isolations,Whittenbury and colleges(Davies &Whittenbury 1970; Whittenbury et al. 1970)devised a classification scheme based largely on mor-phological type (unusually, they possessed complexintracytoplasmic membranes in two distinct arrange-ments; figure 1), pathway of carbon assimilation, abilityto fix dinitrogen, cyst or spore formation and mol%GCC content.

Subsequently, Bowman and his colleagues haveisolated a similar number of strains from differenthabitats, reinforcing the notion of their ubiquity innature (Bowman et al. 1993, 1995). There is aconsiderable body of evidence to suggest that methaneoxidation by micro-organisms does occur in anaerobicenvironments. These studies have been largely con-ducted in marine sediments, anoxic waters or aquifersthat are generally rich in sulphate. In lakes, very littlemethane oxidation was observed in the upper aerobiclayers; most of the aerobic methane oxidation occurredat the metalimnion where the oxygen regime wasvery low. In their classic study of Lake Mendota,Panganiban et al. (1979) observed aerobic methaneoxidation in the metalimnion and active anaerobicmethane oxidation at the sediment surface. Samplesfrom the sediment surface showed no oxidation in thepresence of air, but they oxidized methane whensulphate was present as an electron acceptor and eitherlactate or acetate were present as electron donors. Thesulphate was reduced to sulphide, and the acetate wasincorporated into cellular material. There was noassimilation of methane carbon into the cultures andso differed markedly from their aerobic counterparts,which obtained nearly all their biomass from methane.

It appears that anaerobic methane oxidation may wellbe occurring with the deposits of methane hydratesreferred to above. There is seepage of methane from thehydrates in the marine sediments off the coast of Oregon.There, a range of 13C-depleted biomarkers and aconsortium of anaerobic methane-oxidizing and sul-phate-reducing bacteria (Elvert et al. 1999; Boetius et al.2000) have been found. This suggests that anaerobicconsortia may well be active around this region.

The discovery (Lonsdale 1977) that there werethriving invertebrate communities associated with the

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Figure 2. The catalytic synthesis of methanol from methaneusing the ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) copper-basedcatalyst.

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deep-sea hydrothermal vent regions in the Pacific

Ocean and in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the

temperatures may be as high as 400 8C and where

there are enhanced levels of methane gas being emitted

(Welhan & Craig 1979), has prompted the evaluation

of geothermal (rather than solar) energy as being the

driving force for life. A variety of energy sources such as

H2S, H2, Mn and Fe have been considered to act as the

energy sources for chemolithotrophic bacteria to fix

CO2 using O2, NO3 or SO4 as electron acceptors.

These bacteria are found to be living in association with

a variety of metazoans, including vestimentiferans,

mytilids and other invertebrates for which they provide

assimilable carbon, nitrogen and other nutrients. Such

thriving metazoan communities have also been

observed around cold gas seeps where bacterial mats

as well as invertebrates seen in the hydrothermal vent

regions can be found (LaRock et al. 1994). The

presence of symbiotic methanotrophs has been

reported for mussels, where they live within the gill

region, and Pogonophoran worms, characterized as

lacking a mouth and gut, where the symbionts inhabit

the trophosome (Childress et al. 1986; Cavanaugh et al.1987; Cavanaugh 1993). Transmission electron micro-

graphs of sections of gill tissue from the mussels and

trophosome of the tubeworms reveal structures that are

characteristic of the complex intracytoplasmic mem-

branes seen in methanotrophs. Although methano-

trophic bacteria have not been cultured outside the

host, the tissues containing bacteria have been

shown to use 14C methane under aerobic conditions

(Cavanaugh 1993). The tissues are inhibited by

acetylene, a potent and specific inhibitor of methane

monooxygenase (MMO) (Prior &Dalton 1985a,b) andpossess enzymes characteristic of the carbon assimila-

tion pathways in methanotrophs. There is, thus, strong

evidence that methanotrophs do form a symbiotic

association with metazoans where they can contribute

to the overall nutrient regime. However, metazoans are

probably not their sole source of carbon because some

(e.g. mussels) are filter feeders and may obtain

nutrients from other sources (Page et al. 1990).Associations of methanotrophs with a variety

of bacteria, plants and other invertebrates—as well as

their distribution in the soil, aquatic and marine

environments including hypersaline alkaline soda

lakes—has been comprehensively reviewed by

Hanson & Hanson (1996). We refer the reader to this

excellent treatise for more detailed information on the


(a) Physiology and biochemistry

The unifying pathway of aerobic methane oxidation is

now generally accepted, as shown in figure 2. The key

feature is the oxidation of methane via methanol to

formaldehyde. The subsequent steps of both formal-

dehyde dissimilation to carbon dioxide and its assim-

ilation to cellular biomass differs from one

methanotroph to another but, in principle, these

processes occur as shown. At the biochemical level,

the first two enzymes in the pathway have been the

most extensively studied. MMO catalyses the first step

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in the process.



This reaction is fascinating for several reasons. First,the C–H bond in methane is notoriously unreactive; itrequires 104 kcal molK1 to abstract the first hydrogenatom, and is therefore one of the most difficultreactions to effect in a controlled manner. Second,the reaction is catalysed under ambient conditions.Third, it is a direct oxygenation reaction using dioxygenas the oxidant. Finally, the product of the reaction ismethanol, which accumulates during the reaction.Methanol is a valuable chemical feedstock as well as areadily transportable form of energy that can be used asan alternative to gasoline to drive the internal combus-tion engine. It is useful to contrast the biologicalreaction with the current chemical process aimed atproducing methanol from methane. Any chemicalcatalyst that is powerful enough to effectthe oxidation of methane will almost certainly readilyeffect the oxidation of methanol to further oxidationproducts, including soot (Gesser et al. 1985).Therefore, the chemical synthesis of methanol is athree-stage catalyst-requiring process, first using steamreformation to produce synthesis gas (reaction 1)(figure 2). This reaction is thermodynamically ender-gonic, whereas the formation of methanol from carbonmonoxide (CO) and H2 is exergonic (reaction 3).Reaction 2 is needed to shift the ratio of CO : H2

generated from reaction 1 to the desired 1 : 2 ratio seenin reaction 3.

Overall, the net process is energy demanding(DH 8ZC27.6 kcal molK1). The direct oxidation tomethanol using dioxygen is exergonic (DH 8Z30.7 kcal molK1) and more closely resembles thebiological catalyst (figure 3).

Clearly, a thorough understanding of the mechan-ism of action of MMO may provide valuable clues todesigning efficient methane-oxidizing chemical cata-lysts and could enhance our approach to mitigating theharmful effects of methane in the atmosphere leading toa reduction in global warming.

MMOs have been found only in methanotrophicbacteria, which have been shown to grow in environ-ments at temperatures as low as 4 8C (Bowman et al.

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Figure 3. Energetics of methanol production from methane.

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1997) andup to72 8C(Bodrossy et al. 1999).Two formsofMMOare known: themembrane-associated or parti-culate (pMMO)and soluble (sMMO).Their expressionin the cell is dependent upon the copper-to-biomassratio of the culture. The copper-containing pMMO isexpressed at high copper-to-biomass ratios and the non-haem iron-containing sMMOat low copper-to-biomassratios (Stanley et al. 1983). Many methanotrophs, suchas Methylomicrobium album BG8 and Methylomonasmethanica, produce only the membrane-associatedpMMO whose expression is unaffected by the copperregime. Others, such as M. capsulatus (Bath) andMethylosinus trichosporium OB3b, can elaborate eitherform (Hanson & Hanson 1996).

(b) Molecular biology

The genes encoding the sMMO proteins ofM. capsulatus (Bath) (Stainthorpe et al. 1989, 1990;Coufal et al. 2000) and M. trichosporium OB3b (Cardyet al. 1991a,b) have been identified and sequenced.These genes are clustered on a 5.5 kb operon,comprising mmoX, mmoY, mmoB, mmoZ, orfY andmmoC, which code respectively for MMOHa,MMOHb, MMOB and MMOHg, a protein ofunidentified function (orfY, 12 kDa; which has nowbeen designated MMOD by Merkx & Lippard 2002)and MMOR. Expression of M. capsulatus (Bath) iscontrolled by a single s70-dependent, copper-regulatedpromoter located upstream of the mmoX gene, suchthat the native bacterium in the sMMO system isproduced under low copper conditions (Nielsen et al.1995). Transcription of the M. trichosporium OB3bsMMO genes is directed from a s54-like promoterupstream of mmoX and a s70-like promoter locatedin the intercistronic region between mmoX and mmoY(Nielsen et al. 1995, 1997; Murrell et al. 2000).Recently, Stafford et al. (2003) have shown that as54-dependent transcriptional activator and a GroELhomologue encoded by mmoR and mmoG, respectively,which lie 5 0 of the structural genes for the sMMOenzyme, are essential for the copper-controlledexpression of sMMO (Stafford et al. 2003; figure 4).

(c) The MMO complex

The sMMO from both M. capsulatus (Bath) andM. trichosporium OB3b have now been purified andcomprise three components: (i) a hydroxylase(MMOH) with an (abg)2 structure in which the a, b

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and g subunits have masses of 61, 45 and 20 kDa,respectively; (ii) a 39 kDa NAD(P)H-dependentreductase (MMOR); (iii) a third component knownas protein B (MMOB) or the coupling/gatingprotein, which comprises a single polypeptide of16 kDa (Colby & Dalton 1978, 1979; Woodland &Dalton 1984; Green & Dalton 1985; Fox et al. 1989).The a subunits of the hydroxylase each contain am-(hydr)oxo-bridged binuclear iron site (Woodlandet al. 1986; Ericson et al. 1988; DeWitt et al. 1991),which is coordinated by four glutamate and threehistidine side chains and is the site of O2 activation.X-ray crystallography of the hydroxylases fromM. capsulatus (PDB accession codes 1MMO, 1MTY)and M. trichosporium (1MHY, 1MHZ) has shown thatthe hydroxylase is a predominantly a-helical structure,in which the binuclear iron centres reside within the asubunits in a hydrophobic pocket, which is almostcertainly critical in binding substrates (Rosenzweiget al. 1993, 1997; Elango et al. 1997). Indeed, energyminimization calculations have suggested that the mostfavourable binding site for methane and other smallsubstrates lies inside this pocket, within 3 A of thebinuclear iron centre (figure 5; George et al. 1996).

Co-crystallization of the hydroxylase with methanehas not proved possible. Therefore, attempts to identifythe methane–hydroxylase complex have been madeusing crystals pressurized with xenon gas. (Xenon andmethane have strong physical similarities but xenon hasfar greater electron density than methane and is there-fore easier to identify in the crystallized protein.)Alternatively, others have dibromomethane or iodo-ethane surrogate substrates (Whittington et al. 2001).All molecules were shown to bind within the a subunitwith additional sites on the b subunit. Within thehydrophobic pocket lies Leu 110, which appears to be agating residue that opens or closes to allow substrateaccess to the active site (Rosenzweig et al. 1997).

The reductase component, which passes electronsfrom NADH or NADPH to MMOH, contains flavinadenine dinucleotide (FAD) and Fe2S2 prostheticgroups. Protein B (the regulatory or effector protein)has no prosthetic groups. Nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) structural analysis (PDB accession codes1CKV: Walters et al. 1999; 2MOB: Chang et al.1999) has shown that it has a core a/b structure withhighly mobile regions at the N- and C-termini.

2. THE CATALYTIC CYCLEIn the resting state of the enzyme, the binucleariron centre is in the diferric ðFeIII2 Þ oxidation state(Woodland et al. 1986), and must be reduced to thediferrous ðFeII2 Þ form to allow O2 to bind (Liu et al.1995b). The two electrons required for this reductionare provided from NAD(P)H, via MMOR, which actsas a transformase, allowing the two-electron oxidationof NAD(P)H to be used to feed electrons singly into thebinuclear iron centre of the hydroxylase (Lund &Dalton 1985). O2 is then bound to the hydroxylase viacompound O, but is not covalently attached tothe binuclear iron centre (Liu et al. 1995c). Incompound P*, the binuclear iron site may be in theFeIII2 or mixed valent (FeII FeIII) state (Brazeau &

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Figure 5. A computational model of the possible binding site for methane in the hydroxylase of sMMO. The hydrophobicresidues forming the ‘horseshoe-shaped’ pocket are shown in green. The binuclear iron centre is in silver/grey, and the boundmethane molecule is shown in blue (George et al. 1996).








aB B



Fe Fe


Fe Fe



s70 - P





s70 - P


high copper low copper

mmoX mmoYBZ, orfY, mmoC

s54 - P s70 - P




UASmmoX mmoYBZ, orfY, mmoC

s54 - P s70 - P




Figure 4. Model for the regulation of MMO in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b in cells grown under high and low copperregimes. At high copper : biomass ratios, pMMO is derepressed and the hypothetical activator (A) and repressor (R) are boundto free copper (or some protein that strongly binds copper). Under low copper : biomass ratios, there is little copper (or itsprotein complex) to bind to the repressor, so R binds to repress pMMO transcription. The free activator can now bind to theupstream activating sequence (UAS) of mmoX to permit transcription of the sMMO-encoding genes (Murrell et al. 2000).

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Lipscomb 2000). At this stage, dioxygen is probably

covalently bound to the binuclear iron centre in the

form of an unprotonated bridging peroxo species. The

transformation of compound P* to P requires

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protonation of the peroxo species before the O–O

bond scission, which occurs upon the decay of

compound P. P is then converted to compound Q,

the kinetically competent form of the binuclear iron

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2e– O2





Figure 6. Principal intermediates during the sMMO catalyticcycle. (References for each intermediate are given in the text.)

Figure 7. Structure of the hydroxylase from Methylococcuscapsulatus (Bath) at 2.2 A resolution (Rosenzweig et al. 1993).The subunits are coloured as follows: a are pale blue andgreen; b are royal blue and mid-blue and g are yellow–greenand yellow. The binuclear iron centres are represented by twoorange spheres on the a subunits.

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centre, which oxygenates methane and other substratesand, in the absence of substrate, it is astoundinglystable (t1/2z14 s at 4 8C; Valentine et al. 1999) for sucha powerful oxidant in aqueous solution.

Compound T—the species to which the product ofthe reaction is bound—has been observed in a study ofthe M. trichosporium enzyme, using the chromogenicsubstrate nitrobenzene (Lee et al. 1993; figure 6).

There are three possible mechanisms for C–H bondcleavage: (i) cleavage may be homolytic, leading to aradical mechanism; (ii) cleavage may be heterolytic,leading to a mechanism in which a carbanion inter-mediate may be stabilized by coordination to one of theactive-site iron atoms (Green & Dalton 1989); and(iii) methane and an iron–oxygen species may react viaa concerted mechanism of bond breakage and for-mation (Yoshizawa et al. 1997). At present, it is notpossible to clearly distinguish between these mechan-isms. Indeed, it is possible that multiple reactionpathways exist and that different mechanisms operatewith different substrates (Dalton et al. 1993; Wilkinset al. 1994). Early studies using dimethylcyclopropaneand norbornane as substrates, suggested, from theproduct profile, that either radicals or carbocationintermediates were formed in the reaction cycle(Ruzicka et al. 1990; Rataj et al. 1991). To date, themost compelling evidence that radicals are involvedcomes from the work of the Dalton group (Dalton et al.1992; Wilkins et al. 1992), who used direct trappingof the carbon-based radicals with nitroxide spin traps,and from the Lipscomb group, who used carbonsubstrates that were oxidized to give products indica-tive of radical intermediates (Priestley et al. 1992;Jin & Lipscomb 1999). The use of radical clocksubstrates by the Lippard group has been used asevidence against the radical mechanism (Liu et al.1993). Indeed, they categorically state that radicalintermediates are not formed (Choi et al. 1999).Theoretical calculations using density functional the-ory can distinguish between radical and other mech-anisms. Such calculations support the formation of amethyl radical, but also suggest the capture of theradical to form an FeV(OH)(CH3) species, implying

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binding between the iron and the methane carbon(Siegbahn & Crabtree 1997). Of course, such calcu-lations can only be indicative of the mechanism, andultimately depend upon experimental verification. Nofirm evidence exists to indicate formation of an Fe–Cbond in the reaction.

3. THE HYDROXYLASE (MMOH)The structure of the various components of sMMO isnow fairly well understood. We now have X-ray crystalstructures in various oxidation states for the hydroxylasefrom both M. capsulatus (Bath) (Rosenzweig et al.1993, 1995; Rosenzweig & Lippard 1994) and M.trichosporium OB3b (Elango et al. 1997) and an NMRstructure of protein B from M. trichosporium (Changet al. 1999; Walters et al. 1999). In general, the globalconformation of the hydroxylase protein remainsunperturbed among the various forms of the hydroxyl-ase, with changes concentrated at the diiron centre and afew residues at or near the active site (Rosenzweig et al.1995, 1997; Whittington et al. 2001).

The architecture of the hydroxylase is that of a heart-shaped a2b2g2 dimer, and consists entirely of a-helicalsecondary structure.Thesubunits arearrangedas twoabgprotomers that are related by a non-crystallographictwofold symmetry axis.Extensivehelical contacts betweenthe a and b subunits of each promoter are responsible fordimer formation. The g subunits flank the two sides of thehydroxylase, and are not involved in dimer formation(figure 7).

The diiron centres reside in four-helix bundle thatare formed by helices B, C, E and F in the core of the asubunit. Helices B and E each contribute a glutamateresidue (Glu 114, Glu 209) to the diiron centre,whereas helices C and F each donate two iron-coordinating residues in the form of a Glu-Xxx–Xxx-His motif. The remainder of the coordination sphere isoccupied by solvent-derived ligands. Very similar struc-tures occur in other enzymes that use a carboxylate-bridged diiron centre to activate dioxygen, includingthe R2 subunit of class I ribonucleotide reductase

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and stearoyl–ACP D9 desaturase (Andersson &Graslund 1995).

4. THE REGULATORY/EFFECTOR, PROTEIN B(MMOB)Protein B is a 16 kDa polypeptide with no metal orprosthetic groups (Green & Dalton 1985). It has beenimplicated in several roles, including the coupling ofelectron transfer by the reductase with hydroxylationof substrate and affecting the rate and regioselectivelyof substrate oxidation (Green & Dalton 1985; Fox et al.1991; Froland et al. 1992). Protein B has also beenshown to shift the redox potential values of thehydroxylase (Liu & Lippard 1991; Lee et al. 1993;Paulsen et al. 1994; Liu et al. 1995a; Kazlauskaite et al.1996). Such a role may be achieved through cyclicassociation and dissociation of the reductase–hydroxy-lase complex as the hydroxylase oscillates betweenredox states during catalysis. Binding of protein B hasbeen detected by electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR) spectroscopy for all three oxidation states ofthe hydroxylase (Fox et al. 1991; Froland et al. 1992;Davydov et al. 1997, 1999). As B binds, the negativeshift in the mid-point potential of the hydroxylasesuggests that this allows the diferric hydroxo-bridgeddiiron cluster of A to be reduced by the NADH-coupled reductase to lower its redox potential, thusmaking it bind to oxygen more easily. This binding ofoxygen to the diiron centre in the hydroxylase is acritical step in the overall catalytic cycle.

The structures of protein B from both M. capsulatus(Bath) and M. trichosporium OB3b have been solved byNMR spectroscopy (Chang et al. 1999; Walters et al.1999). The core of MMOB, residues 35–127 inM. capsulatus (Bath), consists of seven b strandsarranged in two antiparallel b sheets oriented almostperpendicular to each other. Three a helices bridge thecleft between the two b sheets to create the globularcore of the protein. The first 35 and last 12 amino acidsof protein B are not well defined in the NMR structure,but the NMR and CD experiments suggest that part ofthe N-terminus may form a helical structure.

It has not been possible to crystallize the proteinB–hydroxylase complex, but with the NMR solutionstructure, mapping those residues that show line-broadened NMR signals in the presence of hydroxylaseonto the three-dimensional structure of protein Bindicates that most are located on the side of theprotein containing the conserved residues E53, E94,L96, G97, F100 and D108 for theM. capsulatus system(Walters et al. 1999). Similar experiments performedwith M. trichosporium indicated that the binding ofprotein B to the oxidized form of the hydroxylase(MMOHox) was at least an order of magnitude greaterthan to the reduced form (MMOHred; Chang et al.2001). Both the N- and C-termini extend fromthe other side of protein B. These results suggestedthat the lower half of protein B is buried in some regionof the hydroxylase, presumably the canyon in which thediiron centre is located, whereas the upper half remainsexposed to solvent.

There is little doubt that the interaction of protein Bwith the hydroxylase has a profound effect upon the

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catalytic cycle of the complex. It was proposed that theinteraction of protein B with the MMOH opened up achannel into the closed active site to permit O2 andCH4 to enter and interact (Brazeau & Lipscomb 2000).To identify these interactions at the molecular level,site-directed mutagenesis has been used to investigatethe residues believed to be involved in the interactionbetween the two proteins. One protein B mutant ofM. trichosporiumOB3b, N107G/S109A/S110A/T111A(the quad mutant), in which large hydrophilic residueswere replaced with small hydrophobic residues, showedenhanced rates of oxidation of large substrates (nitro-benzene and furan) with no change in the rate ofoxidation of methane (Wallar & Lipscomb 2001). Itwas concluded that amino acids in this region of theprotein would regulate entry of substrates to the activesite. Further modifications indicated that the T111residue appeared to exclusively control access ofsubstrate to the active site (Brazeau & Lipscomb2003). Thus, in the wild-type enzyme, it is believedthat methane is preferentially oxidized though controlof its access to the active site (larger substrates arerestricted in their binding), and that there may also be acontribution from quantum tunnelling effects (Brazeauet al. 2001; figure 8).

In addition to the effects that the fully active form ofthe protein manifests, protein B from M. capsulatus(Bath) also exists as a mixture of the full-length activeform and truncated forms, B 0 and B 00. ESI-MS analysisindicated that the cleavage site of protein B to give B 0

occurs between Met12–Gly13 residues, resulting in 12amino acids being lost from the N-terminus, andGln29–Val30 cleaves to form B 00 with a loss of 29 aminoacids from the N-terminus. Proteins B 0 and B 00 werefound to be inactive in the sMMO system.

Alteration of the Met12–Gly13 cleavage site toMet12–Gln13—equivalent to the site found inM. trichosporium OB3b protein B and for whichtruncation has not been reported—enhanced thestability of recombinant protein B preparations(Lloyd et al. 1997). Similarly, a triple-mutant proteinB, in which Gly10 and Gly16 were mutated to Alaresidues and Gly13 was mutated to Gln, was alsoresistant to truncation but exhibited only half theactivity of the native and single mutant proteins(Brandstetter et al. 1999). Deletion of residues 2–29of M. trichosporium protein B did not affect thestructure of the core, but eliminated the ability of theprotein to enhance formation of the steady-statecomplex and to prevent the formation of the inter-mediates P and Q (Chang et al. 2001).

The result from the study of the recombinantN-terminal truncates of M. capsulatus (Bath) proteinB (Callaghan et al. 2002) identified that only the firstseven amino acids were actually essential for activity. Inaddition, a decrease in specific activity was observed aseach amino acid from 1 to 7 was lost. Upon the loss ofthe Y7 amino acid to form the inactive D8 truncateprotein, the stability of the protein was observed todecrease dramatically. Secondary structure and overallmolecular size of truncates Y7 and D8 are virtually thesame. Although the precise role of these alterations toactive protein B is unclear at present, it might representa means for rapidly controlling the activity of theMMO

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B is removed and rotated 90o about the y-axis

blue residues on B are those mostaffected by binding














Figure 8. Surface diagrammodel showing the docking of protein B into the canyon on the hydroxylase (Walters et al. 1999). Thea subunits of the hydroxylase are shown in red, b in blue and g in yellow. Protein B has been translated away from its proposeddocking site on the surface of the hydroxylase. Furthermore, protein B has been rotated 908 clockwise about the y-axis to exposethe residues most involved in binding. The residues coloured blue are the most affected by binding.

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complex when the cell faces environmental stress andneeds to shut down.

5. THE REDUCTASE (MMOR)The reductase component of sMMO has beenpurified and extensively characterized fromM. capsulatus (Bath) (Colby & Dalton 1978, 1979;Lund & Dalton 1985; Lund et al. 1985; Pilkington &Dalton 1990) and M. trichosporium OB3b (Fox et al.1989, 1991; Paulsen et al. 1994; Liu et al. 1997). Thereductase from M. capsulatus (Bath) is a singlesubunit protein of 38.5 kDa, which contains oneFAD and one Fe2S2 centre per molecule (Colby &Dalton 1979). The presence of an Fe2S2 centre wasconfirmed by electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR), and NADH was postulated to be the naturalelectron donor. Copper ions inhibit the reductase bycausing the loss of the Fe2S2 centre, thus preventingthe transfer of electrons from the reductase to thehydroxylase (Green et al. 1985). The 2Fe–2S clusteris located in the N-terminal position of the reductaseand exhibits significant sequence homology withferredoxins of plants, cyanobacteria and archaebac-teria. Its optical EPR and Mossbauer spectra aretypical of those found for other 2Fe–2S-type ferre-doxins (Lund et al. 1985; Gassner & Lippard 1999).The FAD cofactor is located in the C-terminaldomain of the reductase, as is the NADH bindingregion.

The reductase of M. capsulatus (Bath) is readilyreduced by NADH, and electrons are transferred to theFAD centre, which is fully reduced by the addition oftwo electrons (Lund & Dalton 1985). Electrons arethen transferred to the Fe2S2 centre of the reductaseand then to the hydroxylase (Lund et al. 1985). Becausethe reductase is present in only 10% of the molarconcentration of the other sMMO components, this

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may mean that the rate of electron transfer of thereductase is much higher than the hydroxylation ratefor the hydroxylase (Fox et al. 1991). Therefore, it wassuggested that the lower reductase concentrationsprevent the formation of reactive oxygen species.

The reductase component of sMMO from M.trichosporium OB3b has been shown to bind to the bsubunit of the hydroxylase (Fox et al. 1991), and, inaddition to its role as a supplier of electrons, recentevidence suggests that the reductase could also have aregulatory function given that: (i) it causes a shift inproduct distribution (Froland et al. 1992); (ii) thereductase can bind to the hydroxylase at different sitesand with different affinities (Fox et al. 1991); and(iii) the redox potential of the hydroxylase is altered bythe reductase (Paulsen et al. 1994; Liu et al. 1997).

The roles of the individual components of thecomplex and the interactions between the hydroxylaseand either the reductase or protein B have been fairlywell established. However, the issue of how all threecomponents interact to effect methane oxidation hasbeen elusive. Using small angle X-ray scattering dataand modelling the proteins on the hydroxylase crystalstructure, it has been possible to study the globalchanges that occur upon the interaction of thecomponents in the complex (Gallagher et al. 1999).Evidently, the complex is a compact structure in whichthe hydroxylase dimer is associated with two moleculeseach of protein B and the reductase. Interaction ofprotein B and the reductase with the hydroxylaseresulted in the prising apart of the two trimers of thehydroxylase dimer, thus permitting closer interactionbetween the reductase and the a and b subunits of thehydroxylase, with the g subunit possibly contributingtowards stabilization of protein B (figure 9). It wasargued that the effect of the interaction with protein Bwas to allow closer interaction between the reductaseand the hydroxylase. This allowed the reductase to

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hydroxylase reductase protein B

Figure 9. Interaction between sMMO components.

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readily pass electrons to the active site. Protein B wasalso positioned to be involved in the gating of substratesto the active site. Interestingly, the truncated version ofprotein B (B 0) was unable to effect the conformationalchange. This meant that the proposed regulatory roleof protein B could be manifest through its inability tobind and thus render the complex inactive.

The close similarity betweenMMO and cytochromeP450 (both enzymes are multicomponent monooxy-genases using NAD(P)H and O2 to catalyse theoxygenation of a range of hydrocarbons, althoughP450 has a haem at its active site) suggests that theymay both operate by the same mechanism. Cyto-chrome P450 can use peroxide or other oxygen atomtransfer agents to replace the reductase, O2 andNAD(P)H (White & Coon 1980). When hydrogenperoxide was added to the hydroxylase component ofsMMO from either M. trichosporium (Andersson et al.1991) or M. capsulatus (Jiang et al. 1993), O2- andNADH-independent oxidation of methane and othersubstrates was observed in the complete absence of theother two protein components. Interestingly, protein Bappeared to inhibit the H2O2-driven reactions, and alsoaffected the distribution of products when certainalkane and alkene substrates were used comparedwith the complete MMO system. These observationssuggest that more than one pathway of O–O bondcleavage can occur, which is clearly substrate depen-dent (Dalton et al. 1993; Jiang et al. 1993).

(a) pMMO

Our current understanding of the mechanism of actionof MMO is based almost exclusively from the workundertaken with the soluble enzyme. The membrane-bound form (pMMO) has been much more difficult towork with, and therefore has been studied only to alimited extent. Following the first reliable procedure forthe isolation of the pMMO complex (Smith & Dalton1989), using dodecyl maltoside as the solubilizingagent and duroquinol as a reductant (Shiemke et al.1995), work on the complex has accelerated. Thereappears to be a general consensus that active pre-parations comprise three subunits (a, b and g) ofmasses around 47, 24 and 22 kDa, acting as thehydroxylase with a putative reductase comprising 63and 8 kDa proteins (Basu et al. 2003). Prior & Dalton

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(1985a) first demonstrated that the b subunit was thesite of substrate binding by using the suicide substrateacetylene as a marker. This was subsequently verifiedby Cook & Shiemke (1996) and Zahn & DiSpirito(1996). Such an approach was also used to locate theactive (substrate-binding) site of sMMO as being the asubunit of the hydroxylase (Prior & Dalton 1985a).This observation was subsequently confirmed whenco-crystallization of the hydroxylase with substrateswas achieved (Whittington et al. 2001).

The metal composition of preparations from differ-ent laboratories has been quite controversial, varyingfrom four copper ions per hydroxylase dimer (Miyagiet al. 2002; Basu et al. 2003; Lieberman et al. 2003a,b)to between 20 and 30 (Zahn &DiSpirito 1996; Nguyenet al. 1998; Takeguchi et al. 1998; Choi et al. 2003).There is also disagreement over both the presence andamount of iron (ranging from 0 to 5 mol dimerK1).Clearly, the role of the metals in catalysis will not beresolved until the number and arrangement of themetal ions is known. However, this has not deterredresearchers from speculating on the mechanism ofmethane activation. Indeed, the possibilities that thereaction proceeds via radicals (Wilkinson et al. 1996),carbocations (Elliott et al. 1997) or via direct oxygeninsertion of a singlet ‘oxene’ across the C–H bond(Huang et al. 2002; Yu et al. 2003; Chan et al. 2004)have been promulgated using partially purifiedpreparations.

Although sMMO and pMMO both oxygenatemethane to methanol, they show no similarity in theamino acid sequences of their protein components,their requirements for metal cofactors or their locationwithin the cell. Soluble MMO and pMMO also differmarkedly in terms of the range of substrates oxidizedand their requirements for electron donors.

6. THE UNNATURAL HISTORYIn the early 1970s, concerns in Europe over theshortfall in production of protein from plants andfishes from USA and South America used in the animalfeedstuffs market prompted an interest in alternativefeedstocks for protein manufacture. It was clear fromstudies in the Shell laboratories that mixed bacterialcultures containing predominantly methanotrophs

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growing on methane could be used a source of single-cell protein (SCP) in chemostats (Linton & Buckee1977; Wilkinson et al. 1974). Estimations of the cost ofSCP processes using a variety of potentially cheapsubstrates (methane, methanol, n-alkanes or ethanol)indicated that total manufacturing costs for proteinderived from these feedstocks was cheapest formethane (Hamer & Harrison 1980). The highestmolar growth yields observed of 13.6 g gmolK1

(Drozd et al. 1980) were similar for other bacteria(Goldberg 1977) or the same bacterium (Linton &Vokes 1978) grown on methanol. These patternsindicate that the extra energy we might assume wouldcome from the conversion of methane to methanol wasprobably lost as heat and not conserved as ATP. Inpractice, several factors needed to be taken intoaccount for the implementation of a successful process.First, the feedstock would not be pure but wouldcontain other alkanes in small but significant amounts.Alkanes such as ethane and propane were also oxidizedto products such as acetate that would accumulate inthe culture. Thus, it became important to allow thegrowth of heterotrophic bacteria to effectively removethese by-products from the system. When theseprocesses were being developed in the 1970s, it wasnot realized that there was a yield difference betweencells grown while expressing soluble versus particulateMMO. The 35% increase in biomass per mole ofmethane consumed when pMMO was expressed(compared with cells grown with sMMO; Leak &Dalton 1986) was exploited by Norferm Denmark A/Smany years later when they developed a semi-sterileprocess containing a number of heterotrophs inaddition to M. capsulatus (Bath) (Bothe et al. 2002).The process ensured that pMMO was expressed anduses a 290 m3 loop reactor, which is 100 m long and1.9 m in diameter, running at a biomass load of around25 g lK1. Although the SCP was designed to provideprotein for salmon, chickens and pigs, it has not yetproved to be economically viable given the high cost ofnatural gas. However, it is quite possible that extrac-table products from the biomass could prove successfulin the feed market (L. Jorgenson, personalcommunication).

(a) Co-metabolism: product formation

One of the earliest observations that led to a stronginterest in the biochemistry of methane oxidation wasthat made in the author’s group by John Colby (Colbyet al. 1975). Colby discovered that MMO fromM. methanica was able to oxidize the soluble methanederivative bromomethane, and that it could be easilydetermined by gas chromatography. The significance ofthis was that the earlier assays, based on the oxygenelectrode (Ribbons & Michalover 1970) or the oxi-dation of NADH (Ferenci 1974), were indirect and notalways reproducible. The Colby group followed thisfinding two years later with the discovery that sMMOwas capable of oxidizing a wide range of substrates thatincluded alkanes, alkenes, alicyclics, aromatics, ethers,heterocyclics (Colby et al. 1977) and ammonia (Dalton1977). John Higgins’ group at Kent had also observedoxidation of a few hydrocarbons and CO by the mostpurified system available at the time (Tonge et al.

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1977). Unfortunately, the three-component systemthat they purified was not reproducible in otherlaboratories. Nevertheless, these observationsprompted efforts to exploit the organisms for theirpotential in a number of areas. The first of these effortscame from our own work on substrate specificity whenit was realized that one of the substrates, propene, wasreadily oxidized to epoxypropane (Colby et al. 1977).There was a high demand for epoxypropane (value£1213 per tonne, compared with the substratepropene at £379 per tonne) in the manufacturingindustry. In addition, the chemical processes used inthe production of epoxypropane gave rise to productsthat were either expensive to dispose of or products ofwhich epoxypropane was a by-product. Research at theExxon laboratories had shown that whole cells couldreadily catalyse the reaction (Hou et al. 1979). Unlikethe whole cells, none of the chemical processes usedpropene as a substrate. It was also argued that if such adirect process could be developed, then it may bepossible to use the technology to effect the oxidation ofa wide range of other substrates that MMO could reactwith. Epoxypropane was a potentially easy product tomanufacture because of its low boiling point (45 8C—the growth temperature of M. capsulatus (Bath). Itexisted primarily as a gas and thus could be recoveredby condensation from the gas phase. Although it waspossible to devise conditions that gave very highconversion rates of propene to epoxypropane usingmethanol as the source of reducing power to drive theMMO reaction (Stanley & Dalton 1992), the productwas inhibitory to the reaction where it was believed tobe acting as a suicide substrate to MMO (Stanley et al.1992). The cell inhibition effect could be overcome bythe inclusion of a second fermenter that allowedrecovery of inactivated cells in the presence of growthsubstrates (Richards et al. 1994). These cells could thenbe fed back to the bioconverter where the epoxypro-pane was produced. The success of the processoperating depended on ensuring that the inactivationrate of the cells in the bioconverter was evenly matchedby the recovery rate in the second-stage reactivator.This meant that to feed back active cells to thebioconverter, the size ratio of the two fermenters wascritical. The size of the reactivation vessel needed to be20 times the size of the bioconverter vessel to achieveproduction rates on a continuous basis necessary to bea commercial success producing 30 000 tonnes ofepoxypropane per year. This ratio was too high (itneeded to be two times that of the bioconverter) tomatch the existing commercial price of the product.

If a strain of methane-oxidizing bacterium could befound that produced exclusively one enantiomer ofepoxypropane, as exemplified by Nocardia corallinaB-276 (Furuhashi et al. 1986), then such a processcould be economically viable because the enantiopureforms of the epoxide are used in the synthesis ofpharmaceuticals, and are orders of magnitude morevaluable than the racemate.

(b) Co-metabolism: bioremediation

The broad substrate specificity of MMO alsoextends to a variety of halogenated hydrocarbons,many of which have been used widely, and often

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indiscriminately, by industry, with the halogenatedhydrocarbons then finding their way into the environ-ment. Indeed, trichloroethylene (TCE) and chloro-form are regarded as among the most significant of thegroundwater contaminants. Such compounds do notappear to act as sole carbon and energy sources forbacteria (Hanson & Hanson 1996), and thus appear aspersistent pollutants. However, the ability of methano-trophic bacteria to metabolize such compounds via a‘fortuitous’ route (Stirling & Dalton 1979; Dalton &Stirling 1982) has proved to be a potentially valuableapproach to their bioremediation. Early observationsthat a pure culture of a methanotroph could oxidizeTCE to its epoxide (Little et al. 1988) were followed upby studies on the enzyme (Fox et al. 1990). These latterstudies showed that MMO could oxidize TCE to acidicproducts (glyoxylate, dichloroacetate and formate) andvolatile products (chloral and CO). It was argued thatthese products, apart from chloral, resulted from thehydrolysis of TCE epoxide that was formed as theinitial product in the MMO-catalysed oxidation.However, complete breakdown of TCE can beachieved if a mixed culture is used in which thepartners of the methanotrophs are able to use theproducts (Alvarez-Cohen & McCarty 1991; Uchiyamaet al. 1992; Chang & Alvarez-Cohen 1995). As is thecase with epoxypropane, it is clear that one of theimpediments to successful bioremediation strategiesresults from the inhibition of MMO and other enzymesby the products of the initial hydroxylation reaction.Most successful bioremediation strategies have thusrelied on products being easily removed by the partnersin the consortium. Indeed, placing bioreactors insequence (Speitel & Leonard 1992) have been usedto degrade TCE in this manner.

(c) Electrochemistry

Enzymes that require the direct supply of electrons vianatural reductants such as NADH to drive the reactionshould, in principle, be able to accept electrons fromartificial sources. Of course, this requires that theconditions for the interaction between the electronsource and the protein are satisfied, and that therequisite redox couple is achieved. Usually, mediatorsare required to trigger the reaction, but these may haveunwanted side effects on the enzyme. Direct electro-chemistry, using surface-modified electrodes involvingpeptides to drive electron transfer, has been usedsuccessfully on a variety of metalloproteins (Barkeret al. 1990). We have used this approach to directlydetermine the redox potentials of the individualelectron transfer steps in the catalytic reaction on thehydroxylase from the fully oxidized (FeIII FeIII) formthrough the mixed valence (FeIII FeII) to the fullyreduced (FeII FeII) states (Kazlauskaite et al. 1996). Ofsignificance was the observation that the addition ofincreasing amounts of protein B to the hydroxylasecaused a significant decrease in the redox potentials ofboth transfer steps. This result provides furtherevidence that protein B plays an important role incatalysis by potentially altering the conformation,solvent accessibility or the protonation state of thediiron site. Furthermore, when the inactive, truncatedform of protein B was added (protein B 0), no lowering

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of the redox potential was observed, thus furtherillustrating the critical role of this protein in catalysis.Although turnover with substrate was not reported inthat work (there had been attempts in the 1970s todrive the reaction electrochemically), it opened upthe possibility that electricity might be used to drive theoxidation of substrates by the hydroxylase without theneed for NADH or the other proteins in the complex.

We were able to perform cyclic voltammetry byeffectively reducing the binuclear iron centre electro-chemically and reoxidizing it with oxygen at the surfaceof the hexapeptide-modified electrode (Astier et al.2003). During the cyclic voltammetry experiments onthe hydroxylase, it became clear that current flow wasdiminishing. This pattern suggested that an inhibitoryproduct was being formed. We surmised that theinhibitor hydrogen peroxide was being formed duringthe course of the experiment, which was confirmedwhen catalase was added to the reaction and normalcurrent flow resumed. When protein B was addedhydrogen peroxide, formation was inhibited. Thisfinding indicated that one of the many roles of proteinB was to suppress the production of peroxide, which isoften formed as an incidental by-product wheneverdioxygen and iron-containing proteins interact. Asexpected, the inactive protein B 0 did not inhibitperoxide formation. However when substrate, methaneor acetonitrile was added to the hydroxylase andprotein B, methanol or cyanoaldehyde was formed.This was the first clear demonstration that thehydroxylase could be used to create oxygenatedproducts without the need for NADH or the reductaseprotein, which is replaced by electricity.

I have been very fortunate to have worked with a largenumber of talented postdoctoral fellows, postgraduatestudents and technicians in the past 30 years; they are toonumerous to mention but they are nearly all quoted here and Iam totally indebted to their efforts and friendship. Inaddition, I wish to thank my collaborations with researchersfrom other laboratories both in the UK and overseas who havegreatly enhanced our work and have given many hours ofstimulating discussion. Most of all, I acknowledge mymentor, Roger Whittenbury; without his belief and encour-agement, it might have been a different story.

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