The Leading News|>aj VOL. VHI. NO. 7. MANASSAS, OAY, JAN 18,...

VOL. VHI. NO. 7. SUPaVISORS MEET CMDOKSE morose FEOEKAL BO AD The Leading News|>aj MANASSAS, PROHIBITION UW TO BE^ENFOKEO s o SAYS COMMISSIONER KTEKS CMvwMiM »m4 H* I—trail U ^ i f t j aa4 ftaCM4u« tik* Frforu Steto PVohiMiMa Uwa. City OHcfela •f tl »«« and Prince William County OAY, JAN 18, 1917 $1.00 PER YEAR To Subscn i l ^ KEYS IS ARRESTED W FREOERICKSBiJRG 'Allmemben were present at Uie meetiBif of the B«mi of joutfrom'Ri'chi^clbJsS^cS;' Supervisors for the County of missioners of Prohibftio? to^I Pnnce WiUjam. held .ttheCo«n|sberiflfs. De^\^^Bs CWeft House on Thuradav: Jnmiarv n ^t D-I;., O «"«nn8. i^mef s House on Thursday, January 11. 1917. at whieh the minutes of the previous meeting were read, and approved. Whereas, at the request of the Honorable C. C. Carlin. a special meeting of the Board of Super- ^naon of Fairfax County has been called for the 12th, day of Januar>-1917. to which meetin^r the members of the boards of Supervisors of Alexandria and PriAoe William Counties have been invited, toe the purpose of of Pohoe SerjfCMits. Patrolmen. Secret Service- Men, Constables. Inspectors" in Prohibition Dep- artment.and to Commonwealth Attorneys. Attorneys f<» the Prohibition Department. Justices of the Peace and all others charged with the enforcement of t h e Vir^nia Stete Prohibition Law: A number of complaints have come to my attention eoneeming « l e in ViTKinia of certain bever- «ii»cus8in^the";;n;;;n;:;;s;;;7f«i^ »"°p«««i experi«^tal r ^ ^ t S Fj^lteit^nHTK''";:^^^ '^"^ era] Government a t ZenL^tl^l''^?^^' ti^eProhibition frum Waahinirtoo. D. C. to M a - f c . " i 4 6 ^ ^ ^J Virginia: therefore be it S " A^^Wy <\, V^ ;ors: The following has (uxm •&..» 11 o ^- y ' .tfromRichmondbysSc^! ij rneJZ\u^?.^^J^i^'t'^^'^^^<>^^te- THE USE OF UME IN AGRICULTURE B CHARGED WITH HOKSE THEFT jO A VE«Y .IMPORTANT FACTOR HM F1g«««d Smanl Timm aa 0«r Local Cowto M U tUim H H Eacap* TiMM ai ' ere a year or more itements to those of j: them that their reminding them of of our subecribers ' ly made promises This to notify year or more in ar- ireceivedduring the Kesdved that this Board does hearitlv and unamimously en- dorse the construction of such a rmd. and^does respectfully le- qoest and urge the HonjraUe C. C. Carlin to exert his best efforts in obtaining: the constructioo of this road .f«- aU of which this Beard does cooomend him and expresses its appreciation; be it fatho- Resolved that the membws of this Board do attend the said meetinir to be held Janoary 12. , «od be ft fotber Re=^ved that a copy of this resolotiMi be certi- fied by the el^c of this Board to the HoDwable C. C. Carlin. Ordered that H. L. Tubhs. De- puty Sop't. <rf roads for Orfes District be and be is hereby ap- pointed to widen the roads at Mra. Gea Hemdoo's and also at Goodwin Hill at an expense not to exceed $80.00 and to make a detailed report <rf the work and cost of same to this Board as soon as completed. Ayes: alL In re diange of road between Oierry HIU and Telegraph Road. Onlered that report be relerred back to same viewers with di- rectioa to make a new nspeetioB and report a detail to tUs Beard as to changes rrfw—iiiidcJ and probable cast of saaw. Kcsotred that J. L. DawMa and T. M. RBSMU. two menbers fl<this Board are hereby dele- te aMewl tW VinDHa asMciatioaatMor. IS-ia 1917. Bz >l»kepaid<nito ty Faadaad aettocaeeM <12.M. Therefore I requested the office of the Commissioner of Agricul- ture to determine forourguidance whether or not the following be- veraees were "malt liquors": "Alpha" by Alpha Beve^ge Dept Chicago. 'Tanheuser" by Roval Brew- ing Ca Kansas City, Ma "Bevo"by Anheuseuser-Bosch Brewing Ca. SL Louis. Ma Replying the Commissiner ad- vises me that his chemistry Diyis- lon finds that aoaivsis indicates that saicpie*^ ott^lMftveliwacd .beverages indicate that they are "maltUquors". The Attorney General of the State. Hon. ;}na Garland PoUard advised me that the Genial As- semWy of Virginia has prohibited the sale of malt liquors whether intoxicating crnot, and that such onAibition has been hekl valid by the Supreme Court of the United States". A large number of merchants throoghoot this State have en- cased in the sale of the above beverages who wiU regani it a^ s Kreat hardship to be pcoceeded W*M bjr voa fordoing so; but whatever eoosideratioa yoa may feel disposed to show then now I suggest thaten and after Jan. 28th 1917 ytm pnceed agaiaataU parties who nuiy violate the faiw by selliiw the same, IdenretocaD yoor axteation to CMt tint Soft Drink KCCMCS be reytokcd by the eovts when e v e r the the i. ments to all 8ubecribejr»i marreare; we also sm^ our contest subscribers skf ume to the paper was u tile high cost of pftper. re^nded and many did ajad have since forgotten them, one and all, (who s rears) that unless r^miita: next 30 days, or uiQess are made direct with TxxpK*»i.muuKATforanex- te^ion of credit, the oaper^wiU be diacontiSuS and the accoudt pla^fir flection. °'*^°^'^«* We appreciate and tha& those who have heon prompt m sending in.thSrSibBcriiKraSid tS ^ who have paid in a d v ^ o a ^ ^ ? ^ » ^ ^ All obituraries and resaftitions ofrespectetc as well as card of thanks, ^ be chiS^®5 ter Feb. 1st at the rate oflfc per S ^ ^ wo^I l^JJS^T- J ^ ^ just a l ^ S r S r ' ^ i i ' S lowest adverfasing rate. Sui^^le notice of d^tl« as a matter of news, will s^ear freT of iSw when the editor is s u p p l i e d W t l S ^ r t o K ttS^^S;,L"^^**5^°- fieas^this i ^ S f S the future and govenTySrself accordingly and send remittance with copy. ^ "*"«iy ana Notify us if your stateient is incorrect WASHINGTON DEFEATS llUSKETBALL CAME ^EBN ( » L U E t t [ _ ^ S l T l l WARKEIiTON F'M Civital C^ Vm Eastern Cdl^<e dn^iped itM first basket-ball game tothe team reoresenting the Southern Rail- way of Washington last Satur- day night in the college gym by the seore of ^ to 11. Eastern was outclassed by the visitors in neariy ev«y depar^ inentof game, and beked the shooting ability of their oppo- nentsw The Washington tewa was composed mostiy of ex-«ol-i 1^ players and their passing and shooting, which was at all tines anperior tothat of EastemV enabled them to roU up i large seoR; The gaaredid not by n o » « « ! ! ? **>*?«»» spectaoriar ahooc- lag^asplByerB on both teams •ade naav difFiealt shotadariw SKST^ B-te"foi^fhthart to held the vwttors to as low a rwpeasiUe and awe aad again in bbdaiwnnay ^Y NKMT OF tAST WEBK ["** <*' 'purchased On Sunday night, between 10 and 11 o'clock, some one stole a valuable three year old percheron mare from the bam yard of Mr. M. H. Whitmore, chairman of the Board of Supervisors. The thief also stole frvMn him a bridle and a saddle and bridle from Mr. Joe. Arnold, who lives on the adjoining farm. Ea riy Monday morning Mr. Whitmore got in communication with Sheriff Ed wards and a search was made in every d i r e e t i on . The animal was tracked by them ov» a circuitous route as far as I^esburg and on a badt street leading into the Washington ptke and thinking the thief was head- ed for Washington, they imme- diately went there in an automo- bile but found on furtho- trace. Circulars have been sent out broadcast, describing the mare as a three yearoid Hack, with white star In forehead and one white hind foot. A reward of $100 is (^ered for the apprehoision of the thief and the recovery of the animal—Lou- doun Mirror. The Democrat has since heard the h o r s e was later found in Fredericksburg where it had been sold to a liveryman of that pl«ee. The owner of the stable gave the ri>eriff of Loudoun a full deserip- t ^ Bten mmi wfaon h^ die horse. *'-'•"-'-fMl lif Since my arrival here m o r e questiooa have been asked me re- garding lime than any other one thing. TJiPft is no doubt that the •oils <rf ftince William County need lime. I have not seen a farmer who have used lime, that have not got very favorable re- sults. THE QUAUTY TO USE AND How OFTEN Generally one ton of Burned Lime and two tons of ground Lunesione per acre every four or , five years is advised. Soils vary in their need for lime. Rich dog soils may require the above amount, while sandy soils in a poor state of fertiUty require less. On the sandier soib of the towo- l»aif of the County one half too of burnt Ume wouki probably be sufficent. Fran's'Agricultural Cbonistry reeomends the use of 200 to 500 pounds per acre M quick lime and one ton of ground lunestooe. I wo«iId advise more than this amount unless aM>lied OKwe often. VALUE OF LIME Lime increases the fertility of the soil in many ways. It Uber- ates the potasb more available in the soil and nauturalizes acids andmaintains the SMI in an alkaline condition, whieh is the ficaditioo most favo?^^ tn, -m^^ eultiva ted plaoU; it aids the ««»wth of bacteria which con- vorts otganic nitrogen to nitrates. 1 -^—•~>«c and later iSi^i!! •'*«««» a man weU known _ — ^ m a i i s v i c i n i t y . Aubrey Keys '"=™» «xanic nitrogen to nitrates. Southern Railway defeats boys ^."i^ returned to Leesbunr favors the b«:teria whieh assim- bv two points while the giris de- i!?!l Prisoner, Keys, who has 'Jates nitrogen, and other bene- feat Warrentoo High Sdiool de- „ •"**^f«^e»'al times in fiaal bacteria, it flocolates day cisively. | Manassas, and arranged before — -^-'~ • • Before a huge crowd m Con- ? * ,^^*T' ^**°» «*»««» with ner's Hall Friday night, two ?f!l!I5 "" '***^ fiwn J. a .. . „ „ „ „ ^ , fast apd interesting basketball L J ^ S !l ***^ VaL but the easUy penetrated by rain;it unite Rames were played. The South- z T f f r J * ! **!!****»• n«yor with phosophorie add. prevent- •™ l^ii * , W«K;.-. I cost of the plaintiff: I ing it frwn f o n n m g l ^ w L S e em Railway team, cf Washing- ton, defeated the Manassas High School boys by the score of 19-17 while the Manassas High School girls defett the Warrentoo High School girls by the score of 22 to la Boys Gabe.-Shortly afto-the «o»iairof thegaae tte *^-rr »»P*«««* e » e ^ matched. At particles, making the soil more crumbly and a better tilt, more rententiveto wato-and more easily penetrated by raitt;it unites BO tJme did „__ l«d of over fear paints. The local boys led oaty the lewnawiiiesofphiy iist half the load better •wvanbthe the h«v»a|i,^ A«ain K e » was wanted on several charges. OnMarchSOth m « . Mr. Henry Merti, of Nokes- ville. arrested hiaincv his home ' J « e h e was trying to ihspose of soiefhickens. Mcrtx. with a r e v o l v e r Mkedhim to toMiaiiii with hiai and _ MPtted to dosa, hot ipvena _ s^wwhdifcrthe ef the „ AvrillemafCovt. Oi April the 13lk Keys A. a . ^ad iaMltflt Phownphates as iron and akimina. i t t h u s favon more hixarioas KTOwth of v e j c e t a b l e whidiiaereaststheocxan ter in the soil if tvMd or it awved. a h u g e q o a n i t y inthestubWesandreote. ^ r f w e c a t i - e wine l i m e , nawviagall crops and add no fotifaen take the piMc «f the ' Tetter «r phM f o«<| the soil. wmm. the] ^

Transcript of The Leading News|>aj VOL. VHI. NO. 7. MANASSAS, OAY, JAN 18,...

Page 1: The Leading News|>aj VOL. VHI. NO. 7. MANASSAS, OAY, JAN 18, … · 2014-03-21 · fied by the el^c of this Board to the

VOL. VHI. NO. 7.


The Leading News|>aj




CMvwMiM »m4 H* I—trail U ^ i f t j aa4

ftaCM4u« tik* Frforu Steto PVohiMiMa Uwa.

City OHcfela •f tl

» « « and Prince William County

OAY, JAN 18, 1917 $1.00 PER YEAR



'Allmemben were present at Uie meetiBif of the B«mi of joutfrom'Ri'chi^clbJsS^cS;' Supervisors for the County of missioners of Prohibftio? to^I Pnnce WiUjam. held .ttheCo«n|sberiflfs. De^\^^Bs CWeft House on Thuradav: Jnmiarv n ^t D-I ; . , O «"«nn8. i mef s House on Thursday, January 11. 1917. at whieh the minutes of the previous meeting were read, and approved.

Whereas, at the request of the Honorable C. C. Carlin. a special meeting of the Board of Super-^naon of Fairfax County has been called for the 12th, day of Januar>-1917. to which meetin r the members of the boards of Supervisors of Alexandria and PriAoe William Counties have been invited, toe the purpose of

of Pohoe SerjfCMits. Patrolmen. Secret Service- Men, Constables.

Inspectors" in Prohibition Dep-artment.and to Commonwealth Attorneys. Attorneys f<» the Prohibition Department. Justices of the Peace and all o thers charged with the enforcement of the Vir^nia Stete Prohibition Law:

A number of complaints have come to my attention eoneeming «le in ViTKinia of certain bever-

«ii»cus8in^the";;n;;;n;:;;s;;;7f«i^ »"°p«««i experi«^tal r ^ ^ t S Fj^lteit^nHTK''";:^^^ ' ^ " ^ era] Government a t Z e n L ^ t l ^ l ' ' ^ ? ^ ^ ' ti eProhibition frum Waahinirtoo. D. C. to M a - f c . " i 4 6 ^ ^ ^ J

Virginia: therefore be it S " A^^Wy

<\, V ^ ;ors:

The following has (uxm •&..» 11 o - y ' .tfromRichmondbysSc^! i j rneJZ\u^?.^^J^i^'t'^^'^^^<>^^te-



H M F1g«««d Smanl Timm aa 0«r Local Cowto M U tUim HH Eacap* TiMM ai '

ere a year or more itements to those of

j: them that their reminding them of of our subecribers ' ly made promises

This to notify year or more in ar-i received during the

Kesdved that this Board does hearitlv and unamimously en­dorse the construction of such a rmd. and^does respectfully le-qoest and urge the HonjraUe C. C. Carlin to exert his best efforts in obtaining: the constructioo of this road .f«- aU of which this Beard does cooomend him and expresses its appreciation; be it fatho-

Resolved that the membws of this Board do attend the said meetinir to be held Janoary 12.

, «od be ft fotber Re=^ved that a copy of this resolotiMi be certi­fied by the el^c of this Board to the HoDwable C. C. Carlin.

Ordered that H. L. Tubhs. De­puty Sop't. <rf roads for Orfes District be and be is hereby ap­pointed to widen the roads at Mra. Gea Hemdoo's and also at Goodwin Hill at an expense not to exceed $80.00 and to make a detailed report <rf the work and cost of same to this Board as soon as completed. Ayes: alL

In re diange of road between Oierry HIU and Telegraph Road. Onlered that report be relerred back to same viewers with di-rectioa to make a new nspeetioB and report a detail to tUs Beard as to changes rrfw—iiiidcJ and probable cast of saaw.

Kcsotred that J. L. DawMa and T. M. RBSMU. two menbers fl<this Board are hereby dele­

te aMewl tW VinDHa asMciatioaatMor. IS-ia 1917. Bz

>l»kepaid<nito ty Faadaad aet to caeeM <12.M.

Therefore I requested the office of the Commissioner of Agricul­ture to determine forourguidance whether or not the following be-veraees were "malt liquors":

"Alpha" by Alpha Beve^ge Dept Chicago.

'Tanheuser" by Roval Brew­ing Ca Kansas City, Ma

"Bevo"by Anheuseuser-Bosch Brewing Ca. SL Louis. Ma

Replying the Commissiner ad­vises me that his chemistry Diyis-lon finds that aoaivsis indicates that saicpie*^ ott^lMftveliwacd

.beverages indicate that they are "maltUquors".

The Attorney General of the State. Hon. ;}na Garland PoUard advised me that the Genial As-semWy of Virginia has prohibited the sale of malt liquors whether intoxicating crnot, and that such onAibition has been hekl valid by the Supreme Court of the United States".

A large number of merchants throoghoot this State have en­cased in the sale of the above beverages who wiU regani it a s Kreat hardship to be pcoceeded W*M bjr voa fordoing so; but whatever eoosideratioa yoa may feel disposed to show then now I suggest thaten and after Jan. 28th 1917 ytm pnceed agaiaataU parties who nuiy violate the faiw by selliiw the same,

IdenretocaD yoor axteation to CMt tint Soft Drink KCCMCS

be reytokcd by the eovts when e v e r

the the

i .

ments to all 8ubecribejr»i marreare; we also s m ^ our contest subscribers skf ume to the paper was u tile high cost of pftper. re^nded and many did ajad have since forgotten them, one and all, (who s rears) that unless r miita: next 30 days, or uiQess are made direct with TxxpK*»i.muuKATforanex-te^ion of credit, the oaper wiU be diacontiSuS and the accoudt p l a ^ f i r flection. °'*^°^'^«*

We appreciate and tha& those who have heon prompt m sending in.thSrSibBcriiKraSid tS ^ who have paid in a d v ^ o a ^ ^ ? ^ » ^ ^

All obituraries and resaftitions of respect etc as well as card of thanks, be c h i S ^ ® 5 ter Feb. 1st at the rate oflfc per S ^ ^ wo^I l^JJS^T- J ^ ^ just a l ^ S r S r ' ^ i i ' S lowest adverfasing rate. Sui^^le notice of d^tl« as a matter of news, will s^ear freT of i S w when the editor is s u p p l i e d W t l S ^ r t o K ttS^^S;,L"^^**5^°- fieas^this i ^ S f S the future and govenTySrself accordingly and send remittance with copy. ^ "*"«iy ana

Notify us if your stateient is incorrect


F ' M *» Civital C ^ Vm

Eastern Cdl <e dn iped itM first basket-ball game tothe team reoresenting the Southern Rail-way of Washington last Satur­day night in the college gym by the seore of to 11.

Eastern was outclassed by the visitors in neariy ev«y depar^ inentof game, and beked the shooting ability of their oppo-nentsw The Washington tewa was composed mostiy of ex-«ol-i 1 ^ players and their passing and shooting, which was at all tines anperior tothat of EastemV enabled them to roU up i large seoR;

The gaaredid not by n o » « « ! ! ? **>*?«»» spectaoriar ahooc-lag^asplByerB on both teams •ade naav difFiealt shotadariw S K S T ^ B-te" foi^fht hart to held the vwttors to as low a

rwpeasiUe and awe aad again in bbdaiwnnay

Y NKMT OF tAST WEBK ["** <*' — 'purchased

On Sunday night, between 10 and 11 o'clock, some one stole a valuable three year old percheron mare from the bam yard of Mr. M. H. Whitmore, chairman of the Board of Supervisors.

The thief also stole f rvMn him a bridle and a saddle and bridle from Mr. Joe. Arnold, who lives on the adjoining farm.

Ea r i y Monday morning Mr. Whitmore got in communication with Sheriff Ed wards and a search was made in every d i re e t i on . The animal was tracked by them ov» a circuitous route as far as I^esburg and on a badt street leading into the Washington ptke and thinking the thief was head­ed for Washington, they imme­diately went there in an automo­bile but found on furtho- trace.

Circulars have been sent o u t broadcast, describing the mare as a three yearoid Hack, with white star In forehead and one white hind foot.

A reward of $100 is (^ered for the apprehoision of the thief and the recovery of the animal—Lou­doun Mirror.

The Democrat has since heard the h o r s e was later found in Fredericksburg where it had been sold to a liveryman of that pl«ee. The owner of the stable gave the ri>eriff of Loudoun a full deserip-

t ^ Bten mmi wfaon h^ die horse.

*'-'•— " - ' - f M l l i f

Since my arrival here m o r e questiooa have been asked me re­garding lime than any other one thing. TJiPft is no doubt that the •oils <rf ftince William County need lime. I have not seen a farmer who have used lime, that have not got very favorable re­sults.


Generally one ton of Burned Lime and two tons of g r o u n d Lunesione per acre every four or , five years is advised. Soils vary in their need for lime. Rich dog soils may r e q u i r e t h e a b o v e amount, while sandy soils in a poor state of fertiUty require less. On the sandier soib of the towo-l»aif of the County one half too of burnt Ume wouki probably be sufficent. Fran's'Agricultural Cbonistry reeomends the use of 200 to 500 pounds per acre M quick lime and one ton of ground lunestooe. I wo«iId advise more than this amount unless aM>lied OKwe often.

VALUE OF LIME Lime increases the fertility of

the soil in many ways. It Uber-ates the potasb more available in the soil and nauturalizes acids a n d m a i n t a i n s the SMI in an alkaline condition, whieh is the ficaditioo most favo?^^ tn, -m^^ e u l t i v a ted plaoU; it aids the ««»wth of bacteria which con-vorts otganic nitrogen to nitrates.

1 -^— — • ~ > « c and later i S i ^ i ! ! •'*«««» a man weU known

_ — ^ m a i i s v i c i n i t y . Aubrey Keys '"=™» «xanic nitrogen to nitrates.

Southern Railway defeats boys ^ . " i ^ returned to Leesbunr favors the b«:teria whieh assim-bv two points while the giris de- i!?!l Prisoner, Keys, who has 'Jates nitrogen, and other bene-feat Warrentoo High Sdiool de- „ • " * * ^ f « ^ e » ' a l times in fiaal bacteria, it flocolates day cisively. | Manassas, and arranged before —-^-'~ • •

Before a huge crowd m Con- ? * ,^^*T' ^**°» «*»««» with ner's Hall Friday night, two ?f! l !I5 "" '***^ fiwn J. a .. . „ „ „ „ ^ , fast apd interesting basketball L J ^ S ! l *** VaL but the easUy penetrated by rain;it unite Rames were played. The South- z T f f r J * ! **!!****»• n«yor with phosophorie add. prevent-•™ l^ii * , W « K ; . - . I cost of the plaintiff: I ing it frwn f o n n m g l ^ w L S e em Railway team, cf Washing­ton, defeated the Manassas High School boys by the score of 19-17 while the Manassas High School girls defett the Warrentoo High School girls by the score of 22 to la

Boys Gabe.-Shortly afto-the «o»iairof thegaae tte *^-rr »»P*«««* e » e ^ matched. At

particles, making the soil more crumbly and a better tilt, more rententiveto wato-and more easily penetrated by raitt;it unites

BO tJme did „__ l«d of over fear paints.

The local boys led oaty the lewnawiiiesofphiy iist half the load better

•wvanbthe the


A«ain Ke» was wanted on several charges. OnMarchSOth m«. Mr. Henry Merti, of Nokes-ville. arrested hiaincv his home ' J « e h e was trying to ihspose of soiefhickens. Mcrtx. with a r e v o l v e r Mkedhim to

toMiaiiii with hiai and _ MPtted to

dosa, hot

ipvena _ s^wwhdifcrthe

ef the „ AvrillemafCovt. Oi April the 13lk Keys

A. a . ^ad iaMltf lt

Phownphates as iron and akimina. i t t h u s favon more hixarioas KTOwth of vejcetable whidiiaereaststheocxan ter in the soil if tvMd or it awved. a h u g e q o a n i t y

inthestubWesandreote. ^ r f w e c a t i - e wine l ime , nawviagall crops and add no fotifaen t» take the piMc «f the

' Tetter «r phM f o«<| the soil. wmm.



Page 2: The Leading News|>aj VOL. VHI. NO. 7. MANASSAS, OAY, JAN 18, … · 2014-03-21 · fied by the el^c of this Board to the


Korthrt^w. W. V«^—-I lued Pt-rortte I'roMTiptioa to build np uo atitl to auty mt" Uiroujcti wbfu lu a tiflKfite w«7. It vaj» just what 1 M«Hl«a aud I w» well xatisiWd. It INIC me in •ood abape and (Henmoie tb« UDi>l«ti»-ant fe«tur«H. I bave given it to my dau rliter. She in w«><ikljr aud ha:« trot)U« pei-uliar to wotueo. It bit* beea ver}- fund in this ca ie. It bt liA l her to get MniiuM r after fever. It o^efvaue (he veakueMi. aud built her up vtuklerfully. I am xlad to rweum-ueod tiiia remedj'."—Maa. I'a^caa TALKISOTOIT. HaaiU ATeoue^

lom-hburfc Va.— 1 am faaiiUar with Dr. lleroe's reuediM aa ve have wed 'Favorite lYeai-riptioa.' Hy wit» ha* fooad It « BMMt raluabte •hNlicliiA for w<oiiieD. Sl>» had been beoadled and waa writ aatteflad with it. ao w« (teertailjr recoiamend tt."—Mm, S. B. UACKWOBTH. VM CkkbeU Street.

Tba mlcbty rMtoraUf* power oT Doctor Pierce's Favorlta PrMcttptloa VMdity canaca all womanly trooblaa to dlnappear—coapela the orcaaa to proiierly perform their Datwal tme- I ^f^ ^ tioas, correcta displaoementa. over-' coinea inesularitles. remorca pais aad aiiM7 at c«rtalB tlmaa aad briom iMck health aad atreaxtb to Derrooi Irritable and ediausted womea.

What I>octor lienvM Kavortte Pt«-acripttoo baa dooe tor rh aaaiwli It will do for }-oa. Get it this Tery ttey from aor OMHlic ne dealer. In either Ugoid or tablet tortu or ^fod 90 cents to I>r. IVrce. Invalids' Uo(«l. BaffaH X. Y.. for trial box ubleu.

iCoMrrtsM. m^ hv

It waa a goMl daal oC.a hoc* to Roy * ^ « « « • « « • bto datar. Mn. Brwia Throos^ Imttad hlBi to aeeompaay hai •«» aad tkcaa lady CrlMtda oa a aln> mlasiww. Kac aaet ly that ittkar. far tbcra was a psipoaa to tha tt«l» rhsrttafclaL, T W f o v


Quetlkm* of SetT—An tnlly and I properly answered In Tt* People's; ConiDion Senae Medical Admer. It citntains tbe knowledfK a yoong rr^-n <,( j woman, wife or daotcliter bbunid have. i. lUOK paced wilfa ooior piateb, and tx-ond I u cloUi. By man, pRpsid—ia Mcemt ol 3 dimes or nrs'npa

The histerical sodetvhas a let­ter written in 176a It was found in the coat pocket of a husband who took it to mail for his wife.

Men who say they don't go to diureh now because they had too mudi of it when they were boys are seldom observed to apply the same rule to apple pie.

eoadltioaa i s a certain that WM to ba ap-

portlooad to tbeoi as thsir o«a a^Mdal tertitnay ter the winter.

"And I weald Ilka to ten yoa brtac ywo- camera aloac Bo»;- saoceted Mra. Throopi.

"What'a tho tdear "We are aaxlooa to fet aoae typica.

pictares ot tile way titese people liTe," explabicd hia siater. -to show la a lee-turei."

"I see. Very well, altboogh I shall scarcely be at my ease tscginc font Udiea at oae time, ru teUow dire* tionsL-

R was time for these charitably dt» posed ladlea to get basy. for wintei had come oo hitln«ly sadden. Tber« ! wen? sqnalid roonm they p«;netrated j where the temperatiwe waa that of ai,! iceboose, not a fracment of flr« i^ siclit aad children hnddled ander rac ged bed«lotbc«. ahiverinc sway th« -hours tiU Bsetbar came home from hei |

Rheumatic pains and aches get into the joints and owiaclea. making every movement torture. Relieve voor sur-lerini; with Sloan's Liniment; it quickly penetrates without rubbing, and aootbea aad warms yoar sore muaelea. Tbe eonKe9t«d blood is stimulated to aetioa; a nogle applicatioo will drive oat the i pain. Sloan's Liniment is dean, coo-venieot and quickly effective, it does not staia the skm or dog tlic pores. Get a bottia to-day at TOOT Draacist. Scent s . \^ - • » ~ ^

• ^ •

What has become of £uhioned man used to spring under his coat eoUar to keep hiseoat from getting oat of aimpff

"Oou't take on so, dear," she soothed snd she allowed tbe poor cfalU to nesila la her uMHherly arsis aad weap away her surfpw.

Westou saw to it that Short waa decently burled, lira. Throop took the slrl tUma to her home. The story tuid by the latter seemed to coaiirm tile report that her uacia had aasn bet­ter daya

"He was verx kind to OM," she tol "bat we Uved, oh. so poorty! Many Ume ho would tell SM to lie st sud patient, tor some day I live in a palaca. H« must havs^ this.** she woold say Insenooosty. Inc aboat tho comfortabla hoate

I Mm Throop had provided tor I Under her nci I developed marreloaslT. {aaat csnosata. her

oat atroosly. Ska sine la tho world, aht

Mra Throop, aad avecy word aad losk eviaead her gmiitade and lo«« ft>r her pnteetrsaa aad her brttthar. ^ rkeery aad helpCU aboat the b She woald devote Iioara to aad rearraasinc the xooos a ton did hIa wrttlnCi for h writer on sdeatUlc sobjecta.

"Pleaae let ma stay aad yon tarn oat aU tlioae wise^

I pacear Khaa woald plead. I «Biet « s a moose^"

One day Mrs, Tliroop came S k e r brother in his Uterary sanctum.

"Roy," she oke, "the ___ to use soine.Qf those views of _ ments wliich yoa took when we ered Elma. Won't you get yooTa^e. stives aad select those most appcopti-ate for an iUustrated le«nr»r* -

It was through one of the pictures that of the room in which they bad dis­covered deed Eben Short that Wes­ton made a remarkable discovefy. The frosted window panes showed micro­scopically dear in the iwiat He ob­served that one pane was marred with letters, words. In a Hash the-«ath occarred to him. Helpless, dylag. Short had easayed to leave a messaga. He l«*d traced tt with the key ha had «s«nd ia Skorfs hand and posasssloa o« wlilch Westoa had retained the «aly Bseaseato of the tragic death.

* leave aU to my fhithftal Btea," it "Bake the key to tte ndeUty ~ there the wrttiag stoppeC

A gleam of saiigfatenment came »Pe«llly to the qalcfc mind of Westoa "Flddlty Deposit vaalts." ha mar mored. with a glow «f keenly araased interest. "Andthokc^I I thiak X aa-derstand."

He aadtfstood so wdl. that wtthln the hoar he foond that the kc^ ttted to a safety deposit box in tihe vaalts of tile company named. Within ttwa< foond the savings ot the miser, ovet twelve thousand dollars, and a signed order to pay it over to EIIM ia rase *€ the death of Eben atort.

"Oh. doat send me a v ^ r plead.Ki •etaallv on her T

Wcstao. , " A I * air! please _ _ _ _ _ _ aad ke«» it. bat keep a>« tSoT

He tkriUed aa he read ia thoae Isor ^ ^ v a a that to wMch Ms seal 4n id^

rfed-lave. She had beesoM to Um those few briel r'Tsaanl

«f coBinaainaaklp. He caoid aad he told hsr s*

^ , ^•ter smUed happu, iafanncd her that he

PcHsyhaiii Aic Sef ^akB Si CUompmtg WaaUiift9£,


i who kwahtsat at orialer. loach at twalva • aer at six are aioMst eertam ta be tnabiedwithiadiKestiea. Thev do aet

jfereocmeal to foe* taking another. Not


A Big Overcoat Sale Indaded Are Ovoxoab

MaiIetoSeliat$15and$18 |

$11.95 They are truly excellent val­

ues, in desirable models and pairerns—and the price is one of the advant:iges the Economy Floor brings you.

Single and Double-breasted— Pinch-back, Full-box, Body-fit­ting, Conservaiive styles of Overcoats—with velvet or self collars—in plain colors and ef­fective fancy patterns. Also great, big, warm Ulsters, with the deep collars that will wrap around the ears.

All sizes—and last—S11.95.

while they J Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't'

i simply ask for a kidney remedy! 1—get Doan's Kiddey Pills-the same that Mra. Cookaey has twice publicly reecMnmended. Fo6t«r-Milbum Ca. Props. Bof-fah». N. Y.

"Wi it profession do you think _iingest hog will foikMvr' ^'a." replied Former Com-

Jossel. "judging Jrom the way he hkea to play 'in the dirt. I think majrbe he'll be one o'these land grabbov yoa read ao much aboaf'-Washington Star.

By onlcr of tba O m i t Coon o# PIIBM W i a ^ ComHT. it> IlM«nlMr tmn. UM.

Jolia I . Praetor, B«*JTar. oCc.. I PitMxuxh L i ^ Sack Fkrm , *«**" " " J ^ t

Cmmtvanr. aCovperaUMi. ct aL I Th« o b w t of this suit is to nearer of tbe njd

th^Pmiburr t Uw, Stork > i ™ C o m w a T i

of tk« strnte of A r i a . . . Arfeitdit thoml . tik*

lt>*ar of Owrabcr. 1»1« tad eoots br J M . I . V™*^- ^'**'*" "* »•» F>™t Natmal Bank of * 2 ^ ' " t , *^ «»»oci«tioB iiiioiilHi ^ti«x

y 'T°e» vn*«in fonatr. ttet Hw auS

Wo How's

Oaa Boiiarsa Biinaia

aacba ewrsa by BaHa COtank COTCL Bairo catsrrk Care kas ba«a «Tki

jy rataiik sansms ter (ha past •hirty-kva yaant aad h ^ baaame kaewB aa the moat nliabis n Ottank. Baira catarrh care


We can ondeistand the with whidi a fool and his are parted, bat what . is how the f ooi got the part with.

l a a a men who have

"the ast Impossible Shsi" •'M the smtrtaioalai eC the expense. Saw

aad wrtfare s ( by tbi.v Pa-

^ * — • » latemits la a swtssr e< f s ^ t i m i . The yeuac SMa ^ > ^ ,> - * ^ * ' * ' * * - ' * * * t y t f > i a s k a t a ^ aasot aa asefoi as a Ckri t r re kaa a

va. Tbe gM who caa get ap hat • ' ~ " is a

- I f ^* * • * « t a kav* hmftrm ^

a a e t M a f k i r - ^ • ^ ' > ' * »


A n » ywi a«v% tahcB Bsirs Oatatsh i O w . t s r *•*«**«»— yaa wui a»a a |

_ ^ A : tuttar tbSSi SSSk '• . •« • « • ana act rf« e f eatanfc.

mt far teatlmotala. trm. T. X CHSHBT * CO. Tatsdsc OHO. I *-" by an Prsgansa, we.

Dr. King's New Discoveir is » sootk-inj. healing remedy for coughs and colcU that has stood the test of nearly fittv years. For that cough that strains the Owoat md sapa the vitality try Dr. King s New Discovery. Tbe soothiiw pine balsams and mild laxative ingiadn » t s soon drive the coU from the svstcm. Have a bottle on hand forwmter coidL onoupe, gnppe and bnwdiial affectao^ At year Druggist. SO ccnta.

Statistics show that the aver age woman would rathe draw a bhmk in the matrimonial kttterr than to take nocfaanee atatt.

Onee ma gnat while yon who thinka o r i g i n a l

? * ^ * y « * » ? « * • •••fc " i* oaSMSasa 5 2 f t 2 2 - .*'—• «*» " * * g «*J»i^ rm. wnm pvoovot roc anethor vart ^mtmut ^Boaaa-i » « t » t t » \ . B ^ Pak«.ky Joka U rrMsr. Oo «;«««-of TWFIiMNatlM^ Bank of - ' -

Dyspeaiaa is J sstsrs digestioa.

Aawrica's^ CTwae. To —" .-i' aetawi weight, gsed

doek'a Bloaa Bnteim. SaM at ail d c v l>rieaSl.<a.

WfltaM c ioau. t k « tke arid Cmnpimi m » fcio^a

it is


Doaa's OaKmeat far ii KtgalaU tor a aildr

Daaa'a SaMat

Any oM dewl fidi caa i: it takes a hye oae


V Mwca sMg ~ w ^ la mtr tamlaad Mai ItaasoL r^^m^ ^ ^ — ^ ^7^ ^ w a • ^^m a s m a 0 a M wany hadlsa aMn'g ^klaCa " V M B « ^ ^ ^ B ^ W ,^_ '^^ '" ^"wiw w a lae aoisr day —a I M V aCCtoaakartaki'a Ok^ik Ksaadv ^ ^ «i .Okfiaik«la a a d ^ ^ H ^ ^ — _ w a y ^ ka Mm ^a^va k a ^ ^ apa« »»isaiik , fc. avasTtkaait kaa casad wa; I aave

^m ^ ^B<m ^HK. l a s y anax Mr th»r wka w ^ rrmmM ^ •*. — T^ ' ^ » . . .M — - - a_ _ . • rr*^ SpedahNotke To Himters

Ice G-eam

»«afi»a.,i£^5s*fcsiJCl!r;iJr^ »r*. iim-* af,j ,•;: kle everrwkataT ^ ^ ^ ^ * * « » - ^ «ar»ek»« crratarr la krv km«s mim% *

^^;^r=rr: i B«va*V«nrg^ j-Sv^iyi*^.^

^ • l * B 4 i « c « r


Page 3: The Leading News|>aj VOL. VHI. NO. 7. MANASSAS, OAY, JAN 18, … · 2014-03-21 · fied by the el^c of this Board to the

3or~r bti'n

LOCAL and PERSONAL. Interesling News items GatKeied Here and There by

our Local Editor and Condensed for Busy Readers.


| | _ ' Miss FraiKvs S'>ieR has —, on ihe bick list :his week.

Mr. Will Marstellar is spend-; inK this week in New York.

Keifiiiaid Lewis, lias acceutfd ia pociiuon in J. M. Bell's Bake­ry.

Mrs. Marvraret McGill is quite ill at her home in Gainesville.

Manassas Presbyterian Church. Rev. Alford Kelley. pastor. Sun­day school at 10 a. m.. subject.; First Disciples of the Lord Jesus. Preaching. U a. m,. subject.

u I • wu . i^*'- C-E. Meeting, 7 p. m.. Mr.LouisV^hitestone.ofAlex- Seeing the Good m Othe^!

Preaching 7:30,


Miss Mamie Lynch s p e n t Mondify in Wjkshington.

Mrs. G. G. Allen who has been quite sick is improying slowly.

Miss MargaretLewis spent the

ington. Mr. James E. Nelaos who baa

been on the sick hat is much im­proved.

Mias Anna Jackaon. of Ww> natoa. spent last week with Miaa Maude HaH

The infant daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Breeden i» quite ill with pneoBionia.

Mrs. Kari J. Aoatin visted her Hater. Mia. Otto Gatahaa. in Waahington Monday.

Numbers of hoya aad g v k have eigoyed skatiaf on Fott-nex't Pond tlw wvek.

Manassas Lutheran Gboreh Sunday school Sunday 10a. m.. Pkeadiing at 7:30 PL m.

Mrs. ClandeHarreU. ofNokea-•iOe. n the goeat this week of Mr. aad Mrs. C ^ Nash.

Mrs. E. T. Garfaer. of Ham-sonbone. is spending some time with Mrs. Bea Hediiekat Nokea> ville.

Herman Bryant was a Wash­ington visitor on Sunday.

Mr. Edger Nieol. of Alezan-<ina. aras in town IVieadav.

itf- Edward Flaaiiery la quite

andha was in town on business i Monday.

Miss Belle Tavenner. of Balti-_ I more, is tbe guest of her sisters


week-end with friends m Wash-jill with wm^m>^^ ^ y^ ^^g^^ nearBnetow.

Mri'C. A. S. Hopkins eoafiaed tohtfhoow Witt aa attack 5of the lagrippa;

Cheater Amoa. of Alexaadria. waa a Suaday gnest of Mr. aad Mrs. L C Caaaoo.

Sendee at S t Anae's Memo-rial Oiapel NokeaviUe; Soaday

oniiiwatUo'doefc. A very vahiahle horse belong-

iagto Mr. S. M. Weirdied witii ooUie Wedaeaday Btoraing.

l|r. J. a I^iaafcnl for the Steel Raage Ca is snead-iag the week widi his fumly in town.

Mr. aad Mr& J. F. Revelle. of Warrentoa. Va.. was the gnest <n Soaday of Mr. Md Mrs H. P. Davis.

Mis. Maigwet H. Bowea. of Breatoville. waa a recent of her daughter. Mrs. D. H. Oertly of BrooUaad. D. a

Mr. and Mrs. K. White, of Ok-Miss Lillian T-fta -Ktiriiin has re-1 i*iK>ma, whoqpent last week with

turned from Missouri where she j ^^**' flute's parents, were Wash-has spent the past year with her >Qf<ton visitors on Monday.

"»*«'• I Mrs. S. Long has returned to

Mra. J. M. DorraU and MHk J. ^••*«»> ^^ -

Mr. J. L. Dawson and T. M. Ruaaell are attending the Virgi­nia Road BuiUers Aaeoetatiaa. at Norfolk, thia week. i

Mr. aad Mm R. M. Jekins have rented one of the Lfteau hooaes oa Portaer ave. fonaerly oeenpied hy Mia. SiOiivs.

Notiee elaewliere oa this a display ad. of Mra. AdaaisoB. abe is offeriag a redaetiott ia ladies aad natrinused *«fti.

The Feed and Supply offering "WhiteRose."the of flours manufactured aad^, aateed by them. See displ^'rad.

Tliebaminc<tf a floe at^tbe hoBMofBev. T. D. D. Qfrke caaaed quite an exdtement^lrfcidi closed the Fire Departmqig to be called oat. No

laven The Play "Excuse Me br Eastorn CoUege Qob at Culpeper. last Friday Bight was largely attends^iand the play was a nerfeet socee^

Mrs. CunninghaiB. wfaa has been the. gnest of her bn&a

R. McDonald, ennty supttintoident of schools, Mkre-tumed to h«- home in Peaasvi-vapia.

"Maple Grove" the boi^ ot

subject. Peace. Wednesday. Union Meeting un­der the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Prayer for National Prohi­bition. A welcome to til viaitors.

Special Chase and Sanborn Tea and Coffee for one week begin­ning Saturday January. 20, at J. H. Burke and Ca 2 Iba Chaae and Sanhoms Seal Brand Coffee 3Se per pound one beaotif ol Jap> aaeae tea pot free. 2 Ifaa. Chaaa aad Sanborn Goidea gfew Coffee 90c per IK 1 Japaaeoe tea pot free. 2 Ifaa. Chaae aad Skabora Special coffee 2S<; Uk 1 Japaneae teapot free. 1. Ih. Chaae aad Saaboras Empccaa Kooriaoor ladtaaadCeykmoraay kind of tea. one tea pot free: Theaetea pote are beautiful aad uaefnl Our aim iagiviBg them away ia to pboe Chaae and Seabona eofieeand tea ia more homes. The tea pot iteelf ia worth SOe. if yoa dont get your mooeya worth retnm it and your money will be retomedtoyou. Try i t


« « • o. Liong nas returned to "*" A number of people from Ma-•*»««• home at Independent Hill!^^ ^ ^ Mayor Janney tocated (saaa attonWAti tKa coLa <vf T D ' after sD^nriinsr fnrn tsAairc: » ; » k ' W c s t o f George Washiqston with nassas attended the sale of J. I^ ' *f ter spendinjt two weeks

Birkle estate held at Nokesvilte. ^>^ son, in Rienmond. Tuesday. ! Miss E. H. Osboum, of Manas-

•edCoaner.ofHebron "^High Sdjool. after severa! spent the week-end I nsootha' ilteess in a Washington

with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. [ bospitai. has re£umed to Manas-J. J. Conner. sas.

Mrs. R. R. Turner has re­turned to her home in Alezand-

There have beea some parties huating on the Bee Lomood farm in the past few daysw and while Mr. Fraiier is not willing to make oadi to same he says he is satisfied he knows the partiea. We do not want to prosecute any otoor fri«ads but we warn all ^^ . parties that just as sure as they ! p A i l e c T U I T V I i irc r r are caught they wUI be prose- ^^U^fc I M£Y LIKE IT cuted.

C. J. Meetze, Supt


Young man. if youwanl to b ^ come a leader in

the woddV afiain» save a part of the salaiy you now earii, hetpyaaceytton the (utweaiKlaaKljr your bURiDeit. Men who nuJbe food bum the midnight oil—at hone widi their boob and plam

Put Your Savmgt iaOnrCara •a tluit you toMf hmrt funds on hand to Cnwp buuneM oppoitunity wkcn k comet your way.




Witkoot going into a lonf e»planatkw aad s»«K«««>;«g the patience off our large family of i^Mlera aa to wby, how. e t c , the real reason so many read The Democrat is—BE.

they ge t thenews whOe it is newa

The play "Mutt and J ^ " that was to take place Saturday nicht in Conno-'s Hail was postponed to a later date.

Miss Anna Bdl whohaa been mwfined to her home for some time is improving slowly and is stiil aaabie to be out.

Mr. Robb Bissoa. of Aknad-ria. was the guest Monday and Tuesday at Uie home of Mrs. Elta Howard oa Grant Ave

ria after a weeks visit to her mnnta. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'NeO.

Miaa Beohh Pkyne. of Mar-sfaaa aad Miss Freeda Boyce. of Waahugtoa. were goeste this ' ^ • ^ M r . aPd MrsL A. H. H^rid.

Mr. aad Mrs. D. M. Pitti^ a^t daughter. Patsy, expect to leave tbe hMt <tf this week for Pafaiski

I Park, in Fairfax Count? con­taining; about fourteen acres, has been purchased by Robins ' .^ Moncure. of-Alexan make his summer reaiderce.

Colonel Robot F.Leedy a ber of the Legistature fromlPage a n d R^pahonaock Counties, commanding the second Viigin-ia Regiment on the Mexican her­der is at h» hooK in Loray. He has a forkmgh of thirty dkvs. Mr. I«edv is well knoa^ in

4^ VIRGINIA Candy: Kitchen,

IGss Edna Flaherty, Rroprietresa.

The aaaaal ohatrvance of the of Robert E. Lee and

Jaekaon are to take at the Prince William Co.

cnortiMNise Friday afternoon, on-!dcr the auspices oi Manassas

^ " ^ ^ S ? * * ! *''*™'*' ^ ?'***" ^'- ^**" **« been I Chanter, United Daughters of tbe | Bay Trinity diurch. Manassas, at 7:30 anooiated o'ck>ck. Sunday school meet s promptly every Suaday at 9:45 a.

Coafedersiey. and the Manafpas Memorial Aaauciatioo.

county demoastrator.

The orgaoizatioa <rf the next Hooaeof Representatives wiU be **"• Westwood Hatchinson.

u ^ . „ , j in the hands of &ve men—twc:'**"'**f **«*»*"?«d months with M«s Anme B«vers. »ndne,K 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ C X T O I ^ * « « ^ ^ ^ ' •" «terta.» the

hew. Andrew, have returned to!p,^biji^j^ ^ ^ . ^ p ^ j B e t h W a m Good Houseke^rs

Ihelswirfmli VE-LAT-I Canraels a n d

M a r t ha Washing-. tna Candies receiv­

ed fresh twiee eadi wedc

Served m aaty Styles

ITS fresh OyJ

iBethlebam C l u b S a t o rdav


^ " B3O A O UO Cio

We have all the beautiful and fine things in our regular lines and these handsome useful, articles are noore apprediUed as Christmas Gifts than trashy things.

Lf>ok over our stod[<rf Parisian, Ivory Cut Gbas, Candy. Perfumes. Stationery.' Books. Haviland China, and Foontain Pens.

We have the tfbods to pleaae yoo. Aboall sorts of wrappings for Christmas



Prescriptions? That's Our Business

A l e a w t t a a f t e r a p l s a s a ^ v k i t j ^ , . ^ ^ . toMissJuha Fair near Maaas- fjrffi^-i„ uw WashingtJSTsSI- 2 o'clock. Topic: Poulio

idayStar Jan. 21st.


the -Jitk, a* Tbe

•re requested to be i prompt and to bear in aaird the

K tb^ roll

CMse E. Lay He^re; Secretarr. Uaisn Player Meet ing Isr

Ladies and Misses UitiiiD-med Hats:

Beginniiig | | O I L 7 0 | W | January t b e . . Z^HU,

and Endmg on Sat Jan. 27 i

Mrs. H J. Adamson 0 efMa WI ta> the

e f ^ B a a R < m M e K M was iacmtjeed ia

li*e H«e*e by Mr. CmUu »15^ is mem befesc the G«riattee

Mifetary Agair^ Thi-••§ a), j sopfvrids for the coostr ^ jea of a miFitarT highway fna )imm-n s (• U)e Bail Ron Wt fteid. The cwtke pw^ect will c .• JML-

ci.wti • ;

Larkin-DOTreB Co., j a ^ ^ rwy - - J o-« ^ • • i ^xnea aMi tttasaaraaaK ^ fc^^^k ^1,,, i


Advandna. Now it the time to book r e q i ~ « t s . Wehavea

ck of Hone^ Duty n J P«»a tryFeedi

B « Mole Feed, White Otitic

City's Dried GniMy Tkowia Cln|i% _ ^ UMBnwmGnim, White DHUMNMI Feed!, B^rfSniHL Clof«rLeiifD(»7F«ed, CnekedCon, AUM^SL teffy»Gl«teM Feed. nnoti^Hay. Oyster SheUs, Grit


OftkeandW. is located in the Hi find it

Agency for BirdseU Wagons.

il X X


O v Ume, KM4«I u a C « m U

0 » « f » « - OM KMth PM».

We wish to thank our good neighbors for their great kind­ness to us during my wifes last sickness and at the Ume of her death. And that Gods richest blessing my rest upon them in this time of troubles is the earn­est prayer of myself pad daugfa-tern

P. M.Boley.

Mrs. B. T. H. Hoitee entar-taiaed.tha FtMoHy «f Eastan College at tealMtSiterdavaftet^

Dr. Roop was m Waahli«ton (fgrtheCpl-

Phol Galleher waa leeeatly elected Presideat of the Second Fhior Inqtoveoieat Society of


Mr. T. C Dale spent the week-end ia Washiagtoa. retnraiiic to CoUfCe Moaday eveatmr.

The DramatieClnbv^eh play­ed at Culpeper last week met vidi coaaiderBble snceesa. Tbe

givaa m the FUrfaz aad the aodieaee waa

fawser tiwaat aay other pteee whete ^ e ptay has beea given.

Mr. a F. Bowfamd lead the T. M. a A. last Wednesday Bight A majority of the mem­bers were present

The student body voted last Sunday' night to hoki weekly Bible Study Class every Sunday morning in tbe ChapeL Clastes will be organized and capable leaders will be selected.

The Jefferson Literary Society will meet tomorrow night Mr. Raatsey will preside. Mr. Mar­tin will open the meeting by ef-fmng resolutions that *'Alf of President Wilson's policies be endorsed." The meeting wiU then be thrown open for dtrmsB ion on this subject

The Dramatic Club will pco-dnee "Ezcose Me" at both War­rentoa and Oraiwe durii« the

•th of Febmaiy.

the ever fading p^st Roberta lAjleniHii blown 1OVIJIK:1> kuowu to her friends and they w e r e many-as •Aunt Bert" had pass-

I «d the thrae score and ttfn inark j l^ing born long befwe the Civil War and bt'loneed to that class of her race whose moral code was duty and whosM religion *waa love ot friends aad faithiulness to her people. During the terrible and troublesome days of the war when so much depended upon her, she clung to ber h(Mne ties and in the days of Reconstruction she refused to hearken to any thing save that voice in bar soul that bade her stay and serve the ooeshek>yed.

She waa a member of the Bap­tist Church of the "Okl School" and was buried from thofe.

She leaves sevwal c h i l d r e n unong whom are Maria Pickett Ella Harris formerly of this place. Aad now that she is "Gathered unto her Father" oiav ahe reap tha reward that her unalterable faith taught her. As she was loving, kind and altmstie may the "Man Qf Sorrows" raeeive her into that "Hooaeof Many Maa-siooB." No marb le tombetoae marks the ptaee to tril lifes storm hot ia tiie kmley hearts of thoae wro knew aad kived her will rest her faaur: a fame of aooor. won. simply and faithfully, hot duty simply dooe.


1;—l tf, •iiittlgniini' fit^at*' •< U.UU4 StalM, Ailui*. Ca., F«fc IS 1(,

11*17.—Account this occasion Southern j Railway will hsve on sale at Washing-i ton, D. C , and principal stations in I Virginia. Jan. 31, Feb. 3, 13.11 and 14, I j li>16, special reduced round trip fare { ! tickeU, bearing tinal return limit of { I Feb. 2U, 1917 Extension ot final limit , may be- had fiv deposit of ticket with : special agent in Atlanta, Ga , and pay-! inK fee of $1.00 at tine of deposit. ' Consult agenta for detailii or write C. W. Westburv. G. A., Washington,U.C


BUSINESS NOTICES nasT ihscaTioNi nvE curs A UNC

suasaouewT. THact CEWTS

VAKTia-Second hand HaraeM, SwidlM sod UoTM CoUara. at AUSTINS

FOt SUE-SMOiid Haad O M 260 Etct laeabator. O M Singla WMEOO. O M SMafBagErHaiMM. tf KABL i. AUSTIN

n u trnmUKt-lt yw • » sfnid of Matoal •MBiiiata Try wir oU lia*' CoapMies. It TOO doBt kik« ilM inn erMsngoM MM rataatey oo UanuL TgusyoMj <hojc«.;W<.fiiwMnt.>*«fc tt AUSTIN CORPOBATIOM j

Why Not I White Rose?


STOn COAL th* iMst tbmi a bay. J. H. l u k * * C^

nnatKTt Tea! atoeUoa ia «v«r. tiMdriasan ahead VugHM'a m el0?«r. OM Kfa* BOOM

m^mm eaUus tnm Lat'a

AadlckotkH-fdlMra who tkallM;

It'aaiillly tiM napats" King Akotel

V n taa m USK OM ahoiUd h«ar ja Mind that fira i u o n a e * is hfe*. anything alaa that ia parchaaed-tha aoiistuitial kind ttahrava worth BMM than the cheap variety—aad wliile mnlaal iaaaraace te OM^y aoU at tetm«^ the Ditiautte cMt M a<ttiBiW

It ia iSmmgt tooliag to tor the aOo of the r U ?

It pars to iMnra with W.N.Upeeoaob'a F i n li—raaaa Afeaej. which repre-••Bts 7 of the best and staoMeat coBMniee m the worid. with millMM of doUara for aeesrity. QuicKaeCtlo-BMBta a ^ loweat n t M eoMHtaat '***'» «*• be« pcoteetioa. janll-Ct

haxard laearity Hrhy zw«

attics with

While aoMo Mooie iLj t» tothoaMot-

S w a othara wAl «» oat at aidoicht

SIIAY MmiZ-White aad btedc setter dog. from ,my prauaes oa Dec 1&, wot* a eoUar with no name, bat jodkod Witt a aoMll bnas lock. Any nfocsaaiSaii aa to IHMTC thia dog bo foond WiU be aprmrwrwl Mrtwiit ably rawardad. Pboaear S. RylMid. MinMaaa, Va.

And roa'U fiod vwry often, (he people who aaip

Are the people who booze, not tiw peo­ple wbo'K aick.

Yea! soreiy wo. want the women to vote They know more of "polittcs" than

this poor billy goat; Whoac wife or mother'snot home wash­

ing diahes. Bat out doiog wMhiag to boy him new.

breeches; Pertapa, BOW, he-woAt OM ao moch

coah for his booze. That be will be able to b^y hu own

• * ? " ? " • ' • • ' * '«<»*' * •««• »-76: also fireman. Steady work. Waidra Lombor Co.. ^rove, Md.

J Mammoth Broose Tarkeys, extra large toms and hoM. now ready for sale; alao S. C. Rhode Island i«d codcerels. <l each. J. H. Steele. Manaaaaa. Va.

•OTKE—I have mad* arrangeaMnts witij the Foer Wall Paper Co., of Washington. D. C , so 1 can save you money on paper and can make yoo rates throurt tbe winter months oo papering, painting and graining

Geo. L "

wbo woffe froos moraing tia night.

To a^fipert tnetr own faaailies. ahooU iMTeagaod right

To BRMh aad to vote and to try to

WAIITED-50.00(L Standard Tie*. See i^ Lynch A Co.

Manufactured and Sold by the

Manassas Feed Sup. Manassas, Va.

and get prices.

W TOO want to save from 2S to M per cent oo yoor Rre Inaaranee got oor Mntoal Inaaraace Coetpoar rales-Austm.^

OUMMMS zoMlreted and new ones made to older. AU wori[ goaiaMecd. Pmsa reoae—bio. m O c d . Henry C Caawsv. 20tt

farr tkhcCs, ^ _ l o f M n w h t oesirio^ to a«a« lit <tf tickets extended to

^ - - _ Marrk » by periac fee of n.ea. C4Ni9«i; apewts foe deuihi or WTrte C. W. WeMbwy. a A.. Waah-lag^ew. Ol C

IMT hove

w« caa't « 1^ ow-with wiae:

L«t*8 fix ap o;ir fences, ear

start m at poor farma;

Aad IK people

Ladie Suits

thoach w« have

I" »o«ia« the dry. well fall into KM; Aad sosa bare good roods aad side­

walk.* galore, Aad aU kiod« of riamaitimi nght at i

oar doer.

The CiWe LeafciwofGreenwicli beM its usual monthly mectiiw bat ftiday evening Jan. i2Uk at 8 P. M. Th« feature of the eve- „ ^ ^ . ^ ^ _ ^ . MKwaa a detate " Resolyed ^^ •"**" - • ^ . «W dry. that toasiwijia» edacatioa istbe

'thiariaVinpaia's Rry. Robt

While a ^ Mr. Ffcarias. of Hay. the

t—tire or six raaan i

p«y •» iiw. J. w 'pMcoct.

Wanted! Colored Laborers

for steady work. Good wages. Ap­ply in person:

Bethieheni Steel Co Enptoyaeiit OqiL,

•ra. Ayrvaailllr. «< New Y«*, f^M Sombiy last wMk Mr. aad Mn. <1MISHI Sharp at "BraMMstmb. '

Oa rhrt»nam« ntMytinK therv fttxsed »«•». tl»e Otat BevtNMlcir mon" of tbt"** itsithfal few who ' Ltahs rfce tivmsr prrfeai" w»tJ>

WOOD'S fetDS. WTttel

Ptttatoes. Seed Cats or 4 rara


waya«» hand. PrKeaaiway!>

the iow«a« eonaistcat wilbqaai-

'•T. Yovr tKiinmage respeci-

f»ily solicited.


$10.98! We have still a nice assortment of these SUITS that you can buy for the above sum; there is not aSuit in the lot that was made to seO for less than $25o0a It is your chance if you need a suit

Coats, Coats! 15.98^ IQJOO, $lS.Oa

Childrens G>ats $1.98 and iqi.

Hynson's, Manassas^ Virginia.


Page 4: The Leading News|>aj VOL. VHI. NO. 7. MANASSAS, OAY, JAN 18, … · 2014-03-21 · fied by the el^c of this Board to the

N O T I C E ! I Move the Earth. All wrties wishing to havo weils driIltHj or cleaned out. or thos^ needinjr Dumps and well tnachiii-ery oi ail dtscripnous should call and see or write to.

W. C Puckett, Manassas, Va.

I will jrive you prompt service at the lowest orice.



The Store You will Eventually Like. . .

o g n j j ^ wuh uDpure Wood.1

WHEN MOTHER GETS AURMED There Re,,,,, „ N O T . U S . f.r ^^,

Becauio Vouno Son Dooa rhiZmT T*««t SOMH Uncivilaed.

^-ry mother suaa.m, I H H V I U . > « ^ '

;u> he is quiet. uwl-6ehaved. iuwul!^

all at oa,-^itu, flrst thiog site to^T^

« need be. to find a woods w h e r T : > « ^ ViV -Indian.- or W « h w , ^ i ^ t Ignite., with oU«r bo?^ C h T L ™

BITS ASOUT BABIES '""Jo'arS F* '^'OAT. ^^^''"*'''®" "V *«•• Fletcher's t o av WOMAN MEDICO.

InUofs Smile, SM. ^U,,, I . , Maefc MisunOorstood TI,i»g _ j , „ . „ , ^

•n^ Sympathy Maaifeat Thoai. •elvoa la the Secoarf Year.

Come in and be Convinced.

Kaisins. per box I2c Catsup, special size lOc Kennedy's Radiant Bd..23c Loose Coffee i7c California Beans, quart. 16c Lima Beans, quart. 15c Gold Med. Oats, Ige sire 23c Large Jar Peanut butter 2Sc Palmolive soap, per cake 10c

P e r u n a »'«••-«•.Jr^^sr£roJSs£lr «..aaA.!!ZZl!. V""*^" '.-I «»• He ao l o o ^ ^ . * ' : * ?!•*«

ta th* eoora, «, , , ^ ^ ^ fulshed ooman physlciaa said that i^

h^^ ' ITt^ ^;^J:„ »«rt.*~«. at ^^^^ "f* ««6y to hold up S^\^ So h i ^ C ^ t ^ l T * " « « « « ^ .»» doe to tho weohi^ J ^

d. -. ; aainuoo ia-bi%hieMj«iaa^ ^ ^ •saKaaa]

_ Over 44 Yeais

^ j ^ M a k e s Good V«« g—gtPawmiafcbtet fo«

Just Arrived! Shipment of new





I Tdecrapii u d Tele-plKMie Poles and Piliiilt ,for which we pay caah

NLLynch^Co " A I U S S A S . VA.

Wanted! 500 corda of white oak wood

seven indies at small end. P»»ce. $6.50 per cord,

delivered at mifl.

Robert Evansj ,**«»•• for Edward Allcott

taatlar carsics aad aiedkiasZ

block . w v . H o t e a r a h u S o i . ^ ^ •PPoUlnatreqoeocy. a n d d J S ^ a t a x m e d a h o w T ^ k ^ t j S * : , ^ , and come. hoa» with « S ^ k •ad ia«ead o* feeUaj aahauioiL clalma ftoo the IwSetMThOTill BP the other f e U o w T ^

ABd erea when fceia aaJeeo. .nn

t^'".ee""£rsjr*"^* ^ ^ * wui see his Upo moving; as he Z With a haad aader a tanSedheal i X althooch the acaii.i>«»i--%_^ * * •

W . m i a d h e l . « i u , ^ ^ ^ ^ lor Indiana or U^M^tV^^^ •«* After m*ti, toad![«ro.!r^ ' ** «»**>«1 c h e e C T ^ i u w ^ •way woodertor AdalrinTiH i i t i

SBdusUnd: at Icart DOC at Ant

'Vo be attacked by s

Imlutioa. A baby^ aam*. aho aaid. waa the

"»oot ausond^nwood thlas la infancy A r«U snaie niu« hare an Ufco b Z S Jt. hot the espreaaloa reaeBbUaTa «alW whl<A la ao often a a ^ W T J L , yo«n« bahr-a ts«o waa wltho« . . JaZ aad wa. duo to the « , , c««UUo«rS the stuiuach or to aome other ab^Jmt satlafactloo. " ~ ~ «»«• I*yiical

The amil* with aa Idea doea not ap. P«u- Mriler than the fourth w e ^ ^ too, With tho crylns of a bate^ T^ cuntortioo of the featarea ia iae to

^^ ^ " ^ ^ '«'»' «^«'- "^ teara. because tbe iachrynial Oaada

X , " ^ ' ^ ^ . « , « . week, The chief pleasure of aU children la

to change ft«.i one eondltioa to aa-uth^ by their owa effort Thia to 5 i l^Sianln, of the dereiopoieat «< S o

«tot h „ been called the -lmperati»e IntentJo. oT tea,*- Thto toiord^ ciooedaatU after the seeood or t i S

« A ^ 1 ^ erefTthtoa tf Itoaooth. Its aenoe of taate beiw the S M M ^ nxwt reiiahle snide it haai

TTjeattentioa of aU yooac chOdra.

^ "» •mamlOjsOT. taa karat the sl«B*t«iV3

.^yeriaksal. ^ trifc ^ ^ . i S j H t j l ^ ^

•gjast ^Bzperimeat

• « « « CASTORIA iiLWAvs ^Beais the Signature of

to aa aaaaii^S^J',!!!^*"*" '"""«'* ««»•"»«. a»ia5 «Mt^.

, &?seF8r(hrer3iyeais baai •^•^^n^JSaaj^''"**'*"- ,. *

ta -Blc Tloawlnek- that thrill. ^ Metro prodoctioc Oae oCt to JJ'^Pw^ boys ataashlcd over a beo-£ * ' ? » * - " ^ ^ t e d a h o w j o S *W» where the p l « , « , were w«rtlat

Amiaoteiater they were an alaoat ~ ; ^ With beea. and « n ta S T J^ettw* for aafety. When Harold '*«*»«««1 stopped hto M a r a t l ^ h o * " «act |y three biocka f r o . the lo-Wloo. « d right ta back of htai , „ MV AUUoo. Who waa Hj^o,^ ^^

,«*« wlA a hago boaqoet cf aoweriL •«» ; ^ by the way. waa the oaly one of the port, to escape belaTSi

; ; ^ *?•«•>»«» oo by Dlie«.v 1 Otto, while the playew pleated *•****• •"••a with

Ik«a calora aad s o o t e are ttaL rear has beea k M ^ rested by a bah, Oidy thui-l aad te aU caaea ^ a M s a H •""^ b r a a v d Boro thoa <« is prodaccd

parded hoa»e« az« ataaaat wlM^*^»f

-f^. b« t.r.£S52r^^ opoMd pareats always Mttitotttt.

»s.^s^.Sv2riKeca^ ^ " - t , also begiaa to dewlap \Zi «««1 proves to he a aett- fcederttroS ^«^*M1-* A Uttl. l a t e r ^ T S b ^ «» appear aad the bah, has the *«e»a«»o«aeaa of Itaett.

">« «C0 arat appears as a anscalar s nj*. and tte iaiaat gradaallT leom. t« ajda jiah Itaeif fwTwSJaSJ

* '" ** ta irtt the haad ttet to

^'^'^ ^foat Cooatry to Citw. Some ftmbw atattodea a* to

™ •* Popatatio. I . tM. coantr, ««>ai the eoontry to the city w«»


'y,** Whale body.

rtuIiZ'!L?°** •** MPear beCore the t^^ZI^^*^*^ Anthe«a. *«tagof ehOdrea to pttoniave aad eie-MMH'aaddevelope rtowi,. Owwia ^*? ." . "?*< ' * * *«» •* Weaa ta' the p^~««« ta a ree«« «a«^'b.;;;;:;ti-o-".rhto"^ss^:::.:i^j"'^

2 * * _ " « « « "bow that ttu dri/t U « « » s of age, • * « » " * » « « ^ « w t » , i ^ «»»«*« a petted of , cen- f. Tho lectarcr rctated ^

ta whieh the arst c e a ^ ^ 7 _ ? ^ ' ! ^ f^!^ **** * * * action oader tion waa t a k e j ^ ^ ! ^ ! ! , * ' , ' * * « ^ i ^ " ! r « * « * » » were atoaltoTto «Wft has b l ^ ^ ^ S r . J ^ ,'""•' "*• * ' ^ •* •sthropoid apes a a d d e o m^i

" « ta thi* cMmoy. Only oo* had » Pop^Uatioo of »on, than 3ft«„. "^ ^

ider liko coadttie^

P*»»o« . th . c o . , * . ^ With « f « ^ i ^

> ^

Selected Teas and Coffees


For your own daily use or for spe-

cial occasioiw whea r«cMenHB.yo«wat

OurCofieesareaUhigii ««K^--4nat fl«n»^ bat

time 33.131 tnhatijtantv' v...^ l«-<j*ipb,.. with 2 & o o o . - ^ 7 ^ " : ' ; : v ^ - ' > * « w h . w a . \ i i , ^

»«««- with l&SSO. ] . tbTJ^- i° ,r*V^ P"" •» •««'»««»oa. i wantiT there w*re ool, 3LSt3>-nr; t^^ . , ^ ' * ° ^ ' ^ *** »«*«

t y ^ * * ^ * " ^ * * ^ a » o e , to defia, H He Waa Kias . f Mew Yi»«. i j ^ - ^ ? ^ «^ a trip to the coatlaeai.

i if be were ktag; SOTS he -»™=M .. ' " ' b i * • « to sMfce the vnm-l'« >D hn—-^LI_ ^f"^«l drtart anIteM for Ma tnnn w - - * ! / ^

f wa an h o w s between sink , » ] . ^ , r, „ . „ • ^,^~.S^2^\!^^ ^• ; * * * •*'aaea. WaskimRoa I M » ^ ' ' »amrwrtkiaa to wire hte the We.tcheww'eo.att^irfc^r^*'^'''^"*"""-^*^ »*----- - - ^ boalevatd a a d Z Z i ^ - Z ? ^ * * ' * " * * ^ * ' •*•

I '-Tar te> U i T ' — ^ ^ ^ * * *" ''•"' "f w**^ a ^^^^^^ « » iTiSiiii— 4m4 ef tke |, TMp

of t ^ ^ ' "•'. ••• aayo ar. rasmaae*. ^o ^ On»

" nSSHJROCERIES^ •nd Raiwwii S^TlL^ll!!?''*^ Stw«

- • ^ * Sirrah"; £ | i j ^ J- ARRINGTON - - M«as8«L Vir^i. VMkcC CBd


«* 7J»« ta I

*"- ms. ta * * • • •»*ei

^h* m^^^m — '^^~- V • • • • p . «

And our Stock of Tc

g ^ ^ J * * * * * • '^•=;i«ital to «i

• M J - ^ ^ * "^ •»"*• «*«» «a«

•a tf^ have hoaa

"*'4 ^ear

" iJ 'SH A CLARKSQN. i^2:i:~r:"^sst-riH?H~ ^ ^ ^ •^•rmm»WB% wta. I ^i, ^^^^^m or Son^qpn^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^^^_ ; i ~*' _^"^*a» nto ; j ^ ^^


Southern Railway nEN» cAna OF TK soun

la •a«t 1>M. MIHT. "amcM* Mon* ••»• aiaas aow >• taSwwMiML** " iMo i ^^^^?*

soonuotmn. t*o;12^ir^ "»"iSi"-" • 1

MA U-IMJr i«a l to Wamatoa. Ghwiotto-

NOKTH BOUND. N*. Ut-Uuly muapt Sandar. local 1 M M Wa^

N ^ W - n ^ thnacli t n i a t>MwM« Cfc.,.

No. U-Dailjr f m HuHaoobom to - ' too.a47a.ia. PuUmaa PiriorauT

N*. IO-Dail> local. 2.M i>. m. C^oawta 'at Or. i

! r i i r " * n ^ ' * ? ? • " - Co"»«t. at I S i ^ S iA Ji.f,I°T "^Ixno** ""J Gonloo.»ill«. 1 l . i ^ i . ? r ^ u ' ° ~ ' ' ^ " b«w««. UarciMO-jynt aad W«,h.nKtoo, local fron Manaans ta

iS^S?*?:: ^ ^ ' . ^ L ^ I^dlma« Par^iTcIr^ h i ^ - T r S ^ ih^""*^ "•»» eoaciiaa aad ala«-Jjreaja toWacWaatooaodNaw Y o H c » n TZ.

•nsTBouim. K^49-IMIj local far Harriaooban MS M » ^

• ! * » * • petals JLO) a. • . ™ ^ — — M«.Xl-Orilr laaal (oaam«».l>a.K.LM p. «



• M o a w l M B c M


n c

D*. L F. aooa,



' ^ T ^ " ™ HwlalaUiiidyor th« «actiM«<taMh.



P«oo-Hibha * Giddtacs ApartaMata,







Mr. and Mm. Brooka bad bera mai^

bey had had oine . M a. and u.uat of the time had ,*«„ u„i„^, , , ^ ^ , at Hll. After «,ob un,j «,^,y departure of the pr«iiai,.K dauMn. of the cuitoary de|«,U«ea, of Ihe Brooka U . , u « ^ Mra. Brooke dwUire.! ibatKhe waa »lck and Ured of fooling wi,h .hem. and that thereafter aho wooid do all tho eookln* with her own fair haada. Mrs. Brook. • « Ion, oa •othoata«^ bat a trifle ahort oo cxperfeac* aad sad after a week or two of nkM With all the tsato aad Jadaeas of aabeataa. ehopa with aU tho eadar-sa*. aad ota«i«it, of tape-endA aad

Mr. Brooks waa woat to deetare thM • • • was Ma^tl, wearing heraatf to a T^"*: thM he wa«it^p5^ «C 1 •»y,looter, aad that a cook aiaat bo

Immediately alcned opt It was oo the Orat eveaiac after they

had inovod tato a new «at. aad JtS «ft*r Mr. Brooka had taken a ataad of thia aort that Mra. Brook. annowTe*!

««ok. who had promised to appear oa the folto»1n« moml,* « « " oa j

Oo tua retara h.«ue f,«B ,he <,«« Uie foUowtar eveoJns. Instead of Mrs. Brooks, he met at the door of tho

I flat an apparitloa that made ttim clve a perceptible start before he coald control himself. It w „ . ^^ ^ white-turbatwd oegress. with a com­plexion of St.TgUn blackness and the cross-ejredest pair of cross^jes that Brooks bau ever seen lu a human be-Hig.

He u^ltted UKTk Into tbe dot woo «lerin« where his wife could be That P^rsoa came boaortng In .lmo« at that Instant, exploiuing that she bad Jnst mn oat for some dowers, tbe oe-casioo beins oae that seemed to caU for some eelebradoa. "Have yoq seen berr die demanded.

•Oh. ifS a her. to I t r aald Mr Bwoks. T m stod yoa told me or l" •»«ht aot hav« know.. Tea. I have toon her. and I am still a trifle weak f*om the shi>ck.-*

daZ!!"' ^J*t " " ^ ** ''^» "l-tavored daoshter of Bam?" tSwendolya.- replied Mrs. Brookai •Gwendolyn." repeated ber boshaod.-

sinkiaK weak!, down apoo a cooch. « was a very a«TeeabIe odor that

™»o«e Mr. Brook's nostrils as be Ufted V l l T ? " * " Gw«>««o'm's dtobes. And rbej> proved to be no false her­alds. Not many times la Ua life had he sat down to so sitlsfyinB a me.1. be iooo fooad bimseir »a>inc Sippins » cop of delieioOT colT. .. Mr. Brooks Ut a d j ^ . pushed Ua chair bock from the table, aad forthwith ptoooooced tbe sarsoyiiaa Gweadolvn the original f ^ of Sreot ps i e . , - a t . oroo^^ m J*«tws« ao pieaoM and aattaOed that ^ ^ • * " * * *** temptattoa to ••Me hto yaaog wife a Uttto^

"2 •»•«*« have kaowa. thoash." he ••ta SlooaMy. "that thef* wooid he *•*• * • • • *• »bo »ooe. Bow coald | yaa have deliberately iavtted bad iaefc 5 . * * * • « « «*oo»«xa« aetto iato * * tait tost aa wo ko>. - - ^ Uy, * " * • • " • ••*a maud iato

"*by- toany. are they — tasaiud aastoaaly

-Are ihey bad taefcr tm i^ca) •^"'*» » ^ • • « • ta Ml me i » lined atamat twaMr^wa

i!! r-H **« 1 ^ 7^^ ******

I» a Southern Gentleman^ am Named

i^1i;rT*1??" ^^ ' ' I d been m this bnght, happy worJd for several days, I began to get worried like. I didn't nave any name. '

^ ^ ^ ? ? ? ^ ' ^ ^''^^ ' ^ new ^ ^ ^batdya-caU-it" I didn't like ?u^i^ 1 V^ ^^ ^y^ Jieard the Big Chief tdephoniDF afl his department heads to me^ in his office.

ftetty soon they afl came filing ia Tali chaps, short chaps, fat chaps and skinny ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^" said the Big Chie^ "what wfll you name him?" My! how they

^ d wrangled. You know, you have heard them argue whether He'd be called Jack or John or Jim before. Finally, one feUow spoke up and said:

"Why not call him 'SOVEREIGN-? His motiier was a Virginian, his fether an anstooat of the GaroUnas. He cofties from the very best stock. He comes from the very sweetest, ripest, meUowest Vir-gima and Carolina tobacco. He is beinJT raised right in one of the deanest, whitest healtluest homes on earth. He is a SouS emer bom, a Southerner bred, a Southern

^^ ^ t , gentleman-the king of them afl—a real jed and wrangled SOVEREIGN

I tf



2 2 ^ J!f*':i!L'' " ^ ''*"*^ «» "»«y had alrrad, befallcaL "What * ^ * * 9*iar to do a i m nr , J « « b | 2 . - - W » . Br-ka. -WeH ClJ^ » • « - » • • • » It may be y«ars aad year* btfa«o iMo bad -m.a, happcM; so thmv-s ao oae w«in4w

at tbe „ ^ to be «^toyal4e. Gwemtoln «»""my aad atlewt. hat 4*e

yoa * » 2 B « D» retani me" to'yoor deal., ,U - .

' ^ rar Keeiinr fan wotd, and I Iiave, '

Oovereign Cigaieties


A Oreadfol Fire iWarre&tonVirffiiiift' '" ^'*«"n" or aiQrwfaa« I toiaM-—— - etoeiweaasa great kwK. Wc

aad soKdt Office in


CX Nedzcft(jL

Page 5: The Leading News|>aj VOL. VHI. NO. 7. MANASSAS, OAY, JAN 18, … · 2014-03-21 · fied by the el^c of this Board to the

<ili;r iiauaaaaa BtmattuU i>tJllU.SMltU BV

The VirginAA Pubiuhing Company (lac)

•stand u uniiii clau Buil uuttwr Ittvubtr • IUML at tW A.i i.f M»rih S. U>?».

»wo<fcw at Maainai. Va., uadar tha

W. r. SWAKiNCEN. tldiUf a v l MaMcw.

MANASSAS. VA.. TilUUSI>A ^N- >8. ii»17.



WiUi the exoeDtioo of barley, wheat suffers more from sour lands than any of oar common cereals. It is especially imporant to test all land to be seeded to wheat and appiv lime if sour, because you not ODiv get a lazier yield of irrain but timothy and clover are usually seeded m wheat, and one or both may fail on sour soils.'

The Ohio exoerimenU show that lime does not take tbe place of fertilizer or manure, but it supplements them. The experiments further show very etrikinfflv that when lime and fertilizers are used on the same land the yield of crops is greater than the sum of the yields from the two used seperatdv. However, if lime is used akHie and no iwoyision is made for maintaining the supply of or-Kanic matter and plant-food in the soil, the er< ) yields cannot be maintained, and the yields from the use of lime in such a system fall off rapidly and may finally drop below that of unlimited land. Manures, both green and stock manure, and fertilu^s shouki be used with linoe. l ime is best ^K>Ued with a Ume and fertilizer distributer just after the fauMl is pk>wed.



In a recmt bulletin of the Agricultural Deoartment, Washing­ton, as article on the iMreparation of the soil for alfalfa recommends that linoe shouki be ai^Ued after idowing. and preferably three or four wedcs before seeding, in order that it may bectaae thixMgh more frequent harrowings thoroughly incorporated with the soil It is often practical, especial^ whra using ground limestone, to apply the lime to the crop iHreeeding, in order that there mav be time for it to become thoroughly availabe for the alfalfa.


On a day when the Supreme Court hands down a few ucores of decibions there's temptation to wish that U'giblatures could rush ak)njf their work in theBamu laishion.

British statArian who are discussing rntans of preventing wars I in the future are not overi.Mjking. it is to be hoped, the greater im­portance of ending the one now in progress.

The indignant manner in which leading European statesman deny they are even thinking,'of peace would seem to imply thati thev had been accused of something dreadful I

British government tas a crisis of the greavest political impor-' anceon hand; hut it wiU be observed that Pariiament is appropriat-1

I ed t * • more billion tor the war without a quaver. j

I Those famous sentences of John Adams and Rufus Choate j couldn't have been much Fongerif they had deen imp6sed on the { Standard Oil Company by Judge Knesaw Monlain Landis.

^ Col. Roosevelt is gojne to Fiii. where there are no nut eating birds, no River of Doubt and no moose that has to be killed in self defense. But doubtless there is something just as good.

If the New York grocer who says that because of high prices he is ashamed to look his costamers in the face will wait until the bill is overdue about three mokths his costomers will reciprocate.

Republican campaign oratlrs predicted that Mr. Wilson's re-elecUon wouW bring an end to{)ro3perity. It is becoming evident that the orators acted with irisdom in "failing U mention the date." j

"Kansas Jackrabbits havAjuraped from three to ten cents". Omaha Bee. There was a tinie when a jackrabbit was a high jumper, but the gymnastics of a sirloin steak make him look like a lameturtle.

This talk of placing embaijjoes on our foods or good is ail ridi­culous. Shall France, our glorious sister helper of our revolution­ary struggle, suffer for anything on Earth that we can furnish her with? God Fortiid-

Congress shouki lose no time in furthering the redemption frcwn private expIoitati<» of the lederat oil lands. With an oil burning navy this government cannot afford to be dependent upon conscienceless corporations.

Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis of Chicago^ who finds Stan­dard Oil $39,000,000 or somethiag like that, has handed down an­other decision frwn the bench. He declared that National Prohibi­tion is cconing, and added: "Itwill bea damned good thing."

ons Seas Greeti

• ^


We take great pleasure in extending to you our hearty greetings and sin­cere Mosfaes for a very hap­py Christmas and a Pros­perous New YeaTo

The National Bank of

Deadiof Mr. Hedrick ber, the Rev. L N. H. Beahn officiating, and i n t e r m e n t was

How easy it is to tell others, it's no use to worry. < AukeieteisamandoIiB with a press agmt. The sawdust trail is paved with gcU intentions. Tbe Coiooel is just as quite as a submarine mine. OccasiottaUy a fuU-bearded inan tdb a bare-face lie. Fortnnatelv stupid people seldom realize how stupid they are. Pleasures we anticipate sekiom come op to the spectfica-

Death removed another o 14 made in the ehureh yard. h«bJy respected and weU known, Mr. Hedrick is survived by residentofNok«v.lle.las^Sun. his widow, one daughter, M i i

i fi"* ***° '" ^'"i '»»^» and E l m e r all of n e i r ing health for some tim^mil^ijgj^egyiU^ A u i i T*iL ? 'KT *""" '.'^ * - '^""^ •» Manassas sympath-

of the time, he genially grew bercavemenL w<Hw until the final stroke of - _ , paralysis caused his death. • Successful borrowers alway*

Funeral services were held credit lor their efforts. Tuesday morning at 11 o'ckwk at * .o . Valley View churchof which Mr. .^^S^^^^^oiri!' tSTiJ Hedncks was a consistent meai- ta ^^ "

Will the electioD of Probibitiofust Catts pat an end in Florida tobau?

Japan proves its leadership <^ a certain sort by making the higiMst divorce reoonL

Soae of oor eoBCRSsmaa frankly aviate. Outers are up in tbe ap without attaaittiog it.

No man has a right to expect his wife to be a good cook be is dttt kind of a Dtonder.

New. York Hippodbvae No wvoMler siMies ave «U I

Nikola Tcilasav that the Mzt war WiU be e«a i>on tcrribfo this; WbyMtoarittheM!

I a girl tries to dniRe a kin, skeMpaffHtoda it ia a way to caldi it i«bt wbeie she waMa IL

: te a Kaaaas jbflnangbir. the immm why baya imw > that Wilie'a calf fciwwa a» to be pa'a irtaaiti wtt SOM be MMtod by CsL

I aa the aMp that be has act Vicfc

Dixie Theatre Thia Week— FRIDAY

Myrtle Steadman in "The American Beaty."


House Peters in "The Hand of PeriL"

for the farther

•ftbebtad boatenaad ana «at-

TUESDAY Gea Beban in *The Power of Fate"


Ann Pomington in ' ^ u ^ Snowflake."

FRfDAY Looise HnflF in "Desdtiy's Tof."

SATURDAY HoOirook Blinn in The Ivoiy Snuff Boat'

Temple ScbMl t f Nosk r: HiBassas, Vs.

"^ " ip Us Your ^


For Sale! One Amons t k &st Rnrimw

ties in tbe Town of I-ARGE STORB ROOB.

^jnerMo^ Mrt eaeeOwt eettar.

tire bMUiac electric l«i«ed aad reeeatiy Oae hriK iiiiiiliiaal tm. wtich

cheap at «l,tll i

JfsoMataaeaftrdatewifl »e« tbe "•• • •ke aatistaetorT tenm f< rUpvcaMea

jR. a SPRINKLE, Manassas Va.

AOg* P«r pound £or Batter Fit B ' V ' ' ^ n « 9Q pereeot or I^giKr and

'Hkg. perpoondfor Bttter Eat ia ( • ' ^ V km«r tests and frado.

FAilCYIllQUALmr. ^ ^ * * We an the hnrert batter lasaiifsiiaiMi ia the cast

bSrtRJlSiTSS.'''*!^^^^**' ^ • •* ^nKr as aasirt ear BazmaB ^^^^^ ^ ^^•j~

I ' * * ' thcafa fiabescb T^^^ i^ aa <•»•• - - . • • • • aaw te aae K.