The leaders vision

Date Section 4 The Leader’s Vision Study chapter 4 in Blackaby Study chapters 7-8 in Sanders


teaching notes from ltci, siliguri - based on j oswald sanders book, spiritual leadership

Transcript of The leaders vision

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Section 4

TheLeader’sVisionStudy chapter 4 in BlackabyStudy chapters 7-8 in Sanders

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Chapter 7Insights on leadership from Peter

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1 Peter 5:1-7 So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.

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And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

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Peter was a natural leader of the band of apostles - his influence was immense and unmistakable. He made mistakes due to his impetuous personality. In his later years he wrote 1 and 2 Peter. His advice is worth listening to.Care for the flock of God (v2)- a primary responsibility. This takes us back to John 21:15-22 and also reminds us of his care for strangers in the world (1:1). Peter felt for, and cared for, people and that resonates in his writing.

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Peter writes to elders (leaders) as: - a fellow elder- a witness of Christ’s sufferings- one who has failed and been broken- one who has been restored by Christ’s love- one who bears similar burdensMotivationAn elder must be willing - in the face of great challenges a leader must not run or retreat, and must do this out of love not duty. This work must be done “as God wants”

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“Peter says to the leaders, “Shepherd your people like God.” Our whole attitude to the people we serve must be the attitude of God. What a vision opens out! It is our task to show people the forbearance of God, the forgiveness of God, the seeking love of God, the limitless service of God.”William Barclay

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When called we cannot claim inadequacy - no one is worthy of such a call - when Moses said this God was angry, Ex 4:14Then the LORD’s anger burned against Moses and he said, “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well. He is already on his way to meet you, and he will be glad to see you.We cannot pass the buck of leadership or claim to be incapable

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We cannot be thinking about money in our service of the Lord.1 Peter 5;2Maybe Peter remembered Judas Iscariot?Leaders deal with budgets, priorities, set policies - you cannot do that whilst thinking about your own financial or personal gain.Such greed also includes fame and prestige - such have no place along side Godly leadership.

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“I am not sure which of the two occupies the lower sphere, he who

hungers for money or he who thirsts for

applause...It destroys perception of the needs and perils of the sheep”

J. H. Jowett

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A Christian leader must not be dictatorial - 1 Peter 5:3 - domineering manner, tyrants talk etc. are all inappropriate and unfit for a servant of God.A leader should be an example - 1 Peter 5:3 - see 1 Tim 4:12Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.Remember Jesus is the chief shepherd, we simply assist him working under his authority.

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This includes intercessory prayer for those we are leading - Bishop Azariah of India said he prayed every day by name for each leader in his diocese - the result was in 30 years a tripling of membership and greatly increased spiritual effectiveness.1 Peter 5:5 - leaders are clothed with humility - this refers to a servant tying on their apron, ready for service - was Peter remembering refusing to wash Jesus’ feet?

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God opposes and obstructs proud men who claim to serve him. If an undershepherd is humble and lowly in heart God will give them grace.Notably Peter tells us to be humble under God’s discipline - God will remember and lift us up at his time.There is a reward - 1 Peter 5:4 - one that will not fade, or rust.Finally Peter tells us that God is with us in this - 1Pet 5:7 - we are not alone - and God will allow us to transfer the burdens (which we should not carry) to Him

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Do you ever think you are incapable of leadership?

Do you share Peters’ ability to use negative situations and circumstances (Judas Iscariot, denial) as a stimulus in your leadership?

How much does your fear of being alone or isolated, shape your attitude towards leadership?

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Chapter 8Essential qualities of leadership

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1 Tim 3:2-72 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.

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5 (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.

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Jesus trained his disciples:- Example- Words (precepts)- In daily life situations- internships (Lk 10:17-24)- through failure and success (Mk 9:14-29)- delegating authority and responsibility- John 13-16 is their graduation addressGod prepares leaders for the task he has in mind - methods, mission, spiritual and natural gifts all have a clear purpose in his plan

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Adoniram Judson (Missionary to Burma) - God gave remarkable gifts of leadership for the task - self reliance balanced with humility, energy with prudence, self forgetfulness, courage and a passion for souls.

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Martin Luther - an easy man to approach, no personal vanity, plain tastes (which helped him find pleasure with very little money), common sense, good humor, sincerity and honesty - courage, conviction and passion for Christ - a man who inspired loyalty that had the strength of steel

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Martin Luther - an easy man to approach, no personal vanity, plain tastes (which helped him find pleasure with very little money), common sense, good humor, sincerity and honesty - courage, conviction and passion for Christ - a man who inspired loyalty that had the strength of steel

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Hudson Taylor - G. Werneck said of him, “A man full of faith and the Holy Ghost, of entire surrender to God and his call, of great self denial, heartfelt compassion, rare poser in prayer, marvelous organising faculty, indefatigable in perseverance, and of astounding influence with men, and withal of childlike simplicity himself.”

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“God gave these leaders gifts and talents that fit the mission to which they were called. What raised these men above their fellows was the degree to which they developed those gifts through devotion and discipline”

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Without this essential all other gifts cannot grow!Before we conquer the world, we must conquer ourselves.A leader learns discipline from without and imposes a stronger discipline from within.


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People who rebel against authority and self discipline find it hard to lead - hard work and sacrifice are essential.“Many who drop out of ministry are sufficiently gifted but have large areas of life floating free from Holy Spirit’s control. Lazy and disorganised people never rise to true leadership”Many who want to lead fail because they never learn to be led, to follow.

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It was noted that of the 40,000 people listed in Who’s who in America half were under 28 years old. They had learned discipline and the need to make sacrifices early in life - this preparation paved the way for them to achieve great things.As a young person do you:Work when others play?Overcome slobby habits - in dress, thought and deed?Are you always ready, alert for action?

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Do you undertake the tasks others recoil from?Do you handle difficult situations and kindly and courageously offer a rebuke if required?Do you get on with hard tasks and not procrastinate?Do you pray like this?:God harden me against myself, the coward with pathetic voice, who craves for ease and rest and joy. Myself, arch traitor to myself, my hollowest friend, my deadliest foe, my clog, whatever road I go

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Do you undertake the tasks others recoil from?Do you handle difficult situations and kindly and courageously offer a rebuke if required?Do you get on with hard tasks and not procrastinate?Do you pray like this?:God harden me against myself, the coward with pathetic voice, who craves for ease and rest and joy. Myself, arch traitor to myself, my hollowest friend, my deadliest foe, my clog, whatever road I go

The poem was written by Amy Carmichael - a missionary

from Ireland to india - worked with neglected and abused

children for 56 years with no furlough. She wrote 35 books

and was the first woman to be supported as a missionary by

the Keswick Missions Committee.

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Sanders cites the example of Fred Mitchell (a leading figure in a Christian NGO in England) in giving correction or rebuke.He was a sensitive and affectionate man who did not like to rebuke - but did not recoil from it, even though it lost him friends at times. He spoke in love and after much prayer. If he had to discipline he would write a letter and keep it for a few days, reread it and then decide if he would send it or tear it up.

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Samuel Chadwick, Methodist preacher and Bible school leader:He rose at 0600 each day and took a cold bath (whether in summer or winter) - his study light was usually not out until 0200 - a rigorous lifestyle revealing strong inner discipline.George Whitfield rose at 0400 and was in bed by 2200.

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“Barclay Buxton of Japan would urge Christians to live disciplined lives whether they were in business or evangelistic work. This included disciplined bible study and prayer, tithing, use of time, keeping healthy with proper diet, sleep and exercise. It included the rigor of disciplined fellowship among Christians who differed from one another in many ways.”If a leader shows discipline in their life others will follow their example.

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Discipline also includes receiving from others - often we are happy to give but not as comfortable to receive. For a leader the value of such gestures from others is important - Jesus did this with Martha and Mary’s hospitality, borrowing the colt etc.Such receiving can be important and can make for good friendships.

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People who have been used powerfully and permanently have always been “seers” - they see more and see further, they are people of faith (which is essential for vision).Elisha’s servant saw the problem - by faith Elisha saw the vast invisible host of heaven.


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Powhatten James said this in his biography of George W Truett: “The man of God must have insight into things spiritual.  He must be able to see the mountains filled with the horses and chariots of fire; he must be able to interpret that which is written by the finger of God upon the walls of conscience; he must be able to translate the signs of the times into terms of their spiritual meaning;

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...he must be able to draw aside, now and then, the curtain of things material and let mortals glimpse the spiritual glories which crown the mercy seat of God.  The man of God must declare the pattern that was shown him on the mount; he must utter the vision granted to him upon the isle of revelation... None of these can he do without spiritual insight.”

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Vision also requires foresight - an ability to see or hear what is coming, or what will come as a result of your decisions.Carey saw the whole globe as a mission field whilst people told him to be quiet - Henry Martyn saw India, Persia and Arabia (the Muslim world), whilst people at home squabbled over theological differences - it was said of AB Simpson, “His lifework seemed to be to push on alone, where his fellows had seen nothing to explore.”

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Vision also requires foresight - an ability to see or hear what is coming, or what will come as a result of your decisions.Carey saw the whole globe as a mission field whilst people told him to be quiet - Henry Martyn saw India, Persia and Arabia (the Muslim world), whilst people at home squabbled over theological differences - it was said of AB Simpson, “His lifework seemed to be to push on alone, where his fellows had seen nothing to explore.”

Henry Martyn arrived in India in April 1806, where he preached and occupied himself in the study of linguistics. He translated the whole of the New Testament into Urdu, Persian and Judaeo-Persic. He also translated the Psalms into Persian and the Book of Common Prayer into Urdu. On 16 October 1812 he died. He was remembered for his courage, selflessness and his religious devotion.A.B.Simpson was a Canadian preacher, theologian, author, and founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), a denomination with an

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Vision is necessary to most men of God, it develops a largeness to their thinking and acting.When the Pharisees saw Peter they saw an unschooled ordinary man - Jesus saw a prophet, a preacher, one who would turn the world upside down.Vision brings optimism and hope - pessimism flees as you see the opportunity in every situation. Pessimism hold you back and ties you down in the past.Vision leads to action - taking steps of faith - seeing new horizons and going for them

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“It is easier to serve God without a vision, easier to work for God without a call, because then you are not bothered by what God requires; common sense is your guide, veneered over with Christian sentiment. You will be more successful, more leisure-hearted, if you never realise the call of God. But if once you receive a commission in Jesus Christ, the memory of what God wants will always come like a goad; you will no longer be able to work for Him on the common sense basis.”Oswald Chambers

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"When God gives a vision by His Spirit - of what He wants, and your mind and sould thrill to it, if you do not walk in the light of the vision, you will sink into servitude to a point of view our Lord never had - you can never be the same after the unveiling of a truth. That moment marks you for going on as a more true disciple of Jesus Christ, or for going back as a deserter."Oswald Chambers

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Sanders,“Leaders take lessons from the past but never sacrifice the future for the sake of mere continuity. People of vision gauge decisions on the future; the story of the past cannot be rewritten.”“A vision without a task makes a visionary. A task without a vision is a drudgery. A vision with a task makes a missionary.” Dunning

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If knowledge = accumulation of facts, intelligence, development of reason, then wisdom involves heavenly discernment.Wisdom is the right application of knowledge in moral and spiritual matters, in handling dilemmas and in negotiating complex relationships.Theodore Roosevelt said, “wisdom is nine-tenths a matter of being wise in time.”


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Most people specialise in being wise after the event.Wisdom gives a leader balance - avoiding eccentricity and extravagance.Knowledge comes by study - wisdom by filling of the Holy Spirit - see Acts 6:3.Col 1:9 - We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives

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Knowledge and Wisdom, far from being one, Have oft-times no connexion. Knowledge dwells In heads replete with thoughts of other men; Wisdom in minds attentive to their own. Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much; Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.

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“D. E. Hoste knew the importance of wisdom for leaders:‘When a person in authority demands obedience of another, irrespective of the latter’s reason and conscience, this is tyranny.  On the other hand, when, by the exercise of tact and sympathy, prayer, spiritual power and sound wisdom, one is able to influence and enlighten another, so that a life course is changed, that is spiritual leadership.’”

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With the facts in a clear and swift decision should mark leaders. Visionaries see but leaders decide - they weigh the evidence and make a decision on a sound basis.A leader once they know the will of God does not decide based upon the consequences - they commit to what God has revealed, and if failure comes they do not blame anyone else.


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Abraham with the rescue of Lot - Gen 14 - in Gen 13 Abraham had shown the passive side of leadership allowing Lot to choose pasturelands.Moses became a great leader only after he abandoned the riches and power of Egypt and identified with his own people.Paul after conversion asked, “What shall I do Lord?”Hebrews 11 is a list of people who saw vision, counted the cost, made decisions and went into action.

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A leader will not procrastinate when facing a decision nor vacillate after taking one - postponing a decision says you are happy to let things remain as they are, a sincere but wrong decision is better than inaction or indecisiveness. In all decisions we have to live with the results!

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Leaders require moral and physical courage - courage is the quality of mind that enables you to encounter danger or difficulty, firmly, without fear or discouragement. Paul admitted fear - but was not stopped by it - 1 Cor 2:3, but note that he still came! 1 Cor 7:5 - but still he worked for the Lord


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Sanders suggests that Martin Luther was one of the most fearless men that ever lived:When he set out on his momentous journey to Worms he said, “You can expect from me everything save fear or recantation. I shall not flee, much less recant.” His friends, warning him of the grave dangers, sought to dissuade him. But Luther would not be dissuaded. “Not go to Worms!” he said. “I shall go to Worms though there were as many devils as tiles on the roofs.

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When Luther appeared before the emperor, he was called on to recant. They insisted that he should say in a word whether he would recant or no. “Unless convinced by the Holy Scripture, or by clear reasons from other sources, I cannot recant,” he declared. “To Councils or Pope I cannot defer, for they have often erred. My conscience is a prisoner to God’s Word.”

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When again given an opportunity to recant, he folded his hands: “Here I stand, I can do no other. God help me.” A few days before his death, recalling this incident, Luther described his feelings: “I was afraid of nothing; God can make one so desperately bold. I know not whether I could be so cheerful now.”

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Not all leaders are courageous by nature - the highest degree of courage is seen in the person who is most fearful but refuses to give in to it. God’s leaders have been commanded to be courageous - if they had no fear, the command would have been pointless.The responsibility for his own courage is placed on the leader himself, for he is indwelt by the Spirit of power.

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Contrast John 20:19 and Acts 4:13 - same disciples confronted by the same Jews at an interval of only a short time - the difference, “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” He imparts “not the spirit of fear, but of power…” (2 Tim. 1:7).

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The courage of a leader is demonstrated in his being willing to face unpleasant and even devastating facts and conditions with calm composure, and then act with firmness in the light of them, even though it means incurring personal unpopularity. Human inertia and opposition do not deter him. His courage is not a thing of the moment, but continues until the task is fully done.

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Leaders need to be calm and courageous in a crisis , strengthening their people in all circumstances.2 Chron 32:7,8 - Hezekiah encourages his people“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said.

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Not a popular quality - but highly recommended by Jesus - Matt 20:20ff - we are required to look for sacrificial service and the approval of the Lord.JTB, said many strong and challenging things - perhaps his greatest statement, Jn 3:30 He must become greater; I must become less.”Paul showed his humility in stating- 1 Cor 15:9, Eph 3:8, 1 Tim 1:15


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William Law, in A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy life, says,Let every day be a day of humility; condescend to all the weaknesses and infirmities of your fellow-creatures, cover their frailties, love their excellences, encourage their virtues, relieve their wants, rejoice in their prosperities, compassionate over their distress, receive their friendship, overlook their unkindness, forgive their malice, be a servant of servants, and condescend to do the lowliest of offices to the lowest of mankind.

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Robert Morrison (missionary to China), said,“The great fault in our missions is that no one likes to be second”

Are you happy to take the role of assistant or associate - to have no title in order to serve?

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Paul spoke openly of success and failures - he always claimed to walk and talk in sincerity, 2 Cor 2:17Dt 18:13 - You must be blameless before the LORD your God.Sanders suggests that integrity is an essential quality of a leader in the Kingdom of God.

Integrity and Sincerity

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The 8 qualities listed are required in the life of leader - which do you need to work hardest on at this time?How disciplined are you - how will a lack of discipline affect you in fulfilling all the Lord has called you to?What is the difference between integrity and sincerity?