THE LATESTNEWS. LOCAL MILITARY MATTERS. m;M& Jbu … · 2017. 12. 13. · '¿r«. When a vrs-el is...

'¿r«. When a vrs-el is on ttor beam eods, with «rnw Md aaaajfasjaaj at the pumps, you can guess tMt the ship iss.nk.u« if you never atudi.d Bow- ditch's Navigatum, «»r siithted with B quadrant. There is not an intelligent soldier, who now m idle waiting, even tf be was forging boes or Onisliing r.»«e«OMl p'an«»s three month, ago, who dot» out bm when be fir.t came here the road to Kichmood WM «»pen to htm ti it ever was to a traveler Witt a prepaid through ticket. He know«, too, every day «ince batteries «od obstruction« Lave bee interposed, aud that each hour's delay m«»re blocks the route. Hut, trust in God, a..d wait. Tbe ff*nr eat Vnllnndlgbnan. <>rr««votM]»Bi>» «I* !«. N. Y. Tribuna, Ws'H.NOToi.Jnly 12, 1861. Tbe Hms» laid ViiUudt 'h-itu's nrntmn <m the table u> exclude several memiM-rs from its privilegia, be- a-auae tliey held afaVs m the anbury service. Mr. Valk*B<Ü!'ham eviUuitly n t- nd* to eaibaras» the action eft be House sMM as i«'S»iblo, butbe his under¬ taken n game at which wucr meu baveofttn foiled, and on two oecssi«».,« m the «lebet« of this mornine, has bcon made to cm quite a ridiculous figure. The aiembere listen to him with exemplary BBfteBtO, but hi* influence, «ven wiib bis own party, is gone. A motion was niatd» to »mend his uiotion to exclude, by imlmtin.',' him, at » »-»« h he flew into a psaeion und de¬ clared timnelf leatly to meet any BAI out-ide of the. Ho. ac ¡.t any tiue mid | la"-. This raiseu a laugh at -íiií sjanaaMt, arid lit ¿«»or fellow taateaed ¡on» liis sxai jnite cncpfollen. bi Conimiiue of tie Whole, an animatrsl debate wa» Lteld nrxm that pert of i> e Mil.»»try Appropitation bill a^Mha»ri/ingtheei|ittltuiri.t.if .'pOviis»in:enatid$XH>.'>iO - ¦OOO of mmiey. S»>u.e ol the Democratic members were *n fovoi of liuiilintc the nppropii-itioii lo the numbers ami amount called for by U»o 1'rve.ident, Opportunity wai« «^iven for an extravagant Bl\d«sABBl of pit triol tain, ami ¦t whs improved lo an unlimuod tAMAl by Mesara. .Uioknittn, Campbell, Malt, n:»»i rl.ei:, BA Ht l'< pub¬ lican side, who were tsjsdtod to by Meaara. Baraatt, Cox, and McClernund. Mr. Buriii-u, iu 11 t c<mrac af of bis remsiks, avowed a suix-rior allagiaaet lathe fltat« of Kentucky to thai ne owed the Qeisaral ("ov- eminent, and ex pit sr>ed the opinion that Mr. Cmten- den's meaeun» of the laM Batate« tttM alone restore pence to tbe oountry. This uentleman i.« »done from hie own State, iu opposition to the w.;-, und has been often n pudiated by Lis coll" «guet dnine the pit »cut session tool be is car,ml now, whenevr to iteM It epenk, te inform toe llouw that he refPMA BfA only one Dislricl, and doe* nol psuaVst lo spcsaii for K I -ucky. In the d.-bete upon Hit» Army Hill, Valhindi ¿AM ottered un tunendioeiit, providing t.'at s»\en cr».-i.niir- «ioaers should PMeasasAry tie Army to MA ivo su'h verms ef peace from Ma i ó be Is. lioin time to time cbsy isia/ht ivaake. This elicited a withering speech f*"» tbeUon. H'.ndnck A. Wright, arbeoV c!:tred him- eyilf opposed to making pa-ace until the Bobeis tuibuii'.- V«i, lay Qown ttieir arnip, eist iça-.-e up their leader». A sjound of applause from both gallcriee OB 1 lieu** g:eet- *d the stvatimeut. Mr. liuichine, <>f Otto, MM MM ed ¦to amendir.' nt to the au.eudment, to the. tfloct that it should Ik- tit* duty of the »even CemmLuoners to see "XSiat the " s»» wa« vi^oiuurly priMicuf-d la bat «tfirtual Mippression of the Kcl*illiou." This called up Vatlundigliam; and, up^n a m dfeo that teileis be ay pointed to «áotermine the vote upon the aafgtexd uintiiii- -ssut, Iwoaty-otsa BAMt wcro-oountod; und thuri, a apcond tuve, was the ciioit at «liBcr^aiuzalaon doomed M a ridicul'-tip dclttut. Tlie cappou'.'Uie "t ihe war feel tha'they are in the Bg, and wh'.n i '¡ey behold measure, ut'.» r ui>>H*are, for its «rigorous «ad ihoteagh prosecution, «^MMDir bo.h Hous-.- unit Btenttt, with tot Httlt debate .and no important op|»suiiou, it is mere bravado alone <t At «vosa*» rboui to »laud m the way. All Un ir efforts M eïect u rviaty opposition in tbe llounc I- .- > j aaaad iul «ill prove uu.vuiittnr. Tbvte no iDtajM a liem- u«'i»ijáe pairty. If piool were taaatABJ ot litt, u ic only iienessary, «l»y by day, to wittina the lniulesa efibris <: a few old loa ter« t-j rally their trioud« into mi un.ii- -. .(tod front» Of'um the ameuduient for this luirai«« asaate aaaaaaAea irum those ¡i was »le-iiirm'-d it one m ate, and m no act ot Bostiltty vei iMooipiod lias BteM been unntn BBMBaj Ihe p»«-n»l». 1 BS information 1 »eut yaia last eToaing eonceruini» t iSMiiiis; ol me oitíer of battle, for an attack BMA I oiriax C'ouri-liou»«.-, i- BtxateaAtAtf ttnttt. To-tU»;- ws are infor'U' d tliai tue Itoteas .«re iua^ AgJ U.-«-'¡r («js:- pen there for Muuupbui , WABN ti" y in tend to BSMSM ..-j* for ono gTuud battte» g'fer 1 i-e-ma-ti Uur-Menm« r I'tif inel. Ho ion. HolurUny , July VA, i««jl. fbe Iteoah war->«t«riiiiier Cat met, with Admira! Kt- -eand eu board, arrived ut Hal lax M Mt ttk Of «fare, and await*, tbe nnival of five or six. sthtt Krtnch men- .i war, wlik-ii me slioniy expectid. v-'ien tie« rlnet will depart together 1 -r S^ifln m ware:.. IMae Kmrm Hroiia». Ostlward Itonnd. MuataOaVaV, MtarMy, did) tl total. The StCalMehJp Nova acutievj. «;ill.<l froiia «¿u«-l»ec at 19:45 4. ai, lor UvcrpooL tinv Ukts out '.«J or'«. _____^^___^___ Na» Law i or Col» lxtiko CCaTOASV- Tre .»»ale, Kiiiiay, BAtaai tie bill, which bud ¡roviouniy ,»aaai d the iiotir«, provnl«. for the coliecti'jri ol sues in euch pona iih «re si a ted w:,Lli: .States, or fiarte of a fJisue, relnrB-r obedience t/> fire ordinury -r venue-la ivs of' Use tu-u .u. In such cases it is order- ad hy that new Act treat the Horveyore at the several ymrts «bail be sobjett all tbe obi-irulsrns aud pro- need with all in« S'l.'a.nliiii.te ottii-cisof Collector.), «ad that ail the geueiol provisiona of law repu'sticg *jmim Msvl commerce shall H|Miiy to ».neb j»/rts in the «suae auanrsar as they do to ports of entry established by tbe lews now m force. Tbe fi-.M.ient is also . ittiorba.-d to direct that the Custom-Hcase pte any »na.-ict in which tbe (Xilleetiou ol the ctfutom» in the .rdinnry way u oosu-u.:i«.-d, may be crvUtblmbed in any aocure place within sunn drntrkt or on «h:pb<«rd near saeeoaut. Provision is ai«o made for enforcing t Le ^^iTAilnuori« of Coui/rupe uuder tiiis foraai. In casoa « riras» ttoiae BBAMBMxaaxBy BateM may bt found un- «vmlitig for the purpose of protecting tbe public ssvenne, ihe Piesideut is authori/«d, by pr'p-'.iu:*,- on, 'o eusse «iich porta «d entry, and any sbip andcrtakitig t* ftojsnaad soch prooiainatiou ia nno-ied liable to .hrfsituraj. Another seetiuu ol th« bill «tirect* tbst all «eiiiasarraü mtercoerse between othor portion« of the r-iion and Sua»», OT rKiru of Sutos, ilocbtied to l»e in iu .«rrectiou, aceordiug to tho tortus of ne Act of Kító. sLnli cease aad to oniavkfol «y fon^ ., eon- ei'ion of borrtiiity ejcwuv, «¦ Thi Ttx«.s Mtstkrt ir a Net giutL.- I. Then were «',400 troops »u Texaa et la* ûum ot tho Twiggs ¦aasMxate*. II. Tl»eee w«-re all well «vrmed, dhlled, and supplied .vith ample raunitions of wax.good Porte, &<xau»deaj liessnaU, &.<-. UL. They find infonnation of the Seoeft^oa-.remon, IV. 'Ineir btisinees was raH to be tararte <i. f. Why did tkry nut Jghi f \ I. La t a Court of intpjiry seith this. What we Acs Peopie) want to know i», wf,v our oßct.-r$ ei't OB wtkont a ßghL That is Üso mystery that was» be 'íeW**,nf- AaN ÜLÜ OlflCSIU l*»^'OM-...-Amorng the arrival« by the steamship -Wto 8ui, from ta ifomia, were Mrs. fien, ral John -C. Presnosa and foiuily, oil in excellent health. They War« BMi «J pi«, Jio. ^ JJorth |¿iVMr> Dy (j^otnaj tvo. *£*$&******** LreiiLATiov in CaLiroa- Jl'Zt ; "b,P«'«ut am.lrf.maaion of thedirter- U^fV 9l xwm h^ *'r)y ''^u I'*«*» *>y th« C'aU- oanaoLT^*' '** r'°" ,0 ,"'«rn**" r> With ally " Color- m 'mmmi ^aether of tbe Afne«u or AAnlc ratt«. THE LATEST NEWS. EECKIVKD OT MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. XXXVIItii CONQREsSa EXTMA RKSSION.«, July 13, ML Sever»! |*-titioiis were preKeuttd. Mr. MAI.I. latan*, N. H| ¡ulroduied a bill provid¬ ing toi aii «Wi tain S«ci-eiary of Ihe «Navy. Kt.ionod to lie l'on minee on Matai A» A comiuunicaiion wma re.-ei.ed from the Po»tma»t»r- Oeneral iu rritttst to having su»«>cnded the innils in the Set«<i»d .S'utet., which was ordered to l>e Mr JOHNSON (Dem, Tenu J presen led ibecre- itaailataef die Senators eh* I iu Vngb is, namely: W. W ib y in ni.-«, eot Mr. Mason, and J. S. faillie in ¡.la/e of Mr Hatter, Mi. Johnson tbat he ha ked upon it naa fsvorat l«sou«eii for the return of the Old l».m ni m 10 this body. Mr. BAYAliT) (Dem., I>el.) protoijted agabat the admis»! n of lh--»« gentlemen a* Semttots in tbe pluc- 01 AeusUus whose time had pot expired. II« thoiiiht a very grave ijiie.iiou was inv-dved. lie moved i o r. fer tl e eredouifade to the Committee of Judicial) bo¬ tóte ednip i-'erin« the oath. Mr Still. sjBUMV (Dem., Dal) sail the credcnfhl- BBBtedta lie '.'lb dny . I July thiil lb«»e genibm»n were el«, ted Senaois in | but. of Messrs. Max) ami Hunter; bul veHenl.v Ihe (Senate lienled the siii gOtrltta aa a* SVnatoia, ltd when these IOW gctiilcn.en were elected, ta be iudgtrM i.t of ihe Senate, lucre OH no va> mi v, fur ttie 8eua«e t-eatett Mes-r». MaBBI and Huiiicr as such, and expel ed t»em. For tant rta»oii bathauaht lists lu.d latter be retened. Mr. JOHNSON said he bo|»d the inoilon wonld not BttttJL ihe cedelilUils Wete Bs*ttat June cvidtlKe nal .*«¦ g( iilleineu weie ,S» li.'lots tie« I lici inlltig lo tbt Cena'huttaa and hau of Viiginin, ii.« re could 1k> tío objection to their btieg qtalilitd, then auy centrât couln tic »eiihM aii«ivviird. Mr. BAULBBUKT »aid if Manatí Mason and Hua I ter had ap¡ssnr« d yesterday und laiuieil «cats, be would vote lo exp. 1 than, Iiecaiisa they ban taken up amis BgatUttha Unit« d Matea; but il )esleída) tbe Señale had B 'ight lo ev|*-l Mesait. M aeon and lltinter, wn ! had no right now to reC' eyatae ao eb et ion la-fore that tiuie. This wa» the only ot-jtHiion be had. Ilewi-ntoi tlu Senat- to ml Mtiordiug to tbe Coiu-titi.uon und I ti'-ervi' il» ('. nt-tiliitioiial ie«'o*d. Mr. TMUMBUlaL (to p.. III.) referred to th» »as«» of new Si it a «hi. h had eh« led Suuators betöre lia y vv»re reallv ii.tbe Datan. Mr. HOW F. (lien., Wi«.).Tl»e credential» hete art- fair on their face, lim going oult-ide of the crcOi-.i. I. know that ihe id I (tovt-rooi In Hrm» again-l the country, and is n»i recogí.i/«d a (Joven or. hut us a traitor. A poition «if I he people of Vlrui.ia n>c loyal :o tin- Fiiou, aid the loyal aiou have a I* gialatuie aud a.k a icie-en a>ive, and the) aiT entitbsl to it, mid liioeneu ies of (he eou try are not emit|.-d. Mr. it. it hi» rosdtaal t n,«un.ii,g th.ç that was agataol the paaor bra of law, and tattaBttag m*ur- res-iion in tl.e S*i;te. Mr. HACK (top., N.H.I said he wanted to BOtfaa on« tl bag »aid by (be Jxnaior from I lela war«- thai ti.ii woiil«! lie recogí.¡¿ing in8urrcrti«.n. 1 d< nv t1 ut il is m anv way it<cogni;iiig iusurre« lion. It isrtc«v- ni/.iug MB true lad 1 .) i-l uu«-i of Ibo State of \'ir,.ii i.. t»tic petttat >t tbe .Stale of Vligiuia is in itisurn'i ii"i. and levolt, but one r*>ni.*i resm.ins tiuc and loyal, aid ibey iiiui« here and a*k thai tliey may he repr.- eaettd. To he ama thai was no ptteedeni ;ot t i- thing, b«' «.use tl «- woilJ never before »aw stub a stale «t thinga Tula no time «or forms or BBtnasatry. ll was a gneattaa ot In. or death wiih ll.i» attOU BaWtBt, ai d ii Baal be BaaVj and tbe»« very men tor whom so much sympathy is ei,.- -s.-| to-diiv, sat l.ere last W inter aiding the men who ttat. ted und who Sail that Ibis (»overement had *»¦- n veil a stagnating I low. and we date not natal ¡'. That waa the kind of i isull lhal wa» ¡waged ou tho Government. Tni» ibe day and the hour for tue «to¬ d-ion ot ull these exierinar/tits iu tiove.mmcnl. Mil tbe cnlmnaiiou of the gnnd contest thai luis l»eeii going en thiough ail ttaa tatwtta deanotian end sen« s iiiiiimal ko.e.mneni atid lil.»-'tv. ihm is the insiif, I and we ai« tuiitinir the baltla ol all Baal age* Bad all I; general>iai». They hnvt all culminated in th.-. expeiluant we arc anattg to-slny. Sir, this war has la eu toned iDoii tl i* <-t-uuii), torced upon it un il tbe I ant aaasiiea fett io it wa». to submit IgaUtariabattyi or with all the energy it could comuiand send iu entroll. nig voice out to I e aiillu.nnw ho are suhJHct to it«, con- tio , who believe they liad a Hovernnient which could defend llena, au.1 Bronitd which they eon! i lully; end they did rally as never laxqdo rallied be'ore. Ami I nil _v«»u, Sir! if yon Invítale lo ii*.-»l tb» laeue, aid ..> in.-.t it in all ha aBBetta. and all ha eotitingee ie«, h. .<< ' ui ill* H.sir, on ihe fit hi of battle, ami ever) whit", you hi» unwoith) oi i, « day and hour in wl.i b Qod thtratbtl las peratkted you to eua«t Hie p;irt be bus Baaagtadyea ta the gréai ebapu-r <.f human OBttoy« 1 am glad, Mr, that 1 was . oni about tl e ttta I BBB. ee that my Mine i.avo iaHaa here to-day. I am glad tint my 00 ti y i* link.d whb tbe great eotataat that bus ben coming, coming, with every sue. »e-iu- ganar. atlou and «verv suic««*ive exi«nui<-nt lhal Iba waU Banaaadata all tie past. I n-.l laadujthtt all the lend toat bas iwvu »bed in the bstileticld for freedom. Uatitaaa in taWataateatwt an- n weairytagou. I *'-si tttaî tb«' Blood of every patriot who ha.. i*)iin*>l out hi» Ii!'»- on the Hcaifold, tl»» north of it and the et!.. f it ull in lias ii-«ue; and 1 freí «ir, it we are titi.hful Ila the ti«»' .i, batatal io the cr¡»is¡ und bteadulto oar «lut), th.i Qod will paarest on tbia nailon all ihe tl- -. ein.» w im have !.«*. n invoked by lb» pruyers of the pmu» in all times pant. It is no holnl ¦) n.:,n,t in ahleh weaie engiired. It i, no ti.o«. liuuf tipjnn- ti«e «>f the js.sce lecorda to find procèdent» of fo.m. Weawtteeapl the eonattl it eaBeay eVntitnta <>f nny Bttawttaa in tbt pant, bul I trtu^t in (rod la rln-d infjiii'e light au tbe futur?. At soca o time, at sin h a nay, end m auch a coat« si, tbe only gaaattB 1 Bah of your bean n.nt, if U give u.' v.. r hitiid, juin u»'in this grtlt struggle. And it fere at* loyal men iu Vir; I'd« who nre attatBthtld Btttd hi the »MUnn i ivil lib» ty ia tin», hour of peril, It tin m rail;, let lu a form u coast it a'.iom.l govemineat ae tbey fxjet nuiy, and t this Ptdatnl OnturnttM al ur forth it« men and uani« y to BaOttia thOB in tbat tou¬ te«». While 1 am up, tir, I want to eay BBUthnr ti mg. Tin people of this country are oxctsedingl) ha» patient at ihn way i hi. thing tarried on, and I know aot but tant laipaiitarti nil haleradto ladt inaiba. if ibey see when the loyal Brett ot Vrginia . Luinon I »r plies here, the Senate hesiiae atid «tobbarat« wheth¬ er they will » lest it Biigbt contint with some »f tl»e former n.-nt» of tue Bieu whom we BXpt Bed »'< r- day or tbe «lay bol«»re. 1 trun!., Sir, we U ,11 ure the eesatttfe language of the late Houutor fora M ivon n Heut uni, whom von always usrd t<> listen to with «o ¦¦-. -;. :. i- a .¦. . W ne« »«une »'-d i e. to rvilrS'-e «orno (o-ilson bo had taken, " Sir," said le, " I lake no lakward slop." I want tnat tobe the BOtttef i' i< Adminiatntllon, and ahfa Itenoblican I'aMy. And if we entino; pat down Ibis rwl» lie a, let them put ua down, 'ihe .lay of ootupr»niise baa gone by. Wr nave lived on contprooiiac, ii was onr daily óod. The.e was no evil for which a rompromiaa was not pro|»»-ei», aud the nature «if !t was pal Ihtsi llv- party no«/in reU.llion agBtatt tbe lioTCirnui«:it took eveivthing they could take, aixl gave Baatfasg back, aud then culled it a couipromb-e. That iU) is rate, and I bnve no coinrirouilive t.i offer etJCtpl 'be OBattattata ot tbe 1,'mn-d States; that i* grsid emsigh f.»rme uud has aver l»e«'iL Mr. Hale then r.-l« rr<-«l io i":ij.i'.i.r SeiiaUir Harbin of Iowa, who, when he eeaaUBBW, waa «worum, aud about twelve niontba afterward, tie Senate sen', hi u home, Bad hi i people »ent him hack, lie abo referred to the can», of the Indiana Senator«, who had not, as a baBJB p<"t ion of the Senate thought, eren a prima facie claim to a teat, yet t'iey we'e admi te<L He hoped tue *a.i.e jusiiee would he done to Virginut. Mr. POWMLL {l>9m., Ky.| wished to stttt bis pi -ie-,' against lite aduiission of these m«-u. It lo-u.- ¦' like overt un» wing the (loiaxitutiou. Mr TMOMBULL (Hep., 111.) ref«M-r»d to the «jjb* in I 1791, wban a liovernor of Viiginia ap|*«!nt«»d Mr. Wal¬ ker iu Ibe place ot Mr. Jik>. Mason, who relu«.-«! to a t. I iiir-.e .xi., ll« .1 Ketiatora refuaed to at befoio it.--. other n'en wt electod. Ha also rolein d to a ease in Maryland. Mr. LATHAM (Dem., Cal ) «aid he bad »-it--- i W brat tbat tbe Wentern I*>nion of Virgin::, bad sa> «joded. In mat case he wa prepared to oppose iu, 11 w-.uld not rw oj/M/.e iu aiy way tbis n...-' daturabl-: daeenne of eeesaafaa that tia» uov»rnmenf wueutuv into- ted w il ii. Hut tin» was not lb« case ll'ie'Vi- ti.» ,'itai »t-i.l of Virginia, and the Lrvgidaure waa rvg'ilarly eb* led, and the S. nute WI » bound admit these gautlemeu w- Senators from Vir¡»in.a. Mr. JUH N *>«»N (Ciiion.Tinu.) asked if the tW .met dniiiot really exist a U* lime tbe Sena.» expellaU the Ueaators. Mr' H*LTLSHI'KY (»om., Dei ) ask!, in hi« jndg. uent, tbe Seusn« u.ialit have tainted it m, a va. atx-.v then, but irk-jr had treated tbe Seuutor» aa «xptlesi Seruttoi-s. He wished it atada-tiv BriaBttad he had no ayaiHrthv wiib da expelled'«, tor ne a* liered with the Nimiitor fiom Calfornhi tltat th» doe* ttiue of hanantto was a moa» dauiuable oan, ami lesa- ing lo moat dangerous ie-i| ». Mr. JOll.NMJ.V <Oatowlcd that ll was tbt duty of the Ke«ion,l Govenmient toeoroe aud h. Ipin-lovil ro-ri oi Virginia aad stialain tbaoi in the great »truggle agrnusi rebellion, wbi'h ho l.elievnd would r- mit in lie ovoilhrow ol Ire .chary and treason. Ho faoMd tho»« men would he .nullified and take their i»eats tase uinoiig ¡Mutator», aud help oaltle lor to« pre.crvaUau I ol ti»« limon. Mr. COLLAMEB (Bep., ft.) contended tbat ibx eiiect oi île raaalaxtel of tie Senate simply w»i t the XetWorsexielleO were guilty of ireaaon. Vl»gl set da twv Vn to'» lierv, «nil »«ks thai they be iniiird. an.! tb«-i ¡«ii Put tit Seal« bave no ri lA llfisM UasA. In I71M Mr. I'in. knev n-in.'l i Ihe (eovirrior calM bu el. c ion an I Mr. Mercer i «le lad and 'h- House diridml that « Siale bat rigtit to cide .n ibe vanat ey. lie louieniled I was a | er ea-ilr rlesp «.», and ihm il MM iicht I pro|. r io Hilmit t|ere tieuleiieu. I e ate ua> ion w«s carried ou by Mee,rs. S...L-1- and llaVHu) ai nine btnglh. Ilr. KM KTCK (Kep. S. J.» »aid that he was g1 that ibe Sen. I or Irom Kentucky (Mr. PoW0ll| I urked f..r the i a- ai <! N,,y p. Tue Sr>"Utor put hi BBll forward ibe rteaaataa of th» Constim |.»n, B l.rn.iglllil ihe 1'rerldelil f.,r violation of lb« Const i< lim. Hut it..: It -laior admitted lo.i the l'.esideol b »loue «u «-one ion.!i'iu¡i-i>hl art, when he idled r.'»,iN0 men. II it why did ti"f Kentucky inwer Ibe call «d ibe Prveidcni T lie (Mr. Ten h/okj «lid I ihtiik y mu«'toe to the Consiitu t'ou. li * wiiti the ouutiy with liod. lie who is nol ti»r i. against BJ, Mr. I'OW ELL s »id that K-ntncky believed that t1 tro"p.c.-illi d o-.t by the 1'ie ident BfaM iiitendid BMjAgaM ihe steten, and therefore ruiure»l to corni. wiib i i. d. iiihiiiI. Keiitm-ky de-ii-es pen.¦>¦ and <>i proula . Medo.p»iH" u ah io imbrue Mthsiade the blood öfter brrttatera. .»he l.a» been and »d^a; will he ready to light airniiia-1 a foreign e ou>y. H attitude phould be BsMMtd by all truo Clainuiuu me She irtehod tt to i taattaMaAt« Mr. IK\ KTCK »aid he could only r»p-at tl wonl« of ihi«r¡iiil,ini BtoasttMla r»-»lv totaAMOAM w'opaid " neoir.liiv r.-nson." The tOAtpt be are uot lor s ihj'tgaiiug tbe Soutti, but for »-i¡ prestu luHiirii-i lion «oil ptesei » fog the uni «a. Mr. liUDl.iri'l.K (Bett», Wi«.) iiaid he wuntcd Vote. Tieioinlry w:infei! t'e-d«, im Weib Th- minion wan dirais reed to: Yen, .f>; Xtvs, .V». MATaV-Meaert, biyl.t., l'ulk. l'.i-eii MBsaM The aew Virgbibt Itonators aera iban tsrori in, «'it preseed applHU e hiotiki'ix forth as they MM the oail I be H au bill «ii> niki-ii up ami * veral axi»uidmon: from tb. L'esniaitrreon r'lium-c adoptad. Mr. SAlI^SIM.'UY (Hem.. Del.), ..! »o atoen so aa to make BJ60,OÜU.UÜU, im'euil of 1250,0 4,1*0, o the gicund lb t $Ut\IWI ,11-0 wa« suhVieiil llU I'-eueX Hpion ol Congrorr. I»et-yea» I, uav« ML MMMi .lo.»i.-'i" (ot Mipaiiuii),l'ulk, l'uwsIl.iUidNiulsbury vot .. in tbe BSgBfivOe T: e t ill vaiia tbea Uid over temporarily. Il:« ill io InorMMthn prvaent mditary establish uant wa» then taken un. Mr. KIM, (Kep., N. i ), offered ao ameidment tin' wubiii pis aioni s üfurthe ¡. »iirre'li n le»u¡> ¡m- ii', lh<. :i.':¡_v tt-- r s; lie (O what MbSproJoae« by la. ad of M..y, ttol, Airreed 10. Ali», Hi il the I're.iJ. ut iHoie »ftiiers and prívalo to be ui, po hitore.ii e the am y in accord ¦ue. Tl.« |i,»-.i.iii. i.inriii.ioi-i.t lv«* 'i'usil ui Mr BB&MlTB (lteat^isrogoa) tafarad Msaasaal m-Di that no MMM bo atMABaataBada .Msjoi or Brig« iu ihe regular grin« unlens having- »oivei l'i y :r-, aad Bt perOM, LU u(.-Colonel, m M n».- BalSM be ser\«<l two yaar». 11 ¡pul-re» d to Atoa, tl st it citizen» are to be appointed offieeis in tin army, they ehe 11 nr.,t puss an examination helor« i bosidof o»a toara. Mr. btlLSOM (lïer>., Ms»s.)objocted ti thsi.m»nd- mem anil .. >..l in elle, t »rev. u lie un|oiu'u enl 0 woiihy olli. a n> and of iulelleet uud cnlluro. Mr. l.tTHAM (li pa., GaXj lie. n-tit ti m «MM lirni taiiou e uní 'o i"- 1 ..».! ou iipouiiitiiig i.tri lip. li wus a g.eal ev ii now to have ciii/.n« BOMStalsd "V.-i old ollnerp ii the army, when ibey ba.1 no n.iliury 0 bIIÍisAhib«. Mr. WTLMIN »ski that many offl.ers in the army Mgkt te At piaeed to dii!»»rcnt BtnkloMa lu fail, Iba: army Wn.i paialy red up y ¦'. r<) the, n ill! you reach the liei.d. Many men wlin «.-tve.l "i» kht tri'i.lier», »ml an: --r- in.; in« i> untiv «in .m. tie iumih- Baton, have ol i.tnl 1'i-Uv done ll.eni, * bile MM y men who haiijr aro u d W BSBABa, lam pat i. a»iI p-au'iona Tlie ami ndioenl wa» dh urinal to. Mr. NBaMUTll moid to anaer d so ttai e.nlifli ¡p..i..a BXeda ill IV 1 ;,i d lt-ft.' bo five years lt> BMadof Hi«»-. Ili-kiiu Hi! wr fu. vi-/.it I" li-io I la'pier staii.nng anuy, and ventured tat pii«tid thai j.. n.. n VYiuld «.-. tlie io my r.alni.»l. IHiaaa/rvial to. Mr. UKIMK8 (Hep., toara») aattod to tM agl.| d theariiiy, ii..u.-feir>«l into r«, luaaaai« icladve to n.nL, h »U '-e proBarvod. 1. -v» Ihe ill ai» re port od to the Senate, i ne Senat « neat mto exeetuiv« «.apion. Ad^ouriitd. noun Of IfKI'KK^KNTATlVK.i. 1 . Sl'KAKl.K l.U helóte the llolite. (t,,, »fforipOOU a om um 11 "ii Iroin (be I'opiitavter (ieu> n.l m.idr i leinpiiaiiie with the law win h t.-juire» baateAaAtt IM leamili« f..r ilinoo-.niiiniiig the mail« Hi lb« - p»i««,.al NIhUp. lie pat» the. rseeoi.« lor M ia lour.e >.|i lilr lar» are w> wnll known «a lu »esntof u BaSaSSSd r'.'ten en', unnei e««ary. It MMBtd ti-orn ne. oaeary for III n to ev | Ulli Why l:i« Irnlieportulloli of II a- :... Ill w M Kiuliiiiaxi ihaM »o loan. I< was lor the Mtl.î i.i-ay-ininntii.K BttlAtl info't lS'ioii In hMsOM BMjl «I diaafoisitis; the n.í¡.«t» Of tnose who had bcc>> deaa ved byibei"ii»|i Mioif. Hence, he, ih'Mi^hl ¡rir.Lful iotor- n.i'i.u wmihi «aiiitiibiit.- toMaakstewi tMoaaefjaraey, in« |h*uI aani.¦ tteotana tie baal mean« to tl i. pad. Me tM rn» doubt ihe it« .pie of ihe .South will vii.'i- tatobh aasraa M gat nr-,t tvensariaahy. Iteryahull !>.. liborauai imui ihr ateaaaiaa arhaahatM ateMyto» tata. Mr. HliAIK hep., Mo.) offo-ed a prvamble thut, elcr.ji-i .loi.n H i .'kirk was elca-ted u uioint« r ef I'viioj-i on the tiret M-r.d >y tu Au^urr, »n.l w trCM ? line tl. tl time tlie paid J. li. Clark na-bl . oiuiniatl ki lu lue ht«»« Otiard of Mi««onri, ander the l(el»el U\»v . einen f that eta»«, aid i >.t « part La th« etign^«- lucui al lkx'iicvilli;, ihereioni li- ¦¦. 'a. Thai psH R. Clerk L.a MAtai Ml rtptl » o-iTi.i-1 Uliv. ¦.. \ur XXXV llth U iina «art la tl.e.rt» al SaAad «iid daw-Jaiad tu 1-« nu loar" « nn'uihar «I ttU ll.-u.av Mr. MI.AIK mid toar Mr. Clark look up ar... m amo ti a iion-riiWtii'ol lb», Uaaad State«, «i«d this wan p'llH-. it ni t it 1.11 ..*.. ib ion. 111.- Illl |li tri.l <»f lut S un- i. loyiil, uud in ih i- foie oiitiiled lo « I yal repriwiitülive. Ile BAatAated the previoiii tpiestion. Ilr. BUSMBTTfOtM., Ky.) wunteai Mm to with- dran tin m«ii i u, MMaWtaaJ he night aubmit on« wbnh MAS BSghhaaM and piopor, m.mely, 'hat the BMatettoa rsaarrsd to the C'omuiittee on B*etoAteAB> the /r-lit em .liV live of f irn» v «hoilld induce biiu totAMaty with ibip isasxAtt. Mr. dLAIU rel'oatl to niibdruw bt motion. Mr. Kbll) lavsteBe, Mo.i eaid tha: bo biul no kimwl- . :,'¦-.t .' i i. < k l*duir lu nrtb» afTaiiipt the (»overn- ne-ut. II.- had reiver heard ol It OTOtvjd fttM B fAMMi I'm Hj*, li.wtv.r, Mi. Hier bad iuforaiaUoO that be |Kaiu) did Lot poa-ajr». He would be, glad if the «ubi c could be relerioil lo a proper commit lee. bv. BLAIK roMBtod that too UM. OMajiMtfeM»! fWetlk I ahoald be reprc.eule«! lv a loyal inari. He had male th« ptatenieut on hi« own rceponaitiility aud wi'h a full ki.on.lid,re o! i ho fact. It wasas ooloii >a« that Mr. Clark w... iu arm» ai/ain»'. the (Jovenunei^tsl Ro-inevilbr n-. tlj.t t.o.-.-iiioí-J .-kaouaud (»enera! Price were tlnoe. Mr. BfJ ItNK'IT a>rain interT»cate«l, and. amid rails to onler from the It/muhli »n »ate, «tel eoiu«<him( al»"Ut ibis I eiug a stAl uiunber. Tbo.SlM:AKKlir« him that he was out of order. Mr. BIIBIMTtltaaad himself by saying that tin« pioji r»-d oui»., wn. r». exlrnordiuury tiiat ».id u-,-i know in wh»l proper lenn« to eondeuin it. Mi« main «( aMtiou w.'i« ordered to be put. When tlr. Cox',- Hume was colled, he auiil " if he were »aiL»- l.ed thai (ien. (lurk wn.« in arms a/anist the (i'.vern- ina-ii', bo Would vole to expa-L (,'i.iil a proper togaxtj ootild be hod, be voted No." Il», rtattottol was thin adopdy), by 94 ugainct 45. A ir.ers,»/e w.i» reca iv-d trim lb» President. He bad apptuv.d of the bill for tbe puymeul of the mili¬ tia «ml volititeern udlod into «urviu« up lo the .«-t h of I im- Utat. Mr. HICKMAN (Kep, Pa.) p-eeente.1 amnm.tlid from ( Iharka S. > enter. tlataaAg his olsx-liou as a K»-o rosesstetrva treai th« i-t Dtoaèlat of atortkGsawetoA. lie'cire»! .»? tla» < ««.iir i -.-< .. i Kb-, io'ia. Mr. II. KM.11 (Occeiadian, Ky ) ottered « re»olu- tion, Wbieb Wa« uah.jffd, calling on tl». !>ir 'ury of iV. r lo furnish the bbOOAsI reports made by ii«ui. Ilar- BOJ, Istely conn«« Ud with tl« /,' .. in Mieaouri. I wus ainei Ucd ou inotiou of Mr. WASH HI UN K (Hep. III.) by BAate : the words, " if o-iuiiisieut witii tho j ¦' h intereMB." Mr W \ Kl» I».-,n., N \.)ii» -.«I .-. a bal for the e-iaiui.-.h-u« in of an uru py a', 1'iuiber K rio, ra^u- Aew-Voik. Kef. .-red lo lúe Sek«,i Comsxùtec on that pubteat. Mr. W ,l-'i» asked but dkl oot receive cvn»eot to im-odoa>¡ a «.eueral H-oiknipi law. Mr. WAlil.Adh (atoav, Pa.) asked bat failed te '.¦».nui OH-.1. i o- muvltKeareeolution, decbarW " tb-it ih« lasogaitiM w tho Cisifiafemte Statua hy any f«»r- aivn 1'owin v. ..iiki Ik- on«-» U ri-t an act ol bax'ility to .1.« I Jii.aadStetrrs, and wo'iki iiistily the «uspvnaiou of iliiiloiiia'. M aiious with «o. b a fower." On Ml'MB ..! Mr. KIJOl (Hep., Mm«.), a r »ein« tion i»»vs «viopte.1 culling on t i* |*teetaMI to oiiilntiui- saMMiMAaMtaaaiM tfl aatofBABatAA NMlft at to« ? k t- làsahi «Mhatatda. Tbo opinion «>t the Ait'>rney4>ueral on tb« <i,oes- J.'ii» Msatiad .¦¦ in lite ftmÚdmmA'» nieerapr«, ineluaiinK the sosixn'-.ti oi toa arM of** corpus, ps> i-ojvr J, oa«l tvf« rred 10 live Jtidkiary CouimltU«". Ob moti«:i"i Jlr. COX (ltVm.,lil»io),it was resolved Ihut tht Pu aillent of tbe l.'i lie«. Mai««, at lue h.-i.iu- i.uu: ol He MAf »espion of Congress, or at this semi »u if compatible with tnu public »ervio», i-oiiimuni.'Utri to till« I loir-- «II III« e .ue -p. uda-n. . With the i V'll ill, Pi.ucii, Sputibib, and otter Uoverumenu, with is'ur- iiL-ntp of l-ktckude, privute.BBSffj liud the le ogniiion ol ao-cail»U Confiiderale tisn-». <te usvrtieu %t Mr. V, A. COAalalNU lUep., K. Ï-), It wat « eroded that aCocumltf»eof«ven he omadut« by hat 8j«-aher to report to this 11 «»an» la what osan m-r kmI io what i ne« t tbe rx|»«iiditures of the H»v e nti.eui of ihe Lulled States may be raimo.), ami what officers may lie diapciis-d wbh. Mr. HOI.M AN (lam.. L.d ) «skesl.hnt failed to ob tullí i s mission to baVattaaa a i«-s»biii-n oetlsii | ' That the Union BBBt pieser.ed, a -I lhal let soli enfant ri tat wa is M rtatai tat »uihoiiy of ti« I ¡on r»ment, thee I .nemet.l of ihe laws, and the pro tes.ii.iu »| loyi.l i«'. ' Ihe Hnutte then wont Irto ronmlitee of the Whole on Hat bill to promote fie eht ieucy ut ihe army by ro- Uifatg ailed i< linn officer». I lie till piQ*«*dat* (bal h Itoard bv'ed frtvf the Madi- hl Statt, »o la» B|tatated lidm lima to litt«, to d-'ei»»«t)e the fuel. a..«i ¦ «ca»i >u . f «-aid uisahilil), etc. Jt was in « «I in the i-'W's' ut in. idei tal debate, lhal the hill bail n et Ir«* Bpeartaufia of u ilua-y o eu. In- Qaaand leo ro»*, sod tin« bill was |atas«*I. Mr. CI1KTI.S ¡hep, I»wa) «ailed up in« bill for the n lief of the soldiers Win» l»rt piiva'S l.n'per.y ill g 'ing f'.itn nt Maululeto Pal Baa'er, ihe aaaaunt Uiug « leven hundred aid twenty dollar*. The bill was passed, ana at ii p. m. tlie House ad¬ journed. Tbe following are tho Yeas atdNt) a on expelling Mr. t'larh: Ui A- -Matara. AH-n-ti. Art oW, Baals«, r*«,bK. Iltlla». (Miut.) B.k-r, ftttter, I e«...aa. Klutn.u,, Blair ( V|..,..,.,il,, (I «in. ) Blake. Hurt i am, I'te fitU, I html <-rlaln ('!. X. I i.llil. ritatortti A. foul ',|, t.ona.v, 1>.<"1<. m .1..I..1., I a tl. futn-r Itatb, |,r'i|flan tin.Iiu t»'lin, t'dfri- lidwaid«, liitsl, Kaiiioii. r..«en le». Kranes.*, Kin.k. Ou >* . uam «ñu-i./, uu'iry Ui'U'hi bantota n Mai Ja.'k on, Ji.lnri, k.'S-T, kellaa- .til In.-iii, Hell-«« (lb), I.SIata Lcijii«, I.1...I.I- Si J\*.n, M' Mln Hilitlai, M., ri (\i ). illln Puum. Kita, »'..«.er .», Po »er, lia * Bis» (Mr.) Hnklli, > I HISS I" 11 uni-Mr. ), .v.l..-'... I. .M.tBli BhfUlbtrrt«!, liriluaa. .Man -p.u'Jai«, «i ,v ... Sirttlon, IMJ ) Tl «alitât», l/jaa, Vti.«toter, tin II. rp '. an I .irnb'ir.h, W II W a. tr. \< aUon (Mr I. «A all«* ( V t ,. \Vi.l,buiB. W herl-r. W bla/i VV 11 « (lad |. VV UhIou., W e . .r NAi?»-M*.«r«. Alia«. All-» An^ms. Killy (Pi.). Brown«, Kuril. .1 llt-et, «.' aifwi. t ¦lull.;-. (' VI I rl.HI, f»«ar-«. i-tl-o, KuflitS. VouXa. tiiMMifa Htlflii Ui.tnun Jihnaon, Ma- L«#.«i. to-irj. L.iiio, M.a»rli«svt. Norton, toi»«Pt. Odali, Parrj H'M, lass (MaatI. |ii-h.o:-..n. i:.;l«>n taata, Mátala fa V ), Sl».|r :.N,J«ri->i. i Iwn.ia M aa ). 1 rti/.bl«. VlMMBa*ie>BSS, « ILSa/i. Votiiir«, W.iJ, VA Ulla 'Ola.'). V'.'r»««!, W ovuiuj. Fßov âëHKWALL AuiíiVAL or TOB Nourn sr-iR. A VU-1.IHN AND A y «.toll U IN (.«»I I' The F n ¡led Statca M«i1 «Steamship N.-rth Star frtm Aspinwal July lab, arrivi d liere yesierday «iteru<»»u« The billowing is the BBaata lut: Pimw-I I Itarl k Co .. 9 \t I I S'r». ., Bio. I ....t«l *4| HaT'attC. « "-a» i«uli»r Hrot. 11.7.41 J. A. Ai-- >aw. &,. i ll. t.r.iit 4 ( .. 3".l j. (I. I'.i«.» tl Sou« ... S..r«W( Sert ao-rl.*-,. kC«.. l.tVl 10 I obi. k i ...... . ?....«»' J.K4.IU . 3."««. Ki n » » I I'... I""- r'.niwt. M.»J« . B.'Mi N g H'-'t. b still K. Mse.ffT« tl Adtiu. kB I i>. I'i tV»l W 1 l «Irunn k l'«... «á.S't W,.,.S..'r a Lo ... JO» Arn. ritt.*!!«« bist.... M." t If »til or> . Ii"«" It. W. trralay. «.,.M« alray, b-.tais c«. ... ll son I'. ,Nt*lt>f. 1MB laailra..... tlAB J. It ..|'.i:i. tv An.. Kl^lii!-g*>U*iik.... H'«-t li*«m, i on* k O». Itii*ai Aa Ho- ii.unfc Co.. BBS N. W. I tub. il . »,«"«» vv Htrtln '- «.<. ... line J»«al»|»a Btawstsr... I''«0 i.inilU -. .. llle'.Aio Ku-lniiir-Stiil,... '-< 'Vu, MiorlVI'o. Jin ' V MarrU . ».'"'I Hikill- («it. Sa.t. J«.l»*i!.ltn«jrB. Bt»b«l IC«- »'«o I La. Him. a i-'iQnJai-.«. It '.« A( *i.«lrk P.v, a H.Co. 11 :TI - ábia-ii r.t.'.A. aJ04| TuUl.*\.U*.i'H MEW OIUNADA. Ily the North Htar we buve tl . «'onfjmialkm tsf Usa news rt.tiva«! from New Guiñada alasit a Bsinth ago. Su'sajipieii'ly to th« battle, of f*>ib««*bo<itiri and Ho«a, n-ar li--g«wa, tbr«»« olla-r etn*ag«meiiis to"'k pbsee, early in May, between tho frovertinient fia-aa and lb« |{e'>el« un«!« r (Jen. M'tarpiem. Tba pa «e nlar» (»f th-,-«» tneooiileis hav« not leacned n«. From priva* and lelutblc «.'tines we h. ar that the ailvaiitiu.1- rwoiaiiied with tío tioveinuienl; but lb. Itotol »ulbornies at (arth-gr-oa lad given it out that ihe-ir parly Iriunpard, ami nltnnauly lhal HooajB ra hud «xeiipied llotyota. i hi . a , bow« ver, tbe thinl tins* tiial th« «aine m a » U i«ilebrai«sl oo trs» eoaat, aid (herefor« notody t«lirva the r-js.ti. (¿su. .Santo« (Jutierre« has man .»-«I to join» a wi'h I.ISJO in. |: nut Uii« »tl\ nii'.i'p «lil be < «»ti.ias'i- Btted tj Our. Carral, abo, wi'h» r-» .:»re«"'t eu', of V/sllmen, wu« inan:bing rai idly |0 Jota the »»-¦.. r ni.nt f'^rirs n«*ar ltoi/.a». lois I'-i'sls and I *| ii.a have been ai rosUvd ou sue- rielan ot aatrayi.ig tbe lioveuim-ut »ausa. (. >v. Qnttartaa iaa aad Ca ii:«iro La«« éatd -.r th« arossatatnty raaivtda tv>t. i.l...,a.-, laverai rabal rbb-ls. Binoog titsrii i I l'..ii.* u.a. (iuelLr, in« ar. <»i,d iu BBBBand of OhaaeVi ettiaBaa, slaw di«*i Itnutds ras <iv ed at So!>b* L^pi» aa! IW»/.... H.ii hat aatntttd tha re'sla in the State of Alttaejatal an«! tin- list»* l-irmeily receive«! «d then«!- pianWoa whath tha ttatataBBti fanwana m <t« it, nnier là.I. Ai laliils, aie ionürn.o.1 by la l ad 'I he a- . i^l f -i linar Is that the («V/Ver*irr»*Tlt willaoon trlua ;'h »ver it» »oeiato«; srsl it ia eonti.lritiy «.»(«ectel lhal »id« r will be *t--ost.tiilisbnd Ilirottghout ihr BfatV I:.- we bin a short liuia. Rib ia' I Of (lAvrn. We bam frota Nlcaaftua tbaj Cîitve'.t, lim nu niel or of Jia- Wiute, has beea o- vi-lsl auf nid. ntesl Ui a t'iiui of years iu tbo olíala gii,. Ho baa the privilege of spprutboa from |y*ju to Utaaada, tut the Ulier Court has a nigh reputaion tor reaataen, it itteaa, no aaaat, aoaBra the aaataaon A In s of si ago aaanett is sbaitly to la» opeuad be- twe»u Rstdata .md (Inuuuh». Ihe k row i UK of «otii.o m atiog « «aiai'torall«. ev- rihtat m, s'»! a <)uan:iiy is likely n. h.- i.laubed Ibis pettt A «team BOttWJ-adt now a work m I'biuan- gaitu i- soais.'t I'ics r..- The Pxiiama Kailroel ('..iii| iitiy, ni OtOnf to guard a. an.»I any atumpl lo m- lattWO «viih Itatf «leaus-ni iu lüa 1'as.iíio duiiag the prneent troubles, have fully artuod lbs («uairtiutla and I ol lU.b'i» with Hilgieu i^ioiuoii, a quantity ot hturt.'a kirtos, Ac. üoiiiís lasoks..The ahcaer Dos Henunnoa from llhiri'jui arnved iu l'anama ou BattuatWi Bat bring, ruóse aeteuly poumia Weight of gtttaa Iniilges from (> tiaras. Hun-wail k..By the schonner Suan at Aepbiwall. from Oil I'ruvidt'ne, we bann that the Aiuaríutu » ho nn r Jul:.i bos been wn-eked at tftMo Suno, the saute pLe e wheie tbe Abbey Taylor was w re. k«d *. ui" tin.» agi. 'Ibt. .lull« hri'iiiht out a carg.. of «vails to JatJ mwall forth« 1'. K. It. ( o, ml left toe Inter port ou .11»' May. The. venae I is a UAul loss, but the nt« have been aavsd, and were brought ha< k in the Nat sL..The I'. H. steaaisliip Wyoming. ( tpC IIit- " ll, ar.ived at this por: 'rüm í,'*u Frami.c«» ou the ^«ib laatt « I m bitg Ii -. ni»-.- from New-York, urr.vtd a Anpiuwall oa the VHib mat, Tbe folio at ing atatara bavbig forwarded tbeir realgnatlona to tbe Nu. y Deparit.ietit at W'Mliiugton, tiieir name* hats been » nn k turn the Nary I.Lst, and they will proba bly rrturn hettt iu the next Cummau.or J. It. .Mil..:.' il, Miildiipuian S. IV. Averett, troai Hie \Vy< nibig; Lieut. (««. s. Sl.rvo. k, fiom lha Parana«'. ibe t"li"" lug have seul in 'b i: «. ¦,- .1 will »d*i Ii« awe a "if tira lui: Lieut. *.. K. l'«>rt«r, Mid siiipuian A. H. Hick« tl, 3d Anit.-I'.iiniiiear ii. D. Lin- Lug, ail finui to« \\ voii hr. A sai ÜTiivorSr.ossior: Aasitciir..A goutb-iraii Latí.), from M- oil-, furr.ishes us fnll particulars of in« leetittaBBt of 0Bg4a «tones, which lias already been briefly alluded to. Capt. Jones bad a homestead about 17 oil active Mobil«, und was bksaaed with the cou» paiiy of au edecatoi, beaiiif il, aud swatted wife. He wan lb« owner of a aihoooer, and was iu lb« of n ..l-.uig - vi-e.r»i"iis to a iviisiarable di»tnn«v IVeB tbe store. Ou ou« oonivion, a lient- uorlber caoio tWaV derily m .-ii hi« vessel, tunl obliged biia to lake rstuu« in the port of I'anakcoLi. Passing the Federal Mort, he w-ni up to ibe «by, and waa ihere BBOBtd on the en lign t>i treaaon in carrying OaBfat. I es to th« «.it ...-.. of the fir« t. An » viu'.iina' «n-. r vulied iu bis ii«. larg-t. uo ) ro ii eonH be pio-lu« ed lo sustain the alloga- lion, la the mean time, lha new» of the supposed trtaaou of Capt. Jones bad yi -u ' to Mobile, and ttve N tgilanou toniuiiltcea wbScli now rule in tha city ib filien, d, without any iuvessLgutlon as to th« guilior uiuot'tiM-eoi the party io« ulga'ed, lo ex<v cctn Lyocb law upon hi .. if be sfsaild rv«r return. Ha arrived mere aoun after, and bud just taken taa cars at aivhile to retoin bit beloved wife, a hen the f'ou aatttOO f- uid hits, at on.-c priduesd a r-.-a-, w ni. h iudeud U- y always '.rry witti th'-iTi in their rotn-'s, and, alt.wli- big ii 'o « tree by the roadsbl«, awung off their . not ai-mi hia protoslaiioo« of iunoeruü«. 'Ibe daad body was givon op to hia wile, who, amid her uuuiicrahie .sutle ing, devoted weeks to the objeet of freeing his oiciaoM from the aspersions ol lia mob. Sia pi..-«d beyono adoubt thax her b.iabai.d while living, wan a Arm and uuwartirmg Sceessloabil, the rdeaof l> t sy ing bit uatire State having nava.* entered hisamd,aiMl thi« she cotxbs'.l«>d tho Mobile i*»)«i« ta a- knowledge and p..I'll«!.. Aud thus in ihn "rJgn of larra" per¬ ished «.ne N rei »1'initt at the hsial« ot his own frleisla. The trsgedr alaioat a puals s«.me of tbe iiieidaots of lha Kreuch Kavol o ion. i lu. um TiaTalU.r. A aokuar auaal Mcdirty wu sb'A in Memphis on Sanday. Ho ax.d bis eotupainoa ware stoppad bt highway men, and lissir BBBtn demandad; en rafosat, Mv( an/ was shot. Ile átVaapata /<«./«.« ra-otu- mauds mob law m the following «tonta: iiiirai.. s., çaeeaaaaoa.A aaeason Vnvu.t Mea- inmai. t 'i« o' lia a .«. t.U.1 « (bit » mil laaui lu «fj«r «a uto», lu »lolaul «lui ttatdf riniliii. .rui. t-a.à (,:«:« m ai* r;ij 19mSSmtf balongadto the hoiTy inilary. LOCAL MILITARY MATTERS. SEVENTH MASSACHUSETTS REOIMENT. Thia Ihfrf uicut, another tribute troiu lb« Old flay 8'ale, Coh Couch cauumanúing 1.010 strong aimeal wiib Fxfleld rifles, fully «vjinpped for active servira ami boui ti ully »upph. d with all the ItnV »»tnfort« a «"Mie« cao eirry wuh him. arrived at «1.30 on ftoiun'sy morn¬ ing, at lbs foot of Coctland «treet. on the «teamen Common weslib and Cumniedore. They wer« met at the wharf by the »»ns of Masaw. hu«etts of this city, bul ceclmed a eolbaliou ollered ibeui. I bey bav« <»U horses ktai le tl-'*« belonging ««> lb« Mat, 2 ambo- l.nces, and I,'» baiig*«* Wagon« eaw h d-BWil by foot hoises. Tl.i» K-viu.ent .onif-ed m<»»'ly "f BM»A and Bsateaate, »'.At, haidv f«ll<»»». ai«l appear io lie wnldiilled. They will l»*e atehtog ia ""£*¦'¦¦" wiib tAJ PtgaBM*al tin» I «r toft ihe -ii». His BojbV icnl ia i'o«iiiiiand-d by Col Ututos N. « <>"ch of Tsuii tea. I .ie it. CI. Che« »r W. Ilr. en of Kail Hiver, and Major II. N. Hobnaii ef Ai I. Coucli, who appeared to be » favorite with Ml men, ia a'auit 40 vat« of .¦.>, and a gra'luaie ot Wet P. 1. f. Ilewaswita Hen. layl"» a Se -und Meut¬ en int in lle>io, and h-evr-tted Kir»» Lkautaeianl aflar lit bin i le of BatM Vi.ia. a (»nrlion ot ( ton. Taytor'aaraymm ».idrred to paftxteaaj OtAeBteta» toi. Couch \v« t wiib ibe il»t ni tt.PDi, ami raoiaiii'd ander tbe t onitnHticer in-Ct tef till th« <-l«»«e of the war. He ilmn n tin neat to M-asMd tiseti», married a dani/IHtr o! iba: Hull, "mtiutl Cr<*ker«»t Ihuukki re- »igi ed, imd went Lasa ba»li äst wbb I i< fathor la Ua He ho« been v»-r» efficient in torn leg and diidiii,/ his raglaMf. Mt 11 A~T1 «ofar in» II« MB» M IM MM Of war. Bo »apéelo to totet laMeMtetely tor BlUahetj. i-ort, and toSAM by railruad tl.rougu llarrwburglo W a. biiik'.m. 1 r. raateawrt l«r> abont 12a. m on l»oard the «?earner Ki I von Kuli lor KliiMlK-ih|airt, where ibey will I. ba¬ the cats tor Haitotora en PMM for Washington. We apiei d a li-t of tl e li» hi and »Ulf officers: r>» I». ,1, N. ('-ii.-h. »r Tamil»« .n « i.i.'l e . « W Gt~-n. of r«U Blear. M j r. O.vid K. II Imán, of Aniel» .'.¦ S.ijulai.l. >»tti».ilel i.Uoian al K»Ttil.«m Uiarr.oii.lo. liai.M tJ. m ¡t.. ni liiglitoa. Huifeen S Alii",t... toll.... f r..n lin A irtaa.t t"t / I'.om»- »J- m., ol lloetoaï Chapista, rti>e*rt(Jai-»r »f ra.iul n Mue".' ..'. i-.--r,.-. t il« I- T-,.«'« arfS'h*««*. rVapjPSHl M»j. r .. V\ VV ilihllr«' il, af tiMiiji I Oaïaadeaauj KawptaMit, J. B. Hurt. «I »»11 Kltsc UNI Ol > ItofAleBfi T!« »uthontiih ai W'*>ltitigtf»ti have at length take a the pro|er «i"ra« tov« Mid ir»creasitis; IM cavalry f-.ras of tb« army. Prom the comnmercment of the rei>elbon lb« want of mounted troop« baa Iippii «««-«revlr fe)t by military r:wn, aa without tbeui the (ioverrirrwnl trot») s («und d » lltti« auainet tbo well armed hoi a>-men of Vlr- ido-a. TI»e MaMtlaf for cavalry tascatii*» «o mar:<feat at brntftb that the W«r l>e| ai'mer.t called for a volun¬ teer regim<-ni, but reapiired the rneo to furnish their own bonas «od et|tiipmenta. As tbe loyal Stale« had already sent to the Arid Iu iiifvitry legiments, the mea who wootd be likely to reepoad to lb« ca.ll bar cavalry, it wa« found that it va.mld reqiiia» t>p> much time to tecou men wbo mold tajóte eMtMAlAat and famah tariee«. Within tbe laut day or two Government bs» de. id.d to porch««« horse« f»r th* volunta esnnd do f-.r ilia in «e it baa done by the them in fljitimr cooduion. I'ndvr tba MA) regiilHtior, tbe " l,»n.-oln Cavalry1' of tin« city, n.mat .a«led y CI. A. T. McReyr.o'iU, he« been caled inn» MrtttAa. ami will probably I»« ready leave f»r Waaliiiuton within Ibe vamn»/ w.«k. Cd. Mclt«y« nolosa a d«a.iu»h.d officer «>f th« at'sicea war, lav .ng been pi oa lie field for bravery, and 'ind-r hi« rontmand tb* I.'i.'oln cavalry will do ibt- » have an oprvartunity to dbuinituub thaiuaeivr». II« ip'uiin d from W j«iiin»r''»n on Kridav, txs oniy with I a onuniaaiioB «a ('.d-iiH-l in bi» ]aa?k«i, bot irr. »and with ibe ueaearary atiiboriiy to plaee hi« remment <ai bo im- inediaU» war noling. The m i«>. in« i,glcer in ibw i ;y,C .fsivHi llaMimaii.'-:.« recaji\ed iuainicliajii» to mus¬ ter in, niii.'otrn, and rtiBip tbe variuMi cob» pee ie« as sfasedlly sa posaible. Ihe mustering will pndnbly take place oo Turwiay and VN e.«i»e«iLiy,id\«r wbi«h th« ave will go mu» 'i «tart cm U-receive tbeirarma and uniform«. Ilorw-a foriho résinent are toii>a« rec«iv««l doily in Waebinatou. oral Un- meo will be mounted soaxi m thev arrive ia that ritr. Thai rvpiii»ei¡t waa i>-<r.nx need ever twr> months ago onde- C»»l. Itay«rd Clarín-, bur »» maay o'etaa-'e« «ere thrown in the way of ns kOreptance, that not only was Col. (lar ko «liait eartened, lait Maj. Meriill, Cd. May, and (ail Shu»» wsr»« in tu»n w »rn out vviih the hast» livity of tbe War I >>-part in* at, and uhauibined the r«xiu»ent to its fat«. The, enterprirink y"«nia aa-nwbo had aralartiiken »he oiyant/al '<n peraavverrd n t'eir work, and havioaz ¦eleeled Col. M K.-yieilds as their commander, now have the aaUiafaciion of kiaiwinpf tl their «florU and ho. ,ne MM ned with «ucee««, and tbnt tb»y are al Isaf to bav» tbe privilege, for which they have begged ao loon, of lighting in defeiwe of their country. i«. | lire tut u day tt ttttt to complete tlie orKSJ'ixaetam, as lire cam.pany r»»li» ¡.m nearly full and the mea bav« oui y to la» called ta.»Pe*lher, when they will be ready for sei vice» There nre in tlie ranks many meo who bave dis- linguislied tbemaeKcs M the bat tie tielda m ihweoiiatry Mal io Europe, ami the otfli« are oil mea of ability an..' « !). r.oiiie.. The he-ul'piartcni of lie rea/irjaeot aia at Hisbrow s Killing Araderoy, ecmer of Fifth avenu« and Thirty batJ si »a-t, where a ftw able l»ali.d boraemen will he reca-ived. Applicati.>n may also be made at No. f>!8 Hroaalway. Tbe following is the company organisation aa pnacribed by Isw One captain, one tir.t Itoutouaut, BAA second lien« tenant, one first »ergeaat, oik» company qtiartnrmastnr .ergrant, four «ergeano, eight crporui», two buglers, two fan a ¡s sod bla- .ksunin«, one saddler, one wsg<jner aiai ttfty-six to seventy «t wo privates. ApplkntioB for the posit oo tf saaldler, farrier, black- si- ith or wagoner most be made to ibe Adjutant at Die brow s Hiding School bs fifth avena«. There will l»e a meeting of the regiment on Monday evening at Haa.kjtiartea«, wtssn sll members are ra¬ qua «ted to be pre.cut. Aa*BaBattgf 70t;«.rr.t. The Chanlalu of tbe aTtOAg Meus Christa« A«so- i.ii..ii vi-ited ibis regiiueui on Krids» evening and nr «etited .o" copio» of tue lyridier's Hymn Booh, aud held a very iateree in>r pieyer-uaaiLiix. 'Ike ref/imrtit is uow traneferred to Kiser's Ulajd, an LLaod lar y b the fin i y ol CoL kiker. ski «».si» Bjaaaaaaaff iirk /<.i «v i.- H,.- 'M rii «-i,; 1- ir- Zouavi« are now qaartered «t Skaten HUnd, and are iiiut'-.n .-.) irvl f.- I by Govern- ma ie. ibe interest whi h CoL r'airsaan take« to h.« men naturally reacts in sa is/action on lb« ir ran, and ih.r« i- every pro- . t ol tin» rrrejiiiMMii being eumplete, it haviua/ alieady »ix componie« on the ground. Cant. C «ui is now re. rnttim. fur a company I >t ttai« ngiawnt at No. 110 ruin-n »'t..-'. ALL TIIK HTA IK Rr.OIMKBTh «;(i>ir.. The AM H yhuent. C«L Hortr-an, anal the :»6tb, C"L Win C. Ilrowu.ol th« kliuirs. depot, anal the .teto, CoL l.ina-s, of (Ida city, bavioai left lor tbe tee i war, Dim cómprala« tbe inmaporta'ln of tie» 38 volunteer v¦:¦.,»: » Irvm this «täte. IHK ggtlatetetataA (»F OMU laSIJl' IK.IMI N- I'he «iidden d. y -t n. ol the .'Hit b t.'a ,ui.. nt from tf» ker's letund BaAgjM anoat one bnndred men abeent oa twenty-tour bonr» leave of abeeoce. Lieut. Hiatiu WttStietailed to a'.trud to Ixv». trsasp<>riaiion of trie »fm»jgki>. Hi»itMaateAAMJI are a> the Parb Ba r- rucka wlaeretbe nan are dtreeted to report. Lieut. Hi owning loft last night by in« 6 o'cteih t«aia for Wu*hi«u{iou. in command of abeet Mveuty of the »en Who reportard >h«mm-|v. «. L<illM18»>AKY (t.xr.RAI .'.« MTUlTMf-JIT.(.1:11111. WI-J.MH. About 4,1X10 rlnee aad other textoam-a* atorara are to be «.-ut Koitos»» Misn.-e. The ehiajreriajg of a «teau.a-r tied not takeuJMM yee'a rday, but wiU be ef- fecteal witheal lore of lime. Kille« will also he «e» t to oil the volunteers of tola State m seen aa praetie taktoa I ni. v il.'s am wi s 1 be .«ptj ection ol' at»o»it 70 recruit« fiT CoL Daryee's /«¦ui»v»s, r«vk plaeai yesterdav they are ahm mustered lute tM I oited Htatea Mnrtot, tsnd will be sent to W'sahington Ur-riKrrow morning via Unrnsburg. COS» AAiTLETT. Having j xibludied a lexraajraph «asne tbne age, rela¬ tiv« to Col. Ilttrtlett, wbira waseredlted to 'far r«rSP> It* Mrrcury, the Colonel has «eni as tbe fellowhig ¦ote, w hieb, in edect, «ieuae the truth ef the «jts4«s> itMHit relenM toi " U. A fair frmiii»..» OAOi» ?.¦»-> Ceaetar Va, Jal« I. latí. 5 'I «pfietl M BM MStetaaaaBBMI parajiepB jca call »y .KeiilUii to, fm I »hould «an t..'If «tf»« irai il »a oa» It le »a trua ia «vary uervl«alar. I ear isla la aaa.eti of lia cSteear» ab«« 1 Itatec ja.ii.i»J m .eaualui. loa en ¡'ii. n -i. '"k'-ai». 4C A. StUPUAV. city m;M& e> ¦¦ laateasrioB .Tu« aa r»*»T t»f aaata^BBjJaaBjjgBjJ Jbu Miraae. wbiah ware Uiakd M Caatle ttaa-ina F inlay, was fit,*!. B..ARO or Btriit.-Tnn Hoard held b aa-ajag at «atunfay aid gva.l«d iwmi,y (jsotatan el g*M e*ak. Tue Board adjouraed a Monday. . «a . Tea Rantnw«r bWatJ to Imrrtrt a iert Aosinit Tas f'i tfiiMiia An«n«i aa MBh fae (ha CorriBion Coniieil p< tot inn; w«ea asada- Im ahn llenadway Hank «tvon at»«r Mr IV.II» , art^saa-a» a th» .,**,<¦« <*iTr«»t«tif«f hut «a 'hr l«**ia!atara, «sat «f lha gai.OtMl eaiimat« by il.s ('.enroll,, aa a iiibbbij ta» l'omrnnn CiHirteil Bttathtj I' m year, apt r«a>e*a'Sd *a«p $-i»,(10(», the eiim Bat b' b ilton time «tkaiitaVed. Il t) uu-IiisUshI thai th« hau it about to ituttuais a aa fa the recovay of their clan*. Hi i ir« roa roe Ksati its or TotttirratBa.--1*at I iii»n D-f. naa ('«»biu'Mi«..'b otile« tu Fourth avaaaa «ill i *». i .«-.I it^nia «aH» »»a. weak, and ittoa.t'-d that refis! will !»<> 'bee ufoi-Vd to tbe familia« «f tai* unuera ftatj the fund )n«i grvntsd. ApfdieMsto »aast .now io all «aere Ut tbe glieeae«* alawatf it really naaaary to their support. Yearrday a wossaa applied to hht LoowiUi«»» and stand Uial aha oeadag «.su t. n-e, hut at tbe anme 'in>« mf -rasstl iheta tha bar hnatiai"! wa« an ofBuir m Cd. MeCune . r»ign««nl, «t» '«nil-g ; »1 per OM-tllh. Of nislM S«M'h weraaoi Ita « irrowataweaa utsflW which to «spaa to eraaia aysn* puby. ¦ «I tfcastao a StrBsaioBi.i. Imaadtataly afrar lha ¦risure of Ua Ulasrraiaa in ail Ua» «jffieaa Mirustgloal aha .oiiatry, a Leiber aaaad Darey. a tbat Hart «a-aj n.iaiisraa la Wall »treat, fled IVsr latrU UataVt>Wa. ¥«*B> larday maw hi« a|,*«»ar*uoa in ti a «te« a», wbra ta was «baanrad by a larga etowd «sad »tmu»auaad at a Maatsa-raeu*. He atrata Wat frtutt aad toft» gttnnia Dnu'i or ai (lui Mtw-Toaa Mas» M*»t. -Thomas hgletAtMB, rat,., *" Ml BBJBJ a BJBBJ Iwr «f the Krai ol raleaos«, Itatt".I A Co.. iroa atan» cl a nu lu lb:« city, died very »<i«t*t> aly, M Ma rvsd.iawn in Ftfib avenu«, uo Friday evaidng. bad lasso stV ing for asvend daysi or laottofureka death be obaerT.-d liait ka toll much laMtrr.and tta««|.*«t he would fat aida to oui ia a day or iw«. Mr. BL was mach e.Ux-m«d aonmg a Urge canto of naaahv For many vnara ba waa aa F.ktor a Dr. la tagt ( 'Lurch, He waa »d y«*en of ago. Pot.ici Volcarais Lima» F.'«B. -Tleee Wit i nnmbutod to this find by tit member» of tes» tasas.- na-nt for the month ut Jane, $1.'¿Ll 10. Tha aaai patt out $l,n*l, donating t«> It'» f,.mili«a tha .«a a fa* eh. No e«*Btribi|( KrOS hav« laseo rtwrivad from tha Llévenlo, TbarWoiiV and Twaay-hra 1'er.UxUk Aaatir or a (li.isn it (Jibtli««o.- The Ba. .1-.- pi. Herbert who to B | n#»t or lia CatUtata Church, errcaad by oAnar Isimbe, et ihe KigbtoasBB» Ward, was taken to the Jeltoraon-Market Faina Coart ru Saarday, and ex sanad by lustier (¿»ta*-lea«asB«. Tb« reverend gfnitoa.aii exhibind evsaVar» of ptet» praadial luJi.l,-»**-« «tha I rv (wiihstau fmg hat ap¡>-att to Um» Court, «rompaltod tb« .loan»- I" «vasai/ti his« ta, «ht cell« f«*r tea days. Mr. Ilarlatrt, who ibas lacaya di-ftner upa bis stscrad peut naatoa. It n saan whaae ari.lrea» would readily admit hita letta beat« bat, aaf-ataaaaly tnr hia. la at w«s*tod u Use Dra w st Homb It rai»»*tod tlat aal dtgnaUon omsmibk is a to Id ia tba Third l'a »tonal Dinrtet, now r«pr«aaiil«d by B*a Wood (1, It, II), for th« «nrpoae of sj ing hi« eoiatii.teuu sa «rpatr-- tuiiity of expretanng Ui«ir distruit ai bsj irait-«et».«» «an» dart. Pmniinenf rastreáis of the Haartet aa s»«Uaj Id tbit taorement, !.«-tug aaxkas to alow their Mat-s» <-nutria diat, altbosik-b ibey «ere betrayed iato satp* porting Mr. Wood ibey bar« a*» «yapatby «that a, uii Itehala »ni that ihrir n*»mhcr m ('na^raaB la 'h«ir «tntiBKMiu usa foully. Trsr rnreuag wffJ be Uld ia tho Ttc.nii) of tl«» Mistt'.iai Uolai a AvT»a»T to Minor aatttt H«»ar» ar rt>t PiNitis YecMrday two ait*» tMrivu «sf tho «sag Mary F. T ..mi**, «ter« in Hw ('tvairtortsf Comiu saa« They came from N'-wpvit on Fr..l*y mulii. Tbry aag tha. wb«B tb.ii v rasstl waa boa i «tod by Jeff. Ikaaa/B l'iraa every indura-rusai waa oftorad a t',s sallsa an j-'-n th« pira« caw, but they «larhord. Th« piratât «tot« wlatftver tbny could, but did art eatluva ata rrew. Tbt» tai- n.m wars anx>>u» lo s*» to Puiladada pilla, aud sjsjBsjBajaaJ an iai««iiib*n of enariag Iba s«rv ir«. Th«y Wrr« fnniitthad with bm-sob fa younay. . . Tos Hk'i isa roa tmi Lara giotoa Aaot Y«a«*rsl«y le.'niiBt/. tb« mai.« that a i*t*.|«iirasf.rU»ai«aa Antedi« would be performed ul tk. Staphen's Chnret B Twenty -eighth »tr«. t, hrooght oui a lare« aaarral»! lia church hang crowded. Tb« alta uruaiuetna all draped in loournm«-, tb« p.i«ar wore nsrM.rnuig ru*-n(s- Tbe i^osasmi wa profnandly »>l«tr«. Tan atev. Dr. CumBiitig* rek-4»ra'«d its» atase. Tk« wa such as to «io lull rtsdit to lha pnpuhir «rtiat« who faut. i|«m d In the ra»rfornau,o«- Ta« folsjwhig was lb« p^^-raoirne of the maalo- Cbortrt.ttoai li.«.««1i»<-tW". fall oS«r«,t.illaiS I aal» «toataa«---c«uiBo»a«l *t*a*»a»l. f«» f. iniaa«.a lli«a> I atori« luk. faora«.S. ato»», Trto-attka« »oiawaianaam.A, attssa, ItUttiiCiaik. Udma. atacar BU «4 o tosa. loto Baattan . *ia i ttrtil Darlta- CJot Btirto -.. laUo'sf tort, atat Bta. Caartaatati Casias faafstatia.A. I Irla- A»« Muai". l«a«tor« liât*. UatoU. I «alaoavl ¦¦! .".. a«atalwta«.. Baartasatoia.VàVL«.li-. U*<lan«3tork. Ardovaui, Sosiui, aud Failbn, alao t«ak part, agaan M aeted u orgaAÚa. Aftor masa, Dr. ('unin.iiig* addrsasrd th* esaa^-agta tKrri. Hit sut'jet t was principally in ptfarets*« ta pbsyw »iB aad tu« «Uag«. IU thought that play«'« bad ask Uva duly itpppi ate-!, and had aot bora m kiadta» treated aa th.y ought to have !ie«a. II« inswlf laad kuowu members of tue profaaia who wert ua*<aaB of any vie«. Coacaars ar Btsraa Island..We kaara tbat aun ('iaaskadl'¦.nct-ru will be givea at Hot«! (to. Juheox» brivsean lb« trat and arrvnd lartdiaura, «xe *os»i«a«jj <* Saturday, July 9», and coalóoiiiag erary gatnrdap Bt'.il eomplaU-d. Tbe peogrataaMi fcor tb« sarir-s tw«a> prias some oi tbe tora «jonipositioM «sf the Cbatiaal School, aad will be interpreted by tb« foltowrag artisBs Mr. lUrgmaaa, eoodoctor of tba Philtaratatic St»r>«ryi Mr. Moil, lasier of tb« lulaa Opttrn Oe.-b»>.r.. Ita. ito-og, Mr. Her»ig and Mr. II. 8.Milkt, Pa». liSatin- guiahed vocal aaisUnce will ah» ba oasninad tor «atah. i, oc. r. It a boped sad belated thai tkia « tb »i an iid/odoc« lha haheat kiad «sf aitaiaai aistartoinnssa in tha haf.i .ait. of gtaten laland, will BB«tt wlh e*%. «»«»- aameat. taatttttBt hall «M'UBtt. Juttoa llotaliel well veuiilatrd BgSBttBtJBi aad Will IBttaBtafAtl «1 laut JOU peraaa Tbara at aha as^rtaa ady where a bauOaome martioa« baa bana tBaBaf, wk tb« music aay la haard. tanacaar AatABtT.-WilHaa CdUban wet ara. rsatal By «(le«» (^Itortaa sa4 toA«a w tito Baca*.! Irlft-t» r***** t wl^r.1 . Biasli rraart-uht«. .**'.«. taarrtoH wmmT- *M petara«! tasl WaAar.« . rkwa, ar>taa« hi» far »«atoat«W* ¦¦.*" aÑauav itata cu«fcjA»t»»»*« ««aiaiusa i mi «a« a .***- nan aalt rillEH. Aa hBtwatawp Bra wa« eUtaaneeod) I .'«htrh. Bt tatuiday usatidag, kia akaiaiy betoaobto to tdai«a«llV l-eet, at iba t*A af lùaH »'urty «anwth aiaea, artesa At tee ci«hltosaaMB»ornBgaaaata waae^kaawelnt), l*»uiug frota ta» «»llar of Uta tdasMuttut k«^'_¿**ifj_ WealThiity.ilMb «'daüa box,ahtateviatra in it. was loiind biirsiin-nibfeellar- " *T*}Tj¡Z tlat a«aa«t iveiaa wsü^a^ BAla tagt

Transcript of THE LATESTNEWS. LOCAL MILITARY MATTERS. m;M& Jbu … · 2017. 12. 13. · '¿r«. When a vrs-el is...

  • '¿r«. When a vrs-el is on ttor beam eods, with«rnw Md aaaajfasjaaj at the pumps, you

    can guess

    tMt the ship iss.nk.u« if you never atudi.dBow-

    ditch's Navigatum, «»r siithted with B quadrant.There is not an intelligent soldier, who

    i« now m

    idle waiting, even tf be was forging boesor

    Onisliing r.»«e«OMl p'an«»s three month, ago,who

    dot» out bm when be fir.t came herethe

    road to Kichmood WM a« «»pen to htm ti itever

    was to a traveler Witt a prepaid through ticket.He know«, too, every day «ince batteries«od obstruction« Lave bee interposed, aud thateach hour's delay m«»re blocks the route. Hut,trust in God, a..d wait.

    Tbe ff*nr eat Vnllnndlgbnan.rr««votM]»Bi>» «I* !«. N. Y. Tribuna,

    Ws'H.NOToi.Jnly 12, 1861.Tbe Hms» laid ViiUudt 'h-itu's nrntmn exclude several memiM-rs from its privilegia, be-a-auae tliey held afaVs m the anbury service. Mr.Valk*Bed the opinion that Mr. Cmten-den's meaeun» of the laM Batate« tttM alone restorepence to tbe oountry. This uentleman i.« »done fromhie own State, iu opposition to the w.;-, und has beena» often n pudiated by Lis coll" «guet dnine the pit »cutsession tool be is car,ml now, whenevr to iteM Itepenk, te inform toe llouw that he refPMA BfA only oneDislricl, and doe* nol psuaVst lo spcsaii for K I -ucky.In the d.-bete upon Hit» Army Hill, Valhindi ¿AM

    ottered un tunendioeiit, providing t.'at s»\en cr».-i.niir-«ioaers should PMeasasAry tie Army to MA ivo su'hverms ef peace from Ma ió be Is. a» lioin time to timecbsy isia/ht ivaake. This elicited a withering speechf*"» tbeUon. H'.ndnck A. Wright, arbeoV c!:tred him-eyilf opposed to making pa-ace until the Bobeis tuibuii'.-V«i, lay Qown ttieir arnip, eist iça-.-e up their leader». Asjound of applause from both gallcriee OB 1 lieu** g:eet-*d the stvatimeut. Mr. liuichine, f Otto, MM MM ed¦to amendir.' nt to the au.eudment, to the. tfloct that itshould Ik- tit* duty of the »even CemmLuoners to see"XSiat the " s»» wa« vi^oiuurly priMicuf-d la bat«tfirtual Mippression of the Kcl*illiou." This called upVatlundigliam; and, up^n a m dfeo that teileis be aypointed to «áotermine the vote upon the aafgtexd uintiiii--ssut, Iwoaty-otsa BAMt wcro-oountod; und thuri, aapcond tuve, was the ciioit at «liBcr^aiuzalaon doomedM a ridicul'-tip dclttut.

    Tlie cappou'.'Uie "t ihe war feel tha'they are in theBg, and wh'.n i '¡ey behold measure, ut'.» r ui>>H*are,

    for its «rigorous «ad ihoteagh prosecution,«^MMDir bo.h Hous-.- unit Btenttt, with tot Httlt debate.and no important op|»suiiou, it is mere bravado alone< t At «vosa*» rboui to »laud m the way. All Un ir effortsM eïect u rviaty opposition in tbe llounc I- .- > j aaaadiul «ill prove uu.vuiittnr. Tbvte i« no iDtajM a liem-u«'i»ijáe pairty. If piool were taaatABJ ot litt, u ic onlyiienessary, «l»y by day, to wittina the lniulesa efibriscnded the innils inthe Set« mi v, fur ttie 8eua«e t-eatett Mes-r». MaBBI andHuiiicr as such, and expel ed t»em. For tant rta»oiibathauaht lists lu.d latter be retened.Mr. JOHNSON said he bo|»d the inoilon wonld not

    BttttJL ihe cedelilUils Wete Bs*ttat June cvidtlKenal .*«¦ g( iilleineu weie ,S» li.'lots tie« I lici inlltig lotbt Cena'huttaa and hau of Viiginin, ii.« re could 1k>tío objection to their btieg qtalilitd, then auy centrâtcouln tic »eiihM aii«ivviird.

    Mr. BAULBBUKT »aid if Manatí Mason and HuaI ter had ap¡ssnr« d yesterday und laiuieil «cats, be wouldvote lo exp. 1 than, Iiecaiisa they ban taken up amisBgatUttha Unit« d Matea; but il )esleída) tbe Señalehad B 'ight lo ev|*-l Mesait. M aeon and lltinter, wn

    ! had no right now to reC' eyatae ao eb et ion la-fore thattiuie. This wa» the only ot-jtHiion be had. Ilewi-ntoitlu Senat- to ml Mtiordiug to tbe Coiu-titi.uon undI ti'-ervi' il» ('. nt-tiliitioiial ie«'o*d.Mr. TMUMBUlaL (to p.. III.) referred to th» »as«» of

    new Si it a «hi. h had eh« led Suuators betöre lia yvv»re reallv ii.tbe Datan.Mr. HOW F. (lien., Wi«.).Tl»e credential» hete art-

    fair on their face, lim going oult-ide of the crcOi-.i. I.w» know that ihe id I (tovt-rooi i» In Hrm» again-l thecountry, and is n»i recogí.i/«d a» a (Joven or. hut us atraitor. A poition «if I he people of Vlrui.ia n>c loyal:o tin- Fiiou, aid the loyal aiou have a I* gialatuie auda.k a icie-en a>ive, and the) aiT entitbsl to it, midliioeneu ies of (he eou try are not emit|.-d.Mr. it. it hi» rosdtaal t n,«un.ii,g th.ç that was

    agataol the paaor bra of law, and tattaBttag m*ur-res-iion in tl.e S*i;te.Mr. HACK (top., N.H.I said he wanted to BOtfaa

    on« tl bag »aid by (be Jxnaior from I lela war«- thaiti.ii woiil«! lie recogí.¡¿ing in8urrcrti«.n. 1 d< nv t1 ut ilis m anv way itf the js.sce lecorda to find procèdent» of fo.m.Weawtteeapl the eonattl a» it eaBeay eVntitnta fnny Bttawttaa in tbt pant, bul I trtu^t in (rod la rln-dinfjiii'e light au tbe futur?. At soca o time, at sin h anay, end m auch a coat« si, tbe only gaaattB 1 Bah your bean n.nt, if U i» give u.' v.. rhitiid, juin u»'in this grtlt struggle. And it fere at*loyal men iu Vir; I'd« who nre attatBthtld '» Btttd hithe »MUnn oí i ivil lib» ty ia tin», hour of peril, It tin mrail;, let lu a form u coast it a'.iom.l govemineat aetbey fxjet nuiy, and I« t this Ptdatnl OnturnttM al [« urforth it« men and uani« y to BaOttia thOB in tbat tou¬te«». While 1 am up, tir, I want to eay BBUthnrti mg. Tin people of this country are oxctsedingl) ha»patient at ihn way i hi. thing i» tarried on, and I knowaot but tant laipaiitarti nil haleradto ladt inaiba.if ibey see when the loyal Brett ot Vrginia . Luinon I »rplies here, the Senate hesiiae atid «tobbarat« wheth¬er they will » lest it Biigbt contint with some »ftl»e former n.-nt» of tue Bieu whom we BXpt Bed )¦ »'< r-day or tbe «lay bol«»re. 1 trun!., Sir, we U ,11 ure theeesatttfe language of the late Houutor fora M ivonnHeut uni, whom von always usrd t listen to with «o

    ¦¦-. -;. :. i- a .¦. . W ne« »«une »'-d i e. to rvilrS'-e«orno (o-ilson bo had taken, " Sir," said le, " I lakeno lakward slop." I want tnat tobe the BOtttefi' i< Adminiatntllon, and ahfa Itenoblican I'aMy. Andif we entino; pat down Ibis rwl» lie a, let them put uadown, 'ihe .lay of ootupr»niise baa gone by. Wrnave lived on contprooiiac, ii was onr dailyóod. The.e was no evil for which a rompromiaawas not pro|»»-ei», aud the nature «if !t was pal Ihtsillv- party no«/in reU.llion agBtatt tbe lioTCirnui«:ittook eveivthing they could take, aixl gave Baatfasgback, aud then culled it a couipromb-e. That iU) israte, and I bnve no coinrirouilive t.i offer etJCtpl 'beOBattattata ot tbe 1,'mn-d States; that i* grsid emsighf.»rme uud has aver l»e«'iL Mr. Hale then r.-l« rr. Mason, who relu«.-«! to a t.I iiir-.e .xi., ll« .1 Ketiatora refuaed to at befoio it.--.other n'en wt i» electod. Ha also rolein d to a ease inMaryland.Mr. LATHAM (Dem., Cal ) «aid he bad »-it--- i

    W brat tbat tbe Wentern I*>nion of Virgin::, bad sa>«joded. In mat case he wa prepared to oppose iu, 11w-.uld not rw oj/M/.e iu aiy way tbis n...-' daturabl-:daeenne of eeesaafaa that tia» uov»rnmenf wueutuvinto- ted w il ii. Hut tin» was not lb« case ll'ie'Vi-ti.» ,'itai »t-i.l of Virginia, and the Lrvgidaure waarvg'ilarly eb* led, and the S. nute WI » bound i» admitthese gautlemeu w- Senators from Vir¡»in.a.

    Mr. JUH N *>«»N (Ciiion.Tinu.) asked if the tW .metdniiiot really exist a U* lime tbe Sena.» expellaU theUeaators.Mr' H*LTLSHI'KY (»om., Dei ) ask!, in hi« jndg.

    uent, tbe Seusn« u.ialit have tainted it m, a va. atx-.vthen, but irk-jr had treated tbe Seuutor» aa «xptlesiSeruttoi-s. He wished it atada-tiv BriaBttad he hadno ayaiHrthv wiib da expelled'«, tor ne a*liered with the Nimiitor fiom Calfornhi tltat th» doe*ttiue of hanantto was a moa» dauiuable oan, ami lesa-ing lo moat dangerous ie-i| ».

    Mr. JOll.NMJ.V hl art, when he idledr.'»,iN0 men. II it why did ti"f Kentucky inwerIbe call «d ibe Prveidcni T lie (Mr. Ten h/okj «lid Iihtiik y mu«'toe to the Consiitu t'ou. li *wiiti the ouutiy a» with liod. lie who is nol ti»ri. against BJ,

    Mr. I'OW ELL s »id that K-ntncky believed that t1tro"p.c.-illi d o-.t by the 1'ie ident BfaM iiitendidBMjAgaM ihe steten, and therefore ruiure»l to corni.wiib i i. d. iiihiiiI. Keiitm-ky de-ii-es pen.¦>¦ and iproula . Medo.p»iH" u ah io imbrue Mthsiadethe blood öfter brrttatera. .»he l.a» been and »d^a;will he ready to light airniiia-1 a foreign e ou>y. Hattitude phould be BsMMtd by all truo Clainuiuu meShe irtehod tt to i taattaMaAt«Mr. IK\ KTCK »aid he could only r»p-at tl

    wonl« of ihi«r¡iiil,ini BtoasttMla r»-»lv totaAMOAMw'opaid " neoir.liiv i» r.-nson." The tOAtpt beare uot lor s ihj'tgaiiug tbe Soutti, but for »-i¡ prestuluHiirii-i lion «oil ptesei » fog the uni «a.Mr. liUDl.iri'l.K (Bett», Wi«.) iiaid he wuntcd

    Vote. Tieioinlry w:infei! t'e-d«, im WeibTh- minion wan dirais reed to: Yen, .f>; Xtvs, .V».MATaV-Meaert, biyl.t., l'ulk. l'.i-eii MBsaMThe aew Virgbibt Itonators aera iban tsrori in, «'it

    preseed applHU e hiotiki'ix forth as they MM the oailI be H au bill «ii> niki-ii up ami * veral axi»uidmon:

    from tb. L'esniaitrreon r'lium-c adoptad.Mr. SAlI^SIM.'UY (Hem.. Del.), ..! »o atoen

    so aa to make BJ60,OÜU.UÜU, im'euil of 1250,0 4,1*0, othe gicund lb t $Ut\IWI ,11-0 wa« suhVieiil llU I'-eueXS« Hpion ol Congrorr. I»et-yea» I, uav« ML MMMi.lo.»i.-'i" (ot Mipaiiuii),l'ulk, l'uwsIl.iUidNiulsbury voti¡ .. in tbe BSgBfivOe

    T: e t ill vaiia tbea Uid over temporarily.Il:« ill io InorMMthn prvaent mditary establish

    uant wa» then taken un.Mr. KIM, (Kep., N. i ), offered ao ameidment

    tin' wubiii pis aioni s üfurthe ¡. »iirre'li n le»u¡>¡m- ii', lh and of iulelleet uud cnlluro.Mr. l.tTHAM (li pa., GaXj lie. n-tit ti m «MM lirni

    taiiou e uní 'o i"- 1 ..».! ou iipouiiitiiig i.tri lip. liwus a g.eal ev ii now to have ciii/.n« BOMStalsd "V.-iold ollnerp ii the army, when ibey ba.1 no n.iliury0 bIIÍisAhib«.

    Mr. WTLMIN »ski that many offl.ers in the armyMgkt te At piaeed to dii!»»rcnt BtnkloMa lu fail, Iba:army Wn.i paialy red up y ¦'. r¡ a «.eueral H-oiknipi law.Mr. WAlil.Adh (atoav, Pa.) asked bat failed te

    '.¦».nui OH-.1. i o- muvltKeareeolution, decbarW " tb-itih« lasogaitiM w tho Cisifiafemte Statua hy any f«»r-aivn 1'owin v. ..iiki Ik- on«-» U ri-t an act ol bax'ility to.1.« I Jii.aadStetrrs, and wo'iki iiistily the «uspvnaiou ofiliiiloiiia'. M aiious with «o. b a fower."On Ml'MB ..! Mr. KIJOl (Hep., Mm«.), a r »ein«

    tion i»»vs «viopte.1 culling on t i* |*teetaMI to oiiilntiui-saMMiMAaMtaaaiM tfl aatofBABatAA NMlft at to«? k t- .¡ làsahi «Mhatatda.Tbo opinion «>t the Ait'>rney4>ueral on tb« u . f «-aid uisahilil), etc.

    Jt was in « «I in the i-'W's' ut in. idei tal debate, lhalthe hill bail n et Ir«* Bpeartaufia of u ilua-y o eu.

    In- Qaaand leo ro»*, sod tin« bill was |atas«*I.Mr. CI1KTI.S ¡hep, I»wa) «ailed up in« bill for the

    n lief of the soldiers Win» l»rt piiva'S l.n'per.y ill g 'ingf'.itn nt Maululeto Pal Baa'er, ihe aaaaunt Uiug« leven hundred aid twenty dollar*.The bill was passed, ana at ii p. m. tlie House ad¬journed.Tbe following are tho Yeas atdNt) a on expelling

    Mr. t'larh:Ui A- -Matara. AH-n-ti. Art oW, Baals«, r*«,bK. Iltlla».

    (Miut.) B.k-r, ftttter, I e«...aa. Klutn.u,, Blair ( V|..,..,.,il,, (I «in. ) Blake. Hurt i am, I'te fitU, I html .. I'i tV»lW 1 l «Irunn k l'«... «á.S'tW,.,.S..'r a Lo ... JO»Arn. ritt.*!!«« bist.... M."

    t If »til or> . Ii"«"It. W. trralay. «.,.M«alray, b-.tais c«. ... ll sonI'. ,Nt*lt>f. 1MB

    laailra..... tlAB J. It ..|'.i:i. tvAn.. Kl^lii!-g*>U*iik.... H'«-t li*«m, i on* k O». Itii*aiAa Ho- ii.unfc Co.. BBS N. W. I tub. il. »,«"«»vv Htrtln '- «.el« un«!« r (Jen. M'tarpiem. Tba pa «e nlar» (»f th-,-«»tneooiileis hav« not leacned n«. From priva* andlelutblc «.'tines we h. ar that the ailvaiitiu.1- rwoiaiiiedwith tío tioveinuienl; but lb. Itotol »ulbornies at(arth-gr-oa lad given it out that ihe-ir parly Iriunpard,ami nltnnauly lhal HooajB ra hud «xeiipied llotyota.i hi . a , bow« ver, tbe thinl tins* tiial th« «aine m a » Ui«ilebrai«sl oo trs» eoaat, aid (herefor« notody t«lirvathe r-js.ti.

    (¿su. .Santo« (Jutierre« has man .»-«I to join» awi'h I.ISJO in. |: nut Uii« »tl\ nii'.i'p «lil be < «»ti.ias'i-Btted tj Our. Carral, abo, wi'h» r-» .:»re«"'t eu', ofV/sllmen, wu« inan:bing rai idly |0 Jota the »»-¦.. rni.nt f'^rirs n«*ar ltoi/.a».lois I'-i'sls and I *| ii.a have been ai rosUvd ou sue-

    rielan ot aatrayi.ig tbe lioveuim-ut »ausa.(. >v. Qnttartaa iaa aad Ca ii:«iro La«« éatd -.r th«

    arossatatnty raaivtda tv>t. i.l...,a.-, laverai rabalrbb-ls. Binoog titsrii i I l'..ii.* u.a. (iuelLr, in« ar. rt«r, Midsiiipuian A. H. Hick« tl, 3d Anit.-I'.iiniiiear ii. D. Lin-Lug, ail finui to« \\ voii hr.A sai ÜTiivorSr.ossior: Aasitciir..A goutb-iraii

    Latí.), from M- oil-, furr.ishes us fnll particulars of in«leetittaBBt of 0Bg4a «tones, which lias already beenbriefly alluded to. Capt. Jones bad a homestead about17 oil .» active Mobil«, und was bksaaed with the cou»paiiy of au edecatoi, beaiiif il, aud swatted wife. Hewan lb« owner of a aihoooer, and was iu lb« ofn ..l-.uig - vi-e.r»i"iis to a iviisiarable di»tnn«v IVeB tbestore. Ou ou« oonivion, a lient- uorlber caoio tWaVderily m .-ii hi« vessel, tunl obliged biia to lake rstuu«in the port of I'anakcoLi. Passing the Federal Mort, hew-ni up to ibe «by, and waa ihere BBOBtd on theen lign t>i treaaon in carrying OaBfat. I es to th« «.it ...-..of the fir« t. An » viu'.iina' «n-. r vulied iu bis ii«. larg-t.a« uo ) ro ii eonH be pio-lu« ed lo sustain the alloga-lion, la the mean time, lha new» of the supposedtrtaaou of Capt. Jones bad yi -u ' to Mobile, andttve N tgilanou toniuiiltcea wbScli now rule in thacity ib filien, d, without any iuvessLgutlon as toth« guilior uiuot'tiM-eoi the party io« ulga'ed, lo ex t sying bit uatire State having nava.* entered hisamd,aiMlthi« she cotxbs'.l«>d tho Mobile i*»)«i« ta a- knowledgeand p..I'll«!.. Aud thus in ihn "rJgn of larra" per¬ished «.ne N rei »1'initt at the hsial« ot his own frleisla.The trsgedr alaioat a puals s«.me of tbe iiieidaots oflha Kreuch Kavol o ion. i TiaTalU.r.A aokuar auaal Mcdirty wu sb'A in Memphis on

    Sanday. Ho ax.d bis eotupainoa ware stoppad bthighwaymen, and lissir BBBtn demandad; en rafosat,Mv( an/ was shot. Ile átVaapata /io, and h-evr-tted Kir»» Lkautaeianl aflarlit bin i le of BatM Vi.ia. a (»nrlion ot ( ton.Taytor'aaraymm ».idrred to paftxteaaj OtAeBteta»toi. Couch \v« t wiib ibe il»t ni tt.PDi, ami raoiaiii'dander tbe t onitnHticer in-Ct tef till th« ltitigtf»ti have at length takea

    the pro|er «i"ra« tov« Mid ir»creasitis; IM cavalry f-.ras oftb« army. Prom the comnmercment of the rei>elbonlb« want of mounted troop« baa Iippii «««-«revlr fe)t bymilitary r:wn, aa without tbeui the (ioverrirrwnl trot») s(«und d » lltti« auainet tbo well armed hoi a>-men of Vlr-ido-a. TI»e MaMtlaf for cavalry tascatii*» «o mar:e| ai'mer.t called for a volun¬teer regimp> much time to tecou men wbo moldtajóte eMtMAlAat and famah tariee«. Within tbe lautday or two Government bs» de. id.d to porch««« horse«f»r th* volunta esnnd do f-.r ilia in «e it baa done by them in fljitimr cooduion. I'ndvr tbaMA) regiilHtior, tbe " l,»n.-oln Cavalry1' of tin« city,n.mat .a«led y CI. A. T. McReyr.o'iU, he« been caledinn» MrtttAa. ami will probably I»« ready t» leave f»rWaaliiiuton within Ibe vamn»/ w.«k. Cd. Mclt«y«nolosa a d«a.iu»h.d officer «>f th« at'sicea war,lav .ng been pi oa lie field for bravery, and'ind-r hi« rontmand tb* I.'i.'oln cavalry will do ibt-I» » have an oprvartunity to dbuinituub thaiuaeivr». II«ip'uiin d from W j«iiin»r''»n on Kridav, txs oniy with I aonuniaaiioB «a ('.d-iiH-l in bi» ]aa?k«i, bot irr. »and withibe ueaearary atiiboriiy to plaee hi« remment . in« i,glcer in ibwi ;y,C .fsivHi llaMimaii.'-:.« recaji\ed iuainicliajii» to mus¬ter in, niii.'otrn, and rtiBip tbe variuMi cob»pee ie« assfasedlly sa posaible. Ihe mustering will pndnbly takeplace oo Turwiay and VN e.«i»e«iLiy,id\«r wbi«h th« avewill go mu» 'i «tartcm U-receive tbeirarma and uniform«.Ilorw-a foriho résinent are toii>a« rec«iv««l doily inWaebinatou. oral Un- meo will be mounted a« soaxi mthev arrive ia that ritr.Thai rvpiii»ei¡t waa i>- months ago

    onde- C»»l. Itay«rd Clarín-, bur »» maay o'etaa-'e« «erethrown in the way of ns kOreptance, that not only wasCol. (lar ko «liait eartened, lait Maj. Meriill, Cd. May,and (ail Shu»» wsr»« in tu»n w »rn out vviih the hast»livity of tbe War I >>-part in* at, and uhauibined ther«xiu»ent to its fat«.

    The, enterprirink y"«nia aa-nwbo had aralartiiken »heoiyant/al 'n mayalso be made at No. f>!8 Hroaalway. Tbe following isthe company organisation aa pnacribed by IswOne captain, one tir.t Itoutouaut, BAA second lien«

    tenant, one first »ergeaat, oik» company qtiartnrmastnr.ergrant, four «ergeano, eight crporui», two buglers,two fan a ¡s sod bla- .ksunin«, one saddler, one wsgh«mm-|v. «.LAKY (t.xr.RAI .'.« MTUlTMf-JIT.(.1:11111.

    WI-J.MH.About 4,1X10 rlnee aad other textoam-a* atorara are to

    be «.-ut V» Koitos»» Misn.-e. The ehiajreriajg of a«teau.a-r tied not takeuJMM yee'a rday, but wiU be ef-fecteal witheal lore of lime. Kille« will also he «e» tto oil the volunteers of tola State m seen aa praetietaktoa

    I ni. v il.'s am wi s1 be .«ptj ection ol' at»o»it 70 recruit« fiT CoL Daryee's

    /«¦ui»v»s, r«vk plaeai yesterdav they are ahm musteredlute tM I oited Htatea Mnrtot, tsnd will be sent toW'sahington Ur-riKrrow morning via Unrnsburg.

    COS» AAiTLETT.Having j xibludied a lexraajraph «asne tbne age, rela¬

    tiv« to Col. Ilttrtlett, wbira waseredlted to 'far r«rSP>It* Mrrcury, the Colonel has «eni as tbe fellowhig¦ote, w hieb, in edect, «ieuae the truth ef the «jts4«s>itMHit relenM toi

    " U. A fair frmiii»..»OAOi» ?.¦»-> Ceaetar Va, Jal« I. latí. 5

    'I «pfietlM BM MStetaaaaBBMI parajiepB jca call »y.KeiilUii to, fm I »hould «an t..'If «tf»« irai il »a oa» It le »atrua ia «vary uervl«alar. I ear isla la aaa.eti of lia cSteear» ab««1 Itatec ja.ii.i»J m .eaualui. loa en u» ¡'ii. n -i.

    '"k'-ai». 4C A. StUPUAV.

    city m;M&e> ¦¦

    laateasrioB .Tu« aa r»*»T t»f aaata^BBjJaaBjjgBjJJbu Miraae. wbiah ware Uiakd M Caatle ttaa-inaF inlay, was fit,*!.B..ARO or Btriit.-Tnn Hoard held b aa-ajag at

    «atunfay aid gva.l«d iwmi,y (jsotatan el g*M e*ak.Tue Board adjouraed a Monday.

    . «a .

    Tea Rantnw«r bWatJ to Imrrtrt a iertAosinit Tas f'i tfiiMiia An«n«i aa MBh fae(ha CorriBion Coniieil p< tot inn; w«ea asada- Im ahnllenadway Hank «tvon at»«r Mr IV.II» , art^saa-a» ath» .,**,« mf -rasstl iheta tha barhnatiai"! wa« an ofBuir m Cd. MeCune . r»ign««nl, «t»'«nil-g ; »1 per OM-tllh. Of nislM S«M'h weraaoi Ita« irrowataweaa utsflW which to «spaa to eraaia aysn*puby.

    ¦ «I

    tfcastao a StrBsaioBi.i. Imaadtataly afrar lha¦risure of Ua Ulasrraiaa in ail Ua» «jffieaa Mirustgloal aha.oiiatry, a Leiber aaaad Darey. a tbat Hart «a-ajn.iaiisraa la Wall »treat, fled IVsr latrU UataVt>Wa. ¥«*B>larday b« maw hi« a|,*«»ar*uoa in ti a «te« a», wbra tawas «baanrad by a larga etowd «sad »tmu»auaad at aMaatsa-raeu*. He atrata Wat frtutt aad toft»

    gttnnia Dnu'i or ai (lui Mtw-Toaa Mas»M*»t. -Thomas hgletAtMB, rat,., *" Ml BBJBJ a BJBBJ

    Iwr «f the Krai ol raleaos«, Itatt".I A Co.. iroa atan»cl anu lu lb:« city, died very » aly, M Ma rvsd.iawnin Ftfib avenu«, uo Friday evaidng. H« bad lasso stVing for asvend daysi or laottofurekadeath be obaerT.-d liait ka toll much laMtrr.and tta««|.*«the would fat aida to I» oui ia a day or iw«. Mr. BLwas mach e.Ux-m«d aonmg a Urge canto of naaahvFor many vnara ba waa aa F.ktor a Dr. latagt( 'Lurch, He waa »d y«*en of ago.

    Pot.ici Volcarais Lima» F.'«B. -Tleee Witi nnmbutod to this find by tit member» of tes» tasas.-na-nt for the month ut Jane, $1.'¿Ll 10. Tha aaai pattout i« $l,n*l, donating t«> It'» f,.mili«a tha .«a a fa*

    eh. No e«*Btribi|( KrOS hav« laseo rtwrivad from thaLlévenlo, TbarWoiiV and Twaay-hra 1'er.UxUk

    Aaatir or a (li.isn it (Jibtli««o.- The Ba..1-.- pi. Herbert who to B | n#»t or lia CatUtataChurch, errcaad by oAnar Isimbe, et ihe KigbtoasBB»Ward, was taken to the Jeltoraon-Market Faina Coartru Saarday, and ex sanad by lustier (¿»ta*-lea«asB«.Tb« reverend gfnitoa.aii exhibind evsaVar» of ptet»praadial luJi.l,-»**-« «tha I rv (wiihstau fmg hat ap¡>-attto Um» Court, «rompaltod tb« .loan»- I" «vasai/ti his« ta,«ht cell« f«*r tea days. Mr. Ilarlatrt, who ibas lacayadi-ftner upa bis stscrad peutnaatoa. It n saan whaaeari.lrea» would readily admit hita letta beat«bat, aaf-ataaaaly tnr hia. la at w«s*tod u Use

    Dra w st Homb It i« rai»»*tod tlat aaldtgnaUon omsmibk is a b« to Id ia tba Third l'a»tonal Dinrtet, now r«pr«aaiil«d by B*a Wood (1, It,II), for th« «nrpoae of sj ing hi« eoiatii.teuu sa «rpatr--tuiiity of expretanng Ui«ir distruit ai bsj irait-«et».«» «an»dart. Pmniinenf D« rastreáis of the Haartet aa s»«UajId tbit taorement, !.«-tug aaxkas to alow their Mat-s»>u» lo s*» to Puiladadapilla, aud sjsjBsjBajaaJ an iai««iiib*n of enariag Ibas«rv ir«. Th«y Wrr« fnniitthad with bm-sob fayounay.

    . .Tos Hk'i isa roa tmi Lara giotoa Aaot

    Y«a«*rsl«y le.'niiBt/. tb« mai.« that a i*t*.|«iirasf.rU»ai«aaAntedi« would be performed ul tk. Staphen's Chnret BTwenty -eighth »tr«. t, hrooght oui a lare« aaarral»!lia church hang crowded. Tb« alta uruaiuetnaall draped in loournm«-, tb« p.i«ar wore nsrM.rnuigru*-n(s- Tbe i^osasmi wa profnandly »>l«tr«. Tanatev. Dr. CumBiitig* rek-4»ra'«d its» atase. Tk«wa such as to «io lull rtsdit to lha pnpuhir«rtiat« who faut. i|«m d In the ra»rfornau,o«-Ta« folsjwhig was lb« p^^-raoirne of the maalo-Cbortrt.ttoaili.«.««1i»