THE LATEST I* beyoad...

tatiitti Kolitti._ fftfc FaLL Cht-BMBRB open. at GkkiWm with a dreat Rn *____¦¦ A t5a_, Fbr-ikwabijb -C i > urb, No. iifi -.- .-reeoeetfallr Ibt.i* tb* atteatiunof Uieir ea*tome,r« aod A-np-ili' te tbe **tt Paaaioat for Utrr_(NEB'i U*Tt an. Care._ ,_ _. ~&:wli«r IIachikka.To Ci-othip-rb, Tailor*. a*..Now a tbe daHt.derl.a tb* 4-11 ara..*. aat bafor* rha kv~ -. jw- y,u riB.iara. <-.-m_i«.c»«, lo Intr.rloee tb* Sewta* Maebl-aa. aa of R 0»la*«*wlBa Maehine will jarneare u»or* eiear aroft tb»a a»oaa mveeted ia *t.t other way. Tbia eao be claar.r _e_ior_.u-.lrai. H*Ti.i| eettled al. «-it* araiuat oar miicliio.a thr'*. i. .. .r.aiow ef claim ifir-f. thrav Hu; all .th.r roachi.iee do le- fliB-c our pater.1* if.e " IWa. MachineV-* r.heei, TaBl«a» ./- IW iofTrei*Ti.r of oar patent. ai.rt BM ¦ Piir. I. ,,r tfacbioe." in- frtr tn (onoi oor latruta ard .«* lr.T.Bll"B for wblch we have ap- rAitn for a natrtit. 11* who bort atir of th--a piratioal m*. hmrt ____?.____*_._LM Great Charce forCahh Buyebs..Horacf. Wa- TC.i N". B-t Hioadtaar. wllltell harjeient aud Wiiraoted Pia«'H aad B«LCB*.o»»at *l*n«dii<ount froui.fadJ.rv prii-n rtuh. Ui* ia.i.nii aa.ortB.eDl lh» rel'Wt 1 P too. of T. Olluert EOa, witbor ttitbi. it tb* .Ho '*..; Hallett fc Cra-ator., and Jecob Cblrkrii.f tb* ke«t llottno ni»nnf*etnrera; and tb. ae of **rer*l of thr Nrw York n.aken, ind' din« Pianoi fn.rn tn> orn faeto'y. _br laat Boet-B. N*w-H*t«i.. NewVort and lluflalu Meiode'-oa. Eaeh inatruBieot w.naotcd. Ilcalrr. tupplied on the rtry beat irra*. ^^^^^_________________________.________ ".Ealian, Giatd nt.d Sijtinrr PlABOR, from TIm.i.f.t, t).TH t To tnd other relehritnl maVert, ln eyrry Ta-.etT of alTl-. 0I _,p. |ior lot,*, for aale at lue lowr*. rat*>. Srcor.d mnd I'i on ai fM, ff'. *'.io .Mrr, *.'"» btadel MtLODBOBt tid P r :i Oa o*Bt. oi ettrt Bnitb tn*enr' rlor' nt trh 'eaa1* ar r-t*U. at ftMtora pfica. U'eiklj and uionilnjr iay .euu tacen fur t portion of tb* ami.nt. Mraav k 0<.Bt>o«. Wo 291 Broedwar. Tremerdoih Sacripk f...Kngliah Medallion V*!- v*t Tapc*try ht.riio tt-d Ihrraply Carpet* at * treat atcrlf.c*' B. B .»,«» Ttrtla hetotlful Ina-aia Carpeta, 2,6. 3', 4/. 1/ per yard. Kaarmea* ttock >.f Oil clt.iha at uti.-half tbe i.*»a.l ii u-« at Hibim A.DBBao.'a. No M Bowery. Great Baruainb.. Carpeta at eott; pnrchaaed at reduied prlce*.No S79 Broadwai'.* HL'M»H»r.Y w.ll aow aell ot Iheir er.tire aiock of Carpe'i. *c, *t the lowe.I pricea Klcb Ve!*et,l(W_-H/! rich Tap-etry B,"_f 12/; rieb Bn.aaei*. H.'i leb three-pla/.t/'if 10/rer yard; rich J-eary Stiprrtlo*. B <r7/. AI*o, a reO-iianiriciit.a very Uriie aatortmeut of cbeap lotraio tt I t*r yard. Oil Clotb*. Rnt«. Mattinc Mtlt, be eqnally low. No. 371* Breedw.T. rorner wLit.-.t._ mUUti kllti: IN MII.WAt KBE. MitwatKcr., A .¦: 26,1114 H. C. Ila.Btic. No. 13t WaiT-tt New York Bia.1 have taken aia of ymr Bafaa ont of tha roint all ntht. Y ur*. I.< a.. i. sa-i 4».-, Nf.W Muair.." W'aki' I'p." Serenade, by QaM. R Ponlten. Piice 25 cent. Stm. hy thr Atnuhi i.i with (reat .urcctaal all of their roneerta " '.'il'to> and hi« Diiah." A e 'mic Pallad. By Th-maa Baker PrirrZIrt*. A rhnice Bt'lad, fail i.f Inn ai.d *o.'«l BM 'udy. OrerL|«il I'olka.'* hr Uriffen T. L* Kort. PrkaBR cta llOBatr WkTLas, juhliaher, No. 3T3 Broadwa>, *rBI by m*il p<*t|ald_ IrPJtHLERV ANTI-1'KRIiiIIK OR FkVKR ANI) Adt.F. Ci'BB. waa hrat hrouabt befor* the pohlic ln 111.43. aad already coiti- mai.d. con.leoee ano attentlon, and aa iiaeiaini'ied deinaud. Sold k^Cl.tcaita.. * t'o No. ti Ba.clar *>._ AU. THE IlANKH IN TIIF. IJnion..NoTF.son all and every Btnk eontiderrd aond > n 'le Ut inrt wiH I.. r.krn at per in i<eyt»rnt for Ninv Mat.r CtOTm.o.'at E. Kvavt'a Clotmiti; WiiiHi'i'it, No*. 6t and K-ltomt._ NdTlt'F. !.1'AI'P.R IlAM.lNI.S, DlK OKATIONM, Ae., tnd Rr.T*iL,at oar Ntw Waariioisn, Nu*. 2V) aad -97 Broadway. ¦__,_._. Tll'iMAi PkVt k Co. Havlng iddrd ¦ larre f»rtory, No*. 142, Uf, IS« and IM Wert Jyti- .»., to our en. tiait e Inipnriin* hnrioe.. the trade ar wlioleaalr. at well a* ro. ai at reitail. will itudy ll.sir intere.t r mi tait* by -1 amicisjr tbe 8tock and F.n .' *t oar n*w I'M-a'lon. In. ..t Parr k Co No*. 2.56 and 247 Broadwtr. Dnerlly 0).p.xite tbe City Hall- Hair Dye and Wkih.-llATttHKi.oR's cr.ebrat.itl H.IB DtB I* by all »ek_ow]e_|ed tl.e b<*' in the world. Sold wboleaele end rrtail.or *nulied in ata. prirate ro..rn.. at W. A. RtTcaa-ea't Hair bye, VVIa *nd Oruemeiital Haii FactorT, No. _33 Bro*d<r*y. __._ Oni.y Tivo Day* Lp.ft..|15 ouly, for a (oiiutiy or 1 illnte Homa.tead li a ploaaaot aad h.-alihy locttioa oa tii* Ieiug liland Kai]rt«d. lr" Kattr- and W* Bulldint L..t*, |O0 feet arrtiare, rqurl U> foar cltr lota, will hr dlridtd BawaaajM *nb- etriber., on tl»ercBli.« of Aa/t.iat 31. 1854 E*ch tuhtcriber onlr for ei.4, parable Ib InauHmrnta, will receire a warranted dr*d fcr a taim of from two to tO acre* or foar Bullriiua t.ot* 25x100 feet. Only afcw eharei lefl. Apply to HHtt. Wood, No 21* Broadway, wbere map. nnd pan.phlet* raii he had cralia. CRISTADORo'h Hair Dye..Thia maunifiront con . poai.d I* beyoad continaeorr tb* .afr.t aod rooat rallahl* Dye iu eakwence.n.vrr f*ilin« to lui|.»rt te th* bair uBiliitnii'y of eoler, LBCrlebn.rbt and ela.tlnity, 11 aidc. heinij Ih* ea-irai waahed oil the ektn. Bold aud eppllcd at Caiarano.o'a, No. 6 Attor li. m- ~~TXTE8DAT, AUGU8T 29, 1854. Our Ajiriit*. Miaara CtBi.n.i. A Rm u I i.t No I North Broadway, YukKEtS, wtll aupply oui ln. ii* in that VUlafc witb Tm Tai.i'xr. OitoiiiiiK. UKur.V 2G| MV.t..ii_.t.r at i* our Af.Bt in Pbovioibck for tbe *ale nt Tm Tk m ¦. r MritaaACu. ereourAfeai* for tbe *alc t.f T.i. Taiat'Ni: in Oaaaaaa dAMi'ti. B. NtcBOLf b our Bfcut for thr tale of Tm T-iiu w. in Biil ll i.i'. ri 4 t H. B. Pct.toN will anpplr our frirn.i. in Ci.r.VRttan witb Tm; Taiava-. Wa P*TT0N iitnr e.cnt Ht ll e «alo of Thi: Tkii i m al ll'-Tta- ttrar.Ct Mr. O. W, Ne. B7 Baudo!pb-*t., (tinc tt.o. haa Tni for aale, aad will *erve our frieiid. iu that city L. I> ( /«*' n I* our Aa'.ii'. for the tale of T.i. TaiBtsr. ia Blmib*. Mr. W. n. BTaeaat wBI aaprly om frienda in LittlV: Kaxtt with with Tm Tall t'Hk.. V. B. I'liuik U author-i.'d to rrceivt-»criptinni and adrerti.*- meru for Tm Taiatsv: lo Iherltlra ef PiutaBKLrHiA and B0.T0B. Oar frievdaiu iliKk laland, lll a-nl Ilarnaport, cau obiaiu Tn. TaiBCBJ of 11. A POBTBB & Bln. ln falan.l. ' > TO CORHF.sroSDKSTS ISo aotke. raa be takrB of anony inoua Commanicatlona 111 *.. v.r i* intecdad fur i-eertion inual lr authentitalt- l.\ the i.iun- and addreee of the writcr.not -ecettarily for pub'irtli.-n, but aa a fnaiaat** of Iii. t""d l.iih 1A> canoot underthke ti rrnun rejecled Te Ot'B Faikana -8uh»< ribtr.,in ..-rdirj-.i.i reinlttancn.frequruilr OBilt to nier.lon Ih* i.ame of Ihe Pnat-OBMe, ¦__ ec»vfre.]uently Ibe uauie ol iba Mlalr, tu wblch iheil pairr w it. be arut.alway* Bieetlon the name of tlir P~r (jfflreand \tnla niual *tale tbr old addr To*. Thb Wikbi.tThibi nf. Iinanow srirculationof I tBAtBB .opiee, a^id i* oadonbtrdly the Leat edrrniet-t ineiiiiim in tho I'tnted Btate*, circulalin* aa il ... u. nnt Siatr in the 1'i.i.m. ll.iu.h Pravlucee.Ac.,,M". iianicr.Mrrchaula, Pamllira, _c. Tho*.- who w'wh to piake iheir batiu. sa konwu tha cauntry ovei. wouid do well fi- try Tn. Waaatt TBIBVB1 A of adrartl*aiiit-'it* an- iniertwl at 50 crnu per Hi.e, .ach iBaartba- Tn- StMi \V». ki i TiUhiNC alao haa a very \nrge r-ir- culalioB in the counliy. Adr.tlMBcota in.oru^l al IH canu per Uae, each lnw-itloa. The Tiibuur for KurojH. We ahall ieaoe THIS MOKNING au Kilition of Thi 8kMI-Wk_ri.t Tiur.iKK, f.irrirculiitiunin Europo. It will rontain all tl.e latoat Nt~i u]i to the time of go'mg to pr.wa. BtofU- coptte, in wra|ipore, rt-ady for mailiui;, cau bo bad at the ietk. Prioe 8ix Centa. Tbo ateamabip Amorit-a Haila from Boaton ftir Livcrpool To-Morrow. Adr'cc. from Vera Crui to tho '2-d inat and tbo City of Mexicoto the '-JlHh, hare been received by tLe way of New-Orleaaa. There it -othioi. reliablerela- tlre to the inanrreetirm under Altarrz, although it waa the im]>reaaittn arooni; urany tbat it ivonl.l yet prore aucrotrlul. Couot Kaouatet dt- Bnultrou, wboao captura at tbe head of an ineurgeut forre, before an- uouDred, bad beeu tettenced to be ahot on tho l'.'th inat.. with aeieral oiLt-r Freneh >.i.-era. ln l»ur..tu.. Ihe Gtivenitnent forcea had obtained a inninetitary cbrck over the Indiant, lut they appeared ia other poiUoni ef the countri eauting great alarm and the flight t»f many of the inhabitanta. It it reported that diaoonU'iit and rerelution viere increaaing toan al&rm- iaf extent. Tbe rrop. in nearly half tbe Statet were a campl-te failure. aud a lar^e number of death. oc- currad at ( bihoahua and otber place*. from actual starraticD. The cholera and fever had prt-tty nearly diaapp**'^. -? "¦.. Qaitr- a panic prevaila in Savannih inconae_ence of the Increaae of the yellow fever, and tLe titizent wero rapidly learing. At Cbarleaton. alao. great un eaaiafM waa manifeited, and preparatuiut were making to open a yellow fever hoapital aaould tha dit-Bte booome epidemic. The eholera broke out among the Iri_h at Fail Birer, Maaa., on Satorday, and up to yetterday ainrnicg nineteen deatht otcurred. For Ihrther aeoounta of the dettniction of property by firet ia the are telegraph. A terriie toraado pat.ed t.rer the City ol Loaiarille, K. at ISo'clock on Suanay latt. The Thir.1 P'et- b. icr.'aa C'hurch waa bloan down during aerrice. eauahig the in.tant death of tweoty of thr eongrega- tion aud aererely iojuring ten or tweuty othera. About oae hoadred other buildiuga were taaroofed and blown down. The total ioat of property it etti- mated at f 100,000. The sa__e toraado pataed orer .IcfTrraonrille blowing dotro feur houaet. See te!e- * graph. OOT. WIBH. More tban txtrnty yrera bate elxpieJ lince the ap- ptxaranre of flexRV A VVibe in t'ie arena of Politict, ahich tappenfd after tbia BBatfaB Mr Riihar J Coke, who hmi lor four year* repretented in Conjreit tbe Acromac Diatrict, \ irgin a. aa a Keptiblictn of thf originally Crawford, tben Ja.kaiin aclmol, been ttradually alienated aad ettr&nked by (nn. .11 kai ¦ BBOaTBB 1 vxith Calhoan and att.vhmcut to Van Buren. l>y the extreme centraJiziBg dortrinea of the I'r ¦> a mation againat South Caroliua'a nntltfying atf'm 1" written by Kdwird, l.ut adopted, aigneJ and iaaaed by Gen. JackBOn. and by tbe xioleot eager- r,i -a i.f O'hI Ilickory ' to puah mxtton to extremei vxith ( alhoun and hii follovxera and have them bung under tbe Force bill. Old-faahinned p-ople. like Mr. C'oke, are not nimble in tarniu.; tLort coniera. and it pnzzled bim to Bee bow a Pretident who had petted Nullification tn tbe abatract and praiaed Hxynea Bpeecbea of 18M in hii ill-itarred controrerBy with Webiter aa embodymg tbe true Deinocratic State Rijtbtt dootrir.e, could now affirm tbe exjctly op- poiite doctrinci of the FroHauation and be 10 fierce for hanging C'alhoun, McDufEe A Co. for actiog in conaiatt-ncy with tbe BO-lately-commended doetriaeB of Hayne. So Mr. Coke, with many like him. grvl- uall) fell off from JackBoniam, and, without nitkiu.' any change in hia profeftiiona. became identified in fetTiBg with tbe Boutbern Oppoiition wbicli fiaa'iy eryitalized into a aupport of .lulge Hugh L. White of Tenncaw e for Prcsident in 1896, Now (103) r-ame forward Heury A. Wiae, aa a young paladin of White Houae ' Dernocracy' in oppo- aitioo to Mr. Coke'a reclectiou. Di haranj/ued the Penple thronghout tbe Diatrict. accuaing Mr. Coke of diieffertion toward tbe PreBident and dialoyalty to the partj-.' and eihorting tlve elfcors to rep-iir tho l.rcach in tbe Democratic bulwark by tending him 10 Congreia in Coke'B atcad. (The DetTtoeraer, hy tho w bj, of thii purt of Virginia 11 rather peculiar. BBBM tBi AtX-eBBM Dirttrict was a ttronghold of WbbVmiv, tonian Federalism; Mr. C'oke himaelf. Mr. Wiae'* father. and Oen. Thomaa Ii. Hay.y. if wemiitakenot. harinaT all been atanch FederaliatH in the olden titne bnt the nioit nltraof State Ri**hti Demoirats' under tlie new diapensiition ) Mr. WiacBTigoroua eloquence prevailrd, and be was cbor-en to Congrepa. Mr. Coke took penonal oflt nse nt aomething aaid by Wite du¬ ring tbe ranvast, challeneed him to a due 1. and rt> r.ived satiifaciion in the Bh*pe of a broken arm, Bbivtred hy Wino's bullet. With tbat memcnto, he oank quictly into retirement, and after a few f9BI9 died. Mr. Wite went to Cnngre«s. and ittuk to t'ie .I.-ii' in vkl.ii h bad n. rv.'i. bim ao well nearly two yeara. Tben he diacarded it, for what preeiae reaion we do not reiuember; but rcanons were abtindant in tbat unhridled reik-n of violenee and deepotiam. He eupporttd Judge White for Preaident in 1*35, aud waa among tbe foremoat opponentH of Vau Buren and bia Sub-Treasury poliry through l-:i7-l't. He was an actiTO UBd ardent canvaiser for Gen. ILtrriion iu 1840, making strong Bpeeches at PoiiKhkeopaic nn 1 elrewbere in thit State, bb alao in other State*. aa 1 finally trtinp to get upon tho battle-u.-ld of Vork- tovxn a " Three Daya' Encampment" in the tuiddie of October, whieh failed, the Penple being already wi.rn out l.y political gatl.eiingR in that protrarted aml i xcited caiivt8B. We be iieve Wiie waa eoured by hin defeat and diiappoiiitinf ut in thi& project. ao that he did not ex-eti vote the HnrriBon Etectnral Ticket next uii' though be had made many nnd able Bpeechei iu ita libttlf. (Jen. Hnrriaon was eleetedand Mr. Wiae retarnod for the Gith time to Conrrreat; but before it naattii- blid tbe People b Preaident died, and everytbine bTBJ ll tao wind. John Tyler sueceedfd to the White lli.'iirf, and began to eait about bim for the mexni of cnating n peraonal party and securing hia own elec- titm in lrdl, with whieh view he began plowing with all manner of strange eattle. Mr. (' the grcxt Iniiiy of the Wbig* reaisted him, and iniiated that the Wbig poliey ahould be carried into effect by tbnse wbi m tbe Whi/}a bad placed in power; but Tyler vetoed Bueee^iively two Bnnk bills, Cone of them abaped uuderhis owndirectionn, )a TarifTbill. aKirer liinl liarbor bill, Biid raiacd a jolly mw geuerally. Through all tbis eommition, Mr, Tyler'a chief ad- 91998 and moat efficient champiou in CoagreBB wa« Hotiry A. Wiae, who wa» rewarded in due season by tbt EmbfUsKy to Urazil, one of our inost desirable Mia- eicne. Coi. Polk, ou hia aceeenion to tbe Preaideney, su- pcrieded Wise by one of hii own followerB, l.ut Wise baa erer sinee adbered to the 6chool of what ia ftce- tioueh termed ' Deinoeraey.' The Accomac ia a rln\f-lnef(iing diatrict. and. though intemely Conter- vative and gtrongly Federal in ita politice, hai choaen to be rtpreaented in CongrtBB, since Wise's with- drawel, by Oen. T. Ii. Rsyly, wbo calli himielf a State KigbtF Kepublican, and ia one of the weakest hnd windieat of hia acbool. The District rolled up d.cided majoritiei for Harrieon, C!ay and Tay- lor, but gave only 57 majority agiiinit Pieree in lr*."*?, and ma» be aet down ai heneeforth at- tacbed to tbe car of what ii termed Democraey,' ao long aa it aball gmw bIbtcb to eell and our aetni- tropical ueigbbon aball have (,'otton aud Sugar landt that we may ateal. It waa the boatt of Mr. Wiae when in Congress tbat no newipaper waa printed witbin ita limits, a boakt which could hardly be m-tde good af an) other Diatrict in tbe Enion. Mr. Wiie ia yet iu the prime of life, actixe. aiul.i- tious and energetic, a man of original and vigorouB Uiiiul. a good atuntp apeaker and in prirate life we beliere) beyond reproach. He married, Bome yeari'f. a daughter of tbe late Jobn Sergeant of Phila- .ic'l hii. inr im aeci.ud wiff: but we believe she too ia dead. He was a inember of the laat Conatitutional Cinvriitinn of Virginia.and waa diAtinguiahed therein ly hia ability and !ibf rality. He it, iu ahort. a 111 .:, ol Ideaa, tberffore of Progrfta, and tbe natural ^nti- pode of an Old Fogy. He hai rerently been brought forward bb a cacdi- didate for ntxt Goxernor 01" Virgiuia, titt) Joteph JohiiFOD. a mereitick, of whom hii party it heartily tired. Two compet.torB are urge.l.Sbelton F. Lt ake. now Lieut. Governor. aud Willia P. B >cock, now Attorney-General; but Wise will waik over tl.. 1.. witb eate, though Leake baa capacity. Nothing but a Whig reaurrection, of which there it not tbe re- inotest probability. can preveut Wite'a election aa next doxernorof Virginia. We ara glad of it. Wiae haa a thouiand fautta, and ia wrtmg-headed on important pointB: but he ia no ttraw but a real torce.a genuine p.-raonxlitj. He may or may not run well; but if nouiinated he willbeflected,|and will writehiBnarue broadly on tbe page of bia State'a biatory. He will gite a new im- pulae to tbought. new actitity to enterpriae. and will abexk the draining ofl' from Virginia of aome of tbe beit of ber white. blooti tofielda of larger promiie fcr advfuturoui. unquiet ipiriti. Hia election will be worth more to Virgiuia 'tbe aanexatiou of balf a dozen Cubat. We hail the proipeetire replacement of Jobn»on by Wiae ai one of many indicxtiooB that tha feign of mediocrity in imporVint autiona drawa to a cloae. The folly hatitg beeo carried to its climax in the eleetion of Piereo, there is re .son to beliete thst the 1....!.1 n will be prempt and tborough. We aee proof of thia in tbe adherence of the " Harda " to Julgo Bronion nt their randidate for Gorernor, though he waa anlioua to decline, aod half a dozen ambi Joub conentitita w ere aehing to itand in his ahoes. Still, tho State Comniittoe would not let ffim off, and in this the? acted w iaely. That Judge Hr .nion i* per- sonallj capoble aod wortLy. none will Bencuaiy Jeny and tbeae qnalitlea. af again.t any negatire or i<»e..nd- raie at u.ptrtttor, will win rote* cut.i le of hia pxrty. Totea wlieh could l.ate Im en obuined for no on«i of thoae wlo wmild hare brten n .inintteti in hia ktead. W. io aaa] aay that coi.e nf th-te are w .rthy. but Bircply tbat tb*y are noi to widely kn-wn to be ao aa ia Judge i'.ronaon. We truit tl* partiea yet 98 iiominate will foliow thia ex.-ellent eiamp.e, and pre*ent for Goteraor nun whoin they caa tincerely rfccottmend aa upright, able and deaerrinc. Tbia ia BB tinie for inquiring wbo fram- »ucb a place, or what are the rirai rlaimt ef thia or that aepirant. Conaider rather what »ort of man ia vanted for the place ani ti. n tnd one who anawera 99 the requirement ai niarly aa poiaible. We bel eve tbii ii the true doo trine of Axailability; and that aecond-rate caulidatei f.r irnportant BbbbBBBB, aelccted beranae theyhateno particnlsr opinion*on any BSeaBBf Bubj.-ct. ani are not ol.noxiouB to er.y pnjudire or intereat, will nolonger anawer the purpoae. Dr. Johnson liked a heir boijeithater; and it will yet be fmiul tbat *B9 msu ¦%hr>m nol'ody hatet or fear« ia goneraliy incapable of excitirg iny itrong emotion whatever. CAT1IOI.IC PREL.tTKt ABD onOGIllOPS. Tke / rrrman't Jo_r_*l reaponda rourtaoualy to our former arlicle on thii luhject. Deeming the aubject of very great iinportance, we reprint Tke Journals reapouie entire in another celuinn, where it ia re- coTtmended to tbe att* ntion of onr readeri. In rejoining to tbia uianifeato of Tke Fruman't Jovrnal. kt ua begin by aaiur Df* our cotempurarT tbat hia gi.eai to the authnr-lnp of two TfCeut Lditoriala in TiiKTmni BB, beside b^g impirtinent. ia aadly at fault, aince neither of them wnn writoBB l>y the peraon indicated. I'.ut they were both writ- Un by Editors of Thk Tkii ist. and Thf. Tkibise baa in no manner dianwned tbein.then why go be- hind it in diatUBaing thfm ' Their juatice or injm- tice concerni the public; MbBB. authorahip ia of no importance. If tbere ia any inconniatency BOiwaoi criticiiine tbe doubtleaa wel! nit-ant. uudertaking of an Arcbbidiop to pnaerve the poaot of our City by bia proclamatiou, and urgirg biui and hi* brethren to cndeavor to cleanae their floeka of the a in and ahame ofbeing tbe ehief dirpmaera of liquid poiaon and madneta, the publifi xvill poreeite it and censure ae- cordingly. We will not argne tlie point. Let ua clearly underatand each otber: There I* no queption bet.veen nn and Thr Journal .'..* to tbe^otrrrof the Catbolic Clergy in thepremiiei. ia preeiaely B9BBBB9 we know that the Biih- opa and Prieits hare ample power to BBBffaaa the Kum Traffic bf Cathnlicft that wo entreat them to ex- erciie it. If they had no auch BBWOr, they would reat under no aucb tremeudotia reapoogibility. rTot baxe we ever intimated that the (atbnlic Clergy are '. iiidiflfreiit" to tbe ¦ xiatrnce of drmkenneaa and conaequent criine among their penple. They would 99 vitj [.'.or Catboliea not to lay Chriitiana, if they were. For rertainly they muat M that the addictinii ot Cathnlicp t<» nm aeiling and ruiu-.lri.ik- iiij! ia one truilftil er.uae t.f t!.f x. ry BBBBBfBl and in ti-nae averaiou to (.Vholici-m amontr exenthat portion of eur people who cheriab little rftrard for leetnrian diviaiont and diatinctiona. Ihe fact that the Catho- lica ol thia couutry keep a great many inore grogahopa and aell more liquor la proportion to their than any other denoinination. creaiea and keepa alixc a xcry htront; prejudice agninat tbem. Iliim-ae'liug i* not cenerally reppceted among ua. evi'ii by rum-driuk- eri; and xvhen it U aeen that B ilenonnnatiou which numberg Icbp than one-aixtb of our population keepa two-thirda of the grogahopp where grnitahopa are tol- erated, and aclla uiost of the liquor in atealthy v' tion of law where aelling ia l.'Kaliy interdicted. the growth of a atroug [>opular prfjudiee agaimt that iii irnn.ii i.tii'ii iM inevitable. Thr aays the Catbolic Cburchcan anddoea forbid druiikeDueaa, and tbe uaeot intoxic.tting driuk* by tboge who drink too miieb, and tho aale of liquora tn 9B] wlid will 9B9 them immoderately. An.l yet, iu drfianee of tbeae powera, it ia certain and obxinua tbat many Catlol'ca do drink too much. and b-11 to guch aghabitually intoxicate themitelTeB. Thore aro at tbia Ir.ur burdreda of Catboliea iu the priaona and charitable <Btablis.hmeiit8 pertaining to thia City wbo wonld bate been independent, ueefui, reipected citi- zena, but for Liquor. Hundreda of Catbolic wives annually testify in our police otBeea and criminal courts that their buabamla. who are arraigued for abuginc; and beating them, would be good, kind. well- behavicg ronierta "if it xva« u't for the drink." It ii liquor.maddenine. brutalizint'.exil-inciting liquor. which filla «o many Catbolic (99 well aa other) houn* with d'mcord and tiolence, darkena newgpaper col- umnawith ao many aceouutg of Iriibrorri. brawla aud faetion-G«iht8. tiil- our piiion* with Iriau eul- prita. nnd inakea the ttallowa hldeoua with ao many Catxiilic murderera. For while the Eoreign-born pojulatinti of our country is aearef!y a lixtb of tho whole number, itappears tiat a lart;e ma.ority ot'rhe criiuei agaiubt 1 leai-t in the PraO Stati-a.are roiimiitted by this fraciion, and moat H the culprita CTineeby their choioe of apiritual adviaen tbat they are (atholiea. Thtee facta.and we dceply regret tbat tl.ey are faet*. since they tend Btrongly to Btrergtbcn and difl'uae thxt bitter pn-judice agaimt Catboliea ai a cltia wbicb ia now iuipelhug thouaamla to a miaguided and unrepublicaucnaade agaimt tbe r Political francbiaia.prove xery rUarly to our mind that the va*t power of the Catbolic prieathood nrer the purauits and babitmf tbtir people with reapect 99 Intoxieating Liquora u not tciniy eitreised. la not tbia coocluaion juatified by the facta ' liere ia a ter- rible evil in our midat; here ii a .laaa of our people who do more than any otber to extend and perpetusto it: bere are the apiritual guidei of that ciaas, who baxe ample poaer. aa their orcao juatly ataerta. to keep tbem witnin the pal? of Tirtue and aafety. But do tkey! Ltt the reeorda of etery criminal court. fxtry alti.f Li.uae every priann. make anawer! It ia preciiely beeauae the Catbolic Clergy poueis ao ureat and peculiar a power.power orer a claaa wbo are almo*t inip.rTioui to other reforaittory ia- fluence tban theira.but power whieh baa nat hitherto been io exerted at t*. batiiih or aenBiblj tnodify the eriia it conlronta.that we hare 89utured to auggeit to that Clergy the adnption of different an.l tnore deci- Bi've meaaurea. We baxe aaked tb.-m not to join Tfmpfrauce Soeietie*. n..r xnte for ItBBBirance can- didate*, nor fxvor Prohibitory lawa. but to uae tbeir moral pewtr deeitirely to etTect a great rai>rol re- lormation. We do mt aak them to at..p Rum-telling and Kum drinkicg by thf ir people in our w*ir, nor iu any particuiar way. but in torne way. Snrelr. it needa co fiifther experience to convince them that. ao !ong aa Kum-aelliBg and Ruiu drinking by Catholica are allnwed and upheld, ao long will they be fruitfil tourcea of Catbolic poxerty, miaery. tice, criine aod long will they beinaupertble oDttacleato tbe ctnaidt ration, eTen, of Catholic dactrinea by the great body of the Amtrican People. Thia. ceruinly, ia no part of our objection to the attitudt of the V>tt. olic C!trgy with regaid to the Tetnperance ja, butwe thmk it ahould baTe 99999 weight wit' tfcaa .thtrefore we urgf it. The Repubhcatn ef laat eToning anttonncea that Mr. P. A*rpin w-JI bfncirorh be attathed to iu editnrial attff, and will torftribute artuka oa artiatic aubjcta tvpcciallr. Thi* will add gTeatly to the intereat and xaluc of that joarnaL Ut. Arpm i. an adtuirable critic. and there are ttw wntera who know bow to exproat a batter jnHgment in a tntrra. eftreeable atyle. The Rejml/u. k U a large aad hand»ome Aeet, printed daiiy, ai our roadeta know, in th* IVeacb laag-aoa;e, and erricbrd with teleciiotva of uncommoa iuterest rroin the cnnent r^rioditai literarure of Franco. RTAIT-CS IB EROLARD. It baa l.-ng been a eUudinj reproaoh to Engltnd tUt htr Caxtona, her Shakepere*, Ilau.p.leiu aad Cromwell. are anbonored by any public wemorialt, tbonfch the eqnarea and publc placea of ber chief citiet are dfcorated with ttatuet of tbe hnHeeile and vicioua HanoTcrian Georget. of n profligate au J tpeuJ- thrift Poke of York. or oi naral aad military hene. a. Marlbi/mafih, Nelaon and Wellington. Thia facl wtt rightly cited aa aproof of how murhtbe fendal t|>irit preduminated in Engli.h tooiety. Hut ttraw. tbrown np into the air indicate the way the wind it blowinr, at.d three public atatuea in-uiruratejtl or om- pleted aitbin tLe lart aii weeka in EoglanL aeeoi to dtnote tbat a vt ry tignificant cbange in the wind of public opinion haa taken place with thit geaeration. Firtt among tbeae it the ttntue to the rreat George f?tejhenaon. to whom the ciulixed world ia everHtl- J ingly indebted aa the ereator almoat of lailro& au-uratid at the Eueton-.i.uare Station ti the London and North-Wetterti Kai'.way: next the monutnent to tbe l»te poet Tbouiat Hood, Keaaal Green Cerae- tery; and fiually. the comp'etion of the ttatue of Elliott, tht Corn Law Rhjincr. the Poet of Dn- mocracy and the Riirhta of Labor, to be placed in frant of the poat-office in SheffieM. >"or are thcie the ( nly Itttm of the tarne import; Farlitmrnt it.clf haa juat given eridenee of the al- tered tpirit of the timet iu thia respect. The ttatue of Charlea I that atanda aoiiewbcTe ia the city had f.i'len inN> a deplorable ttate of decay, ani G .rern- nient agrted to aak for I v te of money forit* repiir. tSirWilliam Moleaw.rth. the Whig menber of the C'alinet. read the Artlat't repott on the atate of the i_ri_nm» nt, ("ita broken kneea. ahattered "aidia, dilapidatt'd tail") to a Houae of Comtnou* nproarioiit with laujibter. aud the voto wji aakedof the Houae nnd grant^d by it. not oeraute ('harlf. I. wot a king, but becamo "Le Snur'a fineat work of" thoiild not be allowed to go utterly to ruiu. The only wordt uttered in Parliaan-ut on the merita of Charlea I. were apokeu by Mr. Wiae, who charv- tcrized hitn aa .'an enemy of public liberti'1*." The dilttpiJiited -.tatut- wa. n tymbol of the fallen istSBBOB of eert-in tocial an.l idfaa. Whilc the Houae of Lorda aome tuelre yeara Bgo refmed a atattie to Cromwell in their aujpiat Houto, amorg the other rule; * of Englsnd. the Crystal Palaoo Iiinttora have juat decided that Oliver and Riehani Cromwell shatt have .tatiiea in a aiuiilar connection nt Sydcnham; and Ireland too spt-aka in the aani* at in c ; tho 1 >:ir_nn tettimonial. cltanged at Dtrga i'« reqiirtt from a barren mouufiient to an Inlui- trialCollege, (the Hargan Inatitute.) it ttircly niany etrpi in advanre of tl.e Pullin testimoniald of thirty yeara ago to (Jcorge IV, " the firtt l.ent iu EnglanJ." In tignirieant cnntraat vrith the BBRRRBBt-l editication of teatirnnniala to tuen of the l'cople who have beno- fited aocifty, tho uuaucccsaful BBBTRBBBBt atarted by a certain toady Lord Mayor tt Londoo, Itt a atattie to Prinee Ahert. So uenerally wa* thit movement diaconntenatied l.y the preaa and aoeiety, tbat the Trinre hud to «tep forward, out the untpon- t.-.ii((U8 u.ov.-ni.-iit ahort. and beg that the muney u.ight l.e '-diveried " to cbaritnlt'e purposes. WhtH the bhiltield file-maker, th.> poor (irub at. literateur And tho Syne polliery-boy are able to win for thtiuteliea nunuminta in fettdal aud tlunkcy En- filtiid. it uould ifeni that the aliade of Richard Co-ur de Li"ii haa IBRBBB to c "ni^ratulate itne'if that the year ) ¦'.'¦'¦ provided him with a niotiumtnt. It will toan be |M late for «uch hiatorical charaetert to look far cancnifnlion, becaute the IVopIe who know how to -honor the Stephenaona, Hoi.(la. Elliottt and DflffSBfl will preft-r fur BBRjBlllB of gl irification atn-h men a. Ptttea. BboBB hud Milton leaay pui^aant Pluntngenel or I.a- .;; .'ri.-in. In the mrantiiue, thit viaibly charti'i-il curn nt of opinion cohercs with that general tocial and jioliticul avolution whieh i* now «o eteadily .le- f-udali/irg Lritain; of whieh, indeed, tho phenomena we lisve reetuufed are a ai_n i.nd an outgrowth. lapOBTRR CtTTIl titBfll Aiinn al..The abip Ant- arctic, C.ipt. St.iufer. nrrived at thii part yeat^rilnv' from Liverpool. hfOMght t)\t. HVRBRRR ABB BBBRIB mmi o( tattlc, cnnairiting ti Hurliaui buiia, t-owa, beit'era ruiu cnlvia, Altli-nicy cowg, fine shoep aud awirie and onj I ii t'nr ibo K. titiiiky Maeh Intpoi -irirr Ceinpaiiy. Tbo ahip »na f"i ty-OLe ilui a upon tbe paaaage, and yet of thi* lr.rce nnd valuab'e cariro but tlireo thetf were Ioat. The abiplita at l'ier Bt. 11 F'ait Rivt-r, and tho stO( k will bo ian'lt'l to-day, when wo ahall bc able to ^'ive au opinion upon il. qualiiy. wLich we undorstand is very au- peiior. Balag to it aort ot' rivulry between Olno and Kcn- tucky to eof whirh inui'iijinrt tl.e beat animala aml itn- prove the ttotkof thtir reapettire Statra to the higheit degrce. We wiah both tlie j.'reate*t aucccit. -Vr. t.rteley of Tiit HRW*TORR TBIBORR, who re- ctntly turned tarmer, and imumed to b. a aavont in v. r. iMiii' rclating to a.-rvi.-e, aoema to ba oa luoky iu jHiu'ilrj aa in 'Militica. Havin^ ret ently bou^ht a tli.ou gtLuinc .^bangh.i f(jga I'or wbi. h !it paiil f'., ho put theu- uni'er a t.en. and in du* time they al! came out.anapping- tai.Ml Wi are afriiid hit j.olifical chit-kena will turn out tbe tame vtay in IRM." (N'ew-.Teraey llerald. . It attma to bo about timo to atop thit Ci.ili.b at'.ry, n.w tbat it it turned to a bad BBS p^litically. Thero neier waa n more baaeKga fabrieation. Mr. Grceley BRtrRt bought any 'Shan^'hni agf^ aa fuc'i aud u..'vtv paid to much aa half a dollar do/.en for any e^'sr* at all. And h. bega hia aDxioua friaii'I who wrote tho ab no not to ii.'iii' -i; in any further apprt-Lr-naioua on hit ac¬ count. aa behaa no eggn on hami out of wbicb " pelttfeal " thickena are to be liatt-ht-d iu l -¦'"'. IHE OREYTOWM 8PECULATJOS. ContifctiicBC* ot Th* N. Y. Tr.bnne. W iMMM.i'd.N, Satiiniay. Aug. 26, lr}:,4. Ihe enormity of tbe bombardiin-iit aml d.-atruetion oi (.r.-ytowu.^i* dietloaed to tue fdiitidentially. ia auch at to ttan p tLeAiiuiiniatration .".udall coacerned, with . it rlhatiiiki -Jacraee. It aeem* that the Nicaragua Tramir. Company are at tl | l-.'ttt tr. ti the whole movement. Thit Company imtl their araotiatea. compoaed Bf CaJeb Cuthing, Sid- i. _t \\ tbtttr. Sicre-tary litbl.iri and BbIbb BrRbbJ, (.wn d (r profetted to own, a largc tract ti land rua'- BRBg two Lundred milea. l.y tighty miles in breadth, airtia. th^ tountry. That propoault were made to tbe citin ua of (iriytowii to pun ha.e. and thuaacknowl- edge tho title in thia Company; and tl.e obataclra thrown in the way of thia land apt-culatiou are the I...- - ,i tbe OeVBTRBBRBfl attioii, wLith rertulted in t;, truiti.n nf finitowii. ."». on aft^r Solon Ilorlaud r.-tunied h.-re, th.-re waa a uli-ct dinrie-r part) got up to dis.uta and a.-ttle tLe i_ut»ti(ii ot the NicaraKua Tranait Company a ititereara aiiti titli * to tbeae landt, at whieh Wmh Hori-nl, ( inL.. _. >i.ln.-y Wet-t. r. Jeoaah L WMki m.<\ CaL Fanaif -eea |.reaent. and perhtpa s«.'cretary 1 .>bin. At tiii* danm-r party tha boutbardmeut anil d. atruction ol" ijri-itowu waa reaolved upon. Hero ne Lnve tle wLole affair in a nut ahell. We tee tbe tction of thi- Goveramrnt, in the oul eequent bombard- u.ent tnd de.-truetion ol Oreitown, orL_inatii« frorn a dinncr party of lind apecalatora. compoaed of m.-ni- bera cf the Cabinet aud perttinaaurnjundiug^ne Pre-i- d«iit and coiin. i t«-»i with tbe Tranait Cbb_- pany. It ia pBffttfjrtBR that we Late a Pretid. nt who it turrouiided with. and tnu be u«ed bv, auch a aet of tpeculatora. and that w.- B-Wall h) NHBrIm a natitti, BL.1 tubjocted to the reparatton whieh mnrt be n ad. to enrich a combiuabou ,ii peraona conu.-. t. <l with the >,«aragiia Tranait Company and the Adrniu- ;-tr::tkn. TLe facta wiii all come out, and the d j- ilo.ure will cover tte Adminiatratirn, and eipeci-illy the Atti rnet-tjeneral and the Jsecretary of the Navv, with eterxaldiagrace. When combinationa of wam or a charttred cimpany can contml anu direct t. . Exet utive of a country mt ourt. and make war and deatroy property and townt. to enrich a eorrjU8nr .'- individualB. it ia time that a Protectorute thould be eatabh.bed t.. Kuard tlie c.-jntry from the deaigning icbemet of thoae who aurround and mi.lead a weak Eiecutive. tttm Ubertiea are erer loat, it wiu'be threugh the lutt of gain, the thirrf for gold of th/t^e who may control the Government. A poor Preai.tent may be tempted. a weak one may be mi.led or latim- idated, and a corrupt one ahould nerer b* truated The pretent one i. FEEBLE. * Trttow Fitir ar 8-T7*Bi7.-A_«>_g tha rictiau of yalloa ttrtx at Sarannah, Berrian Barrooghj, Eaq a prtiBiinent -oerchant, died tu Friday. ' ' THE LATEST NEWS. bbcfjteo nr M> G N E TIC TELEGB A P ft TEI.Kini TORXADO AT LOLISVILLE. CHL'RCH ULOWN DOWN. -**?-- 25 Peraon9 KiaUed-^rivrge numben Wouadext --09 CnctBBtlTi, Monday. Ang. 28. 1BM. A terriBc tornaibv paaaed over the City of Lou.jrille yee- terdav about li o'elock. Tbe Fonrth Preabyterian Church waa blowu down dnr- ring the Bervire; 2S o( the cnnsrviration were killod instantly. and a large nnmber wonnded. Nu k-oub otber buildinga were unrotfed. and blovm doam. SECO.ID DI»r*TCH. CiNCt'i'iAT!, Monday. Ang. Q«-Ev-cnin,'. TV Lfm:<x.lle paper* of thi* momin.: fuU pv- t.cularaof erterday s tornado. Tke Demorrat dean ibaa it aa one of the BBBSt violent Btorma that ever awept over that ?cetron. Tbe Third Preabyterian Church, B.tnaf.l on the mr rrof Elerenth and Walnut-ata., waa C'-mpJetelr wrtvked: the entire buildtng, bbOMbBJ the mof, raftera and brick wallafeU in, cauainfr. the inatant death of twentr <^f the I'ongTtgation, and senoualy injuring ten or twonty others. The ecene waa heart-rendini:. S.x.n a largt* crowd aa- aftnbled and began their aearch f..-the vic'ima. A mo.her ¦Ofl b.r three children were timt bIbbbOBBbI jroupelin death; annther aeene proonted a father. nv-ther and babo. the father ilead and the mother mortally woundetfc while their little child plaeed bonea'h them eacaped tinhurt, bein * pn tected l.y tlie fonr * ti Ml BajrBBBBi ,.;';... iaalaariaa.atart af tao vi.-iim.. wrre torribly i,.--,,i.i. laihBrt Tl.e raoaatrafao BO^atrtakaaaoa. tt rmtlen lttti IhOTOry l.e.rt of taa ciiy. aaal lu people arr arpa::<. 1 Bl yOOtl BBfiof. The BakOaaiBg ia a liit oi tho k IM Mra.Wililrbe.- and three . h'ldr-p Mr. Taylor and child. Mi. (!¦ dfroy. Mm. Sriltabiiry. Mim Headley. fOBa M.-O-v-r- an. Mr. Swiemy. afra. Martin. Brita af .'olia X- Martin,, taii'ller: Mra. Wi.-ka. BaBM ..:'Mra. Martin:. Mr. Har- bonr, Mr. Sl.T'lllan.l. Mr. li. DataB, a ru-cdent of New- Alhaaj anlMr. M.'.irEtio and child. It ia fhou«*ht one or two others BBNkillel, wh.vto namoa have not yet been ieamed. Frl'y 8B0 hur.drod MbbBbJBia Louisville were unroofod an.i ottBtBBBa Injnred. The 4torm paaeal over thit pxrt of the city ly'n.; betweon Fifth an.l Twentyfirtt-sta. A apleLdid bl. ik oi" four atory houaos reeontly orrotod oa the nnrtb aido of Main, botwceti b*b|B9b and Ninth-sta., was cornplftely dcotroyid, nnd two or three m«n, It ia tup- pooaal an buricd in the ruinB. These buildinga wero built at an 8BB0B99 of 9H,0C1. Tbe upper ttttjtl the rope and bnc*ing factory of W. A. Riebardann ai.d Yo., Magazine-at. wm blown down, nnd the new i ity llkllllnaBi on the eorner af Nintb aml Masiizir.c-st*>. was unroofed. Tlie total loss is estiniated Tl.e ataeBB was alao vt ry severo in Jeffemonville, where four houaos were blnwn down. LATEB kkom mexico-cocnt norujo.x ou- DI-KEI) TO BE SHOT. N.w-Om kass, Saturday, Aug. -'», IIB4, Tho ateaiu-bip Orizaba, Cnpt. Forbea, arrivod at thi-. port to-iiay, i |'| g'-| n.lvices flrOOB the City af Mexico to tho BOtB, aud Vtia Cru/. to thu 991 in*t-, tuelvo daya later. I'ount BtBOBBaal de Uoulbon, arkaat ooataro at the head of an B88BBBjft8l t«'roe we I-a-ned by the 'ast arrival, bad L. on Mi.tciii. <l t.i bi BBOt aa tka 19*1 inat. -r with aev. rai other Freuili i tli.i r>. Auollicr Governuieut \ ictniy ia reported to have boon HloUll on the .th inst. Tbera no Boon of tbo bbox OBBBBl of Alvarez and our Haa tontniu BOtUag furtbor wortl. telettraphing. The Mexiean papors roe.ird a nuuibor af deathj in and other places from actual atarratiou. l"he erops in nearly hulf of the State were a corapleto failuro, and unltaa apcedy reliof waa procured, tho loes of life from fninine would 08 BaflallwL In Durango tl.e (Joverntnent foreea had obtained a mo- m.ntary ehetk oxer the Indiana, but they hadappeared in iilher portiona of tho'eoimtry, eausing great alarm and tiiatl.t of many of the inhabltaut.i. It eatimated that 99 whites had been aaerificed by thftn within the preetding week. Mt-aturee were bointf takoa l.y tao tWrataBBaal tar tbe laBaf af the distrk'ti iuf* ti r.iiji itimi liunger. Thore ia notbintT reliable toneerning tho inaurrection nedtr Alvurez. nltliough it waa tbe imprcHsios among many that it would yt t prove Buccesafal. Discontent aud roMilutioii «cre inereaaincr to an alartning oxter.t, btxt tbo strict cenporahip exereieed over the pr«*B rendera it almout inipocsible to aat at the facta aa they really cxiat. Tbo ffaolt ra and fever bave pretty nearly diaappeared. BJ v. rai arreats of couapirators have been mado by order af the (iovernment. -*»- TIIEGKEAT DROUTH-THK FIKKS UNCHKCKED. BJJjXjaaoB, Monday, Aug. 28, laaa. Tlio fjrea remain in thia vicinity unchecked, eJthougb tbo of Sutunlay dampened them ali^htly. Ituildinga have been burncdin Kenduakeag, I.aOrange, I.cvant, . ni.-i' ti Corinlli, and manyi.thor towna. In Corinth alone.a amall town.the damago to the wood* landa, Jtc., ia over 910,000. Valuable tracts of timber- laxid are entirily deatroyed. In Hancifk County thi liuma^e ia also great. In «omc placca the heat ia ao atrong and the aujoke ao deiue that tbe roads aro inipa/wablo.'ing iaiione in many sectioas but to light the tirei. Cr.pioua rains muat eome before they can bi inbdued. Thore ai arColy a tnwn within fifty niilcrf of horo but haa outfered moia or iees. Tlie drouth continuea. The cropa are all drying op, aud tbere appeare to be no prospect af rain, wbiic tho htavy winda that are blowing are fuuting the tlauie. F1RKS IN THK WOODfl IN MASSACIirSETTS- DEATH OF AN OU) YEUEKAIAXI, dtc. Boitos, Monday, Aug. M, WM. IB Ttwkabnry and Wilniinf*kOn in thia Stute fircs in tiie wooda have been raging for aeverol daya patt, and wara only cbeeked jesterday. About 1,000 acrea >»f woodland ara bumt o\pt. and the loaa ia eatimated at 92O.O0.1. In some parta of IMlgboro County. N. II., amoke from tbe burning woodlatvls partially ob«eurea the tiaiou in ettry dirtction. Tl.e Hnn. Kbenczer Moeely of Newburyport died and- denly tbia mo/ning, of apopkxy. Ile waa an oldFol- eraliat, of aomc eclebrity in ti.'a State. CIIOI.E1.A DI BUFFAI.O-GKEAT FIKES IN 1TIE WaDOM IN CANAIU WEST. Bt'rraL... Monday. Aug 28, MBa* Tbe total nnmber of deatha by cholera in tbia city dcrinir the paat wttk reaehed 43, of whorn only two ttte American8. , The pine wooda near Lond«n, Cacada Weat, are ob fire, ard the inbabitanta of tho diatri. t BBB9Bf BB their livea. Tbe amoke ie ao dfnae along tbe traok ol Uie Great W.-'.irn Kailroad at tbia pcint, and alao at Chippewa Creek, tbat the traina will bave to bc temporarily diitcon- tiLntd. TIIE WEATHER. Bostos, Monday, Aug. 2-J, l*:>t. The weatber baa been clear to-day. Tbe therrnometer at cifon reaebed about Tf0, Thia cvening there ia a cool breeze from tbe nortbward. At Concord, Manchestcr. and Naaliaa, N. II., to-day L.oti, tbe thermometcr ranged at about 80°, tho hwU of the aun bi 'ii_' very oppresaivc, notwithstonding a light brtx/e Ihf re bat been no rain in vicinity for many weeks. Tho ijighii are aoaL Pittsbcroh, Monday, Aug. 2«, l?54. We hsd a refrvabing ahowtr on Saturday oveniag of per- hapt One hour a duratiou, bnt not anfiieient to reatore vege- tttion. Tbe weatber haa aince been clear and cooler, but atill warm. Tbtie but fiftoen inobea waiar iu tho river at tbia pcint. Basoor, Mev Monday, Aug. ^-Evening. Tbe weath»r ia fitc, and there ia no proapeet of rain. PmLADtLrHtA, Monday. Aug. 28, - i -Kvening. The weatber haa Ucn cloody, with an eaatarly wind all day, bat no raia haa tal.en. Tbe tbermometcr ataod at ahout ''i at noon. Cin* ixbati, Monday, Aaa;. ti, 1931. We eojoyed fine rain itormi both oo Saturday and yoi- terday, and tfcere ia a proapoct of more prott) geaorally tLrougbooi tbia lactioa. OF A POSTMAitrKIl. a Pnii an.i raia, Moaday, Ang. f\ P-etc-Btor, ot tht* city. ia T.-xiily .11 »;_, Uilmn fever, and ia not expectcl to ri.'"m r Edwanl alia. Pater Ctttrhai ba.1 a b^vrag _Bm Mayor ( onrad on a ubarxe ot hillin^ Fraooij Ta-nSlea^, ¦ yeai* eiuct, in an oyatt-r^jellar in Muuthtt., aaat Ttnih. Tht- part.o. wero both culorod. The a-eaaal made a roait-aaion acknowI.aUirii.-_ tbe of Tja'it*. aon. but aaya tbe deeeaeed attaoked bim tirat w-ith a mtmt ot wood. THE IUXOW FEVEK IX THE SOUTH. B.11 TIMCBJt. M'lU-iky Au,- :'¦>. ..<. Tbe deatba in thia City during the priat week mvihaf 148, of whieh II were t"tt>ni dyacutury, and 1 . froia aaa- anmp':on. Xo chnlara. 11 --avaimah teapera aiweA af a groat t.uii. ;.r vtilia^ in tbat city, growing out of th. yullow fever. Tbetiti. 1 teaa were rapidly leaving, tho duMNaie rh.>win<- ao aitraa et* alau-nitut. At C UflB-BiaBB .reat un.-aaineaa waa ar*.» maniferieA. ^j preparationa were niii-iriic to op.-n a yellow fevor h-apRB eliouldthe disea^e beiom« epilonuc. BaVARBB-l, Monday. Aag. S*. itn. The interaiente iu tbia City on Friday in. lulod 11 trtm yeliow h vcr. On Saturday the uuiuber waa 1 i, ef ahiak 1 r) were from tbe fevtr. FIKE AT BlCKSFOIM, MAIXE. Hi.N-..oR. Monday, Aug. M, 1**. A firo broko out al Baakaport, tbi. moroing, aad befiee ita progreaa could be etayod. had bumed four atorea, ae. cupied by Meaara. O- B. Bradley it Co., A B UtU, g. Skinner and 11. Hlodgelt. and ono houte io wni.-h teaahad thxce familica. TheIom ia eatimated at IU, THE CATSKILL MOI NTAIX HOUeB XOr |>R. VTBOTBD. Cn-Kii i Monday. Au*. 3s, 1 -M. Tlie CatshBl Mountaiti Houae ba* tm biren barned.Hr haa it been in any int-itiiato dangor. Th* raio of Satar- dayeveninu' extinguiahed the tirc that w.ia r i ;iar aaaa the ui'¦until"*. -«.- ITIOLKKA AT FAI.L KIVEK F4- Kiv R, Monliv, Vu.;. ii, i>t. Thecholera broke cit amoag thi lr -li iu tlua (i»»ea Stttnr.iav tnoniLng. Maeteen death. have takea piaa*. OaoBaaa, irhewaoarreiled for itealing, di.-din tbe l-iak-ia iu a t'ew houra afttr ba_Bg *ii-t-'<!. FISIIFKY FKOSPECTS-THK BECENT STOK1 IV . THE EAST. BoeroN, Hoaday, Aug. 8B, ua*, li.ilt' detM reaeel. renini.-t to Qlaaoeeter hR it... k w itl. nmall farca, varying t'rom BO t.i imi bbl.. ..f IB. -1 Tbe raiu iu thia vieiuily ot. Satur.l ii nnrht waa n it tef- fl.ieutlv be of nnv bene.t t.» tb KTowiaroaH. At Siuthbriiicre, nn Satnntny evemnir. a Intrii li''l"at-ar to tbe Dreaaer Manufn.-turiti.' Co., Iiut occti|iiod l-y L*U- rop Anna, wa.. atru.-k by lijitning an.l with ita uuiteabk of bny aud grain, entiruly BRBMBRBBi. PETTIT AM> HB PME8EMT ('orrc*rio_<icrjc* of Th* N Y Tnbut r WAU-OMTOB, I'riday. Aug. S5, IHJi A chivalrouajotirnal oftbe t'ity ot Nea Orleant,_at dittinguiahed ittelf bl callin« Mr*. Harri.'t Keether Stowe an old li«.. Tbia ji urnal haa won for ita t'literaa j iiumiirtttlity of flune '.a fame tbat hi* cbildreu'ao___|. I ttn will, in a far otf future, wihli lof the pnwtr to j coiiaiifu to the ifrave of "him who an well d.-aerrt-lt. j He haa few pr.-r. nt aml arill have no ftatare imit-tort. The rlowi ra now lilooininn in beauty ovtr the k'Mt«af little Fva, will iorm an cverradient Karland for Bha I brow of the gilttd danghter of New-Englaiid.forbw | who haa won new hmiorK for the noble landofaar birth. Hut there ia auotber lady who demauda our ntBN. Sbe ia uot one wlio baa gained laurel* by tbe achtora- inctitB ef her pen, l"it tiniplr one who, havinn h.r teait liinonc tl.e fre.'tiieti of Iinliana, haa y.t earnej^t- tinctioti by aetuuiin. the defeuae of negro Slavery, nd challengiiig the authoreaa of " I'nclc Tom'l Caba"to the arena of diaputation BR that .ubject. JL Hut wliatof thit ladv ! Shall we in rt-aciitmeutteli f _Blf ' }..r- ? Fie upon it' No We dilFer Iroin ber na to the opinioiia tl.e t-xpreaaet. We thasfl opinion.. We dete.t the inlluencea that kart led her to adopt them. Hut we remember thit (kt ia a lady and tbat uo Atnerican gentlemen cau be gtfitf of uttering a diapafa-ing word in relatiou to her.M of woundiiiK in any in.itt- r tl.o aeuaibilitio. abe pat- aeaaea. Bnt thit ladv haa a hutband not unkuown tn mtt\ and aince we doubt not he ia juatly proud oi the air and accomplithed partner ot hia liie, we truat he will not be otlended at our utterinn bia nnm.- Iti tbe aaa* i,. eti. laiio l.avt rhn.-'i-n. It ia that of the II.m. J.kt Pettit, Senator in Congrees from the State ef Iii'liaaa. Now, it waa upon the motion of thit Heuator that, in the evcning hoiirt of the late aeaaion of Coturett, the pay of the Clerk. of the Senato't Corauiitteea aat im-reiin il from four to aix dollara per day. At Mr. Stuator Pettit ia a very pure Diniocrat, a very taal- oua refonnrr, and a very rigid econoiuitt. it waa ef ctnime perfectly cou.iatent aud proper for hiak to originatetliit movement. Seven timet four, or tweaty- ei-'iit dollara per week, wa. but .tarving f.r geiitlemeii engaged in the anluout dutiet of*clerki M theae committeea, eapwially when it it rememkeref tl.nt there are about at many of auoh clerki ai tkere are Scnatora; that the cliel dutiet of many of HB to frank and aend otf apeechea and other in. ta, aud to write letter. in prai o of their pi to diatant newapapor.. The wage. of theae elerkt during tbe puat neaaion, at $4 per <iay. wat, aay, $59,5»); but at $C per day au.oant lo $->,-2'*<h tt that Mr. Petttt'i motion to«t the Treaaury ahoat $t9J90. Well, but what of thia? an.l what connecttoa it there bctwetn Mra. Stowe. Mra. Pettit, Mr. SeaBttr IVttit. the ¦>. natr Committees, their clorkt, tkt wagea of tbeBe elerkt, and tbo incroate of BBfe waget' Let ua aee. The hiatory of our ctntBl recordt no other achievement <>f Mn. Pettit, tliBBtaV lady of Mr. Senator Pettit, than the prodaaBwR of the aimple letter of whieh we have tpoken. Wai tbia pe-foi m.'ince aueh at tbete elerkt wouid aaaak- >.i. iii.-i.'11 Wouid tbeir commendatioa aaMBfla to enihnaiaaiii Wouid that euthutiaam lead ta » aubatantial dcniouttration ' It it tk uot, and we ctrtaiuly concur in tbat Then why did tbe^* clerka, wbo.e wagea wa. fifty per cent. higher than they had bargained mt," why did they pretent Mrt. Pettit a cottJy .ertiea *i tilver That ia the ({uettion that people tetil aak.. That Mr. Pettit, and any little aervice nndcred bt him. waa thought of in conn'ection witb thit " t*ieh- monial." it. of courte, wbolly out of the quettion; aa_ the (lue.tion. therefore, becomet the more perpla-iBf .why wat the gilt preaotited ' If, indeed, it waa kt> cauae the lady thua honored had had the tetnerttfto oppo.o heraclt in print to the gifted and accom[ditBai Mra. Stowr-, wl.y are all otber*. who have ettayadtht -fii.t- tbitig pasaed ovtr iu tilauce Tbeir name itkt- _ion. They bave ariaen in aiicceaaion, approacbe. tht New- authoreaa aa tnotha approach the l-Ba. corehed thi ir feeble winga, and fallen. It Mrt. f**- H alone deeerriug bonor ' Theae qu-Jtiont B»* dt ep, priifiM.-iid, i.i ervtli.lnii,^ maguit'ide. We* patient aiid mute, await tho reapon.e of a aerat world: _ Patap* ISD1ASA POLITICS. Cc.rrc*-K,Bdcnc* of Tb* N. V. Trib.iBr M l- iiaii Ah i. In.l . \Vi-_n. -.l.iy Aug. M The C'oiiKreaaiwual caiitaae in the IXfh dii Tudiana waa openrd to day at thia place. Lddi. tbe preaent Nebratka incumbent and ot'the Iiemorracy led olf in a .peerh af BBB lour and a quarter, aud waa rt-plied to ny M Collax, Ksq.. thepeoplerteandidate, man eloqueaij tlaborato apeeeh of an hour and a ball. Eddy tlie debate in a fifteen minute tpeecb. The iateR tween theae ecntlemen i. a rery wide one. Eddy i fiorta tho Adminiatration in all the naultiform pka***^ rta ir.n_.iit) .nd undertakea io earry the Kantr" Lraaka law on hi. .hodlder. biforo hia conttit PurTmg and ataggering beneath tbia iatter load, nainda one of the pieturea of Atlaa with the upon hia bark, only there it io hia caa*> no evide even a portkoo of that atrength iudieated by the aforetaid. Not a aingle word of approral aiiypart tt hisdeelamatioB. The ontlaught of Colfax waa able and efleotittaj wat re.-tii.d with rerv fnquent buratt of appl_B The ahallow fraud embodied in tho Kantat latr l thorouuhly eipoaed. end the ttale eophiatry ef f w bo undertake to defend it waa laid perfectly In tbe eotirae of hit epeech Mr. C. a.ked hi. <** tor if he wa. prepare*. to carry " aquatter *otei " ty " ao far aa to permit tho Monnont of LT» ettabliih polygtimy among the domeatic inttiak and if with that pntrid ulcer corrupting their eon tion, with ita tetid atench. he wouid vote toi Vtah into the aitterlieod of Statet' Let deceBt_ t-i e. j w here, aud the rotera of the Ninth Cougr Diatrict of Iudiaua in partioular, nark the and unequirocal reply." I tvoiLU!" ThartS1

Transcript of THE LATEST I* beyoad...

Page 1: THE LATEST I* beyoad continaeorr tb* .afr.t aod rooat rallahl* Dye iu eakwence.n.vrrf*ilin« to lui|.»rt te

tatiitti Kolitti._fftfc FaLL Cht-BMBRB open. at GkkiWm with a dreat

Rn*____¦¦ A t5a_, Fbr-ikwabijb -C i > urb, No. iifi

-.- .-reeoeetfallr Ibt.i* tb* atteatiunof Uieir ea*tome,r« aod

A-np-ili' te tbe **tt Paaaioat for Utrr_(NEB'i U*Tt an.

Care._,_ _.

~&:wli«r IIachikka.To Ci-othip-rb, Tailor*.a*..Now a tbe daHt.derl.a tb* 4-11 ara..*. aat bafor* rha kv~-. jw- y,u riB.iara. <-.-m_i«.c»«, lo Intr.rloee tb* Sewta* Maebl-aa.aa of R 0»la*«*wlBa Maehine will jarneare u»or* eieararoft tb»a a»oaa mveeted ia *t.t other way. Tbia eao be claar.r_e_ior_.u-.lrai. H*Ti.i| eettled al. «-it* araiuat oar miicliio.a thr'*.i. .. .r.aiow ef claim ifir-f. thrav Hu; all .th.r roachi.iee do le-fliB-c our pater.1* if.e " IWa. MachineV-* r.heei, TaBl«a» ./-IW iofTrei*Ti.r of oar patent. ai.rt BM ¦ Piir. I. ,,r tfacbioe." in-

frtr tn (onoi oor latruta ard .«* lr.T.Bll"B for wblch we have ap-rAitn for a natrtit. 11* who bort atir of th--a piratioal m*. hmrt

____?.____*_._LMGreat Charce forCahh Buyebs..Horacf. Wa-

TC.i N". B-t Hioadtaar. wllltell harjeient aud Wiiraoted Pia«'Haad B«LCB*.o»»at *l*n«dii<ount froui.fadJ.rv prii-n rtuh. Ui*ia.i.nii aa.ortB.eDl lh» rel'Wt 1 P too. of T. OlluertEOa, witbor ttitbi. it tb* .Ho '*..; Hallett fc Cra-ator., and JecobCblrkrii.f tb* ke«t llottno ni»nnf*etnrera; and tb. ae of **rer*l ofthr Nrw York n.aken, ind' din« Pianoi fn.rn tn> orn faeto'y._br laat Boet-B. N*w-H*t«i.. NewVort and lluflalu Meiode'-oa.Eaeh inatruBieot w.naotcd. Ilcalrr. tupplied on the rtry beatirra*.


".Ealian, Giatd nt.d Sijtinrr PlABOR, from TIm.i.f.t,t).TH t To tnd other relehritnl maVert, ln eyrry Ta-.etT of alTl-.0I _,p. |ior lot,*, for aale at lue lowr*. rat*>. Srcor.d mnd I'i onai fM, ff'. *'.io .Mrr, *.'"» btadel MtLODBOBt tid P r :i Oao*Bt. oi ettrt Bnitb tn*enr' rlor' nt trh 'eaa1* ar r-t*U. atftMtora pfica. U'eiklj and uionilnjr iay .euu tacen fur t portionof tb* ami.nt. Mraav k 0<.Bt>o«. Wo 291 Broedwar.

Tremerdoih Sacripk f...Kngliah Medallion V*!-v*t Tapc*try ht.riio tt-d Ihrraply Carpet* at * treat atcrlf.c*'B. B .»,«» Ttrtla hetotlful Ina-aia Carpeta, 2,6. 3', 4/. 1/ per yard.Kaarmea* ttock >.f Oil clt.iha at uti.-half tbe i.*»a.l ii u-« at

Hibim A.DBBao.'a. No M Bowery.Great Baruainb..Carpeta at eott; pnrchaaed at

reduied prlce*.No S79 Broadwai'.* HL'M»H»r.Y w.llaow aell ot Iheir er.tire aiock of Carpe'i. *c, *t the lowe.I priceaKlcb Ve!*et,l(W_-H/! rich Tap-etry B,"_f 12/; rieb Bn.aaei*. H.'ileb three-pla/.t/'if10/rer yard; rich J-eary Stiprrtlo*. B <r7/. AI*o,a reO-iianiriciit.a very Uriie aatortmeut of cbeap lotraio tt I t*r

yard. Oil Clotb*. Rnt«. Mattinc Mtlt, be eqnally low. No. 371*Breedw.T. rorner wLit.-.t._

mUUti kllti: IN MII.WAt KBE.MitwatKcr., A -¦ .¦: 26,1114

H. C. Ila.Btic. No. 13t WaiT-tt New YorkBia.1 have taken aia of ymr Bafaa ont of tha roint all ntht.

Y ur*. I.< .¦ a.. i. sa-i 4».-,

Nf.W Muair.." W'aki' I'p." Serenade, by QaM.R Ponlten. Piice 25 cent. Stm. hy thr Atnuhi i.i with (reat.urcctaal all of their roneerta " '.'il'to> and hi« Diiah." A e 'micPallad. By Th-maa Baker PrirrZIrt*. A rhnice Bt'lad, fail i.fInn ai.d *o.'«l BM 'udy. OrerL|«il I'olka.'* hr Uriffen T. L* Kort.PrkaBR cta llOBatr WkTLas, juhliaher, No. 3T3 Broadwa>, *rBI by m*il p<*t|ald_IrPJtHLERV ANTI-1'KRIiiIIK OR FkVKR ANI) Adt.F.

Ci'BB. waa hrat hrouabt befor* the pohlic ln 111.43. aad already coiti-

mai.d. con.leoee ano attentlon, and aa iiaeiaini'ied deinaud. Soldk^Cl.tcaita.. * t'o No. ti Ba.clar *>._AU. THE IlANKH IN TIIF. IJnion..NoTF.son all and

every Btnk eontiderrd aond > n 'le Ut inrt wiH I.. r.krn at per in

i<eyt»rnt for Ninv Mat.r CtOTm.o.'at E. Kvavt'a Clotmiti;WiiiHi'i'it, No*. 6t and B« K-ltomt._

NdTlt'F. !.1'AI'P.R IlAM.lNI.S, DlK OKATIONM, Ae., tnd Rr.T*iL,at oar Ntw Waariioisn, Nu*. 2V) aad-97 Broadway. ¦__,_._. Tll'iMAi PkVt k Co.Havlng iddrd ¦ larre f»rtory, No*. 142, Uf, IS« and IM Wert Jyti-

.»., to our en. tiait e Inipnriin* hnrioe.. the trade ar wlioleaalr. at

well a* ro. ai at reitail. will itudy ll.sir intere.t r mi tait* by -1

amicisjr tbe 8tock and F.n .' *t oar n*w I'M-a'lon.In. ..t Parr k Co No*. 2.56 and 247 Broadwtr.

Dnerlly 0).p.xite tbe City Hall-

Hair Dye and Wkih.-llATttHKi.oR's cr.ebrat.itlH.IB DtB I* by all »ek_ow]e_|ed tl.e b<*' in the world. Soldwboleaele end rrtail.or *nulied in ata. prirate ro..rn.. at W. A.RtTcaa-ea't Hair bye, VVIa *nd Oruemeiital Haii FactorT, No._33 Bro*d<r*y. __._

Oni.y Tivo Day* Lp.ft..|15 ouly, for a ( or 1 illnte Homa.tead li a ploaaaot aad h.-alihy locttioaoa tii* Ieiug liland Kai]rt«d. lr" Kattr- and W* Bulldint L..t*, |O0feet arrtiare, rqurl U> foar cltr lota, will hr dlridtd BawaaajM *nb-etriber., on tl»ercBli.« of Aa/t.iat 31. 1854 E*ch tuhtcriber onlrfor ei.4, parable Ib InauHmrnta, will receire a warranted dr*d fcra taim of from two to tO acre* or foar Bullriiua t.ot* 25x100 feet.Only afcw eharei lefl. Apply to HHtt. Wood, No 21* Broadway,wbere map. nnd pan.phlet* raii he had cralia.

CRISTADORo'h Hair Dye..Thia maunifiront con .

poai.d I* beyoad continaeorr tb* .afr.t aod rooat rallahl* Dye iueakwence.n.vrr f*ilin« to lui|.»rt te th* bair uBiliitnii'y of eoler,LBCrlebn.rbt and ela.tlnity, 11 aidc. heinij Ih* ea-irai waahed oil theektn. Bold aud eppllcd at Caiarano.o'a, No. 6 Attor li. m-

~~TXTE8DAT, AUGU8T 29, 1854.

Our Ajiriit*.Miaara CtBi.n.i. A Rm u I i.t No I North Broadway, YukKEtS,

wtll aupply oui ln. ii* in that VUlafc witb Tm Tai.i'xr.OitoiiiiiK. UKur.V 2G| MV.t..ii_.t.r at i* our Af.Bt in

Pbovioibck for tbe *ale nt Tm Tk m ¦. r

MritaaACu. ereourAfeai* for tbe *alc t.f T.i. Taiat'Ni: inOaaaaaa

dAMi'ti. B. NtcBOLf b our Bfcut for thr tale of Tm T-iiu w. inBiil ll i.i'. ri 4 tH. B. Pct.toN will anpplr our frirn.i. in Ci.r.VRttan witb Tm;

Taiava-.Wa P*TT0N iitnr e.cnt Ht ll e «alo of Thi: Tkii i m al ll'-Tta-

ttrar.CtMr. O. W, Ne. B7 Baudo!pb-*t., (tinc tt.o. haa Tni

for aale, aad will *erve our frieiid. iu that cityL. I> ( /«*' n I* our Aa'.ii'. for the tale of T.i. TaiBtsr. ia

Blmib*.Mr. W. n. BTaeaat wBI aaprly om frienda in LittlV: Kaxtt with

with Tm Tall t'Hk..V. B. I'liuik U author-i.'d to rrceivt-»criptinni and adrerti.*-

meru for Tm Taiatsv: lo Iherltlra ef PiutaBKLrHiA and B0.T0B.Oar frievdaiu iliKk laland, lll a-nl Ilarnaport, cau obiaiu Tn.

TaiBCBJ of 11. A POBTBB & Bln. ln falan.l.' >

TO CORHF.sroSDKSTSISo aotke. raa be takrB of anony inoua Commanicatlona 111 *.. v.r

i* intecdad fur i-eertion inual lr authentitalt- l.\ the i.iun- andaddreee of the writcr.not -ecettarily for pub'irtli.-n, but aa afnaiaat** of Iii. t""d l.iih

1A> canoot underthke ti rrnun rejecled Ot'B Faikana -8uh»< ribtr.,in ..-rdirj-.i.i reinlttancn.frequruilr

OBilt to nier.lon Ih* i.ame of Ihe Pnat-OBMe, ¦__ ec»vfre.]uentlyIbe uauie ol iba Mlalr, tu wblch iheil pairr w it. be arut.alway*Bieetlon the name of tlir P~r (jfflreand \tnla

niual *tale tbr old addr

To*.Thb Wikbi.tThibi nf. Iinanow srirculationof I tBAtBB

.opiee, a^id i* oadonbtrdly the Leat edrrniet-t ineiiiiim in tho I'tntedBtate*, circulalin* aa il ... -» u. nnt Siatr in the 1'i.i.m. ll.iu.hPravlucee.Ac.,,M". iianicr.Mrrchaula,Pamllira, _c. Tho*.- who w'wh to piake iheir batiu. sa konwu thacauntry ovei. wouid do well fi- try Tn. Waaatt TBIBVB1 of adrartl*aiiit-'it* an- iniertwl at 50 crnu per Hi.e,.ach iBaartba-Tn- StMi \V». ki i TiUhiNC alao haa a very \nrge r-ir-

culalioB in the counliy. Adr.tlMBcota in.oru^l al IH canu perUae, each lnw-itloa.

The Tiibuur for KurojH.We ahall ieaoe THIS MOKNING au Kilition of Thi

8kMI-Wk_ri.t Tiur.iKK, f.irrirculiitiunin Europo. It willrontain all tl.e latoat Nt~i u]i to the time of go'mg to pr.wa.BtofU- coptte, in wra|ipore, rt-ady for mailiui;, cau bo bad at

the ietk. Prioe 8ix Centa. Tbo ateamabip Amorit-aHaila from Boaton ftir Livcrpool To-Morrow.

Adr'cc. from Vera Crui to tho '2-d inat and tboCity of Mexicoto the '-JlHh, hare been received by tLeway of New-Orleaaa. There it -othioi. reliablerela-tlre to the inanrreetirm under Altarrz, although itwaa the im]>reaaittn arooni; urany tbat it ivonl.l yetprore aucrotrlul. Couot Kaouatet dt- Bnultrou, wboaocaptura at tbe head of an ineurgeut forre, before an-

uouDred, bad beeu tettenced to be ahot on tho l'.'thinat.. with aeieral oiLt-r Freneh >.i.-era. ln l»ur..tu..Ihe Gtivenitnent forcea had obtained a inninetitarycbrck over the Indiant, lut they appeared ia otherpoiUoni ef the countri eauting great alarm and theflight t»f many of the inhabitanta. It it reported thatdiaoonU'iit and rerelution viere increaaing toan al&rm-iaf extent. Tbe rrop. in nearly half tbe Statet were

a campl-te failure. aud a lar^e number of death. oc-

currad at ( bihoahua and otber place*. from actualstarraticD. The cholera and fever had prt-tty nearlydiaapp**'^.

-? "¦..

Qaitr- a panic prevaila in Savannih inconae_enceof the Increaae of the yellow fever, and tLe titizentwero rapidly learing. At Cbarleaton. alao. great un

eaaiafM waa manifeited, and preparatuiut were

making to open a yellow fever hoapital aaould thadit-Bte booome epidemic.

The eholera broke out among the Iri_h at FailBirer, Maaa., on Satorday, and up to yetterdayainrnicg nineteen deatht otcurred.

For Ihrther aeoounta of the dettniction of propertyby firet ia the are telegraph.

A terriie toraado pat.ed t.rer the City ol Loaiarille,K. at ISo'clock on Suanay latt. The Thir.1 P'et-b. icr.'aa C'hurch waa bloan down during aerrice.eauahig the in.tant death of tweoty of thr eongrega-tion aud aererely iojuring ten or tweuty othera.About oae hoadred other buildiuga were taaroofedand blown down. The total ioat of property it etti-mated at f100,000. The sa__e toraado pataed orer

.IcfTrraonrille blowing dotro feur houaet. See te!e-*


OOT. WIBH.More tban txtrnty yrera bate elxpieJ lince the ap-

ptxaranre of flexRV A VVibe in t'ie arena of Politict,ahich tappenfd after tbia BBatfaB Mr Riihar J Coke,who hmi lor four year* repretented in Conjreit tbeAcromac Diatrict, \ irgin a. aa a Keptiblictn of thforiginally Crawford, tben Ja.kaiin aclmol, beenttradually alienated aad ettr&nked by (nn. .11 kai ¦

BBOaTBB 1 vxith Calhoan and att.vhmcut to Van Buren.l>y the extreme centraJiziBg dortrinea of the I'r ¦> a

mation againat South Caroliua'a nntltfying atf'm 1"written by Kdwird, l.ut adopted, aigneJand iaaaed by Gen. JackBOn. and by tbe xioleot eager-r,i -a i.f O'hI Ilickory ' to puah mxtton to extremeivxith ( alhoun and hii follovxera and have them bungunder tbe Force bill. Old-faahinned p-ople. like Mr.C'oke, are not nimble in tarniu.; tLort coniera. and itpnzzled bim to Bee bow a Pretident who had pettedNullification tn tbe abatract and praiaed HxyneaBpeecbea of 18M in hii ill-itarred controrerBy withWebiter aa embodymg tbe true Deinocratic StateRijtbtt dootrir.e, could now affirm tbe exjctly op-poiite doctrinci of the FroHauation and be 10 fiercefor hanging C'alhoun, McDufEe A Co. for actiog inconaiatt-ncy with tbe BO-lately-commended doetriaeBof Hayne. So Mr. Coke, with many like him. grvl-uall) fell off from JackBoniam, and, without nitkiu.'

any change in hia profeftiiona. became identified in

fetTiBg with tbe Boutbern Oppoiition wbicli fiaa'iyeryitalized into a aupport of .lulge Hugh L. Whiteof Tenncaw e for Prcsident in 1896,Now (103) r-ame forward Heury A. Wiae, aa a

young paladin of White Houae ' Dernocracy' in oppo-aitioo to Mr. Coke'a reclectiou. Di haranj/ued the

Penple thronghout tbe Diatrict. accuaing Mr. Coke ofdiieffertion toward tbe PreBident and dialoyalty to

the partj-.' and eihorting tlve elfcors to rep-iir tho

l.rcach in tbe Democratic bulwark by tending him 10

Congreia in Coke'B atcad. (The DetTtoeraer, hy thow bj, of thii purt of Virginia 11 rather peculiar. BBBMtBi AtX-eBBM Dirttrict was a ttronghold of WbbVmiv,tonian Federalism; Mr. C'oke himaelf. Mr. Wiae'*father. and Oen. Thomaa Ii. Hay.y. if wemiitakenot.harinaT all been atanch FederaliatH in the olden titnebnt the nioit nltraof State Ri**hti Demoirats' undertlie new diapensiition ) Mr. WiacBTigoroua eloquenceprevailrd, and be was cbor-en to Congrepa. Mr. Coketook penonal oflt nse nt aomething aaid by Wite du¬ring tbe ranvast, challeneed him to a due 1. and rt>

r.ived satiifaciion in the Bh*pe of a broken arm,Bbivtred hy Wino's bullet. With tbat memcnto, heoank quictly into retirement, and after a few f9BI9died.Mr. Wite went to Cnngre«s. and ittuk to t'ie

.I.-ii' in vkl.ii h bad n. rv.'i. bim ao well nearly twoyeara. Tben he diacarded it, for what preeiae reaion

we do not reiuember; but rcanons were abtindant intbat unhridled reik-n of violenee and deepotiam. Heeupporttd Judge White for Preaident in 1*35, audwaa among tbe foremoat opponentH of Vau Buren andbia Sub-Treasury poliry through l-:i7-l't. He was

an actiTO UBd ardent canvaiser for Gen. ILtrriion iu1840, making strong Bpeeches at PoiiKhkeopaic nn 1elrewbere in thit State, bb alao in other State*. aa 1finally trtinp to get upon tho battle-u.-ld of Vork-tovxn a " Three Daya' Encampment" in the tuiddie ofOctober, whieh failed, the Penple being already wi.rn

out l.y political gatl.eiingR in that protrarted amli xcited caiivt8B. We be iieve Wiie waa eoured by hindefeat and diiappoiiitinf ut in thi& project. ao that hedid not ex-eti vote the HnrriBon Etectnral Ticket nextuii' though be had made many nnd able Bpeecheiiu ita libttlf.

(Jen. Hnrriaon was eleetedand Mr. Wiae retarnodfor the Gith time to Conrrreat; but before it naattii-

blid tbe People b Preaident died, and everytbine bTBJll tao wind. John Tyler sueceedfd to the Whitelli.'iirf, and began to eait about bim for the mexni ofcnating n peraonal party and securing hia own elec-titm in lrdl, with whieh view he began plowing withall manner of strange eattle. Mr. (' the grcxtIniiiy of the Wbig* reaisted him, and iniiated that theWbig poliey ahould be carried into effect by tbnsewbi m tbe Whi/}a bad placed in power; but Tylervetoed Bueee^iively two Bnnk bills, Cone of themabaped uuderhis owndirectionn, )a TarifTbill. aKirerliinl liarbor bill, Biid raiacd a jolly mw geuerally.Through all tbis eommition, Mr, Tyler'a chief ad-91998 and moat efficient champiou in CoagreBB wa«

Hotiry A. Wiae, who wa» rewarded in due season bytbt EmbfUsKy to Urazil, one of our inost desirable Mia-eicne.

Coi. Polk, ou hia aceeenion to tbe Preaideney, su-

pcrieded Wise by one of hii own followerB, l.ut Wisebaa erer sinee adbered to the 6chool of what ia ftce-tioueh termed ' Deinoeraey.' The Accomac ia a

rln\f-lnef(iing diatrict. and. though intemely Conter-vative and gtrongly Federal in ita politice, hai choaento be rtpreaented in CongrtBB, since Wise's with-drawel, by Oen. T. Ii. Rsyly, wbo calli himielf aState KigbtF Kepublican, and ia one of the weakesthnd windieat of hia acbool. The District rolled upd.cided majoritiei for Harrieon, C!ay and Tay-lor, but gave only 57 majority agiiinit Piereein lr*."*?, and ma» be aet down ai heneeforth at-tacbed to tbe car of what ii termed Democraey,'ao long aa it aball gmw bIbtcb to eell and our aetni-tropical ueigbbon aball have (,'otton aud Sugar landtthat we may ateal. It waa the boatt of Mr. Wiaewhen in Congress tbat no newipaper waa printedwitbin ita limits, a boakt which could hardly be m-tdegood af an) other Diatrict in tbe Enion.Mr. Wiie ia yet iu the prime of life, actixe. aiul.i-

tious and energetic, a man of original and vigorouBUiiiul. a good atuntp apeaker and in prirate life we

beliere) beyond reproach. He married, Bome'f. a daughter of tbe late Jobn Sergeant of Phila-.ic'l hii. inr im aeci.ud wiff: but we believe she tooia dead. He was a inember of the laat ConatitutionalCinvriitinn of Virginia.and waa diAtinguiahed thereinly hia ability and !ibf rality. He it, iu ahort. a 111 .:,

ol Ideaa, tberffore of Progrfta, and tbe natural ^nti-pode of an Old Fogy.He hai rerently been brought forward bb a cacdi-

didate for ntxt Goxernor 01" Virgiuia, titt) JotephJohiiFOD. a mereitick, of whom hii party it heartilytired. Two compet.torB are urge.l.Sbelton F.Lt ake. now Lieut. Governor. aud Willia P. B >cock,now Attorney-General; but Wise will waik overtl.. 1.. witb eate, though Leake baa capacity. Nothingbut a Whig reaurrection, of which there it not tbe re-inotest probability. can preveut Wite'a election aanext doxernorof Virginia.We ara glad of it. Wiae haa a thouiand fautta, and

ia wrtmg-headed on important pointB: but he ia nottraw but a real torce.a genuine p.-raonxlitj.He may or may not run well; but if nouiinated hewillbeflected,|and will writehiBnarue broadly on tbepage of bia State'a biatory. He will gite a new im-pulae to tbought. new actitity to enterpriae. and willabexk the draining ofl' from Virginia of aome of tbebeit of ber white. blooti tofielda of larger promiiefcr advfuturoui. unquiet ipiriti. Hia election willbe worth more to Virgiuia 'tbe aanexatiou ofbalf a dozen Cubat.We hail the proipeetire replacement of Jobn»on

by Wiae ai one of many indicxtiooB that tha feign ofmediocrity in imporVint autiona drawa to a cloae.The folly hatitg beeo carried to its climax in theeleetion of Piereo, there is re .son to beliete thst the1....!.1 n will be prempt and tborough. We aee proofof thia in tbe adherence of the " Harda " to JulgoBronion nt their randidate for Gorernor, though hewaa anlioua to decline, aod half a dozen ambi Joubconentitita w ere aehing to itand in his ahoes. Still,tho State Comniittoe would not let ffim off, and inthis the? acted w iaely. That Judge Hr .nion i* per-sonallj capoble aod wortLy. none will Bencuaiy Jeny

and tbeae qnalitlea. af again.t any negatire or i<»e..nd-raie at u.ptrtttor, will win rote* cut.i le of hia pxrty.Totea wlieh could l.ate Im en obuined for no on«i

of thoae wlo wmild hare brten n .inintteti in hiaktead. W. io aaa] aay that coi.e nf th-te are w .rthy.but Bircply tbat tb*y are noi to widely kn-wn to be ao

aa ia Judge i'.ronaon. We truit tl* partiea yet 98iiominate will foliow thia ex.-ellent eiamp.e, and

pre*ent for Goteraor nun whoin they caa tincerelyrfccottmend aa upright, able and deaerrinc. Tbia ia

BB tinie for inquiring wbo fram- »ucb a place, or whatare the rirai rlaimt ef thia or that aepirant. Conaiderrather what »ort of man ia vanted for the place aniti. n tnd one who anawera 99 the requirement ai

niarly aa poiaible. We bel eve tbii ii the true dootrine of Axailability; and that aecond-rate caulidateif.r irnportant BbbbBBBB, aelccted beranae theyhatenoparticnlsr opinion*on any BSeaBBf Bubj.-ct. ani are not

ol.noxiouB to er.y pnjudire or intereat, will nolongeranawer the purpoae. Dr. Johnson liked a heir

boijeithater; and it will yet be fmiul tbat *B9 msu

¦%hr>m nol'ody hatet or fear« ia goneraliy incapable ofexcitirg iny itrong emotion whatever.

CAT1IOI.IC PREL.tTKt ABD onOGIllOPS.Tke / rrrman't Jo_r_*l reaponda rourtaoualy to our

former arlicle on thii luhject. Deeming the aubjectof very great iinportance, we reprint Tke Journals

reapouie entire in another celuinn, where it ia re-

coTtmended to tbe att* ntion of onr readeri.In rejoining to tbia uianifeato of Tke Fruman't

Jovrnal. kt ua begin by aaiur Df* our cotempurarTtbat hia gi.eai a» to the authnr-lnp of two TfCeutLditoriala in TiiKTmni BB, beside b^g impirtinent.ia aadly at fault, aince neither of them wnn writoBBl>y the peraon indicated. I'.ut they were both writ-Un by Editors of Thk Tkii ist. and Thf. Tkibisebaa in no manner dianwned tbein.then why go be-hind it in diatUBaing thfm ' Their juatice or injm-tice concerni the public; MbBB. authorahip ia of no

importance. If tbere ia any inconniatency BOiwaoicriticiiine tbe doubtleaa wel! nit-ant. uudertaking ofan Arcbbidiop to pnaerve the poaot of our City bybia proclamatiou, and urgirg biui and hi* brethren to

cndeavor to cleanae their floeka of the a in and ahameofbeing tbe ehief dirpmaera of liquid poiaon andmadneta, the publifi xvill poreeite it and censure ae-

cordingly. We will not argne tlie point.Let ua clearly underatand each otber:There I* no queption bet.veen nn and Thr Journal

.'..* to tbe^otrrrof the Catbolic Clergy in ia preeiaely B9BBBB9 we know that the Biih-opa and Prieits hare ample power to BBBffaaa theKum Traffic bf Cathnlicft that wo entreat them to ex-

erciie it. If they had no auch BBWOr, they wouldreat under no aucb tremeudotia reapoogibility. rTotbaxe we ever intimated that the (atbnlic Clergyare '. iiidiflfreiit" to tbe ¦xiatrnce of drmkenneaaand conaequent criine among their penple. Theywould 99 vitj [.'.or Catboliea not to lay Chriitiana,if they were. For rertainly they muat M that theaddictinii ot Cathnlicp t<» nm aeiling and ruiu-.lri.ik-iiij! ia one truilftil er.uae t.f t!.f x. ry BBBBBfBl and inti-nae averaiou to (.Vholici-m amontr exenthat portionof eur people who cheriab little rftrard for leetnriandiviaiont and diatinctiona. Ihe fact that the Catho-lica ol thia couutry keep a great many inore grogahopaand aell more liquor la proportion to their nuuit.erthan any other denoinination. creaiea and keepa alixca xcry htront; prejudice agninat tbem. Iliim-ae'liug i*not cenerally reppceted among ua. evi'ii by rum-driuk-eri; and xvhen it U aeen that B ilenonnnatiou whichnumberg Icbp than one-aixtb of our population keepatwo-thirda of the grogahopp where grnitahopa are tol-erated, and aclla uiost of the liquor in atealthy v' of law where aelling ia l.'Kaliy interdicted.the growth of a atroug [>opular prfjudiee agaimt thatiii irnn.ii i.tii'ii iM inevitable.

Thr aays the Catbolic Cburchcan anddoeaforbid druiikeDueaa, and tbe uaeot intoxic.tting driuk*by tboge who drink too miieb, and tho aale of liquoratn 9B] wlid will 9B9 them immoderately. An.l yet, iudrfianee of tbeae powera, it ia certain and obxinuatbat many Catlol'ca do drink too much. and b-11 toguch aghabitually intoxicate themitelTeB. Thore aro

at tbia Ir.ur burdreda of Catboliea iu the priaona andcharitable <Btablis.hmeiit8 pertaining to thia City wbowonld bate been independent, ueefui, reipected citi-zena, but for Liquor. Hundreda of Catbolic wives

annually testify in our police otBeea and criminalcourts that their buabamla. who are arraigued forabuginc; and beating them, would be good, kind. well-

behavicg ronierta "if it xva« u't for the drink." Itii liquor.maddenine. brutalizint'.exil-inciting liquor.which filla «o many Catbolic (99 well aa other) houn*with d'mcord and tiolence, darkena newgpaper col-umnawith ao many aceouutg of Iriibrorri. brawlaaud faetion-G«iht8. tiil- our piiion* with Iriau eul-prita. nnd inakea the ttallowa hldeoua with ao manyCatxiilic murderera. For while the Eoreign-bornpojulatinti of our country is aearef!y a lixtb of thowhole number, itappears tiat a lart;e ma.ority ot'rhecriiuei agaiubt 1 leai-t in the PraO Stati-a.areroiimiitted by this fraciion, and moat H the culpritaCTineeby their choioe of apiritual adviaen tbat theyare (atholiea.Thtee facta.and we dceply regret tbat

tl.ey are faet*. since they tend Btrongly to

Btrergtbcn and difl'uae thxt bitter pn-judice agaimtCatboliea ai a cltia wbicb ia now iuipelhug thouaamlato a miaguided and unrepublicaucnaade agaimt tbe rPolitical francbiaia.prove xery rUarly to our mindthat the va*t power of the Catbolic prieathood nrerthe purauits and babitmf tbtir people with reapect 99Intoxieating Liquora u not tciniy eitreised. la nottbia coocluaion juatified by the facta ' liere ia a ter-rible evil in our midat; here ii a .laaa of our peoplewho do more than any otber to extend and perpetustoit: bere are the apiritual guidei of that ciaas, whobaxe ample poaer. aa their orcao juatly ataerta. tokeep tbem witnin the pal? of Tirtue and aafety. Butdo tkey! Ltt the reeorda of etery criminal court.fxtry alti.f Li.uae every priann. make anawer!

It ia preciiely beeauae the Catbolic Clergy poueisao ureat and peculiar a power.power orer a claaawbo are almo*t inip.rTioui to other reforaittory ia-fluence tban theira.but power whieh baa nat hithertobeen io exerted at t*. batiiih or aenBiblj tnodify theeriia it conlronta.that we hare 89utured to auggeitto that Clergy the adnption of different an.l tnore deci-Bi've meaaurea. We baxe aaked tb.-m not to joinTfmpfrauce Soeietie*. n..r xnte for ItBBBirance can-didate*, nor fxvor Prohibitory lawa. but to uae tbeirmoral pewtr deeitirely to etTect a great rai>rol re-lormation. We do mt aak them to at..p Rum-tellingand Kum drinkicg by thf ir people in our w*ir, nor iuany particuiar way. but in torne way. Snrelr. itneeda co fiifther experience to convince them that. ao!ong aa Kum-aelliBg and Ruiu drinking by Catholicaare allnwed and upheld, ao long will they be fruitfiltourcea of Catbolic poxerty, miaery. tice, criine long will they beinaupertble oDttacleatotbe ctnaidt ration, eTen, of Catholic dactrinea by thegreat body of the Amtrican People. Thia. ceruinly,ia no part of our objection to the attitudt of the V>tt.olic C!trgy with regaid to the Tetnperance ja,butwe thmk it ahould baTe 99999 weight wit' tfcaa.thtrefore we urgf it.

The Repubhcatn ef laat eToning anttonncea that Mr. P.A*rpin w-JI bfncirorh be attathed to iu editnrial attff, andwill torftribute artuka oa artiatic aubjcta tvpcciallr. Thi*will add gTeatly to the intereat and xaluc of that joarnaLUt. Arpm i. an adtuirable critic. and there are ttw wnterawho know bow to exproat a batter jnHgment in a tntrra.eftreeable atyle.The Rejml/u. k U a large aad hand»ome Aeet, printeddaiiy, ai our roadeta know, in th* IVeacb laag-aoa;e, and

erricbrd with teleciiotva of uncommoa iuterest rroin thecnnent r^rioditai literarure of Franco.

RTAIT-CS IB EROLARD.It baa l.-ng been a eUudinj reproaoh to Engltnd

tUt htr Caxtona, her Shakepere*, Ilau.p.leiu aadCromwell. are anbonored by any public wemorialt,tbonfch the eqnarea and publc placea of ber chiefcitiet are dfcorated with ttatuet of tbe hnHeeile andvicioua HanoTcrian Georget. of n profligate auJ tpeuJ-thrift Poke of York. or oi naral aad military hene.

a. Marlbi/mafih, Nelaon and Wellington. Thia faclwtt rightly cited aa aproof of how murhtbe fendal

t|>irit preduminated in Engli.h tooiety. Hut ttraw.tbrown np into the air indicate the way the wind itblowinr, at.d three public atatuea in-uiruratejtl or om-

pleted aitbin tLe lart aii weeka in EoglanL aeeoi to

dtnote tbat a vt ry tignificant cbange in the wind of

public opinion haa taken place with thit geaeration.Firtt among tbeae it the ttntue to the rreat Georgef?tejhenaon. to whom the ciulixed world ia everHtl- Jingly indebted aa the ereator almoat of lailro& at the Eueton-.i.uare Station ti the Londonand North-Wetterti Kai'.way: next i« the monutnent

to tbe l»te poet Tbouiat Hood, Keaaal Green Cerae-

tery; and fiually. the comp'etion of the ttatue Elliott, tht Corn Law Rhjincr. the Poet of Dn-mocracy and the Riirhta of Labor, to be placed infrant of the poat-office in SheffieM.

>"or are thcie the ( nly Itttm of the tarne import;Farlitmrnt it.clf haa juat given eridenee of the al-tered tpirit of the timet iu thia respect. The ttatueof Charlea I that atanda aoiiewbcTe ia the city hadf.i'len inN> a deplorable ttate of decay, ani G .rern-

nient agrted to aak for I v te of money forit* repiir.tSirWilliam Moleaw.rth. the Whig menberof the C'alinet. read the Artlat't repott on the atateof the i_ri_nm» nt, ("ita broken kneea. ahattered"aidia, dilapidatt'd tail") to a Houae of Comtnou*nproarioiit with laujibter. aud the voto wji aakedofthe Houae nnd grant^d by it. not oeraute ('harlf. I.wot a king, but becamo "Le Snur'a fineat work" thoiild not be allowed to go utterly to ruiu.The only wordt uttered in Parliaan-ut on the meritaof Charlea I. were apokeu by Mr. Wiae, who charv-tcrized hitn aa .'an enemy of public liberti'1*." ThedilttpiJiited -.tatut- wa. n tymbol of the fallen istSBBOBof eert-in tocial an.l idfaa.Whilc the Houae of Lorda aome tuelre yeara Bgo

refmed a atattie to Cromwell in their aujpiat Houto,amorg the other rule; * of Englsnd. the Crystal PalaooIiinttora have juat decided that Oliver and RiehaniCromwell shatt have .tatiiea in a aiuiilar connectionnt Sydcnham; and Ireland too spt-aka in the aani*

at in c ; tho 1 >:ir_nn tettimonial. cltanged at Dtrga i'«reqiirtt from a barren mouufiient to an Inlui-trialCollege, (the Hargan Inatitute.) it ttircly nianyetrpi in advanre of tl.e Pullin testimoniald of thirtyyeara ago to (Jcorge IV, " the firtt l.ent iu EnglanJ."In tignirieant cnntraat vrith the BBRRRBBt-l editicationof teatirnnniala to tuen of the l'cople who have beno-fited aocifty, tho uuaucccsaful BBBTRBBBBtatarted by a certain toady Lord Mayor tt Londoo,Itt a atattie to Prinee Ahert. So uenerally wa* thitmovement diaconntenatied l.y the preaa and aoeiety,tbat the Trinre hud to «tep forward, out the untpon-t.-.ii((U8 u.ov.-ni.-iit ahort. and beg that the muneyu.ight l.e '-diveried " to cbaritnlt'e purposes.WhtH the bhiltield file-maker, th.> poor (irub at.

literateur And tho Syne polliery-boy are able to winfor thtiuteliea nunuminta in fettdal aud tlunkcy En-filtiid. it uould ifeni that the aliade of Richard Co-urde Li"ii haa IBRBBB to c "ni^ratulate itne'if that the year) ¦'.'¦'¦ provided him with a niotiumtnt. It will toan be|M late for «uch hiatorical charaetert to look farcancnifnlion, becaute the IVopIe who know how to-honor the Stephenaona, Hoi.(la. Elliottt and DflffSBflwill preft-r fur BBRjBlllB of gl irification atn-h men a.

Ptttea. BboBB hud Milton leaay pui^aant Pluntngenelor I.a- .;; .'ri.-in. In the mrantiiue, thit viaibly charti'i-ilcurn nt of opinion cohercs with that general tocialand jioliticul avolution whieh i* now «o eteadily .le-f-udali/irg Lritain; of whieh, indeed, tho phenomenawe lisve reetuufed are a ai_n i.nd an outgrowth.lapOBTRR CtTTIl titBfll Aiinn al..The abip Ant-

arctic, C.ipt. St.iufer. nrrived at thii part yeat^rilnv'from Liverpool. hfOMght t)\t. HVRBRRR ABB BBBRIBmmi o( tattlc, cnnairiting ti Hurliaui buiia, t-owa, beit'eraruiu cnlvia, Altli-nicy cowg, fine shoep aud awirie and onj

I ii t'nr ibo K. titiiiky Maeh Intpoi -irirr Ceinpaiiy. Tboahip »na f"i ty-OLe ilui a upon tbe paaaage, and yet of thi*lr.rce nnd valuab'e cariro but tlireo thetf were Ioat. Theabiplita at l'ier Bt. 11 F'ait Rivt-r, and tho stO( k will boian'lt'l to-day, when wo ahall bc able to ^'ive au

opinion upon il. qualiiy. wLich we undorstand is very au-

peiior. Balag to it aort ot' rivulry between Olno and Kcn-tucky to eof whirh inui'iijinrt tl.e beat animala aml itn-prove the ttotkof thtir reapettire Statra to the higheitdegrce. We wiah both tlie j.'reate*t aucccit.

-Vr. t.rteley of Tiit HRW*TORR TBIBORR, who re-ctntly turned tarmer, and imumed to b. a aavont inv. r. iMiii' rclating to a.-rvi.-e, aoema to ba oa luoky

iu jHiu'ilrj aa in 'Militica. Havin^ ret ently bou^ht a tli.ougtLuinc .^bangh.i f(jga I'or wbi. h !it paiil f'., ho put theu-uni'er a t.en. and in du* time they al! came out.anapping-tai.Ml Wi are afriiid hit j.olifical chit-kena will turnout tbe tame vtay in IRM." (N'ew-.Teraey llerald.. It attma to bo about timo to atop thit Ci.ili.b at'.ry,

n.w tbat it it turned to a bad BBS p^litically. Theroneier waa n more baaeKga fabrieation. Mr. GrceleyBRtrRt bought any 'Shan^'hni agf^ aa fuc'i aud u..'vtv

paid to much aa half a dollar do/.en for any e^'sr* atall. And h. bega hia aDxioua friaii'I who wrote tho ab nonot to ii.'iii' -i; in any further apprt-Lr-naioua on hit ac¬

count. aa behaa no eggn on hami out of wbicb " pelttfeal" thickena are to be liatt-ht-d iu l -¦'"'.

IHE OREYTOWM 8PECULATJOS.ContifctiicBC* ot Th* N. Y. Tr.bnne.

W iMMM.i'd.N, Satiiniay. Aug. 26, lr}:,4.Ihe enormity of tbe bombardiin-iit aml d.-atruetion

oi (.r.-ytowu.^i* dietloaed to tue fdiitidentially. ia auchat to ttan p tLeAiiuiiniatration .".udall coacerned, with. it rlhatiiiki -Jacraee.

It aeem* that the Nicaragua Tramir. Company are attl | l-.'ttt tr. ti the whole movement. Thit Companyimtl their araotiatea. compoaed Bf CaJeb Cuthing, Sid-i. _t \\ tbtttr. Sicre-tary litbl.iri and BbIbb BrRbbJ,(.wn d (r profetted to own, a largc tract ti land rua'-BRBg two Lundred milea. l.y tighty miles in breadth,airtia. th^ tountry. That propoault were made to tbecitin ua of (iriytowii to pun ha.e. and thuaacknowl-edge tho title in thia Company; and tl.e obataclra thrownin the way of thia land apt-culatiou are the I...- - ,itbe OeVBTRBBRBfl attioii, wLith rertulted in t;,truiti.n nf finitowii.."». on aft^r Solon Ilorlaud r.-tunied h.-re, th.-re waa auli-ct dinrie-r part) got up to dis.uta and a.-ttle tLei_ut»ti(ii ot the NicaraKua Tranait Company a ititerearaaiiti titli * to tbeae landt, at whieh Wmh Hori-nl,

( inL.. _. >i.ln.-y Wet-t. r. Jeoaah L WMki m.<\CaL Fanaif -eea |.reaent. and perhtpa s«.'cretary1 .>bin. At tiii* danm-r party tha boutbardmeut anild. atruction ol" ijri-itowu waa reaolved upon. Herone Lnve tle wLole affair in a nut ahell. We tee tbetction of thi- Goveramrnt, in the oul eequent bombard-u.ent tnd de.-truetion ol Oreitown, orL_inatii« frorn adinncr party of lind apecalatora. compoaed of m.-ni-bera cf the Cabinet aud perttinaaurnjundiug^ne Pre-i-d«iit and coiin. i t«-»i with tbe Tranait Cbb_-pany. It ia pBffttfjrtBR that we Late a Pretid. nt whoit turrouiided with. and tnu be u«ed bv, auch a aet oftpeculatora. and that w.- B-Wall h) NHBrIm anatitti, BL.1 tubjocted to the reparatton whieh mnrtbe n ad. to enrich a combiuabou ,ii peraona conu.-. t. <lwith the >,«aragiia Tranait Company and the Adrniu-;-tr::tkn. TLe facta wiii all come out, and the d j-ilo.ure will cover tte Adminiatratirn, and eipeci-illythe Atti rnet-tjeneral and the Jsecretary of the Navv,with eterxaldiagrace. When combinationa of wamor a charttred cimpany can contml anu direct t. .

Exet utive of a country mt ourt. and make war anddeatroy property and townt. to enrich a eorrjU8nr .'-individualB. it ia time that a Protectorute thould beeatabh.bed t.. Kuard tlie c.-jntry from the deaigningicbemet of thoae who aurround and mi.lead a weakEiecutive. tttm Ubertiea are erer loat, it wiu'bethreugh the lutt of gain, the thirrf for gold of th/t^ewho may control the Government. A poor Preai.tentmay be tempted. a weak one may be mi.led or latim-idated, and a corrupt one ahould nerer b* truatedThe pretent one i. FEEBLE.


Trttow Fitir ar 8-T7*Bi7.-A_«>_g tha rictiau ofyalloa ttrtx at Sarannah, Berrian Barrooghj, Eaq aprtiBiinent -oerchant, died tu Friday.''

THE LATEST NEWS.bbcfjteo nr




25 Peraon9 KiaUed-^rivrge numben Wouadext--09

CnctBBtlTi, Monday. Ang. 28. 1BM.A terriBc tornaibv paaaed over the City of Lou.jrille yee-

terdav about li o'elock.Tbe Fonrth Preabyterian Church waa blowu down dnr-

ring the Bervire; 2S o( the cnnsrviration were killod

instantly. and a large nnmber wonnded. Nu k-oub otber

buildinga were unrotfed. and blovm doam.SECO.ID DI»r*TCH.

CiNCt'i'iAT!, Monday. Ang. Q«-Ev-cnin,'.TV Lfm:<x.lle paper* of thi* momin.: fuU pv-

t.cularaof erterday s tornado. Tke Demorrat dean ibaa

it aa one of the BBBSt violent Btorma that ever awept over

that ?cetron. Tbe Third Preabyterian Church, B.tnaf.lon the mr rrof Elerenth and Walnut-ata., waa C'-mpJetelrwrtvked: the entire buildtng, bbOMbBJ the mof, raftera

and brick wallafeU in, cauainfr. the inatant death of twentr<^f the I'ongTtgation, and senoualy injuring ten or twontyothers.The ecene waa heart-rendini:. S.x.n a largt* crowd aa-

aftnbled and began their aearch f..-the vic'ima. A mo.her

¦Ofl b.r three children were timt bIbbbOBBbI jroupelindeath; annther aeene proonted a father. nv-ther and babo.the father ilead and the mother mortally woundetfc whiletheir little child plaeed bonea'h them eacaped tinhurt,bein * pn tected l.y tlie fonr * ti Ml BajrBBBBi

[¦ ,.;';... iaalaariaa.atart af tao vi.-iim.. wrre torriblyi,.--,,i.i. laihBrt Tl.e raoaatrafao BO^ rmtlen lttti IhOTOry l.e.rt of taa ciiy. aaal lu peoplearr arpa::<. 1 Bl yOOtl BBfiof. The BakOaaiBg ia a liit oi thok IM

Mra.Wililrbe.- and three . h'ldr-p Mr. Taylor and child.Mi. (!¦ dfroy. Mm. Sriltabiiry. Mim Headley. fOBa M.-O-v-r-an. Mr. Swiemy. afra. Martin. Brita af .'olia X- Martin,,taii'ller: Mra. Wi.-ka. BaBM ..:'Mra. Martin:. Mr. Har-

bonr, Mr. Sl.T'lllan.l. Mr. li. DataB, a ru-cdent of New-

Alhaaj anlMr. M.'.irEtio and child.It ia fhou«*ht one or two others BBNkillel, wh.vto namoa

have not yet been ieamed.Frl'y 8B0 hur.drod MbbBbJBia Louisville were unroofod

an.i ottBtBBBa Injnred. The 4torm paaeal over thit pxrtof the city ly'n.; betweon Fifth an.l Twentyfirtt-sta. A

apleLdid bl. ik oi" four atory houaos reeontly orrotod oa

the nnrtb aido of Main, botwceti b*b|B9b and Ninth-sta.,was cornplftely dcotroyid, nnd two or three m«n, It ia tup-

pooaal an buricd in the ruinB. These buildinga wero built

at an 8BB0B99 of 9H,0C1.Tbe upper ttttjtl the rope and bnc*ing factory of W.

A. Riebardann ai.d Yo., Magazine-at. wm blown down,nnd the new i ity llkllllnaBi on the eorner af Nintb aml

Masiizir.c-st*>. was unroofed. Tlie total loss is estiniated

Tl.e ataeBB was alao vt ry severo in Jeffemonville, wherefour houaos were blnwn down.

LATEB kkom mexico-cocnt norujo.x ou-DI-KEI) TO BE SHOT.

N.w-Om kass, Saturday, Aug. -'», IIB4,Tho ateaiu-bip Orizaba, Cnpt. Forbea, arrivod at thi-.

port to-iiay, i |'| g'-| n.lvices flrOOB the City af Mexicoto tho BOtB, aud Vtia Cru/. to thu 991 in*t-, tuelvo dayalater.I'ount BtBOBBaal de Uoulbon, arkaat ooataro at the head

of an B88BBBjft8l t«'roe we I-a-ned by the 'ast arrival, badL. on Mi.tciii. <l t.i bi BBOt aa tka 19*1 inat. -r withaev. rai other Freuili i tli.i r>.

Auollicr Governuieut \ ictniy ia reported to have boonHloUll on the .th inst.Tbera i» no Boon of tbo bbox OBBBBl of Alvarez and our

Haa tontniu BOtUag furtbor wortl. telettraphing.The Mexiean papors roe.ird a nuuibor af deathj in and other places from actual atarratiou.l"he erops in nearly hulf of the State were a corapleto

failuro, and unltaa apcedy reliof waa procured, tho loes oflife from fninine would 08 BaflallwL

In Durango tl.e (Joverntnent foreea had obtained a mo-

m.ntary ehetk oxer the Indiana, but they hadappeared iniilher portiona of tho'eoimtry, eausing great alarm andtiiatl.t of many of the inhabltaut.i.

It i« eatimated that 99 whites had been aaerificed bythftn within the preetding week. Mt-aturee were bointftakoa l.y tao tWrataBBaal tar tbe laBafaf the distrk'ti iuf*ti r.iiji itimi liunger.Thore ia notbintT reliable toneerning tho inaurrection

nedtr Alvurez. nltliough it waa tbe imprcHsios amongmany that it would yt t prove Buccesafal. Discontent audroMilutioii «cre inereaaincr to an alartning oxter.t, btxt tbostrict cenporahip exereieed over the pr«*B rendera it almoutinipocsible to aat at the facta aa they really cxiat.Tbo ffaolt ra and fever bave pretty nearly diaappeared.BJ v. rai arreats of couapirators have been mado by order

af the (iovernment.-*»-


Tlio fjrea remain in thia vicinity unchecked, eJthougbtbo of Sutunlay dampened them ali^htly.

Ituildinga have been burncdin Kenduakeag, I.aOrange,I.cvant, . ni.-i' ti Corinlli, and manyi.thor towna. InCorinth alone.a amall town.the damago to the wood*landa, Jtc., ia over 910,000. Valuable tracts of timber-laxid are entirily deatroyed. In Hancifk County thiliuma^e ia also great. In «omc placca the heat ia ao atrongand the aujoke ao deiue that tbe roads aro inipa/'ing iaiione in many sectioas but to light the tirei.Cr.pioua rains muat eome before they can bi inbdued.Thore i» ai arColy a tnwn within fifty niilcrf of horo but haaoutfered moia or iees. Tlie drouth continuea. The cropaare all drying op, aud tbere appeare to be no prospect afrain, wbiic tho htavy winda that are blowing are fuutingthe tlauie.


Boitos, Monday, Aug. M, WM.IB Ttwkabnry and Wilniinf*kOn in thia Stute fircs in tiie

wooda have been raging for aeverol daya patt, and wara

only cbeeked jesterday. About 1,000 acrea >»f woodlandara bumt o\pt. and the loaa ia eatimated at 92O.O0.1.

In some parta of IMlgboro County. N. II., amoke fromtbe burning woodlatvls partially ob«eurea the tiaiou inettry dirtction.

Tl.e Hnn. Kbenczer Moeely of Newburyport died and-denly tbia mo/ning, of apopkxy. Ile waa an oldFol-eraliat, of aomc eclebrity in ti.'a State.


Bt'rraL... Monday. Aug 28, MBa*Tbe total nnmber of deatha by cholera in tbia city

dcrinir the paat wttk reaehed 43, of whorn only twottte American8. ,

The pine wooda near Lond«n, Cacada Weat, are ob fire,ard the inbabitanta of tho diatri. t BBB9Bf BB their livea.Tbe amoke ie ao dfnae along tbe traok ol Uie GreatW.-'.irn Kailroad at tbia pcint, and alao at ChippewaCreek, tbat the traina will bave to bc temporarily diitcon-tiLntd.

TIIE WEATHER.Bostos, Monday, Aug. 2-J, l*:>t.

The weatber baa been clear to-day. Tbe therrnometerat cifon reaebed about Tf0, Thia cvening there ia a coolbreeze from tbe nortbward.At Concord, Manchestcr. and Naaliaa, N. II., to-day

L.oti, tbe thermometcr ranged at about 80°, tho hwU of theaun bi 'ii_' very oppresaivc, notwithstonding a light brtx/eIhf re bat been no rain in vicinity for many weeks.Tho ijighii are aoaL

Pittsbcroh, Monday, Aug. 2«, l?54.We hsd a refrvabing ahowtr on Saturday oveniag of per-

hapt One hour a duratiou, bnt not anfiieient to reatore vege-tttion. Tbe weatber haa aince been clear and cooler, butatill warm. Tbtie i» but fiftoen inobea waiar iu tho riverat tbia pcint.

Basoor, Mev Monday, Aug. ^-Evening.Tbe weath»r ia fitc, and there ia no proapeet of rain.

PmLADtLrHtA, Monday. Aug. 28, - i -Kvening.The weatber haa Ucn cloody, with an eaatarly wind all

day, bat no raia haa tal.en. Tbe tbermometcr ataod atahout ''i at noon.

Cin* ixbati, Monday, Aaa;. ti, 1931.We eojoyed fine rain itormi both oo Saturday and yoi-terday, and tfcere ia a proapoct of more prott) geaorallytLrougbooi tbia lactioa. OF A POSTMAitrKIl. aPnii an.i raia, Moaday, Ang. f\

P-etc-Btor, ot tht* city. ia T.-xiily .11 »;_, Uilmnfever, and ia not expectcl to ri.'"m r

Edwanl alia. Pater Ctttrhai ba.1 a b^vrag _BmMayor ( onrad on a ubarxe ot hillin^ Fraooij Ta-nSlea^,¦ yeai* eiuct, in an oyatt-r^jellar in Muuthtt., aaatTtnih. Tht- part.o. wero both culorod. The a-eaaalmade a roait-aaion acknowI.aUirii.-_ tbe of Tja'it*.aon. but aaya tbe deeeaeed attaoked bim tirat w-ith a mtmtot wood.

THE IUXOW FEVEK IX THE SOUTH.B.11 TIMCBJt. M'lU-iky Au,- :'¦>. ..<.

Tbe deatba in thia City during the priat week mvihaf148, of whieh II were t"tt>ni dyacutury, and 1 . froia aaa-

anmp':on. Xo chnlara.11 --avaimah teapera aiweA af a groat t.uii. ;.r vtilia^

in tbat city, growing out of th. yullow fever. Tbetiti. 1teaa were rapidly leaving, tho duMNaie rh.>win<- ao aitraa et*alau-nitut.At C UflB-BiaBB .reat un.-aaineaa waa ar*.» maniferieA. ^j

preparationa were niii-iriic to op.-n a yellow fevor h-apRBeliouldthe disea^e beiom« epilonuc.

BaVARBB-l, Monday. Aag. S*. itn.The interaiente iu tbia City on Friday in. lulod 11 trtm

yeliow h vcr. On Saturday the uuiuber waa 1 i, ef ahiak 1r) were from tbe fevtr.

FIKE AT BlCKSFOIM, MAIXE.Hi.N-..oR. Monday, Aug. M, 1**.

A firo broko out al Baakaport, tbi. moroing, aad befieeita progreaa could be etayod. had bumed four atorea, ae.

cupied by Meaara. O- B. Bradley it Co., A B UtU, g.Skinner and 11. Hlodgelt. and ono houte io wni.-h teaahadthxce familica. TheIom ia eatimated at IU,


Cn-Kii i Monday. Au*. 3s, 1 -M.Tlie CatshBl Mountaiti Houae ba* tm biren barned.Hr

haa it been in any int-itiiato dangor. Th* raio of Satar-dayeveninu' extinguiahed the tirc that w.ia r i ;iar aaaathe ui'¦until"*.


ITIOLKKA AT FAI.L KIVEKF4- Kiv R, Monliv, Vu.;. ii, i>t.

Thecholera broke cit amoag thi lr -li iu tlua (i»»eaStttnr.iav tnoniLng. Maeteen death. have takea piaa*.OaoBaaa, irhewaoarreiled for itealing, di.-din tbe l-iak-iaiu a t'ew houra afttr ba_Bg *ii-t-'<!.


BoeroN, Hoaday, Aug. 8B, ua*, li.ilt' detM reaeel. renini.-t to Qlaaoeeter hR

it... k w itl. nmall farca, varying t'rom BO t.i imi bbl.. ..f IB. -1Tbe raiu iu thia vieiuily ot. Satur.l ii nnrht waa n it tef-

fl.ieutlv be of nnv bene.t t.» tb KTowiaroaH.At Siuthbriiicre, nn Satnntny evemnir. a Intrii li''l"at-ar

to tbe Dreaaer Manufn.-turiti.' Co., Iiut occti|iiod l-y L*U-rop Anna, wa.. atru.-k by lijitning an.l with ita of bny aud grain, entiruly BRBMBRBBi.

PETTIT AM> HB PME8EMT('orrc*rio_<icrjc* of Th* N Y Tnbut r

WAU-OMTOB, I'riday. Aug. S5, IHJiA chivalrouajotirnal oftbe t'ity ot Nea Orleant,_at

dittinguiahed ittelf bl callin« Mr*. Harri.'t KeetherStowe an old li«.. Tbia ji urnal haa won for ita t'literaa jiiumiirtttlity of flune '.a fame tbat hi* cbildreu'ao___|. Ittn will, in a far otf future, wihli lof the pnwtr to jcoiiaiifu to the ifrave of "him who an well d.-aerrt-lt. jHe haa few pr.-r. nt aml arill have no ftatare imit-tort.The rlowi ra now lilooininn in beauty ovtr the k'Mt«aflittle Fva, will iorm an cverradient Karland for Bha Ibrow of the gilttd danghter of New-Englaiid.forbw |who haa won new hmiorK for the noble landofaarbirth.

Hut there ia auotber lady who demauda our ntBN.Sbe ia uot one wlio baa gained laurel* by tbe achtora-inctitB ef her pen, l"it tiniplr one who, havinn h.r teait

liinonc tl.e fre.'tiieti of Iinliana, haa y.t earnej^t-tinctioti by aetuuiin. the defeuae of negro Slavery, ndchallengiiig the authoreaa of " I'nclc Tom'l Caba"tothe arena of diaputation BR that .ubject. JLHut wliatof thit ladv ! Shall we in rt-aciitmeutteli f

_Blf '}..r- ? Fie upon it' No We dilFerIroin ber na to the opinioiia tl.e t-xpreaaet. Wethasfl opinion.. We dete.t the inlluencea that kartled her to adopt them. Hut we remember thit (ktia a lady and tbat uo Atnerican gentlemen cau be gtfitfof uttering a diapafa-ing word in relatiou to her.Mof woundiiiK in any in.itt- r tl.o aeuaibilitio. abe pat-aeaaea.Bnt thit ladv haa a hutband not unkuown tn mtt\

and aince we doubt not he ia juatly proud oi the airand accomplithed partner ot hia liie, we truat he willnot be otlended at our utterinn bia nnm.- Iti tbe aaa*i,. eti. laiio l.avt rhn.-'i-n. It ia that of the II.m. J.ktPettit, Senator in Congrees from the State ef Iii'liaaa.Now, it waa upon the motion of thit Heuator that,

in the evcning hoiirt of the late aeaaion of Coturett,the pay of the Clerk. of the Senato't Corauiitteea aatim-reiin il from four to aix dollara per day. At Mr.Stuator Pettit ia a very pure Diniocrat, a very taal-oua refonnrr, and a very rigid econoiuitt. it waa efctnime perfectly cou.iatent aud proper for hiak tooriginatetliit movement. Seven timet four, or tweaty-ei-'iit dollara per week, wa. but .tarving f.rgeiitlemeii engaged in the anluout dutiet of*clerki Mtheae committeea, eapwially when it it rememkereftl.nt there are about at many of auoh clerki ai tkereare Scnatora; that the cliel dutiet of many ofHB to frank and aend otf apeechea and otherin. ta, aud to write letter. in prai o of their pito diatant newapapor.. The wage. of theae elerktduring tbe puat neaaion, at $4 per <iay. wat, aay,$59,5»); but at $C per day au.oant lo $->,-2'*<h ttthat Mr. Petttt'i motion to«t the Treaaury ahoat$t9J90.Well, but what of thia? an.l what connecttoa itthere bctwetn Mra. Stowe. Mra. Pettit, Mr. SeaBttrIVttit. the ¦>. natr Committees, their clorkt, tktwagea of tbeBe elerkt, and tbo incroate of BBfewaget' Let ua aee. The hiatory of our ctntBlrecordt no other achievement <>f Mn. Pettit, lady of Mr. Senator Pettit, than the prodaaBwRof the aimple letter of whieh we have tpoken. Waitbia pe-foi m.'ince aueh at tbete elerkt wouid >.i. iii.-i.'11 Wouid tbeir commendatioa aaMBflato enihnaiaaiii Wouid that euthutiaam lead ta » aubatantial dcniouttration ' It it tkuot, and we ctrtaiuly concur in tbatThen why did tbe^* clerka, wbo.e wagea wa.

fifty per cent. higher than they had bargained mt,"why did they pretent Mrt. Pettit a cottJy .ertiea *itilver That ia the ({uettion that people tetil aak..That Mr. Pettit, and any little aervice nndcred bthim. waa thought of in conn'ection witb thit " t*ieh-monial." it. of courte, wbolly out of the quettion; aa_the (lue.tion. therefore, becomet the more perpla-iBf.why wat the gilt preaotited ' If, indeed, it waa kt>cauae the lady thua honored had had the tetnerttftooppo.o heraclt in print to the gifted and accom[ditBaiMra. Stowr-, wl.y are all otber*. who have ettayadtht-fii.t- tbitig pasaed ovtr iu tilauce Tbeir name itkt-_ion. They bave ariaen in aiicceaaion, approacbe. thtNew- authoreaa aa tnotha approach the l-Ba.corehed thi ir feeble winga, and fallen. It Mrt. f**-H alone deeerriug bonor ' Theae qu-Jtiont B»*

dt ep, priifiM.-iid, i.i ervtli.lnii,^ maguit'ide. We*patient aiid mute, await tho reapon.e of a aeratworld:



ISD1ASA POLITICS.Cc.rrc*-K,Bdcnc* of Tb* N. V. Trib.iBr

M l- iiaii Ah i. In.l . \Vi-_n. -.l.iy Aug. MThe C'oiiKreaaiwual caiitaae in the IXfh dii

Tudiana waa openrd to day at thia place.Lddi. tbe preaent Nebratka incumbent andot'the Iiemorracy led olf in a .peerh af BBBlour and a quarter, aud waa rt-plied to ny MCollax, Ksq.. thepeoplerteandidate, man eloqueaijtlaborato apeeeh of an hour and a ball. Eddytlie debate in a fifteen minute tpeecb. The iateRtween theae ecntlemen i. a rery wide one. Eddy i

fiorta tho Adminiatration in all the naultiform pka***^rta ir.n_.iit) .nd undertakea io earry the Kantr"Lraaka law on hi. .hodlder. biforo hia conttitPurTmg and ataggering beneath tbia iatter load,nainda one of the pieturea of Atlaa with theupon hia bark, only there it io hia caa*> no evideeven a portkoo of that atrength iudieated by theaforetaid. Not a aingle word of approralaiiypart tt hisdeelamatioB.The ontlaught of Colfax waa able and efleotittaj

wat re.-tii.d with rerv fnquent buratt of appl_BThe ahallow fraud embodied in tho Kantat latr l

thorouuhly eipoaed. end the ttale eophiatry ef fw bo undertake to defend it waa laid perfectlyIn tbe eotirae of hit epeech Mr. C. a.ked hi. <**tor if he wa. prepare*. to carry " aquatter *otei" ty "

ao far aa to permit tho Monnont of LT»ettabliih polygtimy among the domeatic inttiakand if with that pntrid ulcer corrupting their eontion, with ita tetid atench. he wouid vote toiVtah into the aitterlieod of Statet' Let deceBt_t-i e. j w here, aud the rotera of the Ninth CougrDiatrict of Iudiaua in partioular, nark theand unequirocal reply." I tvoiLU!" ThartS1